
How the hell does shit happen so fast. It does and we need to stay alert and constantly on the move. If not, we’re burnin’ daylight. Last weekend I was in Rockingburg, NC at the sizzling SmokeOut on the east coast and this weekend, it’s Born Free on the West Coast.

We had a debate about the two events. What was the difference between the SmokeOut and Born Free. Here’s something I wrote to Edge, the Commander of the SmokeOut after Richie Pan and a pal were killed crossing a street in Aberdeen on foot:

I’ve been thinking about life and death a lot since this weekend. You are celebrating the best our lifestyle has to offer at the SmokeOut. Unfortunately, where there is the pure celebration of life, there is death. We all start and stop. It’s the celebration in the middle that counts. And you’re the best. So, if we must die, make the last party the absolute best of the best, and you, your team, and your wonderful family fulfill that dream!

Let’s hit the news. As always our news is sponsored in part by Cycle Source magazine, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation and Iron Trader News. Thanks guys.

Jack Schit to Emcee 2015 Hollister Freedom Rally
Never again be told that you don’t know Jack Schit!!

Hollister Freedom Rally is excited to announce that Jack Schit has come on board to Emcee this year’s rally. Known the world over for being brutally honest and trying to never hold back, audiences feel the same, whether you agree with what Jack says or not, it’s just great to hear someone being honest for once.

But wait, who gives a shit?

Jack has a lifelong passion for all things two wheeled which began as a toddler with a chance meeting for a motorcycle cop and a kid! Once placed in the saddle of that Harley a fire was ignited that rages hotter with each passing day.

When not pulling down Emcee duties in Sturgis, Daytona, Laconia, Johnstown PA, Gettysburg Bike Week, Arizona Bike Week, Mountainfest in West Virginia, Laughlin River Run, Las Vegas BikeFest and any other number of events in between, Jack keeps busy as a journalist for Cycle Source Magazine.

No shit!

Jack also writes in the blogosphere and his writing has now been read in more than 110 countries around the world. He also works tirelessly with local and national charities and believes in a hand up and not a hand out! Jack lives by the philosophy that “THERE IS NEVER A WRONG TIME TO DO THE RIGHT THING!”

“Jack has such a huge and respectful following in the motorcycle community. We think he is the perfect match to make the Hollister Freedom Rally entertaining for all”, states Mindi Cherry, Event Manager.

Shit howdy…

As Jack states, “Being blessed with having a legion of fans from all around the globe who can only be described as being “rabidly loyal” is the ultimate payoff for all the time spent out on the road in rally mode!”

Hollister Freedom Rally will be held July 3 – 5, 2015 in the heart of downtown Hollister, CA. More information regarding the VIP Registration Package, events and vendor space can be found at

* A Jewish man said that when he was growing up, they always had two choices for dinner – Take it or leave it.

* Jewish boy comes home from school and tells his mother he has a part in the play.

She asks, “What part is it?”

The boy says, “I play the part of the Jewish husband.

“The mother scowls and says, “Go back and tell the teacher you want a speaking part.”

* Did you hear about the bum who walked up to a Jewish mother on the street and said,

“Lady I haven’t eaten in three days.”

“Force yourself,” she replied.

–from HS Hamster

HEAT WAVE PROTECTOR– Wristify is the first designer bracelet that heats or cools you.
It gently glows blue when cooling you, and glows a warm orange while heating you up. The design above is mockup of the bracelet by award-winning designer Niccolo Casas.

How does it work?
Patent-pending technology.
Wristify uses all-natural waves of coolness or heat to activate the thermoreceptors on the surface of your skin, leaving you feeling rejuvenated.

How do I use it?
Anytime. Anywhere.
Just press the button to turn it on, and it will give soothing waves of heating or cooling to the inside of your wrist.

Hang on. This could be the coolest puppy in the world.


Ride to Work Day 2015 is in the books and was a great success thanks to riders like you. Measuring participation world-wide isn’t easy, but from the volume of received messages and photos, as well as from the Facebook and Blogosphere, this year looks like it was the largest ever.

Planning is already underway for next year’s annual Ride to Work Day, which will be Monday, June 20th 2016. Until then, we hope you will continue to ride to work, and for your everyday errands, all through the year. All riders, and each ride increases public and governmental awareness about the benefits of riding.

Also, be sure to check out the Ride to Work webpage, where all of the new 2016 RTW Day promotional ads and a new poster soon will be available (as well as other RTW Day stickers and propaganda). Post your comments to the forum or share a photo of your ‘daily ride’ with fellow riders. Check it out at: Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with any RTW updates, news or related events that are shared via social media. Good riding!

Ride to Work Day, a 501 c4 nonprofit organization, can be reached at:
POB 1072, Proctor, Minnesota, 55810 USA
218 722 9806

Affiliated Ride to Work Day Countries:
Canada, Germany, Philippines, England, France, Israel, Turkey, Ecuador, United States, and many others.

31 Things That You Will Never Hear Southern Boys Say

31. When I retire, I’m movin’ north.
30. Oh I wouldn’t dare; she’s only sixteen.
29. I’ll take Shakespeare for $1000, Alex.
28. Duct tape won’t fix that.
27. Come to think of it, I’ll have a Heineken with a slice of lime.
26. We don’t keep no guns in this house.
25. You can’t feed that to the dog.
24. No kids in the back of the pickup, it’s just not safe.
23. Wrestling is fake.
22. We’re vegetarians.
21. Do you think my gut is too big?
20. I’ll have grapefruit and grapes instead of biscuits, grits, and gravy.
19. Honey, we don’t need another dog.
18. Who gives a darn who won the Civil War?
17. Give me the small bag of pork rinds.
16. Too many deer heads detract from the decor.
15. I just couldn’t find a thing at Wal-Mart today.
14. Trim the fat off that steak.
13. Cappuccino tastes better than espresso.
12. The tires on that truck are too darn big.
11. I’ve got it all on the C: DRIVE.
10. Unsweetened tea tastes better.
9. My fiancée, Bobbie Jo, is registered at Tiffany’s.
8. I’ve got two cases of Zima iced down for the Super Bowl.
7. Checkmate!
6. She’s too young to be wearing that bikini.
5. Hey, here’s an episode of “Hee Haw” that we haven’t seen.
4. I don’t have a favorite football team.
3. Youse Guys.
2. Those cutoffs ought to be a little longer, Betty Mae.


1. Nope, no more beer for me. I’m driving a whole busload of us down to help in the Hillary Campaign.
–Sam Burns

Six months after New Jersey red light cameras go dark, world hasn’t ended

MARKET CRASHED: When New Jersey’s red light camera program expired six months ago, both local governments and industry lost a significant source of cash.

Red light cameras were supposed to reduce crashes in New Jersey and make people safer, but since cameras stopped issuing tickets, pedestrians and drivers may actually be less likely to get into an accident.

The red light camera lobby warned of the dire consequences if New Jersey’s cameras went dark. And in the six months since, they claim Jersey drivers are back to their old ways, running red lights with reckless abandon.

In the first three months after the cameras went dark, red light running reportedly surged in one city. The Traffic Safety Coalition, a group that includes red light camera company Redflex among its ‘partners,’ claims that red light running increased by 116 percent in three months.
The coalition even put out this video touting the numbers:

Though the cameras are no longer issuing tickets, they are still keeping track of violations:
According to data provided by the City of Newark Department of Engineering Division of Traffic and Signals, 47,445 violations were detected from February 16, 2015 to March 17, 2015 compared to just 21,965 violations during the same time period last year – an increase of 25,000 violations during a one-month time period.

Watchdog reached out to Jack Nata, Manager of Newark’s Division of Traffic and Signals for comment. He directed us to the city’s press office, which said the numbers “seem to be accurate.” Final numbers are expected to be released soon.

Rick Short is the founder of Stop Robo Cops, an organization in New Jersey that was formed to oppose red light cameras. When I sent him the Traffic Safety Coalition’s claims, he expressed skepticism about the numbers.

“The Traffic Safety Coalition said an average of 20,000 tickets pre-camera [shutoff]…that would mean 20,000 times for 12 months, which comes out to 240,000 tickets per year. That’s impossible,” Short said. “Hey you’ve seen fake press releases before, but that has a video with it.”

According to Nicholas Juliano of the Traffic Safety Coalition, the police aren’t reviewing the footage, something they did when drivers were ticketed for violations. In certain cases, tickets would not be issued if a police officer reviewing the footage thought the camera detected a violation in error.
“Those detections counted as violations are instances in which cars entered the intersection while the light was red, and are based off of an analysis of all intersections equipped with traffic safety cameras,” Juliano said. “The police department is not reviewing footage, as they were during the period of enforcement.”

Rick Short from Stop Robo Cops has taken a look at crash data and found an interesting statistic of his own.

His analysis shows that in the first year of red light cameras, there was a 94 percent increase in accidents involving pedestrians.

Stop Robo Cops plans more data analysis in the coming months. You can expect the red light camera lobby to do the same.
But if the crash numbers seem complicated, one aspect of the red light camera program is pretty straight forward: the money. By allowing the program to expire, the legislature and governor removed a significant revenue stream for local governments. They want it back.
This article was written by a contributor of Watchdog Arena, Franklin Center’s network of writers, bloggers, and citizen journalists.

–from Rogue
Bikernet Senior Editor
Sturgis Hall of Fame Member

VINTAGE DEAL OF THE WEEK— This 1912 Henderson is the best of the best vintage motorcycle restoration.

And another glorious gadget from the cabinet of Dr. Whalen.Leather belt drive 1912 The Flying Merkel…

–Marcus De Cuff

Certified Bikernet Feature Photographer
For more info on the Henderson, call Don Whalen at 626-358-9696 

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–

BDL Ball Bearing Lock-Up Clutch.

I would really like to use this set up in my 2″ Ultima belt dr. It’s a 6 stud setup… any ideas ? Thanks, Smitty

— Brick Smith
Jonesborough, TN

DIRECT FROM THE BAD COP FILES– Jury awards motorist $125,000 for arrest by CHP

Harrison Orr, 78, claimed he was roughed up, falsely arrested in 2013 stop

His lawyers sought more than $1 million in a lawsuit in federal court

Jurors find that one CHP officer violated the Constitution, one was blameless.

A jury on Wednesday awarded $125,000 to a Citrus Heights man who said he was falsely arrested and roughed up during a traffic stop by California Highway Patrol officers, but the jury declined to assess the more than $1 million in damages and penalties sought by the man’s lawyers.

Harrison Orr, 78, said after the verdict was delivered in Sacramento federal court that he was “a little bit disappointed,” but that he believed it was important to hold the CHP accountable.

Harrison Orr, 78, of Citrus Heights won a jury award over a California Highway Patrol traffic stop that he said left him roughed up by an officer. His lawyers produced evidence that CHP officials had told officers they needed to meet a quota for traffic stops and citations, which is illegal.”

“The money wasn’t the main point of suing at all,” Orr said. “I just wanted them to get more than a slap on the wrist.”

Orr’s attorneys presented evidence during the 10-day trial that CHP officers are under orders to meet a quota on traffic stops and citations.

Orr, then 76, was pulled over on Aug. 6, 2013, around 11 a.m. on southbound Business Loop 80 near the Marconi curve for what CHP Officer Jay Brame testified was slow driving, an unsafe lane change and “drifting.” Brame suspected Orr of driving under the influence.

Despite Orr’s protests that he did not drink, smoke or use street drugs and that a stroke had left him unable to walk a straight line and affected his speech and balance, he was subjected to a field sobriety test and told he was being arrested for DUI and taken to the patrol’s north area station for further evaluation.

Evidence at the trial showed that another CHP officer – Terry Plumb – arrived and joined Brame in insisting that Orr be handcuffed. Orr objected, saying he could not keep his balance without his hands free and would fall, and he struggled with the officers to avoid the cuffs.

Evidence showed that Plumb punched Orr in the stomach and swept his feet out from under him, knocking him to the highway’s gravel shoulder. Photos displayed to the jury showed massive bruising on Orr’s backside and legs, and he testified he was in pain for seven weeks.

Orr was eventually arrested for resisting arrest and was booked into the Sacramento County Mail Jail on that charge, but the District Attorney’s Office declined to prosecute him for lack of evidence. He spent approximately 14 hours in custody, first at the patrol station and then in jail.

He sued the CHP and the two officers in March 2014, alleging false arrest, civil rights violations, assault and battery, and elder abuse.

–By Denny Walsh and Sam Stanton, Sac. Bee

–from Rogue

South Australia’s anti-biker laws are a bad copy of Queensland’s

Sally Kuether represents much of what is wrong with the SA Government’s “anti-biker laws” Bill recently introduced into Parliament, writes Rocco Perrotta

Last year Sally was charged with participating in a criminal organization and wearing club colors in a licensed premises under Queensland’s tough (read that as “unjust”) anti-biker/anti-association laws.

Sally was a respected library assistant and mother of three who led a blameless life. She was the recipient of a Lord Mayor’s Award for excellence beyond the call of duty for her volunteer work during Brisbane’s floods of 2011.

Tellingly, she was not even a member of a club. In short, this was a disaster for the then Premier Campbell Newman’s “tough on bikers” laws.

The tide was soon to turn against Newman’s government after Queenslanders woke up to the real prospect that an innocent woman would spend a minimum six months in prison for wearing the wrong clothes and being in the presence of two people, one of whom was her partner, who were “associated” with a “declared” motorcycle club.

That they did not attempt to commit a crime was irrelevant. The public were outraged that this could happen after the laws were sold to them on the basis they were necessary for public safety. Ultimately, common sense prevailed and all charges were dropped.

Queensland’s anti-biker laws have not since proven to be effective. Yet, SA is attempting to head down the same path. Our Government also says it is necessary for public safety.

It therefore copied Queensland’s laws after they withstood a High Court challenge. Valid or not, the laws do not erase a number of concerns.

The threshold concern is that we are copying unpopular Queensland laws that don’t seem to work. An inquiry into how to fight organized crime may be more beneficial than to copy draconian laws that imprison people because of what they wear and who they have a coffee with.

Particularly controversial is the fact that the Bill empowers Parliament to declare “criminal organizations”. This is an extraordinary development because it means Parliament is doing the job of the court, but does not act like a court.

Parliament doesn’t hear evidence like a court would, make decisions like a court does, is not open and transparent like a court and, critically, is not open to review by a higher authority like a court must be.

The consequences of being declared a criminal organization are serious. It will lead to mandatory imprisonment for people who attend certain places or events, wear certain clothes or jewelry or are in the company of certain people.

As with Sally Kuether, the reality, if not inevitability, is that many such people will not have any involvement in criminal activity.

Any reform to disband “criminal” organizations should replicate the existing model of requiring the court to make the declaration upon proof the organisation was truly criminal and that people genuinely associated with it are a real risk of committing serious crimes. The SA Bill does not do that.

–Rocco Perrotta is the president of the SA Law Society.

BORN FREE WEEKEND– It’s Born Free 7 coming up this weekend,June 27 & 28th in Silverado, California at The Oak Canyon Ranch. Besides the mass of bikes spread all over the park, there will be 25 Invited Builders vying for top builder, mostly small operations on their way to bigger recognition.

Roland Sands and KCox will be returning as an Invited Builders. Best in Show wins a December trip to the Mooneyes Hot Rod & Custom show in Yokohama. Here are some carefully selected pix from last year’s gathering. Get on in there for a look at old bikes, new bikes, foreign made and domestic bikes, vendor’s displays, and pretty people.
Teaser shots from last year by Markus Cuff. 

[page break]

NEWEST TRIKE FROM BIKERNET TRIKES EDITOR– Potential Elio customers left with mixed reactions after delayed production date.

When Elio Motors initially announced in early 2013, they would build their 3-wheeled cars in Shreveport, the company was expected to start production in summer of 2014. (Source: Elio Motors)

More than 38,000 people have put down money to reserve a 3-wheeled car from Phoenix based start up Elio Motors. But, a delay in production has divided the group of supporters into two groups: true believers and skeptics.

When Elio Motors initially announced in early 2013 that they planned to build their 3-wheeled cars in Shreveport, the company was expected to start production in summer of 2014. Now, the production start date has been pushed to the end of 2015.

According to Elio Motors, 38,177 people have made reservations for their vehicle and many of those reservations are non-refundable. The wait is making some who have already put money down nervous, while others say they are glad the company is taking their time “to do it right the first time.”

Naples, Florida resident John Giberson first ran across the 3-wheeled Elio vehicle in Daytona, Florida.

“When I saw it, I was immediately interested in the vehicle,” Giberson explained.

Roger Wildermuth of Fort Walton Beach, Florida has been following news about Elio motors since 2009. He even drove 12 hours just to see one for himself.

Elio Motors slated to begin production in 2015
Caddo commissioner calls for caution in plan to purchase GM plant for Elio
Elio offers drivers a chance to test its new prototype.

Is the Elio safe?

“When it looked like they were going to get the Shreveport plant, I went ahead and put in a reservation,” said Wildermuth.

Both Wildermuth and Giberson each put down $1,000.00 in non-refundable money to reserve their Elio vehicles with what Elio Motors is calling the “all in” option.

The option promises 50% of the payment will be credited against the Elio purchase, a t-shirt, bumper sticker and priority delivery date.

Although in the fine print it does spell out in the reservation agreement, “You are under no obligation to purchase a vehicle from us and we are under no obligation to supply you with a vehicle.”

The disclaimer even reads, “This agreement does not constitute an agreement for the sale of a vehicle and does not lock in pricing, a production slot, or an estimated delivery date.”

“So they are legally covered on that,” said Wildermuth who explains he is fully aware of Elio’s disclaimer in the fine print. Wildermuth explained Elio’s delayed production deadlines has dimmed his enthusiasm about the vehicle.

“What has really soured me is when I would go on Facebook and ask them a question about how are they going to build all of these E series and test them in the limited time we have, they won’t answer those questions,” Wildermuth explained.

Wildermuth feels Elio isn’t being transparent enough about specifics to reservation holders.

“It is becoming obvious to me that they don’t care about the people they already have the money from,” said Wildermuth. “They are more interested in painting a glowing picture so they can get new money from people who don’t have the full picture or have not done the research to see how they have missed their self imposed deadlines.”

On the other hand, Giberson who is the creator of the “Future Elio Owners of America” Facebook group feels Elio Motors is being open to reservation holders.

“I think they have been very up front with consumers. I think that is displayed in all of the road shows that they have put on, they put out a blog every Friday, keeping all of the interested parties up to date,” Giberson explained.

While Whildermuth is skeptical the company will make their end of 2015 production deadline, Giberson who calls himself a “true believer” thinks Elio knows what they are doing.

The reservation holders aren’t the only ones who have put up money for Elio Motors, the Caddo Parish Commissioners voted in 2013 to put up $7.5 million worth of tax payers money to provide money to the Industrial Developmental Board to purchase the old GM plant, clearing the way for Elio Motors to plan to set up shop in Shreveport.

Two Caddo Commissioners that we reached out to declined to comment about Elio Motors and told us to talk to an Elio Spokesman about the company’s progress.

By Victoria Shirley


VEGAS STATION CASINOS SUMMER DEAL– To ensure delivery to your inbox, please add to your address book.

Based on availability and subject to blackout dates. Subject to change without prior notice. Hotel amenity fee and tax apply. Fees and taxes will be collected at time of check-in. This offer may not be combined with any other contracted group rates, other negotiated rates or other discounts. Special offers/packages cannot be combined. Must be 21 or older. Management reserves all rights. Please contact 1-800-678-2846 for any questions on booking. Mention offer code ONLINEDEAL.

Management reserves all rights. Must be 21 or older to participate.

Bike Build-Off Returns For Gettysburg Bike Week, July 9 – 12, 2015–
Vicious Cycles, Inc., Franklin Church Choppers, and Hellion Custom Cycles Battle It Out For Top Spot at GBW 2015

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (June 23, 2015) – This year’s Gettysburg Bike Week motorcycle rally will see the return of the bike build-off contest. Three custom builders will compete, completing their design-and-builds pre-rally, then displaying them during Gettysburg Bike Week 2015, July 9 – July 12.

“The bike build-off is always a crowd favorite,” says event coordinator Kelly Shue. “This year it’s back in style with three top-flight bike builders.”

This year’s Gettysburg Bike Week 2015 bike build-off combatants:

Greg Carter and Scott Fisher operate Vicious Cycles, Inc., out of a 3,500-square-foot facility with four service bays and a retail showroom. Carter started the company in 1999, and Fisher joined him in 2005. Fueled by the passion of its two principals, Vicious Cycles has produced some true one-off custom machines and its designs have won various awards and been featured in many magazines.

Tom Keefer started Franklin Church Choppers in Dillsburg, PA, ten years ago, and it’s been growing and prospering ever since. Priding himself as an all-around motorcycle specialist, Tom says no job is too big or too small. From routine maintenance to full-on design-and-builds, Tom brings the passion, experience, and expertise of a true motorcycle master. Compelling design. Competitive pricing. Kick-ass craftsmanship. Franklin Church Choppers.

Hellion Custom Cycles is veteran owned and operated by Bill Raber. And what better place to run a custom-build bike shop than Mechanicsburg, PA? Custom bikes are Bill’s heart and soul: performance engines, Bagger builds, choppers, bobbers, café racers–you want it? Bill can build it. And don’t forget: all armed service veterans enjoy a ten percent discount at Hellion Custom Cycles.

All of the bike builders will be on hand at Gettysburg Bike Week, July 9 – July 12, 2015, to display their bikes. Rally goers are encouraged to ask them questions, take pictures, and get ideas for their own custom bikes.

Follow them on Twitter: @GburgBikeWk. To contact Gettysburg Bike Week, e-mail

–Ken Conte
Rise Above Consulting
1717 Deweese Street
Fort Collins, CO 80526

UNCLE MONKEY AND SNOW WHITE– Bikers come in all shapes and sizes, all skill levels and abilities. As I held the fort down at a recent rally one guy was admiring Snow White when he asked where I had bought it. I explained that I had built the bike with aftermarket parts but he still couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that it wasn’t a factory bike, that it wasn’t just a nice paint job, that someone would spend the time collecting parts over years to put together a complete motorcycle.

His experience was just pointing to a picture in a catalog and telling the dealer to install that set of grips, that chrome doodad. I was patient and explained why I had done it, how I had done it. He just shook his head and wondered why I didn’t just stroke a cheque for a new bike that would have been a close proximity.

The contrast was talking with another biker. His Evo decker has seen the miles, a patina that can only come from the road. We talked about Snow White and the problems that come with building a bike from the frame up.

We talked about the Road King I have on the lift at home, the cafe racer that is racing to completion as parts are coming in faster than I can mount them. We talked about the 3/4 hp Johnson Iron Horse gasoline motor from a washing machine that I had found in the weeds behind the barn that would eventually become a board track inspired pit bike for tooling around the campgrounds.

It wasn’t questions as to why I would build it but as to what problems might arise, jack shafts and gearing to get the bike to acceptable speeds with enough grunt to get going with my hulking frame on it. Does it make sense to build a board track racer out of a bicycle and a 60+ year old motor out of a washing machine? No. Is it even possible? Anything is possible with time, hard work or a thick wallet.

For some bikers it is about getting out right now, the challenge of who can spend the most money. For others it is the challenge of the build, creating something with their own hands, something that no one else has or maybe even wants. I’m not saying one is better or worse than the other. In the end we are both in the wind rolling on miles, we are both around the same campfire sharing stories of the road and what brought us to this point in time.

-bad Uncle Monkey


— Ben Humphries
–from Rogue
Bikernet Senior Editor and Commander

New Bikernet METALSPORT Reader Comment!–


Hey mate, I’m just wandering what the price is on a blank 32-inch wheel with tyre and guard if you supply them please get back to me ASAP. Thanks mate

NSW, Australia

Terry, from MetalSport will get right back to him with options.–Bandit

NEW AUSTRALIAN CLUB REPORT– Queensland cops claim club decimated.

Police in the Australian state of Queensland claim they have “decimated” the Gold Coast chapter of the Mongols motorcycle club after an 18 month covert operation.

Taskforce Maxima detectives say 10 patched members of the Mongols have been arrested after raids across the state today.

Police will allege each of the bikers arrested was trafficking up to $100,000 of the dangerous drug ice every week.

Detective Inspector Terry Lawrence said it would be alleged Mongols president Nick ‘The Knife’ Forbes was “pulling the strings” on the entire drug operation.

He said dangerous drugs, a pill press, a hollowed out poker machine, hydroponic set ups, meth labs, cash and six firearms were found during the raids.

“Police have seized a total amount of $900,000 worth of drugs since November 2013 including cannabis, steroids, cocaine and ice,” he said.

“The message to remaining Mongols members is to disassociate with the criminal gang — not to have anything to do with any OMCG or dangerous drugs.”

Head of Taskforce Maxima, Detective Superintendent Mick Niland, said more than 300 police were involved in Operation Lima Interlude.

“We (police) have decimated the Mongols Gold Coast chapter,” he said.

“We consider this to be a defining blow to the criminal gang, their hierarchy are behind bars.

“Many of those arrested are former Finks MC members who have caused widespread harm to the Gold Coast community over the past decade.”

As a result of the raids today 50 people in total were arrested, 40 associates and 10 bikers.

In total 111 people have been arrested on 300 charges since the operation commenced in 2013.

Investigations are said to be continuing.

“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. ”? Vince Lombardi

Two terrorists are in a locker room taking a shower after their bomb making class, when one notices the other has a huge cork stuck in his butt.”If you do not mind me saying,” said the second terrorists “that cork looks very uncomfortable. Why do you not take it out?”

“I regret I cannot,” lamented the first terrorist. “It is permanently stuck in my butt.”

“I do not understand,” said the other.

The first terrorist says, “I was walking along the beach and I tripped over an oil lamp. There was a puff of smoke, and then a huge old man in an American flag with a white beard and top hat came boiling out.

He said, “I am Uncle Sam, the Genie. I can grant you one wish.” I said, “No shit?”

–from Rogue and Jerry

“OCC American Xtreme,” Premiering on A&E–
(Motor Sports Newswire) – “OCC American Xtreme” is a lifestyle and build series that features Paul Teutul Sr. and his world-renowned crew from Orange County Choppers and Rusty Coones, from “Sons Of Anarchy.” Audiences will get an intimate glimpse inside the exciting worlds of Paul Sr. and his new friend Rusty’s adrenaline fueled lifestyles.

Watch these American icons as they create and build the most extreme custom themed bikes, boats and other unique one of kind machines on the planet for their celebrity and interesting clients. This original series is being produced by Orange County Choppers East Coast West Coast LLC.

The Orange County Choppers Crew
The OCC crew would not be complete without the return of Ron Salsbury, Jason Pohl, Christian Welter, Rick Petko, Evan Favaro, Jim Quin, Mike Tampone, Ralph Estrada and Phil Nask

Paul Teutul Sr. – Executive Producer
Tom Derbyshire – Executive Producer
Nikolae Keller – Executive Producer
Dan Cottrell – Co-Executive Producer

If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Kevan Bloomgren at 845-567-2906 or email at

SPEAKING OF TV New Bikernet Reader Comment!–

Motorcycle Mania And Hugh King

The article is awesome, and I`d like to hear from Hugh hisself on whether or not he would consider another round of Biker build-offs?

I think that there is still a very large and a very hungry viewing audience out here for that type of programming. I also believe that if handled correctly, as in 20 days to 30 days, instead of only 10 days, you will attract a lot more new builders.

It would also be great to bring back a lot of the more experienced builders who are so great to watch, which in turn generates revenue, as more and more people will begin, once again, to pick up their tools and commence to try to build a bike of their own! Hence, you have begun to help heal a sagging economy.

It`s just awesome to watch pros do their thing!!

— James Seabolt
Huntsville, AL

BRASS BALLS CYCLES ARE Custom/Production Bikes You Can Finance & Insure– 
There are few things as thrilling as having a custom/production bike built just for you. Well actually there is… Riding it!

Starting at $26,485

The Digger has placed 3rd & 5th in the World Championships of Custom/Production bike building. It combines superior quality & unmistakable American Styling. The Digger is built on the same platform as the Model 1. However, you can select from a multitude of custom a’la cart options and have us build your Digger specifically to match your unique style.

Starting at $45,355

Placed 2nd in the 2010 World Championships of Custom bike building. Chosen as Production/ Custom Bike of the Year 2010 by Cycle Source magazine. The Brawler GT has been tested on race circuits, at the drag strip and road trips across America. With a rubber mounted powertrain, performance brakes & suspension, and an FXR inspired chassis, this bike is the best all around sport cruiser, Period.

JIMS Tool of the Week 6/25/2015–

JIMS No. 2049 49mm Fork Seal Driver.

When replacing leaky fork seals or replacing fork legs, JIMS fork seal driver is perfect for all 49mm conventional forks. Not only will this tool drive the fork seal squarely into the fork slider at the proper depth, it will also drive the dust cover on Dyna, Softail, and V-Rod forks without marring the finish.

Its two piece design doesn’t require the fork tube to be removed from the triple trees. JIMS No. 2049 49mm Fork Seal Driver works on 2006 to present Dyna, 2008 to present Softail FXCW/C and FXSB, 2014 to present Touring, and 2002 to present V-Rod models (Except those with inverted forks).

For more info, contact JIMS at or call (805) 482-6913. You can also visit us on the web at

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LATEST New Bikernet BAGGERS Reader Comment!–

Richie was family, he wasn’t just a friend. He was part artist part therapist sitting together getting tattooed talking about the life behind us and the life that lay ahead .

He was so proud to talk about his kids, all their accomplishments, how beautiful his grandchildren were.

That’s one thing I hope his kids know, and I’m sure they do, but he was just so proud to be their dad.

I just remember sitting having work done on my back and telling Rich how I had passed by Just Plain Janes and someone had taken the sign off the outside of the bar after the place had been shut down for the last time.

I remember telling him he should have that sign, that was his place.

He just let me go on saying how messed up it was that someone had taken that sign.

Finally after he cleaned me up and bandaged my back he grabs his phone and starts flipping through his pictures. “Hey check this out” he says as he hands me the phone.

There’s that damn sign hanging in Richie’s garage, “YOU DID IT”! I said to him as he has this shit eatin’ grin on his face .

It’s so common to hear how great person is after they pass.

Awesome dad, great friend incredible artist, etc, etc, but Rich was all those things and more.

I love you Richie Pan, you may be gone from this earth but you’ll live forever in the hearts and minds of all who were blessed to have known you.

Jackson, NJ

[page break]

TEN failed celebrity businesses despite star power– Rich and famous ideas that went bust

Missteps of the rich and famous don’t always end up on TMZ.

Celebrities have a long history of entrepreneurial ventures. But for every Newman’s Own or Honest Co., there are several that have failed to take off. And while the failure rate doesn’t seem to be higher than the national average for start-ups, because of the high-profile nature of the founders, the misses always seem a bit more notable. Call it a financial form of schadenfreude.

Sometimes, though, there’s no getting around it: A celebrity-founded business doesn’t just fail, it flames out in spectacular fashion.

—By Chris Morris, special to

Most of you know that I sold Paisano in 1998, to a group of restaurant executives who planned to do Easyriders Cafe’s countrywide. They formed a public company and paid me a fair price – unfortunately, when they went back for a secondary public offering, (for working capital) as they had planned, the news was out on Planet Hollywood etc. and the brokers wouldn’t touch it!

–Joe Teresi
Paisano Publications
2400 Laguna Drive
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316

New TECH Bikernet Reader Comment!–

Bikernet Investigates the State of TP Engineering

Good info. I love my TP Pro Series 121-inch engine, except I go through 3 to 4
regulators a year.

I would greatly appreciate a solution to this problem.

Perhaps, is there a heavy-duty regulator that doesn’t blow out the diodes so often?

— Mark Flynn
Vallejo, CA

Nine times out of ten the ground on the regulator is the problem.

We use 32 amp H-D charging system on all our shop bikes and they still are going strong after three years of pounding.

–Tom Pirone
T.P. Engineering
4 Finance Dr.
Danbury, CT, 06810
203-744-4960 Ext. 720

5-BALL RACING Rattlesnake Slick: Jack Shirt 5/8 Sleeve

Sometimes you need a shirt, sometimes a Jacket… The 5 Ball Racing Leathers’ 5/8 Jack Shirt is the perfect combo.


Snap front, two chest pockets, two waist pockets and one inside gun pocket. Made from Milled Buffalo Leather.

Available at

–Jeffrey Najar, Partner
Biker Pros
c. 919-450-5060


TRIUMPH RACERS SET FOR RACING ACTION AT MILLER MOTORSPORTS PARK AND LIMA HALF-MILE– ATLANTA (June 25, 2015) – Bobby Fong, Brandon Robinson and Jake Shoemaker will be competing on their Triumph motorcycles this weekend, albeit over 1,600 miles apart, during the MotoAmerica AMA/FIM North American Road Racing Championship round at Miller Motorsports park in Tooele, Utah, June 26-28, and AMA Pro Flat Track on the Lima Half-Mile in Lima, Ohio, June 27.

Bobby Fong, riding the #50 Latus Motors Racing / Castrol / Triumph Daytona 675R, looks to continue a streak of podiums after a pair of third place finishes in the MotoAmerica Supersport class at Barber Motorsports Park during the Triumph Superbike Challenge. After finishing third there last May in the GEICO Superbike Shootout Pro Sportbike class, Fong returns to Miller Motorsports Park tied for sixth and climbing in the point standings.

“I’m feeling as comfortable as ever on my Latus Motors Racing / Castrol / Triumph Daytona 675R,” said Bobby Fong. “It was great to get some points at Barber, but we’re looking ahead and want to keep making strides towards the top step of the podium.”

After rain forced a cancellation at Hagerstown last weekend, AMA Pro Flat Track GNC1 riders Brandon Robinson, #44 Latus Motors Racing / Castrol / Triumph Bonneville, and Jake Shoemaker, #55 Bonneville Performance / Castrol / Triumph Bonneville, will be racing on the Lima Half-Mile at the Allen County Fairgrounds. The unique pea-gravel circuit creates some special racing that Robinson and Shoemaker worked around last year, finishing in second and eighth, respectively.

“Last year I ended up second here at Lima, which is considered the most physically demanding track on the circuit because of the pea-gravel,” said Brandon Robinson. “Hopefully we can finish one spot higher on the Latus Motors Racing / Castrol / Triumph.”

Injured warfighters Sgt. Chad C. and Sgt. Edward S. will be embedded with Latus Motors Racing road race and Bonneville Performance flat track teams, respectively, as part of VETMotorsports’ outreach program. Through Castrol’s VETMotorsports Performance Match Fund, the on-track performance of the Triumph teams has earned VETMotorsports $3,350 in bonuses thus far this season.

The MotoAmerica Supersport races and the entire AMA Pro Flat Track event will be streamed live online at www.FansChoice.TV. The MotoAmerica Supersport races are on Saturday, June 27, at 1:00pm MDT and Sunday, June 28, at 2:40pm MDT. The AMA Pro Flat Track heat races begin on Saturday, June 27, at 7:30 p.m. EDT and the GNC1 Main is at 10:00 p.m. EDT. For more information on the events, visit and

GO FAT 50s WITH RIDEWRIGHT WHEELS– With Ridewright Wheels you can go large, fat or skinny… The wheelwrights know what it takes to deliver show-quality, high-performance wheels.

The Fat 50s are the most popular and deliver real impact on your bike.

Get some at

This is Phase 2 of the Brass Balls Cycles’ bike kit system. It’s completely customizable, different tanks, fenders, filler caps, etc. Their bike kits are offered in 5 separate, customizable phases so enthusiasts can build as their time & budget allows.

For more information on the Brass Balls Cycles’ bike kits and how you can spec one out to your next adventure – take a look –

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. –Reinhold Niebuhr

Two things that are constant in our lives: One change is always happening and two we always have choices.

Some of us hate change and want things to remain the same which makes it very hard for us to grow. Just think of how the world has changed in the last ten years, how we communicate, what our goals are, who our friends are, what we do at work and so on.

I remember back in the good old days before Facebook, email, twitter, and texting when people actually picked up a phone and called each other. One of things I also have learned that I must embrace change to grow.

As I have grown over the years I have had to change my thinking in order to move from where I am to where I want to be. I had to make new choices to take responsibility of what is happening in my Life. I had to make the choice to take responsibility of where I am going.

I could no longer blame my past for my shortcomings. This is a change that is very difficult in the beginning but eventually it becomes easier with practice.

I could choose to continue living as I was or change and to be, do and have more.

Today Know: Today I grow from where I have been to where I want to be. I choose to let go of the stinkin thinkin and daily have a checkup from the neck up. I choose to accept full responsibility of what is happening in My Life. I no longer fear change. I embrace it knowing that all is unfolding in right and perfect order.

I am Grateful to know My Truth.
Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all –Helen Keller

–Venerable Master Yale

I have a ’05 Dyna super. I have Vance and Hines straight shots on it. I was wondering what jetting should I start out with? I have a 29.5 intermediate and a 70 main in it now. It doesn’t have the get up and go it should have ??


Trying to diagnose something like this via a blog, or bulletin board on the interweb, or even email is really not the best way to go.

It could probably be sorted out in 10 minutes on the phone, but might never be satisfactorily resolved online. There are just too many reasons why the bike might not be running like it should, and it’s just faster to track it down in a one-on-one conversation.

Please ask Travis to give us a call at (608) 627-1497 and talk to our tech department.

–Bruce Tessmer
S&S Cycle, Inc.
14025 County Highway G, Viola, WI 54664
Office 608-627-0283

RIP Richie Pan, Artist, Rider, and Friend
The community mourns as Richie Pan, who may be best known for his artwork in The Horse Backstreet Choppers, passed away this weekend. Richie was also a talented tattoo artist at Darkstar Tattoo. The tragic incident occurred in North Carolina just after the closing of Smoke Out 16. Motorcycles were not involved. Our thoughts go out to his family and loved ones during this time.

Looking in on the past can be fun (unless your old lady drank a lot in college). Camtech Customs took home a prize at the Ultimate Builder show in 2011, with a big wheel bagger years ahead of its time.

Let’s thank God that cameras and audio equipment have also progressed since then. Check out a cool bike that was one of the first of it’s kind, complete with a Porsche headlight, drop seat, and super charger (that puts 230 horsepower behind that 26″ wheel.)

Come to Bikernet Baggers often to check the action.

–Tyler Ludlow
Supreme Bikernet Bagger Editor


What Can I Submit?
Anything you think we will like! Lowbrow has a diverse and broad following and we know many of you are very creative, here is your chance to share your art with us.

How Can I Submit?
Please email your designs to and put ‘Art’ in the subject line. Low resolution images can be used for submission, but if your artwork is selected then we will need a high resolution or vector (Illustrator or pdf) version.

What Do I Get If My Art Is Chosen?

If we use your artwork in an online or print ad, on apparel, or in our Weirdo catalog you will receive $250 Lowbrow Customs store credit! If we use your artwork on apparel we will also be sure to hook you up with some of the printed goods. Your artwork could be shown on, in our newsletter emails, Weirdo catalog, or elsewhere.

What If It Isn’t?

We only use a small handful of artwork we receive, but rest assured we check out and appreciate each and every individual submission.

Still Have A Question?
Send us an email at

WOMENS RIDERS NOW FINDS CENTER– Anger. Anxiety. Cursing. I recently experienced these three behaviors, and as a result I struggled to move back into balance.

After having a wrestling match with my soul, I was able to slip back to center. How did I do it?

I’ve outlined five simple acts of restoration I did to refresh my soul. They’re easy. You’ll love them!

Read my “Everyday Miracles: Regaining Balance When You Feel Off Center” now.

–Genevieve Schmitt
Founder / Editor, Women Riders Now


Just to keep you up to date, for the 4th year in a row, Hupy and Abraham, S.C. was named a Top Workplace by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has named Hupy and Abraham, S.C. one of the Milwaukee area’s Top Workplaces for 2015. This is the fourth consecutive year that the firm has received this recognition. On June 12, Hupy and Abraham, S.C. attended a breakfast event celebrating the 2015 Top Workplace recipients in the area. Out of the 75 small businesses, the firm was ranked as the tenth Top Workplace. The firm was one of just four law firms named to the list.

To compile the list, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel collaborated with WorkplaceDynamics and conducted employee surveys. In the past year, more than 6,000 organizations participated in the employee-focused surveys. The Top Workplace award is only given to companies whose employees found their jobs rewarding and meaningful.

Hupy and Abraham, S.C.

Founded in 1969 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, personal injury law firm Hupy and Abraham, S.C. has a proven record of success with large settlements in serious cases, collecting $100s of millions for more than 60,000 satisfied clients. The firm has a long-established reputation of providing sound legal representation to accident victims, securing fair compensation for its clients and giving back to the community.

With 11 offices located in Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa, the law firm handles personal injury cases including car accidents, motorcycle accidents, wrongful death, pharmaceutical and medical device class actions and nursing home neglect and abuse cases.

The firm’s 21 experienced attorneys are committed to going above and beyond the call of duty for their clients by tirelessly representing them to the best of their ability while being involved in the local community — from raising funds for local charities to participating in safety and accident prevention initiatives. In the past three years, the firm has donated more than $500,000 to more than 100 worthwhile causes.

Hupy and Abraham, S.C. has received top ratings from a number of national professional organizations for many years and was voted Best Personal Injury Lawyers in 2014, 2013, 2012 and 2011 and voted Best Personal Injury Law Firm in 2014, 2013 and 2012 in another popular poll. In 2015, the firm was named a Webby Award Honoree in the Best Law Website category.

Here is the link for the article:

–Attorney Michael F. Hupy
Hupy and Abraham, S.C.
111 E. Kilbourn Avenue, Suite 1100
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Main: (414) 223-4800 Fax: (414) 271-3374

THE ULTIMATE BAD COP REPORT–BIG PROBLEMS FOR SMALL POLICE DEPARTMENTS– Community law enforcement operations struggle with issues such as training, resources and the capacity to carry out responsibilities.

The body cameras should arrive any time now.

Once they are fastened to the eyeglass frames of the town’s four full-time officers, the tiny community tucked in a scenic crease of the Blue Ridge Mountains will represent the latest convert to a law enforcement technology that has swept the country since last year’s racially charged shooting of a black teenager in Ferguson, Mo.

The cameras are not Damascus’ only link to a national re-examination of policing amid a series of controversial police encounters that have fractured public trust in law enforcement since the eruption in Missouri.

Since 2007, when then-Damascus police chief Anthony “Tony” Richardson was busted for dealing methamphetamines, the town has churned through four chiefs, including two who had what Mayor Jack McCrady described as “zipper problems.”

The fourth, Bill Nunley, resigned late last year, frustrated with increasingly shrinking resources and conflicting priorities. The breaking point came, Nunley said, when the mayor told him to “quit working criminal cases” in the busy meth distribution corridor and pay more attention to the needs of tourists who flock to the region, a gateway to the iconic Appalachian Trail. (The mayor, who denied Nunley’s assertion, said the former chief had “problems dealing with authority.”) The new chief, Roger Dowell, was promoted from within.

Questions about leadership, training and basic competence track an array of unmet public safety needs that threaten small town policing operations in communities across the country.

Half of the nearly 18,000 law enforcement agencies in the USA have fewer than 10 officers, according to the Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics. Nearly three-quarters of agencies have fewer than 25 officers patrolling counties and towns where standards are uneven or non-existent.

–Kevin Johnson



–from Rogue
Bikernet Senior Editor in Chief

See the whole story in Bikernet Special Reports next week.–Bandit

Good to see you at the Smokeout. Wish we got to do some riding!

Here are pix of Sara.

— Paul Aiken
Aeromach USA, LLC
10015 Metromont Ind. Blvd, Ste F
Charlotte, NC 28269
800-990-9392 orders
704-599-1333 office

Watch for Sara’s feature in Bandit’s Cantina in the very near future, on my
new 5-Ball Racing Indian.—Bandit

WHAT A CRAZY DAY—Michael Lichter is in town shooting Born Free for Easyriders. Jeremiah, Kyle, and a crew are pouring footings for a deck at the headquarters, and nothing was going according to plans.

Brenda showed up to help out, and Laura checked the bank account. It’s empty. I need to collect the rent. I wanted to work on an article everyday this week, but I only finished the Atomic Dice Team story and our 5-Ball effort. Then I started a piece about Scott Jacobs and started to collect evidence on the Twevo Tech. Just a minute passed and Sara’s shots arrived from Paul Aiken for a Girl of Bikernet.

Any minute now Rich, from American Biker will send me shots for the 5-Ball Indian Paint article. I have a beautiful custom Triumph feature from Peter Linney, but it’s tough to hook up with the owner out of Japan.

I also have a some intake manifold clamps for Panheads from a friend of the Bling man. Jeff Cochran mentioned another solution to troubling intake leaks, so we will put a tech together. The list goes on.

Plus, I’m working on my Burly FXR shocks. They might work out.

Hang on for the next report.

Ride Free, Forever,


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