Pre Labor Day Thursday News for August 28th, 2014

Bonneville is over for this year and from what I have been hearing it was a lesson in Patience.  Patience for the Salt to dry from the evening rainstorms, Patience for the wind to die down as you are waiting on the salt to make your pass. Patience as you scratch your head because of the multitude of little problems you have with your bike. 
In light of all this people did get to make passes and records where broken, Just not by the Bikernet 5-Ball Racing crew. Bandit and the crew of fearless salt junkies dealt with all of the above and are still laughing and joking about the event as they send me photos of all the action at Bonneville.
Yes, Bonneville and Mother Nature Kicked our ass but Bandit is already making plans to attack the Salt next year with his Belly Tank Trike that will be powered by a 135 inch JIM’s Twin Cam. Hopefully 5-Ball Racing will beat the Salt next year instead of the Salt Laughing at them.
The Thursday News is sponsored by Cycle Source Magazine and 5-Ball Racing Leathers 
Klock Works and Helping with Horsepower turn up the Speed — Just got a text that this morning Brian Klock ran a 172 MPH pass and backed it with a 174!!! So that ups the Pine Bush Helping with Horsepower / Engineering Academy record another 10 mph!
Woohooo! Hopefully we will see some photos soon. They weren’t able to run the last 2 days due to weather.
— Laura Klock
SAMSON EXHAUST — Smooth Longtails With Removable Baffles
It’s the best of both worlds and a Samson exhaust innovation. Now you can get the smooth look of the non-removable Samson Longtail tip, with the convenience of a removable or replaceable baffle. A removable adapter at the inlet-end of the exhaust pipe permits simple, convenient baffle removal and installation.
This inlet adapter is 100% compatible with the various Samson header-pipe systems, while retaining Samson’s ever popular Longtail look.
No more unsightly seams or hardware at the tip. For more information about this and other Samson Exhaust, hit the banner below.
National Motorcycle Museum trophies and TT replicas stolen. — At around 11.00pm yesterday (08/27/2014) the inner foyer of Birmingham’s National Motorcycle Museum was broken into and a large amount of trophies & TT replicas stolen.
Many of the trophies have little scrap value but are unique and irreplaceable as part of the UK’s Motorcycling Heritage. 
Because of the historical importance of these trophies the National Motorcycle Museum are offering a substantial reward of £20,000 for information which leads to the safe recovery of these important artifacts.
Anyone with any relevant information is asked to contact West Midlands Police or the National Motorcycle Museum on 01675 443311 or e-mail Museum Director James Hewing 
Dottie Mattern starts her Cannonball final countdown — Dottie Mattern, a motorcycle enthusiast who will celebrate her 70th birthday during the Motorcycle Cannonball Coast-to-Coast Endurance Ride during September, has entered the final countdown for the September 5 launch of the big event.  Dottie and more than a hundred participants will ride more than 4,000 miles from Daytona Beach, Florida to Tacoma, Washington in 16 days.
The kicker is that they are all riding pre-1937 motorcycles!  Dottie will be competing aboard her beautiful green 1936 Indian Scout.  
But for Dottie, the Cannonball is much more than a joy ride.  She has lost two close family members to colon cancer, and as a colon cancer survivor herself, she will be riding to raise funds for the Colon Cancer Alliance, Inc. and the Antique Motorcycle Foundation, Inc.
Proceeds from Dottie’s ride will be divided equally between the two non-profit organizations.  On the eve of her departure, she has already raised more than $10,000 in charitable contributions.  Her goal is $70,000, to match her 70 years as an active motorcyclist and woman-athlete. 
In addition to riding her Scout in the mountains of North Carolina to sharpen her skills and test her machine, Dottie has had an active summer of tennis, golf, and workouts in the gym under the supervision of a personal trainer.  She explains, “Riding one of these vintage motorcycles is not like riding a modern machine.  It takes a lot more work, and the roughly 300 miles we ride each day on the Cannonball will be very physically demanding.
Performing well in a multi-day event like this requires stamina, physical conditioning, and a positive attitude.”  
Dottie’s sponsors, which are acknowledged on her Ford chase vehicle, include Classic Motorcycle Consignments, Bill Wood of DGM Communications, Greg Konrath of Marathon, Florida Garbage Service, Jim Hughes State Farm Insurance, Tom and Kathy Wrenn, The Wrightson-Ramsing Foundation and Dennis Palmgren, Richard Jodoin of Dimple Motor Oil Magnets, and Bill  Campbell. 
Dottie’s 1936 Indian was prepared for the Cannonball by Dennis Craig with the assistance of Bob Courboin, who rebuilt two generators and the lower end of the engine; Bruce Linsday, who supplied a restored speedometer cable; Randy Zorn, who supplied a rare and proper carburetor; and Ken Kelly, who supplied a spare generator.  Her chase vehicle driver will be Bruce Gullifer. 
For more information about Dottie Mattern and the Motorcycle Cannonball Endurance Ride, go to  
Click the DONATE button on Dottie’s website to make a contribution.  Contributions are deductible for Federal income tax purposes.
BAD COPS — Ex-Sheriff Gets Prison In Meth-For-Sex Case
CENTENNIAL, Colo. (AP) — A judge on Thursday sentenced a former Colorado sheriff to 15 months in prison for repeatedly violating his probation in a meth-for-sex case, saying the lawman, who was once regarded as a hero, had exhausted his opportunities to reform.
Patrick Sullivan was sentenced to two years after pleading guilty to plying young men with methamphetamine in exchange for sexual favors. The 71-year-old was once named the nation’s top sheriff and won praise for his leadership of the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Department in the Denver suburbs.
“I have a drug problem, and I have had a drug problem for some time,” Sullivan said in court on Thursday, apologizing before Judge William Sylvester issued his sentence. “I have only myself to blame.”
Sullivan was arrested in December 2011 after authorities arranged a sting that revealed he was trading methamphetamine for sex. Months earlier, a 911 caller reported Sullivan was at his house trying to get three recovering addicts back on drugs.
He later pleaded guilty to possession of methamphetamine and solicitation of a prostitute. Sylvester sentenced him to 30 days in jail and two years’ probation.
The courtroom erupted in applause on Thursday as deputies handcuffed Sullivan and took him into custody, though some had hoped for a harsher sentence.
Sullivan told the judge he was benefiting from an in-patient drug treatment program he recently enrolled in after missing or failing dozens of drug tests.
But his probation officer, Hallie Miller, said his purported efforts to reform were a front, and he continued to lie and make excuses for his risky behavior. He blamed positive meth tests on everyone from a doctor who prescribed him pills to a neighbor who he said drugged him at a barbecue, Miller said.
In January, Sullivan left the state without permission. In May, he tested positive again for meth.
“He sees himself as above the law,” Miller said.
Before his arrest, Sullivan was known as an anti-drug crusader with a record so distinguished the county named its jail after him. The National Sheriffs’ Association tapped him as its “top sheriff” in 2001, and he continued to command respect even after he resigned the following year to oversee security for a school district.
In 1989, Sullivan was hailed as a hero. During a gunman’s rampage, he rescued two deputies after crashing his truck through a fence and protected them while they were loaded into the vehicle.
But his court case revealed a darker picture. He would develop relationships with vulnerable young men, help them find jobs and get out of jail, and then provide them the drug.
Unlike other addicts, Sullivan was “on the forefront in the 1990s as one of the most vocal critics of the meth epidemic,” said First Assistant Attorney General Robert Shapiro. “He of all people, the first time he tried it, knew it was nothing more than a poison. … Mr. Sullivan chose this substance for no good reason whatsoever.”
His attorney, Kevin McGreevy, argued he had been unfairly scrutinized by probation officers because of his position.
Some who had worked with him hoped that probation would let him redeem his tarnished image.
“I’m not shocked anymore,” former Boulder County Sheriff George Epp said Wednesday. “What it tells me is a switch flipped somehow and it hasn’t flipped back.”
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005
Bandit’s WORD OF THE DAY— sweven SWEV-uhn  , noun;
1.Archaic . a vision; dream.
Thought I,This is so queint a sweven / That I wol, by process of time,/ Fonde to put this sweven  in ryme…
— Geoffrey Chaucer (1343–1400), “The Book of the Duchess”
A grimly sweven  I dreamt yestreen;/ I saw thee lie under the hollins green…
— Charles Kingsley, “The Red King,” 1847
Sweven  entered English around 900. The term picked up a verbal sense a century later, “to dream,” but both terms have since fallen out of use.
And from the BAD JOKE LIBRARY — God must love stupid people; He made so many.
“The human brain appears to work slower in old age,” said Dr. Michael Ramscar, “but only because so much information has been stored over time. Older people simply know more, so selecting a correct choice from the trove of stored data may take a bit longer.” So there now
News Flash: Key West Florida: The U.S.. Navy intercepted three boatloads of people off the coast of Florida today. This placed the Navy in an awkward position, as the boats were not heading to, but away from Florida toward Cuba. Another surprise finding was that they were loaded with Americans who were all seniors on pensions trying to get to Cuba so as to be able to return to the US as ‘illegal immigrants’ and therefore be entitled to far more benefits than they were receiving as legitimate US pensioners. The Navy, it is believed, gave them food, water, fuel, and assisted them on their journey. We are now booking the next boat out; let me know if you want to comealong.
A man and his wife were awakened at 3:00 am by a loud pounding on the door. The man gets up and goes to the door where a drunken stranger, standing in the pouring rain, is asking for a push.
“Not a chance,” says the husband, “it is 3:00 in the morning!” He slams the door and returns to bed.
“Who was that?” asked his wife.”Just some drunken guy asking for a push,” he answers.”Did you help him?” she asks.”No, I did not, it is 3:00 in the morning and it is pouring rain out there!” 
“Well, you have a short memory,” says his wife. “Can’t you remember about three months ago when we broke down, and those two guys helped us? I think you should help him, and you should be ashamed of yourself!”
The man does as he is told, gets dressed, and goes out into the pounding rain.He calls out into the dark, “Hello, are you still there?”
“Yes,” comes back the answer.”Do you still need a push?” calls out the husband.
“Yes, please!” Comes the reply from the dark.”Where are you?” asks the husband. “Over here on the swing,” replied the drunk.
Did you hear about the gal who was sitting at a bar when a man came up to her and asked, “Where have you been all my life”? She replied, “Well, the first half of it, I wasn’t born yet.”
EPA Sends Ethanol Regulations to White House — The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sent its final regulations to the White House for Presidential approval, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) reports. This is the final step in the approval process before the mandate can be revealed.
Last year, the EPA proposed that the amount of ethanol to be produced by refiners actually be reduced over previous years. This plan to reduce the amount of ethanol being produced sent shockwaves through the energy community. Petroleum users lauded the proposal as a step in the right direction. The MRF testified at a hearing on the proposal in favor of lowering the amount of ethanol and in favor of doing away with the sale E-15.
The MRF is also actively supporting legislation to halt the sale of E-15 fuels until further testing can be done.
The proposal was by far one the most controversial ever put forth by the EPA and received over 340,000 public comments.
While the EPA announced the White House review, they did not release whether any changes were made to last year’s proposal to lower the amount of ethanol to be produced. The EPA will release the final rule after the White House and other federal agencies weigh in. The White House has 90 days to review the proposal and issue a response.
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005
B.O.L.T. Declares War Against Cops on Independence Day — Rancho Cordova PD and Sacramento Sheriffs are First Target
On Friday, July 4, 2014, Bikers of Lesser Tolerance (BOLT of California) fights back, filing suit to keep police from using  “illegal helmets” as a reason to write a citation.  The action was  intentionally initiated on Independence Day. 
The law suit was filed in United States District Court, Sacramento Division of the Eastern District of California. BOLT is suing in federal court to get a Temporary Restraining Order, a Preliminary Injunction, Injunctive Relief, and for Damages.  The damages claimed are from False Arrest; helmet tickets written with no probable cause.
Rancho Cordova Police Department, a Division of the Sacramento Sheriff’s Department, writes more helmet tickets than any other PD in Sacramento County, and many other counties surrounding it.  It was obvious to start the progression of law suits with the suit against Rancho Cordova PD.  BOLT hopes for a Court Order telling Rancho Cordova to never write helmet tickets again. BOLT also wants to be involved with rewriting their policy so they are not able to violate motorcyclists with impunity, and to stop conducting harassing “Pretextual Stops” or, as it is sometimes called, “profiling,” using the helmet as an excuse.
BOLT’s plan is to sue small jurisdictions first, such as our first victim – Sacramento Sheriff and Rancho Cordova Police Department. BOLT thinks they may be able to finish this law suit, and the next suit (likely the CHP), with relatively little more money, but more support from the magazines and blogs is needed, and this needs to stay at the front of riders’ minds; BOLT needs monetary donations.
Donate to this Law Suit.  The best way is to send a check or money order to BOLT’s address. Email the webmaster for this information. Checks can be made out to “Defend the 4th Amendment.”   
You can use the link on the website to contact BOLT.  If the stars align perfectly, we may only need a few thousand more dollars to completely destroy the ability for any PD to enforce the helmet law.
Many thanks are due to those of you who have already donated money to this cause. BOLT reminds us that Thomas Jefferson said, “Our enemies have found we can reason like men, so now let us show them we can fight like men also.”  Fighting like this takes money, and   additional funds are definitely needed for success in this matter.
BOLT members, Temple, Dalke, and Haven wish to thank the riders who took the challenge to be named as Plaintiffs with BOLT in this law suit – Noreen McNulty, Warren Pearl, Lyle Duvauchelle, Glenn Osborn, Jeff Rabe, Dave Zalitskiy, William Langhorne, Tom Bell, and Rob Balthorpe. These people refuse to accept a government that ignores and violates citizen Rights.
Call (916) 402-7981
Round ‘Em Up Cowgirl!
Round Up of Articles from the Bikernet Family of websites.
What is a Calthorpe?
There are certainly names in motorcycling that are more common than others.  Ask just about anyone, motorcyclist or non-motorcyclist, to name a motorcycle manufacturer, and you’ll likely hear some common responses. Those responses are likely based mostly on how long a company spent in the manufacture of motorcycles and how many bikes the company produced.
Even when it comes to British motorcycles, the most likely answers to the same question will probably be Triumph or BSA.  It’s not too likely that you’ll have someone give you the name “Calthorpe” when you ask them to name a British motorcycle manufacturer.

CLICK to read!

The Road to Paloma Movie Bike (Interview with Jason Momoa)
“I’ve had that bike since I was nineteen, it’s the first thing I ever bought.” ~Jason Momoa.
I recently had a chance to sit down with Jason Momoa (director, co-writer, lead actor of “ Road to Paloma”) for a couple minutes and ask him about his inspiration for the story and get some specifics on the cool custom bike he rode in the film.
Zack Coffman: What was the inspiration for the film? How did it come together?
Jason Momoa: I wanted to make a road movie for a long time, but it isn’t easy. You need to meander in the film, but it has to have a story or you’re just jacking off, you know?  I love Five Easy Pieces, Jack Kerouac [On the Road], and Easy Rider of course, but it’s kind of for a different generation.  Co-writer and co-star Robert [Homer Mollohan] and I are both into bikes and he told me about the injustices happening on the reservations and it opened up a whole world. I couldn’t believe all this was happening in our country. That gave my character some purpose. We wanted to make a road movie about a man saying goodbye to his life.
Our company Pride of Gypsies is just a group of friends – talented artists and directors, we made the movie with seven guys – it’s kind of like building a bike.  I like keeping people around me that I love and trust, and we hopefully can all raise each other to the next level. We lived in the dirt and shot the whole film on a Canon 5D [digital camera].
Honoring six new inductees to the Hall of Fame and one new Freedom Fighter.
The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame holds a breakfast during the Sturgis Rally to honor a Motorcycle Freedom Fighter and six other people who have had an impact on the motorcycle community.
The event this year was held at the Lodge at Deadwood S.D.
The Freedom Fighter was Deb “Tiger” Chandler and the other inductees were Clyde Fessler, Jesse Jurrens, Jay “Lightnin” Bentley, Keith Terry, Bonnie Truett, and Paul Yaffe.
I visit the Rez for a guided tour on THEIR favorite roads, I considered this an honor.  By Betsy Huelskamp.
In a world that sometimes seems to be spinning out of control, I try to keep my daily focus on being truly aware of my surroundings, the signs and blessings each day brings, and to recognize and show appreciation for those gifts and opportunities when they present themselves. When two full blooded Navajo men, William Yazzie and his son-in-law Shaun Martin crashed Michael Lichter’s Art Show at the Buffalo Chip in Sturgis, South Dakota and came over and introduced themselves to me, I immediately knew I was in the presence of kindred spirits. But I had no idea the magnitude of the experience it was about to unfold.  
And from TRIKES we have the following:
INTO THE CROSSFIRE -New Champion Victory Crossfire Trike
2014 Champion/Victory Cross Country Tour Trike.
Three wheelers have become all the rage and come in all flavors. From reverse Trikes like the CanAm Spyder (two wheels in front and one in the rear) to traditional Trike conversion manufacturers that offer a plethora of models. Champion/Lehman alone has 24 different Trike kits available.  
Now, they have 25, the CrossFire, based on the Victory Cross series platform. This Trike takes dead aim at the competition riding directly into the crossfire of the three wheel shootout.
Milwaulkee firm develops kit.
Superior Design Inc., an engineering and design firm based in Waukesha, has developed Scorpion Trikes, a conversion kit that transforms a Harley-Davidson V-Rod motorcycle into a reverse trike.
Based on the Triumph Rocket III.
The Grinnall ‘R3T’ is undoubtedly unique in the trike market. Based on Triumph’s brilliant and much-acclaimed, shaft driven Rocket 3, the R3T performs like no other trike.  And its styling, by Steve Everitt Automobile Designs Ltd, so compliments the original lines that it might have been penned at Triumph’s own design studios in Leicestershire.
Most Grinnall Trikes are factory-built using a new donor bike supplied directly from Triumph, complete with all registration documents (UK customers). Alternatively, you may wish to convert your own bike using our comprehensive kit of component parts (CKD).
Body panels come fully painted and all parts are finished and ready for assembly. Build time for a CKD kit is about 80 hours. For the export market the CKD kit is carefully packed into a wooden crate and shipped either by air or sea freight direct to your door.
Newest Trike from Harley-Davidson Offers Leaner, Meaner Street Credibility.
Harley-Davidson puts hot-rod swagger on three wheels with the 2015 Freewheeler™ motorcycle, an all-new trike model that fuses pure custom style and easy-handling performance. From its mini ape-hanger handlebar to its bobtail fenders, the Freewheeler is a page ripped straight from the bad-attitude handbook, offered in a compact and nimble package that delivers a riding experience like nothing else on the road. Riding on three wheels has never been cooler.
“Don’t mess with me!  I know Karate, Kung Fu, Judo, Tae Kwon Do, Jujitsu and 28 other dangerous words!” -Sylvester
-Mistress Chris
Mustang Seats has introduced the lowest, leanest seat to their line-up for the ’06-up Harley Dynas and ’08-14 FLs. “Our old school New England craftsmanship combined with 21st century design means your seat looks as incredible as it feels,” says Marketing Director, Marilyn Simmons. Taking everything Mustang has learned about seat design since 1980, incorporating technological advancements in the materials and adding in a state-of-the-art CAD-CAM center, R&D plotted the RunAround from scratch.
“Mustang believes that a well-designed baseplate is the key to success, so that was where the engineering team started,” she says. A narrow front width of just 9.5” for the Dyna (10.5” for FL applications) combined with the ultra low profile keeps the rider styling and profiling, according to Marilyn. “It is an entirely new design, not just a modified version of an existing seat,” she explains. “However due to Mustang’s seat pan design and our proprietary foam, running around doesn’t have to be a pain in the posterior.”
Made in-house at Mustang’s historic Three Rivers, MA facility, the controlled density polyurethane foam can be poured a little thinner without compromising the comfort, but making for a much thinner seat pad in the process. “The exact angle and density of each seat foam panel is formulated and cast to be soft enough for comfort, but resilient enough to retain its shape and structural integrity for years.”
TEACHINGS FROM THE TEMPLE — Ksanti Paramita — Perfection of Patience
Ksanti — patience or forbearance — is one of the paramitas or perfections that Buddhists are taught to cultivate. Ksanti paramita, the perfection of patience, is the third of the Mahayana paramitas and the sixth of the Theravada paramitas. (Ksanti is sometimes spelled kshanti or, in Pali, khanti.)
Ksanti means “unaffected by” or “able to withstand.” It could be translated as tolerance, endurance and composure as well as patience or forbearance.
Some of the Mahayana sutras describe three dimensions to ksanti. These are the ability to endure personal hardship; patience with others; and acceptance of truth. Let’s look at these one at a time.
Enduring Hardship
In modern terms, we might think of this dimension of ksanti as facing difficulties in constructive, rather than destructive, ways. These difficulties might include pain and disease, poverty, or loss of a loved one. We learn to remain strong and not be defeated by despair.
Cultivating this aspect of ksanti begins with acceptance of the first Noble Truth, the truth of dukkha. We accept that life is stressful and difficult as well as temporary. And as we learn to accept, we also see how much time and energy we’ve been wasting trying to avoid or deny dukkha. We stop feeling defeated and sorry for ourselves.
A lot of our reaction to suffering is self-protection. We avoid things we don’t want to do, that we think will hurt — visiting dentists comes to mind — and think ourselves unfortunate when pain comes. This reaction comes from the belief there is a permanent “self” to protect. When we realize there is nothing to protect, our perception of pain changes. See also “Sunyata: The Perfection of Wisdom.”
The late Robert Aitken Roshi said, “The whole world is sick; the whole world suffers and its beings are constantly dying. Dukkha, on the other hand, is resistance to suffering. It is the anguish we feel when we don’t want to suffer.”
In Buddhist mythology there are six realms of existence, and the highest is the realm of gods. The gods live long, pleasurable, happy lives, but they don’t realize enlightenment and enter Nirvana. And why not? Because they do not suffer and cannot learn the truth of suffering.
Patience With Others
Jean-Paul Sartre once wrote, “L’enfer, c’est les autres” –“Hell is other people.” I think a Buddhist would say “hell is something we create ourselves and blame on other people.” Not as catchy, but more helpful.
Many commentaries on this dimension of ksanti are about how to handle mistreatment from others. When we are insulted, cheated, or injured by other people, nearly always our ego rises up and wants to get even. We get angry. We get hateful.
But hate is a terrible poison — one of the Three Poisons, in fact. And many great teachers have said it is the most destructive of the Three Poisons. Releasing anger and hatred, not giving them a place to abide, is essential to Buddhist practice.
Of course, we’re all going to get angry sometime, but it’s important to learn how to deal with anger. We also learn to cultivate equanimity, so that we are not being jerked around by likes and dislikes.
Simply not being hateful isn’t all there is to patience with others. We become mindful of others and respond to their needs with kindnes
Bikernet Baggers Editor
MORE BAD JOKES — Irritated when people come down on our police officers, saying that they don’t care about or respect others.
Well, here is a story that clearly shows not all cops are in that category. This story involves the police department in the small hill country town of Kerrville, Texas who reported finding a man’s body last Saturday in the early evening in the Pedernales River near the state highway-87 bridge. The dead man’s name would not be released until his family had been notified. The victim apparently drowned due to excessive beer consumption while visiting “someone” in Fredericksburg. He was wearing black fishnet stockings, 10 inch spiked heels, a red garter belt, a pink G-string, purple lipstick, dazzle dust on his eyelids,2 1/2 inch false eyelashes and an Obama T-shirt.
The police removed the Obama T-shirt to spare his family any unnecessary embarrassment. 
So there, Texas police do care
A Greek and Italian were talking one day discussing who had the superior culture.  Over coffee the Greek says, “Well, we have the Parthenon.” The Italian replies, “We have the Coliseum.”The Greek retorts, “We Greeks gave birth to mathematics”.The Italian, nodding, says, “But we built the Roman Empire “And so on and so on until the Greek comes up with what he thinks will end the discussion. With a flourish of finality he says, “We invented sex!” The Italian replies, “That is true, but it was the Italians who introduced it to women.”
While shopping in a food store, two Nuns happened to pass by the beer section. One asked the other if she would like a beer. The second Nun answered that, indeed, it would be very nice to have one, but that she wouldn’t feel comfortable about buying it.
The first Nun replied that she could handle that without a problem. She picked up a six-pack and took it to the cashier.The cashier had a surprised look on his face, so the Nun said, “We use beer for washing our hair….a sort of shampoo if you will.”
Without blinking an eye, the cashier reached under the counter, pulled out a bag pretzels and placed them in the bag with the beer. He then looked the Nun straight in the eye, smiled and said, “The curlers are on the house.”
JayBrake J-6 Ultra Brake Calipers — JayBrake J-6 Ultra Brake Calipers (MSRP starts at $412.00) are a true progressively sized six piston billet aluminum caliper. They’re available to fit 11.5”, 300mm & 13” rotors. They work with OEM ABS systems and provide incredible braking power.
These calipers are engineered with a six piston differential bore design for optimal performance and pad wear. The dual seal design utilizes a wiper seal for longer seal life. The JayBrake logo is offset to allow for uninterrupted smooth lines. They’re more compact than JayBrake Classic J-6 Calipers. They bolt-on directly to 2000 & up H-D style front lower legs (except Springers).
JayBrake J-6 Calipers are available in a chrome or black Ultra style. Visit for specific applications and additional product information.
CSAL was started in 2007 – as 46% of MC accidents in Tennessee involved other vehicles.  They set out to educate the drivers of those vehicles – especially the High School students during their driver education curriculum.  To date, MAFT has had over 10,000 students in Tennessee attend CSAL classes.   Cindy Davidson oversaw the development of the presentation.  She and her husband have had involvement in a serious accident involving violation of their right of way.    
CSAL was developed in conjunction with the Tennessee Department of Safety for high school driver programs. In 2008, MAFT was presented with the Motorcycle Riders Foundation Safety Award.   Their list of involvement and  accolades is long and can be found at their website:
Ride safe n free……………..
From the salts…. 
This has been a trying experience, but one shared by a band of dedicated enthusiasts.  Up against extreme weather, wet salt conditions and a few mechanical issues.  Ray is ready for hot rod passes and we are ready to hit it with Dr Feng riding and Lee Clemens from Departure Bike Works handling tech.  Everyone smiling and giving it hell.
Ride Safe, Ride Free 
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