
Each day is full of wonder, new opportunities, some disappointments, but at the bottom line, there is never a dull moment around here.

I received a call from Eric Ellis the former Editor of Hot Bike, then Baggers. He resigned yesterday, and is headed to Mexico with his lovely wife to relax for a week.

I grappled with a couple of issues recently including the next Cannonball Rally and a Bonneville project. Dr. Hamster and I made a Board decision. If we are going to enter the Cannonball Rally we would like to ride an Indian built by Kiwi Mike. Unfortunately Mike is too busy to take on the project right now, but we will keep our fingers crossed.

The Bonneville 2014 project had legs, resources, products, design, and a solid direction, then it stumbled until yesterday. I reached out to Rodan, a long time SCTA official. At first the resource we needed seemed distant and illusive, then he hit on plan B, and it all came into focus. I want to tell you more, but it’s currently a high level Bikernet Security Secret.

Let’s hit the news:


BIKERNET MULTI-CULTURAL SEMINAR–  A man breaks into a house to look for money and guns. Inside, he finds a couple in bed. He orders the guy out of the bed and ties him to a chair.

While tying the homeowner’s wife to the bed the convict gets on top of her, kisses her neck, then gets up & goes into the bathroom.

While he’s in there, the husband whispers over to his wife: ‘Listen, this guy is an escaped convict. Look at his clothes! He’s probably spent a lot of time in jail and hasn’t seen a woman in years. I saw how he kissed your neck. If he wants sex, don’t resist, don’t complain…do whatever he tells you. Satisfy him no matter how much he nauseates you. This guy is obviously very dangerous. If he gets angry, he’ll kill us both. Be strong, honey. I love you!’

His wife responds: ‘He wasn’t kissing my neck. He was whispering in my ear. He told me that he’s gay, thinks you’re cute, and asked if we had any Vaseline. I told him it was in the bathroom. Be strong honey. I love you too.’

–from Jim Waggaman


KEWLMETAL’S WEDGE COVER FOR HIGH-BALL–KEWLMETAL’S side wedge covers for the Victory High-Ball feature inlayed artwork.  Machined from billet aluminum, they are powder coated and have laser-cut artwork.

The wedges are supplied, in pairs, with a left and a right side wedge cover base, backer plates, artwork inserts and mounting hardware. They are also available with LEDs fitted.

The wedge covers will also fit Victory Cross Roads, Cross Country, Jackpot, Hammer, Vegas, Kingpin, High-Ball and Vision models.


–from AMD

BIKERNET RARE PHENOMENON DISCOVERY OF THE WEEK–Forget about the superstitions, it is a rare phenomenon, don’t you find it strange?

This year, December has 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays and 5 Mondays.

This only happens once every 824 years.

The Chinese call it the Money Bag.
Send this to all your friends and enemies as well. According to the legend, you will receive money in 4 days.

According to Feng Shui, if you do not send it you will stay poor.

–from Bob Clark
Okay, so I posted this in the Thursday News, which should reach several thousand friends. I’ll be rolling in it by next Monday. Hang on!–Bandit 



Saw the Popular Science pics of the Indian Arrow on the Veterans Day Thursday news. I had one I bought back in the late ‘70s and never could find parts. Traded for a Sporty basket case in ‘85.

Then I saw one for sale for 40 grand. Completely ruined my day. Tequila time to drown my sorrows.

–Johnnie G.
Freer, TX

WHY WE MUST FIGHT GUN CONTROLS–  Because no amount of prohibition legislation or “gun-free” rules will ever keep guns out of the hands of criminals—and yes, even in “gun-free” zones. And how could they? After all, criminals are not criminals because they obey the law.

But liberals never seem to get this. With enough laws, they think, criminals will lose access to guns—and with enough “gun-free” zones, everyone will be safe. But liberals are more than happy to take YOUR freedoms away—and your ability to defend yourself—in their vain attempt to control guns in this country.

It’s mindless. And it’s unconstitutional. Government “mental health” checks, ammunition registration, high taxes, and outright gun bans—nothing is off the table when elitist libs get together to talk about how they can take your gun rights away. 

Don’t let criminals, fools, or government goons take your liberties away. Stay armed. Stay safe. And try to keep a sense of humor… (And prevent crime!)



NEW ART COMISSIONS FROM DAVID UHL–Greetings to everyone, I have been traveling like KRAZY but I finally finished the commission of Taj, Steven Tyler’s son. He is on the brand new bobber designed by Mark Dirico.

There was no way to skimp on the rendering of this bike, quite a challenge. You may remember the painting of Chelsea from last year, this new piece should balance out the room now that both brother and sister are painted.

–David Uhl
Join us on facebook!

THE MOTORCYCLE RIDERS FOUNDATION LEGISLATIVE AGENDA FOR 2012-13–  At the 2012 Motorcycle Riders Foundation’s (MRF) Meeting of the Minds Conference held in September in Durham, North Carolina, a Legislative Strategy Session was hosted by the MRF’s Legislative Committee. As has been done for the past several years, the MRF requested that it be attended by Sustaining State Motorcyclists’ Rights Organizations (SSMRO) Legislative and/or Executive Officers. The goal was to set the MRF’s Federal Legislative Agenda for the 2012 Meeting of the Minds to the 2013 Meeting of the Minds annual cycle.

The MRF’s SSMRO partners responded once again with a majority attendance and an increased participation over last year. The MRF Legislative Committee remains extremely pleased at the aligned and clear direction we experienced again this year from our SSMRO partners.

This level of agreement continues to allow for solid action plans to be effectively employed by our Government Relations Department and our SSMRO partners while in Washington D.C. and in working federal issues in their home states.

Additionally, we continue to see productive gains in state legislative activities that support our federal efforts when it comes to protecting on-road motorcyclists, motorcycling, and its associated lifestyle.

The MRF Legislative Committee continued the practice instituted two years ago of recording one vote per organization in attendance. A full breakdown of each vote can be seen in an upcoming issue of the MRF Reports. The session this year was moderated by MRF Vice President Jay Jackson with support from MRF Vice President of Government Relations & Public Affairs Jeff Hennie and MRF President Kirk “Hardtail” Willard.

•Transportation Equity Act (TEA) upcoming reauthorization (the Highway Bill) – closely monitor for any action that would positively or negatively impact motorcycles, motorcycling, and motorcyclists; oppose any motorcycling-related federal blackmails or federal sanctions contained in the bill; seek to include House Resolution 904 language to ban motorcycle specific roadblock federal grant funding

•Pursue continuation of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) lobbying ban within individual states

•Pursue reinstatement of the Motorcycle Advisory Council (MAC) to advise the Federal Highway Administration

•Oppose the adoption of the SAE Roadside Sound Test as a national enforcement standard, this is considered by our SSMRO’s to be a state-by-state issue at this time

•Closely monitor the developing health care act for motorcycling specific discrimination; monitor HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) for motorcycling specific discrimination

•NHTSA motorcycle-specific checkpoint grant program – MRF to carry out a full effort to cut off specified use of funding for this motorcycle-based discriminatory practice, while encouraging states to pass their own anti-checkpoint laws

•Continue monitoring the Federal Crash Causation study and the MSF Naturalistic study

•Strongly oppose any federal standard proposing stamping and certifying of motorcycle exhaust systems

•Continue to oppose federal agency activity regarding EPA Sound Emission User studies and the encouragement of state activity with federal resources-again deemed to be a state by state issue

•Work to discourage ALL forms of distracted driving, oppose any related funding blackmails, watch this issue closely for motorcycle specific discriminatory language

•Continue promotion of the Right to Repair Act, continue Right to Repair coalition activities

•Continue participation at the federal level where the definition of a motorcycle is under review

•MRF will oppose any motorcycling, motorcycle, or motorcyclist-based discriminatory legislation or rules proposed by the U.S. Congress or by a federal agency

•MRF to oppose any motorcyclist profiling legislation or rules this upcoming congressional session

•Continue participation in motorcycle related activity in the European Union, United Nations, and Canada

•MRF to fiercely oppose any mandatory helmet or apparel standards

•MRF to encourage additional federal research of E15 fuel related to use in a motorcycle prior to any recommendations; continue to seek recommendations on its use from motorcycle original equipment manufacturers

•MRF to actively pursue inclusion of motorcycles in ongoing Intelligent Transportations System (ITS) emerging technologies

•Pursue safer roadway design strategies at the federal level, include safer cable barrier research similar to European improvements in the discussion

•Continue to promote our theme of crash avoidance versus safer crashing, using the principles of House Resolution 1498 urging NHTSA to focus on crash prevention and rider education

•MRF to pursue limiting funding of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) for their increasing involvement in motorcycling safety issues

•Pursue CDC lobbying ban, seek to remove any references where CDC suggests motorcycle crashes are preventable injury events

•MRF to monitor private organizations that oppose the legislative agenda or mission of the MRF and investigate their funding sources to make certain they are not receiving federal tax dollars

•MRF to monitor public organizations for funding sources when in opposition to our legislative agenda or mission, respond appropriately if they receive federal tax dollars
With the recent election and changes upcoming in the U.S. Congress, combined with our comprehensive and aggressive legislative agenda, the MRF Legislative Committee strongly encourages our SSMRO partners and our members to actively engage in a lively motorcycling dialogue with the incoming members, as well as renewing relationships with incumbents, as an immediate priority.

If your SSMRO needs any assistance in planning a trip to Washington D.C. to begin or strengthen the dialogue with your members of Congress, contact Jeff Hennie in the MRF office at 202-546-0983 or We would also like to encourage you to finalize your plans to attend our national biker day event in Washington D.C. , Bikers Inside the Beltway, on Thursday May 16th, 2013. See our website at for more details.

MRF Legislative Committee Members:

Keith R. Ball, Dave Dwyer, Jeff Hennie, George Gorman, Cindy Hodges, Jay Jackson, Jim “Legs” Korte, Boyd McFail, Larry Nielson, John Pierce, Todd Riba, Kirk “Hardtail” Willard (Chair)



The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club has filed a lawsuit against several federal agency heads, claiming the group’s foreign members have been wrongfully banned from entering the United States.

Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services Director Alejandro Mayorkas are named as defendants in the lawsuit, as the lawsuit claims their executive rules could be violating the Hells Angels’ constitutional rights.

The federal lawsuit contends that several foreign Hells Angels members applied for visas last year to attend one of the club’s major events in New Hampshire, and they were denied, based on their membership with the Hells Angels.

According to the lawsuit, “[m]any members” of the Hells Angels don’t have criminal records, and the club says it’s not a “criminal organization.”

On the other hand, the lawsuit recognizes that Homeland Security and the Department of State made an agreement to define the Hells Angels as a “known criminal organization” in the Department of State’s Foreign Affairs Manual — thus making them ineligible to obtain a visa.

But the Hells Angels’ lawsuit claims this rule flies in the face of the congressional immigration legislation that allows immigration officials to deny visas for security reasons.

“Defendants will deny visas to all aliens based solely on their membership in a Hells Angels charter without further analysis into whether or not that individual seeks to enter the United States to engage solely, principally, or incidentally in unlawful activity,” the lawsuit states.

The Hells Angels are ultimately seeking a permanent injunction against the rules that are keeping its members from getting visas — which would likely apply to other biker gangs listed by the State Department, like the Outlaws, Bandidos, and Mongols, as well as street gangs like MS 13 and the 18th Street gang.
–from Rogue 


PABLO’S BONNEVILLE DREAMS–  My initial plans for 2013. This is based on
how the economy trends may go early in the year.

1. Buy a tire machine new or used. Nomar manual tire machine or a used Coats type w/hyd. assist arm (fat tires)
2. 6500 watt generator
3. Air compressor
4. 1 more table lift
5. 14 or 16 ft. dual axle cargo trailer with side door, ride up ramp rear door.

My plan to raise the funds to build a Bonneville Racer:
To be able to supply a mobile H-D service.
Being able to do tires & routine H-D services.
This will be by appointment locally. Also to hire myself out during certain big M/C events.
This in addition with certain engine, transmission service work. Things like cams, heads, exhaust.
Transmission, clutches upgrade, install etc.

So that’s my thinking so far. I believe there is a need for affordable, reliable, trained service

Reasons for going mobile are based upon keeping overhead as low as one can.

I can start this as a part time mainly weekend endeavor.



The Motorcycle Riders Foundation is very thankful and appreciative of all the men and women who have served our country over the years. The freedoms we enjoy on a daily basis have not been forgotten.

We would like to extend a thank you on this Veterans Day to those who unselfishly fought for those freedoms.


ORIGINAL DAVID MANN FOR SALE, the KNIGHT RIDER–  I think the original is about 11×16? It’s locked up right now in a safe. This is a print.


This is interesting. I would give anything to buy the original. Donna will accept offers, but she’s thinking in the $30,000 range. Dave and I came up with the concept for this line of illustrations and it pissed off the boss, Lou Kimzey, at the time. He gave this original away at a Show and Shine event 25-30 years ago. It was one of the only David Mann paintings to ever be given away to someone other than a staff member. Besides being the first of this line of paintings, it is one of his best.—Bandit


New Bikernet Reader Comment–  SAVE A LATE MODEL TRANSMISSION–

I installed one on my ’12 Road King ,6000 miles on the clock.I would suggest installing a new primary chain along with this mod. My chain had so many tight spots it took 20 minutes to adjust.

— Booby

bklyn, NY

Great article and very descriptive (with pics). Nice to know the things NOT to do, as well as the ‘to do’s’…

— Missy
Jackson, MI


troth TRAWTH, noun:
1.Faithfulness, fidelity, or loyalty.?2. One’s word or promise, especially in engaging oneself to marry.

I did therefore what an honest man should–restored the maiden her troth , and departed the country in the service of my king.
— James Fenimore Cooper, The Leatherstocking Tales

I was wild–in troth I might go yet farther and say VERY wild, though ’twas a wildness of an innocent sort, since it hurt none but me, brought shame to none, nor loss, nor had in it any taint of crime or baseness, or what might not beseem mine honourable degree.

— Mark Twain, The Prince and the Pauper

Troth derives from a variation of truth in certain regions of England. Over time it has taken on a distinct meaning in certain phrases.


ROGUE’S BAD COP FILE– Ex-ICE chief gets prison in porn case 

WEST PALM BEACH — A former top U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement official in South Florida has been sentenced to 70 months in prison on a federal child pornography charge.

Anthony Mangione faced a minimum of five years in prison after pleading guilty in July to using his home computer to receive and transmit images of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct. He ran ICE’s South Florida operations from 2007 to 2011, including numerous child pornography investigations. He retired a few months after investigators searched his home in April 2011.

–from Rogue


ROLAND SANDS NEW EXHAUST SYSTEM–RSD Slant 2-into-1 exhaust system.

MAG Europe now has the newest exhaust system from Roland Sands Design available – the Slant 2-into-1 for use on ’04 – ’13 Sportsters. The new system will fit bikes with standard mid controls and some aftermarket rear sets only, but will not work with stock forward controls.

The Slant is being offered in two versions, both made from stainless steel. One option is stainless steel with a carbon fiber end cap, and the other is finished in a satin black ceramic coating and with a carbon end cap.

The header pipes on the system are stepped from 1.75in to 2.0in and have 18mm O2 sensor bungs. There is a heat shield for the rear cylinder and collector inlet, and fiberglass and SS wool is used for the baffle material. Exhaust port gaskets are included.

ULTIMATE BUILDER BY BIKER PROS WINNERS LIST FOR DALLAS–The second round of the 2012 Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show kicked off in Dallas, TX this last weekend with 37 bikes featured down the red carpet. Our FreeStyle and MOD Street winners in Atlanta made the trip to Dallas and took the gold and the glory for the second weekend in a row. Warm fall weather and free motorcycle parking got the crowds in over the weekend event.

Kyle Shorey of Shadetree Fabrications took 1st place in the FreeStyle class with Speedmetal. To date Speedmetal has taken two first place trophies, in Atlanta and Dallas, and has won the coveted IronWork’s Magazine Editor’s Choice award.

Speedmetal exhibits an organic design that the firm is known for. The wheels, engine, brakes and tranny were salvaged from the customer’s donor bike, a Saxon Crown chopper. Then just about everything else was hand fabricated by team Shadetree.

1. Kyle Shorey, Shadetree Fabrications – Speedmetal
2. Rob Skipper, 3 /2 Choppers – Infidel Chopper, 3/2 Infidel 2012
3. Ceasar Ramirez, Misfit Baggers – Kings Ransom, 2000 Road King

MOD Harley
Joseph Russell of Flying Tire Motorcycle won the MOD Harley class with his orange 2010 Harley-Davidson FLTR that features 96” engine with a Stage 3 engine upgrade. The two features that catches the eye are the paint and 26” wheel. The orange and gloss black paint was provided by Other Side Custom.

1. Joseph Russell, Flying Tire Motorcycles – 2010 Harley Bagger
2. GIO, Blacksmith Motoring – El Puro Vato, 2005 Deluxe
3. Juan Gandara, Lubbock Custom Cycles – Bonita, 1997 XLCH

Performance Custom
Derek Johnson took a strong second place two years ago and came back in 2012 with updates like wheel spinners, frame paint and extended swing arm that was enough to move him up one position and take the win in Performance Custom class in Dallas. TX. The bike features a full complement of performance upgrade and chassis mods to keep the bike planted during high speed runs.

1. Derek Johnson – Da Busa, 2002 Suzuki Hayabusa
2. Cody Kitchen – The Green Mile, 2005 Kawasaki 636
3. Speed Dealer Customs – 1978 Yamaha SR500,

Retro MOD
Jeff Halstead of Halstead Customs built Miss Guided, a 1974 Harley-Davidson Ironhead Sportster and won the Retro MOD class. Halstead built this little bobber by reimagining it with today’s technology. The thing that you notice about the bike is the integration of the parts and color, which really makes the bike pop. The red rims are accented by the red strips on the tank and fender. It’s no mystery why Halstead did so well at his first Ultimate Builder Show as he was riding shot gun to the show with his good friend and celebratory builder Larry Moore, an Ultimate Builder winner and AMD Team USA Member.

1. Jeff Halstead, Halstead Customs – Miss Guided, 1974 H-D Sportster
2. GIO, Blacksmith Motoring – El Vaquero, 1977 Goldwing
3. Shawn Little, Shadetree Fabrications – Shadetree, Generator Shovel Rigid

MOD Street
GIO from Blacksmith Motoring drove in from his win in Atlanta to show off his brace of bikes at the Dallas round of the Ultimate Builder. His latest build, El Vendetta, took the win in MOD Street. The 2008 Yamaha Retroliner is turbo-charged and rocks the tarmac with 120ci stroker that is making 200+ HP. It’s built with forged pistons, lighten crank and Blacksmith heads & intake. The bike rolls with a 26” front wheel, air ride and 6 piston Hawg Halters brakes.

1. GIO, Blacksmith Motoring – El Vendetta, 2008 Yamaha Roadliner
2. Chop Shop Motorsports – 1980 Kawasaki KZ750
3. Dan Klein, Rock n Roll Custom – 2004 Honda CBR 600F4I

The Show Dog Winner is DeMarkus Sheppard of Live Fast Customs. Our Show Dog award is given to the dealer or builder that has shown exemplary effort in engaging the audience at the Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show to further their marketing goals and objectives. The award for the effort is a biker chain wallet from Rocking K Customs Leather, a $200 value.

Leading money winners are Kyle Shorey of Shadetree Fabrications at $5,000 and GIO of Blacksmith Motoring with $3,500.

The Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show is produced by At each round of the competition Biker Pros photographs each bike and makes them available in their Flickr gallery at

BUTLER MAPS HAS IT For the Rider Who Has Everything–Except a Great Place to Go

Butler Maps Announces Its limited Edition “Bucket List” Collection
Eagle, CO – November 13, 2012

Now is the time to consider what your family’s motorcyclist will want on his “gear list” this holiday season. Just in time for gift giving, Butler Maps announces the availability of their “Bucket List Collection” featuring the best motorcycle roads to ride in North America. All 11 regional and state maps plus 2 DVDs on Washington and Utah are included.

Some riders spend money on their bikes and gear without spending time on planning the best motorcycle experience possible. Maximize your ride quality, increase your “smiles per mile” and quadruple the length of your destination list with this Limited Edition collection delivered with a hand-sewn Wolfman(tm) collector’s case. Limited quantities are available so order early at the Butler Maps Store.

Butler Maps’ co-founder Justin Bradshaw reminds us “The real dreams start when you see what you’re missing–you can’t see all that on a small GPS screen. Open any one of our 11 waterproofed and tearproof Motorcycle Maps or Backcountry Discovery Routes and zero in on the color-coded, ranked motorcycle rides. Your favorite street rider or adventurer will love you and the dream destinations’ intimate details… collected and combined into a fantasy package small enough for a stocking stuffer or saddlebag.”

Butler Maps’ unique method of visually color-coding map routes as seen through the eyes of experienced motorcyclists brings a more enhanced level of trip planning than ever before. Maps are generally state-wide in scope with individual routes, towns and attractions singled out. Use the maps’ geo- and town-specific QR codes for instant information on lodging, food and nearby attractions. Maps are available individually for $14.95, but the “Bucket List Collection” will last most riders 2 lifetimes for only $155. Get out…and go!

Key Features of Butler Maps:

•Guaranteed best roads especially selected for motorcycle riders
•Sights, townships, lodging, food and special points of interest
•Helps you best avoid the interstate and major thoroughfares
•Waterproofed, tear-resistant paper, folded firmly for space saving
•Ranked, color-coded roads depiciting levels of scenic beauty
•Local townships listed with QR codes for more information
•Backcountry roads and adventure roads marked
•DVD documentaries available
•Collector’s Limited Edition Wolfman ™ carrying case
•Rider books available for some states
•Maps also available separately for $14.95

Uniquely designed and laid out specifically for travelling motorcyclists, Butler maps feature a specific color-coding system ranking the best roads for the best rides. Simply overview the map of the region and plot the most scenic pathway from Point A to B while also using QR code technology to seek out each town’s best available lodging, restaurants and special attractions. Make the trip simple, scenic and well planned with Butler Maps.
Contact us at or call toll-free at 877-379-6053. “Like Us” on Facebook and see Butler’s YouTube videos for the latest in destination updates. See you out there.


HARLEY DEALERS ARE A BIKER’S HOLIDAY WISH LIST HEADQUARTERS–  Receive a Limited Edition 110th Anniversary Tin and Membership with a $300 Purchase

MILWAUKEE (November 13, 2012) Harley-Davidson dealers are the source for one-of-a-kind holiday gifts you won’t find at the mall. Get a head start by visiting the Gift Ideas website to a great selection of leather jackets, touring luggage, and collectibles like the popular Hog Bank.

Many Harley-Davidson dealers host special holiday events and offer a wide selection of gifts for any rider, from a huge selection of genuine MotorClothes apparel to Genuine Motor Parts and Accessories. Harley-Davidson dealer staff can help with gift suggestions to match any rider or motorcycle. Or just let them choose – an H-D Gift Card always fits and it never expires. Gift cards may be ordered online at in any amount from $25 to $500.

Harley-Davidson also has a special offer for the holidays. Shoppers who make a qualifying $300 purchase at a participating Harley-Davidson dealership before December 24, 2012 will receive a Limited Edition 110th Anniversary Tin with a Harley-Davidson Museum membership. Inside each Limited Edition 110th Anniversary Tin is a collectible dog tag and keychain, a welcome letter from Bill Davidson and a guide to the H-D Museum.

The H-D Museum membership includes V.I.P. benefits, a members-only newsletter and access to exclusive members-only content on its website. This special holiday offer has a $75 value and is only valid at participating dealerships.

Use our online Harley-Davidson Dealer Locator to find a dealer closest to you.

For more information, visit Harley-Davidson’s Web site at

[page break]

BIKERNET ARCHIVES NOW OPEN—This March 1952 issue was donated by Charles Plueddeman, and it doesn’t contant a damn thing about motorcycles, just sports cars and tech tips about car battery maintenance and how to fix roof leaks.

At least they could show us how to make a brew a pot of white lightening, instead of a model hydroplane. We’ll see what we can dig up for next week.

–Wilburn Roach


PROGRESSIVE SUSPENSION—944 SERIES SHOCKS WITH NEW FREQUENCY SENSING TECHNOLOGY– Introduced only a few years ago, Progressive’s innovative 940 Series shocks became the go-to for HD touring riders looking to eat up big miles in bigger comfort. Now they tell us they’ve made them better with the addition of a new technology damper and updated the series to 944. What’s the difference? They say just about everything changed, beginning with a proprietary damper dubbed Frequency Sensing Technology (FST) for its unique ability to dynamically adjust damping as you ride.

FST is described by their engineering team as like having two sets of shocks on your bike. One set to comfortably and efficiently smooth away those nasty exposed aggregate road surfaces, weather cracks and expansion joints, and a second set to handle the big jobs like drainage dips, speed bumps, bottoming control and cornering stability. This patent pending technology features frequency sensitive damping circuits which enable the new 944 Series to deliver unsurpassed performance and comfort.

The one item that did not change from the previous generation is the combination of a progressive rate main spring with a flat wire compensator spring. This arrangement compresses under the weight of the bike, but readily extends when needed, to allow for full droop travel. The result is a bike with a 1” lowered height that rides better than the taller factory set up!

The new shocks feature all aluminum body, deflective disc valving, unique FST circuits and progressive rate springs. Like their predecessors, the 944 Series is preload adjustable by turning the top cap and can be easily set up for your weight and riding style. Available in standard and heavy duty spring rate and supported with a lifetime limited warranty. Contact your local Progressive Suspension dealer for more information.

Progressive Suspension
6911 Marlin Circle
La Palma, CA 90623

LATEST DONATIONS TO THE MRF–  We got a $1500 donation from Rushmore ABATE of SD in memory of one of their members.

I just wanted to share with the board that we have gotten 9 new members from Jeff’s December article in American Iron Magazine.

–Tiffany Latimer
Office Administrator
Motorcycle Riders Foundation, Inc.


If you’re in the industry, you can going the MRF Industry Council to support the business side of motorcycling. Please do. We need all the support we can get.


2013 WEST COAST FLAT TRACK SERIES OPENS AT THE SOUTH POINT —Casino & Spa Jan. 11-12. Weekend kicks off with 22nd annual Las Vegas Vintage Motorcycle Auction

LAS VEGAS – The Championship Indoor Concrete Short Track thunders off the starting line on Saturday Jan. 11-12 bringing non-stop motorcycle racing action to the South Point Hotel, Casino & Spa.

Showcasing the talents of some of the best flat trackers in the country, this weekend will boast more than 150 riders coming from Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Washington and Wyoming.

“This is a weekend that you won’t want to miss,” said South Point Hotel, Casino & Spa’s General Manager Ryan Growney. “We have the best racers joining us from all around the country. It’s guaranteed to be the most exciting racing action ever seen at South Point.”

Reminiscent of the past when riders raced in famed venues such as the Cow Palace and Madison Square Garden, this year’s event will feature four classes of handlebar-to-handlebar races competing on a 1/8-mile of polished concrete track. The action will be fast and furious as these daredevils of speed vie for the checkered flag.

Presented by Gene Romero’s West Coast Flat Track Series (WCFTS), the season’s opener will highlight the K&N Filters Open, Saddlemen Vintage Class, Top Gun 450 and the Classic Open Class.

Adding even more festivities to this extravagant weekend, fans will have the opportunity to bid on incredible machinery during the world’s largest vintage motorcycle auction. The 22nd Annual Las Vegas Vintage Motorcycle Auction will begin Thursday, Jan. 10 at 6 p.m. with a dinner auctioning off 75 motorcycles. The auction will continue on Friday, Jan. 11 at 9 a.m. as an additional 200 motorcycles are auctioned. The event concludes on Saturday, Jan. 12 at 9 a.m. when 225 motorcycles cross the auction block.

“We are very excited to be part of the motorcycle auction again,” said Growney. “Vintage enthusiasts look forward to and thoroughly plan out every detail for this event all year. It’s truly a spectacular sight.”

Each night the gates at the South Point Hotel and Casino Events Center will open at 6:30 p.m. and races will begin promptly at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available for $10 for children (ages 6 – 16) and $20 for adults. For additional race information, please visit

For room rates at the South Point Hotel, please visit Additional information on the auction can be found at


AUSTRALIAN VIOLENCE ERUPTS IN CLUB LEADERSHIP VACUUM–Police say a nationwide hunt has begun for the Comanchero motorcycle clubs president as his club implodes after a week of internal violence.

With Mark Buddle, 28, evidently ‘going to ground’, the Comancheros had been left “leaderless and rudderless” a police source said.

Detectives believe Buddle is aware of an arrest warrant against him and has deliberately disappeared – leaving his leadership open.

As the cop ‘gangs squad’ searches for Buddle, police have suggested that tensions have been brewing since the Comanchero absorbed members of a Canadian club known as Rock Machine.

The Perth group, which set up a chapter in 2009, tried unsuccessfully to gain a foothold in Sydney months ago. A police source said the Comancheros began standing over Rock Machine’s members but later offered them a chance to join their own club.

The move is believed to be a key source of tension between the club’s two main chapters in Milperra and Maroubra, leading to what is now being viewed as open warfare.

Tensions in the Comancheros have been openly playing out over the past week following the murder of club member Faalau Pisu, 23, and the attempted murder of Buddle’s cousin, John Devine, 28.

A police strike force, code-named Pindamir, is investigating Mr Pisu’s death, which took place at Canley Vale early last Monday morning.

More than 300 people were at the Serbian function centre on Bareena St where a Comanchero wedding was being held. Many present had yet to be interviewed, police said.

Two days after Mr Pisu’s murder, Mr Devine was shot up to six times as he made his way to work on a Rhodes construction site.

A separate strike force is investigating the attempt on his life, under the codename of Strike Force Dishar.

The attack has been viewed as payback with Mr Devine confirmed as being a “person of interest” in the murder of Mr Pisu.

Mr Pisu’s funeral is expected to be held this week.

It’s been suggested that about 24 hours before Mr Pisu’s death, Mr Devine was asked by underworld figures in Kings Cross to “leave the area”, a police source said.

Buddle assumed control of the Comanchero club after his predecessor, Daux Ngakuru, left Australia in September 2010.

LATEST BIKERNET READER COMMENT–The Cinnamon Stick Classic Chopper from Jamie

Mega cool choppers like this will never go out of style! Well done and thanks for running it.

— Doc Robinson

NEW PRODUCT OF THE WEEK–Thought you might want to get on board early….

A British Engineer just started his own business in Afghanistan.

He’s making land mines that look like prayer mats.

It’s doing well.

He says prophets are going through the roof.

–Johnnie G

BREAKING NEWS! MOTORCYCLE RIDERS FOUNDATION ELECTION DAY WRAP UP–  One week ago you went to the polls and decided the direction our country would be driven in. Both parties suggested radical ideas to reform the country and what did we get? Status Quo. Nothing changed. Same President, same balance of Congress.

So what happened?

Having expressed unease with the economy, concern about the nation’s direction and frustration with government gridlock, voters chose to maintain the status quo in Washington, propelling President Barack Obama to a second term, while keeping his party in charge of the Senate and Republicans in control of the House.

The President’s victory was remarkable in many ways, racking up more than 300 electoral votes and carrying nearly every state he won in 2008 against a much weaker opponent. Only North Carolina and Indiana shifted from the President to the Republican column.

Outside of North Carolina and possibly Florida, the President carried every battleground state despite winning only a slim popular vote majority. The President led his opponent by 2.6 million votes (50% to 48%).

He became the first President to be re-elected with smaller popular vote and electoral college majorities than in his first term. It less remarkable than the fact that he won re-election during an anemic recovery that has left millions out of work and driven labor force participation rates to near 30-year lows. No President since Franklin Roosevelt has won re-election with unemployment rates so high.

So what will happen? First as motorcyclists we did lose some races where major motorcyclists were involved. Senator (R-MA) Scott Brown who rides, lost his race and in Wisconsin. Tommy Thompson a strong supporter of ABATE of WI and the MRF failed to win the open Senate seat.

A lot of people retired this year, the most noteworthy is Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME). Snowe offered the original national helmet law repeal language that would become the law. So we have work to do with the new Congress, but that’s always been the case.

Lameduck. First we have to get through the lame duck session of congress, the point in time after a political election but before the Congress adjourns for the year. It’s an odd time of year when you have congressmen and women voting after they lost an election. Strange things tend to happen. My predictions of what issues will be addressed are: The Fiscal Cliff, Hurricane Sandy, and the Farm Bill.

House and Senate leadership elections will be a factor as well. Some rumors have Nancy Pelosi retiring since House Democrats underperformed again in an election. So a lot has changed and at the same time everything in Washington DC is exactly as it was last Monday. Gridlocked,

In addition

It has always been the MRF position to not advocate for the SAE sound standard. The MRF has had a position on the sound working group national standards as reported most recently. For reference please refer our legislative agenda.


UNCLE MONKEY ON MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE–I hear it every day. Why has it stopped working? They are dumb founded as to why their precision piece of machinery has stopped working. I run down the usual list of questions but inevitably they reveal that they have done nothing to their machine in five, ten, fifteen or worse 20 years.

As humans we are somewhat limited as to what we can do by ourselves. We rely heavily on machines to get us where we are today. Before we were putting a man on the moon and a dune buggy on Mars, I will remind you without basic tools we would have froze to death or baked to death without the protection of hides for our own hide. Machines only work as well as we take care of them. Ignore and neglect them and they will bite you in the ass.

It seems like a simple concept to care for the things that keep your world running smoothly (that includes our ol’ ladies but that is another column) but everyday I run into people who refuse to do even the simplest of maintenance; filters plugged so full of dirt and grime that plants have taken root.
The delicate foam deterioration beyond recognition.

It is then that it shows up at my door. The owner bewildered, as to why it stopped working. I’m not even sure where to start. Honestly it needs to be rebuilt from front to back. More honestly it should be crushed. Years, even decades, of grease and grime concealing cracks and breaks, pitting and peeling. I’m the bad guy for telling them that they will need a new engine or transmission because they’ve been running it without oil for god know how long.

Basic maintenance is just that. Basic. Anyone can do it and should do it. Even if you can’t – man up and admit you are over your head and pay someone else to do it. It is amazing how many $3000 dollar jobs could have been avoided if the owner had only paid the $3 for a new filter. Even the basic maintenance of washing a bike reveals loose bolts, cracked hoses, frayed cables. Take the time to learn the general concept of how something works and how to maintain it for years of trouble free operation that won’t end in a horrifically expensive bill. Now, if I could only find the owner’s manual for the Ol’ Lady.

-bad Uncle monkey


CHANCE OF A LIFETIME–  13-year-old Clayton Turner has a rare form of cancer and the community is hosting a charity event for him….help if you can…thanks

–Don Smith

Sharon Torres
Editor, Chief
Buckeye Valley News
122 South 4th Street
Buckeye, AZ 85326


THE HIGHWAY TO HELL IS NOW AVAILABLE–  My new “Highway to Hell ” print is now available …just in time for the Holidays (why not plan ahead!).

The setting is Vic’s Bar on Highway 666 (in the Twilight Zone perhaps?), where bad-ass bikers and hot babes look on in astonishment as a crazed, hell-bound undead dude on a cool chromed chopper blazes right past them …and in fact right out of the dang picture!

My prints are still only $30 (or $35 hand signed and dated in gold ink) + shipping. It measures 18×24″ and is printed on the highest quality 100lb. paper.

Visit: to buy it and also see more of my art, or call me: (818) 970-9128

I can even put your bike and/or car (and you or whoever) into any of my pictures!

–The master artist, Larry Grossman


BARE KNUCKLE CHOPPERS “STRONGARM” RISERS– In the constant quest to offer new ways to streamline and strengthen your custom motorcycle, Bare Knuckle Choppers has proudly developed these new handlebar risers, aptly named the Strongarm Risers.

Aside, from looking killer, the Strongarm Risers offer many other benefits, such as allowing you to run very narrow bars, due to their slim profile. The Strongarm Risers will never let your bars slip or rotate, thanks to their innovative design, which includes the clamp bolts tightening at opposing angles. Your bolts will never loosen or pull out the threads.

Possibly the best part of this new offering from Bare Knuckle is the fact that they are completely made here in the USA, of US made materials. 304 stainless steel to be exact, so rusting and corrosion will never be a problem. Holding all of this fine package together is two pair of 12 point stainless steel ARP fasteners. Strong, sexy, indestructable; these risers are the complete package.

Hit the Bare Knuckle Crew up online at,  or via telephone- 888-240-NUKL

BIKERNET SHOP DEAL OF THE WEEK, NEW BOOK, THE HISTORY OF MOTORCYCLE DRAG RACING—This book is absolutely amazing. It was written and published by one man, a man with a dream. John Stein worked with racers all over the country to compile a masterful coffee table pictorial on the history of motorcycle drag racing with original photos from the beginning.

We worked a special deal with John and he will sign each edition purchased through out shop.


LAMINATED PLAQUES FOR YOUR BIKE FEATURE OR WHATEVER—The Bonne Belle was recently featured in the December issue of Cycle Source. Lee Clemons called and ordered a plaque. We are the guys who create feature plaques from the biker publications. Have been in business for over 20 years.

Our clients include: Dave Perewitz, Shadley Bros, Matt Hotch, Eddie Trotta, Departure Bike Works, Billet 4-U, Indian Larry Legacy, Performance Machine and Roland Sands, Mondo at Denver Choppers, Nigel at Patrick Racing, DD Custom Cycles, Illusion Motorsports, Butchs Custom Cycles, Surgical Steeds, Martin Bros, Klock Werks, Morton’s Custom Cycles, NYC Choppers, Aarron Greene, Tom Foster, Bitter End Choppers, California Customs, Chandler Originals, Hank Young, Tank Tuff, Berry at Accurate Engineering, Carl Brouhard, Sucker Punch Sallys, American Ironhorse, Bachman’s Customs, Boar’s Nest, Chica, The Garage Co; Cleveland Motorcycle Co; Creative Cycles, Central Coast Cycles, Chop Docs, Guilty Customs, Miami Choppers, etc. Over 7,000 biker clients and growing.

I have enclosed photo attachments of our client’s plaques. All of our work is custom; hence, you have a choice of finishes, matting colors, etc.

Gary Loch, Owner

PO Box 1545 4-65 Stewart Road
240 Portage Rd NOTL, ON L0S 1J0
Lewiston, NY 14092

800 226 1400

EDELWEISS DUCATI BEST OF THE ITALY TOUR– with a World Superbike or MotoGP Race for 2013 / 2014.

Ever wonder why Italian motorcycle racers win almost twice as many world championship titles as any other nation? Well, there are probably many reasons, but looking at an Italian map you will see one particular reason: beautiful Italian roads weaving through a patchwork of mountains and mountain chains.

That, and a passion for building incredible high performance machinery, like Ducati which has won more World Superbike Championships than all the other bike manufacturers combined. Take that Championship winning Desmoquatro motor and place it in one of the world’s premier sport touring bikes, the Multistrada 1200, and you’ve now got an incredible motorcycle to tour central Italy with its beautiful Tuscany region. Motorcycle Calendar & Website staff has experienced the Edelweiss Ducati Best of Italy Tour first hand and recommends it highly, particularly for roadracing enthusiasts, and if you’ve never been riding or attended a World Championship round in Europe. For any Ducatista the trip to the Ducati factory is just icing on the cake. This tour begins in the birthplace of the most infamous of Italian motorcycles, the Ducati Factory in Bologna where you will tour the Ducati Museum and New Motorcycle Production Line before picking up your bike and heading out across the wine country of Tuscany with your newest friends.

Once underway, you will be busy all day, every day, to make it to places which are, on average, 60 miles apart as the crow flies. Why does it take so long? You’ll spend a night in the beautiful cities of Florence, Sienna, Assisi and San Marino. But there’s lunch and coffee stops in small villages along the way, plus you’ll want to get to your destination city early to take in the sights, then end the day with a glorious dinner. You’ll find your luggage waiting for you in your hotel room, having been transported there earlier by the chase van, so you can enjoy the day riding and enjoying the sights, not worrying about anything else. The Multistrada 1200 transforms mobility into art, rendering time and distance irrelevant, that’s why. Art needs freedom, therefore our flight pattern is not necessarily bound to any particular road surface either.

You’ll devote a week of your lives to create a team masterpiece of motorized motion, consider yourself part of the Ducati team, and do not expect anything short of Ducati VIP treatment at the World Superbike or Moto Grand Prix round that completes the tour on the following weekend. At the legendary tracks of Imola or Mugello you’ll get VIP Parking in the Ducati Village just behind the Ducati Grandstands where you’ll have the best seat in the house to watch the races. Then its a short ride back to Bologna that evening for a final evening banquet party with your new closest friends before leaving for home the next day. This is the ultimate week’s motorcycle vacation for any sportbike or Ducati enthusiast.

For Complete Information Go To:


BIKERNET TRIKE OF THE WEEK—This just in from Jim Busa. Check out Bikernet Trikes for everything in the world that’s trike oriented. In the very near future, we will start building a trike for Bonneville and you see it come together on Bikernet Trikes, if the Editorial Triking Viking will allow us inside.





RACING LEGEND TERRY DORSCH PASSED ON–This article appeared in Cycle News #45. It was written by Larry Lawrence.

I am reprinting it because not all of you subscribe to Cycle News.

Terry Dorsch, former AMA National number 22, and best known as a Triumph rider and for earning a podium finish at the Ascot TT National in 1973, passed away on Wednesday, November 7 from injuries sustained in a street bike accident on the Angeles Crest Highway in the San Gabriel Mountains north of Los Angeles, He was 63.

Dorsch, a native of Tujunga, California, emerged on the AMA Grand National circuit in 1971. A Triumph support rider, with the pedigree of AMA District 37 Champion and several National amateur wins, he had a solid rookie expert season in ’71, earning four top-10 finishes, including a season best fifth at the Corona (California) Half-Mile National. At the end of the season, Dorsch won a special made-for-TV event called, the Race of Champions, held at the San Jose Half Mile. His rookie performance made him one of the nation’s leading up-and-coming racers, and earned him his national number 22.

“We were in the same class of riders turning expert in ’71,” said former Daytona 200 winner, Don Emde. “Terry seemed to get faster as the years went on, and by ’72-’73 he could race with anybody. And the whole way he made friends and gained the respect of everyone in the sport. It’s a big loss for his family and the sport.

Throughout the 1970s, Dorsch was a consistent qualifier at AMA Nationals. He was especially adept on TT tracks. In the middle of the 1973 season, he strung together an impressive string of TT results, scoring three-straight top-five finishes at Castle Rock, Peoria, and including his one and only AMA Grand National podium in the Ascot TT on July 21, 1973. In that race he finished just behind David Aldana and Kenny Roberts.

“That was a great race and a great memory for him,” said fellow racer and friend John Hateley.

“That was sort of a famous race, because I think that’s the one where Aldana won on a Norton and then the thing caught on fire.”

Dorsch was a regular on the National circuit, from the early-to-mid 1970s, before he began scaling back on his efforts. He scored his final National finish, a ninth at the Ascot TT, in 1977l. He raced Triumph most of his career, with a few rides later aboard Yamahas and Harley-Davidsons.

During his racing career, Dorsch made many lasting friends. Dorsch’s sister, Cheryle Carmitchel, said, Hateley, Gene Romero and Gary Scott were among his best buddies from that era.
“He had that charismatic, almost-movie-star type attitude with the hair to match. He was very meticulous about how he dre4ssed and looked,” Hateley said. “That’s part of what made Terry who he was.”

Dorsch drifted away from racing and it was Hateley who convinced him to come back to mingle with fans, new and old, at some of the racing reunions in recent years. “Terry was a little shy about that,” Hateley explained, his voice cracking from emotion. “He didn’t think anyone would remember him. They did, One of my lasting memories of Terry will be at Pomona this year where people were coming up happy to meet him and he was signing autographs. I’m glad he got to experience that.”

Dorsch died riding in the hills he loved and had ridden since he was a youth, both on road and off.
“It’s a terrible shock to us,” Cheryle said. “He had just gotten that Grand National history book that just came out and he was really pumped about that. And he’d attended those legends reunions this summer. We all grew up around racing, so he was thrilled to be a part of it again.

“It was one of those perfect days and he went out to ride his Triumph and lost it in a turn and hit a guardrail. Some construction workers saw the accident and were able to talk to him. Like an old racer, he’d figured out his injuries and told them where he was hurt. But they had no phone reception, so they had to drive off the mountain to call 911. They took him in a helicopter, but his internal injuries were just too much. We’re all going to miss him so much.”

Dorsch is survived by his wife, Jennie, his son, Walter, who is also a racer, his sister, Cheryle, and his mother Vickie.

The family is planning a private funeral service. Gene Romero and John Hateley are also planning to put together a memorial gathering for Dorsch at a yet to be determined time and place.
Donations can be4 made in Dorsch’s name to: Victory Junction



So if you live in Alabama or are near North Alabama then you might want to check this out. The Internal Revenue Service is planning to auction 11 Harley-Davidson motorcycles next month in north Alabama. The IRS says the auction will include some vintage motorcycles, including a 1946 Flathead, a 1950 Hummer 125, and a 1973 Sportster Ironhead. It will be held at 9 a.m. on Dec. 1 in Elkmont.

The auction will be at Asset Auctions. The Harleys will be available for viewing the afternoon before the auction.

Notice of Public Auction Sale Under the authority in Internal Revenue Code section 6331, the property described below has been seized for nonpayment of internal revenue taxes due from Taxpayer.

The property will be sold at public auction as provided by Internal Revenue Code section 6335 and related regulations. Date: 12/1/2012 Time: 9:00 AM Open House: Sale Location on 11/30/2012; 12:00 – 4:00 PM Bidder Registration Time: 8:00 – 9:00 AM Sale Location:Asset Auctions LLC, 25885 Upper Elkton Road, Elkmont, AL 35620 Title Offered: Only the right, title and interest of the Taxpayer in and to the property will be offered for sale.

If requested, the Internal Revenue Service will furnish information about possible encumbrances, which may be useful in determining the value of the interest being sold. Description of Property: Sale of 11 Harley Davidson motorcycles described as follows: 1. 1946 Flathead, VIN# 46U1816, white in color, Body Type-MC
2. 1993 EVO, VIN# TNVIN933808049264, black in color, Body Type-MC. Black leather on tank with metal studs
3. 1973 Sportster Ironhead, VIN# 4A45027H3, Black with orange/red flames, metal bars on rear panel
4. 1972 Sportster Ironhead, VIN# 3A21595H2, Orange in color
5. 2009 Rebel 250 VIN #JH2MC130X9K500086, black with black saddlebags, odometer 1188.4
6. 2003 Sportster 1200 VIN #1HD1BKL1XNY036574, Red/purple metallic, Chrome pipes covered
7. 1992 EVO VIN #1HD1BKL1XNY036574, orange/dark brown chrome ´Live to Ride´
8. 2005 EVO VIN#0000000BKLX948087, Front/back panel red,black, turquoise with some white
9. 1950 Hummer 125 VIN #50S4464, black in color, all original
10. 2005 Dyna Superglide VIN#1HD1GHV145K330816, solid black, spike pedals and handlebars
11. 1983 Shovelhead SHR VIN# 1HD1ALK16DY012779. black with gold


BELMONT SHORES CAR SHOW IN LONG BEACH—This is an annual show. And our esteemed International Editor and Supreme Commander, who was fresh from south east Asia, covered the action and the girls. But where were the bikes?

–Art Hall
Bikernet International Editor Supreme Commander


THIS JUST IN FROM INDIA–  I have been doing Fumetti for quite some time. Thought I will try and do it for celebrities. Let me know what you think? Of course I can’t replace Nick The Dick, but it can be a nice regular feature for Thursday or Sunday news. And since it’s so easy for me, you are allowed to pay me peanuts.

This one’s your Christmas card.
Best Wishes,
Ujjwal Dey
Bikernet Curry Editor in Chieftain


This is a really clean 2006 Street Glide! It’s got a quick release tour pack, color matched rider and passenger backrests, Vance & Hines dual exhaust, high-flow air cleaner, chrome front end, leather saddlebag lid covers, full fairing with gauges, full multi-speaker stereo, and much much more!

Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been thoroughly tested and inspected by a LifeStyle Cycles technician after undergoing a rigorous 38-point motorcycle inspection.

Bumpy Credit History? Smooth roads could be ahead for YOU!……….Call Lifestyle Today!


WHERE’S THE SUN?—It’s been overcast all day today, until right this second, a few rays beat past the clouds into the back of the Bikernet headquarters. As you can see a lot of heated issues fill the motorcycle legislative agenda for next year, mostly due to bureaucracies determined to find away to justify their existence for another year. I would love to see our government put an end to new legislation for one year, while researching and eliminating harmful, costly, and unnecessary laws. Give us some time to breath, and inject Freedom back into the mix.

Here’s the major point. Your SMROs, the MRF, and the AMA need your help. Try to spend a few tarnished nickels and join a motorcycle rights organization, quick, before it’s too late.

Coming up on Bikernet, we have a myriad of stories flying at us from a new Girl of Bikernet, to another true Midnight Riders story from the ‘60s, a Rally feature from Josh Placa, and several bike features from your truly. I’m about to wrap up a clean Canadian Softail feature, then a bike from Spitfire, then I need to interview the winner of the Cannon Ball Rally and bring you the feature. We’ve got some very special surprises headed your way, but join a motorcycle rights group like the MRF, then report back to me.

Ride Forever,


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