Mega Million Dollar Thursday News for March 29, 2012


Could it be that all the elements are coming together? The absolutely stimulating aspect of any website is the transparency element. There’s nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide. I dislike government catch words, like Transparency, especially when they’re abused, but we won’t go there.

Transparency fits perfectly with the web. If you say you’re going to launch something, just click on the site and check it out. It’s either there or it ain’t.

But we seem to be making progress in a couple of areas. We have the absolute latest from Champion Trikes on Bikernet Trikes. Plus we just launched a new department on Bikernet Baggers for long distance Midnight Riders. This one is damn exciting, and I need to thank Gary Mraz for his inspiration. He set the mysterious tone for reports and late night road stories for years to come. You’ll relate, when you check it out.

We are also kicking around a department dedicated to Audio, communications, and accessories of this nature. We will cover reviews, new products, and tech articles on related components. Actually, this could apply equally to Bikernet Trikes and Bikernet Baggers. Let us know if you come up with a title for this department, then we’ll start to fill it with the latest.

Let’s hit the news before someone comes up with something else.

LE PERA SEAT OF THE WEEK, BUDDY BOY’S–  Le Pera is celebrating their 40th anniversary with a new additional to their spring mounted seat line.  The Buddy Boys are deep dished and offer a high density molded foam foundation.

They are perfect for customizing your bike. Black powder coated nose bracket is included Springs not included.

The Buddy Boy Large L-106 is 15” long x 13” wide. The Buddy Boy Small L-101 is 13” long x 9.5” wide

160.70 (starting)

Contact your local dealer or


GET YOUR CHOPPER ON!–  Get Your Chopper On! – The Smoke Out is host to the greatest ride in owner-garage-built-ride-in-bike-show in the world. Do chicks like bikes? Oh yeah… They like to perform on stage and ride on bikes. The Smoke Out is about bikes, babes and the beat…

Get your chopper on at June 22-23, 2012 (Rockingham, NC)


BIKERNET SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER–  An elderly man walks into a confessional. The following conversation ensues:
Man: ‘I am 92 years old, have a wonderful wife of 70 years, many children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Yesterday, I picked up two college girls, hitch-hiking. We went to a motel, where I had sex with each of them three times.’

Priest: ‘Are you sorry for your sins?’

Man: ‘What sins?’

Priest: ‘What kind of a Catholic are you?’

Man: ‘I’m Jewish.’

Priest: ‘Why are you telling me all this?’

Man: ‘I’m 92 years old ….. I’m telling everybody!’

–Jim Waggaman


UNCLE MONKEY REVIEW SHAWN’S BUILDING EFFORTS–   We are crafty types. Many of us build parts for our bikes, turning them on lathes, cutting, welding, whatever it takes to get the job done. We are use to spinning wrenches on our machines and around the home to keep everything running. We build something out of nothing for the simple pleasure of building something whether it is a bar stool with wheels and a motor or a riding lawn mower made from old scrap iron.

I wasn’t surprised when my son’s friend, Shawn, spotted an old bicycle leaning against the garage and asked if he could have it. The West Coast “chopper” inspired bike was a gift from my dad to his grandson. My son rode it for a couple of summers but parked it once his friends got licences to drive.

Shawn explained that his dad rode Harleys and he wanted something to tinker with. So with a nod the bike disappeared into his workshop. Shawn is young and still learning but he is determined. He disassembled the bike and went about mounting a small cc motor into the frame. With hard work and dedication he build a small scooter of a bike reminiscent of the first motorcycles built from bicycles.

He loves it and has made it street legal to bob around town on. It’s not pretty; it’s not a hundred thousand custom build chopper. It is what it is – a fun little project to help him learn about tools, bikes and motors. Shawn was bit by the building bug and wants to build a couple low-rider bicycles, maybe another chopper scooter, but ultimately real chopper motorcycles.

I’m waiting for my Softail to come back from paint and Shawn has asked if he could help me put it together. I’ve told him I’ll help out as much as I can with advice and parts filling the gaps where his dad can’t. I welcome the interest and hope he will be around when the parts finally arrive on my worktable.

This last weekend was the annual Moose Jaw Swap Meet and Shawn buzzed his way down with his little bike to check out the scene and maybe find some parts he could use. I was disappointed to hear negative comments towards Shawn and his bikes from people there. They said his bike was loud and crude, a joke of a bike. It is sad to hear this from the very people who should be the first ones supporting someone who is starting out.

Shawn is learn something the old fashion way. Trial and error, watching others doing, rolling up his sleeves and finding a way. His bike was never meant to be a mass production bike; it was a life lesson as to what he could do with his own hands, his own imagination, his own spirit. He is starting down a path with no idea where it will take him in this life. After all William Harley and the Davidson boys did it?

-bad Uncle Monkey


AH, THE BIKERNET QUOTE OF THE DAY–“The greater danger for most of us is not
that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we hit it.”


Aim high!
–Dr. Hamster


2WHEELERS REPORTS ON DAYTONA BIKE WEEK–Mike Lichter took these in Daytona, said I should send you a copy. Arlin and I at the store Daytona, and taking a break with my new Bell helmet.


On the strip sales were up on beer, retail down a bit this year. Bike Week, Spring Break, and St Patty’s day brought on a party week. I also think biker count was down. Back in Denver now, for early spring riding. Yay !


WHERE THE HELL IS MURPH?–so it will take about a week or two to edit the video I have from the Schumacher Cargo shoot. Right now, I’m trying to pack and tie everything up asap, as my departure date has been moved forward.

The bike will arrive in Rotterdam May 1st. I fly over May 2nd. Meanwhile, I thought I’d send you some pics of my ‘Road Stories’ post on my blog. These are from the Salton Sea, Salton Beach. Used to have its own Yacht Club, would you believe? It’s a different story now!


Murph said he would send us a story about shipping his bike from Long Beach, California, to Europe. We hope to follow his conversion to a sidecar model, and his travels around Europe.–Bandit

DEAL FROM EX-HAMSTER, AFGHAN VET–Mark spent the better portion of the last ten years training troops in Afghanistan.

I am thinking of selling my chopper – formerly an ’89 FXR but very low miles.
Engine work by Bartel’s Performance; frame modifications by Jessie James.

Know anyone looking for a great bike, just $12,500?

–Mark Lonsdale


YOU KNOW CHRIS CARR, HE KNOWS PIPES– Checkout the latest D&D pipes for your Harley, Triumph and Buell at


SUSPENSION SEMINAR COMING FROM RACE TECH– On April 28-May 4th, 2012, Race Tech will be hosting the Technical Edge Suspension Seminars; and we’d like to invite you, as a magazine editor, to attend FREE of charge. Started by Race Tech’s Paul Thede, the goal of the Technical Edge seminars is to alleviate the mystery and provide a higher level of understanding of suspension performance.

Many of the top suspension tuners across the world have attended Race Tech’s seminars, so most would wonder; “Why is Paul Thede sharing all of his secrets?” Paul firmly believes the more you know, the more you’ll choose Race Tech.

The week is broken up into four available classes. Most students take all four classes. The first class, Suspension Theory is available to anyone; however, to attend the Shop Skills, Kinelogix, and Advanced Classes, you must first attend the Suspension Theory class.

All classes take place at the Corona, CA home of Race Tech.

April 28-29, 2012 – Suspension Theory Class

April 30-May 1, 2012 – Shop Skills Class
Prerequisite: Suspension Theory Class

May 2, 2012 – Kinelogix Class

May 3-4, 2012 – Advanced Class
Prerequisite: Suspension Theory Class

If you’d like to attend, please respond to Chris Riesenberg;, and provide the following information to reserve your spot. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Chris via email or at (515)570-9632.

Chris Riesenberg
Race Tech – Director of Marketing
P: 951-279-6655 ext. 116
C: 515-570-9632
“The best you’ve ridden is the best you know!”

BIKERNET BAGGERS EDITOR CHECKS IN–While checking out some tech opportunities with Eric Bennett, Bennett’s Performance, one of the best if not fastest wrenches in the West (and I mean on the real deal Bonneville Salt) I witnessed something odd. Two men in full racing leathers and all the goodies with two race-replica bikes.


I wasn’t sure if that Shamanic ritual I experienced in the Andes was catching up with me, but this scene tripped me out. Turns out these 175cc bikes have been approved by CARB and the State of California to be fully street legal.


These dudes run the Scooter Solution in Fountain Valley, California (
It’s not amazing that these bikes, capable of 80mph, are street legal, even on the freeway. What is astonishing, and frustrating is how the state busts the cajones off everything related to our bigger bikes; our lifestyle, and freedom, but approves these. Exhaust, noise, emissions, helmets, airbags, insurance, tickets, and regulation after regulation deter and prevent the hard working business people of our industry from the ability to conduct business.

To make it worse, some of these companies, in business for decades, are essentially outlaws in the land created for free thinkers. The time is past to wake up America- it’s coming to a town near you soon. What was that mantra: Main St not Wall St? Well you can’t pick and choose- the decisions are already made and more to come.

The Code of the West needs to be part of the State’s Constitution.




RAT CITY RUCKUS O SCHOOL BIKER SHOW COMING TO THE STRATOSPHERE IN VEGAS–The Rat City Ruckus O School Biker show will rock the Stratosphere Casino, in Las Vegas, April 7. This is the Anti Viva show that people can still afford. Its been doubling in size every year for 4 years. Gets great rag coverage.

Also we are having our 8th annual O School Friday 13th party. I will send Bikernet a promo card. Its also the grand opening of our new clothing store “O School SWAG”, a psychobilly-rock&roll-biker clothing store.

O SChool CHoppers


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BIKERNET INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS BUREAU–I just received a facinating email from a good friend vacationing in Scotland, and thought I would share. Hope you enjoy.

Dear Drew,
I was in a pub in last night and saw two “girls of size” (as PC now requires us to say) by the bar.

They both spoke with a brogue accent, and making assumptions about their origins I said,

… “Hello, are you two girls from Scotland?”

One of them screamed,
“It’s WALES you ****ing idiot!”

So, I immediately apologized and said,

“Sorry, are you two whales from Scotland?”

That’s when the trouble started!

I may be a little late returning home.

GEARS – Gatewood Engineering And Race Support


BIKERNET TRIKES VINTAGE TRIKE SHOT– You have been sent one picture. Here’s a picture for your bikernet trikers. I have more if your interested.

Absolutely, we are all over vintage motorcycle material.–Bandit


BIKERNET TRUCK OF THE WEEK DEAL–  We just Traded in a Very interesting Truck at the Chevrolet Dealership I work at.

I had to pass this on…
2000 Chevrolet High Cube Van
Chevrolet Van Front End with a Grumman 14 ft. Aluminum Box Body on the Back
2500 lb. Capacity Lift Gate

Here’s the Best part…Only 14,000 Original Miles on it. Yes, you read it correctly ….Only 14,000 Original Miles on it.
There is a little Graffiti on the Box Body…Hey it came out of Philadelphia…what can I say…Just paint over it after all the truck is White.

Buy it Now Price is $8995

This Truck is not going to last more than a couple of Days Call me for more Details if you are interested.

–Walt Kuch
Sales & Marketing Director
Fast Lane Biker Magazine Delmarva
Phone: (610) 517-8808


FROM BIKERNET TRIKES–Build Your Own Trike: A How To

The P-40 is a Volkswagen based Trike. The only one on the market today which can built cheaply and quickly by using the Volkswagen Beetle car as a donor for Approx-70% of its parts.

I advise would-be customers to seek out damaged V/Ws. If the damage impacted the front half of the car, it’s cool, as this section is not needed. If the car is consider totaled or a write off, so much the better.

Most owners of junk V/Ws, found in back yards and alleys, can be talked into selling them for a reasonable sum.

Underneath that rusted and beat up body lays a perfectly good IRS or swing arm platform and transaxle. In my plans and DVD, I show (thru a copyrighted method) how the average person using normal shop tools and 4 hours welding time, can construct the P-40.

It is simple, straight forward and allows leeway for each person to express their own ideas about seating, gas tank selection and easily fits operators 6 foot tall or less, and it’s quick. When finished, its weight is only 890lbs compared to its donor car (1850lbs). As for gas economy, if the transaxle is used as a core and sent in to a transmission shop (many found in Hot Volkswagen magazine) and switched-out for a Freeway Flyer tranny, the mileage reported from my customers comes in at 45 to 50 miles per gallon!

Total cost to build the P-40? It basically depends on how well a person seeks out used (but good) parts. It’s fair to say around $3500 to $4000. Naturally this does not include the builders labor.-At this date, about 3,000 P-40s have been built.

There will be many more in the future as gas prices rise. Also the transaxle can accept other engines as well with an adapter plate made by Kennady Engineering AND electric conversions.

–By Ray Austin-Builder/designer 

–from Gary Mraz



BIKERNET READER COMMENT– Tell Ray to man-up! None of my grinders have guards, but my nuts have been disconnected for years, so they’re just additional weight anyhow.


Thanks for the great tip. Mine nuts are still operative. Still lookin’ for the God damned guard, its here somewhere.


Aloha, well the 1st Motorcycle Madness Custom bike Show is in the books and it was quite a turnout. I am stoked to be able to walk off with the Best Of Show trophy for the “Cha Ching” project.

The show was held at Windward Mall in Kaneohe. It was the 1st time for the event and they want to make it an annual contest…

The project was a hit and I was grateful for the opportunity to show off the hard work. Check out this trophy…definitely one of the more unique trophies I’ve seen. Thanks for everything!



BIKERNET UNIVERSITY VOCABULARY LESSON–chelonian ki-LOH-nee-uhn, adjective:

1. Belonging or pertaining to the order Chelonia, comprising the turtles.

1. A turtle.

At the truly chelonian pace of somewhat under two miles per hour, the passengers and crew onboard would cover the twenty-seven hundred miles in just over two months.
— Caleb H. Johnson, The Mayflower and Her Passengers

The study door crashed back and a seventy-year-old politician stood there, top hat firmly on his head, collar awry around his scrawny, chelonian neck.
— M. J. Trow, Lestrade and the Sawdust Ring

What pair of messiahs could differ more harshly than Hiram and Magnus, the one a pedantic little fellow with a chelonian paunch and gold eye-glasses and the other a rough, shaggy, carnivorous revivalist from the dreadful steppes?
— H. L. Mencken, “Editorial,” American Mercury Magazine, Jan. to Apr. 1924
Chelonian comes from the Greek word for turtle, chel?n.

BIKER RADIO SHOW FROM CHARLIE BRECHTEL–Sometime in the future we may Charlie’s music on Bikernet, so you can read an article and listen to music as the same time. On the other hand, if Charlie is gabbing all the time, it might not work. Let me know your thoughts:

–goodtime Charlie

Kristopher Winkler
UNiQ Cycle Sounds
888-864-7721 x705


Here’s the new artwork to the 2012 Bub International Speed Trials on Bonnevilled Salt Flats, sanctioned by the AMA.

“I hope to rebuild our website updates over the next couple of days,” said Delvene Manning. “The latest info will be available then. Glad to have Bikernet on board again.”

LIFESTYLE DEAL OF THE WEEK, 2006 SPORTSTER XL883L–BEST DEAL AROUND! ONLY $5,995.00.  This is the deal of the year! This Sportster XL883 Low has a powerful 883cc motor, blacked out Screamin’ Eagle air cleaner, Vance & Hines short shot exhaust, custom T-bar handlebars, smoked turn signals, low-profile 2-up seating, and more!

Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been thoroughly tested and inspected by a LifeStyle Cycles technician after undergoing a rigorous 38-point motorcycle inspection.


BAKER WINNER–  …and the Winner of The Baker Drivetrain Smoke Down! Show Down!, IS … “Jules” Dela Torre of The Boot Hill Saloon!

Jay Allen, motorcycle icon and emcee of the legendary Boot Hill Saloon during Bike Week; named “Jules” Dela Torre, First Place Winner of the high octane Smoke Down! Show Down!, Friday night, March 16, 2012.

The Boot Hill Saloon was the new host venue for Bert Baker’s, crowd-pleasing burnout event.

Baker Drivetrain’s Smoke Down! Show Down!, is the ultimate race to fifth gear. A flame throwing jet bike lit up the night, rolling right into the gritty burnout eliminations. The Boot Hill was packed to the street, as the clouds of burning rubber poured out onto Main Street. There’s never a dull moment with Jay Allen in the house, his high-octane rally events always “keep it real” by preserving the tradition of motorcycling culture while embracing what’s new and innovative.


BIKERNET SPONSORS LAS VEGAS BIKEFEST– The Las Vegas BikeFest staff is in full gear preparing for the 12th Annual Event – September 27-30, 2012.

If you’ve never made it out to Las Vegas BikeFest, this is your year baby! If you have been, you know you want to come back! Plans are in the works for new activities, new attractions and non-stop fun! Announcements will be made throughout the coming months on our website and in our newsletters.

Get us on your calendar and ask the boss for your time off now. Registration is open, the hotels are all set for you to start booking, and Vegas is geared up for you to roll in!

Start by checking out our brand new website –

See you in September!

LAST CALL TO SUPPORT SFV REMODELING AND HAVE YOUR MESSAGE ON THEIR HISTORIC BUILDING– Courtesy note here for LAST CALL on “this round” of SFV Support Bricks …. March 31 is last day for brick requests. Please get your checks ready & mailed.

Bricks will be engraved during 1st week of April. If you missed this round of engraving, SFV will be doing another round of support brick engraving for the summer.
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CUSTOM CAR DEAL OF THE WEEK–The price of diesel at over 5.00 a gallon is beyond what I can afford at this present time. This is an expensive custom that I only trailer over long distances. I have decided to put this car up for sale.

It was appraised by Auto Appraisal Network in 2008 for $76,000. This car is chopped and sectioned with extensive body work. I am lowering my price and will take cash and a trade within reason. I will pay a commission on this sale.

–Earl Clausen

BAKER TECH QUESTION–Great article on Bikernet about the Baker Transmission. I was wonder if I can get the DD6 with the electronic speedo sensor built into the trap door?

I have a 1994 Heritage Softail and I want to go with a Harley electric speedo from a 1996 Softail, and put into my 1994 Softail?


The sensor is in the door only on an OD6. That will work fine with a speedo recal box or Autometer or Dakota Digital speedo (they can self

DD6 door is thin, no speedo sensor, sensor in case.

OD6 is better for a hot rod or bike with open primary belt drive. Can use stock 1996 Heritage speedo, will have to source connectors and a
recal box. Better off with aftermarket speedo (American).

Baker Drivetrain


Biker’s Choice is officially onboard. Our main contact is Charlie Haydia. They will be providing River Road Leather and the Rock and Ride Premium Audio system for secondary prizes. I should know within a week if Xtreme Wheels will be added.

We will review their new apparel line RiverRoad Gear, on Bikernet in the near future.

–Jeffrey Najar

[page break]

A NOTE FROM THE BIKERNET WINE CELLARS–Sometimes when I reflect back on all the wine I drink I feel shame. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the vineyards and all of their hopes and dreams ..

If I didn’t drink this wine, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, “It is better that I drink this wine and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver.”

~ Jack Handy

HERE IS THE THURSDAY DEAL FROM THE BIKERNET CLASSIFIEDS! A 1999 883 Hugger Sportster! Only 1954 miles, everything like new, Screamin’ Eagle slip on mufflers. A bike for everyone’s budget, just $3495!




DAMSEL IN DEFENSE / SAFETY FOR THE LADIES RIDER–If you’re a woman motorcycle rider, and want to feel a little more secure when you’re out riding alone, the ‘Pack A Punch’ stun gun maybe something you want in your purse or gear bag.

This stun gun packs a serious punch. 7.5 million volts, LED flashlight, and built-in, slide out recharging plug. This stun gun also has a disable pin so it cannot be used against you if taken away. “Pack A Punch” is just one of the many personal protection products offered by Damsel In Defense.

A wide array of “styled for women” personal defense products is available from Damsel in Defense.

Please visit Damsel Pro Jenise Lovell’s website at, for all further
information. As to the legality of carrying D.I.D. products, every state has different laws & regulations regarding self defense items. is a website that lists the latest information regarding non firearm self defense products.

Lovell Photography
P.O.Box 276
Sturgis, SD 57785
(605) 490-2991
(605) 347-6009

BIKERNET TRIKES TEAM– had a great week-ending trip over to the Champion Trikes headquarters in Garden Grove, California. Our main purpose include grabbing an exclusive ride on their new Kawasaki Voyager 1700 Trike.

Champion’s newest Independent Suspension three-wheeler carries parts and bodywork that perfectly complement the looks, style, and feel of the original bike.This top of the food chain Vulcan will be joined by conversions for both the Vaquero and Nomad versions of the Vulcan.

Monday we met with Champion’s design engineers to find out how they built this Trike ride so well. We felt it was better to take the Trike out on the open road, all over Southern California, for the weekend, and put it through its paces before we could ask all the right questions.

The story is now live on Bikernet Trikes.


BIKERNET FATHERLY ADVICE–One evening a man was at home watching TV and eating peanuts. He’d toss them in the air, and then catch them in his mouth In the middle of catching one, his wife asked him a question – and as he turned to answer her, a peanut fell in his ear.

He tried and tried to dig it out but succeeded in only pushing it in deeper. He called his wife for assistance, and after hours of trying they became worried and decided to go to the hospital.

As they were ready to go out the door, their daughter came home with her date. After being informed of the problem, their Daughter’s’ date said he could get the peanut out.

The young man told the father to sit down, then proceeded to shove two fingers up the father’s nose and told him to blow hard. When the father blew, the peanut flew out of his ear.

The mother and daughter jumped and yelled for joy. The young man insisted that it was nothing.

Once he was gone, the mother turned to the father and said, ‘That’s so wonderful! Isn’t he smart? What do you think he’s going to be when he grows older?’

The father replied, ‘From the smell of his fingers, our son-in-law.’

–from Steve Bauman

“SIPHONING SUCKS” BIKERS CHOICE HAS A SOLUTION–Ever run out of gas on a scooter ride? You know the routine—siphoning, swallowing, spilling and pushing; gas on your hands and clothes…and that’s if things go right! It’s embarrassing, time consuming and you don’t get to ride!! Introducing The World’s First Genuine Bike to Bike Fuel Sharing
Tool, the FUEL-TOOL!!

EXCLUSIVE from Biker’s Choice, the FUEL-TOOL enables easy and quick transfer of fuel from a fuel injected Harley of a fellow rider to get you to the next stop. It’s small and packable, and easy to use.

To use: Take the FUEL-TOOL out of its carry-on bag, quick disconnect the fuel line from the bottom of the tank and plug on the FUEL-TOOL adapter.
Connect the fuel line to the FUEL-TOOL adapter, start the host bike, place the nozzle into the receiving bike and press the button. When fueling is complete, shut the host bike off, drain the FUEL-TOOL, detach/reattach, pack and go! There are no other tools needed, and time wasted is less than 2 minutes. This tool will fit Harley-Davidson’s 2001 and up.

What’s included in the kit? Fuel Nozzle, 54” fuel line, fuel release tool, storage pouch, need gas
sign, male adapter, and fuel line oil. Also comes with a 1 year limited warranty.

If you ride, you need one of these!!! Available from your local Biker’s Choice Dealer for $94.95. Ask for part number 60-1797.

Check out the video on YouTube at

Happy Riding!!



* Model: “Ta Da!” poster
* Shipping Weight: 1lbs
* Manufactured by: Custom Cycle Engineering


BIKERNET 5-BALL RACING WHEELER REPORT–The weather forecast for the next 30 days on the west coast looks like a pick-a-direction-and-haul-ass. Any direction but Seattle where rain gear is mandatory, along with non-mandatory drilled holes in the back of your boots so they drain while your riding. Memories out of the past come back to visit ya out of nowhere.

96 inch build

Ron and his crew at the San Jose, Hardtailz shop are wrapping up the 96-inch twin cam build.

A top secret throttle body is nearing completion. The NO-butterfly-throttle-body is scheduled for final machining this coming week. NO BUTTERFLY, the air rushes through the unencumbered throttle body at-ease.

The latest, greatest throttle body has been installed and tested on a Fatboy with results that are rumored to be noticeably amazing, from throttle response to the seat of the pants power. We will bring you the new product on Bikernet shortly. Take a look at the engine tech from Bennett’s and Branch O’Keefe:

5-Ball Bonneville Raycer, on schedule

Our 124-inch project is on schedule to hit the laser assisted frame table in Salem the first week of April with a completion date by mid-month. Rick Tedder will engineer from the ground up, building a straight-as-an-arrow 2-wheeled bullet designed to haul ass at record speeds.

Scheduled for the Mojave Mile June 3rd and 4th, we will make our first testing run on a raw frame, no-paint, no-spit-shine race bike. The Turbo-charged drivetrain is a tried-and-passed-the-test combination.

We will keep it simple, building your basic bare bones, naked hot rod with full fairing optional, 124 inch, turbo-charged, one-off frame, no fancy air shifters (we’re not drag racing), tach/shift light and the mandatory kill switch. Daytona Twin Tec is on board recording data while keeping the hot rod growlin at maximum tune through out the power band.

We’re Building a Bullet, Not A Barn Door!

Slicing through the Utah air will be made a little easier with an Air Tech fairing providing the aerodynamics. You slice through the air until you hit the wall. The wall is compared to running out of traction, max out the gearing, or you run out of torque and or horsepower. The wall of air you meet and greet at speeds stopping your forward movement, just like putting the brakes on. Think slippery and fast, like a 22-caliber bullet.

Exciting times around the Bikernet headquarters these day.

Bandit’s Cantina

The girls hiding in the Cantina Sunday mornings are gettin hotter by the week, some of the girls can’t afford clothing, sporting nothing but a California sun tan and a smile from ear to ear.

Stay tuned!

Haul Ass!
Ride for your Life!
Ray c wheeler
Performance Editor

ARIZONA BIKE WEEK STARTS TODAY– March 28th through April 1st.

Hot Leathers, the industry leader in motorcycle apparel and accessories is ready to roll into Scottsdale for the popular Arizona Bike Week as the official merchandiser. With five full days of action packed events and activities March 28th through April 1st, 2012 you can be sure that Hot leathers will have all the Arizona Bike Week gear. For those in the know, every year Hot Leathers makes their presence known at this annual motorcycle celebration and they are looking forward to making their yearly trek out west to Arizona and are fired up and ready to go!

Then be sure to “Like” Hot Leathers on their Facebook Page at

–Ken Conte

BIKERNET GUN NUT REPORT–In the news this week was a story about a southern California man put under 72-hour psychiatric observation when it was found he owned 100 guns and allegedly had (by rough estimate) 1 million rounds of ammunition stored in his home. The house also featured a secret escape tunnel.

My favorite quote from the dimwit television reporter: “Wow! He has about a million machine gun bullets.”

The headline referred to it as a “massive weapons cache.”

By southern California standards someone even owning 100,000 rounds would be called “mentally unstable.”

Just imagine if he lived elsewhere:

In Arizona he’d be called “an avid gun collector.”

In Arkansas he’d be called “a novice gun collector.”

In Utah he’d be called “moderately well prepared”, but they’d probably reserve judgment until they made sure that he had a corresponding quantity of stored food.

In Montana he’d be called “the neighborhood ‘Go-To’ guy.”

In Idaho he’d be called “a likely gubernatorial candidate.”

In Wyoming he’d be called “an eligible bachelor.”

And, in Texas he’d be called “A huntin’ buddy.”

–from Rev. CarlR


A CONFESSION FROM KRYLON JOHN–I’m sorry about not getting that Captain America bike story in. Every time I turn around this near-new Mac computer crashes. Needless to say this has fucked with my ability to make a living big time.

I was hoping things had reached a peak last Sunday when my truck broke down, and my dog died, but I just got a bunch of more bad news this morning.

I’ll be back in touch when things get better.


STROKERS DALLAS PARTY WEEKEND–Time again for the biggest party of the year!  The weather is going to be great this weekend just in time for the biggest party of the year at Strokers Dallas.

This party is so big it takes three days. The celebration starts this Friday March 30th and goes all weekend ending on Sunday April 1st.

Live music all day and night
Wet tee shirt contest Saturday at 4pm
Bikini contest Sunday at 5pm
Special vendors and food

So don’t be a fool, come party all weekend with the whole Strokers Dallas gang.


BIKERNET SPECIAL OPS REPORT–Osama Bin Laden was living with 3 wives in one compound, and never left the house for 5 years.

It is now believed that he called the US Navy Seals himself.

–from Robin Hartfiel

MORE POWER, GREAT TONE, SHOW QUALITY FROM D&D– The Final Days for March Madness Bagger Pipe Sale

The team at D&D spent hours on the dyno testing the combination of the BOSS Cat pipe with high-performance air cleaner to extract the greatest amount of HP with soul-satisfying tone. The pipes are dialed in to deliver power where you use it 90% of the time… off idle and in the passing zone.

So if you are needing a boost, call before the end of March. Get details at D&D or call 817-834-8961.



BIKERNET BAGGERS PICKS UP STEAM–  Is the Switchback the best motorcycle to ever come out of Milwaukee? Head over to Bikernet Baggers for a steaming hot review of Harley’s newest motorcycle. It’s a Dyna, but not what you think. You FXRT and Convertible guys should throw a leg over one of these.

Also on Bikernet Baggers we got word the Midnight Rider loaded up his Victory Cross Country Tour racing East out of Long Beach. Follow Midnight Rider’s endless mind-numbing adventure through the deserts of Arizona and Texas. Then it’s Louisiana, a touch of Mississippi, Alabama and finally Florida. Don’t miss it.



HEY, YOU CAN WIN A CHOPPER–  Win a Chopper by signing up in the Cantina at If you don’t win the XPress Lid 15th Anniversary Chopper you could win Spectro Oil, Handy lift, Ridewright Wheel, Bell Helmet, River Road Leather and Rock and Ride Lids from Biker’s Choice, or Metzeler tires

–Jeffrey Najar

WHEELS THROUGH TIME PARTNERS WITH BILTMORE ESTATES–This spring and summer, the Wheels Through Time Museum is partnering with Biltmore Estate for a new exhibit telling the story of what life was like at America’s largest home during the early 20th century. Titled “The Vanderbilts at Home and Abroad”, the new exhibit is located in the Biltmore Legacy Exhibit Hall in the estates Antler Hill Village, and is slated to open April 7th, with a special preview for season passholders on Thursday, March 29th.
“The Vanderbilts at Home and Abroad” explores the lives of George, Edith and Cornelia Vanderbilt at home and in their travels throughout Europe and the Far East. The exhibit offers a close-up look at many of the exotic and rare treasures they collected throughout their lives, including a priceless chess set once owned by Napoleon Bonaparte, a collection of Samurai armor acquired during their visit to Japan, clothing and costume worn by the family during some the estate’s most important events, among many other priceless relics.

Also on display within the new exhibit, is a 1920 Harley-Davidson Model 20-J motorcycle, on loan from Wheels Through Time Museum. Featured in 100% original condition, the machine has been called one of the highlights of the exhibit, as it helps to illustrate the Vanderbilts enthrallment with early motorized transportation.


BIKERNET WWII VETERAN CONFESSES–An elderly Italian man who lived on the outskirts of Rimini, Italy, went to the local church for confession. When the priest slid open the panel in the confessional, the man said: “Father, during World War II, a beautiful woman from our neighborhood knocked urgently on my door and asked me to hide her from the Nazis. So I hid her in my attic.”

The priest replied: “That was a wonderful thing you did, and you have no need to confess that.”


“There is more to tell, Father. She started to repay me with sexual favors. This happened several times a week, and sometimes twice on Sundays.”

The priest said, “That was a long time ago and by doing what you did, you placed the two of you in great danger, but two people under those circumstances can easily succumb to the weakness of the flesh. However, if you are truly sorry for your actions, you are indeed forgiven.”


“Thank you, Father. That’s a great load off my mind. I do have one more question.”

“And what is that?” asked the priest.

“Should I tell her the war is over?”


BRASS BALLS BOBBER SUPPORTS TOBY KEITH FOUNDATION–The Toby Keith Foundation has been helping children with cancer since 2006.

Toby Keith received his a one-of-a-kind motorcycle, built by Dar & his team, to help in their fundraising efforts. Since then, the bike took 6th place in the World Championships of Custom Bike Building in its class and is on display at OKC Thunder Cycles.


Only 2 days left to get tickets online.
Friday March 30th is the last day to purchase tickets online at and inside the lobby of OKC Thunder Cycles on Memorial Road. Chances will also be sold during Thunder Run from March 31 – April 2, 2012.


VINTAGE BIKERNET–I dug this out for next month at the races, most likely for Sunday although the photographers have to wear those vests. I said I was not going to take it out until my other was totally shot since you can’t get them anymore!

But I decided this was a good reason, I think I might start a “Bring Back The Old Logo” page?



BIKERNET WEEKEND–Yep, here we go. Tomorrow morning we will work on the Bonne Bell. The projects include modifying the handlebars, building a BDL inner primary to frame, adjustable bracket, and mounting the rear of the Bare Knuckles fender. Then we will dive into the Mr. Lucky XS Yamaha bobber for my grandson. He’s supposed to be here at the crack of dawn. We need to adjust and make a box for all the electrics, make a set of pipes, and he wants a different set of bars.

We received a Le Pera seat pan for my son’s Mudflap Girl FXR, and we will modify it, and figure out mounting. Then I can ship it back to Le Pera for finishing. We will bring you a report.

Friday, I hope to post the first Bonne Belle tech/build story. And a mysterious reader promised the next Girl of Bikernet story. She may sparkle in the Cantina over the weekend.

We’ve experience some interesting site developments this week. It’s too techy to bother you with them, but they are all good for Bikernet Readers. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me, or any member of the staff, if you need anything. We have a Code here. We don’t care who you are, what company you’re with, what your ride, or who you know. We will stop what we’re doing and help a brother or sister.

Ride forever,


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