
What the hell? If this day isn’t packed with nuts… Hang on for this news. I don’t even want to venture into the fray. Let’s just let it unfold.

We’re headed to Bennett’s Performance on Sunday for their open house and a tour of Branch O’Keefe Flow Metrics, where they rebuild, port, and flow heads for better performance.


Now we are working on five bikes in the shop. We are prepping the Salt Shaker for Sturgis, and the Sturgis Shovelhead, then the 1928 Shovelhead came into play. I’m loaning it to an old friend who sold all his bikes to help pay his wife’s medical bills. He needs something to ride.

We are working with Spyke to upgrade the starting system with one of their new plunger starter solenoids, new Bendix, and a rebuilt Spyke starter.

Sin Wu jumped in my face yesterday. She said I promised to slow down, or maybe I considered promising to slow down. And now we’re are building three bikes, a coffee shop out front, refurbishing the exterior of the building, trying to wrap up the Motorbook epic, and there’s a couple of secret projects looming.


Plus, we are about to add a new level to the Cantina membership starting this coming Monday. Hang on.


We have a new code: Treat us like gold and we’ll treat you like platinum. It’s our mantra around here.

Some people talk about it, most watch and wonder WTF?, while a rare few get out on the edge of life looking for that massive adrenaline rush.

Jody Perewitz, and her trusty crew set a record last week end at the Loring Timing Association 2011 Maine Event.
After a warm up pass of 125 mph, Jody gently squeezed the trigger on her fire breathing rocket for a 1 1/2 mile 2nd pass that netted her a 164.486 MPH ticket.

Next stop BONNEVILLE! Stay Tuned! See Ya There!


* Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.
* A comet’s tail always points away from the sun
* The Swine Flu vaccine in 1976 caused more death and illness than the disease it was intended to prevent.
*Caffeine increases the power of aspirin and other painkillers, that is why it is found in some medicines.
* The military salute is a motion that evolved from medieval times, when knights in armor raised their visors to reveal their identity.

–From Ted Terebenetz


Tom Bill Warner just rode into the History books. 311 MPH on a sit-on motorcycle. This is the first full pass on the bike as yesterday the winds were strong and did not allow a full run. I have been around LSR for 40 years, never thought I would see this, it is just amazing. The power level was no where near it’s maximum. 300 in the mile can be done. Congrats Bill, you are the man.,10009.0.html
–Land Speed Louise

Attached is the second chapter. I wrote this part first in my head when I was a cunt hair away from divorcing my wife. I was thinking of this part of the story while she was bitching at me and I was driving my truck and I almost rear ended some poor bastard in at 50 mph just so my wife would go through the windshield and shut the fuck up. But I stopped just short of the car in a 20 foot skid and got out and walked for a mile, got control of myself and headed back, apologized and that was the end of that. I have a heart problem, gout, arthritis and dealing with other random shit like everyone else but having a heart condition amplifies it all.

I tell you all this to illustrate where the chapters come from. You may be interested or not but I have enjoyed the backstories from authors that chose to provide them.

This chapter is slower as it provides background on Zen and the third installment will be much faster. I’ll leave it for you to decide if this chapter is worthy to publish on the site.


Be prepared for amazing, on going developments in near future.

— Ray


Hupy and Abraham, S.C. Sponsor of Event

Milwaukee, WI – (July 20th, 2011) Mike Anthony Jones will premiere Born to Ride this Saturday. The film follows two motorcycle riders who encounter hustlers, women, corrupt politicians, and mobsters on their action packed journey to Sturgis. Hupy & Abraham, S.C. is the sponsor of the event.
The world premiere screening- on Saturday July 23rd from 11 am to 1 pm- will take place at the Marcus Theaters Ridge Cinema, S. Moorland Road in New Berlin.

Born to Ride, produced by Mike Anthony Jones and directed by James Fargo, stars Casper Van Dien, Patrick Muldoon, William Forsythe, Branscombe Richmond, and Theresa Russell. Playing the role of himself in the movie is Wisconsin’s own Senator Dave Zien who will be making an appearance at the event.


Hupy and Abraham S.C. presents Michael Anthony Jones’
Born to Ride

Starring Casper Van Dien, Patrick Muldoon, William Forsythe, Branscombe Richmond, Mike A. Jones with appearnaces by Dave Zien, Charlie Brechtel, Dennis Sanfelippo and narrated by Keith R. Ball

Michael Anthony Jones and Dave Zien will be at this premiere.

Those attending the World Premiere will recieve special invitation to join Michael Anthony Jones along with Branscomb Richmond and other surprise guests at a special event and appearnance during the Milwaukee Rally. Details at the screening and in upcoming emails.


Here is an update about what we have going on. We just received a shipment of Vee Rubber tires and have multiple sizes in stock including the 120/70/21 white wall, 130/50/23 white wall, 130/70/18 white wall and 150/60/18 whitewall. We also are stocked with 26″ and 30″ black wall tires. All tires are ready to ship immediately.

–Greg Handren

“I could end the deficit in 5 minutes. You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP all sitting members of congress are ineligible for reelection.”

~ Warren Buffett 7/8/11



Use JIMS® Beta Engine Hydraulic Balancer Retainer Tool No. 779 to hold the hydraulic chain tensioners in place when servicing Beta engines. This is a “must have” tool for proper assembly or disassembly of the Beta engine balancer system.

This precision JIMStool is manufactured in the U.S.A. and has an MSRP of $29.95. For use on all Beta Twin Cam engines 2000 to present.

For more information connect with us at, find us on Facebook or call 805-482-6913.

[add 210]

 WORLD’S TOP ECO-CAR WINS– Using Ethanol Inbicon Makes From StrawSKAERBAEK, Denmark, July 18, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Inbicon has revealed a frugal new customer for the cellulosic ethanol made from straw at its Inbicon Biomass Refinery in Kalundborg. The biofuel powered the winning car in the Urban Concepts class of the 2011 Shell Eco-marathon in Europe, setting a new record at 1,197 miles per gallon (509 km/l), adjusted for energy equivalence with gasoline.

“The Roadrunners team from the Technical University of Denmark designed, built, tuned, tested, and drove the Dynamo to victory over all 35 European teams competing. And they also beat North America and Asia’s winning mileage,” says Christian Morgen, Inbicon manager of international marketing. “Since they use only a liter at a time, I don’t believe there’s any danger of depriving Danish retail customers of our eco-friendly fuel.”

The New Ethanol, as Inbicon calls its made-from-straw biofuel, has been produced by the Kalundborg plant since late 2009. But this was its first performance with the Danish university team.

Professor Schramm’s team used a 50cc 4-stroke Yamaha moped engine, whose higher compression takes advantage of the fuel’s higher octane. And they use wind-tunnel testing to sculpt the body for improved aerodynamic performance. The Dynamo ran 28% farther than its closest competitor.

Over 3,000 students on 187 teams from 27 countries took part at the EuroSpeedway in Lausitz, Germany. For the DTU Roadrunners, what they experience and achieve will help launch some graduates into careers in automotive design and engineering, according to Professor Schramm.

The Inbicon Biomass Refinery at Kalundborg, says Morgen, is the company’s model for a commercial-scale launch of a new green-energy industry in North America, Europe, and Asia. The Inbicon Biomass Refineries with be integrated with other technologies to efficiently convert corn stalks, wheat straw, and other biomass into The New Ethanol, green electricity, and higher-value green chemistry products.

Inbicon is a subsidiary of DONG Energy, a leading Northern European energy company.

–SOURCE Inbicon



Can you give me the length of the linkage? I will probably drill and tap the ends so that a stud could be threaded into them, and then a female heim joint. Let me know the center to center dimension of the eyelets on the linkage, and I can reverse engineer the rest. I’ve included a pic of a different style of trucker girl. Maybe you’ll like it, and maybe you want to keep them all the same – just let me know.



I’ve struck out twice trying to sell the story on this ’29 JD bobber with an 86-inch stroker motor a friend of mine built recently.


Actually Jon sold the feature to the Easyriders Rat Rod Editor, Kai Raeke, so you won’t see it on Bikernet until the print mag is published. But the Bikernet staff looks forward to any Krylon feature.–Wrench

My friend, Rob “Rob Dog” Castro, owner of Thunderstrike Motorcycles died of a heart attack last month. (That’s him on the flyer) He donated this chopper to the benefit, and I’d appreciate it if we can get it on Bikernet.

In the line at the store, the cashier told an older woman that she should bring her own grocery bags because plastic bags weren’t good for the environment.

The woman apologized to him and explained, “We didn’t have the green thing back in my day.” The clerk responded,

“That’s our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment.” He was right — our generation didn’t have the green thing in its day.

Back then, we returned milk bottles, soda bottles and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over. So they really were recycled. But we didn’t have the green thing back in our day.

We walked up stairs, because we didn’t have an escalator in every store and office building. We walked to the grocery store and didn’t climb into a 300-horsepower machine every
time we had to go two blocks. But she was right. We didn’t have the green thing in our day.

Back then, we washed the baby’s diapers because we didn’t have the throw-away kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy gobbling machine burning up 220 volts — wind and solar power really did dry the clothes.

Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing. But that old lady is right; we didn’t have the green thing back in our day.

Back then, we had one TV, or radio, in the house — not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief (remember them?), not a screen the size of the
state of Montana. In the kitchen, we blended and stirred by hand because we didn’t have electric machines to do everything for us.

When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, we used a wadded up old newspaper to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap. Back then, we didn’t fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on human power. We exercised by working so we didn’t need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity. But she’s right; we didn’t have the green thing back then.


We drank from a fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water.  But we didn’t have the green thing back then.

–from Chris T.


Who owns Sturgis? It seems a peculiar question but that is what is being fought in the courts regarding the trademarks concerning the world famous motorcycle rally. The conflict is about who should really own the rights and whether they are using those rights for the best interest of the event. Calling Sturgis an event seems a misnomer as the motorcyclists from around the world converge on the entire Black Hills region weeks before, during and even weeks after, celebrating the motorcycles, the lifestyle and the freedom.

But where there is a way to make a buck some one will find a way. The city streets of Sturgis are overwhelmed with venders selling everything and if they can slap Sturgis on it all the better. This merchandise isn’t limited to only Sturgis. Even local stores here in Canada put out “Sturgis” stuff for people to buy on the way there so that they arrive already in style or maybe to pick up one last thing on the way home.

Now that the “Sturgis Motorcycle Rally” has been trademarked and is owned a select group will get a portion of all sales throughout the entire area. Failing to comply will result in charges and confiscation of merchandise from venders. Where will the line be drawn? Will bikers be stopped on the street and have their bags searched for unlicensed goods? Will the police literally take the shirts from our backs? Do Canadians now need to worry that their saddlebags worth of t-shirts will be confiscated at the border as being “knock off” because we cannot prove that they were purchased from an approve vender who got licensing from the owners of Sturgis.

So who gets hurt in the long run? We all do. Rules and regulations are the opposite of what we stand for as bikers and as free people. Should we boycott Sturgis? While it seems like a good idea Sturgis is simply to big for everyone to not show up but we do have a choice. Forget the commercialism, forget the posing and posturing.

This year leave the cloths on the racks, leave the space for the patch and pin blank. Instead spend your money in the local bars drinking with close friends new and old, fill your tank with extra gas and see what this great country has to offer. Buy American made parts from American venders. Buy lunch for the guys at the next table; tip the waitress and bar tender. Put the money and time you would spend searching and buying Sturgis stuff in the museums and monuments that tell the story of the building of this great nation.

Give your money to the war vet down the street and thank him for the freedom we have. Being a biker isn’t about owning a t-shirt or a patch or a pin with a specific name or town on it. It is about freedom.

-bad Uncle Monkey


In the world of hi-tech gadgetry, I’ve noticed that more and more people who send text messages and emails have long forgotten the art of capitalization.

For those of you who fall into this category, please take note of the following statement:

“Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse.”

Is everybody clear on that?

–from Paul Aiken

Always the Fourth Weekend in July
July 21st, 22nd, 23rd 2011

Evel Knievel Days
On behalf of the Evel Knievel Days organizing committee, I would like to inform you that we have decided to change the previously scheduled dates for Evel Knievel Days 2011. In the past, our festival has always been held the last weekend of July. With the way the calendar works, there are two years in every five years that have five weekends in July. These two years create a direct conflict with other annual events held in Butte, Montana.

In an attempt to avoid any further confusion, Evel Knievel Days will be held annually the fourth weekend of July. The 2011 festival will be July 21, 22, 23 with subsequent dates as follows:

Future Dates:
July 26, 27, 28 2012
July 25, 26, 27 2013
July 24, 25, 26 2014
July 23, 24, 25 2015
July 21, 22, 23 2016

We apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused. We look forward to seeing you in Butte July 21, 22, 23 2011.


Chad Harrington
Evel Knievel Days
Executive Director

ROAD IRON from Easyriders–
Another Bagger Magazine is about to slam into the newsstand from the Paisano Publication team. Watch for it on a newsstand near you. And don’t forget to vote for the Easyriders Purrfect Angelz!


What’s the wheelbase of the Gangster Chopper Bobber from the long Road to Smoke Out 12 from John Dodson?

— Joe

We’re working on the answer, boss.–Wrench

4″ up, 1″ out 42 deg rake, If anyone is interested the frame can be purchased as a bare frame, a roller or any degree of completion.–John Dodson, Gangster Choppers,


K&N, the inventor of High-Flow cotton air filters, is rolling out its custom bike builder program giving every builder entering the 2011 AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building the opportunity to receive 70% off all K&N products.

This program is provided exclusively to participants in the World Championship. For more information on the championship, builders should log on to

“K&N is excited to be a part of the 2011 AMD World Championship, and we look forward to building a close relationship with the world class builders,” said Nick O’Kane, Powersports Manager. “Utilizing K&N products provides builders with one of the key building blocks to increase the performance of their engine.”

–Jeff Najar

MasterTune-HD is a Windows-based ECM reprogramming tool specifically for use with 2001 and later Delphi-equipped Harley-Davidson® motorcycles that utilize the diagnostic interface.  Note: The TTS MasterTune software is compatible with Windows XP through Windows 7. Both 32- and 64-bit versions of these operating systems are supported.

MasterTune-HD Features
· Saves and restores the original factory calibration
· Optional multi-vehicle interface
· Calibrates factory speedometer
· Retrieves ECM information
· Avoids adjusting valves beyond safe settings
· Compares functions quickly in tables
· Adjusts front and rear cylinder spark advance
· Adjusts front and rear cylinder volumetric efficiency
· Changes factory RPM limit
· Adjust for different fuel injector flow rates
· Graphs tables in 2D/3D

DataMaster Features
· Records vehicle engine data easily
· Retrieve and store all Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC’s)
· Plays back key engine data to aid performance breakdown and
· Estimates distance traveled and quarter mile time
· Dynographs engine and Dyno data to spreadsheets or 3rd party
· Prints engine Dyno Data

VTune Features
· VTune tables reflect the engine’s actual Volumetric Efficiency
· Requires use of a TTS MT7 calibration
· VTune generates a new calibration map every time
· Reduces tuning time for a smoother running, more responsive engine
· Calculates new data from calibration

TTS Updater
Included with every version of MasterTune and will keep you up to date on
all the latest releases from TTS

For more information, visit, page 247.01 or contact
your nearest Biker’s Choice® dealer.

Happy Riding!


This butt is for you.
Okay so I bastardized Budweiser’s tagline from years past, but what the heck this story has to start somewhere. That said, who knows what the real story is, but as a Bikernet investigative reporter without access to phone hacking or other modern journalistic tools I’m going to make a guess at what’s happening in these photos taken in the public domain.

The amount of ethanol used in gasoline these days is a hot topic. Most folks think ethanol only comes from the front end of the food chain and corn must be used. Untrue, automotive grade ethanol can be sourced from beer waste. In Colorado, Diamond Shamrock stations sell Coors beer waste used to formulate 105-octane E85. Apparently the farmers have better lobbyists than beer drinkers… think I’m kidding, Google it.

So what I figure is happening here is some sort of public relations campaign involving a lovely well-tanned Budweiser girl with nice teeth, and a riceburner dragbike tuned to run on beer waste E85. Notice in the first frame she has squiggled into a position that will allow for proper weight distribution. In the second frame it appears she’s content and expresses it with a smile.

The third frame reveals maybe not all is well. As she walks away it’s hard to tell if she experienced slight rectal discomfort while mounted on the riceburner, or perhaps her mechanic just informed her the fuel filter on her Lexus is only rated to E10, and her tank is full of unmarked E15.

— Krylon John



BAKER SWITCHED SPOTS IN STURGIS FOR INSTALLS–  BAKER Drivetrain is on the move! We’ve ducked out of our usual spot in Sturgis this year – While we enjoyed being in the center of the chaos, we wanted to make life a little easier for our install customers to get their bikes in and out of our booth. So we’ve gone down the street a few blocks to the lot on the corner of 9th and Lazelle. 

You’ll see the Big Black Baker trailer there, with the full install crew ready to put a DD6 or DD7 in your bike. This is first come, first serve, so preregistered installs are given priority placement. Think you’d like to preregister? Just call your Baker Sales guy today, and with a small deposit he’ll grab you an exact appointment time for you to drop off and pick up your bike. How easy is that?

You drop your bike off in the morning – go explore the streets of downtown Sturgis for a day, and come back to pick your bike up at the end of the day. Before you know it, you’re on the road with a whole extra gear and the smooth shifting, dependability that comes with your Baker transmission!

All installs include the following package: DD6 or DD7 gearset, all seals, gaskets, fluids, speedometer recalibration unit, test ride, and 5 year 50,000 mile parts warranty. Talk about peace of mind! To discuss prices, or nab your preregistered appointment today, call Baker at: 1-877-640-2004

Marketing Director
Office: 517-339-3835

Custom Bobcat pipes were first designed for big twin custom bikes manufactured by Brass Balls Bobbers and Choppers. Softail Bobcats pipes produce the sound that riders look for: Deep basso profondo sound that satisfies but doesn’t wear you out on long rides.

Biggest Bang For Your Horsepower Dollar – Combining a 2 into 1 Bobcat pipe with a high-flow air cleaner and tuner is a simple 3 step process that produces the greatest horsepower for the money. Softail owners can rely on the D&D Bobcat pipes to deliver over 10% increase in torque and horsepower where they need it most, off idle and in the passing zone.
Bobcat pipes are available in Black or Chrome with choice of polished aluminum, black, or carbon sleeve.

Get details at


–Jeff Najar


BUFFALO CHIP, S.D. (JULY 21, 2011) — For 30 years some of the finest, most creative artwork at the Legendary Buffalo Chip® has been on the bodies of the campers themselves. This year, the Buffalo Chip® joins with Trusted Tattoo of Corona, Cal. to offer a world-class Buffalo Chip® Tattoo Cafe. It’s a truly inspired idea.

The Tattoo Cafe is a can’t-miss opportunity to get a commemorative tattoo, get custom work done by some of the top artists in the country and to make that fantasy tattoo pinging around in your head a permanent reality. The Legendary Buffalo Chip® has partnered with only the best tattoo artists in the business, chosen for their diversity, style and artistic abilities.

Shaun Kama is one of the superstar artists who helped conceive the idea of the Tattoo Cafe. Kama has been tattooing for over 10 years and his personal tastes lead him to the dark and macabre. Prebook a tattoo with Kama by emailing

Dejah Garcia was one of the original crew at Hart and Huntington in 2004, during the first season of “Inked. She now owns Trusted Tattoo in Corona, Cal. Email to book an appointment at


Lacy also garnered fame as a tattoo artist during her tenure at Hart and Huntington Tattoo Company in Las Vegas, Nev. while the A&E show “Inked” was being filmed. She currently works at Trusted Tattoo Company. Email to prebook at

Nikki Sin of Valor Tattoo Parlor in Reno, Nev., Rob Hill of High Class Tattoo of Ventura, Cal., AJ Kochel of Aasylum Tattoo, Billy of Modern Electric Tattoo Company of Bakersfield, Cal., Brett A Rosepiler of Pussykat Tattoo in Las Vegas, Nev., Kristin Jones of All American Tattoo in Fullerton, Cal. and Jimmy of Rogue Parlour Tattoo in Tucson, Ariz. are esteemed and talented artists who will be at the Buffalo Chip to tattoo campers with special, custom and commemorative designs.

Portfolios of every artist, as well as all pre-booking contact information can be found at

Reservations for multi-day passes or daily admissions available online at or by calling 605-347-9000 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (MST) Monday through Friday.

–Ken Conte



Very important purchase–

We get a lot of questions from clients about whether or not they should purchase the Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) when renting a car or other vehicle. Here’s what we tell them.

BIG Coverage Gap Alert:

Your typical auto insurance policy is not designed to cover rental cars. It is designed to cover your specifically- owned automobiles. Your credit card coverage? Forgetaboutit! They are not in the car insurance business. When you choose to save money by not purchasing the LDW at the time of rental, you place yourself in a very tough position financially should you have an auto accident with that rental car. In fact, despite the totally outrageous premiums charged for LDWs, this is insurance you do not want to go without.

Main reason why we recommend you purchase LDWs. The Rental Company can charge you for “indirect expenses” relating to an accident.

Yup, it’s right there in the rental agreement you sign at the time of rental. One of these charges is “diminished value”. This is a totally subjective amount unless the vehicle is sold and a clear value established. If the vehicle is repaired and put back into the rental service business, then there is no tangible loss of value until it is retired and sold. There have been cases where a customer’s credit card was charged for diminished value. One case we are aware of, a client was charged $15,000 to his credit card for diminished value of his luxury SUV rental. Then, the rental company sued him for the amount. While the courts have generally upheld the ability of regular auto insurance companies to exclude diminished value claims under the physical damage clause, in general, diminished value can be claimed on a liability basis, such as that available under a car rental agreement.

The Bottom Line:

Hey, Loss Damage Waivers are expensive as hell. Sometimes they can be more than the actual car rental period itself. But, failure to purchase the LDW could result in thousands of dollars and charges that are simply not covered by your own auto policy. And most of the time, you cannot afford to pay out of pocket. Don’t rent a vehicle without buying the LDW we say.

Ride Safe Out There. We Care About You.

The Crew at Bikernet Insurance

Toll Free Anytime: 888-467-8703
Email for fastest response:

CA 0G67810 & 0D71028 – Serving 20 states with biker enthusiasm. States added as needed to serve customers.
Actual terms and conditions from applicable insurance policies prevail. Policy language rules.

“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government – lest it come to dominate our lives and interests”.

– Patrick Henry –

–from Bob Melba

A drunk woman, stark naked, jumped into a taxi at a local Cab Rank. The Indian driver opened his eyes wide and stared at the woman. He made no attempt to start the Cab.

“What’s wrong with you Luv, haven’t you ever seen a naked woman before?”

“I’ll not be staring at you lady, I am telling you, that would not be proper, where I am coming from”.

“Well if you’re not bloody staring at me Luvie, what are you doing then?”

“Well, I am looking and looking, and I am thinking to myself, where is this lady keeping the money to be paying me with.”

–from Robin Hartfiel


As a long time supporter of the NHRA Museum, I have been asked to assist in the promotion and sponsorship of the 3rd annual Indian Day West, scheduled for October 15, 2011, celebrating the 110th Anniversary of Indian Motorcycles. This event is to be held in conjunction with the Flat Track World Finals, run on the historic horseracing track at La County Fairgrounds where the Museum is also located

The event is open to all Indian owners with a focus on antique bikes. There will be a ride through Bonelli Park a showing of the movie: “The Worlds Fastest Indian” with the bike on display and actually fired up during the show. The Museum with all it’s historic race cars, including a display of the history of motorcycle drag racing as well as important flat trackers will be on display for all to see. A raffle is planned and we expect between 300 and 1,000 participants.

Of course all the media outlets have been alerted and we expect coverage from the local papers and channel 7 TV News.

Your sponsorship will be well covered. We are in the final stages of preparing the poster and advertising art. Your prompt response and high res logo will be appreciated and ensure inclusion in the advertising, which as you can see from the enclosed flyer will be in good company, particularly as our sponsorship program is finalized.

Of course we invite you to share your entire collection of Indian Motorcycles and a limited supply of comp tickets are included in your sponsorship. A donation to the 501 3 C designated NHRA Museum of $ 2,000. is suggested and may be tax deductible. Any of your products contributed to the Raffle would be appreciated as well. Unfortunately timing is critical so your prompt response will be appreciated and we look forward to your support of this fun event. For more information, see and


–George Hayward


American Honda Motor Co. is recalling certain 2008 through 2010 ST1300s for brake issues. The potential number of vehicles affected is 2,232.

Honda says that the vehicles’ rear brake reservoir hose may become damaged or leak brake fluid when the rear suspension is repeatedly bottomed out. This could increase the risk of a crash.

This recall applies to the following vehicles:

• 2008 through 2010 Honda ST1300s manufactured from Nov. 15, 2007 through May 27, 2010
• 2008 through 2010 ST1300As manufactured from Nov. 7, 2007 through April 6, 2010
• 2009 ST1300PAs (police vehicles) manufactured from Nov. 18, 2008 through Dec. 8, 2009.

Dealers will replace the defective rear brake reservoir hoses free of charge, beginning on or before July 26. Contact Honda for more information at 800-999-1009.

–Published courtesy of Dealernews:


A 1976 FLH with 16″ Ape Hangers, new tires, new brakes, LePera seat, S&S carb. Classic old school styling and a GREAT price at $6500! CHECK OUT THE BIKERNET CLASSIFIEDS, WHERE THE ADVENTURE IS JUST WAITING TO BEGIN!



Earnings Climb to $0.81 Per Share on Motorcycle Shipment Growth, Improved Operating Margin for Motorcycles and Financial Services
Worldwide Harley-Davidson® Retail New Motorcycle Sales Rise, Driven by 7.5 Percent Growth in U.S.  Company Raises Guidance for Motorcycle Shipments

MILWAUKEE, July 19, 2011 — Harley-Davidson, Inc. (NYSE: HOG) generated broad performance improvements in the second quarter of 2011, with strong earnings growth, increased shipments and growth in its dealers’ new motorcycle sales both in the U.S. and globally.


Income from continuing operations in the second-quarter 2011 rose 36.8 percent to $190.6 million, or $0.81 per share, compared to income of $139.3 million, or $0.59 per share from continuing operations in the year-ago quarter. Second-quarter 2011 earnings results were led by operating income from the Motorcycles and Related Products, which grew 39.2 percent to $219.8 million on higher shipment volume and operating margin improvement. Operating income from the Financial Services grew 34.9 percent, compared to the second quarter of 2010.


Retail sales of new Harley-Davidson motorcycles grew 7.5 percent in the U.S. and 5.6 percent worldwide in the second quarter.


The Company raised its shipment forecast for 2011 and now expects to ship between 228,000 and 235,000 new Harley-Davidson motorcycles to dealers and distributors worldwide, an increase of 8 percent to 12 percent compared to 2010 shipments.
For the first six months of 2011, Harley-Davidson income from continuing operations was up 48.9 percent compared to the year-ago period to $309.8 million, or $1.31 per share.

“Harley-Davidson continues to make great progress as we transform our business and take our iconic brand to the many roads of the world,” said Keith Wandell, President and Chief Executive Officer of Harley-Davidson, Inc.

“While we are pleased by Harley-Davidson’s second-quarter results, including the strong jump at retail in the U.S., our focus remains squarely on sustaining this progress through the ongoing implementation of our business strategy.


“Through the transformation to best-in-class manufacturing, product development and retail capabilities, we are positioning Harley-Davidson to be customer-led in all we do. Our employees, dealers and suppliers deserve tremendous credit for their dedication to making customers’ dreams a reality by delivering remarkable products and extraordinary customer experiences,” Wandell said.


“We also believe the continued improvement in our results in the face of ongoing consumer and economic uncertainty speaks to the power of the Harley-Davidson brand globally,” Wandell said.

Retail Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Sales

On a worldwide basis, second-quarter retail Harley-Davidson new motorcycle sales grew 5.6 percent compared to last year’s second quarter. Dealers sold 53,599 new Harley-Davidson motorcycles in the U.S., a 7.5 percent increase compared to last year’s second quarter and the first year-over-year quarterly rise in U.S. Harley-Davidson new motorcycles sales since the fourth quarter of 2006. Retail sales of 29,797 new motorcycles in international markets in the second quarter marked an increase of 2.4 percent compared to the year-ago period. Industry-wide U.S. heavyweight new motorcycle (651cc-plus) retail unit sales increased 4.2 percent in the second quarter of 2011 compared to the year-ago period.

Through six months, worldwide retail sales of new Harley-Davidson motorcycles increased 4.8 percent to 132,991 units compared to the prior-year period. U.S. retail sales of new Harley-Davidson motorcycles increased 4.4 percent to 85,290 units for the first half of the year compared to the year-ago period. In international markets, retail sales of new Harley-Davidson motorcycles increased 5.6 percent to 47,701 units for the first six months of 2011 compared to 2010. Through six months, industry-wide U.S. heavyweight new motorcycle (651cc-plus) retail unit sales increased 3.8 percent, compared to the year-ago period.



Harley-Davidson Motorcycles and Related Products Segment Financial Results

Second-Quarter Segment Results: Revenue from Harley-Davidson Motorcycles during the second quarter of 2011 of $1.01 billion was up 20.9 percent compared to the year-ago period. The Company shipped 66,815 Harley-Davidson motorcycles to dealers and distributors worldwide during the quarter, compared to shipments of 59,046 motorcycles in the second quarter of 2010.

Revenue from Motorcycle Parts and Accessories (P&A) totaled $255.4 million during the quarter, up 10.2 percent, and revenue from General Merchandise, which includes MotorClothes® Apparel and Accessories, was $72.9 million, up 8.2 percent compared to the year-ago period.

Gross margin was 35.0 percent in the second quarter, flat to the year-ago period. Second-quarter operating margin was 16.4 percent, compared to 13.9 percent in the second quarter of 2010.

Six-Month Segment Results: Through the first six months of 2011, the Company shipped 120,642 new Harley-Davidson motorcycles to dealers and distributors, a 7.0 percent increase compared to last year’s 112,720 units for the period. Revenue from Harley-Davidson Motorcycles through six months was $1.84 billion, a 12.1 percent increase compared to the year-ago period. Six-month P&A revenue was $419.7 million, a 10.2 percent increase from the first half of 2010. General Merchandise revenue was $135.5 million, a 1.4 percent increase compared to the same period in 2010. Gross margin through six months was 34.1 percent and operating margin was 14.4 percent, compared to 35.7 percent and 13.1 percent respectively in last year’s first half.

Financial Services Segment

The Financial Services segment recorded operating income of $82.0 million in the second quarter, compared to operating income of $60.8 million in the year-ago quarter. The increase in year-over-year operating income was largely the result of continued improvement in credit performance. Through six months, operating income from financial services was $150.0 million, compared to operating income of $87.5 million in the first half of 2010.


The Company raised shipment guidance for 2011 and now expects to ship 228,000 to 235,000 Harley-Davidson motorcycles to dealers and distributors worldwide, compared to guidance provided April 19, 2011 of 215,000 to 228,000 motorcycles. In the third quarter of 2011, the Company expects to ship 60,000 to 65,000 motorcycles. For all of 2010, the Company shipped 210,494 motorcycles.


The change in shipment guidance reflects ongoing efforts to manage supply in line with demand following strong second-quarter retail sales, as well as the Company’s increased confidence in its ability to minimize the impact of potential supply chain interruptions resulting from the March earthquake in Japan.

Harley-Davidson now expects gross margin to be between 34.0 percent and 35.0 percent for the full year, versus the prior estimate of 33.5 percent to 35.0 percent. The Company continues to expect full-year capital expenditures of between $210 million and $230 million, which includes $70 million to $85 million to support restructuring activities.

Restructuring Update


Harley-Davidson has reduced the cost estimates for restructuring activities and now expects all previously announced company-wide restructuring activities to result in one-time charges of $490 million to $505 million, including 2011 charges of $80 million to $90 million. The Company continues to expect to realize savings on a cumulative basis in 2011 of $210 million to $230 million from restructuring activities initiated since early 2009, and annual ongoing savings of $305 million to $325 million when the restructuring is fully implemented. Through the first six months of 2011, the Company incurred restructuring charges of $36.6 million, including $13.6 million in the second quarter.

Income Tax Rate


Through six months, the Company’s effective tax rate was 34.8 percent, compared to 36.4 percent in the year-ago period. The 2010 effective tax rate through the second quarter was negatively impacted by the healthcare reform legislation offset by a favorable settlement of an IRS audit. In 2011, the Company expects its full-year effective tax rate from continuing operations to be approximately 35.0 percent.

Cash Flow


Cash and marketable securities totaled $1.22 billion as of June 26, 2011, compared to $1.50 billion at the end of last year’s second quarter. During the first six months of 2011, Harley-Davidson generated $473.0 million of cash from operating activities, which included a $200.0 million contribution to company pension plans. In the first half of 2010, the Company generated $726.0 million of cash from operating activities. Capital expenditures were $69.3 million for the six months ended in June 2011.

ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?
WITNESS: Are you shitting me?
________________________________________ (My Favorite)
ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?
ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time?
WITNESS: Getting laid
________________________________________ (Another favorite)
ATTORNEY: She had three children, right?
ATTORNEY: How many were boys?
ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?
WITNESS: Your Honor, I think I need a different attorney. Can I get a new attorney?
ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?
WITNESS: By death…
ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?

WITNESS: Take a guess.


–from Ron Loynds


Ducati recalls 2011 Diavel–
Ducati North America is recalling certain 2011 Diavel models. The company says that the brass inserts in the chain guard may deform over time, which can lead to the loosening of the license plate holder retaining screws on the swingarm. The license plate holder may become loose while riding, which could cause a crash.

The potential number of vehicles affected is 964. Ducati is only recalling vehicles manufactured from Sept. 23, 2010, through May 12, 2011.

Dealers are being asked to replace, free of charge, the chain guard with a new version that is manufactured with steel inserts. For more information, call Ducati at 800.231.6696.

Posted by Cynthia Furey

Published courtesy of Dealernews–


QUICK THROTTLE ART HITS A TUNER SHOW– Tried something different.
Little tuner cars – kinda small show.
Free Tommy’s burger for lunch.
Free NOS drink – from NOS girls.!!!

Detail girls cleaned my bike with sample polish.


Not as easy to use as Purple Slice.


Magnificent reporter from QuickThrottle Magazine

This is my Harley golf buggy I restored it to near brand new – 1977 – done only 2 rounds of golf.


–Ray Russell


The Sturgis raffle bike being built by Danny Ray from Precision Cycles in Modesto, CA is coming along well but I’m not real sure it will be ready in time.

Keith, the welder showed up and immediately got busy arcing on tabs for the tanks and getting the rear fender welded up. Looks like they’re motivated and following those artistic visions. I always love hanging out and watching artists do their thing.

It’s pretty cool, each volunteer is allowed his own space to contribute to this one of a kind custom. Next week Charlie is taking the whole she-bang down to Corbin’s in Hollister to have a custom seat stitched up for it. This s going to be one bitchin’ ride and whoever wins it is going to love it, especially knowing their donation went towards the new Sturgis Motorcycle Museum building.

The bike will be on stage with Charlie Brechtel August 5th at the Buffalo Chip in Sturgis during an all-star jam and concert with Edgar Winter. For more information on that go to

To buy tickets go to www.sturgismuseum.comTickets are $10.00 each or 3 for $20.

Polaris Industries is recalling certain 2006-2011 Victory Jackpots and 2004-2011 Victory Kingpins starting on or before Aug. 30. The potential number of vehicles affected is 1,688.

The only bikes affected are the ones equipped with accessory seats with backrests, which may separate from the motorcycle while in use. This could lead to passenger injury. For the Victory Touring, the part No. being recalled is 28766410-01. For the Jackpot, the part No. affected is 2875961-01.

The bikes affected were manufactured from Jan. 1, 2004 to May 1, 2011. Victory will notify owners of the recall, and dealers will replace the seats free of charge.

Posted by Cynthia Furey
Published courtesy of Dealernews:

My Mentor of sorts since the mid 60’s from Wichita, Ks. meet “Turk” and “JEZABEL.” Pulled this info from the landspeedracing site:
Greetings group: Guess I better make a formal anouncement of the birth of ” JEZABEL”–Harlot of the salt—-daughter of “THE IRON MISTRESS”. Stats, 118-inch two rear head Shovelhead, S&S carbs off of the “TRAMP”, Sifton .625 cam, Morris mag, and all the latest 1985 technology, 4- speed, 2.44 low. Hayabusa wheels, forks, and brakes, and front fender.

An old motor with and old rider. Thanks and appreciation is due here to “Stainless Steel” for loan of parts and great help and advice he has offered. Hope to meet you all at BUB.—

Just a note ta tell ya that it’s the best fuckin 12 bucks I spent this year to date, not including the hamburger and drink I bought for that broad in Bandera, Texas.

I got a helluvalot better return for that hamburger ‘n’ drink. Just wish I had pictures of her.

–johnnie gutierrez

We are about to launch a new hot, benefit filled membership package to Bandit’s Cantina. Hang on.–Bandit


QUICK THROTTLE Editor’s Top 5 List for Sturgis–
There are many lists for the best roads, best bars, and best sites in Sturgis, but I don’t care about those. I got my own. I try to ride it every year with my Dad (Editor of QT Northwest) and my cousin, and they both love to ride. So here are some of our favorites:

1. Spearfish Canyon – If you don’t get stuck behind some looky-loo’s in a busy year (thanks, guys from Missouri) then this is one of the best riding roads you’ll ever find. big, sweeping curves, beautiful surroundings and far enough from the things of man to feel rural (as in, it ain’t Rapid City).
2. Needles Highway – This one is not for the faint of heart, but boy is it fun. Your back end will meet your front end on a regular basis. It’s the stuff of legend and when you ride it, you’ll see why.
3. Mount Rushmore – Beautiful ride out here, and unless your a communist, you will feel a surge of pride at this place that no other monument can touch, especially since in 2011 you’d never get something like this approved by Congress. And being surrounded by Freedom-loving Bikers here seems that much more appropriate.
4. Crazy Horse Memorial – Great road between Mt. Rushmore and this. Then you arrive to find a work in progress that could encompass puny little Rushmore on the head of Crazy Horse’ fiery steed. Sit in for the 10 minute story about the family who continues to build this incredible monument, all without government funds, or interference.
5. Downtown Sturgis – Well naturally ya gotta hang downtown, see the bikes and the “window dressing” walking next to them, and hit places like The Knuckle Saloon or One-Eyed Jacks. And speaking of the Knuckle, come party with the QT staff there on Tuesday, 8/9 at 6 PM! We’re gonna party with The Fryed Brothers, and give away free stuff!

Bonus Ride – Don’t forget to try some of the little known back roads while you’re there like Old Hill City Road. It will take you between Hill City and Keystone. On this all but deserted road you will experience a two lane, sweeping, maintained road that runs along a river bank, crisscrossing train tracks that give a feeling you stepped back in time to ride with Tom Sawyer. Only about 10 miles, but well worth the detour.
We’ll see you there!

Poll: Most oppose changing Michigan motorcycle helmet law; what do you think? A new poll says a majority of likely Michigan voters opposes proposed changes that would let some adults ride motorcycles without helmets in the state.

The poll from EPIC-MRA released today says 68% of those surveyed oppose proposed legislative changes that would allow some to ride without helmets. Thirty-one percent favored the legislation and 1% was undecided.

The telephone poll of 600 respondents was conducted July 9-11 and had a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

The Michigan Senate has approved a bill that would allow riders 21 or older to go helmetless if they have been licensed to operate a motorcycle for two years or have passed a safety course. Motorcyclists also would need certain insurance.

The measure is pending in the House.
Detroit Free Press

–from C.T. Loeher

V-Rod 10th Anniversary Edition and Dyna Switchback Bagger Join the Model Line.

MILWAUKEE (July 20, 2011) – Harley-Davidson offers more Big Twin performance for 2012 as its Twin Cam 103 powertrain is standard equipment on Softail and Touring motorcycle models and most Dyna motorcycle models. Harley-Davidson will offer two new models for 2012. The V-Rod® 10th Anniversary Edition celebrates a decade of power-cruiser performance, while the new Dyna® Switchback is a convertible custom-touring motorcycle with detachable hard saddlebags and windshield. In addition, the Night Rod Special has significant updates for 2012 with refreshed bodywork and optimized rider ergonomics. Harley-Davidson Custom Vehicle Operations (CVO)TM rolls out the gleaming new CVO Road Glide Custom, a limited-production, high-performance touring masterpiece.

Harley-Davidson believes every motorcycle it sells can be a custom of one. Harley-Davidson H-D1 is a comprehensive offering of customization tools for the Harley-Davidson motorcycle owner. H-D1 tools include Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories listings in print and on-line catalogs, Fit Shop and consultation services at Harley-Davidson dealerships, and factory customization and Bike Builder tools on H-D1 offers almost unlimited opportunities to optimize fit, function, style and performance and turn a Harley into a motorcycle that is truly personalized to its owner.

Harley-Davidson heads into 2012 with 32 models, each born of experience that spans generations and a passion for riding that will never diminish.

Highlights of the 2012 Harley-Davidson line include:

· The Twin Cam 103 engine powers all 2012 Dyna, Softail and Touring models with the exception of the Dyna Street Bob and Dyna Super Glide Custom. This engine produces up to 100 ft lbs. peak torque, an increase of approximately 6 percent over the Twin Cam 96 engine it replaces as standard power for many of these models. The Twin Cam 103 is equipped with automatic compression release. It features identifying badges on the derby cover, timer cover and air cleaner trim ring.

· A Security Package that pairs Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) with Smart Security System with proximity-based, hands-free security fob is available for all 2012 V-Rod, Dyna, Softail, Touring and CVO models. The Security Package is standard equipment on CVO models and on the Road Glide Ultra, the Electra Glide Ultra Limited, and the Road King Classic. The Security Package is a factory-installed option for all other models.

· The Night Rod Special is updated with new tapered tail section, lighter-weight wheels, an inverted front fork and improved ergonomics. Harley-Davidson celebrates a decade of power cruising with the V-Rod 10th Anniversary Edition motorcycle, finished in Brilliant Silver Pearl bodywork that evokes the anodized aluminum bodywork of the original V-Rod model that introduced the liquid-cooled Revolution V-Twin engine in 2002. All V-Rod models will carry V-Rod 10th Anniversary badges.

· The new Dyna Switchback combines hard saddlebags and a windshield with the eager handling and Twin Cam 103 performance of the Dyna chassis. It’s a custom-touring bike ready for a long weekend trip, until the detachable bags and windshield are removed. Then in seconds the Switchback becomes a custom street cruiser with a gleaming headlamp nacelle, five-spoke cast-aluminum wheels and a mini-ape handlebar. This convertible concept makes the versatile Switchback two motorcycles in one.

· All Harley-Davidson Softail models get the performance boost of the Twin Cam 103 engine for 2012. The Fat Boy and Fat Boy Lo have a new reduced-reach handlebar for more-comfortable ergonomics. A lower, narrower seat shape places the Fat Boy rider in a new “in the bike” position. The Softail Deluxe and Heritage Softail Classic will be available with a new optional “tubeless” Chrome Aluminum Profile Laced wheel option for ease of tire replacement and repair.

· The Twin Cam 103 powertrain gives all Harley-Davidson Touring models assertive power for passing. On Touring models, the Twin Cam 103 is equipped with an oil cooler. All Touring models except the Ultra Limited will offer a new “tubeless” Chrome Aluminum Profile Laced wheel option.

· The Harley-Davidson Sportster line appeals to a broad range of riders with six 2012 models ranging from the race-inspired XR1200X to the accessible SuperLow to Dark Custom roadsters like the Iron 883, Nightster and Forty-Eight. The Sportster 1200 Custom can be personalized for fit, function and style with H-D1™ factory customization, a process that allows customers to use the Bike Builder tool on to build the motorcycle from a selection of options that are installed as the bike is assembled by Harley-Davidson Motor Company or are installed by a dealer after the motorcycle is delivered. New 1200 Custom color options have been added to Bike Builder for 2012.

· The new CVO Road Glide Custom is one of four limited-production 2012 models from Harley-Davidson Custom Vehicle Operations (CVO), each turned out with bold paint, gleaming chrome, and the most-powerful V-Twin engines offered in production Harley-Davidson motorcycles. CVO Road Glide Custom is a hot-rod bagger with a frame-mounted fairing topped with a smoked Wind Splitter windshield, a high-output, amplified Harman/Kardon Advanced Audio system, and a color-matched, low-profile fuel tank console.


CINCINNATI 2012 V-Twin Expo by Easyriders:The Original and Only Show Exclusively Focused on the American V-twin Industry– 
The 12th Annual V-Twin Expo by Easyriders February 4-6, 2012 remains the industry’s best exclusive trade show serving dealers and manufacturers in the American v-twin industry.

Agoura Hills, CA-Eleven years in the making, the upcoming 12th Annual V-Twin Expo by Easyriders is revving up for a solid show in February 2012.

The V-Twin Expo, designed by the V-twin industry for the V-twin industry has stuck to its original mission since 2000. Taking place in beautiful downtown Cincinnati, February 4-6, 2012 at the Duke Energy Center, the V-Twin Expo delivers industry-leading exhibitors serving V-twin dealers from across the US and beyond. As we all know firsthand, the industry is changing and right-sizing.

The key to success for the Expo has been its ability to work with the best exhibitors in the business attracting V-twin focused dealers. Already for 2012 the Expo has over 200 exclusive V-Twin exhibitors registered. The 12th annual V-Twin Expo will be rock solid.
“We strategically selected Cincinnati because the city welcomes our industry with open arms in addition to offering lower hotel, air, transportation, and overall costs for both exhibitors and dealers. Our mission has not changed. We haven’t had to re-launch our show because it works. Back in 2000 we set out to host, educate, and present profit opportunities to V-twin dealers.

Now, twelve years later, we still deliver on that goal. Our exhibitors plan all year for their presence in Cincy. They come prepared to show their newest products, distribute catalogs, offer show specials and network with industry colleagues and the press. We work hard to provide them the best platform to deliver their messages. If you are a V-twin dealer, Cincinnati is the right place to get business done and leave with profit-centered ideas” said show producer, Jim Betlach.

On top of seeing what’s new on the show floor, dealers can attend an assortment of interactive seminars presented by expert industry panelists. Leave armed with knowledge and information to increase your shops’ profits. That’s what the V-Twin Expo is all about.

The 12th Annual V-Twin Expo in Cincinnati February 4-6, 2012 is not open to the public and focuses exclusively on the American V-twin motorcycle market. It is the only exclusive V-Twin trade show attracting dealers from the U.S., Canada, and world. The V-Twin Expo by Easyriders is wholly owned by Paisano Publications. The V-Twin Expo has not been combined with any other show or company.

Registration and Show Information – Kris Jarland
Reaction Management, Inc.
9040 Foxline Drive
Corcoran, MN 55340
877-889-4697 (Toll-Free US Only)
763-416-4347 Fax

Show Producer – Jim Betlach

We’ve got some Live Old Time Music on Sunday July 31st 2pm:  “The Chowderheads” from San Diego !
Members of The New Lost Melody Boys and The Remnants, are getting together for an old time music session for their debut as The Chowderheads !
Hope to see you !
Look for Chowder Barge on FaceBook and ‘Like’ Us!

Have Your ThunderMax Installed at Black Hills H-D, July 30th – August 13th, 2011 and Get a Cooler, Smoother, Better Performing Fuel Injected Harley!

The ThunderMax team from Zipper’s Performance and Thunder Heart Performance will be located at Black Hills H-D during the 2011 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. The team will be available a week early, starting July 30th and ending August 13th, 2011.


Dan Stern is one of the few Harley dealers that’s an avid rider…so much so his shop is always leading backroad rides to interesting places (operative word here is ‘backroad’). Sunday’s ride was no exception, with ‘kickstands up’ a group of about forty riders left his dealership and rode from Morgan Hill TO Hollister DOWN Hwy 25 TO Pinnacles National Park.


The pace was spirited but safe..(my days of using the roads as race tracks on an FZ1 are over). It can get so hot Hwy 25 that the tar strips crossing the road melt making you find Jesus if you run over them in a lean…Today’s ride was NOT that warm…Once we arrived Dan had a raffle (I never win those damn fact my first wife got the house in Aptos). After soda or sandwich everyone was free to ride home…THE NEXT ride is up Hwy 9 in back of Santa Cruz through the Redwood trees to Alice’s Restaurant.



P.S. Dan showed me the sculpture/table/panhead you made for him. Indian Larry was right…”chopper building is art”

The name Jon Kosmoski means custom paint and quality paint products. In this fourth edition Kustom Painting Secrets Jon shares 30 years of experience – painting everything from hot rods to custom motorcycles. Over 250 photos and 128 pages show you how to use plastic filler, prepare for paint, shoot Kandies & Pearls, do a basecoat-clearcoat paint job, do tapeouts, flames and artwork, and apply a marble paint job.

Learn how to set up your shop, repair dents, apply primer and put on the final topcoat. In the Shop sequences provide a hands-on look at a variety of projects from simple paint application to complex art work. Follow along as Jon does tape-outs on a dragster, and flames on a set of Harley-Davidson gas tanks.

Custom painting is truly an art form and Jon Kosmoski is the high priest speaking to anyone with a desire to learn or improve their painting abilities.

Kustom Painting Secrets is available this week on Bikernet for only $9.95, with free shipping to continental US addresses.

I have a crumpled editorial list beside the stained blotter on my Panhead desk. The list of unpublished articles is expanding. I need a few days of uninterrupted article writing time.

I need to wrap up the Victory Long Road Test Saga, with input from the Colonel and the Prince. This is heavy shit. Then we need another XS and Mudflap girl build report, and I need to write a short tech about our success with Mr Lucky’s shorty muffles. We’ll use another set on the XS.

I’m jazzed about a feature on Dennis Mathewson from Hawaii. He’s the artistic master from the islands and his art will blow you away. The article will be handled by Lisa Ballard.

We’ve faced some interesting challenges with the Mudflap girls, but it’s all working out for a solid ride. You’ll read about all the obstacles in the near future. Day before yesterday I came across a new product designed by Jerry Branch and the late Andy Hansen of HES Performance Products. Andy has been gone for a long time, but his products live on.

This Evo intake manifold makes your carb sit just a ¼-inch higher, but it flows better than stock. These intakes are available through Branch O’keefe. We will take you through the process in the next couple of Mudflap girl FXR articles.

Heading into another wild weekend. Have a blast.

Ride Forever,


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