October 11, 2001 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

Paul Davis

Famous, never-say-die, racing fan and builder Carl Morrow.

CORRESPONDENT FOR BIKERNET COVERS ROCK SUNDAY– This is the last of it. Hal’s H-D along with S&S Cycle Buell entry. Also a pic of one of Jim Nasi’s bikes. There were a lot of very fast times at the “Rock” Sunday. It was cool, in the 60s, a perfect day for drag racing.

Paul's S&S bike

Sonny Barger was also there doing a book signing. Lots of people waited in line to get their books signed. Everybody was in good spirits on this day.

As I was walking around in the pits I heard the news about the U.S. bombing of Afghanistan. Everybody started cheering. My first thoughts were right on! Then I thought about being at the races on a beautiful day and hearing the news over the loud speaker. It all seemed very strange to me.

I hope we can rid ourselves and the world of this terrorism that has haunted us for a long time. When walking around in the pits at the Rock, you could see all the patriotism being displayed by the various race teams. On this beautiful day of drag racing, it made you proud to be an American biker enthusiast.

Paul cool bike

This is a really cool bike. Danny Settle from Washington, D.C., is the owner. Danny and his wife were very helpful in setting up these pictures. Really good people. I wish them luck with their racing for next year.

Paul's cool buell

Paul's cool buell

Paul Intake system

This is a cool intake system I saw a couple of times at the track. This bike belongs to John Hammock (VROOM Racing) www.jhvroom@aol.com . They are from Tulsa, Okla.

Paul's S&S bike

Here’s the S&S racing monster. Gimme the chills just to look at it.


arabs catchin fire

TERRORISM RUNDOWN–Sept. 11th Statistics, The sad but somewhat uplifting side that the mainstream media has not reported yet — the SURVIVAL rates and some positive news about the attacks.

*** The Buildings ***

The World Trade Center: The twin towers of the World Trade Center were places of employment for some 50,000 people. With the missing list of just over 5,000 people, that means 90 percent of the people targeted survived the attack. A 90 percent on a test is an ‘A’.

The Pentagon: Some 23,000 people were the target of a third plane aimed at the Pentagon. The latest count shows that only 123 lost their lives. That is an amazing 99.5 percent survival rate. In addition, the plane seems to have come in too low, too early to affect a large portion of the building. On top of that, the section that was hit was the first of five sections to undergo renovations that would help protect the Pentagon from terrorist attacks. It had recently completed straightening and blast proofing, saving untold lives. This attack was sad, but a statistical failure.

*** The Planes ***

American Airlines Flight 77: This Boeing 757 that was flown into the outside of the Pentagon could have carried up to 289 people, yet only 64 were aboard. Luckily, 78 percent of the seats were empty.

American Airlines Flight 11: This Boeing 767 could have had up to 351 people aboard, but only carried 92. Thankfully, 74 percent of the seats were unfilled.

United Airlines Flight 175: Another Boeing 767 that could have sat 351 people only had 65 people on board. Fortunately, it was 81 percent empty.

Airlines Flight 93: This Boeing 757 was one of the most uplifting stories yet. The smallest flight to be hijacked with only 45 people aboard out of a possible 289 had 84 percent of its capacity unused. Yet these people stood up to the attackers and thwarted a fourth attempted destruction of a national landmark, saving untold numbers of lives in the process.

*** In Summary ***
Out of potentially 74,280 Americans directly targeted by these inept cowards, 93 percent survived or avoided the attacks. Don’t fear these terrorists. The odds are against them.


NEW DOUBLE DD’S SHOP OPENING–The location address is 518 W. San Carlos; the event gets going at noon. Thestripper models start modeling the clothes at about 1 p.m. There will befood, drink and raffles. I also need people to knowthat this shop mostly caters to the night biker. It really isn’t a day shop,at least for right now. We are the ones open after all the other shopsclose.

For right now, our weekly hours will be 5-10 p.m. Thursday and Fridays, and noon to 10 p.m. Saturdays. As we get a little bigger andbetter, we will start having more days and more hours.

You can check out several of the girls at www.lauranna.com. This isthe stripper from AJ’S in San Jose. Oh yeah, the shopnumber is (408) 294-2669.

— Signing off DD Double Dee’s Crime Tee’s

Caribbean report

Caribbean report

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Seems like we were pretty lucky this year, no major hurricanes have evencome near us and now is the down season. Those pesky storms can screwanyone’s life big time. We have been getting ready for Biketoberfest nextweek, the milder side of Daytona Bike Week. The bikes are on the way andit seems like the weather will cooperate with the event. Also seems likebikers have not been put down by bin Laden and company; most hotels arefull and cancelations few.Here’s a photo of the latest project, a “chopperized” Road King. We got ridof all the fattening gadgets, lowered it a bit and cleaned up the rest.Apes, trimmed bags, clean fenders and low-profile seat gives the bike amore aggresive stance.

The motor has a set of Andrews cams, a power commandercomputer, full Samson pipes and a K&N air filter. A bunch of little detailsand custom paint to round the bike off. We liked it so we ordered a copbike to do a low rider, white walls, metalflake and all. Will post it whendone, for sure.Oh well, now to the news.

Last Sunday the National Guard had its first official ride to raise funds for the guys that have been activatedand their families. About 200 bikes attended the ride through the mountains.Way to go guys! (In case you guys don’t know, the PR National Guard was oneof the first to be activated in this new war.)


The long-awaited unveiling of the V-Rod will take place next weekend inMotorsport (San Juan’s H-D dealer).I heard some of the mechanics took the bike for a joy ride, which prompted ahide and chain action at the dealer’s darkest dungeon. Also heard that thewhole shipment of V-Rods is already sold.

Rumors of a super secret, exclusive party will take place inBiketoberfest this year, and will be for chopper people only, yea! Theonly hint is that a mag with some equine stuff will host. Will post thestories as soon as we survive it.

Our shop plans to have three bikes available for rent for the upcomingHOG Caribbean Rally. There are no bike rental places on the island, so if you’reinterested, e-mail or call early.

As I said before, we will be attending Biketoberfest, so if any of thereaders here see our bikes with PR plates, come and say hi. (Cops need notapply.)

Oh well, short news for this week, the upcoming projects are taking most ofour time, the WCC projects have grown to six, two softails, four rigids.Two sportster choppers and two more no-name rigids, plus what we cansqueeze in between. And you guys thoughtthere were no bikes in this godforesaken island. Saludos and weaselssuck! (not the club BTW)

–Jose, Caribbean Bikernet clueless agent.

Continued On Page 4

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