June 21, 2002 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

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I’m daft when it comes to fuel injection and even moreso after listening to Mark, the man who developed the Dyno-Jet Dyno and has now developed the DFO, Digital Fuel Optimizer for RevTech. This particular unit varies the the pulse length of the injectors and does not fool with the timing. Over 4,000 of these units are on the market now and will allow each owner the flexibility to massage as you make more changes or modification to your bike’s performance package.

According to Mark they will work equally well on the ’97 to ’99 Morali units and fuel injection systems on later model bikes.

AMERICASRIDE–Bandit, I met with the chairman of this last night. They are really goingto make this happen and have some serious players coming to the table tosupport the cause. This is the charity that this ridebenefits: www.wtcmf.org – the World Trade Center Miracles Foundation.Mitch is extremely well connected and a giant biker teddy bear of a person.

There’s a bunch of Harley dealers involved now and the interest is explodingall over the country. The media is swarming all over it too, but this guyMitch is so cool he ain’t about being a hound, ya know. He’s in check withtheir requests and refuses to speak from a political POV because since he issupporting the workers and victims directly with no middle man, you canimagine the media is all over this, especially since he’s created a fund tohelp the folks that have gotten deathly sick from inhaling the toxins. Man,he’s paying these people’s rent because they can’t get government $$…www.americasride2002.com.

I’m going on the run. It’s such an amazing cause. I’ll tell you moreabout my visit to Ground Zero the other day…do you know that 2/3 of theworkers from Ground Zero ride motorcycles. There are Harley stickers andt-shirts everywhere down there.Check it out..


SIR GALAHAD–King Arthur was in Merlin’s laboratory where the good wizard was showinghim his latest invention. It was a chastity belt, except it had arather large hole in the most obvious place. “This is no good, Merlin!”the king exclaimed, “Look at this opening. How is this supposed toprotect m’lady, the Queen?”

“Ah, sire, just observe,” said Merlin. He then selected his most wornout wand, one that he was going to discard anyway. He inserted it inthe gaping aperture of the chastity belt whereupon a small guillotineblade came down and cut it neatly in two.

“Merlin, you are a genius!” said the grateful monarch. “Now I canleave, knowing that my Queen is fully protected.”

After putting Guinevere in the device, King Arthur then set out upon hisQuest.

Several years passed until he returned to Camelot. Immediately heassembled all of his knights in the courtyard and had them drop theirtrousers for an informal ‘short arm’ inspection. Sure enough, each andevery one of them was either amputated or damaged in some way. All ofthem, except Sir Galahad.

“Sir Galahad,” exclaimed King Arthur. “My one and only true knight!Only you among all the nobles have been true to me. What is it in mypower to grant you? Name it and it is yours!”

But, alas, Sir Galahad was speechless

–from Ray R.

BARNES DOMINATES BUELL LIGHTNING SERIES RACE AT LOUDON–Florida Racer Scores Third Consecutive Victory in Buell Spec Series

Loudon, NH (June 16, 2002) – Michael Barnes rode his Kosco Harley-Davidson/Buell-Innovative Motorcycle Research Buell Lightning X1 to an easy win at the Formula USA Buell Lightning Series, presented by Buell Pro Series Accessories, event at New Hampshire International Speedway. The victory gives Barnes a three-race sweep of the eight-race series so far this season.

?We?ve had a great set-up on the Buell that we developed at Loudon last year, and we?ve hardly touched it since then,? said Barnes. ?This is a real rider?s track and I was just able to attack it really hard. (Team owner) Rich Cronrath gives me a great bike.?

Barnes and his fuel-injected Lightning X1 dominated all weekend. In qualifying on June 15, Barnes set the pace in pouring rain with a best lap of 1:28.406 seconds over runner-up Harley-Davidson/Buell of Frederick rider Bryan Bemisderfer of Greencastle, Pa., who recorded a best lap of 1:30.551 around the bumpy, technical road course.

THE REDNECK– A redneck walks into a bar in Texas, orders three mugs of Budweiser andsits in the back of the room, drinking a sip out of each one in turn. When he finishes them, he comes back to the barand orders three more.

The bartender approaches and tells him, “You know, a mug goes flat after Idraw it, it would taste better if you bought one at a time.”

The redneck replies, “Well, you see, I have two brothers. One is inAustralia, the other is in Dublin, and I’m here in Texas. When we all left home, we promised that we’d drink this way toremember the days we drank together. So I drink one for each of my brothers and one for myself.”

The bartender admits that this is a nice custom, and leaves it there.

The redneck becomes a regular in the bar, and always drinks the same way.He orders three mugs and drinks them in turn.

One day, he comes in and orders just two mugs. All the regulars takenotice and fall silent.

When he comes back to the bar for the second round, the bartender says, “Idon’t want to intrude on your grief, but I wanted to offer my condolences on your loss.”

The redneck looks quite puzzled for a moment, then a light dawns and he laughs. “Oh, no, everybody’s just fine,” he explains, “It’s just thatmy wife had us join the Baptist Church and I had to quit drinking…Hasn’t affected my brothers though.

–from Chris T.

??? Hot Bike presents the White BrothersLos Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show Sponsored by Bikernet.com Exciting 2-Day Weekend Streetbike Extravaganza set forJuly 20 -21st at the Queen Mary Event Park in Long Beach.There’s lot’s of exciting new things happening for the rapidly approaching 2002 edition of the Hot Bike magazine sponsored White Brothers Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show produced by Gianatsis Design and set for July 20-21st weekend at the Queen Mary Event Park, Long Beach, CA. The Show is really coming together with 120 major manufacturers and the leading custom bike builders from across America. Sponsored by Hot Bike, White Brothers, Performance Machine, Bikernet.com and The Recycler/Cycle Buys, The LA Calendar Motorcycle Show has continued to grow every year to become the biggest and most popular streetbike show in America catering to the custom, cruiser and sportbike markets.

Show producer Jim Gianatsis is excited to announce that sponsor Performance Machine, the world’s leading manufacturer of motorcycle braking, control and wheel systems, is providing the exciting new Performance Machine Best of Show Trophy for the Calendar Bike Contest featuring and engraved brake caliper and disc mounted in a billet machined alloy base stand. This annual trophy is destined to become the premier award in the industry to strive for by America’s top bike builders.

And of course, the Calendar Bike Show Show features the most competitive Bike Contest on the West Coast with it?s prestigious new Performance Machine Best of Show Trophy. Other activities include The White Brothers West Coast Horsepower Dyno Shootout, a FastDates.com Calendar Girl Pageant, and of course the premier of the 2003 FastDates.com Calendars with the beautiful calendar models in attendance.


And one of the models will be Miss Great Britain Nicki Lane, who the weekend before will be one of our official SBK FastDates.com Girls at Laguna Seca World Superbike. Other models scheduled to appear include beautiful Bonnie-Jill Laflin featured in a the current July 2002 issue of FHM magazine in a 5 page pictorial, and FastDates.com Calendar girl and Perfect 10 magazine model Taylor McKegney.

Bikernet.com will also again be hosting the blowout Bikernet.com Party on Saturday night aboard the Queen Mary with a huge fireworks display. Last year’s party was a huge success with standing room only, lots of free Bikernet.com giveaways, and running until the wee hours of the morning. Show activities all weekend will be hosted by motoscribe Keith Ball, a.k.a. Bandit of Bikernet.com, together with our returning hostess, the lovely Brenda Fox.

And just to get things heated up beforehand, in the Event Park there will be a 6pm concert performance by LA’s hottest new performance show band Powder who will blow you away with their electrifying stage performance and vocals focused on the beautiful Ninette in her Madonna-esque bikini costumes. Returning again this year by popular demand as the day-time band both days is the pop / jazz /salsa band Soto.

The Art Exhibit— A couple is attending an art exhibit and they are looking at a portrait that has them a little taken aback. The picture depicts 3 very black, very naked men sitting on a park bench; 2 have a black penis and the one in the middle has a pink penis.

As the couple is looking somewhat puzzled at the picture, the Irish artist walks by and says, “Can I help you with this painting? I’m the artist who painted it.”

The man says “Well, we like the painting but don’t understand why you have 3 African men on a bench, and the one in the middle has a pink penis, while the other two have a black penis.”

The Irish artist says, “Oh you are misinterpreting the painting. They’re not African men, they are Irish coal miners, and the one in the middle went home for lunch”.

–from Nuttboy

Continued On Page 4

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