December 5, 2002 Part 3


Continued From Page 2


Photo from Bob T.

BIKERNET HUNTING RECOMMENDATIONS–A Hillbilly went hunting one day in Oklahoma and bagged three ducks. He putthem in the bed of his pickup truck and was about to drive home when he wasconfronted by an ornery game warden who didn’t like hillbillies. The gamewarden ordered to the hillbilly to show his hunting license, and thehillbilly pulled out a valid Oklahoma hunting license. The game wardenlooked at the license, then reached over and picked up one of the ducks,sniffed its butt, and said “This duck ain’t from Oklahoma. This is a Kansasduck. You got a Kansas huntin’ license, boy?”

The hillbilly reached into hiswallet and produced a Kansas hunting license. The game warden looked at it,then reached over and grabbed the second duck, sniffed its butt, and said”This ain’t no Kansas duck. This duck’s from Arkansas. You got a Arkansaslicense?”

The hillbilly reached into his wallet and produced an Arkansashunting license. The warden then reached over and picked up the third duck,sniffed its butt, and said This ain’t no Arkansas duck. This here duck’sfrom South Carolina. You got a South Carolina huntin’ license?”

Again thehillbilly reached into his wallet and brought out a South Carolina huntinglicense. The game warden was extremely frustrated at this point, and heyelled at the hillbilly “Just where the hell are you from?”

The hillbillyturned around, bent over, dropped his pants, and said “You tell me, Your theexpert.”

–from Rogue

BEACH RIDE UPDATE–The Beach Ride is over 10 years old and a major charity, music and bike event for the Exceptional Children’s Foundation of Los Angeles. Since the Laughlin shoot-out the Ventura authorities have canceled virtually every motorcycle event in Ventura County. The city is now being sued by George Christie of the Hells Angels for not allowing colors into the county fair. This is a childrens charity event but the Park and Rec authorities saw fit to double the costs to allow the event then canceled it.

The Beach Ride Committee, which Bikernet is apart of, has researched alternate event sites for years to avoid this unfair treatment. We are negotiating with Fraizer Park of Kern County, but they are currently not returning calls. Meanwhile, the Frazier Park Chamber of Commerce decided at their meeting today to write a letter to Addison/Lerude, the authorities, to push them along. Long Beach is also a consideration.If anyone has suggestions for an alternate site or influence in Kern County or Long Beach don’t hesitate to call. The handicapped childern of Los Angeles need your support.

If you’re in the motorcycle industry and wish to support this event call Carmela or drop me a line,

Carmela Anne Burke, MPA
Director of Development and Communications
(310) 845-8060
(310) 922-3218 (cell)
(310) 253-0525 (pager)

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT– I can’t remember when the things started changing, when people that rode motorcycles turned into rich people who rode motorcycles for a hobby. When the Pans and Shovels became things of the past, the new Evo and now the Twin Cam became the engine of choice….When the events boasting incredible numbers, in the hundred thousand, became half million and then some, when the vendor spots that were one thousand dollars became 5 and up to 10 thousand…..I remember when hotels (and the few who stayed there) had reasonable rates, not $300.00 a night. Funny , but even with the lower rate campgrounds were a lot more popular, and the choice place to stay if you intended to live in chaos for the week. I remember when people pitched a tent at the river banks off 14 A in Boulder Canyon (before the new road), when you could get to any rally on Tuesday and it was still mellow…the crowds did not show up ’till Friday…. I remember when there were few magazines, and bikes were mostly built by unknown individuals, just like tomorrow…

Yeah right, I do remember when wearing a ” company” T-shirt showed that you were from a different breed, as well as leathers and boots, tools of the trade if you dare to say so. I remember when patch (or colors) wearing brothers roamed freely amongst all kind of bikers, being able to enjoy their freedoms, just like everyone else, not persecuted, banned and unwelcome….Even the times when a $20,000 bike was a super expensive custom and H-D’s parts catalog was about 12 pages thick (mostly the same parts for different models). I guess all this was back in a time when all the printed exposure one might get was in a Biker magazine, when all the TV exposure was at the 5 o’clock news on channel 4 in Daytona. The funny thing is that all the things above seems like they happened eons ago, in reality, it was not that long, not even close….

I talk about this, since I have nothing else to write about this week (just kiddin’ ). I’m guessing most people would imagine that motorcycle people (there are few bikers out there) talk about the three B’s:Bikes, Babes and Booze, every time they get together, but reality plays a cruel joke sometimes. Normal people talk about normal stuff….. and in one of the conversations these “changes” came up. But the big question was how did we miss that turning point? What made this industry what it is today…. and more important what made Biff and Buffy turn to this ” hobby” ?

To understand this we must back track a bit, in the 80’s ” The Company” was in dire straits and the always faithful bikers were called to save the day, and save it they did, but back then a bike was a bike, and a Harley a Harley, as long as you were riding a Harley you were one of the group. It did not matter if it seeped oil, it was old or new, had chrome, or had a kick starter…We were all the same. To top it of we all ended hating the Evo motor, that new reliable powerplant was the welcome mat to hordes of clueless people invited into this seclusive lifestyle. The salvation of the mechanically retarded, of the week end warrior. Flip that little button a vroom it went….Thank God for the crappy Twin Cam that became the new kid on the block and displaced the Evo too, ” Jurassic” , technology. We also have to realize that the new motorcycles were more reliable, user friendly and yes…again…the little button that brought the beast to life… A big plus, no kicking for Mr. Newbie, sweating is not cool. Some say that the demise was the day that the “company” decided to finance the motorcycles, now it was as easy as going to your dealership of choice, sign some papers and pay a monthly note…Instant bad ass. Who wanted to buy an older, cheaper bike and make it work, with busted knuckles and some sweat when you could be insta riding by just signing your soul to the devil? Suddenly all those old faithful motors and bikes were looked down upon, were machines for dirty bums and outlaws…..

Welcome to the new RUB age… bring the Gold card with you or you will miss all the fun….Welcome to mainstream America. Then the biker became a minority, became outcasts, exiled from their own lifestyle.

Sure good things came with the big change. The aftermarket sky rocketed, the industry was rock solid, dealers, vendors, manufacturers, etc, etc… We all grew in leaps and bounds, but to what cost ? Magazines feature bikes that are more expensive than most houses, pages full of billet and chrome goodies, every part, gadget, apparel, and what the fuck else in the world. Everything and anything…” come on down folks….come on to the Circus….” Numbers multiply at blinding speeds, 74,80,88,96,100,107,113,124,132…..130,150,180,200,230,250….Engine x chrome x tire width x paint x $$ = size of dick……. “Buy your tickets, limited seating only…come see the new V-Rod …”

Yeah our beloved lifestyle has become a circus, money flying all over, heroes being born overnight, and fads being displaced by the swipe of an Amex….So what created this monster..? Fuck if I know…. All I know if that after all this dust settles, all the hoopla and ” fashion” thing fades, all that will be left are those hard core guys on their trusty Pans, Shovels and Knuckles (and even Evos) riding around, in the wind, having a grand time….Like it’s always been.

Goddamn son, you almost had me in tears.–Bandit



Chica monster in the bare, bare stage.

Enough rant…let’s get to the news…..

We’ve heard that Jesse James Motorcycle Mania 3 is on the drawing board….. let’s see what the WCC guys come up with this time….I’m sure it will be interesting.

Since we are on the Jesse James string, we heard that his live chat on the Discovery Board was insane, there was so many people there waiting for him to show up that there were hundreds of messages before Jesse could answer one. I guess all the TV and being one of the 50 People’s magazine sexiest people has just cemented his fame. I’m glad for him….

The second biker build off in Discovery has been postponed to an undecided date, which is a blessing in disguise since I was not looking forward to freezing my tropical butt in sub zero temps, and it gives Billy Lane more time to do all the stuff he is doing right now…. We hope it’s all for the best.

This is still on the works but The Horse, Choppers Inc and Caribbean Custom Cycles are joining up in Daytona Bike Week this year, so if you are there (and we finally go thru with this) come visit, that will be the Chopper Spot for sure.

I don’t know if you watch TV but last Tuesday the History Channel featured two motorcycle shows back to back and TLC did three, plus all the usual Speed Vision stuff…. That’s over eight motorcycle shows in one day…….. Man that’s a lot of bikes !!!! Cool !!!

The Ft Lauderdale Toy Run (or whatever is called now) will take place this coming Sunday, more than 30 thousand bikes are expected including some celebrities….Hope someone report on it next week.


And as promised…. The progress on my new Chopper report..Forking By Franks deserves the super duper dudes you rock , of the week, the tubes are on the bike as I write this (and they said three weeks, delivered in three days).I’m still waiting on my front wheel, promised last week still not here….Mark ????

Jose's striped bike
My motor is floating somewhere in the Atlantic, this “screw you” goes to the shipping company….Which I’ll suggest not to use in the future (as soon as the motor is safely in my frame ).The rear wheel is still missing, but I understand how busy those guys are….so mum is the word.

Super Kudos goes to the Folks at Twisted Choppers in Sioux Falls, SD. They are the masters…the oil tank was here in two days and my modified gas tank in four !!!(see the gas tank feature in The Horse soon)

Anyway..gotta go, a new Tat awaits…. See you all next week…Maybe, just maybe, I’ll have some photos of the rolling bike….

–Jose, Caribbean Bikernet Report.


THE REAL DEAL OF THE WEEK–4-1/8″ BORE SUPER SIDEWINDERPLUS ENGINES BY S&S CYCLE–The oil new S&S Super Sidewinder + (SSW+) V2 style long blocks offer the ultimate in performance and the latest technologyfor owners of 1984-1999

Evolution? Big Twin motorcycles. With 4-1/8″ bore, these are the largest street engines S&S has ever offered, but that’s not the end of the story. The new 4-1/8″ bore cylinders and SSW+ cylinder heads have bigger fins for improvedcooling. By coupling the new cylinders with 4-3/8, and 4-5/8 strokes, can offer displacements of 117 and 124. To make the best use of those cubic inches, allSSW+ engines are equipped with the S&S Super G carburetor and the all new S&S 640 camshaft.

In addition to the improved cooling and larger displacement, the SSW+ engines have a number of exclusive features that enhance the performance and improve engine life. Special crankcases are used to house the SSW+s 4-1/8″bore cylinders and pressed together flywheel assembly. A special newly designed oil pump provides higher oil pressure, and increases crankcase oil scavenging. Anytime the engine speed is above idle, oiling jets provide a spray of cooling oil to the bottoms of the pistons whenever the oil pressure is above 10 psi. The crankcases are machinedto return top end oil directly to the cam chest instead of the flywheel cavity.

Fits all EVO frames (stockheight). The new S&S SSW+ engines are only available complete.021162 124″ SSW+ engine complete assembled.

Retail cost is $7,489.99. Buy now and Bikernet will charge you a flat $7,000. Ignore what the shopping cart tells you, we will only charge your card $7,000. Just go to the Bikernet Gulch, the Chrome Specialties Store.

Continued On Page 4

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