March 20, 2008 Part 2


Continued From Page 1


BANDIT’S DAY ROLL JOURNEY–No it ain’t sushi.Got Great paint? Don?t want to mar the finish or add do dads to carrysaddlebags? Well, Bandit has the scratch for your itch. The Day Roll Bagwill carry tools, a $500 jacket, flashlight, your gal?s purse, a change ofclothes and anything else you need to get it together for a day trip.

The bag is designed to be taken off the bike whenever or worked withwhile in place. The easily accessible end pockets are great for padlocks,keys, bungee cords, smokes, a lighter, chapstick, anything you may need toget at quick.

The Day Roll is available for purchase in >”>Bandit’s Black Market. Take a look.

–El Jeffe


BIKERNET BIKER RETURNS FROM SEA–A pirate walked into a bar and the bartender said, ‘Hey, I haven’tSeen you in a while. What happened? You look terrible.”What do you mean?’ said the pirate, ‘I feel fine.’

Bartender, ‘What about the wooden leg? You didn’t have that before.’

Pirate, ‘Well, we were in a battle and I got hit with a cannon ball, butI’m fine now.’

Bartender, ‘Well, OK, but what about that hook? What happened to yourhand?’

Pirate, ‘We were in another battle. I boarded a ship and got into asword fight. My hand was cut off. I got fitted with a hook.I’m fine, really.’

Bartender ‘What about that eye patch?’

Pirate, ‘Oh, one day we were at sea and a flock of birds flew over. Ilooked up and one of them pooped in my eye.’

‘You’re kidding,’ said the bartender, ‘you lost an eye just frombird shit.’

Pirate, ‘It was my first day with the hook.’

–from Rik

INDIAN MOTORCYCLES ARE COMING BACK–Just a quick note letting youknow that the new Indian Motorcycle will be sending news out this week. I wanted to give you heads up, so you can watch for it.

Darcy Betlach
Chrome Marketing

LV bikefest banner

LAS VEGAS BIKEFEST COMING IN OCTOBER–Las Vegas BikeFest is the excuse you?ve been looking for to go to Las Vegas.Come join over 40,000 other riders for great riding weather in Las Vegas,for the 8th Annual event, October 2-5, 2008. A four-day international eventwith a $100,000 Poker Run, custom bike show, vendor display, Miss & Mr. LasVegas BikeFest competitions, Grand Prize Giveaways, entertainment, and more.

Don?t miss Artistry in Iron, Master Builders Championship where youwill see a display of the 25 hottest builders bikes. Registration startsas low as $25 and includes event t-shirt, rally pin, commemorative gift, andmore.

For more information see the website at,or call toll-free 1-866-BIKEFEST or e-mail

Wicked bars

HERE’S SOME WICKED BARS FROM GREG’S–Greg Rice, of Greg’s Custom Cycle Works, has extended his Deep Sickness product line to include these Wicked handlebars.

The bars are designed with a unique tri-point configuration, and are offered two ways, pre-drilled for external wiring or ready for internal runs.

Wicked bars are made from 1.5-inch DOM steel tubing and measure 32 inches across with a 6-inch rise. The risers can be made longer or shorter, tailored to your riding style and comfort.

They are available in a wide variety of custom colors or can be ordered chromed, powdered or raw.

Greg’s Custom Cycle Works
Clearwater, Florida
(727) 461-4808

Gregs Cycle Banners  custom paint

BRITTOWN COMING TO A THEATER NEAR YOU–Thanks for the email, really appreciate it. We actually have spent the past4 weeks fine-tuning things and are really happy with the how the film looksand sounds now. The timing of your note is perfect since we’re shipping theDVD next week, we’ll get you one as soon as it’s ready.

In other news, the Brittown Tour is being kicked off in San Fran nextweekThursday with a full night of screenings at the Roxie (March 27th – 6:30pm,8:30pm, 10:30pm) to coincide with the Clubman’s All British Weekend! Morescreenings are being lined up all over the globe, it’s gonna be a crazySummer.

Earl is salt of the earth, he helps us out a lot and did great work onScotty’s Brittown Bobber.


blond b&w

GIRL LOOKING FOR AMERICAN BEAUTY PAGEANT SPONSORS–Hi I am a Delegate running as “Elite Lone Star State” in the American BeautyPageant and am looking for sponsors.

Would you be interested in sponsoring me. I would also love to do anadvertisement for your company. You can check out my web site for the show Ihost:

Look forward to hearing from you.

713.385.7781 cell

2009 Indian

A LEGENDARY RIDE INTO A LIMITLESS FUTURE–The 2009 Indian Chief, and additional models to be introduced in subsequentyears, continue Indian’s tradition of technological innovation, mechanicalexcellence, quality construction, rock-solid reliability, and exquisitestyling.

Designed by some of the most honored engineers in the American motorcycleindustry, assembled by dedicated craftsmen with an ingrained passion toimbue every motorcycle leaving the plant with Indian’s legendary “live toride” spirit, the New Indian Motorcycle is not for everyone … nor is itintended to be.

On the contrary, it is the ultimate American cruiser for roaming roadsless traveled as well as those designated Interstate highways. Thequintessential motorcycle for riders who neither lead nor follow packs, butstand above and apart from them, comfortable in their individualism, securein their identity.

With a wide range of factory-designed-and-fitted personalization optionsincluding seats and saddlebags, wheels and fenders, classic Crimson and 21stcentury hand-painted color schemes, the New Indian Motorcycle makes astatement — your statement — with every mile it carries you. Here, there,anywhere, everywhere, and — always, always — home again.

When will these extraordinary machines, now running as prototypes at ourKings Mountain, North Carolina Wigwam be ready for you to ride? Sooner thanyou think. But not a moment before they’re absolutely worthy of the Indianbadge, a proud nameplate still seen on more than 35,000 road-worthy,50-plus-year-old Indian motorcycles.

New RoadRider Front


BIKERNET AVON TYRE (TIRE DAMNIT!) OF THE MONTH– Here we have theAvon AM26 Road rider. The Roadrider is a bias ply construction tire thatcombines outstanding performance with long tire life. Designed forSportsters and bikes of a similar weight class, the rubber compound isspecially formulated for excellent grip year round and the carcass isdesigned to provide a large ?footprint? at all lean angles.

The centraltread grove is designed for optimized water dispersion but is interruptedever few inches to eliminate the ?white-lining? effect (when your bike hitsa grove in the road and gets pulled along with it.) All this performance isbacked with a V speed rating (149 mph) on all sizes for all you speedjunkies.

New RoadRider rear

With 32 sizes available, the Roadrider line includes a lot of those hardto find sizes for older bikes that we still love to ride but that might usenow outdated and hard to find tire sizes. It is also very competitivelypriced, which we know everyone loves.

Check it out at a shop near you!

THE WHISKEY CHASING REPORTER CHECKS IN–Glad your site is back up.Still a few glitches but I know you’ll get it straightened out. You’reprobably wondering why this drunk fuck is writing you again. Well, I guessit’s like this:

I know you know how it was, and when I am drinking, I start thinkingabout how things were back in the ’70s. I think about how folks were. Likewhen you cruised into a small town and you find some great band in a bar andyou never even heard of the fuckers before. Like this band we saw once thathad everyone jumpin’ on tables and groovin. Their name was Salt Creek out ofIdaho.

One time in Moscow, Idaho, we walked into a place called the CapricornBallroom and Norton Godamn Buffalo was jammin on the harp in this place.Yeehaw! Well, I know those days are over but the fact is I still look forthat feeling we used to get and once in while you find it. Know what I meandude? Like at a biker bash someplace.

Anyway, there is still a few of us left. Sorry to bug you brother, but hey, if you can’t bug a brother then who canyou bug ?

I might be Scot but I’ll drink on St.Paddy’s weekend. WTF, the Irishneed friends too!

HUNGARIAN ROD ‘N CUSTOM SHOW IS NEXT WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPAFFILIATE– The second annual Rod ‘n Custom Show will take place overthe weekend of May 3-4 in Budapest, Hungary.The show, claimed to be the biggest custom event in Eastern Europe, will beheld in the HungExpo exhibition center which features a 70,000 sq ft indoorexhibition hall together with a 65,000 sq ft outdoor area. In addition tocustom motorcycles, the event will also feature Hot Rods and classicAmerican cars.

The centerpiece Custom Bike Show is now the Hungarian Affiliate to theOfficial World Championship of Custom Bike Building and has alreadyattracted entries from 14 countries. The Best in Show winner will receive a5000 Euro contribution towards the expense of competing in this year’sOfficial World Championship of Custom Bike Building in Sturgis, August 3-6.Individual class prizes have been kindly sponsored by Custom Chrome Europe,Harley-Davidson Gyor and Highway Hawk.

Last year’s event attracted around 17,000 visitors and a field of over 80bikes from 9 countries competing for the prizes. Mike Pruss of South FloridaChoppers travelled over for the opening of their Budapest store and alsotook home the Best in Show accolade for his bike “Killer Orange”.

Email: (in English)


ANTI-GUN CONTROL TESTIMONY–This is a short take on the Gun Control issue going forward now in theSupreme Court, and this young woman’s poignant experience. She hashighlighted for me an important point; she’s not mad at the madman whokilled her parents, he is like a mad dog… this wasn’t about robbery or ahit, he was just crazy and there’s no diplomacy or wily negotiator who isgoing to get him to see reason.

He should be in a rubber room or on amadman’s Devil’s Island where he will be unable to injure or kill sanecitizens. Problem is judges, psychologists and parole boards can’t seem toget past the “lawyers view” that the pathological killer “has served histime and must be “set free.”

Old news

DRACONIAN FLORIDA LAWS ATTACKED–I read the article by Robert Conroy about the draconian laws in Florida. Ihave been there and will never be back. I say we not only boycott Daytonabut every biker and not just Harley riders, but everybody from dirt ridersto wannabe?s move out and take your money. Hell even cut a canal betweenFlorida and the free USA. What the hell give it to Cuba. That?s the way theyact there.

Everybody was rude and acted like they did not want you thereeven the restaurants. One of them we ate in did not bring us forks or spoonsand when I ask for them they acted like you were supposed to eat with yourfingers. When she brought them to us she just threw them on the table. Ihave traveled all over these states and Florida has got to be the mostcommunistic state I have ever been in. It was like the KGB was everywhereeven way out in the woods. You were never out of their site.

We were pulled over by a couple of under cover cops in an old Buick andthey had beards, long hair and vest. The car followed us for a while thenturned on strobes installed in the grill. We were going the speed limit,obeying all the laws I could think of, and I did not want to pull over forsomeone that looked like that. Not that I was scared, I just did not wantto get into a shootout, as the repercussions from it is a lot of Hassle. Ithought they were maybe escorting a trailer or pipe load or something. Copswere the last things I thought they were. Needless to say no matter how manytimes I changed lanes they did to, so I pulled over in a parking lot. But itleft them in the road and they copped an attitude, as if they did not haveone all ready, so I pulled up a little more.

I ask them who they were andthey flashed their badges. I ask them why they were pulling me over, since Iwas in a van (a citizens vehicle), hey my buddy was partially paralyzed andhe wanted to see Daytona. They said I had an expired sticker on my plate.Hey I am from Texas and they stopped that a long time ago and I think they,new that or maybe not, you know I don?t think they give an IQ test to cops.

But I think they just used that for an excuse. After looking at me andchecking all my papers they proceeded to go to the van. My van’s burglaralarm works off and onand would you know it, just as the cop reached for the door the alarmlocked. You should have seen the look on his face and my wife’s who thoughtI did it, and I thought she did it. We all knew, except the cops, we hadabout six or seven guns in the van, I never travel unarmed to go camping inthe woods. Maybe the guns were overkill as some of them were assault typeguns with about a dozen 30 & 40 round mags and a couple of pistols, justunder the back seat on the floorboard.

He ask if he could search my van, what was I supposed to say NO, ofcourse I said yes and explained that the alarm was broke trying my best tokeep a straightface. He looked around and we had no beer cans or earthly smells so hechecked everybody?s ID. Even thou I knew what was in the van I still gavethem a rash of shit for looking so sneaky, and I think it distracted themlong enough not to look very far. Not having beer cans or other smells mighthave helped to, and all driving records were clean so they cut us loose.After that somebody on rice rocket hit and killed an old lady. A resident noless, so needless to say the cops were shuttingit down early.

We had one more day on the hotel room paid for but we wereso paranoid by midnight we spent all night packing up and scooted out underthe cover of darkness. As we were on our way back. Way out in the woods wesaw cops one after another with people pulled over, handcuffed, strippingtheir car or bike down.

I was never so glad to cross the Texas line in my life. I think I willstick to north or west but I will never go back to that hellhole.


helmet hog banner

Continued On Page 3

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