November 27, 2008 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

Brute widekit

STRIP CLUB CHOPPERS ANNOUNCES THE ADDITION OF A NEW TOUR RIG — The new customized trailer, appropriately titled ?Strip Club Choppers – Side Stage II? will hit the road at the beginning of the 2009 rally season. The owners of ?Side Stage II? are Charlie and Dee Stewart, long time successful sunglass vendors. The licensing agreement was struck between the two companies in order to fill avoid at the motorcycle rallies that ?Strip Club Choppers? main stage rig could not fulfill.

Charlie Stewart commented, ?The ?Strip Club Choppers? Side Stage II? is the result of months of planning and researching the current trends in a very tumultuous industry. Strip Club Choppers gives rally goers the life style experience of being part of the motorcycle culture, and offers a high quality product at a very affordable price. We are excited about our new business and look forward to the 2009 tour.?

The ?Side Stage II? rig features all the amenities: a state of the art sound system, a flat screen TV, dance poles, bar stools, tables and couches to create the same atmosphere that has become synonymous with the Strip Club Choppers Roadhouse. With this additional rig on the road, promoters will have the opportunity to book either Roadhouse set-up, depending on their needs and budget.

Tour personalities will continue to be: Playboy model – Debbi Davids American Thunder?s – Jay Barbieri Strip Club Choppers founder – Johnny Lange

Please visit our website: WWW.STRIPCLUBCHOPPERS.COM
In addition, you may also email us at or call Mindy at 772-287-8748.

Love ride

California Bike Week & Love Ride 25Why I keep returning year after year–Well, if bigger is better, than the Love Ride keeps getting better and better. And if there is one thing most women worldwide can agree on, it is that bigger usually IS better. Like with closet space and stuff. When the Love Ride began 25 years ago, it was a small event raising much needed charity funds for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Many of us who attend the Love Ride annually came to know Chris Houle, the Love Ride’s ambassador for more than a decade. Chris lived an inspirational life fighting for awareness about his disease. Sadly, Chris died of complications due to muscular dystrophy just before his 25th birthday in 2006.

And now this year, the Love Ride celebrates its silver anniversary and 25th birthday. In those 25 years, the Love Ride has undergone many changes. The best of them being that, as the event continues to grow, it has helped not only the MDA, but a multitude of other non-profit organizations that benefit from the donations raised by the more than 20,000 bikers who participate each year. The Love Ride brings in nearly a million dollars in charity funds each year, and has raised $21 million since its inception.

Love ride2
Our author, Betsy.

People from all over the world come to ride in what is still being recognized as the world’s largest one-day motorcycle fundraiser — although now the Love Ride is considered to be the grand finale to a three-day weekend full of events being called California Bike Week. And with the change in destination from Castaic Lake to the new Pomona Fairplex Fairgrounds, the way has been paved for the Love Ride to grow over the next 25 years. It is the hope of Love Ride founder and chairman, Oliver Shokouh, that during the next 25 years the event continues to grow as it has the last 25. Oliver’s continued commitment is to improve the quality of life for those less fortunate. By changing the event’s location to accommodate its growth, the opportunity has been laid for what was once a one-day ride to an annual California event that could compete with big bike rallies in Sturgis and Daytona.

Although the new destination makes for a short 50-mile freeway ride, the change is good for a couple of reasons. Interstate 210 to Pomona is much less crowded with cars than I-5 north to Castaic, and makes what used to be a frenzied hour of splitting lanes a much more safe and organized parade of 20,000 motorcycles. Not to mention that getting into the huge Fairplex parking lot is easily expedited, as opposed to the chaos of parking on hillsides at Castaic. So what you miss in the scenic beauty of Castaic Lake, you make up for in better organization, safer riding and more room. In addition to changing the venue, the day the Love Ride is held has been moved up a couple of weeks to late October instead of mid-November.

I look forward to many more years of the Love Ride and California Bike Week.

–By Betsy Huelskamp


THANKSGIVING BIKERNET WEEKLY PRODUCT RELEASE FROM RIVERA PRIMO– CHOPPER-STYLE MEGAPHONE MUFFLERS–Here’s an updated version of the classic Trumpet megaphone muffler which was fitted to so many bobbers & choppers in those early days. Crafted from 16 gauge steel, then polished & plated to a high luster finish, each of these 18″ long beauties emits a very mellow exhaust tone due to the permanent glass pack innards.


Each muffler has a heavy duty 3/8-inch stud welded on the backside to assist in mounting,just like the dual set-up pictured here. This crafted slip-on muffler has a 1-3/4″ inletand includes a sturdy chromed clamp. Mufflers are sold each !


Slip-On Trumpet-Style Chopper Muffler / Fits 1-3/4″ Pipes
RE-M-2 . . . . . Trumpet Muffler for 1-3/4″ Pipes /
Sold Each . . . . . . . MSRP $ 156.61

For further info on these & other fine products contact:
Rivera Primo Inc.
12450 Whittier Blvd.
Whittier, CA 90602
Tel: 800-872-1515 ? 562-907-2600 ? Fax: 562-907-2606

Primo 6-Spd conv banner1

ALL NEW BIKERNET SOBERITY TEST–Things that are difficult to say when Drunk
1. Innovative
2. Preliminary
3. Proliferation
4. Cinnamon

1. Specificity
2. Anti-constitutionalistically
3. Passive-aggressive disorder
4. Transubstantiate

1. No thanks, I’m married.
2. Nope, no more booze for me!
3. Sorry, but you’re not really my type.
4. Taco Bell? No thanks, I’m not hungry.
5. Good evening, officer. Isn’t it lovely out tonight?
6. Oh, I couldn’t! No one wants to hear me sing karaoke.
7. I’m not interested in fighting you.
8. Thank you, but I won’t make any attempt to dance, I have no coordination. I’d hate to look like a fool!
9. Where is the nearest bathroom? I refuse to pee in this parking lot or on the side of the road.
10. I must be going home now, as I have to work in the morning.

–from jester


FBI File Shows Knievel’s Alleged Evil Side–Federal Authorities Nearly Charged Daredevil In Beatings.

MIAMI — Evel Knievel never denied his scrapes with the law — the late motorcycle daredevil often reveled in them. But even he objected to a 1970s FBI investigation of whether he was involved in a string of beatings. According to documents obtained by The Associated Press, the federal government came close to charging Knievel, who in turn threatened to sue the FBI for alleging he was connected to a crime syndicate. Neither followed through. Knievel, who died last November in Clearwater, Fla., repeatedly denied his involvement to both investigators and victims, according to the documents.

“Knievel stated that he was not responsible for what just happened to (name redacted) and that he had no control over the ‘thing”‘ according to one phone conversation recounted in an FBI interview. Knievel, immortalized in the Smithsonian Institution as “America’s Legendary Daredevil,” donned red, white and blue for his death-defying stunts.

He had a knack for outrageous yarns and claimed to have been a swindler, a safe cracker and a holdup man.

His most well-known run-in with the law was a 1977 attack on movie studio executive Shelly Saltman, whom the daredevil beat with a baseball bat in the parking lot of 20th Century Fox. Saltman promoted Knievel’s infamous attempt to jump Idaho’s Snake River Canyon and then wrote a book about the experience, angering Knievel by portraying him as “an alcoholic, a pill addict, an anti-Semite and an immoral person.”

Knievel was sentenced to six months in jail and Saltman won a $12.75 million judgment, but never collected. Saltman did not return a phone message recently to discuss the FBI file.

Knievel’s file shows investigators believed he was involved with other violent acts — an attack in a Kansas City hotel room and a vicious beating in San Francisco. All were allegedly carried out by Knievel associates, according to subjects quoted in the file. Authorities also looked into an alleged threat made in Phoenix, but could find no information for the case.

The investigation bounced between field offices in Miami, Chicago and California. Knievel’s business associates were interviewed, his phone records examined. Of the 202 pages of Knievel’s 290-page file released to the AP, some were heavily redacted, with identities, interviews and contact information excluded. The names of victims were not released, though some details of their experiences were.

One man told agents he received a threatening phone call, and shortly after was beaten by a Knievel associate who left him hospitalized. The man was interviewed by the FBI, but could remember his assailant’s black loafers better than his facial features.

He told the AP he wants to remain anonymous because he had moved on from the attack and into a career not associated with stunt jumping. He said the FBI wanted to know if he could identify his attacker.

“They gave me mug shots at one point in time and I couldn’t pick him out,” he said. “It was a dark room, he had dark glasses on him. All I know is he was big. I could describe his shoes better than anything.”

Bob Gill, a competitor of Knievel’s during the 1970s, said he was part of a confrontation associated with Knievel, but the daredevil later apologized and denied his involvement and the two became friends. Gill was not interviewed by the FBI, but said his run-in mirrored others described in the file. He declined to elaborate.

“Evel’s never done any wrong besides that one little incident,” Gill said. “And he’s made up for it 1,000 times.”

–from Rogue

TMRA banner

TEXAS BECOMES A ROADBLOCK BATTLEGROUND– Interest groups battle over roadblocks ahead of the 2009 Texas legislative session.

Interest groups are pressuring Texas lawmakers to authorize the use of roadblocks ahead of their return for the 2009 legislative session. The practice of setting up barricades on roads to stop and interrogate motorists suspected of no wrongdoing has been unlawful since a 1994 state appeals court decision ruled that a “politically accountable governing body at the state level” must first approve their use. Now Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has scheduled an October 23 deadline for briefs to decide the Texas Public Safety Commission’s request to bypass this requirement and approve roadblocks on its own authority.

Texas is one of fewer than a dozen states that currently prohibit warrantless searches of motorists. For that reason, the new president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), Laura Dean-Mooney, made convincing the Texas legislature of the need for roadblocks a high priority for her organization.

“I have a special place in my heart for Texas,” Mooney said upon taking the top job in July. “But so much more must be done. Passing interlocks for all drunk driving offenders and sobriety checkpoints to deter drunk driving would be a great start.”

MADD came close to a legislative victory in April 2007 when the state Senate voted unanimously to establish the waterborne equivalent of a roadblock. The proposed “boating safety checkpoints” would have allowed police to pull over and question all recreational boaters on lakes within the state. The legislation would also have given police the discretion to use force to take a boater’s blood to determine sobriety. The measure died when the state House declined to act on the bill.

The alcoholic beverage industry feels threatened by the chilling effect such draconian measures would have on sales of beer and wine at restaurants.

“By calling for roadblocks and mandating breathalyzers for first time offenders, regardless of their BAC level, MADD is ignoring the root cause of today’s drunk driving problem — hard core alcohol abusers,” American Beverage Institute Managing Director Sarah Longwell said.”Because they are highly visible by design and publicized in advance, roadblocks are all too easily avoided by the chronic alcohol abusers who comprise the core of today’s drunk driving problem. That leaves adults who enjoyed a glass of wine with dinner, a beer at a ball game, or a champagne toast at a wedding to be harassed at checkpoints.”

The possibility of innocent drivers being arrested at such checkpoints is increased by a state police policy that gives troopers an incentive to accuse motorists of drunk driving. In a June meeting of the Public Safety Commission, a twenty-seven year veteran of the state police testified about drunk driving (DWI) arrest quotas.

“Also, my second item, some of the troopers that have earned vacation and putting in requests for vacation are being told that their vacation request will not be considered unless they are getting a certain amount of DWIs,” retired Trooper Coy Lorance testified.

The commission responded by attempting to get around the prohibition on drunk driving roadblocks by referring to them as “license checks.” The group put in the request to the attorney general last month after receiving an inconvenient response from the state police chief.

“Mr. Chairman, you had asked at the meeting prior to… prepare a document that would relate the legal responses to conducting driver’s license, registration, and insurance checkpoints,” Department of Public Safety Director Thomas Davis testified in June. “I think it’s the recommendation of general counsel that without the authority being granted by a governance is that we’re not able to do that legally.”

In a 2005 decision, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court found that 99.29 percent of drivers stopped at state roadblocks were innocent. The results also showed that it took 53 percent more effort to make an arrest with a roadblock than to use traditional roving patroltechniques. Nonetheless, the court upheld the validity of roadblocks

We may find ourselves needing to hammer our state legislators to stop thisbefore we go into session. Contact your State Senator and your State Repand ask them to send a letter to Attorney General Greg Abbott to not allowthis to happen.

If you don’t know who represents you go to our website, click on whorepresents me, type in your zip code and you get the name address andphone number. Please act now.



BLACK BIKE WHEELS OFFER 14 KARAT GOLD OVER STAINLESS SPOKES–For a look that stands out among the crowds, Black Bike Wheels now offers 14 karat gold over stainless steel for the spokes on your bike. Whether you?d like to add them to your existing wheels, or would like a complete wheel set with a radical color combination combined with the gold spokes, we can provide you with what you need.

When gold spoke wheels are spinning, the spokes create a haze of gold between the hub and rim. The effect is astounding! Give a call to Black Bike Wheels for more details, or check out our website.

Phone: (818) 341-2550
Fax: (818) 350-0197


BIKERNET UNIVERSITY STUDY FINDING, NEW SCIENTIFIC ELEMENT FOUND TO BE HEAVIEST KNOWN TO MAN– Lawrence Livermore Laboratories has discovered the heaviest element yet known to science.

The new element, Governmentium (Gv), has one neutron, 25 assistant neutrons, 88 deputy neutrons, and 198 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312.

These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called peons.

Since Governmentium has no electrons, it is inert; however, it can be detected, because it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact. A tiny amount of Governmentium can cause a reaction that would normally take less than a second, to take from 4 days to 4 years to complete.

Governmentium has a normal half-life of 2- 6 years. It does not decay, but instead undergoes a reorganization in which a portion of the assistant neutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places. In fact, Governmentiums mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganization will cause more morons to become neutrons, forming isodopes.

This characteristic of moron?s promotion leads some scientists to believe that Governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a critical concentration. This hypothetical quantity is referred to as critical morass.

When catalyzed with money, Governmentium becomes Administratium, an element that radiates just as much energy as Governmentium since it has half as many peons but twice as many morons

–from Tripp S.

Under 50

Continued On Page 3

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