Last week at the drags, two riders collided and both ended up in the hospital. They are coming along well. We’re in the heat of the season. We are also fortunate to have Helen Wolfe on board following the drag racing season. Check out our “Down the Track” section created by Helen and the Digital Gangster, our V.P. and Web master. They have created a state-of-the-art database so we can bring you the news as fast as the timing light.
I can’t think straight. I attended a Beach Ride meeting last night, then met with Dr. Hamster and the lovely Veronica to discuss the run for the Badlands. The Doctor wanted to know how many thousands of miles we would cover each day. The smoking brunette wanted to know how many stops we were going to make, and I want to know which one of us she plans on sleeping with each evening. Then I met my chrome connection on the corner of an Orange County ghetto at midnight and immediately returned to put the Buell back together until 3 a.m.. Over the weekend we’ll be back on the road and testing for Sturgis. We better get to the news before I nod off:

One of the items being auctioned off to pay the hospital bills for the downed racers.
UPDATE ON JIMS TOP FUEL RACERS DALE NUNGESSER AND ROCKY MANN and GRIZ ROBINSONIt was late afternoon, during the third round of Qualifying at Bandimere Speedway on Saturday, June 16th when JIMS Top Fuel Champion Dale Nungesser, TF 1 and Rocky Mann, TF 737 collided at the top end of the track sending both into the wall.
Both were alert upon arrival at St Anthony?s and made recounts of the incident. Rocky says he remembers drifting over (he was in the left lane), knowing that he was going to get the cone and was praying that Dale was far enough behind him. That wasn?t the case, as Dale was only 0.010 seconds behind him as the readerboard recorded. Rocky says his next memory was being awakened by EMT?s. Dale was also alert and asked what his time was and about the condition of his bike. His MPH showed 456.85 on the readerboard.
Dale suffered a ruptured spleen, which they removed. His right hand is severly injured; pins were inserted in an operation on his hand Saturday. He has puncture wounds and major abrasions, especially in his shoulder area. He has a punctured lung and 9 of 12 broken ribs. He has been heavily sedated.
Report from Diane Nungesser as of Thursday, June 28th: Dale has developed pneumonia and has been running a high temp for a few days and has a very high white blood count even though he has been on antibiotics. His lungs are infected, his right foot has a small fracture but?will heal on its own and he is still on a ventilator. The good news is his lungs are showing signs of improvement and his vital signs are solid as a rock according to his doctors.?
Rocky Mann suffered trauma to both knees and was operated on to repair damage to his kneecaps. He also suffered broken fingers on both hands which will require surgery. He is reported to have a broken ankle and abrasions.
Rocky suffered cardiac arrest Sunday night possibly due to the morphine dosage. Fortunately his wife Linda was with him and called for the doctors as he was not on a monitor when it happened. His arms and hands are bandaged (Linda says he looks like a mummy) to protect the broken fingers and abrasions. He has 4 broken ribs and bones in his foot.
Rocky was taken out of intensive care by Wednesday, June 20th. His CAT scans and MRI?s came back good. He?s been moved to a nursing home in Phoenix for six weeks before he can start physical therapy (walking). Linda Mann phoned the AHDRA office and reported that Rocky’s transfer, via airlift went very well.
We spoke with Griz Robinson today. Griz, was injured Sunday, when his bike exploded in the burnout box. He is doing fine, but is very sore.?
Well wishes can be sent to:
Griz Robinson
709 E. 4th Street
Pueblo, CO 81001
Patient: Dale Nungesser/Room #260 SICU
C/O St. Anthony’s Central Hospital
4231 W. 16th Avenue
Denver, CO 80204
Home Address: Home Address: CAR RENTERS BEWARE–Big Brother may be riding shotgun. In a case that could help set the bar for the amount of privacy drivers of rental cars can expect, a Connecticut man is suing a local rental company, Acme Rent-a-Car, after it used GPS (Global Positioning System) technology to track him and then fined him $450 for speeding three times. The case underscores the ways in which new technologies can invade people’s privacy, said Richard Smith, chief technologist at the not-for-profit Privacy Foundation. “Soon our cell phones will be tracking us,” he said. “GPS could be one more on the checklist here. Frankly, giving out speeding tickets is the job of the police, not of private industry.”
Dale Nungesser
502 E. 4th Avenue
Belle Plaine, KS 67013
Sign Dale’s Guest Book by clicking on:
Rocky Mann
40172 N. 50th Street
Cave Creek, AZ 85331
Rocky Mann
Life Care of Scottsdale
9494 E. Becker Lane
Scottsdale, AZ

BIKERNET ONLINE BIKE SHOPS–We want to deliver the best of the industry to our readers, so we’ve been working with two reputable online bike shops so you can get the parts you need and the service right here on Bikernet. So check ’em out and let us know how they treat you, and if they have the selection you’re after.
HARDTAIL MAGAZINE’S RIDE-IN SHOW–Hardtail Magazine will host a “Ride-In” Bike Show at TB Scotts restaurantin Corona, Calif., on July 28. A trophy and $200 prize will beawarded to the best ride-in rigid frame motorcycle. Trophies only will beawarded for Best Swingarm, Best Softail, Best Paint, Peoples Choice andBest Use of a Primo Belt Drive. Entry fee is $30 per bike at the gate. Each paid entry includes lunch, abrass riding bell and a Hardtail CD. Rigid frame entires will receive aHardtail T-shirt while supplies last. TB Scotts is located at the 91Freeway and Lincoln Avenue. Call (909) 340-3111 or (909) 340-3474 for moreinformation.

2001 LAUGHLIN COLLECTORS TRUCK BANK–We carry the entire line of General Meredith’s truck collection in Bandit’s Gift Shop. If you’re interested in the 1939 Ford truck from Laughlin for this year, holler and we’ll hook you up.
GOOD MORNING, CLASS– The following is today’s simple two-cow lesson in types and styles of government. No matter which system of government, there seems to be a common theme. Do you know what it is? (See answer below!)
SOCIALISM: You have two cows. You keep one and give one to your neighbor.
COMMUNISM: You have two cows, the government takes them both and provides you with milk.
FASCISM: You have two cows, the government takes them both and sells you the milk.
BUREAUCRACY: You have two cows. The government takes them both, shoots one, milks the other, pays you for the milk, and then pours it down the drain.
CAPITALISM: You have two cows, you sell one and buy a bull.
CORPORATE: You have two cows, you sell one, force the other to produce the milk of four cows, then act surprised when it drops dead.
DEMOCRACY: You have two cows, the government taxes you to the point that you must sell them both in order to support a man in a foreign country that has only one cow, which was a gift from your government.

WIDEGEAR–Here’s the engineered solution for fitting today’s mega-width tires to late model (’91 and up) 5-speeds. It comes complete with all the parts necessary for in-frame installation, including JE’s exclusive triple lip oil seal, 4-point trapdoor bearing and chamfered, extra-hard transmission spacer.
Incorporating the smoother, quieter, stronger and quicker Twist Gear helical fifth-gear technology, correct tire clearance is provided by extending both the transmission and engine sprocket shafts instead of playing around with wheel or drivetrain offsets. WideGear also incorporates an engine shaft end bearing (requires suitable outer primary) for additional support.
For more info, contact Johnson Engineering (319) 984-9298, Twistgear@juno.com.
SCREAMIN’ EAGLE PARTS AND AHDRA ANNOUNCE $12,500 HIGH STAKES SHOOTOUT–screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts announced today that it has teamed up with AHDRA to host the Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts Las Vegas High Stakes Shootout, where one lucky winner will go home with a check for $10,000.
The shootout will be held Oct. 19 at the Strip at Las Vegas Motor Speedway, the night before the largest and last event of the 2001 National Point Series, the AHDRA JIMS Las Vegas Nationals presented by Las Vegas Harley-Davidson.
This is the biggest purse in history going compeletely to Harley-Davidson sportsman racers. In addition to $10,000 going to the winner, $2,500 will be given to the runner-up and both will be presneted with a one-of-a-kind trophy made with Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts.
All professional and novice racers are encouraged to participate. You must be a current member of AHDRA and all participants must pre-register by Oct. 12. Pre-registration will be available on ahdra.com starting July 15.
Entry fee is $100 and participants will receive one gate entry ticket, one commemorative competitiors plate, a Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts T-shirt and an entry to win one full year of membership and entry fees for the 2002 season. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA).

DENNIS MANNING INTERVIEW IN HOT ROD BIKES– I’ve been fortunate to interview some of the major racing legends in our industry. In the August issue there’s an interview with tech wizard Dennis Manning, who continues to chase the world land speed record. The other day I interviewed Don Vesco, a man who has been 430 mph on the salt and hopes to push the motorcycle land speed record close to 400 mph. Hang on!
VICTORY MEETS REDWING– On June 24, NASCAR stars Kyle and Richard Petty will lace up their Red Wing boots and jump on their Victory motorcycles to kick off the 7th annual “Kyle Petty Charity Ride Across America.”
During this year’s ride, Red Wing Shoes is giving one lucky fan the chance to walk in Kyle Petty’s shoes…literally. Kyle will be autographing and giving away one pair of his custom-made Red Wing boots, which feature his embroidered racing number and special black and white checkered soles. Fans have a chance to win the boots by logging on to the Red Wing Shoes Web site at www.redwingshoe.com during the charity ride.
The “Kyle Petty Charity Ride” begins June 24 in Folsom, Calif., and ends July 1 at the Petty farm, near Charlotte, N.C., with a grand celebration featuring a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert. More than $2 million has been raised to benefit children’s hospitals across the country since the first ride in ’95.
To learn more about the ride, check www.redwingshoe.com. Information about Victory, the New American Motorcycle, can be found online at www.victory-usa.com.

RUN FOR BREATH CHARITY RIDE AT CHARLOTTE H-D–I talked to Edge and he said he will be here for the Run For Breath. He said he wasplanning on doing a story on the run for The Horse, which is real cool. Things are going good as far as the run goes. We are having banners made “Welcoming The Horse.” There seems to be a lot of excitement being generated in the community by the run. Two of the local newspapers are doing stories on the run. “The Meanest” and I have been working hard promoting the bike show. The law has even gotten involved, they are giving us a police escort to Ben’s V-Twin, that is where the run starts. I look forward to meeting with you in July while I am in L.A. Don’t forget as the date gets closer to send me the directions. Thanks again for all your help!Later, Mike?
DENNIS RODMAN FINDS– a bottle on the beach and picks it up…Suddenly a female genie appears from the bottle.
“Master, I may grant you one wish,” says the genie with a smile.
Hey, Bitch. Don’t you know who I am? I don’t need no woman to give menuttin!”, barks Rodman.
The genie pleads… But Master I must grant you a wish or I will be returnedto this bottle forever.”
Dennis thinks a moment… then grumbling about the inconvenience of itall… He says, “OK OK… I wanna’ wake up with three women in my bed in themorning. So just do it!” (giving the genie an evil glare)”Now leave me alone!” he screams.
So the very annoyed genie says, “So be it!” and disappears back into thebottle.Next morning, he wakes up in bed with three women,Lorena Bobbit, Tonya Harding, and Hillary Clinton.
His penis is gone, his leg is broken, and he has no health insurance.

HOLLISTER UPDATE–Mr. Bandit, the Hollister rally opens Friday the first weekend in July. It is puton by The Downtown Committee, with lots of help from Tophatters MC.Street events are on East Street, one block east of the main drag, San Benito, which is closed off to bikes only till Sunday. This year, Gypsy Tour willopen Bolado Park on July 4. There is entertainment and events all week (bulldog boxing, Saturday/Sunday) and they have camping. Ride On! Wino Joe,USA

BUELL REPORT– Time to update the Buell report. Not much going on lately. It’s kinda in between events, etc.Today I serviced a 2001 X-1, all black with PM wheels. The tail section was polished. A lot of people in the shop noticed the bike and had a lot of comments on it.?The polished tail section really made you take notice.
This X-1 also had a set of BUB?chrome dual exhaust pipes?installed on it.?All the people who saw it really liked the?pipes. More?important, really,?were the comments on the sound?coming from the pipes?of the X-1.
You have to remember here that a lot of the?X-1 Buells that are go-fasters use, for the most part, the Buell race?pipe.?Because of the?Buell DDFI injection system, you are kind of limited to what you can bolt on to the bike. So this really was?the first?time?for an exhaust system that looked and sounded way different.
The sound is, in my opinion,?the closest thing to sounding like an H-D Sportster?on steroids! It even got all the (chopper) “Buells Suck!” mechanics to take notice. Everybody was checking them out. When I came back from a test ride, I was asked how it ran.?I told them it was a little sluggish some till about?3500 rpm. Then the bike started to come on pretty good up to about 6000 rpm. The X-1 had a K&N air filter but?still had the?stock ignition module.
I think the Buell race module really needed to be installed here and would have helped the overall performance on the X-1. It has better ignition curves and a higher rev limit.?Maybe even the Dynojet Power Commander.
I would have liked to have put it on the “wheel” (dyno) and checked it out.?That?wasn’t gonna happen as this was one?those?hectic Saturdays that doesn’t?allow for?testing (real work). Just oil changes and bolt-on shit!
I haven’t seen any dyno sheets from BUB on the pipes. I would like to compare them with the?the Buell race pipe to see what really is going on.
The thing here?that I should?say is I myself want the best performance from an exhaust system?that I put on my Buell. I don’t really care how it sounds or looks. The BUB exhaust is well made, pretty cool looking?and sounds like a Harley. It will appeal to the?Buell owner who wants the Harley sound and likes the look of a high-quality chrome exhaust system. In saying all that, the BUB exhaust pipes are quite unique and,?when installed on a Buell, they will set the bike apart from all the rest.
One other note here and an important one to me cause I have to work on the things: It was pretty straight forward in getting to the drain plug for the primary/tranny oil. It also was a breeze to get at the lock nut and screw?to adjust the primary chain. BUB pipes and Dennis Manning get the old thumbs up from me today.
–Later, Paul
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