KlockWerks: Another Satisfied Customer

This is an item out of the KlockWerks' email blast. You too can stay in touch with KlockWerks. Simply visit their web page by clicking on the ad at the end of this post and sign up from there. 

"Though there are endless accessory offerings for motorcycle windshields, for me, it's always going to be about "customer service"; (paramount to the very product being purchased as far as I'm concerned). Though my new Billboard Flare Windshield works as advertised for my new Harley Switchback, this "kudo" is for Klock Werks "rapid response" to my query by Makel Juarez, Sales Mgr. My inquiry was responded to quickly and though I figured out a remedy that would improve visibility matters even more, (i.e., a new seat), it's Makel's courtesy and concern that is impressing me as much as the new shield! This company actually cares and obviously subscribes to the notion:  "The BEST salesman is a SATISFIED Customer"!  Buy with confidence here; this shield has no peers!!"     Larry A. Waimon, Queensbury, NY

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