21st International Technical Conference

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21st International Technical Conference
On the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles
15 – 18 June 2009
Stuttgart, Germany
Sponsored by: U.S. DOT -National Highway Traffic Safety

Conference Theme: “Reinventing Safety: Putting AdvancedTechnology to Work”

Abstract Booklet: PDF 233 pages

Motorcycle related ONLY:

Paper Number 09-0283-O

Integrated Safety Approach: From Prevention To SeverityReduction, Protection and Post-Crash SafetyThe 21sth ESV Conference Abstract Booklet 33
Jens, König
DEKRA Automobil GmbH, Germany
Elena, Bianco
Centro Ricerche Fiat, Italy
Jesús Vázquez de Prada Martinez

Abstract:First outcomes of activities carried out in Safety In Motion EU projectare hereafter described.SIM Project is aimed at identifying a suitable and comprehensive safetystrategy for powered two wheel (PTW) vehicles, in order to avoid roadaccidents and/or mitigate their consequences.Starting from the outcomes of previous accidentology activities anin-depth analysis was conducted focusing on the scenarios identified asthe most frequent and dangerous for PTWs accidents. Significant accidentparameters were identified and related values were analyzed.Also a technology evaluation based on state-of-the-art analysis as wellas partners expertise was conducted and the effectiveness of potentialbenefits of safety systems was evaluated in reconstructed accidentscenarios.

On such a basis a PTW safety strategy has been identified in all safetyareas.The active safety improvement is reached by actively controlling PTWstability and improving riding comfort (advanced braking and suspensionsystems).

In preventive safety area an HMI Information Management concept formotorbike was identified as the most effective solution for enhancingthe PTW rider’s awareness. Focusing on passive safety aspects, a frontalairbag fitted on motorcycle (aiming at protecting rider against theprimary impact) and an inflatable wearable device (mainly for secondaryimpact) have been chosen to be tested either separately or jointly.The following safety devices have been finally selected in order to beimplemented and tested on vehicle prototypes:
-Active Brake System -Stability management by traction control
-Semi-Active Suspension System -Frontal airbag -Inflatable wearabledevice -HMI Information management concept for motorBikes (IMB)
-Enhanced HMI (ergonomic handlebar controls, wireless communication,Head-UpDisplay)

An integral approach to PTW safety enhancement was adopted, since allthe safety devices will be implemented and tested on the same vehicleplatform, the innovative PTW tilting threewheelersPiaggio MP3.

Paper Number 09-0244-O

Development Of A Motorcycle Rider Model With Focus On Head And NeckBiofidelity, Recurring To Line Element Muscle Models And FeedbackControl
Filipe Fraga, Lex van Rooij
TNO Automotive – Integrated Safety
Riender Happee
BioMechanical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, DelftUniversity of Technology
Jac Wismans
SafeTeq, The Netherlands
Ioannis Symeonidis, Steffen Peldschus
Biomechanics continued: Injury Criteria and Virtual TestProcedures/Tools Development
The 21sth ESV Conference Abstract Booklet 64
Institute of Legal Medicine, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich

Abstract:Despite continuing improvements in vehicle safety, motorcyclistcasualties are estimated between 13% and 17% of road fatalities. Lookingat the last two ESV conferences for a tentative measure of the researcheffort that is geared towards motorcycle safety, oral/written papersreferring to two-wheelers averaged 6%/3% of each group. This tendency isalso identifiable in the clearly lagging development of experimentaltechniques and computational models for the study of crash scenariosinvolving PTWs. This status quo prompts further developments ofPTW-specific design tools to stem from existing occupant (andpedestrian) tools, rather than already available motorcycle-specificsolutions.

This paper aims at filling some of that gap by proposing developments incomputational models for motorcyclists alongside real-world trials. Thepaper concludes that a MADYMO human body model, equipped withPID-controlled neck muscles, reasonably maintains its biofidelic erectposture in sample scenarios, under the assumption that riders attempt tomaintain their head upright. Preliminary results yield activation levelsof up to 50 and 55% during severe (± 1,7G and 0,8G) longitudinal andlateral loading scenarios, respectively.

Preliminary volunteer trials (N=8) were conducted to provide initialvalidation in the event of braking. Although not yet complete, theanalysis suggests that the resulting head kinematics for an averageaware volunteer is compatible with the simulated response.This development focuses R&D efforts on preventing injuries to thehead-neck-complex, the body’s most vulnerable region, by providingbiofidelic postures and reactions to developers of personal protectiveequipment and advanced occupant/rider restraint systems.

It also allowsthe evaluation of a motorcycle active safety system’s impact on humanresponse, which directly influences the consequences of the potentialsubsequent pre-crash or crash event. Finally, itrepresents a first step towards fully active human models, which willprovide life-like pre-crash behaviour to e.g. OEMs, equipment andbarrier manufacturers, and policy makers.

Paper Number 09-0406-O

Study Of Face Design, Lighting System Design For Enhanced Detection RateOfMotorcycles

Kazuyuki Maruyama, Yojiro, Tsutsumi
Motorcycle R&D Center/Honda R&D Co., Ltd. Japan Yutaka, Murata
Future Transportation Systems Research Lab./Honda R&D Co., Ltd., Japan

Abstract:The FACE (Facial Attention for Conspicuity Enhancement) design, alighting system design that enhances motorcycle conspicuity with regardto the detection rate from the view of a driver at night, is describedin this paper. Past research has shown that there is part of the humanbrain that reacts to the image of a face [1]and we thought of a method to enhance the detection rate of a motorcycleby incorporating the element of a face in the front design of themotorcycle.

The effect of a simple FACE design, a reverse triangular arrangement oflamps, is evaluated and its effectiveness is shown. Moreover, we developa simulation method that could be used to evaluate the enhanceddetection rate of a FACE design motorcycle under conditions that areclose to some real traffic environments. The method is evaluated bycomparing it with the results of a full-scale test and demonstrates themethod could be used to evaluate the detection rate of a motorcycle

Paper Number 09-0072-O

Anti Lock Braking And Vehicle Stability Control For Motorcycles – Why OrWhyNot?

Jost Gail
Federal Highway Research Institute, Germany
Joachim Funke
Fludicon GmbH
Patrick Seiniger
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Fachgebiet
Fahrzeugtechnik, Germany
Ulrich Westerkamp
Institute for Transport Economics at the University of Cologne, Germany

Abstract:In the last years there has been a decline in accident figures inGermany especially for four wheeled vehicles. At the same time, accidentfigures for motorcycles remained nearly constant.About 17 % of road traffic fatalities in the year 2006 weremotorcyclists. 33 % of these riders were killed in single vehiclecrashes. This leads to the conclusion that improving driving dynamicsand driving stability of powered two wheelers would yield considerablesafety gains.However, the well-known measures for cars and trucks with their proveneffectiveness cannot be transferred easily to motorcycles. Thereforestudies were carried out to examine the safety potential of Anti LockBraking Systems (ABS) and Vehicle Stability Control (VSC) formotorcycles by means of accident analysis, driving tests and economicalas well as technical assessment of the systems.

With regard to ABS, testpersons were assigned braking tasks (straight and in-curve) with fivedifferent brake systems with and without ABS. Stopping distances as wellas stress and strain on the riders were measured for 9 test riders whocompleted 105 braking manoeuvres each. Knowing the ability of ABS toavoid falls during braking in advance of a crash and taking into accountthe system costs, a cost benefit analysisfor ABS for motorcycles was carried out for different market penetrationof ABS, i.e. equipment rates, and different time horizons.

The potentialof VSC for motorcycles was estimated in two steps. First the kinds ofaccidents that could be prevented by such a system at all have beenanalysed. For these accident configurations, simulations and drivingtests were then performed to determine if a VSC was able to detect thecritical driving situation and if it was technically possible toimplement an actuator which would help to stabilise the criticalsituation.

Paper Number 09-0385-O

Study On Visibility And Discomfort Glare Of Adaptive Front LightingSystem(AFS) For Motorcycles

Masanori Motoki, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Tamotsu Hirao
Japan Automobile Research Institute, Japan

Abstract:When a motorcycle is driven on a curved road, the motorcycle headlampinclines horizontally as the motorcycle body banks, and the areailluminated by the headlamp becomes limited.Therefore, minimizing the horizontal inclination of the headlamp wouldimprove the visibility.

This study was conducted to clarify the effects of a system to adjustthe horizontal inclination of the motorcycle headlamp (hereafter,“motorcycle AFS”) on visibility for the rider, and to examine theside-effects of the motorcycle AFS (e.g., discomfort glare for oncomingdrivers). The study included the following two parts:

(1) A simulation survey and an actual driving survey to test thevisibility demonstratedthat a motorcycle AFS enhances visibility for the rider while themotorcycle is being driven on curved road. When the horizontalinclination of the headlamp is adjusted by the same or greater amountthan the bank angle of the motorcycle body, the visibility evaluationscores are equal to or above the just acceptable level. However, whenthe adjustment amount is less than the bank angle, the visibilityevaluation scores are below the just acceptable level.

(2) A simulation survey and an actual driving survey to evaluate thediscomfort glareshowed that when the horizontal inclination of the headlamp is adjustedby the same or smaller amount than the bank angle, the glare evaluationscores are equal to or above the just acceptable level. However, whenthe adjustment amount is more than the bank angle, the glare evaluationscores are below the just acceptable level.

Based on the results obtained in this study, the following technicalrequirement is proposed for the motorcycle AFS: “A horizontalinclination adjustment system (HIAS) may be installed.However, the adjustment amount of horizontal inclination shall notexceed the vehicle's bank angle.”

Paper Number 09-0254-O

Effectiveness Evaluation Of Antilock Brake Systems (ABS) For MotorcyclesInReal-World Accident Scenarios

Dr. Georg Roll, Oliver Hoffmann
Systems and Technology, Continental AG, Chassis & Safety, Germany
Jens König
DEKRA Automobil GmbH, Germany

Abstract:Although motorcycle ABS is meanwhile well established on the publicmarket, detailed investigations about the relationship between crashscenarios and the effectiveness of motorcycle-ABS are rare. Within theEC-funded SIM Project (Safety In Motion) a detailed analysis ofdifferent accident scenarios with PTWs (Powered Two Wheelers) has beenperformed, using the DEKRA PTW-database.

The basis of this data pool isthe accumulation of written expert opinions containing the accidentanalyses that are drawn up by skilled forensic experts throughoutGermany. From this database containing 350 real-world accidents, 51cases have been selected by imposing a reaction demand and a followingbraking of the motorcycle rider in order to evaluate the benefit ofadvanced brake control systems. The following parameters have beenextracted for the evaluation:
-Collision speed and initial speed
-Distance of falling location to collisionpoint
-Braking distance
-Median braking deceleration
-Starting point of breaking
-Reaction point/demand
-Kind of reaction
-Road surface

With this information several real accident scenarios without ABS wereanalysed under the condition that an ABS system would have beeninstalled on the motorbike. With such an approach the difference in theaccident consequences with and without ABS can be observed.In addition a variation in the ABS control has been accomplished byconsidering different brake control systems developed by CONTI, likepartial and full integral brake systems as well as systems with advanceddriver-assistance functions (ADAS).

As a result, a tremendous reduction in the accident consequences can beshown, for example up to 50% of the selected accidents could have beenavoided by a simple 2 channel ABS.

Paper Number 09-0213-W

Influence Of Alcohol Concentration And Braking Procedure On MotorcylistBrakeReaction Time Using A Motorcycle Riding Simulator

Chun-Chia Hsu, Chih-Yung Lin
Lunghwa University of Science and Technology
Chin-Ping Fung
Oriental Institute of Technology

Ming-Chang JengNational Central University, Taiwan

Abstract:The statistical data published by National Police Agency, Taiwan,indicated that the motorcycle induced the highest accident rate, anddrunk driving ranked first among the traffic fatality causes in 2007.The high traffic accident rate was attributed to the alcohol decayingdriver reaction and the increase of frequency of using motorcycle indaily life as the car parking space and driving cost were considered.

Amotorcycle riding simulator, integrating a stationary real motorcycleand virtual reality system, was developed to measure motorcyclist brakereaction time under different drunken levels and braking procedures. Themotorcyclist encountered an emergence that a pedestrian went across theroad abruptly in a simulated driving scene. The time between anemergence and the activation of brake lever was recorded as the brakereaction time.

Ten young participants, ranging from 20 to 25 years ofage, were recruited in this study. Drunken levels for motorcyclist weredesigned to breath alcohol concentrations (BrAC) of none, 0.15 mg/l and0.25 mg/l. In addition, two different braking procedures, subjectpositioned his fingers on brake level or had his fingers wrapped aroundthe handlebar, were tested. The experimental results showed that alonger brake reaction time was induced by the motorcyclist under higherBrAC.

Additionally, the brake reaction time is also significantlyinfluenced by braking procedure.The results in this study gave really useful information for drivingeducation and skill in the field of motorcyclist driving safety. As themotorcycle riding simulator in this study did not involve a motionplatform, participants cannot experience emergency motions induced fromabrupt acceleration and braking. However, by using state-of-the-artcomputer graphic technologies the simulator gave a real like scene ofemergency traffic event.

Paper Number 09-0450-W

Initial Site Inspection Of Motorcycle Collisions With Roadside ObjectsIn NewJersey

Allison Daniello, Ben Powell, Nicholas Schaeffer, Aaliyah McClinton,Yusuf Mehta
Rowan University, United States
Kimberly Swanseen, Hampton C. Gabler
Virginia Tech, United States

Abstract:This paper details the methods used to investigate motorcycle collisionswith roadside objects and the initial findings of the study. One factorassociated with the frequency and severity of motorcycle collisions withroadside objects may be the design and maintenance of the road.

Two methods of analysis were used to investigate the influence of theroad geometry and design of roadside environment on motorcyclecollisions. Satellite imagery was used to develop an overview ofdifferent collision sites. Individual site visits for 34motorcycle-roadside object crashes were conducted to record detailsabout each site, including types of guardrails and distance of theobject struck from the road.

Paper Number 09-0543-W

Characteristics Of Powered Two Wheelers Accidents Susceptible To BeAvoidedAnd Minimized Through Adas And IVIS Implementations

Aquilino Molinero, Oscar Martín, José Miguel Perandones, David Pedrero
Dimitris Margaritis
CERTH, Greece
Christhard Gelau
BASt, Germany

Abstract:Powered Two Wheelers (PTWs) accidents constitute one of the road safetyproblems in Europe.PTWs fatalities represent 22% at EU level in 2006 [1], having increasedduring last years, representing an opposite trend compared to other roadusers’ figures.

In order to reduce these figures it is necessary to investigate theaccident caUnited Statestion mechanisms from different points of view(e.g.: human factor, vehicle characteristics, influence of theenvironment, type of accident). SAFERIDER project [2] (‘Advancedtelematics for enhancing the SAFEty and comfort of motorcycle RIDERs’,under the European Commission‘7th Framework Program’) has investigated PTW accident mechanismsthrough literature review and statistical analyses of National andIn-depth accident databases; detecting and describing all the possiblePTW´s accident configurations where the implementation of ADAS (AdvancedDriver Assistance Systems) and IVIS (In-Vehicle Information Systems)could contribute to avoid an accident or mitigate its severity.

DIANA, the Spanish in-depth database developed by CIDAUT, has beenanalyzed for that purpose. DIANA comprises of accident investigationteams, in close cooperation with police forces, medical services,forensic surgeons, garages and scrap yards. An important innovation isthe fact that before injured people arrive to hospitals, photographs andexplanations about the possible accident injury mechanisms are sent tothe respective hospitals (via 3G GPRS technology). By this, additionalinformation to medical staff can be provided in order to predict inadvance possible internal injuries and select the best medicaltreatment. This methodology is presented in this paper.On the other hand, the main results (corresponding to road, rider andPTW characteristics; preand post-accident manoeuvres; road layout; riderbehaviour; impact points; accident caUnited Statestions;…) from theanalyses of the PTW accidents used for SAFERIDER are shown. Onlyaccident types relevant to ADAS and IVIS devices have been considered

Paper No: 09-0061-W

An Analysis Of Hospitalized Motorcyclists In The State Of Maryland BasedOnHelmet Use And Outcome

Timothy Kerns
University of Maryland, National Study Center for Trauma & EMS, UnitedStates
Catherine A. McCullough
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, United States Departmentof Transportation
United States

Abstract:In recent years, there has been a significant increase in mortalityamong motorcyclists. Despite high rates of morbidity and mortalityassociated with crashes among older riders, there have been relativelyfew studies on injured motorcyclists admitted to hospitals. In anongoing study, data is being collected from motorcyclists involved incrashes in Maryland who were either killed or transported to the R AdamsCowley Shock Trauma Center (STC) in Baltimore, Maryland.

Data on injured motorcyclists is captured from the trauma registry,hospital discharge records, autopsy reports, and through a linkage withpolice crash reports. Injured parties are assessed six-months andone-year post crash with the Short Form 36 (SF36) questionnaire. TheSF-36 is an evaluation tool used to determine long-term outcome.

Autopsyreports are obtained from the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner ofMaryland (OCME).Previous studies looking at head injuries resulting from motorcyclecrashes have not been able to discriminate between operators usinghelmets that are and are not compliant with standards set forth by theUnited States Department of Transportation (DOT). Helmets will becategorized as DOT-certified, full-face, half-shell or uncertifiednovelty helmets. Fatal versus non-fatal crashes with resulting injuriesare compared and matched by operator demographics, helmet use and type,and crash characteristics. It is anticipated that persons involved in acrash while wearing an uncertified novelty helmet have a higher risk ofhead injury than those who crashed while wearing a DOT-certified helmet.

From January 2007 through May 2008 there were 517 motorcycle operatorsadmitted to the STC. The mean age of this group was 37 years and25 percent sustained a head injury with an Abbreviated Injury Score (AIS)between 1 and 6. Twenty-one percent of these helmets were identified asDOT non-certified.

A comparison of head injury and helmet type revealedthat 50 percent (13/26) of those wearing a uncertified novelty helmetreceived a head injury (AIS 1-6)as compared to 23 percent (22/96) of those wearing a DOT certifiedhelmet.(p<.05).

Paper Number 09-0500-W

Design Of The Decision Logic For A PTW Integrated Safety System
Giovanni Savino, Avinash P. Penumaka, Marco Pierini, Niccolò Baldanzini
Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
Bernd Roessler
IBEO Automobile Sensor GmbH, Germany

Abstract:The Powered Two Wheeler Integrated Safety (PISa) project is developingan integrated safety system for a range of powered two wheelers (PTWs).

This system includes state of the art sensors, innovative warningdevices and rider assistance systems. This paper reports on the designof the decision logic for deploying autonomous braking (AB) and enhancedbraking (EB) safety functions in the PISa system, for a PTW travellingtowards leading obstacle, using onboard inertial measurement unit (IMU)and Laserscanner.

The decision logic deploys the ABand EB systems based on a theoretical kinematic parameter: the requireddeceleration to avoid a collision. The criterion for deployment is totrigger the AB and EB systems when the collision is physicallyunavoidable. The decision logic is tested off-line for datasets acquiredusing thePTW integrated with the IMU and the Laserscanner.

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A NOTE FROM A BIKERNET READER:FUCK! Reading all that gave me a headache and a raging desire to go out and kill people …

None of the pencil-necked dorks submitting these ideas have any concept of FREEDOM – or just don’t care about it- have no idea of just how free it feels to ride a motorcycle in just jeans, t-shirt and boots. Free as a bird, free as the wind blows. Free to take risks. Life itself is inherently risky and tackling it head on while astride a roaring motorcycle at the limits of tire adhesion and lean angle is a taste of living that the safety Nazis can never know, cocooned in their ivory towers. Frontal air bags/wearable inflatable vests/front ends that look like faces – fuck-double-fuck, what a nightmare for real bikers but obviously a way for laboratory nerds to get their jollies…

What they all miss is that when people say, “Sorry officer, I didn’t see the motorcycle” they are lying through their fucking teeth. The truth is usually that they did see the motorcycle, but – as a relatively small object that didn’t look like much of a personal threat to them in their steel cages – they chose to pull out in front of it anyway. We’ve all done it in our own cages, more often than not to people on pedal cycles.

Thought process: “Mmnnn, there’s a bike coming but I can get across in front of him …” and then the angry shout reminds us how we’ve just done to a cyclist what other cagers do to us on our motorcycles. Sadly, “O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave” is fast morphing into, “O’er the land of the over-regulated and the home of the timid,” as endlessly multiplying bureaucrats dream up more and more schemes to protect us from ourselves, most often against our wishes, and we – apart from way too few dedicated activists – bend over and say “Yeah, do it to me again, that wasn’t so bad.”

Rollin' Sixes Choppers


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