Even with the Chinese Covid thing the Show Must Go On and Willie and his crew at Tropical Tattoo did it again. Thanks!

Yes, the crowd was a tad smaller than last year, but I did not hear anyone complaining. It just made it easier to get around and in some cases get better shots of the bikes and people.

Myself and many others do not miss attending this event if at all possible. I even got to bring some new people to this one.

While I do have a good time at these events, I still work grabbing photos for articles and talking to people. Luckily my son Dale was with me and helped out on the photos.

Ok, this is a Big Bike Show with over 20 classes. We brought you all the winners. Too bad about the tent…

I am sure that everyone is aware this is 2020, and it has been a very strange year. Well, weird also made it to the Old School Chopper Show. Yep someone picked this Evo as the Best Panhead.

Besides having a good time this event also raises money for the veterans and the proceeds go to www.veteranssupportfund.com
To find out more about Tropical Tattoo go to http://www.tropicaltattoo.com/