Owning a Victory motorcycle always meant riding modern design and technology. Whether you’re cruising city streets in search of urban art or the Alaska/Canada highway, the Victory CCT is street smart touring for both you, and your significant other. READ FULL STORY

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“Keep Me Alive Don’t Text and Drive” Campaign Heading to Washington D.C.

The 2013 Progressive International Motorcycle Show is roaring into the nation’s capital  January 4th to 6th and Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys will be there raising awareness about the dangers of texting and driving especially to motorcyclists.



Road safety is important for everyone, especially motorcyclists, and it is always a concern for Russ Motorcycle Attorneys.   Approximately one quarter of all accidents across the USA involve a distracted driver.  That equates to 1.3 millionaccidents in the last calendar year alone and texting and driving makes up a large portion of these distracted driving incidents.  Driving at 55mph, a vehicle travels the equivalent of the length of a football field in the time it takes to only glance at a handheld device.  This stat supports the fact that drivers using a handheld device are four times more likely to be involved in serious motor vehicle accidents.  Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys will be at the Washington Progresive International Motorcycle Show, spreading the word on the dangers of operating a handheld device while operating a vehicle.  In support of the campaign, Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys will be distributing free “Keep Me Alive Don’t Text and Drive” stickers in an effort to spread the word and keep our roads free from distracted driving—urging motorists to put down their handheld devices when behind the wheel of any vehicle.  

Hopefully this campaign will help make drivers think twice about distracted driving and maybe even convince those who still text while driving to stop. Common sense—which still doesn’t seem so common, new laws and campaigns like "Keep Me Alive Don't Text And Drive", should help reduce the risk of injury on the road. Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys supports these laws and the common sense approach most vehicle operators take when getting behind the wheel.  "Keep Me Alive Don't Text And Drive" stickers are available to anyone interested in showing support for this extremely important safety initiative by ordering online at http://www.killabikergotojail.com or by calling 1-800-4-BIKERS or 1-800-424-5377.

The Progressive International Motorcycle Show – the largest motorcycle show in the industry which boasts a bevy of activities for the whole family to enjoy; including exhibits from Harley-Davidson, Ducati, Honda, BMW and other manufacturers, takes place Friday, January 4, 2013, 3:00PM – Sunday, January 6, 2013, 5:00PM at the Washington Convention Center, Mount Vernon Place, Washington, DC 20001


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