The Republic of Texas Rally held in Austin every year has become a big hit for the riders here in the Southeastern part of Texas. Well, actually it became a major attraction for most of the South. The rally showcases many of today’s hottest builders and starts along with the vendors we have all come to know and love. We here at Bikernet sent one of our best roving reporters, RFR, to the rally to get us the best look at the rally. Here is his report:

I only have a few images to share with everyone of this years Republic of Texas Rally here in Austin, as I was only able to attend for a few hours on Saturday due to having to work the night before at the club. Who would have thought that spending 8 to 10 hours a day with half-naked sexy women could interfere with motorcycling? That and my normal party folks were nowhere to be found, one was experiencing the ROT curse that seems to follow him and/or his wife each year.
One year he broke her leg while groping her going up the stairs, both of their drunken asses fell off the porch! This year he was in the hospital, I guess he could not find any good party favors on the street? Another regular decided to move 40+ miles away and milk pigs or some such bullshit so he was a no show as well. All was not lost as the service crew from the Alley was partying at the Dirty Dog Bar so there was still hope.
I did run in to a friend Will Cascio of Heavy Magic Leather, that's his bike with the wild ass paint all over it! Will told me he painted the bike flat black then let a local Texas artist have her way with the bike. Will is not only one Hell of a leather master, but a graphic artist and designer as well. And if all that were not enough, Will took part in last years Season Premiere Episode of the Discovery Channel Biker Build-Off between Scooter Shooterz Hot Rod Motorcycles of Cedar Lake Indiana, and Covington's Cycle City of Woodward Oklahoma. You can check out his stuff at the link below
Found a few nice rides in the massive sea of sameness, I did get the obligatory image of the guy with horns on his helmet riding a V rod of course! Can’t tell you who the bands were or the attendance figures or if any seriously bad shit happened. Like I said just a quick trip, it is nice to see central Texas busting at the seams with bikes and riders!
Till next time,
Okay, we know it was very quick, but so was the rally. With the hustle and bustle of everyday life seemingly swallowing all of my free time away, I hadn’t realized it was here until the rally was upon us. It seems like just yesterday I had left for Daytona and here it is July! Just make sure to plan ahead and you will be able to attend several rallies without having to take vacation. There used to be only three major rallies a year and now there seems to be at least one a month from March through November.
Amazingly we have two of the big dogs here in Texas. The Republic of Texas is in early June and then we have The Lone Star Rally in November. Like they say, everything’s bigger in Texas! Enjoy Richard’s pictures and see if you too can get the feel of what happened at this year’s rally. Just imagine the smell of Lite beer, Hot dogs, and gasoline mixed all together with sweltering Texas heat and you will have an idea of the atmosphere. Take care everyone and ride hard!!

That’s it, see ya next year!!