How, you may ask yourself, do you give back to a man that has given so much? Well, you give. Dave’s health has slowedhim down a lot. He needs our help now. Ralph Roades, Wide Open Magazine, took the David Mann benefit ball and ran. He decided to establish a benefit for Dave to help him with medical costs and survival in his later years. It started out small, for friends, but as people heard the word, it just snowballed into a huge event. This was everyones' chance to give back.

On Saturday, July 17th at KCIR Raceway in Kansas City, MO, they held the 1st Annual David Mann Benefit. The raceway was packed with vendors, motorcycle builders, motorcycle dealerships and food vendors. They even installed misters to cool the crowd. That tent was a bit crowded as the sun beat down. Although July weather is supposed to be hotter, it was like the Harley gods knew that something special was happening. It wasn't a beat-the-heat day. It was damn beautiful.
They started things out with an awesome ZZ Top Tribute band. The ride-in bike show, judged by the people, lured the local builders. Believe me, it was hard-picking the best in each category, let alone the best in the show.

The local bike professional builders were on hand with their bikes. They were more than happy to answer any questions spectators had. Even the legendary Billy Lane rolled into help out the effort. He signed autographs and posed for pictures. His right arm was bandaged from a recent motorcycle wreck in Hawaii at the Choppers Only Show, but that didn't slow him down.
Do I hear $20.00? That sound rang out throughout the whole event. We all headed to the main stage for the auction. Everything from wheels to fork tubes and everything in between was auctioned off for Dave. Some of Dave’s artwork was auctioned, as well. My favorite, Vietnam, A Letter To A Lost Bro, started a frenzy. There were so many people bidding, it was hard for me to keep up with who was bidding what. I guess that’s why they had an auctioneer handle it. I woulda screwed shit up. Man, I wanted that picture so bad! But alas, someone outbid me. Lucky dog!

Jeff Schneider, from The Midwest Stunters, was on hand to perform amazing and breathtaking stunts. He started on a itty-bitty bike and worked his way up. He made it look so easy, but don’t try this at home. Leave it to the professionals. Jeff from Motorcycle Works displayed hit hot customs.

Let’s get ready to rumble! Yep, wrestling rocked the ring. King Harley Race of the WLW and The Midgets were on hand to drop you to the mat. Well, not you exactly. They were slamming one another. I don’t care what anyone says, that has to hurt.
If you wear it or use it, it was for sale there. There were so many vendors on hand. They sported great discount prices on their leather goods. Actually, a black leather vest went for $19.95. I guess summer is the time to shop for cooler temps riding gear.

Then Dave Mann and his wife Jacquie arrived. Dave’s health wouldn’t allow him to spend the day out in the sun, but he was moved by the throngs of well-wishers. It was a sobering sight. He didn’t get out of the car, but he did thank everyone for being there. One of his old friends came all the way from St. Louis, MO to present a check that he collected in a bar one night. Billy Lane then presented Dave with a plaque inducting him into the Motorcycle Hall of Fame. What a tribute. I was trying to take pictures through the tears. I wasn’t the only one shedding tears. There were some who were bigger and had more hair on their face than me shedding tears.
In the distance the Kissed, a Kiss tribute band belted out Rock And Roll All Night. Now, me being a huge Kiss fan, twisted to the tunes. I spun around real quick. They sounded good. Brian Howe, former lead singer of Bad Co., took the stage next. Gotta love Bad Co.

One more thing to say. The security provided by the area clubs was awesome. Not one argument amongst the crowd. Not bad for a crowd of beer drinkers and hell raisers. Everyone had an awesome time for an awesome artist, one of our lifestyle greats.

Make checks to David Mann
David Mann
c/o Wide Open Magazine
Rt. 1 Box 328A
Edwards, MO 65326

Dave's Art is available through Segal Fine Art. Click below.