
House Passes Motorcyclist Profiling Resolution

December 23, 2022 House Passes Motorcyclist Profiling Resolution! In one of the final actions before the 117th Congress dissolved the House of Representatives passed, H. Res 366, the motorcyclist profiling resolution. The resolution, which was first introduced in 2016, failed to receive a vote on the House floor until today. In the six years since it was introduced motorcyclists have spent countless hours educating lawmakers and raising awareness on the issue of motorcyclist profiling. The 2016 version of the resolution had just 18 cosponsors, but that number grew to 103 this month. These 103 cosponsors represented a diverse set of political beliefs and geographic interests, but all were committed to supporting bikers. It has been a long journey to this point and many parties are responsible for this victory. Former Representative Reid Ribble of Wisconsin originally introduced the resolution and after his departure from Congress Representative Tim Walberg of Michigan picked up the baton. The Motorcycle Profiling Project provided important data that helped inform lawmakers about the extent of motorcyclist profiling. Motorcycle clubs and independent riders all invested time and resources in the battle on Capitol Hill. State motorcyclist rights organizations leveraged their relationships with home state lawmakers and increased cosponsor numbers dramatically. Most importantly all these groups remained committed and focused despite setbacks and disappointments. With this action, the House joins the Senate, which passed a similar resolution in 2018 standing against motorcyclist profiling and asking for collaboration between law enforcement and bikers to prevent profiling. Additionally, five states, Washington, Maryland, Louisiana, Idaho, and New Hampshire all have state laws against the profiling of bikers. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation hopes that this demonstration of support from the United States Congress will provide other states a foundation to enact legislation. To see a full version of H. Res 366 click […]

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Bikers Inside the Beltway 2022: Demand reaches room capacity!

Demand reaches room capacity! – Hotel booked up! Bikers Inside the Beltway – “Let us refuse to be silent! Speaking freely is a decisive step forward on the road to freedom” — Leyla Zana “Speaking freely” since its first orchestrated visit with members of Congress in 1989, is exactly what the Motorcycle Riders Foundation does. And the results are evident in the MRF’s history of legislative accomplishments. Participatory democracy is what the MRF is all about. Bikers Inside the Beltway is a 13-year exercise in participatory democracy. Biker’s Inside the Beltway is about making a difference. You still have time to make a difference and let your voice be heard when you attend Bikers Inside the Beltway on May 17! Protecting the rights of motorcyclists is not just a collection of words in a press release any more than leaving your motorcycle parked in your garage is about riding. Profiling, E-15 (ethanol fuel), autonomous vehicles, all part of the present and future of motorcycling. The MRF’s legislative agenda is a result of input from motorcyclists with the directions to take care of business on Capitol Hill. That’s what Bikers Inside the Beltway is all about. The MRF understands motorcycling, motorcyclists’ rights, and what it takes to keep the siege against your rights, your freedom, your lifestyle, and yes, your motorcycle at bay. However, participatory democracy works best with participants. Your participation in Bikers Inside the Beltway is needed now. Your visit to Congress does make a difference. In 2021, co-sponsors on MRF supported legislation rose over 20 percent during Bikers Inside the Beltway. Numbers make a difference. Currently, there are almost ninety co-sponsors on H. Res 366 – an anti-profiling resolution. By joining other freedom loving motorcyclists, you can help increase those co-sponsors and the resolution can move forward. Day

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Just 10 days before Bikers Inside the Beltway: MRF Update

Dear colleague… With just 10 days before Bikers Inside the Beltway, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) is gearing up to take our message to Capitol Hill. Co-Chairman of the House Motorcycle Caucus, Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI), has already started greasing the wheels for our arrival. This week he sent a letter to all 434 of his colleagues in the House of Representatives asking for support on the issue of motorcyclist profiling. Known as a “Dear Colleague Letter” this tactic allows lawmakers to contact each and every member of the House and ask for support. In this case Rep. Walberg is asking for his fellow Representatives to cosponsor H. Res 366. H. Res 366 is one of the major agenda items MRF members will be pushing when they meet with their elected officials in D.C. This action by Rep. Walberg means no congressional office can now honestly say, “I’ve never heard about this motorcyclist profiling issue.” Thank you for your leadership, Representative Walberg! Below is the full text of Rep. Walberg’s letter: * * * * “May 4, 2022 Dear colleague, May is Motorcycle Awareness Month. As the co-chair of the House Motorcycle Caucus, I am proud to represent the nearly 10 million motorcyclists in this country. Motorcycles and motorcyclists not only represent an important part of our transportation network but are also an iconic part of the fabric of Americana. Over the years numerous motorcyclists have reached out to my office and others to discuss their concerns over the profiling of motorcyclists. In response to these concerns, myself, Congressman Burgess (TX), Congresswoman Bustos (IL) and Congressman Pocan (WI) introduced H. Res. 366 a resolution that promotes awareness of motorcyclist profiling and encourages collaboration between the motorcycle community and law enforcement officials to prevent instances of profiling. As of this week,

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MRF Call To Action: anti-motorcyclist profiling resolution

Where Does Your State Rank? Last month the Motorcycle Riders Foundation released our first call to action of 2022. The call to action was related to H. Res 366, the anti-motorcyclist profiling resolution in the House of Representatives. Since its release, over 1,600 bikers have taken a moment to click a few buttons and have their voice heard. One great part about this call to action is that if your lawmaker has already been supportive of the resolution, they get a thank you email. While if your member of congress has yet to act, it explains the issues and asks for support. We’ve seen great results from this effort. Since the beginning of February, 26 new representatives have signed on as cosponsors! If there is one thing we know about bikers, they are a competitive bunch. So, to inspire even more engagement, here’s a list of the top 5 states who’ve taken the time to answer the call. 1. Wisconsin – 176 2. Michigan 155 3. New York 136 4. Texas – 124 5. Arizona 118 The map also shows you how many bikers from each state have contacted their member of the House. If you have already done the call to action, we thank you! But let’s keep the pressure up! You don’t need to do it again, but you can share the link below, forward this email and hit social media. Let’s get as many bikers as we can to take 2 minutes out of their day to spread the word on profiling. If you want Washington D.C. to address the profiling of bikers click here. As always, Ride Safe and Ride Free! About Motorcycle Riders Foundation The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs

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Please support Antiprofiling House Resolution 366

Please support Antiprofiling House Resolution 366 Call-to-Action to support Motorcycle Riders Members of the House of Representatives left D.C. last week for two weeks of recess. While they are away their staff members are sorting through constituent mail and reviewing legislative priorities. Now is a great time to contact those congressional offices and have your voice heard! H. Res 366 is a resolution focused on the profiling of bikers and it needs public support from all Members of Congress. Click on the link below and you will be sent to a site that sends a letter to your Representative based on your zip code. If your Representative has already signed on, your message will be a thank you note and ask them to push for a full vote on the House floor. If your elected official hasn’t signed on, the message will ask for them to cosponsor H. Res 366 and go on record supporting bikers. So far this year over 70 Representatives have cosponsored the resolution, but that is just half of where we were in 2020. Let’s make sure the politicians in Washington, D.C. hear from bikers and act. Click here to contact your Representative regarding H. Res 366. About Motorcycle Riders Foundation: The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. Visit website or call (202) 546-0983! and Join the MRF!

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Weekly Biker Bulletin from Inside the Beltway April 5th 2019

RIDING FREE FROM DC Your Motorcycle Riders Foundation team in Washington, D.C. is pleased to provide our members with the latest information and updates on issues that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. Count on your MRF to keep you informed about a range of matters that are critical to the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle. Published weekly when the U.S. Congress is in session. Capitol Hill Update Ground Game Last week the MRF issued a call to action regarding H. Res 255 the Motorcycle profiling bill introduced by Congressmen Walberg (MI), Burgess (TX), Peterson (MN) and Pocan (WI). Since last week, MRF members have sent over 2,000 letters to their lawmakers. The resolution started with four cosponsors, and a week later we have doubled that number to eight cosponsors. A great example of how reaching out to your lawmaker can lead to results comes to us from the motorcycle community in New York. Congressman Lee Zeldin of New York received the most letters of any member of Congress. His office received over 100 letters asking him to cosponsor H. Res 255. And wouldn’t you know it, Congressman Zeldin jumped on as a cosponsor within days of receiving those letters. However, all members of Congress are not as receptive to their constituents as Congressman Zeldin. However, one thing is for certain, if a Member of Congress doesn’t know a bill or resolution exists, they will not be a co-sponsor. Cosponsors by State Illinois – 1 Michigan – 1 Minnesota – 1 Missouri – 1 New York – 1 Texas – 1 Washington – 1 Wisconsin – 1 States who have sent the Most letters New York Texas Louisiana South Dakota Wisconsin Pennsylvania Arizona Minnesota Michigan California DC Game While we ask our members to contact

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