
I Remember by Amy Irene White

I REMEMBER by Amy Irene White I remember. I remember 9/11. I remember when the planes hit, and at first we thought it was an accident. I remember the horror when the whole world realized it was happening on purpose. I remember the planes falling and the pentagon smoldering. I remember the bodies falling from windows. I remember the firemen and policemen rushing forward. I remember the smoke. I remember the running. I remember the screams. I remember the panic. I remember when the towers fell. I remember when New York City looked like hell. I remember Donald Trump walking amongst the wreckage. I remember Rudy Gulianni too. I remember the death tolls. I remember the tears and the anger. I remember when I got hooked on round the clock news. I remember the patriotism and love and yellow ribbons. I remember the hatred for Islam that I for one will never let go. I remember it was something much more than some people doing something. I remember the rides and memorials and remembrance. I remember when the foundation of America was shaken, and I remember that we haven’t been quite right ever since. I remember. By Amy Irene White

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Monday Motivation: Stay True, Stay Strong

Here is something to stay positive and remind yourself that life well-lived is a success by itself.– Wayfarer I want you to hear some truth today. You are doing a good job. Yes, maybe it’s not perfect, but here you are still fighting, still believing, still giving. And that is something to be proud of. To hold your head high. To not dismiss. To remember. To see. So today, be proud. Have grace for your story. Keep going. — by Ray Russell * * * “There is dignity in all labor” – Martin Luther King

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Remember them for their Sacrifice – Memorial Day 2022

This Memorial Day weekend take a moment and remember the sacrifices made by many while fighting for the freedoms each of us enjoy everyday. In streets across our nation traditional motorcycle events honoring those lost in military service will be held. We at the Motorcycle Riders Foundation are forever grateful to our brothers and sisters lost defending the freedoms we cherish. As Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” Message from MRF: As we spend time with family and friends, let’s all take a moment to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country Free. We at the MRF wish you and yours a safe and happy Memorial Day. Visit: About Motorcycle Riders Foundation: The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. * * * * We all at honor and remember our brothers and sisters in the Armed Forces. Keep America Free. Keep Riding Free Forever.

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