(Classic) Easyriders magazine again hits a speed bump

The above screenshot shows a message that appears as a pop-up on the re-invented “Classic” Easyriders magazine website. This is after two years into the re-launch of this iconic motorcycling lifestyle publication. Two specific things noted after reviewing the website: The September 2023 issue is not listed for sale There is no link nor button nor any webpage for purchase of annual subscription It is unknown if there is any refunds or cancellations or any other subscriber related issues– and we don’t intend to speculate. Look out for Bikernet.com investigation into this discovery in the upcoming weekly news posted every Thursday. Refer our Weekly News section by clicking here. Below is the text reproduction from the screenshot for your information and reference only — all rights are exclusive to Classic Easyriders and Paisano Publishing only. * * * * From: https://classiceasyriders.com/ Dear Easyriders Subscribers, Due to a legal conflict between GIT Corp. (licensee) and Paisano Publishing (licensor and Brand Owner), GIT Corp. will no longer be publishing Easyriders Magazine. It will continue to be published monthly by Paisano Publishing and the current subscribers list has been forward to Paisano from GIT, in order for you monthly subscription to continue being delivered to all Easyriders subscribers. Please direct any new subscription inquiries or current subscription questions to: bbarresi@paisanopub.com We at GIT Corp. would like to thank all the customers that have supported us in the past 2 years in bringing back Easyriders Magazine. Thanks, GIT Corp.

(Classic) Easyriders magazine again hits a speed bump Read More »