
Life and Times of Bill May, 1971

The Girl, the Stroked Knucklehead and the Band as narrated by Bill May Shifting back in time, in 1970 I sold the bike I rode from Nevada to Oklahoma on in ‘69. I cruised back to Reno for a few months and fell in love with a girl there. I was riding with a small club in Oklahoma. There wasn’t much going on and I guess I was just bored. I took off to Reno in a ‘62 Chevy. When I arrived there, she touched me but had a young child and a husband in LA. She ultimately decided she should go back and make up with him. Click here for the ride down memory lane, splitting hairs about what was only on * * * Do you yearn to know the real deal about the golden era gone by in chopper culture and outlaw lifestyle? We got you covered and with plenty more to dig through in the Bandit’s Cantina. It is an exclusive area, guarded by hounds of Harley-Davidson bikers and their minions. Visit Try the best membership deal online since 1996

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Barn-Find Delights: Tom Cotter’s new book

Books That Make You Get Out & Explore “After having read about Tom Cotter in the Thursday News, shared by National Motorcycle Museum (click here) (past few weeks ago), I started watching Tom’s video series on YouTube. I could resist no more and bought Tom Cotter’s Best Barn-Find Collector Car Tales (Sep 2018) and his latest mentioned by National Motorcycle Museum, Secrets of the Barn Find Hunter (May 2022). Both Hardcovers, sitting pretty, reminding me to get outdoors & cruise.” Click Here to Read the latest on Book Reviews only at * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Read more Book, Movie and Music Reviews at Bikernet — click here.

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Lou Kimzey: the Original Editor/Publisher of Easyriders Magazine

By J.J. Solari with photos by Kim Peterson and Pete Chiodo Bandit worked with the guy every day. In fact, he was hired by the guy. Basically sight unseen, just from an inquiry Bandit made on the phone about a motorcycle he built that the new rag might want to take pictures of. Kimzey said “You want a job here?” As Bandit very interestingly put it – his apparently “mystical” abilities to successfully defy the publishing industry AND to be immune to published criticism by them. But they all knew he was there. In fact, I am prepared to say that Lou Kimzey is in a club with only two people in it: “The Club of Editors Who Advanced America.” The other is John W. Campbell. CLICK HERE To Read the Important History and Legacy of Lou, Motorcycling & Easyriders. Join the Cantina for more – Subscribe Today.

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