
Reflections on Earth Day

An Alternate Perspective by Alex Epstein While there are no perfect metrics of the world’s livability from a human flourishing perspective, three excellent ones are average life expectancy, average income, and total population… If today’s narrative about fossil fuels destroying our delicate, nurturing planet were true, then a chart of fossil fuel use, life expectancy, income, and population would be a sad story. As fossil fuel use went up, life expectancy would go down as fossil fuels depleted the Earth of nourishment and created myriad new dangers. Income would also go down as resources became scarce—and the scarcity would become worse and worse if population went up. But when we look at an actual chart of these metrics of a livable world, we see that these metrics are going up in an unbelievable “hockey stick” that exactly correlates with fossil fuel use, including the CO2 emissions that are supposedly destroying our world… Read this in detail at website by clicking here

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Why Would You Ride a Motorcycle?

Well, all of us motorcyclists have one or one million reasons to ride. What about the rest of ’em? What practical, utilitarian reason and purpose could one recommend to a person who doesn’t ride a motorcycle or does not even know how to ride a motorcycle? Convenience : Its smaller than a car, gee whiz! Whiz past in smaller lanes and country roads too. Savings : Costs less to own and maintain. Yes, the engine and power consumption is less as well. So you get more bang for your buck, more miles per gallon. Friends among strangers : Motorcyclists seem to have a community irrespective of year and make of their vehicle, unlike most car enthusiasts who have limited engagement of car or travel club / group. Just wave and see the enthusiastic response from a biker. Natural Joyride : Its a natural anti-depressant. Many pilots have mentioned riding a motorcycle as being the closest thing to flying. Plus, your senses have no distraction and thus no worries while riding. Next Level Gaming : Well, how about learning off-road or endurance riding? Compete with friends or as an amateur. Skill development : You learn to be more handy with mechanical breakdowns. Plus learning to ride a motorcycle will boost your motor skills, mental agility and self-confidence as well. Travel light, move more : More adventurous way to pursue tourism, weekend getaway, a picnic at the park or beach, or just ride to the nearest gym. And for the millennials — all of the above is true and applicable even for your electric motorcycle ! * * * * Get There Faster, Click & Get the Free Weekly Newsletter

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