Motorcycle Awareness Month 2023

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, and warmer weather means more motorcycles on the roads. We want to Remind Motorists to Share the Road and Be Alert. Always check your blind spots. Motorcycles are smaller than other vehicles and can be even more difficult to spot while merging or changing lanes. Be extra cautious when passing. Make sure to signal your intention to pass a motorcyclist. Remember that motorcycles react more quickly than cars. Make sure that you maintain an adequate following distance behind motorcycles. Be aware of the weather. Inclement weather has more drastic effects on motorcycle riders than on automobile drivers. Help riders stay safe after dark by increasing your following distance, ensuring that your high beams are turned off when you notice an approaching motorcycle, and refraining from passing. Stay in your lane. Motorcycles are legally entitled to their own lane of traffic. In no situation are you allowed to drive your automobile in the same lane and in close proximity to a motorcycle. Inform motorcyclists of your intention to turn. Initiate your turn signal sooner for motorcycles. Many vehicle accidents that involve both automobiles and motorcycles occur at intersections. Always follow the safety protocol for intersections every time that you approach one. Watch for turning motorcycles. If you notice that a motorcycle is driving with an activated turn signal for an abnormal distance, increase your following distance so you have time to react whenever the rider decides to turn. Take a second look at left turns. Before you cross a lane or lanes of traffic to turn left, take a second look for approaching motorcycles. Motorcyclists should always wear protective gear and be sure to use a DOT-compliant motorcycle helmet. For more information on motorcycle safety, visit * * * * * * * * […]

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