100 Words Fiction Contest Report

We are into the 7th month of this popular contest — a challenge to write fiction in 100 words or less– and win swag and goodies. October was the 6th month and we had contestants return to participate again. The contest can be addictive, especially once you know you can actually write a meaningful story within 100 words. So delightfully, we announce that the winner for October is also the person who won this contest first-time around– back in May 2023 — so Congratulations to Steven Sanner. He delivers action and emotion yet again on two-wheels with his latest entry “Long Rides.” Check it out on Bikernet Blog at: Read all entries ever published by visiting: All you gotta do is subscribe to Bikernet’s free weekly newsletter and send in your entry to See you on the Blog. Happy inking! –Wayfarer Editor: Bikernet Blog BIKERNET.COM ™ 100 Words Fiction Contest Report Read More »