100 WFC: A Last Milestone by Steven Sanner

100 word fiction contest continues…. #100WFC A Last Milestone by Steven Sanner with illustration by Wayfarer The wind whipped across my face like a thousand cats shredding flesh. I thought of warmer conditions, but the falling 40-degree temps and fading light would not relent. I’m glad I invested in the horsehide coat; I wished for chaps to match. Then, a warm feeling kindled deep within me, remembering the gratitude expressed by the family of the fallen soldier for having been a riding escort to the gravesite…enough to get me back home. I will be riding again—rain, shine, snow, or freezing temps—to make it to the next patriot Guard mission. It’s the least I could do to give thanks. (publication dated 19-December-2023) * * * Know past winners and read all entries ever published by visiting: https://www.bikernet.com/pages/100_Word_Fiction_Contest.aspx All you gotta do is subscribe to Bikernet’s free weekly newsletter and send in your entry to wayfarer@bikernet.com

100 WFC: A Last Milestone by Steven Sanner Read More »