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February, 1, 2001 Part 2

LOOKING FOR BUCK KNIFE–I am interested in a Buck 192MS knife. I found one on the Bikernet page.


HERE ARE THE FACTS– Citrus soda 7-UP was created in 1929; “7” was selectedbecause the original containers were 7 ounces. “UP” indicated thedirection of the bubbles.

Mosquito repellents don’t repel. They hide you. The spray blocksthe mosquito’s sensors so they don’t know you’re there.

Dentists recommend that a toothbrush be kept at least 6 feetaway from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush.

The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute forblood plasma.


BANDIT’S CANTINA COMING–You’ve heard of Stephen King, you’ve heard of Disneyland, you’ve taken magic mushrooms. Now comes Bandit’s Cantina, a rough ride into a slippery, devilish, action- packed area of Bikernet — for those who haven’t had enough. In just a month you’ll be able to read e-books, gaze at some of the hottest babes in biking, play games, get sexual advice, find a biker-friendly bar in your neighborhood and much, much more. Watch for it. Coming to computers near you.

Here are two pics of the same guy using up a lot of tire on his Buell at Sturgis, Aug. 2000–Helen Wolfe

Sonny Barger Report–Sonny will be in Boston this weekend, Feb. 3-4, atthe New England Motorcycle Spectacular. Come meethim and get your copy of Hell’s Angel signed by thelegend himself. Click here for a map and directions:

Already a best seller in the U.S. and U.K., the Germantranslation of Hell’s Angel goes on sale today byEuropa Verlag.Other editions are coming in Italy, Turkey, Estonia,Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Japan.

New on the Web site:Streaming audio, over an hour in all, of four classicradio interviews, including “Radio Chick” on WNEW.Classic! (scroll to bottom of the page)

A new photo gallery shows Sonny with fans and friendson the Book Tour 2000.

MAW IS OUTSIDE– hangin up the laundry, when she hearsPaw in the kitchen. Mawwalks in and says, “Paw, get out there and fix thatthere outhouse.”

Paw says, “All right, Maw.” Paw walks out to theouthouse, looks at it,and says, “Maw, there ain’t nothin’ wrong with thishere outhouse!”

Maw says, “Yes, there is. Put your head down in thehole.”

Paw says “I ain’t puttin my head in that there hole!”

Maw says, “Well you’re gonna have to if’n you’re gonnafix the problem!”

Paw puts his head down in the hole (just a little bitmindya) and he hollers, “Maw, there ain’t nothin’ wrongwith this hereouthouse!”

Maw hollers, “Now pull your head out of the hole.”

Pawgoes to lift up hishead and he says, “Oww! OWW! Maw! MAW, my beard’sstuck in the cracks in theseat!”

Maw says, “Aggravatin’, ain’t it?”

–Glen R.

H-D DEDICATES 2001 RACE SEASON TO REBUILDING VR 1000 SUPERBIKE PROGRAM–Company to Increase Resources, Restructure Development and Organization ofRace Team

Focused on strengthening its VR 1000Superbike racing program, Harley-Davidson will devote 2001 to a rebuildingeffort, the company has announced. Among several initiatives,Harley-Davidson will restructure and expand the development program of theVR 1000.”We’ve begun an aggressive effort we believe is necessary to move theprogram forward,” said John Baker, director of racing. “The 2001 racingseason will be a rebuilding year. But this change is necessary to get uswhere we expect to be in the future.”Increased funding will drive the development program and provide greaterresources in both manpower and hardware.

Organizationally, the new development effort will be focused internally. Asa result, engineers from Harley-Davidson Research and Development will workin close concert with partners at Buell, and will begin work immediately torealize the performance potential of the VR 1000.”By tapping our vast internal engineering capabilities, we’re confident wecan improve,” said Baker. “Our racers, Pascal Picotte and Mike Smith, areexcited about the new direction of development and the rewards it will bringthe program in the future.”Harley-Davidson will increase its involvement with Cosworth Racing and FordRacing and continue its long association with Gemini Racing Technologies,which will maintain some development duties and provide all race teamoperation functions.

“We expect our partnerships with Cosworth Racing, Ford Racing and GeminiRacing will yield results, and we’re pleased to continue our relationshipwith them,” said Baker.Harley-Davidson’s VR 1000 Superbike team will open the AMA season March 7-11at the Daytona 200 in Daytona Beach, Fla.

A SALOON LEGEND IS GONE– I don’t know if anybody has sent you anything about the servicesfor Don Himes so I thought I would. There were about 200 people at thefuneral; it was standing-room only in the chapel. There weren’t nearly asmany clubs represented as you’d have expected considering that they wereall welcome at La Vida and a lot of them frequented the place. Someof the clubs that had members there were the Viet Nam Vets, RighteousOnes, Mongols, Loners and a couple others.

During the service there was anopportunity to stand and speak and a lot of people did. They all said thesame thing; Don was one of the last good guys, treated everyone the same(no politics), and that he and La Vida were going to be greatly missed. Iknow that I used to love getting there early Sunday, just after openingand have breakfast with the place almost to myself except for a couple ofthe canyon locals and of course Gypsy. The ride through the canyon’s earlymorning mist, the fire in the fireplace when you got there and the quietof the canyon; I’m sure going to miss that place. To quote FreddieMercury, “Another one bites the dust.” It’s a goddamn shame!


COMPUTER VIRUS WARNINGS– Computer VirusTHE CLINTON Virus….(Gives you a 7-Inch hard drive with NO memory.)

THE BOB DOLE (AKA: VIAGRA) virus…(Makes a new hard drive out of an old floppy.)

THE LEWINSKY virus…(Sucks all the memory out of your computer, then e-mails everyone about whatit did.)

THE RONALD REAGAN virus….(Saves your data, but forgets where it is stored.)

THE MIKE TYSON virus….(Quits after two bytes.)

THE OPRAH WINFREY virus….(Your 300mb hard drive shrinks to 100mb, then slowly expands torestabilizearound 200mb.)

My friends, I give you THE DUMBEST GUY ON EARTH!

This picture is real – not doctored in anyway – and was taken last week by atransportation supervisor for a company that delivers building materialsfor 84 Lumber. When he saw it in the parking lot of IHOP, he wentand bought a camera to take pictures.

The car is still running, as can be witnessed by the exhaust. A woman iseither asleep or otherwise out in the front seat passenger side. The guydriving it was jogging up and down on Route 925 (in the background).

Witnesses said their physical state was OTHER than normal. The driverfinally came back after the police were called and was found crouchedbehind the rear of the car, attempting to cut the twine around theload! Luckily, the police stopped him and had the load removed.

The materials were loaded at Home Depot. Their store manager said theyhad the customer sign a waiver. While the plywood and 2-by-4s are fairly obvious,what you can’t see is the back seat, which contains — are you ready for this? –10 bags of concrete at 80 pounds each. They estimated the load weight at 3,000 pounds.

Both back tires exploded, the wheels bent and the back shocks were driven throughthe floorboard. The car, with Florida plates (naturally), was headed for Annapolis, wherethe couple presumably planned to build a new house in which to smoke their crack.


“How cheesy!” exclaimed Mary as she watched Perfect 10 magazine covergirl and 2002 calendar model Vanessa Norris planting kisses on Mary’s boyfriend Billy in a video replay of Billy and Vanessa’s date together. It all unfolded on the new FOX hit TV show Temptation Island were four pairs of long-term couples are placed on a romantic tropical beach resort, separated from their soulmates, and sent out on daylong dates with a bevy of sexy single seduction artists. The most seductive female of which has to be our very own sexy Vanessa, who we recently photographed for the upcoming 2002 Mikuni Iron & Lace Calendar with a hot custom from premier bike builder Mike Berg.

C.J.’S ENGRAVING CLASSICS–We’re about to launch a serious article about a lost art–metal engraving–and one of the last, if not the only, motorcycle engraver left on the planet. His story is as terrifying as the art he produces. If you want something purely unique, truly custom, then this is the way to go. Here are some examples of his art. The mag lights are available on his Web site. Just click and go. Next week we’ll be premiering a billet wheel pulley clock made by C.J. He’s only making 10 of them.

THUNDER OVER DIXIE NEWS– How many times can you go to Daytona Beach, Myrtle Beach or Sturgisbefore you decide that your Harley doesn’t ride on rails leading to the sameold places with the same old T-shirt vendors? Remember how you used to telleveryone the reason you rode Harleys was for the freedom? Well, it’s time toset yourself free.

How about some adventure? As promised, after the runaway success of ThunderOver Dixie, we’re planning more Thunder events for 2001. The next is south ofthe border into Old Mexico for Thunder Over Mazatlan and it’s going to beawesome.

We’re roaring off on a 10-day fiesta to Mazatlan where we’ll bea big part of their Cinco de Mayo celebrations. Fiestas and parades every dayon the route, all in our honor. We’ll handle border details the night beforethe border crossing, and we’ll supply luggage vans, translators and security.

Security? Absolutely. Probably won’t need it, but we’ve got it. You canrelax knowing that when out of sight, your motorcycle will be secure. To ensure this is the best ride ever, Thunder has joinedforces with Pancho Villa Moto Tours, the most experienced American motorcycletouring company conducting tours into Mexico. With 20 years of experienceleading riders through Latin America, Pancho Villa Motor Tours’ owner SkipMascorro and his staff are thoroughly familiar with riding inMexico.

Thunder Over Mazatlan starts April 30 at the Rio Rico resort, which isjust a few miles south of Tucson, Ariz.

Eight nights accommodations, best available
Seven breakfasts, six evening meals
T-shirt and cap
Support vehicle and riding bilingual staff
Maps and tour information kit
Select tolls (conditions apply)
DOES NOT INCLUDE: Medical or motorcycle insurance, fuels, any tolls otherthan those authorized, alcoholic beverages, tipping for individual servicesor individual luggage handling
TOUR PRICE: $1,769 per rider; $1,595 per passengerAnyone in a single occupancy room, additional $420.

1928 SHOVELHEAD COMING ALONG–In this shot you can see the rear fender initial fitment by Jim from Easyriders of Dallas, and the master eyeing the seat placement. More to come shortly.

WHATTA BREAK–The sun is shining and the air is warm and fresh. I can see the blue Pacific lapping at the breakwater. Most of the party-goers are out of jail and roaming the streets once again. Nuutboy and I visited Kenny Samson and collected enough scraps of exhaust pipes to build John Buttera’s pipes for his Evo desk project. During a discussion with Tom Rodan of Sierra Madre Motorcycles, restoration experts, Tom pointed out that my difficulty with the ’48 Panhead idling could be that the engine won’t let the ignition retard all the way so the idle is erratic. Joe Minton had the same theory but thought it might be the automatic advance. This afternoon I will drop a manual advance distributor back into place and time it for another test ride.

I realize that the world is becoming a hectic place to live in. But if you have a second, stop what you’re doing and think back to the time before telephones, when the only communication was by mail or when someone stopped by. Now we have mail, visitors, FedEx, UPS, fax, e-mail, phones, pagers, television, radio, and the list goes on. However, we still only have two arms and two legs and 24 hours in a day to deal with all this shit. Just remember what truly makes you happy. For me, it’s writing, the touch of a woman and bikes. Make time to do what you love.

–Let’s ride, Bandit

Read More

February, 1, 2001 Part 1

What can I say? The police are still investigating complaints of nudity, grand larceny (someone stole a pool table) and a stabbing. It was one helluva party. I’m innocent.

The Digital Gangster ran up to me at midnight and screamed something about being two hours late for his flight back to Washington and being in mortal fear for his life. I could sympathize with him, knives had been drawn on two occasions but I couldn’t leave until I had hit on every woman in the joint. The Gangster yanked on my arm, spilled my Jack Daniels and was delivered to the airport in a box. A full report on the Bikernet 2nd annual Super Bowl party is forthcoming after the attorneys and Nuutboy get through editing it. Let’s get to the news:

CHICAGO JOE ROCKS LAS VEGAS–Here are some of my pictures of Chicago Joe from Las Vegas 2000 and Woodburn ’99.

DEAR JOHNNY CARSON–I’ll try to attach a piece I did for a show here…it’s a long story butyou’ll get the idea if you concentrate very hard! (Did I just say hard?!)OK, nevermind…gotta get my mind back on track. This painting is not forpublic consumption but the one I’m doing will be.I’m off to Phoenix this morning on a last minute mission.

Crazed weirdo fucked up woman artist in Northern Arizona looking for love inall the right places!Soon to be sated…


H-D OF CHARLOTTE CUSTOM PERFORMANCE BUELL–This is a customer’s Buell X-1 Millennium. This is Chip’s “Go Fasta” bike. His other bike is a new Dresser for touring. The Buell is for pure fun.

He added the new shift linkage for 2001. A race kit has been installed, pipe, muffler, air cleaner and ignition module. The pipe has been Jet-Hot coated. He also elected to put on a steering dampner. Chip then installed a few of the Buell accessories now available.The biggest addition to this Buell is the top-end upgrade Chip did. Hedecided to go with the Millennium Tech. aluminum cylinders. These are made without a steel liner like a H-D cylinder and are plated with the nickle-silicon-carbide process. These cylinders are race-proven by Don Tilley. These are the cylinders to use for the next level of performance for the “killer” Buell engine.

In additon, the heads were ported and flowed by Nallin using his pistondesign. The cylinders provide for better ring seal, they distort less. There’s more efficient heat transfer and less friction because of the plating. The plating surface is very hard and lasts a long time.This is a very cool X-1 and runs very strong.



Your last name stays put.
The garage is all yours.
Wedding plans take care of themselves.
Chocolate is just another snack.
You can be president.
You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park.
Car mechanics tell you the truth.
You don’t give a rat’s ass if someone notices your new haircut.
The world is your urinal.
You never have to drive to another gas station because this one’s just too icky.
Same work … more pay.
Wrinkles add character.
Wedding Dress $5000; Tux rental $100.
People never glance at your chest when you’re talking to them.
The occasional well-rendered belch is practically expected.
Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
You know stuff about tanks.
A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.
You can open all your own jars.
Dry cleaners and hair cutters don’t rob you blind.
You can leave the motel bed unmade.
You can kill your own food.
You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.
If someone forgets to invite you to something, he or she can still be your friend.
Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack.
One wallet and one pair of shoes, one color, all seasons.
You can “do” your nails with a pocketknife.
You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.
Christmas shopping can be accomplished for 25 relatives on Dec. 24, in 45 minutes


SCREAMIN’ EAGLE ANNOUNCES THE RELEASE OF THE LONG- AWAITED STROKER KIT FOR TWIN CAMS–Available by March 1, in limited supplies, will be a 4 3/8 Stroke flywheel assembly for 99-later Twin Cam 88 carbureted models (except Softail models). This kit requires the use of Screamin Eagle 3 7/8 bore Stroker pistons.

The flywheel kit with the Stroker Big Bore pistons will yield an engine size of 103 C.I. or a (03 if you will) Twin Cam. Compression ratio with these pistons is 10:1.P/N and additional info can be had at your local H-D dealer. Supply will be limited at first.

One thing I wanted to also mention was that Zippers was selling a Big Bore cylinder for the Twin Cam engine, sized at 4 1/8 bore. Using these with the new Stroker kit would give you an engine size of 117 C.I. The cases need to be bored for these cylinders and they would retain the H-D factory piston cooling jets.When you split the cases for the installation of the Stroker flywheel kit, this would be the time to have Zippers do the cases. Also at the same time have the heads sent out to be reworked.Zippers could probably set you up with Stroker pistons.

Also, T-Man Performance and Trock Cycle are other options for Big Bore Stroker pistons.I would recommend sending the heads to BC Gerolamy or T-Man Performance.TR at T-man has found out after checking the cams for the Twin Cam engine that there is a slight timing problem. He has come up with a cam fix to straighten it out and get correct cam timing.

— Paul

T-Man Performance
205 Pitts St.
Kernersville, N.C. 27284

Trock Cycle Specialties
13N417 French Rd.
Hampshire, Ill. 60140

DAYTONA BILLBOARD RELEASED– This is it folks. We’ll be on International Speedway from the middle of February to the middle of March, between Ridgewood and Nova Boulevard.

THE ITALIAN SAYS–“When I’ve a finisheda makina da love with my girlfriend,I go down and gently tickel the back of her knees, she floats a 6 inchesabovea da bed, in ecstasy.”

The Frenchman replies, “Zat is nothing, when Ah’ve finished making ze lovewith ze girlfriend, Ah kiss all ze way down her body and zen ah lick zasoles of her feet wiz mah tongue and she floats 12 inches above ze bed, inpure ecstasy.”

The redneck says, “That’s nothing buddy. When I’ve finished doin’ it to myole lady, I git out of bed, walks over to the winder, and wipes my peckeron the curtains, she hits the freakin roof!!!

–Ray Russell

CCI REPORT–Had a busy weekend, which ended Sunday with the CCI product review in Charlotte. Went to the Easyriders show the night before. The turn-out to me seemed a little low compared to previous years. There were a few nice bikes. I got some pictures but haven’t downloaded yet (see coverage on Bikernet).

I wanted to send some ink on my take from the CCI deal while it’s still fresh in the old brain. First, this was a really well put together conference. They provided a great lunch and first-class meeting facility. It had dealers from all over the Southeast in attendance. It was first-rate all the way.

Our Southeast CCI reps., Norm and Mike, did an outstanding job of showing the latest stuff coming out from CCI. Rick Doss, the “Southern Gentleman,”was also there explaining some things coming out around September at the big CCI show in California.One of the big highlights was a new financing program from Horizon 2000. This will allow a customer to finance a build- your-own bike kit from CCI with no money down! This will offer the aftermarket shops a cool way of helping the customer put together a custom bike package and have the option to finance it like a new bike. Really cool concept.

Another topic mentioned was that if CCI doesn’t have the exact frame you want in its catalog, that you can make up a custom frame order(stretch/rake, etc.) from CCI with approximately 30 day lead time.

Also sometime around September, CCI will be offering the new signature bike kits. These will be limited-edition custom bike kits, low in prodution numbers, designed by some of the top bike builders in the industry.

CCI showed off the new Regency front fork, which is a 58 mm upside style fork. From what I saw, it was made really well and the chrome was high quality. The pricing was very affordable.

Let’s see what else, oh yeah, CCI picked the entire line from Jaybrake.Some cool slip on mufflers for the 2000 H-D model exhaust systems. Alsothere was something about a right sided drive train. This would assist in helping to get rid of all that offset you have to do on a bike when trying build it with the larger (230/250) tires you are now seeing. That’s all from Charlotte.

— Paul

TO WOMEN EVERYWHERE FROM A MAN WHO’S HAD ENOUGH–Learn to work the toilet lid. If it’s up put it down. I’ve seen far more women unable to put the lid down than men who can’t put the seat down.
If you won’t dress like the Victoria’s Secret girls, don’t expect us to act like soap opera guys.
If you think you’re fat, you probably are. Don’t ask us. We refuse to answer.
If you ask a question you don’t want an answer to, expect an answer you don’t want to hear.
Sometimes, we’re not thinking about you. Live with it. Don’t ask us what we’re thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as navel lint, the shotgun formation, or monster trucks.
Shopping is not a sport, and no, we’re never going to think of it that way.
When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine, really.You have enough clothes.You have too many shoes.
Crying is blackmail.
Most guys own three pairs of shoes. What makes you think we’d be any good at choosing which pair, out of thirty, would look good with your dress?
Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That’s what we do.
A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. See a doctor, or vote to have prostitution legalized again.
Check your oil.
Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. All comments become null and void after 7 days.If something we said could be interpreted two ways, and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one.
Let us ogle. We’re going to look anyway; it’s genetic.
You can either tell us to do something OR tell us how to do something but not both.

Beer is as exciting for us as handbags are for you.
If we ask what’s wrong and you say “nothing,” we will act like nothing’s wrong. We know you’re lying, but it’s just not worth the hassle.
And what the hell is a doily?

QUANTUM UPDATE–On Jan. 22, I went to a hearing for American Quantum Cycles inOrlando, Fla.I asked the judge if anyone was working on getting W-2 forms to employees. Hetold the attorney representing Quantum to find out and inform me.On Jan. 26, the attorney called me and said it was being handled andthat it should be done in the next 10 days. If, for some reason, this does nothappen, I am to get back to him.


CARIBBEAN REPORT– A good friend brought us four crates full of old Easyriders, Outlaw Biker,Hot Bike, etc. Wow! A few years change everything. In one of themags, Sonny Barger is just opening his shop in Oakland and HA iscelebrating its 39th birthday. Anyway, looking at all those now-old-school choppers gave us the bug. After a few phone calls, we found twoSportster choppers in pretty rough condition but the price was right. A ’71and ’72, Springer front ends, with all the trick stuff of the ’70’s. Weordered two Santee rigid frames from Chrome Specialties. Got a Jammer rigid for one of the Sportsters and went to work. We are still looking for engine-tranny combosfor the other bikes, like a 1974 Shovel. Will keep youposted on the progress. Anyway, most of the parts we are using are from thegreat sponsors in Bikernet, so there might be a connection here.

And now to the whazz up in the Caribbean:Hard Rock and Jack Daniels celebrated Jack’s birthday (you missed itBandit).About 100 bikes showed up to help get rid of all that whiskey, lots ofpassers-by (mostly tourists from the cruise ships) spent hours talking tothe bikers and checking out the bike scene in San Juan. We showed up in fullforce with around a dozen choppers rattling the cobblestone streets of oldSan Juan.

News of the Titan-ic Chapter 11 has reached our shores. A few weeks agothere were up to seven bikes for sale in the paper. Sudden trade-ins showed atthe shop, there’s hope to salvage the company and maybe a lesson learned.

Coamo, one of our big yearly rides, is coming up this Sunday.It’s a pretty cool run amid the mountains of the central mountain range,thousands of all brands of motorcycles show up, being this is the biggestmotorcycle concentration in the Caribbean.

The new clothing line Chopper Freak is already out. It’s designed and madein Puerto Rico by chopper riders. T-shirts, beanies, caps and trinkets.Maybe some time soon we will have some samples at Bikernet. We shipworldwide.

The wide tire fever is hitting the Harley owners here. Stock bikes with200, 230 and 250 are getting very popular. It’s great to see “factory”riders getting interested in something a bit more….wide?

Oh well…..the Mahi Mahi are biting, surf is huge and the shop isdraining any spare time I might have. Daytona and Indy are on the way, myPan chopper is waiting silently and there are not enough hours in the dayto do it all. Shit, ride while you can. At least we don’t get any snow……


DUE TO THE HIGH– number of attacks on women in secluded parking lots, the city of Melbourne, Australia, opened the world’s first all- female parking lot. In a further effort to create a comfortable and safe atmosphere, even the attendants and security staff working the lot are all female.

IDIOTS ON PARADE–This week, all our office phones went dead and I had to contact thetelephone repair people. They promised to be out between 8 a.m.and 7 p.m. When I asked if they could give me a smaller timewindow, the pleasant gentleman asked, “Would you like us to call youbefore we come?” I replied that I didn’t see how he would be able todo that, since our phones weren’t working. He also requested that wereport future outages by e-mail. (Does YOUR e-mail work without atelephone line?).

–IDIOTS AT WORK–I was signing the receipt for my credit card purchase when the clerknoticed I had never signed my name on the back of the credit card.She informed me that she could not complete the transaction unlessthe card was signed. When I asked why, she explained that it wasnecessary to compare the signature I had just signed on the receipt.So I signed the credit card in front of her. She carefully comparedthe signature to the one I had just signed on the receipt. As luckwould have it, they matched.


AHDRA AND HARLEY-DAVIDSON ANNOUNCE NEW RELATIONSHIP–Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts Sponsors New All Harley Drag Racing Points Series

The Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts division of Harley-Davidson and the All Harley Drag Racing Association (AHDRA) recently announced the 2001 AHDRA presented by Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts series, a new drag racing points series designed to build excitement and increase the competition in 14 AHDRA quarter-mile classes.

The 2001 AHDRA presented by Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts series will pay cash to the top ten plateholders in 14 specified classes, ranging from Top Fuel nitro-burning Harley racers to stock Sportster XL and Buell motorcycle racers.

“This is a dream come true for AHDRA,” says Marty Tharpe, owner of AHDRA. “Our ticket gate sales continue to grow at a rapid pace, which tells us we are delivering the type of excitement Harley-Davidson enthusiasts are looking for. These events are of great value to Harley-Davidson enthusiasts and racing fans, as well as Harley-Davidson dealers around the country. We’ve been raising the bar in appearance and professionalism through growth and the caliber of competition of our events.”

AHDRA Motorcycle Drag Racing Series 2001 Schedule
March 6-7 Biltho, Fla.
March 31 – April 1 Phoenix, Ariz.
April 21 – 22 Reynolds, Ga.
June 9 – 10 Norwalk, Ohio
June 16 – 17 Denver, Colo.
June 30 – July 1 Seattle, Wash.
July 7 – 8 Budds Creek, Md.
Aug. 11 – 12 Bristol, Tenn.
Aug. 19 Englishtown, N.J.
Sept. 8 – 9 Woodburn, Ore.
Sept. 29-30 Maple Grove, Penn.
Oct. 6 – 7 Rockingham, N.C.
Oct. 20 – 21 Las Vegas, Nev.>>

Continued on Page 2

Read More

January 25, 2001 Part 3


Continued from Page 2

V-TWIN HOLDINGS, INC., RETAINS CONSULTING FOR STRATEGIC GROWTH, LTD., AS ITSPUBLIC RELATIONS/CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS– In a joint announcement, V-TwinHoldings, Inc., (OTCBB: VTWN) and Consulting For Strategic Growth, Ltd.,(CFSG) announced that CFSG would be engaged to create more shareholderawareness and to increase V-Twin’s exposure amongst investment bankers,analysts and institutional investors.

In commenting about this new relationship, Stanley Wunderlich, Chairman andCEO of CFSG stated, “During the year 2000, we watched V-Twin put together thebuilding blocks, including infrastructure, senior management and a soundbusiness plan. We are pleased that we will be working closely withmanagement as they move toward their goal of becoming a leading web-basedmarketplace for the motorcycle and power sports. Its recent announcement toalign activities with Purchase Pro (NASDAQ:PPRO) is a major step to leverageboth companies’ activities.

About V-Twin Holdings, Inc. V-Twin Holdings, Inc., headquartered inWashington, D.C., is integrating bricks and clicks in the $35 Billionmotorcycle and power sports industry. V-Twin’s retail division owns sixmotorcycle and powersports stores in Virginia, Texas and California. Theylicense their “Bikers Dream” brand name to over a dozen stores in 14states. V-Twin is building, a web-based electronic marketplacefor retailers and manufacturers that want to increase their purchasing power,sales and productivity.

They’re on the move for sure. Suits suits and more suits. In no way do these cats behave camaraderie like. All the big guns are suits with no moto experience except for one, so far, who used to race motocross. But, they’re Wall St. movers and shakers that’s for sure. Did ya check out They’re keen on revolutionizing the industry. Okay. As long as they don’t squash folks.

I called up the prez, Rich Paone, after not being paid for over two months for a copywriting assignment that I did for Bikers Dream. I called repeatedly and asked nicely and was told, “oh, it’s in the mail,” “just approved the invoice,” “check just got signed,” ETC! I finally called up and said, “Look, I’m tired of the tales, buddy, I want my money by tomorrow morning…” He said, “don’t yell at me Sasha!” I said, “I’ve asked nicely, I’ve reasoned with you, I’ve tried in all ways possible to get my payment to me in a cordial civilized manner. I’ve sent you two sets of invoices and now you’re asking for a third! I want my money, this is totally uncool and not fair, man! You know what it’s like to make ends meet in this town. I was there for you, now gimme my money!”

I got the check the next morning. He grumbled and groaned. Meanwhile, they had used all my copy for their brochures, etc., which was what I was hired to do with the promise that I’d be paid fast. Too bad that they don’t play well.–Sasha

I JUST FINISHED READING ORWELL– It didn’t end the way I had hoped, but it was definitely excellent reading. People need to look around at some of the things that are happening and become more involved in whatever rights organizations are available to them. Honda is testing air bags, H-D talking about already having a water-cooled version. Clinton just signed away 90% of Utah to make it Federal Park land. Damn if that don’t sound familiar.

Tonight we had the pre-Legislative Day meeting to discuss tomorrow’s events. Sputnik gave out plaques to the original Charter members who have been with the TMRA 2 since it’s inception in 1992. Tomorrow members from the TMRA 2 will be concentrating on several Senate & House Bills some we are hoping to win & some we would like to help defeat.

H. B. 259 the “Equal Access” which bans being discriminated against because of colors or wearing of clothing that displays the name of any organization or association.

S. B. 242 deals with Pretext Searches or Seizures to make it so officers have to have a Damn good reason to even pull you over. Other then the fact you are a biker,

H. B. 89 the “Open Container” which says that if you were to have an opened bottle on your bike in the saddlebags or in your tour pack. Even though you had not been drinking you would be arrested for DWI.

S. B. 59 is being proposed to drop the legal limit for BAC from 0.08 to 0.06 if you have a child 16 or under in your vehicle.These are a few of the items on the agenda for tomorrow.

I’m sorry to say this was the first time I have been at Legislative Day at the start but it was a very impressive experience. While for the most part you usually meet with an assistant everyone in the offices I visited were very friendly. Yet I have friends that I cannot get to understand that even if all they do as a first step is join and give there membership dues. That is better then doing nothing at all. At least that way they could stay informed of the things that are going on around them through the newsletter. And in time maybe they would become more involved. I know I am starting too. While I do not believe that things will become as bad in our lifetimes as in your book. I believe it does not hurt to starting becoming involved now!

–Rigid Frame Richard

VICTORY NOMINATED BY EASYRIDERS–Victory was nominated for several Easyriders V-Twin Excellence Awards. There’s scheduled to be a banquet in Cincy at the dealer show for the awards.

Helen Wolfe on the cliff above the campgrounds at Fossil, Oregon,May 1996. ABATE of Oregon’s Spring Opener. Helen has become a regular photographic contributor to Bikernet. Check the Buell Report and Freedom Film for some of her images.Photo by Mailman ? 1996

CHOKE-HOLD ON ALL MOTORCYCLES–In November 2000, the Environmental Protection Agency signaled its intentionto adopt California’s emissions standards — the strictest in the country –and apply them nationwide to all motorcycles — street and off-road. Amongthe new controls on the drawing board: ways to stop motorcyclists fromcustomizing the look, sound and performance of their machines.

Combating new, questionable emission controls on street bikes may emerge asthe leading federal issue to be tackled in Washington by the MotorcycleRiders Foundation and its co-partners, State Motorcyclists’ RightsOrganizations (SMROs) nationwide.

“Given that California has recently put in place technologically challengingstandards for [large displacement street] motorcycles in a time frame thatwe would likely consider for a possible federal program, we are likely tolook very closely at the pros and cons of harmonizing the federal programand whether the California standards are appropriate for a nationwidefederal program,” the agency wrote in its November Advance Notice ofProposed Rulemaking (ANPR) which appeared again in the Federal RegisterDecember 7th.

The first step to new, tougher emission standards, EPA’s ANPR reads like aregulator’s wish list: catalytic converters, new controls on the smallest ofmotorcycle makers and ways to prevent or prohibit motorcyclists fromcustomizing their rides.

Meanwhile, the European Union has pressed for a two-tier reduction inmotorcycle emissions in 2002 and 2006. Citing new developments in injectiontechnology, MRF’s European ally, the Federation of European MotorcycleAssociations (FEMA), reports that many of the motorcycles sold in Europe maymeet the new requirements without a closed-loop catalytic converter (or”cat”).

RUSTY’S REPORT FROM INSIDE–I want to thank everybody for the support during my sentencing. I was impressed. I read the guest book comments, and all the support before and after, and I want you to know that I appreciate it a lot. Now that my sentencing is behind me, it’s time to get busy trying to curb the “onslaught” of legislation to come. Maybe at some point even reverse the tide in this political storm that is eroding the civil rights of everyone of us daily.

As much as we all hate politics, it’s time to wake up and let our voices be heard in opposition to further encroachments on our freedoms. We’re in this mess because of voter apathy. It pisses me off when I hear someone complaining about “this law or that law” and complaining about our politicians; but when I ask “Did you vote against this guy?” the answer usually is “Hell no, I don’t waste my time voting, my vote doesn’t count anyway.”

People need to realize that they aren’t selling out to the system by voting. Right now 25 percent of our population votes. Another 50 percent of our population is eligible to vote, but doesn’t.(The middle of the road citizen) If those people can get behind a single independent political party and vote in 2004, 2008 and 2012 we have a chance at getting real people, not corporate owned politicians in Government. I have a person in mind, that could be supported by the silent majority of non-voters, and could possibly be the catalyst that would bring them out to register and vote. His name is Jesse Ventura, governor of Minnesota. If you agree with me, e-mail him, show support for a 2004 campaign. Read his books. He knows what he’s talking about. He would represent ‘us’, not corporate America. That’s all I have to say for this post. The ball is in your court. And Thanks again for all the support here at the website. RUSTY B.H.C. (posted by K.O. for Rusty)

TWO TOUGH QUESTIONS:Question 1: If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kidsalready,three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, andshe hadsyphilis; would you recommend that she have an abortion?

Read the next question before scrolling down to the answer of thisone.Question 2: It is time to elect a new world leader, and your votecounts. Here are the facts about the three leading candidates:

Candidate A: Associates with crooked politicians, and consults withastrologists. He’s had two mistresses. He also chain smokes anddrinks 8to10 martinis a day.

Candidate B: He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon,usedopium in college and drinks a quart of whisky every evening.

Candidate C: He is a decorated war hero. He’s a vegetarian, doesn’tsmoke,drinks an occasional beer and hasn’t had any extramarital affairs.

Which of these candidates would be your choice?Decide first, no peeking, then scroll down for theanswer.

Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt
Candidate B is Winston Churchill
Candidate C is Adolph Hitler

And by the way: Answer to the abortion question-if you said yes,youjust killed Beethoven.

I don’t get in front of the camera too often, but here’s one Iactually like from Sturgis 8-96. This guy sold another statue ofhis to Nicholas Cage.

1928 SHOVELHEAD PROJECT–This lithe little unit is finally flying together at ER of Dallas. Two techs are currently posted on the site and more are coming shortly. Dallas Easyriders, the Strokes Cafe and lovely Lena, my sixth wife to be, are right there if you’re in the neighborhood.

CHROME SPECIALTIES PROJECT BIKE DISPLAY CALENDAR–All three bikes are now featured here on Bikernet, but you can see them in person and talk to the people who distribute the parts to build them at the following events.

  • March 2-11 at Daytona Bike Week in Daytona Beach, Fla.
  • April 25-29 at The Laughlin River Run in Laughlin, Nev.
  • May 14-20 at Broadway at the Beach in Myrtle Beach, S.C.
  • June 1-3 at The Republic of Texas Biker Rally in Austin, Texas
  • June 29-July 1 at The Rocky Mtn. Motorcycle in Rally Pueblo, Colo.
  • Aug. 6-12 at The Sturgis Rally & Races in Sturgis, S.D.
  • Aug. 30-Sept. 2 at The Four Corners Ironhorse Rally in Ignacio, Colo.
  • Sept. 20-23 at Street Vibrations in Reno, Nev.
  • Oct. 18-21 at Biketoberfest in Daytona Beach, Fla.
  • Nov. 11 at The Love Ride in Glendale, Calif.

    STEED BRAND AWARDED PATENT— Alternative American musclebikemanufacturer, Surgical-Steeds Classic American Motorcycles Inc., was awardedPatent No. 2,367,533 from the United States Patent and Trademark office thispast July. The Steed “Brand” logo is used to identify official proprietaryproducts offered by Surgical-Steeds. The registered trademark is used todistinguish each custom Steed Brand Motorcycle. The identifiable silhouetteof the Steed Brand logo is emblazoned in their revolutionary Monoglidechassis, logo wheels, parts, accessories and Apparel, which can be purchasedon-line at orat independent Steed Dealers.

    To celebrate the newly awarded patent, Surgical-Steeds prominentlyoutfitted a 2001 Steed Pegasus touring-cruiser Motorcycle with the SteedBrand Theme. The “Brand” bike will be on display at dealer appearances,shows and events through 2001 to promote awareness of Steed branded productsand accessories.And for the Tattoo….

    BIKER BABE FROM BIG APPLE COME IN PLEASE– Indeedy, I’m most happy on a motorcycle.Here’s my rockin’ tune about it that I recently wrote and recorded:

    Gotta Roarrrrrrrr! (copyright ’01 Road Diva Tunes ASCAP/Paul Logus SongsBMI)

    Seems like a dream ridin’ wild ‘n free
    an empowered diva, a highway queen
    steel horse under my reign
    road is long and there ain’t no end

    I’m in control a wild cowgirl on her own
    Watch out for my curves ahead
    they told me “no” so I stole the asphalt
    come on, catch me if you can

    I’m woman
    gotta roarrr
    my motorcycle
    hot, yeah, I want more

    a woman
    gotta roarrr
    my motorcycle
    hard, yeah, to the core

    Seduced by the wind,
    it’s a beautiful scene
    prowling highways on my freedom machine
    road is winding though I am strong
    straddled on my steed is where I belong

    I’m in control a wild cowgirl on her own
    Watch out for my curves ahead
    they told me “no” so I stole the asphalt
    come on, baby, catch me if you can

    Loud pipes,
    smooth clutch
    i hope this isn’t what the bible calls lust. . .
    i’ve got a hundred twenty inches
    racin’ hot my inner thighs
    ooooo babe, i like this better, i insist

    i’m woman….gotta roarrrrrrrr

    (Bandit: the above mentioned “inches” remind me of the Hellcat I rode)

    Michigan: First Line of Defense From the Canadians
    Minnesota: 10,000 Lakes and 10 Trillion Mosquitoes
    Mississippi: Come Feel Better About Your Own State
    Missouri: Your Federal Flood Relief Tax Dollars at Work
    Montana: Land of the Big Sky, the Unabomber, and Right-Wing Crazies
    Nebraska: Ask About Our State Motto Contest

    TIRED OF BEING CALLED A TRAILER QUEEN–TAKE THE TRAIN–Some items not in the flyer, due to Amtrak not having firm prices this farin advance, are:Round trip coach for bike and rider will be approximately $500. Amtrak covers damages, if there is a problem, with a $500 deductible. You can buy a wavier now for $25. It might be as high as$35 by ride time.Depending on the number of riders, Amtrak might furnish snacks andbeverages.Sleepers will be available for $200 – $350 plus the cost of coach.–Rosalie and Dan McNeil

    TOURING CHOPPER FOR SALE–Well, maybe not. Who knows. Hell, sometimes I want to keep them all. I thought I’d post the shot ’cause the Digital Gangster, our Webmaster supreme, the man who has helped more than anyone to build the site to the level it is today, is flying in from Washington to ride to the Super Bowl party and he’ll be aboard the Touring Chopper for the run. He’s due a hearty congratulations, he’s now a partner in Bikernet.

    Digital and His Partner in Crime

    I’M OUTTA HERE–, but I need to finish about the other night. I called an Internet provider that specializes in chat rooms and hooked her up with the spare computer in the dungeon. I had food delivered and bought her some candles to undress by, then the final call was made. After dinner and a couple of drinks I let her saunter into the back and play on the computer.

    I lit candles, and I could tell by the glazed look in her eyes that she was warming to the girls in the chat room. Then there was a light tap on the front door and I opened it to Layla’s final birthday surprise. And so the evening began. I’m not sure when it ended, but it’s one birthday she will never forget. If only I could muster the excuse for a birthday celebration nightly. See ya Sunday, rain or shine. Let’s ride–Bandit

  • Read More

    January 25, 2001 Part 2


    Continued from Page 1

    NOTORIOUS SOCAL BIKER HANGOUT LOSES OWNER– Don Himes passed away from naturalcauses in his sleep Sat. nite, Jan. 20 2001. He diedas he lived, peacefully. He was the liquor licenseholder and use permit holder for the last 15 years ofLavida. For all the things, that a lot of us criticizedhim for, he kept it open for 15 years. How manybar/restaurant/clubs can say the same. Very few. Hehad his own way to do things and kept the place open.The place catered to the “Biker” crowd, way before theHarley thing came into vogue.


    LITTLE JOHNNY, THE SMART ASS– A traveling salesman rings the doorbell and 10 year old Little Johnny answers, holding a beer and smoking a fat cigar. The salesman says, Little boy, is your mother home?

    Little Johnny taps his ash on the carpet and says, What the hell do you think?

    –This is Stan Sheppard of South San Francisco – one heck of a nice guy. He runs two classes – ET and PG. Won the ET class at Las Vegas 2000.–Helen Wolfe

    BUELL REPORT–Our salesman just gave me the new “Fuell” magazine. This was formerlythe BRAG news letter called “The Road Ahead”.It has some really good articles. One is on Erik Buell and his earlyracing and goes over the birth of his early RW750 and the RR1000. How hegot started with it all. Lot’s of great pictures here.

    There is a cool section, “Buell Racing”. This kinda highlights all Buell racing. This issue covered records set at Bonneville. Also some ink on the “Buell Lightning Series Championship”. Had also the race schedules for the AMA Superbike/Pro Thunder Series and Pace Schedule for 2001.

    Another great story was on a 8000 mile cross country road trip taken on a ’95 S2 Thunderbolt. Kevin Smith’s “My Longest Ride” tells how he starts from Calif. rides to the “Brag Homecoming” in Wisconsin, rides to North Carolina and back to Calif. Great story and some really cool pictures.

    One thing that any Buell rider should take note of is the “Deals Gap National BRAG Adventure. This will be September 21-23 2001. I have riddenthe “Dragon” on my S2 and it’s a experience all Buell riders need to do.300 curves in 11 miles!!! The North Carolina scenery is truly a rush.Following Deal’s Gap on the 28th of September in Danville, Virginia is the AMA Superbike Race at Virginia International Raceway. There will be the Superbike race and Pro Thunder race. Also Brag will have an exclusiveriding school for the Buell “Knee-Draggers”.

    The “Fuell” magazine can be picked up at your local Harley Davidson/Buell dealer.That’s it for now. Hope the M2 is coming along. Worked on my forks on myS2 today so I got something done on my day off finally!!

    –Later, Paul

    Attached find a couple Buell shots taken with my son’s Xmas camera:

    1.) My 2000 M2 with the earlier 1997 tailsection and slim seat. Note the Ventura luggage rack, quality piece.

    2.) My son and I doubling up, my 6 year old daughter handled photography duties.

    3.) Posing in front of the Buell factory in East Troy, WI. It was Sunday and the kids and I were passing through town on our way to the grandparents. —Agent M2

    SUPERBOWL STATS–What’s more important to men, the BALTIMORE RAVENS or a date with CINDYCRAWFORD? E-Bay polled online surfers asking them to choose which they’d rather doand guess what, 72% chose the Super Bowl.

    Editor’s note: Well, at least at a Super Bowl there’s a chance for ascore.

    E-Bay also asked what would make them miss the Super Bowl if they had to:
    –Birth of a first-born child: 44%
    –Would have to be in a coma or on their deathbed: 14%
    –Nothing in my life would make me miss the Super Bowl: 10%

    PANHEAD DESK UNDERWAY–Remember the Panhead desk we built for my office at Easyriders? I built another one for Dan Stern at Custom Chrome now the owner of Hollister Harley-Davidson, and another one for Jim at Jim’s Machine. Now we’re building a new an improved Evolution Desk for the talented machining genius of John Buttera of Lil’ John’s Customs. If we can squeeze the digital camera away from Layla who is taking shots of Sin for the Ultimate Tech, we’ll post one for you to see.

    JAY LENO JOINS BIKERNET STAFF AS CONTRIBUTOR–Seems Jesse Jackson had an extra marital affair with a staff member and fathered a child that is now 20 months old. The below are Jay Leno Jokes in his Jan 8th monologue.

    “Jesse Jackson Counciled President Clinton concerning his affair with Monica Lewinsky, Turns out it was Clinton who was counciling Jesse Jackson. This week, Jesse Jackson is spending some time alone with his spiritual advisor….Frank Gifford.”

    “The child is now 20 months old and Jesse Jackson paid the child’s mother $40.000.00 to move to L.A. California, Bought her a $380.000.00 house and is paying her $10.000.00 per month…Seems as if SOMEONE found a POT OF GOLD at the end of the RAINBOW COALITION!”

    INTERNET HEADQUARTERS TRIVIA–This is a early Digital Camera, very early!! One of my prized dustcollectors. It’s a pretty rare Speedgraphic camera. It’s a militaryversion that’s why it’s black and green. Has a really good sharplens.Kodak Ektar’s were coated. Everything works on it and it also has afocal plane shutter with speeds up to 1/1000 of a sec!! Format is upto 4×5.

    The other dust collector I’ve been working on and off for over 20years is a 8×10 Burke & Jerk (Burke and James) view camera. The bodyis made of wood and the uprights and monorail are made from alum.Don’t have any pic. of it. Needs new bellows and lots of cash forsome new lenses.Thought maybe you might find these cool. Hope the pic. from the showmay be of use to you.

    –Later, Paul

    CUSTOM ENGRAVING–These are some pic. of some forks made up by one of our customers. Nicework and he does engraving also. Can also do the engraving on a radiusedsurface–Paul.

    Engraving is a lost art with the advent of laser machining and 8-axis CNC machines, but there are still a couple of diehards still out there. We here at Bikernet appreciate and honor the talent that put custom motorcycles on the map years ago. Next week we will post an article on one of the finest engraves still left on the planet. He’s a long-time biker and custom motorcycle builder C.J. Allen. Watch for it and check his site when you have a chance.

    Continued on Page 3

    Read More

    January 25, 2001 Part 1


    I don’t know where to start today. If you can make it to the Super Bowl party, great. We’ll be there, Bandit’s girls will be there, the game starts at 3 p.m. PST and we’ll be rockin’ with three bands at the Blue Cafe until we can’t stand up.

    It’s been cool for the coast, but I rode the Buell to a couple of car lots looking at trucks, then Joetta called from Daytona. “Have I got a billboard for you!” she said. There went the truck budget. John Siebenthaler from the East Coast put together some comps and here, somewhere is the one we decided to go with. If you go it will be posted on Highway 92 or International Speedway.

    I knew Layla’s birthday was just around the corner, but it was creeping up on me. The Dark Haired One doesn’t have a lot of material wants. She perfers the touchy/feely sensual experience that makes her knees weak, so I went into action. First thing in the morning I called Romona’s Bakery and ordered her a cake, something special. She came from a poor household in the San Pedro projects and with a gang of rugrats running around, budgets were tight. She had never had an official birthday cake. Then I rolled over to a flower shop and picked up a dozen roses, but not ordinary red roses. These looked like a knockout flame job with a cream colored base and bright red edges. My mind was a whirl of sexual notions for the evening and I decided to step onto the edge and try something wild. Since she likes to talk to other women about sex, I reached into my bag of tricks. We better get to the news before this gets too steamy and I call Sin and put off the news til next week.

    If you need information about the party, check this link.You can download the invitation here.

    BANDIT FACED WITH ANOTHER DEADLINE–Just when he thought the deadlines were under control, Crusing Rider hammers him for a column. Josh Placa, who lives in Sedona, Ariz., and edits Cruising Rider, sent a box of rattlesnakes to the headquarters and threatened to unleash them if the big bastard didn’t come up with a column. Look for the first in a long line of ridiculous bullshit in the summer issue.–Renegade.

    DARWIN AWARD PICKS FOR THE WEEK– A 22-year-old Reston, Va., man was found dead after he tried to use octopus straps to bungee jump off a 70-foot railroad trestle. Fairfax County police said Eric Barcia, a fast-food worker, taped a bunch of these straps together, wrapped an end around one foot, anchored the other end to the trestle at Lake Accotink Park, jumped and hit the pavement. Warren Carmichael, a police spokesman, said investigators think Barcia was alone because his car was found nearby. “The length of the cord that he had assembled was greater than the distance between the trestle and the ground,” Carmichael said. Police say the apparent cause of death was “major trauma”.

    A man in Alabama died from rattlesnake bites. It seems that he and a friend were playing a game of catch, using the rattlesnake as a ball. The friend – no doubt, a future Darwin Awards candidate – was hospitalized.

    SUNDANCE AND THE BIKERNET CYBER SPACE BIKE SHOW CHECKS IN– The Digital Gangster has made entry so simple that even the toy poodle that belongs to the old lady across the street could enter – if she had a scoot! Bandit has generously made the entry fee absolutely FREE! You read that right – ZERO, ZIP, NADA! Anyhow, with all of these perks, you can bet that there are plenty of entries keeping me busy here at HQ!

    Since we have so many entrants, it was bound to happen – occasionally we run into a real rocket scientist who can’t figure out why his pictures won’t upload to our server. Perhaps it is time for a quick course in Internet photography and scanning 101. First of all, while you might believe that scanning at the highest resolution is the best, this is not entirely true. If you are scanning photos to send to us, the ideal resolution is 75 to 100 ppi. The human eye is incapable of discerning the tiny differences in quality between a 100 ppi photo and a 200 ppi photo, but the 200 takes up more than three times the space on the server. This occasionally means that the photo file becomes too large and cannot upload to our server.

    Also, if you are sending two or three different photos, please scan each of them separately. Then upload each photo as directed. Do not lay all three photos on the scanner at once and then upload the one huge, mammoth collage of photos. We here at Bikernet are tempted to dump these in the garbage can, but in all fairness to the competitors, we sit in our office, quietly swearing under our breath, while separating all of these lovely conglomerations!

    If your photos turned out fuzzy or overexposed, they will only look worse on the Internet. It might be a good idea to go back out with the camera and try again. Keep your elbows tight to your body when shooting (Not you, Oz!), and keep the camera steady. Keep the sun behind you, and try to shoot on sunny days. If you cannot see the entire bike through the viewfinder, it will not show up in the photo either. Take one step back, and we can trim off the excess if we need to when your photo arrives. Try to find a pleasant background for your pictures – a lake, a grove of trees, a mountain vista – whatever turns you on.

    If you are snapping your photos indoors, turn on all of the lights and use your flash. Try to move miscellaneous junk out of the picture so our judges can concentrate on the beauty of your ride and not the cool topless model poster tacked to the back wall of your garage. They have been known to get easily distracted by that type of thing!

    Bikernet wants every ride to have an equal chance of winning in the Cyber Space Bike Show, and sending in good quality photos that upload easily is the best place to start! Judging for January starts in just about a week, so hurry to get your entry in today.

    –Happy Snapping!Sundance

    AGENT M2 UPDATE–Bandit,I am shooting for Daytona Bike Week in March. Progress has been made in the past eight weeks with getting my ex back on track. I believe it is fair and provides for the family. It will be up to me to maintain contact with my kids and monitor their concerns. My ex and I both agree it is in the family’s best interest to see that I complete this last two years of employment and secure the retirement benefits.

    So at this point I believe we are well and getting better. I appreciate your concern.By the way, your Web site is improving at an alarming rate! I trust San Pedro is not subject to power outages or I hate to think of all us bikernetters missing out on our weekly fix!

    –Enjoy the game,Anson

    Send batteries and kerosene

    AHDRA FOR SALE–An underground contact just slipped us the following:Well, no surprise here, but AHDRA is officially for sale (so went theannouncement at the banquet). What we need out there is one more Rolexrider-gonna fix stuff for us.I will keep you posted. I’m curious to know if the H-D deal will go with it, butI’ll do some checking.

    –Mystery correspondent

    Cool looking Iron Head

    Here are some pics from the Easyriders Bike Show in Charlotte. This is a Chopper’s Inc. Pan.

    I forgot the ’56 Panhead from Charlotte H-D. It won first place in its class. Also, my buddy Bob Williams did all the restoration. I wanted to send you his full name as he wasn’t at the show.



    Feb. 10
    Memphis, Tenn.
    Memphis Cook Convention Center

    Feb. 16-18
    Columbus, Ohio
    Franklin County Veterans Memorial

    Easyriders Motorcycle Rodeo Tour 2001

    June 22,23,24
    Hopkinsville, Ken.
    Western Kentucky State Fairgrounds

    July 6,7,8
    Middletown, N.Y.
    Orange County Fairgrounds

    July 13,14,15
    Wilson, N.C.
    Wilson County Fairgrounds

    July 27,28,29
    Prospect, Penn.
    Butler County Fairgrounds

    Aug. 17,18,19
    Fowlerville, Mich.
    Fowlerville Fairgrounds

    Aug. 30-Sept. 3
    Chillicothe, Ohio
    Ross County Fairgrounds

    INTERESTED IN ADVERTISING ON BIKERNET?–Or would you like to order a dozen or more copies of “Sam ‘Chopper’ Orwell” for your shop? Well, the info for both is now posted on the home page, or just click here for the details.

    INCREDIBLE BAMM REPORT–CC: South Carolina ABATE has filed an equal access bill to allow bikers toenter places of public accommodation without being harassed for their dressor mode of transportation. It’s been pre-filed as H 3115.

    CC: ABATE of Pennsylvania’s Board of Directors approved a proposedlegislative agenda this past Saturday and told their “junior” lobbyist,CharlieUmbenhauer to proceed. In case we never mentioned it, Charlie had beentheir State Legislative Coordinator since the invention of dirt and bowedout atthe end of 1999 claiming a multitude of personal issues that needed to beresolved. Near the end of 2000, yours truly proposed to the Board ofDirectors that we hire him and pay the man for the work he has always donefor free. Although he has been involved with motorcycle rights far longerthanBruce Johnson, the lobbyist Charlie hired to work with ABATE back in thelate ’80s, it’s kind of amusing to refer to a man who won a Golden SpokeAward as a “junior” lobbyist.

    If you enjoy the saga of Pennsylvania’s legislative attempts, here’s themenufor what to expect during the 2001 – 2002 Legislative Session here inGestapo land:

    1. Helmet Law – what else? Get the damned thing off our heads.

    2. Equal Access – sound familiar? We got publicly called wimps for wantingan “anti-discrimination” law which was previously filed on our behalf. Wewere included with groups I won’t name here who need equal employmentand housing protection. Now that we have the right name maybe we can getsome action.

    3. Handlebar Height – ABATE of PA is going on record in favor of norestrictions on ape hangers and will ask that the current law be done awaywith. It was enacted to discriminate against chopper riders and give thecopsa way to harass them. It never was a safety issue that held much water. If aguy wants to ride around looking like he’s hanging from a tree, by damn, heought to have the right to do it.

    4. Covered Loads – Maryland has a covered load law with teeth. Ours can’teven gum a violator. We’re going to use Maryland’s law as a model and worktoward stopping a variety of shit from sand blasting bikes and cars,breakingwindshields and putting big knots on various parts of our bodies. We wantthe act of dropping unsafe stuff all over the road causing dangerous ridingconditions to be illegal.

    5. Motorcycle Parking – Same deal as last year that would allow two or morescooters in a space without indiscriminate ticketing of one or more of them(a fairy government’s way to produce revenue). It passed as part of thetransportation Omnibus bill, but got vetoed by Ridge because of other stuffinthe 203 page bill he didn’t like. Back to square one – AGAIN.

    6. Veteran’s Plates – Lots of us old biker farts were once young defendersofpeace, truth and the American Way. Some of us, on the other hand, werejust plain killers who enjoyed the hunt. Nevertheless, our veterans alldeserveto be recognized for their service to the country and what better way thanontheir scooter’s license plate?

    7. Motorcycle Awareness – Patterning the initiative after Virginia’sVCOM/ABATE success in this area, we want motorcycle awareness taughtin every driver’s ed class taught in the state. In addition, we wantmotorcycleawareness questions on the licensing exam; just to make sure the kidsweren’t playing grab ass during that portion of their training. We hope itwillkeep them from running us over later on.

    8. Motorcyclists Matter – Someone will send you the info on this; so it’senough to say here that it’s an effort in consort with the AMA to getstifferpenalties levied against the folks who take away our right-of-way and causeus to be run over by them. “I didn’t see him” won’t float as an excuse forgetting a $25 failure to yield ticket while there’s a dead body on the hood.We want them prosecuted and prosecuted BIG TIME. Enhancing penaltiesmight just make the jerks pay attention to what they’re doing and looktwice,maybe thrice.

    9. Taxing our brothers – That’s about what it amounts to, but it’s for agoodcause and will save their life if they take advantage of the program. PA’sMotorcycle Safety Courses are funded by a whopping $2 surcharge onmotorcycle learner permits and class M licenses. That means anyone with ascooter permit or license can take the MSF’s MRC or ERC course for free. Infact, permit holders who pass the MRC can be licensed right on the spot byour Site Coordinators. Last year we trained over 14,000 riders. But that wasthe maximum available funds would allow and we have around 750,000licensed motorcycle operators in this state with more coming on board everyyear. Last year, the state extended the valid time period for a permit from6months to a year. That means, duh, that fewer learner permits will be issuedand the program will be getting less funding. ABATE of PA’s commitment tomotorcycle safety demands that we propose an increase in the surcharge sothat more riders can be properly trained in this extremely importantprogram.

    CC: Meanwhile, just below us in Maryland some bozo has proposed a billmandating motorcycle safety training as a prerequisite for obtaining amotorcycle license. Pretty dumb move considering there apparently isn’t anyfunding in place, an insufficient number of training sites are available and ashortage of qualified instructors exists not to mention the fact that, evenifthey had enough of everything mentioned, making the course mandatory willprobably result in more unlicensed riders on the road who haven’t had toexhibit any skills at all. In addition, students forced into trainingclasses mayhave a tendency to be disruptive and prohibit serious students who choose totake the course from having the opportunity to learn. HB 141 is simply a badidea. If you’re local to the following areas you can call 410-946-5400(Baltimore) or 301-970-5400 (Washington), and request a copy of the bill.Anyone not living there can eat up some government phone money and call800-492-7122 to get a copy. Apparently they maintain a log of bill requestsand comments, using it as a barometer of the public’s interest. This is thesame state run by a governor who wants built-in electronic trigger locksthatcan read the user’s hand print before the gun can be fired. That would bethesame governor who explained how easily an adult can remove a trigger lock ifthreatened by an aggressor and then fumbled with the damned thing fornearly a half hour before giving up. Prime time news was a hoot for the pro-gun folks that night.

    PICKERINGTON, Ohio — The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) hasannounced that Richard Gray and Jeff Smith were the winners in this year’selection for the AMA Board of Trustees.

    Gray, a 21-year AMA member who lives in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, hasserved on the Board for the past six years and is the current chairman. Hewas the winner in a three-way race for the seat representing the NortheastRegion. Other candidates were Jerry Wood, and Robert Coy.

    In North Central Region balloting, Smith, of Wausau, Wisconsin, earnedthe Board seat over Dale Greenwald. Smith is a 28-year AMA member whoserved for nine years as executive director of the American Historic RacingMotorcycle Association (AHRMA) before retiring last year. He is also a two-time world motocross champion. In the Northwest Region, Trustee Dal Smilie of Helena, Montana, who isalso the Board vice chairman, was unopposed. All three candidates were elected for three-year terms.

    Alert! New high-tech Sniffer lets police secretly test driver’s breathfor booze WASHINGTON, DC — A sneaky new high-tech device that allowspolice to analyze your breath for traces of alcohol without yourknowledge or consent doesn’t just violate the Fourth Amendment, warnsthe Libertarian Party — it could get you tossed into jail for drunkdriving even if all you did was use mouthwash.

    “All you have to do is breathe once, and, without so much as asearch warrant or a warning, police can administer a drunk-driving testthat is unreliable, underhanded, and unconstitutional,” charged theparty’s national director, Steve Dasbach.

    CC: ABATE of PA’s Legislative & Leadership Seminar this coming weekendis SOLD OUT. In fact, we’re over-sold so if everyone shows up then someonewill be eating their Awards Banquet chow while sitting on the floor or theedge of the stage. Circle your calendar now for 2002. The seminar is alwaysheld on the last weekend of January.

    Continued on Page 2

    Read More

    Raked Triple Trees–Ya Gotta Be Kidding!


    We are often asked to manufacture raked triple trees. Our decisionNOT TO RAKE TRIPLE TREES revolvesaround the stability and handling of the bike, and the safety of you,the rider. Raked triple trees are scientificallyunsound, as explained below.

    As trail is REDUCED, instability results, producing a naturaltendency towards deflection or speed wobble.

    As trail is INCREASED, so does the ability of a motorcycle toresist wobble and follow a straight line. There is alimit, however – too much trail can result in a motorcycle only beingable to travel in a straight line!

    TRAIL is geometrically determined by continuing a centerlinethrough the frame head to the ground, and drop-ping a vertical line from the center of the axle. The differencebetween the 2 points (corrected to the centerlineof the motorcycle) is measured in inches.

    cce trail diagram


    A) Typical Stock Configuration
    A 30° rake is established in theframe head. The fork is alsoat 30°, with no rake changeevident in the triple trees. Thetrail is lets say 3.5″

    B) Raked Triple Tree
    The Frame Head remainsunaltered at 30°. The triple treesare machined to produce 35° inthe fork. The trail vanishes tozero degree, producing grossinstability.

    C) How it Should Be Done
    >The components are the sameexcept that the Frame Head isreconfigured to 35°. The alteredgeometry increases the trail tolet’s say 4.25 inches and producesmore straight-line stability.

    So what’s the solution? We recommend altering the frame head inorder to achieve the desired non-standardrake. Never consider the “easy way out” by choosing raked tripletrees. We would caution the rider to seek professional help inselecting a precision jig and only using sound, careful weldingprocedures.


    RAKE: The angle of the fork tubes, expressedin degrees off vertical. Also: CASTER

    TRAIL: An imaginary distance arrived atgeometrically, expressed in inches.

    FRAME HEAD: A tubular section of the framethat houses the assembled fork stem andbearings. It is a normally immovable part whichestablishes the rake of the fork.

    TRIPLE TREE: Machined, forged or castplates which contain the fork tubes and fork assembly.Usually no rake angle is established here.

    customecycle eng.

    Read More

    January 18, 2001

    Bikernet News Flash–Agent Zebra’s Great American Steamer Stolen

    Yes, last weekend as I danced with Sin Wu in the narrow passageways of the Queen Mary, the dark forces that linger in the alleys of Hollywood reared their ugly heads and struck at the Agent’s ride. Brenda Fox from Bartels’ Harley-Davidson reported the following day that two more Harleys were captured in a ritzy Marina del Rey neighborhood while I groped at Sin’s milky flesh.

    Was there foul play at the headquarters? Only the district attorney’s investigation may unleash the sordid details. Were women involved? Of course they were. The lovely Germanic blonde, Nicole, called me Friday morning and asked, in her dry, threatening, sharp-as-a-razorblade dialect, what I was doing. I mistakenly told her the tasty weekend schedule. If the rain let up I was to meet the Devil Dolls in San Diego. Goth Girl had demanded my presence in an underground night club in the old town section of Dago. I was scheduled to take two hefty brothers as back up since the Dolls seemed to be on a rampage, but then Sin and Layla got wind of my plans and enticed me into an evening of unrelenting sex and debauchery. Getting a sensual guarantee seemed more intriguing than being jack-boot stomped by the notorious Devil Dolls.

    Back to the conversation with the tall blond Nazi. I shuddered at her request but didn’t hesitate to comply. Zebra had first been ousted from Los Angeles by the homeless union of derelicts and winos. He was nasty as an unemployed biker. He moved to Miami and set up a crank lab in the center of Cuban drug cartels. His popularity decreased rapidly as his low-quality speed filtered through the already edgy streets and skyrocketing humidity. He begged to return to Los Angeles. The staff voted against the Agent’s request for subsistence for all his hard work on the site. This didn’t endear the Agent to the staff, or as his threatening antics escalated, the staff to the Agent. In a recent marathon sexual strategy meeting, the Agent burst into the garage and started firing that nasty .45 automatic and even startled Renegade. The outburst forced the staff to pull his Bikernet patch and send him down the road. So when the lovely Nicole called demanding that we go to a particular party on the Queen Mary, we conceded. Little did we know that she was protecting us with a valuable alibi so that the nefarious deed could take place and we would be completely covered. I thought renting an entire ship and throwing a party for 300 people was a bit extreme. The story slips deeper into a den of depravity from here. We better get to the news:

    –HARLEY-DAVIDSON REPORTS RECORD FOURTH QUARTER AND 15th CONSECUTIVE RECORD YEAR–2000 Net Income Increased 30.1 Percent on 18.5 Percent Higher RevenueHarley-Davidson, Inc. (NYSE: HDI) today announced record sales and earnings for its fourth quarter and year ended Dec. 31. Revenue for the quarter was $756.2 million compared with $662.5 million in the year-ago quarter, a 14.1 percent increase. Fourth quarter diluted earnings per share (EPS) were 31 cents, a 26.5 percent increase compared with last year’s 24 cents. Revenue for the full year was $2.91 billion, compared with $2.45 billion in 1999, an 18.5 percent increase. Diluted EPS for the full year were $1.13, a 31.1 percent increase compared with $0.86 in 1999.

    “Our 15th consecutive record year exceeded our expectations, and despite the current economic uncertainty in the United States, the outlook for retail sales of Harley-Davidson motorcycles continues to be very strong,” said Jeffrey L. Bleustein, chairman and chief executive officer of Harley-Davidson, Inc.

    “Through the continued introduction of market-defining products, a dealer network that is the envy of the industry, and our demonstrated ability to focus on and to fulfill our customers’ dreams, we are confident we will continue to deliver record revenues and income.”

    “Fourth quarter results, current demand and our continued success in expanding motorcycle production, have given us the confidence to increase our production target to 227,000 Harley-Davidson motorcycles for 2001,” said Bleustein.

    Fourth quarter shipments of Harley-Davidson motorcycles totaled 54,129 units, up 5,509 units or 11.3 percent over the same period last year. Sales of Harley-Davidson motorcycles were $606.1 million, an increase of $75.9 million or 14.3 percent.

    Sales of Parts and Accessories (P&A), which consist of Genuine Motor Parts and Genuine Motor Accessories, totaled $98.5 million, an increase of $20.2 million or a 25.9 percent increase from the year-ago quarter. Fourth quarter sales of General Merchandise, which consists of MotorClothes? apparel and collectibles, totaled $40.7 million, an increase of $5.6 million or 15.9 percent over the same period last year.

    Longer term, the Company expects the growth rate for P&A revenues to increase slightly faster than Harley-Davidson’s motorcycle unit growth rate, while it expects the growth rate for General Merchandise to grow slightly slower than the motorcycle unit growth rate.

    Fourth quarter gross margin was 34.7 percent of revenue, up slightly from 34.6 percent of revenue last year.Fourth quarter operating margin for the Motorcycles and Related Products Segment was 17.3 percent of revenue, which was better than last year’s fourth quarter operating margin of 16.6 percent. Operating expenses did not increase as rapidly as revenue, resulting in improved operating margins. Included in operating expenses was a charge of $4 million related to the cost of extending the warranty for a rear cam bearing in certain Twin Cam 88? engines.

    Harley-Davidson/Buell retail registrations in 2000 have grown in all major markets, with the U.S. up 15.4 percent through November, Europe up 8.8 percent through October and Japan/Australia up 3.6 percent through October. (See Table that follows for more detail.)

    Harley-Davidson Financial Services, Inc. (HDFS), a subsidiary of Harley-Davidson, Inc., reported fourth quarter operating income of $13.0 million, up $4.5 million compared to the year-ago quarter.

    For the fiscal year ended 2000, total Harley-Davidson motorcycle shipments were 204,592 units compared with 177,187 units in 1999, a 15.5 percent increase. Harley-Davidson motorcycle revenue was $2.25 billion, an increase of $355.5 million or an 18.8 percent increase.

    Total Buell motorcycle shipments were 10,189 units compared with 7,767 units in 1999, a 31.2 percent gain. Buell motorcycle revenue was $58.1 million, a decrease of $5.4 million or 8.5 percent. The decline in revenue was driven primarily by a shift to production of lower-priced Buell Blast motorcycles, which target new riders.

    P&A revenue totaled $447.8 million, a 23.5 percent increase, while General Merchandise revenue totaled $151.4 million, a 14.1 percent increase compared to 1999.

    Full year operating income for HDFS was $37.2 million, an increase of $9.5 million or 34.3 percent compared to 1999.

    Diluted earnings per share were $1.13, an increase of 31.1 percent. After the first quarter sale of the Harley-Davidson? Chrome VISA? card is excluded, diluted earnings per share were $1.11, an increase of 28.5 percent.

    This is ET 29, Kim Swank from Broomfield, Colo. He is seventh in the AHDRA national points standings for 2000. This was also from the Las Vegas race in October 2000.–Helen Wolfe

    BUELL REPORT–Had a day off here and didn’t even want to be at the shop. Needed to work on my forks on my Buell but needed more to be away to clear my head. So first I went up to Tilley’s and did some “bench racing” with my buddyNeal. Showed him some Flow Bench plans I ran into, a really cool way of building one.

    He showed me a stock Buell air box that he had on his S2. It was the newer style that a lot of people don’t like. He modified it with a air intake opening on the front end of the air box cover. It had a K&N air filter at the opening. Good way to do Ram air. It was also paintedthe same color as the the bike and not the stock textured flat black.

    After that I visited a buddy at Curley’s H-D in Winston Salem, N.C. I checked out the dealership. It’s a nice place with the “diner” and all. They were pretty busy. Doing a lot of cam changes on Twin Cam bikes.

    Also saw Bonnie, a lady friend of mine there who used to work with me at Charlotte. Made a point for me to try and get tickets for the Easyriders Bike Show this weekend at Charlotte.After that I went and saw T.R. at Tman performance. Man I was in DragBike heaven! There was cool stuff all over the place — Serdi machine, heads, flowbench, just amazing stuff. Not the kinda stuff you see in any magazine. It was stuff that you see at the Strip taken apart being worked on. This guy is really talented.Going there and also going to Tilley’s is just what I needed to get my head going again. Wish I had some pictures because words don’t even come closeto describing some of the stuff that these shops are doing.

    Anyway, other than that, nothing really to send. Hope to get some pictures for you from the Easyriders show this weekend.– Paul in N.C.

    VANCOUVER BC CANADA HOG– Chapter Schedule ofevents for 2001

    Note:Vancouver HOG chapter meetings will be held in January, February, March, September, October, November and December. The meeting will be on the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m., unless it falls on a long weekend. Then the meeting will be the next Tuesday that is not a holiday weekend. The months of April, May, June and July, the meeting will be held on the first Saturday of the month, with a mystery ride after the meeting. If it falls on a long weekend, then the meeting will be the next Saturday that is not a holiday weekend. There will not be a Vancouver chapter business meeting in August.

    Jan. 19-21: Vancouver Motorcycle Show at Tradex Center in Abbotsford, BC. Call Trev DeeleyMotorcycles (604) 291-BIKE.We will have the HOG BUSS again this year on the 21st. Bussleaves TrevDeeley Motorcycles at 10 a.m. to go out there and leaves the Tradex Centerat 2:30 toreturn to Trev Deeley Motorcycles. Call (604) 291-BIKE

    Jan. 27: Delta LOH Bowling nite: Vancouver vs. Delta. Call Penny (604)576-8022

    Feb. 6: HOG Meeting 4608 Imperial in Burnaby Call (604) 434-1502Feb. 10: 3rd Annual Sweetheart Dinner Party at the Rockin HorseLounge in Maple Ridge.Bring a non-perishable food item for the soup kitchen. Call Dan (604)984-7831

    Feb. 18: Wacky Bowling Nite with the Honda Group. Call (604)434-1502

    Feb. 24: LOH hosts a Guys ?n Gals Billiards Night… Bring a non-perishable food item for the soup kitchen. Call (604) 434-1502.

    BIKERNET DECEMBER SHOW WINNERS– Well, now that Oz and the Gangster have kissed and made up and things are back to normal (well normal for this place), we have a whole new set of winners to share with you in the Cyber Space Bike Show. There are some fabulous bikes that really deserve a look-see. These winners from December can look forward to a great Bikernet trophy and some other hot prizes. Remember, it cost them nothing to enter.

  • ProStreet – Kevin O’Neal of Erie, Penn.
  • Radical Custom – Eddie Funk of Olathe, Kan.
  • Ridden The Pirate – Jack Verburg of Sicamus, B.C. Canada
  • Sportster – Gail Hamilton of Charlotte, N.C.
  • Street Custom-Stock – Chris Chrome of Huntington Beach, Calif.
  • Vintage – Christopher Lotz of Lawrenceburg, Ken.
  • Vintage Chopper – Ray Carter Jr. of Harlingen, Texas
  • Our congratulations to these wonderful winners. One problem Bandit… Chris Chrome, the winner in our Street Custom-Stock category, swears that I, Sundance, am you “in a skirt.” Now I’ve seen you in plenty of skirts, but you were never the one wearing them, so we’ll have to find a way to convince Chris and any other “Doubting Thomases” out there that you and I are two different people. Unless you don’t mind having our visitors think you are some split personality transvestite! I’m looking forward to the January judging. Geez, I always love to see who our new winners are, but I can’t wait to see Oz have the Gangster keel hauled if he comes across another glitch in the programming!

    Love ya!

    THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE– is brought to you by Aid to InjuredMotorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM),and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For moreinformation, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE. Visit us on our website at,

    COAST TO COAST BIKER NEWS–Compiled and Edited by BILL BISH,National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)

    FEDS ENDORSE HEALTH CARE DISCRIMINATION For the past several years,motorcyclists have rightfully believed that we had won the federallyprotected right to medical benefits from our health care providers in theevent of an accident. But now, over four years since bikers from across thecountry successfully lobbied Congress to ban health insurance discriminationagainst motorcycle riders, new regulations released recently may actuallyhave the opposite effect.The original intent of the legislation, the Health Insurance PortabilityAct of 1996, was to protect employees from being discriminated against bybeing denied coverage ”due to their participation in activities such asmotorcycling, snowmobiling, all-terrain vehicle riding, horseback riding,skiing and other similar activities,” according to the Congressional Recordfrom that time.But on January 5, 2001, the three federal agencies involved in therulemaking process to codify the legislation into federal regulations,released the new rules which appear to completely contradict the originalCongressional intent. While on one hand the regulations state that employers cannot refusehealthcare insurance on the basis of an employee’s participation in legalrecreational pursuits, on the other hand it allows health care benefits to bedenied for injuries sustained in connection with those activities.

    Weencourage concerned riders to contact your Congressional representatives andurge them to take corrective action.To contact members of Congress, call the Capitol Telephone Exchange at(202) 224-3121.
    Flash-Just in, President Bush has declared a moratorium on any new regulations being printed in the Federal Register. This may effectively block implementation of this new rule. Stay tuned for more updates!

    EPA TO TARGET MOTORCYCLE EMISSIONS– The Feds are drawing a bead onmotorcycles, and will soon tighten emissions standards for street bikes andimpose standards for dirt bikes, which are currently unregulated at thefederal level.The Environmental Protection Agency is expected to follow California’slead in both sets of standards, reports the San Francisco motorcyclepublications CITY BIKE.Along with bikes, snowmobiles, marine engines and industrial engines suchas those used in forklifts are expected to come under scrutiny in the comingmonths.In a November document called an Advance Notice of Proposed Rule Making,the EPA puts forth their case for regulating machines hitherto untouched. Onpage 3 of the document, it is proposed that while they’re at it, they may aswell tighten standards for street bikes too.

    TAXMAN MAY SOMEDAY RIDE WITH YOU One day, perhaps, every vehicle on the road will be equipped with a computer that uses satellite technology torecord every mile you drive, and in which states and on which roads. Thenthe government will use that information to tax you for your driving.That day could be just five to 10 years away, according to an article byLarry Sandler in the MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL, as Wisconsin has joinedeight other states and the federal government in paying for an $800,000 studyof whether such a system could be created to replace the gas tax.Although this Orwellian concept is plagued with privacy concerns, they’repressing ahead with the study, because they fear the growth ofalternative-fuel cars could mean the end of the road for the gas tax. As aside benefit, they say the system would give every driver a satellitenavigation unit and a way to call for help in an emergency.

    MICHIGAN PASSES LAW TO LIMIT MOTORCYCLE CONFISCATIONS Michigan GovernorJohn Engler signed a bill on Jan. 5, that will prevent policeagencies from withholding a motorcycle longer than 30 days after it isconfiscated. The motorcycle confiscation bill (SB1012) provides for safe andsecure transportation and storage from the time the bike is picked up by anypolice agency (if the bike gets damaged the bill has provisions forpenalties). The police then have 30 days to return the bike to the owner orface penalties, court costs and actual attorney fees (if an attorney wasrequired to get the bike back). This bill will help prevent the police from taking a bike just to harassand detain bikers and then keeping the bike for years without cause.Senator Mat Dunaskiss (R) sponsored the bill at the request of Angel(Communications Director) ABATE OF MICHIGAN, Inc.”I sure hope other states can use this too,” said Angel, ”We are allin this together and we don’t always live or ride in the same state all ofour lives.”

    SPANISH BAN ON MOTORCYCLE TRAILERS BROUGHT BEFORE COURT The EuropeanCommission (EC) has decided to bring Spain before the Court of Justicebecause it considers that Spain’s absolute ban imposed on motorcycles towingtrailers is an unjustifiable barrier to the free movement of goods andpersons between Member States of the European Union.The EC, while sharing the Spanish authorities’ concern for road safety,which was cited as justification for the ban, considers that road safety canbe achieved by measures which are less trade-restrictive. For example, otherMember States impose maximum speed limits on motorcycles with trailers or setmaximum trailer dimensions or weight limits on the load which the trailersmay carry.After Denmark, where the trailer ban was lifted in June 1998 thanks tothe efforts of the FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATIONS (FEMA),Spain is the only country imposing this type of ban. According to FEMA, thiscauses a lot of problems for many touring motorcyclists with trailers who aretraveling between southern countries, all of which allow trailer use.

    SIDECARISTS SOMETIMES OVERCHARGED AT TOLL BOOTHS ”Back in the 70’s inresponse to statements from our members, we found that many tollways, tollbridges, toll tunnels, turnpikes, etc., were charging sidecarists up to 50%MORE than the driver of a heavy two axle limo or pickup truck,” E-mailed HalKendall of the UNITED SIDECAR ASSOCIATION.”Over a period of about five years we worked consistently to bring abouta uniform and fair toll not to exceed the rate for a passenger car,” saidHal. ”We thought we had all tollways in line but it seems that on occasionsome will charge a sidecarist as a three axle vehicle.”The latest, says Hal, was the Harris County Toll Road in Houston.Upon receipt of Hal’s letter requesting clarification of their rates, Mr.Bernard Koudelka, Executive Director responded that they will address thisissue with all their collection personnel and to charge sidecarists at theirprivate passenger 2-axle rate.

    NEW DARWIN AWARDS UPDATE–The Darwin Awards, for those not familiar, are for those individualswho contribute to the survival of the fittest by eliminating themselvesfromthe gene pool before they have a chance to breed.

    A young Canadian man, searching for a way of getting drunkcheaply, because he had no money with which to buy alcohol, mixedgasolinewith milk. Not surprisingly, this concoction made him ill, and hevomitedinto the fireplace in his house. This resulting explosion and fireburnedhis house down, killing both him and his sister.

    A 34-year-old white male found dead in the basement of his homediedof suffocation, according to police. He was approximately 6’2″ tall andweighed 225 pounds. He was wearing a pleated skirt, white bra, blackandwhite saddle shoes, and a woman’s wig. It appeared that he was trying tocreate a schoolgirl’s uniform look. He was also wearing a military gasmaskthat had the filter canister removed and a rubber hose attached in itsplace. The other end of the hose was connected to a one end of a hollowwooden tube approx. 12″ long and 3″ in diameter. The tube’s other endwasinserted into his rear end for reasons unknown, and was the cause of hissuffocation. Police found the task of explaining the circumstances ofhisdeath to his family very awkward.

    Three Brazilian men were flying in a light aircraft at lowaltitudewhen another plane approached. It appears that they decided to moonthe occupants of the other plane, but lost control of their own aircraftandcrashed. They were all found dead in the wreckage with theirpants around their ankles.

    A 27-year-old French woman lost control of her car on a highwaynearMarseilles and crashed into a tree, seriously injuring her passenger andkilling herself. As a commonplace road accident, this would not havequalified for a Darwin nomination, were it not for the fact that thedriver’s attention had been distracted by her Tamagotchi key ring,whichhad started urgently beeping for food as she drove along. In an attempttopress the correct buttons to save the Tamagotchi’s life, the woman lostherown.

    TO ALL HAMSTER FRIENDS–I am saddened to have to pass this information on to everyone. Our goodfriend, Travis Elliott from Leavenworth, Kan., passed away last night. Hewas out bowling with friends and had a heart attack. We will truly miss himand his good spirit and kind words for all.

    The services are as follows: A visitation will be on Jan. 18from 6-9 p.m. at the Davis Funeral Home, 531 Shawnee, Leavenworth, Kan. 66048;phone (913) 682-5523. The funeral is at 11 a.m. on Jan. 19 at Davis Funeral Home; the burial is at 12:30 p.m. at the VA cemetery.

    To express your condolences and prayers to Lana and their family, the addressis:Lana Elliott404 S. 11th St.Leavenworth, Kan. 55048

    Our hearts go out to Lana and her family. If there is anything further, I’lllet everyone know.–Patty


    September 15………….Shiloh Junior High School
    September 22………….Cub Scout Troop #101
    September 29………….St Paul Blind Academy
    October 6………………….Spanish American War Vets
    October 13……………….Crippled Children’s Home
    October 20……………….Elgin Mental Hospital
    October 27……………….Girl Scout Troop #353
    November 3…………….OH Venereal Disease Clinic
    November 10……………Lakewood Boys Choir
    November 17……………Korean Amputees Special Monday Night Game
    December 9…………….Brecksville Girls Club

    ROGUE’S DISCOUNT BIKE PARTS–Yes, he is the king of parts discounts. This week we even have photos to accompany the vast inventory of late model parts.

    2 – American Quantum FXR PRO STREET FRAMES $600.00 ea
    1 – 4 Speed Harley transmission fits 1965-1984 Big Twin ( rebuilt)$1000.00

    1 Roadstar 16 inch spoke wheel in box$250.00
    1 Revtech 16×3 Front rally style billet wheel complete$350.00ea

    1 Sturgis 16×3 1/2 front Mirage style billet wheel complete$350.00
    1 Sturgis 16×3 1/2 Rim only Daytona style billet wheel$250.00
    2 Sturgis Front Rim Hubs Non Brake Side for Single Brake set-up$50.00ea
    1Sturgis 16×3 1/2 Rims only Rally style billet wheel$250.00

    1Sturgis 16×5 1/4 Rear Roadstar style billet wheel with Brake Side Hub(needs Pulleyside hub available from Sturgis wheel) Sturgis Roadstar Billet Rear BeltPulley $700.00
    1 Attitude style Sturgis Billet Rear Belt Pulley$300.00
    2 CCI 47-098 70 tooth rear pulley multi spoke$275.00ea
    2 American Quantum Billet Aluminum Anti-Reversionary Front Ends – Ready tobolt on. $700.00ea
    5 Billet Aluminum inner primarys to fit FXR Rubber Mount, Extra Strong$500.00ea Retail $1000.00 +
    5 Billet Aliminum outer primary covers to fit FXR Rubber Mount,Extra Strong$500.00ea Retail $1000.00 +
    4 H-D inner primarys to fit FXR$200.00ea

    10 9135 H.D. Inner Primary Bearings, 5 Speed 1987 upRetail $20.00 Dealer $10.00 Rogue $8.00
    5 39998-65 Anchor Plate Chain Adjuster Inner PrimaryRetail $152.00 Dealer $98.39 Rogue $75.00
    10 Sets of 4140 Steel EVO connecting rods$50.00set
    5 S&S Connecting rod sets part number 34-7010$150.00set
    2 Spyke Starter jackshaft kits CCI 28-677 big twins 89-93$70.00ea
    3 5 Speed Harley Davidson taper shaft diaphgram clutch assembly w/kevlarclutch plates $400.00ea
    5 37906-90 H.D. Clutch Basket Bearings Retail $83.00 Dealer $41.30Rogue$35.00
    3 Heavy Billet Aluminum 5 Speed transmission doors polished and beaings$150.00ea
    7 Jims pinion gears 24045-78 Green to 89$30.00ea
    3 Jims pinion gears 24043-78 Red to 89$30.00ea
    1 Set CCI 15-294 6 Gallon Gas Tanks HD FXST 1984-96 & custom frames$100.00set
    3 25-550x Custom Chrome Flatside Gas Tank Mounting Kit Retail $49.95 Dealer$32.95 Rogue $25.00
    5 CCI 13-383 Russell Stainless Steel Disc Brake Rotors (oem 41813-79) Retail$ 79.95 – Dealer $55.25 – Rogue $50.00 ea
    5 CCI 13-381 Russell Stailess Steel Disc Brake Rotors (oem 41791-79A) Retail$79.95 – Dealer $55.25 – Rogue $50.00ea
    3 32-574 Custom Chrome Bolt Kit For Rear Disc Brake Rotor to Hub W/CastWheelRetail $10.00 Dealer $6.65 Rogue $5.00
    1 CCI 09-880 Adjustable Rear Mini Shaker Floorboard Set Retail $ 179.95 -Dealer $116.95 – Rogue $100.00
    1 Set (4) Custom Sumax Premium Pushrod Cover Kit For H.D.EVO $135.80Retail – $94.05 Dealer – $80.00 ROGUE
    1 H.D 132 Tooth Rear Drive Belt # H.D. 40023-86 Fits 86 to present Softail.$165.95 Retail – $107.95 Dealer – $100.00 ROGUE
    1 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve Head Front New Retail $295.68 – Dealer $197.12$195.00
    1 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve Head Front New Retail $295.68 – Dealer $197.12$195.00
    10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve heads front, minor repair needed on some(guide,seat,threads) Retail Price $295.68, – Dealer $197.12 But has guides& seats alreadyinstalled.$150.00ea
    10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve heads rear, minor repair needed on some(guide,seat,threads)Retail Price $295.68, – Dealer $197.12 But has guides & seats alreadyinstalled.$150.00ea
    1 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve front rocker boxes complete, need to be reshimed$395.00ea
    1 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve rear rocker boxes complete, need to be reshimed$395.00ea
    10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve front rocker boxes Retail $184.20- Dealer$122.80 $75.00ea
    10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve rear rocker boxes Retail $184.20- Dealer $122.80$75.00ea
    10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve front exhaust rocker arms Retail $159.38- Dealer$106.25 $75.00ea10 Dual Carb Plenums for Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve Heads Retail $95.07-Dealer$75.00 $50.00ea
    5 Dual Carb Plenums for Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve Heads Flanges Machined andBored to 1 7/8 for S&S Carb Retail $120.07 – Dealer $100.07 – Rogue $75.07
    10 Intake Plenum Runners for Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve heads Retail $87.42-Dealer $58.28 $25.00ea

    5 Sets of Billet fender struts to fit Boyce frames$100.00set
    10 Front Ofset motor mount black powdercoat Boyce frames$25.00ea
    10 Front Offset motor mount Chrome KB 01-301 Boyce frames$30.00ea

    5 Petcocks CCI 25-253 & Chrome Spec. 260366$10.00ea
    3Petcocks CCI 27050 Accel$30.00ea
    20 Steel motormount stablizer (turnbuckle complete) rubber mount 5 speeds$40.00ea
    5 FXR Chrome Kickstands$50.00ea

    1 Sumax #8635 Front Fender $100.00$50.00
    1 Sumax #8650 Front Fender $100.00$50.00
    1 Sumax #8651 Front Fender $100.00$50.00
    1 Sumax #8654 Front Fender $156.00$75.00
    1 Sumax #8604 W Rear Fender $158.00$75.00

    1 Sumax #8609 W Rear Fender $127.00$60.00
    1 Sumax #8617 W Rear Fender $114.00$55.00
    1 Sumax #8619 W Rear Fender $119.00$60.00
    1 Sumax #8656 W Rear Fender $192.00$95.00
    3 CCI 13-389 Russel Stainless Oil Lines for FXR 1987 – 1990 Retail$143.95 – Dealer $99.35 – Rogue $80.00
    3 CCI 13-387 Russel Stainless Oil Lines for Softail 1990 – 1992 Retail$156.95 -Dealer $109.15 – Rogue $90.00

    Clear Coated Universal Stainless Steel Brake Line
    16 Inch Long Retail $27.95 Dealer $17.95 Rogue $15.00 ea
    17 Inch Long Retail $25.95 Dealer $18.15 Rogue $16.00 ea
    19 Inch Long Retail $27.95 Dealer $19.95 Rogue $17.00 ea
    23 Inch Long Reail $30.10 Dealer $20.95 Rogue $18.00 ea
    26 Inch long Retail $31.10 Dealer $21.65 Rogue $19.00 ea
    38 Inch Long Retail $34.95 Dealer $24.45 Rogue $22.00 ea
    47 Inch Long Retail $37.95 Dealer $26.55 Rogue $24.00 ea
    54 Inch Long Retail $40.95 Dealer $28.65 Rogue $26.00 ea
    1 Dunlop 491 MT90B16-71H Front Tire $70.00
    1 Metzler Perfect ME-99A (150/80X16) Rear Tire $70.00

    TO VERIFY SUMAX Fenders Prices and other Info e-mail andask.Other stuff, such as seats and cables, to be listed later as Iam still sorting parts.Prices subject to change and some parts are limited.

    SHIT!– I’m gonna have to stop being such a nice guy. I mean, you go out of your way to help a buddy who’s in a bind and you end up on the Internet being tagged a bike thief. That’s gratitude. Next time I do you a favor, I’m makin’ sure there aren’t any cameras around. People used to just think I was a low life, now they’ll know it for sure. I hope you never get any pictures of me screwing some dude’s old lady, I’ll be fucked for sure.


    So, what do you want me to do with the film?–Bandit

    ALWAYS THOUGHT GREEN SNAKES WERE OK? READ ON–Green Garden Grass snakes can be dangerous, Yes, grass snakes, notrattlesnakes. A couple in Sweetwater, Texas had a lot of pottedplants,and during a recent cold spell, the wife was bringing a lot of themindoorstoprotect them from a possible freeze. It turned out that a littlegreengarden grass snake was hidden in one of the plants and when it hadwarmedup, it slithered out and the wife saw it go under the sofa.She let out a very loud scream.

    The husband who was taking a shower ran out into the living roomnaked tosee what the problem was. She told him there was a snake under thesofa.He got down on the floor on his hands and knees to look for it. Aboutthattime the family dog came and cold-nosed him in the butt. He thoughtthesnakehad bitten him and he fainted. His wife thought he had a heart attack, soshecalled an ambulance. The attendants rushed in and loaded him onthe stretcher and started carrying him out.

    About that time the snake came out from under the sofa and theEmergencyMedical Technician saw it and dropped his end of the stretcher.That’swhen the man broke his leg and why he is in the hospital.The wife still had the problem of the snake in the house, so shecalledon a neighbor man. He volunteered to capture the snake. He armedhimselfwith a rolled-up newspaper and began poking under the couch.

    Soon he decided it was gone and told the woman, who sat down on thesofain relief. But in relaxing, her hand dangled in between the cushions,whereshe felt the snake wriggling around. She screamed and fainted, thesnakerushed back under the sofa, and the neighbor man, seeing her layingtherepassed out tried to use CPR to revive her.

    The neighbor’s wife, who had just returned from shopping at thegrocerystore, saw her husband’s mouth on the woman’s mouth and slammed herhusband in the back of the head with a bag of canned goods, knockinghimout andcutting his scalp to a point where it needed stitches. An ambulancewasagain called and it was determined that the injury requiredhospitalization.

    The noise woke the woman from her dead faint and she saw her neighborlying on the floor with his wife bending over him, so she assumed hehadbeenbitten by the snake. She went to the kitchen, brought back a smallbottleof whiskey, and began pouring it down the man’s throat.

    By now the police had arrived. They saw the unconscious man, smelledthewhiskey, and assumed that a drunken fight had occurred. They wereabout toarrest them all, when the two women tried to explain how it allhappenedovera little green snake.

    They called an ambulance, which took away the neighbor and hissobbingwife. Just then the little snake crawled out from under the couch,One ofthe policemen drew his gun and fired at it. He missed the snake andhitthe leg of the end table that was on one side of the sofa. The tablefelloverand the lamp on it shattered and as the bulb broke, it started a fireinthe drapes. The other policeman tried to beat out the flames and fellthroughthe window into the yard on top of the family dog, who startled,jumped upand raced out into the street, where an oncoming car swerved to avoiditand smashed into the parked police car and set it on fire. Meanwhiletheburning drapes had spread to the walls and the entire house wasblazing.

    Neighbors had called the fire department and the arriving fire-truckhadstarted raising his ladder as they were halfway down the street. Therising ladder tore out the overhead wires and put out the electricityanddisconnected the telephones in a ten-square city block area.

    Time passed —————– Both men were discharged from thehospital,The house was re-built, The police acquired a new car, and all wasrightwith their world ——- About a year later they were watching TV andtheweatherman announced a cold snap for that night. The husband askedhiswife if she thought they should bring in their plants for the night.

    She shot him.

    THE BAD AMERICAN– I like big cars, big guns and big tits. I believe the money I make belongsto me and my family, not some mid-level governmental functionary with a badcomb-over who wants to give it away to crack addicts squeezing out babies.

    I don’t think playing with guns makes you a killer. I don’t think being aminority makes you noble or victimized. I don’t care if you call me aracist, a homophobe or a misogynist. I know that no matter how big JenniferLopez’s ass gets, I’ll still want to see it.

    I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac in America, you do it inEnglish. I don’t use the excuse “it’s for the children” as a shield forunpopular opinions or actions.

    I know what the definition of “is” is. I didn’t take credit for inventingthe Internet. I want them to bring back safe and sane fireworks.

    I believe no one ever died because of something Ozzy Osborne, Ice-T orMarilyn Manson sang. I think that being an art student doesn’t give you anymore insight than working at Blockbuster.

    I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God. I think the WNBAis cool, as is the US Women’s’ Soccer Team – because they kick ass.

    My heroes are John Wayne, Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan, NormanSchwartzkopf, Colin Powell and whoever canceled “Dr. Quinn, MedicineWoman”.

    I think creative violence and useless nudity and sex makes movies moreinteresting.

    I don’t hate the rich. I don’t pity the poor.

    I’ve never owned or was a slave, I didn’t wander 40 years in the desertafter getting chased out of Egypt. I haven’t burned any witches or beenpersecuted by the Turks and neither have you, so shut-the-hell-up already.

    Rocky and Bullwinkle still make me laugh. I think you can respect andadmire women while mentally undressing them. I believe a self-righteousliberal with a cause is a lot more dangerous than a 9-year-old with a PlayStation.

    I think explosions are cool. I don’t care where Ellen DeGeneres puts hertongue. I think the cops have every right to shoot your sorry ass if you’rerunning from them.

    I worry about dying before I get even.

    I like the convenience of buying oranges while I’m waiting at a stoplight,and I’m pretty sure the Latina girl selling them to me is glad she no longerlives in a refrigerator packing carton outside Ensenada.

    I figured out Bruce Willis was dead midway through The Sixth Sense butenjoyed it anyway.

    I think turkey bacon sucks.

    I believe you don’t have to speak with a lisp to pick out a couch or paintfor your living room.

    I’ll admit that the only movies that ever made me cry were “Sands of IwoJima” and “Ole Yeller”. I didn’t realize Dr. Seuss was a genius until I hada kid.

    I and many like me are neither angry nor disenfranchised, no matter howdesperately the mainstream media would like the world to believe otherwise.–YES, I am a BAD American

    HEART ATTACK–A middle aged woman has a heart attack and is taken to the hospital.While on the operating table she has a near death experience. Duringthat experience she sees God and ask if this is it.

    God says no and explains that she has another 30 years to live. Uponher recovery she decides to just stay in the hospital and have afacelift, liposuction, breast augmentation, tummy tuck, etc.She even has someone come in and change her hair color. She figuressince she’s got another 30 years she might as well make the most ofit. She walks out of the hospital after the last operation and iskilled by an ambulance speeding up to the hospital.

    She arrives in front of God and complains: “I thought you said I hadanother 30 years.

    God replies, “I didn’t recognize you.”

    TOURING CHOP FOR SALE– One of the icons of Bikernet is for sale to help us stay in bean and Jack, plus assist with the construction of a new shop. The entire saga of the construction of the Touring Chop is covered in the annals of Bikernet. Recently the ignition system was changed to a Compu-Fire single-fire unit, which smoothed out the stroker motor, and we re-engineered the rear suspension to give it the finest ride it’s ever had. Plus a couple of months ago it was featured in a Rod Stewart music video.

    For more information, drop me a line,>Happy New Year, first of all. I haven’t much to say lately butI still visit your site weekly and enjoy the hell out of it. You’re stillmy other heroKeith and thought you might enjoy the picture. I haven’t a clue who theowner is, butwhat a designer. Some men may take it to the next level and never get off! ha, haThank you for giving this matter your immediate attention.

    HOWDY–If you enjoy Bonneville history, especially the exploits of Ab Jenkins, you might want to check out the link to the SAE Motorsports Web site. I am a regular columnist with them and gave them the piece about Ab from my book, “Bonneville Salt Flats,” but used photos not published in the book.

    Speedy Regards,”LandSpeed” Louise Ann Noeth

    WIN A HARLEY–There is a radio station here in Denver that is giving away a Harley to aMANwho will agree to have breast implants. He has to keep them in for oneyear.They say it is an $8,000 bike. Can you imagine doing that for abike???????I think this is a lawsuit waiting to happen (not to mention potentiallyimmoral), but then again, what do I know???

    — Jane

    SCREAMIN’ EAGLE PERFORMANCE PARTS AND IHRA ANNOUNCE NEW NITRO HARLEY-DAVIDSON PURSES AND SHOOTOUT–Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts, a division of Harley-Davidson, has announced their increased commitment to the IHRA Screamin’ Eagle Nitro Harley-Davidson class. Beginning with the 2001 season, the class will be known as Screamin’ Eagle Nitro Harley-Davidson’s. The commitment creates the biggest, most lucrative motorcycle drag racing competition program in the United States.

    IHRA’s partnership with Screamin’ Eagle includes a $19,000 purse at each of 11 Nitro-Harley Davidson national event races and a $90,000 season-ending championship points purse fund that guarantees $35,000 to the world champion.

    New to the program is the $22,000 Screamin’ Eagle Nitro Harley Shootout at a yet undetermined location. The Shootout pays $8,000 to win, with $5,000 awarded to the runner-up.

    1998 IHRA Nitro Harley World Champion and successful Houston Harley-Davidson dealer, Johnny Mancuso has supported the class from its beginning and welcomes Screamin’ Eagle’s increased commitment.

    BIG DOG MOTORCYCLES L.L.C. UNLEASHES THE 2001 MASTIFF–Big Dog Motorcycles would like to introduce the all-new Mastiff. The ultimate fat attitude bike. The Mastiff comes equipped with a 230 rear tire and an integrated LED taillight on a comfortable solo seat hidden shock frame. The Mastiff’s low slug hidden-shock frame delivers great looks and an unexpected level of main street comfort.

    Like every core performet, the all-new Mastiff comes with a smooth 107-inch engine, sporty machined aluminum wheels and all-new chrome lowere legs.

    Big Dog sell motorcycles both “consumer direct” and through a growing number of authorized dealers.

    CASE OF THE PREGNANT LADY–A lady about eight months pregnant got on a bus. She noticed the manopposite her was smiling at her. She immediately moved to another seat. Thistime the smile turned into a grin, so she moved again. The man seemed moreamused. When on the fourth move, the man burst out laughing, She complainedto the driver and he had the man arrested.

    The case came up in court. The judge asked the man (about 20) what he had tosay for himself. The man replied, “Well your Honor, it was like this: Whenthe lady got on the bus, I couldn’t help but notice her condition. She satunder a sign that said, “The Double Mint Twins are coming” and I grinned.Then she moved and sat under a sign that said, “Slogan’s Liniment will reducethe swelling” and I had to smile.

    Then she placed herself under a sign that said, “William’s Big Stick Did theTrick” and I could hardly contain myself. BUT your Honor, when she moved thefourth time and sat under a sign that said, “Goodyear Rubber could haveprevented this Accident…I just lost it.”


    BIKERNET SUPERBOWL PARTY AND BLUES JAM–It’s Jan. 28, upstairs in the Blue Cafe off Broadway in the downtown Long Beach Promenade. Three blues bands, great chow, you can park out front and we have three dedicated pool tables just for us. Here’s some more info or drop me a line if you need anything else– Here’s a link to the invitation, enjoy–You can download the invitation here.

    21 and over club – No kids allowed
    Outside patio for smokers
    $7 cover charge starts at 7 p.m., but as long as you’re already there and with us, you’re cool.
    Three regulation pool tables in Blue Room – opened for Super Bowl partygo-ers
    Free parking for cars in Long Beach Plaza lot on Third Street between Pine Avenue and Long BeachBoulevard.
    $3 parking in front of Blue Cafe for cars.Bikes park free.
    Two full bars
    If you can’t stand the food we ordered, they have a full kitchen open till 11 p.m. Nothing on the menu is over $8.95.

    Sunday drink specials:
    Bloody Mary $3
    Dixie Voodo $2
    Rattlesnake $2
    Dixie $2

    ATTENTION BIKERS!–Learn your rights regarding search and seizure and inspection of your personal property if stopped by the police. California ABATE, Local 9 is having a quest speaker at its March 6 meeting to address these and other issues.

    If you have questions about what you must do or don’t have to do when pulled over by law enforcement, this is the night to have all your questions answered by a knowledgeable specialist on this topic. Bring all your friends and fellow criminals. Remember that knowledge is power, and a citizen who knows his or her rights is a threat to the powers that try to hinder our personal freedom.

    Time: 7 p.m.
    Date: March 6
    Place: Swallows Inn, San Juan Capistrano, Calif.
    Host: ABATE local 9
    Information: Slippery Steve (949) 586-9468


    Georgia: We Put the “Fun” in Fundamentalist Extremism
    Hawaii: Haka Tiki Mou Sha’ami Leeki Toru (Death to Mainland Scum, But Leave Your Money)
    Idaho: More Than Just Potatoes. Well Okay, We’re Not, But The Potatoes Are Real Good
    Illinois: Please Don’t Pronounce the “S”
    Indiana: 2 Billion Years Tidal Wave Free
    Iowa: We Do Amazing Things With Corn
    Kansas: First of the Rectangle States
    Kentucky: 5 Million People; 15 Last Names
    Louisiana: We’re Not All Drunk Cajun Wackos
    Maine: We’re Really Cold, But We Have Cheap Lobster
    Maryland: A Thinking Man’s Delaware
    Massachusetts: Our Taxes Are Lower Than Sweden’s

    WHERE WAS I? There’s an evil spirit hanging over the L.A. Basin. I’m trying desparately to buy a pickup and Don Whalen called. He’s an Indian and vintage expert who is selling my ’46 Indian (626-358-9696). Although, I’d rather keep this beautiful puppy. He only called an hour ago to report that someone had just stolen his El Camino. This cage was beautiful and has a license plate that says SCOOTERS. If you see it, kill the driver and give me a call. That’s three bikes and a biker’s truck in a week. Not a good average.

    Damn, I wanted to share some of the sordid details from last weekend. The girls just get nastier by the day. But now I’m not up for tales of long nights of crumpled sheets and satisfying moans. It just doesn’t seem right. I’m going to pour a Jack on the rocks and reflect, or spin the cylinder on a .357 mag and wish for outlaw justice. Let’s mount up and ride–Bandit

    Read More

    January 11, 2001


    Hell, it’s just the first week of the new year and life is already bananas. We stayed up all night prepping for the Easyriders Bike Show in Pomona. We stole a truck and Steve Bauman drove us to hell and back, helped us set up a couple of bikes, the Blue Flame and the touring chopper.

    We donated door prizes and hit the road, then straggled back in at midnight to pick up the bikes and haul home.

    I’m finally getting around to registering the blue bastard from hell, and we attended Rusty’s sentencing at the federal building in Orange County. Bizarre experience. The building is so far removed from the streets where Rusty resided as a Hells Angel that it seemed like a Twilight Zone experience. It smacked of a funeral, yet something more strange, like two worlds colliding in pristine quarters. I can’t explain it, but I was confronted with two legal anomalies. If you confess to a crime, you can’t be convicted unless there is supporting evidence. On the other hand, Rusty is going to jail for conspiracy to make drugs. The point there is that you don’t have to perform a crime at all, just talk about it. In fact, you can stick someone with a knife and catch a misdemeanor, but if you talk about sticking someone, it’s a felony, even if you don’t do it. Watch out.

    Earlier this week we launched The Ultimate Tech Tip, bit ot was on the site less than a couple of steaming hours. Every girl I know called and demanded photographs before we publish. So, you’ll just have to wait for the revised Ultimate Tech.

    It’s the first of the year and already we’re inundated with projects. We have to get the banners to promote the site at bike shows and billboards for Daytona Bike Week, and we’re making plans to attend the Easyriders Trade Show in Cincinnati. We’re also planning decorations for the Superbowl party. Layla and I met with the chef and Jon Towle is designing a special T-shirt for girls to wear. As you will see in the news this week, life is moving fast. Let’s get to it, before I get immersed in any more trouble:

    “Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what the fuckhappened.”

    –Terry L.

    HORSE MAGAZINE CONCEPT COVERThis is a first. A concept cover from the artistic caverns of HORSE magazine. A Bikernet staff member broke into the magazine’s Boca Raton offices and held Geno the artistic master at gunpoint while he took this shot of an upcoming cover. Does it mean anything? Hell no. Is is worth anything? Not a dime, but you saw it here first.

    ANOTHER SECRET SHOT–Here’s a shot of a Bikernet project bike in the secret concept bike department of Easyriders of Dallas. It’s designed to be a 1928 Shovelhead and it will be featured in various forms as it comes together in the halls of Bikernet. That’s a Paughco rigid frame, a Bad Boy front end, 1915 flat track reproduction tanks from Europe, a JIMS-built engine and trans, a 1928 reproduction seat and 1920 repro fenders.

    The talent behind this project is my sixth wife, Lena, who is 14 and runs the vast Dallas Easyriders enterprise, and Jim, the service department fabricator who’s been messing with my sixth wife. What’s a bereaved biker to do: Go in shooting and stop the project, or give up the woman?

    WINTER GIRDER PROJECT–Here is my winter girder project. Phil B. found this girder in hisold parts stash at home. The girder forks are in pretty good shape.The trees shown in the picture are from a dual shock Fury girder. Theycan be saved, but need lots of work to get them right.I’m going to Cincinnati in February and hope to find some shock manufacturers that can helpwith a dual shock setup.

    By the way, Mike P., our parts manager, is on the right. He sent in the”In memory of Justin Pullin” bike.

    — Paul

    As is often the case, people are thinking along similar lines. We were beginning to look into building a girder based on the famous Durfee front end, then we discovered that Donnie Smith is reproducing some of his old girders, and now so is Paul from N.C. The girder is an immensely strong front end that’s not nearly as complicated as a springer and makes it easy to attach fenders and front brakes. Watch for girder to emerge on the market over the next year.–Bandit

    ONE WISH GENIE–Bill and Harry are in the locker room after their racquetball game when Bill notices that Harry has a cork stuck up his ass.”If you don’t mind me saying,” said Bill, “that cork looks terribly uncomfortable. Why don’t you take it out?”

    “I can’t,” lamented Harry. “It’s permanent.”

    “I don’t understand.” said Bill, quite puzzled.

    Harry then explains: “I was walking along the beach and I tripped over one of those ancient oil lamps. Suddenly, there was a puff of smoke, and then a huge Arabian man in a turban came oozing out.””Wow!” responded Bill. “What happened then?””He said: ‘I am Ahmed the Great and Wonderful Genie. I can grant you whatever you wish… But only one wish!'””And I foolishly said: ‘No shit?'”

    THE CYBER SPACE BIKE SHOW– is one of the most popular features on Bikernet! Thank you, thank you to all of you who stop by to visit, view the competitors and maybe even enter your own ride. We have so many new and exciting entries every day that I can’t wait to check my e-mail each morning to see what came in while I was sleeping. Your response to this feature has been totally overwhelming. We had 870,000 hits in December.

    Recently, I received a message from a fabulous photographer named Helen Wolfe. She is well-known in the industry and shoots a lot of film at AHRDA races around the country. Helen wanted to know if she could enter pictures of some of the race bikes she has photographed in the Cyber Space Bike Show. Unfortunately, the rules of the show are pretty clear – only the owner of the bike may enter a bike in the show, so I had to let Helen know that unless the owners wanted to use her photos in their entries, I wouldn’t be able to include them in the bike show.

    I was as disappointed as Helen because the Race/Competition division of the show is one area where we haven’t had a lot of entries, and I would love to see more AHRDA members competing. Helen’s photos would have been a great avenue for increasing their presence here on Bikernet.

    Well, I just couldn’t allow such beautiful shots to go to waste, so I decided to post a few of them in the News every now and then. For you racers out there, these are the kind of shots we’d like to see you enter in the bike show. You spend an awful lot of money getting your ride to look as great as it runs. Wouldn’t you love to receive some recognition and earn yet another trophy all just for sending me a top-notch shot of your bike in action?

    PF2 Steve Lundstrom, Winner, #1Q, Low ET, Top Speed
    Copyright Helen Wolfe, 2000

    Some of the other divisions where I’d like to see more entries in the bike show are:
    Vintage Custom/Radical Chopper
    Radical Custom Frame
    If you have questions about the requirements for entering any of these divisions, click on the Cyber Space Bike Show and come check them out.
    Thanks again Helen Wolfe for the great photo from the AHRDA races in Woodburn, Ore., on Sept. 2-3.


    BIKERNET SUPERBOWL PARTY–reigns supreme as the upcoming event not to be missed. Imagine free parking directly in front of the Blue Cafe in downtown Long Beach for the game of the year. We will have three dedicated full-size pool tables. Three bands will be jamming downstairs throughout the day. We’ll have a big screen set up in an intimate dining area and it’s all free (except for the drinks). Here’s some more info, and the invitation:
    21 and over club – No kids allowed
    Outside patio for smokers
    A $7 cover charge starts at 7 p.m.
    Three regulation pool tables in Blue Room – opened for Superbowl partygoers
    Free cage parking in the Long Beach Plaza lot on Third Street between Pine Avenue and Long BeachBoulevard
    $3 car parking in front of the Blue Cafe
    Bikes park free
    Two full bars
    Full kitchen open till 11 p.m. Nothing on menu is over $8.95
    Sunday drink specials:
    Bloody Mary $3
    Dixie Voodo $2
    Rattlesnake $2
    Dixie $2

    THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE–The following new blurbs are brought to you by Aid to InjuredMotorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM),and is sponsored by attorney Richard M. Lester. For moreinformation, call us at (800) ON-A-BIKE. Visit us on our Web site at>

    From TheGUNNY’S SACKAnother doc on our side: Dr. Dean Edell has a nationwide phone-in radioshow about health. In late December, he was on the air while our Oregon AIMattorney Sam Hochberg happened to be listening, talk-show fan that he is. Sam tells us at the Sack that the good doctor was complaining about howirrational some of our safety laws are.

    He started talking, as a joke, about how we ought to outlaw candles, orat least put warning labels on them because of the associated fire hazards. Then he talked about head injuries, and said if people really wanted to havean impact on that, they should make car drivers wear helmets! He admittednobody would go for that – and then said, and this is pretty much a quote,”So what are we always picking on the poor motorcyclists for? Theyrepresent a TINY FRACTION of head injuries!”

    –Right on, doc!

    BEIJING: According to Asia Pulse, the number of motorcycles per 100 urbanhouseholds has risen about 40 percent in two years. As of the third quarter of2000, 18.6 out of every 100 urban households in China owns a registeredmotorcycle. I doubt even Sturgis has that high a percentage per capitaduring Sturgis Week. I’m impressed.

    ENGLAND: Model Jemma Kidd dressed up as a traffic cop to launch acampaign to show that two-wheeled transport is just the ticket to solve London’stransportation problems.

    Kidd was supporting motorcycling for London, where they’re calling formore free and secure parking spaces for scooters and motorcycles. There areincreasing numbers of commuters who use them to get into work there.They were also calling for scooters and motorbikes, whose sales were up27 percent last year, to be allowed to use bus lanes and be exempt from anycongestion charges introduced by London Mayor Ken Livingstone.Bob Doughty, chairman of the National Motorcycle Council and spokesman formotorcycling for London, said, ”Motorcycles and scooters givethe personal freedom you get from a car but they are smaller, quicker andreduce congestion.”

    Let’s face it folks: We all know two-wheeled rigs take up less space, useless fossil fuel, and are less polluting than other means of motorizedtransport.

    MOTORCYCLE RECALL: Fisher-Price says its battery-powered toymotorcycles can have the foot pedal get stuck in the on position.

    Obviously this is a real concern for parents whose little guys are riding thesethings and it should be looked into promptly. Here’s how to get the scoop on these recalls of battery-powered toyriding vehicles sold by Tek Nek Toys, Empire Industries and Fisher-Price from1995 through 2000. On the Tek Nek and Empire models, the battery charger canoverheat and cause a fire. Call Tek Nek at (877) 446-7719. Call Empire at(800) 872-1869, Monday-Friday, 8:15 a.m.-5 p.m. On the Fisher-Pricemotorcycles, call (888) 289-9292.

    CHINA: Two-strokes are making a comeback. They’re pushing them as betterfor the air in China, so this new Orbital design must be a lot cleaner thanthe old two-stroke bikes from the early ’70s. Australia is selling the newengine to Chinese manufacturers as fast as they can ship them.

    TIME IS TICKING: Time going too slow for ya? Try this one on for size. Now you can experience the rumble and roar of a Harley engine 24 hours,seven days a week with the new, officially licensed Harley-Davidson wallclock. This thing announces each hour with a different Harley engine sound. Keeps you right up to snuff on how your scoot should sound when it’srunnin’ right. Gotta get me one of those critters, just for laughs. You canget yours at your nearest Harley dealer and many other department storesaround the country.

    Just gotta give you a break from all the in-depth coverage with a shot of smiling Sasha, the Bikernet correspondent from the Big Apple who is currently snowed in. She makes sure I get the news from AIM, and I appreciate her timely efforts.–Bandit

    SACRAMENTO: Talk about needed scooter parking, listen to this pearl: People suing the city for parking lot injuries from parking garage armsnearly had the city banning scooters from parking garages. After paying$68,000 in injury claims between 1992 and 1997 — including two cases wherethe arm knocked passengers off the back of the bike — the city consideredbanning motorcycles from parking garages altogether and ticketing those whorebelled.When riders raised hell over it, officials instead decided to shorten thegate arms, allowing motorcycles to ride around the gate and park for free. Now, however, after installing a new system of gates, the city is worriedabout bikes not being accounted for and the possibility of attendantstapping the tills.

    JAPAN: From the newspaper Mainichi Shimbun comes this piece of reality. It seems the powers that be were worried about the scooter people and theirNew Year’s celebrations in this country.The National Police Agency mobilized 33,000 officers across the nation tostep up control of groups of motorcycle people because they were rumored tobe planning reckless driving sprees from New Year’s Eve through the firstthree days of 2001.

    From New Year’s Eve 1999 to Jan. 1, 2000, police questioned nearly1,440 motorcyclists for their suspected reckless and noisy riding onexpressways and thoroughfares in the country. And we worry about harassment.Wow!

    WOODCLIFF LAKE, N.J.: BMW of North America Inc. has continued itswinning streak for 2000 and surpassed all previous U.S. salesfigures. The company’s motorcycle sales are up even beyond 1999 figures, not tomention auto and sports activity type rigs. Seems Americans are starting toappreciate the reliability of these vehicles and scooters.

    FLORIDA: It’s time to plan for the annual National Coalition ofMotorcyclists (NCOM) Convention. It’s in Orlando, Fla., on theThursday-Saturday of Mother’s day weekend, at the airport Marriott. Get yourroom reservations now because they’re goin’ fast, at (800) 766-6752. It’s reallygonna be somethin’ this year so don’t miss it. I’m sure gonna be there, andwe’re expecting well over 1,000 bikers’ rights people, including most ofthe AIM lawyers. Bill Bish at NCOM headquarters has the scoop for you. Call him at (800) 525-5355 and he’ll send you flyers and such, or e-mail himat

    GUNNY AGAIN: If you are run over on the road,always call your nearest AIM attorney for advice and help. The nationalnumber is on the front of your AIM card. No AIM card? Try800)ON-A-BIKE and tell ’em what happened and they will also send you anAIM card if you ask for one, free. Call me at (503) 359-5356, or e-mail me, and I’ll get one to you in Oregon. Come to a run and signup this summer, as we have AIM booths set up at most motorcycle events. TheAIM card is free and the runs are fun too.

    — Keep the round side on the bottom. Gunny, Oregon AIM chief of staff

    BIKERNET’S CULTURAL ENHANCEMENT DEPARTMENT– 1. In Shakespeare’s time, mattresses were secured on bedframes by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes the mattresstightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. Hence the phrase, “goodnight, sleep tight.”

    2. It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 yearsago that for a month after the wedding, the bride’s father wouldsupply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer and because theircalendar was lunar based, this period was called the “honey month” or whatwe know today as the honeymoon.”

    Rigid Frame Richard’s Little Red Ride – Check out the bike feature in the Bike Barn

    TEXAS MOTORCYCLE RIGHTS LEGISLATIVE DAY– I had to go to a TMRA 2 meeting this evening, which is one of the motorcycle rights organizations here. We have our legislative day coming up this month. You may have even meet Sputnik at the COC meeting this past year in SF if you were able to attend. If you did, you would remember him, that’s for sure.

    –Rigid Frame Richard

    52ND ANNUAL GRAND NATIONAL ROADSTER SHOW IN SAN MATEO WILL OFFER PLENTY OFEXCITEMENT BEGINNING JAN. 18– Over 250 of the world’s most outstandinghot rods, custom cars, tricked-out motorcycles, competition machines andrestored classics will be on display and in competition for a number ofprestigious awards at the 52nd Annual Grand National Roadster Show. Thefour-day indoor event, presented by your local Ford stores and the SanMateo Times/ANG Newspapers, begins Jan. 18 in its new home at theSan Mateo County Expo Center in San Mateo, Calif.

    The Grand National Roadster Show traces its roots to January 1950, whenMary and Al Slonaker assembled a display of 100 hot rods, customs, classicsand antiques at the Exposition Building in Oakland and drew over 27,000spectators. The original show was capped off by the first presentation ofthe prestigious 9-foot-tall America’s Most Beautiful Roadster Award(AMBR).

    Daily admission is $15 general ($12 for seniors over 62); $8 children ages 6-12 andfree for children under 6. $2-off general admission discount coupons willbe available at your local Ford stores in the Northern California area.

    In addition to the 52nd Annual Grand National Roadster Show, Dan CyrEnterprises Inc. will present the 51st Annual Sacramento Autorama on Feb. 8-11 at the Cal Expo in Sacramento, Calif., the 3rd Annual Portland Rod andCustom Show Feb. 15-18 at the Expo Center in Portland, Ore., andthe 2nd Annual Seattle Roadster Show at the Stadium Exhibition Center inSeattle, Wash., March 15-18.

    For additional information on any of these events, contact Dan CyrEnterprises Inc. at (503) 236-0632 or toll-free at (877) 236-0632. Visit ourWeb site at

    TRICK CONCEPT SPORTSTER FROM CHROME SPECIALTIES–After “Trick” we should do “Slick” & “MightyQuick”. These 3 bikes represent our “Dare To Dream” bikes for 2001 & allwill be featured in magazines as well as be on display throughout the yearat our “Road Tour” stops. “Trick” & “Mighty Quick” were built for us by”Chica” & “Slick” was built by Donnie Smith.

    Tour events/dates are shown in our new 2001 catalog.

    Lastly, we’ve just built a bike in cooperationwith the Martin Bros. here in Dallas called “Livin’ Large”. We’ll bepresenting it to Big Mike Griffin at our party in Cincy Sunday night. Thebike is featured on the cover of Big Mikes new C/D aptly titled “Livin’Large”, and our party will be the C/D’s debut/release party.

    We’re alsotying everything in to our new “Livin Large” line of clothing for the “bigboys”! Easyriders magazine is already scheduled to take photos of the bikeat Cincy and do a feature on Big Mike and our association….should be goodink for both of us!


    To: Bandit
    From: Digital

    I must warn you Captain Blye…. The crew may see fit to mutiny if thisindescression and insult continues. My sensative nature will not allow suchan intolerable attitute.

    If this behavior of yours persists, I shall be forced to keel haul yourindignant ass.

    Mr. Christian

    BUELL REPORT–I saw your section on Buells and thought you might like this shot. His name is Chris O’Conner and it was taken at the AHDRA race at Las Vegas in October. He’s number 4 in the national points in the ET class for 2000, lives in Hagerstown MD, but that’s all I know of him. It’s one of my favorites.

    –Helen Wolfe
    Tacoma, WA

    THIS IN FROM WINO JOE–Mr.K.Randall Ball,aka BanditThank you for the New Years note. Again, thank you for the signed copyof your book. I am happy for your success as a “working” biker; a man ofthe people of the Biker Nation. It ain’t the patch on a rider’s back;it’s the heart & work we put into the biker community. “Take’a little;leave’a little.”

    Didn’t Robin Hood hip us ta that one; Frank & Jesserode free by it. Even Pancho & Zapata said it their way. And Ripshowed us how to give back. This is year ONE; let’s pull together as acrew.

    There are enough assholes out there to fight; we don’t have toshoot each other. Patchholders that’va got’a “test” each other, can goback ta the ol’fair-fight law: step outside & fist-fight, alone. No onehas to watch. Or else, why not set up a boxing ring & sell tickets for acharity. Show some class. We did it in the ol’dazes.

    Respect to you & outfit; y’all keep tha rubberside down. Ride On! Wino Joe

    – Biker Magazine does it right :

    Did you all get the December 2000 edition of Biker Magazine ( )? Well if you didn’t – see if you can still get it at the local HD shop cause Jay’s last creation is on the cover. Full spread with the very attractive Miss Amber. The Extra Wide Fat Glide really has turned into our trademark over the last year or so. Read on and you’ll find out that different finishes are also available these days.

    – Weerd Bros front ends in chrome? :
    Oh boy! The guys from SJP in Holland have given in and have started production on the complete line of front ends in chrome finish. Yes, even the Fat Glide and the Extra Wide Fat Glide, aka The Dinosaur. So now the choice is polished, anodized and chrome. What a dilemma!

    – Great a bigger tire but what about the wheels :
    Avon 250 tire no problemo but now find a 10″ wide wheel. Guess where you can get them? Yup. We have ‘m. Solid, 5 spoke and now also 10 spoke. Matching rotors, matching pulleys and matching pulley brake systems.

    – Matching pulleys, rotors and pulleybrake systems :
    Of course knowing Rick’s they did it right the first time but they’ve been getting better and better. Now they also have matching pulley brake assemblies, pulleys and brake rotors for the 5 and 10 spoke.

    – 250 frames :
    No use in having the 250 Avon and a 10″ wide rear rim if ya don’t have a frame. Right? Well we do. The hardtails are in full production and the softails should be done by the time you all get this update. Give us a call for more info.

    – More and more custom bike builds :
    Guess Weerd stuff’s getting hip and trendy. The more the word gets out the more complete custom bike builds we’re doing. And then to think that in the good old days judges wouldn’t class our bikes because we had car tires in the back and flat black wasn’t accepted as a custom paint color!
    That’s all folks. If you haven’t gotten a poster yet give us a call or drop us a mail with your address and we’ll get one out to ya.
    Have a good one,

    -The Weerd Bros

    TRIBUTE TO FRISBEE–From Steve Frisbee’s friend and attorney and fellow racer Toni FroehlingLong time Washington State Harley Davidson drag racer Steve Frisbee was shot and killed by unknown assailants on Saturday, November 4. He was a victim of a shotgun blast as he looked out his front door. As of this time, the investigation is still proceeding and the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office is working hard to make an arrest. There was no obvious motive for the shooting.

    As anyone who knew him can verify, Steve was a free spirit, who was filled with adventure, creativity and a sense of humor. He operated his shop, Fantasy Motorcycles, in Sumner, Washington for nearly 20 years and had been active in the local and national racing scene for most of that time. For the past 10 years, he has been riding fuel bikes, including his own under the name Altered States Racing, as well as one built by Carl Pelletier operating as Competition Motorcycles based in Boise, ID. He most recently competed at the California Fun Drags and the AHDRA races at Las Vegas.

    Steve piloted his own Top Fuel bike TF 271 and recently was getting off the ground with TF 4857, but has been piloting for Carl & Lesa Pelletier (Salt Flat record holders) of Boise, ID for the past 5 years on PD 32. (AHDRA)

    Those who knew Steve will miss him, and those who never had the pleasure, have missed a great opportunity. Plans for a memorial will be announced in the near future. In the meantime, any kind thoughts will be appreciated. They are being collected for his Mother, who continues to reside in Arizona, and can be forwarded to:

    Toni Froehling
    16208 – 60th St E
    Sumner, WA 98390
    fax: 253-770-0144

    WHERE DID THE LAST YEAR GO?…and so fast. This new yearseve there are no resolutions jus this thought written byWalt Whitman.

    Oh, to be alive in such an age when miracles are everywhereand every inch of common air throbs a tremendousprophecy of greater marvels yet to be…..


    ROGUE’S GENUINE PARTS DISCOUNTS– Yes, he is the King of discounts.
    2 – American Quantum FXR PRO STREET FRAMES $600.00 ea
    1 – 4 Speed Harley transmission fits 1965-1984 Big Twin ( rebuilt)$1000.00
    1 Roadstar 16 inch spoke wheel in box$250.00
    1 Revtech 16×3 Front rally style billet wheel complete$350.00ea
    1 Sturgis 16×3 1/2 front Mirage style billet wheel complete$350.00
    1 Sturgis 16×3 1/2 Rim only Daytona style billet wheel$250.00
    2 Sturgis Front Rim Hubs Non Brake Side for Single Brake set-up$50.00ea
    1Sturgis 16×3 1/2 Rims only Rally style billet wheel$250.00
    1Sturgis 16×5 1/4 Rear Roadstar style billet wheel with Brake Side Hub(needs Pulleyside hub available from Sturgis wheel) Sturgis Roadstar Billet Rear BeltPulley $700.00
    1 Attitude style Sturgis Billet Rear Belt Pulley$300.00
    2 CCI 47-098 70 tooth rear pulley multi spoke$275.00ea
    2 American Quantum Billet Aluminum Anti-Reversionary Front Ends – Ready tobolt on. $700.00ea
    5 Billet Aluminum inner primarys to fit FXR$500.00ea
    5 Billet Aliminum outer primary covers to fit FXR$500.00ea
    4 HD inner primarys to fit FXR$200.00ea
    10 Sets of 4140 Steel EVO connecting rods$50.00set
    5 S&S Connecting rod sets part number 34-7010$150.00set
    2 Spyke Starter jackshaft kits CCI 28-677 big twins 89-93$70.00ea
    3-5 Speed Harley Davidson taper shaft diaphgram clutch assembly w/kevlarclutch plates $400.00ea
    Heavy Billet Aluminum 5 Speed transmission doors polished and beaings$150.00ea
    7 Jims pinion gears 24045-78 Green to 89$30.00ea
    3 Jims pinion gears 24043-78 Red to 89$30.00ea
    1Sets CCI 15-294 6 Gallon Gas Tanks HD FXST 1984-96 & custom frames$100.00set
    5 CCI 13-383 Russell Stainless Steel Disc Brake Rotors (oem 41813-79) Retail
    $ 79.95 – Dealer $55.25 – Rogue $50.00 ea
    5 CCI 13-381 Russell Stailess Steel Disc Brake Rotors (oem 41791-79A) Retail$79.95 – Dealer $55.25 – Rogue $50.00ea
    1 CCI 09-880 Adjustable Rear Mini Shaker Floorboard Set Retail $ 179.95 -Dealer $116.95 – Rogue $100.00
    1 Set (4) Custom Sumax Premium Pushrod Cover Kit For H.D.EVO $135.80Retail – $94.05 Dealer – $80.00 ROGUE
    1 H.D 132 Tooth Rear Drive Belt # H.D. 40023-86 Fits 86 to present Softail.$165.95 Retail – $107.95 Dealer – $100.00 ROGUE
    1 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve Head Front New Retail $295.68 – Dealer $197.12$195.00
    1 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve Head Front New Retail $295.68 – Dealer $197.12$195.00
    10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve heads front, minor repair needed on some(guide,seat,threads) Retail Price $295.68, – Dealer $197.12 But has guides& seats alreadyinstalled.$150.00ea
    10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve heads rear, minor repair needed on some(guide,seat,threads) Retail Price $295.68, – Dealer $197.12 But has guides & seats alreadyinstalled.$150.00ea
    1 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve front rocker boxes complete, need to be reshimed$395.00ea
    1 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve rear rocker boxes complete, need to be reshimed$395.00ea
    10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve front rocker boxes Retail $184.20- Dealer$122.80 $75.00ea
    10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve rear rocker boxes Retail $184.20- Dealer $122.80$75.00ea
    10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve front exhaust rocker arms Retail $159.38- Dealer$106.25 $75.00ea
    10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve front intake rocker arms Retail $159.38- Dealer$106.25 $75.00ea
    10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve rear intake rocker arms Retail $159.38- Dealer$106.25 $75.00ea
    10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve rear exhaust rocker arms Retail $159.38- Dealer$106.25 $75.00ea
    10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve rocker box covers Retail $86.52- Dealer $57.68$25.00ea
    10 Dual Carb Plenums for Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve heads Retail $95.07-Dealer$75.00 $50.00ea
    10 Intake Plenum Runners for Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve heads Retail $87.42-Dealer $58.28 $25.00ea
    50 Feuling-Quantum intake valves Retail $12.15- Dealer $8.10$ 8.10ea
    50 Feuling-Quantum exhaust valves Retail $11.03- Dealer $7.35$ 7.35ea
    50 Feuling-Quantum rocker shafts Retail $17.03- Dealer $11.35$ 11.35ea
    50 Feuling-Quantum Oversize Intake Valve Guides Retail $5.45- Dealer $3.63$3.63ea
    50 Feuling-Quantum Oversize Exhaust Valve Guides Retail $5.45- Dealer$3.63 $3.63ea
    50 Feuling-Quantum Oversize Intake Seats Retail $7.50- Dealer $ 5.00$5.00ea
    50 Feuling-Quantum Oversize Exhaust Seats Retail $7.50- Dealer $5.00$5.00
    20 Feuling-Quantum Commetic Head Gaskets for Non-O-Ring Heads$15.00ea
    20 Feuling-Quantum Rocker Box Cover Gaskets w/Sealer built in$10.00ea
    10 Feuling-Quantum Inner Valve Springs $ 4.00ea
    4 Feuling-Quantum Outer Valve Springs $ 5.00ea
    *** 8 Feuling 4 Valve Front Rocker Boxes for Sportster or 4Cam V-Twin$200.00ea
    *** 8 Feuling 4 Valve Rear Rocker Boxes for Sportster or 4 Cam V-Twin$200.00ea
    *** 8 Feuling 4 Valve Front exhaust rocker arms for Sportster or 4 CamV-Twin $150.00ea
    *** 8 Feuling 4 Valve Front intake rocker arms for Sportster or 4 CamV-Twin $150.00ea
    *** 8 Feuling 4 Valve Rear intake rocker arms for Sportster or 4 Cam V-twin$150.00ea
    *** 8 Feuling 4 Valve Rear exhaust rocker arms for Sportster or 4 CamV-Twin $150.00ea
    *** 8 Feuling 4 Valve Plenun chambers for Sportster or 4 Cam V-Twin$100.00ea
    5 Sets of Billet fender struts to fit Boyce frames$100.00set
    10 Front Offset motor mount black powdercoat Boyce frames$25.00ea
    10 Front Ofset motor mount Chrome KB 01-301 Boyce frames$30.00ea
    5 Petcocks CCI 25-253 & Chrome Spec. 260366$10.00ea
    3 Petcocks CCI 27050 Accel$30.00ea
    20 Steel motormount stablizer (turnbuckle complete) rubber mount 5 speeds$40.00ea
    5 FXR Chrome Kickstands$50.00ea
    1 Sumax #8635 Front Fender $100.00$50.00
    1 Sumax #8650 Front Fender $100.00$50.00
    1 Sumax #8651 Front Fender $100.00$50.00
    1 Sumax #8654 Front Fender $156.00$75.00
    1 Sumax #8604 W Rear Fender $158.00$75.00
    1 Sumax #8609 W Rear Fender $127.00$60.00
    1 Sumax #8617 W Rear Fender $114.00$55.00
    1 Sumax #8619 W Rear Fender $119.00$60.00
    1 Sumax #8656 W Rear Fender $192.00$95.00
    3 CCI 13-389 Russel Stainless Oil Lines for FXR 1987 – 1990 Retail$143.95 – Dealer $99.35 – Rogue $80.00
    3 CCI 13-387 Russel Stainless Oil Lines for Softail 1990 – 1992 Retail$156.95 -Dealer $109.15 – Rogue $90.00
    1 Dunlop 491 MT90B16-71H Front Tire $70.00
    1 Metzler Perfect ME-99A (150/80X16) Rear Tire $70.00
    TO VERIFY SUMAX Fenders Prices and other Info e-mail andask

    Other Stuff like seats,,stainless lines and cables to be listed later as Iam still sorting parts,

    Prices subject to change and some part limited.

    4 Valve Parts Available Fully Assembled and ready to bolt on. Mail forPrices & Details

    Alabama: Smarter than Arkansas
    Alaska: 11,623 Eskimos Can’t be Wrong
    Arizona: But It’s a Dry Heat
    Arkansas: Litterasy Ain’t Everthing
    California: As Seen on TV
    Colorado: If You Don’t Ski, Don’t Bother
    Connecticut: Like Massachusetts, Only Dirtier and With Less Character
    Delaware: We Really Do Like the Chemicals in Our Water
    Florida: Yes, We Are Still Counting

    ONE NIGHT–a guy takes his girlfriend home. As they are about to kiss each other goodnight, the guy starts feeling a littlehorny. With an air of confidence, he leans with his hand against thewalland, smiling,he says to her: “Baby, would you give me a blowjob?”

    Horrified, she replies “Are you mad? My parents will see us!”

    Him: “Oh come on! Who’s gonna see us at this hour?”

    Her: “No, please. Can you imagine if we get caught?”

    Him: “Oh come on! There’s nobody around, they’re all sleeping!”

    Her: “No way. It’s just too risky!”

    Him (horny as hell): “Oh please, please, I love you so much?!?”

    Her: “No, no, and no. I love you too, but I just can’t!”

    Him: “Oh yes you can. Please?”

    Her: “No, no. I just can’t”

    Him: “I beg you … ”

    Out of the blue, the light on the stairs goes on, and the girl’s little sister shows up in her pajamas, hair disheveled, and in a sleepy voice she says: “Dad says to go ahead and give him a blowjob. Otherwise I can do it. But for God’s sake tell him to take his hand off the intercom.”

    RUBBLE IN THE BUBBLE–The Los Angeles freeways are teeming with accidents and SUV rollovers. Streets are flooded and the next wave of Mother Nature’s rage is building but a few miles off the coast. Life is tenuous at best yet the Devil Dolls are planning a major party at San Diego Harley-Davidson this weekend as a Tsunami lingers off the coast waiting for unsuspecting riders to roll into the port town. I’m planning to spend the entire afternoon rescuing Sin Wu from the harmful effect of the seaside chill. Keeping her warm is my mission for the day. Long range, the goal for this week is to convince the DMV that I’m worthy of a plate for the Blue Flame, and we have just about finished the motorcycle desk for John Buttera of Little John Products.Bikernet News

    This year already makes life in the fast lane seem like a retirement program. We’ll re-evaluate our condition over the weekend and decide what the hell to do next. Stay tuned and warm.–Bandit

    Read More

    January 4, 2001


    Half the country is buried in snow and it’s as dry as a popcorn fart on the coast. Makes a man want to ride more than work. The new year started with a bang. I can’t tell you some of the plans just yet, but a couple of deals are under way that will, well, you’ll just have to wait and see. We’ve been in the garage a lot recently. The 1928 Shovelhead we’re building at the Dallas Easyriders store is rocking and scheduled to go to paint in the next couple of weeks. I’m working on a paint scheme without much luck. Maybe I need to go to the Easyriders Bike Show in Pomona this weekend for some inspiration.

    We’re beginning our Buell hop-up this week or next. Here’s an eye-opener: One of the projects for this year will be to finish my Badlands book with interviews with several veteran club members. Mike Lichter is the man behind the photographs. Mike and I may make a cross-country run to get the interviews and photos. The Harley-Davidson Street Fighter or Buell will be the mount for the ride.

    We’re finishing up the details on the next motorcycle desk project. The base for this unit will be a Paughco frame and front end and a channeled Evolution motor with a Custom Chrome 4-speed transmission. The pipes that hold up the glass top will be carefully crafted by Samson Exhaust Systems.

    I’m trying to unscramble my feeble brain to explain what happened on Jan. 1. There was a party, a girl, then another girl, then I woke up. At least I think I woke up, and went for a ride. It’s all so fucking fuzzy. Let’s get to the news.

    MINNESOTA A.I.M. ATTORNEY WINS RULING AGAINST GANG STRIKE FORCE– St. Paul, Minn. – (MCNW) In what is believed to be the first time bikers have successfully gone head to head with the Minnesota Gang Strike Force, lawyer Stephen R. O’Brien succeeded in obtaining judgment in favor of Michael Kanne and the Minnesota Motorcycle Club Coalition (Confederation of Clubs).

    Kanne and the MMCC sued the strike force on Oct. 5, calling a search this summer at Kanne’s St. Cloud apartment illegal. Kanne, a member of the Christian motorcycle club Bond Slaves, is secretary for the MMCC and has no criminal record. Seized were various items of personal property, three computers, dozens of disks and tapes, club mailing lists and other items belonging to the coalition.

    Kanne’s lawyer, Minnesota Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) attorney Stephen R. O’Brien, filed a notice of motion and a motion for the return of all property and the unsealing of the supporting affidavit, the document that justifies the signing of the search warrant.

    “By refusing to divulge the supporting affidavits, the government has shown no justification for the search,” O’Brien said.

    At a hearing on Nov. 9, Judge Bernard Boland ordered the immediate return of all property seized during the search. The judge also ruled that the supporting affidavit justifying the search warrant had to be disclosed. This may enable O’Brien to bring a 1983 federal lawsuit against the Minnesota Gang Strike Force.

    O’Brien recently sued a Crystal, Minn., bar for refusing service to a biker, and was awarded a $720 judgment in what is thought to be the first legal test of Minnesota’s newly enacted Equal Access biker anti-discrimination law.

    For his efforts, O’Brien was selected by the National Coalition of Motorcyclists board of directors to receive the NCOM Silver Spoke Award for Legal at next year’s NCOM convention in Orlando, Fla.

    SUPERBOWL PARTY– Someone called the other day and asked if there was a charge to come to the party. Well the answer is “No”. The food is on Bikernet, the Superbowl on the NFL and the bands on the Blue Cafe, but you need the coin to buy me drinks. Hell, even the parking directly out front is free.

    Of course, if you want a copy of my new book, you’ll have to pay big candy. Don’t miss it. Here’s your personal invitation: You can download the invitation here.

    HARLEY MAKES FORTUNE LIST OF 100 BEST COMPANIES TO WORK FOR– Harley-Davidson Motor Co. has made Fortune magazine’s annual list of “100 Best Companies to Work for,” coming in at No. 92. This is the third time in four years that Harley-Davidson has been on the list.

    More than 36,000 employees at the candidate companies filled out the Great Place to Work Trust Index, an employee survey that evaluates trust in management, pride in work and the company, and camaraderie.

    Details will be available in the Jan. 8 issue of Fortune, on newsstands now. Robert Levering and Milton Moskowitz, authors of “The 100 Best Companies to Work for in America,” assisted Fortune in compiling the list. For more information, visit

    ULTIMATE TECH TIP–Yes, after extensive research and threatening Snake with his job, Sin Wu came up with the notion for the ultimate tech tip. It hurts to be forced to admit that the concept for the ultimate tech came from a woman, but I humbly admit that it’s true. It’ll be posted soon, don’t miss it.


    1. At least five people in this world love you so much they would die foryou.
    2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
    3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to bejust like you.
    4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don’tlike you.
    5. Every night, someone thinks about you before they go to sleep.
    6. You mean the world to someone.
    7. Without you, someone may not be living.
    9. You are special and unique in your own way.
    10. Someone whom you don’t know even exists, loves you.
    11. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
    12. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look. You most likely turned your back on the world.
    13. When you think you have no chance at getting what you want, youprobably won’t get it, but if you believe in yourself, you probably will get itsooner or later.
    14. Always remember compliments you receive, forget about the ruderemarks.
    15. Always tell someone how you feel about them, you will feel much betterwhen they know.

    BUELL REPORT–Check out this exhaust for the Buell from BUB Enterprises at It retails for $470.Good looking setup, don’t you think?

    __Agent M-2 Anson

    ZEBRA SURFACES–Got a question for you. This gas tank is leaking, again. It’d would be the fourth time I’ve had it welded, if I fixed it again, which I’m not interested in doing, because it won’t work. I think the capacity of the tank (although I’ve only been running it half full after Miami to try and remedy the problem) versus the thickness of the steel is a ratio that allows the weight of the fuel, during bumps and rough roads, to crack the metal around the welds, no matter how many times they fix it and I repaint it.

    Do we have anyone out there who can get me a tank that’ll hold fuel and not bust all to hell, and that’d look decent on that scoot? Something under a million dollars.

    –The fireman, Zebra

    If we don’t see an edit of “Burning Daylight” in the near future, our explosives will be set to detonate rather than corrode.

    OPEN LETTER TO BANDIT FROM SEDUCTIVE SUNDANCE, DIRECTOR OF BIKERNET’S CYBER BIKE SHOW–You know that most women feel that if we want something done, we’d better handle it ourselves, and let me assure you that I’m no different – especially when dealing with Bandit!?

    I was relaxing in my office with a hot cup of tea and reviewing some new bike show entries when my computer chimed to notify me of a new e-mail message. Ed Jauch, one of our winners from November, was writing to ask me if I had received his mailing address. It seems Ed had not yet received his prize for winning in the Sportster Division over a month ago and was wondering what the hold up was.

    “BANDIT!” I hollered as I headed down the hall. “What is it you wish, oh tall and blonde one?” Bandit schmoozed as he looked at me with his most innocent little boy grin. “Did you forget one tiny little detail last month when you knocked off for the holidays?” I asked. “No, I don’t think so. Gee, Sin even watered the plants while you were gone. What’s up?” “Well, it seems our November winners are?still waiting on their prizes, and I just know you sent?them out already, RIGHT?”

    “Oh SH_T! – the prizes!” Bandit was moving at full speed now, and I trailed him down the hall to see Layla. “With all of this year-end stuff, I completely forgot to mail the prizes to the November winners. Can you get them out today?” She looked up cooly from her still wet nails and calmly informed Bandit that she could take care of a simple task like mailing prizes. Bandit looked at me and smiled. “See, no harm done. The prizes will get out today! You worry too much Sundance!” Bandit saluted us both and headed back down the hall, grateful that I no longer had cause to be angry with him. Layla looked at me like a kindergarten teacher addressing her class on the first day of school. “I thought you knew by now that if you want something done around here, you should bring it to me in the first place.” “I know, I know. It won’t happen again,” I apologized. We smiled that smile of female camaraderie (and began to disrobe), and I wondered if it would ever occur to Bandit who it is that really runs Bikernet.


    I tell ya, I’m innocent–Bandit

    REMEMBER?–having your photo taken on this bike in So. Cal. at an Easyriders rodeo? They gave away a workstation the same weekend. Recently sold the scooter to a friend in No Cal. His name is Shawn. Will also send photos of a diamond deck workstation for the new product section.

    –Thanks a million, Ray C. Wheeler


    1. You just tried to enter your password on themicrowave.
    2. You now think of three espressos as “gettingwasted.”
    3. You haven’t played solitaire with a real deck ofcards in years.
    4. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach yourfamily of three.
    5. You call your son’s beeper to let him know it’s timeto eat. He e-mails you back from his bedroom, “What’sfor dinner?”
    6. Your daughter sells Girl Scout cookies via herWeb site.
    7. You chat several times a day with a stranger fromSouth Africa, but you haven’t spoken with your nextdoor neighbor yet this year.
    8. You didn’t give your valentine a card this year, butyou posted one for your e-mail buddies via a Web page.
    9. Your daughter just bought a CD of all the recordsyour college roommate used to play.
    10. You check the ingredients on a can of chickennoodle soup to see if it contains echinacea.
    11. You check your blow dryer to see if it’s Y2Kcompliant.
    12. Your grandmother clogs up your e-mail inbox askingyou to send her a JPEG file of your newborn so she cancreate a screen saver.
    13. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cellphone to see if anyone is home.
    14. Every commercial on television has a Web siteaddress at the bottom of the screen.
    15. You buy a computer and a week later it is out ofdate and now sells for half the price you paid.
    16. The concept of using real money, instead of creditor debit, to make a purchase is foreign to you.
    17. Cleaning up the dining room means getting the fastfood bags out of the back seat of your car.
    18. Your reason for not staying in touch with family isthat they do not have e-mail addresses.
    19. You consider second-day air delivery painfullyslow.
    20. Your idea of being organized is multiple-coloredPost-it notes.
    22. You hear most of your jokes via e-mail instead ofin person.

    RACE PROGRAM INSPIRATION–Few women are into racing motorcycles, but a group has now been formed to enable women to become more of an intragel part of the racing scene. The group, centered in Cleveland, Ohio, is called WRAFS — Women’s Race Action for Sex. Leader Shiela Lust said of the new organization, “There’s nothing more rewarding in the world than accomplishment and sex. We know that sex is the ultimate stimulus for accomplishment, and there’s nothing that drives a man to better, faster and more quality accomplishment than the promise of fine sex. Besides, when they’re on top of their game, it’s all the better for us. Imagine making love to a loser. The program works, and we’re looking for more women to join to help our men succeed.”With over 500 members, they plan to move into virtually every competitive arena. Watch for Shiela and representatives of WRAFS to be featured on Jerry Springer later this month, then on Jay Leno.

    FAST FOOD REPORT–I’ve noticed McDonald’s recently added a small sign to their front door, asfollows:

    Braille andPicture MenusAvailable

    Obviously aimed at the blind who can’t see and the illiterate who can’tread.

    –John S.

    SAN DIEGO FEMALE GANG WARS– Bandit, that would be so totally cool if you attended our bash. Damn…It is definitely gonna be a good time, definitely wild, and not for the mild.

    OK, here’s the info: “The Devil Dolls MC and NY Myke/San Diego H-D are hosting the killer bash on Jan. 12 with a VIP gig, then on Jan. 13 a party from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Then it’s a free for all as we all go out and terrorize the So. Cal. citizens! For more info, check events on, or call (888)8 CYCLES. “No khaki/blue shirt yuppie uniforms allowed.”

    Be cool, baby.Happy New Year!

    THIS IN FROM WINO JOE– Muchas gracias por su libro con su firma. Nuff’a that Mexshit:) Have’a good one pal! Keep them senor-eaters on their knees toplease! Y’all keep the rubber-side down. Party up! But pack that rollin’a garbagebag; spend the nite with pals and don’t get “caught” out inthe cold.

    With respect to those that count. Ride On! Wino Joe,USA

    BIKER BABE FROM THE BIG APPLE REPORT–Here is happy me wishing it were riding weather. Brrr…too much cold andsnow. Yuck. Give me that crazy, sexy, hot weather any day over this cold,nippilating temperature. Want to come melt some icicles?


    WHAT A DUCKHEAD!– A man took his old duck to the doctor, concerned because the duck wouldn’t eat. The doctor explained to the man that as ducks age, their upper bills grow down over their lower bills and make it difficult for the animal to pick up its food.

    “What you need to do is gently file the upper bill down even with the lower bill. But you must be extra careful because the duck’s nostrils are located in the upper bill and if you file down too far, when the duck takes a drink of water it’ll drown.”

    The man goes about his business and about a week later the doctor runs into the duck owner. “Well, how is that duck of yours?” the doctor inquired.

    “He’s dead,” declared the heartbroken man.

    “I told you not to file his upper bill down too far! He took a drink of water and drowned, didn’t he?” insisted the doctor.

    “No,” lamented the man. “I think he was dead before I took him out of the vise.”

    –from Rick


    OK Oz, repeat after me….. For 2001:

    1.) I resolve to get Digi-Dude the parts he needs to build his rigid.
    2.) I resolve not to tell Bandit to fuck off every day (even if he does deserve it).
    3.) I resolve to sign the best in the industry as sponsors and keep us all in beans and booze!
    4.) I resolve NEVER to be a politician, because the guys at Bikernet need me, and don’t want to see me converted into an EVIL profession…….
    5.) I resolve to make that Softail Standard one bitchin’ ride – then run Zebra over with it.
    6.) I resolve NOT to round file this e-mail where it will never been seen again.

    Happy Fuckin’ New Year!!!!!

    TOURING CHOPPER FOR SALE–That’s right, the touring chop is on the auction block. It may be on display at the Easyriders bike show in Pomona this weekend. Come watch Bandit squirm around on the pavement detailing his bikes. It’s Saturday from noon to 11 p.m.

    I’VE LEARNED SOME NEW SHIT–I’ve learned that you can keep puking long after you think you’re finished.

    I’ve learned that we are responsible for what we do, unless we are celebrities.

    I’ve learned that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first,the passion fades, and there had better be a lot of money to take its place.

    I’ve learned that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you’redown will be the ones who do.

    I’ve learned that we don’t have to ditch bad friends, because their dysfunctionmakes us feel better about ourselves.

    I’ve learned that no matter how you try to protect your children, they will eventually get arrested and end up in the local paper.

    I’ve learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from youtoo soon and all the less important ones just never go away.

    I’ve learned to say “Fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke” … in six languages.


    HAPPY FRAGGIN’ EVERYTHING CREW–Watch “Junkyard Wars,” a must see for bikers andmotorheads of all ages. If you locked Tim Allen, MadMax and Monty Python in a garage, you’d end up with”Junkyard Wars” – the engineering contest of harebrainedschemes, incredible tools and lots and lots of ducttape (remember boys and girls: Duct Tape – don’t leavehome without it). Thisprogram pits two teams of tool-toting gearheadsagainst one another to see who can create the biggest,fastest or strongest whatever with parts they scroungeout of a junkyard.

    “Junkyard Wars” made its North Americanpremiere on Wednesday nights this past December. Thenew sasson, the All-Americanversion, started Jan. 3. Mark yourcalenders.

    Consider this a public serviceannouncement.

    Live Free Or Die,
    Jim Buck

    LIFE, LOVE AND THE ETERNAL PURSUIT OF LUST AND SATISFACTION–My code for the week. The new year is underway with a straight-pipe blast. The ER show circuit is underway. The dealer shows are coming in February and already we’re trying to finish bikes by March for Daytona. Sin Wu is tapping on the back door and, believe it or not, it’s warm enough out there to lay in the sun and watch those warming rays put a natural glow on her perfect naked body. Can you blame me for wanting to split? Then later we’ll tinker with Little John’s desk project and go for a ride. Life couldn’t get much better. –Bandit

    Read More

    Digital’s Rigid

    Welcome to the inside of the Bikernet Northwest Garage. This is where the next project begins. The goal – To complete one bad ass, mail haulin, knuckle draggin’, speed bump scrapin’, rip the skin off your face, back breakin’ rigid scoot.

    This bike is going to be ALL about mailorder. Since many of you don’t have shops in your area that are versed in how to build a custom scoot, we thought you might like to know how we did one without the help of a local professional shop. Buying parts is easy. Painting, powder coating, and certain sheet metal fabrication and modification however, can pose particular problems when you, the builder, do not have the ability paint or weld. Watch over the next couple of months while we put this beauty together (without the help of a local shop) and tackle some of the hurdles of a ground up – mail order custom.

    The following is a glimpse of some of the stuff we have so far. It should be noted that the most important piece of equipment here IS the cooler pictured in the first photo (above). You gotta have beer to properly build and test a rigid…..

    This is the single piece Softail tank with welded shrouds on the front and in the seat pocket. This particular tank is available from Custom Chrome. Since this is going on a custom frame with a 2″ backbone stretch, we made some minor mods that required some welding and finishing. More on that later.

    The Baker Six Transmission. This is the Softail version. These amazing pieces of engineering come with full width Andrews Gears. They’re tough. Damned tough. One of these took Zebra from Florida to Sturgis at a non-stop 110 MPH last year.

    Pickin’ Up The Pieces– 

    The above photo details the back end of the Atlas Precision ‘Roadrunner’ frame. Attached is a 9″ wide stubby fender, also supplied by Atlas. Both the fender and the frame are designed to handle 200 mm meat. We’ll be using a 180 for the project.

    Since wide tire aftermarket frames require special fenders, you have to be careful to select the proper width fender and fender struts because stock fenders don’t often fit, even if you run a stock tire.

    The Atlas Seat pictured above is by Danny Gray, built specially for Atlas to fit their frames. It’s pretty bare bones, but fits the ‘Roadrunner’ like a glove. This seat also came with an optional pillon pad. I got it so the wife could tag along. I have a feeling, it’ll get used only once. A note about the seat maker. Danny uses all European leather to make his seats. He does this for a good reason. Since European cattle ranchers don’t use barbed wire, the cattle don’t get any scars. This means, you get a seat without any irregularities in the leather.


    See the open BDL drive in the box? Stop drooling – it’s mine! We’ll be putting one together in detail for you.

    In addition, we’ve got a LOT of Joker components for the project including the hand controls, wheels, pulley’s brake rotors, etc. We’ll detail ALL of the goodies when we pull them outta the box and mount them to the bike.


    Stay tuned boys and girls. When Oz gets me the engine, we’ll really start to rock and roll!



    We’ve collected a number of parts for the rigid over the last few months – but one key item was missing. That’s the engine. When it came time to decide on a power plant for the project, there were a couple of factors that warrented consideration. The first is of course, cold hard cash. None of us have a lot. Any way you cut it, an engine is not cheap. The second factor, of course, is engine performance. Nobody wants to make this kind of investment, no matter what the price, only to find out it the motor is a dog or doesn’t hold it’s own when the throttle is cracked. (When buying mail order, performance is particularly tough to judge because you never get to test the engine before you buy.) The third factor is overall quality. If you shell out a few grand for a motor – you don’t want to have to do it again in 3 years. You want it to last, and you don’t want it to be plagued with problems. Having a bike that spends more time in the shop then it does on the road just plain sucks.

    As the number of V-Twin manufacturers increases to meet current demands, the competition to provide a high quality, big torque V-Twin that can withstand time and abuse for a reasonable price has also increased. The clear winner in this competition is you, the consumer.

    For those of us who need to maximize our dollar spent, we need to really understand our requirements. What’s the average biker want? A motor that’s usable for the street. If you want a Nitro-Burning tire shredder, get ready to spend some serious cash. But if you basically want a hot street motor, and live on a budget, you should to look at a couple of factors. These are performance, reliability, total long term cost of ownership,and the reputation of the engine manufacturer.

    For this project, a Revtech 100 CI Evo-Style motor was procured. The guys at Custom Chrome cut us a deal on it to fit our budget. Let’s have a look at some of the features that convinced me that the RevTech 100 was my best choice.

    First off, the Engineering and Manufacturing team at RevTech have spent thousands of hours researching, designing, building, and testing their engine design. When you buy one of these motors, you’re not just buying an engine, you’re buying 20 years of experience and expertise from one of the largest, most respected aftermarket american v-twin companies in the business. The company’s reputation was an important in choosing to buy one of these motors because I’ve never so much as thrown a leg over a bike built with one of these engines.

    Second – The spec sheet. Have a look at all the features this engine has.

    Basic Features
  • ALL Chrome Covers are included. No need to add your own. Price this out when you’re building your next project. You’ll see the advantage of buying these as a package. 
  • Comes with a Mikuni Carburator, Revtec Air Cleaner, Thunderheart Ignition Pickup AND Thunderheart Electronic Ingnition Module. Keep this in mind when buying a motor. The Module, Ignition System, and Carb/Aircleaner setup when purchased separately are worth at LEAST $600 retail if you have to add them separately. There’s a trick feature here too – the ignition module is actually mounted right on the pickup – so mounting an external box is NOT required. 
  • Available in 88 or 100 CI displacements, in Raw, Black Powdercoat, or Show Polished finishes on the cylinders, heads, and case.
  • Case
  • 356-T6 Aluminum Case with added material in key areas for increased strength. What does this mean? Lower case flex. Why is that good? Longer bearing and shaft life. If things stay aligned, they wear less. It also means, this motor can take some punishment and that your lower end is likely to fail in an extreme condition than your average run of the mill case. 
  • Removeable Lower Sump Plate. – This is VERY cool. It allows you to keep tabs on your motor over time by being able to inspect the lower end WITHOUT having to rip the whole motor apart. You don’t get this with just any case. 
  • Pressed and Bolted Crank Pin and Pinion Bushing Carriers. The carrier on the left is pressed in like stock. The one on the right is pressed and bolted against a machined surface for superior alignment across the case. This translates into better alignment of the bearings, lower friction, and less bearing and shaft wear.
  • Heads
  • No head gaskets! O-Rings are used for LEAK PROOF SEALS. This is an extremely important feature for retaining compression and performance over time. 
  • Wider than stock spaced head bolts for superior strength. 
  • D-shaped ports for high flow characteristics. If your motor ain’t flowin’, it ain’t goin’.
  • Cylinders
  • Steel cyliner liners are perma-locked into the outer aluminum casting for the ULTIMATE in durabilty. 
  • Larger Cooling Fin Area that Stock Evo Motors for lower engine temperatures. Lower engine temperatures means your oil retains it’s integrity longer and provides better engine protection to reduce wear.
  • Cast Pistons in the 88″ motor, Forged Pistons in the 100″ CI Motor. This is something you may want to consider if you have a personal preference.
  • Flywheels
  • The halves are one piece forged and then post machined from 4340 Steel. What’s that mean? They’re seriously strong and accurately manufactured.
  • Oil Pump

  • The latest in oil pump technology. NEVER underestimate the importance of delivering good lubraction to your motor. In an air cooled motor, oil is also the lifeline to cooling.
  • Warranty

  • 2 Year – 20,000 Mile warranty. Just make sure you fill out the card when it comes.
  • Shipping

  • Bagged and shipped in a custom built wooden crate..
  • Third factor – Total price – about $5600, retail. We did some internet shopping and found that you can knock about $600-$700 off if you look around a little.

    We also priced comparable Black Powder Coated 100 CI motors from S&S $6300 Retail + which still require an ignition module to run (about a $200-$350 investment). If you want a TP Engineering motor, add another $500-$600 to those prices. Don’t get me wrong. S&S and TP make damned good engines, but you’ll pay for them. If you want a great motor that’s convenient to install, and has the added benefit of a carb pre-installed and dialed in with a pre-existing ignition module, and you’re on a budget to boot, you may want to have a hard look at the Revtech motor.

    We’ll have some details about mounting it into the frame as the project progresses.


    OK, I know….. It’s a shitty photo. Sorry folks. The good news is, it’s promted me to go out and buy a new camera – so keep an eye out for some high quality photography in the next installment.

    So here it is. Actually, as I write this, the project is a little further than the photo would indicate, but the time it takes me to get film developed has me at a disadvantage (Did I mention that camera will be a digital one?) Whatever the case, at this point, it’s almost completely mocked up.

    We do have one good photo to show you however (and no, I didn’t take it.) It’s a photo of the front end. I feel it’s one of the centerpieces of the bike. It’s a GCB 54 mm inverted system. It’s massive. They aren’t the most inexpensive forks on the market, but a set of forks this wide will give you the most stable ride you’ve had. Not to mention, they look killer.

    This set came from Chrome Specialties. The chrome leg version retails for about $3000, but if you shop around the web, you can sometimes find someone with an online shop who will sell them to you for 10-15% less.


    These setups come in either a wide or mid-glide style fork, in either satin or chrome. They are stock FL length (30″) which when matched with the rigid frame and 40° rake, provides for a nice level stance on the frame.

    A couple of things I’ve learned along the way during the mockup.

    1.) If you’re building a bike with rake over stock – get prepared to make use of internal fork stops. I’ve got somthing kinda jimmy-rigged for the mock up, but will be putting some in soon.

    2.) If you’re making use of a belt drive, be sure you’ve got a tool to remove the race from the main shaft. Jim’s makes one. If you go look in their section, you’ll see a “How To” on using one. I ended up waiting for some period to time to get mine in the mail.


    3.) If you think you can use the spacers and the bearings only to determine where your front wheel should be placed on the axel – think again. I was able to do this on my last bike, but not on this one. I found that the races in the hub were not quite where I thought they should be. They were off about 1/4″ the left as received from the manufacturer when looking at the bike from the front. Since I had a local shop already check the end play on the bearing races, and pack the hubs, I had to make up the difference with spacers….. Which meant I had to order some….. Which meant I had to wait another week for parts. Patients is a virtue when building a mail order custom.

    4.) Paint. I’ve changed my mind on paint. I’d planned originally to paint the bike orange and put some racing stripes down the middle. Here’s the problem. I’ll be sending my paint out via UPS to have a friend paint it who lives in California. So, without the chassis, how do you line up the stripes along the length of the bike? The answer is, you don’t. So much for that idea. Instead, here’s a pencil sketch of the artwork that will be adorning the tanks. Jon Towle is working on the final product, and I’m going to see if I can’t sweet talk Crazy Horse into making it a reality in enamel.


    Uncle Big Bad – By Jon Towle

    When Jon get’s the artwork done and colored, we’ll have a look to see what color will be best behind it, then it’s time to send the sheetmetal out for paint.


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    Although you haven’t seen it in a fully assembled state, the rigid has actually been mocked up to completion. However, anyone who’s built their own sled knows that an assembled bike without paint and powder just isn’t quite the same as the finished product. Although a primered mock-up will show you the lines and shape of a bike, the machine doesn’t truly come to life until it’s been dawned with color. For that reason, we saved a lot of the assembly detail for you until the paint and powder was complete.

    The mocked-up rigid was torn down to the frame, which was sent out for powder coat. It came in only a few days ago and blew my socks off. Although the photos shown here make it look screaming red, it’s actually a deep sunset orange.

    The powder coat was done by Hytek Finishes in Kent, Washington. Hytek was the ONLY house I could find in the area that had worked with anything other than a flat powder. This one is a candy orange, color matched to a House of Kolor Kandy paint I’d selected as the base coat for the sheet metal.

    Candy paints are valued mostly for their depth. They are made of a base metallic coat covered by a transparent paint. House of Kolor offers a color book for about $42 that you can order from their Web site. Many custom painters around the country use and are familiar with these paints, so they make for a good standard to work with. Candy colors will vary slightly based on the thickness of the transparent color that is used to coat the base.

    Candy powder is a little different. The base principle is the same, but you are limited on thickness that can be sprayed because the metal has to be charged to get powder to stick. If the base coat is too thick, you will lose the charge and be unable to get the top coat to stick. Whenever you pick a powder house to do your candy color, make sure they’ve used such paints before because they are tricky to use. This one had a couple of thin spots underneath because the powder coater didn’t want to lay it on too thick. Fortunately, the areas are under the bike that nobody will ever see.

    The way I had this matched was to send the House of Kolor sample to Hytek Finishes. They sent the sample to their ‘Prismatic Powder’ supplier, who custom mixed the powder for the job. Not many places do this, so you may have to do some searching. The results are well worth the effort.


    With the frame back in the garage, it was time to get started. The first order of business was to get the power train in place. I started by prepping the area where the engine would sit in the frame. To do this, one must take the time to pad the area so as not to scrape the shit out of the newly finished frame. I used a combination of plastic tape, pipe insulators, towels and bubble wrap to do this.


    It is important to use a heavy tape where the engine will mount.


    It was then time to put the Revtech engine in place. Caution and ease are the keys to success here. One thing to note: If you build a ride of your own and are using the type of stand I do, which sits under the frame, make sure the rails are around where the bottom of the engine will sit to ensure the motor will fall into place and not sit ON the rails.


    Using a pen, the front and rear engine mounts were traced. The engine was removed and what is left is what you see in the next photo.


    Using a razor blade, I removed the tape from the areas where I planned to mount the engine and prepared to strip the powder coat. The powder must be stripped from the mounting area because the power train must make electrical ground contact to the frame for the ignition, starter and speedo sensor on the transmission.



    Once the tape was removed, a small Dremel tool was used to strip the area down to the bare metal.


    The area was cleaned and the engine was placed back in the frame over the bare metal spots.



     Once the engine was back in place, the bolts were placed and the tape was removed.

    Then it was on to the area where the transmission was to be placed.


    The transmission plate from Custom Chrome and the rear fender mounts were put into place and bolted down.


    The transmission was then put in place but not bolted down.


    You’ll notice at this point that the secondary pulley is already on the transmission’s output shaft and the shifter lever is in place. Note: You want the shift lever to be straight up and down when bolted in place. The one in the photo required some adjusting to make this correct.

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    This project uses a BDL open drive system to drive the tranny, so the motor plate was put into place and bolted down while the engine bolts and transmission bolts were still loose. Make sure to use Loctite 242 and to torque the bolts to spec per the instruction sheet provided with the BDL system.

    Something to note: This plate comes with its own bearing for the main shaft on the transmission, so the color had to be previously removed from the transmission. A tool from JIMS USA is available for this and can be found here in their section on Bikernet.


    The offset needs to be pinned into the front pulley as shown below.


    Both pulleys had to be slid onto the engine and transmission shaft simultaneously.


     At this point I needed to make sure the front and rear pulleys were even at their outer edges. This was to make sure the belt does not rub on the pulley rim. A long level or other straight edge can be used to do this. If you need to move the front pulley out, Custom Chrome sells some hardened shims just for this purpose that range in thickness from .010 inch to .200 inch thick. Don’t be surprised if you have what you think is a “stock” application and you need shims. Depending on the rotor/stator setup on your motor, you will most likely need to shim the front pulley. Here’s a top view of a system that has been properly aligned.


    The spring plate on the clutch had to be removed to allow for bolting the rear pulley to the shaft. This was done by removing the six spring/bolt assemblies and the plate.


    The bolt was torqued down to spec, along with the front pulley. I was then ready to turn the motor to make sure the belt tracked properly. To torque these down, an air compressor and an impact wrench was required. I would never have been able to torque against the motor or transmission using a regular torque wrench unless I had jammed the pulleys.

    Using a large torque wrench, I turned the motor forward a few times to make sure the belt could make three revolutions and still track to the center of the two pulleys. If you use one of these set ups, it should track as assembled, but if it doesn’t, check the spacing on your front pulley. If you still have problems, you can call BDL and they will walk you through how to shim things up on your frame.




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