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October 31, 2002 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

Goose neck frame

LOOKING FOR A GOOSENECK FRAME–They’re available on line through Bikernet’s Shopping Gulch in the Chrome Specialties area. Check it out. Part number 170378. Yep, it’s a rigid for $1299.


BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT– Yes, I’m back in the tropics but not for long. Next week we will pay a visit to the Bikernet headquarters. It’s something I must do. The promises of my new Porsche, a first class ticket and accommodations on Bandit’s coin is something impossible to refuse, yeap twist my arm. I’m heading to the land of freeways, silicone implants and sick choppers. I hope the chateau San Pedro is ready for us, yes us, the Choppers Inc. masters of disaster will be following closely. I’m sure this will be a story to tell our kids, if we end up having any, but for now, let’s do this, one more week.

As always I received an e-mail of some Bozo, like I say, one out of twenty ain’t that bad. Almost always the Bozo e-mail is the one who makes me think the most, so here we go. Yessir..fully editorial rampage tonight, just because it’s Halloween. To make things short and not give too much importance to the aforementioned individual, the claim was that since I’m from Puerto Rico and did not fight in the second big war, nor was an Angel, I could not be talking about or building choppers because my roots were as far as they can be from all this ??? In other words, most of us can’t talk, nor build, nor say stuff about other bikes since we are not part of those three things. My choice in building motorcycles, riding rigids, or doing whatever I damn please has nothing to do with my homeland, or my war attendance (I was not even remotely born then) or my membership to a club. I sort of understand what he was saying, I lack the background basics for the true chopper hardcore culture. Maybe so, but…


I wonder how many of the people building bikes in this World are really part of that culture, very few is my wild guess, very,very , few. What gives us the right to build choppers, simple and clear as Jamaican sewer water: We want to and we can do it….. So based on this limited intelligent thought, most of the builders or industry people are not qualified to do this job–back to the employment classifieds guys !!!

Anyway, the freedom that we all cherish is the freedom to do as we damn please with our lives. I can bash any Softail, Road King or rubber mount that I please. It’s called freedom of speech buckoo… But you know what, and since we are on this line of thought, sometimes when people read stuff, they should read between the lines. I really don’t give a rats ass what you ride or what you do with your freedom. To some it might be interesting to read other viewpoints, to some the coolest thing in the world is a Road Kill, do you think that because of Bandit buying a Road King that I don’t think is cool or my respect towards him changed, Hell no!!! He has paid more dues than all of us together.

It’s the Biffs and Buffy’s of this ” lifestyle” who I make fun of, the posers, the wannabees, the pretenders. True I was not born into this culture, but at least I don’t put my chaps on every Sunday, get on my brand new factory whatever and pretend to be a Harley encyclopedia, bad ass, road warrior. I live and breath these fucking cycles day in and day out, year after year…. To me it’s not a fashion statement, nor the latest cool thing to do, it’s a way of life, here in Puerto Rico or in Katmandu, and I don’t have to take my newest priced possession to the ” authorized” dealer for a burnt light bulb. I can kick a damn bike and ride with a jockey shift. These are now rarities in our ” culture” I guess we just respect our peers because they don’t pretend to be what they are not, Softail, rubber mount, rigid or not. We like certain bikes because we can. Everyone develops a certain taste for certain stuff. Some like brunettes, others Asians, some like rigid choppers , some like Softails….The beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I would not be caught dead on a HOG ride, and I have absolutely nothing against them. It’s just not my style, not my kind of people. I rather be wrenching on a broken down chopper with friends that ” enjoying” the ultra reliability of the TC (yeah right !!). I rather be getting soaken wet than have a windshield. It’s what I prefer. To me old is cool, less is more, choppers rule, and posers suck.

And now to the news…….

Congratulations to Jesse James and his new bride, they tied the noose last week, we wish them both the best.


Congratulations to Billy Lane and Rumble Customs from Canada the two new Camel Road House builders. Jim Nasi and Jesse James are stepping down from the honors. All I can say is that Billy’s bike is gonna be wicked….Buy as you know, what happens here, what you see here, and what is talked here…..Stays HERE !

I just read Chuck Zito’s new book Street Justice, another cool book, it’s more or less the story of his life and the rules in which he lives it. I think if there was more people like Chuck this would be a better world. It’s worth a read.

Like we said, we are heading to California, the Love Ride and Jesse’s No love Party, it promises to be lots of fun and chock full of mishaps…stay tuned…

The San Juan HOG chapter will have their annual Caribbean Rally Nov 21 to 25th. There’s still spaces available (you can take mine). They will ride around the island, on their latest 100th anniversary bikes, blinding and boring people as they go by…..Don’t miss it. It’s a great ride, plus a good time to try out how loud your drag pipes really are (do not apply if under warranty).

We had a great time at The Horse Chopper Show, we traded sarcasms with Frank Kaisler, the super West Coast operative and Bikernet tech guru. We totally surprised to see Howard Kelly there and had a blast with the usual suspects and misfits of this industry……

Crazy Horse jose's fest

Crazyhorse from the Bikernet stable gettin’ crazy at Biketoberfest.

I want to thank everyone who we met at Biketoberfest and only had good things to say about my stuff in Bikernet and the Horse (even if you were lying). It’s really great to hear people actually liking our work. There was also a lot of people talking about me busting Bandit’s balls about the Road kill, thanks for the encouragement….For those who said that you did not like it….go suck an egg (actually there were none).

Issue 28 of The Horse is already out, cool articles and cool photos of the Smoke Out, I believe even Bandit managed to stay in the infernal heat long enough to get his photo taken. Speaking of taken, don’t even think about the Horse Maiden….

Our friend Mike Maldonado is back at it and in full force. Check his stuff out at Heavy Cycle Customs, it’s on the web.

Also our friend the Sheriff from Sweden got back from his trip to Japan, check out this cool site of the people he was hanging out with


Paul Cox’s creation.

We had time to meet with Indian Larry and Paul Cox from Gasoline Alley in NYC, we have all seen Indian Larry’s bike, but Paul had a really cool choppa with the fliest girder front end I’ve ever seen.

Keep an eye for our Biketoberfest report, the regulars, like Crazy Horse, Frank and yours truly will bring you a kaleidoscope (did I spell that right?) of reports. A wild variety, besides all the naked chicks at Lollipops…..Coming soon to a web site near you…..

Our web site keeps on growing, we already have a bunch of the Biketobermess photos up and running…check them out, if you want and you can.

Well that’s about it for this week. Gotta go hide before the kids with masks come knocking at the door with Uzis and Glocks. I guess now days it’s treat or lead….See ya next week.

PS: Any gripes, praise or gifts please direct them to care of Porsche 911 Carrera fund.

–Jose “Hardly Dangerous prestigious reporter of the day” award winning Caribbean Report.


YANKEE OPENER–Bill and Hillary were at the Yankee’s home opener, sitting in the firstrow, with the Secret Service people directly behind them. One of theSecret Service guys leaned forward and said something to Bill. Clintonstared at the guy, looked at Hillary, looked back at the agent, and shruggedhis shoulders.

Then he picked up Hillary by the coat collar and theseat of her pants, and dropped her right over the wall into the field. She’skicking and swearing and screaming, and the crowd goes wild. They’recheering, applauding, and high-fiving. Bill is bowing and smiling, when theagent leans forward and says: “I said, they want you to throw out thefirst PITCH!”

–from Bob T.

H-D rental

HARLEY-DAVIDSON AUTHORIZED RENTALS & TOURS WELCOMES EAGLERIDER TO TOUR OPERATOR PROGRAMMILWAUKEE Continuing to offer the most exclusive and exhilarating motorcycle tours available, Harley-Davidson Authorized Rentals & Tours announces the addition of tour operator, EagleRider, to their Authorized Tours family. Now motorcyclists have even more options to select from for their next motorcycling adventure.

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October 31, 2002 Part 2


Continued From Page 1


V-ROD GIVEAWAY TIME!!!–That’s the line at the head of an e-mail I received from California H-D in Lomita. Can’t find anything more on the subject. I’m still looking.

Tbear Bungalow

Tbear and Rouni

BIKERNET TAHITIAN RUN FOR KIDS–We’re working with T Bear (above) on a bike tour of Tahiti with 20 of our closest friends, to support the island kids’ facilities. Bikernet never does anything using the Biker Book Of Hoil. We’ve got to break rules. So here’s the deal as it stands. We take 20 riders to Tahiti for six days, of island drinks, island hopping, warm pristine waters and island riding. We’ll drag along Bikernet staff, and a handful of well known builders for this week getaway to some of the most beautiful islands in the Pacific.

Stay tuned.


ASPHALT COWBOY MOVIE PROJECT REPORT–The slow process of bringing a biker movie to life plods on. This movie project is based on one of Ball’s book outlines. Here’s recent scriblings from one of the producers:

Happy Halloween to you. We are expecting to speak with Stephen Baldwin this week,as he is back from Hawaii and bound for Montreal to shoot a film for fourweeks. I finally got a signed agreement for Conrad yesterday and now wewill begin creating the Production Board and planning production. It’s anarduous task, but necessary to begin serious discussions with productioncrew, etc.

When we finish with that we will be ready to discuss locationsand hope that we can shoot the begining of the film in San Pedro and useyour garage for one of the scenes, as well. The script needs a majorre-write, which we couldn’t start before contracts were complete and we havehad to have the whole script re-typed, as Conrad had a computer crash and noreadable e-version of the script.

Take care and we will keep you posted,

–Linda and Michael


DAVIE ALLAN CUTS NEW RECORD–We’re doing a demo cover this weekend and then we’ll start shopping it. I have no label, no agent, no manager… representation at all but what I do know is that this is the best damn “Arrows” album ever!!!

Next year marks 40 years since my first recording was released and I never felt the magic before like I do with this new one.





NEW JOHN COVINGTON SURGICAL STEED– It’s a Steed Bronco ‘NOglide’. It’s not on the ‘Chassis De jour’ long down tube stretch, more of a Frisco Bobber. New CCI fake knuckle with a 6- speed kicker, tunneled tank, cool 2-1/2″ pipes by me, big 250 tire, OEM H-D Springer with the fender tabs cut off, along with some other interesting ‘chopper’ type stuff.

He just built this for a guy in Denver, and he’s picking it up next week. John asked about a feature in the HORSE. Here’s what he said, “If you think the Horse would be interested, and not put it on their Coon-Tail page, please forward it.

–John Covington


BIKERNET PARENTAL ADVICE– Have recieved alot af advice from older people.Much was wasted because when I was young I didn’t always listen. Those gemswerewell and good, but the one I remember most.

“Son, Don’t marry a woman with big hands. It makes your dick look smaller.”

–from Rogue

Continued On Page 3

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October 31, 2002 Part 1


I’m not kidding. Someone stuck a rubber snake under my door this morning and I unloaded a snubnosed .38 into the hardwood floor. The blond got out of bed with a smile or her face. It had to be a disquise. As I fumbled through the e-mails and news items I couldn’t dig through Helen Wolfe’s Halloween images to get to anything usefull. I finally threw up my arms and surrendered. The news would become a Halloween party whether I liked it or not.

It was barely noon as a gray layer of clouds force the sun back from So Cal and Sin Wu snuck into the headquarters while the dark haired one went to the post office. I knew the day was lost. Let’s hammer it out, so I can hammer it in:

Custom Chrome Banner


Custom Chrome Show
The Custom Chrome and Chrome Specialties Road Tour made it to Orlando Florida. The show is designed for dealers only and a way for the company to show their appreciation.

Custom Chrome Show

It started Saturday evening at 7:00pm with dinner and drinks followed by music with Big Mike. There was also a raffle and a lot of prizes given out. A young lady won $300.00. The food was great and the booze plentiful.

Custom Chrome Show

Sunday things started at 10:00am with beverages and pastry; there were two bike shows, the company displaying and customers participating by showing theirs, vendors galore and a lot of good deals. Noon to 2:00pm fed us again. Damm I?m starting to like these guys more and more.

Well I for one had a Great Time and so did the people I was with.


100th part

100th part

HONORING THE HARLEY-DAVIDSON 100TH ANNIVERSARY, SANTA FILLS SLEIGH WITH COMMEMORATIVE, WINTER AND HOLIDAY MOTORCLOTHES ITEMS–MILWAUKEE – Santa has seen many holiday seasons come and go, but this one is sure to be special with the Harley-Davidson? 100th Anniversary right around the corner. “Good enthusiasts” will hope to find commemorative and seasonal Harley-Davidson? MotorClothes? items under their tree.

Elves, enthusiasts and collectors alike will be anxious to get their hands on H-D 100th Anniversary items. The limited edition 100th Anniversary Pewter Replica Set (Part: 97959-03V, MSRP: $395) which includes six hand-carved 2003 pewter motorcycle models cast in fine pewter, is sure to be on the walls of enthusiasts’ homes. The models are individually numbered, made exclusively for H-D and limited to 2003 pieces. Just like H-D motorcycles, this set is made in the U.S.A. A wooden display cabinet featuring the 100th Anniversary logo and a certificate of authenticity come with the pewter set. Featuring the special 100th Anniversary logo, the 100th Anniversary Aluminum Plate (Part: 97973-03V, MSRP: $100) which is individually produced through an ancient process known as sand-casting is great for holiday entertaining and is sure to be a great memento of the H-D centennial. Gather family and friends to toast H-D’s big birthday in style with the limited edition 100th Anniversary Wine Glasses (Part: 97952-03V, MSRP: $35). They come in sets of two and include a collectable commemorative box.

Like jingle bells on reindeer, the sterling silver 100th Anniversary Riding Bell (Part: 97957-03V, MSRP: $45) is an excellent accessory for motorcycles. In addition to adding 100th Anniversary spirit to the bike, the riding bell will also add good luck to future adventures. The 100th Anniversary Medallion Belt Buckle (Part: 97671-03V, MSRP: $35) is the perfect match to a red suit or anything else enthusiasts wear. This belt will stand the test of time thanks to the back hinge that is built for years of wear. The belt fits all H-D belt straps.

Grab a cup of eggnog and get the full story by reading “100 Years of Harley-Davidson” by Willie G. Davidson (Part: 97997-03V, MSRP: $65). The book is a celebration of H-D’s history and the style, ingenuity and freedom it stands for. It contains never-before-published photos and illustrations, as well as personal anecdotes and styling comments by Willie G. Davidson, H-D’s vice president of styling.

Bad kid joke

Speaking of Christmas. Here’s a little something for really bad kids.


BLONDE REVENGE–* Why are brunettes so proud of their hair? It matches their mustache.

* What’s black, blue, and brown and lying in a ditch? A brunette who’s told too many blonde jokes.

* What’s the real reason a brunette keeps her figure? No one else wants it!

* What do brunettes miss most about a great party? The invitation.

* Why are so many blonde jokes one-liners? So brunettes can remember them.

* What do you call a brunette in a room full of blondes? Invisible.

* What’s a brunette’s mating call? Has the blonde left yet?”

* What do you call a good looking man with a brunette? A hostage

* Who makes bras for brunettes? Fisher-Price

–from Rogue


OPEN HOUSE FOR NEW SHOP–Jim Stultz was the man behind custom creations at Dallas Easyriders, but you know how sensitive artists are. They need their own way to blossom and Show what they are capable of. Here’s one of his project bikes.



Saturday, November 2, 2002
11:00AM to 5:00PM
3712 Dividend Drive, Garland, Texas

Vendors welcome. Contact Robert at (972) 276-2200.

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October 24, 2002 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

NEWS FROM THE AIM CONNECTION, OR GUNNY SACK–TOKYO, JAPAN: Government is stickin’ it’s paws where they shouldn’t be again, this timein Vietnam, and it’s about motorcycles. In September, their government put a cap on howmany bikes and bike parts they would allow Yamaha build in their Vietnam plants. I guessthey wanted to give a leg up to their locally-owned motorcycle businesses there. Niceidea, but it sorta backfired. Yamaha just said “screw it,” and shut down their Vietnamplant, at least for now.

EARTH ORBIT: A biker’s wife is the pilot of the space shuttle Atlantis, at this writing. The crew is headed up to the international space station. Pilot-astronaut Pamela Melroyis the third woman to fly as a space shuttle pilot. Seems she hesitated about herhusband getting a scoot. But listen to what she said:

“I thought to myself, the guy’s an airline pilot flying international and I’m a shuttlepilot. Who am I to tell him it’s not safe enough? To hold either of us back from doingsomething that we’re really excited about, because the other person would be worriedabout you, would just be wrong. We just don’t do it.” Now THERE’S a “top-flight” womanwith the right attitude!

–from the Gunny Sac

Performance – In the Z4, BMW engineers set new standards forroadster performance. An evolved version of BMW’s acclaimed multi-link rearsuspension mated to an extraordinarily rigid chassis results innear-telepathic handling.

Now what’s this got to do with a motorcycle website? Nothin’ exceptthat BMW produced a series of short films for some of their new cars, andbecause of the Z4, Bikernet staffer, Layla made a little moola. Last August a location scoutwanting to look at her house for this BMW promotion, approached her. He tookpictures of the old California Bungalow style home and left. She didn’tgive it any more thought cause this sort of thing happened to her all thetime. The next day however she was bombarded with set decorators,directors, producers, and informed that they were going to use her house, ifshe agreed. Hell yes!

Go to and click on the USA part of the map. The movie iscalled “Hostage”, and it’s a little trouble downloading the clip, but wellworth it. John Woo was the director and he did a hell of job. Here’s acouple of shots Layla and her kids took with their digital camera.

Layla’s kids & John Woo

Bikernet Caribbean Report–This is going to be pretty short, since we are not back yet, and the wholeBiketobermess story is going to take some time. As always, we had a greattime . We ended up meeting most of the people we intended to, and thensome. There’s so much good news and stuff going on, that you would notbelieve it. Let’s start by congratulating Billy Lane on his Camel Roadhousenomination, and Jesse James who tied the noose. Jesse and Jim Nassi willnot be with Camel next year. We spent some time with our friends from TheHorse, and their chopper show at Will’s pretty cool, around 80 bikesparticipated on the show. And way more than that showed up to the event andthen partied on later into the night.

It’s was weird to see people wearing our Chopper Freak shirts and walkingaround, which is great for us. We got to visit Choppers Inc and see what’sgoing on, but that will be something I’ll save for later. Seems like Billyis way too busy right now…and a lot of good things are happening to him…Another cool thing was that it seemed to be less people crowding thestreets, but still the Biff and Buffy crap went on, badder than bad, andmanners out the door…I guess some people need to learn that a $40,000piece of crap does not give you the right to be rude, that’s cool though,I’ll still be riding when Biff’s stocks plummet and he becomes a man whore.

Man there’s so much going on…let me see, Aha ! Frank Kaisler, we had agreat time trading sarcasms and looking at bikes, I tell ya’ the cat iscool, and if I say so….Sorry HRB and HB your loss….I could make a list of the people we ended up hanging out with, but I don’twant to sound ….Hell what do I care !! No one likes us anyway, they hangout with us because we bring Puertorican rum with us….Anyway, I’ll do theextensive Biketobermess report next week with photos and all. Way beforeCrazy Horse does hers…..Oh well…I know this report looks like a clusterfuck, but hey ! Gotta go, The Stones play in a couple hours and we gottaget there…


Jose, still at large in the State of Florida…Bikernet report

ANSWERING MACHINE AT MENTAL HEALTH FACILITY–Answering Machine at Mental Health Hospital “Hello, and welcome to the mental health hotline……” If you are obsessive-compulsive, press 1 repeatedly. If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2 for you. If you have multiple personalities, press 3, 4, 5, and 6.

If you are paranoid, we know who you are and what you want. Stay on theline so we can trace your call. If you are delusional, press 7 and your call will be transferred to themother ship.?? If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a small voice will tell youwhich number to press. If you are manic-depressive, it doesn’t matter which number you press, noone will answer.

If you are dyslexic, press 9696969696969696.?? If you have a nervous disorder, please fidget with the pound key until arepresentative comes on the line. If you have amnesia, press 8 and state your name, address, telephonenumber, date of birth, social security number, and your mother’s maiden name. If you have post-traumatic stress disorder, s-l-o-w-l-y andc-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y press 0 0 0. If you have bi-polar disorder, please leave a message after the beep orbefore the beep or during the beep. Please wait for the beep. If you have short-term memory loss, press 9. If you have short-term memoryloss, press 9. If you have short-term memory loss, press 9. If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.

If you have low self-esteem, please hang up. All operators are too busy totalk to you. If you are menopausal, hang up, turn on the fan, lay down & cry. You won’tbe crazy forever.

If you are blonde don’t press any buttons, you’ll just mess it up!

–from Bob T.

HA LEATHER IN THE GULCH–With winter approaching it’s time topull out those leathers and shake out the moths. Maybe you’ve gained a fewpounds over the summer or maybe you’re just tired of the style you’ve beenwearing. If this is the case, take a look inside the Gulch at HA Leathers.Little Joe makes some of the finest leather jackets, vests and Lambskin shirtsin the USA, for men and women. That’s all I’m gonna say about it, see foryourself.

Not the girl, the vest!

TURN THE “CLOSED” SIGN ON–Let’s hit it to the garage, the bar, something happening or to her pad. With all the terrorism bullshit lingering about, we’ve decided to enhance the Bikernet Headquarters security system. Bob T. from the desert recommended the following:


We’re considering his private security team. Hell, they eat rodents and we have an abundance in the dungeon, I mean basement.

Back to the subject at hand. Well not exactly in hand just yet, but the touch of a woman is generally just a quick throttle-snap away or closer. I don’t know about you, but I love women, their tenderness, their touch, the curve of a soft neck or the jiggle of a breast pushing against the smooth texture of a sweater. Motorcycles and romance is where it’s at. Sometimes the action is hot and heavy and sometimes it mellows to a dull roar. That’s when I get edgy and need to ride fast or find the passion once more. Let’s see what happens next week. Ride Forever,


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October 24, 2002 Part 3


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TEXAS MOTORCYCLE RIGHTS ASSOCIATION LOSES SOMEONE SPECIAL– Cyndi Calhoun, State Secretary of TMRA 2 (Texas) was taken toUniversity Hospital in San Antonio on Wednesday. Cyndi has been diagnosed with a Brain Tumor, Cancer in her left lungand spots in her abdomen.

Here is what we have learned at the Hospital.The biopsy reports for Cyndi are in and I hate to forward the results.The doctor says she has about two months to live. If she chooses to gothrough Chemotherapy she could possibly extend her time to eight months.

There is more than one Mass on Cyndi’s brain. She now has a sizable massin her lower back and her left lung shows signs of collapse.They did not do a biopsy today. They had originally planned to get whatthey needed from her left node but it wasn’t large enough. The one in her lower back is pretty big but they prefer not to botherthat one because it is too close to her kidneys.

The Hospital gave Cyndi an emergency treatment and released her to herfamily today. They have take her back to Rockport and take her records to the cancerhospital in Corpus Christi on Monday.

Cyndi is settled in at her sister-in-Law’s house now. Anyone wishing tosend a card or letter, the address is: Cyndi Calhoun, 1036 Pine Avenue, Rockport, Texas 78382Or you many Post any questions to this e-mail ( I will get with you when I can.

And Your Prayers Please.


DAYTONA SURPRISE: BEMISDERFER NABS BUELL LIGHTNING TITLEJohnson Wins Thunderbike Championship Watching from the Sidelines.

Daytona, Fla. (Oct. 20) – Bryan Bemisderfer of Greencastle, Pa. won an unexpected series championship in the Formula USA Buell Lightning Series, presented by Buell Pro Series Accessories at the final event of the season at Daytona International Speedway, and he nearly nabbed another in Thunderbike.

Bemisderfer, the large and likeable racer who had the Buell Lightning Series points lead going into the penultimate round at Portland, came to Daytona in third place after his team unexpectedly pulled out of the series. He arrived at Daytona with race bikes provided by Harley-Davidson of Frederick but no team support, and with a 14-point deficit, little hope of winning the title. His chances looked especially slim after series points leader Michael Barnes of Kosco Harley-Davidson/Buell-Innovative Motorcycle Research claimed the pole and another point with a 2:01.823 lap in qualifying, placing him just two points ahead of Hal?s Harley-Davidson/Buell rider Clint Brotz in the series standings.

The first title contender to drop out was Brotz, who crashed along with his Hal?s Harley-Davidson/Buell teammate Richie Morris in turn one on the second lap of the eight-lap race. Barnes, meanwhile, was streaking ahead to a big lead and what looked like a certain victory when he crashed violently in the dogleg on lap six. The race win went to Barnes? Kosco teammate Dave Estok, with Bemisderfer 11.4 seconds back in second place, good for 20 points and the series title. Mark Reynolds (Boston H-D/Buell), Darren James (H-D/Buell of Toronto) and Greg Avello (Milwaukee H-D/Buell) rounded out the top five. Bemisderfer ended the season with 120 points to 117 for Barnes and 113 for Brotz.

?I guess I should buy some lottery tickets today,? said Bemisderfer after the race. ?To be honest I didn?t even know I?d won the title, because I couldn?t tell Barnes had crashed. My crew told me when I got back to the pits.?

Bemisderfer found himself in position to grab another championship when Thunderbike series points leader Jeff Johnson of Hoban Brothers/Buell of Appleton failed to take the start of the race due to damage sustained in a minor spill on pit lane. In order to overcome Johnson?s point advantage, Bemisderfer would have to win the race, and all Johnson could do was watch from pit lane as Bemisderfer led the opening laps. Johnson?s points lead proved to be safe when Bemisderfer lost positions to Ed Key (Suzuki) and Tripp Nobles (Tilley H-D/Buell). Johnson?s championship is the third consecutive Thunderbike championship won by a Buell racer.

?That?s not how we wanted our weekend to go,? said Johnson. ?But we?ll take the championship.?

marks poster bike

WARRIOR’S PROSTREET ASS KICKERsubtitle: Hand Built Performance Bike For SaleThis scoot was carefully built by Mark Lonsdale, my brother and Sensie. I trained in close quarters combat with the man and rode to Sturgis with him three times. He’s a hard fighting, extensively disciplined individual who trains military, SWAT teams, and is on the Los Angeles Sheriffs underwater rescue dive team, although he has no interest in being a cop. He’s also an active stunt man for the film industry due to his extensive weapons knowledge and physical training. He is a diver, a high altitude sky diver, a mountain climber, and more (I was supposed to climb to the base camp of mount Everest with him at one time). He has written eight books on subjects ranging from mountain rescue to being a body guard and my favorite, Close Quarters Combat.

He built this bike by hand with a little help from me and his ex-Hamster pals. Like me, he is no longer a member. This is not his only bike. At one time he had three, a dresser, a rat chopper and this one. He sold the dresser and kept the Jesse James stretched FXR rat mobile and plans to hold onto it for ever more.


mark's bike

Will sell for $20,000.00– Less than 2,000 miles

Owner: Mark Lonsdale

Fabrication: Owner
Year: 1995
Frame: Boyce/HiTech
Model: Special Construction
Type: Pro Street FXR
Value: $30,000
Assembly: Owner/Bandit/Gorman
Stretch: 3″ by HiTech
Time: 9 months

For info contact:

BIKERNET BOOTCAMP STORIES– A Captain in the foreign legion was transferred to a desert outpost. On his orientation tour he noticed a very old, seedy looking camel tied out back of the enlisted men’s barracks. He asked the Sergeant leading the tour, “What’s the camel for?”.

The Sergeant replied “Well sir it’s a long way from anywhere, and the men have natural sexual urges, so when they do, uh, we have the camel.”

The captain said “Well if it’s good for moral, then I guess it’s all right with me.”

After he had been at the fort for about SIX months the captain could not stand it any more so he told his Sergeant, “BRING IN THE CAMEL!!!” The sarge shrugged his shoulders and led the camel into the captains quarters.

The captain got a foot stool & proceeded to have vigorous sex with the camel. As he stepped, satisfied, down from the stool, and was buttoning his pants he asked the Sergeant, “Is that how the enlisted men do it?”

The Sergeant replied, “Well sir, they usually just use it to ride into town!”

–from Dave B. and the Digital Gangster

The Horse Magazine

HORSE BIKETOBERFEST REPORT–Week went pretty good, but kinda slow merchandise sales this year, no one seemed to be buying anything from anybody?Very weird.

We had about 80 bikes at the Ol’ Skool chopper show, great chops. I heard we had more bikes on display than the Board Walk show, and the bikes were without a doubt the coolest bunch of Ol’ Skool chops I have ever seen in one place. Everyone seemed to have a blast at Will’s HonkyTonk, our headquarters for the week.


BIKERNET RELATIONSHIP STUDY–WIFE: What would you do if I died? Would you get married again?
HUSBAND: Definitely not!

WIFE: Why not – don’t you like being married?
HUSBAND: Of course I do.

WIFE: Then why wouldn’t you remarry?
HUSBAND: Okay, I’d get married again.

WIFE: You would? (with a hurtful look on her face)
HUSBAND: (makes audible groan)

WIFE: Would you sleep with her in our bed?
HUSBAND: Where else would we sleep?

WIFE: Would you replace my pictures with hers?
HUSBAND: That would seem like the proper thing to do.

WIFE: Would she use my golf clubs?
HUSBAND: No, she’s left-handed.

WIFE: – – – silence – – –

–from Ray R.


ASPHALT COWBOY REPORT–Bikernet is involved in a movie deal that incorporated one of K.Randall Ball’s book outlines into a screenplay written by Conrad Goodie of Con Air. Here’s the latest:Stephen Baldwin (the director) had to run to Bulgaria for ten days to work on a film, butis back next week and we will continue to look for financing. He is verywell connected, so we are hopeful to have some positive meetings next week.Now that we have a strong actor/director attached, we’re ready to rock. I’ll keep you posted.


THE BRIGHT DONKEY–One day a farmer’s donkey fell down into a well. ?The animal criedpiteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.

Finally he decided the animal was old and the well needed to be coveredup anyway, it just wasn’t worth it to retrieve the donkey. ?He invited all his neighbors to comeover and help him. ?They allgrabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. ?

At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly.Then, to everyone’s amazement, he quieted down. ?A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well and was astonished at what he saw. ?

With every shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doingsomething amazing. ?He would shake it off and take a step up. ?As the farmer’s neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a stepup.

?Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edgeof the well and trotted off!

Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. ?The trick togetting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. ?Each ofour troubles is a stepping stone. ?We can get out of the deepestwells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take a stepup!

P.S. ?The donkey later came back and kicked the crap out of the farmerwho tried burying him.

–from Kris B.

Continued On Page 4

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October 24, 2002 Part 1



Biketoberfest shot from Rogue.

Life is strange, wonderful, violent and always a challenge. I got a few slick words for Mohammed. Makes you wonder what makes people tick. Take for instance yesterday. I was in the dojo pounding the heavy bag while Dick Bondano scolded me on my technique. In the afternoon the Professor and I went to work on the Amazing Shrunken FXR. Nuttboy had just returned from Ireland and the project is underway once more. With the help of Kenny’s Samson trash pile we have almost fabricated our own set of exhaust.

Damn, sometimes I don’t get it. When we live in a country packed with creativity, opportunities and beautiful women, why the hell hurt others? Sure there’s a jackass on every corner, but who cares, I’ve got motorcycles to build, bikes to ride and women to touch. What more could you ask for. Speaking of women…well let’s get to the news. I’ll touch on them later:

THE BIKERNET POND– An old farmer had owned a large farm for several years. He had a largepond in the back forty, had it fixed up nice; picnic tables, horseshoe courts, basketball court, etc. The pond was fixedfor swimming when it was built. One evening the old farmer decided to go down to the pond, as he hadn’t been there fora while, and look it over. As he neared the pond, he heard voices shouting and laughing with glee. As he came closerhe saw it was a bunch of young women skinny dipping in his pond. He made the women aware of his presence and they allwent to the deep end of the pond.

One of the women shouted to him, “We’re not coming out until you leave!” The old man replied, “I didn’t come down here to watch you ladies swim ormake you get out of the pond, I only came to feed my alligators.”

–from Chris T.

Kid Rock

KID ROCK RIDES Kid Rock, who has bragged in song of how you’ve never met a motherf—er quite like him, has got something else to boast about.The boisterous Detroit MC has signed on to play the leader of a bad-ass motorcycle gang in the upcoming film “Biker Boyz,” according to production company DreamWorks SKG. Directed by Reggie Rock Bythewood, who penned the upcoming DMX flick “Cradle 2 the Grave,” the movie stars Laurence Fishburne and Lisa Bonet.The flick, which is being plugged as a western on motorcycles, tells the true story of motorcycle club president Manuel Galloway (Fishburne), who is known as the King of Cali. His unusual entourage includes lawyers and other white-collar professionals who moonlight as bikers and cruise the country with the King and his girlfriend, Queenie (Bonet).

The supporting cast includes Orlando Jones (“The Replacements”), Brendan Fehr (TV’s “Roswell”), Meagan Good (“3 Strikes”), Djimon Hounsou (“Gladiator”), Larenz Tate (“Dead Presidents”), Melissa De Sousa (“Miss Congeniality”), Salli Richardson, Terence Howard, Vanessa Bell Calloway, Rick Gonzalez, Derek Luke and Dante and Dion Basco.

The film marks Rock’s third acting venture. Last year, he read the voice of Kidney Rock in “Osmosis Jones” and played in Joe Dirt as Robby, a redneck bully who taunts David Spade’s lead character.”Biker Boyz” was written by Craig Fernandez and based on a New Times L.A. article by Michael Gougis.

?Jon Wiederhorn

“Thunder On A Wall” by Fritz

CREATIVITY RULES–This illustration, “Thunder On A Wall” by Fritz, is an just one indications why this country and the freedoms we have rules.

For those who are not familiar with this award-winning artist, it iseasily seen that he is extremely passionate about his work. Tom has aparticular style and brushstroke, which allows him to bring his subjects tolife. The way he integrates intense colors and soft lines makes his imagesjump off the canvas.

In the next couple of days we’ll launch an article about Segal Fine Arts who represent Fritz and all the guys who are Harley-Davidson licensed artists. You’ll see art that as made grown bikers cry.


Say goodnight to the bad guy ? wait, I mean hello to the new guy!–Dirtbags and fluzies – as the newest Bikernet operative I guess some introductions are in order. The name?s Big Truth; I?m transmitting to you from Boston, MA. My mission is to cover local events, profile bike builders, and throw some tech articles in your eyes from time-to-time.


Bandit suggested that I start off with a profile of my company (Choppahead) so that you can get a little familiar with my background and what I do. Choppahead is a greasy, grimy, gritty, hardcore chopper oriented clothing, parts, and mayhem machine company. I got this thing off the ground a year and a half ago and since then it?s grown into a monstrous industrial giant. I?m hell-bent on world domination and everyday I laugh menacingly while rubbing my hands as I watch fleets of trucks ship my evil wares out to the unsuspecting world. Mwoohahaha! POP! (Hear them daydreams shatter back to reality?) Actually, I still operate out of a hidden garage located in a murky Boston alleyway. No storefront. My garage (which three of us share) is my shop and warehouse; my bedroom is my office and multimedia studio. And you thought hi-fashion and chopper building was all glamour?

Read the final complete blood-thirst version on Bikernet in the next couple of days.

BIKERNET PERSONALS–A lonely spinster, aged 70, decided that it was time to getmarried. She decided to put an ad in the local paper that read:

“HUSBAND WANTED, must be in my age group, must not beat me, mustnot run around on me, and must still be good in bed! All applicants apply in person.”

On the second day she heard the doorbell. Much to her dismay sheopened the door to see a gray haired gentleman sitting in a wheel chair. He had no arms or legs. She asked sardonically, “You’re notreally asking me to consider you, are you? Just look at you…you have no legs!”

The old man smiled, “Therefore I cannot run around on you!”

She snorted, “You don’t have any hands either!”

Again the old man smiled. “Therefore, I cannot beat you!”

She raised an eyebrow and gazed intently, “Are you still good inbed?”

The old gentleman beamed a broad smile. “I rang the doorbell,didn’t I?”


Cyril Huze Chopper On Display In Biketoberfest.

Many hope visitors leave plenty of $ in their tills


As the 2002 edition of the fall pilgrimage of black leather, bright chrome and loud pipes wraps up today, many are hoping the estimated 100,000 visitors riding into the sunset will leave behind a lot of their money.

“I am hoping to make about $1,000 by Sunday night,” said Lisa Paiardi, who is selling beer outside Gilly’s Pub 44 during the biker holiday. But peering into her only quarter-full tip bucket Thursday afternoon, a look of doubt crosses her face. “It’s not too promising right now.”

“The people have come out to enjoy themselves but they are nursing their beers,” he said. “They just don’t have the money.” In terms of accidents, EVAC spokesman Mark O’Keefe said this Biketoberfest so far has been on a par with previous years. In 2001, the ambulance service responded to 56 motorcycle-related incidents, four of them fatal. “This year, we have only had one fatality, a Pennsylvania man who died in Port Orange,” he said Friday morning.


$$$$ WE ALL WANT THE BIKERS IN BIKETOBERFEST $$$$$$$– Well the BIKERS are getting Hip to what is going on and are spending morewisely. They are also spending more time OUT of Daytona Beach.

New Smyrna and points South are welcoming the Bikers and for theirattitude and treatment shows. They want our Business.

It will be interesting to see how many Bikers find Lodging andParties Outside the Daytona Beach area during the upcoming Bike Week inMarch.


DONNIE SMITH 16TH ANNUAL INVITATIONAL BIKE SHOW–Donnies show Promoted by American Thunder Custom Cycles is coming right up somewhere in Minneapolis.

Unfortunately we don’t know when, how or why. Seems the master PR man Bob Clark only sends us files we can’t open on a Mac or a PC. Come on Bob, you can do it.

Bob T. Old stuff--

Photo from Bob T.

ANTIQUE DEAL OF THE WEEK–Not pictured above.Does anyone need a restored 1957 FL for their collection,Priced at 15k? The bike won your antique class in December last year.You know how pretty it is. Black and pepper red. Runs good! New tires!Must sell. Collectors preferred.

She is sitting at the Elliot Museum in Stuart Florida right nowfor a local tribute to the H-D birthday. A ’42 UL and my ’57 are the only true antiques there! Whassup wid that!? The dealer has a selection of 2003’s there mostly.I will be covering the wine tasting event there in a few weeks. tut, tut, hip, hip.

Mandu 0x0x0x0x0x0x


1. THINGY (thing-ee) n.
Female……Any part under a car’s hood.
Male……..The strap fastener on a woman’s bra.

2. VULNERABLE (vul-ne-ra-bel) adj.
Female……Fully opening up one’s self emotionally to another.
Male……..Playing football without a cup.

3. COMMUNICATION (ko-myoo-ni-kay-shon) n.
Female……The open sharing of thoughts and feelings with one’spartner.
Male……..Leaving a note before taking off for a weekend with theboys.

4. COMMITMENT (ko-mit-ment) n.
Female…….A desire to get married and raise a family.
Male………Not trying to pick up other women while out with one’sgirlfriend.

5. ENTERTAINMENT (en-ter-tayn-ment) n.v.
Female……A good movie, concert, play or book.
Male……..Anything that can be done while drinking, and ends withsex.

6. FLATULENCE (flach-u-lens) n.
Female……An embarrassing byproduct of digestion.
Male……..A source of entertainment, self-expression, male bonding.

7. MAKING LOVE (may-king luv) n.
Female……The greatest expression of intimacy a couple can achieve.
Male……..Call it whatever you want just as long as we end up havingsex.

8. REMOTE CONTROL (ri-moht kon-trohl) n.
Female…….A device for changing from one TV channel to another.
Male………A device for scanning through all 375 channels every 5minutes

ENGINE DEALS OF THE WEEK– I have Revtech 100″ Rawand Chrome motors for $3500, Polished 100″motors for $4500. Revtech polished or Black 6speeds for $1500. They are all brand new inthe crate with all warranties and MSO’s.

Just thought I would pass it along. Great siteBandit, keep it up.

I also get sweet deals on TP Engineering monster motors, 107-124″!Thanks and By the way, please feel free to post my info below.

Aric Heckman
Heckman Customs

BUBBA One day, Jimmy Joe was walking down Main Street when he saw his buddy Bubba driving a brand new pickup. Bubba pulled up to him with a wide grin.

“Bubba, where’d you get that truck?!?”

“Bobby Sue gave it to me” Bubba replied.

“She gave it to you? I knew she was kinda sweet on ya, but a new truck?”

“Well, Jimmy Joe, let me tell you what happened. We were driving out on County Road 6, in the middle of nowhere. Bobby Sue pulled off the road, put the truck in 4-wheel drive, and headed into the woods.

She parkedthe truck, got out, threw off all her clothes and said, ‘Bubba, takewhatever you want’. So I took the truck!”

“Bubba, you’re a smart man!. Them clothes woulda never fit you.

–from CarlR

Continued On Page 2

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October 24, 2002 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

Bob T. Old stuff--cop

Photo from Bob T. See more by joining Bandit’s Cantina.

WHEN THE LAST BIKER FALLS–When The Last Biker FallsAuthor UnknownThe old ones stand out now, their numbers dwindling down.They are a sad lossto the American scene, these individualists with the worn down clothes andfaces.

You can still see them sometimes, the real ones. Some in packs, not as largeas a while ago. Sometimes alone. The ones alone are best. One who’s beenthere a long time, staying in the life he loves, never giving into a systemthat sucks you up like a vortex if you slip just one foot into it. He’s gothis connections, a few just like him, that care for and protect each other.Hanging onto the only unique lifestyle left. Like old dinosaurs, their facesare leathered and rough by forty, but their eyes are still sharp and knowing.Some are gray in the beards and braids, some are limp in the step and somewith pain in their kidneys.

Still they know no other life is life, but merely a dreary journey intoeveryone else’s monotony. He looks at the new ones, then turns away, knowingthey will never know of life on the road and the women who can take it.Wild, loving women who will hang in with them, because they love it too. Awoman with a wild heart and a loyal soul, that’s what’s needed here. The newones are young and shiny and a bit too clean. They are born into a systemthat has an iron grip now.

I think it’s a mystique, even to the old ones, why this life is theirs, butit is, and it’s the only one. When the last Biker falls, like the dinosaur,the sun will go down on a breed of heart-of-gold, tough-as-nails, freespirited men, who even at their worst, love what’s theirs and protect it.

In a world wide system that is making all people as alike as manufactureddolls, the earth will be a duller place…..

When the last Biker falls…….

Rogue Cartoon


10. She’s a goblin!
9. I’d like to get a little somethin in the sack tonight.
8. Just get on your hands and knees and bob your head.
7. She’s got a couple of nice pumpkins on her porch.
6. If you just lick it, it will last longer.
5. Let me see your big sack.
4. Can I eat your zagnuts?
3. Have your mom check it before you put it in your mouth.
2. You scared me stiff!

And the dirtiest sounding but not-dirty Halloween saying is… He’s got candy spread out on the living room floor!


BEACH RIDE REPORT–The Beach Ride is a charity ride for the Exceptional Childrens Foundation in Los Angeles in July. It’s sponsored by Bikernet in addition to Bartels’ Harley-Davidson and many others. This year the beach has been moved to Frazer Park south of Bakersfield. Carmels, one of the ECF’s lovely directors recently told us of a donor who owns aresort in Arizona near the Grand Canyon. He said he has groups of 600-1000bikers at a time spend a weekend there. He offered us his resort if we wantto expand to have a Beach Ride-Arizona in addition to our originalRide.

It would be a relief to find an area for a run and make it work for everyone. Daytona is trying to kick bikers out, Laughlin won’t be friendly next year, Sturgis is raping the vendors. It might be time for a new more user-friendly event.

More reports will be coming shortly.

DEAR ABBY–I have been engaged for almost a year. I am to be married next month. Myfiancee’s mother is not only very attractive but really great andunderstanding. She is putting the entire wedding together and invited me toher place to go over the invitation list because it had grown a bit beyondwhat we had expected it to be. When I got to her place we reviewed the listand trimmed it down to just under a hundred … then she floored me. Shesaid that in a month I would be a married man and that before that happened,she wanted to have sex with me. Then she just stood up and walked to herbedroom and on her way said that I knew where the front door was if I wantedto leave.

I stood there for about five minutes and finally decided that I knew exactlyhow to deal with this situation. I headed straight out the front door…:There, leaning against my car was her husband, my father-in-law to be. Hewas smiling. He explained that they just wanted to be sure I was a good kidand would be true to their little girl. I shook his hand and hecongratulated me on passing their little test.

Abby, should I tell my fiancee’ what her parents did, and that I thoughttheir “little test” was asinine and insulting to my character? Or should Ikeep the whole thing to myself including the fact that the reason I waswalking out to my car was to get a condom?

–from Chris T.


BIKERNET BLUERIDGE REPORT–Sherry and I just got back from a three day ride on the Blue Ridge Parkway, All Sherry and I said to each other for three days was, “Wow!” We rode Mountain roads thru fog, mist and sunshine. We dodged, passed and buzzed gawking tourists the whole time under autumn leaves and a spectacular show of nature.

This road follows the ridge line of the Appalation Mountains from Virginia to Tennessee for 460 miles of limited access. You must experience this marvel of 1930’s engineering to appreciate the wonder of this incredible National Treasure. No words can describe this roadway, that winds thru tunnels, crosses over bottomless gorges and skirts mountain peaks. You just need to take some time off, grab the sweetie and do this.

–Karl, the Chief, and his wife Sherry

THE BIKERNET PET SUMMARY–A man who absolutely hated his wife’s cat decided to get rid of him oneday by driving him 20 blocks from his home and leaving him at thepark….As he was getting home, the cat was walking up the driveway….

The nextday, he decided to drive the cat 40 blocks away and the same again….Driving back up his driveway, there was the cat! He kept taking the catfurther and further and the darn cat would always beat him home.

Atlast, he decided to drive a few miles away, turn right, then left, pastthe bridge, then right again and another right until he reached what hethought was a safe distance from his home and left the cat there….

Hours later, the man calls home to his wife: “Jen, is the catthere?”

“Yes”, the wife answers… Why do you ask?”

Frustrated, theman answered:”Put that son of a bitch on the phone, I’m lost and need directions!”

–from Bob T.





GLENDALE, CA – Sheryl Crow, Mick Fleetwood & Friends, and JeffersonStarship will headline Love Ride 19, the largest motorcycle fundraisingevent in the world, on Sunday, November 10. Grand Marshal Jay Leno,Honorary Grand Marshal Peter Fonda, and a host of celebrity bikers will lead20,000+ motorcyclists on a 50-mile caravan from Harley-Davidson of Glendale,California, to a barbecue, trade show, and concert at Castaic Lake.Proceeds will benefit Reading By 9, MDA, and other charities. In 18 years,the Love Ride has raised over $15 million.

Sign up is 6am-9am on Sunday, November 10 at Harley-Davidson of Glendale,with a 90-minute Jefferson Starship concert at 7:00am, followed by acelebrity press conference at 8:45a.m. The caravan of bikes departs toCastaic Lake at 9:15am.

Festivities at Castaic Lake will begin at 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. (gatesopen at 10am). Mick Fleetwood & Friends perform at 11:45am followed bySheryl Crow at 1:15. The minimum donation is $60, or $50 if you sign-up inadvance online ( or at Harley-Davidson of Glendale beforeNovember 5, 2002. For larger donations, participants qualify to receive avariety of prizes, including a 2003 100th Anniversary Harley-Davidson V-Rodand a 2003 Ford Harley-Davidson F-150.

Harley-Davidson of Glendale is located at 3717 San Fernando Road betweenLos Feliz Blvd. and Glendale Avenue. For more information, call (818)246-5618, extension 7.

orwell loveride

Continued On Page 3

Read More

October 18, 2002



THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists(AIM) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the LawOffices of Richard M. Lester. For more information, call us at (800) ON-A-BIKE, or visitus on the web at .

NCOM COAST TO COAST BIKER NEWSCompiled and Edited by BILL BISH,National Coalition of Motorcyclists

JUST THE FACTS, PLEASE– Statistics are like a bikini, what they reveal is interesting,but what they conceal is vital. And what the National Highway Traffic SafetyAdministration has been concealing in their crusade to promote helmet laws borders onfraud. In their efforts to sway public opinion in favor of mandatory helmet laws, NHTSAand others have been quick to point out an increase in Florida’s motorcycle fatalities inthe year following a repeal of their lid law. What they fail to mention, however, isthat a jump in motorcycle ownership has outpaced the fatality rate, and ABATE of Floridahas compiled the actual numbers to refute the apparently flawed statistics beingcirculated by the federal agency.

“These figures represent the statistics for the first full year of our amended helmetlaw,” explains James, “Doc” Reichenbach, President and Lobbyist for ABATE of Florida andchairman of the board for the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM). “As you cansee, the actual number of deaths were up 11%, however the motorcycle registrations wereup 20.4%, which represents an increase of over 40,000 new motorcycles on the roads. After all the figures are compiled according to the Florida Department of HighwaySafety and Motor Vehicles, the death rate was actually down by 5.2%.”

Also, based on the 40,000 new motorcycles on the road this past year, ABATE made thefollowing estimates of what this amended law has brought into the economy of Florida:

40,000 new motorcycles at an average of $10,000 each: $400,000,000
Sales tax on motorcycles at 6%: $ 24,000,000
Registration fee on motorcycles: $ 1,444,000
Change of title: $ 1,190,000
Total: $ 426,634,000

“This total is almost one half a BILLION dollars in one year that was put into theeconomy of the state of Florida,” says Doc. “Of this amount, over 25 million dollarswent directly into the state treasury for the budget. This also does not include thetourist money that increased because of Florida being a freedom of choice state. In 2001over 300,000,000 dollars was spent in Florida at Bike Week during a ten day period.” The2002 figures are not available yet, but participation was up from 2001.

“I hope these figures will help anyone who has heard the bad publicity that has come ofour amended law,” Doc summarized. “Deaths per mile ridden are down and the economy hasgotten a huge boost.”

WISCONSIN SUPREME COURT RULES AGAINST HELMETLESS RIDERS– The Wisconsin Supreme Court hasruled that ATV riders injured in accidents may have damage awards reduced by up to 100%for failing to wear a helmet. On June 26, 2002, the court issued a decision in anAll-Terrain Vehicle accident case that allowed a reduction in damages from a head injurybecause the injured party was not wearing a helmet, reports ABATE of Wisconsin.

Although this was an ATV case, the court also stated that, “Our conclusion here pertainsto helmet use while operating or riding a motorized, non-enclosed, moderate-to-high-speedvehicle such as an ATV or like vehicle.”

“The leaders and Legislative Committee of ABATE are taking this threat very seriously andgiving it a Level One priority,” reports Dave Dwyer, Legislative Chair for ABATE ofWisconsin. “We have already been in contact with legislators to let them know what isgoing on and how we feel about it.”

Wisconsin State Senator Dave Zien, long time biker and member of the National Coalitionof Motorcyclists (NCOM) Legislative Task Force, is working with ABATE to determine if thedecision can be applied to motorcycle riders who suffer a head injury while not wearing ahelmet.

“We intend to be ready with a bill to introduce when the new legislature comes intosession in January,” said Dwyer. “If for some reason this decision cannot be applied tomotorcycles, I feel that we should go ahead with language to clarify how the courtsshould handle the ‘no helmet’ defense.”

Wisconsin has enacted legislation that allows damages to be reduced by 15% for anyoneinjured in a car accident who is not wearing a seat belt, in reaction to an earlierWisconsin Supreme Court decision regarding seat belt use and injury damages awardreductions. But the high court refused to transfer that over to the helmet use case,even though they used the seat belt use ruling as a guide in their recent decision.

The court stated, “that, ultimately, is a question for the legislature.”

Avon Banner

WEST VIRGINIA BIKERS ASK COURT: WHAT IS A HELMET?– Trial was to be held this summerregarding motorcyclist Mark Fike’s traffic citation for not wearing an approved helmetwhile operating his motorcycle on SR 119 in Spencer, West Virginia. Mr. Fike could havepled no contest and paid a relatively small fine to avoid the hassle of going to court. However, W. Virginia State Senator John Mitchell and Aid to Injured Motorcyclists(A.I.M.) Attorney Ralph Buss, anticipating an unfavorable ruling, took the case to trialin order to obtain a verdict for the purpose of arguing on appeal to the State SupremeCourt the issue of what is an approved motorcycle helmet.

At issue is what are the specific parameters of what is and what is not a legal helmet inthe state of West Virginia? Federal Vehicle Safety Standards and Regulations; Article57, Section 218 that sets forth helmet design regulations was to have been introduced inits entirety in order that it become part of the record for use on appeal. Walter Snyder,Coordinator of the W. Virginia Motorcycle Safety Education Program, was scheduled totestify regarding the meaning of Department of Transportation (DOT) compliance. He wasalso set to describe his committee of eight persons interaction with the State Police onhelmet related issues.

During the preparations for trial, it was learned that the CEO of the State Police wouldbe unable to provide testimony regarding valid helmet compliance for W. Virginia. It wasalso learned that there are no courses available to the State Police to train them torecognize a compliant helmet. Currently, officers use the “eyeball and instinct method”to determine compliance.

As neither the arresting officer, Sgt. D. U. Garrett nor his superior, Colonel Hillshowed up for court on July 31, 2002, the Magistrate permanently dismissed the case for”failure to prosecute”. At the conclusion of the session, the prosecutor jokinglysuggested that perhaps when the bikers come back, one of them might wear a “bucket oflard with a DOT sticker affixed to it and see what happens.”

President of ABATE of West Virginia, Duck, and West Virginia Confederation of ClubsChairman Widowmaker, along with the numerous other motorcyclists in attendance, vowedthat they will have another day in court.

The leadership of West Virginia’s motorcyclists’ rights organizations are at this timeconsidering what forum to use for their next confrontation. Three of the issues underconsideration are: 1) Does W.V. Statute 17C-15-44 adequately inform motorcyclists as towhat is an approved helmet and/or what is a non-compliant device? 2) Is the Statute sovague that most persons cannot come to a reasonable conclusion as to the definition of anapproved helmet? 3) Is the State required to have an expert testify on its behalf whenthe approved/not approved helmet design issue is again presented to the court? Staytuned.

CITY SENDS SAFETY MESSAGE– Darlene Kimsey, vice-president of the High Point Chapter ofthe Concerned Bikers Association of North Carolina, was sick of hearing about motorcycleaccidents, so she approached the city council with an idea to make drivers more aware ofriders on the road.”The public needs to understand that with the rise of riding, we are out there,” Kimseytold the Greensboro News and Record. “Riding isn’t just a recreational thing anymore, buta mode of transportation.”

After almost a year of lobbying the city, Kimsey says High Point will be the first cityin the nation to put up signs reminding motorists to share the road with motorcycles.

About a year ago, Kimsey went to the North Carolina Department of Transportation to seeabout getting some signs posted along roads along streets throughout the state remindingmotorists to share the road with motorcycles.

When the state rejected the proposal, Kimsey went to the city of High Point.

Following a letter to the city council, and several meetings with the city manager andcity transportation officials, Kimsey was able to identify four city streets where thesigns were needed, based on a high volume of motorcycle accidents.

The city is expected to erect four signs on each street, and the transportationdepartment will monitor accidents on the streets to see if the signs have an impact.

While state transportation officials haven’t approved signs for state-owned streets,Kimsey says they will be watching the project in High Point. “If we can show that thesigns have an impact on reducing the number of accidents, the state may consider thesigns,” Kimsey said. “I am hoping it’s something that will catch on.”

CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR VETOES RED LIGHT BILL– California Assembly Bill 2521, introduced byAssembly Member Jay LaSuer (R- County of San Diego), would have required all new andreplacement traffic-actuated signal devices to recognize motorcycles and bicycles, aswell as new lighter cars, but was vetoed by Governor Gray Davis.

The bill passed through the legislature without opposition in both the Senate and theAssembly, but was doomed to defeat when it reached the governor?s desk on September 18.

“Now that is unconscionable!,” exclaimed Nancy Nemecek, chairman of the board for ABATEof California. “If any motorcycle rider was on the fence about Davis, this should showhis true colors,” she said in reference to the upcoming gubernatorial election in theGolden State.

WEIRD NEWS OF THE MONTH– Dangerous Intersections More Safe?! British traffic consultantBen Hamilton-Bailie told the British Institution of Civil Engineers that improving roadsafety by making intersections more dangerous may actually decrease accidents.

The approach has already proved successful in Holland and Denmark, and relies on the ideathat drivers will be more careful if they perceive more danger. Without road signs androad markings, they are forced to slow down and make eye contact with other road users toestablish who makes the next move.

This has lead to many new intersections in Northern Europe resembling the days beforecars were commonplace, and it is said that it has reduced accidents without affectingjourney times, but it does rely on vehicles traveling below 20mph.

Bros Club Banner

QUOTABLE QUOTES: “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.”BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Patriot & Founding Father





GLENDALE, CA – Sheryl Crow, Mick Fleetwood & Friends, and JeffersonStarship will headline Love Ride 19, the largest motorcycle fundraisingevent in the world, on Sunday, November 10. Grand Marshal Jay Leno,Honorary Grand Marshal Peter Fonda, and a host of celebrity bikers will lead20,000+ motorcyclists on a 50-mile caravan from Harley-Davidson of Glendale,California, to a barbecue, trade show, and concert at Castaic Lake.Proceeds will benefit Reading By 9, MDA, and other charities. In 18 years,the Love Ride has raised over $15 million.

Sign up is 6am-9am on Sunday, November 10 at Harley-Davidson of Glendale,with a 90-minute Jefferson Starship concert at 7:00am, followed by acelebrity press conference at 8:45a.m. The caravan of bikes departs toCastaic Lake at 9:15am.

Festivities at Castaic Lake will begin at 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. (gatesopen at 10am). Mick Fleetwood & Friends perform at 11:45am followed bySheryl Crow at 1:15. The minimum donation is $60, or $50 if you sign-up inadvance online ( or at Harley-Davidson of Glendale beforeNovember 5, 2002. For larger donations, participants qualify to receive avariety of prizes, including a 2003 100th Anniversary Harley-Davidson V-Rodand a 2003 Ford Harley-Davidson F-150.

Harley-Davidson of Glendale is located at 3717 San Fernando Road betweenLos Feliz Blvd. and Glendale Avenue. For more information, call (818)246-5618, extension 7.

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October 17, 2002 Part 4


Continued From Page 3


BIKERNET CRAZYHORSE REPORT–Well we got a taste of paradise in Readers’ Rides this month. Von Hilde, infamous recluse artist, has peeked out of his hideout in Key West to show off a very tropical hardtail. Bandit would look great on this bike as he has the shirts to go with it. Here’s a quick?look at?VonHilde’s art. Check out the story that goes with it at Reader’s Rides.

Crazy Horse drawing

Meanwhile back here in good ol boyland, I’ve been painting up a storm. Eagles are the subject this week. I’m almost packed for Biketoberfest. I’m leave in the morning. I’m hooking up with a group of women riders called the Amazons for a ride Friday. I’ll be sure to take pictures of these lovely ladies and their rides. On Saturday, I’ll be meeting up with shady tropical characters.

Crazy Horse Paint

Jim is turning wrenches and burning up the tig torch like?madman this month.?His spare parts Softail has found a new home in Delaware and Jim’s new hardtail will be ready for paint in two weeks. My gooseneck frame from Chrome Specialties arrives tomorrow. Jim will have it completed as a rolling chassis by the time?I get back from Daytona.

The Discovery Shows were interesting. It was funny listening to Jim making smart aleck remarks to the dad’s hissy fits on Orange County Ciaos. He got especially incensed after the dad?asked the kid?”you gonna?spend all day on that seat pan?” Jim takes great pains in creating seat pans for his customs and no matter how hard he tries, it usually takes up a whole day. “Fuck you dad, I’m going?to the bar, since you’re the seat pan building expert, make it yourself,” Jim shouted at the TV. Jim thought the kid was a?talented fabricator with good ideas, but dad’s outbursts were so overly dramatic, it was like watching the WWF.

My sporty is cleaner than it’s been in many months. The front end has been rebuilt, the rear pipe now has two studs holding it on, instead of the one that’s been doing the job for the last 2 1/2 yrs. Even the speedo works. Hot Damn! Now watch it rain.

—————Crazy Horse

MOTORCYCLIST FROM ACROSS THE NATION ARE DESCENDING ON TORRINGTON FOR THE ANNUAL CONNECTICUT BIKE WEEK–The event was suppose to be held in May, but was postponed in the wake ofmotorcycle gang violence in other states and rumors that local Hell’s Angelsand Waterbury’s Outlaw motorcycle club members might clash if they metduring the event.

The rally, now in its sixth year, kicks off officially tomorrow and runsthrough next Sunday. It is one of only six bike weeks nationwide, puttingTorrington on the map for big biking events.

Extra police will be on hand, but organizers and town officials say theydon’t anticipate any problems.

In fact, merchants in the area are expecting a big economic bump from therally.

The city is welcoming the bikers with a large banner that firefightersstrung across Main Street Saturday morning.

–from Rogue

BIKERNET QUOTE OF THE WEEK– “The day I worry about cleaning my house is the day Sears comes out with a riding vacuum cleaner.”

– Roseanne

–from Kris B.





GLENDALE, CA – Sheryl Crow, Mick Fleetwood & Friends, and JeffersonStarship will headline Love Ride 19, the largest motorcycle fundraisingevent in the world, on Sunday, November 10. Grand Marshal Jay Leno,Honorary Grand Marshal Peter Fonda, and a host of celebrity bikers will lead20,000+ motorcyclists on a 50-mile caravan from Harley-Davidson of Glendale,California, to a barbecue, trade show, and concert at Castaic Lake.Proceeds will benefit Reading By 9, MDA, and other charities. In 18 years,the Love Ride has raised over $15 million.

Sign up is 6am-9am on Sunday, November 10 at Harley-Davidson of Glendale,with a 90-minute Jefferson Starship concert at 7:00am, followed by acelebrity press conference at 8:45a.m. The caravan of bikes departs toCastaic Lake at 9:15am.

Festivities at Castaic Lake will begin at 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. (gatesopen at 10am). Mick Fleetwood & Friends perform at 11:45am followed bySheryl Crow at 1:15. The minimum donation is $60, or $50 if you sign-up inadvance online ( or at Harley-Davidson of Glendale beforeNovember 5, 2002. For larger donations, participants qualify to receive avariety of prizes, including a 2003 100th Anniversary Harley-Davidson V-Rodand a 2003 Ford Harley-Davidson F-150.

Harley-Davidson of Glendale is located at 3717 San Fernando Road betweenLos Feliz Blvd. and Glendale Avenue. For more information, call (818)246-5618, extension 7.


OPEN THE BAR–It’s time to slip on the gloves and go for a ride. It appears to me that the weather has chilled mighty quick this year, even on the coast. The King felt good under my ass today as I bobbed and weaved in the Los Angeles afternoon traffic trying to scoot home to the babes running the headquarters. It was good to see smiling faces.

I know there’s a lot going on and coming to the hallowed halls of Bikernet like an article on Sonny Barger and a look and the new Pat Kennedy bike building fort in Tombstone. We have an article in a holding pattern on hand made custom chopper machined steel models. You’ll be blown away. The Dyna above is Mike Pullin’s. He recently replaced the narrow glide with a bone stock wide glide. We’ll have a bit on it in a couple of days. Damn, I forgot to mention that prizes from Samson and Bikernet will be shipped next week. Enter the FREE contest, goddamnit, it’s FREE. Check back next week.



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October 17, 2002 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

Lepera Banner

BRAND NEW LE PERA SITE–Check it out. Enter your model, and the site will show you all the seats available for your bike.

TIPPER GORE– At a press conference today, Tipper Gore announced that she’s going back on the campaign trail with her husband, former Vice President Al Gore. “To prepare myself,” she said, “I have shaved off all of my pubic hair. From now until the election, I shall sit on the stage with the former Vice President and may occasionally flash the audience. This will send a very strong message to America.” ?

“What is that message?” asked astonished reportersat this rather startling announcement.

To which Tipper replied: “Read my lips……………no more Bush.”

–from Chris T.

WHITEHORSE PRESS WINTER WEAR–A staple of the long-distance riding community, we’ve found the Widder’Lectric Vest canextend your riding season indefinitely by keeping you warm even in thecoldest temperatures.

For those on a tighter budget, the new Wind-ProPolartec Vest is fourtimes more wind resistant than conventional fleece and provides warmthwithout bulk. Both vests are lightweight alternatives to the “layering”method of staying warm.

You’ll also want to trade in your T-shirts for something with sleeves. Ournew Classic Denim Shirts willfit the bill. These stylish shirts are available sporting four classicmotorcycle logos and are a nice alternative to the standard tees we like towear, and will make a great gift for the motorcyclist on your holidayshopping list.

Stay warm and safe!

LAS VEGAS DRAGS THIS WEEKEND–Hi Bandit:Well, the laptop seems to be working right – amazing the difference!

We’re packing up the van and want to be out of here five minutes ago, so hopefully we can make it to the Las Vegas track by Thursday night or Friday morning.?

I hope to see you there, gotta run. Taking all this computer stuff with me again just to see if it can really work well out on the road. Maybe I can get something done on the way home. I’ve still got 21 rolls of fresh?film, but I hope this is the last race for that.

Mailman still isn’t decided about racing next year, so I’m on a fence.

–Helen, Bikernet Drag Race Reporter

HARLEY-DAVIDSON, INC. REPORTS RECORD THIRD QUARTER– ?????? Milwaukee, Wis., October 15, 2002 — Harley-Davidson, Inc. (NYSE: HDI) today announced record revenue and earnings for its third quarter ended September 29, 2002. The Company’s third quarter revenue was $1.14 billion, an increase of 31.8 percent over the third quarter last year. Diluted earnings per share were 54 cents, a 50 percent increase compared with last year. ?????

? ?As we began our year-long 100th Anniversary Celebration, we achieved our biggest quarter ever, setting new records in revenue and earnings,? said Jeffrey L. Bleustein, chairman and chief executive officer of Harley-Davidson, Inc. ?The commemorative products for our 100th Anniversary Celebration were a major driver for our exceptional third quarter performance and are a great springboard for growing demand for the future.? ?????

? ?Our global dealer network sold nearly 18 percent more new motorcycles over the past nine months. This, together with better than expected accessories and MotorClothes sales in a difficult economy, gives us confidence in the robust demand for our products,? said Bleustein. ?In response, we are increasing our 2002 production target for Harley-Davidson? motorcycles from 262,000 to 263,000, and for 2003 our target is being set at 289,000, a ten percent increase over 2002.?

Motorcycles and Related Products Segment – Third Quarter Results ?????? Third quarter revenue from Harley-Davidson motorcycles was $832.7 million, an increase of 28.4 percent over the third quarter last year. Shipments totaled 67,474 units, up 10,863 units or 19.2 percent over the same period last year.

Revenue from Parts and Accessories (P&A), which consists of Genuine Motor Parts and Genuine Motor Accessories, totaled $199.3 million, a 32.3 percent increase from the year-ago quarter. Third quarter revenue from General Merchandise, which consists of MotorClothes apparel and collectibles, totaled $83.1 million, an 88.5 percent increase over the same period last year.

The Company?s 100th Anniversary commemorative products drove the performance of both product lines. Revenue from 100th Anniversary P&A products was $21 million and revenue from General Merchandise associated with the 100th Anniversary was $25 million. ?We expected P&A revenues during this anniversary year to be strong, and General Merchandise revenues to be even stronger,? said Bleustein, ?but these third quarter results have exceeded even our expectations.? For the longer term, the Company expects the growth rate for P&A revenues to be slightly higher than Harley-Davidson?s motorcycle unit growth rate and the General Merchandise growth rate is expected to be lower than the motorcycle unit growth rate.

Third quarter gross margin was 34.9 percent of revenue, up from 34.5 percent of revenue for the same period last year. Gross margin improved primarily due to Parts & Accessories? margin contribution, a higher percentage of U.S. motorcycle shipments and worldwide price increases on the 2003 model year motorcycles. ?????? Third quarter operating margin for the Motorcycles and Related Products Segment was 19.6 percent of revenue, an improvement on last year?s third quarter margin of 18.0 percent. The increase in gross margin was the primary contributor to the increase in operating margin.

The Company expects HDFS? full year 2002 operating income to be approximately 55-60 percent higher than in 2001. The Company expects HDFS? full year 2003 operating income to be approximately 20 percent higher than 2002 expectations.? Over the longer term, the Company expects the HDFS growth rate to be slightly higher than the Company?s motorcycle unit growth rate.

old letter

STOLEN MOTORCYCLE REPORT FROM 1928–In 1928, the AMA published a list of stolen motorcycles to alert dealers around the country. We’ve been kicking around the idea of creating a department dedicated to posting information about stolen bikes. Hell, we thought it was our original idea. Note the line at the bottom of the letter.

Continued On Page 4

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