Victory Motorcycles and Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Combine Forces in NYC on Veteran’s Day

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Victory Motorcycles and Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) will continue their partnership supporting the men and women of the armed forces by joining together at America’s Parade in New York City on November 11. This nationally televised parade is the largest Veteran’s Day event in the nation.

Victory/IAVA have initiated “The Road Home” program during which Victory will contribute $500 to IAVA for each new Victory bike sold. This program is dedicated to empowering and assisting the military veterans who have served in recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan to adjust to life back home. Learn more at

“It’s an honor to join IAVA to celebrate the men and women who protect our freedom.” said Steve Menneto, VP Motorcycles for Polaris. “We appreciate their contributions and sacrifices, and admire the work done on their behalf by IAVA.”

As a company with nearly 30% of its owner base having a military affiliation, Victory is especially honored to support military personnel, veterans and first responders. Victory currently offers these individuals $1,000.00 off the cost of a new Victory motorcycle. Offers vary and exclusions apply. Complete details are available at

America’s Parade in New York City is a magnificent event to bring attention to all the brave men and women who have placed themselves in harm’s way to keep the American way of life secure.

The 2015 Victory motorcycle lineup features premium cruisers, baggers, and touring models that provide riders with industry-leading performance, comfort, style, cargo space, and reliability.


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