Bikernet Banner

August 31, 2003


A More In-Your-Face take on this EPA shit

Sen. Campbell and others who think of the EPA legislation concerningmotorcycles as an issue of clean air, really need to wake up.

My name is Stan Alt and I went to Washington DC to talk with the EPA, someSenators, Congressmen and others. I did this at the request of the MRFbecause I am the founder of the ISA ( Independent Shop Association) whichconsists of 48 independent motorcycle shops in Wisconsin. Plus, I had ownedand operated an independent motorcycle shop myself for a number of years.

To keep it short and simple — I told them the same thing I’m tellingyou… If you change the emissions on cars and trucks by 1/100th of apercent, the reduction of fuel emissions generated would be greater thaneliminating all the motorcycles.

So what’s really up, and why does Harley-Davidson put out a reportencouraging this change in emission standards? Maybe it’s a lot simpler thanyou think. Money!

The results of this EPA move would:
1.) Make it, if not impossible then nearly impossible for the smallindependent builder to build motorcycles.
2.) It would severely limit engine modifications, there-by affectingaftermarket parts suppliers like CCI, Drag Specialties and so on.
3.) Restrict service on motorcycles to those few shops that can afford theequipment needed to maintain the emission standards, primarily franchisedealers.
4.) It would prevent personal modifications by the owner, even something assimple as changing cams and exhaust systems.

Now, why would H-D be all for this? My opinion is that it gets rid of theexpense that comes from competition. If you look back, there were only a fewmodels available to the motorcycle purchaser, then with the sixties came thechopper and the creative individualities of there owners. What resulted wasa boom in aftermarket parts suppliers and service which H-D was forced tocompete with. You remember the Eagle Iron parts that started showing up onthe franchisers shelves, don’t you?

If the law goes into effect there would be no need to provide modificationor upgrade kits that are now available from the franchise dealer. Why?Because the law would prohibit it. As the customized motorcycle disappearsso does the expense to produce a product year after year to compete with it.The manufacturer could also decrease the number of models knowing that thebuyer, if he/she desires to ride, will have to buy one of their models, asno one can affordably build something different for them.

Now back to Sen. Campbell and others who think they are doing a greatservice by proposing a delay as the answer. My hope is that they will fightto oppose the legislation. If cleaner air is what is needed why not go afterthe vehicles, cars and trucks, that create 99.99% of it. Fazing in an era ofpollution laws like the ones proposed will result only in the fazing out ofcreativity, individuality and a whole lifestyle and industry that I reallylike.

As a side note: I imagine it won’t take long for law enforcement to get theexhaust emissions machines for each squad car that would cause the removalfrom operation on streets and highways of any 2006 and newer motorcyclewho’s exhaust noise is louder then the clacking of the cams in it’s engine.

Thanks for the time you took to read this.
Stan Alt
ISA Founder and Coordinator

This letter and some very comprehensive information on what the EPA is trying to do to us, along with some handouts is now on the site

beach ride flyer

Stop Victory Act ot Patriot Act II

No matter how you feel about Gov. Dean, Ashcroft must be stopped. Pleaseconsider passing this on after you sign the petition. Thank you. jeanijessen

This week, Attorney General Ashcroft is touring the country to build supportfor his Victory Act, which would expand the Patriot Act. Join me in taking astand against John Ashcroft s plans by clicking on the link below andsigning the petition to stop the passage of the Victory Act:

After you ve signed the petition, forward this email on to everyone youknow. We all must stand together to demonstrate that the grassroots have thepower to take our country back.

Governor Howard Dean, M.D.

century motorcycles

Sept. 5-7 Ride To Freedom, Harrisburg, PA

For those thinking about riding to Harrisburg, PA Friday, September5th to be with ABATE of PA on Saturday, September 6th at 1:00 to help and’be there’ for the historic ceremonial signing of their ‘adult choice’ billat PA’s State Capital, here’s some updates:

1.) The ride is GROWING. Lots of interest coming in. MMA’s website( is updated with our route (thanks Vince and Andy).Major staging location Charlton Rest area on Mass Pike (I-90), departingthere at 9:00 a.m. FRIDAY, September 5th. Several people are planning onworking the prior Monday, Labor Day weekend to take that Friday off to ridewith us. We’ll be coming from Massachusetts, through CT, NY into PA. Sincewe don’t have a ‘choice’ (yet) in NY, no ‘stops in NY’ – but we’ll stop atExit 1 on I-84 to put our helmets on for 72.5 miles until we stop at about12:30 at Exit 11 in PA. NY riders, feel free to join in anywhere along thisRoute or stops.

2.) Two camping cabins left at the Jonestown KOA. Some campsites left.Need to ‘advance reserve’ sites BY AUGUST 20th. Then we have to cancelunbaked reserved sites to get our $$ back. Contact me with your intentions.Don’t need check in hand, your commitment is good enough.

Again, four people can stay at each site two nights for less than $25 perperson. Bring your own tents, sleeping bags, shower shoes, etc. Localcounty ABATE of PA chapter plans to ‘welcome’ and meet with us Friday night,then lead us to Harrisburg Saturday, leaving at 11:00 for the ‘good seats’in Harrisburg. Maybe a Party at the Campgrounds Saturday night, in supportof BIKE PAC, . . . PA’s political action committee for rider’s issues.

3.) Bill L. from CMA advises me hotels in the area are filling up. Besidesour event, some football game going on. He’s booked a room at the EconoLodge a few miles from the campsite in Altoona, PA, but says only two roomsleft there. He searched for Altoona, PA, several hotels in thearea.

4.) We are going, rain or shine. A few riders who can’t ride will join usin their cars/trucks to be there. That is kool. Likewise, a few otherriding couples are sharing, bike and car/truck, to make the trip. May beextra storage room in their vehicles.

5.) This is a MAJOR event for riders in the Northeast. Through ABATE ofPA and BIKE PAC, they WON. Massachusetts, Vermont, NY, NJ, MD, VA and WVA,who’s gonna be next? Let’s learn from them and ABATE of FL, and get ‘itdone’ in our States too! But September 5-7 is the TIME to BE in PA.

6.) Again, check out for more info.

7.) Or, More details about the Gettysburg Ride

Paul W. Cote

If you need more info on this or any other subject just go to the Sons ofLiberty Riders Info Zone or

ICQ 34668186

Read More

August 28, 2003 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

canada signs - jokes - buckshot

–from Buckshot

THE INNOCENT ONE– A father watched his precious 6yr old daughter playingin the garden. He smiled as he reflected on how sweetand innocent his little girl was.

Suddenly she just stopped and stared at the ground. He went over to her and noticed she was looking at twospiders mating.

“Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?” she asked.

“They’re mating,” her father replied.

“What do you call the spider on top, Daddy?” sheasked.

“That’s a Daddy Longlegs.” Her father answered.

“So, the other one is a Mommy Longlegs?” the littlegirl asked.

“No,” her father replied. “Both of them are DaddyLonglegs.”

The little girl thought for a moment, then took herfoot and stomped them flat. “Well, she said, we’re nothaving any of that shit in our garden.”

–from Redhorse

GOOD OL’ FATHER-SON SCOOTER TRASH REUNION–I’m writing in regards to a photo in the August issue (34) page 14, your Easy Writer page in HORSE, about a Death Valley run in ’78. I’m curious as to what you know about that photo, and who’s in it. Because if the people who are in that photo, are, who I think they are, and if you can tell me, that would answer alot of questions about my whole life.

I don’t want to give you a long drawn out sob story, because we both have better shit to do, but the fact of the matter is, is that the woman on the right side of the picture, facing the camera, (bandana & glasses) is my mom. Which means that hairy fucker in the middle of the photo, with the beard and shades on his head is my ol’ man. Who I’ve never met. If that picture was REALLY taken between 77-80, and in Southern California, or TX, then it fits, and if you know ANYTHING about that photo I’d greatly appreciate any info! How fuckin’ cool would that be if you and “The Horse” were responsible for a good ol’ father-n-son scooter trash reunoin!

So anyway, if you can’t tell me anything because of legal shit or whatever, or just don’t know that’s cool, but please get back to me either way. I’m a huge fan of your rag, and I don’t need to say you guys put out the most bitchin’ chopper mag , because everyone already knows!

By the way this is a NO-BULLSHIT letter and thanks for taking the time to read it.

davinci 2 - r. roesler

POWER PACKAGE KIT–The good folks at DaVinci Performance (Yes kids they built the Fire Hydrant Carburetor for O.C.C.) offer a kit they call the Power Package Kit. I have been aware of the company for some time but had not been at a point that I was ready to invest the coin needed for the kit.

davinci 1 - richard roesler

A friend picked one up and began to tell about the way his S&S performed after the installation. I was still a little skeptical, mainly because he does not ride much anymore.

However, it is now available direct from DaVinci. While I was a little skeptical as to whether or not I would get enough value from the kit to justify the cost I am glad I did make the purchase. This product works great on the S&S carburetors, smoothing out the transition from circuit to circuit. DaVinci has been involved in performance with the NHRA And NASCAR, for sometime, so I believe it is safe to assume they know a thing or two about carburetors.

davinci 3 r. roesler

While I have no data on the changes it made on my bike other then I slide farther off the seat now. There is an article at “” on the installation of this Power Package kit on a 107-inch S&S engine in a 2003 Big Dog Mastiff that bike gained 5.5hp and 5.2lb-ft of torque, not bad for an installation that takes about 15 minutes!

DaVinci Performance can be reached at (936) 264-1759 or at HYPERLINK “” .

R. Roesler - friends bike

–Rigid Frame Richard

lesbians and bush - carl

FUCK YOU– Perhaps one of the most interesting and colorful words in the English language today is the word “fuck”. It is the one magical word which, just by it’s sound, can describe pain, pleasure, love, and hate. In language, “fuck” falls into many grammatical categories. It can be used as a verb, both transitive, (John fucked Jane) and intransitive (Jane was fucked by John). It can be used as an active verb (John fucked Jane), an intransitive passive verb (Jane doesn’t really give a fuck) or an adverb (Jane is fucking interested in John), and as a noun (Jane is a good fuck). It can be used as an adjective (Jane is fucking beautiful). As you can see, there are few words with the versatility of “fuck”.

Besides it’s sexual connotations, this incredible word can be used to describe many situations:

Greetings…………………………………………..”How the fuck are you?”
Fraud………………………………………………..”I got fucked by the car dealer.”
Dismay………………………………………………”Oh, fuck it.”
Trouble………………………………………………”Well, I guess I’m fucked now.”
Aggression………………………………………….”Fuck You!!”
Disgust………………………………………………”Fuck me.”
Confusion……………………………………………”What the fuck?”
Difficulty……………………………………………..”I don’t understand this fucking thing.”
Despair………………………………………………”Fucked again.”
Incompetence………………………………………”He fucked up everything.”
Displeasure………………………………………….”What the fuck is going on here?”
Lost……………………………………………………”Where the fuck are we?”
Retaliation…………………………………………….”Up your fucking ass.”
It can be used as an anatomical description: “He’s a fucking asshole.”
It can be used to tell time: “It’s five fucking thirty.”
It can be used in business: “How did I wind up with this fucking job?”
It can be maternal: “Motherfucker.”
It can be political: “Fuck Bill Clinton.”
It can be used socially: “Nice fucking day we’re having.” or “How the fuck have you been?”
And never forget General Custer’s last words: “Where did all these fucking Indians come from?” Also the famous last words of the mayor of Hiroshima: “What the fuck was that?” And, last but not least, the immortal words of the captain of the Titanic: “Where is all the fucking water coming from?”
The mind fairly boggles at the many creative uses of the word. How can anyone be offended when you say fuck? Use it frequently in your daily speech. It will add to our prestige.
Say “Fuck you” to someone today!!

beach ride flyer

ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR BEACH RIDE–ECF Beach Ride is excited to announce that online fund raising (registration and pledge program) on are available through September 5, 2003. You have access to create a personalized event webpage detailing key information about the Exceptional Children’s Foundation and its work on behalf of children and adults with developmental disabilities and acquired brain injuries. Plus, you get web tools that will enable others to join you or your team to support ECF and the Beach Ride. Click to register for Beach Ride 2003 set for Sunday September 7 at the Queen Mary Events Park in Long Beach.

–Carmela Anne Burke
Exceptional Children’s Foundation


Click to order Catalog!

Custom Chrome ? and Chrome Specialties ? have joined forces to bring you the most comprehensive product offering in the Harley-Davidson ? aftermarket! At over 1,400 pages and over 25,000 part numbers, our 2003 Catalog features everything from nuts & bolts to HR3 bike kits, and sets the NEW industry standard.

ONLY $9.95 + 6.95 Shipping**

weasels on cop car - oldwolv

I told you these guys lacked class.

LABOR DAY IS HERE–That’s a sad indication that the Summer is rolling to a close. This has been one of the busiest biker years I’ve experienced. Like Jose rants, we’ve been launched into the main stream through Discovery. With television coverage, 100th and 911 tributes there’s more runs, rides, and events than ever before. Jose might not care for the cut of each jib, but what the hell, if ya don’t like their party, don’t go.

I don’t watch OCC because I’m into building bikes not arguing. Besides, these guys can’t keep a bike on a lift.

I don’t watch Jesse because of personal reasons. That’s the way it goes.

On the other hand, my congratulations to Jesse, the OCC guys, Billy Lane, event promoters, Harley and all the Kats who have the mettle to keep this prosperity crop growing. Success is a wonderful thing and I hope they all respect what slipped onto their chromed plates. Each program, event and anniversary is good for motorcycling. Hopefully the heightened awareness will prevent an accident or two. And may many of these opportunities to have a good time, attend an event or become a star befall you or a partner.

mike lichter

That reminds me, Billy Tinney, Mike Lichter and I, reached out to document the guys who started this lifestyle, veteran club members for decades. It’s a tough assignment which might become a Motorbooks Int. book, “Badlands” in the future. Two chapters have been published in American Rider, one on Sloopy from the Diablos and one on the President of the Vagos, Terry the Tramp. Well, we decided to publish them in Bandit’s Cantina. Cantina Members will be fortunate enough to snatch a honest glimpse into club members’ lives on Bikernet. Watch for Terry’s story to be posted in the next couple of days. You will have the opportunity to witness another book project in motion, one chapter at a time.

May the Adventure never end. Let’s ride, we’re burnin’ daylight.


no trespasing - rev. carl

Read More

August 28, 2003 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

Harley Davidson Banner

ENTERTAINMENT ABOUNDS AT YORK OPEN HOUSE–19th annual motorcycle event features tour of Harley-Davidson factory

YORK, PA – The 19th annual York Open House will entertain all ages with livebands, stunt bike performances and demo rides on Sept. 18-20, 2003. Held atthe York Expo Center, the event includes vendors, a five-dealer Harleymerchandise mall, live entertainment, trials exhibitions, seminars and planttours all three days. Previous years? events have seen 30,000-40,000attendees over the three days, according to organizers. This year, there aremore than 350 vendor spaces are available, more than ever before, so you?llfind all you need at this year?s York Open House.

york open house bikes

“Make no mistake, an already great show with a great legacy will be evenbetter than before,” said John Detrick, CEO of Carlisle Events, the companyproducing the York Open House.

Tour the York Harley-Davidson factory to see how your favorite motorcyclesare created. The York Vehicle Operations plant is the largestHarley-Davidson facility, employing more than 3,200 people, many of themriders. All tours are available only to those who take the shuttle bus frominside the fairgrounds to the factory. Buses will run from 9 a.m.-2 p.m.Thursday through Saturday.

Friday night, the City of York, in conjunction with the York CountyHarley-Davidson Owners Association, hosts York Bike Night. Starting at about6 p.m., a motorcycle parade will travel through town on its way to downtownYork. Entertainment, live rock music and vendors will highlight this 10thannual York Bike Night, which goes on until 10 p.m. There have been close to1,500 motorcycles in the parade in the past, so this should be a fantasticevent for participants and spectators alike.

york open house plant

At the Expo Center, Harley-Davidson Motor Company will offer demo rides, andthe five-dealer Harley-Davidson merchandise mall will offer all the leatherand accessories you need. Participate in the BattleTrax challenge, a coursethat lets riders explore handling and braking limits in a safe, challengingenvironment. All types of motorcycles and all levels of riding skill – frombeginner to expert – can find fun and excitement ?carving cones? on aBattleTrax course. This is the ninth and final event in PennsylvaniaBattleTrax Championship Series, and the champions will be crowned.

The Trials Exhibitions will feature Adam Holbrook, the 1999 U.S. NationalHigh School Class Champion, who at 19 years old is the youngest professionaltrials showman in the United States. Other performances include street bikestunts and a motocross stunt team, dazzling the crowd with jumps and tricks.Free informational seminars will instruct riders on such topics as the bestlocal rides, how to travel long distances and other useful advice.

Saturday afternoon, a 2004 Harley-Davidson FXST Softail Standard motorcyclewill be given away to one lucky ticket holder (must be present to win).Also, take part in a raffle to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Associationfor your chance to win a 2004 Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail motorcycle.

Visit for information about the event. Be sure to signup to receive the e-mail newsletter and be the first to get all the latestnews about the York Open House.

The 2003 edition of the York Open House takes place Sept. 18-20, 8 a.m.-5p.m., at the York Expo Center. Admission is $5, and motorcycle parking isfree (other vehicles: $5 parking). Children 12 and under are admitted free.Call 1(877) 231-7666 for hotel information and to learn about other areaattractions.

jose banner

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT– While everybody is getting into the motorcycle world, The 100th anniversary is rockin’ Milwaukee this week. Travel Channel is airing motorcycle shows all week long, and the Discovery Great Biker Build off show is coming up this Labor day. We are shot with an overdose of Bike Stuff , well, not us, the mere mortals who don’t have a chance, or have never been to one of these events, or believe whatever the TV says and take it as gospel. Even Speed Channel launched its two-wheel Tuesdays, with a couple shows aimed to the V-Twin consumers. My question is, are we getting an overload of bike stuff ? If some is good, more is better? I have witnessed some good shows, and others that suck. Some have shitty parts mixed with good ones. Anyway, what do people actually know about this industry? Or can it simply be based on what they see on TV?

jose - peace trio

For example, I saw last night, how Robbie Knievel was talking about the reliability of his Harley vs. the unreliability of his “custom” and I quote “My custom falls apart, if I run over a 100 miles, that’s why I take my Harley,” (or something like that).So let’s get something clear, his custom, which is given away as promotion by one of the companies (I’m not sure which) and he proudly promotes it in ads and events, is actually an unreliable piece of shit ? So all the efforts of such and such company to sell their product goes down the drain, since a famous (the endorser) guy says it’s crap. I assume that the general public won’t take their time to verify this, and if it’s said on TV it’s etched in stone. Or is it? I will be the first one to say, when something, anything, is crap.

On the otherhand, I don’t like people who advertise stuff that is actually crap, but since they are getting banners and money for their shows then people assume is good. Lately you see a bunch of banners and stickers strategically placed so people get the idea. Sure you might be getting promotion, but the proof is in the pudding…..

Even more, it ticks me every time I read a magazine and the “builder” or buyer, is using a Harley motor and the following line almost always is said “I used it for reliability” Fuck that! You build a bike with an 80 inch motor, either because you don’t care for inches, you are cheap, or have a show bike. After Knuckles, Pans and Shovels, a motor is a motor, all you need is something to propel you down the road, to make you and bike go from point A to point B, no more than that. Externally an 80 incher can look as good as a 145….

Of course it’s the repetitive cacophony, “It’s reliable” Bullshit! I have used several motors in my bikes, and it’s all a matter of how you MAINTAIN your bike. You must take the proper care. It’s not a car that you put gas in and go. It’s a handmade motorcycle, and it needs specific maintenance. Like S&S or even the Revtech engines, our customers and our friends literally beat the shit out of them, and we’ve never had any problems. I’ll tell you, if some of our customers don’t blow up an S&S 113, no one will!

jose - brown chop

Sure, I have busted up my bike, doing stupid shit, like trying to ride 2,000 miles on a brand new chopper, or simply by abuse. But the worst motor problem might be a blown head gasket or a loose pushrod. We ride as far as anyone else on their Twinkies, or 80-inch Evos, and a lot faster. Of course talking without proof will put me in the same league as those I’m talking about now. So how’s this for proof ?? Billy on a brand new Revtech, rode 100mph average from Melbourne to Salisbury (and then on to Sturgis). Roger Bourget peeled through the same ride, plus from Phoenix to Sturgis on brand new bike (this year) with a new 145-inch, all S&S. Big Mike from Oregon to the Black Hills with Aaron Greene, Revtechs and Merchs, How about that? I easily put 1,000 miles on my bike during the week in Sturgis, no problems whatsoever.So how’s that for reliability?

I guess it’s just the same old shit, someone says something and all the parrots repeat it, and it’s not only motors, it’s like that with a lot of things.

Go have fun bowing to the company gods, their smoke screen with keep the things the way they were” reliability and whatever else. Go spend your money with all the “brothers”. Hopefully none of us will need a doctor or a lawyer, they’ll all be there.

jose on chop

And now to the news:

September 1st, Discovery Channel, 8:00 pm, 9:00 pm, 10:00 pm Three shows of the Great Biker Build off, same times for Sept 6th. See Billy Lane, Dave Perewitz, Paul Yaffe and Indian Larry go at each other…. By the way , If you like pain there will be a marathon of all the Orange County Choppers the same day….enjoy….(there will be a repeat Sept 7th at 2:00,3:00 and 4:00 pm)

Ol Skool Rod’z is coming out pretty soon, the Kar magazine from the HORSE guys is almost complete, keep an eye for it, or check their web site

jose - couple on bagger

If you watched the X-Games in LA last week you might have seen a WCC sponsored bike doing the baddest back flip ever, even Jesse wiping the bike, Mike Deegan got gold for his efforts, congrats to them and WCC. It’s always cool to help people achieve their goals. Way to go !

The Hog Caribbean Rally is coming up soon, not that I’m gonna go, but just so you know…..

Oh well… I’m out of here, got to try finish the bikes for Biketoberfest….

–Jose Caribbean Bikernet report

BIKERS RIDE ON THE INTERNET TO FIND THEIR MATES!–Choice Horizons and MutualMinded, Inc. announce the introduction of their new internet social network ? .San Francisco, August 27, 2003: officially launching September 1st , will provide a fun and easy way for bikers across the country to meet each other for dating or social interaction. FREE 30 day ?test rides? will be given to the first 500 visitors so they can experience firsthand the benefits of this new niche social network. The site is geared to help bikers quickly find their next date, riding partner or biker events/gatherings to enjoy more of their favorite passion.

date a biker

Created by Mutual Minded Inc of Sherman Oaks, CA and marketed by Choice Horizons of Antioch, CA, ? is not just for dating or Harley types. It?s for all levels of interest in both motorcycles and dating – from casual friendships to those seeking marriage, hardcore enthusiasts to new riders. strives to provide the content and event information to draw bikers of all types for a well rounded membership.? ? Derik Cartan, Choice Horizons is also eager to align with venues, strategic partners and alliances that want to focus on this marketplace to offer more to its membership. The motorcycle industry is strong and bikers will spend money on their passion. intends to bridge the needs of its members with the industry. There are plans to provide discount offers for motorcycle products and services, reduced rates for referrals and other types of incentives to add to a member?s enjoyment of this motorcycle community.

Please take a free ride on today!

Continued On Page 4

Read More

August 28, 2003 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

milwaukee iron

MILWAUKEE IRON PARTS ON SALE–We have a “special” going on now w/our website orders. They get 10% off. Check Milwaukee Iron for some of the best built fenders in the US. Check their tank extensions, internal fork stops, extended dash accessories and more. Even bikes for sale.

nissan & harleys - r. roesler

BIKERNET DRIVING LESSONS–During my friends funeral an asshole decided he was too good to go to the next exit on the freeway and tried to cut through the front of the bikes with his new suburban. Needless to say it did not come out very well for him. The guys at the front of the pack, where it all occurred, laughed about how he was on his cell phone trying to call the police. Hell, the police were the escorts and saw what happened. I heard one the motor officers mention how it did not seem like the best decision on that guys part, to try and cut through a line of Bandidos and a funeral.

Stupid people everywhere!


HOLLYWIERD RUMOR–Just heard an unconfirmed rumor through my publishing grape vine that a former editor from EZ Rider just sold an option on three books to Hollywierd. If true, congrats man. I just hope you have a better agent than me. My deal is still in limbo with Wm. Morris and ass…ociates


Ya never know what could happen next.

WORKER DEAD AT DESK FOR 5 DAYS– (New York Times)Bosses of a publishing firm are trying to work out why no one noticed that one of their employees had been sitting dead at his desk for FIVE DAYS before anyone asked if he was feeling okay.

George Turklebaum, 51, who had been employed as a proof-reader at a New York firm for 30 years, had a heart attack in the open-plan office he shared with 23 other workers. He quietly passed away on Monday, but nobody noticed until Saturday morning when an office cleaner asked why he was still working during the weekend. His boss Elliot Wachiaski said: “George was always the first guy in each morning and the last to leave at night, so no one found it unusual that he was in the same position all that time and didn’t say anything. He was always absorbed in his work and kept to himself.”

A post mortem examination revealed that he had been dead for five days after suffering a coronary. Ironically, George was proofreading manuscripts of medical textbooks when he died. You may want to give your co-workers a nudge occasionally.

Moral of the story: Don’t work too hard. Nobody notices anyway.


EXPRESSIVE DESIGNS SCORES NEW CLIENT–Chris Tronolone, and the talented Expressive Designs Sticker group, may begin making stickers for Tom, from Rumble Customs, in Canada. Chris manufactures full color stickers for Bikernet and Jesse James.

“He also talked about going on this biker cruise,” Chris said while counting stickers. Check it out.

If you need hot stickers for events, bike shops or organizations, Chris is the man.

homeland security t-shirt - helen wolfe

MAILMAN’S RUN TO MILWAUKEE–Mailman’s trip was stopped instantly in Kittering, Maine on Saturday, Aug23rd at 12:30 pm EST by a 19 year old $%^&* (girl) that pulled out in frontof him, while he was going 35 mph. He was hollering names at her before heleft the bike.

larry lobster - mailmans bike

He’s ok, although he said this morning he has a foot-sized bruise on hisleft hip. His left wrist also hurts bad. He was on a small two laneroad when she pulled out, and his bike hit her front fender. He said it wasfortunate she was still moving, as his bike turned and jack-knifed thetrailer and he held onto the handlebars long enough to bend them upwards.

He flew off, and rolled on the pavement. Luckily, two paramedics werewitnesses to the accident and she was insured, as is Mailman. This is thebeginning of the second year he’s insured our bikes and he’s certainly gladfor that.

He refused medical help because he didn’t want to leave his bike and trailerwith strangers. He cut his nose from his glasses, and oddly enough theyweren’t broken, just bent, and it’s a good thing because he didn’t have asecond pair.

So he rented a U-Haul truck for $750 to Wisconsin as they said it would be threeweeks to repair locally. Today he called from Pinesville,Wisconsin, just 15-18 miles north of Milwaukee at Suburban Harley Davidson.One of the guys there, he thinks a manager named Ron, he didn’t remember hisname, knows someone at a local trailer park and set him up, even thoughit was full. He’ll have a few days with the U-Haul, but he’ll rent a carfor the rally. He’s too sore to ride, but figures he’ll mend while the bikedoes the same.

mailman trip map

Mailman’s run map. Helen is keeping track of her man.

BTW, was watching “COPS” and they were in San Pedro. Recognized a couple ofthe streets! “The Harbor area is a rough place where lots of criminalsare”, they said. “People get mugged right out on the streets.”

Still in all, wish I could take a trip there again.

Miss ya,

HARLEY-DAVIDSON UNVEILS 2004 MOTORCYCLESAND ANNOUNCES NEW WARRANTY PROGRAM–MILWAUKEE (August 27, 2003) – Harley-Davidson, Inc. introduced its Model Year 2004 motorcycle line-up to the public today as it kicked off its four-day 100th Anniversary celebration in Milwaukee. Key new models include a completely redesigned XL Sportster family and a new VRSCB V-Rod power cruiser, which complements the VRSCA V-Rod. These exciting new models will begin shipping to dealers in September.

Additional highlights of the 2004 Harley-Davidson motorcycle model line-up are listed below.

buzz standing

XL Sportster family is all-new with a redesigned, rubber-mounted Sportster XL Evolution powertrain, a stiffer frame, and lower seat height. Four models acknowledge 47 years of Sportster heritage while delivering a new level of comfort and performance.

guy on vrod

VRSCB V-Rod offers a tough, new blacked-out styling interpretation of the award-winning, liquid-cooled VRSCA V-Rod power cruiser.

photographing bike

New Road King Custom and restyled Road Glide bring new style to the Harley-Davidson Touring line.

Dyna Glide models will now be available with Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI). New-look fuel tanks and consoles update the styling of the Dyna Glide line.

Springer Softail gets a fresh new look with several feature enhancements.

Custom Vehicle Operations (CVO) adds a new motorcycle to its roster: the Screamin? Eagle Electra Glide, and offers the Screamin? Eagle Deuce in two brand new custom colors in its second year.

sporty motor

Harley-Davidson?s 2004 motorcycle models demonstrate the Company?s continued commitment to styling, product innovation and the riding experience. For 2004, the Company is offering 20 different color schemes, including solid colors and two-tones, after offering a limited range of color options during the 100th Anniversary model year.

Harley-Davidson also announced that all 2004 motorcycles will be covered by a two-year warranty. In addition, most service intervals have been extended from 2,500 miles to 5,000 miles.

riding shot

Average suggested retail prices for 2004 Harley-Davidson motorcycles have been reduced when compared with similar 2003 motorcycles. The 2004 model prices are lower by less than one percent. The new pricing reflects the removal of 100th Anniversary content on the 2003 model year motorcycles. Information on 2004 model year suggested retail pricing is available at or from local Harley-Davidson dealers.

american rider

SADAM’S FAMILY MEMBER REVEALED– Now that Uday & Qusay have been eliminated, some of the lesser-knownfamily members are coming to the attention of American authorities.

Among the brothers:
Sooflay ……………..the restauranteur
Guday………………..the half-Australian brother
Huray………………..the sports fanatic
Sashay………………the gay brother
Kuntay & Kintay…..the twins from the African mother
Sayhay………………the baseball player
Ojay………………….the stalker/murderer
Gulay………………..the singer/entertainer
Ebay…………………the internet czar
Biliray……………….the country music star
Ecksray…………….the radiologist
Puray……………….the blender factory owner
Regay………………the half-Jamaican brother
Tupay………………the one with bad hair

Among the sisters:
Lattay…………….the coffee shop owner
Bufay……………..the 300 pound sister
Dushay…………..the clean sister
Phayray………….the zoo worker in the gorilla house
Sapheway………the grocery store owner
Ollay………………the half-Mexican sister
Gudlay……………the prostitute

Finally, there is:
Oyvey……………but the family doesn’t like to talk about him.

–from Chris T.

canadian signs joke - dog sign - buckshot

Continued On Page 3

Read More

August 28, 2003 Part 1


woman fishing

I don’t know where to start. Maybe I should go fishing. Fox News Today, covered the snake like convention of packs rolling into Milwaukee, for the 100th. Just as soon as the Digital Gangster wakes up, we will cover all the new models on Bikernet. The Beach Ride, for the Exceptional Children’s Foundation, in Los Angeles, will be held at the Queen Mary to the chagrin of the LA Calendar Show promoter. The committee would have preferred a separate location but most of Southern California has steered away from Biker events after Laughlin.

The last tweaking on the Beach Ride bike, built by the Bikernet staff, will take place next week. Although, the Run For Breath promoter, in Charlotte N.C., would prefer that I fire up my torch and work on the Best Of Show Trophy for next year.

Check the Home Page for the latest detail touch on the 1928 Shovelhead. What a machine. It’s now perched in the headquarters, while we finish the CCI Goliath and the Amazing Shrunken FXR. Let’s get to the news. My project list is overwhelming. Oh, I have a surprise, for Cantina members, that I will announce at the end:

beach ride bike - g. hayward

Custom Chrome Kit Bike built for the Beach Ride by Bikernet.

BEACH RIDESchedule of the DayQueen Mary Events Park1126 Queens HighwayLong Beach, CA 90802–

9:30 am:Gates open

10:30-10:45:Welcome Singing of National Anthem by ECF clientOn With the Show!

11:00Live Music

11:45Announcements Raffle, Silent auction, Merchandise at ECF Booth

Noon to 1 pm:Black Oak Arkansas

1:00 and 3:00Tattoo Contest,Bike ShowMr. & Ms. Beach Ride Contest


3-4:30:Bad Company former lead singer Brian Howe

4:30:Thank you and until next time–Ride safe

beach ride flyer

SOLUTIONS TO ALL PROBLEMS–Leave it to Robin Williams to come up with the perfect plan…

1. The US will apologize to the world for our “interference” in their affairs, past & present. You know, Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo, Noriega, Milosovich and the rest of those ‘good ole boys.’ We will never “interfere” again.

2. We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting with Germany, South Korea and the Philippines. They don’t want us there.

We would station troops at our borders. No one sneaking through holes in the fence.

3. All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their affairs together and leave. We’ll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the remainder will be gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of who or where they are. France would welcome them.

4. All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90 days unless given a special permit. No one from a terrorist nation would be allowed in. If you don’t like it there, change it yourself and don’t hide here. Asylum would never be available to anyone.

We don’t need any more cab drivers or 7-11 cashiers.

5. No “students” over age 21. The older ones are the bombers. If they don’t attend classes, they get a “D” and it’s back home baby.

6. The US will make a strong effort to become self-sufficient energy wise. This will include developing non-polluting sources of energy but will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness.

The caribou will have to cope for a while

7. Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a barrel for their oil. If they don’t like it, we go some place else. They can go somewhere else to sell their production. (About a week of the wells filling up the storage sites would be enough.)

8. If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world, we will not “interfere.” They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds, rain, cement or whatever they need. Besides most of what we give them is stolen or given to the army. The people who need it most get very little, if anything.

9. Ship the UN Headquarters to an isolated island some place. We don’t need the spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, the building would make a good homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.

10. All Americans must go to charm and beauty school. That way, no one can call us “Ugly Americans” any longer.

Now, ain’t that a winner of a plan.

“The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying ‘Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses.’

She’s got a baseball bat and she’s yelling, ‘You want a piece of me?'” –

rogue talking to cows

RIDE TO MILWAUKEE FROM ROGUE– Got out of Florida on schedule and hit I-95 north.The weather wasfine, traffic decent and I made good time. Jumped on I-10 and the I-75. Got tomy first stop at Greg & Janet’s just outside Atlanta a little early sostopped at a little Mexican restaurant for a cold one. It was a hot day andthe beer tasted so good I had a second one.Got to their place just as theywere getting home. I like it when a plan comes together.

After a good breakfast it was off to Bill & Brenda’s just out sideNashville.They were ready and waiting so as soon as I unloaded my extra gear.It was off to down town Nashville. Again the weather and ride were great. Started to notice more Harleys on thehighways and of course trailers with Harley logos. It turned out that I hadrun into one of the Harley Ride Home stops. Reports said there were 9,000bikes all coming in froM the New Orleans area.

brenda horse statue - rogue

My friends took us around some of the traffic and the first stop was thefamous Tootsies Bar which is one of the oldest in Nashville and all the bigstars have played there one time or another on their way to the top. I waspacked.The Music was Great.

Well after a few it was off the the Wildhorse Saloon which was hosting aHarley party for those on the run. In true Harley Style it was very welldone. If this is what I am running into on the way to Milwaukee I can hardlywait to see what awaits.

The next stop was the Bikini Beach Bar, this place is a Biker Bar yearround. It was packed and the bikes just kept coming and coming until therewas no room for them, and they had to use the shopping center lot across thestreet.They must have heard the music of Dean Hall who was playing andputting every one in the partying mood. If you are ever in the area I highlyrecommend this place.

Well the sun has been up for awhile and the road awaits.Time for the nextleg of the trip. Ride Safe. I’ll see you in Milwaukee.


primo belt drive

NEW KICK START BELT AND CLUTCH SYSTEM–Primo offers this diaphragm spring operated 3 inch (8mm) kick-start only belt drive for custom installations only! (motor plate is not included in the kit) Included in the kit are front pulley, rear pulley (clutch basket), 8mm belt, clutch hub, clutch pack, pressure plate, diaphragm spring, spring retainer & nuts, and motor shaft nut! Take advantage of the superior strength of a 3-inch wide belt as well as the easy on the hand control of a diaphragm spring, Light-fingered, no-slip clutch action makes this the PRIMO BELT DRIVE with exceptional win potential!

CP-47-76-E(kick start only 4-speed adjustable transmission 1936-1954)

CP-47-76-F(kick start only 4-speed adjustable transmission 1955-1984)

P-49-76-T (kick start only) (1986-1989) FXR

P-49-76-S (kick start only) (1990 & later) FXR

P-48-76-T (kick start only) (1986-1989) Softail

P-48-76-S (kick start only) (1990 & later) Softail(kick start only with adjustable 4-speed includes with laser etched front pulley)

1955-84 Big-Twin

Please note: A motor plate is required with the above belt drive systems.

PP-402-K, PP-502-K, or PP-602-K (90& later Big-Twin) PP-170 (70-84 Big-Twin).Available with a variety of offset front pulleys

1928 shovel - chris kallas

ANOTHER RARE 1928 SHOVELHEAD–Thought you’d like to see thisI took this photo at del mar last year.It was on the cover of Easyriders about a month ago.Has an 8-ball on the tanks, and check out the bars.The pipes are doubles, but similar.


panhead & wife

The author and his wife.

Words From A Son–(In Memory Of Bruno).

You Made Me Promise
To Take Care
Of Your Baby Girl
For Awhile I Thought
I Had Failed You,
I Love Your Daughter
With All That Is Me
My Heart My Soul My Body

Then You Were
Takin From Us
Before You Could See
The Happiness I’ve
Brought Her Way
You Left Too Early
Father Of Mine To Be

I So Wanted To Share
The Road With You
Let You Hold
Your Only Daughter’s
Only Child

I Know We Can Never
Have Those Heart To Hearts
I Feel Cheated
But I Know I’ll See You
In ‘Lil Bruno’s Eyes
And You Let Me & Sate
Feel Your Spirit
From Time To Time

If Your Reading This
From Above
Know I Will Proudly
Wear Your Vest
And I Ask That You
Look Over All Of Us

The 1st Years The Hardest
And This Is When We
Need You The Most
May Your Light Shine
On Us When Life
Seems So Dark
May Your Wind Blow
Our Way When
We Have No Air
May Your Values
Be Placed Upon
Your Granddaughter Within.

Although We Had
No Time Together
You Are My Dad
I Love You
Never The Less
I Hope You Know
Forever In My Heart

Your Only Bloodless Son
Forever Your Chosen One
Written In Memory Of Bruno (Sates Daddy And His Chosen Son)

canadian signs joke - gods creatures - buckshot

Continued On Page 2

Read More

August 21, 2003 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

oasis banner

GAMBLING ON BIKERNET–We have a code here. You the readers are the boss. If it doesn’t work for you, we don’t do it. This is the first time we’ve allowed a gambling link to our readers. If you have any problem with this site or their service, let us know immediately. We hope you win, goddamnit!


A guy was watching the game, drinking a few beers and popping beer nuts into his mouth, when his wife began yelling at him. He turned his head toward her and accidentally popped a beer nut into his ear. Both him and his wife tried and tried but neither could get it out.

“All right,” she said, “let’s get you to the hospital.

As they walked outside their daughter and her boyfriend walked up and she asked, “Where are you and dad going?

The mother said, “We’re off to the hospital, your father has a beer nut caught in his ear.

Theboyfriend then asked, “Before you go, can I try to dislodge it?” The boyfriend then stuck two fingers up the fathers nose and told him to blow.

The father blew and out popped the beer nut.

The mother then asked the father, “Our daughter’s boyfriend is so intelligent, what do you think he’ll be when he grows up.

The father replied, by the smell of his fingers, our son-in-law.”

–from Chris T.

marks bike

BIKERNET DAILY TECH LETTERS–We answer tech questions daily and once in a while give good advice. See below:

Your Shot at has Been Answered.

Wrote, I have tried two different clutch cables from Drag Specialties, and both leak transmission fluid. The first one had a big leak, and the second leaks a little from the adjustment nut. Is this normal for clutch cables? Thanks.

Reply: How much oil is in the tranny? Is it venting properly? Shouldn’t have this problem at all. I have also taken the liberty of posting ‘Your Shot’ and our reply to you on’s ‘Your Shot – Letters to the Editor’.

If yours is within the last 10 postings, you can view this at Thanks for the feedback. Ride forever – –Wrench

Thanks for your response. It was the vent on the transmission that wascausing the problem. Here’s a picture of that bike. Thanks again.

peter,nancy and davie, from davie

DAVIE ALLAN WITH CELEBS–Peter Fonda, Nancy Sinatra and Me…….first time in photos together. The event: Harley Davidson’s 100th Anniversary in Las Vegas, August 18th. Also, Mine and Nancy’s birthdays are on June 8th.

Thanks, DA


Your web site again makes history!! Peter Fonda, Nancy Sinatra together with the “Great” Davie Allan!! Bring on more Bro.

For people who didn’t see ” The Wild Angels” you are missing the “Biker Nostagia” movie of all times!!! This movie was released 2 to 3 years before “Easy Rider”.

The very begining starts out with Fonda kick starting his Pan in Venice, Ca. I think it’s 2 kick’s, and it fires up.

Then the movie theme song “Blues Theme” starts. The man behind this iconolistic biker theme song is none other than the “King of Fuzz” Davie Allan!!

The only thing that is missing in the photo is Bruce Dern and his real life wife. Both starred in the movie. Dern playing the “Loser”. I believe that this is the true origin from which many people have copped the nickname “Loser”

I saw the movie premier in Albuquerque, N.M. in ’66 or ’67. It changed my life forever!!


COP DOGS AIN’T RIGHT–A Times Editorial? St. Petersburg Timespublished August 19, 2003In an important ruling earlier this month, Florida’s 2nd District Court of Appeals said that police dogs used to sniff out illicit narcotics must be properly trained and evaluated, with thorough records kept, before their responses may be deemed reliable. According to the court, the Sheriff’s Office in Hillsborough County was not doing enough to ensure that its drug-detecting dogs were conditioned to “alert” to contraband alone, as opposed to some other trigger. The ruling laid down a set of guidelines the department will have to follow if it wants to use evidence obtained through the use of the dogs.

The unanimous ruling by a three-judge panel would seem to be just a matter of common sense, but it is sure to be appealed. The Sheriff’s Office, like nearly all other law enforcement agencies, uses drug-detecting dogs as a way to circumvent the Constitution’s warrant requirement, and it apparently doesn’t want this convenient tool scrutinized too closely. But this is precisely the role the courts should play. Rather than being appealed, the court’s ruling should be a model for the rest of the state.

In the field, drug-sniffing dogs are often used when a driver, pulled over for a traffic infraction, refuses to give police consent for his vehicle to be searched. The deputy or officer handling the dog will direct it around the perimeter of the car. If the dog alerts to the presence of narcotics, police are deemed to have probable cause and may conduct a legal search of the car’s interior.Why should a driver pulled over for speeding be subject to this intrusive process? If police have no cause to believe the driver is a drug runner, why should dogs be used at all? In truth, they shouldn’t be, but the U.S. Supreme Court has said the use of drug-sniffing dogs doesn’t constitute a search under the Fourth Amendment, and that means police may deploy them with relative impunity.

There is still a role for the courts, however, in ensuring that dogs are the precision tools for finding drugs that law enforcement claims…

–from Rogue

new kallas art

BRAND NEW ART PRINT FROM CHRIS KALLAS–OLD SCHOOL–Old School is the newest release from motorcycle artist Chris Kallas.This painting of a classic chopper is now available as a lithograph print.Printed on premium 80 lb. acid-free cover stock, they measure 18″x24″(image size: 13 1/2″x 17 5/8″). They are available as a signed limited editionof 250 for $39.95 or unsigned for $19.95 (plus $5 for shipping). For moreinformation email Chris at or call (310) 316-2790.

When would be a good day to come by and see the 28 Shovel?Also (if you have a little weld time), I need one small spot weldon that minibike fork and a bend on the brake pedal you made.


SADIE’S DOCTOR VISIT–Sadie went to see her doctor and when he asked her about her problem, shereplied that she was suffering from a discharge.

The doctor said, “OK, Undress please and go lie down on the examinationtable.”

She did what he asked.

The doctor put on his rubber gloves and began investigating her “privateparts”.

After a couple of minutes, he asked Sadie, “How does that feel?”

“Wonderful,” replied Sadie, “but the discharge is from my ear.”

–from Ken M.

steeds logo

SURGICAL STEEDS NEW SIGNAGE–Here’s my new Steed Musclebike logo, PSP slogan and New 04 Banner Adattached. All we’re doing is updating our image and using ‘SteedMusclebike’ to identify our product made by Surgical-Steeds Classic AmericanMotorcycles, Inc. Basically eliminating the tough word to spell (surgical)and the long-ass company name to something more direct and moreidentifiable.

We’re about to launch a the new Steed website, you can take a peek at

The new site should be easier to navigate and have a fresher image than theexisting site that’s about five years old now. We need to update more of thecontent before we throw the switch.

Also, please update the domain to reflect when you listthe link. still goes to the same site, but we’reworking on getting rid of ALL the Surgical referenced stuff.

–John Covington

surg. steeds banner

THE WINO JOE TO MILWAUKEE REPORT–CommanderBall, deer, shit! It’s tha sleepin’ with tha rattlesnakes I hate. My ridin’ partner, EastBay Jack didn’t contact with a chase van. But he doesn’t drink & sets a good pace; 80/85. I figure 6 dazes. Leave after work Fri. Will by-pass Winnemucca; Bad Cops! Gotta have’a drink in Elko out’a respect for the five cowboys I fought 36 years ago. No, I didn’t win that one.

I’ll take that lil’Rollie that fits in my jacket & shoot b/w. Tradition & ol’school ridin’. Difference: back then I rode’a 450lb, cut-ta-tha-quick XLCH TT/street bike; “BlackGirl V” is VanceHines/SportsterS. Small saddlebags gift from DC, Ol’American Youth mc. Took me 2hrs ta pack my vits & high bloodpressure meds. If I get ta use’a ‘puter on tha road, I’ll shoot y’all an E-kite.

Ride On!
Wino Joe,USA

gunny image

The Gunny freedom fighter–

NEW GUNNY LAW NEWS UP–Here’s a tidbit from the Gunny Sack in the Bikernet Rights Department. Check out the whole story and more there:NEW YORK, NY: Here we go again! Got this story from a contributor to the e-mail list serve of the SoLR, the Sons of Liberty Riders. The Long Island area near New York City has found the neatest way there is to harass bikers. They have instituted “SAFETY CHECKPOINT STOPS,” which are designed, according to the information I have, to interrupt the travel of those persons using the motorcycle as a way of getting from one place to another. This gives the cops a way to write tickets. These checkpoints are for MOTORCYCLES ONLY. Other methods of travel are left alone!

BIKERNET RELATIONSHIP ADVICE–A man approached a very beautiful woman inthe large supermarket and said,”I’ve lost my wife here in the supermarket.Can you talk to me for a couple of minutes?”

The woman looked puzzled. “Why talk to me?” she asked.

“Because every time I talk to a woman with tits like yours,my wife appears out of nowhere”

–from the knife maker


REAL 3-D SKULL SCREAMERS -Helmets You’ll WANT To Wear?By TBearOK, so you say helmet laws suck and I whole-heartedly agree.

If you are unfortunate enough to live in a state where riding your motorcycle with a pot on your head is the law, you might have tried to cover up the monstrosity with stickers or some detailed air brush work to try and stand out from the crowd. Yea, airbrush is cool but have you wanted more?

How about something like you saw in an old Viking or Si-Fi movie. A lid with some dimension to it. I may have found just what you’re looking for.


Eye Imagine Studios in NYC has come out with a line of real 3-D lids that will blow you away! Eye Imagine Studio is a special “FX” shop for the entertainment industry and the manufacturer of custom built prosthetics for helmets. Their primary retail line are the Skull Screamer? Show Helmets. Founded in 1993 by concept engineer and company President Marix Stone. Marix spent a few years working for Disney Studios where he perfected his craft. He tired of all the Mickey Mouse type work and went off on his own to bring a touch of Hollywood to your ride. Gladiator, Planet of the Apes and Lord of the Rings-Reign of Fire are just a few of the films that have used their process to get the realism of the period without the weight and expense. These helmets are part Hollywood and Special “FX” rolled into one.


Back in the old days, armor was actually decorated with real relief sculptures that denoted a warriors strength or tribal affiliation, but the art was lost to all but a few over the generations. Now its back with a vengeance. All Skull Screamer? Show helmets are custom built by a unique team of talented special “FX” artists that have worked for some of the biggest entertainment studios in the world for over twenty years. No other helmet manufacturer in the industry has such experienced in house designers, engineers, artists and fabricators on staff.


I had the chance to meet with Mr. Stone at his studio in NYC and he walked me through the design process.

It starts by taking a quality helmet (either D.O.T. or non) and then using a clay like substance to hand sculpt the design right on to the helmet insuring a realistic look. Then the sculpture is reproduced with rubber like substance ( the same indestructible stuff they use to make gaskets for NYC manhole covers).


The prosthetic is then heat bonded to the lid and hand painted. The best feature is that they are all made right here in the good old U.S.A. Some of the lids are given an acid burn for a wild finish.

iron cross

From the Barbarian look to a Full Metal Jacket G.I. lid with ammo slung across the back strap to an acid burned barbed wire covered they have over 15 styles to choose from and more on the way. If you want to stand out from the crowd and be noticed you owe it to yourself to check these baby’s out.

You can see the full line by checking out their web site

Or phone Eye Imagine Studio at 212-665-5711.


Tell em TBear sent ya.

WIN A FREE HELMET–IT’S FREE!–Send a photo wearing your most wildest homemade helmet, we?ll pick a winner in a month from now, the winner gets to pick any of the helmets shown above. What do you have to lose? Not a damn thing. Send jpeg. Image to JUST DO IT!

SPEAKING OF WINNERS– Here are the latest winners from the Free Contest and the Cantina Contest.



Paul was the winner but I liked what Rick had to say, so I?m gonna send him a copy of Orwell.


A Horse Hat it is. Enter the contest people, it?s free!

k, deac, chase fountain

HELLUVA SUMMER–Seems to be blazing by. Night before last riders rolled into the headquarters from Sturgis. Two, Glen and Kerry Priddle from Australia and Deacon and his son from Hawaii and Oregon respectively.

Deacon is a master mechanic from Pro-Street in Oahu. He quickly fixed the 1928 Shovelhead solenoid problem, adjusted the fat S&S shorty carb, adjusted the old school clutch and welded the rattling exhaust tip. It was a hot, garage, whiskey soaked night–what a blast.

What’s happening next week on Bikernet? Sturgis sagas, Hollister, Run For Breath, Cooling tech from Surgical Steeds, 1928 Shovel tech, new dangerous fiction and the soap opera continues in the Cantina. Hang on. Now, I’ve got to post this sucka before I get my ass kicked.

Ride Forever,

Read More

August 21, 2003 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT– So we are back from the Black Hills trip, at last!Man, I have never seen so many fucking 100th anniversary bikes in my life! I?m taking a wild guess and let’s say that from 300 thousand made, there were like at least, all of them!!!! I had a little game going of a nickel a bike and just one morning it was like $275.00 worth of crappy Twinkies.

jose group

It sometimes scares me that Joe Rubbie buys a bike a heads out to the Hills, his riding experience is less than zero and there he is profiling with all his “bros” on his shiny silver and black anniversary model while “carving” the turns and twisties. Tell you the truth that is fuckin’ dangerous shit…. To top it off, and better yet, there was less people riding around this year, and I mean riding down the park roads. Main and Lazelle were still packed to the gills. So what is the fucking purpose of going to Sturgis to “model” down Main Street when you have so much country to ride? I guess that by the same line I would never understand all the chaps and leathers in 90-degree weather, can you say …Slave to fashion?

If you rode into the Black Hills, sure you deserve a nice hanging time at the local bars, but trailering to Rapid City and then doing the “triumphant entrance” does not cut it. Let me tell a little secret to all those posers…We know!!!

This year was the Full Dresser year. I’ve never seen so many (and most 100th anniversary), sure we have friends that rode over 2 thousand miles on their bikes and needed the comfort and space, but we also saw lots (and I mean lots) of them being swiftly trailered. I guess there’s an outmost need for bags since all the “approved-authorized” wear needs a place to live. The bandannas, DOT company helmets with radio and all the gadgets possible, the chaps, boots with metal stuff, rain gear, dealer t-shirts, well you get my drift, the whole Halloween costumes. Only that it’s August.One more thing before I change the subject. It was great being single in the Black Hills for the first time….and I guess some of the photos will show what I mean…..

jose spank

And now I’m back to the “old days” so I’m ranting away….

I keep reading mags and now everyone and their mothers is a ” Master Builder” you know? Shops grow like weeds in the yard, ads splatter all the pages and a lot of the people claim to be “Master Builders”. Ok so what the fuck is that? Is there a secret master builder society that I don’t know of that for $3.99, sends you an official master builder certificate? Or it is just people blowing smoke up their own asses….I wonder how do you become a “Master Builder” or is it a moniker that you personally choose to give self-importance to your work? I know there are a few people out there that have earned the respect and are called master builders by others; maybe it’s as simple as paying for the ad, or paying so your company is on a magazine and instantly become one of them? I still wonder…

I always saw the Master builders of old, they have paid their dues, built more bikes than most of us could dream of in a lifetime and been in the industry loop for more than we will remember, and more so, most people know who they are. Another question to ponder is, am I a master builder? Who is one, what do you have to accomplish to become one, or does someone considers that you are one?

jose guy working on bike

I don’t think the amount of years in this industry can be a parameter for masterism, of course neither does exposure. So we have go back to the nitty gritty of your work and paying the dues. In these days of mega advertising, magazines and TV, half a million people rallies and enuff smoke to blow up all of Chinamen asses, what is true, what is bullshit? Arrogance seems to be rampant and any wanabbe that builds a couple bikes and pays for an ad is considered a builder, even more, considers himself a “master builder”. But I still question, builder of what…Illusion? I guess those are called magicians in Las Vegas…

Like Bob Marley use to say (and many others), “you can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all the people all of the time”

See you next week…


THE JANKLOW PAPERS–The Bottom Line is Janklow Has A Record Of Speeding And He Did Run The Stop Sign. HE KILLED A BIKER It Makes No Difference How He Voted On Anything!Politics Got Him In The Sturgis Museum. He Should Be Removed from their Hall of Fame and Put in the Hall of Shame.His actions are showing signs of a cover up and he pretty much has done as he wants as Governor and been known to throw his weight around. Of Course He Does Not Want To Be Sued or Put In Jail. No one does. You can rest assured he and those around him are looking to make sure that does not happen. Authorities are already saying they will not release results of alcohol tests. His son is saying he has head injuries. The Black Box is being questioned. This is The Time For All Motorcyclist to Come Together and Stop The Killing Of Motorcyclist With Cars. Contact Your Motorcycle Rights Groups and anyone one else you can and Insist That Janklow be Prosecuted the Same as One Of Us Would.


I’m not familiar with Janklow’s voting record on motorcyclists’ rights, but here’s a link to his induction into the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame in 2001:

Governor Janklow’s leadership during his previous two terms as Governor of South Dakota and his single term as South Dakota’s Attorney General in the 1970s and 1980s turned the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally into a true tourist event and family gathering for not only Sturgis, but for the entire Black Hills, western South Dakota and northeastern Wyoming. Today the Rally is far and way South Dakota’s number one tourist event, bringing tourists and visitors from literally all over the world to the beautiful Black Hills. Based on South Dakota’s relative size and the size of the Rally today, which increase the state’s population by at least 50% by even the most conservative estimates, there is no comparable event in the world. For Governor Janklow’s contribution to the Rally’s success, it is fitting that he be among those enshrined in the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame.

Janklow Involved In RAPE:In addition to the above, when I was surfing the web looking for Janklow’s involvement with motorcycles, I found this fromthe American Indian movement VERY interesting(

In the rape allegation, Jancita Maria Eagledeer, the victim, testified in obvious discomfort at reliving old horrors. She was fifteen when Mr. Janklow gave her a ride home after babysitting the Janklow children. She protested as he drove her down a deserted road and pushed the button in his Rambler which converted both seats into a large bed. Her testimony reveals that Mr. Janklow threatened to use a gun on her if she did not comply with his sexual desires. Miss Eagledeer’s foster parents, a guidance counselor, the tribal prosecutor, and others, all colaberated portions of her account. Medical records from the Rosebud P. H. S. Hospital shows evidence of the attack against her and quotes her as corroborate identifying Mr. Janklow as her assailant. Furthermore, the evidence indicates that an obstruction of justice followed the rape. When a complaint was being made to the Bureau of Indian Affairs Special Officer, Janklow was there. No relief or representation was possible through the Legal Services Program since Mr. Janklow ran it. A former employee, who is now the tribal prosecutor, and another individual testified that Mr. Janklow spent three days brooding about the rape incident. Further, testimony indicates that as recently as two months ago Mr. Janklow offered Miss Eagledeer’s grandfather money after inquiring about her.

Governor William Janklow. Serving as a member of the Sicangu Lakota ‘Rosebud Sioux tribe’s legal services program’, Janklow practiced law on the Rosebud reservation until he was disbarred by Judge Mario Gonzalez in 1974 for “assault with intent to commit rape, and carnal knowledge of a female under 16.” Some seven years earlier, on January 14, 1967, a 15 year old school girl, Jancita Eagle Deer, had reported to her school principal that she had been raped and accused her legal guardian, non-Indian lawyer William Janklow. Following examinations and investigations, the Bureau of Indian Affairs filed a report recommending Janklow’s prosecution. Jancita’s stepmother, Delphine Eagle Deer, was Leonard Crow Dog’s sister, and Delphine vowed to prove that Janklow was guilty of raping her daughter. However, Delphine Eagle Deer was found beaten to death in a field before

DISBARMENT OF WILLIAM JANKLOW: On October 16, 1974, Dennis Banks, an individual daily admitted o practice law as an attorney before this court submitted a “Petition for Disbarment of William Janklow and Affidavit in Support Thereof.” This Court subsequently issued an order to show cause to William Janklow directing that he appear before this Court on October 31, 1974 at 10:00 a.m., to be heard in connection with Mr. Bank’s petition…

Sworn testimony has been received that William Janklow on at least one occasion, rode a motorcycle in a residential area shooting dogs with a gun. The dog, as well as other animals, is a sacred creature to many of the Lakota people. Other testimony shows that Mr. Janklow advised a number of people not to pay certain bills based on action he committed himself to take, but which was never forthcoming. This advice subsequently has ruined the obtaining of credit for most of the Indian community on the reservation. …

–from Rogue and Bill Bish

DEAL OF THE WEEK–Rare ’57 straightleg Panhead available. The last year of the famous rigid frame models. Just 90 miles on a fresh motor, new tranny, new tires and fresh Pepper Red and black paint. It’s 98 percent original. Just $15,000. Call Red Devil Cycles in Stuart, Florida, (772) 221-8616. Or loan me $15K. I’ll buy it.

Brandi is not for sale, but I’m moving to Florida, just to be close to her. She’s accepting modeling offers and I have the offer of a lifetime.


Continued On Page 4

Read More

August 21, 2003 Part 2


Continued From Page 1


A guy walking down the street sees a woman with perfect breasts. He saysto her “Hey miss, would you let me bite your breasts for 100 dollars?”

“Areyou nuts?”, she replies. And keeps walking away.

He turns around,runs around the block and gets to the corner before she does. “Would you let me bite your breasts for 1,000 dollars?” he asks again.

“Listen sir, I’m not thatkind of woman. Got it?”

So the guy runs again around the next block and faces her again:”Would let me bite your breasts for 10,000 dollars?”

She thinks about it for a while and says “Hmmm 10,000 dollars eh? Ok, but not here. Let’s go to that dark alley over there” So they went to that alley and she takes off the blouse to reveal the most perfect breasts in the world. As soon ashe sees them, he jumps on them and start caressing them, fondling them, kissing them, licking them, burying his face in them… but no biting. In the end the woman gets all annoyed and asks: “Are you gonna bite them or what?”

“Nah”, he replies. “Too expensive.”

–from Chris T.

Harley Davidson Banner

HARLEY-DAVIDSON HONORS VETERANS WITH GENUINE HERO AWARD–Through a new contest, an American legend is looking to honor an American hero.

Harley-Davidson will present its inaugural Genuine Hero Award to a veteran for dedication and service to our country. Veterans, or family and friends of veterans are asked to write about how someone has made a positive impact on the country or community through such characteristics as patriotism, citizenship, wartime heroism or community service. Veterans may nominate themselves.

The winning veteran will receive $1,000 in Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Parts and Genuine Motor Accessories. Two other winners will receive $500 and $250 Harley-Davidson Genuine P&A prize packages.

Letters of 200 words or less should be sent to Harley-Davidson Genuine Hero Award, c/o Bellwether Communications, 510 College Avenue, Racine, WI 53403. Include the nominee?s name, address, phone number, age, branch of service, dates of time in service, and year and model of Harley-Davidson motorcycle. All entries must be received by Oct. 24, 2003.

american rider

CHOPPERS AND FREE BEER–Here’s a recent letter to American Rider. This is becoming the only H-D related mag to focus on riders and their experiences. Check it out:

Picked up a copy of your magazine tonight while trying to figure out what to eat for dinner. Not sure if you’re interested in this story, perhaps been done a 1000 times, but I am building a custom chopper. I have never built a chopper, I do not work in a shop, and I do not own any tools – I am honestly going to attempt this and it will turn out to be a chopper built and designed by me.

A little back groud about me. I am 34 years and am a Microsystems Analyst – computer geek basically. I work for a large manufacturing compnay ensuring the 3 local facilities have network and enterprise connectivity. I have been riding bikes all my life, starting out on moto-x and my last bike was a Suzuki GSX-r. If you had asked me a few years back if I would ever own a Harley I would have replied, they’re nice, but for performance you can not beat a Japanese bike. To this day I still feel that way in the lines of race minded performance – however I would also say if I want a cruiser style of chopper I would buy a Japanese bike. Follow my logic – it’s apples and oranges and one is better suited for its purpose than the other – it boils down to your chioce of style.

Anyway, about 2 years ago I sold my bike, first time I have been without bike since I was like 4 years old. The sad truth of the matter was I had no time to ride. In looking back, I feel I should kick my own ass on principal. 🙂 So, I have decided to finally go with a 2 cylinder monster – but I want my own, not a Harley or chopper kit like everyone else. I am not trying to create a new style, but I want something that I BUILT – we have all had this vision I would think.

So, about a month ago I did a little research, the internet of course, and found places to order frames, handle bars, etc. So far I have invested a small fortune, but honestly feel I have managed to be somewhat frugel without compromising the style I want. I am building a softail w/ 43 degree rake [38 frame and 5 on triple trees] with 6″ downtube stretch, 3″ backbone and a 6″ over frontend. I just ordered the 113″ S&S motor, which I will be building – no, I have not built an engine before. Truth of the matter, I had to go buy some tools to start this project.

In any event, if you’d like to follow this, or better yet write about [as I feel this could help a lot of other guys] I would be more than happy to keep you posted. Please be sure to hit my website [ , click the Orange Crush link] to see progress of the project.

Thanks, Kerry F. Corcoran

You can check out his project to date at: Http://

beach ride bike 1

beach ride bike 2

BEACH RIDE BIKE REPORT FROM VEGAS– Actually the show was very well attended and We passed out all the Biker stickers we had and about 2/3rds of the Beach Ride brochures that Carmella gave us. There was serious interest in the Beach Ride Bike Auction and attendance at the Beach Ride event. I believe Vegas to be a fertile location for marketing the Beach Ride. The amount of bike traffic on 15 is pretty amazing.

We made several contacts with vendors and came away with many options for future Beach Rides. The Harley dealership is awesome. It is the largest I have ever seen and claims to be the largest dealership in the world. They have 5 location in and around Vegas, so it is not hard to imagine. I would peg the Saturday attendance at 2,000 and Sunday there were probably 1500.

Now we move onto the “local hangouts” and as many ride origination points as possible before the Beach Ride.

–George Hayward

beach ride flyer

INDIAN MOTORCYCLE PARTS CONNECTION–Large inventory of NEW Indian Motorcycle parts available at liquidation prices. Our prices cannot be beat. The majority of these parts are not Indian specific.

Push rod cover assembly $19.90 qty available 1,900
Brake line kit $44.90 qty available 434
Clutch cover gasket $1.99 qty available 2,040
Mini Speedometer $4.99 qty available 400
Tires, handlebars, sissy bars, headlights, ignition switches and much, much more. **

Lot’s of great deals on motorcycle products please check our full inventory at: us for a full list of prices or for specific product information or questions at Mention this e-mail and get an additional 10% off your order!

ride for heros pad

Hi Sin and Bandit,
I wanted to share some pictures with you. Last Friday we got to see the 750kick stand pads that the Lindenhurst summer program kids have been workingon. These kickstand pads will be used on the upcoming 3rd annual Ride ForThe Heroes. The kids did a great job. The kickstand pads are awesome. Thewood was donated by a local lumber yard, the paint was donated and theSenior HS donated there time and labor to cut up the pads.

I also attached some promotional info about the ride. Please post it whereever you can to help us promote the ride.

Thank you for your continued support of our event,

Frank Falco
Seven Horsemen MC

kickstand pads

Join the Town of Lindenhurst, NY on August 31st, 2003 for: 3rd Annual Joseph Angelini & Joseph Angelini Jr. “Ride For The Heroes”. Joseph Angelini & Joseph Angelini Jr. are the only father and son to be killed in the line of duty in the history of the New York City Fire Department. They were both lost on September 11th, 2001.
Sunday August 31st, 2003 (Rain Date Monday September 1st)
Registration: 9:30am to 11:00am at the Bald Hill Amphitheater (the site of Tuesday night bike nights).
Run Begins: 11:30am SHARP!
Ride Ends: Lindenhurst Firemen’s Park, Hartford St. and Charles St., Lindenhurst NY 11757
Donation: $10.00 per rider / $5.00 per passenger.
All Motorcycle types are welcome.

franco and guys

At Lindenhurst Firemen’s Park there will be:
Free Food – provided by Applebees
Live Music by Bluezin
WBAB Rock Van
Motorcycle Stunt Show
Special Appearances by: Chuck Zito – Star of the hit new movie “This Thing Of Ours”, the HBO TV series OZ, and author of the best seller “Street Justice”.


See CHUCK ZITO in the hit new movie: THIS THING OF OURS – opening on July 16th

This crime story tells the story of a group of gangsters who steal hundreds of millions of dollars from the world’s banks using a sophisticated Internet and satellite system, pulling off the biggest heist in the history of the American Mafia.

Angela Marie and Friends – Model and Pin-up Girl

angela marie

All Proceeds will be donated in the Angelini name, to the FDNY Widow’s and Children’s Fund.

For information and Vendor inquiries call: 631-436-6524 or

franco group shot

Franco and Friends, Do You Remember 9/11/01?

Continued On Page 3

Read More

August 21, 2003 Part 1


group around shovel

What’s New? A congressman killed a biker. New Harleys will be stroked by the public in Milwaukee. American Rider asked me to attend too late. I’ll miss the 100th, but our 1928 Shovelhead arrived and we rode it for the first time. I’ll try to post a feature over the weekend. What a cool scooter thanks to the creative abilities of Strokers in Dallas.

We’re putting together an article on the stripped down 2004 Road King Custom for Cruising Rider, but I still like my 2003 Highbar King better. This morning I spoke to the H-D director of Engineering about the process he endured in redesigning the Sportster to create a rubbermounted driveline and the most reliable, high performance Sportster to date without messing with the traditional look. Good story for American Rider.

Whatta job.

Let’s get to the news:


Janklow driving car in crash that killed motorcycle rider–ByDORIS HAUGEN,Associated Press.

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – Rep. Bill Janklow hurt his wrist and suffered an injury to his head in a weekend crash that killed a Minnesota man, his son, Russ Janklow, said.But the Janklow family’s focus has been more on the victim’s family, he said.

“He feels unbelievable sorrow for his family and friends,” the younger Janklow said of his father. “It’s a very unfortunate situation.”

According to authorities, Janklow, 63, was the driver of a car that collided Saturday afternoon with a motorcycle, killing the rider, Randolph E. Scott.

Scott, 55, of Hardwick, Minn., was pronounced dead at the scene near Trent in Moody County, Col. Dan Mosteller, head of the state Highway Patrol said Sunday.

The accident happened around 4:30 p.m. Saturday at the intersection of Moody County Highways 13 and 14 in eastern South Dakota.

Chris Braendlin, one of Janklow’s staff members, was traveling with the congressman but was not injured, said Mosteller.

Reconstruction experts spent Sunday at the scene, he said. An accident report will be available “in a couple of days,” Mosteller said.

“There have been a lot of calls and inquiries, what’s going on, are we doing the things we normally do,” Mosteller said Monday. “And the answer is, yes, no different. We are doing this by the books and doing this one like we would do any other one.”

Janklow, a first-term Republican congressman and former four-term governor, was on his way home to Brandon after attending an event in Aberdeen to honor Korean War veterans, said Russ Janklow, of Sioux Falls.

“He’d been in Aberdeen and was coming back. When he takes that route he often goes through Flandreau. The road he was on leads right home,” he said.Janklow’s hometown is Flandreau, which is north of Trent.

Russ Janklow said doctors in Sioux Falls examined his father on Sunday and told him to rest in bed for a couple of days.”He feels absolutely horrible about this. I’ve never seen him as distraught as I saw him last night,” Russ Janklow said.

The elder Janklow issued a statement Sunday. “I was involved in a very tragic traffic accident late yesterday. Personally, and on behalf of my family, we feel as much anguish for this gentleman and his family and friends as is humanly possible.”

Mosteller said the accident remained under investigation.Scott was not wearing a helmet and seat belts were being used in the Janklow vehicle, said Mosteller. There was no indication that alcohol or drugs were a factor in the crash, he said.It was not immediately clear whether any charges would be filed.

“I’m waiting for reports on an accident that occurred yesterday in Moody County and until I get the report I don’t know what might develop,” Moody County State’s Attorney Bill Ellingson told The Associated Press on Sunday.

He said he didn’t know when the report might be received.

South Dakota Highway Patrol Capt. Jeff Talbot said Monday that Scott was headed west and Janklow was driving south. The motorcycle hit the car’s passenger door on the driver’s side, right behind the driver, Talbot said. Earlier, Moody County Coroner Ted Jacobs said the motorcycle was eastbound.

North-south traffic is controlled by stop signs at the intersection. The crash forced Janklow’s Cadillac off the road and into a soybean field, while Scott’s motorcycle wound up in a ditch, Russ Janklow said.

–Aberdeen News, from Rogue

milwaukee iron

MILWAUKEE IRON ON BIKERNET–Randy Simpson, the master builder, from Lynchburg, Virgina, recently became of Sponsor of Bikernet. We’ve been working with Randy for almost 20 years and hope to continue to help him build his business. He was recently honored with a master builder display in the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.

Milwaukee Iron is known for their tough custom fender line, billet trees, extended dashes and fork stop kits. If you need frame work they have a state-of-the-art frame table. Click on their banner or the logo on the home page for the latest and articles posted on Bikernet.

gusset banner

LIGHTS OUT ON BROADWAY–Riding in NYC rush hour traffic is an acquired skill under the best ofcircumstances. Add a few million freaked out pedestrians crowdingthe streets and no traffic signals and you begin to get the picture.I was down in lower Manhattan taking care of some business on Friday whenthe shit hit the fan. luckily the fan wasn’t working when the power wentout. Some folks thought it was the end of the world, others figuredterrorists were at it again. Me, I just thought Do Wha Ditty, New York City.

Having no radio on the Road King I didn’t have a clue as to the extent ofthe black out. Just a sea of stopped taillights lay ahead. People were pouring out of underground subway stations and busses werebrimming over with humanity.Wall Street types with their brief cases were hanging off the back of trucksand busses like kids in old B&W movies. I was 100 miles from home and goingno where fast.

I thought it was a good time to find a friendly watering holeand wait out the traffic. At 44 St and 1st Ave after being temporarilyblocked from my white line / lane splitting progress by a garbage truck, Ispotted a hot blonde in a short skirt waiting on an endless line for anuptown bus that wasn’t going to come. She smiled at me and that was that. Ioffered her a ride as far as 96st and she shimmied those long lovely legsaround me and off we went.

When we finally made it to Hogs she was grateful for the ride and I figuredI was set for the duration. Fat Chance. A sweet kiss on the cheek and shewas lost to me in the throng of humanity.

Hell, at least there was still hope. Hogs was hopping and the bikes werelined up the whole block in front of the bar. Seems every biker that rode towork that day had the same idea as I did. Hit the bar and wait out thetraffic nightmare. We figured it was NYC and the power would come back onany minute. Yea right.

As darkness fell on the city a strange atmosphere took over. By 10pm it wasMardi Gras, Big Apple style.The ice was fast melting and the beer was getting a might warm but after 5hours of drinking, no one seemed to notice.

I finally was able to get asignal on my cell and phoned home to say I was alive but too toasted to tryand make it home. The band that was scheduled to play that night showed upand did an all night acoustic jam. Ladies who were too hot to stay homedonned their skimpys and started showing up.Dancing on the bar, they made the night go fast. We pulled Skinny Joe’sSportster inside and had a spot light to keep the ladies illuminated as eventhe bikini tops proved too warm and were shed.

At 5:30am, as the sun came up the power came back on. We all booed andhad another cocktail. I joined a bunch of others for a quick nap outside onthe bikes, and by 7am I was on my way North again. When I arrived home twohours later my OL asked me what I did. “Oh, it was terrible I just found acomfortable place to crash and waited it out,” I mumbled and crawled into bed.



TAMPA – Two years after the former international president of the Outlaws motorcycle gang was sentenced to life in prison, federal prosecutors hope to send his successor to join him.

James Lee “Frank” Wheeler, 61, a bushy-bearded, sentimental biker poet from Indianapolis, is to go on trial today in federal court in Tampa on racketeering and drug trafficking charges.

Painted in a federal indictment as a leader of a cold- blooded criminal enterprise that murdered rival motorcycle gang members and informants, sold drugs and used women as property, Wheeler allegedly ascended to the top of the Outlaws after Harry “Taco” Bowman was imprisoned. Bowman was convicted of ordering other Outlaws to kill suspected informants, firebomb rival gang clubhouses, and rob and beat competing gang members.

Wheeler, according to the indictment, helped Bowman elude authorities as Bowman spent nearly two years on the FBI’s 10 most wanted list following his federal indictment in Tampa in August 1997.

Among other things, Wheeler allegedly arranged for Bowman’s wife and daughters to meet with Bowman at hotels, motels and Outlaws chapter clubhouses around the country.

In 2001, a federal jury in Tampa convicted Bowman on eight counts – including conspiracy, racketeering and drug charges – thus holding him responsible for two murders, the slaying of a rival gang member and the shooting of a fellow Outlaw.

Authorities have “been working on getting” Wheeler for years, said Lina Presley, a gang expert with the Indiana Department of Corrections, “and they finally got him.”

In addition to his pending Tampa trial, Wheeler faces prosecution in federal court in Ohio under a sweeping indictment that details alleged murders and drug deals and discloses snippets of conversations investigators secretly taped.

In August 2001, for example, Wheeler, at an Outlaw meeting in Cancun, Mexico, allegedly pushed through a bylaw to permit the sale of heroin and ecstasy by members of the gang.

The Ohio indictment also alleges that Wheeler and other Outlaws used a “voice stress analyzer” to determine whether gang members were cooperating with law enforcement.

In Indianapolis, at an October 2001 Outlaws chapter meeting – which the Outlaws referred to as “church” meetings – Wheeler ranted about the problems of methamphetamines, arguing to ban their sale. Then he reversed direction, saying, “We’re Outlaws,” and if the gang didn’t sell the drugs, “we might as well belong to the clean and sober club.”

But he worried that trafficking in methamphetamines would bring more attention from the law. “We’re Outlaws and we’re going to do what we want to do. But I’m telling you they’re [law enforcement] looking in on us.”

At an August 2001 meeting in Fort Wayne, Ind., Wheeler waxed nostalgic about the old days when the Outlaws could “thrive.”

–from Tampa Tribune and Rogue

huze straykat


NEW PROJECT:We are working hard at completing a new Chopper called “Stray Kat”. The bike will feature awesome stainless steel trims, new hot rod wheels painted in red, a new black coated exhaust, anda cool artwork designed by Cyril, Von Dutch style,and painted by Chris Cruz. Of course, the bike features our parts. Our objective is to have the bike ready for exhibition during Daytona Biketoberfest Oct. 18/20.

huze hotrod 1

huze hotrod 2

NEW HOT ROD WHEELS:They are the ones used by Cyril on his new bike. Offered polished, chrome, powdercoated or painted in the color of your choice. On street bikes, they give a high tech/high speed look. On choppers,powdercoated or painted they give a very neo-retro look. Available for left or right side drive setup.All sizes front & rear, and soon in 18 x 10.5″ to install a280 mm rear tire. Matching pulleys & rotors. For sale in our online store at

huze tattoo chop

WATCH FOR OUR CUSTOMS:Our Chopper “Tattoo Chop” owned by John Gargano will be featured in the October issue (published September 15) of Easyriders Magazine.It is also the cover story of the current issue of A.M.D. (American Dealer News) the magazine of the motorcycle industry in the US & Europe.

huze exotica

Our Softail “Exotika”, owned by Bill Mc Neal & Nanette Packard, just won 1st place Pro-Builder Class at the Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show. The bike will be featured in the show American Chopper on the Discovery Channel. Later this year”Exotika” will also be featured in the pages of Easyriders magazine.

huze calendar

DREAM BIKES 2004 CALENDAR:” Dream Bikes By Cyril Huze” is the theme of the 2004 wall calendar just published by Ronnie Sellers Productions. Ronnie Sellers Productions specializes in theme calendars & picked Cyril Huze for an all Custom Motorcycles calendar featuring12 of his bikes.Distributed through the US & Europe, you can save a trip to your favorite bookstore by ordering it directly online from Cyril Huze at or call 561-392-5557.Price is $15.00.A great Christmas gift…to make you dream all year long.

huze how to build a chopper

HOW TO BUILD A CHOPPER:Choppers are back in a big way. They are everywhere. So, all day long we answer questions from garage builders who want to know how to build a Chopper. To avoid very costly mistakes, we recommend reading first the book from Tim Remus “How To Build a Chopper”. The book teaches you about frame stretch & rake, aftermarket V-twin engines and radical chassis components. Interviews with long-time builders put the chopper in perspective and give sound advice to new builders. Three start-to-finish photo sequences document and explain the assembly of a chopper in the shop of top custom builders. Eleven chapters cover History, Frames, Engines, Suspension, Sheet metal, Wiring, Wheels, Tires and Drivetrain choices. With 144 pages and over 250 photos (over 50% in color) this book contains the information needed to choose and assemble your own very unique chopper. The book is only $29.95 and can be ordered online at:

Cyril Huze
Custom Motorcycles & Parts
Tel: 561-392-5557
Fax: 561-392-9923

Continued On Page 2

Read More

August 21, 2003


gunny image

The famous Gunny.

THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For more information, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit us on our website at <>

From The

Again the days of August slipped by me so fast I hardly had time to realize the hot month was here. This is the heavy riding month in Oregon and we have runs every weekend all month long. It starts off with “Run 21,” which is our adults-only run. My boss Sam Hochberg’s chapter of ABATE, SE Portland, started this whole deal a few years back. Sam went to the very first one and said it was fun – but we didn’t see his mug or that new Heritage of his this year. Musta’ been off riding somewhere else.

Matter of fact, Sam DID take a nice ride down south to Medford, Oregon last month, and gave an “AIM Talk” to the Rogue River Chapter of the Women in the Wind. Sam had a great time, and was very impressed with this large group of serious riders. Sam’s been doing these “AIM Talks” for over fifteen years. He goes to your biker group meeting, and talks about The Law and Motorcycling. He also likes to spread the Gospel of NCOM — the National Coalition of Motorcyclists. Regular Sack readers know NCOM is supported by fees from AIM (that’s Aid to Injured Motorcyclists) lawyers like Sam from all over the US and Canada, through the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. And if THAT’S news to ya, you might be new to the Sack! If ya’d like to hear more, line up an AIM Attorney to come talk to your motorcycle club or organization. You can call our national hotline at (800) ON-A-BIKE to speak to the AIM Attorney in your state.

oasis banner

RUN SAFETY: Our Run 21 was great as usual, but there was one incident that shouldn’t happen at any run. A rider blasted out of the stage area and hit a woman. He was just on his way to his campsite. I’ve seen this happen too many times at events that we’re supposed to be having fun at. When you get through with the bike games and shows in the afternoon, take your scoot to your camp and leave it there. A drunk scoot always causes the owner trouble, and will always hurt somebody.

The Coos River run over by the Oregon Coast came down after Run 21, and as always a great time. Love the “rubber duck races.” If you haven’t seen this, ya gotta make this run next year. It’s a real hoot to watch all those leather clad bikers sitting on a creek bank, cheering their little rubber duckies as they come bobbing down the stream!

But even there, we had a guy go down on the gravel road and break an arm. It’s good road but there is loose gravel on about three hundred feet of it, just before you get to the run. It’s a shame when an otherwise great time is marred by an injury. Please lets keep the other guy in mind and be careful fachrissakes when you ride, no matter where it is. It’s just not fun when folks get hurt, especially when it’s from plain old carelessness.

LEGAL SAFETY: If y’DO go down, or if you’re there when someone else does, our Oregon AIM Attorney Sam Hochberg wanted me to remind you to TAKE PICTURES and get names and numbers of

WITNESSES. Oh, and call the cops. Tell them you’re hurt or they won’t come out. TAKE the ambulance if you need to, and see your doctor. MOST important, Sam says, is DON’T TALK TO THE

INSURANCE ADJUSTER! They have a way of twisting the most honest speech. Talk to ANY GOOD personal injury lawyer. Sam is part of AIM, so you can always reach him at 1-800-ON-A-BIKE, or email him at . He checks t all the time

beach ride flyer

NEWSBITS’N’PIECES: ROYAL SCOOTER DUDE: The Thunder Press had a feature about the future King of Merry Olde England and his love of two-wheeled motor sports. We had a story here in the Sack about a year ago that the young Prince William is a fan of motorcycles and rides very well himself. The Royal family isn’t too happy about it, but the Prince says his father deals with it well. Motorcycles have their dangerous side but so does the Royal sport of Polo. You couldn’t pay me to try and hit a small, very hard ball from the back of a running horse.

The Prince has been riding for several years now, and says he fell in love with “motorbikes” as they are called in England, at a very early age. He says also, that proper training is essential. When he puts his helmet on, he says he feels anonymous, so he can relax and enjoy the ride without being chased by paparazzi!

abate of wisconsin

ORLANDO, FLA: Here it comes folks, we have been watching things develop around the country and here is what we have found. There will be a law enforcement set of seminars held somewhere in the Orlando area during “Bike Week” 2004. These seminars are open to law enforcement only and will cover subjects such as: Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Investigations, From the Inside – Combating Biker Gangs, Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Identification – Intelligence Gathering, Major Run Enforcement – Police/Biker Relations, Motorcycle Gang Coalitions (They’re worried about our NCOM and Confederations of Clubs??), Combating lawsuits (like the ones our AIM Lawyers file??), Development and Management of Gang Member or Associate as an Informant. These words should concern every American, not just riders. We’ve covered the “USA PATRIOT ACT” in earlier Sacks and this is just what I’m talking about. I’m not pretending we are all perfect in our lifestyle but neither is any other lifestyle you might want to mention. This kind of surveillance of our lives is an outrage and we need to scream like Hell about it. Learn more at the next NCOM Convention in Oklahoma City next May.

americas ride logo

COSTA MESA, CA: This time it’s the ACLU in court battling for homosexual woman bikers. The women want to run their second “Dyke Run” parade through the town of Costa Mesa and the city is using restrictions against motorcycles to discourage the ride. They are saying the Dykes on Bikes will have to follow the permit process like any other group. One of the requirements is the group arrange for a million dollar liability insurance policy and a $3k deposit for police protection during the ride. The city wants the organizers to provide porta-potties and trash pick-up after the parade. They also want to limit the number of bikes to 10 and threaten tickets to be mailed to offenders on the parade route. Sounds like a real mess to me.

american rider

LOS ANGELES, CA: The worlds largest rent-a-bike company of Harley-Davidson motorcycles, Eagle Rider, is set to offer travel agents a 40% commission on the reservation of bike rentals at vacation destinations if the rental is for a week or more. This is in effect until Feb 20, 2004. I think I’d rather rent direct and pay a little less!


NEW YORK, NY: Here we go again! Got this story from a contributor to the e-mail list serve of the SoLR, the Sons of Liberty Riders. The Long Island area near New York City has found the neatest way there is to harass bikers. They have instituted “SAFETY CHECKPOINT STOPS,” which are designed, according to the information I have, to interrupt the travel of those persons using the motorcycle as a way of getting from one place to another. This gives the cops a way to write tickets. These checkpoints are for MOTORCYCLES ONLY. Other methods of travel are left alone!

Don Lanham, the Legislative Coordinator for A.B.A.T.E. of New York wrote a letter to several newspaper editors and four were printed. One rebuttal letter expressed concern with the noise levels some bikes cause, and also had something to say about the attire worn by many of us, black leather and denim. He said bright colors were more to his liking because it made bikers more visible. I’m wondering if he had any idea the reason we wear such attire is because it protects us when we get run over by folks who think we should wear bright colors.

Maybe the idea was to make us easier targets for cage drivers. I don’t know. At any rate it bothers me that authorities will go to such lengths to harass people and not include the entire traveling population no matter what vehicles they choose to use. NEW YORK, NY: Well here’s a new one: According to Billboard magazine there’s a new rock group — actually just three guys — and they call themselves the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. They’re doing a North American tour in September and October. They even call themselves “BRMC.” If any Sack readers know about this crew I’d like to know if they’re riders at all. If NOT, I wonder what bonafide Clubs might have to say about them. Drop old Gunny a line at any time on any subject at all, but especially about this bunch.

son of liberty

That’s it for this month. Stay safe, andKeep the round side on the bottom.Gunny, Oregon AIM Chief of Staff

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