Gel Seat Giving Some More Miles

MISLED leads us to a solution for comfortable riding


Report by MISLED

Back in September of 2018 I was in a bad collision on my motorcycle resulting in multiple injuries from head to toe including the loss of left leg below the knee and a crushed left hip. Due to the seriousness of these injuries, getting back on my motorcycle a year later took modifications to help with comfort and or ease of use due to my new disabilities. I had to design a push-pull cable kickstand, add an electric shifter and recently added a reverse kit to the motorcycle to navigate my obstacles.

All these mods did not help the one factor I have since getting back on a motorcycle. My tailbone was severely injured resulting in me not being able to sit very long without having discomfort and pain. Due to this my 500-mile days are long gone.

This leads me to C.C. Rider Seats a newly founded brand in 2020.

Click here to read this excellent report on excelling against exceptions only on

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