The Road to Paloma Movie Bike (Interview with Jason Momoa)



“I’ve had that bike since I was nineteen, it’s the first thing I ever bought.” ~Jason Momoa

I recently had a chance to sit down with Jason Momoa (director, co-writer, lead actor of “ Road to Paloma”) for a couple minutes and ask him about his inspiration for the story and get some specifics on the cool custom bike he rode in the film.

Zack Coffman: What was the inspiration for the film? How did it come together?

Jason Momoa: I wanted to make a road movie for a long time, but it isn’t easy. You need to meander in the film, but it has to have a story or you’re just jacking off, you know? I love Five Easy Pieces, Jack Kerouac [On the Road], and Easy Rider of course, but it’s kind of for a different generation. Co-writer and co-star Robert [Homer Mollohan] and I are both into bikes and he told me about the injustices happening on the reservations and it opened up a whole world. I couldn’t believe all this was happening in our country. That gave my character some purpose. We wanted to make a road movie about a man saying goodbye to his life.

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