Bikernet Banner

January 12, 2004


gunny image


Well folks, here we are again. Right now, it’s snowing to beat the band and I’m in Portland, Oregon, fer cryin’ out loud! There are around seven inches on the ground right now and doesn’t look like it’s gonna stop. It’s not supposed to snow THIS much here. On top of that we have freezing rain and sleet, and there’s a thick layer of ice on the pavement. A whole bunch of us, including myself and our AIM Attorney Sam Hochberg, couldn’t get a flight out to attend the NCOM Regional Meeting in Sacramento, California, but I heard it was a good one. Even without our Oregon congregation, the rooms were packed with concerned riders from the region. Good to hear, but I sure wish I coulda been there!

hawaii poster


JAKARTA: Looks like the local companies who manufacture motorcycles in Indonesia aren’t looking for new investment, even though the demand is rising there, according to this story I saw online from the Jakarta Post. What’s the reason? Well, they don’t need new investors because they’re SELLING damn near THREE MILLION BIKES A YEAR over there! Again I say, why not here? Why is the rest of the world building and riding more and more bikes and all we get is more SUV’s? Not to mention NHTSA, EPA and the guverment doing their level best to kick bikes off the roads altogether.

LOS ANGELES: The 2003 BMW R 1150 R Rockster is one of BMW’s most stylish and agile scooters. In a new film called “Paycheck”, this BIKE will join a cast that includes Ben Affleck and Uma Thurman. The $10,790 BMW moves real fast when things get sticky. Might be a movie to go see. This bike was recently introduced in the USA from Europe and I’m told the thing is quick as scat.

Custom Chrome Banner

FLANDREAU, S.D.: A few weeks before this writing, Rep. Bill Janklow filed a motion asking that he either be acquitted of second-degree manslaughter or granted a new trial, claiming prosecutors didn’t present enough evidence to convict him of manslaughter when he killed a biker because he was speeding and had run through a stop sign. Next is liable to be an appeal. It’s time to quit playing games and hold him responsible for his actions.

As of Thursday evening Bill Janklow, one of South Dakota’s most powerful political figures for most of three decades, will spend the 100 days behind bars in the company of thieves and drunks as punishment for an Aug. 16 accident that killed a Minnesota man.

Circuit Court Judge Rodney Steele today sentenced Janklow to serve his time begining in Feb. 7 in the Minnehaha County Jail in Sioux Falls for second-degree manslaughter and three misdemeanors in connection the accident. He will be eligible for work release after 30 days but must spend each night in jail. Janklow also received a suspended imposition of sentence, which means if he completes his jail time and a term of probation the felony conviction will be removed from his record.

customecycle eng.

NORTH CAROLINA: Lying on the ground with his motorcycle handle bar jammed six inches into his abdomen, Brian Shipwash reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box that was broken and bloody, and asked his sweetie if she would marry him. He’d meant to surprise her at her home but the accident changed things for him. By the way she said YES.

donnie smith invitation

A DOCTORED QUOTE: My boss Sam Hochberg showed me this quote recently. It’s the original dedication from Arthur Kinoy’s “Disorientation Handbook” for the NLG (National Lawyers Guild), and it reads like this: “The test for a peoples’ lawyer is not always the technical winning or losing of the formal proceedings. The real test is the impact of the legal activities on the morale and understanding of the people involved in the struggle.” This sure does apply to our AIM Lawyers, guys. Every time I read a press release about what any ONE of them did for biker’s rights, or hear about a good settlement for an injured biker, MY morale really IS lifted, and my understanding IS improved. Along with all the other bikers rights warriors out there, THESE folks inspire us all. Now if I wasn’t such an OLD fart, I’d be thinking real seriously about going to law school, just because THESE AIM LAWYERS MAKE A DIFFERENCE in our world. The least I can do is spread the word. For more info, or for a free consultation on any legal issue or injury claims, call the main AIM (Aid to Injured Motorcyclists) number, and they’ll put you in touch with the AIM attorney for YOUR state. Call 1-800-ON-A-BIKE, or check ’em out on the web at

smoke out logo

MASS. BIKERS ROAR OVER INSURANCE ISSUES AND FILE SUIT SEEKING RETURN OF $100 MILLION IN EXCESSIVE PREMIUMS & COVER OVERCHARGING: Bikers in Boston are suing the Division of Insurance and Automobile Insurers Bureau saying they’ve been overcharged more than $100,000,000.00 in premiums. “For two years at public rate hearings we’ve brought these issues of coverage not available to motorcycle consumers to the Commissioner and the Auto Insurers Bureau (AIB),” said Betsy Lister of Medford, a member of the Board of Directors of the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA) and owner of a Medford Insurance agency. “And for two years we’ve been put off.” Now the bikers will be heard I’ll betcha. And I’m thinkin’ maybe some of the rest of us in other states need to take a look at what those insurers are doing. By the way, besides sitting on the MMA Board, Betsy puts out a great biker e-newsletter! You can subscribe to it by sending an e-mail to

son of liberty

NEW YORK: The NY Times, that is. So a few months back, our story-scavenger, my boss, Oregon AIM Attorney Sam Hochberg, ran into a good one. The Times ran a Living section cover piece about some of us over-the-hill bikers, or at least over-50 bikers, and our bad backs from years of riding, lifting, trucking, or what-not.

The picture showed a biker with his hardtail, and he said he HAD to ride it, as a matter of pride, but he couldn’t ride it very LONG anymore. Some guys I know can hardly walk after a good ride! What I’D LIKE TO KNOW is what we can DO about it! Maybe we swallow our pride a little and get a cushier ride. I finally realized some years ago that I didn’t have to prove anything to anybody.

sturgis MM

Any SACK READERS out there who’ve found a better way to ride with a lousy back, can e-mail me and Sam at and , or if you don’t have a computer, fax it to SAM at (503) 224-3869, and we’ll put together a special “Back-Sack” edition if we get some responses! We’ll give you credit for it, and we’ll even give away an AIM T-Shirt to the best solution. The funny part is the name of the Times’ story: “Not So Easy Riders.”

TMRA banner

PENNSYLVANIA: In February 1999 a child was asphyxiated while wearing a bicycle helmet and playing on playground equipment. Evidently he was caught between two over lapping horizontal platforms when his helmet would not fit through the gap between them where his body had already gone. Pressure on his chest as his lower body dangling prevented him from breathing.

Parents, this sort of thing really bothers me. Why in the world would any child need a helmet when playing on playground equipment? It was later found that the gap between the bars on the play equipment was too close together and the helmet would not pass through the opening. There are guidelines about that sort of thing that manufacturers are required to follow now. Nevertheless, I can’t say it any stronger, PARENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE for their kids’ safety.

Keep the round side on the bottom,

–Gunny, Oregon AIM Chief of Staff

Daytona twin tec
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January 8, 2004 Part 4


Continued From Page 3












swamp thing

SWAMP STORY COMING–I just wanted to let you know that the illustrationsare going to be finished by the end of next week. Here is the pencil version of the main illustration. I will be able to turn in both the full colorillustration and the second black and whiteillustration to you by Saturday.

Thanks again and see you soon,

–George Fleming

LIMO RIDING BANK ROBBER–Ricky Beale rode in the back of a stretch limousine to rob a Bank of America of $5,000, San Francisco police say, only to earn a free ride to jail later Thursday.

Beale, 31, a personal trainer, hired the limo to take him from his studio on Van Ness Avenue to San Francisco International Airport, said Inspector Dan Gardner of the robbery detail. Beale told the driver to stop at his girlfriend’s place.

Instead of visiting his girlfriend, however, Beale went to the Bank of America branch at 3701 Balboa St., police said, and allegedly robbed two tellers after simulating having a handgun.

A witness spotted Beale getting into the limo. Police were alerted and pulled the car over at 20th Ave. and Lincoln Way at 11:20 a.m.

–from Rogue

bob kotmel riding

BIKERNET BEDROLLS RETURN–Bandit,What happened to the Bed and Day Rolls? Attached is a pic of me having fun onmy scoot. Thought you might appreciate this a bit more than the averagebear. Jockey shifted Pan has run a best of 13.0 at 103 mph.

Regards, Bob Kotmel

bed roll

day roll

Bedrolls and Dayrolls are back, at reduced prices, in the Gulch. Check it out, they even come with shoulder straps and reuseable ty-wraps. They’re the best.

OUTLAWS CLUBHOUSE RAIDED–At a Christmas party, full of food, family and festive cheer held by the local Outlaws Motorcycle Club’s clubhouse state troopers and local police knocked down the two doors, ordered everyone to hit the floor, handcuffed and photographed each of the revelers, searched for illegal guns, and ripped open their presents.

Police were there on Dec. 20 to execute a search warrant, but they made no arrests and found none of the guns they were looking for. Now the Outlaws claim police violated their civil rights and say they plan to file suit in federal court.

Police were looking for Frank Nelson and were granted warrants to search his car, his home and the Outlaws’ clubhouse at 27 Division St., where police say he is the sergeant at arms. Nelson was arrested in 1994 on a misdemeanor charge that prohibits him from owning guns. State records show that he has nine weapons registered to him, according to one of the three search warrant affidavits unsealed Monday.

According to the affidavits, which were signed by Waterbury Superior Court Judge Michael Hartmere, police felt the search was justified because Nelson had guns registered to him that he is not allowed to have, because he is an Outlaw, and because the Outlaws are known to store personal belongings at the clubhouse. Police also searched his home, and hoped to search his car, but they could not find it.

Kathleen Eldergill is the attorney for the Outlaws. She is also representing five state Department of Correction employees who are under investigation for their alleged association with the Outlaws. Eldergill has said she will file suit on First Amendment grounds if her clients are disciplined.

In the case of last month’s search, she says she’ll argue the Fourth Amendment’s protection from unreasonable searches and seizures.

“It’s kind of scary to think you can be at a party, the police can raid you, handcuff you, detain you for as long as they want to, and then say before you leave, you have to have your picture taken,” Eldergill said. “That’s scary, I think. A lot scarier than the motorcycle club.”

–from Rogue

smoke out banner

SMOKE OUT NEWS–I got a call from Goth Girl last night minutes before she was going on the air for a radio interview. She went on record during the interview that she is riding out to the Smoke Out this year. California to North Carolina. Hard-core lady. A car tagged her the day before Thanksgiving. It broke her foot and slid the bike about four feet, but she kept the bike up and didn’t high side. She was back on the bike the day the cast came off.

We talked for ten minutes after the interview. In ten minutes we covered some memories from the last Smoke Out like the little know karaoke debut in the Pink Lady Lounge by Indian Larry (and her admiration for his surprisingly silky smooth singing voice), her past with you (interesting, no further comment- she says hi), favorite movies, past and future Discovery channel plans, music, the wall of death and the major tragedy that the Devil Doll calendar will be six months late or not come out at all this year (I’ll never make it anywhere when I should). A lot in ten minutes but Goth can talk about 400 miles an hour when she is revved (so that is like 30 minutes in normal time).

The party is heating up. I am hearing from many Bikernet fans excited that you are coming and demanding a small gathering of the Bikernet faithful.


THE BIKERNET MOVIE DEPARTMENT–I’m writing on behalf of Warner Bros. Pictures to see if you would be interested in helping us promote our newest release, Torque. The moviestars Ice Cube, Martin Henderson, Monet Mazur, Matt Schulze, Jaime Pressly.Torque opens nationwide January 16th, 2004.

Set in the fast-paced world of motorcycle racing, Cary Ford (Henderson)is framed by a long-time rival, Henry (Schulze). As Cary and his friendsmake a run for it, they have the most notorious and feared biker gang in thecountry and the FBI on their tails.

THE BOLIVIAN RUN REPORT–Just back from Bolivia. It was a wild ride all around.You’ve got to love a country with few laws and lessenforcement. A few scorpions visited the bano’ in thecasa of me wifes familia. I caught em, put em on iceand brought em back with me. The three are nowfloating in an alcohol bath waiting to be molded,mounted and sprayed with a fixative.

Beetles as big asmy hand and caterpillars close to 9 inches long swarmed overa tree on the property. A 500lb. Jaguar was takingdown cattle in a back country ranch about 100 klm awaya few weeks before we got there. He was caught and putinto the Santa Cruz Zoo. We made a visit and they hada total of eight Jaguars housed there from Bolivia andthe Pantanal. The zoo housed mostly local fauna;Jaguars, tapirs, Andean Condors, Harpe Eagles,Anacondas, javalinas and Puma.

I got inked in Santa Cruz by a Brazilian artist.Pirata Urbano (Urban Pirate) around me shoulder with askull medalion. Ink is cheap in Bolivia but the workis primo. Got me wife’s cousin his first piece as anXMas gift.

There is roughly 8 B’s (Bolivianos) to 1 US dollar. Apack of smokes cost 8 B’s and a case of brew is 5bucks US. A buck goes a long long way…

The cervesa is a local brand called Pacena’ with a fewdifferent brews. The Pacena Hauri is a thirstquencher. The trick is to drink it quick because inthe heat of the Amazon Basin (high 90’s, low 100’s &humid) it gets warm fast.

The bike scene is for transportation. No pretense justutility. The closest Harley dealer is in Lima, Peru.Most of the bikes were Jap dirt/enduro style, big andsmall. It wasn’t uncommon to see three to five peopleon one bike. One guy was ridin while his young wifebreast fed their baby behind him and two smallchildren squatted on the gas tank. There was a fellowin the back country with a Brit bike complete withsidecar loaded with his family and groceries from anoutdoor market.

Well that’s it for now. Got in at 3 A.M. and I gotta getsome shut eye. I’ll send off a few pix soon. Happy 2004

Live Free Or Die!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jim Buck

db belt drive

NEW BELT DRIVE–from DB Enterprises. I will have better photos next week. My patent will be finished by the end of the month and I will add Japan to it. I already have the provisional to keep everybody honest.

–Dave B.

Tattooed & Scarred


Look At Me
What Do You See?
These Tattoos And Scars
Run More Than
Skin Deep

Each One Tells
A Tale Of The Life
I Choose To Live
Some Happy ,Some Sad
Times I’ll Never Forget
Bar Room Fights
Cuts From Knifes
Maybe Even A
Bullet Wound Or Two

The Ink Runs
Deep As Well
Each Mark Has
Its Story To Tell

All Were Earned
By This Man
In Front Of You
Road Rash Has
Claimed It’s Fare Share
Scraped Off Skin
Ripped Out Hair

I Walk With A Limp
Some Old Wounds
Heal But Never
Really Go Away
So I Take Life
A Bit Slower
These Days

Other Scars You
Cannot See
The Ones Of The Heart
Don’t Heal So Easily
Some Wounds
Just Wont Heal
So I’ve Learned To Cope
I’ve Learned To Deal

Greying Before My Time
Wise Beyond My Years
I Just Want A Simple Life
That’s All I’ve Wanted
For Years
A Life With A
Few Less Tears


— By Panhead Josh Of Outlaws World.

ROGUE BAD COP INVESTIGATION CONTINUES–DAMN, There sure seems to be a lot of these Cops Fucking Up. And this is only the ones we know about. Sort of like the tip of the iceberg thing.

Bad Cop: Deputy arrested for theft at Walmart Texas – Police arrested Deputy Jose Perez, an 18-year veteran of the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office, Saturday night inside the Wal-Mart store near Loop 410 and Rigsby Avenue in East San Antonio.

“When something like this happens in our agency — or in any law enforcement agency — it’s a blow to all the officers,” Deputy Chief Henry Martinez said.

Police said that Perez tried to walk out of the Wal-Mart store with $500 worth of goods after paying just $70.

The Bexar County Sheriff’s Office speculated that it was just one instance in a chain of thievery that’s been going on for weeks involving several thousand dollars worth of merchandise.

“There’s no definite proof of who was cashiering, but there is some speculation that maybe a relative was involved or a friend of a relative,” Martinez said.

Perez was charged with theft — a class B misdemeanor. The sheriff’s office said those charges could upgraded pending further investigation.

Bad Cop… No Doughnut!

–from Rogue

THE CORK– Two Arab terrorists are in a locker room taking a shower after their bomb making class, when one notices the other has a huge cork stuck up in his butt.

If you do not mind me saying,” said the second, “that cork looks very uncomfortable. Why do you not take it out?”

I regret I cannot”, lamented the first Arab. “It is permanently stuck up in my butt !”

“I do not understand,” said the other.

The first Arab says, “I was walking along the beach and I tripped over an old oil lamp. There was a poof of smoke, and then a huge old man in an American Flag attire with a white beard and top hat came boiling out.

He said, “I am Uncle Sam, the Genie and I can grant you one wish.”

I said, “No shit?” and “Poof !”

God Bless America !

–from Redhorse

rocker box artwork

THAT’S IT–I’m taking a goddamn break. Should I tell you about her thigh, the bike we’re finishing, the ride I didn’t make, the most recent issue of HORSE or some bullshit Bandit philosophy?

On one hand I want to give it a break. I’ve been strapped to this goddamn computer chair all day, and I want sex, I mean “out”. On the other hand, I’m pumped. It’s gonna be one helluva year. Even Jesse James had a new daughter. The first baby born in 2004 in Long Beach.

So it’s gotta be one helluva new year.

Ride Forever,

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January 8, 2004 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

BIKERNET WAKE-UP CALL– A man and his wife are awakened at 3 o’clock in the morning by a loud pounding on the door. The man gets up and goes to the door where a drunken stranger, standing in the pouring rain, is asking for a push.

Not a chance,” says the husband, “it is three o’clock in the morning!”He slams the door and returns to bed.

“Who was that?” asked his wife.

“Just some drunk guy asking for a push,” he answers.

“Did you help him?” she asks.

“No, I did not, it is three in the morning and it is pouring outside!”

“Well, you have a short memory,” says his wife. “Can’t you remember about three months ago when we broke down and those two guys helped us? I think you should help him, and you should be ashamed of yourself!”

The man does as he’s told, gets dressed, and goes out into the pouring rain.

He calls out into the dark, “Hello, are you still there?”

“Yes,” comes back the answer.

“Do you still need a push?” calls out the husband.

“Yes, please!” comes the reply from the dark.

“Where are you?” asks the husband.

“Over here on the swing!” replies the drunk

–from Helen Wolfe

skooters bike

SKOOTER’S RIDE–Here’s what kickin’ strokers and riding hardtails got me….Now, I got me a button start evo stock…. That’s a x-ray of my spine…..even has a battery pack..The thing that looks like a headstone. Havent been able to ride for over a year now and the doc says I have a year to go before it’s all healed, and I can ride again. Two years ago I kicked my ’68 Shovel, 98-in. and it kicked back. Broke my lower back, but bro, it was a real fast stroker.



cantina deal

BIKERNET NUMBERS REPORT–Just FYI, Bikernet hit all time high numbers for December: 98,000 unique users, 420,000 visitors, impressions 2 million and 5 million hits. We must be doing something right. That number passed newsstand numbers for most bike mags including Motorcyclists at 72,000, Cycle World at 71,000 copies, Hot Bike at 64,000 and we’re creeping on American Iron. Not bad.

old photo old men - bob t.

Old shot from Bob T.

MR. LUCKY COMES TO TOWN–Mr Lucky’s will be offering an eclectic mix of parts and accessories for H/D motorcycles as well as clothing and lifestyle products for the rider. As we put it; Cool parts for your Ride, Cool threads for you Hide!

As discussed, we acquired rights to the Jammer Cycle Products brand, and are putting together a product line focusing on the retro, chopper/bobber styles of the ’60s & ’70s. Springer front-ends, girders, rigid frames, jockey shifts, coffin tanks, trumpet mufflers, ape-hangers–all the chopper parts that Jammer introduced back in the 1970’s, which are once again the rage.

Along with the Jammer brand we acquired the website, and are in the process of revamping the site adding the new parts along with wiring diagrams, tech tips etc. drawn from the old Jammer’s Handbook. IT should be cool.

Both the Mr Lucky’s and Jammer collections will be sold retail direct, utilizing the websites, mail-order and participation at events with our truck/trailer rig. Our debut will be the ‘Louisiana Bike Expo’ at the Superdome in New Orleans May 2-3-4.

Check out the site:

–Mr. Lucky

JIM MC CLURE COMIN’ AROUND–I don’t think all of you know that Jim got his new heart on Saturday. It has some rejection problems. They took him back to surgery yesterday and looked at the heart. It’s doing good. They were able to close the incision. He looks good but is expecting more surgery Friday.

Please continue to pray. He is not out of the woods, but the Doctors feel good, and we all know that the Lord is taking care of him.

Charlie Brewton

joan crawfor joke - chris t.

MYSTERY REVEALED– Joan Crawford’s long lost daughter.

–from Chris T.

mike pullin

The original Stealth, Mike Pullin, from Charlotte H-D.

THE STEALTH REPORT– One of the things I enjoy the most about my job is helping people customize and personalize their bikes. When a new customer buys a bike and takes the rider course we offer, we give them a complete tour of all the departments in the shop. I always tell them that they own the bike after all the paperwork is done, but it really isn’t theirs until they install their personal stamp and fingerprint. Most of them look at me like I am crazy! I may be!

A couple of weeks usually pass and they come back and we talk about personalizing the bike. I really enjoy when the light bulb comes on and they get into it. There is a ghost hiding in every bike, waiting to be seen. Every bike eventually takes on the personality of the owner. I tell people “You only live once, so make the bike the way you want it.”

Some will worry about how much they are spending, and I don’t pressure them to over spend. If I think they’re up to it, I usually say “Well you know what, I have never seen a U-Haul truck following a hearse at a funeral.” The point is to enjoy what you have now. Tomorrow is not a promise to any of us. The ones whose hearts aren’t really into it, find there is nothing more fun to do. Most of us who read this site know what I am talking about.

Another thing, it sure is fun doing something you love for a living. There is a saying that goes “Two of the most important things in life are finding what you are good at and what makes you happy, and if GOD is smiling down on you, they are both the same.” I have this framed in my office and try to read it every day. To me there isn’t anything better to do than customizing bikes and working at something you really don’t consider work!

So keep on chop’n and customizing and remember you don’t have to be on the Discovery Channel to have a custom bike!


run for breath

RUN FOR BREATH UPDATE–Mike asked me to let you know that the 6th Annual Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin” will be held on Sunday, July 25, 2004. Ben’s V-Twins in uptown Charlotte will handle the poker run registration. The run will end at Tumbleweeds Bar & Grill in Monroe (formerly Buffalo’s Cafe) where we will have the bike show.

You wanted our contact numbers, so here goes.
H-D of Charlotte 704-847-4647, Mike ext. 112, Meanest, ext 100
Mike’s cell 704-516-4630
Meanest cell 704-651-9055

Our first planning meeting is Monday, January 26, so I’ll update you after that.

Now, get busy on that best of show trophy!!

Love and kisses,

helen ice

BIKERNET WEATHER REPORT–Spokane, Washington, We’re snowed in – even Mailman didn’t go anywhere today. Now its freezin’ rain, but the blanket of snow is still on the ground.


ROGUE DIRTY COP REPORT EXPANDS–Maybe the Government Will Continue To Bust Dirty Cops. There is Just Too Many Incidents Like This Happening All Over The Country. It Has TO STOP!–Rogue

Bad Cop: Detroit Bad Cop examples Michigan – In a court filing, government prosecutors say indicted Detroit Police officers planted drugs and guns on residents at least 13 times during a two-year period.

Eighteen officers were indicted last year on corruption charges. The filing precedes two trials in U.S. District Court, the first of which is scheduled to begin in February, The Detroit News reported Wednesday.Wayne Circuit judges already have overturned the convictions of two men based on interviews with indicted officers.

“The officers planted drugs and guns on their victims. They claimed that the arrests of the victims occurred in public when actually (the) defendants entered the victims homes illegally and arrested them. They repeatedly made false claims of ‘hot pursuit’ to justify unlawful entries. They caused bodily injury to the victims and concealed that,” government lawyers John Engstrom and Michael Bullota said in a 50-page U.S. District Court filing Tuesday.

Bad Cop… No Doughnut!


BIKERNET FARM INVESTIGATION–A female TV reporter arranged for an interview with a farmer, seeking the main cause of Mad Cow disease.

The Lady: Good evening, sir. I am here to collect information on the possible source of Mad Cow Disease. Can you offer any reason for this disease?

The Farmer stared at the reporter and said: Do you know that a bull mounts a cow only once a year?

The lady reporter (obviously embarrassed): Well, sir, that’s a new pieceof information, but what’s the relation between this phenomenon and Mad Cow disease?

The Farmer: And, madam, do you know that we milk a cow twice a day?

The reporter: Sir, this is really valuable information, but what about getting to the point?

The Farmer: I am getting to the point, madam. Just imagine, if I was playing with your tits twice a day and only screwing youonce a year, wouldn’t you get mad?


hells turkey - rick london

NEW CARTOONIST–Dear Bandit, My name is Rick London and I am a disabled college student inHot Springs, Ar.

I’m also a cartoonist and thought of a fun cartoon that might work forBikernet for a Thanksgiving issue. Please let me know what youthink?

–Rick London
Londons Times Cartoons

Thanksgiving? Goddamnit, I just survived the holidays.

old photo indian - bob t.

Old shot from Bob T.

BIKERNET TOP FUEL HORSEPOWER TRIVIA–One Top Fuel dragster 500 cubic inch Hemi engine makes more horsepower thanthe first 4 rows at the Daytona 500.

Under full throttle, a dragster engine consumes 10 gallons of nitromethaneper second; a fully loaded 747 consumes jet fuel at the same rate with 25%less energy being produced.

A stock Dodge Hemi V8 engine cannot produce enough power to drive adragster supercharger.

With 3000 CFM of air being rammed in by the supercharger on overdrive, thefuel mixture is compressed into a near-solid form before ignition.

Cylinders run on the verge of hydraulic lock at full throttle.

At the stoichiometric 1.7:1 air/fuel mixture for nitromethane the flamefront temperature measures 7050 degrees F.

Dual magnetos supply 44 amps to each spark plug. This is the output of anarc welder in each cylinder.Spark plug electrodes are totally consumed during a pass. After 1 way, theengine is dieseling from compression plus the glow of exhaust valves at 1400degrees F. The engine can only be shut down by cutting the fuel flow.

If spark momentarily fails early in the run, unburned nitro builds up inthe affected cylinders and then explodes with sufficient force to blowcylinder heads off the block in pieces or split the block in half.

In order to exceed 300 mph in 4.5 seconds dragsters must accelerate at anaverage of over 4G’s. In order to reach 200 mph well before half-track, thelaunch acceleration approaches 8G’s.

Dragsters reach over 300 miles per hour before you have completed readingthis sentence.

–from Larry Mallin

Continued On Page 4

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January 8, 2004 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

jose - green bike

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT– Well I guess the New Year is already looking brighter, it’s a whole new world out there for us who like choppers and home building. The Discovery series is already rolling their cameras, the new shop is looking better and there are so many plans and events on the list, I even heard that ” The Factory” is jumping in the Choppers band wagon. I really hope that it’s not true. In reality, too much of a good thing can turn to shit. Mainstream is not the way to go when you dig doing your own stuff, being part of a unique clique who is not that unique anymore. Still there’s a slight balance between being good for business and being way over exposed.

Like people believing all choppers are ultra high dollar items with corny themes when in reality is as far from the truth as possible. As we all know, choppers are unique in the sense that they are bare, just what is actually needed is used, the lesser the gadgets the better. I don’t consider myself a salesman, I don’t push people to buy stuff and to top it off most of the time I tell them not to get the stuff that they came into my shop to buy, weird ain’t it? But now days anyone with a checkbook and some fake information can become a dealer and sell parts, not anyone can imagine and create something from what?s available, or from raw materials. Once more, (and I guess I’ve said it before) Frank Lloyd Wright was right, less is more!

jose - lojack

We are all so deep into this consumerism shit, buy, buy, buy…… Hire this guy for something, let this guy do something else, while we lay on our respective fat asses and watch the world go by via cable TV.I like this industry, in part because it makes and has people working on their things (bikes). They give a chance to be able to add or subtract anything that we damn well please, because there’s a custom builder hiding in the garage, putting something together that makes sense to him with the money available to him. Then, more so, since I have the chance to be at many different places every year, I get the chance to see a lot of bikes that are quite impressive, and you bet, lots of them are home built.

Sure there’s a need for what I do (without shooting myself in the foot) since tools, time and experience are expensive and hard to come by. Ideas and keeping things fresh are even harder to obtain and pass onto the task at hand, but I have gotten to a point were I take the bike as it is and just try to improve, use and redo what it already has. Some of you would be amazed what can be done with a Sportser and 5 grand (sometimes even less, but frames are not cheap now days). If you really think about it, a used Sporty can be found for less than 5 grand, so the whopping total of your next chopper could be less than 10 grand. That’s 30 to 50 thousand less than any Custom factory chopper today. The problem is that people tend to get carried away and try to buy everything that they see shinning in the pages of the latest magazine, then believing that it all complements each other.

jose - yellow chopper

For ages chopper builders have been inventive, if not frugal with what they do. True some are downright cheap, but mostly because we see potential in what others consider junk. Let’s use an example; I have been using black components all over the chops for years, one because I have never been a fan of chrome everything and second because we live in a place that is brutal to chrome. And with all the EPA restrictions today, the old reliable chromers have gone to greener pastures. But really think about it, you can accent parts of your bike with powder coating for a lot less money than the price of one billet goodie, even paint will solve this and last, some time, even if it chips or whatever you can always re-spray cheaply.

Here at Bikernet, there’s very good examples of what you can do with some imagination and little money to make a bike look really good. We also have the blessing in disguise of the Web. There?s so many places that you can check what other people are doing and incorporate those ideas (your own way) to your next build.

jose blk red chop

The problem with all the exposure that we are getting is that the Chopper will become the item to have in the following years, the must have status symbol. But on the other hand, we will always find ways to separate ourselves from the mere followers and mass media absorbers. We have skills that the rest don’t. We have good examples on TV and magazines of what we can do, or what should be avoided at all costs. In choppers as in music, there?s nothing new under the sun. Just many ways to re-invent it. Last but not least, Choppers are built to be ridden the shit out of, not to display them in your living room for coffee talk, nor a catalog of the latest billet-for -U display.

See you next week…

Jose Caribbean Bikernet report….

ROGUE SUSPECTED OF POLICE INVOLVEMENT–Bad Cop Report states department cannot control “Rogue” cops. Pennsylvania – Philadelphia police have so seriously failed to control rogue officers that an outside agency should take charge of the disciplinary system, the department’s anticorruption czar said yesterday in a report to a federal judge.

The 50-page report filed with U.S. District Judge Stewart Dalzell, who is overseeing police changes promised in a 1996 civil-rights court settlement with the city, is one of the most damning criticisms of the department in recent history.

The report, written by former Assistant District Attorney Ellen Green-Ceisler, said: “The disciplinary system in the Philadelphia Police Department remains fundamentally ineffective, inadequate and unpredictable.”

The report cited 50 of the 1,237 cases handled by the police disciplinary system between January 2000 and May 2002. The report, which did not name the accused officers, said:Three Vice Squad officers were caught making illegal arrests, and “routinely prepared and submitted false police reports to support other illegal arrests.” Prosecutors have withdrawn charges in numerous cases handled by the three. Two of the officers were given written reprimands, one of the department’s lightest punishments. They are still assigned to the unit. The third received a two-day suspension and was transferred.

Two officers speeding down a one-way street caused a five-car accident, seriously injuring several civilians. The supervising sergeant and lieutenant tried to stage a cover-up, ordering a subordinate to falsify the police report. The officers were given reprimands.

When department investigators checked police parking lots around the city, they found 55 officers’ cars with expired inspections and registrations. There was no discipline for 39 of the officers; 11 were given reprimands, and two received one-day suspensions. Only three were ticketed and fined.

A top-ranking police commander was involved in a romantic affair with a female officer. The commander collected overtime while the couple were involved in non-police activities. No disciplinary action was taken against either.

An off-duty officer rear-ended another motorist, fled, and was caught by another officer. The off-duty officer then lied about the accident. The penalty: a one-day suspension.

Three officers from the elite Highway Patrol unit falsified arrest reports and forged signatures in an effort to win bravery and heroism commendations. Penalty: 15-day suspensions for two and a five-day suspension for the third.

“You look at the large picture, it’s very troubling,” said University of Pennsylvania law professor David Rudovsky. “We are anxious to hear from the city as to its view of the accuracy of the report.”

Bad Cop… No Doughnut!


Custom Chrome Banner

DFO CONNECTION– This was pure luck that I found this info. I was listening to a “Son House” CD when I fired up the puter. Read the e-mail. In this move of mine from Charlotte to Hickory all my “Stuff” has been scattered. Driving me nuts I tell you. I found a scribbled note with this info on the back of a business card. Try Mark Dobek is the man talk to. They are the people behind the CCI DFO.

The M/C section didn’t load for me for some reason (fucking grimlins)!! Their ph # 702-558-5142 or 877-764-3337 emails:>

Hard to get great gas mileage with H-D’s fuel injection. So far a CV carb modified by Trock gives the best gas mileage on a Hi Perf. H-D engine.

Son House is done, now it’s on to “the Paul Butterfield Blues band” CD (Blues Harp Smith)!!


SNITCHES POSED AS CLUB MEMBERS–The president of the North Beach chapter of the Hells Angels has pleaded guilty to federal drug and gun charges.

Thirty-eight year old John Beal of Dunkirk is scheduled to be sentenced March 24th in federal court in Greenbelt. He faces up to 20 years in prison for distribution of cocaine and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

Beal was arrested last July after an undercover investigation of another motorcycle gang, the Warlocks.

Prosecutors say federal agents posed as Warlocks and went to a Hells Angels party in Calvert County. They saw semiautomatic pistols that Beal said has been strategically placed so gang members could use them immediately for protection.

Prosecutors say Beal was also seen giving cocaine to a Warlocks member and told one of the ATF agents he could provide the agent with cocaine.

–from Rogue

toad purse

WILD PRODUCTS OF THE WEEK–The mean looking leather accessories we sell are made from Cane Toad hides.These critter were introduced into Queensland many decades ago to controlthe Sugar Cane Beetle but got out of control. Now they’re spreading likewild fire in plague proportins and all attempts to stop them have failed sofar.

Cane Toad skin is strong and flexible and, after tanning, it retains thesequalities but also becomes softer and more supple. It makes up intoexcellent leather goods and when backed with pigskin (which they are) isboth tough and durable.

We have leather goodies ranging from key purses to fanny packs to sun visorsall with real toads heads on them – only the eyes are not real.

These toadskin items are on but theother part of the site ( ) sells such oddities as genuineKangaroo poo in paperweights, koala bear poo earrings and gilded TasmanianDevil poo paperweights. It’s very funny without being crude.


Continued On Page 3

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January 8, 2004 Part 1


old photo 1 bob t.

Hey, well it’s back to wacky biz as usual. The women are nuts, the chrome is ready and the Jack Daniels is running low. Brothers already gabbin’ about Daytona and Laughlin. The year is in full swing.

Mums the word from me. I’m hangin’ low for a couple of weeks. Deadlines loom ahead, but watch for the next Shrunken FXR tip, the CCI Goliath wrap and new fiction. Oh, I’m going to run a feature on travelin’ to Daytona. Some advice from a New Englander who rode to Bike week in the ’70s snorted angel dust and never left.

Let’s hit the new:


Click to order Catalog!

BRAND NEW CUSTOM CHROME CATALOG RELEASED–Custom Chrome’s new offering for 2004. The California based distributor brings you the most comprehensive product offering in the Harley-Davidson aftermarket! At over 1,200 pages and over 22,000 part numbers, their 2004 Catalog features the new RevTech 110 Motor, Hard Core II, Ares bikekits and noumious frames and forks–everything from nuts & bolts to performance products. It’s the Custom Bike Bible for the year.

ONLY $9.95 + 6.95 Shipping**

MORON–Bank Robber Arrives Early, Waits Outside Wearing Face Mask.He politely waited in line with other customers.

Solving crimes is usually a lot harder than police made it seem Friday. But they admit their job was made easier because the two bank robbers they were looking for weren’t that bright.One robbery suspect, caught at 10 a.m., didn’t want to be late. So, he waited outside the Zions Bank at 4300 W. 5400 South dressed in full robbery gear, donning a face mask over a hooded sweater, before the bank opened.

He politely waited in line with other customers, said Capt. Dave Burdett of the Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Office.

“You have to wonder what they’re thinking,” he said. “One of the customers thought he was wearing the mask because of a SARS type of deal.”

Witnesses said that after distracting the teller for a moment, the suspect, 36, reached over to grab money from the teller’s drawer. Customers who saw him trying to steal the cash, including a reporter for a local television station, tackled the unarmed robber and were soon aided by bank workers, Burdett said.

“We usually try to discourage that, but it was good work by citizens,” he said.

The second robber of the day just lacked imagination.

“He robbed the exact same bank he robbed seven years ago,” Burdett said of the 27-year-old suspect, whose heist took place at U.S. Bank at 4100 South and Redwood Road on Tuesday. The bank “went by some other name at the time, but it was the same building.”

The robber’s parole officer recognized him from a surveillance photo and turned him in. Police quickly caught him.

–from Rogue

donnie smith invitation

17th ANNUAL DONNIE SMITH INVITATIONAL–Much more than just another custom show, the DONNIE SMITH INVITATIONAL has become one of the most prestigious and anticipated motorcycle events in the country. And this year’s Invitational is on track to be a real mind blower.

Thanks to world wide media exposure and an exceptionally professional and well thought out presentation, the event has grown in attendance and stature to the point that this years get together has been extended to 2 full days. That’s 2 days for enthusiasts and the merely curious to experience the finest in custom machines while rubbing elbows with world famous builders, designers and manufacturers.

Attendees will be treated to a huge, 40,000 sq ft motorcycle swap meet and an extensive vendor’s row featuring over 300 booths. DRAG SPECIALTIES, BIKER’S CHOICE, J&P CYCLE, LEGENDS AIR SUSPENSION, HOUSE OF COLOR and other industry leaders will display the latest in custom and restoration hardware, and provide on site technical assistance. Additionally, if you ever wanted to quiz industry giants like Dave Perewitz and Donnie Smith on their styling techniques, building secrets and thoughts on where the industry is headed, here’s your chance.

Need more? A huge collection of door prizes, catalogs, CDs, magazines and exclusive dealer and manufacturer presentations are just a few show features you can expect. Most importantly visitors will be treated to over 200,000 sq ft of mild to wild displays packed with the most unique and highest quality custom, high performance and antique motorcycles ever assembled under one roof. This wide variety of machines encompassing 42 classes, including a spectacular Pro Class, will be competing for both cash and trophy awards.

Hosted by Master Builder Donnie Smith and Neill Ryan of American Thunder Promotions, the DONNIE SMITH INVITATIONAL has become a “must attend” for domestic and international motorcycling press, private and professional builders and major manufacturers. The 17th running of this highly acclaimed event will be held Saturday and Sunday, March 27-28, 2004, in the spectacular St. Paul River Center at the Touchstone Energy Center in St. Paul, Minnesota. This full service, contemporary setting is just minutes for the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport and surrounded by accommodations to meet any taste.

The DONNIE SMITH INVITATIONAL is indeed a very special event and one you don’t want to miss. Bring your friends and family and enjoy a weekend of fine motorcycles, the latest in custom accessories, entertainment and good times. Tickets are available at the show for just $10.00 a day! For additional information including space reservation, contact American Thunder Promotions at 952-226-1180.

BIKERNET PHARMACY– A car company can move its factories to Mexico and claim it’s a free market. A toy company can outsource to a Chinese subcontractor and claim it’s a free market. A major bank can incorporate in Bermuda to avoid taxes and claim it’s a free market. We can buy HP Printers made in Mexico.

We can buy shirts made in Bangladesh. We can purchase almost anything we want from many different countries and it’s not considered un-American. It is then referred to as a global economy. BUT, heaven help the elderly who dare to buy their prescription drugs from a Canadian (Or Mexican) pharmacy. That’s called un-American! And you think the pharmaceutical companies don’t have a powerful lobby?

Think again!

cute joke - bob t.

Old cartoon from Bob T.

BIKERNET FARMING ADVICE–One day a farmer’s donkey fell down into an old well. The animal criedpiteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.

Finally, he decided the animal was old and the well needed to becovered up anyway; it just wasn’t worth it to retrieve the donkey.

He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They allgrabbed shovels and began to shovel dirt into the well.

Soon, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly.Then, to everyone’s amazement he quieted down. A few shovelloads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He wasastonished at what he saw.

With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doingsomething amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up!

As the farmer’s neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of theanimal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon,everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edgeof the well and happily trotted off!

Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick togetting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Eachof our troubles is a stepping-stone. We can get out of the deepestwells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take astep up.

Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred – Forgive.
2. Free your mind from worries – Most never happen.
3. Live simply and appreciate what you have. 4. Give more. 5. Expect less

NOW ——– Enough of that crap . . .

The donkey later came back and kicked the shit out of the farmer whohad tried to bury him. The gash from the kick got infected, and the farmereventually died in agony from blood poisoning.


When you do something wrong and try to cover your ass,it always comes back to get you!

–from Geno, The HORSE

THUNDER MOUNTAIN H-D CHOPPERS–It sounds like the Motor Company is finally going into the Custom Chopper Business. I went to the official unvailing of the Thunder Mountain/Harley Davidson Choppers last week.

Pretty slick bikes, but I am questioning the price-$35,900.00 some models even include Jesse James fenders…

THE BIKER READING MAN–I read Orwell last summer and really enjoyed it. As you are a writer I assume you must be a reader too, though if you’re like me it’s hard to find enough time to read everything you would like to. I am writing to recommend the book “American Gods” by Neil Gaiman to you. It has a lot in common with your book and I think you might enjoy it.

While “American Gods” has strong writing, and a theme that bears resemblance to Orwell, it doesn’t have anything to do with motorcycles or the biker life.

I’ve noticed that you have used some of my submissions and the accompanying quotes in and I just wanted to say how honored I am. I would like to offer to send you a few quotes each week if you are interested.

I’ll try to keep your audience in mind but as a 55 year old blue collar, United Autoworker and concerned American I find a lot of my biking friends are being mislead as to the motives of the conservative agenda. Union Shops, good wages, paid overtime, healthcare, 30 and out retirement pensions, freedom to associate with whomever a person wants and American jobs these are things that mean a lot to me.

I don’t give a flying fuck what the pansy ass, ultra-religious, frat boys do to each other, but it’s high time someone spoke up for the working class values, that made a man a man and pointed out the fucking the working stiff is getting today.


We look forward to them. I too consider Bikernet a site for the working man. –Bandit

cutie w pierce

DAYTONA BEACH BIKE WEEK IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER–Starts February 27th 2004 and runs To March 7th. Time to start thinking about getting ready for it. As usual I will keep you supplied with info as best I can. Watch for a “Survive Bike Week Report” on Bikernet in the next week.


ROGUE’S BAD COP INVESTIGATION– Top Cop FIRED South Carolina – Police Chief T. “Billy” Haynie was fired over the weekend, Calhoun Falls Mayor Johnnie Waller announced Monday.

The termination of the 30-year police veteran came less than a week after the State Law Enforcement Division released details of its investigation into whether the 66-year-old chief sexually assaulted Frances Lewis, a 68-year-old police officer?s widow, in October 2002.

SLED?s evidence included sworn statements by Town Administrator Deborah Parks claiming she had been continually harassed by the chief and a statement from town resident Patricia Wells, alleging the chief tried to grope her when she was working as an assistant manager at a convenience store.

Bad Cop… No Doughnut!


taxdollars- rogue

A MILD MANNERED MAN– A mild-mannered man was tired of being bossed around by his wife; so hewent to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist said he needed to build his self-esteem,and so gave him a book on assertiveness, which he read on the way home.

The man stormedinto the house and walked up to his wife. Pointing a finger in her face,he said, “From now on, I want you to know that ‘I’ am the man of this house,and my word is law! I want you to prepare me a gourmet meal tonight, andwhen I’m finished eating my meal, I expect a sumptuous dessert afterward.Then, after dinner, you’re going to draw me my bath so I can relax. And,when I’m finished with my bath, guess who’s going to dress me and comb myhair?”

“The fucking funeral director,” said his wife

–from Rev CarlR

ROGUE BACKS OFF COPS–Just so the Cops don?t think I am picking on them, with the Bad Cop reports, here are some Dumb Crook items:

Virginia Beach:A bank robber in got a nasty surprise when a dye pack designed to mark stolen money exploded in his Fruit-of-the-Looms. The robber apparently stuffed the loot down the front of his pants as he was running out the door. “He was seen hopping and jumping around,” said police spokesman Mike Carey, “with an explosion taking place inside his pants.” Police have the man’s charred trousers in custody.

Go Ahead… Take It!:Mrs. Hollis Sharpe was walking her poodle, one night on a Los Angeles street when she was attacked by a mugger, shoved to the ground, and forced to hand over her purse. No doubt congratulating himself on his easy mugging, the mugger ran off. Unfortunately for the mugger, inside Mrs. Hollis Sharpe’s purse was just one item: a plastic bag she had just finished using to scoop up after her poodle.

Jacksonville, Florida:A Jacksonville, Florida robber couldn’t quite get it together when it came to disguising himself. He stuck up a grocery store, wearing a paper bag with cut-out eyeholes over his head. But during the attempted stickup, the bag shifted and the eyeholes were no longer over his eyes, so he couldn’t see a thing. To make matters worse, a few seconds later the bag split open, completely revealing his face to the sales clerk. She immediately recognized him as a regular customer – and called the cops when he left.

New Guns For Police To Battle Criminals:Police in the Vietnamese capital have a new gun in their holsters and it’s got a colourful bang. They’ve armed themselves with paintball guns to brand and track criminals and illegal motorbike racers. The guns, introduced Monday, will be used to pelt thieves and racers with red, yellow and green dyes, said Tran Quoc Hung, administrative head of Hanoi’s police. The guns have a range of 10 metres and will help police to track fast-moving suspects on motorcycles who could otherwise dart unnoticed into a sea of other bikes. Robbery is not a major problem in Hanoi, but street racing on motorbikes is becoming more common.

Thanks For The “Tip”A man broke into a jewelry store in the middle of the night. Once inside he broke the glass case to extract the jewelry — so excited and anxious to get his hands on the diamonds in the case he did not notice, that when he broke the glass, with his hand, he cut the tip end of one of his fingers off. When police arrived, they merely fished the top portion of the finger out, printed it, and ran a match program. The man was arrested within a few hours of his crime.

One Dumb Crook:A fellow robbed a supermarket of about $5000. The local newspaper ran the story, but with the amount given as $7000. The thief called the newspaper to complain about the inaccuracy and to suggest that maybe the store manager ripped off the extra $2000 and was unjustly blaming the thief. The people at the newspaper kept him busy on the phone giving his version of the story while the police traced the call to a phone booth and arrived to arrest him while he was still talking to the newspaper!

–from Rogue

Continued On Page 2

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Digital’s Rigid – Part IV (Continued 3)

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Once the engine was back in place, the bolts were placed and the tape was removed.

Then it was on to the area where the transmission was to be placed.


The transmission plate from Custom Chrome and the rear fender mounts were put into place and bolted down.


The transmission was then put in place but not bolted down.


You’ll notice at this point that the secondary pulley is already on the transmission’s output shaft and the shifter lever is in place. Note: You want the shift lever to be straight up and down when bolted in place. The one in the photo required some adjusting to make this correct.

On to Part 4, Page 5….

Back to Part 4, Page 3….

Back to Custom Chrome on Bikernet….

Back to Belt Drives Limited on Bikernet….

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Digital’s Rigid – Part IV (Continued 5)

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At this point I needed to make sure the front and rear pulleys were even at their outer edges. This was to make sure the belt does not rub on the pulley rim. A long level or other straight edge can be used to do this. If you need to move the front pulley out, Custom Chrome sells some hardened shims just for this purpose that range in thickness from .010 inch to .200 inch thick. Don’t be surprised if you have what you think is a “stock” application and you need shims. Depending on the rotor/stator setup on your motor, you will most likely need to shim the front pulley. Here’s a top view of a system that has been properly aligned.


The spring plate on the clutch had to be removed to allow for bolting the rear pulley to the shaft. This was done by removing the six spring/bolt assemblies and the plate.


The bolt was torqued down to spec, along with the front pulley. I was then ready to turn the motor to make sure the belt tracked properly. To torque these down, an air compressor and an impact wrench was required. I would never have been able to torque against the motor or transmission using a regular torque wrench unless I had jammed the pulleys.

Using a large torque wrench, I turned the motor forward a few times to make sure the belt could make three revolutions and still track to the center of the two pulleys. If you use one of these set ups, it should track as assembled, but if it doesn’t, check the spacing on your front pulley. If you still have problems, you can call BDL and they will walk you through how to shim things up on your frame.


On to Part 4, Page 7….

Back to Part 4, Page 5….

Back to Custom Chrome on Bikernet….

Back to Belt Drives Limited on Bikernet….

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Digital’s Rigid – Part II

We’ve collected a number of parts for the rigid over the last few months – but one key item was missing. That’sthe engine. When it came time to decide on a power plant for the project, there were a couple of factors thatwarrented consideration. The first is of course, cold hard cash. None of us have a lot. Any way you cut it, anengine is not cheap. The second factor, of course, is engine performance. Nobody wants tomake this kind of investment, no matter what the price, only to find out it the motor is a dog or doesn’thold it’s own when the throttle is cracked. (When buying mail order, performance is particularly tough to judgebecause you never get to test the engine before you buy.) The third factor is overall quality. If you shell out a fewgrand for a motor – you don’t want to have to do it again in 3 years. You want it to last, and youdon’t want it to be plagued with problems. Having a bike that spends more time in the shop then it does on theroad just plain sucks.

As the number of V-Twin manufacturers increases to meet current demands, the competition to provide a high quality,big torque V-Twin that can withstand time and abuse for a reasonable price has also increased. The clearwinner in this competition is you, the consumer.

For those of us who need to maximize our dollar spent, we need to really understand our requirements.What’s the average biker want? A motor that’s usable for the street. If you want a Nitro-Burning tire shredder,get ready to spend some serious cash. But if you basically want a hot street motor, and live on a budget,you should to look at a couple of factors. These are performance, reliability, total long term cost of ownership,and thereputation of the engine manufacturer.

For this project, a Revtech 100 CI Evo-Style motor was procured. The guys at Custom Chrome cut us a deal onit to fit our budget. Let’s have a look at some of the features that convinced me that the RevTech 100 was my best choice.

First off, the Engineering and Manufacturing team at RevTech have spent thousands of hours researching, designing,building, and testing their engine design. When you buy one of these motors, you’re not just buying anengine, you’re buying 20 years of experience and expertise from one of the largest, most respectedaftermarket american v-twin companies in the business. The company’s reputation was an important in choosingto buy one of these motors because I’ve never so much as thrown a leg over a bike built with one of theseengines.

Second – The spec sheet. Have a look at all the features this engine has.

Basic Features

  • ALL Chrome Covers are included. No need to add your own. Price this out when you’re building your next project.You’ll see the advantage of buying these as a package.
  • Comes with a Mikuni Carburator, Revtec Air Cleaner, Thunderheart Ignition Pickup AND Thunderheart ElectronicIngnition Module. Keep this in mind when buying a motor. The Module, Ignition System, and Carb/Aircleaner setup whenpurchased separately are worth at LEAST $600 retail if you have to add them separately. There’s a trick feature heretoo – the ignition module is actually mounted right on the pickup – so mounting an external box is NOT required.
  • Available in 88 or 100 CI displacements, in Raw, Black Powdercoat, or Show Polished finishes on the cylinders,heads, and case.
  • Case

  • 356-T6 Aluminum Case with added material in key areas for increased strength. What does this mean?Lower case flex. Why is that good? Longer bearing and shaft life. If things stay aligned, they wear less.It also means, this motor can take some punishment and that your lower end is likely to fail in an extremecondition than your average run of the mill case.
  • Removeable Lower Sump Plate. – This is VERY cool. It allows you to keep tabs on your motor over time by beingable to inspect the lower end WITHOUT having to rip the whole motor apart. You don’t get this with just any case.
  • Pressed and Bolted Crank Pin and Pinion Bushing Carriers. The carrier on the left is pressed in like stock.The one on the right is pressed and bolted against a machined surface for superior alignment across the case. Thistranslates into better alignment of the bearings, lower friction, and less bearing and shaft wear.
  • Heads

  • No head gaskets! O-Rings are used for LEAK PROOF SEALS. This is an extremelyimportant feature for retaining compression and performance over time.
  • Wider than stock spaced head bolts for superior strength.
  • D-shaped ports for high flow characteristics. If your motor ain’t flowin’, it ain’t goin’.
  • Cylinders

  • Steel cyliner liners are perma-locked into the outer aluminum casting for the ULTIMATE in durabilty.
  • Larger Cooling Fin Area that Stock Evo Motors for lower engine temperatures.Lower engine temperatures means your oil retains it’s integrity longer and providesbetter engine protection to reduce wear.
  • Cast Pistons in the 88″ motor, Forged Pistons in the 100″ CI Motor. This is something you may want to consider ifyou have a personal preference.
  • Flywheels

  • The halves are one piece forged and then post machined from 4340 Steel. What’s that mean?They’re seriously strong and accurately manufactured.
  • Oil Pump

  • The latest in oil pump technology. NEVER underestimate the importance of delivering good lubraction to your motor. Inan air cooled motor, oil is also the lifeline to cooling.
  • Warranty

  • 2 Year – 20,000 Mile warranty. Just make sure you fill out the card when it comes.
  • Shipping

  • Bagged and shipped in a custom built wooden crate..
  • Third factor – Total price – about $5600, retail. We did some internet shopping and found that youcan knock about $600-$700 off if you look around a little.

    We also priced comparable Black Powder Coated100 CI motors from S&S $6300 Retail + which still require an ignition module to run (about a $200-$350 investment).If you want a TP Engineering motor, add another $500-$600 to those prices. Don’t get me wrong. S&S and TP make damned good engines,but you’ll pay for them. If you want a great motor that’s convenient to install, and has the added benefit of a carbpre-installed and dialed in with a pre-existing ignition module, and you’re on a budget to boot, you may want tohave a hard look at the Revtech motor.

    We’ll have some details about mounting it into the frame as the project progresses.

    Till next time – Digital

    On to Part 3….

    Back to Part 1….

    Back to the Custom Chrome on Bikernet….

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    Digital’s Rigid – Part IV (Continued)

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    It was then time to put the Revtech engine in place. Caution and ease are the keys to success here. One thing to note: If you build a ride of your own and are using the type of stand I do, which sits under the frame, make sure the rails are around where the bottom of the engine will sit to ensure the motor will fall into place and not sit ON the rails.


    Using a pen, the front and rear engine mounts were traced. The engine was removed and what is left is what you see in the next photo.


    Using a razor blade, I removed the tape from the areas where I planned to mount the engine and prepared to strip the powder coat. The powder must be stripped from the mounting area because the power train must make electrical ground contact to the frame for the ignition, starter and speedo sensor on the transmission.


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    Digital’s Rigid – Part IV (Continued 4)

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    This project uses a BDL open drive system to drive the tranny, so the motor plate was put into place and bolted down while the engine bolts and transmission bolts were still loose. Make sure to use Loctite 242 and to torque the bolts to spec per the instruction sheet provided with the BDL system.

    Something to note: This plate comes with its own bearing for the main shaft on the transmission, so the color had to be previously removed from the transmission. A tool from JIMS USA is available for this and can be found here in their section on Bikernet.


    The offset needs to be pinned into the front pulley as shown below.


    Both pulleys had to be slid onto the engine and transmission shaft simultaneously.


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