Motorcycle club that lost members in NH tractor-trailer crash raises toys in annual drive

ABINGTON, Mass. — It’s an annual tradition for the Marine Jarheads, and this year was one of their best yet.

The New England motorcycle club made up of Marines and their spouses, plagued by the loss of their own in a fiery crash involving a tractor-trailer earlier this year, decided their annual toy drive was going to go on as usual.

The club’s president, saying this was one of their best years so far, attributes the turnout to a strong economy.

In true holiday spirit, the toy drive brought more than just a community together – it showed the power of generosity in its purest forms, including a 7-year-old who saved up $50 worth of her allowance to buy gifts for other children.

One of the recipients this year says she’s forever grateful for the help she got in the tough year she’s had.

–Jim Morelli, Boston 25 News

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