Jalapeño Burrito Breakfast Thursday News for October 2nd, 2014


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Las Vegas here we come, ready to rock and roll!


This is one of those days. We are waiting on FEDEX to deliver 5-Ball Racing leathers for the run to Vegas, and a rare Bandit’s Bedroll. I ran out of them.

Jeremiah showed up with Breakfast Burritos and is waiting on the delivery guy, while I deal with the trash, feed the animals, and scramble with the news. It’s always exciting the day of the ride out to anywhere. We sold out of our Bandit’s bedrolls, and I must have given my personal one away.

I reached out to Prince Najar in Charlotte. He saved the day, between glasses of whiskey and overnighted it to me. After the run I will ship it to Andrew and we are going to manufacture a leather version. Never a dull moment. Then I received a text message from Copehagen. The Sheriff was on his way. Oh fuck. I think I offered him a ride to Vegas and now I’m riding with the bros.

There’s always a plan B. Just need to figure out what the hell it is? Let’s hit the news.

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