It should be way happy. This 4th marks the 247th commemoration of the day the Declaration of Independence. The country has grown from 13 colonies with about 2.5 million people to 50 states and 14 territories with a population of more than 330 million. The economy grew to over $26T, with a median household income above $70K.

“Scientific and technological advances—public sanitation, the germ theory of disease, and more—have revolutionized public health, with our citizens living 35 years longer on average since the mid-20th century. Deaths during childbirth have dropped fiftyfold, while the child mortality rate—the percentage of children dying before age five—has plummeted from 45% to 1%,” from 1440 News.

Almost every advancement has been with the help of Oil. The term Fossil Fuels is wrong and CO2 is not a pollutant. Yet, why are we living in a divided country behind lies, when it should be the Best of Times.

With the help of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation we are attempting to put the following resolution before Congress, so next 4th can be the Best of Times once more with a Great America making it so.

A resolution by the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, motorcycle and automotive groups to Congress to demand scientific transparency and truth for every motoring individual in the world.

Whereas Truth and Free Speech are the cornerstones of our society, motorcyclists all over the country want our rights and the truth to be respected

Whereas Critical Thinking is the backbone of science it needs to be held high for kids all over the world. America always endeavored to be the bastion of truth and free speech.

Whereas science is never settled and the public requires nothing but the truth as it affects their very existence.

Whereas children deserve to know the truth and scientific transparency. No matter who tries to hide the truth, it will surface and the real deniers will be exposed.

Whereas every law in this country that effects the lives, livelihoods, homes, businesses and transportation must be based on truth or they are meaningless.

Whereas criminal governments throughout history restricted free speech. We cannot allow any attack on free speech to infiltrate our government.



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