Freedom Needs A Voice!



 April 28 was Biker Day at the Capitol in Colorado and over 150 bikers attended to make their voices heard.

Photos and text by David Campbell 

Monday April 28 was Biker Day at the Capitol in Colorado and over 150 bikers attended to make their voices heard. Parked tight the bikes took up a city block and a half. US Defenders, Colorado Confederation of Clubs, and Coalition of Independent Riders (COIR) organized the event, and behind it all was Tiger Chandler.
Tiger is the Colorado COIR Commander and a formidable force when it comes to defending the freedoms of bikers in Colorado.
This is the fifth year for the event which has grown from a handful of bikers to this year’s number. Each year they have increased the attendance and are thus gaining more attention from the lawmakers.
 “The visual impact of all the leather and bikes is an eye opener to lawmakers” said Tiger.
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