Evers signs bill defining autocycles, setting fees

MADISON, Wis. (AP) – Gov. Tony Evers has signed a bill that defines autocycles in state law and establishes registration fees for the vehicles.

Autocycles are three-wheeled vehicles that seat one or two people.

The Republican-authored bill defines autocycles as vehicles with three wheels in contact with the ground, seating that doesn’t require straddling and a steering wheel. The bill establishes a $45 annual registration fee.

Evers signed the bill privately Friday.

According to a state Department of Transportation estimate, 1,030 vehicles that fit the autocycle definition are currently registered in Wisconsin as motorcycles for a $23 biennial fee. That fee generates about $11,845 annually.

The department projects it will cost about $160,000 to re-program computers to implement the $45 fee and create autocycle license plates. The new fee should generate about $46,350 annually.

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