ABATE’s New Orleans Toy Run




Scooter Tramp Scotty Brings Toys, Santa, Happiness and Smiles

Photos and text by Scooter Tramp Scotty

ABATE of Louisiana was founded by B.B.’s late husband Pops some 33 years ago. Pops then organized this toy run the following year. Its purpose is to benefit the residence of a home for mentally retarded kids. Well…almost kids. Although their ages range from 6 to 60, most have the mind of a 5-year-old child. But we brought no toys this day because, before the run ever started, each kid (I really can’t call them anything else) gets to write down what he wants from Santa Claus. These wish lists are then distributed by the C.M.A (Christian Motorcycle Association), ABATE and other motorcycle groups to their own members. Each participant then takes that list and gets that child his or her presents.

Pops must have been one hell of a man.



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