December 02, 2004 Part 1
By Bandit |
Photo From Bob T.
We get complaints about the news being late on occasion; OK, all the time. The people on the East Coast want to read it before they go to bed, but can?t cause?. It?s not done. Some say we should call it the Friday news and take our time on Thursday but I think these people who complain would just find another reason to bitch. So, it stays as the Thursday News. Besides, if they don?t get to read it on Thursday, it gives them something to look forward to on Friday. And if they only have a computer at work and I didn?t get it finished on Friday, they?d have to wait till Monday.
So, my point is quit bitchin? cause I?m not changing anything and I?m the boss now.
Hah! Guys in front of computers all across America (and some foreign countries), just sat up in their chairs ready to defend. Sit back down; I?m only messing with you. Relax and enjoy your late news?.
PUNISHER – HAWAIIAN STYLE–Ahui hoi Bandit, I’ve been putting together some photos and a little article of the bike we puttogether. I hope all is well, and hope to see you in the future.
Thanks Darren ?P.S. it is the is called the Punisher?
WHEN HELL FREEZES OVER–The following is an actual question given on University of Washington chemistry mid-term.
The answer by one student was so “profound” that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well.
Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)?
Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle’s Law (gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant.
One student, however, wrote the following:
First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at which they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving.
As for how many souls are entering Hell, let’s look at the different Religions that exist in the world today. Most of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there is more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell.
With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially.
Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle’s Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand proportionately as souls are added.
This gives two possibilities:
1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.
2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.
So which is it?
If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my Freshman year that, “It will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you”, and take into account the fact that I slept with her last night, then number 2 must be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and has already frozen over.
Of course, the corollary of this theory is that since Hell has frozen over, it follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is therefore, extinct…leaving only Heaven…thereby proving the existence of a divine being which explains why, last night, Teresa kept shouting “Oh My God.”
This student received the only “A” in the class.
MSF Responds to MRF Releases; MRF Posts Response to MSF Questionnaire– The Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) has issued responses to two recent Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) releases regarding rider education in Georgia and California. Though the MSF disputes information in both the Georgia and California releases, the MRF stands firmly behind both. MRF President Karen Bolin states, “The MRF has always maintained a meticulous standard as to the accuracy of the information we issue. When distributing information to the motorcycling riding community, we have always followed and continue to follow the MRF’s core values: Integrity, Respect, Leadership, Teamwork and Excellence.”
Last August, the MSF submitted a series of questions to the MRF in an effort to improve communications among “stakeholder organizations”. The MRF has responded. The questions, MRF response and the MSF responses to the MRF’s Georgia and California releases have been posted on the MRF web site at
The MRF once again calls on the MSF to revisit the denial of the MRF’s request to create rider representative advisory positions on the MSF Board of Trustees. “Rider training would be better served through direct interaction and communication,” observed Karen Bolin. “Furthermore, the creation of an independent motorcycle safety public policy council is an avenue that may become increasingly critical to the riding community as a vehicle to provide input toward helping to preserve the future and integrity of rider education.”
P.O. Box 1808
Washington, DC 20013-1808
202-546-0983 (voice)
202-546-0986 (fax)
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TEACHERS AND EDUCATORS–A certain private school in Washington recently was faced with a unique problem. A number of 12-year-old girls were beginning to use lipstick and would put it on in the bathroom. That was fine, but after they put ontheir lipstick they would press their lips to the mirror leaving dozens oflittle lip prints. Every night the maintenance man would remove them and the next day thegirls would put them back.
Finally the principal decided that something had to be done. She calledall of the girls to the bathroom and met them there with the maintenance man. She explained that all these lip prints were causing a major problem forthe custodian who had to clean the mirrors every night.
To demonstrate how difficult it had been to clean the mirrors, she askedthe maintenance man to show the girls how much effort was required. He tookout a long-handled squeegee, dipped it in the toilet, and cleaned the mirror with it. Since then, there have been no lip prints on the mirror.
There are Teachers, and then there are Educators. Hee heeChris T..
Former IRS Agent Charged As Tax Cheat —
By Chronicle Staff Writer Henry K. Lee – Joseph Banister was once a gun-toting Internal Revenue Servicespecial agent who investigated tax cheats for six years. On Thursday,the certified public accountant was arrested on a federal indictmentaccusing him of numerous tax crimes.
Banister, 41, whose Web site, “The Income Tax is a Hoax,” was taken into custody by IRSagents at his San Jose home at about 7:30 a.m. He pleaded not guiltyin U.S. District Court in Sacramento and was released on $25,000 bond.
A co-defendant, Walter A. Thompson, 57, of Redding, was arrested at10 a. m. Thursday after a brief chase and standoff on Interstate 5,authorities said. Thompson is to appear in court today.
Banister has advised clients they don’t have to file income taxreturns on the grounds that the 16th Amendment, which gives thefederal government the power to collect income taxes, was notproperly ratified. He maintains that only foreign-sourced income istaxable.
In a statement, IRS Commissioner Mark Everson said, “Joe Banister, aformer IRS agent, knew exactly what he was doing. Tax professionalsand employers who break the law will be held accountable.”
Banister could not be reached for comment. His attorney, DonaldKilmer Jr. , said Thursday that he had just received a copy of theindictment and could not discuss the case.
Asked to comment on his client’s income tax theories, Kilmer said,”I’d rather not get into that in a newspaper article.”
Banister and Thompson were accused in the indictment of conspiring todefraud the United States of nearly $260,000 in income and employmenttaxes from July 2000 to December 2002.
Banister was also charged with three counts of aiding and assistingthe filing of false tax returns for Thompson.
Thompson, who owned Cencal Sales, an aviationtravel-bag manufacturing business in Shasta Lake City (ShastaCounty), was also charged with two counts of filing false claims withthe IRS, one count of filing a false income tax return and 10 countsof failing to collect and pay more than $176,000 in taxes from hisemployees, who included seamstresses and office workers.
Banister and Thompson allegedly decided to remove Cencal employeesfrom taxpayer rolls by no longer withholding employment taxes fromwages and not filing employer’s quarterly tax returns and otherrequired forms.
At an October 2000 staff meeting, Thompson told his employees thatthe pay they received for their work was not income under IRSregulations, the 26- page indictment said. Banister, who attended themeeting, told the group that Thompson “was an honorable man who wouldnot lie to them,” the indictment said.
In December, in a separate proceeding, Administrative Law JudgeWilliam Moran ordered Banister not to represent tax clients beforethe IRS.
Banister was an IRS criminal investigator from 1993 until he resignedin 1999 because he felt that he was breaking the law by investigatingalleged scofflaw taxpayers.
The IRS taxes people based on “intimidation and propaganda and fearthat they’ve been putting out there for decades,” Banister told TheChronicle in January.
THE SEVEN DWARFS–The Seven Dwarfs went to the Vatican, and got ushered in to see the Pope. Dopey led the pack.
“Dopey, my son,” said the Pope, “what can I do for you?”
Dopey asked, “Excuse me, Your Eminence, but are there any dwarf nuns in Rome?”
The Pope wrinkled his brow at the odd question, thought for a moment and answered, “No, Dopey, there are no dwarf nuns in Rome.”
In the background the dwarfs started giggling. Dopey turned around and gave them a fiery stare, silencing them.
Dopey turned back to the Pope. “Your Holiness, are there any dwarf nuns anywhere in Europe?”
The Pope, puzzled again, answered, “No Dopey, there are no dwarf nuns anywhere in Europe.”
This time, all the dwarfs burst into laughter. Once again, Dopey turned around and silenced them all with an angry stare.
Dopey turned back to the Pope and said with a slight pleading tone, “Please, Mr. Pope, are there ANY dwarf nuns in the entire world?”
The Pope shook his head, “I’m sorry, my son, there are no dwarf nuns anywhere in the world.”
The other dwarfs collapsed into a heap, rolling and howling with laughter, tears running down their faces as they began chanting: “Dopey screwed a penguin, Dopey screwed a penguin!”
1. Sex is a beauty treatment. Scientific tests find that when women make love they produce amounts of the hormone estrogen, which makes hair shine and skin smooth.
2. Gentle, relaxed lovemaking reduces your chances of suffering dermatitis, skin rashes and blemishes. The sweat produced cleanses the pores and makes your skin glow.
3. Lovemaking can burn up those calories you piled on during that romantic dinner.
4. Sex is one of the safest sports you can take up. It stretches and tones up just about every muscle in the body. It’s more enjoyable than swimming. 20 laps, and you don’t need special sneakers!
5. Sex is an instant cure for mild depression. It releases endorphins into the bloodstream, producing a sense of euphoria and leaving you with a feeling of well-being.
6. The more sex you have, the more you will be offered. The sexually active body gives off greater quantities of chemicals called pheromones. These subtle sex perfumes drive the opposite sex crazy!
7. Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world. IT IS 10 TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE THAN VALIUM.
8. Kissing each day will keep the dentist away. Kissing encourage saliva to wash food from the teeth and lowers the level of the acid that causes decay, preventing plaque buildup.
9. Sex actually relieves headaches. A lovemaking session can release the tension that restricts blood vessels in the brain.
10. A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose. Sex is a natural antihistamine. It can help combat asthma and hay fever.
NEW FROM SAMSON EXHAUST -Extreme Low-Boy Softail Exhaust–Samson Exhaust? has designed and developed an amazing Extreme Low-Boy? Softail Exhaust Pipe, intended to provide the best performance, sound, and eye appeal. This exceptional pipe is made to fit all Softail models, custom or stock and is easy to install. The Low-Boy Softail Exhaust pipe was made for a custom pipe look at a fraction of the cost.
The Extreme Low-Boy Softail Exhaust pipe comes with chrome mounting hardware, which is hand polished before our chrome process. We also use a double layer nickel plating to add depth for a lustrous chrome finish. This pipe is the most dynamic and high performance aftermarket exhaust systems ever built.
The Extreme Low-Boy Exhaust pipe includes a full one Year Warranty.
Extreme High-Boy Softail Exhaust–Samson Exhaust? has designed and developed an amazing Extreme High-Boy? Softail Exhaust Pipe, intended to provide the best performance, sound, and eye appeal. This exceptional pipe is made to fit all Softail models, custom or stock and is easy to install. The High-Boy Softail Exhaust pipe was made for a custom pipe look at a fraction of the cost.
The Extreme High-Boy Softail Exhaust pipe comes with chrome mounting hardware, which is hand polished before our chrome process. We also use a double layer nickel plating to add depth for a lustrous chrome finish. This pipe is the most dynamic and high performance aftermarket exhaust pipe ever built.
The Extreme High-Boy Exhaust pipe includes a full one Year Warranty.
Extreme Low-Blow Softail Exhaust–Samson Exhaust? has designed and developed an amazing and innovative Extreme Low-Blow? Softail Exhaust Pipe. This unique pipe provides great performance, sound, and eye appeal. This pipe is made to fit all Softail models, custom or stock and is easy to install. The High-Boy Softail Exhaust pipe was made for a custom pipe look at a fraction of the cost.
The new Extreme Low-Blow Softail Exhaust pipe comes with chrome mounting hardware, and a full coverage 220? heat shield. All of our pipes are hand polished before our chrome process, and we also use a double layer nickel plating to add depth for a lustrous chrome finish. This pipe is the most dynamic and high performance aftermarket exhaust pipe ever built.
The Extreme Low-Blow Exhaust pipe includes a full one Year Warranty.
Samson Motorcycle Products designs, markets and manufactures premium quality motorcycle exhausts at their state of the art facilities in Anaheim, CA. Every product has been thoroughly tested to improve performance, enhance appearance and give the sound customers are looking for. As the industry leader in aftermarket exhaust, every part is inspected for the highest quality standards. Samson Motorcycle Products markets products under the Samson?, Caliber? and Shogun? Brand Names. For more information visit our website by clicking on the banner.
LINES OF MEN– When everybody on earth dies and goes to heaven, God comes and says, “I want the men to make two lines. One line forthemen that dominated their women on earth and the other line for the menthatwere dominated by their women. Also, I want all the women to go withSt.Peter.”
With that said and done, the next time God looked, the women are goneandthere are two lines. The line of the men that were dominated by theirwomenwas 100 miles long, and in the line of men that dominated their women,therewas only one man.
God said, “You men should be ashamed of yourselves. I created, you inmyimage and you were all whipped by your mates. Look at the only one ofmysons that stood up and made me proud. Learn from him! Tell them my son,howdid you manage to be the only one in this line?”
And the man replied, “I don’t know, my wife told me to stand here.”
D.U.I. IN FLORIDA– The State of Florida has a lot of D.U.I. arrests and they make a lot of money from them. The average citizen loses their license and endures all kinds of hardships as well.
The problem is that there is selective enforcement in many cases. Cops, Judges, Politician, etc. are very rarely arrested and when they are they get off very lightly if found guilty at all.
The most recent is Former Pasco-Pinellas Circuit Court judge who resigned earlier this year after being reprimanded for public drunkenness has been charged with Drunken Driving.
Charles W. Cope, 55 was arrested by a Pinellas County Deputy Sheriff on US 19 in Clearwater Florida.
Breath Tests showed Cope had a blood-alcohol level of 0.3 percent, more than 3 times the 0.08 percent by which a motorist in Florida is presumed to be intoxicated.
What is going to happen to him now? Well if complaints are not filed about the preferential treatment that people like him are given nothing.
If there is going to be Enforcement of the D.U.I. Laws in Florida they should apply to everyone.
I personally feel that the laws are designed more to make money than to cut down on highway deaths because they have not accomplished cutting down on the death rate.
The State of Florida Must Take Action To See That All of It’s Citizens Are Treated Equal Under The Law.
Continued On Page 2
November 25, 2004 Part 4
By Bandit |
Continued From Page 3
THE BIKERNET KID’S DEPARTMENT–A mother passed by her daughter’s bedroom and was astonished to seethe bed was nicely made and everything was picked up. Then she sawan envelope propped up prominently on the center of the bed. It wasaddressed “Mom”. With the worst premonition she opened the envelopeand read the letter with trembling hands:
Dear Mom,
It is with great regret and sorrow that I am writing you. I had to elope withmy new boyfriend because I wanted to avoid a scene with you and dad. Ihave been finding real passion with John and he is so nice–even with all ofhis tattoos, piercing, beard and his motorcycle clothes. But not only thepassion mom, I’m pregnant and John said that we will be very happy.
He already owns a trailer in the woods and has a stack of firewood for thewhole winter. He wants to have many more children with me and that’snow one of my dreams too.
John taught me that marijuana does not really hurt anyone and we will begrowing it for us and trading it with his friends for all the cocaine andecstasy we want. In the meantime, we will pray that science will find a curefor AIDS so that John can get better; he sure deserves it!!
Don’t worry mom, I’m 15 years old now and I know how to take care ofmyself. Someday I’m sure we will be back to visit so you can get to knowyour grandchildren.
Your daughter,
PS: Mom, none of the above is true. I’m over at the neighbor’s house. Ijust wanted to remind you that there are worst things in life than my reportcard which is in my desk drawer.
I love you!! Call me when it is safe for me to come home.
–from Ken Miller
THE P-PAD SEARCH– I am looking for a old Bates P- Pad, any condition ( small one).If you see one in your travels let me know.Not a new one.
BIKERNET ON MARRIAGE–It was the stir of the town when an 80 year old man married a 20 year old girl. After a year of marriage she went into the hospital to give birth.
The nurse came out to congratulate the fellow saying, “This is amazing. How do you do it at your age?”
He answered, “You’ve got to keep that old motor running.”
The following year the young bride gave birth again.
The same nurse said, “You are truly amazing. How do you do it?”
He again said, “You’ve got to keep the old motor running.”
The same thing happened the next year.
The nurse then said, “Well, well, well! You certainly are quite a man!”
He responded, “You’ve got to keep that old motor running.”
The nurse then said, “Well, you better change the oil. This one’s black”
–from Bob T.
THE BIKERNET AUSTRALIAN REPORT– About 3 months ago, a mate, Rad, and I packed our bikes for a round trip of about 2,000 klms heading south to a little country town this side of Sydney. The story goes something like this, every year a bunch of guys from all over, ride up to Paul’s farm, arriving Friday nite, heat up the bbq, have a feed and a few drinks and talk bikes ‘n bullshit, then on Saturday it’s off to ride around the hills stopping frequently, (those ol’ country pubs) then back to the farm, another barby and lots more drinks.
Sunday morning, hangovers n’all, they pack up and ride home a little bit worse for wear. It probably sounds like any other biker get together, except these blokes are riding old Knucks, Pan Heads, Walla’s and Indians and I tell you they ride bloody hard!!. I’m getting ahead of myself here, the plan was for Rad to be riding his chopper and me on my Sturgis, but as luck would have it, his bike didn’t get finished in time, so he decided to hire one. We left Noosa at 6am and arrived at Morgan and Wacker’s Harley Davidson in Brisbane as they opened, Rad took care of the the paper work and we were on our way. We chose to go the inland route, less scenic, but a little quicker than the coast road, we had a long day ahead of us.
We dropped in on the gang at ‘Scotty’s Choppers’, one of Aussie’s best bike builders, Scotty and Grant just did a biker build off with Discovery ( I have photos and a story for you guys in the near future ) those of you that saw it, know they build unbelievable bikes, truly one of a kind. We had a great ride down to the farm, got there about 8.30pm, just in time for that bbq I mentioned. I hadn’t met any of the guys yet, I tell you, what a great bunch of blokes , there were handshakes all round, a beer and burger and that was before I got off the bloody bike!!. It didn’t take me long to realize there was a lot of motorcycle knowledge in this gathering at the “Huge Shed” on the farm, I was chatting with guys from all facets of the biking industry, they say you learn something new every day – well my brain was bursting! .
The weekend was a blast, and riding around that part of N.S.W. was fantastic especially with so much old iron. The Pub stops were fantastic, it was like being in a different world. As always, time flys when you are having a good time and before we knew it we were packing our bikes and heading back home. It was 5am and bloody freezing on that Sunday . You might remember I did a trip down to Melbourne in Victoria at the start of last winter and I froze my arse off, well, I said then that I would get myself a Widder electric vest and I did. I’ve gotta tell you, it’s the best money I’ve spent in a long time, so if you feel the cold or ride in extreme weather, I recommend you check out their website and order now – especially with your winter on its way. I’ll follow up with a Product report.
That said, Rad and I had a great ride home and are already planning next years trip, with a few minor differences, one being, an extra day to get there – so we can cruise, and another is, I’ll be riding my ’63 Pan ( it WILL be finished by then! ) and Rad will be on his Chopper.
–Glen, the Aussie connection
NO LOVE PARTY REPORT–Sorry I missed you at No Love Party. I wasn’t able to swing by the Bikernet Headquarters as I was handcuffed with some other people and I couldn’t get away. I was hoping you would make it over to Buster’s “Q” or that I would have seen you at WCC but it wasn’t to be.
I finally finished my chopper in September and have been riding the shit out of it. I brought it out to NLP to do some riding. I will be coming out again soon for business and will bring it to do some more riding.
I’m pretty proud of it for my first effort, I hope you enjoy!
–Forrest P.
Oh! Oh!–Bubba and Billy Bob were sitting on the tailgates of their pick-upsshooting the breeze.
Bubba asks Billy Bob, “If I snuck ovah to yore house while you wuz outfishin an’ made love to your wife, and she got pregnant, would dat makeus kin?”
Billy Bob scratched his head for a bit then said, “I don’t thinkso…..but it shore would make us even!”
–from Skooter
MIKE PHILLIPS OF GRANEUR CYCLES HIT–Hi Guys, I just got this email from Kendall Johnson’s wife, Missy. I thought I would pass this on to you and you can do your thing with it. Mike Phillips of Grandeur Cycles was in an accident a few days ago. It was raining and dark and a car rear ended him while he was riding his bike. He spent a few days in the hospital but has come home and is recovering well as I understand it.
Thought some of the guys may want to wish him a quick recovery. Mike’s email is –Missy Johnson
NEW FUBAR FRAMES–The FUBAR is the chopper frame, and the DILLIGAF is the Pro-street.
OKAY GODDAMNIT, I QUIT–Even I get a holiday once in a while. Happy Thanksgiving, eat hearty, slow down and relax. Take a moment and be damn thankful for all the pals you have, the women in your life, the bitchin’ bikes and that you’re still alive and watching the sunset. Life changes in the blink on an eye.
A long time Custom Chrome employee died last weekend in his hotel room while sleeping. We were attending the Big-Twin West dealer show. Our thoughts go out to Nate’s family.
So if you’re still out there splittin’ lanes, make the best of it.
Ride Forever,
November 25, 2004 Part 3
By Bandit |
Continued From Page 2
YOU KNOW YOUR FROM SOUTH DAKOTA IF……You define summer as three months of bad sledding.
You’ve ever been sunburned and frostbitten in the same week.
Snow tires come standard
What about North Dakota?–Bandit
CHRISTMAS GREETING–SORTA–You Know………..your getting old when Santa starts looking younger than you……….
–from Skooter
BREE WAS NEVER FINER–Here’s Bree on the bike I sent you yesterday. I’m going to use these shotsfor some print advertising for the V-Twin Expo in Cincy, and Bree is goingto go along to sign posters of one of these pics.
I need a tag line for the shot where she’s holding the tool…better than”size matters” or “do you have the nuts”…any ideas?
I’m starting to plan a bike that will be featured during the “Bike WeekCharleston”/ Heritage motorcycle rally, , Ibeen told that Speed Vision is going to do a 2 hour build off type show andI’ve been invited to be in it. I don’t know if you know anything about thisrally in April, but I think it will be good to get some East Coast and TVexposure…maybe this bike will be good for what you’re talking about below.
–John Covington
She has all the tools she needs. I’ll be in Cincy to share ideas with her. She’ll also be in the March issue of Hot Bike. Will Bree be in Charleston? Hot Bike will be there–Bandit
DON’T GET CAUGHT WITH A CLUB MEMBER–ENFIELD (AP) — The state Department of Correction has fired its fourth employee in a year on allegations of associating with the Outlaws Motorcycle Club.
Forty-seven-year-old Mark Vincenzo was fired Friday on suspicion of attending a fund-raiser sponsored in part by the Outlaws.
Vincenzo is not a member of the club but previously has been disciplined for associating with it. He tells the Hartford Courant that he did not attend the fund-raiser but rather went to the adjacent bar after the event was over.
Vincenzo had been on administrative leave for nearly seven months as the state investigated his association with the motorcycle club. Three other officers were fired earlier this year for being – quote — “less than truthful” during the investigation.
Vincenzo has filed a union grievance regarding the action.
–from Art. F.
TIM CONDER WORKING FOR HOT BIKE–Here’s an illo Tim masterfully drew for our new Hot Bike joke page. Don’t miss the March issue.
ALLEGED POT THIEF BRANDED WITH FOREHEAD TATTOO–FORT BRAGG, Calif. — Four Northern California men have been busted for allegedly tattooing the word “thief” in 2-inch-high letters on the forehead of a man they suspected of stealing a pound of marijuana.
Authorities in Mendocino County reported the four face charges of kidnapping, false imprisonment, conspiracy and mayhem.
The victim is a 31-year-old man whose name hasn’t been released. Investigators said the victim was lured to the home of one of those arrested, then duct-taped and tattooed
ALLEGED ROBBER DIES AFTER ACCIDANTAL SHOOTING– A San Lucas man apparently bled to death at a King City hospital after accidentally shooting himself in the leg while fleeing from an armed robbery, King City police said Wednesday.
Abran Godoy, 20, and an accomplice were robbing a catering truck in the 900 block of Broadway Street in King City around 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, said King City Police Chief Jim Copsey. As Godoy was running away, he accidentally shot himself in the leg, Copsey said.
The gun may have gone off when Godoy was tucking it into his waistband or because he fell to the ground, Copsey said.
“We’re positive that it was a self-inflicted gunshot wound,” the chief said.
By JONATHAN SEGAL, Herald Staff Writer
–from Rogue
WOMAN CHARGED WITH IMPERSONATING HER SISTER–MUNCIE – Authorities said an Indianapolis woman identified herself as her sister when she was pulled over for a traffic violation.
Mary E. Walker, 43, presumably didn’t know that there was an outstanding warrant for her sister’s arrest. According to court documents, Walker told jailers her real name while being booked into the jail under the name of her sister.
The incidents leading to Walker’s arrest occurred after she was pulled over while driving near Kirby and Highland avenues on Nov. 5.
Walker has been charged with identity deception, a class D felony carrying a standard 18-month sentence. An initial hearing in the case is set for Monday in Delaware Circuit Court 3.In other court news:
–from Rogue
DRIVER WHO KILLED TWO MOTORCYCLISTS GETS 10 YEARS —Texas driver was legally drunk when he killed couple.November 22, 2004 ? A drunk driver who turned his pickup truck left into the path of a motorcycle, killing the rider and his passenger, has been sentenced to 10 years in prison.
The driver, Andrew David Read, 31, of San Angelo, Texas, also was fined $10,000 for each victim when he was sentenced November 19. He had pleaded guilty to two counts of intoxication manslaughter, which is a second-degree felony.
–from Rogue
LEPERA SORRENTO–PERFECT BLEND OF FORM AND FUNCTION– Looking like something you?d expect from the hands of a fine saddle craftsman, the LePera SORRENTO is a prime example of why after nearly four decades the LePera family remains on the cutting edge of custom seating for Harley-Davidson based motorcycles. Blending the best of classic and contemporary styling with exceptional comfort, the SORRENTO, seat is pure class in a totally functional package. One look at the flawless fit and finish and intricate stitching tells you this is an extremely high quality piece of workmanship. As with all LePera seats the SORRENTO, is constructed around a stamped, formed, welded and powder-coated steel base plate fit with soft yet durable carpet on the bottom and metal reinforced vinyl trim around the edges. A specially developed, custom molded ?Marathon? foam ensures comfortable all day cruising. LePera?s intricate ?stitching? is legendary and every inch features double stitching with bonded polyester thread.
Each LePera seat can be custom made to order and all are available in a wide variety of traditional and exotic materials, colors, custom stitching and with or without the revolutionary ?Biker Gel? and new ?Air Gel.? For complete details on the entire line of LePera seats for stock and custom chassis applications visit
THE BIKERNET PET STORE–A young man named John received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary. Every word out of the bird’s mouth was rude, obnoxious and laced with profanity. John tried and tried to change the bird’s attitude by consistently saying only polite words, playing soft music and anything else he could think of to clean up the bird’s vocabulary.
Finally, John was fed up and he yelled at the parrot. The parrot yelled back in its usual salty language. John shook the parrot and the parrot got angrier and even ruder. John, in desperation, grabbed the bird and put him in the freezer. For a few minutes the parrot squawked, swore and screamed. Then suddenly there was total quiet. Not a peep was heard for over a minute.
Fearing that he’d hurt the parrot, John opened the door to the freezer. The parrot calmly stepped out onto John’s outstretched arm and said, “I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and actions. I’m sincerely remorseful for my inappropriate transgressions and I fully intend to do everything I can to correct my rude and unforgivable behavior.”
John was stunned at the change in the bird’s attitude. He was about to ask the parrot what had made such a dramatic change in his behavior when the bird continued, “May I ask what the turkey did?”
–from Art F.
Continued On Page 4
November 25, 2004 Part 2
By Bandit |
Continued From Page 1
THEY DID THE CRIME! THEY DID THE TIME! NOW IT’S TIME TO RESTORE THEIR RIGHTS. THEY PAID THEIR BILL TO SOCIETY.–ROGUE Attorney General Charlie Crist said Wednesday the state may soon make it easier for some felons to get their civil rights restored without having to go through the full clemency process.
Crist is one of four members of the Clemency Board, and he said that while fully automatic restoration of every ex-felon’s rights isn’t likely to be agreed on anytime soon, a faster, easier process, including possible automatic restoration for some who have committed minor crimes, may be considered by the board as early as next month.
Florida is one of seven states where convicted felons are permanently prevented from voting, holding public office, getting a license for many occupations – civil rights that can only be restored through an arduous clemency process.
“If you believe somebody has paid their debt to society and you believe in forgiveness, then wouldn’t that be appropriate?” Crist said. “It’s got to be sort of a progressional thing, but I think we do need to progress.”
Gov. Jeb Bush said in September that he thought some reforms need to be made. He reiterated that earlier this week, although he didn’t discuss specifics about how far he’d like to go.
At the September meeting, another Clemency Board member, Florida Chief Financial Officer Tom Gallagher, suggested creating a panel of officials to review the cases of some or all the nearly 4,000 felons who are awaiting a clemency hearing. That board could provide quick approval to the easiest ones, with more difficult cases proceeding to the full board.
Talk of reforms follows a July court ruling that ordered Florida to make it easier for ex-felons to get their rights back.
–from Rogue
BIKERNET RELATIONSHIP ADVICE–A biker and a woman were having drinks when they got into an argumentabout who enjoyed sex more.
The man said, “Men obviously enjoy sex more than women. Why do youthink we’re so obsessed with getting laid?”
“That doesn’t prove anything,” the woman countered. “Think aboutthis… When your ear itches and you put your little finger in it andwiggle it around, then pull it out, which feels better-your ear oryour finger?
–from Rogue
Compu-Fire Single Fire Coil Kits–The Compu-Fire Single Fire Coil Kits provide 100 millijoules of spark energy in a small compact design. The long duration spark produces maximum torque in today?s high performance engines. The custom CNC machined mounts make for easy installation in all popular locations and the entire assembly fits under the OE coil covers.suggested retail prices are $222.94 to $246.43
STEALTH REPORT–I don’t have a lot for the report today. My job search continues and my frustration builds but even with all of this going on there is still a lot to be thankful for and I have come to realize this is only a temporary situation.
For me these are just a few things I have to be thankful for. I am thankful for my wife “THE MEANEST,” she has been by my side through all of this and that isn’t the easiest thing to do sometimes. I am thankful for my son Blair and the rest of my family. Even though I lost Justin I am thankful for the memories of him and his life. I am thankful for my health and that my back is completely healed. I am thankful for my friends and all of their well wishes through this difficult time.
Some of you may not think you have a lot to be thankful for but I am sure if you stop and really think about what is important, you will come up with a few things.
Well that is about it for this week. I would like to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Until next week!
ON BEHALF OF THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE WE ARE PROUD TO PRESENT THE SECOND CUSTOM-MOTORS SHOW–The first Custom-Motors show took place in Summer 2004 within the 5th MoscowMotor Park Festival/MIMP-2004 and aroused great interest both wide range ofvisitors and mass-media.
The First show gave us a lot of experience, we took into account all ourmistakes we did were taken into account. The Second show is being planned and itpromises to be organized better. We are also planning to increase verysignificantly the number of exhibitors; one of our main aims is to bring someforeign custom bikes or trikes and their creators along with foreignjournalists.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING– I sincerely hope that every one has a Great Day and that you look at the Blessings and Good things we all have.
Some have had hardships during the past year and it has varied from one to the other. Some have had the same hardships.
Think about what we Do Have and that is Friendship and Love. Reading this means I care for you and your family.
Enjoy and Cherish the time you have with your loved ones.
Of Course Eat Drink and Make Merry!
BIKERNET BUMPER STICKER OF THE WEEK–Finally, a bumper sticker for BOTH political parties! The hottest selling bumper sticker comes from New York State:
Democrats put it on the rear bumper. Republicans put it on the front bumper.
–from Vern
STREET CHOPPER CLASSIC–Here is one of the 1946 Knucks I shot this week.Please let me know which you can use for publication.I scored a triple header, a full bagger, a black vintage chopper and a red vintage bobber.
Both the chopper and bobber were chopped or bobbed back in the early 50’s and are all original vintage parts.The lady was freezing her pachukies off. It was a 38 degree day here in Upstate NY when we handled the shoot.
THE BIKERNET WIVES’ DEPARTMENT– 1. Women are unpredictable. Before marriage, she expects a man, after marriage she suspects him, and after death she respects him.
2. There was this guy who told his woman that he loved her so much that he would go thru hell for her. They got married – and now he is going thru hell.
3. A man inserted an ‘ad’ in the classifieds : “Wife wanted”. Next day, he received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing: “You can have mine.”
4. When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be sure of one thing: either the car is new or the wife.
5. It’s easy to tell if a man is married or not. Just watch him drive a car with a woman sitting beside him. If both his hands are on the wheel, you can be sure he is married.
6. A man received a letter from some kidnappers. The letter said, “If you don’t promise to send us $100,000 I swear that we will kidnap your wife.” The poor man wrote back, “I am afraid I can’t keep my promise but I hope you will keep yours.”
7. “What’s the matter, you look depressed.”
“I’m having trouble with my wife.”
“What happened?”
“She said she wasn’t going to speak to me for 30 days.” “But that ought to make you happy.”
“It did, but today is the last day.”
DEFINITION OF A WOMAN–When she is 18 – She is a football, 22 men going after her. When she is 28 – She is a hockey ball, 8 men going after her. When she is 38 – She is a golf ball, 1 man hitting on her. When she is 48 – She is a pingpong ball, 2 men pushing to each other.
MAN–At 20 – A man is like a coconut, so much to offer, so little to give. At 30 – He is like a durian, dangerous but delicious. At 40 – He is like a watermelon, big, round and juicy. At 50 – He is like a mandarin orange, the season comes once in a year. At 60 – He is just like a raisin, dried out, wrinkles and cheap.
IN THE BEGINNING– God created earth and rested. Then God created man and rested. Then God created woman. Since then, neither God nor man has rested.
–from Vern
THE HISTORY OF COMPUTERS–What I’m really curious about is the function of the steering wheel-like thing there? Does it turn the document “page forward or back?”
–from RevCarlR
ITALIAN DESIGNED COMPUTER GRAPHIC MOTORCYCLE–we are pleased to introduce our school of design , the “Florence Design Academy”, located in Florence,ITALY.
We are writing to you to know about the possibility of submitting you an article for your homepage dealing with the design of a new superbike entirely created with 3D computer-graphic. The article ( which is in english language ) includes notes on the importance of design in the professional environment as well as a description of the Superbike itself and 6 beautiful high-resolution images (also for wallpapers).We are looking forward to receiving a reply from your part.
Mario Malagrino ( Designer of the -FDA ADRENALINA-)
ATLANTA OPENS MUSEUM MOTORCYCLE EXHIBIT–The formal announcement for “Wind Blown: American Motorcycle Fine Art”isattached for your use. The first document is the actual announcement.Thesecond document is an overview of our participating artists andbuilders.
A few key items: – The Marriott Atlanta Northwest is offering a special “Wind Blown”roomrate to guests who mention the exhibition from May 14-August 14, 2005(pending availability). This is for the entire exhibition! Details areinthe attached release.
– The March of Dimes Ride will host a charity ride to kick-off theSaturday, May 21, grand opening event. The ride will start at theMarriottAtlanta Northwest and end in front of the museum.
–Matthew O’Connor
Chairman, Board of Trustees
Marietta/Cobb Museum of Art
770-460-7277 ext.224
Continued On Page 3
November 25, 2004 Part 1
By Bandit |
Damn, it’s a turkey Thanksgiving and Thursday all at once. What the hell am I going to do? At least I have the cool California day off from Hot Bike and I can take the Bikernet News off the shapely backs of Sin Wu, Layla and Coral, while they fix the Thanks grubs. I’ll just watch them move around the kitchen, sip on egg nog and hammer away at the news.
I’ve got a thousand things to report from the new Compu-Fire, engine-based starter system that will revolutionize performance starters, to a couple of new books from Wolfgang publications. One revolves around building cheap chops and the other is focused solely on hopping-up dressers. That’s just the beginning. How about touring mufflers with lights in the end?
I’m feeling scattered. I can smell the turkey cookin’. Let’s hit the news and I’ll tell you about the March issue of Hot Bike and some tricks headed for Street Chopper and Hot Rod Bikes.
SUCKER PUNCH NEWS–Bandit-I thought you might want to get this out to your readers, Sucker Punch is now manufacturing bikes. They start at $13995. I have pasted the official release below and included some pictures of their Sucker Punch “Hot Rod”, which has some sick pinstriping and comes in at $15995. The base model comes flat black.
“This was the next natural step in our business plan, we wanted to move forward and we knew that getting our manufactures license would enable us to do that,” said Loos.
S.P.S LLC has produced 60 of their Sucker Punch model in the last two years in a variety of configurations. “The public seems to like these bikes because they’re simple, if you take anything off the bike it won’t work. In other words everything on the bike has a purpose,” said Cochran.
Sucker Punch offers choppers that are unique and well made at an exceptionally low price. Their base Sucker Punch model starts at just $13,995. Please visit Sucker Punch Sallys on the Web at
PARTS SEARCH–Lookin for a Harley Davidson softail frame with title. I have all the parts just need the frame.If you have one for sale or know someone that has one please e-mail me back. thank you
WINNER?.NATIONAL SURVEY OF BEST DRAG BIKE PHOTOS– As the lingering aroma from a smokin? burnout invades your senses and the anticipation of a little sideways action starts to fade, you are about to witness the shear velocity and deafening sound of the quickest object on two wheels. Oh well, you weren?t really in the mood for a quiet picnic at the park today anyway.
This shot by renowned photographer Matt Paulito is the hands down winner of the national photo contest which you participated in and will now be forever memorialized on canvas by Scott Jacobs. Anyone who is familiar with Scott?s dedication to his craft knows that this painting will be one for the ages with the prints destined to be instant collector?s items.
Scott is exploring the possibility that Andrew Hines will sign each limited canvas print as was the case with the previous flat track series featuring Scott Parker and Jay Springsteen. Since this is a brand new series all of the most desirable numbers (low #s and Artist Proofs) are wide open to snap up so Scott decided to initiate a reservation list on a first come basis.
If you?re interested in the print simply drop me a note. I?ll let you know on the ETA as we get closer to release. (est.January, no obligation)
–Ron Copple
Artists Riding Together
WIDE TIRE SERIES– Will have pics of our 280/300 going togetherand will send if you’re interested. I don’t know if this is what you had in mindwhen ya said send more info but…here it is.
Just how wide can you go on a stock bike?
Well, if you ask Empire Mfg Inc. we’ll tell ya to have a look at our 280/300 mm swingarms for Dyna, Evolution and Twin Band if ya still need more meat why not try our new 330mm swingarms, (available at Cincy ’05).
We’ve added a few special touches to our family of swingarms…press in paint savers to keep your paint or chrome from being torn up by wheel spacers.drilled thru axle plates so wires for available led lighting can be concealed anddesigned to be up to 1-inch lower riding positioning than stock with 1-inch o.d. hidden axlesmooth covers for a clean look.
The not so well kept secret is in using a patented Empire swingarm and Bert Baker’sRight Side Drive transmission or equivalent (wait a second, Baker has no equal).
The combined cost varies depending on chosen width, model application swingarm and 5 or 6 speed Baker trans.Short end, around $4,500 up to $6,000 on the high end. Of course new wheel/s are also required and a new rear fender to cover the behemothrubber your stock bike will be sporting.
The advantages are many in taking this route to a super wide ride over building a ground up custom.First it won’t take all year or more to get it done! the complete installation can be done in just a few days.Insurance is a breeze and you already have a title on you stock machine so no hassle there either,just a perfectly balanced bike and a very smooth super wide ride.
If you really want to build that one of a kind custom we can help with one of our hand made frames. For more details and features of Empire Swingarms please visit
We are working on a complete series of wide tire installation articles in Hot Rod Bikes, the only complete tech mag on the market. Watch for Fuel Injection article series, sheet metal series and more.–Bandit
STILL THE BEST BIKERNET DEAL IN TOWN–Dr. Hamster’s FLH styled 1978, 80-inch Shovelhead for only $9,300. Rebuilt engine and trans, fresh paint, recently built with no miles on the new motor, it’s ready to rock. Call (310) 830-0630 for more information.
THIS IS THE HEAVIEST TRAVELED DAY IN HISTORY–WE’RE BREAKING RECORDS–Potential weapons pile up at airportsAir travelers aren’t diligent in weeding out banned items, TSA says.WASHINGTON – Is it possible the word still hasn’t gotten around? Leave your handguns and knives at home when you leave for the airport. The chain saw, land mines and gunpowder, too.More than three years after the Sept. 11 attacks, air travelers still are trying to carry thousands of potentially deadly items on planes every month.
The Transportation Security Administration, which took over security screening at 450 airports in February 2002, said Tuesday it had confiscated 15.6 million prohibited items, including 2,150 guns, 75,241 box cutters and 4.7 million knives through the end of October.
A college student who hid bags of box cutters and fake bombs in the lavatories of four Southwest Airlines jets last year pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor as part of a plea bargain with prosecutors.
The student, Nathaniel Heatwole, said he was trying to expose what he called gaps in aviation security. By taking a dangerous weapon aboard an aircraft, he could have been charged with a federal felony that carries a possible 10-year prison sentence.
Most confiscated items trivialOregon Rep. Peter DeFazio, ranking Democrat on the House aviation subcommittee, said most of the seized items are trivial.
Primarily nail files and small knives and scissors,mostly innocent things, said DeFazio, who has lost several pairs of mustache scissors to the TSA.
Some have not been so innocent:The TSA has found knives disguised as lipstick, a radio with a handgun inside, a loaded gun stuffed into a teddy bear. Several people have tried to bring chain saws onto planes. An Army sergeant was kicked off a flight after an inert land mine was found in his checked luggage. One man packed gunpowder and a fuse for his hobby of shooting golf balls out of cannons.
–from Rogue
Continued On Page 2
November 23, 2004
By Bandit |
Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish,
National Coalition of Motorcyclists
THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to InjuredMotorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), andis sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For more information, callus at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit us on our website at <
KILLERS AMONG US– New motorcycle registrations have continuously increased since1990, which means more riders on the road, but at the same time motorcyclecrashes are down. This good news is compounded by a 47% drop in injuryinvolvement from 1990 through 1998 when it began to rise, though even in 2001the rate was still 30% lower than in 1990. However, now for the bad news;motorcycle fatalities are way up, and have doubled in the past five years to nowequal the 1990 fatality rate.
The reason for this dramatic increase goes far beyond the simple formula: moremotorcycles = more fatalities. In a recent Special Report written by Wendy Moonfor Motorcycle Consumer News, the author looks deep into the numbers andexplains that this epidemic is more than just a function of the numbers. In1990 there was 1 fatality in 37 crashes, but now it’s 1 fatality in 22 crashes ?a rise in crash-to-fatality rate of 40.5%.
While safetycrats insist that this is a result of more states easing helmetrequirements, NHTSA’s “Recent Trends in Motorcycle Fatalities” states thathelmet use in all motorcycle fatalities has increased from 43% to 53% from1998-2001, even though more states did not require adult helmet usage.
Speed and engine size are also not to blame for the increased motorcyclistfatality rate. Speed-related motorcycle fatalities have dropped from 41% in1998 to 38% in 2002, and states with higher posted limits have the lowestpercentage of motorcycle fatalities.
Booze-blaming also doesn’t hold water, because alcohol-involved rider fatalitieshave fallen from 40% in 1990 to 28% in 1999.
All in all, considering the decline in crashes despite the increase in ridershipdemonstrates that today’s motorcyclists are more educated, better trained andsafer than ever before!
So, what’s the answer? What has changed since 1990 to account for such adramatic increase in motorcyclist fatalities?
According to MCN, the one thing that explains why more die while less areinjured is the radical change in the traffic mix. Specifically, since 1990, thelight truck vehicle (LTV) market, which includes Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs),has increased 200 times and now represents approximately 50% of new passengervehicle sales!
In 2002, car vs. motorcycle accidents claimed the lives of 662 motorcyclists,but that same year LTV vs. motorcycle accidents killed 645 bikers. Now, to putthis in perspective, passenger cars outnumber SUVs by a margin of 3-1!Therefore, LTVs are enormously over-represented in fatal motorcycle accidents.
These LTV-related accidents are referred to as “mismatch crashes” and explainswhy more of those collisions are fatal. This mismatch has been well documentedin terms of the danger to passenger car occupants involved in collisions withLTVs, as size, bumper height, frontal geometry, frame stiffness and masscontribute to a lethal combination. So it’s not just that there are more LTVson the road today, but that it’s their design that creates the ultimate mismatchwith motorcycles.
So, the next time legislators call for a mandatory helmet law, ask ’em what theydrive!
HELMET REPEAL PASSES MICHIGAN HOUSE– A bill to amend Michigan’s 38-year oldmandatory helmet law was passed by the House, but the leader of the Senate hasstated that the bill will not be taken up before the end of session.HB-4325, sponsored by Representative Leon Drolet, was approved by the MichiganHouse of Representatives by a vote of 69-37 on November 10th, and the bill nowgoes over to the Senate where it has a companion bill, S-321, sponsored bySenator Alan Cropsey.Bikers over 21 who’ve been licensed to ride a motorcycle for at least two yearsand finished a safety course wouldn’t have to wear a helmet under the bill,which must pass the Senate and be signed by the governor before becoming law.
CHICAGO DROPS HELMET PROPOSAL, BUT MAY CONFISCATE NOISY BIKES– Motorcyclistspacked the Chicago City Council transportation committee meeting as cityofficials were preparing to consider Alderman Burke’s proposal for a city-widehelmet requirement, but were informed that the proposed ordinance had been pulled.
Alderman Allen, chairman of the committee, gave no explanation as to why theordinance was pulled, but before the committee adjourned, he did commit toinforming ABATE of Illinois in advance should the proposal be placed back on theagenda at a later date.
However, Alderman Natarus, who reportedly “will never like ABATE”, has agreed toconsider an equally bad ordinance that would allow the city to confiscatemotorcycles for noise violations. ABATE is scheduled to meet with AldermanNatarus about this ordinance after the veto session.
ILLINOIS BIKERS SUE OVER DISCRIMINATION– Two Chicago-area motorcyclists aresuing a Cary marina and restaurant, alleging workers there curtailed their freespeech rights by denying them service because of their biker attire.
The bikers wore jackets displaying motorcycle club insignia, and workers at theBroken Oar Marina in Cary, IL and its adjoining restaurant told them they wouldnot serve them unless they removed their colors, co-plaintiff Peter James said.
“What if I found a Bulls jacket offensive?” plaintiff James said.
James, of suburban Brookfield, and Scott Patterson, also of suburban Chicago,are seeking $20,000 in damages from the business for violations of their FirstAmendment rights to free speech and expression.
The complaint, filed in McHenry County court, says James and Patterson went tothe Broken Oar in September 2002 after a ride. James said other motorcyclistswere on the ride, too, and they all stopped at the Broken Oar. Employees parkedthe group’s bikes.
“We got inside and they said, ‘We can’t serve you. If you go back and take yourvests off we would consider serving you,'” James said. “It’s gotten to the pointthat we’re not going to stand for this anymore.”
James wore a jacket with the Outlaws Motorcycle Club emblem on it. Pattersonbelongs to Brothers Rising. Other bikers in the group, who are not a party tothe lawsuit, wore insignia from their clubs, which include religious and clean &sober clubs.
The groups are members of the Northern Illinois Confederation of Clubs, whichaims to end discrimination against motorcyclists. James is chairman of theconfederation.
James said he believes motorcyclists are discriminated against because lostpeople just don’t understand their lifestyle. He said businesses and thegeneral public should overcome stereotypes left over from decades ago aboutmotorcycle clubs.
“We are the last truly free Americans,” James said.
CRUISE CONTROL– When Tom Cruise shaped up for his next action flick, he did iton one wheel. According to Rolling Stone Magazine, Cruise checked into racinglegend Keith Code’s “On One Wheel” wheelie school at Willow SpringsInternational Raceway in Rosamond, California in June to hone his alreadyterrific wheelie skills in preparation for the filming of Mission Impossible 3.
“Tom was a good rider already. He has a great combination of bravery andcontrol, just like in his films,” says Whitney Fair, director of the school.”He’s already just about good enough to enter stunt contests. The idea was toget to the next action level on the motorcycle and, in his usual go-for-itstyle, he did!”
School founder and instructor, Keith Code, says, “Doing wheelies ranks high onthe list of the most frivolous and decadent things in the history of Mankind butI look at it from the perspective of skill and control.”
The highlight of the school is Code’s invention, the Wheelie Training Bike. Theschool’s Triumph Speed Triples are equipped with two anti flip-over devices. Anadjustable microswitch kills one of the three cylinders while the other appliesthe rear brake. Both devices are adjustable and can produce the desired heightof the wheelie.
“Your eyes will pop out of your head when it goes up–butflipping it won’t be easy,” says Code.
WORLD’S FASTEST INDIAN– Oscar winning actor Sir Anthony Hopkins will star in”The World’s Fastest Indian,” the true-life story of Burt Munro, a New Zealanderwho spent several decades constructing a 1920 Indian Motorcycle, then traveledto Utah and set a new land-speed record back in the 70’s. Roger Donaldson,director of “The Recruit” is using his own writing and is directing the project.
WEIRD NEWS: HELMETS DOWN UNDER– A recent court case may force Australian cowboysto wear helmets. Officials in New South Wales have charged a ranch owner overthe death of a rider who fell off a horse, and safety advocates insist he shouldhave had a helmet on.
The rancher’s conviction is creating controversy in the Australian Outback, andcowboy hats for the jackaroos may be heading for the history books.
A ranch manager says the only time he’s ever known the cowboys to wear helmetswas when they were riding motorbikes, and the president of a farmer’s group toldthe Associated Press (AP) that replacing the broad-brimmed hats with helmetscould increase skin cancer and heat stroke. But others dismiss that argument,saying it’s possible to come up with a hard hat that has a broad brim.
LEAKY MOTORCYCLE DESTROYS HOME — The Pasadena Fire Marshal’s Office hasdetermined that a motorcycle with a possible gasoline leak is the cause of afire which led to the destruction of a home and a garage and damaged aneighboring home.
Arson investigators discovered two motorcycles inside the garage, and thehomeowner had been working on the carburetor of one of the motorcycles. Apossible fuel leak may have caused the gasoline vapors to spread to the waterheater that was inside the garage where the fire originated, according to TheCitizen Reporter, a Texas newspaper.
So if you’re working on your bike, do so in a well-ventilated area. If you’restoring your bike over the winter, make sure your fuel petcock is turned off!
QUOTABLE QUOTE: “If you expect to be ignorant and free, you expect somethingthat never was, and never will be.”
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), Third President of the United States
November 18, 2004 Part 2
By Bandit |
Continued From Page 1
HEY FROM WILD BILL–Layla, I’m sitting here with Rogue, he’s drinking Jack Daniels and giving me tons of shit! Actually he’s trying his best to give some advice. I would be honored if you could take a look at my Love Ride article and let me know what you think. I would love the chance to send you some things in the future. I’ve got to go and try and catch up with Rogue, I think class is over for today!
Thanks a million…….Wild Bill
Stay tuned for this.
Pinellas Prosecutor Charged with Drunken Driving in Tampa–The Associated Press – TAMPA – A Pinellas County prosecutor known for aggressively pursuing drunken driving cases was charged with DUI after police said they stopped her with three children in her car.
Lydia Dempsey Wardell, 37, was arrested Wednesday near her Tampa home because she had a blood-alcohol level of 0.23 percent, nearly three times the legal limit in Florida, police said.
She was unavailable for comment Thursday, when she was released on $500 bail.
“She made a mistake,” said Bruce Bartlett, Pinellas-Pasco State Attorney Bernie McCabe’s chief assistant. “She’s aware of that. She’s extremely remorseful about her conduct and knows it’s not acceptable and is ready to pay the consequences.”
Bartlett said Wardell was on her way to pick up her son when she was arrested.
Bartlett could not say how the arrest would affect Wardell’s job or whether it would lead to her firing. If Wardell kept her job, she would no longer be allowed to participate in drunken driving prosecutions, Bartlett said.
Wardell rarely prosecutes those cases in the courtroom. But as a supervisor, she often discusses them with defense attorneys seeking a reduction or dismissal because of evidence problems.
“She is very reluctant to ever reduce charges or make any deal on a DUI,” Bartlett said. “She’s tough as nails and has a lot of enemies in defense lawyers because of her positions on these type of cases.”
In Pinellas, prosecutors including Wardell often charge DUI defendants with felony child neglect when they also have children in the car. It was unclear whether police considered that charge against Wardell.
3. ILLINOIS ROW update: This driver was cited
4. Pa. (ROW) Careless Driving Bill
The Michigan Helmet Repeal bill, HB-4325, sponsored by Rep. Leon Drolet(R-33), passed the Michigan House today with a vote of 69 yeas and 37nays. Thisbill now goes to the Michigan Senate where it has a companion bill,S-321, whichis sponsored by Senator Alan Cropsey where it is expected to be passed andsent on to the Governor for signing.
Angel Burton, Legislative Rep
Michigan Coalition of Clubs—
House passes changes to helmet law
The Michigan House voted Wednesday to allow bikers to ride without theirhelmets if they meet certain requirements, but the leader of the Senatesaid thatchamber won’t take up the bill.The legislation, approved 69-37, would repeal the state’s 38-year-old helmetlaw. Four representatives didn’t vote.Supporting the bill were Bill Huizenga, R-Zeeland, and Fulton Sheen,R-Plainwell.Opposing the bill were Barb Vander Veen, R-Allendale, and William VanRegenmorter, R-Hudsonville.Bikers over 21 who’ve been licensed to ride a motorcycle for at least twoyears and finished a safety course wouldn’t have to wear a helmet underthe bill.
House Repeals State Helmet Law, AAA Michigan Calls Vote ‘Tragic’DEARBORN, Mich., Nov. 10 /PRNewswire/ — A bill designed to repealMichigan’smandatory motorcycle helmet law was passed by the State House ofRepresentatives today (November 10), in an apparent bid to takeadvantage of a lame ducklegislature — with 36 House members leaving. The final vote was 69-37 infavor with four members passing.HB 4325, sponsored by Rep. Leon C. Drolet (R-Clinton Township), would removethe mandatory helmet requirement for all riders and passengers 21 yearsof ageor older, but does not require motorcycle riders to carry Personal InjuryProtection (PIP) insurance coverage.
“It is well established that motorcycle helmets decrease the severity ofinjury, the likelihood of death and the overall cost of medical care,” saidRichard J. Miller, manager of Community Safety Services for AAA Michigan.”Motorcycle riders are much more at risk than persons driving or ridingin a passengervehicle.”
Miller cited National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data,which shows that, in states where the mandatory helmet laws are repealed orweakened, motorcycle fatalities increased substantially:
State Percent increase in motorcycle fatalities
Arkansas 21 percent
Kentucky 34 percent
Louisiana 48 percent
Texas 31 percent
Nationwide, motorcycle fatality rates have been rising. The total number offatalities is up 73 percent between 1997 (2,116 deaths) and 2003 (3,661deaths). In addition, the fatality rate per 100,000 registeredmotorcycles is up –from 55.3 in 1997 to 65.3 in 2002.HB 4325 will move to the Michigan Senate for a vote and must pass the Senateand be signed by the governor before becoming law.
* In 2003, there were 3,187 motorcycle-involved crashes in Michigan inwhich76 riders were killed and 2,644 injured.
* Helmets are 67-percent effective in preventing brain injury.
* The average paid catastrophic motorcycle claim in Michigan is$402,386, upfrom $377,830 in 2001.
* By an overwhelming majority (81 percent), Americans favor state lawsrequiring motorcyclists to wear helmets.
Sources: Michigan State Police Office of Highway Safety Planning (OHSP),Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association (MCCA), Lou Harris
CO: AAA Michigan
ST: Michigan
Web site:
11/10/2004 17:03 EST
Motorcyclist dies in West Boynton collision with truckPosted November 10 2004A motorcyclist was killed in a crash at the intersection of Lawrence and OldBoynton Beach roads about 7 p.m. Monday, Palm Beach County sheriff’sofficialssaid.Robert Hollum Jr., 37, was riding his 1995 Harley Davidson northbound onLawrence when Sean Paulson turned in front of him from Old Boynton,officialssaid. Paulson’s 2002 Toyota Tacoma and the motorcycle collided, andHollum wasthrown, officials said.
Hollum was taken to Delray Medical Center, where he died.Again, no mention of charges brought against violator!
3. ILLINOIS ROW —update: This driver was citedMotorcyclist upgraded to serious after crashPEORIA – The condition of a 26-year-old Peoria man improved Tuesday after anaccident last week in which he was thrown from his motorcycle.Thomas H. Duffy, 1202 W. Merle Lane, was listed in serious condition at OSFSaint Francis Medical Center, a hospital spokeswoman said. He wasadmitted tothe hospital in critical condition Nov. 2 after his motorcycle and a Jeepcollided in Peoria Heights.Duffy, who was wearing a helmet, was driving south in the 3700 block ofProspect Road near the entrance to McDonald’s, 3717 N. Prospect Road,when hismotorcycle was struck by the Jeep.The Jeep’s driver, Willard E. Lacey, 55, of 403 Perry Lane, East Peoria, wasattempting to turn into the restaurant’s parking lot from Prospect whenhe hitDuffy, police said.Police cited Lacey on a charge of failure to yield when turning left. He wasnot injured.
4. Pa. (ROW) Careless Driving Bill
The Senate Transportation Committee voted unanimously yesterday torelease HB 873 from the Committee. This is the bill that replaced ourROW bill.The Senate is expected to vote on the bill before the end of thelegislative session on November 30th. You can read the bill and see itcovers much more than just right of way violations and it should provideless of a chance of people running into us and just getting a slap onthe wrist.
John Mullendore
If you need more info on this or any other subject just go to the Sons ofLiberty Riders Info Zone or
TIM CONDER ADDS LIFE TO HOT BIKE–Hot Rod Bikes and Street Choppers. You’ve seen Tim’s magnificent work on Bikernet. Soon you’ll see it in print.
This is a rough sketch for a Street Chopper joke page. Hang on.
Performance Machine’s – El Borracho–Like any respectable bartender, a bike builder knows just how much of each ingredient is needed to achieve the desired flavor. That balance is what makes a good drink as well as a great bike. A perfect balance of Vodka, Gin, Rum, Triple Sec, and for you traditionalists, Tequila, are all flavors that are more than able to stand on their own, yet mixed together become the classic Long Island. Much like the mixture of unique flavors in PM’s El Borracho (although maybe a bit heavier on the Tequila!).
Beginning with an anniversary edition Harley Softail, Performance Machine’ Roland Sands stripped it to the frame and binned most of the stock parts. It was just too easy to grab parts from the shelves at PM, so Roland began modifying things. The uniquely finished wheels began life as their El Dorado design, but were hijacked before going to the polish shop, black anodized and then sent back for some final machining to reveal the raw aluminum. PM brakes saw the same treatment, but with a nickel plating. A springer front end and naturally PM’s wide wheel Phatail kit where added to handle suspension duties. The one-off forward controls incorporate a suicide clutch into what was the shifter and a hand made shift lever ties directly to the trans.
Handmade bars, a breathed-on motor and unique oil tank complete the mechanical mods. Using an aluminum fuel tank intended for another project, Roland added a frame skirt (to hide the ugly stuff) and a hand made solo seat to complete the old school look. The rock solid reliability of a factory drivetrain, mixed with vintage bobber styling and a decidedly new school wide wheel combine to create modern bobber. Flavorful, not overpowering and fun as hell to ride.
This bike will be in the first Hot Bike Poster book. Watch for it in the next 6-weeks on news stands near you.–Bandit
Replacement Windows– Last year I replaced all the windows in my house with those expensivedouble-pane energy efficient kinds. But this week I got a call from thecontractor complaining that his work had been completed a whole year agoand I had yet to pay for them. Boy oh boy, did we go around! Just becauseI’m blonde doesn’t mean that I am automatically stupid.
So, I proceeded to tell him just what his fast talking sales guy had toldme last year, that in one year the windows would pay for themselves.
There was silence on the other end of the line so I just hung up and Ihaven’t heard back since. Guess I won that stupid argument.
Continued On Page 3
November 18, 2004 Part 1
By Bandit |
Thursday again and I’m scrambling to successfully complete ten tasks by the end today. My first mission is to battle the DMV and register Bandit’s bike, formerly known as ‘The Ultimate Chopper’. Now get this, the new name is ‘Bandit’s Sturgis 2005 Chopper’. What the heck? He should’ve come up with a symbol like Prince instead of that long-ass name and oh so original. He had the motor completely gone through from S&S; it’s still in the box waiting for his next day off.
This coming weekend he’ll be in Vegas at the dealer show, I think it’s called Big Twin West. Next week should be a better week for him, and you, as he’ll be able to answer Your Shots more regularly.
The day he started with Primedia, they were in the middle of year-end budgeting and trying to wrap up a poster book. All of which should be done by tomorrow. Fingers crossed and say a little prayer cause I miss that guy! Next week they’ll settle in to a ?regular? schedule searching for content for the next issue and hopefully he won’t be pulling any more late nights at the office. Hey, I believe him…
Temporary office. Sorry it?s so dark, I have no overhead light.
As for the Headquarters, things are still about the same. We’re last on the electrician’s list, which has me working off of extension cords in my kitchen and temporary office. I have to turn off the coffee maker to run the microwave or blow a fuse. My office is set up in the living room cause the new windows are going-on two weeks late and I can’t set up my office till the windows are in place and we can re-plaster, paint and carpet. I use my office as a workstation to keep the mess confined to one room.
What will be my office, just waiting on the windows?
My bathroom, planks covered with commercial grade carpet. Partially.
We (as in the women) have no sofa, no TV, no bathtub and no heat. The bathroom I tore up is slow going, hopefully by the end of this weekend I’ll have it done. Bandit on the other hand is all set up. What a great office, huh?
Bandit?s office. We?re only allowed in when he?s home.
Next week I?ll have lots of new content coming your way. I know how you all hate it when the site gets stale. I have a couple new people submitting articles for us now, welcome Julie Weems and Marilyn Braggs, yes women. We featured the Triumph Julie built herself in the last Sunday Post. She?s a photojournalist and will be covering events and such for us. And Marilyn will be taking over the Lawless column in Bandit?s Cantina. That damn Lawless ran off with the milkman so we had to close her down. But now Marilyn is onboard and she?s got it covered. Marilyn is also a photojournalist so expect to see serious articles from her as well. Welcome ladies!
OK, that about covers life here at Bikernet, let?s sees what?s going on with other folks?
Ft. Scott Community College – Center for Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Tech Training & Professional Development; The 1st Exclusive Harley-Davidson Training center in the nation opened its doors August 2004 in Frontenac, Kansas. Located in our Nation?s Heartland about 30 minutes northwest of Joplin, Missouri or 2 hours south of Kansas City, Kansas. This is 2 year offer training of Harley-Davidson?s current model of motorcycle on the market which is the, ?Evolution, Twin Cam and VRod.?
The added bonus benefit to this school, besides being the only one of its kind, all 64 credits at this college are transferable. They will also receive an Associate of Applied Science degree in motorcycle service technology. Once they have completed the associate science degree, students may transfer into a bachelor degree program at another university. Pittsburg State University has cooperated to a make a transition an option in to a 4 year program.
After the 2nd semester the students will intern at a Harley-Davidson Dealership. About 50 people have applied for the 2nd class; however, not all 42 seats have been filled yet. There are a series of assessment test to ensure proper placement. All students must have a GED or High School Diploma.
Ft. Scott Community College has one of the largest Endowment Funds of all the Community Colleges in Kansas providing Scholarships. Pell Grants and Student Loans are available. For information:
Steve Verga, Director/Instructor
254 S. Highway 69
Frontenac, KS 66763
Julie Weems
ROGUE?S WATCH–Rogue walks into a bar and takes a seat next to a veryattractive woman. He gives her a quick glance then casually looks athis watch for a moment.
The woman notices this and asks, “Is your date running late?”
“No,” he replies, “I just got this state-of-the-art watch, and I wasjust testing it.”
The intrigued woman says, “A state-of-the-art watch? What’s sospecial about it?”
Rogue explains, “It uses alpha waves to talk to metelepathically.”
The lady says, “What’s it telling you now?”
“Well, it says you’re not wearing any panties….”
“The woman giggles and replies, “Well it must be broken because I amwearing panties!”
Rogue smirks, taps his watch and says, “Damn thing’s an hourfast.”
STEALTH REPORT–Last weekend (11-13-04, 11-14-04), I went to the Annual CBA swap meet here in Charlotte. The swap meet is held twice a yeaR. Every March and November it is held at the fairgrounds.
The swap meet is always one of my favorite things to do. In the past I had taken a truckload of parts out to sell for the dealership I used to work at and it was a lot of work but I always had fun doing it. Since I no longer work there this was a different swap meet for me.
I loaded up a few parts I had that were just lying around and my good friends Randle and Chris let me set up in their spots. It was good to see a lot people from out of town that I had met over the years.
All weekend long I had to explain why I was not working and why I did not bring all the parts out that I normally would have. After telling the story a hundred times I got tired of it and avoided it the rest of the weekend. I saw Crazyhorse and she offered me some words of encouragement and agreed with my decision to leave. Thanks for the words!
As the swap meet went on I noticed how it has changed over the years. You still have the people, who have been coming for years, the “BIKERS”. These are the guys who are there to try to make a few dollars but they are really there for the fun and to try to help a fellow biker out. That is what I always tried to do when I had a ton of stuff to sell but that never seemed to be enough when I would turn the money in, no matter the amount, especially when you consider there was no money or cost involved in what was sold, take off parts! That is the other group of people who show up at swap meets nowadays, the ones who could care less about bikes or bikers, the ones who are there to make every dollar they can no matter what it takes. One dealership showed up with his million dollar “HUMMER’ painted with the Bar+ Shield and every other H-D emblem you could find. You talk about ugly! They did not bring one part to sell, just wanted to show that hideous creation off!
Then I noticed the local HOG clubs set up at the swap meet. What were they selling? Memberships to their pathetic little social club. These people have no idea what a club or brotherhood is about. Really think about it, what kind of club is it when all you have to do to get in is lay your money down?
These groups of people have not ruined the swap meets completely. Overall it is still about bikes and bikers even if it has been diluted somewhat. To me the swap meet has always been about cutting some one a deal when they are down on their luck or a young kid who is building his first bike and you can see in his eyes the fire to get it done and you know he is scratching together every dime he has to make it happen. There was a young kid who came up to me and I had a set of Arlen Ness billet flamed grips. They retail at right around a $100 dollars, he looked at them for about 10 minutes and asked how much, something told me he did not have a lot of money and I told him $35, he laid them down and said he would be back and I told him how about $30 and with a big smile he pulled out his last $30. Yeah I know I gave them away but I also know they are helping a kids dream come true right now and that is worth the money I gave up on the grips. To me that is what swap meet are all about, cutting a guy a break once in awhile. I wonder how many deals the guy with million dollar “HUMMER” cuts anyone. One other thing, what in the hell does a “HUMMER” have to do with bikes anyway? Just to make sure I am right some people call them “HUMMERS” and others call them, I think HUM-VEES? Who really cares?
Until next week!
BIKERNET LONE CHOP-OFF–Bandit, The nightmare is almost over. A few more weeks and were ready to paint andpowder coat. My wife is going to do the painting. She said I’m to half assand I tend to agree.
See ya!
Chopper John
WHAT THE FU**–Check out this shark. 1100 lb Mako
Chris T.
Happy With The “Old Custom”–Barbara Walters of ABCs news magazine 20/20 did a story on gender roles inKabul several years before the Afghan conflict. She noted that womencustomarily walked about 5paces behind their husbands.When she returned to Kabul recently she observed that women still walkbehind their husbands, but now seem to walk even further back and appearedto be happy with the oldcustom.
When Walters approached one of the Afghani women and asked, “But why do younow seem happy with the old custom that you used to try to change?”
“Land mines” said the woman quietly.
Predator – Powered By Harley-Davidson?–
The Fastest, Most Powerful Mud Motor Period.
Harley-Davidson? 1340 Evolution style engine 80 CI
Rated Power: 75 RW Horsepower
85 LB ft Torque
New exclusive Patent Pending, stainless steel removable bearing assemblies. Upper and lower stainless removable caps and housings exclusive to Beavertail. Drive shaft is polished and balanced with electroless nickel plating to stop corrosion.The most dependable bearing drive system ever made.
SEAMLESS TUBE CHASSIS (exclusive to Beavertail)
Simply put, there is no stronger frame ever built. This is the same technology that is used in NASCAR chassis. No flat steel is used in the frame. CNC and laser cut parts for precision. All tubes notched with Mitler Bros ultimate tubing notcher. Same machine used in building race car chassis. All frames Tig welded.
The chassis is also the only rubber mounted mud motor every produced.
Comes standard with weedless, stainless steel prop.
Built on a CAD/CAM computer system for perfect balance and accuracy.
Prop size is proprietary information.
Satin powder coat finish.All frames are sand blasted and dipped in a phosphorous tank for extreme adhesion.
WEIGHT (approx.)
220 lbs.
1-800-413-0020 Fisher Beavertail Mfg.
Continued On Page 2
November 18, 2004 Part 4
By Bandit |
Continued From Page 3
BIKERNET NEW WEBSITE PICK OF THE WEEK–Hi Guy’s, Hope all is well. Can you guy’s start running this on bikernet? I will have everything loaded on site by Wed. night. Keith how’s the new job. If there is anything I can do for you over here let me know, if you get some time give me a call, I know your busy, would like to talk to you when you have time……
Thanx for everything Chris T.
KEN CAMINITTI STORY–Thank you for the wonderful story on your time with Ken!The photos of the bike are beautiful! I almost feel out whenyou were talking about the shoot out in Harrah?s…I WAS THERE!!They had us locked up like caged rats that night! I was a drag…I come froma HUGE …9 brothers …..7 who ride Harleys all their life and once in ATLI get to meet Cammy…everything you said about him was true!
Thank You agian for the great story!
Friend in South Carolina
Thanks to John Covington of Steed Muscle bikes. Ken was his personal friend.
GOOD-BYE TO AN OLD FRIEND–Nov 15. Yesterday. My beloved kitty of 20+ years went to Jesus. She and I were together most of my life. It was heartbreaking to release her because in my selfish human form, I wanted so much to immortalize her and not be alone. Annie was my baby in every sense of that word. She was my earth angel and now is my spirit guide. Because of her presence, I was able to get through many hard times in my life. Together we celebrated one another’s existence. She was always there for me and brought me enormous joy, enormous unconditional love. Now, she will always be with me in spirit…this I know. As soon as she was released from her physical form, the spiritual signs of her presence happened immediately thereafter. In my heart, Annie is sharing in my gratitude to everyone of you for continuing to grace my life.
To all of those who knew my beautiful, amazing feline friend, thank you for enriching her life with your presence.
BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Hey guys, just got back from California and on my way out once more, but here we go, one more week, news once more.
California was cool, spent some time with friends, visited the Bikernet headquarters and kinda had no time to do shit. Unlike me, I was getting up kind of early, but by the time I got back to the room it was super late. The weird part is that I felt like I had no time to do what needed to be done.
WCC’s party was kick ass as always and very, very, crowded. From Monster trucks, street bike stunts and even the Metal Mulisha, needless to say, hot chicks and cool bikes, plus many good friends that I seldom have the chance to spend time with.
Sunday we avoided the Love Ride (like always) and headed to Pomona for the drag races. Two cars are sponsored by WCC and it was a very good time. It was kind of late when we managed to ride back to LBC, mayhem was the call of the day, but we all made it back safely to Anaheim Street. Maybe I will do the whole story on this trip, time depending.Like I said before, besides the hot chicks there’s always cool bikes, The Sinners always roll in with super cool bikes, I spend hours checking them out. I always enjoy and admire simplicity; those guys got their shit together.
The new Bikernet compound is kick ass as well, many wish to have half the garage space bandit has. We spent a few hours there, but circumstances did not allowed us to go back, next time it will be.It’s always good to meet with my friends from Hawaii, most are very cool and a pleasure to hang out with, if I would move away from Puerto Rico, be sure that Oahu will be the first choice.
Although I was suffering from Jet lag and a total lack of sleep, I missed the most the huge swell that was going on in Puerto Rico, 10 foot waves plus, and the insane amount of work that I left behind to go have fun in Calif. Speaking of such, we started another bike today, but time is running out……Big timeAnyway, got to go back to the dungeon….enjoy the photos and check the rest at my site
Jose ? Bikernet Caribbean Reporter
Sha Sha Fine Shoes, Inc.,–a manufacturer of alternative styled footwear for men and women, announced it has entered into an agreement with Lemans Corporation to distribute Sha Sha Fine Shoes through Parts Unlimited and Drag Specialties. Lemans Corp. will initially be carrying the new Billy Lane Signature Shoe and will be expanding to include additional items from Sha Sha as well.
?Sha Sha is quickly becoming the footwear brand of choice as an alternative to the more mainstream, traditional brands in the powersports industry, said Bill Ruff, President and CEO of Sha Sha Fine Shoes, Inc. ?We believe Lemans is the perfect distribution partner to bring Sha Sha to the next level.?
Billy Lane of Choppers, Inc., made famous by his one-of-a-kind custom motorcycles and appearances on the Discovery Channel chopper build-offs, has collaborated with Sha Sha and his pinstriper, Joe Richardson, to develop his own signature line of custom pinstriped shoes and boots.
The new six-eye boot is made of full-grain leather, sits over-the-ankle with a padded suede collar and is built on an extra-durable non-slip utility outsole. Available in three colors, it will have a suggested retail price of $110.00.
For more information about products available from Sha Sha Fine Shoes, visit the website at, email, or call 1-877-3-SHA-SHA.
Compu-Fire Performance Products is introducing the first majorbreakthrough in starting technology for American made V-Twin motorcyclessince the introduction of electric starter motors at the Big Twin Expo inLas Vegas this weekend. See the Compu-Fire Direct System and all the newproducts from Compu-Fire in booth 616.
Howdy Bikernet,–Ihave a little company and its almost 2 years now that we’ve made wide tire kits. The 280-300 was the first one on the market. We make other parts too,all for stock and custom H-D applications
If you have time, check it out and if ya think it?s worth spreading the news… please do.
That?s it for the news–Holy Moly this was a bitch! For some reason the news took extra long today. Here it is almost 9:00 at night and I?m just wrapping it up. As I said in the intro, stay tuned for lots of new articles.
November 18, 2004 Part 3
By Bandit |
Continued From Page 2
Hey Bandit, here is a pic from the show in Houston this weekend. I’m the fat guy on the left next to Billy! He was super cool and I have already sped thru his book! REALLY GREAT GUY!
God Bless
Johnny, Salena, Lori, & Hunter
AMD at Las Vegas–
Important news from Robin Bradley,
American Motorcycle Dealer,
November 17th 2004
If you plan to be at the Big Twin West Expo this coming weekend be sure to come and say hello to the AMD team.
There are just three more weeks to go before we close our January V-Twin Expo preview edition, and with advertising and editorial space already being taken up faster than ever before, make sure you are in dialog with us if you have news you’d like us to share with industry professionals in the custom v-twin sector in advance of the ‘Cincinnati’ Show.
The actual Show edition will be the February number; this will have been closed, printed and mailed before the V-Twin Expo, but will be seen for the first time at the show at the end of January.
Also, if you are a volume motorcycle builder (from one a month and up), or you have a parts and accessories program that you’d like to advertise to volume builders, then check out the upcoming first annual AMD ‘Builder Book’.
This will be a first-of-its-kind registry where custom v-twin volume builders can record themselves as such (for free) and will be a valuable guide for dealers and builders alike to who is doing what, and who has what for sale, in this increasingly important sector of the market.
Other upcoming AMD specials also include ‘ProGuides’ on PowerTrain/EFi (which includes driveline and engine parts), and on Brakes, Wheels and Suspension products.
Robin Bradley
American Motorcycle Dealer
FLAT TRACK RACERS–Hey man check these out! These bikes are still raced, After I finish up this shovel I plan on starting in on my flat track bike. I plan on running the VDTRA circiut in one year, two max . I said I?d have this shovel done in one year and you know how that works. I can guarantee you one thing though, I will ride the Springfield mile before I turn 51 years old so look for my name in the obits or the point standings in a year.
LTR Art Parry
Photo from Bob T.
Dear Bandit,I’ll be is now the biggest motorcycle events web site in Michigan …and we’ve only been at it for one season.
I have just posted information on the site about our 2005 Showcase Advertising Pre-Season Sale.It’s a limited time, limited availability offer.
We have accumulated over 48,000 viewer hits and over 182,000 page views … again, in our first season.We’re targeting 60,000 and 230,000 in 2005.
Our 2005 marketing program kicks off at the Michigan Custom Motorcycle Show, Birch Run.
I invite you to take a few moments, fully explore the site, and consider the opportunity of using itas a method of driving more traffic to your site and products.
Wolfe W. Jackson
Stuart-Jackson Agency, Inc.
TBEAR SCORES–Hi Gents.Long hard day shooting today.I scored 3 Knuckleheads. 1 a bone stock Bagger, a Vintage Bobber and a 50’s built Chopper. Got a sweet Honey on the bagger and the black 50’s chopper.
Also a few shots showing both the Black Chopper and the original bagger side by side for comparison.Here are a small jpg’s for your enjoyment.Please let me know which, if any of the bikes you would like. I think the Bagger is not your style, but I have a home for it and will include 1 side by side shot with it and the chop should you like it.
I will however sell the bagger feature else where should you not want it. I will NOT give the side-by-side shot I send to you to any other mag.Here’s a few pix for you .
GONE FISHIN’–Took the day off and went fishing today, it was great…Too bad you had to work..Maybe next time..Met some nice folks…..Enjoy the pictures……
Bob T
BUELL QUESTION–Hi, do they make a longer swingarm for a Buell? Looking for a swingarm to put on my 99 Buell cyclone for drag racing????
You Must Be a Dentist–A guy and a girl meet at a bar. They get along so well that they decide to go to the girl’s place.
A few drinks later, the guy takes off his shirt and then washes his hands.
He then takes of his trousers and washes his hands again.
The girl has been watching him and says, “You must be a dentist.”
The guy, surprised, says, “Yes! How did you figure that out?”
“Easy,” she replied, “you keep washing your hands.”
One thing led to another and they make love.
After they have done, the girl says, “You must be a good dentist.”
The guy, now with a boosted ego says, “Sure, I’m a good dentist, How did you figure that out?”
“Didn’t feel a thing!”
–from Skooter
THE CHARLIE BRECHTEL BAND ROCK LOVE RIDE–Here’s a link to his performances. He’s also got a trick up his sleeve.
“Hey Bandit,” Charlie said, “I am working on a new song called 5 Ball !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
I’m sure it’s the blues.
TWO-BIT CHOPPERS GRAND OPENING–We?re pleased to announce the grand opening of Two-Bit Choppers. We’re focused solely on the XL and Buell-basedchopper and custom market, and will look to bring the best the aftermarkethas to offer, as well an ever-growing line of proprietary billet parts andaccessories, to all those individuals looking to build a trick chop withoutbreaking the bank. If any of the Bikernet faithful are interested inchecking us out we can be found on the web at Thanksin advance for your time.
Justin Schilling
Owner-Two-Bit Choppers
ART P. AND RACERS–Hey Bandit,check out these bikes out. If you look closely you can still see the old Bobber styling coming through on these. Did you receive the photos I emailed for the first bike article? If not, shoot me your address and I’ll mail the cd to ya.
Four Step Dual Crossover Header and Muffler for Road King and Dressers
Anaheim, California, November 16, 2004
Caliber High Performance Exhaust has designed and developed a cutting edge true dual crossover 4-step exhaust system for 1995 to 2004 Road Kings and Dressers. The system utilizes a 3 step header and incorporates the tuned muffler as the 4th step. The system greatly improves the street performance of these fine road motorcycles, at the same time producing a deep invigorating sound.
The complete system includes full coverage heat shields, 2 sets of baffles, all mounting hardware, chrome mounting bracket, a brilliant chrome 3? muffler and an engraved chrome aluminum end cap. The beauty of the Caliber True Dual Header System is the beauty of the system. The smooth flowing lines are evidence of careful planning and an eye for good looks. The right side pipe carefully follows the lines of the classic styling of the bike and makes a single straight line from the floorboards to the end of the muffler. Without drama or excess, the left side pipe exits from the rear cylinder to form strong lines that end at the perfect location behind the bags.
?Street ride-ability is what these pipes are all about? said Kenny Price, CEO of Samson Motorcycle Products. ?The new Caliber line raises the bar for performance pipes that look good.? Extensive Dyno testing proves the Caliber True Dual Crossover system put the power to the road with significant increases in horsepower and torque.
All Caliber exhaust systems come with a Full Two Year Warranty._
NEWS FROM WHITEHORSE PRESS– You’ll want to browse the most popular items from our new Holiday 2005catalog. Great Gifts to give and to get!
MOTOPHORIA VORTEX STREET MOTORCYCLE BOOTS — To keep your feet happy, rainor shine. Waterproof lining, easy-on easy-off zipper system, these bootsare comfortable, stylish, and affordable. $134.99
JUMP-n-START with built-in Battery Tender — “Power to go” for all youremergency battery needs. Jump start any vehicle with a burst of 450 amps.$149.95
CORTECH COASTER MOTORCYCLE JACKET — Treat yourself to our most popularjacket, made of supple top-grain leather with a removable insulated liner.Styled to please both sportbike and cruiser riders. $219.99
PARK TOOL BENCH MOUNT WORKSTAND — Get a grip on those winter workshopprojects. Professional mechanic quality, this mount is designed to securelyhold regular or odd shaped components, with fully adjustable clampingpressure. $239.95
NOLAN FLIP-UP FULL-FACE MOTORCYCLE HELMETS — The ultimate in versatilityand convenience, Nolan helmets are guaranteed against defects in materialsand workmanship for five years from the date of purchase. Gloss andmetallic colors available. (GlossColors: Black and White $237.95) Colors: Titanium Gray or Platinum Silver $251.95)
CONDOR HELMET HANGERS — An easy and convenient way to store and protectyour lid. Two different hanging options, each accommodates all types ofhelmets. $29.95 (Universal,to hang over door tops or clothes rods)
Call 800-531-1133 or email if you havequestions about any of our products, or if we can help you with sizing andselection. Donna, Jeff, and Kelly know all of our products well and enjoytaking the time to get you just what you need and want. We’re proud of theproducts we sell and we’ll stand behind them. If for any reason you or oneof your holiday recipients are not completely satisfied with your purchase,simply return it to us promptly in resalable condition for a friendly refundor exchange, whichever you prefer.
Photo from Bob T.
Our membership has nearly doubled in the last few months. I’d like to welcome all the new members and thank all our other members for continuing to pass the word and encouraging others to join this fight. I know that some of you have signed up a few people who don’t have email addresses. Unfortunately, we’re currently sending all our communications electronically, so please pass this information on to those friends and neighbors that don’t have email. The good news is that we are growing very, very quickly. After two years, MADD had only two hundred members across the entire country. We now have nearly 5 times that number. So trust that you are not alone in your feelings. And I can tell that there are many of you out there passing the word, because the rate at which we are growing is increasing. That’s great news!!! Keep it up!
In what I consider a MAJOR finding, the Supreme Court last week ruled that a drunken driving accident is not “a crime of violence”. As you know, MADD just loves to spout off about DUI’s being “a crime of violence” and by using that phrase, they have gotten a lot of legislation passed that might not have been passed without it. Hopefully, this will now help to open some doors for us to start fighting back against some of these unfair laws.
The New York state supreme court found that the practice of confiscating automobiles in DUI cases is unconstitutional. As such the city of New York, which put this practice into place several years ago, was required to return thousands of vehicles to people who had them confiscated. Wayne County here in Michigan is now attempting to do the same thing. But one of the lawyers we’ve been working with from the National College of DUI Defense has filed an appeal to fight it here. With the New York ruling as a precedent, we have high hopes for his success. But we’re proud to announce that this is now our third year of a reviewing NHTSA’s data and people are starting to take notice of what we’re doing. Two other great sites are And as usual, if you have a few extra dollars, please send them our way. Even $5 from every member would help us to buy brochures and continue to send letters to congress. Well, that’s about it for today. Feel free to write me or call anytime. Rogue Continued On Page 4
This past summer the American Bar Association voted that DUI Defense is now a specialty area of law and that the National College of DUI Defense (
Many of our members and/or their friends and family have been severely abused by the police. However, they don’t know what to do about it or are afraid (with good reason) to file a complaint at the police station. We have recently developed a relationship with an organization called The Police Complaint Center. They are an organization that does investigations of police abuse and they have been featured on Dateline. If you or someone you know has been abused by the police, you can have the Police Complaint Center file the complaint for you and they will do it for free. They provide other investigative services that do cost money, but filing a complaint they will do for free. They have had a great deal of success. Please check out their website at
We’ve been actively participating in several political races. I attended a fundraising event for our Secretary Of State Terri Lynn Land and got to speak to her directly about RIDL. I also participated in the Michael Badnarik’s race for President for the Libertarian party and also got to talk to him directly about RIDL. This is the way to get things done folks. Talk to your local and state politicians. Tell them how wrong these laws are. Let them know you’re a member of RIDL and that our numbers are growing daily. Eventually, we will win. Remember, there are more of us. You can’t possibly arrest 2 million people a year for 20 years without eventually having people start to fight back. That’s what we’re doing. Keep up the fight!
You all know how much I love crunching those numbers. I recently completed the 2003 state reports. I’ve sent them to the webmaster and hopefully they will be out there on the web soon. Just a quick explanation. NHTSA usually reports their figures in the late spring/early summer time frame. Unfortunately, they don’t make their database available until a few months after that. So I can’t run my own reports until the database is officially available. That’s the reason why there is always a delay from the time NHTSA puts out their figures and I’m able to counter.
Come on in, the water’s fine. We have a few regulars that like to come out and talk on our discussion forum, but I’d like to see more folks stopping in to say hello. There is a TON of excellent information out there from laws, news, breathalyzers, checkpoints, etc. Plus many of our members tell me that they appreciate have the opportunity to talk to other people about their case without have to worry about being judged. Once in awhile we have a MADD type person stop in and give us grief, but we soundly trounce them and it’s usually a lot of fun. So stop on in and say hello sometime. ( and
Take a look at these two great sites for up-to-date information on the DUI related news and articles.
We’re fully aware that many of our members are already having their wallets raped by the system. As such, we’ve always insisted on RIDL membership being free. Unfortunately, we don’t get a lot of donations either and we simply can’t keep operating without funding. We’re seriously talking about charging for membership and for some of the reports. Anyone who is already a member would be grandfathered in and not be required to pay dues, but new members will likely have to pay to join. We haven’t set out all the details, but the cost of membership will probably be in the $10/year range. We will let you know ahead of time when/if this is going to happen. In the meantime, this might be a good time to let any potential new members know that they can still join for free.
Jeanne M. Pruett
President and CEO
Responsibility In DUI Laws, Inc.