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Kent State Interviews Stroker During Helmet Research

No this isn’t Stroker, but his grandpa. Guess the year and make of the bike for a free Bikernet sticker and year-long Cantina Membership.

Photos and text from Stroker strok96@yahoo.comKent State University student interview of Stroker for use as reference material for her research paper on helmet laws.

KS: How long have you been riding?

Stroker: 34 years

KS: Have you ever been involved in an accident?

Stroker: When I started riding I could only touch one tiptoe leaning the bike to the side. Yes, on many occasions I was picking myself up off the dirt and piecing my machine back together. Thankfully, I have only gone down once on hard surface and have not had any accidents involving other vehicles on the road.

I was in a head on collision off road with another motorcycle about 25 years ago.

KS: Is there ever an occasion where you would wear a helmet?

Stroker: If I were playing professional football, I would wear a helmet. It involves intentional head contact at speeds under 10 miles per hour. Football helmets also have very little weight.

KS: Do you think helmets prevent injuries?

Stroker: The only way to prevent an injury is to prevent an accident. Yes, if you are going under 10 miles per hour I think a motorcycle helmet can offer some protection to the head. Gary Busy drew much attention to his accident through his pro-helmet campaign. If you are going 3 miles per hour, tip your bike over, and slam your head into a cement curb like he did, a helmet would be nice. The question is, what percentage of the time are you going that slowly on a road bike?

I believe at speeds over 10 miles per hour a helmet has a much greater potential to cause injury than to protect from it. I am willing to admit that in some circumstances a helmet may offer some protection. The pro helmet argument will never admit that there are circumstances under which a helmet will cause injury. Any one who does not believe helmets can and do kill people should ask, why did NASCAR lose 4 of their top drivers in the year 2000 from basil skull fractures (broken necks) and why did they then mandate using the HANS device as does most every major auto racing sanction?

Here is information from the manufacture of the HANS (Head And Neck restraining System)device.

The HANS device was invented by Robert Hubbard, PhD., Professor, College of Engineering at Michigan State University in collaboration with his brother-in-law, long-time IMSA sports car driver, Jim Downing. The objective was to reduce the chance of serious injury caused by the violent movement of the unrestrained head and helmet combination in an accident. In a high “G”accident, say 80 Gs, a 15-pound head and helmet combination effectively weighs 1200 pounds (15 x 80) for a split second. Crash recorders in INDY cars have seen over 100 Gs. The driver’s neck has to take this load. The generally accepted average threshold for injury is about 740 pounds. Injury level loads such as this can happen at speeds under 60 mph in a head-on crash.The HANS Device has been made mandatory in Formula 1 for the 2003 Racing Season. CART and Formula Atlantic have made HANS mandatory for all its series beginning 2002. A head and neck restraining system is mandatory in NASCAR’s Winston Cup, Busch and Craftsman Truck series, ASA and ARCA. The HANS Device is now mandatory and is being considered in other series around the world.

Yeah, I know a shitty shot, like most to follow, but this is Stroker’s old man. He learned to ride during WWII as a Shore Patrol member for the Navy.

If you remove the extra helmet weight and use the average 9-pound weight of a human head in the above equation it shows us that the human neck is perfectly designed to take the stress of an 80G impact. 80×9=720 pounds of force applied to the neck, with an accepted injury threshold of 740 pounds. Make note that the Professor from the college of Engineering at Michigan State University also tells us that these forces take place in accidents at speeds under 60 miles per hour and he is referring to forces nearly two times the point at which injury to the neck occurs. This is sound and accepted engineering knowledge yet, the Agencies and groups entrusted by the American people for safety information refuse to accept or even consider how many people are caused injury by being forced to wear motorcycle helmets. They refuse to include in their statistical analysis how many injuries are caused by helmets and only look for information showing the good they might do.

The HANS device effectiveness is dependant on the driver being securely belted into a steel safety cage. It is not a practical or useful device to be used on street motorcycles. Also keep in mind that this is but one reason that helmets are not effective in protecting the street motorcyclist. Year after year the numbers show that more deaths per accident occur in the States with motorcycle helmets made mandatory and year after year the pro helmet argument twists the numbers to try to show differently.

This year NHTSA hurried to the media to say that since Florida removed its mandatory helmet law for adult riders the number of motorcycle deaths increased 11%. Sounds pretty bad when put that way doesn’t it. What they fail to tell anyone is that the number of riders coming back to motorcycling after removing the helmet law increased 40,000. A 20% increase in motorcycle registrations in one year. When all the figures are compiled according to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, the death rate was actually lower by 5.2%.

KS: Both sides of this issue back up their claims with pages and pages of statistics. Do you feel these statistics prove anything?

They prove that if you include enough variables and do enough math you can make statistics say anything you want them to. Both sides of the argument are guilty of doing this. Although the statistical analysts have valid reasons to introduce variables into the number crunching, it nonetheless can be used to achieve the desired results. There are an infinite number of variables that could be thought of in a motor vehicle accident and depending on which combination of them you use, you can arrive at the desired answer. Certainly using statistics has proven to be a weak argument as we have been going back and forth with helmet law issues now for decades. What I find very frustrating are agencies or groups, given the public’s trust, who out-right lie about what the numbers say. The most frequently quoted study used by the pro helmet argument is the 1996 NHTSA report:

Motorcycle Safety Foundation (part of NHTSA)
Center for Disease Control
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
American College of Emergency Physicians
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

Here’s, to name a very few, that have used a line out of context from the report or variations of it like:

Helmets were 35 percent effective in preventing death

Helmets reduce the risk of death in a motorcycle crash by 35% percent.

The average person or even a legislator reading that or hearing it on radio or television would think that meant anyone in a motorcycle accident without a helmet would be killed 35% of the time.

Riding with Long Leggs in Badlands.

The truth is, that is a percentage of a percentage. The report states that motorcycle helmets protect from any type of injury in only 9% of accidents. Only 1.3 percent of the unhelmeted group died and that is the portion that they estimate 35 percent of would have lived if wearing a helmet.

35% of 1.3% that comes out to 0.46%

An estimated 0.46% of the people in motorcycle accidents would not have died had they been wearing a helmet is what the report really says.

91% of motorcycle accidents receive absolutely no benefit from wearing a helmet. That’s what the report really says.

You may say, “but still a small portion benefited and that makes it worth while.” My reply is that they have refused to include any information on the number of people who were injured because they were wearing a helmet. I refer you to the HANS information I spoke of earlier.

Another point is that the 1996 NHTSA report used data from six states and only 10,000 cases. Of that 10,000 almost 8,000 of them were helmeted. Does that sound like a fair comparison to you? Does 10,000 seem like a legitimate representation of a nation of 288 million people. They took this report to the Congress of the United States and the American public as the absolute truth about helmet safety.

Life on the road for Stroker.

They are also still using information from the Hurt report containing data that is over twenty years old.

History of helmets estimated effectiveness at preventing deathbefore 1996 40 to 73%
1996 35%
2001 29%

Why does the National Highway Traffic Safety Administrations data consistently show a decrease in helmet effectiveness? Are helmets really less effective today than they were 10 years ago, No. What has changed is the amount of data they are using. Starting with none, then 6 states in 1996, and in 2001 they used 23 states. Less than one half of the country. In 2001 they say helmet effectiveness dropped by 6%, yet the number of states with people riding without helmets went from 24 to 30. That should have caused an increase in the relative percentage of lives saved comparing helmeted to unhelmeted riders. It did not because less people die when they do not wear helmets. As shown by NHTSA’s own reports.

The 1996 report also tries to claim public burden stating that the group of motorcyclist that required public funds to pay for their injuries had costs 5% higher on unhelmeted riders. They forget to mention that the source for the data states “95% confidence limits is a standard measure of reliability when estimates are based on sample data” saying the 5% higher costs are within the margin of error and mean nothing. You can go from one Hospital to another with the exact same injury and have a 5% cost difference. They also fail to mention that in the group of riders that paid for their own medical expense the costs for helmeted riders were 19% higher. Sounds to me like people wearing helmets are a public burden. It also sounds like the government and insurance companies are being over billed by the medical industry. We’ve never heard of that happening before have we? NHTSA says, “lets just blame the victims for it!”

KS: What do you think is at the heart of the helmet law issue?

Stroker: The theory I am working under at this point is so disgusting that I will not share it until I have more facts to back it up.

KS: Do you think the debates are a waste of time or are they serving a purpose?

Stroker: Peoples lives are at stake. Do you think it is a waste?

KS: Is there anything, in your opinion that should be done differently in researching whether helmet laws are effective?

Stroke waiting at Rapid Airport calmly for 6-foot Leggs to arrive.

Stroker: We all know that helmet laws are effective at forcing people to wear helmets. I think the question your asking is, in researching if helmets are effective. I have already shown that the statistics are being manipulated and misrepresented. I have also shown that engineers can show scientific facts that prove helmets cause injury. That is the direction I think helmet research should go. We are fighting a perceived common sense issue here. The idea that something on your head is better than nothing on your head. In the past science has shown what appears to be common sense is in fact wrong. There was a time when common sense told people that the world was flat. Anyone that challenged that notion was thought insane, put in prison, or even put to death. It did not make any sense, if the world was round we would fall off. Science proved them wrong and science can prove that something on your head does not always make you safer than nothing on your head.

KS: Do you think this issue is a matter of public concern and/or personal freedom?

Stroker: Personal freedom should be the highest order of public concern! People of this country have laid down their lives in its name.

KS: Are there any instances where you think a helmet should be mandatory?

Stroker: I believe at this point you already know my answer.

KS: Is the helmet law issue a pop cultural phenomenon or do you think these laws have been around since the motorcycle was first built?

Stroker: Well, this question is not about what I think. The first helmet law in the United States was about 80 years after the invention of the motorcycle. The reason it came into being had nothing to do with safety of the rider or public burden but, that is another story.

Stroker and Leggs in the Badlands.

KS: You live in Florida where, in order to not wear a helmet, you must purchase extra insurance coverage to enjoy that privilege. How do you feel about that? Is it a compromise of sorts?

Stroker: Of course it is a compromise, and it sends out messages that are lies. On average there are over 2 million TBI’s (traumatic brain injuries) in the United States each year. Of them it is estimated that 780 are motorcycle riders. Based on 780 out of 2,000,000 it is decided that motorcyclist are a public burden and should be forced to have extra insurance. I think that is criminal. Over 500,000 TBI’S each year are from automobile accidents. Are they not a public burden? If helmets are such wonderful safety devices why are there no laws mandating them for cars? How would John Q Public like to be forced by the government to put on a helmet every time they drove to work or to the corner store for some food? The motorcycle helmet laws have nothing to do with safety or public burden. If they did we would have automobile helmet laws as well.

One type of TBI is a concussion. What many people are not aware of is that we can receive concussions without any direct physical contact to the head. Whiplash causes brain concussions along with any sudden violent movement of the head. If you refer to the HANS information I stated earlier you will see in their example a helmet will increase the violent movement of the head/helmet combination from 720 pounds to over 1200 pounds of force. Brain concussions can and often do cause death. Even with a helmet on in a direct impact over 13 miles an hour (the rating for motorcycle helmets) you will have a brain concussion. You might look prettier for the EMT’s but you will be just as dead. Engineers will tell you to have any protection from concussion in a 60 mile per hour direct impact it would take a helmet the size of a kitchen stove. Referring back to automobile TBI’s, some of you may be wondering how there are over 500,000 TBIs in automobiles with these wonderful new air bags? Air bags do nothing to protect you from concussion. You look prettier but you’re just as dead.

KS: I know you have done extensive research on your own concerning these laws. What motivates you to be so concerned, besides being a biker?

Stroker’s bike at luxury accomodations.

Stroker: You are right, this is personal. Riding a motorcycle is dangerous, as is driving a car and getting out of bed in the morning. I put my life on the line every time I throw my leg over the saddle and I want to choose what is the best way to protect myself. My life, my choice. What else motivates me on this issue? it is obvious to me there is some reason this issue is being taken to our lawmakers and it is not safety. Nor is it public burden. The legislators are certainly not bringing this to the floor on their own accord. They have many other things to keep themselves busy. Some one is pushing this issue on them. I want to know whom and what the real reason behind their efforts. I have been asking people in political circles for a long time. I have received several different answers and the majority of them do not make any sense.

KS: Is there anything in your research that you have found that might be overlooked? In other words, can you offer an angle that isn’t widely researched?

Stroker: Covered that

KS: Is there anything else you would like to comment on, or add?

Stroker: Yes, another thing that riders have been trying to get through to these so-called experts is that helmets limit our hearing and vision. NHTSA and many other groups continue to tell the public that the people riding the motorcycles don’t know what they’re talking about. NHTSA did yet another study and concluded that the only sounds a motorcyclist need to hear are horns and emergency sirens. They say the study shows that is all anyone can hear without a helmet due to wind and motor noise. I don’t need any scientist, data, or statistics because I can tell you from my own experience that is an absolute lie. Many people make jokes about me riding with a bandana covering my face, but you see I discovered while riding in the Arizona desert that if you use a large bandana to cover your face, tie it high on the back of your head so that it completely covers your ears it almost completely eliminates wind noise. I can hear everything around me, I can hear birds singing as I ride by at highway speeds.

Have you ever been to an event using an amateur P.A. system, such as an outdoor high school graduation where the wind blowing across the microphone makes so much noise you can’t hear the speaker? But, when you hear a professional microphone used outside by a news reporter it is quiet? That’s because they have a wind cover on the microphone. It works the same way.

his bike

Stroker’s trusty Softail.

If you believe being able to hear doesn?t protect the safety of a motorcycle rider you are wrong. No matter what equipment a rider has on if they are in a crash they will get hurt. The best way to protect a motorcyclist is to avoid an accident in the first place. We need to use all of our senses to their maximum capability to do that.

Non-riders would never know that we can tell when a vehicle is approaching behind us without seeing or even hearing them. You can feel them. A vehicle compresses the air in front of it as it pushes forward creating a pillow of air that reaches an amazing distance in front of them.

Back to hearing, I will give you a personal example of how important hearing can be to a rider. I was riding through small town America in Michigan one fall day. It was a typical main street lined with three story buildings creating blind intersections. I was suddenly aware of a noise around me. Michigan, being a helmet state, my ears were covered by dense foam and then a thick layer of plastic and I could not make out exactly what the sound was. More importantly I could not distinguish what direction it was coming from. You see, to detect direction of sound we depend on the stereo effect of having two ears. The hard outer surface of a helmet tends to blend the sounds coming from different directions and feeds them equally to both ears. I turned my head to try to visually locate where the sound was coming from and when I returned to a forward view a police car with its lights and siren on came charging into the intersection directly in front of me and STOPPED. I had to make a panic stop (maximum braking) arriving with my front wheel only inches from the driver’s door. I will never forget the officer looking down at my wheel slowly raising his mirrored glasses level to mine, giving me a cheesy grin and continuing off on his mission.

I will never know why he stopped, if he would have just continued through the intersection it would have been no problem. If he would have had an old fashion siren, I may have been able to tell it was a police car but it was one of the new type that cycle through all different siren noises and it happened to be in one of those weird pulsing and whirring phases. I would have easily identified the sound and more importantly the direction of the police car had I not been wearing a helmet and this situation would have turned from a close call into a non-issue. As far as only needing to hear horns and sirens as NHTSA says, most road motorcycle accidents involve another 4-wheeled vehicle and over 70% of the time they are at fault. Usually stating they did not see the motorcycle. If they do not see us they certainly are not going to be sounding their horn as any warning. I can tell you from experience that a motorcyclist can hear the vehicles around them if they are not wearing a helmet. I can hear a car approaching an intersection before I can see it.

NHTSA says helmets don’t block vision. The way they test it is true. If you sit in a chair and use a machine to check your peripheral vision it checks fairly well. They admit that even in that test some peripheral vision is blocked but say it doesn’t matter. What the machines can’t tell them is that in the real world things are quite different and there is more than one way to limit vision. Motorcycle riders often will turn their head for a visual check as mirrors don’t always do the job, especially if you have had some reason stopping you from checking them in the last few seconds. NHTSA says that helmets don’t limit the ability to check the lane beside the rider. That is fairly accurate, but when making a lane change, a rider will often need to rotate farther around to look down the adjacent lane as a vehicle may be closing at a much higher rate of speed then they are traveling and would be dangerous to pull in front of them. That is when a helmet will directly block the rider’s view. If you keep both hands on the bars (as required by law in many states) and rotate your head to look behind, you will see only helmet. If your eyes are pointing forward as in a peripheral vision test a helmet does not block much. If your eyes are at their side limit of motion a helmet blocks a lot of vision.

stroker and Angel

Stroker ain’t all about statistics.

Another way helmets limit vision is by greatly delaying the amount of time it takes to turn the head. Not only from the extra mass of the helmet but, mostly because of wind resistance. At highway speed it is fairly easy to initially turn your head to the side as the wind is actually helping you. Returning to the forward view can take a great deal of effort by the neck. In potential accident situations hundredths of a second can mean the difference between life and death.

As long as I’m talking about wind resistance (drag) I will also mention the tremendous amount of fatigue caused from the added drag of a helmet. For non-riders, have you ever stuck your hand out the window of a car at highway speeds? It takes a considerable amount of strength to keep from having your arm slammed against the window frame. Not only does the over all size of a helmet increase drag. On a standard full helmet there is considerable right angle surface around the face opening that act like air dams. The amount that a helmet pulls at a motorcyclist’s neck at highway speed is unbelievable. After only one hour of riding at highway speed in a helmet the neck fatigue can make you feel completely exhausted. Especially if you are pushing a head wind.

Without a helmet I can ride all day on the expressway without any neck fatigue. The human head is quite aerodynamic, almost makes you think we were made to go fast. Fatigue can play a major roll in motorcycle accidents. If I am not alert and using all of my sense, my chances of avoiding an accident are greatly lowered.

stroker and balls

Stroker and one of the major leaders in the motorcyclists’ right industry, Balls.

I believe that complaining without offering a solution only makes you part of the problem. Therefore I will close with this thought. The roll of the government in safety equipment should be to keep the public informed of ways to protect themselves. The agencies can use the same money they are using now to push their law agendas (and it is a lot of money) to produce public awareness campaigns. It is not the job of the government to tell the people they are too stupid to make choices regarding their own safety. Life is about risk. Each person has their own level of risk at which they choose to live. Some people believe leaving the security of their home is a highly unnecessary risk (that is a fact, believe it or not). Some people feel life is not worth living unless you are on the edge. Most of us choose something in between, and that is how this country was intended to be. Government for the people by the people. Safety equipment should be our free choice as long as it does not directly infringe on others rights. Every person that steps out of bed in the morning and takes a breath of air is a potential public burden. That is not a valid argument for striping one of their freedom of choice, their freedom to live their life as they need to.

Additional note:

NBC news recently ran a story questioning whether the government agency whose jobs depend on their ability of finding ways to make our highways safer, should also be in charge of testing that same safety equipment and reporting on it. Right on NBC, we have the fox guarding the hen house!



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July 13, 2006 Part 4


Continued From Page 3


AMERICA’S BIGGEST CUSTOM & PERFORMANCE MOTORCYCLE SHOW BLOWS THE LID OFF LONG BEACH —The 15th annual Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend takes place July 15-16th 2006 at the Queen Mary Event Park in Long Beach / Los Angeles, as it continues its extraordinary growth and success having become the biggest Custom and Performance Street Motorcycle Show in America and possibly the World focused on the custom, cruiser and high performance sport / streetbike markets.

Many of the world’s top Pro and Amateur Builder street bike builders will be on hand to compete in the Performance Machine Calendar Show Bike Building Championship with a record breaking purse of our $70,000 in cash and awards.

This year’s Show Contest features 3 new classes including Street Chopper, Bar Hopper, plus the new RoadBike Magazine Metric Class located in the exciting new Roadbike Metric Midway featuring Japanese Cruisers, along with classes for European and Japanese Sportbikes. There will be a total of 10 Calendar Bike Building Championship Classes including the premier Radical Pro Builder Class sponsored by American Iron magazine with a $5,000 cash purse up for grabs, plus the coveted Performance Machine Best of Show Trophy.

Other Championship Classes feature contingency sponsorships by Jardine, Vance & Hines, Havoc Industries, American Iron and Iron Works magazines with winners receiving complete exhaust systems of their choice, magazine subscriptions, and other many other awards totaling $70,000. Not the least of which is the $5,000 product award for Best Performance Machine Equipped Bike at the show from the title sponsor.

Many of the class sponsors will be constructing unique one off trophies for 1st place, and in most other classes the Iron & Lace Calendar sponsor’s famous Mikuni Carburetor Desk Set awards will go out for 1st in each class, with 2nd and 3rd receiving the Show’s Engraved Liquor Flasks for the most unique and coveted awards from America’s premier Bike show.

dyna true track

DYNA HANDLING PROBLEMS–The Dyna rubber mounts are not the problem. The rubber mounts fail because they were not designed to take side loads. Erik Buell teaches in patent no. 4,776,423 and 6, 213,240 that rubber mounted motorcycles must have at least three stabilzer links connecting the powertrain unit to the frame to prevent lateral instability. The Dyna and V-Rod are manufactured with only ONE STABILIZER LINK.


TRUE-TRACK, suspension stabilization device for DYNA’s Part NO. 20-30 will eliminate front and rear motor mount failure, NOW. The TRUE-TRACK kit includes 2 units, a front stabilization device with a vertical travel limiter and a rear stabilization unit, for a total of three stabilizer links. Dyna handling will be greatly improved as well, it’s like riding a different motorcycle!


Layback Plate and Turn Signal 11

NEW LAYBACK LICENSE PLATE AND TURN SIGNAL KIT–MILWAUKEE (May 29, 2006) – The new Layback License Plate and Turn Signal Relocation Kit (P/N 60215-06, $79.95) from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories combines the popular Layback License Plate Mount with an integrated turn signal bar to add a stylish slant to the rear fender of Sportster and Dyna models. The kit relocates the original equipment bullet-style turn signals from the fender strut to a turn signal bar below the license plate, which also allows clearance for mounting saddlebags.

Layback License Plate and Turn Signal Relocation Kit fits 2004-later XL Sportster models and 2002-later Dyna models (except FXDWG), and includes all mounting hardware.

For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.

US chopper bike

KNUCKLES, KNUCKLES, KNUCKLES–Here’s a new project bike from Rick Krost at U.S. Choppers. His Board Track Races will be on display at the L.A. Calendar Show on Sunday. Or you can see the feature on Bikernet.

U.S. Choppers
2039 S. Lyon St
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Appointments Only Please

US Chopper banner

J&P IN DAYTONA–Daytona Beach News-Journal, FL – Rural Iowa may not be known far and wide as a motorcycle Mecca.But that’s where J&P Cycles, a retail mail-order business for motorcycle parts and accessories, grew from a small mom and pop operation in 1979 to a mega-marketer with 300 employees today. Its 3-pound, 1,143-page catalog is one of the largest of its kind in the industry, according to founder John Parham, who owns the company with his wife, Jill.

When the time came to expand, however, J&P Cycles set its sights on the place known far and wide as a Harley-Davidson haven.”We chose Daytona because it’s a motorcycle town,” Parham said in a recent telephone interview from his Iowa headquarters.

Actually, he chose Bruce Rossmeyer’s Destination Daytona, a burgeoning biker-themed retail, restaurant and lodging complex north of Ormond Beach at Interstate 95 and U.S. 1, that appears destined to become a year-round magnet for enthusiasts.

J&P Cycles broke ground in May for a 24,000-square-foot showroom with an 11,000-square-foot call center on the second floor. Earlier this month, the company also bought a 14,000-square-foot building, formerly occupied by Ocean Design Inc., at the Ormond Beach Airport Business Park for $1.15 million to use for storage.

“It’s an excellent location,” said Parham of Destination Daytona, where motorcycle magnate Rossmeyer has created what promises to be a veritable theme park for bikers. “We’re looking forward to getting open and working with Bruce and the rest of the merchants,” added the parts entrepreneur, who owns a home in Palm Coast as well as condos in Daytona Beach and Destination Daytona.

If all goes well, the new showroom will be completed in early January 2007, he said, and open for business by Bike Week in March

–from Rogue


POWERPACC EFI SUPER!–Doherty Machine has just released their latest version of the performance proven Power PACC intake system for all Delphi EFI equipped machines. This upgraded version incorporates numerous improvements that provide increased efficiency and longevity. Doherty’s snap in venture has been updated and machined specifically for the EFI application. This specially designed venturi creates an induction path which provides a 100% unobstructed air flow. The combination produces an increase in both horsepower and torque with overall gains of up to 15%!

Each system is CNC machined from solid billet and polished to a show quality finish. All associated hardware is polished aircraft quality stainless steel.

Easily installed the new POWERPACC EFI SUPER is compatible with stock or aftermarket, round and oval air cleaner covers. For complete details call 800-956-9409 and be sure to visit them on the Web at

end cartoon

IT?S BLAZING HOT, TIME TO QUIT THIS SHIT–I needed to head out to LA County Chop Rods to discuss my mid-shifting mechanism, call Barry Wardlaw from Accurate Engineering for advice and stop by California Harley, some parts had arrived. It?s smoking.

The weekend is Jammed with the LA Calendar show. We have the Avon display packed into the Bikernet Headquarters, I need to pick up powder coating from Foremost and the editor of American Iron is coming over for dinner tomorrow. Then it?s 7:00 show set-up Saturday morning.

So have a smokin? weekend. Stop by the booth if you?re near the show and have a helluva weekend if you?re not. Stay out of trouble goddamnit. Sturgis is just around the corner.

Ride Forever,


Bonneville banner

Click Here To Be A Sponsor

Read More

July 13, 2006 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

ray wheeler bike

MR. WHEELER HAULING ASS–Officially on the road in the a.m. Looking forward to seeing you and the other racers in Sept. The 95-incher now has 8000 miles. With a leaking head gasket, we made 114 h p and 99.1 ft lbs torque. Head gasket repaired and runnin’ like a rocket, even gets 40 m p g . See you on the road….

monterey, ca.


STURGIS DEADLINE UPDATE AND ART EXHIBIT–21 days left before we leave for the Badlands… what the fuck let’s just leave now.

–Ride Hard,
Whiplash Biker Photog

Original Pearl Harbor shot from Bob T.

AMAZING DISCOVERY FOUND ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF SAN DIEGO–The Digital Discovery area of Bandit’s Cantina has made the search for The Code Of The West a lifelong pursuit. Several documents have been discovered and published there for Cantina Member Only. Most have been found in shallow graves between the West Coast and Las Vegas, in the desert.

Here’s an excerpt from Rebel’s find discovered in a bottle washed ashore on a beach near the Mexican Border:

“We know that the current state of affairs in our great nation has many civilians up in arms and excited to join the military. For those of you who can’t join, you can still lend a hand. Here are a few of the areas where we would like your assistance:

1. The next time you see an adult talking (or wearing a hat) during the playing of the National Anthem—kick their butt.

The entire code will be re-mastered and displayed in Bandit’s Cantina, in the Digital Discovery Department.

biker beauties cover

NEW BIKE MAGAZINE LAUNCHED– Beginning Sept 1 we will start publishing a monthly FREE motorcycle magazine in Maryland/Delaware/Virginia. The name of the magazine will be Biker Beauties. Too many of the magazines in our area wouldn’t publish photos of girls in bikinis so Livia and I joined together with Lucky Cycles, CTM Customs, and Top Notch Custom Cycles to start our own magazine featuring lots of hot young ladies on bikes from various builders in our area and across the U.S.

Our magazine is going to be full color with 68 pages. A real good sized magazine to start off. We’ll publish 20,000 copies monthly and our first issue will be heavily distributed at DelMarVa Bike Week Sept 14-17 and at the York HD Open House in York, PA Sept 28-30.

We’re currently seeking advertisers if any of your readers would like to buy an ad in the first issue to get their products seen by those picking up copies at the show. They can email me at and I’ll send them the rate sheet. For anyone who is willing to buy 6 months of advertising we’re selling a bunch of full page ads for $400/mo. and half page ads for $200/mo.

We’ll be at Myrtle Beach Fall Rally with 5,000 copies of the magazine too.

We’ll also have a subscription form available online in late August for anyone who’d like to have copies mailed to them so they can see all the hot girls and bikes.

–Sam and Livia

sd livia at hq

Livia at the Bikernet HQ

TEXAS SCOOTER TIMES CHOPPER SHOW–The correct date for the Texas Scooter Times Chopper Show and Swap Meet is August 13th not the 19th as stated in the previous email. Sorry for any confusion and we hope to see you there.

August 13th at the Texas Scooter Times SUMMER CHOPPER SHOW & Swap Meetalongside the Trophys for the shinin’ chrome motorcycles on display at theGigantic Historic Longhorn Ballroom will be a First, Second, and Third PlaceTrophy to be given to the People’s Choice Motorcycle ICE SCULPTURE..

“I just got tired of people tellin’ me HOW HOT it was in the Summer tohave a Swap Meet at,” quipped Texas Scooter Times co-owner Red Roberts, “SoI decided to throw in a Motorcycle Ice Sculpture Contest!!”

“We’ll have a blank on the Ballot that’s given to spectators at thefront gate where they’ll vote for People’s Choice Motorcycle and People’sChoice Motorcycle Ice Sculpture as well. And we really don’t GIVE A HOOT HOWHOT it is the day of the Show ’cause we’ll all be INSIDE with the AIRCONDITIONER turned WIDE OPEN!!”

When asked what he expected for motorcycle ice sculpture contestants,Red Answered, “Durn if I know!! All I’m sure of at this time is that we’vegot 3 Trophys and Braggin’ Rights for the FIRST EVER CONTEST of this KindEVER ATTEMPTED!!! WE’re GONNA have some fun with this!!!!!”

Motorcycle Ice Sculpture Contestants are asked to register SundayMorning August 13th at Bike Show Registration and display from 11am until3pm when the balloting closes.. DON’T MISS IT !!!!!

screamin eagle

SCREAMIN’ EAGLE RIDERS READY TO BATTLE FOR VICTORY AS AMA FLAT TRACKERS TACKLE VIRGINIA–MILWAUKEE (July 6, 2006) – When Rich King gets ready for a race weekend, he mentally goes through the motions of competing on his Screamin’ Eagle Harley-Davidson entry in AMA Ford Quality Checked Flat Track Twins championship competition. Armed with his 26 years of racing experience, the Iowa native might have an advantage going into this weekend’s event at the Virginia Motor Speedway in Saluda, Va.

After all, no one has raced there before. That’s something the veteran likes.

“I look forward to going somewhere that no one has raced at yet,” King said. “I think the teams that have more experience will be the better teams this weekend. I think we especially have an advantage because we have four riders in the Wrecking Crew and because of that we have a lot of knowledge at our finger tips. I think that will help us tremendously as we step onto a new facility.”

Racing kicks off at Virginia Motor Speedway at 5 p.m. with timed practice on Saturday. Heat races begin at 7:30 p.m. before the main event starts at 10 p.m.

King is currently second in points, just seven points behind points leader Chris Carr and the Quality Pre-Owned Ford Harley-Davidson team. Carr captured the season opening event win at Springfield, Ill., as well as the win in Syracuse, N.Y. Three other riders, King’s Screamin’ Eagle teammate Kenny Coolbeth (Lake Odessa, Mich., winner) and Dominic Beaulac (Lima, Ohio winner) and the Lombardi Harley-Davidson team as well as Mike Hacker and the Doc’s Harley-Davidson team (West Virginia) have posted wins this season.

King said the number of winners is making for great racing for the fans, and some tight point standings in the championship chase.

“I think right now the team that can go the rest of the season with the least amount of problems will win the championship,” King said. “There just won’t be any room for error. We’ve already had a good mix of winners and now it will come down to whoever makes the least amount of mistakes.

“Kenny and I are lucky because if one of us is struggling, we can look at their data and immediately have something else to try. We don’t have a lot of time in Flat Track racing. We just have a few qualifying laps, a few heat laps and that’s it. We have to be ready for the main event in a short amount of time and being able to discuss a setup with a few extra people has been great this season.”

King said the team is getting better each weekend. Coolbeth has one victory and King has finished on the podium twice. This weekend, however, the veteran will use a blend of old school experience and new school technology in hopes of making a third trip to the podium.

“I am going to the new track with an open mind and we’ll see what happen,” King said. “With the internet you can find so much information, so I will study whatever information I can find about the track and prepare myself that way. I’ll go through the various scenarios and hopefully that will put me in the ballpark without having a single lap under my belt. Then we go from there and figure things out as we go along.”

AMA Top 10 Point standings: Flat Track
1. Chris Carr, Quality Pre-Owned Ford Harley-Davidson 67
2. Rich King, Screamin’ Eagle Harley-Davidson 60
3. Bryan Smith, Pat Moroney’s/Screamin’ Eagle Harley-Davidson 54
4. Kenny Coolbeth, Screamin’ Eagle Harley-Davidson 52
5. Glen Schnabel, Harley-Davidson 46
6. Mike Hacker, Doc’s Harley-Davidson 37
7. Jared Mees, Texter HD/ Screamin’ Eagle Harley-Davidson 36
8. Shaun Russell, Bartels Harley-Davidson 31
9. Dominic Beaulac, Lombardi Harley-Davidson 29
Joe Kopp, Latus Harley-Davidson 29

In addition to the direct team sponsorship, Harley-Davidson will also provide support through professional flat track contingency and the Rider Support Verification Program (RSVP). Under the Screamin’ Eagle banner the support will total more than $140,000 throughout the 2006 season. This includes a contingency program for qualified Harley-Davidson XR750 riders on the AMA Flat Track series.


QUOTES FROM 1955–“I’ll tell you one thing, if things keep going the way they are, it’s going to be impossible to buy a week’s groceries for $20.”

“Have you seen the new cars coming out next year? It won’t be long before $2000 will only buy a used one.”

“If cigarettes keep going up in price, I’m going to quit. A quarter a pack is ridiculous.”

“Did you hear the post office is thinking about charging a dime just to mail a letter?”

“If they raise the minimum wage to $1, nobody will be able to hire outside help at the store.”

“When I first started driving, who would have thought gas would someday cost 29 cents a gallon. Guess we’d be better off leaving the car in the garage.”

“Kids today are impossible. Those duck tail hair cuts make it impossible to stay groomed. Next thing you know, boys will be wearing their hair as long as the girls.”

shamrock banner

SAFER ROADWAYS IN PENNSYLVANIA–Scranton Times-Tribune, USA – HARRISBURG – Technology is credited with making Pennsylvania’s roadways safer, but some motorcyclists are concerned one bit of high-tech gadgetry might be putting them at risk.

Intersections across the state increasingly rely on automated stoplights that are triggered to change from red to green when they detect an approaching vehicle. Many motorcycles, however, aren’t substantial enough to trigger the lights to change.

It leaves bikers with an unsettling choice: Take a chance by driving through the red light or wait for a larger vehicle to come along and trigger it to turn green.”And if you’re late for work, who’s going to wait 10 minutes for a car to come up behind you?” asked Josie Johnson, president of the Luzerne County chapter of the Alliance of Bikers Aimed Toward Education, a statewide motorcyclists’ advocacy group.

ABATE members say the state Department of Transportation is aware of the problem but has done little to address it. PennDOT spokesman Steve Chizmar said there is no easy solution.

Automated stoplights rely on metal-detecting cables that are laid in a loop pattern into the pavement of a traffic lane. The devices can be tweaked to make the cables more sensitive in detecting vehicles, Mr. Chizmar said, but if they are too sensitive they can be triggered by passing cars in other lanes.

“The bottom line is, if we turn up the sensitivity, it increases the chance for false readings,” he said. “There is not a fix-all solution to this.”

PennDOT advises motorcyclists to look for tell-tale markings in the roadway that indicate a loop is buried beneath. Stopping a bike closer to those marks, preferably on the outside edges of the traffic lane, can help trip the sensor, said Mr. Chizmar.

Bikers also can buy “green light triggers” – essentially powerful magnets – to attach to the underside of their motorcycles, but Ms. Johnson said the devices offer mixed results at best.

The issue is drawing attention from some state lawmakers, including Rep. Rick Geist, R-Blair, who chairs the House Transportation Committee.To examine the problem, Mr. Geist set up an experiment in his Altoona district in which two motorcycles of differing weights approached four intersections that use the automated lights. He said the heavier bike tripped two of the lights, while the lighter model tripped none.”We only looked at four intersections, and we’re talking thousands of these around the state,” Mr. Geist said. PennDOT did not have a tally on how many automated lights are in use statewide.

By law, if a motorcycle doesn’t trigger the light to turn green, the rider is allowed to treat it as a stop sign, proceeding through the red light once he has assured traffic is clear.

If an accident occurs, however, the motorcyclist likely will be found at fault because he went through the red light. And if a biker gets ticketed for driving through a red light, the burden is on the rider to prove the light wasn’t functioning properly.

“It’s a defensible ticket,” Mr. Geist said, “but it’s a pain in the heinie for these guys to have to go before a district magistrate and make their case to get themselves cleared.”

ABATE says the stoplights are becoming more problematic as more people opt for motorcycles over cars. Motorcycle registrations in the state have increased by nearly 50 percent during the past five years, totaling 318,283 in 2005, PennDOT records show.For now, bikers are left to balance convenience with safety, said Ms. Johnson.

“If you’re left sitting there and the light won’t trip, you have to take the chance of easing out of the light and hoping you don’t get broadsided,” she said.Adds Mr. Geist: “If a motorcycle ventures out into an intersection, it’s going to have a pretty tough time against an 18-wheeler.”

–from Rogue


BIG TWIN CUSTOMS INVITATIONAL–Do you enjoy watching all those bike-building shows on tv? Want to see 100 of the coolest custom-built bikes from around the world? Would you like to meet the builders who built these awesome machines?

Then check out Big Twin Customs Invitational, the premiere bike showcase featuring 100 bikes from the most innovative and creative builders in the world.

Spend a lot of time customizing your bike? Spend a lot of time flipping through magazines looking at the newest products you can put on your bike? Want to see 2007’s accessories and apparel before you read about them in magazines?Then check out Big Twin West , the largest American and Metric Big Twin tradeshow in the West. Most tradeshows are closed to the public but not Big Twin West! On Sunday, December 3, 2006 you’ll be able to walk the tradeshow floor, talk to exhibitors and preview next year’s products.

Don’t forget – free* registration for Big Twin West opens July 31, 2006! Spend three days in Las Vegas checking out the coolest custom built bikes from around the world, partying with your friends at the Industry Party and discovering the aftermarket accessories and apparel that won’t come out until 2007!

We don’t care how you do it – just get to Vegas this December!

american rider

Continued On Page 4

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July 13, 2006 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

scott al - bike 1

ALBRIGHT CYCLES COMES TO BIKERNET–My name is Scott Albright. I am the owner and only employee of Albright Bikes. I am located in Broomfield Colorado, which is a suburb of Denver. I have attached some photos of a couple bikes I recently finished this year and would like to get them put up on your site.

scott al - bike 2

Both bikes include many one off components that I made in house including the gas tanks, handlebars ,exhaust pipes, belt drives, and foot controls. I can be contacted at 303-618-5497 or you can send me an e-mail to Thanks for your consideration.

— Scott Albright

I told Scott that we would be proud to feature his bikes.–Bandit


BILLY LANE BREAKFAST NEEDS HUNGRY BIKERS–Just sending you a friendly reminder that Billy Lane’s Builder’s Breakfast Sponsored by is approaching us very soon. As you know, this one of a kind event will take place on Tuesday August 8, a mere 3 weeks away! We are all very proud of this charity event, and are honored that you have chosen to be a part of it. Bandit will be waiting tables.

Every notable builder under the sun will be there. This event supports the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and the Rapid City Childrens Hospital. You can buy tickets for the 1st Annual Billy Lane’s Builder’s Breakfast at On-line ticket sales close July 31. They’re only selling 200 online tickets, and 200 tickets will be sold at the door.

–Darcy Betlach & Jennifer Schneider

lvia scotts bike

BIKERNET LAWYER MEETS THE ORIGINAL GIRL OF BIKERNET–Was just going through all the shots Livia and I have shot together since she started modeling. We’ve shot way over 50 different motorcycles. Of all the shoots we’ve done the only Harley I can find is Scott’s bike. Every other bike was a ground-up custom.

Scott Well was voted the Attorney of the Year 2006, and is an excellent criminal attorney. That’s why the staff of Bikernet has him on retainer.



IRON BUFFALO BLUES BY CHARLIE BRECHTEL AVAILABLE IN STURGIS–Copperopolis, CA – Renowned motorcycle historian, musician and storyteller, Charlie Brechtel, will be releasing Iron Buffalo at the world famous Buffalo Chip Campground during their 25th Anniversary Celebration. Iron Buffalo is a fitting tribute to Indian Larry and Dave Mann.

The title track, Iron Buffalo will take you on a trip to Gasoline Alley where you can imagine Larry wrenching on a bike. Ghost Cowboy is a melodic journey to the wide-open spaces of the old west where you will see visions of the Ghost Rider, made famous by Dave Mann. Sonny Keaton, a true “Old School Biker and Bike Builder” collaborated with keyboardist Ray Ray Crow to compose a true biker anthem, Horses of Iron and Steel; this song is what being a biker is all about. The album also includes songs about Motorcycle Hall of Fame inductees along with future members of the Motorcycle Hall of Fame. It includes the 5-Ball Blues after Bandit.

This will be the third Album for the Charlie Brechtel Band, and with each song you will feel the wind in your face and the sweet vibration of the road. Charlie will take you on a journey through time and boundaries that have been closed to all but a chosen few, he will take you into the Inner Circle. Charlie also produces a weekly radio show on the Internet at and has a number of videos available.

To purchase your copy of Iron Buffalo or any of the other CD’s, DVD’s or listen to the radio show, go to



A FRESH START WITH PRECISION FRAMEWORKS– Precision Frameworks (PF) knows in order to win “Best In Show” you’ve got to start with the best frame. To continue to provide you with the best frames, Precision Frameworks has moved to a bigger location in St. Steger, Illinois, and expanded its services.

The new services include; producing rolling chassis and complete motorcycle builds, American V-twin customizing and service. Precision Frameworks will continue to build its award-winning frames as well as modify and repair any manufactured frame to your specifications.

For more information, contact: Precision Frameworks, (708) 754-0101,


HARDBIKES HITS THE BADLANDS HARD–Hardbikes is the place to be at the 2006 Sturgis Rally & Races! Hardbikes is located off Lazalle Street and will be open daily during the rally featuring a couple swinging chicks from the Girls of

Festivities include free pictures of you with the Hard Bodies of Bikernet on Hardbikes, paint demonstrations from Area 5150, fashion shows, burnouts and much more.

“You guys are going to like the show at Hardbikes,” said Bandit. “If the new line of custom motorcycles don’t choke your chicken then the Girls of Bikernet will.”

The Hardbikes parking lot will be filled with “must see” custom motorcycles from the 330 Neo Bobber to the hot rod 200 Bobber. What is unique about the Custom Hardbikes Motorcycles is that the buyer designs the bike from a complete A-list of custom parts. The dealer then works on the fitment for a completely original and custom fit motorcycle. Hardbikes then manufacturers the custom motorcycle to the exact specifications.

Melanie on Alan Lee’s bike by Peter Linney.

HEAVY POLICE PATROLS IN HOLLISTER–While many locals and visitors have complained that it seemed that law enforcement officers, rather than hordes of bikers, staged an invasion of Hollister this Fourth of July, Police Chief Jeff Miller said Friday the swarms of officers patrolling downtown streets during the unplanned biker rally were part of the department’s efforts to ensure public safety during an uncertain event.

“We didn’t know how many (bikers) where coming,” Miller said. “Hindsight is always 20/20. Our goal was to make sure things were safe.”

Miller, who has come under fire this week from city officials and residents for what many perceived as overpolicing during the unofficial rally, said that dozens of rumors had police preparing for the worst-case scenario.

“One rumor was that the bikers would all ride in at the same time and park their bikes in the middle of (San Benito Street), effectively closing down the street,” Miller said. “We were also hearing that the Hell’s Angels and the Mongols were coming to ‘teach the city a lesson.’ We had to have officers available to prevent the problems that everyone had been predicting.”

Hollister Mayor Robert Scattini told the Free Lance earlier this week that he was “embarrassed” to be the city’s mayor after receiving dozens of complaints from local citizens and visiting bikers about overzealous law enforcement. Others have complained that bored cops punished the bikers with tickets and citations for coming to the canceled rally.

Miller, who organized public safety for the rally, said law enforcement officials did their best to adapt once it became apparent that the crowds were smaller than expected. He said fewer officers were on patrol for this year’s event than for the 2005 rally and that the number of officers on the street decreased each day after the hordes of bikers failed to materialize.

“We adjusted each day to what we saw,” Miller said. “But Friday was the big unknown.”

For most of Friday, police outnumbered motorcyclists, prompting some locals to drive around the city with a “Police Rally” sign on their truck.

Hollister resident and motorcyclist Joe Love called the influx of police officers “massive overkill.”


billy Grinding

BILLY LANE DOWNLOADABLE TO YOUR CINGULAR PHONE– MELBOURNE, FL – Cingular Wireless, North America’s largest wireless operator with over 55 million subscribers, has launched a series of downloadable mobile phone wallpapers featuring custom motorcycle legend Billy Lane and his Choppers Inc. brand. The content includes various high-quality images of some of Lane’s wildest chopper creations, his world-famous “hubless” wheel and various hand-made parts, and a series of original Choppers Inc. logos and artwork. Lane and Choppers Inc. teamed up with leading wireless entertainment provider Motek Mobile to produce and manage the brand’s wireless initiatives.

“At shows across the US, I see so many people who ask for pictures of the bikes, but because they rode to the show they can’t carry a poster or a book with them, the phone downloads allow them to take a piece of Choppers Inc home” said Lane.

Lane, the world famous “East Coast Chopper Kingpin” and his Choppers Inc. brand have appeared on numerous TV shows and specials including Monster Garage, Biker Build Off, Miami Ink, and his very own “Billy Lane Project” program on Discovery Channel. Billy leads the Blood Sweat & Gears Tour across the US and Choppers Inc have also been featured hundreds of times in premium motorcycle magazines like Easyriders, V-Twin and American Iron. Billy has also enjoyed huge success with his best-selling book titled “Chop Fiction”.

The downloads are available from Cingular’s Media Mall web site at and directly through mobile phone browsers for Cingular Wireless subscribers. To check out available downloads you can also visit www,

Lane’s Blood Sweat & Gears Tour will be set up at the world famous Broken Spoke Saloon in Sturgis South Dakota during this August at the Sturgis Rally & Races. Blood Sweat & Gears is powered by Dodge and sponsored by Activision, House of Kolor and Carolina Harley-Davidson.

Billy Lane’s Choppers Inc is located in Melbourne; FL. Billy has been in the motorcycle business since 1995. Choppers Inc holds 7 US patents and distributes high quality parts globally. Blood Sweat & Gears Tour is owned and copyrighted by Psycho Billy LLC, affiliated with Choppers Inc and Billy Lane.

broken spoke logo

CELEBRITY BIKE BUILDER BARTENDER COMPETITION–The Broken Spoke Saloon on Lazelle and the New SturgisCounty Line is hosting the first annual:Celebrity Bike Builder BartenderFundraiser to benefit the Foothills Assisted Livingfacility in Sturgis, South Dakota

Bike Builders and industry legends we need you!!!

Here’s what the fundraiser is all about:Celebrity bike builders and industry legends team upwith another builder friend and serve cold beers andcocktails, alongside a gorgeous Broken SpokeBartender. All for a Good Cause! And all proceedswill benefit the local rest home. Let’s Give Back tothe Sturgis Community! This Assisted Living Facilityneeds our help.

Further to our e-mail sent in May regarding the abovefundraiser, we would like to firm up your commitmentand schedule for this fantastic fundraiser event. (The same e-mail that we sent also talked about ournew location, our photo wall and vendor space.)

The available time slots for our special first annualfundraiser are: any ONE shift from 8pm – 10pm -Saturday August 5th through Saturday August 12th.Note that on Wednesday, August 9th, the time slot is10p-11p due to the Kids & Chrome Charity.

Please contact us and advise us what your availabilitywill be. Let us know who you’d like to be teamed upwith, too. We NEED YOUR RESPONSE RIGHT AWAY!

Hey, this is for a super great cause, it’ll be areally fun time, and you’ll have an awesome, hottiebartender to back you up!

We will also follow-up with a phone call. Pleaseeither respond to this e-mail with your availabilityor call Sasha at 615-226-5800.

Thanks so much for your interest!
Jay Allen and the Broken Spoke Saloon staff.
520-432-1708 – main office

SFT ProStreet black with logo3

BAD IN BLACK BASSANI–Hot Rod Softail riders are really going to get off on these new BLACK THERMAL COATED PRO-STREET pipes from Bassani. Aggressive Hot Rod styling combined with superior exhaust flow characteristics put the latest from Bassani in a class all their own. Offered for all Softail models, Bassani PRO-STREET pipes feature 16-gauge steel construction with stepped head pipes, slant or straight cut tips and

Bassani’s unique tunable/replaceable flow-through baffle system. PRO-STREET PIPES finished in this state-of-the-art coating retail for $569.00 and are available exclusively from North County Customs. Call 866-439-4287 or catch them on the Web at


KURYAKYN ISO FLAME GRIPS–Thunder Bob here and do I have something that will make an impact on your Harley. It’s the Flame ISO Grips from Kuryakyn. Not only do these flame grips come with a soft and cushy raised rubber pads, they are finished off with a Maltese Cross emblazoned end cap.

The grips come with option like the very popular ISO-Throttle Boss, which greatly aids your hand on those long rides to the next rally. They certainly helped mine on my last ride from LA to Vegas.

–Bob Osias
Metric Thunder

Get your ISO Grips here and all of your Kuryakyn accessories.

BIKERNET RADIO LIVE FROM LA CALENDAR SHOW–I’ll be at the LA Calendar show with Bandit this weekend doing interviews for Bikernet Radio. Check in at”> Bikernet Radio talking Bonneville racing.

—Thunder Bob Out

Horse Banner

Continued On Page 3

Read More

July 13, 2006 Part 1




It’s the grandiose LA Calendar Show weekend. Bikes were shipped in from Hawaii. Magazine editors flew in from back east. The sun is shinning, the LA Calendar Fast Dates Girls are lined up to hit the Park in front of the Queen Mary for this grand custom bike extravaganza.

The Bikernet Radio team are flying in from North Carolina and Orange County to interview anyone with a terrific story, cutting edge technology or extreme cleavage. I’m a Bike Show judge, don’t talk to me. I’m under severe pressure.


Hope to see you there. We just received a new batch of stickers from Chris Tronolone, a wild outlaw from Hawaii. We’ve got lots of shit to give away. Let’s hit the news.


I’d like to congratulate Bob Dron (above) and his lovely wife Tracy, on their all-new Oakland H-D/Big Dog store in one of the roughest neighborhoods in the country. He’s been located just off the Oakland Airport for decades. They’ve done a helluva job.

New king

NEW HARLEYS FOR 2007– Harley-Davidson will launch the Twin Cam 96, an all-new Big Twin engine, as it introduces its 2007 line of motorcycles. The Twin Cam 96 will power all models in the Harley-Davidson Dyna, Softail and Touring product families, each of which will also feature the 6-speed Cruise Drive transmission. New motorcycles for 2007 include two VRSC models, the all-new FXSTC Softail Custom, and a limited-edition model celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Sportster introduction.

— Tina Albinger
Harley-Davidson Motor Company

SD cutie by bike

Photo from

EASYRIDERS CELEBRATES 20 YEARS OF RODEO ACTION–Newbury Park, Calif. – Easyriders Events announces its 20th Anniversary Motorcycle Rodeo Tour slated for the summer of 2006 and proudly presented by Lucas Motorcycle Oil Products. The tour kicks off in Wilson, N.C., at the Wilson County Fairgrounds from July 14-16, where more than 7,500 motorcycle enthusiasts are expected to converge for three days of on-site camping, rodeo competition, live entertainment, monster truck shows and a myriad of other activities.

As showcased on the Speed Channel’s V-Twin TV series and 2-Wheel Tuesdays, the Easyriders Rodeo Tour features motorcycle rodeo competition by the World Champion Tabor family from Ohio pitting up against acclaimed custom motorcycle builder Kendall Johnson, who has been featured on the Discovery Channel’s Biker Build-Off series. The Tabors, who have gone undefeated more times than any other Rodeo team in history, and numerous members of the Associated Rodeo Riders on Wheels (ARROW) will compete against Johnson in the Rodeo’s most grueling race event, the 1,000-pound sled pull. Other rodeo events include the slow race, keg derby and tire ride, and the popular motorized barstool races.

“Kendall Johnson’s involvement with this year’s Rodeo Tour will lend to the most intensely competitive racing we’ve ever seen. After 20 years of outdoor motorcycle rodeos, we are approaching this year’s tour unlike ever before – with more of everything that has made these events a mainstay in the industry since 1986. The motorcycle enthusiast won’t want to miss the 2006 tour with all the attractions we have lined up,” stated John Green, president of Easyriders Events.The Wilson County Fairgrounds is busily readying their facilities in preparation of the arrival of thousands of bikers and lovers of the motorcycle lifestyle. The groundsare being revamped to expand the midway, parking areas and campground, which boasts wild and uninhibited partying and is otherwise known as the zoo.

“Easyriders Rodeos are strictly 18-and-over events that offer unparalleled opportunity for participants to transcend their normal everyday lives and really let their hair down. For many, these rodeos are an annual getaway from work, the kids and the stresses of everyday life,” said Green.

Between Rodeo competitions, live performances by bands, including Magic Red, Toyz, Peach Brandy Band and the Led Zeppelin tribute band, Kashmir, a multitude of vendors showcasing the latest in motorcycle industry wares, ride-in bike shows, trophy girl contests, food and beer on sale and on-site camping, the July 14-16 Rodeo in Wilson, N.C., is a veritable city offering something for every participant without the need to go anywhere outside of the event gates. According to Dell Joyner, pillar in the community and member of the Wilson County Chamber of Commerce, “When the Easyriders Rodeo Tour rolls into Wilson each year, the local economy booms with revenues estimated at over $1 million as a direct result of the event. And everyone has a big fun time!”

Easyriders Events is licensed to Action Promotions, Inc., a Florida corporation that specializes in motorcycle entertainment for Easyriders, V-Twin and their related publications exclusively.

–from Rogue


MAJOR LOS ANGELES GASOLINE ALLEY DEALERSHIP FOR SALE-That’s right, LA County Chop Rods, Saxon, Swift, Hell Bound, Titan, Independance and more, dealership is for sale right across Lincoln Blvd from Bartels’ Harley-Davidson in exclusive Marina Del Rey less than _ mile from the water.

Gard Hollinger is not going out of business, but changing his focus to building wild customs and cutting edge parts in his Torrence facility. “Running both shops slows me down,” Gard said. “My heart is in being a builder and designer, not running a dealership.” The 2,000 square foot state-of-the-art, service department with two roll-up doors handles Big Dog and American Iron Horse service work.

The 4,000 sq. ft. shop was remodeled to the tune of $80,000 four years ago. The lot has 2,500 sq. ft. of parking and additional parking is available in the back and on Lincoln Boulevard. The lease is still good for a year with an option for the future. The parts department holds a complete Light Speed dealer computer system and all the cool point of purchase display and ready to rock.

The price, more than reasonable. Shit, I wanted to jump into the deal myself, but the girls held me back.

–Gard Hollinger
Shop (310) 822-4220



ON LINE, ALL CLASS GAMBLING AND YOU COULD WIN A $7000 ENGINE–A HOT new RevTech engine for $50.00!!! That’s right, Bikernet and Hot Aces Casino are sponsoring a contest to win a new $7,000 HOT ROD, REVTECH engine. Just go to register, make a $50.00 deposit* you will then have a chance to win this great engine. Not only that, but make your $50.00 deposit and Hot Aces Casino will add an additional $25.00 bonus. So $50.00 = $75.00=A chance to win a new engine and who knows perhaps a jackpot or royal flush or a great day at the tables!!!

Click here register, make your $50.00 deposit and enter the code ENGINE. You will be automatically entered into the drawing. Drawing to be held July 14, 2006.


*see promotion terms and conditions at


LIFESTYLE CYCLES COMPLIMENT–Junior is a man of his word. I picked up my bike and rode the hell out of it all day Sunday and it still had more to give…they got the service done and patched up the oil leaks, although I think my new starter is leaking oil again this is the third one, no big deal.

I guess I will give them another try next month when I need the 7500mi service. Junior was a good stand up guy…He wants to look at my carb and intake to put some ‘JR’ touches on it. After he rode it he had some ideas on how to smooth out some lean spots but since it was together and ran good I opted for the ‘rain check’ on the work…

I thought, let me free my bike while I can and ride…Thanks again.


rebel paint progress

BUELL/SPORTY REPORT COMING–Haven’t flaked on you. I’ll get that information. Spent the weekend working on paint and stuff of importance like that.

Bike is on the final clear coat. Had a couple defects that needed to be sanded out and re-sprayed, plus it was too humid to paint for awhile too. We are painting by hanging the parts outside his shop 🙂 What do you expect from a bunch of fucking bikers? At least we have a spray gun and not cans in our hands.

I’ll send you a teaser of the sheetmetal. This is after the first clear, so it’s not a smooth or shinny as it will be.


reed valve1

FAMOUS S&S CYCLE REED VALVE–Making your Evolution big twin style engine breathe better and have considerably less oil carryover is easy with the new S&S Reed Valve. Designed as an upgraded replacement for rotary breather gears, the reed valve lets your engine breathe based on crankcase pressure not timing.

Since the S&S reed valve just slides in place, there is no timing mark alignment and no rotating parts. With three steel reeds that open on the down-stroke of the piston, air and oil can into the cam chest quickly and easily. When the piston changes direction, the vacuum closes the reeds preventing air from entering the crankcase and maintaining pressure that improves scavenging.

— Contact 608 627-1497

BIKERNET MAGNETO CONNECTION, MORRIS MAGNETOS–If you need a mag for any application contact Morris Magnetos at or

103 Washington Street, Morristown, NJ 07960
FAX 973-605-8910

Valerie best

GIRL POWER BIKERNET RACERS– I just spoke with Valarie Thomas of V-T Racegirl and she mentioned you have a team called GIRL POWER. How cool. You should keep your friend Gina in the loop when you do stuff like this.

Anyway I have been putting on one-day events together for the last couple of years or so and do a pretty damn good job, see attached.Well this year (as I theme each event something different) we are doing a build ?Off, NO wait – I know what you are thinking but this is different.

This is a first time done- bike build in one day by 4 renowned WOMEN bike builders!Chickie- Vagabond Choppers, Shorty, Gypsy & painter Crazy Horse Painting – Joanne

Valarie said she would come in for this ..
Sara Lyons said she would come in for this
Colleen Swartz will be photographing
Sara Liberte has a conflicting schedule
Karen Davidson is checking her schedule
Jean Davidson will be approached
Bikes Choice is giving the “Kit Bike”
IMBBA – Jeff Starke collaborating on this event with me ..sending out newsletter to all bike builders in his association this weekend re this event!

Bike Builders from all over -shops, custom etc. And we are talking with Pixel Bros (ABC TV) Studios and E TV to come and shoot it!

–Gina Woods
Open Road Radio, Inc
P.O.Box 706
Bensenville, IL. 60101
Sunday 8-9 pm (CDT) WCKG 105.9 FM
PH: 630/833/9889 FX: 630/833/8898
Cell: 630/935/7257


THUNDERROAD VENDING SPACES STILL AVAILABLE–We still have a few vending spots left. 20×40 for$3400 (FOR THE ENTIRE WEEK) and a few smaller spots available as well. Call me at 970-227-3588 or e-mail

THUNDERROAD is perhaps the most happening location in Sturgis with Strokers Dallas on hand, Biker Magazine Penthouse show, Mike Lichter’s Display and Bikernet Radio there to interview you.

–J. Ken Conte
Rise Above Consulting LLC
PO Box 355
Severance CO,80546

ro jo headgear

MILWAUKEE MAN MAKES DRINKING SO MUCH FUN!–With that said – Put-on some BLACK LEATHER CHAPS SET your Butt Down on a comfortable Motorcycle SEAT GRAB your Vibrating Control Unit and here I GO!!! First, the introductory I’m Randall Flann, Mad Randy, KEGHEAD; America’s Salvador Dali and a Milwaukee, Wisconsin Inventor that was issued a United States Patent on October 19, 1999, for a liquid dispensing device worn on the head.

The patented invention trademark name: RoFo Headgear. Pronounced R_F_.

ro jo headgear pouring

Its? slogan: RoFo Headgear ? the only hat that gives good head of foam! World’s Most Famous Beverage Container. It’s a lightweight plastic beverage container that holds, transports and dispenses a beverage in a safe, efficient manner while worn on the head.

cell phone sign

RECENT ADMENDMENTS TO MURPHY’S LAW–Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appearbright until you hear them speak. Duh………..

He who laughs last, thinks slowest.

A day without sunshine is like, well, night.

Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.

Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don’t.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

Just remember: if the world didn’t suck, we’d all fall off.

The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting somethingright, there’s a 90% probability you’ll get it wrong.

If the shoe fits, get another one just like itat half the price.The things that come to those that wait may be the things left by thosewho got there first.

The shin bone is a device for finding furniture.

A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well.

When you go into court, you are putting yourself in the hands of 12people who weren’t smart enough to get out of jury duty.

–from Bob T

Lepera Banner

Continued On Page 2

Read More

July 6, 2006 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

Brave 6a

CYRIL HUZE FEATURE COMMENTS–Just finished checking out your feature on the IAFF tribute bike–great photos and commentary. As an IAFF officer, I wanted to make one suggestion/request. Is there any chance you could remove the reference to WalMart and just say that Berry Wardlaw was “standing in a store buying BBQ shit”?

I ask because the IAFF is a labor organization and WalMart is pretty much the enemy of all union members including us fire fighters. On behalf of IAFF members everywhere, I thank you for the fine article and I look forward to seeing the bike at convention.



sturgis MM

STURGIS MOTORCYCLE MUSEUM NEW RAFFLE OFFER— June 2006 – – The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame is introducing an exciting new raffle opportunity for history buffs and gun collectors with the goal of raising additional funds for the Museum.

The Museum will raffle off a pair of custom 45 caliber pistols on November 9th during its annual Open House. The beautiful, one-of-a-kind revolvers have the Museum logo engraved both on the barrels and cylinders. Only 1,000 tickets will be offered at $5.00 each.

Known as the City of Riders, Sturgis has a rich and spirited history which includes the Native people, cavalry, pony express, cowboys and ranchers, and bikers. The Museum, whose mission is to preserve the history of motorcycling, recognizes the similar nuances between the lifestyles of yesterday’s riders and today’s, and pays homage to our past with these commemorative pieces.

sturgis mm pistols

The drawing will be right before the Holiday Season begins. It will be a great opportunity to give that special person a unique gift, as well as help the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum help itself through this fund raising effort.Tickets are available on the Museum’s online gift shop or by telephone 605.347.2001.

pimp keys

PIMP YOUR KEY WORLDWIDE–PIMP your RIDE, PIMP your BIKE, you might as well PIMP your KEY! Intimes of pimping everything the ignition, key for the top-class toyshould, in fact, be pimped too. Of course, a complete custom key wouldbe even better. Whether a heavy, noble serial Harley or a custom bike,they have one thing in common: A simple piece of metal as the key tobring them to life.

Enough of that! Dangling on a leather strap the pimp key shows that youthink big!Heavy, noble and individual it adapts to the biker’s attitude of lifeand finally tops a relationship which already had the touch of beingperfect. Like the most noble custom parts, this key is forged under aload weighting tons, hand-polished and then refined.

Starting from incredible 59,95 US $//59 o you can get either astate-of-the-art chrome, black chrome, satin chrome or a 24 carat goldcoating. Once the closure of the original key has been scanned andcopied to the pimp key, the piece of metal which you have got for freewith your top-class bike, is out of use and may rust in your tool box.

Invented by German high-end parts manufacturer Speed-point, thePimp-key craze is now spreading worldwide. Following the Europeanintroduction in spring 2006 the American premiere at Daytona Bike Week 06turned out to be a huge success and several Harley-Davidson andCustom bike-Dealers in the US already joined the dedicated Pimp-Keyfollowers by placing the sales promoting Pimp Key displays on theircounter. Large volume dealer orders are currently served by Speed-pointdirectly, talks with the main distributing companies in the US and Europeare under way while a network of easy-to-access websites

With already more than 500 Pimp-Key outlets worldwide, there’s still alot of unpimped Key’s left, so why not join now?

–Speed-point Motorradtechnik GmbH
Oeger St.71
58642 Iserlohn

Cruising International
1000 North Beach Street
Daytona Beach FL 32117-5043
Phone: 386-254-8753
Fax: 386-255-2460



ON LINE, ALL CLASS GAMBLING AND YOU COULD WIN A $7000 ENGINE–A HOT new RevTech engine for $50.00!!! That’s right, Bikernet and Hot Aces Casino are sponsoring a contest to win a new $7,000 HOT ROD, REVTECH engine. Just go to register, make a $50.00 deposit* you will then have a chance to win this great engine. Not only that, but make your $50.00 deposit and Hot Aces Casino will add an additional $25.00 bonus. So $50.00 = $75.00=A chance to win a new engine and who knows perhaps a jackpot or royal flush or a great day at the tables!!!

Click here register, make your $50.00 deposit and enter the code ENGINE. You will be automatically entered into the drawing. Drawing to be held July 14, 2006.


*see promotion terms and conditions at

big dog poster

BIG DOG HITS ESPN2– Attached is a jpeg of the ESPN2 info for you. ESPN2 followed the build of the bike down the production line from frames to graphics to assembly to a test ride with Nick. The package on ESPN2 is part of a broader cable TV advertising schedule that will introduce and build the brand to millions of men.

–Paul Hansen
Big Dog Marketing Director

Big Dog Banner

ANOTHER NOISE RESTRICTION LAW–23130. (a) No person shall operate a motor vehicle under any condition of grade, load, acceleration, or deceleration in such a manner as to exceed the following noise limit for the category of motor vehicle within the speed limits specified in this section:

(2) Any motorcycle other than a motor-driven cycle at a speed limit of 45 or less….. 82 dbA. Any motorcycle other than a motor-driven cycle at a speed limit of 45 or more….. 86 dbA.

(b) The noise limits established by this section shall be based on a distance of 50 feet from the center of the lane of travel within the speed limit specified in this section. The Department of the California Highway Patrol may provide for measuring at distances other than 50 feet from the center of the lane of travel. In such a case, the measurement shall be corrected so as to provide for measurements equivalent to the noise limit established by this section measured at 50 feet. 23130.5.

(a) The noise limits, within a speed zone of 35 miles per hour or less on level streets, or streets with a grade not exceeding plus or minus 1 percent, shall be:

(2) Any motorcycle other than a motor-driven cycle….. 77 dbA

27150.8. The manufacturers of motorcycles and motorcycle accessories shall certify to the department that the exhaust system is in compliance with the standards and regulations adopted by the commissioner.

27200. (a) The Department of Motor Vehicles shall not register on a dealer’s report of sale a new motor vehicle which produces a maximum noise exceeding the applicable noise limit at a distance of 50 feet from the centerline of travel under test procedures established by the Department of the California Highway Patrol.

27201. For the purposes of Section 27200, the noise limit of 92 dbA shall apply to any motorcycle manufactured before 1970.

27202. For the purposes of Section 27200, the following noise limits shall apply to any motorcycle, other than a motor-driven cycle, manufactured:
(1) After 1969, and before 1973….. 88 dbA
(2) After 1972, and before 1975….. 86 dbA
(3) After 1974, and before 1986….. 83 dbA
(4) After 1985….. 80 dbA

Some of this seems to conflict with itself. There seems to be two separate noise levels for 35MPH streets. The first place they say under 45, but isn’t 35 under 45. If these are still the correct worded rules that might give room for and ambiguity challenge.



KIDS & CHROME CHARITY EVENT ATTRACTS MAJOR SPONSORS DURING STURGIS MOTORCYCLE RALLY IN SUPPORT OF NEW SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL–Anheuser-Busch’s Budweiser Brand Signs on as a 2006 Sponsor.Sioux Falls, S.D. (June, 2006) Children’s Care Hospital & School is excited to announce that Anheuser-Busch’s Budweiser brand has signed on as a 2006 sponsor of its annual Kids & Chrome benefit for children with special needs.

Established to help fund the construction of a new children’s hospital in Rapid City, S.D., this year’s Kids & Chrome fundraising event will take place during the 2006 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally on Aug. 9, at the Black Hills Convention Center near Sturgis in Spearfish, S.D. Tickets cost $177.50 and can be ordered online at or by calling 605.782.2331.

“Budweiser is honored to support this years Kids & Chrome benefit,” said Tony Jones, senior director of community outreach for Anheuser-Busch, Inc. “The creation of a new area facility will allow Children’s Care Hospital & School to expand the availability of its services to benefit even more children with special needs.”

Participants will enjoy cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and a four-star dinner as they bid on a wide variety of silent auction items including high-end motorcycle components, riding gear, vacation packages, art and more. There will also be a raffle drawing for a Jerry Covington one-of-a-kind custom motorcycle, and a Thunder Mountain slammed custom-bagger motorcycle during the event. Single tickets for the Covington Custom motorcycle cost $100, and a bundle of six can be purchased for $500 (1,000 tickets available). Tickets for the Thunder Mountain Customs motorcycle cost $20, or $50 for three (2,500 tickets available). Tickets can be purchased online or over the phone (participants need not be present to win).

rolling sixes

NEW BIKERNET 5-BALL BONNEVILLE RACING SPONSORS–We are about to feature a bike from Jerry and Ellis of Rollin Sixes Custom Choppers. It’s a hot Frisco styled, highbar Evo. Jerry and Ellis also stepped up to the plate and made some of their grips and pegs available to our 120-inch Panhead. These puppies are set up so you can change the logo on the end whenever the mood or the paint on your bike changes. I’m running the Iron Cross because of the Eye Candy Taillight I have. Nothin’ like makin’ stuff match. Both their grips and pegs are super long for no namby-pamby grip.>
239-770-6024 FL
216-375-3644 OH


girlie aircleaner

Also another item just flew in the door for the first Sportbike Panhead to be run at Bonneville. This puppy is amazing. It’s a high performance air cleaner, billet manufactured and adorned with a logo we’ve all loved forever. What could be better. He builds them with several different logos including a tattoo spider web and more.


It was manufactured by a new Bikernet Bonneville Sponsor: Two-Bit Choppers, Justin Schilling
(970) 587-5867


UNDERCOVER STEALTH BIKERNET REPORTER INVESTIGATES STEALTH BIKE WORKS IN NC–It is a short week here at STEALTH BIKE WORKS. “THE MEANEAST” and I went to Myrtle Beach for the holiday. It was a needed break and it was nice to get away for a few days.

Back here at the shop we are closing in on finishing the ’78 Shovel project. All that is left are small details. So far it has turned out real nice. It came to us last December in about 4 or 5 boxes! It has been a fun project for all of us.

We are preparing for STEALTH BIKE WORKS First Annual “No Class” Bike Show. The show is Sunday July 23rd. Free entry fee, free food, door prizes, and music. It is a way for all of us at SBW to say “Thanks” to all of our customers. Handmade awards will be given to the top 3 bikes and one award for best of show. No complicated classes or rules. The only rule is “NO TRAILER QUEENS!” The bike has to be ridden into the parking lot and that doesn’t mean unloading across the street and riding in!

One little tidbit. SBW got our first order on line today from our website, we are getting high tech!

Not much else to report on this week except have any of you noticed all the people who are riding with flip-flops? Evidently these people have never seen what skin looks like when it comes in contact with pavement? Use some common sense when you ride, nothing wrong with flip-flops, they just were not designed with riding a bike in mind! Enough said!

Until next week, RIDE!

cutie on bike

SNATCH THE WRENCHES, IT’S TIME TO BUILD–The news was short, Whatta break. I’m splashin’ water in my face (it’s hot) and hitting the shop. Tonight when it cools down I’m going to launch a tough-looking bike feature. Nothing glitzy, it’s just a rusty rigid. Oh, I have a feature on Dave Perewitz’s new shop open house with some amazing art work. I’ll try to kick it off.

We have more Girls of Bikernet features coming to the Cantina. We’re trying to find the last three chapters of Jaqhama’s story Florida Haze and I’ll write another Bonneville bikes update for Saturday. Hang on.

Ride Forever,


Read More

July 6, 2006 Part 2


Continued From Page 1


STURGIS TOO SOON–29 days till we haul ass for Sturgis! Springer shot in Deadwood 2004 and photoshop’d onto Rushmore .

Ride Hard Bros,
Whiplash Biker Photog

V-Rod Wide Tire Kit 11

NEW WIDE REAR TIRE KIT FOR HARLEY-DAVIDSON V-ROD–MILWAUKEE (May 29, 2006) – The new V-Rod Wide Rear Tire Kit ($3,495.95) from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories gives many 2005-06 Harley-Davidson VRSC V-Rod models the same menacing, full-fender look first offered on the 2006 Screamin’ Eagle V-Rod model. The kit includes a Dunlop D419 240R/18 rear tire to replace the standard Dunlop 180/55ZR18 74W tire, plus an 18-inch Reactor five-spoke custom rear wheel and matching Reactor sprocket, a chrome wide-tire swingarm, a chrome sprocket compensator bowl, chrome upper and lower belt guards, 38mm-stroke shock absorbers, and a primed rear fender.

No frame or powertrain alterations are required for installation. Rear fender color-matched painting service may be arranged through the Harley-Davidson Spectrum Paint Program. Add a matching Reactor 19-inch front wheel (sold separately) for a complete custom conversion.

A V-Rod Wide Rear Tire Kit is available to fit 2006 VRSCA and VRSCD models (P/N 43687-06), and 2005 VRSCA and VRSCB models (P/N 43820-05). A new Fender Base Plate Kit (P/N 51098-06, $129.95) fits the wider fender and provides the attachment point for upright and luggage rack options. See dealer for ordering and fitment details.

For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.


CHAIRMAN SUBMITS A REQUEST TO BIKERNET–Hey Bandit I’m a one of the chairman for the American Biker Party and I would like to know how to put or can you put our web sit on your web site. Check it out for yourself it’s

We would appreciate it, if you can do this. I also have been a subscriber for three years and think your web site is a really righteous site.

— Frank (Claim Jumper) Rios

No problem. This is a free Bikernet Service, available to anyone who is cool. There’s only one problem, waking up Snake to get the job done. May take a couple of weeks.–Bandit

rose bowl front

REPORT IS IN ON HOT BIKE ROSE BOWL BIKE FEST–The Hot Bike Rose Bowl Bikefest June 24th and 25th was the place to be if you were looking for the biggest and the best manufactures and vendors that the West Coast has to offer.

Horse Power Promotions and R.G Canning Events put on this two day motorcycle marketplace and custom bike show at the world famous Rose Bowl in Pasadena, CA.

After outgrowing previous So Cal venues for the West Coast Super Show, Hot Bike Magazine decided to give the Rose Bowl a shot. The outside circle was filled with vendors and manufactures like Performance Machine, American Iron Horse, Big Dog, Saxon, Incubus Alloy, and Havoc Industries and over a hundred more booths with everything to fill your needs.

Glendale Harley-Davidson Buell one of the major sponsors had some of their inventory on display as well as info on the Love Ride 2006. Lifestyle Cycles the events other major sponsor had a stage in the middle of their area with a non-stop work being done to motorcycles. Saturday S&S replaced one of their motor that had over 100,000 mile with a brand new one. The old motor is going to be displayed at the S&S museum. Lifestyle Cycles also had a fashion show with some hot women wearing the hottest new riding apparel.

Live music rocked the sponsored music stage all weekend long while David Chaves International Trials Pro thrilled crowds with his balance and agility on his stunt course.

rose bowl cuties

The Martin Bros were the featured builders of the show making the long trip from Texas. Scott Long and Trevelen showed off their Discovery bikes along with other top builders like Gard Hollinger, Jesse Rooke and Tom Foster.

Maxim Magazine hottie Kerri Kasem was on hand to take pictures and sign some autographs, as if the warm summer weekend needed more heat.

Incubus and Martin Bros Alloy awarded the top bikes in the custom bike show with one of kind handcrafted trophies.

If you are into 2-wheeled machines then check out for more info on up and coming events

5 ball racing logo bw

BIKERNET 5-BALL RACING TEAM ART CHANGES–Here’s the 2 versions of the art with the type roughed in.One with at the bottom and one with it on the helmet.Had to take the snaps off the helmet to fit it in.


If you like one, I’ll clean up the type and make it fit the image better, then color it.I’ll have to change the way it was colored from before to work the orange 5-Ball in.


Let us know which one you like, or your thoughts. –Bandit


WHITEHORSE CHRISTMAS IN JULY SALE–Place an order online between now and midnight on Thursday, July 20, 2006, and save 10% on all regular-priced merchandise. Follow the link below to search or browse our online catalog for apparel, gear, tools, gadgets, books, and accessories. The special 10% discount will not appear on our checkout page, but we will deduct 10% when we process your order. This is a rare chance to get a reduced price on that special item from our catalog that you’ve always wanted, but you must follow this link. .July Christmas Sale link or refer to EN0610 to qualify for the discount.

charlie bretchel cover

NEW BIKER TUNES COMING TO STURGIS–Copperopolis, CA – Renowned motorcycle historian, musician and storyteller, Charlie Brechtel, will be releasing Iron Buffalo at the world famous Buffalo Chip Campground during their 25th Anniversary Celebration. Iron Buffalo is a fitting tribute to Indian Larry and David Mann. The title track, Iron Buffalo will take you on a trip to Gasoline Alley where you can imagine Larry wrenching on a bike. Ghost Cowboy is a melodic journey to the wide-open spaces of the old west where you will see visions of the Ghost Rider, made famous by Dave Mann.

Sonny Keaton, a true “Old School Biker and Bike Builder” collaborated with keyboardist Ray Ray Crow to compose a true biker anthem, Horses of Iron and Steel; this song is what being a biker is all about. The album also includes songs about Motorcycle Hall of Fame inductees along with future members of the Motorcycle Hall of Fame.

This will be the third Album for the Charlie Brechtel Band, and with each song you will feel the wind in your face and the sweet vibration of the road. Charlie will take you on a journey through time and boundaries that have been closed to all but a chosen few, he will take you into the Inner Circle. Charlie also produces a weekly radio show on the Internet at and has a number of videos available.

To purchase your copy of Iron Buffalo or any of the other CD’s, DVD’s or listen to the radio show, go to

space shuttle

BIKERNET REPORTER EMBEDDED IN SHUTTLE INVESTIGATION–The Space Shuttle Just Took Off.We watched it from our front yard. Not big as close-up, but still very Impressive.


screamin eagle

COOLBETH RIDES SCREAMIN’ EAGLE HARLEY-DAVIDSON TO SECOND CONSECUTIVE VICTORY IN LAKE ODESSA–LAKE ODESSA, Michigan (July 3, 2006) – Last week Screamin’ Eagle Flat Track rider Kenny Coolbeth didn’t even qualify for the AMA Ford Quality Checked Flat Track Twins championship series event at Allen County Fairgrounds in Lima, Ohio.

This week Coolbeth did everything he could to forget what happened in Ohio. Winning a race goes a long way toward healing a missed event, and Coolbeth took advantage of that on Sunday during the fourth round of the AMA Flat Track championship season. Coolbeth finished on top of the podium at I-96 Speedway, collecting his first victory of the season and his first as a Harley-Davidson factory rider. It was his second consecutive win at that track.

“It was such an exciting race and I still can’t believe we got the win,” Coolbeth said. “It hasn’t even really sunk in yet and I’m just so proud to be able to give my new team an event win. Everything was going well for us in Lake Odessa and it was a blast riding out there. I didn’t want the race to end. I could have kept going for a few more laps at least.”

Coolbeth took home two wins as well as four other podium finishes in 2005. He said this victory, however, was even more special.

“It was a dream of mine to race on this factory Harley-Davidson team and it means a lot to be able to earn my first win with this crew,” Coolbeth said. “We have championship goals and winning this race helped re-energize those goals.”

The win aided Coolbeth’s major jump up in the AMA Flat Track point standings. Coolbeth was ninth going into the weekend’s event. He walked away from the event in third place, behind points leader Chris Carr and Screamin’ Eagle teammate Rich King. King is 12 points behind leader Quality Checked Certified Pre-Owned Ford’s Chris Carr as the team prepares to head to the next event on the AMA tour this weekend. Coolbeth is just 13 points behind Carr.

For much of the race Coolbeth’s biggest challenge came from Jared Mees, one of his Wrecking Crew teammates. To honor the successful racing teams in the 1920s, Harley-Davidson designated two riders – Jared Mees and Bryan Smith – to form a four-man Wrecking Crew team along with King and Coolbeth. This weekend would have made the Wrecking Crew of the past proud.

Mees, a Clio, Michigan, resident, led the race until lap 16 when Coolbeth moved around him for the lead. On lap 22, Mees had a flat tire after sliding high in Turn One on his Johnny Goad-tuned/Texter Harley-Davidson XR 750. Mees rode at the front of the pack for an event-best 15 laps. He finished 17th overall. Coolbeth led 10 laps.

“I was really disappointed about the tire going down because the bike was running so fast,” Mees said. “I had it in a great groove and I was having a lot of fun running up front and mixing it up with Kenny.”

King rode his Screamin’ Eagle entry to fourth place while Smith, sponsored by Pat Moroney’s/Screamin’ Eagle Harley-Davidson, rounded out the top five. It was the first time this season three of the four Wrecking Crew riders have finished in the top five of the same event.

“We’re so happy that Kenny got his first win with the Screamin’ Eagle team,” Harley-Davidson Racing Manager Anne Paluso said. “It’s great to see the team working together so well and being such a competitive force on the track. Jared would have been right up at the top of the pack if he didn’t have a tire go down. For that to happen but still have three of the four Wrecking Crew riders in the top five is a great weekend.”

Mees qualified in the No. 1 position and finished first in his heat. Coolbeth was fourth in qualifying before going on to win to his heat. Smith, another Michigan resident, rode his Moroney’s Harley-Davidson into the No. 6 position in qualifying.

The next AMA Ford Quality Checked Flat Track Championship event is the Half-Mile GNC Twins race at the West Virginia Motor Speedway in Mineral Wells, W.Va., on July 8.

Fusion Chop 1491

LA CALENDAR SHOW COMING RIGHT UP– I dropped my bike off at the Honolulu docks today to be shipped to San Diego. I will pick it up on the 14th of July. I was just wondering if there was a pre-registration form I needed to fill out for the L.A. Calendar Motorcycle Show? I went to the website and tried to look for a form, found one for vendor information, but could not locate one for entering the bike show.

I recall with the Tiki Chop, Roger registered at the gate. Could you please let me know if I need to pre-register the bike. Thanks for all your help and look forward to seeing you again. Take care and keep up all the great articles!

–George Lindemann

avon venom banner

AVON TECH QUESTION OF THE WEEK–What causes dry rot (weather checking, fine spider line cracks on sidewall of tire)?

Dry Rot/Weather Checking (fine lines on Sidewall)

This is usually seen in the spring after bikes have been stored for the winter. Also very hot, sunny climates are hard on tires. Ways to avoid dry rot:
– Keep both tires up off the ground in winter
– Use mild soap & water to clean tires, not tire cleaners or preservatives
– Avoid exposure to fertilizer, ozone, extremes in temperature
– Do not park under electrical wires nor near electric motors e.g. furnaces
– Don’t store near gasoline or solvent tanks (hydrocarbon fumes)
– Use bike cover to protect tires from extreme sun conditions

–Sukoshi Fahey (Ms.)
Sales Manager, North America

Continued On Page 3

Read More

July 6, 2006 Part 1


Let’s take a break. Photo courtesy of


We’re burnin’ daylight, goddamnit. Whatta year, and we’re over the halfway mark. I was in the shop to midnight working on the V-Bike and praying for Jim Murillo to complete the paint. Next weekend is the LA Calendar show. I’d feel damn good if the V-Bike was running for that show, but I may be dreamin’.

Here’s the deal. I woke up the morning after the 4th holiday and thought it was Monday and I had a full week in front of my sorry butt. That wasn’t the case. Over half of the week was gone. I made a plan to work on the bike during the day and Bikernet at night. The phone started ringing and my plan fell on its face.

salt shaker on lift

I set to the wiring last night, hydraulic brake lines, and miscellaneous projects. I spoke to Accurate Engineering last night. My engine will be shipped in 6 days. I made a kickstand last night, the last part that needed to be fabricated. I’ll finish it tonight. Hopefully you’ll see a tech on our progress by Saturday and an image of the V-Bike here in the news today. It’s actually all good as the clich? goes. I’ll finish the stand tonight, hook up the clutch cable and start the final wiring. As I crawl into bed after midnight, I’ll kneel down beside the bed. Like a kid, and pray for parts to arrive, paint to be completed and powder coating supplier to call. Then I’ll check my supply of bullets. Let’s hit the news:


CYRIL HUZE LAUNCHES NEW WEB SITE–See All Our New BikesIn A New Redesigned Website. You can also enjoy a feature on his new creation for the Firemen’s union on Bikernet: Check it out.

Cyril Huze Custom Inc.
Tel: 561-392-5557
Fax: 561-392-9923

Bonne Belle

BONNEVILLE CLASS CORRECTION–I was confused and a brother pointed out that our 45 was destined for the 750 class and not the 500 cc record. I immediately contacted brother Rodan, a lifetime member of the SCTA, and a judge. Here’s what he said:

Hey Keith, that’s correct. Reason is, flatheads get a 33% displacement advantage compared to overheads, which drops your 750cc HD down to the 500cc class. This was also done by the AMA for flat track racing. How’s the bike coming?



BUTTEN CYCLE COMES TO BIKERNET FROM ACROSS THE ATLANTIC–Hey Bandit, ho’ws things your side of the water? Allow us to introduce ourselves….Sammy and John (Butten Cycle). Please take a minute to look at our site and enclosed is a piccy of a little old school thing we’ve just built…

butten motor

It has many features including adjustable motor mounts so you can go up a rear tyre size or two by simply loosening the mount bolts and sliding the motor across to line up. We will be manufacturing these from August 1st and will be 3 sizes (150-180, 200 – 250 and 250 – 300). No more offset extensions and wide ass kits. This means that the rider can run the smaller wheel or a wide one. It can all be changed it the backyard!!

–Johnny and Sam
29 Fort Street,
Sandown, Isle of Wight,
PO36 8BA, UK
UK; (01983) 407461
International; (+44) 1983 407461

rfr group bikes

RFR SHOOTS TRIUMPH COLLECTION OVER 4TH OF JULY–Here is what I spent part of my 4th of July in the company of, did a more in-depth shoot on the Black Bird. There were two more running ones in the garage along with a 1935 BSA and two more down in the shop.

The BB is being submitted for consideration into the motorcycle museum.

rfr blk bike

I was mainly shooting the ’53 Black Bird he is submitting pictures to the motorcycle museum for possible consideration. The bike has a lot of hard to find items the seat is original, apparently you can buy the seat badges and rivet them on. The tool box, the tire pump, carb all hard to find items.

If you look hard, the rear suspension is in the hub itself & the hub uses 5″ bearings which he was able to locate. The white bike is pretty rare as well, it is one that was built to be used as a cop bike, but never happened.

rfr bird

Today is day one at the new job, the owner of the bikes and job was showing me pictures from when he and his buddy rode to Snake River for the Evil Knievel jump.


FTW Controls2

FTW CONTROLS FROM JESSE JAMES–Ever wonder if billet aluminum is so rugged and tuff why they don’t build real stuff like trains and bridges out of it? Me either, but one thing is for sure and that is there’s nothing better than good ole AMERICAN STEEL. And, if these “creepy” looking controls from WCC are any indication, Mother Steel is poised to make a big comeback. Designed by Jesse and meticulously fabricated at the West Coast Choppers facility in Long Beach, the lean, hardcore styling of these new forward control assemblies is as user friendly as it is intimidating to look at.

Developed for Softail applications and finished using space age plating techniques each piece is hand TIG welded and fit with aircraft quality bushings machined to provide smooth, precise pedal transition. Featuring a slick master cylinder configuration and “Bear Trap” style pegs, these babies are unmistakably WCC. Priced right, there’s no excuse not to PAY UP.

You’ll find specific pricing, fit and finish details along with the entire line of WCC accessories, clothing, Videos and more at

CUSTOM CHROME KICKS OFF T-SHIRT/CATALOG OFFER–We are kicking off a retail catalog promotion that includes a free t-shirt and would like to provide you a fresh piece of art for a link. Please let me know if this posses any obstacles. I’m passing on your contact information to our web guy, John Gomez and he can provide you any relevant material.

Thanks in advance for your help!

cutie behind

BIKERS HIT THE STREETS TO BENEFIT ANIMALS–Downey, CA- Nothing on two wheels compares to the roar of a Harley- Davidson Hog and nothing shows more support for SEAACA’s animals and programs than columns of motorcycles rolling into the SEAACA animal care center after a 100 mile fundraising ride scheduled for Sunday, July 9, 2006! The event is called the CRITTER RUN III and it is organized by the Mid-Cities HOG Chapter based out of Downey, and L.A. Harley-Davidson located in South Gate, California. Proceeds from the event benefit the animals and programs at the Southeast Area Animal Control Authority (SEAACA).

The ride begins at the L.A. Harley-Davidson located at 13300 Paramount Blvd. in South Gate, at 9am. All motorcycles are welcome. The 100 mile scenic, southern California poker run ride ends at SEAACA , located at 9777 Seaaca St. in Downey. The festivities will include a biker sized BBQ lunch, live music, pet adoptions, tours of the animal care center, custom bikes on display, a bounce house for the kids, an appearance by the Laker Girls and cash prize raffles to be held at 2:30 p.m. sharp. Raffle tickets, good for lunch, the ride and cash prizes, cost $10.00 each and may be purchased at L.A Harley-Davidson or the SEAACA animal care center. Proceeds are tax deductible and winner need not be present to win the raffle prize.

Academy Award nominee and Golden Globe winner actress Linda Blair will be at SEAACA to welcome the riders and show her support for this wonderful event. Ms. Blair, an avid animal rights proponent, founded the non-profit foundation World Heart Foundation and devotes her life to helping animals in need, particularly homeless(domestic) pets.

CRITTER RUN III – Benefiting the animals and programs at SEAACA.
* Sunday, July 9th, 2006
*9am – Ride Starts @ L.A Harley-Davidson (13300
Paramount Blvd. in South Gate)
*12:30 pm – Festivities begin @ SEAACA (9777 Seaaca St. Downey
**Pet adoptions, tours, live music, BBQ lunch (vegetarian too), bounce house, Laker Girls, cash prize raffles and special celebrity guest, Ms. Linda Blair!

For more information on this fantastic fundraising event for the animals, please call Aaron Reyes at (562) 803-3301 x223, Sheila Schumaker at L.A. Harley-Davidson at (562) 408-6088

us chop specials

MC ADVANTAGES SUMMER SPECIAL–We have combined with MC Advantages to create a summer special that can not be beat.

Our platform was paired up with a Round Engine and drive-train package to re-create the look of our famous “No 1” boardtrack bike which took 10th at the AMD World Championships.

This package provides incredible performance advantages and a patented look known world wide.

The quality of products in this package speaks to the discerning builder and bike connoisseur.

This sale will last through July of 2006.

We can only provide this cost to dealers of MC Advantages. Without their cooperation and the aid of Kiwi Indian and other suppliers, we would not be able to bring you this incredible price.

If you or your local shop are not signed up with MC Advantages, use this as your opportunity to sign up now! The quality of the parts they carry will be a welcome change to you.

We hope that you take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity.

We hope that this summer brings much success and happiness to you and your families.

–Rick Krost
U.S. Choppers
2039 S. Lyon St
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Appointments Only Please

US Chopper banner

GENERAL MEDIA ATTACKS RIDERS NATIONWIDE– Motorcycle riders in Florida and across the country have been attacked on the radio and in the news media in recent programs and articles. These attacks are in direct response to a motorcycle crash involving Steelers Quarterback, Ben Roethlisberger. Roethlisberger was injured when a car turned left, in front of him. The 62 year-old car driver was clearly at fault in the collision and issued a citation for violation of right-of-way.

However, since Roethlisberger was not wearing a helmet, he was issued citations for failure to be endorsed and riding without a helmet illegally. The broadcasts have directed their attention toward the helmet, versus non-helmet use by motorcyclists. These reports have been negatively inflammatory, at best. ABATE of Florida, Inc. (American Bikers Aimed Toward Education) has fought this type of misinformation for many years in the courts and in the legislature.

In 2000, after careful review of the facts, Governor Jeb Bush signed legislation, which allowed motorcycle riders in Florida, over the age of 21, to choose whether or not to wear a helmet when riding. The helmet law was not repealed. In fact, restrictions were attached requiring the adult, non-helmeted, endorsed rider and their passenger to have medical insurance in order to ride without a helmet.

In several news reports, 1999 Florida crash statistics have been used as a comparison to the most recent crash data available. The helmet laws were still in FULL affect for ALL riders in 1999. Twenty-two deaths of non-helmeted motorcycle riders are being reported, at a time when helmets were still required, by law. During that same year, 143 helmeted riders were killed on Florida roadways.

The most recent figures available from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, report 200 motorcycle riders, wearing helmets, died in motorcycle related crashes during 2004. During that same time period, 188 riders who were not wearing helmets were killed. In fact, 60.1% of the time, riders and their passengers who were not wearing helmets reported no injury in a motorcycle crash.

The facts are; helmeted riders are more likely to die or sustain serious injury in a motorcycle crash. Those are the facts, nothing more, nothing less. Statistics clearly prove helmets are not the issue. Driver awareness and public education is. The number of motorcycle riders in the state of Florida has nearly tripled since 1999. Still, in the majority of crashes, involving motor vehicles and motorcycles, the driver of the car was responsible for the crash. With three times the number of motorcycles on the highways, driver awareness is an ever-increasing issue. Public education and motorcycle crash prevention would be far more productive than debating helmet use.

Regardless of your point of view on helmet use, helmets cannot prevent crashes from occurring. 388 deaths are 388 too many. For additional information on Motorcycle Safety Awareness Programs and the legislative activity of ABATE of Florida, Inc. you can write to PO Box 2720, DeLand, Florida 32721 or visit

ABATE of Florida, Inc.
Cyndi von Bulow
Public Relations Officer
PO Box 2520
DeLand, FL 32721-2520

–from Rogue


Continued On Page 2

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June 1, 2006 Part 3


Continued From Page 2


ALL AMERICAN MADNESS WINNER–All American Madness winner Spencer Baughman shown here with Patrick Douglass is this year’s Central Coast Trailer giveaway winner at the Santa Maria All American Motorcycle Madness show, Sponsored By, May 19th – 21st. To qualify for a free trailer there were no tickets to buy, you just had to sign up for the weekend package and get lucky.

Spencer was blown away and tried to thank Horse Power Promotions for the trailer, Seth Doulton of Horse Power Promotions was quick to point out that all the props go to Central Coast Trailers of Paso Robles for sponsoring the trailer. Checkout www.HorsePowerPromotions for more info on this and other Horse Power Promotions shows.


BIKERNET AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT–Two Southern farmers, Jim and Bob, are sitting at their favorite bar, drinking beer. Jim turns to Bob and says, “You know, I’m tired of going through life without an education. Tomorrow I think I’ll go to the Community College and sign up for some classes.”

Bob thinks it’s a good idea, and the two leave. The next day Jim goes down to the college and meets the dean of admissions, who signs him up for the four basic classes: Math, English, History, and Logic.

“Logic?” Jim says. “What’s that?”

The dean says, “I’ll show you. Do you own a weed eater?”


“Then logically because you own a weed eater, I think that you would have a yard.”

“That’s true, I do have a yard.”

“I’m not done,” the Dean says. “Because you have a yard, I think logically that you would have a house.”

“Yes, I do have a house.”

“And because you have a house, I think that you might logically have a family.”

“I have a family.”

“I’m not done yet. Because you have a family, then logically you must have a wife.”

“Yes, I do have a wife.”

“And because you have a wife, then logically you must be a heterosexual.”

“I am a heterosexual. That’s amazing; you were able to find out all of that because I have a weed eater.”

Excited to take the class now, Jim shakes the Dean’s hand and leaves to go meet Bob at the bar. He tells Bob about his classes, how he is signed up for Math, English, history, and logic.

“Logic?” Bob says, “What’s that?”

Jim says, “I’ll show you. Do you have a weed eater?”


“Then you’re a queer.


Rebel without a clue1

FROM THE ’70S ARCHIVES–Here is an old pic from 1970 you might enjoy…Nelson on my ’53 Pan.



NEW BALDWIN WILSON 360 BRAKE SYSTEM–The Baldwin Wilson Development Corporation introduced the “360 Brake” at the Daytona Bike Week. The 360 Brake is a revolutionary new braking system for motorcycles that replaces the disk brake rotors and calipers that tend to hide the custom wheels that bike owners have paid a fortune for.

The “360 Brake” will be sold as an easy to install kit tailored. The Baldwin Wilson Development Corporation is the designer and owner of the “360 Brake” and intends to market the brake to industry wholesalers and retailers alike. This unique patented braking device offers superior braking power for its extremely small size and weight when compared to existing brake designs currently in use

ecommerce pictures 004

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Imagine a Brake that:
Can fit in the palm of your hand
Is user friendly in both installation and service
Is approximately 80% more effective than a typical rotor/caliper set-up
Is affordably introduced at $1000 per wheel plus the arm
Doesn’t hide your high dollar wheels!!!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Micki Wanzer at 317-407-7087 or by email at

360 logo

BUELL MOTORCYCLES SWEEP ASRA THUNDERBIKE PODIUM–Bilansky, Bemisderfer and Estok Dominate at Summit Point. West Virginia’s Summit Point Raceway was the site of a dominating Memorial Day Weekend performance by Buell riders who swept the podium in the American SportBike Racing Association’s (ASRA) Thunderbike class. Hal’s H-D/Buell – Hal’s Speed Shop rider Dan Bilansky took the victory on Monday from pole position, with Harley-Davidson/Buell of Frederick’s Bryan Bemisderfer and Veatch Motorsports rider Dave Estok filling the final steps on the podium.

Bilansky took the ASRA Thunderbike Pole on Sunday with a 1:18.865, followed by Bemisderfer with a 1:19.274 and defending 2005 National Thunderbike Champion Estok’s 1:19.325. Seven of the top 10 qualifying spots were held by Buell XB riders.

Nate Kern led the opening laps of the race on his BMW, but the heart of the 14-lap Thunderbike race was the three-way battle between the top-running Buells with positions swapping until the end. Bemisderfer took the lead on the last lap only to have Bilansky overtake him coming out of the final corner for the win with Bemisderfer settling for second and Estok third.

“It was a real good weekend for us. We scored maximum points and that’s important for the Thunderbike championship. We need every point possible,” said Bilansky.Fourth place went to Kern. Buell riders Sam Rozynski (Sound Waves/Hal’s Speed Shop), Art Diaz (Classic & Schaffer’s H-D/Buell) and Joe Rozynski (Sound Waves/Hal’s Speed Shop), finished fifth, seventh and eighth, respectively.Buell racers also took four wins and 11 podium finishes during the Championship Cup Series support races at Summit Point, with Estok nabbing the expert CCS Thunderbike and SuperTwins race wins and Roanoke Valley H-D/Buell rider James Delk, Jr. winning the amateur Lightweight Supersport and Thunderbike classes.Bemisderfer’s second place finish closed his gap in the ASRA Thunderbike Championship points standings to just two points behind Kern. With three of eight rounds completed, Kern leads with 81 points, followed by Bemisderfer (79), Bilansky (73), Rozynski (61), and Estok rounding out the top five with 58 points. The next race on the eight-round ASRA Thunderbike National schedule is June 16-18 at Kansas’ Heartland Park-Topeka.

rose bowl header

FIRST ROSE BOWL BIKE SHOW– The West Coast motorcycle world comes alive on June 24th and 25th 2006 for this annual show in Pasadena, CA. Ride out from the stress of the city to the scenic hills of Pasadena is why The Rose Bowl is the perfect venue for this event. This site will be able to handle the steady growth of this show.

Builders from the California area such as Scott Long of Central Coast Cycles, Gard Hollinger from LA County Chop Rods will mix with talents from far away like the Martin Bros just to name a few. If you think the Incubus Alloy Custom ride in Bike Show will be showcasing all the hottest bikes around.

The Rose Bowl Motorcycle Marketplace will be filled with the industries top manufactures and vendors selling everything from custom motorcycles to the hottest apparel and more for the motorcycle enthusiast.

Glendale Harley-Davidson Buell will be crowning the most beautiful Harley at the show as well as showcasing their latest products from the motor company.

David Chaves European Trails rider will thrill the crowds both days with his trials trick riding. The summer heat should be just right for the Ultimate Bikini Contest and great live music playing all weekend on the Lifestyle Cycles stage. Don’t miss the Lifestyle crew replacing an 115,000 mile S&S Motor with a brand new S&S power plant. This all makes for a great ticket price of only $15.00 with free bike parking.

For more info visit www.HorsePowerPromotions or call (805) 686-2007

Avon Banner

AVON TYRE TECH QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK–Why is the Mileage and Grip so good on Avon’s sport/sport touring radials?

Several reasons:1) the VBD construction (Variable Belt Density) is unique to Avon. The zero degree belt is wrapped wider apart on the shoulders of the tire and tighter in the center. By wrapping it tighter in the center this gives the tire a better mileage and high speed stability. On the shoulders when a rider is leaned over the tire is much more compliant and makes a huge contact patch. Underneath this belt is a bias belt which also helps

2) Deep tread depth 3) Silica compound is what gives grip and the more you use the more grip the tire has. It’s a balancing act though because if you use too much silica then your mileage goes down. Avon compensates with the deeper tread depth and VBD construction which gives the better mileage so we can use a lot of silica for grip.

4) With a zero degree tire – main advantage can put softer compound as they don’t grow, don’t overheat, high speeds – very stable, diameter and circumference stays same and mileage is better. Soft compound = better grip. Depending on how you lay the cord, etc. (matrix) makes the compound work differently. With this design you actually have a multi compound tire – acts like it’s softer in the shoulders as the carcass will flex more and acts like it’s harder as tire is stiffer in the center so very high tech. Because of the carcass you have a tire that goes from hard to soft across the tire without having to make a multi compound like other manufacturers.

If you go to the Avon website and click on technical info and then Tyre Construction it will actually show a little slide show of the tire construction.

–Sukoshi Fahey (Ms.)
Sales Manager, North America
Lynnwood, WA 98036 USA
800 624-7470 toll free
425-771-2115 phone

north texas rock rally

NORTH TEXAS ROCK RALLY AT COYOTE UGLY–The North Texas Rock Rally will be based at the Austin Coyote Ugly on 6th Street (501A East 6th Street at the corner of Neches) during the evenings of June 2-3, 2006. The Rally is presenting a selection of the builders that will be featured during the North Texas Rock Rally (July 21-23, 2006) at the outdoor display area by the Coyote Ugly patio.

The Featured Builders are:
Denny Garley of TC Custom Bikes
Jimmie Lee & John Coen of Three Two Choppers
Scott Arndt of Scott’s Hardcore Kustoms
Danny Davidson of Williamson County Choppers

Each builder will have at least one bike featured in the display and will be on location throughout Friday and Saturday evenings at Coyote Ugly for photo ops and interviews.

vrod right

V-ROD MONOSWINGARM–In the past years Rick’s Motorcycles developed a lot of revolutionary parts for the Harley Davidson V-Rod. After the 19l tank, Rick’s latest part is now leaving the “House of Custom”. Rick’s Monoswingarm for V-Rod:The swingarm, which is made out of high quality aluminium on a CNC milling center, fits to all V-Rod models. As known from all Rick’s V-Rod swingarms, also the Monoswingarm is available in different sizes:
– Rim: 10,5″x18″, tyre: 280 / 18, offsetpulley + bearing supportplate: 42 mm
– Rim: 11,5″x18″, tyre: 300 / 18, offsetpulley + bearing supportplate: 55 mm

The complete kit is an absolute High-Tech product, but also the single parts are technic pure:
– new, bigger tank
– Rick’s 4-piston brake calliper with Drive Side Break
– Mono Shock Absorger, adjustable
– belt adjustement with excenter
– spezial Gates belt
– much more?

vrod left

All the necessary fitting parts and a detailed assembly instruction will be delivered with the swingarm. Only have to order the matching Rick’s wheel, brake rotor and pulley have to ordered separately.

The complete technique, all the measurements of the swingarm, fitting parts and the T?V approvals are all made special for Rick’s wheels, so that their is no warranty, that other wheels can be adapted without any problems.

–Ricks`s motorcycles

screamin eagle

COOLBETH EARNS PODIUM FINISH FOR SCREAMIN’ EAGLE TEAM IN SPRINGFIELD MILE SEASON OPENER– Kenny Coolbeth is perfectly fine not having all the information about what happened during Sunday’s season opening AMA Grand National Twins event at the Illinois State Fairgrounds. There were several crashes. Red flags stopped the race twice. Coolbeth didn’t see any of it and that’s just how he likes it.

Coolbeth rode his Harley-Davidson Screamin’ Eagle entry to third place while factory teammate Rich King finished sixth after a crash and Wrecking Crew teammates Jared Mees and Bryan Smith finished eighth and 11th, respectively.

“I didn’t see any of the crashes,” Coolbeth, a Connecticut native said. “I was riding up front, in the top four for the entire race and I avoided all the accidents. I didn’t see any of it and I’m very happy about that.”

King crashed in the 14th lap of the 25-lap main event. His bike flipped end-over-end, throwing King off the bike just after Turn Three. The team scrambled to get the bike back in racing order as quickly as possible and King returned to the race. He was 18th with 11 laps remaining and fought his way back up to sixth.

“I feel pretty good about the results because I’ve been to Springfield and finished sixth before without flipping the bike at 130 mph,” King said. “So having the same result after crashing and having to leave the race more than halfway through the event only to thrash on the bike and get back out there isn’t so bad.”

Harley-Davidson Racing Manager Anne Paluso said King’s performance on Sunday was a great example of what King is best known for – being tough and never giving up.

“Rich is the King of the Mile and this was a tough race for him to walk away from without a podium finish,” Paluso said. “Without the accident, he would have had a great chance to win that race.

“We’re very happy that Kenny finished in the top three and overall the Wrecking Crew debut went well. There were a lot of crashes in qualifying and in the main event and we’re glad our guys are OK.”

Quality Checked Certified Pre-Owned Ford’s Chris Carr won the event with Supertrapp’s Jay Springteen taking second place.

It was the first race that Coolbeth and King shared a pit as teammates. Coolbeth said the Screamin’ Eagle team learned a lot even with the wild, crashed-filled event.

“It was an awesome weekend because everyone clicked,” he said. “What we needed fixed, got fixed and it feels great being back in the racing season again. I was pulling my hair out for the last two months waiting for this weekend. I’m happy everyone did their jobs and I think this is a great team to be part of.”

Coolbeth and King finished first in their qualifying heat races while Mees was second in his qualifying heat and Smith finished third.

“Everyone had to deal with the weather (temperatures well into the 90s) and the new team setup and I think the guys did a good job preparing for the event,” Paluso said. “The long-waited season opener is over and now we can focus on the rest of the season.”

In addition to the direct team sponsorship, Harley-Davidson will also provide support through professional flat track contingency and the Rider Support Verification Program (RSVP). Under the Screamin’ Eagle banner the support will total more than $140,000 throughout the 2006 season. This includes a contingency program for qualified Harley-Davidson XR750 riders on the AMA Flat Track series.

custom chrome banner

BIKERNET READER NEEDS TECH HELP–i found the site and it was right in front of my damn face the whole time. i’ve seen what you are talking about, but i need to post a bulletin or something about a specific wiring diagram for the revtech 100 motor specifically to find out what the 5 wires are on the ignition advance module are. i appreciate the advice you’ve givin me and anymore you may have….

Continued On Page 4

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June 1, 2006 Part 1




I want to touch on something regarding the EPA business. There’s been a bunch of shit flying regarding the issues, but it’s all worked out for the best. The MIC and MRF are working together to curb and control the regs. The engine certification system is moving forward and will allow builders to build as many custom bikes as they want as long as they install and don’t mess with these power-plants. This system won’t hinder with the do-anything-you-want, once in a life time bike, or the 24 show bikes from shops.

There’s also a gentleman working up a state-to-state bill to allow older bikes to be built unhampered. So most all is well. There’s another obstacle headed our way from Europe that we need to address, but the best minds in the industry are now working together to monitor any restrictions. We’ll keep you posted. And if you’re facing noise issues feel free to print out the Bikernet Independent noise study and share it with law makers. It worked locally to demonstrate that there’s two sides to every issue.

Let’s hit the news:

tornado flyer

YOU’RE INVITED!!!–Big Dog Motorcycles and the City of Wichita would like to invite you to participate in the 2nd Annual Tornado Rally to be held June 10-11th, 2006 at the Big Dog Motorcycles Factory Headquarters located at 1520 E. Douglas in Wichita, KS.

Last year Big Dog Motorcycles hosted Kansas’s 1st ever-national motorcycle rally, which attracted 15,000 riders, enthusiasts and families. The 2nd Annual Tornado Rally expects to draw many more thousands from across the United States promising to bring business and awareness to Wichita.

This FREE exciting weekend comes complete with live music including a concert featuring Eddie Money, factory tours, custom bike show, bikini contest, bike games, dyno shootout, monster truck, custom builders, and of course dozens of exhibitors. Exhibitors are what helped make the 1st Annual Tornado Rally so successful and we are looking forward to having your business on display this year. We hope you will consider being a part of this year’s festivities!

In addition to our exhibitors, sponsorships play a major part in making this event possible. For more information on promotion opportunities or becoming a sponsor, please visit our website at

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone at 316-219-7050 or through email at


POLICING IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA–A Highway Patrolman pulled a car over and told the driver that because he had been wearing his seat belt, he had just won $5,000 in the statewide safety competition.

“What are you going to do with the money?” asked the policeman. “Well, I guess I’m going to get a driver’s license,” he answered. “Oh, don’t listen to him,” yelled a woman in the passenger seat. “He’s a smart ass when he’s drunk.”

This woke up the guy in the back seat who took one look at the cop and moaned,” I knew we wouldn’t get far in a stolen car.” At that moment, there was a knock from the trunk and a voice said, in Spanish, “Are we over the border yet?”

–from Chris T.

Horse Banner

HORSE MAGAZINE LOOKING FOR CONTRIBUTORS–We are currently looking for west coast artists, writers, photographers and experienced West Coast advertising sales reps for The Horse Magazine.

Contact Geno to send samples of your work and discuss fees – .

avon venom banner

THE HISTORY OF AVON TYRES– Cooper-Avon Tyres Limited of Melksham, UK, owned by the Cooper Tire & Rubber Company of Findlay, Ohio, USA, has more than a century’s experience at the leading edge of tyre technology. Tyre makers since 1885, Cooper-Avon produces a full range with the emphasis on grip, comfort and value for money. Cooper-Avon Tyres are supplied as original equipment to Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Morgan, Westfield, Caterham and Land Rover. Avon racing tyres have been the exclusive fitment of the F.I.A. Formula 3000 International championship since 1986. Cooper-Avon also supplies racing tyres to championships supported by Ford, Vauxhall and Audi.

Cooper Tire & Rubber Company is headquartered in Findlay, Ohio and specializes in the manufacturing and marketing of rubber and plastic products. Products for Cooper’s tyre group include automobile, motorcycle and truck tyres, inner tubes, tread rubber and retreading equipment. In the automotive group, Cooper is an original equipment supplier of sealing, trim, vibration control and hose systems for the automotive industry in North America, Europe and South America. Other products for this group include rubber and plastic sealing components for the refrigeration industry North America. Cooper has more than 20,000 employees and 57 manufacturing facilities in 13 countries.

Cooper Tire & Rubber Company acquired Avon Tyres in March 1997. Cooper-Avon Tyres Ltd. was also the first tyre manufacturer in the world to gain the prestigious ISO 9001 quality award.

–John Leach – Sales / Racing Support
Avon Tyres North America

vet wall

Photo sent by Russell R.

STEALTH REPORT–Last weekend I rode back to Washington D.C. forthe annual Run To The Wall. The weather wasgreat! If you have never attended the Run ToThe Wall you should make plans to. It is a greatway to pay your respects to those who have madethe ultimate sacrifice to preserve our freedom.The ride was estimated at 350,000 riders! TheMonuments are magnificent at night. I didn’t getpictures as I forgot my camera, sorry.

Back here at STEALTH BIKE WORKS we are stillbusy. We are out growing our space very quickly.We will see how it goes down the road as far asspace is concerned. Chopper John’s Sportyproject is coming along. It is going to be a hotrod, S&S 93″ engine. The tank is a one-off handmade piece by Chopper John. It is going to be acool bike!We had a couple of riders from Tennessee (Hope Ispelled that right?) stop by this week, theysaid they had read about STEALTH BIKE WORKS onBIKERNET. That was cool, sometimes you forgethow many people read this every week! If you arein the Charlotte area stop by STEALTH BIKE WORKSat 141113 E. Independence Blvd Matthews NC.28194, 704 -882-0889. You are always welcome!

Around here everyone is gearing up for The HorseSmoke-Out June 23rd and 24th. The Smoke-Outrules when it comes to old school bare boneschoppers! Don’t miss it – STEALTH BIKE WORKS willbe there.

That is it for this week, I have to get back to real work!Until next week, RIDE!STEALTHMAN


HOT ACES 2 FOR 1–HOT ACES 2 FOR 1– Come to Hot Aces Casino, make a $100.00* deposit and get TWO entries into the Dinner in Las Vegas with Cindy Margolis. A weekend for two people in fabulous Las Vegas, stay at the Palms or Bellagio for a weekend and have dinner with Cindy Margolis all on the tab of Hot Aces Casino. What a Deal…come on in and play your favorite casino games *see terms and conditions at

Gypsy jay prep

BIKERNET DISCOVERY BUILD-OFF COVERAGE GOT SOMEONE’S ATTENTION– It looks like we got someone’s attention with the report on the Discovery Build Off between Vivian “Gypsy” Charros and Kim Suter. I had headed out for the weekend and received a phone message from Craig Constantine who is producing the show for Discovery he would like me to call him. I did.

The conversation started off that they had seen the piece on Bikernet and there was some concern about the content. I had mentioned that Berry was going to be building a Knucklehead engine for Gypsy’s Bike.

gypsy larry cleaning

They were concerned that with Kim knowing that it would give him an advantage. I explained that Kim was already committed to what he is building and actually we would like to let him and everyone else know just how special Gypsy’s bike is going to be.

Well next I was asked if I would mind talking to Kim. Not At All.Kim started off the conversation with a comment that he was told I was suppose to know something about motorcycles and could he ask me a technical question. We chatted. I did tell him if he or his shop would like to make a statement about the build they could send it to me or directly to Bikernet. I told him he sounded like a nice guy and wished him luck as he was sure going to need it to beat the bike that was being built at Accurate Engineering.

gypsy robert checking paint

The motorcycle is being painted as I write this and will start final assembly very soon. I am sending some teaser shots and will have other shots soon.

I am hoping that a lot of people show up to see the competition and judging of the bikes. I am not hiding the fact that I have known “Gypsy” for around 25 years and that she is a friend of mine BUT this is a build off and I just got to call it the way I see it. Bikernet and everyone else would like to know.


Horse Banner

SMOKE-OUT VENDOR APPLICATIONS READY–Vender applications are starting to arrive for The HORSE, Backstreet Choppers Smoke Out West, SPONSORED BY BIKERNET.COM. It’s a good sign for a new event –but then again the Smoke Out is a good deal for many venders. True, Daytona and Sturgis draw a lot more people than the Smoke Out. However, if you get a vender spot at say Daytona — it’s way more expensive and maybe only 3% of the folks that go to Daytona will get to your booth. The Smoke Out is affordable. It is held on a fairground and 99% of the people that show up visit every booth. Further consider that this is an event for folks that build and work on their own bikes –and you realize it’s a great deal.

The HORSE, Backstreet Choppers Smoke Out Smoke Out is the world’s largest Chopper Rally and will be held out West for the first time October 6 and 7, 2006 on the Verde Valley Fairground in Cottonwood, AZ (20minutes South of Sedona). For more information (or a vender packet) check the HORSE, BC website ( or call (800) 531-9733. See ya there. Edge


BILLY LANE’S 1ST ANNUAL BUILDER’S BREAKFAST GAINS MOMENTUM– Lane’s Builder’s Breakfast at World Famous Broken Spoke on Lazelle, SPONSORED BY BIKERNET.COM,adds to its already amazing roster. Imagine sitting down to a plate of eggs and pancakes one morning in Sturgis this August when you look up from your plate you realize this isn’t a dream, you are actually sitting with the very best builders EVER having breakfast. How could they all be at one place at the same time (Tuesday, August 9th at 9:00 a.m.)? Billy Lane.

This event is quickly becoming history in the making. We all know the builders are at the event, but never are they all at one place and for one reason. Billy has rounded up the best in the industry for the 1st Annual Billy Lane’s Builder’s Breakfast in Sturgis at the world famous Broken Spoke on Lazelle St.

“Everyone is so busy these days and we are all asked to participate in many charities throughout the year, so I thought why not create an event we can all create excitement for-together. It seemed that if I could get the builders to etch out a small amount of time during the biggest motorcycle rally in the US, we could make a difference. The breakfast idea made it simple, bring the very best to one location with the goal of raising money for a great cause” said Billy Lane. I immediately knew of the best place to hold such a cool event The Broken Spoke in Sturgis. Jay Allen never even hesitated when I asked him to allow us the space and to help coordinate a hot breakfast, Jay even offered to flip pancakes!” finished Lane.

The builder list grows daily. As of now, there are over 20 of the very best bike builders confirmed. Below are the builders that have confirmed attendance:

Billy Lane Kendall Johnson Arlen Ness & Cory Ness
Mondo Dave Perewitz Donnie Smith
Paul Cox Aaron Greene Russell Marlowe
Kim Suter Jerry Covington Russell Mitchell
Brian Klock Rick Fairless Paul Yaffe
Randy Simpson Jesse Jurrens Jesse Rooke
Michael Prugh Scott Webster Eddie Trotta

*Johnny Chop & Indian Larry Memorial Table

Also joining the breakfast will be nationally acclaimed photographer Sara Liberte. Sara will be on hand selling her Builder & Machine posters. Sara will be donating a portion of proceeds to the charity as well. Additionally, Sara will donate a professional portrait to one lucky breakfast ticket holder on site. The winner will be photographed with his or her favorite builder. Sara will send the portrait to the winner following the event in August. What an amazing way to remember this once in a lifetime event!

This event is open to everyone. Please come! Tickets are on sale now, only online ticket holders will be eligible to win the portrait with their favorite builder photographed on site by Sara Liberte.

ALL ticket proceeds will benefit Kids & Chrome. To get your tickets online, please visit

expressive banner






–from Chris T.


U.S. MILITARY SUPPORT WEB SITE–Thank you for joining millions of your fellow Americans in wanting to find ways to show support for our military. Whether you want to send a care package to a soldier, donate airline miles to help reunite returning military men and women with their families, support scholarship funds or send support to wounded service members, on this page you will find over 150 non-profit organizations dedicated to helping our troops and their families._

_If you know of a non-profit organization in your community focused on helping our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Coast Guardsmen, Marines and National Guardsmen that is not currently listed, please contact America Supports You today to have them join the team.

XBRR TEAMS TO CONTEST ROAD AMERICA FORMULA XTREME ROUND–Buell Motorcycle Company announced today that two race teams will enter Buell XBRRs in the Formula Xtreme class during Round 5 of the 2006 AMA Superbike Championship June 2-4 at Road America in Elkhart Lake, Wis.

Deeley H-D/Buell Canada’s Steve Crevier, who tested the XBRR at Road America during the American SportBike Racing Association (ASRA) event in April, will return to the AMA Formula Xtreme series for the first time since competing in the Daytona 200.

Classic H-D/Buell-Millville H-D/Buell-Innovative Motorcycle Research rider Mike Hale will also contest the Formula Xtreme round at Road America. Hale tested his XBRR at Summit Point last week, but it will be his debut event on the bike.

“Steve and Mike are both great riders with a lot of experience. I’m as excited as anyone at seeing these XBRR riders take to the track. And they’ll have plenty of fans cheering them on Road America,” said Chairman and Chief Technical Officer Erik Buell.

Indeed there will be many Buell owners on hand at Road America, as the Formula Xtreme race will serve as one of the highlights of the Buell Riders Adventure Group (BRAG) Homecoming event held that weekend.

Both XBRR teams at Road America are receiving support from Pirelli Tires, Sentry Insurance, Harley-Davidson Financial Services, Screamin’ Eagle SYN3 Synthetic Motorcycle Lubricant, and Harley-Davidson Visa.The Buell XBRR is a limited-edition production racing motorcycle based on the Firebolt XB12R and produced exclusively for closed-course competition. It offers private racers a professional-level, race-ready, production-based platform.


Continued On Page 2

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