The Real Reasons Behind Accidents
By Bandit |
THE REAL PROBLEM WITH MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENTS–Subject: The bottom line is, pay attention when you're behind the wheel. Bikers, Motorcyclists' Lives depend on it.
We have the Right to travel these roads of the USA as Bikers, Motorcyclist. We embrace Risk every time we mount our motorcycle, but the risks increase substantially with multiplied numbers of motorists and increased allowable distraction to driving. The other side of the coin is legislative. The government wants to put the safety responsibility on motorcyclists, with expanded helmet laws and forced training mandates. The heat should be on the killer car people. It's bullshit as you will see.
Drivers don't think that multi-tasking should be banned by the law. Can we force driver training for drivers? In fact, no training is dangerous.
Does this sound familiar. Motorists are thinking of their Freedom and Rights too.
Distracted drivers who are busy communicating, being entertained, guided or dining are being aggressive because they are willfully imposing their own level of risk on others. Distracted drivers are not only a danger to themselves but to motorcyclist. Forcing higher risk on others is aggressive. Maybe the distracted/aggressive driver thinks, Oh, I can handle it, but can others? I consider distracted driving as a form of aggressive driving. Drivers who use communication devices and drive distracted as a result are being aggressive drivers. A large danger to motorcyclist.
Internet access from a moving vehicle is a reality today, and getting bigger each month. Research on cell phone use by drivers shows that many drivers become dangerous due to distraction. They are especially at risk and dangerous–unless they train themselves. We don't know of any training programs for Internet access in cars, or for other multi-tasking activities. We recommend that these be put in place by the industry and government. But in the meantime, drivers can train themselves, but will they?
Can the distracted driver be trained? Attitude dictates the answer.
First, drivers must acknowledge that they need to train themselves, and if they don't, they become a danger to themselves and others. So until they go through the training, they ought not to allow themselves to use the equipment while the car is moving.
Second, they need to practice the equipment over and over again while the car is not moving, until they can do whatever it is with closed yes and while talking to a passenger.
Third, they cautiously begin to use features, one at a time while the car is moving in the right lane without too much traffic, thus gradually increasing the times and places of use. We also recommend monitoring yourself and keeping a Driving Log or Diary where you record the errors you've seen yourself make.
Finally, ask a passenger to monitor you to see if you're making mistakes or distraction. Leon James, Ph.D. and Diane Nahl, Ph.D. Unless drivers voluntarily train themselves, it's likely that government regulations and restrictions will be the reaction–like Band-Aid mandatory helmet laws for motorcyclist. A very poor solution in any case. Researchers at the University of Utah have found that drivers using cell phones, even hands-free devices, experience a decrease in the ability to process peripheral vision, creating a potentially lethal “tunnel vision.” This “inattention blindness” slows reaction time by 20% and resulted in some of the 20 test subjects missing half the red lights they encountered in simulated driving. “We found that when people are on the phone, the amount of information they are taking in is significantly reduced,” says associate professor David Strayer. “People were missing things, like cars swerving in front or sudden lane changes. We had at least three rear-end collisions.” The Utah study is only the latest investigation into the effects of driving and cell phone use, and most of the others have also demonstrated some degree of impairment. And while most studies have focused on the distractions of dialing or holding a phone, the Utah research tried to focus on the distractions caused by having a conversation. New York is the only state to have instituted laws against the practice, but 30 more states have similar legislation pending. Imagine if this testing included cell phone use while monitoring a GPS, messing with a CD changer and being distracted by a baby crying in the back seat. Distracted driving contributes to 25 percent of all automobile crashes, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.Joseph Tessmer, a NHTSA statistician, estimated 20% to 30% of fatal accidents are due to distractions, but said it's impossible to know for sure because only a few states document distractions in accident reports. But the correct argument is that multi-tasking can lead to driver distraction when drivers haven't properly trained themselves to use the new car gadgets. This is true for older devices like the familiar radio and CD as well as the new, GPS systems, DVD players, phones, and e-mail. Multi-tasking becomes severe occasions for drivers to make more mistakes, when they fail to train themselves properly. This increased training is a joint responsibility of the individual driver and the government? ..How about common sense! NHTSA surveyed 4,010 drivers in spring 2002 and asked about a variety of potentially distracting behaviors (Royal, 2003, p. 1). The vast majority reported these behaviors on some trips, often on many or most trips. The most common were: 81 percent talked to other passengers on some trips; Cell phones are one of the most common distractions, a study released by NHTSA and Virginia Tech's Transportation Institute showed. However, according to AAA and NHTSA, it is the intellectual activity of talking on a cell phone, rather than the phone itself, that impairs ability to concentrate and retain control of one's vehicle. In crashes where distractions were reported, the most common distractions were similar in NHTSA's driver survey and crash investigations. 37 percent in survey, 29 percent in crashes: something outside the car – street sign, another driver; Other distractions, such as eating, tending to children, talking with others in the car, reading maps and applying makeup also is problematic. A study funded by AAA's Foundation for Traffic Safety found that using a hands-free cell phone and tuning a car radio are equally distracting. Anything that takes drivers' eyes and minds off the road or hands off the wheel is distracting, cautions the NHTSA. Frequency of the distraction and multi-tasking further increased risk. Looking away from the road for two seconds or longer makes a driver's odds of being involved in a crash nearly twice as high, found a study released by by AAA's Foundation for Traffic Safety and Virginia Tech. Clearly, anything that takes drivers' minds and hands off the wheel puts them and others at risk. A survey conducted by AAA Colorado last year showed that 51 percent of teens surveyed around the state admitted to sending or receiving text messages while driving, and 66 percent said they talked on their cell phones while driving. Thirty eight percent of the respondents acknowledged taking their eyes off the road when texting while driving. The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), Colorado State Patrol (CSP) and the Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association (RMIIA) partnered with AAA Colorado to support the survey planning and publicity. AAA and its partners hope the study will create more awareness of the need for new driver safety and education. Colorado law prohibits drivers of any age from operating cell phones while holding learners' permits. “Aggressive driving” is defined as an incident in which an angry or impatient motorist or passenger intentionally injures or kills another motorist, motorcyclist, passenger, or pedestrian, or attempts to injure or kill another motorist, motorcyclist, passenger, or pedestrian, in response to a traffic dispute, altercation, or grievance. It is also considered “aggressive driving” when an angry or vengeful motorist intentionally drives his or her vehicle into a building or other structure or property. When drivers overstep this line, they become socially and legally responsible. Drivers who allow themselves to be distracted by their multi-tasking activities are increasing the risk factor for themselves and imposing that dangerous limit on motorcyclist, and others–passengers, other drivers, pedestrians. This increased risk to which others are subjected is thus similar to other driver behavior that are considered aggressive and illegal: going through red lights, failing to yield, exceeding safe speed limits, reckless weaving, drinking and driving, driving. Distracted driving and Aggressive driving, whatever the cause, is an issue for drivers of all ages. The bottom line is, pay attention when you're behind the wheel. Bikers' and Motorcyclists' Lives depend on it. Bikers Accident Survivor Forum –Garry Van Kirk ” You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom.”~Clarence Darrow~
66 percent changed radio stations or looked for CDs or tapes;
49 percent ate or drank;
26 percent took incoming calls on a cell phone and 25 percent made outgoing calls;
24 percent dealt with children in the back seat;
12 percent read a map or directions.
19 percent in survey, 11 percent in crashes: other passengers, including children;
16 percent in survey, 21 percent in crashes: object or controls inside the car;
2 percent in survey, 2 percent in crashes: dialing or using a cell phone.
Bikers Supporting Bikers After A Serious Catastrophic Injuries
Legislatative Issues Motorcycle Awareness
Amputee and Paraplegic Resources and Supplies
Motorcycle Rider Education
Accident Scene Management
Bullhead City, Arizona
Supporting Our Right to Ride, Supporting Bikers In Their Time Of Need.
September 25, 2008 Part 5
By Bandit |
Continued From Page 4
MYRTLE BEACH, DA BASTARDS, pass rally ordinances [… and Lid Law]– All 15 of Myrtle Beach’s proposed bike rally options have become law, though with some modifications.
At this morning’s city council workshop, rally proponents raised objections to some details and some entire proposals, like the one that requires riders to wear helmets and protective eyewear within city limits.
Of all the proposals designed to curtail the May motorcycle rallies that draw more than 300,000 to the Grand Strand each year, the helmet law is the least popular among rally supporters.
They say wearing a helmet is actually unsafe and that the city’s rule making noncompliance an infraction instead of a crime still supersedes state law.That ordinance didn’t face any changes before it passed 5-1, with Councilman Randal Wallace dissenting. He has never agreed with the helmet law.
The other ordinances passed 6-0, with Chuck Martino absent.
The city planned on limiting parking to one motorcycle per space, but after bikers made the case for multiple bikes in one spot to save parking spaces for other users, the council at this afternoon’s meeting voted to allow no more than two bikes per public space.Councilmembers also passed the 2 a.m. bar-closing law, which says any bar that wants to remain open after 2 a.m. must apply for an exemption and make its security, underage drinking and overpouring policies and procedures clear to the city.
But until this afternoon, the council had been planning to require all official security personnel to be licensed and bonded. Councilmembers removed the bonding requirement before passing the second and final draft of the ordinance.
The juvenile curfew will go into effect in 90 days, as will anti-loitering and public drinking rules and more. Other rules take effect immediately, like stricter noise standards and adding rallies and other unpermitted, unmanaged events to the city’s list of nuisances.
Lawyers representing some of the businesses that object to the ordinances attended both the workshop and meeting. Suzanne Coe of Greenville, an attorney for The Dog House and The Masters’ Club, spoke up several times during both gatherings to warn the city about legal challenges she sees coming.
In the end, though, the city council said it would face whatever legal challenges come up.
Speakers accused the council of discriminating against bikers, attorney Beth Marlow of Charleston, representing Harley-Davidson of Myrtle Beach and Festival Promotions, registered her objections to a variety of ordinances, including the one that allows the city to hold promoters of events that spill over into the city liable for the city’s expenses.
But she said after the meeting that she doesn’t anticipate filing any motions to try and stop the city from enforcing the new laws — yet.
–By Lorena Anderson
–from Rogue
BIKERNET/ROLLIN SIXERS CHRISTMAS T-SHIRT DRIVE FOR THE TROOPS–I can?t believe how grateful these guys and gals were last year to get just a t-shirt. Everybody listen up, Thanks to all who sent in stuff last year. You really made the day for the guys and gals over there and it showed what standup folks you really are. Like I said, times are tough for us, but it is a lot tougher for the troops overseas.
Nobody is shooting AK 47s at us everyday or trying to kill us with IED’s. So hey everyone, if you can help out again this year that would be great, and if you can?t, that?s cool too. Everyone at Rolling Sixes would like to say thanks and may God bless you with a better year then the last. So let’s see how many t-shirts we can get together and don’t forget we also need a little cash for shipping. Nobody would give us a break on shipping last year.
Send Donations to:
T-shirts for Troops
2164 West First Street
Suite A
Fort Myers , FL 33901
BIKERNET READER FINISHES BOBBER–Here’s some pictures of my 88-inch Shovelhead bobber I built.It has S&S flywheels, rods, and pistons. S&S Super “B” with custom stainless steel ball air cleaner.Two-inch stainless steel exhaust with stainless and brass end caps/baffleshand made rear fender/struts/taillamp hand made oil tank, all brass grips, pegs , brake and clutch levers made my me.
Kicker pedal is aftermarkethand made license plate/oil filter bracket and hand made chain guard.I also made the seat pan and hand tooled the leather myself.I thought this would fit right in your webpage or magazine
–Tom Sawyer
Sawyer’s Motorcycle Shop
EAGER ANTICIPATION AS RM AUCTIONS? ?AUTOMOBILES OF LONDON? EVENT DRAWS NEAR–Eager anticipation is building as 100 vintage motor cars are entered for RM Auctions? second annual ?Automobiles of London? auction event next month at Battersea Evolution, London, UK.
Some of the important highlights include: a stunning1963 Ferrari 250 GT SWB California Spyder; the ex-Park Lane Showroom 1997 McLaren F1; a concours-winning 1959 Ferrari 250 GT Tour de France Berlinetta; and an ultra-rare 1938 Horch 853 Special Roadster.
For further information, please contact RM Auctions? London Office at +44 (0) 20 7293 6336 or visit
HOUSTON-GALVASTON UPDATE–Thanks for your concern about HOU/GALV. looks like we might still have our LONE STAR RALLY halloween weekend. Come on out and I’ll buy ya a cold one.The area sure could use money!!! I live in galv. county so it’s my poor boy’s Sturgis. Keep up the GREAT work.
live to ride
–RON in TX
BRITTOWN GANG CHECKS IN–Hope everybody had a great summer! We’re busy designing some new posters, shirts, and goodies for Christmas and yes… editing some new movies for next spring! In the meantime, we wanted to let you all know that we’ve been busy posting pics and stories on our blog from the crazy trip we took through Europe this summer.
Dickies picked up the tab and we showed the films in 11 different countries over a two month span. If you get a chance, please head over and check it out at
SMOKE OUT SPONSORED BY BIKERNET.COM COMING TO COTTONWOOD NEXT WEEK, BROTHER HEADING OUT–The HORSE Backstreet Choppers Smoke Out is the world?s largest Chopper Rally and will be held out West for the 3rd time October 3 and 4, 2006, on the Verde Valley Fairground in Cottonwood, AZ (20 minutes South of Sedona).
For more information check See ya there.
THE VIKING REPORTS ON HIS AMERICAN ADVENTURE–After having closer looks at my material I decided to send you some samples of my biker-days in So-Cal. It was fun meeting all these guys and girls, to go to secret places and to have the opportunity to shoot some bikes.
On this way also many thanks to Eric Ellis from Hot Bike. It had been a great time over there, ride safe, we’ll meet again, sure.
–Viking medienproduktion
Andreas Kirsch
Am Schacht Hubert 7
45139 Essen
Office Call: 049-(0)-201-102 88 48
THERE YOU HAVE IT–Another Bikernet News section for September 25, 2008. This puppy is 103 pages long, like producing a magazine in a day. Good god, what the hell was I thinking.
Later today or tomorrow morning, before I race to the airport, I’ll launch our first Mudflap Girl Bike install. We’re building the Mudflap Girl bike for a friend and you’ll see the touring FXR come together right here. Hopefully, Johnny Humble will post another Root Beer Bobber story next week.
Here’s what we also have in the hopper. I’m building a complete story on the new touring frame for 2009 Harley-Davidson with special images and comments from factory engineers who developed it. We have another very cool Bonneville success story from the mad performance scientist Kenny Lyons, plus a new Indian Dealer just opened in Southern California and we have the full report.
Several bike features including a feature on the new WCC bikes from Illusions will hit the ever-expanding pages of Bikernet, next week. Never a dull moment around here.
Ride Forever,
September 25, 2008 Part 4
By Bandit |
Continued From Page 3
BIKERNET SUPPORTS CINNCINATI BIKERS FOR BABIES–My name is Kara Kasee and I am the Community Director and Bikers for Babies Coordinator at the Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Division of the March of Dimes.I would like to personally thank you for posting the Bikers for Babies event on your website. The Bikers for Babies event took place Saturday, September 6th and raised over $74,000. I am currently trying to wrap up the event by trying to complete our impression reports. In order to do that, I need a some numbers from you:
Again, thank you for your support. Have a great day!
–Kara Kasee
Community Director
March of Dimes
10806 Kenwood Road
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Telephone (513) 769-3588
Fax (513) 769-3577
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Accident Scene Management (ASMI) Training comes to California!!!!– ASMI is a Non-profit organization dedicated to reducing injuries and fatalities to bikers through proper First Response at a crash scene. It is ASMI’s position that we shouldn’t need to wait for trained help to come to us but as bikers, we can start care right away! We are in a unique position because bikers often travel in groups making the most likely person to be at the scene of a motorcycle crash, another motorcyclist!
In 1996 Vicki Sanfelipo – RN/EMT, an avid biker, developed a class to teach her friends what to do if she crashed. Soon other people were requesting the class in her home state of Wisconsin. Today, the ASMI organization has trained over 11,000 students and has instructors in 25 states. ASMI training is the only academic & duplicatable, motorcycle specific trauma training in the USA. “It’s not enough to just learn helmet removal and is even worse to think that CPR will save an injured biker”!
Sanfelipo and fellow instructor Trainer from Texas, Denise Carey, RN will be teaching classes in San Francisco November 15th and in Irvine at the MSF November 22nd. The Irvine class will also offer a 3 day opportunity to Nurses and EMTs who would like to become instructors of this intense one day class called “A Crash Course for the Motorcyclist”. Assisted through a NAMs grant and hosted by the Kings of Cali & the MSF the 7.5 hour class is only $55.00 which includes all course materials and a certificate of completion along with CEUs for nurses.
For classes and training in other areas of the country please visit our website at –Vicki Roberts-Sanfelipo, RN/EMT Give to ASMI while you shop! It’s easy – Burly Bagger Bars —Custom baggers (in particular, bikes with Batwing fairings) require a custom bar, and Burly isn?t afraid of the challenge. Additional bends, compound curves and for the 2008 and newer models a fly-by-wire throttle system. All fairly daunting challenges, but not for a company that?s been committed to custom for the last 15 years. Measuring in at an ideal 13? tall and 1 1/4? around, the Burly Bagger Bars just crest the fairing, taper smoothly into the hand controls and are dimpled and drilled for internal wiring. CNC bent curves snake around gauges and avoid interfering with speakers or fairing mounted mirrors, all the while offering the optimum in style and rider comfort. Check out the Burly web site or contact your local dealer to get a set and look for additional products to join our already proven line in the very near future. — David Zemla BIKER’S CHOICE COMES TO BIKERNET–We’re proud to be working with Biker’s Choice. You’ll start to see their product line, their apparel, their involvement in Bikernet projects and Biker’s Choice tech info. So hang on, or quick, order one of their catalogs. When you’re not ordering parts, it will make a helluva door stop. It’s massive. BIKERNET BONNEVILLE BIKE PAINTER FINISHES TRIUMPH PROJECT BIKE–Here’s some shots of my triumph with wheels about one week away from ridingStay tuned for the first ride. –Jim We would like everyone to come celebrate!!–At the September Big Birthday Party Marie Red?s Our Chef (Andy) will be cooking something delicious. There will be plenty of food but when it?s gone it?s gone. So don?t be late! As always we are also going to have birthday gifts for everyone who has a birthday in September so bring you?re Proof! (ID-DL) There will also be a chance at door prizes (Even if you don?t have a birthday this month!) We have some very cool door prizes this month! You just never know what else we will come up with so You really don’t want to miss it Hope to C-ya there Tina Fairless RARE 1913 FLYING MERKEL AVAILABLE FOR MAGAZINE BIKE FEATURE–Did you think the mono-shock was developed by an overseas company in 1984, well not so kimosabee. Take a look under the seat of this American made motorcycle. Markus Cuff shot this bike from the Don Whalen, Sierra Madre Motorcycle, collection this week. One of the bikes, the one-off Zucher Special, was picked up by American Iron, but they let this one slip. Let us know if you would like to see the full feature. – THE WINDY CITY LOOKS MIGHTY PRETTY–Last week, Mayor Richard M. Daley of Chicago announced a dramatic plan to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions, in an effort to stop global warming and become one of the greenest cities in the nation. As the Associated Press reported: “The plan calls for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to three-fourths of 1990 levels by 2020 through more energy-efficient buildings, using clean and renewable energy sources improving transportation and reducing industrial pollution.””We can’t solve the world’s climate change problem in Chicago, but we can do our part,” said Mayor Daley. “We have a shared responsibility to protect our planet.” Visit for details on the Chicago Climate Action Plan, and what residents and businesses can do to help. Zipper?s Big Bore Cylinders for Sportster & Buell–Zipper?s has developed new aluminum alloy cylinders for 883 and 1200 engines to increase the engine size a little or a lot! These cylinders are manufactured with high quality cast-in iron liners and will work in all types of performance applications. Bore sizes available are 3-9/16? (1250cc on the stock case), and 3-13/16? (88? with stock stroke, 99?, requires 4-5/16? stroker crankshaft). Can be fitted with your choice of several piston designs (see catalog or web site) to accommodate specific usages, or you can purchase these cylinders un-sized to fit your pistons. Includes design improvements for structural integrity, plus cooling fins have been increased to improve heat transfer. Note: Cylinders for XB9/12 models and 2004-up Sportsters have 1/4? more fin circumference to match the newer cylinder head fin configuration. Zip Tip- 3-13/16? is the largest bore size that the stock H-D XL cases can be safely bored for. 3-5/8? bore is the maximum S&S replacement XL/Buell cases can be bored for.
Director Accident Scene Management, Inc.
President of SOS & Conspicuity Inc.
(877) 411-8551 – toll free
(262) 521-2880 – local
(262) 436-0286 – fax
Burly Brand
6900 Marlin Circle
La Palma, CA 90623
Phone 888-367-1871
3007 E. Abram Street Arlington Texas 76010
Saturday September 27th 7:00pm until when ever?
BOB DOWDY OF D&D PASSES–Dave Rash, President of D&D Performance Enterprises, broke the news that Bob Dowdy, D&D?s Mr. Everything, passed away at his home on Saturday, September 6, 2008. Bob was diagnosed with liver cancer 10 weeks earlier.
He was known for his uncommon wit, enthusiasm for life and the way he treated others. Bob always found a way to laugh and enjoy life.
?If you had a problem, Bob had an answer,? said Rash. ?When my wife was kidnapped, my very first call was to Bob. He told me what to do, I did it, and in 10 days my wife was rescued. He was one heck of a human being and I will miss him.?
On Saturday Bob was sitting between his wife and son. In the final moments he looked into Barbara?s eyes and said: ?I’m dying? and then placed his head on her shoulder and passed.He will be missed by all his friends, family and co-workers.
CALIFORNIA BIKE WEEK AND THE LOVE RIDE APPROACHES– (Times Subject to Change, Please Check Again on Oct 23rd).
Friday, Oct 24th/California Bike Week:
Gates Open 3:00PM (Entrance Will Be
Through Fairplex Gate 17)
Vendor Village 3:00-11:00PM
Hot Rod Village 3:00-11:00PM
Tattoo Parlor 3:00-11:00PM
Harley-Davidson Road Tour 3:00-10:30PM
Wall of Death 3:00-10:00PM
Demo Rides 3:00-10:00PM
Concessions 3:00-11:00PM
Access To The NHRA Museum 3:00-8:00PM
Music Stage 4:00-9:45PM
Graceland Mafia 4:00-5:00PM
No Dice 5:30-6:30PM
Lee Rocker 7:00-8:00PM
The Blasters 8:30-9:45PM
Gates Close 11:00PM
Saturday, Oct 25th/California Bike Week:
Gates Open 10:00AM (Entrance Will Be Through Fairplex Gate 17)
Breakfast & Auction @ The Petersen KAutomotive Museum 9:00AM – 12:00PM
Vendor Village 10:00AM-8:00PM
H-D Ride In Custom Bike Show 9:00AM-6:00PM (Through Gate F)
Tattoo Parlor 10:00AM-11:00PM
Stunt Shows 11:00AM-4:30PM
Harley-Davidson Road Tour 10:00AM-10:30PM
Wall of Death 10:00AM-8:00PM
Demo Rides 3:00-10:30PM
Access To The NHRA Museum 10:00AM-8:00PM
Concessions 10:00AM-11:00PM
Music Stage 11:30AM-5:00PM
Blue Baron Band 11:30AM-12:30PM
Dennis Jones 1:00-2:00PM
The Charlie Brechtel Band 2:30-3:30PM
The Answer 4:00-5:00PM
Flat Track Practice 4:00-6:00PM
Flat Track Racing 6:30-10:00PM
Gates Close 11:00PM
Sunday, LOVE RIDE Oct 26th/Love Ride 25:
Bikes Begin To Arrive 6:00AM
Preferred Parking 6:00-9:00AM
VIP Village 6:00-9:00AM
Registration 6:00-9:00AM
Magda Hiller 6:45-7:05AM
Cydney Robinson 7:05-7:35AM
Georgia Satellites 8:00-8:40AM
Welcoming Ceremonies 8:40-9:00AM
Magda Hiller 9:00-9:15AM
Bikes Begin to Roll 9:15AM
Gates Open 10:00AM (Entrance Will Be
Through Fairplex Gate 17)
Bikes Begin To Arrive 10:00AM
Vendor Village 10:00AM-6:00PM
Stunt Show 10:00-11:30AM
Tattoo Parlor 10:00AM-6:00PM
Harley-Davidson Road Tour 10:00AM-6:00PM
Wall of Death 10:00AM-6:00PM
Concessions 10:00AM-6:00PM
Demo Rides 10:00AM-6:00PM
World Famous Love Ride Bar-B-Q 10:30AM-4:00PM (For Those With Love Ride Experience Tickets Only)
Main Music Stage 11:00AM-3:45PM
Welcome to Pomona/VIP’s on Stage 11:00-11:15AM
The Tubes 11:15-12:00PM
Foo Fighters 12:30-1:45PM
ZZ Top 2:15-3:45PM
Grand Prize Give Away & Much More 3:45-4:15PM (Main Music Stage)
Stunt Show 4:00-5:30PM
Gates Close 6:00PM
BIKERNETMETRIC.COM BLOG EXPANDING– We’ve hired Mark Stewart, or Outlaw Communications, to be the editor and all-knowing Metric guru. He will add content constantly. If you’re in the metric business, build metric bikes or like metric girls, drop him a line.
GIVE YOUR BIKE THE FINGER–If you?ve been looking for something a little edgy that is sure to set your bike apart and be the center of attention, these new ?BONES? hand levers just introduced by Paughco are certain to do the trick. Cast from heat treated aircraft quality aluminum, each lever is shaped to be as comfortable to grip as they are eye catching.
Currently Paughco is offering BONES levers in matching sets for all 1965 through 2006 Sportster and Big Twin models. They are direct replacement for the stock levers and many found on custom machines using the same fitment dimensions.
You can give your bike the finger for just $197.95 by calling 775-246-5738 or going to the Web at
Continued On Page 5
September 25, 2008 Part 3
By Bandit |
Continued From Page 2
Custom Bike Building World Champion Comes Home to New Jersey–September 2, 2008 – Paterson, NJ — Hybrid Dynamics Corporation (?Hybrid?) (OTCBB:HBDY) subsidiary, Delaware American Motors (?DAM?), has brought home the prestigious world championship cup from the AMD World Championship of custom bike building at the Annual Sturgis, South Dakota Rally.
After two grueling weeks on the road and over 4,000 miles traveled the DAM team arrived back at their Paterson headquarters weary but satisfied by the great accomplishment they just achieved. DAM, competing against motorcycle heavy weights in the production manufacturer class, won scoring 95 points to clinch the championship cup.
The AMD World Championship is the most prestigious competition in the world attracting 68 entrants from 13 countries. With the manufacturer class, the bikes you compete with are the same bikes that you sell or intend to sell to the public. This means that your designs have to be well conceived and engineered not only for safety but for mass production.
The DAM team entered bike number two, ?Pennsylvania? of the Tech Twin American 13C series. The series of motorcycles was conceived to honor the founding of our country with each bike named after one of the thirteen colonies and being built in the order that each ratified the constitution. Bike number one is ?Delaware?, the winning bike ?Pennsylvania? is number two and work has begun on bike number three ?New Jersey?.
In 1792, Alexander Hamilton formed an investment group called the Society of Useful Manufactures (the “SUM”) whose funds would be used to develop a planned industrial city in the United States that was later to become Paterson. Hamilton believed that the United States needed to reduce its dependence on foreign goods and should instead develop its own industries. Taking the lead from Hamilton, DAM is proud to bring Motorcycle manufacturing back to New Jersey and to the city of Paterson.
CHECK THIS, MOTORCYCLE SALES ARE WAY UP ACCORDING TO NBC–Motorcycle sales are way up in a very positive (for once!) story on the NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams.
Check out the video here: Things are looking hopeful for 2009! –Jared Peterson BIKERS CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE– When a car driver killed a biker the judge dismissed the charges on a technicality saying she did nothing wrong. The court of appeals reversed and ABATE of Wisconsin members were afraid that the court would not take the death of a biker seriously. When I was asked to help I hired a public relations firm, wrote an editorial and helped organize media coverage and a show of support by ABATE-Dave Dwyer having the lead role. At sentencing the judge chastised the DA for bringing the wrong charge but sentenced the driver to one year anyway. She will lose her driving privileges for five years. We can make a difference when we work together and get involved. — M. Hupy Woman gets year in jail for fatal bike crash– MONTELLO ? A former Oxford woman who originally told authorities her husband was driving their vehicle during a fatal 2005 collision with a motorcycle will spend one year in jail. Aprylann Wuteska, 30, of Friendship, will spend one year in jail, with work-release privileges, for lying to police following a November 2005 accident that resulted in the death of Timothy James Bennett, 31, of Oxford. Authorities said Bennett was riding his motorcycle west on state Highway 82 in the village of Oxford in Marquette County on Nov. 1, 2005, when he struck a pickup truck belonging to the Wuteskas, which had apparently turned in front of him. The accident took place at the entrance to the Generations Tavern in Oxford. Wuteska ran into Generations after the accident and said someone needed to call 911, according to a criminal complaint. She did not leave the scene of the accident. Instead, Wuteska allegedly said her husband was driving at the time of the accident ? an assertion he allegedly affirmed to police, although witnesses said Ronald Wuteska, 36, was not in the vehicle at the time. He was charged with hit-and-run involving death as a party to the crime. The charge was dismissed after he died of cancer in October 2006. Marquette County District Attorney Richard Dufour said when she told police that she was not the driver, it qualified the accident to be charged as a hit-and-run, according to court records. Wuteska was not charged with drunken driving from the incident, although her state of intoxication was debated at the hearing. She was not tested for intoxicants on the night of the incident. After Judge Richard O. Wright ruled in August 2006 that the hit-and-run charge was not valid, Dufour appealed the ruling. The District IV Court of Appeals agreed with Dufour and in May 2007 reversed Wright’s decision, saying that Wuteska did not give accurate information about herself when she told investigators that she was not the driver ? a requirement in state law regarding the statute covering incidents of hit-and-run. Wright at the hearing reminded the 13 family members and friends of Timothy Bennett that he was not sentencing Wuteska on a charge of homicide. “There is no charge here for her causing his death,” he said. “That’s not what I’m sentencing her for.” As both a member of ABATE of Illinois and IL FREEDOM RUN, I wish to thank you and the entire Hupy andAbraham Staff for being there when we needed assistance. The right to assemble is a basic constitutional right and without vigilante attorney’s such as yourself we would have been denied it. Many people in thiscountry talk about our constitution but Pete Naylor and Hupy and Abraham walk the walk not just talk the talk. The wounded warriors, and the families of the fallen will probably never know how much you have done toenable their family members to be honored for their service to our country’s freedom but you will know itand you will feel our gratitude in your heart for doing what is right. –Rita Bostelman FAMOUS FREEDOM FIGHTER AND OUTLAW, JINGLES, PASSES– Jingles, AOA, died last Friday. One of my best friends, since 1968. He was a stand up guy and truce broker. He had conversations with George Christie and shared court documents and pleadings with him regarding some discrimination cases on patches, etc. Also he was a good friend of Billy Tinney’s. Funeral is this Saturday, with visitation on Friday. I expect 600 to 1,000 or more at this funeral. He was well known and everyone liked him. –Pan BAKER 6-SPEED INSTALL TECH PUBLISHED ON BIKERNET–That’s right. The Baker crew are installing 6-speeds in 5-speed stock bikes at major events, so we covered it. The 6-speed installs are also available at any Baker dealer. The DD6 from Baker sets any 5-speed free to glide effortlessly along any highway. Check it out.Click Here For The Full Tech BIKERNET WEEKLY PRODUCT RELEASE from RIVERA PRIMO– BRUTE V BELT DRIVES w/Polished Motor Plate, Outer Guard & Pro-Clutch 3-1/2? WIDE . . . 14mm BELT . . . OPEN PRIMARY . . . ELECTRIC START FITS 1990-2006 EVO & TWIN CAM SOFTAIL & 1990-2005 DYNA MODELS Want to make sure your big, bad stroker motor will deliver all of its power thru the trans to therear wheel, here?s your answer. Rivera Primo?s Brute V belt drive kit offers big-time results withvisual enhancements. Complete kit includes a fully polished 2-piece motor plate (for Twin Cam Softails w/B-motorsa new 1-piece plate is offered), a complete Pro-Clutch set-up and a ribbed aluminum,polished outer belt guard. An optional ?3-D Flamed? belt guard is sold under part # 2014-0013. These belt drives are sold in a variety of front pulley configurations for wide tire usage, from standard offset up to 2? of offset . Select yours from the listing below. FOR 2000-2006 TWIN CAM B-MOTOR SOFTAILS Part No. Front Pulley Offset , Motor Plate, MSRP. FOR 1990-1999 EVOLUTION SOFTAIL MODELS Part No. Front Pulley Offset. Motor Plate. MSRP FOR 1990-2005 DYNA MODELS Part No. Front Pulley Offset, Motor Plate, MSRP 2016-0031, None, 2-Piece , 2292.63 2016-0005, 1.50, 2-Piece, 2327.81 For further info on these & other fine products contact: RIVERA PRIMO INC. 545 PEOPLE, A POLITICAL EDITORIAL–By Charlie Reese. Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them. Have you ever wondered why, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits? Have you ever wondered why, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have inflation and high taxes? You and I don’t propose a federal budget. The president does. You and I don’t have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does. You and I don’t write the tax code, Congress does. You and I don’t set fiscal policy, Congress does. You and I don’t control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does. One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president, and nine Supreme Court justices 545 human beings out of the 300 million are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country. I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered, but private, central bank. I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a president to do one cotton-picking thing. I don’t care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator’s responsibility to determine how he votes. Those 545 human beings spen d much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party. What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall. No normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits. The president can only propose a budget. He cannot force the Congress to accept it.The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes. Who is the speaker of the House? She is the leader of the majority party. She and fellow House members, not the president, can approve any budget they want. If the president vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to. It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million cannot replace 545 people who stand convicted — by present facts — of incompetence and irresponsibility. I can’t think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people. When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist. If the tax code is unfair, it’s because they want it unfair. If the budget is in the red, it’s because they want it in the red. We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess! Charlie Reese is a former columnist of the Orlando Sentinel Newspaper. EASYRIDERS NAMES NEW CEO– Joe Teresi announced today that he has named John Lagana to succeed him as Publisher and CEO of Paisano Publications, LLC. Lagana comes with over twenty years of experience in senior management positions at well known magazines including Forbes, Rolling Stone, Maxim and The Week. ?We are very pleased that John Lagana has agreed to join the Paisano family, said Joe Teresi, who founded the company in 1970 with Mil Blair and Lou Kimzey. Teresi went on to say that he and his wife Ellen will continue to serve as Chairman and Vice Chairman but will be retiring from the day-to-day business to pursue more leisurely interests. BIKERNET STAFF OFFICIAL ARTIST WINS AT EL CAMINO VINTAGE MOTORCYCLE MEET– My ’70 shovel placed 2nd in the American Classic, 1965-1988 class at El Camino last weekend.The freshly done Red ’66 took first. I thought for sure Paul Wheeler’s ’67 Police bike would take first and I told him so. For some reason his bike didn’t even get third but he did get Sponsor’s Choice. I scored 96 points. Not bad for a ride-in, 14-year-old restoration. –Chris Kallas
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Continued On Page 4
September 25, 2008 Part 2
By Bandit |
Continued From Page 1
PRO VIDEO CHAIR FOR SHOOTING MOTORCYCLE FOOTAGE EXCLUSIVELY, NOW AVAILABLE– George Emmons Najar, Media Engineer for Biker Pros, designed and produced a video shooting chair for high-speed motorcycle passes and video shoots.
The Flying Chair is used in videos for Biker Pros? clients and assists in telling a compelling story. The first video using the chair is a vidcast about a new set of Fat Cat exhaust pipes from D&D Performance Enterprises
The chair connects to a tow hitch and allows the videographer to shoot motorcycles at a road-level vantage point at 180 degrees. It improves the quality and excitement of the video by allowing the shooter to get closer to the action.
Powersport companies that are interested in action videos and product introductions should contact the firm at 919-383-0500 or email at pr
REPORT FROM MARC ROWE, MASTER FRAME BUILDER– I’m still hanging in building stuff. We did 40 custom bikes for Steven Tyler of aerosmith (Red Wing Motorcycles). Have other projects in progress. Enclosed are photos of my fuel-injected 4 cylinder V-Twin, ran it for the first time last week What a blast!
The 4-cylinder (we call it guadzilla) has been a under wraps for three years, but it’s out now.
MOTORCYCLE STOLEN FROM 105TH, HELP IF YOU CAN– Was surfing the site and in the article from Gilbert Relsiak about the 105th. I noticed my friend Julie riding my Thunder Mountain Custom.
The bike was stolen while they were in the Springsteen concert! @ 100 feet from 4 cops no less. What a bummer to come out from a kick assconcert and discover your ride stolen.
Really appreciate any help you could give. Bikernet kicks ass. Keep up the great work.
If you can help. He just wants his bike back. Contact
S&S POWERED BIKES DOMINATE TEXAS– LA CROSSE, WI (September 22, 2008) S&S? Cycle, the leader in Proven Performance components and engines for American v-twin motorcycles announces an incredible weekend of NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle racing in Ennis, Texas. At this past weekend?s O?Reilly Super Start Batteries NHRA Fall Nationals, S&S-powered motorcycles were a dominant force.
How dominant? Sunday morning the field of 16 qualifiers was made up of seven S&S 160ci Billet Pro Stock powered bikes, along with two factory-supported Harley-Davidson motorcycles and seven Suzuki powered machines. At the end of that round, eight bikes remained, five S&S powered, one H-D and two Suzukis. When the eight bikes remaining faced off, three S&S powered bikes and one H-D remained?leading to a final race between Chris Rivas on his Drag Speacialties/S&S/G2 bike and current number one plate holder Matt Smith on his Nitro Fish/Torco S&S powered bike.
Smith and Rivas have a history?that has favored Smith. Going into this round Smith was leading 7-0 when the pair faced each other at the lights, but that changed as Rivas took the win with a 7.024 at 183.97 to Smith?s 7.098 at 187.00 mph. With this win Rivas jumps from eighth place to third in the points standings in that all important race to the number one plate.
Michael Scaletta, Director of Business Development said ?It?s great to see S&S powered motorcycle teams peaking near the end of the season. S&S horsepower had the quickest ET in each of the last four rounds of elimination. As the last few races unfold, consistency and plenty of power are the keys to a championship?with the S&S teams doing so well it is going to be an exciting end to the season.?
There are three races left where you can see the S&S powered bikes compete in NHRA racing. Those races are in Memphis, Tennessee this coming weekend, Las Vegas, Nevada October 30-November 2 and the final race of the year in Pomona, California November 13-16. Get more information at .
KRAWIEC NOW SECOND IN NHRA POINTS WITH TWO WINS IN DALLAS–Krawiec is Top Qualifier Aboard Harley-Davidson V-Rod; Hines Qualifies Second
ENNIS, TEXAS (Sept. 21, 2008) ? Screamin? Eagle/Vance & Hines rider Eddie Krawiec was the top qualifier and won two rounds of Pro Stock Motorcycle eliminations aboard a Harley-Davidson V-Rod at the O?Reilly Super Start Batteries NHRA Fall Nationals at the Texas Motorplex. Krawiec moved into second place in the Countdown to One championship point standings, and now trails NitroFish Buell rider Matt Smith, the series leader, by 59 points.
For the third time this season Krawiec was the top qualifier for an NHRA national, topping the Dallas rounds with a run of 6.970 seconds at 191.92 mph, setting new track records for both ET and top speed in the Pro Stock Motorcycle category. Screamin? Eagle/Vance and Hines rider Andrew Hines qualified second with a 6.985 ET at 191.27 mph.
Krawiec defeated Mike Berry on the MB Precision Machining Suzuki in the first round of eliminations, and got a win in the second round when Snap-On Tools Suzuki rider Steve Johnson fouled at the start. Krawiec faced Pro Stock Motorcycle points leader Matt Smith in the semi-final round, but lost at the line when Smith got a 0.046 reaction time and a 7.115 ET to Krawiec?s 0.058/7.111 pass. Smith?s margin of victory was only 0.008 seconds. Chris Rivas defeated Smith in the final round to win his second event of the season.
?It was a good drag race in the third round,? said Krawiec. ?My light was a little late, certainly not in the range I want to be in. I got that extra point for top qualifier, and when you look at the standings and see that less than 20 points separates second from fifth place, you know that every extra point is going to matter as we chase this championship. We lost a little ground on Smith this weekend, but I don?t think he?s too far ahead to catch.?
Hines saw his day end in the first round, with a red-light loss to Indicom Electric Buell rider Angie McBride. Hines left the start 0.033 seconds early.
?I messed up and threw away some points,? said Hines. ?There?s nothing to do but bite the bullet and move on to the next race. I?ve won at Memphis three years in a row, so maybe that will be a good place to get back in the groove.?
After two rounds of the five-round NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle Countdown to One series for the championship, Smith leads with 22243 points. Krawiec moves from fourth to second place with 2184 points. Rivas is third with 2183 points, followed by Johnson with 2166, Angelle Sampey in fifth with 2165, Chip Ellis in sixth with 2138 points, and Hines in seventh with 2132 points.
NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycles will race next September 26-28 at the O?Reilly Midsouth Nationals at Memphis Motorsports Park in Memphis, Tenn.
The Screamin’ Eagle/Vance & Hines Pro Stock Motorcycle team is sponsored by Ford Truck, Dunlop, Matco Tools and S100.
BRASS BALLS HELPS SERVICEMAN AND COPS–Darwin Motorcycles, manufacturer of Brass Balls Bobbers & Choppers is please to announce an addition to their special Motorcycle Purchase Program that includes public agency staff, which includes Federal, State or Local Police Agency / Authority, Sheriff?s Department, FBI, DEA, NSA, US Border Patrol, Port Authority Police, US Coast Guard, (includes both paid and active volunteers), etc.
The current program provides a $500 discount to all Bobbers and Choppers purchased by active duty military, police, firefighters and school teachers that is currently in place.
Holdsworth, a Desert Storm veteran, understands the commitment and sacrifice that is required to perform America’s essential services. Whether an individual is fighting a fire or fighting for the mind of a student, each job delivers on the betterment of the country and the community.
“We are receiving so much support from the industry that we want to give back even more to the men and women that are putting it on-the-line on a daily basis, keeping us safe and defending our freedoms,” said Holdsworth. “Our $500 service program shows our commitment to the backbone of America.”
If you have questions regarding eligibility of an agency for this incentive, contact Brass Balls Bobbers directly at 405.285.0808 or email at Brass Ball Bobbers is considered by enthusiasts to be “The above average bike for the average Joe”. Custom built motorcycles begin at just $17,995. American IronHorse begins resurrection–American IronHorse (AIH), which was acquired three months ago by Scott Meyers, is undergoing a range of changes aimed at re-establishing the brand. The new management at the company has rehired key staff to support warranty, parts, paint, and technical departments. Changes to the production facility are also underway, streamlining the plant’s overall footprint from 224,000 sq. ft. to 90,000 sq. ft. A new dealer program is being put into place, with key markets in the US being targeted. Talking about the dealer program, Meyers said: “In addition to our loyal IronHorse riders, our dealer network has shown terrific support and proved their dedication to the survival of the brand.” More significantly, new models are nearing completion. A Pro Street-styled prototype was debuted in Sturgis, and a second will be shown at Biketoberfest in Daytona, October 16-19. Both prototypes utilize the S&S X-Wedge 117ci engine. Commenting on AIH’s product development, Jeff Long, Vice President of Design, said: “We are committed to the progressive design, performance and heritage that makes American IronHorse a premium brand in the market.” The last few weeks have seen excess and obsolete inventory not purchased by Scott Meyers liquidated by the former ownership group. The new models will join the existing bike line, which is made up of four models: the Texas Chopper, Slammer, Bandera and Judge. TORIAN LEATHER KING OF THE HIGHWAY JACKET–The King of the Highway Jacket Built Torian Chopper Leathers are fashioned by industry-recognized designer, Bob Kay. ?I went back in the day and created an old skool look for bikers that need easy access to their valuables and protection,? said Kay. ?Our pockets and pouches provide access to your goods and keeps valuables safe from prying eyes.? Each Torian Chopper Leathers? jacket is manufactured from the finest naked cowhide and provides a rich supple feel to the touch. Leather craftsman produce each jacket to exacting standards. The leather line includes men and women?s jackets, chaps, gloves and kidney belt. Torian Chopper Leathers is headquartered in Fort Worth, Tx. Currently the Men’s Classic Road Jacket is available at BIKERNET STUDIOS RADIO INTERVIEW OF THE WEEK–Marilyn Stemp, Executive Editor of IronWorks, talks about what the magazine has become overtime… It?s for people that are interested in the nuts and bolts of motorcycles. She talks about gearheads like Donnie Smith, Don Tilley and Brian Klock. Click here for the interview. D&D DEALER PROGRAM EXPANDS WEEKLY–If you need performance pipes installed in your area, check this list of new D&D Dealers or click on the banner above to find a dealer in your area. 1) Freedom Power Sports 3102 N Cobb Pkwy Kennesaw, GA 30152 770-974-6000 –Jennifer SPECTRO OILS FUELS YOUR FUN WITH LIMPNICKIE LOT– Spectro Oils again pairs with the Limpnickie Crew to bring you a new kind of fun at Biketoberfest Brookfield, CT? Spectro Oils of America has teamed up with the Limpnickie Lot to bring you a whole new kind of fun at Biketoberfest. After a great time in Sturgis, the Limpnickie Lot is on its way to Biketoberfest, in Daytona, for another awesome week of good times and good people. The Stone Edge Skate Park will be the location for all of the Limpnickie Lot events. If you haven?t had a chance to experience the Limpnickie Lot yet, now is the time. After a couple of awesome weeks at Daytona Bike Week earlier this spring and Sturgis Bike Week in August, Spectro Oils and the Limpnickie Lot are returning to Daytona for Biketoberfest to shake things up. If you have done Biketoberfest before and are looking for something new this year you don?t have to look farther than the Limpnickie Lot. Between professional dirt bike jumping, Bill Dodge of Blings Cycles trying to skateboard, and Taber Nash of Nash Motorcycle Company being hit continuously with paintballs, there will be something fun for you to watch or do. ?After the great time that crowd had at Sturgis, I know everyone will have an awesome time at the Limpnickie Lot at Biketoberfest. The people who come to hang out at the Limpnickie Lot are the ones to watch, young, full of energy and ready to take on anything? said Spectro Oils President, David Miller. Stop by the Limpnickie Lot on Ridgewood Avenue, sponsored by Spectro Oils, to watch professional dirt bike jumping, and watch the likes of Benji Galloway and other pro skaters in the skate park. The Limpnickie Lot will be at Biketoberfest in Daytona from October 16-19 at the Stone Edge Skate Park. Spectro brands are manufactured and marketed by Intercontinental Lubricants Corp. of Brookfield, CT, ILC, one of the world?s foremost manufacturers and packagers of quality lubricants. For more information on Spectro Oils, please visit: BIKERNET JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK– Balancer shaft alignment tool. This tool is a must have for maintaining a long life of your balancer?sdrive chains and bearings. This tool will take all the guess work out ofsetting up your sprocket and chain alignment on a ?B? Beta Twin Cam?Softail engine. This tool has been improved to fit early or late balancer shafts. No.952 – Use on all Twin Cam2000 to present ?B? model Softails. Suggested Retail Price $219.60 Continued On Page 3
2) Buds M/C Shop 2612 E Cesar Chavez St Austin, TX 78702 512-472-8658
3) F & S H-D 7220 N Dixie Dr Dayton, OH 45414 937-898-8084
4) Sandy’s H-D 11940 N Maple Island Rd Fremont, MI 49412 231-924-3020
5) Southeast Customs 8431 Old Statesville RD # 5 Charlotte, NC 28269 704-509-5425
6) Formula One Extreme Motorsports 41 W Sunrise Hwy Freeport, NY 11520 516-867-2453
7) Gainesville H-D 4125 NW 97th Blvd. Gainesville, FL 32606 352-331-6363
8) Paint’n Place Custom Cycles 10055 Belknap # 115 Sugarland, TX 77478 281-495-2300
9) Big D Brake & Clutch 2914 Seahabor Rd Dallas, TX 75212 214-638-8461
10) Mike’s Metal Polishing 34050 283 Hwy Ransom, KS 67572 785-731-2510
September 25, 2008 Part 1
By Bandit |
I’m headed to the Meeting of the Minds, a legislative conference, this weekend in Denver. This annual effort to keep us free is produced by the MRF (Motorcycle Riders Foundation) in conjunction with state motorcycle rights groups all over the country. These guys spend their lives fighting for us.
I’m going to discuss several supported issues with the gang for freedom fighters: A Bikernet film effort about freedom and motorcycling; the Independent Noise Study; a Cal State Northridge EPA study to prove motorcycles need to be left alone and the tax money needs to be directed elsewhere, and finally a motorcycle Aftermarket Industry Group established to help in the freedom effort and support the Motorcycle Rights Community.
I’ll let you know how it went next Thursday, and if they throw me out on my ear. Let’s hit the news:
New ?Bonanza? Handlebars Are Latest Creation From Fred Kodlin–MORGAN HILL, CA June 24, 2008 ? These Fred Kodlin bars from Murdercycles are available in a ?Flat? ?Medium? or ?High? and come in chrome or black finish. They are non-dimpled for use with pre-?82 style handlebar controls (not drilled for internal wiring).
?High? Bonanza Bars are 31? wide, 15? rise, 7 ? center, 5 ? pullback and have a suggested retail price of $129.99.
part# 696733, 696736
?Medium? Bonanza Bars are 31? wide, 12? rise, 7 ? center, 6? pullback and have a suggested retail price of $119.99.
part# 696372, 696735
?Flat? Bonanza Bars are 29? wide, 1? built-in riser, 5? pullback and have a suggested retail price of $124.99.
part# 696371, 696734
The ?Bonanza? Handlebars are distributed by Custom Chrome. To find a dealer nearest you please visit or call 800-729-3332.
CALIFORNIA ABATE STAFF CHANGE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY– The ABATE of California Board of Directors has voted to relieve Don Blanscet of his duties and responsibilities as Executive State Director for ABATE of California.
Mr. Blanscet is no longer authorized to speak or act on behalf of ABATE of California in any official capacity.
The ABATE Board of Directors respects, appreciates and recognizes the many personal sacrifices and contributions that Mr. Blanscet has made for the motorcycle community on behalf of ABATE of California, and wishes only the best to Mr. Blanscet in his future endeavors.
In the interim, Assistant State Director, Tim Tennimon will hereby assume all duties and responsibilities associated with serving our members as the Executive Director of ABATE of California.
–Sarge Matthews
Chairman, ABATE of California Board of Directors
NEW BOOK FROM DUANE BALLARD–Check this hand leather tooling from the master near the lake.
Duane Ballard Custom Leather
3401 Spruce St.
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530
SOUTH SIDE KUSTOMS 3rd ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY TO BENEFIT TOYS for TOTS–December 13th 8pm 2008 at Club W 199 Delaware Ave. Buffalo, NYBands at 9:30pm —- Dopey Joe – Blue Rocket Trio – MUDDFOOT
BIKERNET AT RIPS BAD RIDE– Bikernet at the Bad Ride. Yeah, we were there with Charlie Brechtel and his band.
Andrews 2006-08 Gear Drive Cams AVAILABLE FROM J&P– These series HG gear drive cams are made for all 2007-08 Twin Cam and 2006-08 Dyna models. They are specifically designed to run with new S&S gear drives.
The HG series cam kits also include 2 plates for closing lubricating oil feed holes, which are intended for stock chains, not 2007 style gear drives. Made in the USA. For more information on J&P Cycles full line of cams and cam kits, visit us on the web at WWW.JPCYCLES.COM or call us toll-free at 800-397-4844
GUN REFRESHER COURSE– Gun control is not about guns; it’s about controlling people. If guns are outlawed, can we use sticks? If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.
–from Shotgun
Brewers and Harley-Davidson Rev-up for Partnership–The roar coming from Miller Park just got a little bit louder as two Milwaukee traditions, the Milwaukee Brewers and Harley-Davidson, announced a unique business partnership.
“This is a fully integrated sponsorship and one of the most comprehensive deals in Brewers history,” said Brewers Executive Vice President – Business Operations, Rick Schlesinger. “We’re thrilled to be working with another one of the great companies that calls Milwaukee home. This is a partnership that not only brings the Milwaukee Brewers and Harley-Davidson together; it will also benefit fans coming to Miller Park.?
The agreement includes a Harley-Davidson branded all-inclusive seating area, LED signage, ticket deals, various in-game promotions and more.
“For Harley-Davidson, this is not only about local support, but also national outreach,” said Harley-Davidson Chief Marketing Officer Mark-Hans Richer. “With the Brewers we’re creating unique reasons for our owners to ride to Milwaukee all summer, and building passion with young adults as well as strongly diverse national audiences through TV broadcast exposure.?
The centerpiece of the partnership will be the new Harley-Davidson Deck, which will be constructed in left-centerfield at Miller Park during the winter months. A unique elevated seating area, the Harley-Davidson Deck will seat up to 42 guests and will feature actual Harley-Davidson motorcycles built into the d?cor.
In addition, Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) members will receive discounted tickets to the Harley-Davidson Deck for all games. Pricing for the deck will be inclusive of motorcycle parking, all-inclusive food buffet and two complementary beverages. The deck will be used as both a group area and sold as individual tickets, depending on the game date. H.O.G. members will receive the first opportunity to purchase individual seats or reserve the area for a group before tickets are made available to the general public.
Admission to the Harley-Davidson Deck will be via an exclusive new entrance to Miller Park called “Gate H-D”. The entrance will be not only for those ticketed in the Harley-Davidson Deck, but also for any H.O.G. member who shows a game ticket and membership card. Those seated in the Harley-Davidson Deck will be able to park in an exclusive, motorcycle-only parking lot painted Harley-Davidson Orange, with the price of parking included in the ticket price.
The Brewers and Harley-Davidson also plan to team up on ticket packages that include Brewers game tickets and admission to Miller Park’s new neighbor to the East, the Harley-Davidson Museum, located at 6th and Canal.
Harley-Davidson will also conduct an annual Rider’s Edge New Rider Course in the Miller Park parking lots that can teach almost anyone how to ride a motorcycle. And beginning with tonight’s game, each day the official game ball will be delivered via a Harley-Davidson motorcycle on the warning track, just prior to the first pitch.
COUNTDOWN TO CYCLE WORLD SHOW TIME–This motorcycle extravaganza is an all access pass to the world of motorcycling with hundreds of the latest street bikes, dirt bikes, cruisers, scooters, ATVs and more. Several manufacturers will showcase the hottest bike trends and offer attendees an up-close look at the latest in fuel efficient transportation ? there?s never been a better time to ride! From demo rides and a scooter pavilion to high flying motocross action and fashion shows, the Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows presented by Toyota offers something everyone.
More Demo Rides Than Ever at the 2009 Cycle World International Motorcycle Show Presented by Toyota Tour!
The 2009 Tour kicks off with more manufacturer sponsored demo rides than ever before! Attendees are invited to test ride a collection of hot new models at shows taking place in Phoenix, AZ; Houston, TX; San Mateo, CA; Long Beach, CA, and Greenville, SC. Demo Rides are free with paid admission.
Touch, Feel and Try – At the Marketplace!
The Marketplace, exclusively at the Cycle World International Motorcycle Show presented by Toyota, features the latest in aftermarket products and accessories. Touch, feel and try the newest products out there! Please join us in welcoming the following new companies to the Marketplace:
DFT Inc.
Brembo North America
J& M Corp
KOSO North America
MicroTrak GPS
Windvest Motorcycle Products
The Cycle World International Motorcycle Show to Support Big Tigger?s Second Annual HIV/AIDS RIDE FOR LIFE Motorcycle Benefit Ride In WASHINGTON, DC ? DC Area Riders encouraged to participate
The Second Annual Big Tigger?s HIV/AIDS RIDE FOR LIFE will take place on Sunday, October 5, leaving RFK Stadium in Washington, DC and ending in Maryland. TV and radio personality and HIV/AIDS activist Big Tigger, National Champion Drag Racer Rickey Gadson and more than 2,000 motorcycle riders from across the nation will assemble to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS and its effect on the community. All area riders are encouraged to participate and show their support.
BUZZ KANTER CHALLENGES ALL EDITORS–This is an open challenge to all editors who want to have some fun and come back with a great story for your readers and/or viewers.
I am the editor-in-chief of American Iron Magazine and RoadBike and I have now won the Editor’s Cup in the last 2 consecutive Moto Giro events. It is a great event and a whole lot of fun if you like riding classic bikes and spending a weekend thrashing around beautiful New England roads with a hundred other similar-minded enthusiasts.
See the two attached photos – one is me and my little 1966 Ducati 250 Monza cafe racer, and the other is most of the competitors at the top of Mt. Equinox with some 1950s Moto Guzzi Airones.
In general, there are morning and afternoon sections each on Saturday and Sunday. We are all given time cards and route directions. We need to leave at a designated time and arrive at the time checks at a specified time. And there are skill sections along the way. The winners overall and in each class are the ones with the fewest penalty points.
The rules are at
If you do not have and can not borrow a Moto Giro eligible motorcycle but wish to complete please contact USCRA director Bob Coy at and he will try to arrange a loaner.
–Buzz Kanter
Continued On Page 2
ABATE of Florida Faces Challenges
By Rogue |
ABATE needs your help to continue these efforts! Currently, less than 1 percent of Florida’s 900,00+ endorsed motorcyclists are among the 7,500 members, in 30 Chapters that make up ABATE of Florida, Inc. These dedicated motorcyclists represent and work to preserve and protect the rights of all Florida bikers; sport riders, cruisers, organized riders and free-riders alike. Come for the party! Stay for the mission! For additional information on ABATE of Florida, Inc. visit us on the web at
Myself and others received the message above from ABATE.The first part has been deleted because of its length and I have some disagreement with their claims as well. I want to be very clear that I Support ABATE as an organization BUT like many members I have problems with the current leadership. They have not been successful stopping anti-motorcycle legislation I, and others, feel should not have passed.
Here is an organization claiming to represent the motorcycle riders of Florida yet they openly admit their membership is less than 1 percent. The president of ABATE James “Doc” Reichenbach gets upset when other motorcycle rights organizations like the American Motorcycle Association get involved. The AMA has been fighting unjust laws for many years around the country and has been very successful. Their Florida membership is large, and I, and other members of that association request they represent us on issues in the state until ABATE of Florida is successful.
Many people join ABATE as they become motorcyclist then fall out, disillusioned. Until recently their newsletter listed folks who didn't renew. Now many long time members are not renewing as well. I am not sure why this is but obviously ABATE did not turn out to be what they expected.
There is much disagreement among members on how to handle various situations, pending legislation and present laws that need to be repealed. There are those who feel it is time for new leadership and that the $50,000 that “Doc” gets as lobbyist is not worth what the members of ABATE and the riders of Florida are getting in return. It should also be noted as President of ABATE he does not get paid but his expenses are covered. Exactly what those expenses are is not entirely clear to some of the membership. The majority of dues paying members are the ones who need to decide who runs their organization.
For those who disagree with “Doc” and or ABATE’s policy, you have a right to support other organizations and have them represent you in Florida. As always you do not need to belong to any organization to contact your legislator with your opinion on issues that affect you.
ABATE's success rate of stopping laws that make things mandatory for motorcycle riders is not good. Years ago they did repeal the mandatory helmet law for those over 21, if they had insurance. That was a compromise situation that some favor and others think should not have been linked to insurance. With folks defending this country in foreign lands and putting their lives on the line and then be told they have to wear a helmet because they are not 21 yet is not acceptable. Then, of course, there are those who will argue everyone should wear helmets. This discussion has been going on for years and will continue for many more.
Motorcycles are more and more popular, and many people and organizations are looking to see how they can make money from this growth. One organization is the Motorcycle Safety Foundation who is funded by the major motorcycle manufactures. They originally started out offering a course to teach people how to operate motorcycles. Over the years they have grown and now are lobbying to make their schools Mandatory. Now let me get this right. The motorcycle companies make a product then they have a foundation that will teach you for a fee how to operate their product and NOW they want to Force You To Take These Courses.
At present there is a law in the state of Florida forcing anyone, under the age of 21, to enroll in the mandatory motorcycle courses before they receive a motorcycle license. There is no law to make schooling mandatory for other types of vehicle to my knowledge. The answer is not to play along with these for-profit organizations by making schooling mandatory for any type of motor vehicle license.
The state issues the operators permit for operating motor vehicles and they should do the testing. If some one can pass the test they should be allowed that opportunity to do so. If they do not pass, then they should have the option of going to a school or learning from other sources. They should then be required to return and be retested by the state and not by supplying a note saying they passed the test they paid for. Is this buying a license?
When I last checked the Harley Dealer was charging $295.00 to take their course and there are reports of others charging more. Since these are private businesses there is no cap on what they can charge for these classes and the price is likely to go up with supply and demand.
ABATE has Not Defeated or overturned this law and as a matter of fact there is a new law that is scheduled to take affect in 2008 that will force everyone without a motorcycle endorsement to take the mandatory course.
There is also information that the organizations pushing for Mandatory schooling are going to try and make re-schooling mandatory every 5 years. Yeah, you got that right, you will be forced to pay to go to school on a regular basis to ride your motorcycle.
There are a couple of bills that are in the works. One is House Bill 137 that will allow for the confiscation of motorcycles for traffic offenses. Through the efforts of numerous motorcycle rights groups and concerned motorcyclist this bill has been tabled. That does not mean it will not come back again, as the sponsor said he would re-write and re-submit it. Then there is a companion bill Senate Bill 802.
There will also be other bills to watch and act on. Hopefully we can all work together for the benefit of motorcycle riders of Florida.
I will continue to support ABATE and the American Motorcycle Association in their efforts to improve motorcycling in the State of Florida. I will look forward to information from both of them so I can make informed decisions and let my elected officials know how I feel on the issues. Yes it will take a little work but I want to make decisions on the issues that affect me and not have some one else do it.
2008 is going to be a very important year for ABATE of FLORIDA. Hopefully they will resolve their internal problems and their membership will increase, but more important is that they defeat pending bills that infringe on the rights of motorcyclist and also repeal laws mandating schooling. If they are successful, they will prosper. If they are not successful I believe membership will continue to decline.
If this stirs your soul, read the article about the real reason behind motorcycle crashes from Garry Van Kirk. It will put Rogue's report in perspective. We all need to join and support motorcycle rights organizations, and make sure you vote for the leadership you believe will perform the best.–Bandit
September 23, 2008
By Bandit |
THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid toInjured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition ofMotorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of RichardM. Lester. For more information, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visitus on our website at
Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish,
National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)
DEPLETED LICENSE PLATES, OVERBOOKED RIDER ED COURSESAs a sign of the times, with a record number of motorcyclists on theroad and increasing numbers of motorcycle registrations, ridertraining courses in numerous locations across the country have beenbooked solid and now officials in Kansas have reported running out ofmotorcycle license plates.
The Hutchinson News reported that the problem is bad enough thatcounties with plentiful plates are being asked to share with othercounties. “We are out of motorcycle tags, and we don’t know when we’llget more,” said Reno County Treasurer Clark Miller. “We’ve begged andborrowed from other counties,” he told the newspaper, “but we can’tget more.”
When the state made its annual tag order, gas prices hadn’t reachedtheir current levels and officials didn’t anticipate the resultingdemand from motorists switching to more fuel-efficient transportation.
At least one motorcycle owner complained to the newspaper of beingsent away from the DMV office this week and advised not to drive hismotorcycle until it was properly tagged, with no promise of when tagsmight be available.
MYRTLE BEACH APPROVES HELMET LAW AND OTHER ORDINANCES TO DETER BIKERSMyrtle Beach City Council recently gave initial approval to more thana dozen city-wide ordinances specifically aimed to limit bike ralliesand dissuade bikers from coming to town.
On Tuesday, September 9, the council unanimously approved all but oneof 15 proposed new laws pertaining to two back-to-back May motorcyclerallies, though the restrictions would remain in place year round.
The proposed ordinances that were passed on first reading ranged froma ban on the operation of motor vehicles that do not have required EPA(federal) stickers on their mufflers, to prohibiting more than onevehicle parked in a single public parking space, to implementing amandatory helmet law and eye protection requirement for anyone ridinga motorcycle within city limits and authorizing authorities to impoundtheir motorcycles. The helmet ordinance also outlaws the sale or useof any non-DOT compliant helmet in the city.
In June the City Council not only passed a property-tax increasededicated to funding an anti-bike rally campaign, but also started theprocess to enact ordinances aimed at ending motorcycle-related vendingwithin city limits.
Another vote on the approved anti-rally measures is required beforethey can become law, which may take place before riders arrive inMyrtle Beach for the “Pilgrimage” fall bike rally, giving local policeagencies an opportunity to begin enforcing the new ordinances.
Former Myrtle Beach Mayor Mark McBride, who once said he’d like to usehis car to “nudge” a biker who wore an offensive T-shirt, said he’sall for the city strictly enforcing the laws and said the city shouldbring in as many police officers as it needs. “If they enforce thelaws,” McBride told the Sun News “people will not want to come back iftheir good time is curtailed.”
CAN RISING MOTORCYCLIST FATALITIES BE BLAMED ON LACK OF HELMET LAWS?–Author Jacob Sullum begs the question in his article “Hit & Run” inReason magazine’s August 20th online edition, and goes on to answerthose who blame the increase in rider fatalities on the repeal ofhelmet laws in several states.
Citing federal government data that indicate the number of fatalmotorcycle accidents rose in 2007 for the 10th consecutive year,hitting 5,154, 7 percent higher than the 2006 total, Sullum writesthat “the chief culprit recently seems to be higher gas prices, whichhave encouraged people to take advantage of motorcycles’ vastlysuperior fuel efficiency: Motorcycle ridership appears to be risingeven as the total miles for all vehicles drops….The highway safetyauthorities say that about 75 percent more motorcycles are registeredtoday than 10 years ago. They suspect each motorcycle is ridden moremiles, but the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says itdoes not have a reliable measurement of use. The lack of such datamakes it difficult to tell how much of an increase in fatalitiesfollowing repeal of a helmet law results from less helmet wearing andhow much results from more riding.”
“While wearing a helmet reduces the risk of certain injuries,”continues Sullum, “research suggests the overall impact on fatalitiesis modest. The unimpressive numbers are one reason motorcyclists havebeen so successful at defending their right to decide what, ifanything, to wear on their heads. ‘We are the only industrializedcountry in the world where there is an organized effort to weaken orrepeal motorcycle helmet laws,’ complains Russ Rader of the InsuranceInstitute for Highway Safety. Is that a sign of backwardness or apoint of pride?”
Meanwhile, Forbes Magazine points out that a new study releasedrecently by the U.S. Department of Transportation found that “despitethe relaxation of several state helmet laws, motorcycle helmet use infatal crashes climbed from 55% in 1997 to 57% in 2006.”
In an August 25th article titled “Expensive Gas, Dangerous Roads”,Forbes writer William Pentland says, “Although helmets are undoubtedlydecisive in some motorcycle accidents, the fact remains that thefatality rate for helmeted motorcyclists has risen more rapidly thanit has for unhelmeted motorcyclists in the past three years. Thissuggests that factors other than helmet use have fueled the rise ofmotorcycle fatalities. Enter gas prices.”
Pentland’s research shows that since at least the 1970s, motorcycleregistrations have tracked the rise and fall of gas prices. As pricesrose in the 1970s, registrations followed. Similarly, in the 1980s,as gas prices fell, motorcycle registrations did too. During the1990s, motorcycle registrations remained low and only began rising in2000 and 2001.
“Last year, the number of licensed motorcyclists hit an all time highof 6,227,146,” says Pentland, “While the total number of milestraveled for passenger cars fell in 2007 for the first time since1994, the total number of miles traveled for motorcycles not onlyincreased, but reached a new record high.”
LOUD PIPES SAVE LIVES!Silent but deadly, a California lawmaker says electric and hybrid carsand motorcycles may be good for the environment, but they’re bad newsfor the blind.
State Sen. Alan Lowenthal, a Long Beach Democrat, has pushed a billthrough the legislature to ensure that vehicles make enough noise tobe heard by the blind and visually impaired when they’re about tocross a street.
The state Senate approved the bill on August 20 on a 23-12 vote andsent it to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who according to the SanFrancisco Chronicle has not taken a position.
FIGHTER DIES AFTER RUNNING OUT OF GASUFC Star Evan Tanner whose body was found in California’s MojaveDesert appears to have died from heat exhaustion after his off-roadmotorcycle ran out of gas. The 37-year-old former Ultimate Fightingmiddleweight champion was on a “cleansing” excursion and set out onfoot in the scorching heat of the after his bike lost steam.
“What we were told is that (sheriff’s officials who found him) believehis motorcycle had run out of gas, so he went to walk out in, like,115- to 118-degree heat,” said Douglas Vincitorio a member of EvanTanner’s management team at Driving Sports Force. “He was miles awayfrom his camp. That’s where the helicopter found him. Right now, theyjust think that he succumbed to the heat.”
WEIRD NEWS: BIKER KILLED FOR HAULING HAMBURGER ON HIS HOGLuckily, most bikers do not have to worry about being mobbed andkilled over carrying some hamburger on their bike, but in India it isa different story.
An angry mob lynched a man in an Uttar Pradesh village in May onsuspicion that he was transporting cow meat on his motorcycle, apolice officer told Thaindian newspaper.
Riding a motorcycle in different countries carries different risks,but it appears that in India, surviving a bike accident is nothingcompared to residents finding out that you are carrying cow meat,which is sacred. This type of incident shows that you should alwaysresearch the laws or religious practices before you go biking aroundin other countries.
TOUGHER IN ALASKA — JUNEAU BIKER CULTURE SUBJECT OF MUSEUMJuneau has more motorcycles per capita than most places in the UnitedStates even though there are only 91 miles of road in the city sharedby over a thousand motorcyclists, and is the only capital notaccessible by road.
“That’s pretty interesting,” said Sarah Asper-Smith, guest curator ofa museum exhibit on local biker culture, adding there were 1,025registered motorcycles in 2006 in Juneau.
“That’s something that runsthrough the exhibit, is why do we have so many motorcycles in townwhen you can’t drive out of town? I think it’s that sense of freedomthat Alaskans have in common.”
“91 Miles to Ride: Juneau’s Biker Culture” at the Juneau-Douglas CityMuseum highlights Juneau biker culture with memorabilia andphotographs, some of which date to the 1930s, when there were a lotfewer roads. Also on display are four classic motorcycles, includinga 1924 Henderson Inline IV, a 1936 Harley-Davidson Knucklehead, a 1946Indian Chief, and a 9-foot-long 1975 customized chopper, all on loanfrom local bikers.
“The weather never really bothers us,” said Craig “Oz” Rasmussen, whohas ridden his ’36 Harley from Dawson City, Yukon to Tijuana, Mexicoand is a member of the Southeast Alaska Panhandlers Motorcycle Club,which is prominently featured in the exhibit along with the SoutheastAlaska Tongass Chapter of H.O.G. (Harley Owners Group), Juneau AlaskaBikers Advocating Training and Education (ABATE), and other groups.
NEW ZEALAND BARS BIKER PATCHESBiker patches are not welcome in central Timaru and club members willhave to remove their colors before entering some businesses.
“Businesses can now place stickers on their front doors stating thatgang patches and colours are not permitted to be worn on thepremises,” reports the Timaru Herald. Increasing gang activityprompted the joint initiative from Safer Communities and the SouthCanterbury Chamber of Commerce, says the newspaper.
All businesses have the right to refuse entry as long as it is notseen as discrimination, and the stickers are not classed asdiscrimination, say officials.
The Chamber of Commerce designed and paid for the printing of 100stickers and is assisting in the distribution. Chamber manager DaveJack said more stickers will be printed if needed.
Timaru mayor Janie Annear said the stickers were just another tool tostamp out gang activity, adding that they weren’t naive enough tothink the gang problem was over and were always thinking of newinitiatives; “The battle is never totally won.”
QUOTABLE QUOTE: “A government big enough to give you everything youwant, is big enough to take away everything you have.”
–Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) Patriot and 3rd President of the UnitedStates
September 18, 2008 Part 3
By Bandit |
Continued From Page 2
BIKERNET WEEKLY PRODUCT RELEASE from RIVERA PRIMO / 9-18-08–4 to 6-Speed Driveline Conversion Kit for Shovelheads.
“New blood for old Shovels” . . . that’s how BIKERNET described our 4-into 6-speed,all-in-one driveline conversion kit when we introduced it.
Here’s something that’ll transform that old Shovelhead swingarminto an updated, better-than-ever ride without leavin’ you broke !
Our all-new conversion kit includes a polished & chromed 6-speed close-ratio POWERDRIVE TRANSMISSION with special mounting plate, ourchromed & polished MONSTER-TORQUE gear reduction STARTER MOTOR and a polished BRUTE IV EXTREME 3″ OPEN BELT DRIVE including are-designed PRO-CLUTCH package for maximum torque transference.
Replacing your old tapered shaft trans with this splined shaft POWERDRIVEunit delivers all the benefits enjoyed by late model riders. Now you’ll havea legitimate 6-speed with a 2.94:1 close ratio first gear & a .860:1 overdrivesixth gear. You’ll be amazed at how effortlessly the motor’s power is transferredto the rear wheel.
The basic kit is sold under Part # 1071-0001. MSRP is an unbelievable $ 2979 !
Lookin’ for some extra trimmings, then consider our new MID-CONTROLSdesigned to bolt onto the BRUTE IV EXTREME BELT DRIVE. They are billetaluminum, polished to a high luster finish and include our new, state-of-the artmaster cylinder assembly.
Another big bonus is the fact that the belt drive is engineered to accept a spin-onoil filter, concealed behind the outer guard.
These driveline conversion kits are on-the-shelf & ready to ship !
For further info on this & other performance goodies contact:
12450 Whittier Blvd.
Whittier, CA 90602
Tel: 800-872-1515
BMW FEATURE REVIEW–Just wanted to say how much I liked the BMW bobber feature- that is a real classy looking machine. Especially like the originality, both of bike and of the parts used.
–Keith Silcox
NEW 1969 XLCH DISCOVERED–Found this on a blog.Must have been the day he bought it.Still had plastic covering the seat.
My first Sporty was a ’69 XLCH like this one, except with a black seat and shorty mufflers.–Bandit
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA H-D EVENT–As leaders in our company please pass this along to everyone you know as we really need a great turnout at this event. It is designed so that it should be a great event for anyone whether they ride or not!! Here is what we have going on!
The Chantays famous for the 1960’s hit Pipeline! Hot Rod Trio playing great Rock and Rockabilly Antique Harleys from the 1920 and up on display Motorcycle show with multiple categories from Antique to radical custom Fashion Show featuring models from 10 stores located in GardenWalk Free food samples
THOUSANDS of dollars in discounts and giveaways throughout the dayI also need more bikes for the bike show, so encourage anyone with a good looking bike to enter ASAP as I am limited to how many bikes can enter the contest!
TIM CONDER PAINTED CLASSIC WAGON DEAL OF THE WEEK–Hi folks, we’re cleaning house over the next couple months and one of the first things to go is my ’62 Ford Wagon.
I just had the car freshened up after blowing an intake gasket last month. It’s got a fresh tune-up, brand new brakes and complete front suspension rebuild plus an Air Ride air bag system. New tires too.
Although I painted the car nearly 12 years ago, the paint looks great. It’s got some very minor bubbles here and there with a few dings, but it’s a very solid, straight car. The interior looks great as well (all original except part of the front seat.) Aside from the rear window motor gear being worn out and needing a heater core, the car is a fantastic and reliable driver. – $12,000.00 o.b.o.
Give me a yell if you have questions. – Thanks, Tim (707) 843-9454
CAN RISING MOTORCYCLIST FATALITIES BE BLAMED ON LACK OF HELMET LAWS?–Author Jacob Sullum begs the question in his article ?Hit & Run? in Reason magazine?s August 20th online edition, and goes on to answer those who blame the increase in rider fatalities on the repeal of helmet laws in several states.
Citing federal government data that indicate the number of fatal motorcycle accidents rose in 2007 for the 10th consecutive year, hitting 5,154, 7 percent higher than the 2006 total, Sullum writes that ?the chief culprit recently seems to be higher gas prices, which have encouraged people to take advantage of motorcycles’ vastly superior fuel efficiency: Motorcycle ridership appears to be rising even as the total miles for all vehicles drops….
The highway safety authorities say that about 75 percent more motorcycles are registered today than 10 years ago. They suspect each motorcycle is ridden more miles, but the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says it does not have a reliable measurement of use. The lack of such data makes it difficult to tell how much of an increase in fatalities following repeal of a helmet law results from less helmet wearing and how much results from more riding.?
?While wearing a helmet reduces the risk of certain injuries,? continues Sullum, ?research suggests the overall impact on fatalities is modest. The unimpressive numbers are one reason motorcyclists have been so successful at defending their right to decide what, if anything, to wear on their heads. ?We are the only industrialized country in the world where there is an organized effort to weaken or repeal motorcycle helmet laws,? complains Russ Rader of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Is that a sign of backwardness or a point of pride??
Meanwhile, Forbes Magazine points out that a new study released recently by the U.S. Department of Transportation found that ?despite the relaxation of several state helmet laws, motorcycle helmet use in fatal crashes climbed from 55% in 1997 to 57% in 2006.?
In an August 25th article titled ?Expensive Gas, Dangerous Roads?, Forbes writer William Pentland says, ?Although helmets are undoubtedly decisive in some motorcycle accidents, the fact remains that the fatality rate for helmeted motorcyclists has risen more rapidly than it has for unhelmeted motorcyclists in the past three years. This suggests that factors other than helmet use have fueled the rise of motorcycle fatalities. Enter gas prices.?
Pentland?s research shows that since at least the 1970s, motorcycle registrations have tracked the rise and fall of gas prices. As prices rose in the 1970s, registrations followed. Similarly, in the 1980s, as gas prices fell, motorcycle registrations did too. During the 1990s, motorcycle registrations remained low and only began rising in 2000 and 2001.
?Last year, the number of licensed motorcyclists hit an all time high of 6,227,146,? says Pentland, ?While the total number of miles traveled for passenger cars fell in 2007 for the first time since 1994, the total number of miles traveled for motorcycles not only increased, but reached a new record high.?
BRASS BALLS BOBBERS & CHOPPERS ROPES IN HAWG HALTERS–Brass Balls Bobbers produces high-caliber Diggers, Classic Bobbers and Choppers that are unique, stand out in a crowd and now come standard with premium crowd-pleasing Hawg Halters Inc. controls.
You don?t have to lament about not having a classic bobber from the 50?s, Brass Balls Bobbers has that classic look with 21st century technology. Throughout 2008 Brass Balls Bobbers is upgrading the quality and technology that is infused in the DYNA of the motorbike.
?We select only the best materials, aircraft grade 6061 billet aluminum custom drawn to our specifications, stainless steel alloys best suited for the application, all to produce the best performing products available,? said Mark Thompson, President of Hawg Halters Inc. ?In addition, our clean and sano design is an ideal look for Brass Balls Bobbers.?
Every bobber is rolled out of a 10,000 sq.-ft. multi-purpose manufacturing facility in Oklahoma City. Each custom-production motorcycle is equipped with Hawg Halter controls, Metzeler tires, and one of four engines including the Harley-Davidson? EVO, S&S 96″, S&S 113″ EVO-style motors or the re-engineered Indian-style Crazy Horse V-Plus 100.
?We are excited that Hawg Halters is joining our team of craftsmen at Brass Balls Bobbers and Choppers,? says Dar Holdsworth, Darwin Motorcycles President and Master Designer. ?We are excited about their product and early feedback indicates that our customers are too.?
MOTORCYCLES RACE BACK TO TRACK AFTER NEARLY 100-YEAR ABSENCE–INDIANAPOLIS — Racing of the two-wheel variety will return to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Sunday after a nearly 100-year absence.
City officials welcomed MotoGP racers and their fans with an event on Monument Circle Tuesday, the first of many motorcycle-related festivities planned ahead of the inaugural Red Bull Indianapolis GP MotoGP, 6News’ Tanya Spencer reported.
City officials said they expect Sunday’s race to bring about 100,000 fans to Indianapolis.
“We estimate about $100 million in direct spending over these next several days. That’s money spent in hotels and restaurants, shopping, merchandise,” said Bob Schultz with the Indianapolis Convention and Visitors Association.
Many of the MotoGP fans are international, coming in from as far away as Japan, Australia, Indonesia and Thailand.
“In Europe, it’s a big thing. In Spain and Italy, it’s massive, and in the U.K. now,” said John Bent, who traveled to Indianapolis from England. “Indianapolis is a fantastic city. We’re really enjoying it.”
The last motorcycle race at the IMS was held in 1909, the very first year that the speedway was open. In those days, the bikes went about 45 miles per hour. MotoGP bikes go 200 miles per hour and race rain or shine.
The IMS has a three-year commitment to host the MotoGP grand prix with an option to renew.
FLORIDA HOUSE BILL 137 BECOMES LAW ON OCTOBER 1 2008–The bill that wanted to originally confiscate motorcycles for speeding and or stunt riding was contested by many during the Florida 2008 Legislative Session.
During the hearings the bill sponsor stated that it had the endorsement of ABATE of Florida. Doc Reichenbach president of ABATE and paid lobbyist for the organization later said that was not true.
The AMA sent out a call to action to their membership requesting they contact their legislators about not passing this bill. BOLT (Bikers Of Lesser Tolerance) had representatives at the hearings as did other motorcycle rights groups and some of the wording was changed though the bill did eventually pass.
ABATE of Florida has taken credit for the changes in the bill.
There were specifics in this bill about the front wheel of the motorcycle not leaving the ground and that the rider must have a leg on either side of the motorcycle while operating it. There was also a change that outlawed license plates from being mounted incorrectly. They must be mounted horizontally.
Many people felt that this law was an attempt to get money and or property from the motorcyclist who some feel are wealthy and can afford it as opposed to a safety matter.
The final bill appears to back up that as the stated fine for the license plate will be $1,000.00 for the first offense with the second violation being $2,500.00 and third being $5,000.00.
This is the same as if the violator was doing reckless and or stunt riding.
Mike ?Radar? Price who is ABATE of Florida?s State Legislative Director has sent out a letter of explanation on this and says he has discussed his findings with Doc (ABATE Lobbyist) and they have begun a level of communication to correct this situation.
In the mean time motorcycle riders in Florida BEWARE!!!!To read the bill go to
Bikernet Legislative Watchdog
The Lone Ranger is captured by Indians… The Indian Chief proclaims, ‘So, you are the great Lone Ranger. In honor of the Harvest Festival, you will be executed in three days. But, before I kill you, I will grant you three requests. What is your first request?’
The Lone Ranger responds, ‘I’d like to speak to my horse.’
The Chief nods and Silver is brought before the Lone Ranger, who whispers in Silver’s ear, and the horse gallops away.
Later that evening, Silver returns with a beautiful blond woman on his back. As the Indian Chief watches in admiration, the blonde enters the Lone Ranger’s tent and spends the night.
The next morning the Indian Chief admits he’s impressed. ‘You have a very fine and loyal horse, but I will still kill you in two days. What is your second request?’
The Lone Ranger again asks to speak to his horse. Silver is brought to him, and once again he whispers in the horse’s ear. As before, Silver takes off across the plains and disappears over the horizon.
Later that evening, to the Chief’s surprise, Silver again returns, this time with a brunette, even more attractive than the blond. She enters the Lone Ranger’s tent and also spends the night.
The following morning the Indian Chief is again impressed. He tells the Lone Ranger, ‘You are indeed a man of many talents, but I still kill you tomorrow. ‘So what is your last request?’
The Lone Ranger responds, ‘I’d like to speak to my horse…. alone.’
The Chief is curious, but he agrees and Silver is brought to the Lone Ranger’s tent. Once they’re alone, the Lone Ranger grabs Silver by both ears, looks him square in the eye and says: ‘Listen very carefully you dumbshit horse. For the last time . . . bring POSSEEEE’.
–from Art Friedman
LAS VEGAS BIKE FEST IN TWO WEEKS– and the fun begins. This is sizing up to be one of the best Las Vegas BikeFest events to date. Great entertainment, over 250 vendors, awesome Poker Run rides, 20 unbelievable creations in Artistry in Iron, parties, and four fun-filled days hanging out with your fellow motorcycle enthusiasts.
Check this update for more entertainment options, updates on previous announcements, and last minute event details.
If you still haven’t made your hotel arrangements, don’t despair. Although most of the hotels have sold-out of our “official” block with the discounted rates, there are a few that still have rooms. Remember this is Vegas – you can always find a hotel room. No one is kept out of Las Vegas BikeFest because of a lack of hotel rooms.
Don’t let your friends come home and tell you what a great time you missed. Be sure you are a part of it. Las Vegas BikeFest won’t cost you a fortune!
We look forward to seeing you in two weeks at the 8th Annual Las Vegas BikeFest!ADDITIONS TO THE LAS VEGAS BIKEFEST CONCERT SERIES
The list of concerts during Las Vegas BikeFest continues to grow. Here are even more options for you:Stephen Pearcy (lead singer of Ratt)Canyon Club at the Four QueensSaturday, 10/3, 7:30pm – $15.00; $10.00 for Las Vegas BikeFest registrants. Show Las Vegas BikeFest registration wristband when purchasing tickets at the door for the discount.
MGM Grand Hollywood Theater
Friday & Saturday, 10/3 & 10/4 – $75.00
Check out our website for a complete list of the Las Vegas BikeFest Concert Series, Vendor Village Entertainment, and other entertainment during the weekend.
GMA BRAKES ARE ALIVE, BY BDL–A familiar name with a new look. Since their acquisition of GMA, Belt Drives Limited has made some significant upgrades to their awesome brake calipers in both style and design. The serious road calipers, are now offered in both smooth black anodize and mirror finish show quality chrome.
Multiple styles include the classic GMA look and smooth finish to accent just about any style serious road bike or custom. While the internal design has not been changed it, as with all BDL products, is always being fine tuned to provide the utmost in real world performance and unmistakable appearance.
BDL/GMA calipers carry superior quality brake pads and precision crafted pistons to ensure positive stopping power. For complete details call BDL at 714-685-3333 or catch them on line at
Continued On Page 4
September 18, 2008 Part 2
By Bandit |
Continued From Page 1
THE ELVIS BIKE–– The first in Rossmeyer’s Signature Collection… Thank you, Thank you Very Much!
Checkout all the videos in Bikernet Studio.
–Jeffrey Najar
?THE BEST OF THE BEST?– Cruiser Gets The Best Retail Incentive Of The Year: A $5,000 Manufacturer?s Cash Allowance
Now, during the Cold Cash Winter Sales Event, the award-winning 2008 Pitbull comes with a new, substantial cash allowance of $5,000. Allowances of up to $4,000 are available on the company?s remaining inventory.
WICHITA, Kansas (September 18, 2008) ? Big Dog Motorcycles?, the leading manufacturer of high performance, high style motorcycles, has launched an all-new retail incentive that gives riders an opportunity to enjoy incredible consumer cash allowances of up to $5,000.
Now, during the Cold Cash Winter Sales Event, there is no better time to buy a Big Dog motorcycle, particularly the award-winning 2008 Pitbull.
Earlier this year, the 2008 Pitbull was named ?Best of the Best? Cruiser by Robb Report magazine, the international authority on high style products including motorcycles, aircraft, automobiles, jewelry, homes and more. Don Williams of Robb Report said the Pitbull handles surprisingly well, has a sensible riding position, and has an inviting appearance. ?Eventually, everyone will be drawn to its beastly beauty,? he said.
This award came just three months after the bike was named 2008 V-Twin Bike of the Year by Paisano Publications, a diversified media company offering a wide variety of motorcycle magazines, including Easyriders and V-Twin.
?We are honored to receive such renowned awards by such well-respected magazines,? commented Paul Hansen, Marketing Director, Big Dog Motorcycles. ?The distinction affirms our commitment to continually bring new designs to the consumer while our new Cold Cash incentive and $5,000 cash allowance makes the bike more accessible to more riders.?
?It lets riders know now what the media critics have known all along: How amazing the Pitbull rides, handles, performs, and totally excites anyone behind the bars, all for a payment as low as about $300,? he added.
Highlights of the ?Cold Cash Winter Sales Event? effective now, include:
2008 Pitbull: $5,000 manufacturer?s cash allowance
2008 Mastiff, Mutt, and Ridgeback: $3,000 manufacturer?s cash allowance
2008 K-9: $2,000 manufacturer?s cash allowance
2007 Bulldog?, Chopper?, Mastiff?, and Pitbull?: $4,000 manufacturer?s cash allowance
2007 K-9?: $3,000 manufacturer?s cash allowance
For complete information and program restrictions, visit an authorized Big Dog Motorcycles dealer or
DEPLETED LICENSE PLATES, OVERBOOKED RIDER ED COURSES– As a sign of the times, with a record number of motorcyclists on the road and increasing numbers of motorcycle registrations, rider training courses in numerous locations across the country have been booked solid and now officials in Kansas have reported running out of motorcycle license plates.
The Hutchinson News reported that the problem is bad enough that counties with plentiful plates are being asked to share with other counties. “We are out of motorcycle tags, and we don’t know when we’ll get more,” said Reno County Treasurer Clark Miller. “We’ve begged and borrowed from other counties,? he told the newspaper, ?but we can’t get more.”
When the state made its annual tag order, gas prices hadn’t reached their current levels and officials didn’t anticipate the resulting demand from motorists switching to more fuel-efficient transportation.
At least one motorcycle owner complained to the newspaper of being sent away from the DMV office this week and advised not to drive his motorcycle until it was properly tagged, with no promise of when tags might be available.
D&D PERFORMANCE ENTERPRISES CONGRATULATES CHRIS CARR ON INDY MILE WIN– Dave Rash, The Pope of Pipe, congratulates Chris Carr and Chief Mechanic Kenny Tolbert on their win at last weekend?s INDY MILE. On the last turn of the last lap and in front of 20,000 screaming fans, Carr motored by Kenny Coolbeth on his D&D sponsored Harley to take the checkered flag.
D&D custom builds a series of performance Flat Track exhaust pipes, which allows Kenny Tolbert the ability to tune the engine to the racetrack.
?We are excited to be working with Kenny and Chris,? said Dave Rash. ?Chris is a Seven-time AMA Flat Track Championship champion with 78 national wins and fastest man in the world on two wheels at 350.884 miles per hour. He is an outstanding ambassador for Flat Track Racing and a thrill to see on two wheels.?
The race was a big one because it was held the night before Sunday?s MotoGP race. Hurricane IKE held off long enough to keep the Saturday night event dry.
Checkout a set performance pipes for your own motorbike at D&D Performance Enterprises.
Women Drivers, AN EXCLUSIVE BIKERNET STUDY– This morning, going down the freeway, I looked over, to my left and there was a WOMAN, in a brand new Cadillac, doing 75 mph with her face up next to the rearview mirror, putting on her eyeliner. I looked away a couple of seconds!
When I looked back, she was half way into my lane, still working on her makeup. I don’t scare easily, but she scared me so much, I dropped my electric shaver, which knocked the donut out of my other hand. In all the confusion of trying to steer the car, using my knees against the steering wheel, it knocked my cell phone away from my ear, which fell into the coffee, that was between my legs. It splashed and burned Big Jim and the Twins, ruined the damn phone, soaked my trousers and disconnected a very important call.
HOW DO THE MAGAZINE’S NEWSSTAND SALES COMPARE?– There has been much discussion about magazines sales lately. Which magazines are up and which are down. How does one magazine?s sales compare with another. While it is almost impossible to get accurate and final sales numbers from all sources of circulation, we are able to gather the actual sales of the leading magazines from the wholesalers that distribute them.
Here are the sales of the top 20 Transportation Magazines as well as the relative rankings and sales of the motorcycle magazines from all US and Canadian wholesalers in the most recent 6 months of net sales. These numbers do not include any subscription sales data. All Cycle titles are highlighted in yellow for easier comparison.
Once again, American Iron Magazine continues to dominate the newsstand sales in the Cycle category.
PLEASE NOTE: Some of the magazines? sales include the regular magazine PLUS the sales of special extra issues distributed under the same BIPAD magazine code. This leads to inflated sales numbers and these extra issues are noted.
1 Motor Trend 6 (issues during this period) 870,504 (total sales)
2 Lowrider & 9 Specials*, 15, 796,564
3 Hot Rod & 3 Specials*, 9, 772,691
4 Truckin? & 1 Special*, 7, 749,221
5 Car & Driver , 6, 746,552
6 Super Street & 4 Specials*, 10, 690,663
7 Road & Track, 6, 675,806
8 American Iron Magazine, 6, 520,722
9 Petersen?s 4-Wheel Drive & 2 Specials*, 8, 516,691
10 Custom Rodder & 2 Specials*, 8, 504,734
11 Cycle World & 1 Special*, 7, 414,239
12 Sport Rider & 5 Specials*, 11, 398,138
13 Dupont Registry Autos , 6, 395,771
14 Automobile, 6, 394,278
15 Four Wheeler, 6, 385,030
Click here to subscribe.
16 Hot Bike & 7 Specials*, 13, 371,815
17 Mustang & Fast Fords 6 367,958
18 JP Magazine & 5 Specials*, 11, 363,550
19 Motorcyclist & 1 Special*, 7, 339,562
20 Super Chevy & 2 Specials*, 8, 326,756
24 The Horse, 5, 276,468
27 Easyrider, 6, 255,220
32 RoadBike 6, 218,910
33 V-Twin, 6, 203,644
42 Motocross Action, 6, 165,402
43 Quad, 5, 164,759
46 2 Wheel Tuner, 6 , 153,176
48 Racer X, 6, 148,647
60 ATV Sport & 3 Specials* 9 105,162
61 Motorcycle Cruiser, 5, 104,412
63 Barnetts Magazine, 4, 101,265
64 ATV & 4-Wheel Action, 6, 99,106
67 Iron Horse, 4 , 81,644
70 Rider & 1 Special*, 7, 76,448
77 Cycle World Specials, 2, 63,602
79 Biker, 4, 60,630
83 In The Wind, 2, 58,654
86 American Bagger, 6, 55,326
89 Cruising Rider, 3, 54,468
92 IronWorks , 4, 52,344
96 Road Racer X, 4, 44,929
103 American Cycle, 6, 38,061
104 Street Chopper, 3, 37,888
110 Cycle Source, 6, 36,196
116 Motorcycle Classic, 3, 32,844
120 ATV Rider, 6, 29,684
122 Roadracing World & MCT, 7, 28,640
125 Superbike, 6, 27,710
131 VQ/American Chopper, 1, 25,730
138 Super Streetbike, 6, 23,694
147 Walnecks Classic Cycle, 5, 18,053
This sales information was gathered by Comag Marketing Group from all magazine wholesalers in the US and Canada.
This HarleySmart newsletter is brought to you by Buzz Kanter and the staff of American Iron Magazine and RoadBike. If you would like a full copy of this report please contact your ad sales rep or Terry O’Brien at
Interesting stuff about drooping magazine sales. Bikernet is facing its best year yet. During the same period mentioned above 1,883,000 million riders came to Bikernet and visited over 3 million times. Advertising on Bikernet is a fraction of magazine ads and we deliver content worldwide daily. We currently have over 10 thousand Cantina Members and I’ll leave it at that.–Bandit
ZIPPERS THUNDERMAX CAMS FOR HARLEYS–Zipper’s has what you need to make your sled really scoot. They have developed a series of ThunderMax cams for ’07 up Harleys.ThunderMax cams by Red Shift are ground from 1-piece 8620 steel billets. Red Shift cams provide smooth, linear power with great valve train dynamics. The stroked crankshaft in the 2007 models changes the dynamic from ’06 and earlier model TC88 engines, making correct cam choice crucial to avoid engine damaging detonation with today’s fuel quality. Several models are available to best match stock or other installed engine components. All require adjustable pushrods; chain drive only. Head work required unless otherwise noted as a bolt-in cam.
413-926S – For 96″ and 110″ Engines – Bolt-In Cam designed for use with stock, unmodified heads. Great bolt-in upgrade for stock 96″ or 110″ engines. Increases torque and horsepower across the board
413-921S – For 103″ Engines – Bolt-In Cam for ’07up 103″ conversion engines with flat-top pistons and stock 96″ heads. Provides smooth power without detonation. Broader timing for lower cranking compression.
413-928S – For ’07up TC 103″ Conversions. Designed for modified 103″ engine conversion, which compliments ported heads, high flow throttle body, and exhaust. Static compression range 9.0-10.5:1. Broad torque curve that pulls strong to 6,000+ RPM.
413-941S – For 107″ and Larger Engines. Max torque grind for 2007-up larger displacement with heavy payload. Narrower timing for more low-end grunt. Excellent valve train dynamics for long life. Works well with most bagger exhaust.
413-9931S – For 113″ and Larger Engines. Max power grind for ’07up larger displacement engines and features broader timing for higher compression engines. Great valve train dynamics for long life and compliments high flow heads, intake, and exhaust.
These products are Legal in California only for racing vehicles which may never be used upon a highway.
INDIANAPOLIS (Sept. 13, 2008) ? Harley-Davidson Screamin’ Eagle factory rider Kenny Coolbeth finished second by inches as the AMA Grand National Twins flat track series made a dramatic return to the Indiana State Fairgrounds mile. Racing in Indianapolis for the first time since 1999, before a crowd estimated at 15,000, Coolbeth chased down Chris Carr for five laps after a restart for a red flag. Coolbeth passed Carr as the pair entered turn three on the final lap, but Carr was able to draft past the factory Harley and beat Coolbeth to the finish line by just 0.030 seconds.
?It was another great battle with Carr, and I learn something every time I race him on these miles,? said Coolbeth, who clinched his third consecutive 2008 AMA Grand National Twins championship with a win last weekend in Monticello, N.Y. ?While it?s disappointing to lose it was sure exciting to be racing this hard in front of this huge of a crowd.?
Before racing for the win, Coolbeth had to recover from a last-row starting position, a penalty for being late to grid for the beginning of the race. At the start it was Carr, Latus Harley-Davidson/Screamin? Eagle rider Joe Kopp, and fast-qualifier Jake Johnson on the American Suzuki entry fighting for the lead. Johnson dropped out on lap 12. Coolbeth picked his way through the field, and with five laps remaining, Moroney’s Harley-Davidson/Screamin’ Eagle rider Bryan Smith, Carr and Coolbeth had pulled away from the pack and were trading the lead. The final red flag stopped the race after a crash on lap 21 of the 25-lap main. The race was then extended to 26 laps to finish with five complete laps per AMA rules. Coolbeth and Carr got a jump on the field on the re-start, as Smith missed a shift and dropped back to seventh place. Blue Springs Screamin’ Eagle rider Jared Mees and Bartel?s Harley-Davidson rider Shaun Russell slotted into third and fourth, but Coolbeth and Carr pulled away. Smith regained his momentum and passed Mees and Russell on the last lap to take third. Kopp finished in 16th position.
After 12 of 13 events on the 2008 AMA Grand National Twins schedule, Coolbeth has clinched the championship with 233 points. With 178 points, Smith holds second place by just one point over Carr. Kopp is fourth with 158 points. Mees moves up from seventh to fifth with 117 points.
The final race of the 2008 AMA Grand National Twins Championship season is Oct. 4 at Heartland Park Topeka in Topeka, Kansas.
The Screamin’ Eagle Flat Track team is sponsored by Matco Tools.
STICK-ON PASSENGER PADS FROM J&P–Check out these hot new suction cup seats from J&P Cycles! Available in seven designs and a multitude of stitch colors to match your ride. Seats feature single-cell suction cups with a foam backing to protect your fender?s paint. Standard seats measure 11 ?? long x 7 ?? wide. Maltese seats measure 9 ?? long x 7 ?? wide. For more information on this and other seat pads, contact J&P Cycles at 800-397-4844 or online at WWW.JPCYCLES.COM.
BEST BMW CUSTOM OF THE YEAR–We just featured this bike in and it trips me out. I think it’s cool as hell. Check it out. There’s a link below.
Bike Name: Cadbike 33, the BMW Bobber
City/State:Leiden, the Netherlands
Builder: Mark van der Kwaak and Aad Heemskerk
City/state: Leiden/Warmond
Company Info: DBBP-Design
Web site:
E-mail: info@dbbp.comCheck it Out!
RIM FIX WITH BLACK BIKE WHEELS–Black Bike is noted for custom application spoked wheels with stainless and aluminum rims. I dropped by their shop the other day with my bent 1928 Shovelhead rear rim. The Key to fixing a bent rim is a resin mallet. You can even hammer powder-coated rims straight without damaging the rim.
They now offer 23-inch wheels in stainless or aluminum and super skinny or 350 wide. They will lace them in 40,60, 80 spoke configurations. For more info call (818) 341-2550 or go to
While I was there I ordered two wheels for our 1915 Factory Racer machine project with black powdered hubs and rims.
COBRA TIRES FROM AVON HAVE 23-INCH TIRES–A-VBD (Advanced Variable Belt Density)Densely wrapped belt in center for stability, wear, & mileage; less dense on shoulders for huge, compliant contact patch
?FFG (Force Following Grooves)Grooves follow forces transmitted through tire which reduces irregular wear
LPE (Lifetime Profile Engineering) Consistent handling & stability for the full life of the tire
WCTA (Wide Custom Tread Arc)Profile takes into account the need for maneuverability at various speeds on wide tires
Snakeskin Sidewall TreatmentComplements Cobra logo and tread design
Yes, we make a 23″ in the Cobra tire. The Cobra replaces the Venom R. It is a radial touring and custom tire.Website page is: –Jared Peterson
Avon Tyres Customer Service
(800) 624-7470
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