Bikernet Banner

May 3, 2001 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

AUNT AGNES– was in her 80s, and much admired for her sweetness and kindness to all. The pastor came to call one afternoon and she welcomed him into her Victorian parlor. She invited him to have a seat while she prepared a little tea. As he sat facing her old pump organ, the young minister noticed a cut glass bowl sitting on top of it, filled with water. In the water floated, of all things … a condom.

Imagine his shock and surprise. Imagine his curiosity! Surely Aunt Agnes had flipped or something…! But he certainly couldn’t mention the strange sight in her parlor. When she returned with tea and cookies, they began to chat. The pastor tried to stifle his curiosity about the bowl of water and its strange floater, but soon it got the better of him, and he could resist no longer. “Aunt Agnes,” he said, “I wonder if you would tell me about this?” (pointing to the bowl).

“Oh, yes,” she replied, “isn’t it wonderful? I was walking downtown last fall and I found this little package. The directions said to put it on the organ, keep it wet, and it would prevent disease. And you know… I haven’t had a cold all winter.”


MOTOMAMA RIDES AGAIN– with ISSUE 3!MOTOMAMA MAGAZINESPRING ISSUE RELEASE PARTY.May 8, Tuesday Bike NightSpring/Greenwich streets, Manhattan

Come celebrate the spring issue release and hang out with a diverse collection of women bikers from the area, as well as the lovely men and women who appreciate this fine lot. Otherwise, be sure to check your local newsstand or shop for MM Issue 3.

*more info at

A LITTLE GIRL– A little girl goes to the barber shop with her father. She standsnext to the barber chair eating a cake while her dad gets his hair cut. Thebarber smiles at her and says, “Sweetheart, you’re gonna get hair on yourmuffin.”

“I know,” she replies. “I’m gonna get tits too.”

Beach ride poster

GOOD WORDS FOR BIKERNET–I just got a package from you containing a shirt that was missing from aprevious order (it was backordered), along with an autographed copy ofyour book, and I just wanted to drop you a quick note and tell you thatit’s good to know that in the darkness of the motorcycle business, thereare occasional stars like Bikernet that shine over all the rest of thefuckin dickheads who have no idea how to treat a customer or a business.

All I did was buy a couple of T-shirts and you made me feel like I wasyour No. 1 customer.It’s people like you and your team that make this all worth while, well,that, and the wind in my face…..

Keep up the good work, and if ever you or one of your ‘agents’ land inthe promised land, give us a call and we’ll get you all liquored up.

–Ziv Nave
Tel Aviv, Israel

MY BABE FROM SIN CYCLES (WONDER WHY)–Long time no hear! We finally got most of our stuff finished as well. I am putting together the bike that, last you saw, I was sending to paint…maybe some tech tips? I can send you photos of thebike being built and you can use what you like.

We will be having a bikers’appreciation day on May 12, noon to 3 p.m. with free barbecue and music.

Sin Cycles & Sinner Clothing
700 W. Willow Suite E
Long Beach, Calif. 90806
(562) 997.9119

BUELL REPORT–And miscellaneous tech information from our inside source at Charolette H-D.

The mystery hole is for an engine temperature sensor used on the Buell X1 fuel-injected model. The Thunderstorm casting you have is an earlier version. For 2001 they moved the location of the sensor to the top of the head, about where the square hole is in the rocker box cover in the center. Buell uses the same heads for the carb. models as for the fuel injected models.

Sorry I didn’t get back to you on the H-D stroker kit till today. It’s 4 3/8 stroke. With the 95 inch big bore kit it will give you a 103-inch engine. I looked at the pistons pretty good. They are made by Arias and are a true stroker piston, which means they are very short, not much of a skirt.

new H-D stroker kit

I sent in a blurb on the release of the kit and you posted it in part one of the news on Feb. 1. Remember, the stroker kit is for only T.C. 88 “A” motors (Dyna’s, Baggers, etc.). Not for the Softails!

As I mentioned, you can remove the entire counter balancing system from the “B” motor. Then you can build a big-inch stroker. There will be the vibration like a stroker shovel. This is a radical option for a new Softail as the engines are not rubber mounted! Not many of these have been done.

I’m just mentioning it to you if you know somebody who has a new Softail and wants to build a strong, unique go-fasta. The balancing system pretty much makes this engine a low rpm motor. We have already replaced two Softail engines where the sprocket gear on the pinion shaft has shifted/rotated. This throws the counter balancers out of time. Suddenly you have a vibration problem, kinda like a Shovel with a broken front motor mount.

On your leaking rocker boxes: Did they leak from the bottom of the rocker box where they bolt to the head? I always put the gaskets on DRY and follow torque destructions in the manual. You can use just a small (dots) amount of Hylamar to hold the gaskets in place if need be.

Also removing the gasket from the bottom of the rocker box can be a royal pain. Use a heat gun and heat up the gaskets before scraping. This makes your gasket removal job less painful.

Wonder what your gas mileage will be riding solo. You should get 40 to 50 mpg. Of course, that depends on how much that throttle grip is twisted! How was the power riding two up? Did you seem to have plenty power for passing?

I had all the power I needed. I never really got to test what it could do.–Bandit

Sounds like Laughlin was a good trip. Did the Buell do OK? Did the gas mileage work out like I thought?The seat on the M2 is the best of the Buell models.

Here is the P/N for the 55-tooth international rear pulley 37727-97Y. Stock is 61 teeth. I forget if the M2 has a 29 or 27 tooth trans pulley. I know the S3 has a 29 T mainly because it’s for touring. The 55 T pulley might be a good choice for the Sturgis run. Running the 27/55combo gives a ratio of 2.04. The 29/55 is like 1.89. Only thing is, you lose that off the line snap you have now by using that 55 T pulley.

CV carb– I know you are swamped with News, but I wanted to e-mail you about the CV carb while it’s on my mind. The beauty of this carb is the gas mileage verses a Mikuni or Spit & Sputter (S&S). It has great performance but also very good gas mileage. It’s that vacuum slide, man. The hole (venturi) is variable and operates on engine demand.

You can modifiy the accelerator pump circuit to give you a mist spray of gas instead of that stream that just wastes all kinds of gas. You would be surprized how much that helps your gas mileage, especially for someone who constantly is “twisting the grip” at stoplights.

So try to keep track of the mileage and let me know how you did. Lots of my buddies go to the River Run from Phoenix.

TITAN GONE– Did you hear about Titan’s Chapter 7? A guy I know who worked for Myon (Easyriders), worked in the motor room for Titan. He was also there when Chuck Ashley ran the motor room.Too bad, they had a decent product. That’s it. Get some R&R man.

A NUN–is sitting with her Mother Superior chatting. “I used some horrible language this week and feel absolutely terrible about it.”

“When did you use this awful language?” asks the elder.

“Well, I was golfing and hit an incredible drive that looked like it was going to go 280 yards, but it struck a phone line over the fairway and fell straight down to the ground after going only about 100 yards.”

“Is that when you swore?”

“No, Mother,” says the nun. “After that, a squirrel ran out of the bushes and grabbed my ball in its mouth and began to run away.”

“Is THAT when you swore?” asks the Mother Superior again.

“Well, no.” says the nun. “You see, as the squirrel was running, an eagle came down out of the sky, grabbed the squirrel in his talons and began to fly away!”

“Is THAT when you swore?” asks the amazed elder nun.

“No, not yet. As the eagle carried the squirrel away, it flew near the green and the squirrel dropped my ball.”

“Did you swear THEN?” asked Mother Superior.

“No, because the ball fell on a big rock, bounced over the sand trap, rolled onto the green, and stopped about six inches from the hole.”

The two nuns were silent for a moment. Then Mother Superior sighed and said, “You missed the putt, didn’t you?

JENNIFER SNYDER SETS THE TONE AT F-USA’s DIRT TRACK OPENER–17-Year-Old Records Fast Time, Wins Heat, Earns Maximum Championship Points. With a daring, last-lap pass, factoryHarley-Davidson racer Jennifer Snyder sent a bold message to the dirt trackcommunity . . . the 17-year old has arrived. Punctuating a dominatingqualifying performance, Snyder sliced through the field to win the FormulaUSA National Dirt Track Series opener, Saturday at Colonial Downs in NewKent, Va. Her first national win came after a race-long battle with teammateRich King and top competitors Mike Hacker and Bryan Smith, silencing thepundits and proving her mettle.

“She’s the real deal,” said Harley-Davidson’s legendary dirt track tunerBill Werner. “And we’re just starting to figure out how to work together.There’s no telling what her potential is in this sport.”According to Snyder, her first national victory, which was the firstnational win by a woman in the history of dirt track racing, is something onwhich she can build.

“My goal was to win, just like every time I race – but this is a greatfeeling,” said Snyder. After dominating qualifying, Snyder got a poor start in the final and had towork her way up through the field, passing eight riders in four laps.Eventually, Snyder, King, Hacker and Smith broke away from the pack andbattled each other for the lead. Snyder and Hacker drafted past King andSmith on the last lap, then Snyder grabbed the lead for good going into turnthree.

“It was a rough race, especially at the beginning, but I knew if I couldlead going into turn three, I’d be able to hold them off at the end,” shesaid.

Hacker finished second, with King holding off Smith for third.With the victory, Snyder earned maximum championship points for the event bysetting the fastest qualifying time and winning her heat race. King will return to action May 5 in the AMA U.S. Flat Track Championship atTexas Motor Speedway in Forth Worth. Snyder resumes the points chase in theFormula USA National Dirt Track Series June 8 at the Sheboygan CountyFairgrounds in Plymouth, Wis.

Shovelhead project

A COUPLE MADE A DEAL– that whoever died first would come back and inform the other of the after life. The couple’s biggest fear was thatthere was no heaven. After a long life, the husband was the first to go and,true to his word, he made contact. “Mary… Mary….”

“Is that you Fred?”

“Yes, I have come back like we agreed.”

“What is it like?”

“Well, I get up in the morning, I have sex, I have breakfast, I have sex, I bathe in the sun, then I have more sex, I have lunch, then sex pretty much all afternoon till supper-then sex till late at night,sleepthen start all over again.”

“Oh Fred you surely must be in heaven.”

“Hell no, I’m a rabbit in Kansas.”

–from Dave Florence Jr.

SAM ORWELL GETS NOD–been meanin’ to drop a note to let you know I finally got to read the bookand thought it was fantastic… You did a great job with the story line,how you think it’s gonna end and then it shoots off in another direction.

Also wanted to thank you for signin’ the book too. That was unexpected andreally appreciated. Take it easy!!!


HEADACHE–A husband emerged from the bathroom naked and was climbing into bed when his wife complained, as usual, “I have a headache.”

“Perfect” her husband said. “I was just in the bathroom powdering my penis with aspirin. You can take it orally or as a suppository,…

–Glen Romeo

Helen wolfe

BIKERNET DRAG RACING DEPARTMENT–NEW–This is a message from John Hammock, Modified and Pro Stock class:”I found the site and the races, my class was posted. Thank you for thepics. I have called other riders and given them the Web site info. I am the organizer for the super modified racers association and would beinterested in any exposure I can get for the class (pro-modified).

DAYS GONE BY–Here’s one I think you will like. This is my Web site I’ve been working on. When you get a chance, look it up. Hell, you can put it on you link page. It’s a work in progress. Some day, when it grows up, I hope it’s half has cool has

In the pic is my father in law.He used to race with Old Man Sifton. There’s more about him on my Road News Page. The Web address on this page. This is a Partners Of The Road Update. Home page

–Thanks Dennis

NEW STARS CONTINUE TO SHINE IN F-USA BUELL LIGHTNING SERIESJUSTIN MCREYNOLDS CAPTURES VICTORY AT WILLOW SPRINGS ON VALLEJO BACKED S1–The Formula USA Buell Lightning Seriescontinues to deliver pavement shredding performance with incredible actionand blossoming stars. In the first two races of the season, the series hasunfurled the checkered for two first-time winners. This past April 22 atWillow Springs Raceway in Rosamond, Calif., Justin McReynolds of Brentwood, Calif.,scored the biggest win of his career, as he launched his Chris Zootis tunedVallejo Buell S1 into the lead and never looked back.

Qualifying second, behind Kosco’s X-1 rider Michael Barnes,McReynolds spooled up the torque of his Vallejo backed Buell from the lineand immediately went into the lead. Barnes, who won the season opener atDaytona, and Tripp Nobles, aboard his New Castle Buell S1, took chase. Thetrio opened up a gap over San Diego Buell’s Joe Hammond and Appleton Buell’sJeff Johnson.

As the white flag lap approached, Barnes was going for broke, butMcReynolds continued to hold the lead, with superior drives through Willow’shigh-speed turns 8 and 9. At the line, with McReynolds jubilant, Barnes andNobles took the remaining podium positions respectively. Just behind, JeffJohnson slipped past Joe Hammond for fourth.

After two races, Michael Barnes leads the Formula USA BuellLightning Series point standings over Tripp Nobles with VirginiaInternational Raceway next up on the bill, June 28 – July 1.

In accompanying F-USA National Road Race Series action, Bartels’Harley-Davidson’s Jody Hendley, a supreme Willow Springs specialist, snaredthe win in the Formula USA Sportsman class aboard his Sportster 1200, edgingout Buell pilots Jeff Johnson and Hal’s Buell backed Dan Bilansky. Johnson,who won at Daytona, still leads the Sportsman points chase.

For more information on the Formula USA series, visit their web siteat To learn more about Buell motorcycles, visit yourlocal Buell dealer today and experience the pure streetfighter attitude,style and performance only found on board a Buell. Call (800) 490-9635 forthe Buell dealer nearest you. Or pull into

WE’RE BURNIN’ DAYLIGHT–I know I’m forgetting somethin, but what the hell. There’s always next week. Remember, if you have news, events, good jokes or tech tips, send them to me with jpgs at 72 dpi and I’ll post this shit for the world to see–

Nyla hung on like a leech in the Nile. I decided to give her another break in Ludlow on 40, but she was cool and we kept going to the Goff turnoff, where we got gas again. We had blasted through another 112.5 miles and took on 3.16 gallons of high test, which was giving us 35.6 mpg. The difference was due to the speed. We were cutting through a throng of butterflies at 90 mph and for long stretches at 100 mph. As it turned out, we had only another 68 miles to go for a 316-mile putt in exactly six hours. At one stop, I found a dead butterfly in perfect shape straddling my left mirror stem. We gave the poor bugger a proper burial.

At 100 mph, the M-2 ran so smooth I could ride with one hand on the bars and play grab-ass with Nyla. The rubbermount Sportster power train worked effortlessly. The bike is feather light and handles like a warm knife through butter. Even Nyla enjoyed every mile. If you get the chance to test ride a Buell, do it. You’ll be shocked at the fun you’ll have.

I won’t be mentioning Nyla much in the future. I’ll tell you about the female blow-up we had before Laughlin. Layla was as pissed as a rattler without rattles, over something that happened between Coral and Sin Wu, and she stormed out. She was waiting when I returned, though. Ya see, I’m innocent. Let’s ride–Bandit.

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May 3, 2001 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

Jason's cup tool

JIMS Banner

BIKERNET MEETS JIMS MACHINE–Not only are we in the process of developing a line of custom covers with JIMS, but our Web master recently came up with the above neck cup puller design and is sharing it with the bros at JIMS for a possible addition to their line of extensive special tools for working on Harleys. We hope to carry a garage selection of JIMS tools on Bikernet in the near future.

Cliff's Bike

EASYRIDERS OF ALBUQUERQUE CUSTOM– I enjoyed visiting with you in Laughlin. Thanks for taking a minute to look at my creation. As promised, I’m forwarding a couple of photos of the “Alien” Paul sent me. Ride safe.

–Clif Fodge

Cliff owns Easyriders of Albuquerque, and is one of the nicest shop guys around. Check out his new bike and his new facility, if you’re in the neighborhood.

Rogue Banner

ROGUE’S QUALITY DISCOUNT PARTS– SPECIAL ROLLING CHASSIS– 1-ONLYIncludes : Black Powdercoated Kraftech Pro Street FXR Frame w/Neck CupsInstalled, American Suspension Inverted Front End With Risers, Handlebars &Brake Bracket, Black Powdercoated Oil Tank w/Chrome Oil Dipstick & MountingBracket, Set Of 3 Spoke Mag Wheels, Brake Rotors Front & Rear, Rear WheelBelt Pulley, Avon Venon X Tires Front & Rear, Complete Chrome Rear Swing ArmAssembly, Set Of Chrome Adjustable Tension Rear Shocks, Billet Aluminum RearFender Struts, Front & Rear Fenders, Gas Tanks With Mounting Brackets,Speedo Mounting Plate & Custom High End Seat Made Especially For This Setup.

$ or visit web site at Photo’sAvailable

Cuban joke


Continued On Page 4

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May 3, 2001 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

ERIC HERRMANN’S LAUGHLIN RENDERING–Eric was nearly finished with his new Laughlin 2001 piece while we roamed the aisles of vendors at the River Run. Here’s a sneak preview. Check out Eric’s other works right here on Bikernet. You can purchase them directly by going to the Bikernet Gulch.

Engines for Cyril

Engine for Cyril

ACCURATE ENGINEERING PARTNERS WITH CYRIL HUZE–I see that Cyril is doing quite well on his articles for you. Has hementioned anything about a press release announcing him getting togetherwith Accurate Engineering and them building Signature Series Engines forhim?

The owner of Accurate Engineering, Berry Wardlaw, is a very good friend ofmine and I stopped in to see him on my recent trip to Texas. They are putting a couple of engines together for Cyril to take to MyrtleBeach.

Berry is also building all my engines now. If you do not already know him,you should. Accurate Engineering, 128 Southgate Road, Dothan, Ala., 36301 -(334)702-1993


Continued On Page 3

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May 3, 2001 Part 1

Not sure where to start this week. We rode the Buell to Laughlin with a kick-off time of 5 a.m. No, we didn’t rise and shine at 5, we were rolling down the street at that sleepy hour. I like to watch the sun come up. From a survival standpoint, I like to get the fuck out of the city and avoid truckers’ rush hour. The way L.A. is spreading, it takes two hours to clear the swelling suburbs.

Most of my brothers shook their heads in disbelief when I said we were rolling out on the Buell. I changed the oil the day before and wiped her down. She’s looking good and running strong with the new cams, carb mods, new module and exhaust (check the Garage or Buell Report). I knew the bike was comfortable and Nyla had straddled it once before. We squeezed in the earplugs, dropped that sucker in first and rolled just past Hesperia, where we stopped for breakfast. We were just at 100 miles. Get this, I had a tank bag strapped to the tank and Buell saddlebags slung over the passenger seat. We were packed to the gills with Bikernet stickers, brochures and propaganda. A map was carefully marked for the 15 highways and freeways we would traverse on our 316-mile journey into the largest desert in the world, the mighty Mojave.

Of course the tank bag is 15 years old and the clear plastic is now the color of smoke-stained plexiglass. I couldn’t read it at a stop light let alone at 100 mph on the bristling freeway. We started on Harbor Boulevard in San Pedro, picked up the 37 to the 710 to the 91 to the 605 to the 10 to the 15, where we stopped for gas at the junction of the 15 and the 40. We had gone 136 miles and used 3.58 gallons for 38 mpg. Not bad for a hopped-up bike and two passengers… We better get to the news:

10 BIKES STOLEN IN LAUGHLIN–But the worst of it is that my buddy Micah McCloskey of Micah McCloskey’s Custom Motorcycles in Canoga Park decided to go to Laughlin at the last minute. While he was gone, some assholes rammed the rear door of his shop and stole three bikes. One was the FXR he’s had since 1988. He sure would like to have it back. If you can help, call (818) 348-8967, or drop me a line at


FIRST THURSDAYS IN SAN PEDRO–If you’ve been looking for something to ride to in L.A. that’s different, try puttin’ to downtown San Pedro on the first Thursday of every month. The selection of antique and custom cars is wild. There will be bikes, street vendors, bars, restaurants and bands. Nothing trendy, you’ll think you walked into a whiskey time warp taking you back to the ’50s.

SPEAKING OF SALOONS– There’s this guy at a bar, just looking at his drink. He stays like that for half-an-hour.

Then this big trouble-making truck driver steps next to him, takes the drink from the guy and gulps it down.

The poor man starts crying. The truck driver says: “Come on man, I was just joking. Here,… I’ll buy you another drink. I just can’t see a mancrying.”

“No, it’s not that. This day is the worst of my life. First, I sleep through the alarm and I go late to my office. My boss, outraged, fires me. When I leave the building to go to my car, I found out it was stolen. The police, they say they can do nothing. Iget a cab to return home, and when I leave it, I remember I left my wallet and credit cards there. The cab driver just drives away.I go home, and when I get there, I find my wife in bed with thegardener. I leave home, and come to this bar. And when I was thinking about putting an end to my life, you show up and drink my poison!!!”

–Kris B.

IN MEMORY OF–We’ve seen a number of brothers downed over the last couple of months. At the suggestion of one of our concerned readers, we kicked up a Memorial Department where you can post a tribute to anyone who has gone to polish chrome with the almighty. Personally, Ed “Big Daddy” Roth recently passed away, then Roger Ramjet, the born-again performance pervert, and finally, Travis Clemens, the son of Lee Clemens, whom I’ve known for 20 years or more. It’s especially sad to see a young rider go, especially the offspring of an old crazy fool like Lee. It doesn’t seem right.

Well, the section is there for you to pay tribute to those who no longer enjoy the non-stop spirit of life. We must cherish time as the most precious commodity. You guys be careful out there.

Horse cover

JULY HORSE SNEAK PREVIEW–Here’s the cover of No. 15 July to put in your news section. Watch for it on seedy newsstands everywhere there’s a ghetto.


OUTLAW VINTAGE SHORT TRACK RACES ARE COMING– Saturday, June 30, at the Ventura Raceway, racing blasts off at 6 p.m. The 9th Annual Antique and Classic Motorcycle Show and Exchange is on Sunday, July 1, at the Ventura County Fairgrounds. It’s sponsored and promoted by Dave Hansen of The Shop in Ventura, (805) 650-6777.

Rammer SS Super Smooth Air Cleaner from Dewey

NEW PRODUCTS–With the support of Oz, our advertising director, we’re ramping up our New Products section. If you have a product, let us know. Here’s one of the newest items from Dewey’s Custom Pegs. Check it out. This is a Ramject super clean billet air cleaner.

RUN FOR BREATH IN CHARLOTTE–I’ll be there to emcee the event at H-D of Charlotte. The run will be held on Sunday, July 22, in Charlotte. Last year they raised over $6,000. At the end of the run, there were more than bikes. It gets bigger every year. Just about all the local shops and dealerships take part. This is the third annual run, with all the proceeds going to benefit the American Lung Association. For more information, contact Mike Pullin, (704) 847-4647 or

Orwell Cover

SAM “CHOPPER” ORWELL– If you don’t want to buy the book from me, buy it from WhiteHorse Press. They are now carrying it in their extensive catalog, or check

On To Page 2

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April 26, 2001 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

A. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.
B. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.
C. Smith & Wesson: The original point and click interface.
D. Gun control is not about guns; it’s about control.
E. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?
F. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.
G. Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.
H. If you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any.
I. Those who trade liberty for security have neither.
J. The United States Constitution (c) 1791. All Rights Reserved.
K. What part of “shall not be infringed” do you not understand?
L. The Second Amendment is in place in case they ignore the others.
M. 64,999,987 firearm owners killed no one yesterday.
N. Guns only have two enemies: rust and politicians.
O. Know guns, know peace and safety. No guns, no peace nor safety.
P. You don’t shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.
Q. 911 – government sponsored Dial a Prayer.
R. Assault is a behavior, not a device.
S. Criminals love gun control — it makes their jobs safer.
T. If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.
U. Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to controlthem.
V. You only have the rights you are willing to fight for.
W. Enforce the “gun control laws” in place, don’t make more. (I can’t go along with this one. All federal and most state “gun control laws” are illegal)–Dale
X. When you remove the people’s right to bear arms, you create slaves.
Y. The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control.
Z. “…a [system) governed by the people, for the people…”


Stroker kit

NEW STROKER KIT FROM HARLEY-DAVIDSON–Here’s a secret shot of the new stroker kit from Harley, taken at Charlotte Harley-Davidson by Bikernet spy Paul Davis. These massive mutha’s are now available for all Twin Cam models. Stock bikes will never be the same.

IN MEMORIAM– in memoriam Muldoon lived alone in the Irish countryside with only a pet dog forcompany. When the dog died, Muldoon went to the parish priest and asked, “Father, my dog is dead. Could ya’ be sayin’ a mass for the poor creature?”

Father Patrick replied, “I’m afraid not; we can’t be havin’ services forananimal in the church. But there is a new denomination down the lane, andthere’s no tellin’ what they believe.Maybe they’ll do something for the creature.”

Muldoon said, “I’ll go right away Father. Do ya’ think $5,000 is enoughtodonate for the service?”

Father Patrick exclaimed, “Sweet Mary, Mother of Jesus! Why didn’t ya’ tellme the dog was Catholic?

Chica Pan

CHICA FEATURED ON BIKERNET–The exclusive customizer for Chrome Specialties was recently featured on the site by JoAnn Bortels of CrazyHorse painting. As you can see by the above image, Chica has his own old-world flair to building bikes. Check out his creativity in the garage or in the Chrome Specialties Department. Currently, CSI is the only distributor with its entire catalog on line.

SIGNS YOU’VE HAD TOO MUCH OF THE HIGH-TECH WORLD– You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home.

Every commercial on television has a Web site address at the bottom ofthe screen.

You buy a computer and a week later it is out of date and now sells forhalf the price you paid.

The concept of using real money instead of credit or debit to make apurchase is foreign to you.

BALANCING THE SCALES OF JUSTICE–Sentencing Reform and America’s Drug Laws. You have to realize that a change in the national Policy could cause a serious backlash if not handled correctly. Almost $100 billion is spent every year (locally and federally) to fight the drug war. Legislation would cause a recession, if drug law sentencing reform were to ever be accomplished. All the concerns from the opponents and proponents of the issue would have to be addressed to make it work.

I will get into the reasons why first, then I will list my idea of a solution.

It seems that corporations through lobbyists push most legislation. With 22,000 lobbyists in Washington alone, how could this not be true? In California and other states, the biggest lobbyists are prison guard unions and police and prosecutor organizations. The prison industrial complex is massive. Its lobbyists wield a lot of power. Many of our congressmen depend on the large contributions these organizations give toward their re-election campaign. It’s the accepted way things are done at state and federal levels.

Since 1996, when the mandatory minimum sentences for drug law violators were instituted, federal prison budgets have shot up from $227 million annually to $4.7 BILLION annually. As of the year 2000, the cost continues to climb. At least 60 prisons are in the planning stages as we speak. Over 2 million people are in jails and prisons in the United States. Sixty percent are non-violent drug law violators.I am aware of the fact that any politician who speaks out against the drug war is committing political suicide, but– THERE IS A SOLUTION.

It is possible to institute fairness in sentencing (sentencing reform) and at the same time protect the economy. By protecting the jobs of the people who work for the various agencies that could be affected by sentencing reform, this would cancel out any economic backlash that could result in sentencing reform.

1.) By going back to the sentencing practices used before mandatory minimum sentencing, the amount of time served by an inmate for a non-violent drug offense would be reduced in most cases. There are benefits to this for not only the inmates and their families, but also for the government. Inmates would return to society and be reunited with their families sooner, becoming productive citizens and saving the government billions of dollars annually. There would be a faster turnover to help reduce the issues of overcrowding.

2.) All existing prisons and their employees would be guaranteed to keep their jobs. Most prisons and jails are bursting at the seams; overcrowding is the reason we have to continue to build new prisons every year. By changing mandatory minimum sentencing and releasing non-violent drug law violators earlier, the prisons could thin out their numbers they were designed to house in the first place. Stress levels would drop and the environment would be safer for both staff and inmates. Most prison administrators would agree to such a plan if it guaranteed job security, and lifted issues of overcrowding and safety for everyone concerned.

3.) A policy change such as this could balance the scales of justice.


Drag racing

DRAG RACING COMES TO BIKERNET, FAST–We’ve supported drag racing for over a year now and decided with the help of three of our main contributors to amp up our involvement. With the guidance of Mary and Charlie Lou Brewton, and the photographic talents of Helen Wolfe, we have launched a new department on Bikernet devoted to drag racing. In addition, our resident advertising designer John Siebenthaler has become a competent contributor. We’re looking for two sponsors for that department.

Check it out. It’s already burnin’ rubber all over the site.






For a second I had the nasty inkling that he was hitting on Sin Wu. There’s that jealousy thing again.–Bandit

ZIPPERS IGNITIONS–Despite your reader’s opinions regarding the Zippers Ignition package, it is morethan just an adaptation. Of course, that does depend on your interpretationof adaptation. In so far as Dyna and Crane have “adapted” their designs tofit the twin cam platform, I suppose you could also apply that moniker to theZippers unit. You’ll find the trigger mechanism and the 95 and 107 inch mapsto be proprietary. That would suggest, quite accurately, that you can buythem only from us.

Thank you for replying… and in complete agreement that despite my “opinion”of your ignition package and what one’s true interpretation of an “adaptation”could be, I think I should define my intention of my initial inquiry.

First and foremost, the dyna does not adapt a V-thunder ignition. Itsimply plugs into the stock wiring harness and also has different advancecurves for W.O.T. (wide open throttle) and deceleration. Which merelysummarizes my “interpretation” of the TC88 Ignition system you hold soproprietarily dear, as nothing but a marketed product, and that the sameresults can be achieved by those who know enough, and can easily install anyother readily available ignition. Not to mention, the trigger mechanism thatis not hard to figure out for the aforementioned knowledgeable techs.

In defense of you guys, your warranty is admirable in the fact that thisproduct I have seen is not necessarily broken or inoperable. My problem isthat no highly skilled tech would endorse or advise the spending of such anover-priced, infomercial type “adaptation” and my problem is that you guys layunnecessary sales rap on the unknowing. No offense intended, but this couldbe a definite set up for customer dissatisfaction. You see, not only did Inot actually believe the hype, I didn’t and will never purchase this type ofproduct. I appreciate your polite/customer friendly response, yet it was justanother (of many) well-worded answers to questions that don’t hold enoughwater from a REAL performance aspect. As much as I want to say “Shame on YouZippers,” I am hoping that the recent reputation damaging heresay isuntrue… Well, I, for one, hope you guys are not “technically challenged” asbelieved by many on the East Coast. Yet, I would find it interesting to gohead to head with any technical info you guys are proclaiming new andinnovative and any reply to the contrary concerning my statements in thisletter will surely be read and replied to in a timely fashion. You never knowwhat you can learn from people, be it fictitious or factual. At one time,Zippers didn’t pass off calls from department to department…. All I want to hear atthis point is the facts, baby!! JUST THE FACTS. If you want to baffle me withbullshit, I will call it a day… If you can bedazzle me with brilliance,lets see if you still got it!!!!

Thanks.. and respectfully

Beach ride poster


June 2nd HOG Meeting 4608 Imperial in Burnaby Call (604) 434-1502

June 2nd & 3rd CMDRA Edmonton WWW.CMDRA.COM OR CALL (604 ) 882 1009

June 4th We will join the XL Riders for their Tuesday Evening RideLeaves TrevDeeley Motorcycles @ 7PM Call Trev Deeley Motorcycles (604) 291 BIKE

June 7th Road Captains Evening Ride. Leaves Trev Deeley Motorcycles @7PMCall Trev Deeley Motorcycles (604) 291 BIKE

June 9th RJ’s Ride to Harrison Hot Springs for lunch Call (604)329-6348

June 12th Road Captains Evening Ride. Leaves Trev Deeley Motorcycles @7PM Call TrevDeeley Motorcycles (604) 291 BIKE

June 16th Darryl’s Mystery Ride. Leaves Trev Deeley Motorcycles CallTrev DeeleyMotorcycles (604) 291 BIKE

June 17th Fathers Day Ride along with Delta, Call Warren (604) 524 8963& Call your Dad

June 19th Road Captains Evening Ride. Leaves Trev Deeley Motorcycles @7PM Call TrevDeeley Motorcycles (604) 291 BIKE

June 23rd Trev Deeley’s Show N Shine Call Trev Deeley Motorcycles (604)291 BIKE RainDate July 7th

June 23 -24th CMDRA Drags in Prince George WWW.CMDRA.COM OR CALL (604 )882 1009

June 25th Road Captains Evening Ride. Leaves Trev Deeley Motorcycles @7PM Call TrevDeeley Motorcycles (604) 291 BIKE

June 30th Delta’s 3 day ride Call Warren (604) 524 8963

Bikernet has an area specifically designed so that anyone can post their own events, anytime, from anywhere. We also have more than reasonable banner prices, if you wish to advertise your event on Bikernet. Check it out or drop a note to If she’s not pissed at me, she’ll get right back to you.–Bandit

MODERN BUZZ WORDS–GENERICA: Features of the American landscape that are exactly the same no matter where one is, such as fast food joints, strip malls, subdivisions.

OHNO SECOND: That minuscule fraction of time in which you realize that you’ve just made a really BIG mistake.

404: Someone who’s clueless. From the World Wide Web error message “404 Not Found,” meaning that the requested document could not be located.”

LET’S RIDE–About now I’ll be eatin’ bugs on interstate 15 heading tearing into the smoldering Mojave. Nyla will be comfortably behind me out of harm’s way pinching me to stop for another Margarita. I’ll be wondering why I’m not in the cab of an airconditioned cage getting head and sipping something cool and refreshing, with my bike in the back, since I’ve ridden over this boring stretch of sand and faded beer cans a thousand times.

Again, I will try to better my time, not stopping for gas in Ludlow due to the crowds and dodging the beer cans flying out of the cabs of trucks hauling bikes to Laughlin. Frankly, I don’t care how you get there, air-conditioned or on a rigid, just have a good fuckin’ time and don’t run over my sorry ass. It’s 90 mph all the way. Let’s party–Bandit.

Read More

April 26, 2001 Part 1

With jealousy raging at the headquarters, I called for backup. Just one girl will hug me all the way to Laughlin. As of 5 a.m. Thursday, Japanese Jay and I, plus Nyla were cutting a dusty trail for the shimmering neon paradise on the Colorado River. I gotta tell you what happened to Layla, and where I met Nyla, but that will have to wait until I get back.

Wouldn’t you know that just as the River Run looms in the distance, the Golden State launches another one of its heat waves, so we’ll be sliding out of the coastal Santa Anas for even hotter climes in the desert. That’s one of the reasons for the early departure. The other reason is Sin Wu. Seems the Oriental goddess is developing a jealous streak. Time to leave town. Let’s get to the news, we’re burnin’ daylight:

Ladd's illo

PROFESSOR NUTTBOY–Has been crying that we have illustrated all the fiction except his. After interrogation and knocking out several of Jon’s teeth, he confessed his jealously for the doctor’s bizarre humor. Afraid that there is someone on the planet with a more demented notion of life than his own, he chose to ignore his etchings. Drugged and handcuffed to his chair, we forced him to draw the above illustration for one of the professor’s fictional ramblings–check it out in the Two-Wheeled Tale Department.

STURGIS CULTURE–Hold on old timers. Remember the days of drunken debauchery and drugs? Now we have a couple Sturgis art exhibits and we’ll be represented in both, hopefully. Here’s a note about one:

The Journey Museum in Rapid City, S.D., will host a photographyexhibition by Michael Lichter titled “Biker Generation.” The images, whichinclude many of Mike’s best-known works from 20 years of photographing thebiker lifestyle, will be on display from Aug. 4 through Sept. 3.

Some 13 ofthe finest custom motorocycles by some of the most famous bike builders inthe world will be on display with the photographs in the gallery and museum atrium from Aug. 4-11.

The opening reception, which Mike andmost of the participating builders will attend, is scheduled forTuesday, Aug. 7 from 4 – 8 p.m. Builders include Mitch Bergeron, Jesse James,Fred Koklin, Billy Lane, Bob McKay, Jim Nasi, Arlen Ness, Cory Ness, RonSimms, Donnie Smith, Russ Tom, Eddie Trotta and Paul Yaffee. The receptionis free and open to the public.

The museum is open from 9 a.m to 5 p.m.daily, and until 6 p.m. during bike week. It is located at 222 New York St., two blocks east of the Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn and theCivic Center. Admission is $5 during bike week.

Phil's Filter

STRANGE CANTINA SHIT–Only the strangest, one-of-a-kind shit will be featured in Bandit’s Cantina. Check it out–we found the only sucker in the world to custom-paint oil filters.

BIG TIME, FIRST TIME, ANNUAL EVENT!–Last year (2000) was the first year for Nebraska’s Burn Camp for young burn victims. St. Elizabeth Hospital in Lincoln, Neb., is our state’s burn center and the direct sponsor for the summer camp. It was held in Burwell, Neb., last August and six children attended. Their ages ranged from 8-15 years.

The WIND& FIRE MOTORCYCLE CLUB (LINOMA) chapter is going to put on a Burn Camp poker run on July 7. Sign-ups are 9 a.m. to noon with escort. We are starting at two locations at the same time — the Lincoln firefighter and the Omaha firefighter halls. The last stop will be at Linoma beach. Cost is $8.50, all you can eat buffet of ribs and chicken. Cash prizes and raffles will be drawn here. All bikes and bikers welcomed.

What is the Wind & Fire MC? My name is MC Flott and I am with the Omaha Fire Department and a Local 385 member. We are firefighters who own and ride Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Anyone who owns a Harley and is a firefighter may join.

The W&F MC Burn Camp Poker Run has been approved by the national W&F organization and St. Elizabeth’s hospital in Lincoln, Neb. Contact-

–mc flott

A DOCTOR–A doctor and his wife are having a terrible fight at the breakfasttable.The doctor gets up in a rage and walks out yelling, “and you are notanygood in bed either.”

After some time, he realizes he was nasty and decides to make amends. Hecalls his wife and after at least a dozen rings she answers the phone.Again irritated, the doctor says, “What took you so long to answer thephone?”

She says, “I was in bed.”

“In bed this late in the day, doing what?”

“I was getting a second opinion,” she replied.

FAST DATE’S NEGOTIATIONS–If you’ve joined the Cantina, you saw Jim’s babes. We’re in the process of negotiating a contract with Jim to house all his calendar girls in the Bikernet headquarters during the six months it takes to shoot each calendar. We’ll report on the progress in the next couple weeks.This month he wrapped up the photography of the upcoming 2002 FastDates.comCalendars in a sizzlin’ cover shoot with our favorite calendar models andSBK World Superbike trophy girls Brooke Johnson and Taylor McKegney. Thingsreally got heated up in the studio between these two beautiful girls andI’m sure you’ll appreciate the results in the 2002 Garage Girls Calendar.And of course, the steamier outtakes from our shoot will be featured inMembers Corner in the next few months. So stay tuned…

MUST SEE TV! —Speedvison’s American Thunder program coverage of our Hot Bikepresents the 2000 White Brothers LA Calendar Motorcycle Show premiers onTuesday, May 15, at 7:30 and 11:30 p.m. Eastern time. The 30-minute programwill replay throughout the year.I’ll be sure to remind you to catch the show next month before it airs.

Cyril's image

CYRIL SHOWS IT ALL–For the first time, you can see Cyril and his team of craftsmen building a new custom from the ground up. Every Friday starting this week, just log on to the site of Bandit’s Bikernet at Bikernet is owned and managed by Keith R. Ball, one of the greatest authorities in the motorcycle world. Keith is known worldwide by the pen name Bandit. His work fascinated Easyriders readers for three decades. He is the author of several books (“Prize Possession,””Outlaw Justice,” and “Orwell”). He has also restored and customized all types of two-wheelers.

Editor’s note. Cyril was on strong medication when he wrote theabove. Actually Bandit is not an authority on anything aside fromnipple technology. Give him enough jack and he’ll admit it.–Oz

Exclusively for, from concept to final assembly, Cyril will explain how he gets his ideas, demonstrates his philosophy in action, shares with you tech tips and fabrication tricks to build the ultimate custom. Every Friday, Cyril will report on the progress made, and illustrate the work accomplished with many pictures. Log on now to and bookmark the site.

2- Cyril at the Louisiana Bike Expo in New Orleans:April 21-22, Cyril will be in New Orleans at the Bike Expo (Ponchartrain Center in Kenner, outside New Orleans). Three of his customs belonging to Louisiana residents will be in exhibition. Cyril will also show his accessories and autograph the new hard cover book, “Harley-Davidson: Customizing The Legend.”

3- “High Octane” and “Cruising” are featured in VQ and V-Twin Magazines:Two of the most recent bikes built by Cyril Huze, “High Octane” and “Cruising,” are featured in the current issues of VQ and V-Twin magazines. This is a good opportunity to find out the components used to build these customs.

4- On Line Store:We added new custom accessories. See them at Our store is secure and you can order online with a credit card. Or call (561) 392-5557.Because of the addition of these new accessories, the loading of our pages is getting longer and longer. So, we are working very hard at redesigning our Webstore for a faster and easier navigation. We will also offer new features like:

– Up to five images per product to help you make your decisions.
– Multiple payment methods, including credit card, check, money order and gift certificate.
– The possibility to buy gifts and have them shipped to other family members and friends.
– Tracking of the status of your order online.
– Estimated shipping date if a product is back ordered.

We should be ready before the end of May. Thank you for your patience.

Cyril Huze Custom
Motorcycles and Accessories
Tel: (561) 392-5557
Fax: (561) 392-9923

Continued on Page 2

Read More

April 12, 2001 Part 4


Continued from Page 3

BUSH PLAN TO REGULATE MOTORCYCLISTS– In a startling revelation, George W. Bush announcedtoday before a packed gallery of reporters that he was considering boldinitiatives to regulate the 4 million motorcyclists in the United States.

Bush stood flanked by Vice-President Dick Cheney, American MotorcyclistAssociation (AMA) President Robert Rasor and Willie G. Davidson, vice president ofStyling for Harley-Davidson Motor Co. Bush said, “We expect to put inplace a plan of action that will benefit all Americans, not justmotorcyclists.”

The centerpiece of legislation proposed by Bush would be a monitoring systemthat would include a special electronic badge to be affixed to allmotorcycles, similar to the E-Z pass card in use in the Metropolitan NY andWashington, DC areas. With this new system to be called E-Z Rider, a specialPentagon computer would be linked to the current system of 25 earth orbitingsatellites that would continuously scan the earth’s surface in search of E-ZRider badges.

Cheney then said, “We need a first application for this system.Harley-Davidson has come forward with a proposal that I feel has merit. Thedata from E-Z Rider would be transmitted to the main computer center at theHarley-Davidson corporate center in Milwaukee, Wis.”

When questioned by reporters, Willie G. Davidson said, “With the use of E-ZRider, we will have a way to monitor the whereabouts of all motorcycleriders anywhere in the US. Furthermore, we have entered into an agreementwith the government to place a 2-digit code on the E-Z Rider badge toidentify Harley-Davidson riders.

This is especially important to us since we have our 100th anniversarycoming up in 2003. If President Bush and Vice-President Cheney can get thislegislation passed during this session of Congress, we will have a goodwindow of opportunity to get this system operational by the first quarter of2003 just prior to our 100th anniversary celebration.”

Davidson further stated, “We have received estimates from our H.O.G.chapters across the world that upwards of one million riders of our machineswill be descending on the Motor Company in Milwaukee. As you know, ourbuilding dates back to 1910 and has severe structural rigidity problems. Wehave been advised that the decibel (DB) levels coincident with one millionHarley engines all running at a speed of at least 34 miles per hour may havedeleterious effects on our factory.

Our engineers tell us that the building may fall. We are also concerned forthe various bridges in our city. The anticipated noise load may stress thesebridges beyond their design limits. That’s why we need to be able to detectthe approaching HOG traffic and disperse it to the secondary streets so asto equalize the load to be within design limits. The future of our companyis at stake here. This E-Z Rider legislation must be passed.”

Bush then said, “We are happy that Willie G. is here today to offer hiscompany’s support for this plan. We look forward to H-D partnering with thefederal government and being our first application of this important system.Furthermore, I’m taking this opportunity to announce that Laura and I areboth going to be riding in this 100th anniversary celebration. Laura justpresented me with a new Springer Softail. I plan to learn to ride it on thenew baseball diamond fields just now being set up on the South Lawn.”

“April Fools.”
–“Heavy Metal”
AMA #560419
’96 Kawasaki VN800B Vulcan Classic

Sin Cycles and Sinner clothing would like to announce the release of our summer clothing line.– Feel free to stop by our shop, or visit our Web site at You can order direct from our Web site. Check out our new Sinner bathing suits, visors, hats and shirts.

Sin Cycles
Sinner Clothing
(562) 997-9119

Goofy joke

LARRY HAGMAN HONORED– Hey everyone! The tribute gala honoring Larry Hagman is booking up fast, soplease let us know as soon as possible if you’ll be able to join us at theBeverly Hilton on May 5. Semi-formal, dinner, dancing and silent auction -$125/person (310) 204-3300.

REFRIGERATOR NAZIS–At first I figured your reference to them refrigerator Nazis was a bit far reachin’ for me to get behind in your book “Sam Chopper Orwell.” Not that it detracted any from the story line, though. Just heard on the news, however, California is leanin’ toward that already due to power shortages going on. You must be one helluva fuck’n prophet there, dude. Ha!

Truthfully, though, I’ve seen first hand many of the subtlties you’ve mentioned going on around this country regarding the problems us bikers face with our freedoms. Since I may not have mentioned it before, consider it done now that you’ve done well with the book, and that your ex was right about the whole idea. I’m pass’n along the book to members of our “Valley A.B.A.T.E. Motorcycle Association” (of which I’m the treasurer). You’ll get some interest there, I’m sure. I’ll pass along your web site, too, so other writings of yours can be obtained if desired. I certainly am interested in reading more of your works, too.

–F.C. (Zzap!) White
Alaska, USA

CHROME SPECIALTIES ON-LINE CATALOG–Is here for you. We hope to offer more direct parts services in the near future, but for now, you can go directly to the CSI catalog just by clicking above.

BANDIT, GODDAMNIT LISTEN UP!– My bike was in November Cyber Bike Show, “In Memory of Justin.” It won first place in its class. Every July I put together a poker run and bike show. I call it the “Run For Breath – In Memory of Justin Pullin.” The run will be held on Sunday, July 22, here in Charlotte, N.C. Last year we raised over $6,000. At the end of the run there were over 1,000 bikespresent. Every year its gets bigger. Just about all the local shops and dealerships take part in the event. Last year there was local TV coverage also. I don’t know if it is possible or not, but I would like to ask you to emcee this event. I think having someone who is well known and respected as you are would draw even more attention to our event. I would be able to provide airfare, a place to stay, etc. I hope you will consider this request, as the run gets bigger and better every year. This will be the third annual run. All proceeds go to benfit the American Lung Association.

–Mike Pullin
Harley Davidson of Charlotte 847-4647 (work)

If I can be of assistance cleaning off the tables or stacking cups, I’ll be there.–Bandit

Dragonfly shirt

BIKERNET GULCH ACCUSED OF BEING WORLD WIDE ESCORT SERVICE–It’s just not true. Just talk to Kelly and Samantha. On second thought, you better not. I swear, the Bikernet Gulch is our our own specialized outlet mall. Secure ordering, resonable prices and customer service like you wouldn’t believe. I’m not sure I meant it that way. Buy a book, I’ll sign it. Buy a limited edition print, Eric Herrmann will sign it. Order a black and white limited- edition photo print and Mike Lichter, the famous Easyriders photog, will sign and mount the sucker. Maybe mount wasn’t the right word. Little Joe won’t sign his HA Leathers, but they’re the best in the world, and made by hardcore to last a lifetime. It’s a group of speciality shops hand picked by the Bikernet staff for quality and customer service. Of course, check out the Dragonfly girls. The shirts ain’t bad either.

REGISTRATION– for the 2001 Hot Bike magazine presents The White Brothers Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show sponsored by Performance Machine, The Recycler and Budweiser.

Saturday and Sunday July 21-22The Queen Mary Event Park, Long Beach

Registration for July’s show is now open and you are invited tojoin us. For 2001 we have expanded to a new two-day format at the Queen MaryEvent Park in Long Beach to accommodate the sold out spectator attendance weexperienced the last two years. But even with the expanded formatwe have not increased our exhibitor space cost, now giving you twice asmarketing value for the same price.

Exhibitor registration packs were mailed out to our year 2000 eventexhibitors this past week. If you did not receive yours or would like to join us this year as a new exhibitor, please give me acall to request a registration package.Or visit us online for complete details and an online registrationform that you can print out and mail in with payment.

I also recommend making your hotel reservation at the Queen Mary soyou can easily walk to and from the show each day, and you’ll be there onon Saturday night for the big fireworks display and the bike show partywith live music in the Observation Deck Bar at 9 p.m. Ship hotelreservations are almost sold out, but still available by phoning(562) 435-3511.

SIGNS THAT YOU’VE HAD TOO MUCH OF THE ’90s AND 2000– You just tried to enter your password on the microwave.
You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of three.
You call your son’s beeper to let him know it’s time to eat. He e-mails you back from his bedroom, “What’s for dinner?”
Your daughter sells Girl Scout Cookies via her Web site.


RIP TRIBUTE–Rip had the most envious job of anyone in the Harley industry. He was paid to ride, and boy he did just that. We here at Bikernet respect the hard-riding brother he was. We’re collectin’ a series of shots of him as a remembrance and a reminder of his American Diabetes Bad Ride that raises money for the cause. If you have a shot of Rip you can spare, we will create a tribute to the man who made the notion of cross-country no more significant than a daily commute.

VANCOUVER HOG SCHEDULE-EH?–April 21 HOG Members Garage Sale at Trev Deeley Motorcycles. Call (604)434-1502
May 5 HOG Meeting 4608 Imperial in Burnaby. Call (604) 434-1502
May 6 Warren’s Mystery Ride HOG Meeting. Call (604) 524-8963
May 13 Mother’s Day Ride along with Delta Chapter. Call Your Mom. CallWarren at (604) 524-8963
May 18-20 AIM Bogie Bash. Call (800) 360-9079
May 22 Trev Deeley Day. Nite Ride leaves the store at 7 p.m. Call TrevDeeley Motorcycles(604) 291-BIKE

I KNOW THERE’S MORE–But I’m burnt, the sun is going down, and the Jack is waiting. We actually have some room in the garage to get cranking on NuttBoy’s ProStreet. There’s a major swapmeet coming up around the 20th and we want a complete list of needed parts and a handful of cash before we stroll through the gates.

Now that everyone has cleared out and it’s quiet around here, I need to warm up the head, fire up the candles and make her a white Russian. After a long bath it will be porno movies, sexual innuendos and lotsa touch through the night.

I can feel the sun beginning to force the cold chill to sea, and riding weather ahead. Take care of your babe so she won’t whimper when your drag pipes reverberate off the side of the stucco abode as you head out of town for the redhead in the neighboring burg. Let’s ride, we’re burnin’ daylight.


Read More

April 19, 2001 Part 3


Continued from Page 2…..

FEDERAL CASES–Federal CasesWhen the Feds come and bust in your door, (in my case two houses I wasn’t in before they finally showed up outside the condo where I was), looking to arrest you on a conspiracy rap.I don’t care how tough you are; you’re in for a long ride before the dust settles.

I know many arm chair commandos who talk tough, but if they were looking at life, would piss down their legs and roll over for the government. Some of you know who you are. I’ve known others that were faced with the same situation over the years, and they did roll over. You know who you are, too.An honorable person will ride the beef. The fact that he is innocent or guilty doesn’t matter. He refuses to sell out and cooperate to save his own ass at the expense of others.

The first thing that happens to anyone who is arrested is they take you to a jail and put you in a room handcuffed to the chair you’re sitting in. At this point they want to read you your rights and then interview you. This is the point where many of the weak jump ship. Remember that you have the right to remain silent. You don’t have to talk to anyone, and if you tell them so, and assert your right to remain silent, they will have to discontinue attempts to interview you.

In all federal cases, records are kept of every interview. If there are snitches in your case, you will be able to get copies of everything they said before trial. When a person cooperates, he will not be sentenced until after he is done testifying against the other people charged in the conspiracy. This assures the prosecutor that the snitch doesn’t change his story, or discontinue cooperating before the defendants go to trial.

Red flags that will come up when you try to look into court records on an informant: sealed records, which you can’t get into, closed hearings, and sentences that are well below the guidelines. In my case, I have left all my court records open to inspection by anyone with the guts to ask to see them. No sealed records, etc.

We are posting the transcript from my sentencing on the Web, also. Many who couldn’t make it have requested it.

I want to thank all the F.R.C. and others who have made this site a success. Stay with us, it’s just the beginning and we have a lot of work to do.

–Rusty AFFA


SECURE ORDERING IN THE GULCH–If you noted the article above about the protection that leathers afford us riders, you might want to check the HA leather items in the Gulch. The finest around. If you want the finest shirts on the planet, check the girl in the Dragonfly hut. Killer shirts mailed directly to your door.

IN LOVING MEMORY OF MICHAEL (Hotdog Mike) POARCHMarch 11, 1956 — April 2, 2001You may have seen him — Hawaiin shirt, shorts and sandals with white socksselling awesome New York-style hotdogs from his custom Sportster triketricked out with a table and seats (yeah, table and seats) and pulling ahotdog cart. Mike was a loving father and husband and left behind manyfriends in central Oregon and across the country. Mike died in a freakmotorcycle accident in Arizona, doing something he did often, helping out afriend. Of all the anecdotes, loving memories and bizarre tales (the guy hada rubber hotdog glued to his helmet), one succinct comment stood out, “He wasalways happy.” We should all hope to be remembered as always happy. You’ll bemissed Mike…


A YOUNG JAPANESE GIRL–had been taught all her lifethat when she married she was to please her husbandand never upset him.So the first morning of her honeymoon, the young Japanesebride crawled out of bed after making love, stoopeddown to pick up her husband’s clothes and accidentallylet out a big fart.She looked up and said:”So sorry…excuse please, front hole so happyback hole laugh out loud.”

Geoff Arnold

JOKER MACHINE RACING PROGRAM–In the next week or two we’ll be posting a complete report on the Joker Machine racing program, which includes drag bikes, Buells and more. Watch for it.This is a recent shot of Geoff Arnold from Helen Wolfe.<>


Poker Run — $10 per hand,Sign Up At Ben’s V-Twin — 2429 South Tryon St.FREE Hot Dogs 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.Last Bike Out: 1 p.m. Last Bike In: 4 p.m.Run Ends At Buffalo’s Cafe in Monroe – 10 percent off foodPoker Run Gift Certificates: Best, 2nd Best and Worst HandsMusic provided by Brangle Brothers BandSign Up For Bike Show at Buffalo’s Cafe 4 ? 5Awards for first and third place and best of show

ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT:Camp Air Care – American Lung Association of NC

SPONSORED BY:Harley-Davidson of Charlotte, Carpenters Auto Service, Inc. McElhattan’s Machine & RodBen’s V-Twin Collision Bike Works, Smiley’sSampson?s Custom Motorcycles, Alan & Lana Jacobs Wilgrove Amoco & MufflerBrown?s American Cycles, Hartsell Motorcycle Parts & Service, Auto Trader MagazinesIron Horse Motorcycles, Nikki?s Tattoo Studio, Buffalo’s Cafe,Full Throttle Magazine, RUA Motorcycles & Accessories, Cycle Sorcery,Knight Landscaping, BB&T- Crown Point, Pressley Associates,Jim Arnold?s Bar, Kristopher’s Sports Bar, Shapers, Quest Tattoo,H & G Cycles, Hooter’s of Matthews, Carolina Harley-Davidson,Sharky?s Carolina Bail Bonds, H & H CyclesEasy Rider, Good Time Caf?, The Family of Clarence Grisswold,Circle Medical Associates Family PracticesSaturday night, July 21 and pre-run party at Sharky’s!BBQ Dinners — $5 per plateFor more information, call Mike at (704) 847-4647

The worst news about this event is that I will be the day’s emcee.

Mike's Kit Bike

CUSTOM CHROME BIKE IN A BOX SUCCESS–For the guy who can’t stand the high prices of custom bikes, there’s a kick-ass alternative and you can be the master of your own disaster. You can check out the whole story in the Custom Chrome Department on Bikernet. Here are a couple words from the builder:”I have beendreaming of building my ownbike for about eight years. Every time I went to build it, I was discouraged bythe amount of money I needed. I did, however, end up buying and rebuilding a 1978 FXE about fiveyears ago.I ordered the kit Dec. 1 and received it on Jan. 15.”

— Mike Hahn
Rosemount, Minn.

ROGUE’S QUALITY DISCOUNT PARTS–SPECIAL – ROLLING CHASSISIncludes : Black Powdercoated Kraftech Pro Street FXR Frame w/Neck Cups Installed, American Suspension Inverted Front End With Risers, Handlebars & Brake Bracket, Black Powdercoated Oil Tank w/Chrome Oil Dipstick & Mounting Bracket, Set Of 3 Spoke Mag Wheels, Brake Rotors Front & Rear, Rear Wheel Belt Pulley, Avon Venon X Tires Front & Rear, Complete Chrome Rear Swing Arm Assembly, Set Of Chrome Adjustable Tension Rear Shocks, Billet Aluminum Rear Fender Struts, Front & Rear Fenders, Gas Tanks With Mounting Brackets, Speedo Mounting Plate & Custom High End Seat Made Especially For This Set up. $6000.

Chrome Wide Swingarm Kit for FXR $400.00

4 Speed Harley transmission fits 1965-1984 Big Twin ( rebuilt)$1000.00

Roadstar 16-inch spoke wheel in box $250.00

Revtech 16×3 Front rally style billet wheel complete $350.00ea

Sturgis 16×3 1/2 front Mirage style billet wheel complete Retail $567.00 Rogue $300.00

Sturgis 16×3 1/2 Rim only Daytona style billet wheel $200.00

Sturgis 16×3 1/2 Rims only Rally style billet wheel $200.00

Sturgis Front Rim Hubs Non Brake Side For Single Brake Set Up $50.00ea

Sturgis 16×5 1/4 Rear Roadstar style billet wheel with Brake Side Hub & Rear Belt Pulley *(needs Pulley side hub available from Sturgis wheel)(Complete Wheel Retails for $663.00) Sturgis Roadstar Billet Rear Belt Pulley Retails for $356.00 A $1019.00 Value Rogue $550.00

Attitude style Sturgis Billet Rear Belt Pulley Retail $356.00 Rogue $250.00

CCI 47-098 70 tooth rear pulley multi spoke Retail $517.30 Dealer $362.30 ROGUE $250.00ea

Billet Aluminum inner primarys to fit FXR Rubber Mount, Extra Strong For Muscle Motors Retail $1000.00+ Rogue $400.00ea

Billet Aluminum outer primary covers to fit FXR Rubber Mount, Extra Strong For Muscle Motors Retail $1000.00+ Rogue $400.00ea

H-D inner primary’s to fit FXR $200.00ea

9135 H.D. Inner Primary Bearings, 5 Speed 1987 up Retail $20.00 Dealer $10.00 Rogue $8.00

39998-65 Anchor Plate Chain Adjuster Inner Primary Retail $30.00 Dealer $17.00 Rogue $12.00

Sets of 4140 Steel EVO connecting rods $50.00set

Spyke Starter jackshaft kits CCI 28-677 big twins 89-93 $70.00ea

5-Speed Harley Davidson taper shaft diaphgram clutch assembly w/kevlar clutch plates $350.00

37906-90 H.D. Clutch Basket Bearings Retail $83.00 Dealer $41.30 Rogue$30.00

Heavy Billet Aluminum 5 Speed transmission doors polished and beaings $100.00ea

Sets CCI 15-294 6 Gallon Gas Tanks HD FXST 1984-96 & custom frames $100.00set

25-550x Custom Chrome Flatside Gas Tank Mounting Kit Retail $49.95 Dealer $32.95 Rogue $25.00

CCI 13-383 Russell Stainless Steel Disc Brake Rotors (oem 41813-79) Retail $ 79.95 – Dealer $55.25 – Rogue $40.00 ea

CCI 13-381 Russell Stailess Steel Disc Brake Rotors (oem 41791-79A) Retail $79.95 – Dealer $55.25 – Rogue $40.00ea

32-574 Custom Chrome Bolt Kit For Rear Disc Brake Rotor to Hub W/Cast Wheel Retail $10.00 Dealer $6.65 Rogue $5.00

Set (4) Custom Sumax Premium Pushrod Cover Kit For H.D.EVO $135.80 Retail – $94.05 Dealer – $60.00 ROGUE

H.D 132 Tooth Rear Drive Belt # H.D. 40023-86 Fits 86 to present Softail. $165.95 Retail – $107.95 Dealer – $90.00 ROGUE

Jims Big Axle Hydraulic Lifters For EVO CCI 20-734 Set Of 4 Retail $234.95 Dealer $154.95 ROGUE $125.00 set (4)

Complete New Feuling – Quantum 4 Valve Head Kits to Fit Evolution V-Twin Engines (all parts necessary to bolt on, including easy to follow instructions) Retail $2399.00 Dealer $1799.00 ROGUE $1500.00

1 Head Kit As Above With Polished Fins And Painted Wrinkle Black $1600.00

Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve Head Front New Retail $295.68 – Dealer $197.12 ROGUE $195.00

Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve Head Front New Retail $295.68 – Dealer $197.12 ROGUE $195.00

Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve heads front, minor repair needed on some(guide,seat,threads) Retail Price $295.68, – Dealer $197.12 But has guides & seats already installed.$150.00ea

Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve heads rear, minor repair needed on some (guide,seat,threads)Retail Price $295.68, – Dealer $197.12 But has guides & seats already installed.$150.00ea

Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve front rocker boxes assembled less swivel feet, $395.00ea

Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve rear rocker boxes assembled less swivel feet, $395.00ea

Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve rocker box covers Retail $86.52- Dealer $57.68 Rogue $25.00ea

Dual Carb Plenums for Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve Heads Retail $95.07-Dealer $75.00 Rogue $50.00eaFeuling-Quantum Oversize Intake Valve Guides Retail $5.45- Dealer $3.63 Rogue $3.63ea

Feuling – Quantum Head Bolts Retail $28.80 ea Dealer $19.20ea ROGUE $15.00ea

*** Feuling 4 Valve Front Rocker Boxes for Sportster or 4Cam V-Twin $200.00ea

Front Offset motor mount black powdercoated for Boyce frames $25.00ea

Petcocks CCI 25-253 & Chrome Spec. 260366 $10.00ea

Petcocks CCI 27050 Accel $30.00ea

Steel motormount stablizer (turnbuckle complete) rubber mount 5 speeds $40.00ea FXR

Chrome Kickstands for Sportster $40.00ea

Sumax #8635 Front Fender $100.00 Rogue $40.00

Sumax #8650 Front Fender $100.00 Rogue $40.00

Sumax #8651 Front Fender $100.00 Rogue $40.00

Sumax #8654 Front Fender $156.00 Rogue $65.00

Sumax #8604 W Rear Fender $158.00 Rogue $65.00

Sumax #8609 W Rear Fender $127.00 Rogue $50.00

Sumax #8617 W Rear Fender $114.00 Rogue $50.00Sumax #8619 W Rear Fender $119.00 Rogue $50.00Sumax #8656 W Rear Fender $192.00 Rogue $75.00

CCI 13-389 Russel Stainless Oil Lines for FXR 1987 – 1990 Retail$143.95 – Dealer $99.35 – Rogue $70.00

CCI 13-387 Russel Stainless Oil Lines for Softail 1990 – 1992 Retail$156.95 -Dealer $109.15 – Rogue $80.00

Clear Coated Universal Stainless Steel Brake Lines–many lengths–$14.00

Avon Venom X 160/80 B16 Rear Tires $70.00 ea

Avon Venom X MT 90 B16 74H Front Tires $50.00ea

Corbin Dual Touring Leather Seat For 84-97 Softails (with backrest) Seat $659.00 – Back Rest $219.00 = $878.00 Rogue $450.00

Corbin Close Gunfighter Leather Seat With Back Rest Capabilities For Softails $399.00 Rogue $220.00


POLARIS OUTDOOR EXPERIENCE COMING–With the opening of a first-of-its-kinddealership near Atlanta, Polaris is about to set a new standard for thepowersports shopping experience. Polaris is helping its dealer networktransform dealerships into innovative retailing environments with theopening of the prototype Polaris America dealership in Conyers, Ga.

Thisindependent flagship dealership, complete with a riding track for customersto test Polaris’ recreational products and a fireplace for a rusticbackwoods feel, sets the standard for the Polaris dealership of the future.

“We’re thrilled to bring this new shopping experience to powersportsenthusiasts,” said Tom Tiller, president and CEO of Polaris. “At Polaris,our products are all about the riding experience, and that experience beginsin our dealerships.”

— Susan Custer
Weber Shandwick


MAJOR CONTENDER–The attached is Colton LaFon, JR 5. Currently he ranks No. 2 in the AHDRA National points. He also wears a Joker Machine emblem, so I thought I’d hurry up and get it to you.

–Helen Wolfe

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April 19, 2001 Part 2


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RENO, NEVADA: From the Reno Gazette-Journal, Mary Thompson says: TheAmerican Civil Liberties Union of Nevada has offered to help northern NevadaAIM attorney Kevin Karp and a group of Reno motorcycle club members withthe Northern Nevada Confederation of Clubs, who are contesting Carson citycourthouse rules that ban them from wearing their colors in the publicbuilding. The judge said that their swastika-decorated vests coulddisrupt his courtroom.

DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA: Bikers are riding without helmets, but bike-relatedfatalities have dropped after the helmet law was repealed! The numbers fromDaytona’s Bike Week are a real vindication to all the Florida bikers whofought so hard to undo their helmet law. Bike Week was under particularscrutiny to gauge the impact of repealing the lid law last July 1. The fearwas that more motorcyclists would die, but instead deaths actually droppedsharply.

From PA NEWS comes this nice little worry for ya. AIRBAG VEST FORMOTORCYCLISTS TO GO ON SALE! A motorcycle clothing manufacturer in Italy hasdreamed up this device that supposedly instantly inflates all three of its”PROTECTIVE” bags in the event of a crash and envelopes the rider in acocoon of safety, thereby saving the life about to be lost.


Laughlin guy

LAUGHLIN DRAGS–If you see this bike racing at the Avi drag races, come upand say hi. I should be racing there Saturday. With low tirepressure, it pulls up the front wheel in first, second and third.

I like the Cantina!

NATIONWIDE MOTORCYCLE FATALITIES ON THE RISE– After nearly a decade-longdecline, motorcycle fatalities are on the rise again – and statistics showthat aging baby boomers may be behind the increase, according to a LosAngeles Times analysis of federal statistics.

Motorcycle fatalities among riders 35 and older rose 59 percent between1994 and 1999, while federal statistics show that deaths for those 34 andyounger fell 22 percent during the same period. For the first time, in 1999,older riders accounted for a majority of those killed. That was also theyear the trailing edge of the baby boom generation turned 35.

“These trends fly in the face of the conventional wisdom about who’sgetting killed on motorcycles,” said Rae Tyson, a spokesman for theNational Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Motorcyclists accounted for 2,472 of the 41,611 people killed onAmerica’s roads in 1999–about 6 percent of the total. During the past 10years, the average age of motorcyclists killed rose from 29.3 in 1990 to 36.5in 1999, according to NHTSA statistics.

–Bill Bish NCOM

MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRY BOOMING — “Money generated by new motorcycle sales in1999 might rival the gross national product of some small countries – thetotal came to an estimated $4.4 billion,” reports Motorcycle Industry magazine.That figure is up almost $1 billion from 1998, and it’s more than doublewhat it was in 1994. Talk about a booming industry.

Motorcycles themselves accounted for less than half of the $9.9 billionin sales generated by motorcycle retailers across the country. The rest ofthe money came from sales of used motorcycles, parts and accessories, andservice labor.

In 1999, a typical franchised motorcycle dealer averaged $840,000 in newunit sales, $294,800 in parts and accessories, $281,600 in used sales,$82,100 in service and $23,800 from other related sales. On average, amotorcycle dealer has 11.2 full-time employees and 2.0 part-time workers,with an average payroll of $351,000.

–Bill Bish, NCOM


IT’S YOUR HIDE– Leathers are the only way to go, as most of us learnafter we’ve been sandpapered and cheese-grated by doing the blacktop bebop afew times.

So dig this disintegration comparison study of scooter-thickness leathervs. other materials hitting the pavement at 50 mph:Heavy denim–a measly 4 feetKevlar (the same material used in bulletproof vests)–18 feetYuppie leather (the cheap, thin, Wayne Newton-style crap)–29 feetHonest-to-God motorcycle-quality leather–86 feet

Simply put, when it comes to body armor, don’t be a skinflint–unless youwant to someday end up tweezing pieces of gravel outta your skin.


QUOTE OF THE DAY– “Everything that I did in life that was worthwhile Icaught hell for.”FORMER U.S. SUPREME COURT JUSTICE EARL WARREN


CYRIL HUZE BEGINS CUSTOM PROJECT ON BIKERNET–Here’s a sketch of a brand new custom build to be followed to thefinish right here on Bikernet. We’ll have the first segment up in the next couple days. Watch for it.

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April 19, 2001 Part 1

News crews swarmed the Devil Dolls’ clubhouse in San Francisco and ultimately the Bikernet headquarters was called. Was the president hiding in our basement with the other girls? Could we deny any link to the notorious female motorcycle club spreading like wildfire throughout the country, leaving a trail of illegal activities, stale booze and broken hearts? It was a dicey situation at best.

The Pan Riders
Hiding from our nefarious activities, I rolled out the ’48 Pan with the dual Mikunis that were recently installed and decided to go for a ride. For protection, I recruited the grand master of the IMB Martial Arts Academy in Carson, Calif., and his main instructor, Brad Olsen. Coincidentally, both men ride Panheads with jockey shifts. Richard has owned the same stretched Panhead with a long Dick Allen front end since 1975. Brad has owned his ’62 Pan for 12 years. We attempted to ride to our favorite haunt, Walker’s Cafe on the point, but rumors had it that the joint was crawling with reporters. So we swiftly made our way along a little traveled coastal road to the Redondo Beach Pier, where Richard hit on every waitress at Polly’s on Brad’s behalf. “They all look at my bike then turn their eyes on Brad,” Richard admitted begrudgingly. From there we escaped through the eucalyptus trees on Palos Verdes Pennisula en route to the Blue Cafe in Long Beach to listen to blues and ponder our next move. We better get to the news:

John's Drag racing shots

DRAG RACING COMES TO BIKERNET–All Harley drag racing has a loyal following even though the sanctioning bodies seem to come and go. We’ve been following some of the stars through drag racing journalistic legends Charlie and Mary Lou Brewton. Recently, Helen Wolfe joined the ranks of contributors with her immense photographic talents. Her husband, The Mailman, is an active racing enthusiast. So check out Drag Racing on Bikernet with our first complete race report from our own master billboard designer John Siebenthaler. It’s up now.


IN CASE YOU FORGOT THE YEAR–BanditHowdy,Just a reminder about the April 22 swap meet (this Sunday) at the historic Longhorn Ballroom in Dallas. And don’t forget that the race scheduled for May 6 in Dallas, Saturday Nite Under the Lites, has been moved to May 5 in Shreveport, La., at Red River Raceway. For more information on these events and upcoming events, check out:

Hope to see you there!
Texas Scooter Times

THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to InjuredMotorcyclists (AIM) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM),and is sponsored by the law offices of Richard M. Lester. For moreinformation, call (800)ON-A-BIKE, or visit the Web site at


NATIONAL COALITION OF MOTORCYCLISTS (NCOM) CONVENTION: LAST CHANCE, LASTANNOUNCEMENT! The 16th annual NCOM convention will be in Orlando, Fla., May10-12. Don’t miss this one folks, it’s gonna be the biggest and bestyet. We’re expecting about 1,500 motorcycle rights activists from ALL overthe U.S. and the world, from ABATEs to confederations of clubs, and everytype of rider in between.But hurry–the Marriott hotel has been sold out for months, and now we’vesold out the overflow hotel next door. So if you need a room, you’llneed to call the AmeriSuites hotel on the same block at (407) 240-3939, andbe sure to mention NCOM for our special convention rate of $69 for a single/double.Rotten Roger of ABATE of Oregon will receive a special recognition awardfor his lifetime of service in bikers’ rights. He is truly one of our specialpeople (anyone ever heard of “ABATE of Roger?”) and richly deserves to behonored. Phone Bill Bish at NCOM, (800) ON-A-BIKE, for info andreservations.

Beachride Staff
Here’s the Beach Ride Committee minus the mysterious Bandit.

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