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February 23, 2003


THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For more information, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit us on our website at

Compiled and Edited by BILL BISH,
National Coalition of Motorcyclists

HEALTH INSURANCE BILL INTRODUCED IN CONGRESS When motorcyclists worked together to pass legislation through Congress to ensure health insurance availability for motorcycle riders a few years ago, those efforts were eventually negated when the Clinton administration ruled that the federal government cannot dictate insurance coverages to state insurers. But now, U.S. Senators Russ Feingold (D-WI) and Susan Collins (R-ME) have introduced “The Health Care Parity for Legal Transportation and Recreational Activities Act,” to end insurance discrimination by closing the loophole that has allowed insurance carriers to deny benefits to those who are injured while participating in so-called risky activities such as motorcycling, snowmobiling, skiing and horseback riding.

“From riding Harley Davidson motorcycles to visiting the Snowmobile Hall of Fame in St. Germain, these activities are part of Wisconsin’s heritage and economy,” Feingold said. “It simply doesn’t make sense to exclude those participating in these activities from health care benefits.”

This legislation, introduced February 14, aims to promote health care parity for participants in legal transportation and recreational activities, and addresses a loophole caused by a Department of Health and Human Services rule that prohibits employers from denying health care coverage to motorcyclists and others who participate in what is deemed a risky activity, but yet allows insurers to deny benefits to insureds if they are injured while participating in those activities.

“Because of this loophole, someone who participates in motorcycling, snowmobiling, running or walking could be denied health care coverage, while someone who is injured while drinking and driving a car would be protected,” Feingold said. “It is time that Congress corrected this so that those who are abiding by the law are not denied coverage.”

The language of the bill specifically states that “a plan or issuer may not deny benefits otherwise provided for the treatment of any injury solely because such injury resulted from participation of the participant or beneficiary in an activity such as motorcycling, snowmobiling, all-terrain vehicle riding, horseback riding, skiing or other similar legal activity.”

We did it before, and we can do it again, so sharpen those pencils and urge your federal legislators to support the Feingold-Collins bill to stop insurance discrimination against motorcyclists, once and for all.

Are we looking at a future mandate? Remember, new automobiles now come factory-equipped with airbags, despite a dubious safety record. So watch out for the “If it’ll save just one life,” crowd.

NM SENATOR BOWS TO PRESSURE, WITHDRAWS “ORGAN DONOR” BILL Within days of the news that New Mexico Senator Allen Hurt had proposed a law requiring motorcyclists to become organ donors, the Senator withdrew the bill under intense pressure from the motorcycling community.

“You win … I’m pulling New Mexico SB 239,” said Senator Hurt.

Senate Bill 239, would have mandated the harvesting of organs from any motorcyclist who was killed in an accident while not wearing a helmet. Specifically, SB 239 stated: “a person operating a motorcycle without a helmet and who, as the result of an accident, is pronounced brain dead pursuant to Section 12-2-4 NMSA 1978 by a licensed physician shall become an organ donor regardless of whether the person made an anatomical gift by completing the organ donor statement.”

“No matter how you view organ donations, this outrageous bill not only violates our individual civil liberties but is also transparently discriminatory against motorcyclists,” said Richard Lester, founder of Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (AIM) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM). “It’s no wonder that this issue invoked the ire of bikers to the point of generating thousands of e-mails, letters and phone calls. But it demonstrates how effective we can be when we’ve got all our oars in the water and we’re all rowing in the same direction.”

Bros Club Banner

NEW YORK CITY CONSIDERS LIMITS ON NOISE AND “DAREDEVIL RIDING” Two New York City council members and the city’s public advocate have proposed limits on motorcycle noise and daredevil riding, allowing the city to impound motorcycles and levy hefty fines or jail terms for repeat offenders.

Sponsored by Councilman Bill de Blasio, the legislation focuses on motorcycles like a “Pop-a-Wheelie Kawasaki, which encourages riding on one wheel, and excessively loud Harley-Davidsons,” like one on display with straight pipes that “could wake Mayor La Guardia,” Mr. De Blasio told the New York Times.

MASSACHUSETTS MAY BAN CHILDREN FROM RIDING ON MOTORCYCLES Massachusetts Senator Richard T. Moore has sponsored legislation on behalf of a constituent, Paulette Zazza, which should be of great concern of all riders. Senate No. 1351, entitled “Petition To Improve Safety For Passengers Of Motorcycles,” would prohibit any persons 16 years old and younger from riding as a passenger on a motorcycle on all Massachusetts roads.

There are already laws on the books that state that a passenger must sit on a seat, and his or her feet have to reach the footrests comfortably; but this proposed legislation puts an age definition that the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA) is opposed to.

This would have serious implications for the motorcycling families within Massachusetts as well as those traveling through the state, according to the MMA. “Those of us who’s motorcycles have always been the focal point of our families transportation and recreation would see our family’s activities severely disrupted. For the out-of-state touring riders bringing their children on vacation would mean having to avoid Massachusetts completely,” said an MMA spokesperson.

Concerned Massachusetts motorcyclists should contact their state legislators immediately and let them know how such legislation can affect you, and ask them to protect the American Motorcycling Family by opposing Senate No. 1351.

“COLORS” LAWSUIT GOES TO FEDERAL COURT A case currently pending in the 9th District U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco could soon decide if the Gilroy Garlic Festival’s policy restricting “gang colors” is constitutional. The debate revolves around an incident that took place at the 2000 Gilroy Garlic Festival when four Top Hatters Motorcycle Club members were removed by Gilroy police officers after refusing to take off their vests.

Immediately following the incident, the club filed a lawsuit against the Gilroy Garlic Festival and the City of Gilroy claiming the policy was a violation of their freedom of association and speech.

“The plaintiffs are not seeking any money in the lawsuit, only a change in policy and lawyers’ fees,” said Randolph Hammock, the plaintiffs’ Los Angeles-based attorney with the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. “We applaud the festival’s efforts to stop gangs, but a motorcycle club is fundamentally different than a gang — it’s a fraternal organization, a social and fraternal club — the same as the Masons or Lions Club. My clients feel they should have the right to wear their club’s jackets in public.”

But the Gilroy Garlic Festival Association disagrees and maintains its policy is not intended to deny freedom of speech but protect its patrons. “As of this point, we are not discussing a change in policy,” said Richard Nicholls, executive director of the Garlic Festival. “We want to provide our customers with a safe and non-intimidating, family atmosphere. We’ve had good compliance with our policy so far, so I don’t see why it needs to change.”

Hammock said one of the fundamental problems with the policy is that it was not available in writing to his clients before the incident. “I was surprised to discover that the Garlic Festival had no written dress code that warned my clients before the incident,” Hammock said. “Now they have one referring to gangs, but they’ve refused to give it to us to review. Why would they want to keep this a secret?”

Similar suits to the Top Hatters’ lawsuit have been filed against the California State Fair and the Morgan Hill Mushroom Festival, with varying outcomes, Hammock said.


WASHINGTON MAY POST WARNINGS FOR MOTORCYCLISTS Senate Highways and Transportation Committee Chairman Jim Horn has introduced a bill that requires signs to be posted alerting motorcyclists of hazards caused by construction work. Under Senate Bill 5457, if any construction, repair or maintenance work presents a special hazard to motorcycles, the work location must be posted with signs warning motorcyclists of the hazard.

The proposal calls for Department of Transportation to create a uniform sign for this purpose, and it must include at least the following language: “Motorcycles Use Extreme Caution.”

“For motorcyclists, it can be very dangerous to ride along a road or highway and suddenly come across a work site that has loose gravel, a grade separation or an abrupt edge,” said Horn, R-Mercer Island. “These types of hazards provide minimal risk to cars but can often be fatal for motorcyclists. This bill gives motorcyclists some advance notice that these types of conditions exist within the work site.”

The bill was referred to the Senate Highways and Transportation Committee, where AIM Attorney Marty Fox testified in support of the measure.

“I started the wheels turning last year because of the number of construction accidents that I was seeing where riders were going down at night while transversing between recently scraped lanes and newly paved lanes side by side,” said Fox, further explaining that “Usually, there is an abrupt lane edge between the two surfaces in the middle of a road that the rider is not aware of in the dark, and at a shallow angle at highway speeds the result can be deadly.”

Fox testified in part that, “In lawsuits representing motorcyclists I discovered that the our state transportation department does not have any rules or signs to warn a motorcycle of this type of condition or any pavement disruption that a motorcyclist needs to know about in advance to avoid the hazard. In fact, I learned that some contractors who were using ‘Motorcyclists Use Extreme Caution’ signs were advised by government inspectors on jobs to remove the signs because they were not approved.”

“I think everyone will agree that motorcyclists pay more attention to signs than any other drivers on the road, and if they are given enough advance warning of potentially dangerous roadway conditions they will pay attention and avoid them and potential accidents. A simple reusable sign that costs less than $50 can save lives and property,” argued Fox in favor of the proposal.

Fox says he began working on the construction signage with Karen Bolin of the Washington Road Riders Association when she was his AIM Chief of Staff and NCOM Rep. “Last year we tried to get the Washington DOT to use signs warning motorcyclists of highway problems in advance. They listened but did not do anything. This year we went to the legislature and have received overwhelming support from both parties.”

PENNSYLVANIA PUSHES PRO-MOTORCYCLE LEGISLATION Moving quickly on the momentum of last year’s victories (removing handle the bar height restriction, increased funding for the Motorcycle Safety Program, allowing for more than one bike in a metered space, and reduced turnpike tolls for bikes), ABATE of Pennsylvania has introduced a helmet law modification bill with 19 co-sponsors.

“That’s much more support than previous years when we had about four co-sponsors,” said John Mullendore, ABATE Legislative Coordinator. “Senator Wozniak wants to pass this in the first 100 days of session. It looks like riding lidless will be legal in Pennsylvania this year if our members keep the pressure on. We gained four to five yes votes in the election and that was all that was holding us up before.”

ABATE also reintroduced a bill to create a Veteran’s license plate for bikes, and a bill to increase penalties for right-of-way violations. A bill to include motorcycles in the state’s Lemon Law was also introduced.

WEIRD NEWS OF THE MONTH: AIR BAGS NOW AVAILABLE During an airing on cable’s Speed Vision of “On Any Sunday Revisited,” a look back at the classic motorcycle racing movie, a commercial came on featuring Evel Kneivel. The spot talked about what a great jumper he was, but that he was also a spectacular crasher. Then Evel appears on the screen and says, “If I’d been wearing one these airvests then, I wouldn’t need this cane now,” and goes on to claim that it will save more lives than any other safety device ever invented and marketed to the public.

We’ve all heard of these devices, and knew it would only be a matter of time before they were marketed here in the United States, and they are now available through the Internet at, or you can order by phone for $499.95, or $299.95 for kid sizes.

QUOTABLE QUOTES: “First, they ignore you, Then they laugh at you, Then they fight you, Then you win.”~Mahatma Gandhi, Nonviolent Protestor and leader of India’s independence (1869 – 1948)

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February 20, 2003 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

BIKERNET FEATURE BIKE SCORES IN COLUMBUS–Ken Millers low nitrous rocket ship won a 3rd place award at the Columbus Easyriders Bike Show. Buried in snow the show still drew record crowds and some of the best iron in the country.

HOGS AND CHOPPERS.COM LAUNCHED–Our motorcycle online website is finally open to the public! As part of theofficial kick-off, we’re offering FREE advertising for base ads ( till 2-28-03) to get things moving along quickly.Just Go To:

PRE-DAYTONA BOOGIE–I had the honor of attending the Pre-Daytona Boogie in Kingston, NY today. Lots of factory customs and a surprising number of Borgets were in attandence as well as the usual home builts along with rows and rows of bubble wrap.

I guess I’ve been doing this just too damned long or I was just in a foul mood with the 8 degree, below zero temps. The crowds and the fat broads entered in the bikini contest again. Anyway, the only two wheeled toy that seemed to impress me this year was ridden by a fellow gimp running through the isles. Ginger has finally arrived. This 2 wheeled beauty just made it to the top 10 list of toys I just have to get my grubby little paws on.

Computerized gyroscopic works but only 12mph at this stage. Given a good flame job and some apes, look for the old Bear to be running around Sturgis and Laconia this year on the hottest new 2 wheeler avalable. I can’t wait to see what Billy Lane can do with one of these things,


PIXIES STICKS RETURN–Anyone remember those?The local watering hole had a poker run yesterday. The Backwoods Baris just that, about ten miles into the Chassahowitzka Forest. One ofthe sign up babes had the daughter along, about 6 years old. She had a pixie stick that was near tall as she was. The little girlhands off the giant candy straw and mom ask “don’t you want any more?”

The little girl replies “no….. I’m full of it.”

As I’m throwing my leg over the Iron Horse I could not resist lookingback to her and answer “everyone says the same thing about me!”

She turns her head and frowns like a confused puppy dog. Everyone elsejust has a good laugh.

Am I the only one that loves a run along the ocean at sunset?


BIKERNET OZARK REPORT–Just thought I’d give you a little update on things out here. Big Tall Roger went down and broke his hand. He had to have surgery and won’t be able to ride for a month or so. He said he had ridden up to Petit Jean Mountain with JB, and on the way home they split up at the lake. Roger lives on one side and JB on the other. He was heading down the little two lane road and the next thing he knew he was on the ground. He wasn’t even drinking. He has no clue what happened. Roger is a good rider and puts a lot of miles on his bike. It makes you think about how fast it can happen.

More bad news. a couple of weeks ago skitzo wanted me to bring him some supplies at the shop after work on a friday. He was broke and didn’t want to go on the titty bar tour. He was just going to work on his bike for a while and go home. I told him I wouldn’t get out till about 8 or so and don’t go anywhere without calling me. I didn’t get out till about 9 and when I got there he was gone. My girls cell phone was dead so

I decided to go to Miss Kittys and call him from there. When I got there he was there, looking for me. He’s kind of freaky about bumming off his friends, but he let me buy him beers and we shot pool for a while. We ended up in a little game with some other guys and we were there most of the night. Dammit. He got popped for DUI on his way home.

I felt sorta responsible because if it wasn’t for me he would have gone home, but then if he had called me before he left, we would have met up at the shop like we planned.

Some good news, the politicians tried to give us a new helmet law but it didn’t pass. We’re good for a couple of more years, but they’ll try again.

Philip took his little Panhead to the Easyriders show in Memphis and took home a first place for his class and a trophy for a specialty catagory of some kind. He’s really racking up the trophys. In fact he’s got a first place trophy at every show he’s taken it to.

Me and Titty bar Mike rode to the Abate swap meet, two weeks ago, and saw everybody I know. It was a fun day. there were a lot of bikes on the road and when we got on the freeway we saw a group of about six bikes ahead of us. We hammered until we caught them and then they wanted to race. We went flat out wide open for about 12 miles. The other guys kept up for about 6 of those miles and then we left them. It got down to just me and Mike. We weren’t racing each other but we just couldn’t slow down. It was the first time I had ridden my bike in a couple of weeks because of the weather and it just felt so good, I couldn’t go slow. after we left the swap meet, it was the same thing home. Hammered like it was my last time to ride. The weather has been ugly since then, so I’m just waiting. I have so much to do on my Shovel and my Evo is now a road shot piece of shit. It will never make it another year. If I could just get off my lazy ass, leave the bitches alone and work on the shovel. I could have it done by hot summer time. You can bet your ass that when the Evo blows, I’ll get it done fast.

Anyway, I’ll report more regularly when the weather breaks and we all start coming out of our holes.

–Ozark Ed

Inspectors find what Saddam really has –

THE OSAMA CURSE–While trying to escape through Pakistan, Osama Bin Laden found a bottle in a cave and picked it up. Suddenly, a female genie rose from the bottle and with a smile said “Master, may I grant you one wish?”

“You ignorant unworthy daughter-of-a-dog! Don’t you know who I am? I don’t need any common woman giving me anything!” barked Bin Laden.

The shocked genie said “Please, I must grant you a wish or I will be returned to that bottle forever.”

Osama thought a moment. Then he grumbled about the impertinence of the woman, and said “Very well, I want to awaken with three white American women in my bed in the morning, so just do it and be off with you!”

The highly annoyed genie said, “So be it!” and disappeared.

The next morning Bin Laden woke up in bed with Lorena Bobbitt, Tonya Harding &Hillary Clinton.

His penis was gone, his knee was broken, and he had no health insurance.

— Genie is good.

LONGVIEW SWAP MEET FEBRUARY 23rd!–Howdy, The Texas Scooter Times here reminding everyone about the Texas Scooter Times upcoming Swap Meet in Longview–February 23rd at the Longview Fairgrounds!

Bikers will find motorcycle parts manufacturers and distributors that travel the country, selling by the volume at deep discounts. There’ll be Motorcycle Shops that sell the good used parts that are taken off bikes in their shops when customers want to change up their rides. There’ll be Jewelry Vendors, T-Shirt Hawkers, Leather Sellers and people peddling oddities of all kinds.

What ever it is you are looking for, IT’S HERE! – Live Band – Bargains – Parts & Party – Door prizes and other contests – TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS! – Don’t miss them!

HOURS: Gates open at 11am – Limited Vendor Space Still Available- please call the Texas Scooter Times for reservations.

NEW! – the Texas Scooter Times Paper is online now! Check it out for up to the minute happenings and new information on our events- Like the New GAMBLERS RACE! – and a New “Red’s Picture Page – Go to and check them all out!.

For more info on a specific show and driving directions visit: or call 254-687-9066

Also- Don’t Forget! The Texas Scooter Times is coming back to Dallas at the Longhorn Ballroom March 2nd for The Dallas Swap Meet! Don’t Miss it! And the Spring Championships in Sealy, Texas is just right around the corner! March 30th!


BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Well, Hell month is almost over and as you read this, our trailer is someplacein the Atlantic heading to the shores of Florida. Now it’s just a few daysof catching up, resting a little bit and then Daytona Mayhem.


Kokko is here; too bad that Dollar could not make it since he had previousduties in Finland. I am convinced that I’m going to visit the frigidcountry, as well as Sweden early this Summer. Kokko has been ranting abouta cool bike show the first week end of June, a very insane ferry ride fromHelsinki and tall, busty blondes that would love to meet a Caribbean boy.Needless to say, it’s sold.Like always, it being pretty loco here, from the shop to the other shop,from there to the docks, back and forth, forth and back, our poor friendsare sick of all the places above, at least they are getting a pretty gooddose of strip joint honeys to unwind after all this boring chores.


The bike is done, sort of, there’s very little details that need to betaken care of, and as we all know, the complexity of simplicity…Thosetake the most time…As you might imagine I’m toast, so those will have towait ’till Daytona, and if we find time there, looks like it’s going to befun and hectic.

We are pretty excited about the ” merger” of The Horse, Choppers Inc andCaribbean Custom Cycles for the booth, which translates into a lot offriends on very cool choppers are coming to visit, I’ve received messagesfrom a bunch of friends who are showing up, that’s great !Now I’m going to ask our readers, I would like to know if there’s anyonewith a RevTech 100 inch motor and an SU carb, I have been trying to get mycarb to run for the past few days to no avail. I’m about to load theshotgun with double slugs and shoot the fucker…

I’m also on the process of getting another motor for the chopper, I guesswe are going to call her Nightmare…Why, because it’s been a fuckingnightmare for the past month…That bike commands a Panhead, so I’m trying to get a good deal on a motor,I am looking at one of those Pandemoniums from Custom Chrome/ ChromeSpecialties, besides I bet that kicking that 88″ would be a breeze comparedto a new 100 inch.

camel left

Billy Lane and Choppers Inc are working on the next Discovery chopper,Here’s the photos of the Camel bike as I promised last week, enjoy, and youwill be able to see the complete bike at the Camel Booth on Daytona BikeWeek.

camel right

I’m not going to rant about shit this week, but I’m saving the MasterBuilders bash for next week (ok, so here’s a preview) How come there’s alot of people calling themselves Master Builders ??? I always thought thatis a title you earn, not something that you just believe you are and postit on a magazine ad….Now that the chopper is done, I want to thank and shamelessly plug some ofmy good friends and fellow builders that have helped so much with thisproject;
Exhaust- Shamrock
Gas and Oil tank, Twisted
Wheels- Black Bike, Choppers Inc.
Forwards, trees, grips, risers, etc…
Motor and trans- Custom Chrome
Primary and Carb – Rivera Primo
Plate and brake light- Clayton engineering
Seat- PDQ upholstery
Bars- Choppers Inc
Brakes- Exile Cycles, SJP
Sliders- Forking by Franks…

I know I’m forgetting stuff and some of them, but all these guys can bereached thru the links page at my web site…www.ChopperFreak.comAnyway, enough bull…I’m going to sleep…I’ll be back next week with mypre Bike week report.

Hasta Luego..

Road king

THE NEWS IS EARLY–by design. I had to complete the news on Wednesday since a half-dozen jerks in white coats are due to come for me in the morning. You think I’m kidding? I’ll be out of touch for a couple of days while women will wisk around me like humming birds to a sweet tooth. I wish it was going to be kinky, but that’s not the case.

I’ve taken the new black King Mags to Century Motorcycles in San Pedro to have two new Avon Venom’s mounted. Can’t wait for the Powder Coating guys to deliver the parts. I spoke to our Tech Editor, Frank Kaisler who recommended that I punch holes in cardboard and stick all the fasteners inside, then spray them with gloss black. After we assemble the scoot, if we chip a fastener, they can be easily touched up.

The Panhead is running sweet and I’m still pondering straddling it for the ride to Sturgis. Seems appropriate for the 100th. A brother called the other day about a basket case Peashooter. Hope he’s not teasing me.

We’re in the process of redesigning our Bikernet Gulch and begin selling some hot scooter parts. I want to offer regular customers a way to get a deal choosing Bikernet. Let me know your thoughts. We’re thinking about carrying Cyril Huze’s line of wild stuff. Headwinds headlight line up and perhaps quality front ends from Perse. Of course we’ll continue to carry HA leather, Crime Inc and Joker Apparel.

Just one more Jack Daniels before the authorities come after me. See ya next week.


FROM THE DESK OF LAYLA–We were having some issues with bringing up the submissions of our Free Contest, however, Digital Disaster has worked out all the kinks. You guys were probably wondering if anyone ever really won anything. Well you do. I have a basement load of prizes ready for shipment and I’ve already picked a few winners. They’ll be posted in next weeks news.
I know you’ve been waiting a long time but Sin and I are gonna be busy for a couple of days.

Bandit mentioned people coming for him in white coats and being out of touch for a couple days. Well, the big guy had to go in for a little surgery this morning. Too much lifting weights and motorcycle engines finally caught up with him,(no deers involved). I was suppose to launch the news this morning but decided to give the headquarters a Spring clean instead. Sorry about that but at least it’s still on time. The surgery went well and he’s resting, but now comes the work. Men, they’re worse than babies when they don’t feel good.

Speaking of men not feeling well, I also want to wish Chris Tronolone a speedy recovery. He flew here to California from Hawaii to buy a motorcylce and has been in the hospital with Pneumonia ever since he returned home. I hope you feel better soon Chris, we miss your jokes.

One more for my sis. Chris Kranzler AKA- She-Wolf, has been battling Mutiple Sclerosis and not winning much. She contributed numerous articles to Bikernet that added a female touch and now she is silent. I miss her stories and I know she misses writing them. You’re on my mind constantly Chris, and I miss and love you.


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February 20, 2003 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

BIKERNET LAWSUIT OF THE WEEK–Kara Walton of Claymont, Delaware, successfully sued the owner of a night club in a neighboring city when she fell from the bathroom window to the floor and knocked out her two front teeth.

This occurred while Ms. Walton was trying to sneak through the window in the ladies room to avoid paying the $3.50 cover charge. She was awarded $12,000 and dental expenses.

JAPAN LEADS IN TECHNOLOGY AND SKIRTS–What you see are not see-thru skirts. They are actually prints onthe skirts to make it look as if the panties are visible and it’s the currentragein Japan.

I suppose at least you could choose what sort of butt profile you’d like


BEACH RIDE UPDATE– The Queen Mary Long Beach contract for august 31 is expected 2/25. Micah, the president, and I will make a site check on 2/24 at the national orange show Pavillion in San Bernardino where we have a 9 am meeting with the rep there. We have a Beach Ride hold for Sept. 28 at that site. Both venues (Queen Mary and Orange Show) want the food and beverage concessions. The rental fees are comparable. At the core meeting, we will review contracts, report on the sites, and discuss our participation at the July 20 LA Calendar Show in Long Beach. I should also have a budget by then.

Carmela Anne Burke, MPA
Director of Development and Communications
(310) 845-8060
(310) 922-3218 (cell)

Bikernet has supported the Beach Ride for the Exceptional Childrens Foundation for five years. They lost their Ventura, California site after the Laughlin fight, which costs their fund raising efforts substantially. The Beach Ride was their largest fund raising event.

BANDIT’S CANTINA TOAST OF THE NIGHT–John O’Reilly hoisted his beer and said, “Here’s tospending the restof me life, Between the legs of me wife!” That wonhim the top prize forthe best toast of the night!

He went home and told his wife, Mary, “I won theprize for the besttoast of the night.”

She said, “Aye, what was your toast?”

John said, “Here’s to spending the rest of me life,Sitting in churchbeside me wife.”

“Oh that is very nice indeed, John!” Mary said. Thenext day, Mary raninto one of John’s toasting buddies on the streetcorner.

The manchuckled leeringly and said, “John won the prize,the other night, witha toast about you, Mary.”

She said, “Aye and I was abit surprised meself! You know, he’s only been there twice! Once hefell asleep, and theother time I had to pull him by the ears to make himcome!

–from Rev Carlr

from Rev CarlR


–from Al Friedman

HEALTH INSURANCE BILL INTRODUCED IN CONGRESS– When motorcyclists worked together to pass legislation through Congress to ensure health insurance availability for motorcycle riders a few years ago, those efforts were eventually negated when the Clinton administration ruled that the federal government cannot dictate insurance coverages to state insurers. But now, U.S. Senators Russ Feingold (D-WI) and Susan Collins (R-ME) have introduced “The Health Care Parity for Legal Transportation and Recreational Activities Act,” to end insurance discrimination by closing the loophole that has allowed insurance carriers to deny benefits to those who are injured while participating in so-called risky activities such as motorcycling, snowmobiling, skiing and horseback riding.

“From riding Harley Davidson motorcycles to visiting the Snowmobile Hall of Fame in St. Germain, these activities are part of Wisconsin’s heritage and economy,” Feingold said. “It simply doesn’t make sense to exclude those participating in these activities from health care benefits.”

This legislation, introduced February 14, aims to promote health care parity for participants in legal transportation and recreational activities, and addresses a loophole caused by a Department of Health and Human Services rule that prohibits employers from denying health care coverage to motorcyclists and others who participate in what is deemed a risky activity, but yet allows insurers to deny benefits to insureds if they are injured while participating in those activities.

Check the Bikernet Right Department for the full story.

NEW YORK CITY CONSIDERS LIMITS ON NOISE AND “DAREDEVIL RIDING”– Two New York City council members and the city’s public advocate have proposed limits on motorcycle noise and daredevil riding, allowing the city to impound motorcycles and levy hefty fines or jail terms for repeat offenders.

Sponsored by Councilman Bill de Blasio, the legislation focuses on motorcycles like a “Pop-a-Wheelie Kawasaki, which encourages riding on one wheel, and excessively loud Harley-Davidsons,” such as one on display with straight pipes that “could wake Mayor La Guardia,” De Blasio told the New York Times.

“COLORS” LAWSUIT GOES TO FEDERAL COURT– A case currently pending in the 9th District U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco could soon decide if the Gilroy Garlic Festival?s policy restricting “gang colors” is constitutional. The debate revolves around an incident that took place at the 2000 Gilroy Garlic Festival when four Top Hatters Motorcycle Club members were removed by Gilroy police officers after refusing to take off their vests.

Immediately following the incident, the club filed a lawsuit against the Gilroy Garlic Festival and the City of Gilroy claiming the policy was a violation of their freedom of association and speech.

“The plaintiffs are not seeking any money in the lawsuit, only a change in policy and lawyers’ fees,” said Randolph Hammock, the plaintiffs’ Los Angeles-based attorney with the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester.

photo from Buckshot

PENNSYLVANIA PUSHES PRO-MOTORCYCLE LEGISLATION– Moving quickly on the momentum of last year’s victories (removing handle the bar height restriction, increased funding for the Motorcycle Safety Program, allowing for more than one bike in a metered space, and reduced turnpike tolls for bikes), ABATE of Pennsylvania has introduced a helmet law modification bill with 19 co-sponsors.

“That’s much more support than previous years when we had about four co-sponsors,” said John Mullendore, ABATE Legislative Coordinator. “Senator Wozniak wants to pass this in the first 100 days of session. It looks like riding lidless will be legal in Pennsylvania this year if our members keep the pressure on. We gained four to five yes votes in the election and that was all that was holding us up before.”

ABATE also reintroduced a bill to create a Veteran’s license plate for bikes, and a bill to increase penalties for right-of-way violations. A bill to include motorcycles in the state’s Lemon Law was also introduced.

–photo from Bob T.

AIR BAGS NOW AVAILABLE — During an airing on cable’s Speed Vision of “On Any Sunday Revisited,” a look back at the classic motorcycle racing movie, a commercial came on featuring Evel Kneivel. The spot talked about what a great jumper he was, but that he was also a spectacular crasher.

Then Evel appears on the screen and says, “If I’d been wearing one these airvests then, I wouldn’t need this cane now,” and goes on to claim that it will save more lives than any other safety device ever invented and marketed to the public.

We’ve all heard of these devices, and knew it would only be a matter of time before they were marketed here in the United States, and they are now available through the Internet at, or you can order by phone for $499.95, or $299.95 for kid sizes.

Continued On Page 4

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February 20, 2003 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

BIKERNETTERS IN PARADISE– If you missed out on this trip, is planning another ?Bikernetter’s Escape To Tahiti?, this comingNovember to help support the needy kids in Tahiti. Don’t miss out on thatone! Keep checking the news for further details.

From: Layla
To: TBear

Hello Poppa Bear,

We received our tickets to Tahiti from Fed Ex today, thank you for theacct #. As I pulled the tickets out of the envelope, I closed my eyes andimagined rocking in a hammock, sipping a fruity cocktail, crystal blue waterin front of me and white sand beneath me… Then I opened my eyes andthought of you in below 0 New York. Brrrrrrrr… I thought you could use acocktail more than me!

From: Tbear
To: Layla

Thank you kindly for the Martini, I sure need it about now.We had an additional 2 feet of snow on Monday bringing the total still onthe ground to appx 6 feet.The good news is that it hit 35o today and will do so again on Friday. Thebad news is that we’re getting another major snowstorm on Saturday thenagain on Monday. I know Bears like cold weather but this hibernation isstarting to get old, fast.36 more days and maybe I’ll start to thaw out.Here is a pic of the beach well be hanging out on. I already have my hammockpicked out.Ted

BIKERNET WORDS OF WISDOM–My neighbor was bit by a stray rabid dog. I went to see how he was and found him writing frantically. I told him rabies could be cured and he didn’t have to worry about a will. He said, “Will!? What will? I’m making a list of the people I wanna bite.”

–from Kristine J.


MORE DAYTONA DESPERATION–DAYTONA BEACH — Seeing new luxury hotel rooms spring from a blighted beachfront gave local tourism officials hope. Watching a parking garage and water park swim in debt has given county officials pause.Now they face a decision about expanding the Ocean Center, the anchor that could either boost Daytona Beach’s $200 million redevelopment dreams — or drag it under.

The Volusia County Council plans to meet with the county Tourism Development Council at 11:30 this morning to discuss the proposed expansion, which has been bandied about for the last two years. The idea seemed like a no-brainer at first. Outside consultants have recommended tripling the Ocean Center’s existing 46,000-square-foot exhibit space to compete in the conventions industry market. But that was before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and the slowdown in the economy that has put a stranglehold on convention business throughout the country. That has some county officials questioning the timing of a $50 million expansion.

Some local hoteliers said the convention industry is going through tough times. Hotel-Motel Association Chairman Bob Davis said 67 convention centers are being built across the country, and city officials in Los Angeles, Houston and Boston were disappointed recently when newly-expanded convention centers failed to attract the number of visitors hoteliers expected.

“We hope that the expansion will bring more people into our area,” Davis said. “We hope that’s the truth. But the reality is that the convention industry is not doing well at all. If we expand ours, how are we assured that people will come here?”

Harley Davidson Banner

SEATTLE MOTOR OFFICER TO RIDE HARLEYS–SEATTLE, Washington (AP) — Police officer Jerry Hicklin was tired of catcalls like “get a real bike” as he rode his department-issued Kawasaki.

Now he’s in hog heaven since the department’s motorcycle unit switched to Harley-Davidson Road Kings with 1,450-cc engines. Seven of the new Harleys are in service and the rest are expected by this summer.

Seated on his new bike, Hicklin, a motorcycle officer since 1981, joked about “pigs on hogs” as a small crowd gathered to admire his new wheels.

“They’re gorgeous, aren’t they? Man!” Hicklin said. “I’ve been waiting 21 years for this.”

The brass is happy, too.Officials estimate the city will save $40,000 a year by leasing Harleys rather than buying Kawasakis, which typically were used for three years and then sold at auction.

Then there’s the morale boost.”It’s kind of like we just gave them a big Christmas present,” Assistant Police Chief Harry Bailey said.

–from Bob T.


I admire your strength,
I admire your spunk;
But the thing I like best
Is getting you drunk.

–from Ken Miller

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN DIALS SU CARBURETOR–But after 3 weeks of 18 to 20 hour days..what would you expect in my garage, but a mess.I’m having problems with the SU. First it did not want to start, now it starts briefly and dies. Later it started for some time but sounded like one plug was fouled. I assume it has a leak on the manifold. The rubber slides off really easy, and the fouled plug thing should give me a hint..

I’ll do the wd-40 thing.I’m waiting on the seatand small details.Gotta shit load of stuff that was made for it and that we made. Hours and hours.

— Jose De Miguel
– Visit our Web Site,

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY–A good friend will come bail you out of jail……….But, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying,”Damn…we fucked up.”

devil dolls

DEVIL DOLLS–GOOD VS. EVIL PARTY–OK everybody! The time has come to celebrate the fourth anniversary of the beginning of The Devil Dolls. The terror continues! We have great things planned for this year’s party. Unfortunately we’ve heard through the grapevine that Tan Girl may try to crash the party again, so be on the look out. She is a very devious adversary. As GOTHGIRL’s evil nemesis, she does everything she can too undermine GOTH and turn everyone into sun worshippers under the guise of “spirituality.” We have a plan for her if she dares to show up!

Everyone but Tan Girl is invited! GOTH will be playing piano, we will have a raffle (minus harnesses) 50/50, and food. The Dolls will sign calendars, and we plan to just have a whole lotta fun!

The proceeds from this party will benefit one of our VERY close friends who broke his leg and is about to run out of benefits. We don’t want to him to lose his house. So we are going to help him out.

We hope to see you there!

7:00PM to 1:00AM
The Double Play
16th and Bryant
San Francisco, CA

FOLKS ATTENDING EVENTS OUTSIDE OF TROUBLED DAYTONA– For business owner Kevin Rosa, “Do in Korona what you can’t do in Daytona” is a business slogan he has used for years. For Flagler County commissioners, it’s a call to battle. The words were on a recent flier advertising Bike Week activities at Rosa’s White Eagle Lounge in Korona. It touted performances by popular bands, spaghetti wrestling and a wet T-shirt contests. But what caught the County Commission’s attention, other than the slogan, was the advertisement for primitive camping.

Commissioners say Rosa, one of the owners of the White Eagle Lounge, is violating county codes with the primitive campground, and told County Attorney Carl Kern on Monday to seek an emergency injunction, if necessary, to stop the event.

“I want to give the county attorney the power to seek whatever action necessary to ensure that the laws of this county are followed,” Commissioner Pat McGuire said.

Kern told commissioners he had prepared a letter to send to Rosa. However, Tuesday, Rosa said he had not received such a letter.

Rosa said the commission is overreacting.

” ‘Do in Korona’ has been the motto for years. It’s just a motto,” he said. “It’s not like that at all. I hope it’s not going to be a problem. We just have to play it by ear.”

Flagler County officials have struggled for years over how to deal with special events. But they began last March to create a special events ordinance that would limit activities not only during Bike Week, but also Biketoberfest, Spring Break and Black College Reunion.

Meanwhile, Daytona Beach officials have taken a tough stance on special events, passing new ordinances that increase police authority to arrest bikers who rev engines. They also have stepped up efforts to arrest boisterous drunks and indiscreet partiers. Daytona Beach also raised vendor fees and restricted vendor and sidewalk sales.

–from Rogue

–Joke from Rev. CarlR

BIKERNET HAS CAJUN TRIPLETS–Way down in dat old swamp known as Louisiana, Bubba’s old lady had beenpregnant for some time, and now the time had come.So, he brought her to the doctor, and the doctor began to deliver the baby.

She had a little boy, and the doctor looked over at Bubba and said, “Hey,Bubba! You just had you a son! Ain’t dat grand!!”

Bubba got excited by this, but just then the doctor spoke up and said, “Holdon! We ain’t finished yet!”

The doctor then delivered a little girl. He said, “Hey, Bubba! You got you adaughter!!!! She a pretty lil ting, too….”

Bubba got kind of puzzled by this, and then the doctor said, “Hold on, westill ain’t got done yet!”

The doctor then delivered another boy and said,”Bubba, you just had yourself another boy!”

When Bubba and his wife went home with their three children, he sat downwithhis wife and said, “Mama, you remember dat night what we ran out of Vaselineand we had to use dat dere 3-in-1 Oil?”

She said, “Yeah, I do.”

Bubba said, “Man, it’s a damn good ting we didn’t use no WD-40!!”

–from Rogue

Continued On Page 3

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February 20, 2003 Part 1


The sun is shinning along the coast while New Yorkers can’t find their streets for all the snow, and roofs are collapsing in New Jersey. I’m listening to Marvin Gay slur his words while pondering the ride to Sturgis.

I packed off every bracket I could pry loose from the King and sent the box to our Powder Coating connection and Sponsor, Custom Powder Coating, in Dallas, for the heavy gloss black finish.

My next question for Frank Kaisler and the tech bros is what to do with all the cadium plated fasteners. Should I dip them in black enamel? I can’t see paying for Powder coating to have half of them chip, black is the order of the day. I don’t want to roll with chrome. Let me know what you think.

I’ve got some other shit to share with you, but we better get to the news. But first I want to wish Michael Hupy and Johnny Suede much success as our two newest sponsors. Make sure to check them out:


JOHNNY SUEDE ON BIKERNET–Talk about some cool looking clothes. Here are just a couple items Johnny has on his site. Not to mention the pants, wallets and Flames Socks! He also has a line of women’s articles, not yet available on the site. Order his catalog for his full line. Tell em’ Bikernet sent you.

BIKERNET ON-GOING READER’S SURVEY AND FREE CONTEST–If you want to include your two-cents worth, hit the Free Contest area of the site and fill out the survey and your suggestions for Bikernet: We’ve discovered that the average age of our readers is 16 and each reader has been riding at least 39 years apiece. Here’s your favorite sections:

1.) News
2.) Garage
3.) Knucklebusters
4.) Readers Showcase
5.) Sunday Post
6.) Babes
7.) Your Shot
8.) Biker Soap
9.) Bike Features
10.) Laughroom

Craig McDowell of Alamogordo, N.M. (center), stands among his new treasures. McDowell was the grand prizewinner of the Polaris “Ride Of Your Life” sweepstakes, held in conjunction with the Polaris National Open House last October, through a random drawing he entered at Rocky Mountain Supplies in Alamogordo. McDowell was presented his prize by Polaris dealers Doug Brown, owner of Rocky Mountain Supply in Alamogordo, and Dean Rose of Rose-Dale Enterprises in Albuquerque.

POLARIS’ FIRST NATIONAL OPEN HOUSE PAYS OFF BIG TIMEFOR NEW MEXICO ENTHUSIAST–ALAMOGORDO, N.M., February 18, 2003 – The holidays have come and gone, but for Craig McDowell of Alamogordo, N.M., the season brought a lot of good fortune. McDowell was named grand-prize winner of the “Ride Of Your Life” Sweepstakes, which was held in conjunction with Polaris’ first-ever National Open House celebration in October, and his prize pulled up to his front door last week – on several trailers. The prize package included:

A 2002 Polaris 700 XC SP snowmobile
A 2003 Classic Cruiser Victory motorcycle
A 2002 Polaris Virage i watercraft
A 2003 Polaris Magnum 330 4×4 all-terrain vehicle
A Floe two-place trailer
$1000 in Polaris apparel and accessories (excluding service and parts)

Through the “Ride Of Your Life” nationwide sweepstakes, participants who registered at a local Polaris dealership were eligible to win the prize package worth nearly $50,000. McDowell is excited about his prize package, and is especially excited about the Classic Cruiser Victory motorcycle because although he is an avid motorcyclist, he has never had his own motorcycle.

“I was completely shocked when I discovered that I had won the grand prize,” said McDowell. “I currently own a Polaris ATV, and when I heard about the ‘Ride Of Your Life Sweepstakes,’ I went to my local dealer to enter right away. I’m excited to try out all of my new toys.”

Herbert Eastman of Harpswell, Maine, also snagged a cool prize from the “Ride Of Your Life” Sweepstakes. As first-prize winner, he’ll get to learn to drive like “The King” of NASCAR with a free enrollment in the Richard Petty Driving Experience this summer.

The first-ever Polaris National Open House took place Oct. 12-19, 2002. It was an opportunity for customers across the U.S. and Canada to visit their local Polaris dealer to demo product, learn about Polaris’ new product lineup for 2003, take advantage of a special financing offer, and register for the “Ride Of Your Life” Sweepstakes.

“The Polaris National Open House was a phenomenal success,” said Ken Sobaski, Vice President, Sales, Marketing and Business Development. “We had a great time re-introducing customers old and new to our dealerships across the country, and we’re already planning the next open house on April 10-12, 2003. We’re also especially excited for Alan and Herbert and congratulate them on their winnings.”

Information about the complete line of Polaris products is available from authorized Polaris dealers or from the Polaris homepage at

THE ENTHUSIATS ROCKS AGAIN–The painting on the cover of Enthusiast Magazine is a David Uhl work entitled “The Enthusiast” in case you are unfamiliar. We are inundated with calls from riders and will refer them to their respective dealerships to order. Please call if you have any questions.

–Ron Copple

THE SHERIFF AND THE BLONDE–The sheriff in a small town walks out in the street and sees a blond cowboycoming down the walk with nothing on but his cowboy hat, gun and his boots.

So the sheriff arrests him for indecent exposure.As he is locking him up he asks “Why in the world are you dressed likethis?”

Cowboy says ” Well it’s like this Sheriff… I was in the bar down the roadand this pretty little redheadasks me to go out to her motor home with her….and I did.

We go inside and she pulls off her top and asks me to pull off my shirt…soI did.Then she pulls off her skirt and asks me to pull off my pants…so I did.Then she pulls off her panties and asks me to pull off my shorts…So I did.

Then she gets on the bed and looks at me kind of funny and says, “Now go totown cowboy….”

So here I am.

–from Rev CarlR

DAYTONA BEACH LEADERS WANT SPECIAL EVENTS SCALED BACK–By JOHN BOZZO ( Writer.DAYTONA BEACH — A majority of city commissioners said Tuesday they would support actions to scale back special events such as Bike Week, Spring Break and Black College Reunion.

In separate interviews Tuesday, six of seven commissioners contacted suggested reining in events. Those included asking a county board not to spend tax money to advertise Spring Break, beefing up law enforcement and imposing a tax on businesses that promote events to pay for extra police costs.

“Our economy is based on the business of selling beer cans,” said Commissioner Mike Shallow. “It’s discouraging when you’ve got kids tearing our town apart and the business community saying we need this business.”

One study reported that special events bring in $1.3 billion to the community, while another showed the city lost $2 million providing services during events last year.

Continued On Page 2

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February 16, 2003


THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For more information, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit us on our website at


The legislature here in Oregon meets every two years, so we have what are known as “Biker Days” down at the Capitol. They are scheduled on session work days, so we are seen and heard there, at our capitol in Salem. Bikers all over Oregon take a day off work, and some do every “Biker Day,” and either ride or drive to our Capitol and wear black leather in the Capitol building. We talk with our Representatives and Senators about issues that concern us as riders and other issues that are of concern as citizens, too.

This year we have several bills that are Biker-related. Two already have numbers and are assigned to the transportation committee. Namely, our ongoing helmet law modification bill, HB3432 and our new optional headlight use bill, HB2419.

The Helmet bill is for optional use for adults over 21. We might just get it done this year because we have a new, and hopefully more progressive, Governor. Our last Gov was an emergency room doctor, so we had TWO helmet bills passed and then vetoed by that guy! Good riddance to him. The headlight use bill also has good support.

Other bills being processed are the Lane Splitting Bill (authorizes lane splitting under very strict circumstances); another is to end healthcare insurance discrimination against Bikers. If you have an accident on a bike, some companies deny coverage, and THIS NEEDS TO STOP. We also want vehicular assault laws toughened up so when a biker is injured or killed in a wreck, the perpetrator doesn’t just get his wrist slapped.

There are a couple of others that are not offered by BikePAC, but still are of interest to us. One is the allowance of multiple headlight use and the other would allow riders to put “Blue Dot” taillights on their bikes, which is HB2398. Blue dot taillights light up a violet color when the brake light in engaged, and is not only kinda purty, but also enhances the rider’s conspicuity or ability to be seen in traffic. There is also a bill, HB2392, that creates Vets plates for motorcycles. I don’t think that’s too much to ask for. Cars already have’m. Both of these bills have been assigned to the transportation committee for discussion.

Our “Biker Days” began on a Monday and the next one will be on a Tuesday, the next on a Wednesday and so on, each in a different work week, so nobody has the whole burden of losing work to lobby during the work week. It’s a good idea and it works! This first one this year was a real success with about 30 folks showing that FREEDOM was worth at least one day’s pay. Now that’s what being a legislative warrior is all about. I was there and I applaud all those that were there with me. We had a great day. Come JOIN us! Get politically active.


BEIJING, CHINA: There is change in China’s outlook on Capitalism it seems. They have even gone so far as to “appoint” a wealthy admirer of Margaret Thatcher to a senior state position, who also happens to manufacture motorcycles. According to the London Daily Telegraph, Yin Mingshan, who just happens to be on their list of 100 Chinese millionaires, was “elected” deputy chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), in China’s third-largest city, Chongqing. He founded Lifan, an engine and motorcycle manufacturing company that sells 2 million engines a year and a million motorcycles. Maybe this capitalism thing really works, Ya think? Hey, they DO BUILD around ten million bikes a year in China, so they must be doing SOMETHING right!

JAPAN: This season’s fad for extra-long scarves claimed another fashion victim whena Japanese woman fell from her motorcycle after her two yard-long scarf got caught in her bike’s rear wheel. This woman was in a coma after the accident but regained consciousness but remained in serious condition. The kicker is, she?s not the only one. Other similar accidents have been reported in this country that has lots and lots of motorcycles, since a celebrity got the extra-long scarves fashion going there. Ya know, I’m not the brightest light in town but I’m just not that dumb.

NOTE: We don’t think any of you need to be reminded about the dangers of unsafe clothing, but maybe you know someone who does. The rider in this article is lucky to be alive. Do they have a “Darwin Award” for motorcyclists?

ATLANTA, GA: RIPLEY’S BELIEVE IT OR NOT featured a fool riding his motorcycle BACKWARDS when completing a 60 foot jump over a line of cars. And I thought Evel Kneival was a screwball.

HOW ABOUT THIS FOR A HOBBY:Landmine Obsession: Aki Ra travels around the world collecting landmines. He travels through Cambodia, searching for and de-fusing landmines by hand. He might be doing a job that needs done, but what’s wrong with just blowin’ the things up from a safe distance?

NEW DELHI, INDIA: A booming motorcycle market accelerated two-wheeler sales by 21 per cent in the domestic market during the first nine months this fiscal year even as scooters and mopeds continued to ride in negative territory. Motorcycles and step-thru sales grew by 36.9 percent this past year. Hero Honda of India, the world’s largest motorcycle maker, posted a 24.3 percent jump.

Bros Club Banner

SUZUKI UNVEILS 40TH ANNIVERSARY MODELS: American Suzuki Motor Corporation celebrates 40 years of business in the US with three special edition anniversary model motorcycles to be sold in limited numbers. Hurry and get your order in.

GUNNY AGAIN: This year the National Coalition of Motorcyclists. NCOM Convention is being held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, May 8-10, 2003, at the Four Points Sheraton. This is Harley-Davidson’s 100th birthday, so Milwaukee should be a humdinger of a place to be. Make your reservations now, cuz this will be one of the best ever. Get with the people at AIM headquarters for good info on how to get it done. Call 1-800-531-2424, or 1-800-ON-A-BIKE (or go to and they’ll get you set up. This is just part of what our AIM attorneys across the country do for us, by hosting this gala get together so we can learn and share with the best our rights movement has to offer. See ya there! Till then.

Read More

February 13, 2003 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

Falco's flathead

FALCO’S EAST COAST WINTER PROJECT–Hope you are getting to ride out on the west coast, cause the east coastsucks right now.

Wanted to drop you some pics and a note on my winter project (project isdone but it’s still winter – gotta work on that next time).

Besides my rigid Evo chop, I was riding a stock 1977 FL around. I bought itfor rainy days and to cart the wife and son around, cause the Evo has noback seat and an Avon tire that is like a drag slick.

To be honest, I neverreally liked the Shovel anyway. It was way too comfortable! It was one ofthe few swingarm bikes I have ever ridden, and it felt all wrong. I couldride it over railroad tracks and road hazards without even slowing down. Itwas just too weird. Some guys like women to abuse them. I guess I like mybikes to abuse me, ’cause the wife is a sweet-heart.

Told her I needed another rigid with a solo seat. Sheknows what she got when she signed up to marry me, so she took it prettywell. I always wanted an old bike (pre 50’s &60’s). I was looking for aKnuckle or Big Twin Flathead, but I just couldn’t find something in myprice range. I had the money from selling the ’77 Shovel to play with butthat was it. I started looking at 45 flatheads. I talked to a few peopleand decided I could make a decent bar hopper out of an old 45.

I found a 1949 flathead 45 in New Jersey. It was pretty much a stocker andin good shape. The motor was fresh and so was the tranny. I got her for$6,700 bucks. I already knew what I wanted the bike to look like. I wanteda 40’s-50’s style bobber, like some of the bikes in the movie the WildOne. When I got the bike home, I watched that movie a couple of times torefresh my memory. So with air grinder in hand I chopped, bobbed, paintedand modified that baby until she was all mine. It came out like I had hopedit would.

The bike has a 33-tooth motor sprocket, larger throat Linkert carb withadjustable high and low speed jets, less restrictive exhaust and lessweight (thanks to the bob job). She’s good for cruising at 65-70mph all daylong and can reach 75. It has very little chrome so she’s easy to clean up.I’m having a blast riding her even with the snow on the ground.

It’s Valentines day tomorrow and I’m talking the wife out for a niceromantic dinner. Even though I’m a selfish ass sometimes, I’m notheartless.

–Frank Falco

Thanks for the reminder.

AD AUTHORITY SLASHES SPRING BREAK PROMOTION SPENDING– The Halifax Area Advertising Authority, stung by criticism of its continuing promotion of Spring Break, voted Wednesday to slash funding for the event.

Marketer wants Spring Break promotion continuedCutting the funding for marketing Spring Break to college students wouldn’t slow down or even kill the event, according to the firm hired to promote it for the past several years.

Beachside residents, on the whole,want Spring Break to stayThis year Spring Breakers partied like it was 1989. But despite the outrage local politicians and residents expressed over the destructive behavior, public drunkenness and bared breasts of the Breakers just passed, the 2002 version came nowhere close to that rupturing pustule of wall-to-wall puking, peeing and pugilism 13 years ago that propelled beleaguered residents to cry “Enough!”

–from News Journal and Rogue


VANSON LEATHERS AT INDY DEALER SHOW–This is the new Big Savings Voucher, the most important part of our continuing VanBucks program. In addition to the three discount levels of the previous program we?ve added a new fourth tier to further increase the savings on some of our most popular styles. As with the previous program you provide the retail discount to the customer and return to us a copy of the sales receipt and filled out warranty card for the garment sold. We then credit you your portion of the discount as a credit going forward on future orders.

New to this pricelist is the Medium Weight Firenze Leather section. The styles in this section will be stocked in our new full-finished cowhide that provides an alternative for the customer who feels that the standard weight Vanson leather is too stiff for their tastes.The leather for the garments in the Firenze section is already broken in for the feel of instant gratification that a favorite old coat can bring.

Come see us at the Motorcycle Dealer Powersports Expo in Indianapolis on February 15th-17th. We are in booth #3100 with exciting new styles and new leather. We look forward to your visit there and to a profitable 2003. Check

BIKERNET WORDS OF WISDOM–It used to be only death and taxes were inevitable. Now, of course, there’s shipping and handling, too.

IMPROVED SEAL FOR 5-SPEEDS– (Dealer Expo, Big Twin Expo, Booth 3564).Johnson Engineering will introduce new technology to alleviate the age oldproblem of leaking transmission oil seals at the Dealer Expo IndianapolisTrade Show, Big Twin Expo, Booth 3564.

Improved products include a significant upgrade to the company’s exclusivetriple lip design for 5-speeds. The new design features a hybridrubber/metallic compostition that prevents the seal from popping out of thebore after installation. Other improvements include a major upgrade in thespring that reduces tension pressure without affecting sealing capablity,for even longer lip life.

New products include the introduction of a combination spacer and O-ringfor older Big Twin 4-speeds. Long a problem, Johnson Engineering has solvedthe problem of sealing the mainshaft by integrating an O-ring with thespacer. Installation is accomplished with a unique, disposable tool thatprotects the O-ring during installation.

Also featured will be a new installation tool for the use on 5-speeds.Research has shown that the vast majority of leaks actually begin duringinstallation, even though no apparant damage can be detected.

Johnson Engineering is the new leader in V-Twin drivetrain performance,including their signature products TwistGear, SportGear, and WideGear closeratio helical gear designs.

raghead joke

GASOLINE SOLUTION!–We CAN buy gasoline that’s not from Middle East. Why didn’t George W.thinkof this? Gas rationing in the 80’s worked even though we grumbled aboutit.It might even be good for us! The Saudis are boycotting American goods.Weshould return the favor. An interesting thought is to boycott theirGAS.Every time you fill up the car, you can avoid putting more money intothecoffers of Saudi Arabia. Just buy from gas companies that don’t importtheiroil from the Saudis. Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling thatevery time I fill-up the tank, I am sending my money to people who aretrying to kill me, my family, and my friends. I thought it might beinteresting for you to know which oil companies are the best to buy gasfromand which major companies import Middle Eastern oil (for the period9/1/00-8/31/01):

Shell……………………….205,742,000 barrels
Chevron/Texaco………144,332,000 barrels
Exxon /Mobil…………….130,082,000 barrels
Marathon/Speedway…117,740,000 barrels
Amoco…………………….62,231,000 barrels

If you do the math at $30/barrel, these imports amount to over $18BILLION!Here are some large companies that do not import Middle Eastern oil:

Citgo………………..0 barrels
Sunoco…………. .0 barrels
Conoco…………. ..0 barrels
Sinclair…………… 0 barrels
BP/Phillips………. 0 barrels
Hess……………….0 barrels

All of this information is available from the Department of Energy andeachis required to state where they get their oil and how much they areimporting. They report on a monthly basis. Keep this list in your car;share it with friends. Stop paying for terrorism………….

sign of the week

GIGGIE’S HANGOVER CURE AND ACID RECOMMENDATIONS–Hangover Cure–don’t stop drinking. Giggie knew he had a problem when he brushed his teeth with a Pabst Blue Ribbon in his hand.

Preparations for Acid Trips. Pump the Vitamin C all week, then take some Valium before the Acid. Curbs the anxiety, let’s the colors flow.

Sprinkle the Magic Mushroom in Spaghitti sauce. Buy Mushrooms in their own juice. Do shots of the juice with Kesslers for a killer high.


SUE HAPPY–A Philadelphia restaurant was ordered to pay Amber Carson of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, $113,500 after she slipped on a soft drink and broke her coccyx (tailbone). The beverage was on the floor because Ms. Carson had thrown it at her boyfriend 30 seconds earlier during an argument.

THE END OF THE LINE–I confess. There’s two women in the house, a new bottle of Jack and my American Rider deadline is somewhat under control. I think you’ll like how the King will turn out. I tried to black out 90 percent of the bike. I need to see Henry Figueroa around the corner about filling the holes in the tip of the rear fender and painting it. I’m using a Street stalker fender on the front (no rivets and bobbed). I will need to paint the taillight which is plastic.

I will kneel to the gods tonight in prayers that the parts arrive safely in Texas. Now, the girls and jack are waiting. Tomorrow, it’s Friday and the sun is threatening to show up. I’ve got some plans which I hope will include a ride on the Pan. Have a helluva weekend.


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February 13, 2003 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

STROKER EXPOSES NHTSA PROPAGANDA–“I don’t much like the news this week….. accident rates going throughthe roof.”

NHTSA is up to the same old lies. Their recent ALERT stating “The rateof fatal U.S. motorcycle crashes per 100 million miles ridden increasedby 59 percent from 1997 to 2001” is another of their hand plucked datawet dreams. First, the actual number they came up with isstatistically insignificant considering the margin of error for thedata. Next, they do their famous trick of using a percentage of apercentage to make it sound like a statistically valid number.

There is no rising trend in motorcycle death rates. I compiled themost recent data from NHTSA’s Traffic Safety Facts Report datedDecember 2002 into the charts below.

In Chart A, you can see that each of the recent years injuries haveactually been less compared to 1997.

chart a

Chart B, shows the percentage of injured that die has been flat ,within the margin of error for the data, the last 14 years, andcompletely flat in the last 4 years, the period they claim to have a 59percent increase.

chart b

In Chart C the number of fatalities tracked with the number ofregistered motorcycles. With a consistently widening gap since 1986.

chart c

Chart C also shows the only data the does not correlate. Notice thatas the number of motorcycles increases from 1997, NHTSA claims thenumber of miles ridden decreases. How can we have over a million moremotorcycles on the road in 2001 than we did in 1998 and travel abillion less miles? NHTSA says the average rider traveled 1,943 milesin 2001. I know people that clock more miles than that running theirbike on and off the trailer. How do they come up with that number?When was the last time an official knocked on your door requesting toread your motorcycle odometer? The estimated number of miles ridden(VMT) is a complete SWAG (scientific wild ass guess). I don’t evenbelieve any science was involved, it must just be a WAG. The margin oferror for it is huge.

You can chart the statistics a dozen different ways with the data thatis recorded (not estimated) and it shows no alarming trends in fatalityrates. NHTSA completely ignores all of this information, uses the mostunreliable estimated data they have available and runs with it to themedia, law makers, and the public waving red flags.

In May of 2000, the former head of NHTSA admitted having used contrivedstatistical conclusions, and false or inaccurate claims, regarding airbags that caused injuries including the death of many babies. How longare we going to allow NHTSA’s lies to force us into wearing helmetsthat we know cause injury before we contact our law makers and demandthat this rouge bureaucracy be held accountable for what it does.Someone should be prosecuted.

The charts I have shown you are a small part of the information I’mputting together revealing that NHTSA is so obsessed with forcing us towear helmets that they will stop at nothing to do so. They are gettingcloser than you may think. My hope is, when I release this informationeveryone will take it to their law makers.



ROGUE REPORT FROM DAYTONA–DAYTONA — Charging $3 per day for off-beach parking could pour as much as $1 million into Volusia County coffers each year, a possible boon to the cash-strapped beach operation.

An analysis from the Central Parking System Inc., which operates the garage and surrounding lots in Daytona Beach, concluded 17 lots the county operates at parks and other locations would generate a profit of at least $700,000.

Members of the Beach Policy Advisory Board said Tuesday they were taken aback that charging, through meters or centralized lots, would result in such a windfall.

“I’m surprised it’s this much,” board Chairman Glenn Storch said. “To me it sounds very interesting.”

The board decided to continue investigating the matter before making a recommendation to the County Council.

The Central Parking analysis studied two sets of numbers, one assuming a fine for not paying parking fees would be $10 and the other, $20.

The cheaper fine would result in a gross of $975,000 and the more expensive would total $1.13 million.

Also Tuesday the board said it would have to address the issue of whether the county should remove traffic from the beach in the future, an idea that caused a stir when the County Council added it to its list of goals earlier this year.

Storch said it would require months of gathering information before the advisory board would make a recommendation.

–from Rogue

jose chopper

jose tank top

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–This was 40 min ago…Tomorrow we finish details and I hope to try it out.


caribbean banner

NO CHADS ON THIS ONE !!!–A couple, both over 65, went to a sex therapist’s office in Palm Harbor, Florida.

The doctor asked, “What can I do for you?”

The man said, Will you watch us have sexual intercourse?”

The doctor looked puzzled, but agreed. When the couple had finished, the doctor said, “There’s nothing wrong with the way you have intercourse,” and charged them $50.

This happened several weeks in a row. The couple would make an appointment, have intercourse with no problems, pay the doctor, then leave.

Finally the doctor asked, “Just exactly what are you trying to find out?”

The old man said, “We’re not trying to find out anything. She’s married and we can’t go to her house. I’m married and we can’t go to my house. The Holiday Inn charges $90. The Hilton charges $140. We do it here for $50 and I get $43 back from Medicare.

Is Florida great or what!

–from CarlR

old bike

1930 Peashooter–

PEASHOOTER ON DISPLAY–Hey if you out towards Yucca Valley stop in at Hutchins H-D. they have a 30.5 and a peashooter in there line-up there. They might have a parts bike, maybe sell you one of those????? They are very sweet looking. Stay away from the EL Knuck. Someday when in SoCal I’m gonna steal it and Sin too. Well, at least, I can dream. Sad about the peashooter and the 30/50 bikes, like the amf aermacchi’s they just faded away. Imagine when our grand kids get our age? People paying high dollars for an AMF 250 sprint. May you have luck in your venture and find a cherry peapopper.

–from Thomas Brown

biker measuring tape

REDNECK PRECISION MEASURMENTS–Here is a picture. I wonder how many bikernetters have done this before?

–from Thomas Brown

Continued On Page 4

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February 13, 2003 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

BIKERNET REPORTER IN MIDDLE EAST–Reporter goes to Israel to cover the fighting. She is looking for somethingemotional and positive and of human interest. Something like the guy inSarajevo who risked his life to play the cello everyday in the town square.

In Jerusalem, she heard about an old Jew who had been going to the WailingWall to pray, twice a day, every day, for a long, long time. So she went tocheck it out. She goes to the Wailing Wall and there he is!She watches him pray and after about 45 minutes, when he turns to leave,sheapproaches him for an interview.

“Rebecca Smith, CNN News. Sir, how long have you been coming to the WailingWall and praying?”

“For about 50 years” he said.

“What do you pray for?”

“For peace between the Jews and the Arabs. For all the hatred to stop.For our children to grow up in safety and friendship.”

“How do you feel after doing this for 50 years?”

“Like I’m talking to a fucking wall.”

–from RevCarlr

camel bike

BILLY LANE CREATES A CAMEL–Here are some shots of the Camel Bike that Billy Lane of Choppers Inc isputting togother.Berry Wardlaw of Accurate Engineering in Dothan Alabama showed up with theKnucklehead engine Saturday. Note The Clear Pushrod Covers and the otherengine details.

Sunday was spent at Choppers Inc working on the motorcycle.The crew is there now hard at it and I will be there shortly to continueshooting the build



10. Opening argument in which he called the prosecutor a “Doo-Doo Head.”
9. Tries to cheer you up by saying how great you look in orange.
8. Giggles hysterically at the mere mention of the Penal Code.
7. Keeps trying to call a witness named “Johnny, the Trouser Troll.”
6. The only question she can come up with during cross-examination is, “Isn’t it true that you’re a lying bastard?”
5. Constantly raising objections to the “vibes” he’s getting from the jury.
4. Every time the judge sustains one of his objections, he screams, “Yahtzee!”
3. Instead of saying “Your honor, I object,” he now just rolls his eyes and says, “Whatever.”
2. Claims staring at your cleavage is a necessary part of the “discovery” processes.
1. Offers to waive his usual fees in exchange for your panties.

–from Al Friedman

tbear booty

BANDIT ARRESTED FOR SKIPPING OUT ON SUPERBOWL DEBT–Bandit,As you will undoubtledy remember, we had us a little Super Bowl bet……and you lost! While the whole world waited anxiously for you to post a pic of your bare ass in the Sunday News the week after, you conveniently took off to Cinci and no ass.

I gave you the benefit of the doubt and waited till last Sunday for you to pay off. BUT NO DICE!!! Hence, I’ll give you one more chance to pay up or I’ll be forced ask the female staff at Bikernet to hog tie you and obtain said photo–pay up sucka,


You talkin’ to me?

Iron Works magazine and Performance Machine present the 12th annualLos Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show–The Biggest Custom & Performance Streetbike Show in AmericaAdds Vintage Bikes, 2 major Charity Rides, and a National Super MotoRace for 2003

July 19-20th 2003 at the Queen Mary Event Park in Long BeachThe Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show weekend at the Queen Mary EventPark, Long Beach, CA, returns again this year for its 12th annualextravaganza on the edge of the beautiful Pacific Ocean overlookingLong Beach Harbor. Sponsored by Iron Works magazine, PerformanceMachine, Corona Beer,, The Buys, Publications, and the Motorcycle PinupCalendars, featured on the Speed Channel’s American Thunder, andbenefiting Olive Crest Children’s Homes and the Exceptional ChildrensFoundation. The LA Calendar Motorcycle Show has continued to grow everyyear to become the biggest and most popular streetbike show in Americacatering to the custom, cruiser and sportbike markets. Always the 3rdweekend of July, the 12th Annual Show takes place Saturday July 19th andSunday July 20th, 2003.

sportbike pic

FAST WEB SITE LAUNCHED–Welcome to your source for Local & National Motorsports Racing News, new technologies, Sport Riding, Motocross, Hot Rod & Drag Racing, classified want ads, aftermarket parts & accessories, interactive message boards, chat rooms, and much much more. In 2003′ we will be drastically expanding so look for lots of new stuff in the future.

We will also very soon be introducing our new Builtforspeed Motorsports Apparel line! Built For Speed Your #1 MotorSports & Motorcycle News, Free Classifieds & Accessories Shopping Cart! is also looking for sponsors, manufacturers, and local & international racing columnists. If you or someone you know is interested, please e-mail us at

BEACH RIDE UPDATE–The Beach Ride, a charity ride for the Exceptional Childrens Foundation, was shut down in Ventura last year after a successful ten-year run. The committee is still looking for a new venue, but there’s stuff in the works. They have discussed throwing in with Jim Gianitsis with the LA Calendar show. Jim has announced it in his release, but the deal is not signed.

This is a charity event that has stood on it’s own for a decade and may continue to do so with another date at the Queen Mary.

Here’s a report from Carmela from the ECF. We hope to have a date locked in within a couple of weeks:”I am waiting for the separate contract from the Queen Mary for August, 31. Then ASAP have a core group meeting to sift all the information about July 20 and August 31, then finally decide. Frazier Park is out, Malibu is out, San Buenaventura state park and beach (our old site) is under construction this year, and they told art to try again in 2004. Micah McCloskey, of M.M. Custom Motorcycles is still hanging on to the fairgrounds. Right now, it still looks like Long Beach.

CHROME SERVICES PARTNERS WITH MACHINE SHOP–Chris Hill of Chrome Services is now partner with a full service machine shop in Long Beach. They are currently manufacturing a line of billet products for BadGirls and about to launch their own line of products. If you need something manufactured, they may be worth a

ken's finished bike

ken's redneck bike in progress

ALMOST DONE.YAFFE X PIPES. WHAT DO YOU THINK? COLOR IS HOUSE OF COLOR ICE BLUE OVER BLACK–This is a project bike currently underway at Ken Miller garage. We’ll have a report on one of these bikes next week.

Continued On Page 3

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February 13, 2003 Part 1



Whatta week? I discovered that my recent report that motorcycle accidents and deaths had skyrocketed over the last five year was bullshit. You’ll see the facts below. The King is torn to shreds in the Bikernet garage and we shipped brackets, covers, trim, fork legs and the nacelle covers to Custom Powder Coating for the heavy black finish.

It was good to be in Cincy and see the guys and a few girls I use to hang with. I’ll be reporting on the scene in American Rider. Watch as we change this mag to be something all the bros can be proud of. Let’s get to the news. Sin is starting a fire in the fireplace and her cute little ass is pointed in my direction…

joker flame dash

NEW FROM JOKER MACHINE—At last, the dash that everyone’s beenwaiting for! Fully CNC machined to perfection from a 1 1/2″ thick x 20″ longplank of solid billet aluminum, this piece gives your 2000-up model softaila unique “Road King” type look due to it’s one piece construction.Eliminates the plastic or leather lower dash that comes stock on your bike.Mounts easily and securely to the top of your standard console in minutes.These babies really clean up the look of your tank. They feature our topquality chrome plating throughout. (Shown above with our new JOKER-FLAMEengraving). Dashes are available in smooth and ball-mill also.

lowbrow mirrors

Introducing the “Low Brow” mirror. Features shapely CNC machiningfrom a solid block and truly represents itself as a sleek design statementfor those who want optimal mirror size (without sacrificing looks!) Thismirror gives you the image you’re looking for! They are Fully chrome platedand feature our famous 1 piece design.


Antsy. Just enuf side effects to put me on edge.
Pace the kitchen. Stare out the windows.
The stars are out…….no moon.
Cold………..but not too cold.
One of those mind-numbing weekly Hollywood shows is on the tube. “Extra”……….I think.
The other inhabitant of the residence stares at the tube…………..transfixed. There is the low sound of gray matter slowly being sucked away.
Into the tube.
I back away………….
What to do…………what to do.
8 pm and the program changes………
Oh, snit! Dr. Phil!

A husband and wife are screaming at each other while their small children watch. (And just who the hell is running the camera?) Dr. Phil is determined to help. These people had been on the show before. A small girl is yelling at the parents to stop………I think. All hell is breaking loose.
In the background, barely audible, ……………the low sucking sound continues.
Something breaks. Pushed over the edge, I have to leave.
(Time to put the electric clothing to the test.)
I announce………. “I am going for a ride”.
The other resident slowly turns and stares.
I get …………..”the look”. Disbelief………..I think. There is a distant look to the eyes. But not a word is uttered.
Downstairs. Boots, chaps, jacket liner, jacket.
Garage. The beast is waiting there……….silently.
I roll it out……….of the garage. It lights! And settles into a steady idle.
Hah! I think I will go blow by Scott’s place and show him what real men (fools) are made of!
Helmet. Gloves.
I mount the beast and plug in.
The electrical plug……….you fools!
I hit the switch and shortly feel the warmth radiating into my body.
Oooohhhhh! The beast and I are……….becoming one.
I’m off! Some fog……….Man, it is black out here!
I make my way down the hill. (Now where does the road turn?)
Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.
But at least I am warm.
North on Hart. To the stop sign on 93rd. Across the road, there is Scott’s place……..he must have heard me coming.
I sit there for a moment.
What’s that?
Even over the sound of the beast…………There! That low sucking sound!
My God! Scott is in there with Dr. Phil!
“Scott! Make a break for it man!”
No response.
Just the low sucking sound. I am too late; there is no sign of life.
Right on 93rd. I wind out in first and second. Maybe it will shake him loose of the trance.
The windshield fogs up…..I can only see the road maybe 25 feet ahead of me.
Right on Old 99, past the barn. Left on Waldrick and on into the forest. Man……it is really black out here!
But the beast has a good headlight and we penetrate the black.
Together……………but alone.
Right on Offut Lake Road. Careful here, kinda twisty windy and the houses are well off the road.
Just think of all those people in their nice toasty houses…………
Past the lake, past Wolf Haven. That will give them something to howl about!
Back to Old 99…………Which way? Which way?
I feel the need!…………….the need for speed! (Not very original……….and I don’t even remotely look like Tom.)
So, north on 99 to McCorkle. Man………ink is brighter than this stretch of road! With the twisty windies too!
Halfway……….the turn onto the straight stretch is bathed in fog. Great!
Good thing I got forward controls on this thing! I can stretch out my toes and feel my way!
Up and over the hill to Tilley Road. For speed I gotta get to I-5. So left down Tilley toward Millersylvania State Park.
Right before the park the front tire wants to slide to the left. With the fogged windshield, I had seen nothing………
Just as my heart falls back into place………it does it again!
Holy snit! Something in the road back there.
Just trust the bike, Chuck!
I hang a right and head toward Maytown. I slow to 25 as I approach the Maytown Tavern.
Hey! Why not? After that little incident a minute ago……….
Nah! I pass the tavern. Two pickup trucks and a car and……………… that a low sucking sound I hear?
Undoubtedly some kind of sucking going on!
I hit the circular on-ramp to I-5. A quik look confirms I don’t have to merge close to another vehicle.
Up thru the gears!………..50……….60…………70…………80………..the beast wants to run!
I hold a steady 80 …………until common sense kicks in and I slow to ……………70. Only a few miles to the 93rd exit.
Right on 93rd. Think I will blow by Scott’s again.
I pass Tilley and decelerate to the turn onto Hart……..shaking the few remaining leaves off the trees in the process.
I don’t even need to look. There it is again…………..that low sucking sound ………….coming from Scott’s place.
Sadly, I go on.
South on Hart and back up the hill to home.
The beast obediently shuts down for the night.
Upstairs. The tube is still blaring away. And there………. lying on the couch ……… the other inhabitant of the household…………unmoving………sucked dry!
“I hate you, Dr. Phil!”

tara and friends

She’s in the center.

TARA WANTS TO POSE WITH HER MAN’S SCOOTER–Hi, Sorry I don’t mean to be a pest, whenever you have time! I don’t haveany pictures of his bike on the computer. He also does custom flamepainting, I’ll attach a picture of a truck he flamed.


guy painting flames

MEANINGS FROM THE BIKERNET DICTIONARY–Once upon a time, in a nice little forest, there lived an orphaned bunny and an orphaned snake. As a surprising coincidence, both were blind from birth.

One day, the bunny was hopping through the forest, and the snake was slithering through the forest, when the bunny tripped over the snake and fell down, also knocking the snake about quite a bit.

“Oh, my,” said the bunny. “I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. You see, I’ve been blind since birth, so I can’t see where I’m going, and, in fact, since I’m also an orphan, I don’t even know what I am.”

“Quite okay,” replied the snake. “Actually, my story is much the same as yours, as I am also blind since birth, and also never knew my mother. Tell you what, maybe I could kinda slither over you, and figure out what you are, so at least you’ll have that going for you.”

“Oh, that would be wonderful,” said the bunny.So the snake slithered allover the bunny, and said, “Well, you’re covered with soft fur, and you have really long ears, and your nose twitches, and you have a soft cottony tail. I’d say that you must be a bunny.”

“Oh, thank you! Thank you!” cried the bunny in obvious excitement. “Maybe I could feel you with my paw, and help you the same way you’ve helped me.”

So the bunny felt the snake all over, and said, “Well, you’re scaly and slimy, and you have a forked tongue and no balls. I’d say you must be a lawyer.”

–from Al Friedman

3 w ruler use

RARE BANDIT BELT BUCKLE–Revealed in the Digital Discovery area of Bandit’s Cantina. Join the Cantina and find out more about how he made these buckles by hand. Each one is different and only a few exist.

By supporting the Cantina, you support all the content of Bikernet. Keeps us on the run.

Continued On Page 2

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