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July 15, 2004 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

cvo vrod
See the 2005 CVO Line-up in Special reports. Just released today.

FIREMEN AS SPIES?– Orlando – Civil rights groups voiced concerns Thursday about a law enforcement plan to teach fire fighters, utility workers, and others who regularly go into homes to report terrorist activity, drug trafficking, or other suspicious acts.

Leaders of the American Civil Liberties Union and a defense lawyers association said the plan for the Citizens Awareness Program proposed by a local domestic security task force could invade privacy and add to a culture of suspicion and paranoia after the Sept. 11 attacks.

” We think it is misguided” said Scott Rost of the ACLU’s Orlando office. “we think it’s an attempt to turn neighbor against neighbor, intrude on privacy and encourage racial profiling with little reason to believe it will make us safer.”

–from Rogue

ama logo

AMA SURVEY–The American Motorcyclist Association has a survey for its members in their August 2004 issue.4 of those issues pertain to drinking and riding.

#26 How do you feel about the following Statement “Drinking and riding is a major problem facing motorcyclist today” (check only one)
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither agree or disagree
Somewhat disagree
Stronly disagree
No opinion

#27 How often have you ridden within two hours of drinking any alcohol in the last 30 days? ( check only one)Never
1-2 times
3-4 times
5 or more times
Don’t drink and ride

#28 If you drink,where did you drink on the last ocassion before riding your motorcycle?
Motorcycling event/meeting
Someone elses home/party

#29 Have you ever prevented a friend from riding if you believed it was unsafe for him/her to ride after drinking?

#30What are the best methods for reducing alcohol-related crashes?
( check all that apply)
Brochures and similar materials to educate motorcyclists
Policies to limit alcohol service at meetings, events,rallies, etc.
Peer intervention training
Rider education and training courses
Articles in national motorcycle publications
Television/radio/ public service announcements
Programs that safely transport both the rider and bike home
Increased law enforcement

American Motorcyclist Association
Attn. Highway Survey
13515 Yarmouth Drive
Pickerington, OH 43147

Motorcycle Riders Please contact AMA and comment on these questions.My complete forum has been filled out and I am also writing to all the people there that I know.This is a very good opportunity to get a organization with the political power of the AMA to get involved in the unjust DUI laws that effect all of us.


STURGIS IS COMING– Signs in windows of Main Street businesses in Sturgis illustrate how the town’s giant motorcycle rally dominates the local economy.

“Because of the rally we are moving out July 20,” the sign at Rushmore Office Supply says. “Back August 23.”

A few doors down a sign at the Salvation Army store says, “We will not accept more donations until after the Rally.”

It’s a fact of economic life in Sturgis: Hundreds of thousands of bikers bring millions of dollars to this small town every August. For a week or so, downtown property in this small town is some of the most valuable retail real estate in the region.

–By Bill Harlan, Journal Staff Writer

–from Rogue

rogue banner

THE CENTER STAND HUNT–Coincidentally I just ran across ATTACHABLE centerstands for many Harleys, VTX, others.



MOST DUI ARRESTS REWARDED IN FLORIDA–FORT MYERS, Fla. – A district commander in the Lee County Sheriff’s Office is offering a free fishing trip to the deputy who makes the most arrests this month.

Capt. Randy Crone oversees the office’s largest district. After winning the $100 fishing trip in a raffle, he sent a memo titled “The Race is on!!” to 55 deputies, offering up the trip and outlining the incentive.

“It’s no different than the state of Florida giving an award to an officer who makes more than 100 DUI arrests,” he said.

Lee County Sheriff Rod Shoap said the contest does not encourage quotas or “bad arrests,” partly because supervisors must still approve all arrests.

“How many businesses offer their employees bonuses for top performance? You tell me the difference,” Shoap said.

The neighboring Collier County Sheriff’s Office offers cash bonuses for deputies who serve 25 or more warrants in a year, said spokesman Dennis Huff. But that program is not a competition between deputies, he said.

“We feel comfortable because a judge has already looked at a warrant and signed off on it,” he said.

Former Deputy Mike Scott, who is running against Shoap in the Aug. 31 primary, called the fishing-trip incentive a “poor way to motivate your troops,” saying it could compromise the arrest process

–from Rogue

ON THE OTHER HAND–Madison, WI policeman had a perfect spot to watch for speeders, butwasn’t getting many Then he discovered the problem – a 12-year-old boywas standing up the road with a hand painted sign, which read “RADARTRAP AHEAD”. The officer also found the boy had an accomplice who was abit further down the road with a sign reading “TIPS” and a bucket fullof money.

(And we used to just sell lemonade!)

–from Rogue



ANGEL DECOY–Photos of an Air Force C-130 releasing flares to repel heat seeking missiles. The pattern formed by these”decoys” are how they got their name….Angel Decoy. It’s truly awesome!

Because maneuvers are usually in remote areas and over water, the general public does not get to see these exercises.

–from Rev CarlR

FIGHT BREAKS OUT BETWEEN SUV DRIVER AND MOTORCYCLE CLUB–A woman gets trapped underneath her car after an irate driver tries to mow down several people on motorcycles.

It happened just after 1:30 Sunday morning at the intersection of Allen and Ford street in Shreveport. Police say Malvin Ford was driving his vehicle and got into some type of altercation with members of 2-motocycle clubs. That’s when Ford started chasing the motorcycles and began driving in circles. He knocked several riders off their bikes. A woman, Bridget grimes, stopped to help her husband who was hit, but ford’s spinning car hit her, trapping her underneath. A fight then broke out. Emergency crews had to be called in to lift car off the Grimes.

She was taken to the hosptial and is listed in serious conditon this morning. Malvin Ford is charged with DWI, aggravated assault and attempted first-degree homicide.

–from Rogue

old photo men - bob t
Old photo from Bob T.

Peace Piped

We’ve Always
Been Brotha’s
Bikers Of Wind
Poets Of Pen
Drunkards Of Whiskey
Seducers Of Sin

Bastard Children
Of mistress wind
Though offered
Throughout many years

Our Backs Cannot Be Sold
No Space For Rent
Is What Their Told
They Nod Out Of Respect
We Have No Regrets

Except one We’d admit
When we turned on each other
‘Cause of some dumb slit
Almost sought vengeance
On a dark lonesome road
Under cover of night
So far from home

That Was Then
And This Is Now
Words No Longer Weapons
We’ve Put Them Down
So Lets Toke On This
Peace Pipe
Focus On The Future
Forget The Past

Holding much closer
To A Bro’s
Hard earned respect


Composed By Panhead Josh Of Outlaws World & Sorez The Scribe incollaboration under copyright


WELL BRO… DID IT AGAIN–and lovin’ it! Got hitched Saturday night, andleft for Hollister Sunday AM with my bride ridin’ next to me. She doesn’tbitch me out, doesn’t get headaches, and rides better than most guys I’veridden with. Holds her line come Hell or high water, and she’s always in mymirror, or next to me, so I don’t have to look for her. Now and then, she’llpull into the lead just to give me an excuse to twist the wick. When I shootby her, she gives me that grin, cause she knows how much I love to crankthat sucker on.

Quite a lady, that one!Sendin’ a picture of her so maybe you can put it on Bikernet.


STARBUCKS BUCKS UP– I have indeed confirmed the fact that Starbucks charged rescue workers $130 for 3 cases of bottled water on September 11, 2001, so the following info that was passed on to me would not be surprising to me at all!!

Recently Marines over in Iraq supporting this country in OIF wrote to Starbucks because they wanted to let them know how much they liked their coffee and try to score some free coffee grounds. Starbucks wrote back telling the Marines thanks for their support in their business, but that they don’t support the War and anyone in it and that they won’t send them the Coffee.

So as not to offend them we should not support in buying any Starbucks products.

Semper Fidelis, Sgt Howard C. Wright 1st Force Recon Co 1st Plt PLT RTO

–from Rogue

BLOND BIKERNET PATIENT– A surgeon went to check on his blonde patient after an operation. She was awake, so he examined her. You’ll be fine,” he said.

She asked, “How long will it be before I am able to have a normal sex life again doctor?”

The surgeon seemed to pause, which alarmed the girl.

“What’s the matter Doctor? I will be all right, won’t I?”

He replied, “Yes, you’ll be fine. It’s just that no one has ever asked me that after having their tonsils out.”

–from Skooter

AUSSIE SHOW COMING–Glad you liked the idea. I am looking forward to Bike Week at Surfers because it’s the biggest show for motorcycles we have here. Sad as that may sound.


son of liberty

MOTORCYCLE SAFETY SERIES AIRS IN IOWA–A series on motorcycle safety, produced and aired by WHO-AM radio of DesMoines is scheduled to air on July 6th,7th,8th, & 9th at 5:30, 8:30 AM,12:30 and 5:30pm. ABATE of Iowa member Mark Maxwell of Des Moines wasasked to interview for this show. ABATE leadership has been very carefulin granting interviews with the media without having the final say on whatis aired, but I do not know if that was the case here. The personproducing the report say’s that this is not to be a “controversial”report. “FYI, this series isn’t anything that’s too controversial, It’sbasically about how there are more motorcycles on the roads these days.anda lot of efforts to keep everybody safe.” Her words.

WHO-AM radio is a 50,000 watt clear channel station which can be found at1040 on the dial. I looked over the website at and didnot find any web cast. Some of you in other states may be able to catchthe morning broadcasts. The fact that we were called for an interview wasbrought about, to the best of my knowledge, through our professionalrelationship with Strategic America, a public relations firm hired by ABATEof Iowa two years running now.



I’M LATE–I know I’m going to catch heat, but it’s hot as hell and Frank Kaisler stopped by for a tour of the headquarters, fish tacos and to help sort some machine shop odds and ends. I’m struggling to make one small bench lathe work.

It’s a wild story of a local boy who inherited his dads machine shop, and he just wants to lose all this shit so he can run his own home business. I can’t describe this sagging wooden, one-car garage. It was stacked to the rafters with every concievable machine shop tool and gadget, all rusting in the coastal spray. I’m still helping him move stuff, but I believe he has an E-bay treasure chest, if he knew a drill bit from a tooth pick. It’s cool, but a mess. Think I’d rather chase the Steed woman than pick through a box of rusting bearings. Speaking of women, bikes and machines…

Goddamnit, I’m late with this news. It’s over 90 degrees in my office and I’m missing the on shore, Pacific, afternoon breeze. No snivelin’, about the heat I’ll catch. I’m more concerned about catchin’ the woman I love tonight. She ain’t bad about half the time.


steed banner final
Read More

July 15, 2004 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

ken miller customs

HOT SPRINGS MOTORCYCLE WEEKEND 2004 IS HISTORY–Early reports indicate over 2,500 bikers attended and help make thisfundraiser for biker rights a great success. Buncombe County CBA memberssuch as Larry, Tammy, Roger, and many others serving on the staff made therally safe and enjoyable for all. Leaders of CBA/ABATE of NC, ABATE of SC,and CMT/ABATE of TN spoke between bands while others worked the informationbooth handing out information from all three SMROs. Hot Spring MotorcycleWeekend is still the best rally I have ever attended; I will return againnext year. Expect to see some pictures and an article posted soon

PS – I sold some new patches (“Don’t Tread on Me”/”I Refuse to Allow MyCivil Servant to Run My Life”) at this event that seemed well received; ifyou are interested visit or formore information.


SMUGGLING SUSPECT SWALLOWS $47,500–BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) — A suspect swallowed nearly $50,000 in cash in a failed attempt to smuggle the funds out of Colombia, officials said Monday.

Bogota airport police said they X-rayed the suspect because he was acting nervous while preparing to board a flight for Lima, Peru.

The photo showed dozens of latex-wrapped packets inside his stomach and police assumed it was drugs, since such a smuggling technique is used by traffickers.

But as the suspect passed the packages from his body, police discovered they were filled with cash – $47,500.

“We find drugs inside the stomachs of smugglers all the time, but this is the first time we’ve ever found dollars,” the head of Bogota’s airport police, Col. Jorge Luis Vargas, told The Associated Press.

Passengers leaving Colombia can carry up to $10,000 in cash without having to declare it. Police say new anti-money laundering laws have made it more difficult for drug traffickers to send and receive cash, forcing them to adopt the same methods used to smuggle drugs.

Vargas said interrogations of the suspect indicated the money was probably going to be used to pay for a drug shipment.

–from Rogue

THE BIKERNET HAIR SALON– A guy sticks his head into a barber shop and asks, “How longbefore I can get a haircut?”

The barber looks around the shop and says,”About 2 Hours.”

The guy leaves.

A few days later the same guy sticks his head in the door andasks, “How long before I can get a haircut?”

The barber looks around at the shop full of customers and says,”About 3 hours.”

The guy leaves.

A week later the same guy sticks his head in the shop and asks,”How long before I can get a haircut?”

The barber looks around the shop and says, “About an hour and ahalf.”

The guy leaves.

The barber who is intrigued by this time, looks over at a friendin The shop and says, “Hey, Bill, follow that guy and see where he goes.”

A little while later, Bill comes back into the shop, laughing hysterically..

The barber asks, “Bill, where did he go when he left here?”

Bill looks up, tears in his eyes and says, “Your house.”

–from Skooter

HARLEY DOING BUSINESS IN CHINA–Here is an answer from a friend in the industry that replied to the e-mail I sent out a few days ago pertaining to Harley doing business with China.Getting the facts straight will help every one make a decision on what they want to do, if anything, about this situation.–ROGUE

While I may share some of the original author’s concerns I can’t really use this for the magazine. I expected this type of backlash when the original press release broke announcing Harley was going to be looking to deal with the Chinese, however, the call to action is a bit misguided. Although Harley is a member of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (and it is true that Tim Buche is MSF boss), MSF has absolutely nothing to do with international trade issues. Rider training and international safety concerns are the only items on MSF’s mandate (this call to arms might make sense if it involved helmet laws, but it really has nothing to do with import/export issues involving the Chinese).

It is also true that Tim is the president of the Motorcycle Industry Council, but as far as I know, Harley-Davidson is not an MIC member. In fact, I have found Harley to be in opposition to just about everything MIC has tried to do over the years. Having Buche resign from the MIC role really would not have any impact on the the folks in the Ivory Tower on Juneau Ave. As for Tim Buche’s position as the head of The Specialty Vehicle Industry Association, I’m not clear on what SVIA’s efforts on behalf of the ATV industry have any sort of impact on Harley-Davidson.

As an MIC member I can certainly forward this to my fellow members or take it along with me to the next MIC Aftermarket Committee meeting that I sit in on, but my guess is that they wouldn’t take it serious when they see that beyond boycotting MotorClothes and writing to Jeff Bluestein, the call to action to remove Tim Buche is mixing apples and oranges. Instead of delivering a message to Harley-Davidson, this would be perceived as showing how little author knows about MSF/MIC/SVIA and dilute the effectiveness of the real message.

Not that I’m a shill for Tim Buche or Harley corporate, but I see this as a case of apples and oranges rather than truly expressing the American Rider’s discontent with Harley-Davidon’s dealings with the Chinese. You may have seen we ran a copy of the MotorClothes label and highlighted the “Made In China” a couple of issues ago noting the odd dichotomy of the all-American eagle logo sitting right next to the source origin. Anyway, that’s my two cents which you can pass along to the originator of the 5-step call to action or just hit the “delete” key and move on.

–from Rogue


HARLEY-DAVIDSON’S SECOND CENTURY MOMENTUM BUILDS WITH ANOTHER RECORD QUARTER–Milwaukee, Wis., July 14, 2004 — Harley-Davidson, Inc. (NYSE: HDI) today announced record revenue and earnings for its second quarter ended June 27, 2004. Revenue for the quarter was $1.33 billion compared with $1.22 billion in the year-ago quarter, an 8.9 percent increase. Second quarter diluted earnings per share (EPS) were 83 cents, a 25.8 percent increase compared with last year?s 66 cents.

?We are pleased to report another excellent quarter for Harley-Davidson,? said Jeffrey L. Bleustein, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Harley-Davidson, Inc. ?The record results we have delivered through the first six months of this year are in line with the Company?s previously stated long-term direction of sustainable growth.?

U.S. retail sales of Harley-Davidson? motorcycles were 18.8 percent ahead of last year for the quarter and up 16.5 percent for the first six months. ?Our dealers report that floor traffic is brisk, driven by keen interest in the entire Harley-Davidson experience and in particular, the Sportster? motorcycle family which was completely redesigned for the 2004 model year. The redesign, which was intended to broaden the appeal of that product line, is clearly achieving its purpose. Tomorrow we will bring even more excitement to our customers when the 2005 model year motorcycles and related new products will be unveiled to our worldwide dealer network at our summer dealer meeting in San Diego,? said Bleustein.

Motorcycles and Related Products Segment – Second Quarter ResultsSecond quarter revenue from Harley-Davidson motorcycles was $1.02 billion, an increase of 6.8 percent over last year. Worldwide shipments of Harley-Davidson motorcycles in the second quarter totaled 82,034 units, up 6,009 units or 7.9 percent over last year. The Company?s shipment target remains 317,000 Harley-Davidson motorcycles for 2004.

Second quarter revenue from Parts and Accessories (P&A), which consists of Genuine Motor Parts and Genuine Motor Accessories, totaled $230.1 million, a 12.7 percent increase or $25.9 million more than the year-ago quarter. Over the long term, the Company expects P&A revenue to grow at a rate slightly faster than the motorcycle unit growth rate.

Second quarter revenue from General Merchandise, which consists of MotorClothes? apparel and collectibles, totaled $53.1 million, up 21.5 percent or $9.4 million over the same period last year. Over the long term, the Company expects General Merchandise to grow at a rate lower than the motorcycle unit growth rate.

Second quarter gross margin for the Motorcycles and Related Products Segment was 37.9 percent of revenue compared to 36.4 percent in the second quarter of last year. Favorable gross margin was primarily impacted by plant efficiencies, including those that generally occur at the end of the model year. Some of these efficiencies are not expected to be maintained in the second half of the year due to new model year startup.

Operating margin increased from 21.9 percent in 2003 to 25.2 percent in 2004 due primarily to higher gross margin and a change in the timing of marketing related costs in 2003 when compared with 2004. In 2003, operating expenses were higher in the first half of the year to support the 100th Anniversary activities and programs. In 2004, operating expenses will be higher in the second half of the year, which is more typical of the Company?s operations.

Harley-Davidson, Inc. – Six Month Results

For the six month period, revenue was $2.49 billion compared with $2.33 billion, a 6.9 percent increase over the year ago period. Diluted earnings per share were $1.52, compared with $1.28, an increase of 18.8 percent compared to the same period last year.Through the first six months of this year, shipments of Harley-Davidson motorcycle units were 156,124, a 6.5 percent increase over last year?s 146,633. Harley-Davidson motorcycle revenue was $1.94 billion, a 5.8 percent increase over $1.83 billion in revenue in 2003. P&A revenue totaled $399.3 million, a 9.7 percent increase over last year?s $364.0 million. General Merchandise revenue totaled $107.5 million, a 7.3 percent increase compared with $100.1 million during the same period in 2003.

During the same period, HDFS operating income was $99.3 million, a 13.1 percent increase over last year?s $87.8 million during the first six months.

OUTSOURCING JOBS REACHES NEW HEIGHTS–Washington DC – Congress today announced that the Office of President of the United States will be outsourced to overseas interests as of June 30th, the end of this fiscal year. The move is being made to save $400K a year in salary, a record $521 Billion in deficit expenditures and related overhead. “The cost savings will be quite significant” says Congressman Adam Smith (D – Wash) who, with the aid of the GAO (the General Accounting Office) has studied outsourcing of American jobs extensively. “We simply can no longer afford this level of outlay and remain competitive in the world stage”, Congressman Smith said.

Mr. Bush was informed by email this morning of the termination of his position. He will receive health coverage, expenses and salary until his final day of employment. After that, with a two week waiting period, he will then be eligible for $240 dollars a week from unemployment insurance for 13 weeks. Unfortunately he will not be able to receive state Medicaid health insurance coverage as his unemployment benefits are over the required limit.

Preparations have been underway for some time for the job move. Sanji Gurvinder Singh of Indus Teleservices, Mumbai, India will be assuming the Office of President of the United States as of July 1. Mr. Singh was born in the United States while his parents were here on student visas, thus making him eligible for the position. He will receive a salary of $320 (USD) a month but with no health coverage or other benefits. Due to the time difference between the US and India, Mr. Singh will be working primarily at night, when offices of the US Government will be open.

Congress continues to explore other outsourcing possibilities including that of Vice-President and most Cabinet positions.

–By Staff Reporter Melynda Jill

ridl - rogue

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS!!!! Our organization is growing by leaps and bounds. We had many, many new members join since my last update in April. Thank you all of you for joining us in this battle to fight the unfair DUI laws that have been passed in this country over the last 20 years. I hope you will find the information on our website helpful.

In addition, many new members have discovered that our Discussion Forum helps them to work through the issues either themselves, friends or family members face regarding DUIs in this day and age. Take comfort in knowing that at RIDL we do not make you feel like the scourge of the earth that organizations such as MADD, the courts, and your local DMV would have you believe. We know that most people who get DUI’s these days are just average citizens who got trapped by the propaganda we’ve all been spoon-fed for the past 20 years.

tophat in hawaii

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT, ALMOST–The report will be super short; mainly just letting you know that there’s will be no report. I?m still working on the Bobber, frenzied like cause we only have a week until shipping, as well as another chop that is going to North Carolina.

Hawaii was lots of fun and a good time, but I landed at 2:00 PM and by 3:00 was at the shop working. Deadlines are a bitch, but so is crossing the ocean, two weeks before….

Have a beer on me and squeeze some boobs…be a good sport. The cool side of all this is that I will have new photos for upcoming reports…

Later, Jose

jose banner

BIKERNET CONTEST WINNERS–Last week we were in Hawaii, so this week I chose a few winners. Here they are—


Kurtis didn?t ask for anything so he get a Bikernet T-Shirt. Let me know your size, Kurtis.


I can probably get the book and I know I can get Indian Larry autograph on something. Just give me a day or two. Or a week or two?


Ken from Springside, Saskatchewan Canada
Wanted: sure could use this book as the old pan needs some TLC!! MECHANICS and OWNERS GUIDE TO 1941-59 HARLEY DAVIDSON OHV BIG TWINS by Kirk Perry. Thanks

We?ll see what we can do about this, Ken. Bandit has tons of books so he?s going digging.

Till next week, Layla

sturgis MM

STURGIS 2004 COMING- – Traffic numbers entering Sturgis during the 63rd Annual Motorcycle Rally were 541,390 vehicles, South Dakota Department of Transportation officials say.

The number, officials say is up 8.8 percent from last year’s 497,474 vehicles in 2002 and was compiled from six traffic counter sites which monitored traffic coming into the city.

The sites are located at the interchange on-ramps at Interstate 90, Exits 30 and 32, on Highway 14A, on Highway 34 by the Full Throttle Saloon and Glencoe Campground, one on the Interstate between Exits 30 and 32, and two sites on Highway 79 near Bear Butte.

The counters are tubes, laid across the road which are set up to count vehicles from Aug. 4 through Aug. 10. Jeff Brosz, of the SDDOT said the counters tally one vehicle for every two axle hits on the tubes, without differentiating whether a vehicle comes through multiple times. Additionally, he said the counters do not separate the difference between a motorcycle with only two axles and a semi-truck with five axles.

“But it’s mostly motorcycles,” Brosz said, “so it’s fairly accurate.”

The largest traffic influx this year came on Tuesday, when 96,666 vehicles entered Sturgis. The lightest numbers were Sunday, Aug. 10 when 30,561 vehicles traveled into town. The average number of vehicles entering town each day during the Rally was 77,341.

Sturgis Rally Director Lisa Weyer said city officials will plug DOT numbers into a city formula to come up with official crowd estimates. However, she said those numbers will not be available until next week. While considering crowds, Weyer said city officials consider DOT numbers, trash amounts, and estimates from city residents and officials who are present during the Rally year after year. Despite all of their efforts, Weyer said, officials are not able to get a 100 percent accurate count.

“There are a lot of factors that go into it,” she said. “It’s completely a ‘guestimate’, that’s for sure, on our count.”

The DOT has collected traffic information for the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally since 1990 and the 50th Anniversary of the Rally.

from the The Black Hills Pioneer, Newspapers, South Dakota, SD 2004

–from Rogue



NITRO CHOPPERS STURGIS PROJECT–Here is a recent project that just wrapped up, thought you might want to see it. We’re heading to Sturgis soon.



Continued On Page 4

Read More

July 15, 2004 Part 2


Continued From Page 1


THE 100 PERCENT FORMULA–What Makes 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%? What makes up 100% in life?

Here’s a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:

If:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z is represented as:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.

Then:H-A-R-D-W-O-R-K equals:8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%

K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E equals:11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%

A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E equals:1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%

And,B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T equals:2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%

AND, look how far ass kissing will take you.A-S-S-K-I-S-S-I-N-G equals:1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%

So, one can then conclude with mathematical certainty that While Hard work and knowledge will get you close, and, Attitude will get you there, Bullshit and Ass kissing will put you over the top.

–from Ray R.

billy in hawaii
Billy was injured riding the coastal roads of Hawaii after the beautiful Choppers Only Show on the 4th of July.

BILLY LANE INJURED–I’m sorry to inform you, but it seems that, as according to thelocal newspaper, the Discovery Channel won’t be coming to the LittleSturgis,Ky Bike Rally next weekend.

Billy Lane, of Choppers Inc., was injured in a wreck and is toundergo surgery sometime this week.

The article went on to report, that Mike Brown, of Amen ChassisWorks, is still scheduled to make an appearance.

Let’s keep Billy in our thoughts and prayers.


indian and hank from smso

SMOKE OUT BLUES–Just rolled in from the Horse Magazine Smoke Out 5 in Salisbury,NC.I’ll get you a write up and some photos in a few days after I recover from hosting 18,000 chopper fanitics in the rain and mud. Indian Larry, Billy Lane and Hank Young were there representing the Discovery Channel for all their fans.

Friday was a real wash out weather-wise. Torrential rains and mud reminicent of Woodstock 69. Spirits were high inspite of the inclement weather. Ice Cream Man From Hell and I were in charge of the stage both nights.We thought we would dry out the crowd with heat from some nekkid ladies. It seemed to warm things up a bit.

big chris from smso

Hooked up with Jay, Makoto and Moto from Hard Core Choppers mag in Japan. Nice buncha dudes. Couldn’t be in NYC to show them around so I invited them down to the Smoke Out.I think they thought it was worth the trip. Hooked them up with Lane and crew and a few other East Coast builders and they were in Hog Heaven. They shot a few bike features and generally were impressed with the quality of the rides there.

big wheel from smso

Also hooked up with a dude named Rigid Frame Richard who was claiming to work for you to unsuspecting young nipples. Asked Jon Towle if he knew the dude, negative, sooooo, with all intentions of slamming him into the mud and confiscating his photo gear I politely asked him a few questions not telling him who I was and he seemed to know the right answers. He said that he was just a contributor and with that settled I took him under my hairy wing and got him stage access and made sure he and his friends had a good time.


RH contest banner

MO’ JANKLOW BULLSHIT–SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — Former U.S. Rep. Bill Janklow was on duty when he caused a fatal accident last summer, so taxpayers should pay any civil damages in a wrongful death lawsuit, according to a court ruling Tuesday.

U.S. Magistrate Arthur Boylan sided with U.S. Attorney Tom Heffelfinger’s conclusion that Janklow, 64, was on official business Aug. 16 when he sped through a stop sign near Trent and collided with motorcyclist Randy Scott, 55, of Hardwick, Minn.

Boylan concluded that the federal government, not Janklow, should be listed as the defendant in the lawsuit filed by Scott’s mother, sister, son and daughter.

The family’s lawyer, Ronald Meshbesher of Minneapolis, wanted the case moved back to state court in Minnesota so the family could get punitive damages, something not allowed if the case stays in federal court.

Meshbesher said he’ll file an objection with U.S. District Judge Ann Montgomery in hopes of getting the ruling reversed.

If that doesn’t work, he’ll appeal to the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Meshbesher said.

–from Rogue

I suppose the state always pays his traffic fines?–Bandit


THE STEALTH REPORT–All of the chopper build offs and bike related shows on the Discovery Channel has everyone talking about choppers. People you never would imagine are talking about building bikes. Everyone sees themselves as the next Jesse James. Most are looking through rose colored glasses and are only dreaming!

Every bike shop is named Something Choppers. Most are not chopper shops at all and do very little fabricating on their own. Maybe the name of these shops should be called “Bolt Together Choppers?” People have been coming in and asking “What engine should I use? What frame should I use? How long will it take? How much will it cost?” Most of these questions are relative as to how much you can do on your own and how FAT your wallet is. Most who have these dreams of building what they see on Discovery haven’t a clue as to what is involved in building what they see on TV! The guys they see on TV are very talented and do it everyday. You can’t teach talent and the art of having an “EYE” for what looks cool. Another fact is that building a chopper is not as easy as it looks on TV. Yeah, there isn’t anything that comes close in the fun department, but there is a lot of work involved. All of this is not bad though. The interest these shows generates helps our industry, the motorcycle industry. It means we have jobs, it means we can pay our bills and it beats the hell out of regular TV!

run for breath

On a personal note my son Blair has told me he watched all the build offs and now wants to build his own chopper! He even confiscated one of my West Coast Choppers hats! Whether you like the shows or not, you have to agree they inspire a lot of people. I am waiting to see how serious my son Blair is about building a bike. Is he willing to make the sacrifices needed to obtain what is needed to put the bike together? He is only 24 and only time will tell. I told him that it will take a lot of work and that there is a lot more involved than just what you see on Discovery, his reply was “If they can do it, so can I!” Good answer and good attitude! It’s a start!

Everyone is jumping on the chopper band wagon these days, even good old Harley-Davidson. In their color chart for 2005 they have two colors that start with the word “Chopper!” Get this, “Chopper Blue and Chopper Pearl Blue!” Who would have thought it? It seems that anything with “chopper” on it is cool, young people, old people, people of every race are attracted to choppers. So in a strange sort of way choppers are uniting people. Do you think we could get the world leaders into choppers?”

Some people say that choppers went away and have made a comeback. I say that choppers never went away and were always around, they just didn’t get the publicity that they receive today and if they did back in the day it was negative. Now everyone and their grandmother wants to ride a chopper, again this is not all bad. For us “old schoolers” it is probably a bit strange to see bikes that were once seen as “The Outlaw or Bad Boy” only bikes now becoming more mainstream. There is a line from a Grateful Dead song (Truckin’) that says “What a long strange trip it’s been,” nothing has ever been any more true concerning the “Chopper Scene” of today.

One more thing, I am waiting for one of my favorite bike builders to be on Discovery. You ask who is that? Why my mentor Mr. Bandit of course! I always really dig his bikes, that outlaw style they all had always hit me in a good way!

One more note on choppers, on July 25th some of the HOTTEST choppers in the Charlotte area will come and compete in the 6th Annual Run For Breath Bike Show “In Memory of Justin Pullin.” The awards for this bike show are out of this world! They are made by local bike builders as well as nationally known builders and the “Best of Show” award is done by our own Mr. Bandit, it is AWESOME!

Well that is enough about choppers for this week, I have got myself all worked up, I have to go chop something and the “MEANEST” says she will help as long as she doesn’t have to get her hands dirty??? Go figure!!!

Until next week, RIDE!

BIKERNET PARENTAL AND TRAVEL ADVICE–A mother and her son were flying Southwest Airlines from Kansas Cityto Chicago. The son (who had been looking out the window) turned to hismother and asked, “If big dogs have baby dogs and big cats have baby cats,why don’t big planes have baby planes? “

The mother (who couldn’t think of an answer) told her son to ask the flightattendant.

So the boy asked the flight attendant, “If big dogs have baby dogs and bigcats have baby cats, why don’t big planes have baby planes?”

The flight attendant responded, “Did your mother tell you to ask me?”

The boy said, “Yes, she did.”

“Well, then, tell your mother that there are no baby planes becauseSouthwest always pulls out on time. Have your mother explain that to you.”

–from Rogue

Tim Conder illustration. Check his story on the home page.–Bandit

BIKERNET TRAVEL ADVICE–A guy was traveling through Mexico on vacation when, lo and behold, he losthis wallet and all identification.

Cutting his trip short, he attempts to make his way home but is stopped bythe Customs Agent at the border. “May I see your identification, please?” asks the agent.

“I’m sorry, but I lost my wallet,” replies the guy.

“Sure, buddy, I hear that every day. No ID, no crossing the border,” saysthe agent.

“But I can prove that I’m an American!” he exclaims. “I have a picture ofRonald Reagan tattooed on one butt cheek and a picture of George Bush onthe other.”

“This I gotta see,” replies the agent. With that, Joe drops his pants andbends over in front of the agent.

“By golly, you’re right!” exclaims the agent. “Go on home to Boston.”

“Thanks!” he says. “But how did you know I was from Boston?”

The agent replies, “I recognized the picture of John Kerry in the middle.”

–Ken Miller

Continued On Page 3

Read More

July 15, 2004 Part 1



Here’s the deal. I’m working on my muffler office railing this weekend with the help of old friend Kenny Price from Samson. Wait until you see the images of this bastard. I better get to the news quick. The Shrunken FXR is back, there’s bike Shows this weekend. Cyril Huze is coming to town and John Covington of Steeds from Phoenix is on his way, but he still sent a couple of Steed Babes to keep us company.

Let’s hit the news:

mikes bobber 1

mikes bobber 2

THE BOBBER REPORT–Here are some pics of a cool bobber my buddy Mike Newton built. Mike is the owner of Magnum Cycles. Maybe you can run the pics with the Thursday news?

Later! Stealth


NEW FROM DAYTONA TWIN TEC– TC88A Plug-In Ignition for all 2003-2004 Carbureted Twin-Cam 88? and Sportster? Models with Single 12 Pin Connector. Wide timing advance adjustment range accommodates stock to highly modified engines

? Digitally set RPM limit (100 RPM steps from 3,000 to 9,900 RPM)
? Full support for J1850 data bus used for communications with instrument cluster and turn signal/security module (TSM/TSSM)
? Built-in data logging. Stores last 30 minutes of engine operation
? Extensive diagnostics. Compatible with H-D? scan tool.
? Optional PC link cable and software for custom programming and data analysis.
? Billet aluminum housing with black anodized finish
? Easy plug-in installation

For more details, visit our website at

Daytona twin tec

ARIZONA BIKER BILLBOARDS–Well, it’s Official!!! ABATE of Arizona Inc. was awarded the $50,000 ofthe Motorcycle Safety Fund, earmarked for a billboard campaign toheighten the awareness of passenger vehicle operators to be moreobservant of motorcycles. I signed the contract today, and the checkwill be cut by June 30th, in order to tag that money prior to the end of thefiscal year. The lobbyists will be meeting with Viacom, sometime thisweek, to determine specific locations for the 35 – 12′ x 24′ billboards inthe Phoenix and metropolitan areas.

According to Viacom, these billboards should be up and running by theend of July. We will be given a report of exact locations and installdates,which we will be passing on to all of you. The contract is for 8 weeks, butViacom will be reporting weekly at the end of the 2 months, to let us knowexact “print over” dates of each location.

caliber components

CALIBER TWO INTO ONE– Custom looks for a performance favorite. It?s exactly what you?d expect from Samson, and now it?s here. The just introduced 2-into-1 Caliber is a real, honest-to-goodness performance-pipe favorite ? with a difference. This one comes with custom-bike style.

By now you?ve probably heard about the Samson Caliber. Stepped-header drag pipes, they start off at 1 3/4-inch diameter, go up to 1 7/8-inch, then 2-inches, and finish off with big 2 1/4-inch tubes ? all wrapped in bright and shiny 2 1/2-inch chrome heat shields. It?s the industry?s first four-step header, and it?s a powerhouse. The Caliber can boost horsepower and torque by as much as 25-percent.

caliber on bike

All that just got better. Hot on the heels of that drag-pipe Caliber, here comes the Caliber 2-into-1, a true collector system. Top tuners everywhere will tell you that when it comes to a Harley exhaust, there just isn?t much else around that?s any better at building power. 2-into-1 systems work. Racers and horsepower-happy street riders unfailingly choose them. They flow, big time, neatly scavenging the exhaust for maximum output. The Caliber 2-into-1 is right there when it comes to that flow and scavenging, too. In fact, thanks to that unique four-step header design. And all of that would be plenty, but with this performance 2-into-1 coming from Samson it?s just the beginning. These pipes perform, and look great doing it.

While the Caliber 2-into-1 has, of course, been specifically designed to be an efficient power builder, with the same pencil Samson?s added plenty of style and class. This pipe looks good on any bike it?s mounted on. Samson made that a priority, right along with that top-of-the-charts 2-into-1 performance. Look at it. The Caliber 2-into-1 collector is as custom-correct as any Samson pipe in the lineup. This isn?t some racetrack-refugee, no unfinished-looking megaphone. Not coming from Samson. Performance pipes don?t have to be ugly, and now they?re not. The Caliber 2-into-1 even has a new and totally stylish heat shield that won?t discolor, and as a finishing touch there?s an engraved chrome end cap. This is a pipe that?s going to turn heads ? and backs it up with the unmistakable sound of power. That added power is street-friendly, too. Samson?s dyno graphs confirm what they?ve felt in the road tests; that 25-percent boost in horsepower and torque is delivered with a smooth and steady transition, from low- and mid-range running clear up to WFO.



Here’s a heartwarming story about the bond formed between a little girl and some construction workers. This will make you believe that we CAN make a difference when we give a child the gift of our time…

A young family moved into a house next door to a vacant lot. One day,a construction crew came in and began building a house on the empty lot.

The family’s 5-year-old daughter became interested in all the activity going on next door and spent much of each day observing the workers.

Eventually, the construction crew, all of them gems-in-the-rough, more or less adopted her as a project mascot. They chatted with her, let her sit with them while they took coffee and lunch breaks, and gave her little jobs to do here and there to make her feel important.

At the end of the first week, the men presented her with a pay envelope which contained $2.00. The little girl took this home to her mother, who said all the appropriate words of admiration, and suggested that they take the money she received to the bank to start a savings account.

When they talked to the bank teller, she was equally impressed and asked the little girl how she had earned her very own pay check at such a young age.

The child proudly replied, “I worked last week with the crew building the house next door to us.” My goodness gracious,” said the teller, “and will you be working on the house again this week, too?”

The little girl replied, “I will if those assholes at Home Depot ever deliver the fuckin’ sheet rock…”

Kinda brings a tear to the eye……

–from Bob T.






A BIKERNET RELIGIOUS MOMENT–A Catholic priest & a rabbi are sitting next to each other on an airplane. After a while the priest turns to the rabbi & asks, “Is it still a requirement of your faith that you not eat pork?”

The rabbi responds, “Yes, that is still one of our beliefs.”

The priest then asks, “Have you ever eaten pork?”

To which the rabbi replies, “Yes, on one occasion I did succumb to temptation & tasted a ham sandwich.”

The priest nodded in understanding and went on with his reading.

A while later, the rabbi spoke up and asked the priest, “Father, is it still a requirement of your church that you remain celibate?”

The priest replied, “Yes, that is still very much a part of our faith.”

The rabbi then asked him, “Father, have you ever fallen to the temptations of the flesh?”

The priest replied, “Yes, rabbi, on one occasion I was weak and broke with my faith.”

The rabbi nodded understandingly. He was silent for about five minutes, and then he said, “Beats the hell out of a ham sandwich, doesn’t it?”

–from A. Friedman


PRO ONE BUTT CRACK SEATS– These extremely cool seats recently introduced by PRO-ONE are the perfect compliment for today?s solo cruisers and hot rod scooters. Available in 3 distinct styles BUTT CRACK SEATS feature a rugged fiberglass pan and extremely durable, high quality leather. Styles include the Two-Tone Stitched Leather, Stitched and Smooth Leather. Each seat mounts easily and securely to your frame with Velcro making installation and removal a snap. If you?re looking for the ultimate in clean lines, molded comfort/support and uncompromised quality, BUTT CRACK SEATS offer it all. Pricing starts at $299.00 for the Smooth style and they are all available from Pro-One and Pro-One dealers worldwide. For additional details call 800-884-4173 or visit WWW.PRO-ONE.COM

CICCOTTO SCORES TOP TEN FINISH AT LAGUNA SECA–Barnes Crashes Out after First Lap Mishap in Corkscrew.

MONTEREY, Calif. (July 10, 2004) – Hal?s Performance Advantage rider Michael Ciccotto finished 10th aboard his Buell Firebolt in the AMA Lockhart Phillips USA Formula Xtreme race held at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca. Unfortunately Kosco Buell/Innovative Motorcycle Research rider Michael Barnes crashed out on the first lap. The race was later interrupted by a red flag for track inspection and clean up after Jake Zemke?s Honda started trailing smoke.

Ciccotto qualified ninth for the 17-lap race and finished 10th after running as high as eighth position early in the race. Barnes qualified 10th but failed to score any points after he crashed in the corkscrew on the first lap. He was unharmed in the incident. The race was won by American Honda factory rider Ben Bostrom, with Honda riders Miguel Duhamel and Zemke benefiting from the red flag to make repairs to their bikes and finish on the podium.

?The combined AMA and World Superbike event at Laguna Seca is always a high-profile race, and it was exciting to see our Buell dealer teams out there turning lap times that would have earned them a qualifying spot on the World Superbike grid,? said Erik Buell, chairman and chief technical officer at Buell Motorcycle Company.

AMA Formula Xtreme is a class open to highly-modified motorcycles with 600cc four-cylinder engines or larger-displacement V-Twin engines. The next stop on the AMA Chevrolet Superbike Championship schedule is July 23-25 at the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course near Lexington, Ohio.

Tim Conder art. Check the Home Page.

PENZ CHARITY RIDE– Penz Custombikes will be organizing a special event during the European Bike Week to be held at the Faaker Lake in Austria September 1st-5th,2004. All bikers are invited to take part – the starting point is the event venue at Arneitz and the finish will be at the Casino Velden. At the finishing point there will be entertainment with live music and an auction in aid of the White Ring charity (

All proceeds from the auction will be donated to crime victims.Products, vouchers and holidays have all been supplied by sponsors such as CCE, DFDS Seaways, W&W Cycles, Rebuffini, Zodiac, Mueller Motorcycles, Pfeil Design, Hans Krah, Freaky Moto, Thunder Media Services and many more.

Those taking part should meet at the Penz Custombikes stand at Arneitz from 14:00 onwards on Thursday, September 2nd.

The tour to Velden starts at 15:00 hours and is expected to finish at 18:00 hours.The new Penz custom bike will be unveiled in front of the Casino.

Altheim, AUSTRIA
Tel: +43 (0)7723 44690
Fax: +43 (0)7723 44691

sporty lead


New Model Introduced Offering Lower Seat Height and Ergonomics.


MILWAUKEE (June 28, 2004) – Following an acclaimed redesign in 2004,the Harley-Davidson Sportster family moves forward in 2005 with a newmodel, the XL Sportster 883L, and an update to the rear axle of allSportster models.

To keep up with the high demand for the new 2004Harley-Davidson Sportster models, shipments of 2005 models will beginearly, with 2005 Sportsters shipments starting June 28, 2004.

For 48 years, the Sportster has been evocative of raw Harley-Davidsonperformance – a narrow, nimble motorcycle powered by a classic,torquey V-Twin engine. Five models comprise the Sportster line for2005, each powered by an XL Evolution V-Twin engine that wascompletely redesigned last year, with improved cooling, high-flowcylinder heads and lighter pistons and connecting rods. The engine isrubber-mounted in the frame to isolate the rider from vibration.Stabilizer links mate the engine to the frame to enhance overallchassis stiffness.

A key update to all Sportster models for 2005 is a series ofcomponent changes associated with the rear axle.

The diameter of therear axle is increased to 1.00 inch from 0.75 inch.

A new swingarmwas designed to accommodate the thicker axle. A new rear wheel andnew rear brake caliper also are fitted to accommodate the new rearaxle. The result is a 5 percent increase in total vehicle torsionalstiffness, which the rider will feel as more precise, responsivehandling in all 2005 Sportster models.

All 2005 Sportster models will also have a new headlight withclear-lens, reflector-optics for improved lighting performance. Asmall Bar & Shield cloisonn? is affixed to the headlight lens. Inaddition, the ’05 Sportster family offers 18 color combinations andhundreds of Genuine Motor Parts and Accessories are available.

For anyone who has been dreaming about owning a Harley-Davidsonmotorcycle, the Sportster family provides a variety of options, allat an affordable price ranging from $6,495 to $9,495.

Harley-Davidson Motor Company’s entire line of motorcycles will beintroduced on July 15, 2004.



Sanford, Florida, 07/09/2004 Motorcycle Performance Specialties is excited to announce the immediate availability of the Dedenbear Lightning Crossover Delay Box & Throttle Stop Controller part number 11-L1. The lightning has a handsome billet aluminum case only 2 inches thick. Its face size is only 6 inches x 3 inches making it the smallest multi feature box available. It features 4 different delay modes: Cross Talk, Crossover, Delay, and Interface. It also includes two 4 stage timers, each adjustable to the thousandth of a second (.001). Ideal for throttle stops, shift by time, nitrous, lean outs and retards. The Lightning’s many other features include:

STARTING LINE CONTROL OUTPUT WITH ADJUSTABLE TIME RELEASE – Allows you to roll your throttle open at transbrake button application and your throttle stop holds the motor at your staging RPM. You can adjust the time when the motor pulls to wide open before the transbrake releases.

“SUPER START” AUTOMATIC STARTING LINE CONTROL FOR ACTIVATING A THROTTLE STOP PRIOR TO STAGING – Allows you to roll your throttle open at transbrake button application and your throttle stop holds the motor at your staging RPM. You can adjust the time when the motor pulls to wide open before the transbrake releases.

PRO/FULL FEATURE – Allows you to save two groups of settings.

ADJUSTABLE TRANSBRAKE LOCKOUT – Prevents the transbrake from being reapplied down track. It adjusts in 1-second increments.

SCROLL KEYS UP AND DOWN – Makes adjustments quick and easy.


HOW LATE TIMER – When taking multiple hits this will tell you which hit you launched on and by how much.

COMBINE STARTING LINE AND THROTTLE STOP CONTROL – Single throttle stop can be used for both functions.

CROSS-OVER COMPENSATION (Patent #5,652,468) takes extra time out when you crossover to compensate for not seeing the bulb as well.

The New Dedenbear Lightning is in stock and available for immediate shipment.

mps banner

Continued On Page 2

Read More

July 3, 2004 Part 1


Headquarters On Fire

Here’s the skinny. The big guy is in the islands and left me in charge, I burned down headquarters with a Roman Candle in honor of the 4th, and by god, Bob T. was the only guy who sent us anything good this week that wasn’t lost in the fire… I’m sure to be part of the final fireworks show by the end of tomorrow when Bandit finds out and straps me to that 10 Kiliton bottle rocket he’s been designing in the garage this week…. Let’s get to the news.

Bob T – Cover’s The Big Bear Run…

Left the heat of the Desert and headed up to Big Bear about 8:15 AM..Had lots of time to cruise the mountain for the show did not start until 11:00. Cruised around looking at some the house`s I use to live in 14 years ago, That sleepy town sure has change since I left 14 years ago. It`s just too crowded for me, it`s like the big city life up there. Oh well it`s getting like that all over.Got to the Big Bear Convention Center around 9:30 and walked around and checked out the Vendors selling the usual Biker stuff which all the Yuppies were buying up.Finally went inside to check out the bikes. For a minute I didn’t see too many people but I realized they were still setting up. Which was good , I was able to get some good shotswithout the crowd, waiting to get in. Ran into my old buddy “Music Mike ” who now works with Kevin of Big Bear Choppers..they had a great layout of bikes.

Big Bear

Big Bear

Big Bear

Big Bear

Big Bear

Big Bear

Big Bear

Big Bear

Big Bear

Continued On Page 2

Read More

July 1, 2004 Part 3


Continued From Page 2


ONLY FROM STEEDS–Here’s a sneak peek of our brand new 2005 STEED 300-VM (Vintage Monoglide)300 AVON tire chopper. (first one off the line) MSRP $31,995 with a 111″S&S engine, Baker RSD 6-Speed, Clean “Heads-Up” digital instruments in themirrors, Steed/Ceriani inverted front end, Headwinds headlight, and theexclusive Steed Monoglide Chassis. That’s a lot of AMERICAN stuff for thedough! Lots of sponsors in the mix there too!


I’m shooting it tonight with a model, I’ll keep you posted. Many more tocome. We’re looking for dealers too, 50 state EPA and Carb Approved, BlueBook listed and consumer finance able….any ideas.

surg. steeds banner

Thanks for spreading theword.


co sign - jose

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–As you all know, this report is coming straight from the shores of Waikiki beach in Oahu and there’s not much to say yet. I met Larry from Big Kahuna bike rentals and he took off work so we could go ride. As like on any island, we were avoiding the rain, but managed to get a good ride and visit many of the local strip bars in search for the Asian beauties.

hawaii jose 1

Jay and Ole Pan went by the airport to pick me up, Ole pan has this “new” old school chop with a 68 shovel that looked and sounded very good.

I checked the waves and it was pretty flat, but Larry took me to many different “secret” spots, and believe me there’s decent surf. Right now, I should be in the water instead of writing these words, but so be it.

We went by Deacons shop where he was going crazy with a chop he’s doing for the event, and many other projects, there, and by chance I met with fellow Bikernet slave Glenn Prindle, from Noosa Heads, Down Under. It was cool to shoot the shit with him for some time. I got to say, never thought it was him, since he was wearing an Orange County shirt….I saw Ben’s bob, which is pretty cool and has some trick stuff done to it, can’t wait to see the final gig.

hawaii jose 1

I know this is only the first day so things are kind of slow for the pace I’m used to, then again I’m the bottom of the totem, so all the famous guys start rolling today, and I know the pace will change.

If there?s any swell coming up, I’m sure it’s going to be lots of fun. We have some potential surfers on the group and it will be a blast…I’m still casper looking and now with the arm in nice hues of purple and burgundy..but that all can be fixed……

See you guys next week…I’m going to check the waves…

Jose – Caribbean Bikernet report via Hawaii

amber shades


As promised, here are some shades.

blue shades

Please try them out see what ya like or don?t like. The real deal is this. Since I base out of New York State, I wear helmets?no choice?so I own all styles of helmets, ?, full, ? never found 1 style of glasses that fit in or under all my helmets. I was looking a long time for the right pair. I found these, the ones you now have. They do it all for me. In fact apparently they did it all for a lot of other people I know, ?cause I use to let people try them out and of course I never got them back.

clear shades

Well, not being the brightest bulb in the box, it took a comment from one of the sunglass stealers to give me the brilliant idea of starting Riding Shades as a company and selling just the shades. Been to some shows here and the response (no bullshit) has been overwhelmingly positive. People are repeat customers?but most importantly they work, they?re pretty good shades.

mocha shades

Like ?em or don?t like ?em give me your feedback please.
Appreciate your time and indulgence.

Riding Shades
POB 692
Highland, NY 12528

snowed riders



This is a most unusual request, but I have friends from overseas who are camping their way around the world. They have asked me if I know where they might be able to go without spending large amounts of money. I said I would try my friends and family for accommodation. They travel light and bring all their own camping gear, and only require a small place to set up.

I have given them your names and addresses anyway in anticipation of a warm welcome.

Just in case you don’t recognise them when they turn up, I have enclosed a recent photo of them. Appreciate if you can help out.

My thanks in advance.
Glenn & Kerry ??..


BIKERNET CONTEST WINNERS–From the free section I give you:


I wonder if Johnnie isn?t looking in the right area cause we have tons of tech articles in the Garage? I?m sure we can always use more. We welcome any and all tech articles that you readers want to send our way.

I chose two winners this time cause this guy touched on another area we already have, but is hardly used. It?s called Freedom Film and you can submit your photos and a caption. Give it a try?


And From The Cantina, I give you:

Jeff Craig from Gardiner, New York
Wanted: The Art Of Chopper

And that?s what he?ll get. Till next week? Sin

HD air cleaner

Design Complements Engine Texture

MILWAUKEE (June 25, 2004) ? The new Ribbed Air Cleaner Cover (P/N 29837-04, $64.95) from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories is designed to fit all 2004 XL Sportster models. The chrome-plated cover has a ribbed pattern that flows back from the leading edge and accents the cylinder fins and the rocker box covers. The Sportster script on the cover is black.
This kit includes chrome-plated stainless steel mounting hardware, and can be installed with the original-equipment air cleaner assembly or with the Screamin? Eagle High Flow air cleaner.
For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.


HARLEY-DAVIDSON ATTRACTS WOMEN– BUYING a Harley-Davidson motorcycle is the way thousands of middle-aged men choose to spend a proportion of their disposable income, seduced, more often than not, by the iconic status of the brand. The diverse range of Harley motorcycles allows buyers to spend as little as $6,500 or, for a dresser with all the extras, as much as $30,000. Of course, a standard bike is just the beginning in many cases; and the huge aftermarket industry supplies an endless number of parts, feeding a hobby that will expand to the parameters of the rider’s wallet.

Such passionate brand involvement has allowed Harley-Davidson to achieve record profits, netting almost $5 billion annually. Heightened feelings of patriotism and an extensive marketing campaign related to the firm’s 100th birthday have reinforced H-D’s popularity.

Indicative of its careful marketing strategy, H-D is not complacent about its own success. The company understands a problematic demographic characteristic of its customer base. Namely, the majority of people buying Harleys are aged 46 and older, compared to an average age of 38 for owners of other makes. H-D is aware its current customers will, therefore, eventually become too old for two-wheeled transport.

Appealing to younger riders is one important strategy, and the firm already offers the Buell range. Because this section of riders often opts for fast, sporty bikes, Buell machines offer both performance and innovative styling. At present, however, purchases of Buell bikes contribute only two per cent of H-D’s total revenue.

A less fully tapped but potentially very important target market is female motorcyclists. Women currently account for ten per cent of new Harley buyers, but that is a 100 per cent increase from ten years ago. Improvements to H-D dealerships have made them more welcoming, less intimidating places for women buyers. In addition, the company has attempted to introduce prospective owners to the brand not only as shiny machines but also as a riding experience. A well-received component in this approach is the provision of rider safety classes, launched four years ago, in which women form 40 per cent of the total students. This is proving an effective way of introducing people to two wheels, and H-D reports that 70 per cent of students purchase a motorcycle within a year.

Efforts have also been put into making the bikes themselves more female-friendly. For example, the entry-level Sportster model has undergone a number of changes, including a lowered seat and the incorporation of a rubber engine mount to reduce vibration.

The increasing number of women buyers has also brought changes in the clothing market, where many brands now focus on female-specific lines. Indeed, AMD has already reported on many of these manufacturers, such as Iron Cowgirls (issue 59).

For every sector of the industry, more buyers is good news, and if attracting these buyers involves addressing individual needs, those businesses which can adapt will inevitably prosper.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Tel: 414 343 4459
Fax: 414 343 8912
Here is a pic of our Local Dealer Principal on his Road King.
Just look at the expression on his face


Gotta Go, it?s been one heck of a day here at Bikernet. With my daughter home on Summer vacation, and two young men still clinging to my apron strings, I?m hopping from task to task. Hawaii is calling me and all I can hope for is that no parties, no busts, and no jail-bait invade the Headquarters while we?re gone.

Keep in mind that while we?re tanning our Asses in Hawaii, you won?t be getting an updated news next week. Maybe we can squeeze a little time in to our relaxing schedule and borrow Chris Tronolone?s computer for an occasional update. If not, talk to you in a week!!

Aloha, Layla

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July 1, 2004 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

whitehorse prss catalog

BE PREPARED FOR SUMMER RIDING–Problem solvers for the road.’t let a flat tire ruin your day! The deluxe portable CYCLEPUMP lets you reinflate quickly and be on your way. The CyclePump is a 12-volt motor and compressor in a sturdy aluminum case, with an attached air hose, an 8-foot electrical cord, and a universal power plug that’ll fit BMW outlets, cigarette outlets, and 2-prong SAE outlets. Just 2 x 4 x 6 inches and weighing 26 ounces, it’s compact enough to always take along in the corner of your tank bag. $90.00http://

Stop & Go’s ingenious POCKET TIRE PLUGGER repairs tubeless tires while they are still on the wheel. Easy to use and carry, it weighs just 12 ounces and comes in a 3-1/2 x 8-1/2 inch zippered pouch. $34.95

Attach your air supply directly to the EZ-AIR TIRE GAUGE and inflate tires while simultaneously monitoring pressure. No more guessing. Weighs just eight ounces and fits in the palm of your hand. $25.00http://

CruzTools OUTBACK’R FOLDING TOOL SETS give you lots of function and flexibility to fix small problems on the road. Available in two versions; each only $19.95.http:// 4
(Metric OutBack’r)http://
(Harley-Davidson OutBack’r)

One other news note: The first printing of Mark Zimmerman’s new book, ESSENTIALS OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE, sold out in less than four months! No wonder. Motorcyclist magazine said, “Required reading . . . leaves no bolt unturned, covering everything you need to know . . . plenty of photos and illustrations to lead you through simple and complex tasks.” A new printing just arrived in our warehouse, so get a copy now, while you can. It’s our bestselling book of the 2004 season. $29.95http://

Whitehorse Press
107 East Conway Road
Center Conway, NH 03813-4012
(Located just off Rte 302 between North Conway, NH, and Fryeburg, ME, right up the road from the Conway Police Station)


KEVIN LUMLEY REPORTS IN–Gday Bandit, how are you mate?Just thought I would run something past you.

September 14th is Bike Week at Surfers Paradise in Queensland.Australia’s version of Daytona. It is getting bigger every year, now in its 6th year.I and some friends are riding up from Sydney to spend the whole seven days there.I was wondering if you would like me to cover the event as your representative?We will have some decent cameras with us and there are custom bike shows, bikini contests, bike drags etc. As well as the beaches and local bars.I can do a story about Bike Week 2004 and supply plenty of decent pics as well.What do you think?You can check out the upcoming events at the Bike Week Homepage here:http://

Am still working on next fiction story…going to be quite long…..would you like me to send it in installments? I am envisioning about 60 pages or so at this point in time.I hope to include the most exciting motorcycle chase ever written!

Cheers: Kevin.

departure sportster - stealth

Departure Bike Works Sportster

BIKERNET STEALTH REPORT– Hey Bandit or whoever is doing the Thursday News here is my report for 7-1-04!

Last weekend was an AMAZING weekend for me! (6-26-04 & 6-27-04) The “Meanest” and I attended the Horse Smoke-Out Saturday and on Sunday we tied the knot at our wedding!


We awoke Saturday morning and rain threatened the Smoke-Out, it was coming down in buckets!As noon approached the skies cleared and the sun came out and it turned out to be a beautiful day.

I haven’t heard any official numbers for attendance but I would have to guess around 10,000 for the weekend. The Smoke-Out is the one event where “old school choppers rule!” There were knuckles, pans, shovels, evos and even twin cam chopppers. I am a pan freak and I was in pan heaven for a day! Unlike other events and bike shows there is not a lot of bragging going on between riders, they let their bikes speak for themselves. Speaking of the bike show there were top notch chops there, but the fairgrounds and parking areas are one HUGE bike show.

This event is for the hardcore, bare bones, take no prisoners choppers and their riders. No love seats or sofas for seats on these bikes! Every year the Smoke-Out and the bikes and the people in attendance take me back to when I first got into bikes and I can’t wait to get to the event every year to see bikes that remind me of the bikes you used to see in “Easyriders” and in Dave Mann centerfolds. By the way whatever happened to Easyriders? That is another story for another time.

meanest jumper

Another thing about the Smoke-Out is seeing old friends and making new ones. I saw Lee Clemens from Departure Bike Works, Kendall Johnson, Fab Kevin, Mike Marquart from Redneck Engineering and Mike Phillips from Grandeur Cycles. I also ran into my friend Jumper from Marshall, VA. It was good to see you all! Thanks to you guys for the Run For Breath Awards you made, they are all great! Speaking of The Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin,” it is fast approaching, July 25th, here in Charlotte.

Everyone at “The Horse” deserves a big round of applause, especially “Edge” for a great event! See you next year!

Now for Sunday! Yeah the “Meanest” and I got married and everything went as smooth as silk! We probably had 300 people in attendance following a poker run to benefit our friend Angela who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. It was biker wedding all the way and the “Meanest” has never looked better! She was HOT! I rode my 91 springer softail (Skeletor) and he even got a flower! One thing that made the wedding special was that the people I respect and feel the most for were there, my riding partners, the people I work with.

I want to thank my son Blair (my best man), my best friend Brad, and the Meanest’s daughter Stephanie(maid of honor), Jenna, her best friend and everyone else who helped make this a very special day, without any of you it would not have been the same, a BIG thanks!

stealth n trophy

Stealth with the Bikernet Trophy

One last thing, if any of you think the Discovery Bike Build offs don’t make people think about building a bike, think again. My son Blair told me at the wedding that he wants to build a chopper! He said that he had watched the build offs all week. The bike building and chopper bug has bitten him! Before this he had shown little interest. So you see these shows are good for something!That is it, I have taken enough time for this week, but you really got two “Stealth” reports in one and it didn’t cost you anything extra!

Thanks for all the well wishes on our new marriage from everyone!

It is time to go for a ride, Later!


run for breath

BIKERNET SUGGESTION BOX–If connecting an Iraqi prisoner’s testicles to the battery cables of an automobile will SAVE 1 AMERICAN GI’s LIFE then I have just 2 things to say:

Red is…. + positive, and
Black is…. – negative.

–from Rev CarlR

victory logo

POLARIS 50TH ANNIVERSARY–Polaris Celebrates its 50th Anniversary in the Company?s Hometown of Roseau, MinnesotaBusy Weekend of Activities Includes Performance by ?Thrill Team?.

ROSEAU, MINN. (June 24, 2004) Thousands of people spent three days celebrating 50 years of great outdoor experiences during the regional Polaris 50th Anniversary Celebration, which was held on June 18-20 in the company?s hometown of Roseau, Minnesota.

It was 50 years ago this summer that a Roseau farm equipment and metal shop incorporated as Polaris Industries. Within two years the company had built its first snowmobile and 50 years later it still thrives in Roseau and beyond as a $1.6 billion international manufacturer of snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), marine products, Victory Motorcycles and utility vehicles.To celebrate the Polaris 50th, visitors from across North America and around the world filled the small town along the Canadian border for a weekend full of special activities.

The highlight of the weekend was the Saturday afternoon revival of the Polaris Thrill Team. In the late-1960s the original Thrill Team performed breathtaking stunts and precision riding at snowmobile races and winter festivals. During the 50th Anniversary Celebration, three riders performed the most famous stunt of all, riding through a 360 degree loop

Busy Schedule of Activities in Roseau
The 50th celebration kicked off in Roseau on Friday night, June 18, with a historical review that featured vintage video clips and rich storytelling from long-time employees. Panelists who presented anecdotes from company history included original partners Edgar Hetteen and David Johnson, and Mike Hetteen, a son of the third original partner, the late Allan Hetteen. The past and the present were represented by Harley Jensen and Tom Tiller. Jensen is the oldest living Polaris snowmobile customer, having purchased sled No. 2 in early 1956, while Tiller is the current President and CEO of Polaris.

cutie rfr

flag tank rfr

RIGID FRAME RICHARD ? SMSO REPORT–Just got back from NC, been in a truck since 11am yesterday. I believe I have some info on the painter at the house. I will check when I go back home had to come to work. We lost about 2 – 3 hours due to rain and wrecks in Georgia yesterday.

Smoke Out was great met T-Bear, CJ, Cat, Fab Kevin, Jon, etc… Except Stealth, unfortunately we missed each other on Saturday. No wedding I had to be back for a meeting with lawyers this afternoon.

tbear - rfr

Plenty of images to go through, this time you will get a CD and you can pick and choose. Shot some images for Gangster Choppers that said that have been talking to you about doing a story. I will send the images and you can wait on the words from them?


BIKERNET ART REVIEW–A couple attending an art exhibition at the National Gallery were staring ata portrait that had them completely confused. The painting depicted threevery black and totally naked men sitting on a park bench. Two of the figureshad black penises, but the one in the middle had a pink penis.

The curator of the gallery realized that they were having troubleinterpreting the painting and offered his assessment. He went on for nearlyhalf an hour explaining how it depicted the sexual emasculation ofAfrican-Americans in a predominately white, patriarchal society. “In fact,”he pointed out, “some serious critics believe that the pink penis alsoreflects the cultural and sociological oppression experienced by gay men incontemporary society.”

After the curator left, a young man in a West Virginia T-shirt approached!the couple and said, “Would you like to know what the painting is reallyabout?”

“Now why would you claim to be more of an expert than the curator of thegallery?” asked the couple.

“Because I’m the guy who painted it,” he replied.”In fact, there are no African-Americans depicted at all. They’re just threeWest Virginia coal-miners, and the guy in the middle went home for lunch.

–from Bob T.

Continued On Page 3

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July 1, 2004 Part 1


cutie - bob s

Bandit?s been playing Monster Garage all week with some top name bike guys. I can?t remember all the names and I can?t remember what they do but I know Bandit was very excited at the prospect of working with all of them. He finishes tomorrow, then Saturday we?re off to Hawaii!!! I?ve got short-timers now; everything is bothersome cause I can?t wait to relax. Even doing this news is pissing me off so I?m cutting it short. Here?s your damn news?

BIKERNET BLONDE JOKE–Bambi (a blonde) goes to the local novelty shop and finds a pair of x-ray glasses. She checks them out, and isn’t fully convinced, but asusual, the store assistant comes along and closes the deal. On herway home, Bambi puts on her new x-ray glasses and, bingo! She seeseveryone in the street naked. She takes them off for a moment, andeveryone has their clothes on. Puts the glasses back on…everyone isnaked! “Cool!”

As she arrives back home, she is eager to show her new toy to herhusband, but can’t find him. She goes up to the bedroom and finds herhusband and the young woman from next door naked in bed She takes theglasses off, and the two are still naked. She put them back on, andthey are still naked. Bambi then says: “Darn, I just paid fifty bucksfor these and they’re already broken!”

clinton port - kenny P

BONNEVILLE SALT FLAT CONTENDERS– THE INTERNATIONAL SPEED TRIALS by BUB, to be held on the Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah, in September this year, offer the opportunity to set World as well as US National records.

However, for entrants intent on trying to set such a record the mandatory 60-day notice of an attempt expires on July 1st.

By that time, the FIM (Federation Internationale Motocycliste) must be notified and this will be done through the AMA (American Motorcyclist Association).

Contact is via Sue Mason at the AMA, who can receive faxed information on 614 856 1921.

All other contact details are available at the web site below.

The registration procedure for the FIM is different to other organizations and BUB Enterprises will be happy to explain should this be necessary.

Recently, the FIM has decided to impose a fee on any rider wishing to claim a World record.

This covers the cost of administration, ratifying the record and issuing the appropriate certificate.

After some negotiation, BUB Enterprises has managed to agree a fee of $100 for this service, but that sum must be paid by the entrant.

All other expenses are already contained within the event entry fee.

The list of event sponsors continues to grow. Included now are Drag Specialties/Parts Unlimited, K&N Filters, Pingel Enterprises, Performance Machine, Baron Custom Accessories, TP Engineering, Barnett Tool & Engineering, Rinehart Racing, IronWorks magazine, Airtech, Cycle World magazine, Kibblewhite, Spider Grips, RPM Cycle, Legend Air Suspension and Saddlemen.

Grass Valley, California, USA
Tel: 530 477 7490 (x209)
Fax: 530 477 7489
email –,

stealth stick4er

Stealthman?s truck, if you want a Bikernet sticker or two, just send us a self-addressed-stamped envelope to Bikernet Headquarters, 200 N. Broad Ave. Wilmington, CA 90744. Send a big envelope if you want a large sticker.

ANOTHER BIKERNET BLONDE JOKE–A blonde hurries into the emergency room late one night with the tipof her index finger shot off. “How did this happen?” the emergencyroom doctor asked her.

“Well, I was trying to commit suicide,” the blonde replied.

“What?” sputtered the doctor? “You tried to commit suicide byshooting your finger off?”

“No, Silly!” the blonde said. “First I put the gun to my chest,and I thought: I just paid $6,000.00 for these breast implants, I’mnot shooting myself in the chest.”

“So then?” asked the doctor.

“Then I put the gun in my mouth, and I thought: I just paid $3000.00to get my teeth straightened, I’m not shooting myself in themouth.” “So then?”

“Then I put the gun to my ear, and I thought: This is going to make aloud noise. So I put my finger in the other ear before I pulled thetrigger.”

screamin eagle

SCREAMIN’ EAGLE TEAM MAINTAINS PRO STOCK BIKE POINTS LEAD–Team Saddened by Loss of Fellow NHRA Competitor Darrell RussellMADISON, Ill. (June 27, 2004) – The Screamin’ Eagle/Vance & Hines drag racing team worked through its most challenging weekend of the season and placed riders GT Tonglet and Andrew Hines in the elimination rounds of the 8th Annual Sears Craftsman NHRA Nationals at Gateway International Raceway. The event was marred by the death of Top Fuel driver Darrell Russell who suffered a fatal crash during the second round of eliminations.

“It was a tough weekend for our team on many levels. Of course, everyone on the team was deeply affected by the death of Darrell Russell and first and foremost wishes to extend our sympathy to the Russell family and the Amato Racing team on this terrible loss,” said Screamin’ Eagle Racing Manager Anne Paluso. “We struggled a bit this weekend, but a tragedy like this certainly puts things in perspective.”

The Screamin’ Eagle team was notified on June 22 that NHRA imposed a rule amendment which raised the minimum weight for Pro Stock Bike pushrod V-Twins from 575 pounds to 615 pounds, effective immediately. This forced the Screamin’ Eagle team to qualify for the event without testing with the additional 40 pounds of weight in place.

After being among the top qualifiers for each event this season, Hines (7.201/186.98) and Tonglet (7.201/185.41) qualified 14th and 15th to make the 16-bike field at Gateway. Antron Brown was top qualifier with a run of 7.086/187.68, a new Pro Stock Bike track ET record.

“This sudden rule change put the Screamin’ Eagle team under the gun for the race weekend,” said Paluso. “Adding 40 pounds to the Screamin’ Eagle V-Rods changed the dynamics of the bikes and we’ll continue to evaluate the effect of the extra weight.”

In the first round of eliminations, Hines (7.166/185.95) had his best run of the weekend and scored a hole-shot win over Angelle Savoie (7.139/185.66), who had a 0.073 reaction time to 0.011 for Hines. In his first-round race, Tonglet (7.298/183.97) was first off the line but lost to Craig Treble (7.124/191.35).

In the second round, Hines again tried to cut a good light, knowing that was his only chance to win. A red light start by Hines gave Michael Phillips the win, but given the performance disadvantage, Hines would have lost even with a perfect light. In the final, Steve Johnson (7.220/183.34) scored a hole-shot win over Treble (7.129/186.28).

After seven rounds of NHRA Pro Stock Bike competition, Hines leads the class with 655 points, 182 points ahead of Shawn Gann, in second place with 473 points. Geno Scali is third with 446 points, while Tonglet is fourth with 424 points.

The next Pro Stock Bike event on the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series is the 25th Annual Mopar Mile-High NHRA Nationals, July 16-18, at Bandimere Speedway near Denver, Colo.

skull paint - bob s

Photo by Bob S.

BARNES PUTS BUELL SIXTH AT BRAINERD AMA FORMULA XTREMEKosco Buell Rider Cracks Top-Ten in Season Points Despite Missing First Two RoundsBRAINERD, Minn. (June 26, 2004) – Kosco Buell/Innovative Motorcycle Research rider Michael Barnes had his best result of the season with a sixth-place finish aboard his Buell Firebolt at the Lockhart Phillips USA Formula Xtreme race during the AMA Chevrolet Superbike Championship Series at Brainerd International Raceway. The strong showing moved him into ninth in points.

Barnes qualified ninth for the event and despite a bad start in the 13-lap race, moved up steadily on the high-speed, three-mile-long road course as others faltered.

“We’ve got good momentum right now,” said Kosco Buell race manager Rich Cronrath. “We’ve finally got a good baseline and we’ve made some real progress. Consistency is the key and our best finishes are ahead of us.”

Hal’s Performance Advantage Buell rider Mike Ciccotto had a disappointing weekend at Brainerd. Mike qualified 12th due to some fuel injection mapping issues, but had the bike dialed in for the race. He got a fantastic start, and had moved up to fifth place by lap four, but a cracked oil fitting caused a leak that made Mike pull off for a DNF. The race was won by American Honda factory rider Miguel Duhamel, who leads the series after seven rounds with 250 points. Erion Honda rider Jake Zemke is second with 235 points. With his steady performance at Brainerd, Barnes is now ninth with 111 points.

“It’s great to see the Kosco team crack the top-ten in overall points, especially since they didn’t even compete in the first two rounds,” said Erik Buell, chairman and chief technical officer at Buell Motorcycle Company. “Both the Hal’s and Kosco dealer teams are racing hard in a very competitive national class, and they have gained the respect of all their competitors.”

AMA Formula Xtreme is a class open to highly-modified motorcycles with 600cc four-cylinder engines or larger-displacement V-Twin engines. The next stop on the AMA Chevrolet Superbike Championship schedule is July 9-11 at the Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca near Monterey, Calif.

BEMISDERFER PILOTS BUELL TO VIR WIN, PADS THUNDERBIKE POINTS LEADBilansky Tied for Second; Defending Champ Estok in Deep Points HoleDANVILLE, Va. (June 27, 2004) – Harding Harley-Davidson rider Bryan Bemisderfer rode a Buell Firebolt to victory in the Formula USA National Thunderbike event at Virginia International Raceway and increased his series points lead as other contenders for the title failed to mount a challenge to the rider from Greencastle, Pa. After five of eight events on the 2004 Thunderbike series, Bemisderfer enjoys a healthy 39-point lead.

“My team did their job in giving me a good bike and I was really happy with the set up,” said Bemisderfer. “We’ve got a nice points lead, but we’re not going to lay back. We’re going to three new tracks and we want to win ’em all.”

Tripp Nobles, riding a Buell Firebolt backed by Tilley’s Buell took the pole in qualifying for the 16-lap Thunderbike national, but finished 17th after leaving the race on lap six with a mechanical problem. Bemisderfer qualified fourth aboard his back up bike, while his teammate and defending Thunderbike champion, David Estok, started the race in sixth position but crashed just before the race was red-flagged and later restarted. Estok took the restart from the back of the grid and set the fastest lap of the race as he worked his way forward. He retired from the race on lap seven with a mechanical problem and finished in 16th position.

Bemisderfer battled with Suzuki riders Derek Keys and David Yaakov, with the lead changing hands every lap. Bemisderfer took the lead for good on the last lap while Keys finished second and Yaakov third. Hal’s Performance Advantage Buell rider Dan Bilansky finished sixth, Appleton Buell/Hoban Brothers rider Jeff Johnson was seventh and Josh Guyer of Buell of Bloomington was eighth, all were aboard Buell Firebolts.

Bemisderfer leads the Thunderbike National series with 85 points. Bilansky is tied for second with Suzuki rider Darren Danilowicz at 46 points, while Estok has faded to fifth with 41 points. The next stop on the Formula USA National Thunderbike Series is Aug. 13-15 at Barber Motorsports Park in Birmingham, Ala.

The Formula USA National Thunderbike series is a horsepower-to-weight ratio restricted class, open to a variety of production-based motorcycles. Buell-mounted riders competing in the eight-event 2004 Thunderbike series are racing for a share of the $70,500 contingency fund posted by Buell Motorcycle Company and Buell Riders Adventure Group (BRAG).

To learn more about Buell Motorcycles, visit your local Buell dealer today and experience the pure streetfighter attitude, style, and performance only found on board a Buell. For the Buell dealer nearest you, pull into

Continued On Page 2

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Transform Your Shovelhead Into An Evo


Deacon, the master, taking a break. Photo by Chris T.

I ran across a master mechanic, in Oahu, Hawaii, at ProStreet, who recently produced the first Choppers Only Show in Wakiki.He explained the differences between the Evolution configuration andthe Shovelhead and how you can alter your Shovel for reliability andbetter performance. I was intrigued, grabbed my camera girl and wentafter the formula.

side of flywheels

Note the heavier/thicker Shovel wheel.

First off the flywheels are 4 pounds lighter, saving 8pounds off the lower end. That’s 8 less pounds the engine is forcedto lug around.

“You can go either way with the flywheels,” Deaconsaid, “although it’s easier to just swap them. The new set willalready be correctly clearanced and have a better rod package. Setscan be ordered from S&S in this configuration.”

piston comp.

This shot shows a performance flat top job, a standardShovelhead piston and a Sportster unit. Imagine the spark trying toclimb over that Sportster piston dome.

Next, Evolutions use flat-top pistons for an immediateburn. Shovelheads are equipped with domed pistons and one spark plug.The flame must travel up and over the dome. That can be correctedwith two plugs, but a better way to go is to use the flat-top pistonconfiguration like Evolutions.

“Compression ratio is based on howthe bike will be ridden and how much HP is desired,” Deacon told me.”Use flat top pistons or J&E 30 degree entry pistons with S.T.Dbathtub chamber heads.”

valve comp.

Here’s a shot of the heavier Shovelhead valve on the right andthe lighter stem larger Evolution face for better flow.

The valve train in an Evolution is lighter with smallershaft diameter valves with a larger diameter face for better flow andvolume. “Use Kibblewhite or Manley thin stemmed valves,” Deaconmuttered and went back to work.

stem keeper set

Keeper kit from Precision Machine.

A company called Precision Machine offers a conversion kitto use Evo valves in your Shovelhead. “The kit contains the keepersto use Shovel upper collars,” Deacon added. “Also use cast ironvalve guides from Rowe for your specific application.”

shovel lifter, valve and block

Here’s a goddamn stock Shovel valve, lifter and lifter block.An Evo unit will fit right in.

The hydraulic lifters in Shovels are weak and oil poorly.The Bolt pattern for Shovels and Evo lifter blocks are the same, soyou can replace the Shovel lifter blocks with Evo units and a muchlarger automotive type lifter to improve valve train operation.

evo lifter, valve and block

Here’s the updated Evo valve train configuration. It will boltright in.

Deacon likes S&S oil pumps and doesn’t much care for JIMSreplacement lifters. “Yes, use an S&S oil pump,” Deacon snapped andraised a large torque wrench in my direction. “You will get morevolume for better top end oiling. With more volume you need morescavenging and the S&S pump delivers this as well. Also, Baisleyoffers an overdrive pump gear to provide even more pressure.


A comparison shot of a Shovelhead and Evo lifter.

With the above mods your Shovel won’t work so hard to spinthose heavy flywheels and the valve train will be lighter, moreproficient and flow more fuel, air and exhaust. The pistons will firemore efficiently and won’t be subject to as much heat. The onlyaspect of the Evolution that you might miss will be the flow abilityof the head design.

That’s it, build a Shovel that will last. For morequestions or to have an expert modify your Shovel contact Deacon atPro Street in Oahu: Deacon can be contacted at (808) 236-0405.

c/o The Hogpen
94-084 Leokane St. #B
Waipahu, Hi. 96797

Ride Forever,

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June 24, 2004 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

choppers only

DALLAS OFFICER FIRED FOLLOWING DWI CHARGE–FORT WORTH, Texas — A veteran Dallas police officer is now off the streets after being arrested for drunken driving.

The department fired senior corporal James Mismash on Tuesday following his arrest. The narcotics officer is facing a DWI charge.

Mismash has been on administrative leave since his arrest last month. Mismash spent 18 years on the Dallas police force.

–from Rogue

big kahuna



ridl - rogue

DWI PROSECUTOR FACES DWI CHARGES–LACONIA ? A man whose job is to prosecute alcohol-related offenses was arrested at Bike Week at Weirs Beach early yesterday, charged with drunken driving, according to State Police.

Assistant County Attorney Wayne P. Coull of Laconia was arrested by State Police after midnight (early Saturday morning), behind the Dexter Plaza and charged with operating under the influence of alcohol, first offense, said State Police Sgt. Dale St. Laurent.

–from Rogue

jose w cutie
The sorta famous Jose

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–As always, a bit late with the news, but at least I’m making something up. And making it up is the truth, nothing but the truth.By this time next week I’ll be in the shores of Oahu, hanging out with friends, having a good time, surfing and just getting away from all the madness. At the same time we’ve had a smorgasbord of bike related stuff on TV, I have not been able to watch it all, but have been taping for further viewing…. I have seen a lot of the stuff written on Your Shot, some like it some don’t, kind of the same way it is with the stuff I write. But you know what, all those shows, the same as what I write, is here to stay no matter what people say. No matter how much it’s hated or liked, it won’t go away. I much rather see the build off’s and Motorcycle mania every single week, as bad or good you might think they are, than those Monday shows, (need I mention any names?).

Sure not everyone has the personality, nor charisma that Jesse, Billy and Indian Larry have, but they all got something in their own right, and the best deal of all is that we all learn something or see how stuff is done by others. More so the mere mortals that have not a drop of comprehension towards what it takes to actually put a bike together. So bitch all you want or praise all you want. Like Bandit told me, the important part is to catch the audience…and that has been accomplished.

By the way and along the same lines, I don’t know how many times I’ve told people that read my stuff, not to take me too seriously, then again I have been very fortunate and in a weird way, proper, not to resort to calling names to anyone. Then again, no need to stoop that low. Fifth grade was such a long time ago…..

I’m in the process of getting a new laptop, if that happens before Hawaii, I will make sure to send photos and such, as everything is happening, I don’t know when Bandit and the girls will be joining us there, but if I can, I’ll send them.

Going back to the TV shows, don’t take everything as the gospel either, remember, the editing changes a few things here and there, so if they can go with a certain flaw, or a certain character, they will go with it. Also, we must be reminded that all those shows are not just for motorcycle people, they are for everyone else as well, so maybe what does not appeal to us, might appeal to others, and such is the way things are.

I’m out of here. By the next report my Sturgis Bobber should be almost complete and I will leave it to our readers if you want to see it here first, or just wait after Sturgis. Then again, it’s up to Michael Lichter as well……

Have a good week end, while some of you are bitching at what I write and claim that I’m an ass, moron, motherfucker, etc,etc….. I’ll make sure I’ll catch a wave for you and increasing my resume.

Later guys…. enjoy the week end

Jose…..The Bikernet “nobody”, unknown, wannabe..blah,blah,blah….Caribbean reporter.

jose banner

CV CARB TIPS–We mounted a Fantasy In Iron air cleaner on Busters Sportster and asked Pablo how to mess with the stock CV carb. Here’s what we had to say, ” We just mounted a new Fantasy in Iron air cleaner on a buddy’sbike. Can I adjust the CV carb? It seems to cough off the line,but the plugs are near perfect. One (the rear) is a little darkaround the base. Gimme some guidance, oh master.”

Here’s what the master told us: Check to see if the alum. plug has been removed from the idlesmixture boss under the carb all the way back by the carb spigot.This is where the carb plugs in the rubber gasket on the manifold.If its gone you can adjust the idle mixture just like any carb. Ifit’s not you have to remove it by drilling it out with a 5/32 dia.drill. Then screw in a sheet metal screw in the plug and pull itout.

Be carefull if you have to drill the plug. It’s only about a 1/8″thick. It’s easy to drill into the brass idle mixture screw. Sodrill easy Bro.

Most of the times if the carb is stock it needs a #45 slow jetwiththe mixture screw 2 to 3 turns out. Stock is #42 on the slow jet.If you have a high flow exhaust and air cleaner you’ll need a 180or185 main jet. You can also remove the slide, drill the vacuum porton the bottom to 1/8″ dia., this hole is off center. Try cutting 2coils of the spring for starters.

If the slides rubber gasket expands and won’t fit when trying toput the top back on stick the fucker in the freezer for 30 minutesor so. This shrinks the rubber diaphragm.

You can shorten the pump rod some. That will shorten the stroke of the accelerator rod. Again try adjusting the air fuel. Then tell me what the jets are in the carb if you can. You are at Sea level, if I remember right.

–PabloP.S. don’t put a fucken dynojet kit in it!! It makes your gas go tohell and doesn’t help performance. By the way how much is gas onthe Left Coast??


MILWAUKEE, Wis. – The Milwaukee World Festival Board of Directors and Michael F. Hupy, the attorney for three Outlaws Motorcycle Club members who filed a lawsuit against the organization, today announced an agreement to temporarily stay the case. As part of the agreement, the club members will delay litigation while Milwaukee World Festival implements an informal policy that individuals will not be removed from Summerfest solely for wearing Outlaws apparel. The policy will remain in effect until October, when both sides will review the matter. Festival security retains the right to eject any attendee – regardless of their clothing – for disruptive behavior or conduct.

The three Outlaws members allege in their lawsuit that they were unfairly ejected from the last year’s Summerfest for refusing to remove or cover apparel with the club symbol. Mr. Hupy said: “This is a fair agreement for both sides. The Outlaws have the freedom to wear their club logo. Milwaukee World Festival maintains the ability to enforce its security policies and help ensure a safe festival. It’s a win-win situation.” Hupy noted that he did not charge a fee to his clients and worked on this matter on a pro bono basis.

Howard Schnoll, president of Milwaukee World Festival, Inc., said his board is comfortable with the arrangement. “This is a workable agreement, and our Board is willing to put it in place on a trial basis for this year’s Summerfest,” he said. “Our goal is to create safe and fun events that all festival goers can enjoy, and this agreement will allow us to do that.”

If, after the 2004 festival season, The Outlaws and Milwaukee World Festival are both willing to continue the informal policy into the future, the agreement calls for the lawsuit to be dropped.

rally in the rockies

LOUISIANA LEGISLATURE BRINGS BACK MOTORCYCLE HELMET LAW– BATON ROUGE, La. — Helmets will again be mandatory attire for motorcycle riders on Louisiana highways beginning Aug. 15.The state Senate voted 26-12 on Thursday to reinstate the mandatory helmet law that was repealed in 1999 at the behest of then-Gov. Mike Foster.

“We had a governor at that time that felt that his head was hard enough that the didn’t have to wear one and nobody else should have to wear one,” joked Sen. Joel Chaisson, D-Destrehan. Chaisson is the Senate sponsor of the bill by Rep. Clara Baudoin, D-Carencro.

Current Gov. Kathleen Blanco supported reinstatement and is expected to sign the bill.Baudoin’s bill had languished on the House calendar for weeks but got a boost when Blanco lent her support. It passed the House on Tuesday.

Debate in the Senate — as in the House — centered on dueling statistics and an adult’s right to choose.”This is common-sense legislation that will save lives,” Chaisson said. He cited statistics found in a recent federal study to back up his claim.

Fifty-three motorcyclists were killed in Louisiana in 1997 and 1999, the two years before the repeal. That number grew to 111 in the first two full years after the repeal, 2000 and 2001, according to a study released last year by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Sen. Robert Barham, R-Oak Ridge, opposed the bill and noted LSU statistics showing the number of deaths per accident has not increased.

“We can only go so far with taking away choice from people,” Barham said.

But other senators argued that, despite a law requiring helmet-less riders to carry insurance, many riders are uninsured, meaning public hospitals often are left with the cost of treating injured riders. “It’s no longer a matter of public choice. We all pay,” said Sen. Robert Marionneaux, D-Livonia.

The Foster-backed 1999 law allowed anyone over 18 to ride without a helmet if they had at least $10,000 of bodily injury insurance.

Several organizations of motorcycle enthusiasts opposed reinstatement of the helmet law, claiming helmets impair vision and hearing and can contribute to accidents. They said better education and training of motorcyclists is needed to reduce accidents.

Chaisson noted that he has legislation pending in the House to require that new motorcycle operators go through approved courses, and that all motorcycle operators be required to obtain a motorcycle endorsement on their driver’s licenses and have an “M” sticker affixed to their license plate to signify that they have the proper endorsement.

–Associated press

–from Rogue

whos bike - chuck evans

BIKERNET BIKE SEARCH–I’m looking for the company that built this bike. I saw this bike at Myrtle Beach Bike Week a couple months ago. I forgot the name of the company , but I’m sure they were out of Kentucky. Hope seeing the pic will ring a bell for someone. The paint has the ghost flames with small skulls in the flames.

I’ve had this bike picture saved on my computer for over a year. Had no idea who built it. I saw it at ” broadway at the beach ” in Myrtle Beach in the spring. Couldn’t get a chance to speak to a salesman about buying it (too many people). I was going to contact them when I got back, but forgot the name of the company. any help would be appreciated. thanks ,

“chuck evans”

screamin eagle

SCREAMIN? EAGLE TEAM UNDER THE GUN AT GATEWAY–NHRA Rule Change Adds 40lbs. of Weight; Timing Forces Team to Test during Race

MILWAUKEE, Wis. (June 24, 2004) – The Screamin? Eagle/Vance & Hines team will be under the gun at Gateway International Raceway this weekend since the NHRA announced on Tuesday night an unprecedented rule amendment which changed the minimum weight for Pro Stock Bike push rod V-Twins from 575 pounds to 615 pounds. The rule change essentially becomes effective June 25 for the start of this weekend?s Sears Craftsman Nationals and does not give the team enough time to test the 40-pound weight increase before the start of the event.

?NHRA?s decision came as quite a shock to us. The timing and magnitude of the rule change is very frustrating at this point in the season, and since the team leaves for Gateway today, we will have no time to test before the race. But this team has overcome so much adversity, we believe we?ll get through this,? said Screamin? Eagle Racing Manager Anne Paluso.

?It will be tough to overcome the forty pound penalty and get back to a competitive position. Short term, we are very concerned about the effect of that much weight on the bike’s launch and down track performance. Without time for testing, we will have to use some or all of this weekend’s qualifying sessions to assure we still have competent motorcycles,? said Bob Farchione, Harley-Davidson Parts and Accessories chief engineer.

After six rounds of NHRA Pro Stock Bike competition, Screamin? Eagle rider Andrew Hines leads the class with 604 points, 185 points ahead of Suzuki rider Shawn Gann, in second with 419 points. Screamin? Eagle rider GT Tonglet is third with 393 points.

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ACCURATE ENGINEERING CLEARS ITS NAME– The Discovery Channel with their biker build off?s where well know custom bike builders compete against each other to assemble motorcycles from scratch, ride them together to a specific location and then have them judged by people at the event has become a very popular show.

They shoot days and days of footage and edit to a one hour or less show, so a lot of it is never seen. Some of it is repetitious in that there are only so many way to build a motorcycle but they must still keep the audiences interest.

This is done a few ways and one of them is to give the builders a time frame. This puts the pressure on and also taxes those that are supplying parts like engines and doing paint work. Every one has a schedule and expected to stay to it.

On a show that aired Monday August 21st where Chica from California went against Hank Young of Marietta Georgia the Discovery Channel moved the shoot date up for Young.

He was waiting for one of the Custom Built Engines from Berry Wardlaw of Accurate Engineering in Dothan Alabama which have become the choice of many of the shows winners.

In the show Young calls Accurate Engineering looking for the engine and hams up about not knowing where it is or what he was going to do.

The Right Thing To Do Would Have Been To Explain That Discovery Had Changed The Schedule. But that is not as interesting to the viewer as hamming it up.

The fact is the engine was not due for delivery for another four days. Berry worked 36 hours straight to finish it and had two of his people deliver it.


There was a little blurb at the end when Young was riding through the parking lot about how good the engine sounded but you really had to be listening to hear it over the exhaust of the bike.

I have known Berry Wardlaw for a long time and I knew it was not like him to miss a delivery date, so I called him and found out what the true story was.

Maybe the people at Discovery need to stop by his shop one of these days to see what actually goes into building one of these show winning engines.

Discovery Channel: People like watching your shows so please do not insult their intelligence with cheap shots any more


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K&N FILTERS LOSES STAFF MEMBER–Tom Cates, Senior Sales Manager, Powersports Division, of K&N Filters lost a long battle with cancer and passed away on 18th June, 2004.His major motorcycle interest was the flat track scene, and in 1955 he became a rookie to begin seven years of regular competition.From rookie status, he progressed to the National ranks in 1957, riding #32, and continued to ride under that number until 1962.He achieved success in both series championships and individual meetings.

The Flat Track community will pay its own tribute to Tom by dedicating the meeting at Del Mar to his memory.After employment by BSA and Triumph he was asked by Ken Johnson and Norm McDonald, the founders of K&N, to join the company as General Manager.

Tom maintained his interest in dirt track as K&N was involved in the sport as it helped out with sponsorship schemes.Another of Tom’s interests was flying and, as a private pilot, Tom often flew his own experimental airplane.

A memorial service is to be held at K&N Engineering Headquarters, 1455 Citrus Avenue, Riverside, California on Saturday, 26th June, between 2pm and 4pm where Don Emde is scheduled to pay tribute.The family has requested no gifts or flowers, but donations to the City of Hope and Beckman Research Institute.Donations can be made online through donate or by mail to City of Hope, Central Processing, 1500 E Duarte Road, Duarte, California 91010. Please mark donations as via ‘K&N Engineering’ – this will enable the company to forward cards to the Cates family.

Tom is survived by his wife Georgia, daughters Tina, Anita and Tomi, six grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

Riverside, California, USA
Tel: 9098 826 4000

THAT’S IT, LET’S BLAZE–Regarding this monster garage opportunity I told Jesse I’m not a master builder, just an old school hack, and that was an honest assumption. It’s a perplexing situation. I’m intimidated by all this talent and don’t feel I muster the ability to compete, but I’ll be working with some of the best in the industry, Don Hotop, Lou Falcigno, Carl Morrow and Marc Rowe. Maybe they’ll make me look good. Either way, I know this will be a crash course in bike building.

jims tranny
My JIMS 6-speed just rolled into the shop and I’m about to mock up our next chopper with the Paughco springer and custom rigid frame. Again, I feel challenged by all the television talent and builders I’ve watched grow over the last 35 years. How can I build a bike that steps up to the plate? I’ve got a few notions, but they don’t involve the level of fabrication Jesse or Chica are capable of, or Eddie Trotta is responsible for on a weekly basis. I suppose it’s still a good thing to raise the bar, kick some ass and push yourself to the next level. Besides it’s all about freedom and doing your own thing.

bandit n shovel

We’ll see, if I’m up for the challenge, and you’ll see this bike come together on Bikernet.

Ride Forever,


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