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September 30, 2004 Part 4


Continued From Page 3


BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–As I sit here, well past midnight, trying to figure out what the hell I am going to write about? I’ll let you know a couple things, there’s a turmoil of “things” going on, I know, nothing new, but without going into full news reporting, here’s the scoop.

Hank Young and Cole Foster are heading down to San Diego from Monterey with the Discovery cameras following closely, if anyone is close to that area, go check the bikes out. Speaking of Discovery, we found out that Arlen Ness is going against Roland Sands; I’ll let the cat out of the bag on this one, riding and finishing, in none other than Puerto Rico. Yes, voting will take place at our event, Puerto Rico Bike weekend, in Rincon. Rock on guys!

Again, it’s not that I am blurting the whole thing out, since you all know that gossip runs and spreads faster than lit gunpowder.I just want to take a moment to remember a good friend who passed away a month (to the date) ago. Larry, you are still with us. I would also take the liberty to ask our readers to log in their site get the shirts, get whatever you want, those guys have to keep on rolling, and want to keep Larry’s work strong.

I really don’t think I will be reaching the normal rant level today, maybe since we have been busy as hell. Our master mechanic is in the hospital getting a hip transplant and the bikes to be done for Rincon don’t even fit at the shop anymore…. So what do I do when the shit is hitting the fan? Grab my 60 Pan and try to finish it, little details, but the only way you find the “need” to work is by doing stuff you enjoy. Not because it’s my bike, just because it’s what I like doing.

So what do I like? I like working on older bikes, doing cool stuff out of old beat up bikes, just to beat them up again. I hate fixing other people’s mistakes, which end up, at my shop. I really don’t like working with frames or whatever else that I don’t like….I guess it all sums up that I don’t do stuff that I don’t feel like, and I am way over fixing bikes…..But we have to pay bills, and customers waiting…So we do it.


Before I go over to full on rant mode, Happy Birthday to Wicho, send the gifts to me, more so if they are monetary.The Chopper Freak short sleeve shirts are still on sale for $20.00 with shipping, send us an e-mail or call the shop 787-277-0633, make sure to say you saw it at Bikernet.We are cleaning up the old shop and have box after box of take off parts. I will (whenever I can) get a list of all these parts, also we are going to clean up the new shop, there’s a lot of stuff that needs to be replaced with newer stock, so I might have what you need at a good deal.

You know, last Saturday we got a bunch of the old bikes out from the shop, I am in an industrial area, so a Saturday is kinda quiet all around, and that translates to one thing, Mayhem time! Even though we did not take off on a road trip, the burnouts, or maybe chirping of tires, some friends trying to get the hang of a suicide clutch, and the same shenanigans as always happen to be a way to loose tension and just get the mind out of the normal shit. I can’t say it enough times, all these old bikes, bobs, chops, etc are the coolest bikes to have, not only because they are cool, but more important because they are so much fun. From kicking them, to laughing like asses when a buddy stalled the pan, that is what this whole deal is about, not money, not fame, not magazines, it’s the time you spend with friends, the short rides, or even helping out a friend that busted up his clutch. I guess people has the wrong idea about this, what we call……what the fuck do we call it?

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It’s not about the flashiest, fastest, more billet, widest tire, hottest chick (well the hottest chick scores plenty points) it’s just about being silly, it’s just going back to what you did before, money or no money, TV or no TV, this is not about money, it?s about creating and being comfortable enough so you don’t have to worry about bills. Why? So you can go, fuck around and have fun. That’s why.

See you next week.
Jose Bikernet Caribbean report.

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CARLISLE EVENT ROCKS–Great weather, food and fun make this year’s York Open House a successMore than 19,000 motorcycle fans attend 20th annual event, Sept. 23-25

YORK, PA – The 20th annual York Open House brought 19,033 visitors to theYork (Pa.) Fairgrounds & Expo Center on Sept. 23-25. Fun and festivities,including live music, stunt riders and great food, highlighted the event forHarley-Davidson fans and all motorcycle enthusiasts. More than 150 vendorsoffered all sorts of motorcycle accessories. Three brand-new motorcycles,worth more than $25,000, were given away during the show. The free Kunzlerbrand hot dogs were another big hit more than 20,000 hot dogs given away atthe event.

The York Open House LLC gave a new motorcycle to a lucky attendee each dayof the York Open House. On Thursday, Kathy Grossman of Dixon, Ill., won the2005 Buell Blast. Joe Suprik of Lancaster, Pa., won the 2005 Harley-DavidsonXLH-883 on Friday. The 2005 Harley-Davidson FXST Softail Standard was won byDave Runk of Pequea, Pa., on Saturday.

Famous customizer Kendall Johnson, who has been showcased on the DiscoveryChannel’s Biker Build-Off, was one of the special guests at the York OpenHouse. Another guest was Chef Biker Billy, who literally cooks with fire,giving cooking demonstrations with audience participation. Biker Billy cooksdelicious dishes with many kinds of peppers, garlic and other spicyingredients.

Activities included the Ball of Steel Stunts, with motorcycle stunt ridersperforming open-throttle action inside a steel globe. Riding upside down,sideways and dicing between each other, three riders rode in the globe atonce. Also, Florida Extreme Riding Exhibitions (FERE) rider Adam Holbrookperformed extreme motorcycling shows, demonstrating the agility needed tobalance and jump a motorcycle over obstacles, including his father.

Friday night, the annual York Bike Night drew more than 2,000 motorcycles todowntown York, which organizers say could be a record number of bikes.Entertainment, live music and vendors highlighted York Bike Night. Threebands played while motorcyclists and local townspeople alike enjoyed thefood and festivities.

Back at the York Fairgrounds, a Bike & Rider Judged Show included 25 classesfor Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Larry Crabtree of Ridgewater, Va., won Bestin Show with his customized 2003 Harley-Davidson ElectroGlide Classic.

That’s just a taste. Don’t miss the next show.

fart joke - skooter

AKMED THE ARAB–Akmed the Arab came to the United States from the Middle East, and hewas only here a few months when he became very ill. He went to doctorafter doctor, but none of them could help him.

Finally, he went to an Arab doctor who said, “Take dees bocket, go intode odder room, poop in de bocket, pee on de poop, and den put your headdown over de bocket and breathe in de fumes for ten minutes.

Akmed took the bucket, went into the other room, pooped in the bucket,peed on the poop, bent over and breathed in the fumes for ten minutes.Coming back to the doctor he said, “It worked. I feel terrific! What waswrong with me?”

The doctor said, “You were homesick.”

the real thing - ron copple

LATEST ART BY SCOTT JACOBS– David Uhl and Tom Fritz that carry my highest recommendations. All new editions are extremely limited (50 to 185 pcs) and some (Rose) have sold out in a matter of weeks. If you like any of these works please contact me to check availability and price.

Ron Copple
Artists Riding Together

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OFFICIAL WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP OF BIKE BUILDING COUNTDOWN– THE Official World Championship of Custom Bike Building looks set to justify its name with strong contenders entered from Europe and America.The event is scheduled to take place at Custom Chrome’s Dealer Show, to be held at Morgan Hill, California, October 8th to 10th.

At the time of writing, there are well-known names among the entries for the OEM class and other talented builders seeking the award for the top HR3 kit bike.Understandably, the Freestyle class has attracted the greatest number of entrants in search of the $25,000 top prize and accolade of being World Champion Custom Bike Builder.From across the Atlantic, bikes from some of the best of the builders from Europe are set to face off against some of the top names from the US.

Judging will include names from the music and custom building scenes as well as representatives from BIKERNET.COM, Iron Works, V-Twin, Cycle World and Hot Rod Bike magazines.Without doubt, the panel faces an extremely difficult task in trying to grade the efforts of so many acknowledged masters of their craft.

The entry forms disclose no more than hints as to what we might expect to see.Declared details indicate builders have relied heavily on aftermarket engines with 80cuin the smallest displacement.The oldest bike appears to be a 1937 Knucklehead but later models predominate.Intriguingly, there are transmissions with three-, four-, five- and six-speeds.

What is the winning formula? We’ll see next week.

Morgan Hill, California, USA
Tel: 408 778 0500
Fax: 408 778 7370

BIKERNET BARROOM ETHICS–A completely inebriated man walked into a bar and, after staring forsome time at the only woman seated at the bar, walked over to her,placed his hand up her skirt and began fondling her.

She jumped up and slapped him silly.

He immediately apologized andexplained, “I’m sorry. I thought you were my wife. You look exactlylike her.”

“Why you drunken, worthless, insufferable asshole!” she screamed.

Funny,” he muttered, “you even sound exactly like her.”

–from Rogue


S&S NAMES GARY LARSON DIRECTOR OF LOGISTICS– At the official ?Revving Cutting? Ceremony for S&S?s La Crosse facility, S&S President, Brett Smith, announced Gary Larson?s promotion to Director of Logistics. As the newest member of the S&S senior management team and one of three directors, Gary will now report directly to the President.

?Gary has added an element of professionalism and knowledge to our team from the first day he started here as Purchasing Manager, working for VP-Manufacturing, Mike Alexander,? said Brett. ?I knew it was only a matter of time before Gary worked his way up the organization. The advent of an entirely new facility enabled him to shine and take on much greater responsibility. He did that by overseeing our expansion to La Crosse. I really didn?t have to worry about it at all with him in charge.?

?I had a great team of people to work with during this move, especially Pete Marasovich, who was also given more responsibility today as my new Distribution Manager. So far working at S&S has been very exciting for me and I know I made the right choice to come and join this team. I am looking forward to all the developments that will take place at this facility over the next several months.? said Gary.

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BUBBA HITS A LIVE RADIO HOME RUN– T. Bubba Bechtol, part time City Councilman from Pensacola, Florida, was asked on a local live radio talk show the other day just what he thought of the allegations of torture of the Iraqi prisoners. His reply prompted his ejection from the studio, but to thunderous applause from the audience.

“If hooking up an Iraqi prisoner’s scrotum to a car’s battery cables will save one American GI’s life, then I have just two things to say:

“Red is positive”

“Black is negative.”

welcome to sturgis sign

STURGIS 2004 ON BIKERNET–Extensive reports on the Black Hills Rally are storming onto the Bikernet Home Page. Reports from all over the world contributed with stories from the Caribbean, North Carolina, Baltimore, Florida, Milwaukee and more. Check it out, and don’t blame me, if there’s something wrong.


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BIKERNET REPORTER EMBEDDED IN FLORIDA WEATHER–We made it through the hurricane safely and no one hurt though the house did take a beating. We did everything we could to prepare and did very well considering she came right at us.

Had the garage door secured and reinforced but it came straight at it and tried to rip it down. Pat and I spent the last 2 hours of the storm reinforcing the door. Shit the bikes and tool were in there.Some roof damage, electrical and appliances. It is coming together and we are repairing a little every day.

Yeah, it hurt us but when I see what it did to others, I am thankful.

I will be in touch as more time allows. Today is the first time I could get on line. Using lap top and phone as Road Runner is out and desk top also took a hit.


CH - jimike
” Jim Bortles latest creation. Not a BikerBuilder-Off bike, but we love it anyway. Flames by Crazy Horse.”

BIKERNET CRAZYHORSE PAINT REPORT–I’m writing this on Wednesday. Today the builders for an upcoming BikerBuild off Show are riding their creations up to Memphis from Alabama. EricGorges of Voodoo Choppers is competeing against Cory Ness. My husband Jimis traveling along and calling me daily with updates. Wed was his first dayon the road with them. As for the bikes he said Cory’s bike is prettyradical, a departure from the usual Ness style. He says Cory’s choice ofmotor will blow people’s minds. I asked him about Voodoo’s creation.

“It’sfrickin’ wild, just wild.”

There’s something uniquely wonderful about traveling with a group of custombuilt bikes. When I rode with a pack of choppers in Sturgis, it was likegoing back in time. There’s about 15 bikes traveling in the group and a fewvery small gas tanks.

“It feels like we’re stopping every 35 miles,” Jim reported. But Jimis having a good time and that’s what it is all about. I know he’ll have agood time tonight. How can you not have fun in Memphis? Unless of course seventornados strike the city at once. I can see these guys on Beale St, justtearing it up. I can’t wait for my next update.

Thursday morning, I again heard from Jimmy as they traveled across Arkansas.The group was pretty beat from a day on the road. The most severe problemwas that the Memphis Marriot did not have ice machines. Instead there arefridges in the rooms. Maybe there were ice machines but the guys could notfind them. Jimmy told me of waking up to a spectacular view of theMississippi River. Unfortunately he did take a picture as he forgot tochange the disc in the camera.

“You change it?” he asked. He’s going to try to findthe bag of discs I gave him but will also buy a disposable camera at thenext stop. So one way or another, we will bring all the loyal readers ofBikernet, photos from the latest Biker Build-Off.

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We have a bunch of sweet rides in this month’s Reader’s Showcase. One of myfavorites is this brutal ’57 Panhead. The owner is a renegade shop teacherwho is passing on the chopper torch to a new generation. I bet his class isfull up.

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BIKERS AGAINST DANGEROUS DRIVERS (B.A.D.D. Inc.)– Chapters are already forming in Canada, the U.S. and Australia.I guess it was a brainstorm of an idea that was started in a group that I belong to when too many times it was posted that a motorcycle rider was seriously hurt or killed by an automobile. Then we hear later that the laws are so lax in their penalties for a death or injury of a biker. I know this first hand, because 2 years ago, two of my best friends were on their way home. A truck pulled into their lane, attempting a left hand turn, and hit them head on, killing them. The person who did this got the maximum penalty in N.Y., which was a $100 fine and 15 days in jail. He was even driving with a restricted license and should not have even been there. He killed two people.

I am sure that most everyone knows of a similar accident.

Well, since then I have been advocating for biker rights. When Angie Arcand(Founder of B.A.D.D. Inc.) started B.A.D.D. Inc. I thought, wow, this is a great idea and I am sure that you will too. We hope to go far in the movement for stiffer penalties in Yield the Right of Way Accidents. Our focus is broader to help protect motorcycle riders on the road from any dangerous driver of an automobile.

Leslie Mondrick
U.S.A. Head of Operations
National Delegate B.A.D.D. Inc.

kent lucky devil
Kent from Lucky Devil. Watch his Chop-Off Bike fly together on Bikernet.

FIRE-UP THE TORCHES–That’s it for Thursday’s news. If you’re a Cantina Member, I’m about to post a new Digital Discovery that will blow your mind. The editorial list for week’s end includes a complete build story on the Lucky Devil Texas Build-Off contender. Sturgis reports on the best bikes and babes and best Paint are rolling in from Frank Kaisler and CrazyHorse, JoAnn Bortels. RFR’s shots of the Texas Chop-Off are burning holes in my computer, and two Sportster related tech articles are hanging fire.

Next week Custom Chrome launches their annual dealer show. I need to complete a couple of American Rider articles, before heading to San Jose. Oh shit, and a rare Indian Altoona flat track racer article for American Iron. Watch for this one. There could be some hot additional news on the horizon, but I’m taking it slow. The new Bikernet stickers are in so send us those self-address-stameped envelopes. Our new address is at the bottom of the page.

Ride Forever,


If you need stickers for any reason, Chris is the man.
Read More

September 30, 2004 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

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CHICAGO SUN-TIMES COLUMNIST NEIL STEINBERG LABELS MOTORCYCLISTS AS ORGAN DONORS– If you believe Chicago Sun-Times columnist Neil Steinberg, motorcycle riders are pretty sure bets to become organ donors simply because they ride motorcycles.

What’s worse, Steinberg thinks it’s a joke.

In a column with the headline “Hop on a motorcycle, fill out your donor card,” that appeared in the September 22 issue of the Chicago Sun-Times, Steinberg wrote: “Why are there many more heart transplants performed in the summer than in the winter?

Outraged, AMA Public Information Director Tom Lindsay dashed off a quick e-mail to Steinberg to set him straight.

“Speaking on behalf of this nation’s seven million motorcyclists, we found your characterization of motorcyclists-as-organ-donors insulting and ill-informed. Perhaps your intent was dark humor or tongue-in-cheek commentary — but comments like yours are irresponsible and promote a malicious and unjustified bias against motorcyclists.”

Steinberg’s response: “Thank you for your comment. There will be no retraction.”If you would like to let Chicago Sun-Times columnist Neil Steinberg know how you feel about his column, you may e-mail him .

FYI- The chance of you dying in an automobile accident is 1 in 247, yet for motorcycles its 1 in 1214. These are published US government statistics but judging from your prose you’re too ignorant to find the data, let alone digest it.

–Mark Kalan

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Here’s a shot of the trailer I have.


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SHOVELHEAD DEAL OF THE WEEK–Dr. Hamster’s Shovel’s for sale. It’s about a ’75 FL in a Paughco frame, with a hot rod engine. It’s fresh and ready to ride for only $9,800. Drop me a line if you’re interested: or (310)830-0630.

205 MPH SPEEDING TICKET– That’s right, a kid got popped for allegedly riding his motorcycle at 205 mph. Ever since a State Patrol pilot clocked Samuel Armstrong Tilley’s 2002 Honda RC51 going a quarter-mile in 4.39 seconds on September 18, people in chat rooms, garages and biker bars from Sturgis, South Dakota, to Los Angeles have been buzzing about the alleged feat on Highway 61 near Wabasha.

“Certainly anyone who flouts the law to that extent is seen by some as a latter-day Robin Hood, flying in the face of authority and doing stuff we all want to do but common sense stops us from,” said David Edwards, editor-in-chief of Cycle World, a magazine based in Newport Beach, California.

Edwards doubted Tilley’s bike could have gone so fast. “More likely, the cop with the stopwatch had an itchy trigger finger,” he told the Star Tribune of Minneapolis.

Jims Banner

JIMS RACE KIT AND NEW CATALOG A RACE kit for the Twin Cam engine is a new performance product offered by JIMS.The supplied components build a complete engine to replace the stock motor fitted to Dyna and FL models.The new motor has a displacement of 120cu in and tests at JIMS have shown 125 horsepower at the rear wheel at 6,200rpm with 121ftlb of torque at 3,750rpm, running on 91 octane pump fuel.JIMS supplies the crankcase assembly as a built-up assembly.The kit features a 4.5in stroke crankshaft already installed in crankcases with sufficient material to support bores of 4.800in.Barrels in the kit have 4.125in bores containing 10:1 compression forged pistons.Carburetor and ignition system are Screamin’ Eagle items.

JIMS tells us an experienced technician will take between four and six hours to assemble the rest of the motor with the full instructions provided.The kit is offered uncoated or in black or silver powdercoat to match stock transmissions.

For all the new products from JIMS, check the new 2004 catalog which is offered in both paperback and CD format.This latest issue contains even more pages dedicated to high-performance engine parts, transmission and service tools for Harley-Davidson motorcycles.The CD version of the catalog also includes all the instruction sheets normally supplied with new JIMS products.

Camarillo, California, USA
Tel: 805 482 6913
Fax: 805 482 9224

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EXCLUSIVE JOB OPENING AT PRO-ONE–Pro-One Performance Manufacturing, a premium manufacturer of top quality motorcycle parts & accessories, is seeking a creative and talented Parts designer/fabricator to help us expand our product line. Must be knowledgeable in all aspects of motorcycles, R & D, CNC machining and programming CAD/CAM. Salary commensurate with experience. Major medical, 401K, and profit sharing. Excellent opportunity for the right person with right attitude.

Please email resume to

screamin eagle

RICH KING BATTLES TO SECOND-PLACE FINISH AT DU QUOIN MILE–Screamin? Eagle Team on the Podium in AMA Grand National Season Finale.

DU QUOIN, Ill. (Sept. 25, 2004) ? Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts rider Rich King prevailed in a race-long battle for second position in the AMA Grand National main held at the mile track at the Du Quoin State Fairgrounds. It was the 17th and final event on the 2004 AMA Progressive Insurance Flat Track Championship. King was among seven riders who held second place during the 25-lap race, all trailing Gerencer Harley-Davidson?s/Kerstings Cycle/Saddlemen rider Kevin Atherton, who took the lead on lap two and then cruised to an easy victory?his first of the season.

?What a thrilling way to end the season,? said Harley-Davidson Racing Manager Anne Paluso. ?Even though Atherton took the lead early, we saw a classic mile battle for second place among some of the top racers in this series. Rich did what he does best and put the Screamin? Eagle team on the podium one more time this season.?

rick king racing
Rich King

Quality Checked Pre-Owned Ford/Lancaster Harley-Davidson rider Chris Carr finished third on the Du Quoin Mile. Carr wrapped up a season by claiming his sixth Grand National title on Friday night, when he qualified for the indoor short-track race at Du Quoin. He finished the season with 298 points?38 points clear of KTM USA/Jones Powersports/Mid-America Harley-Davidson rider Joe Kopp. Carr won six races during the 2004 AMA Progressive Insurance Flat Track Championship season.

King started the afternoon with a strong qualifying run, placing second in the first heat behind Atherton, who was already showing the speed that would allow him to dominate at Du Quoin.

At the start of the Grand National main, Kopp led the first lap before Atherton passed for the lead. Atherton went on to build a cushion that, at one point, extended to more than half a straight-away. Meanwhile, King was dicing in a pack that included Kopp and his KTM USA/Jones Powersports/Mid-America Harley-Davidson teammate Kenny Coolbeth, Carr, Coziahr Harley-Davidson/National Cycle rider Johnny Murphree, and Bartels? Harley-Davidson/Corbin rider Jay Springsteen. The riders in the pack gained and lost positions on each lap. King ran as high as second position and dropped back as far as eighth before settling into second on lap 18. King dropped back to third when he was passed by Murphree on lap 22, and then to fourth when Carr got by on lap 23. But the Screamin? Eagle rider pushed his Harley-Davidson XR750 past Carr on lap 24, and played the draft perfectly to come across the finish line second. Murphree was shuffled back to fifth place behind Carr and Springsteen on the last lap.

Second place on the Du Quoin mile earned King 19 points and moved him up to twelfth in final season points. King?s other two podium results included a win in the spring race at the Springfield Mile in Springfield, Ill., and a third at Farley Speedway in Farley, Iowa.

The Screamin’ Eagle Flat Track team is sponsored by Matco Tools.

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THE TBEAR T-SHIRT REPORT–Keeping with TBearWear’s policy of helping out kids,I made up some custom t-shirts for the kids at John F. Kennedy High School in Bloomington, Minnesota, that made the Bikernet and TBearWear steel signs, as a thank you and to let them know that people appreciate their hard work.

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It’s gratifying to know, in this day and age, that there are teachers out there who can still inspire kids to learn.My heart felt thanks to Kevin Baas and his shop class kids for taking an interest in learning and trying to be the best they can be.



BIKERNET FARMING ADVICE–An old farmer owned a large farm with a nice pond in the back forty. It was fixed up nice: picnic tables, horseshoe courts, and some apple and peach trees.

One evening the old farmer decided to go down to the pond, as he hadn’t been there for a while, and look it over. He grabbed a five gallon bucket to bring back some fruit.

As he neared the pond, he heard voices shouting and laughing with glee. As he came closer, he saw it was a bunch of young women skinny-dipping in his pond.

He made some noise so the women would be aware of his presence, and they all went to the deep end of the pond.

One of the women shouted to him, “We’re not coming out until you leave!”

The old man frowned, “I didn’t come down here to watch you ladies swim naked or make you get out of the pond naked.”

Holding the bucket up he said, I’m here to feed the alligator.”

–from RFR

Continued On Page 4

Read More

September 30th, 2004 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

mike pullin

BIKERNET STEALTH REPORT FROM NORTH CAROLINA–Not a lot to report on this week. It has been kinda slow and quiet. I guess I will just mention a few things that come to mind.

Last weekend was the national open house for Harley-Davidson. To sum it up, more of the same thing. The really strange part is that two of their paint colors are called “Chopper Blue” and “Chopper Pearl Blue.” I don’t get it, but I guess they are trying some way to cash in on the chopper craze?

It is hard to believe summer is over. It seems the older you get the faster time passes by. There is still some good riding weather left to ride around here, but you know inside the cold is coming. With that though comes the winter projects so it is not all gloom and doom.

I’ve ridden for the past week. That’s the best news. No back pain after the surgery. Not being able to ride for 7-1/2 weeks makes me apppreciate my ability to ride in a whole new light.

The A.H.D.R.A drag races come to Rockingham October 9th and 10th. I plan on making the ride to the races. It is always a good time. There is also a swap meet the same weekend in Salisbury, NC, the same site as the Smoke-Out.

I will close out with this, “Remember life is fragile and precious” and that “All men die, yet very few really live!” So go out and live like it’s your last day!

Until next week!

pro one cast mirrors

NEW REFLECTIONS FROM PRO-ONE– PRO-ONE has just expanded their unique line of custom mirrors with a group of die cast models designed to offer high quality and cutting edge style at a down to earth price. The DIAMOND, BLADE and IRON CROSS styles, shown here, are just a sample of the new offerings. These three styles are supplied with both 3 ? and 5-inch long stocks. Head sizes vary from 2 ? x 2 ? to 5 long x 3-inch high.

Adjustment tension is made easily using a pair of flush mount cap screws on back. Each of the mirror assemblies is finished in show quality chrome and will fit just about any Custom, Stock Harley or Metric Cruiser model. Starting at just $39.95 these mirrors offer PRO-ONE quality and function at less than half the price of the company?s billet mirrors. For complete details call 800-884-4173 or go to

biker joke about dates

NEW WHITEHORSE CATALOG–You will see for the first time in our catalog a host of quality ridingjackets, pants, boots, gloves and helmets from top manufacturers likeFirstGear, Cortech, Motophoria, and Nolan. After testing here atWhitehorse, we picked these as the best buys available to make your ridingcomfortable, stylish, and enjoyable.

Motorcycle lighting systems from PIAA, and an array of innovative accessorymounting systems from RAM are also new to this catalog. To help you getpower to your electrical accessories, you’ll want to review “A Crash Coursein Motorcycle Electrical Connectors” That will show youwhat’s available for sockets, plugs, cables, and kits in the popularPowerlet line for powering GPS units, battery chargers, cell phones, heatedvests, radar detectors, and more.

And if you want to listen to your favorite music while you ride, or talkwith your passenger without shouting, find out more about our new IMC helmetcommunication systems. They offer trouble-free performance, crystal-clearaudio, and they’re available at prices you’ll like.

Call (800-531-1133) or email if you havequestions about any of our products, or if we can help you with sizing andselection. Donna, Jeff the Gadget Guy, and Kelly know all of our productswell and enjoy taking the time to get you just what you need and want.

Whitehorse Press
107 East Conway Road
Center Conway, NH 03813-4012

anal tv - skooter

7th ANNUAL OKLAHOMA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP ALL HARLEY DRAGS– this Saturday Nite October 2nd at Thunder Valley Raceway Park in Noble Oklahoma just south of Oklahoma City. A FINE contingent of Top Fuel Harleys – Top Alcohol Harleys & All types of Sportsman Trophy Harley Racers running everything from Hot Street Stockers to Monster Motored Choppers to Drag Modified Harleys are HEADING to THUNDER VALLEY RACEWAY PARK.

Along with the “BIG DRAGS” there’ll be a CHOPPER BIKE SHOW – LIVE BANDS – FIREWORKS –



biker in line of cops - b. shroyer

WELD RACING–A NEW WHEEL PROCESS AND EVENT– ‘FORGEWIRE’ is the first of a new line of billet wheels from Weld, and is to be known as the ‘Flare Series’.Made from a single piece of billet aluminum, these wheels have the appearance of wire wheels.

The light weight and strength inherent in one-piece construction is also said to greatly reduce the possibility of run out at the rim. Styling effects can be carried on to the hub and add to a 3-D effect created by the revolving wheel.The aluminum used is virgin, aircraft-quality material.

Finished wheels are backed by a lifetime structural warranty, with the chrome guaranteed for five years.The Flare Series will only be available for post-2000 models and the current range of sizes is 18 x 10.5, 18 x 8.5, 21 x 3.25 and 21 x 2.15in.

The new series of wheels will be on display at Weld’s first annual Burn-Out and BBQ.This takes place on Saturday, October 9th, at the company headquarters in Kansas City.Attractions include a Pit Crew Challenge, tours of the plant and displays of show cars, race cars and motorcycles.Music, food and drink will be provided and there is a promise of ‘plenty of burn-outs’.WELD RACING MOTORCYCLEDiamond Bar, California, USATel: 909 861 9422 (Toll free 866 753 4289)Fax: 909 861 9344E-mail:

jet in driveway - scooter

JAY LENO SUES ORANGE COUNTY CHOPPERS– News on the radio in Florida is that Jay Leno is suing Orange County Choppers because the bike they built for him has serious problems, and they can?t or will not fix it. Ha No Surprise There.

There was also a mention that Leno was not the only one complaining about motorcycles from them.


1983 Indian Larry pic

INDIAN LARRY MEMORIAL–I’ve received a number of e-mails asking about Indian Larry. The news travels slow in some parts, so here’s Rogue’s tribute to the man for all who missed the sad news.–Bandit

I know you have all heard the name Indian Larry. You have read about him and seen him on TV. You have seen him on the Discovery Channel and Biker Build-Offs around the country. Some of you even had the opportunity to meet him. By now you know that he died doing what he loved, riding his motorcycle while at the Liquid Steel Show Bike Show in Charlotte North Carolina.

Larry was performing his famous Iron Cross demonstration for a crowd estimated to be over 8,000 where he stands on the seat of his motorcycle and rides it while his arms are outstretched. For some reason the bike slowed and acted erratic throwing him to the ground. He was airlifted to the hospital but never regained consciousness.

Larry with group of kids

A Memorial Service was held for him at his shop located at 151 N. 14th Street in Brooklyn New York on September 19, 2004. The streets surrounding the shop for 3 blocks in any direction were full of motorcycles and people that came to pay their respects. This included many well known motorcycle people in the industry from all over the country, people that knew him personally, clubs, organizations, those that knew about him and even some of the motorcycle squad from the New York Police Department. The turn out was tremendous and rightfully so.

Many people had private ceremonys prior and after the official one. Larry left us way to soon, but he did leave his mark on all of us in one way or another. Good News is that the Shop Will Continue to Stay Open and keep his memory alive


Long will we remember this man !

INDIAN LARRY 1949 – 2004


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florida joke - rogue





–from Rogue

Continued On Page 3

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September 30, 2004 Part 1



Hey, we’re rolling into October and I’m planning my hiding place for the airing of the 50th episode of Monster Garage on October 11th. Apparently Jesse’s posted shots of the bike, we built, on his site, although the production company expressly forbids that we release any shots prior to the airing of this episode. Watch out for the new American Rider. I covered the build, but didn’t release any shots of the completed machine. You’ll just have to hang on for the complete build on the Discovery Channel, Monday, October 11, check your local listing for time.

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Let’s hit the news running:

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NEW 4TH ANNUAL CRAZYHORSE PROJECT–Jim and I are building our 4th Crazy Horse Chopper. The next project for Crazy Horse Choppers is another gooseneck framed bike. We have hung an old ’40 springer front end on the frame. The tank is very special as it is the first paint job I ever completed. Painted in 1979, unfortunately, the paint will be destroyed as Jim moves the tank mounts and stretches it. The tank is also extremely rare.

CH - tnk

I’m trying to wrap up our desisions about motor and tranny this week. It seems like a Shovelhead is the only choice. This bike will have attitude and a Shovelhead motor is all about that. Jim will be chopping on the frame as soon as he gets back from traveling with the Cory Ness vs Voodoo Choppers Biker Build-Off bunch.

I have an idea for the paint that Jim will probabaly hate, but I want to do it, I have to do it. I’m burning up waiting to try out this paint job.

Can’t tell ya’ll what it will be yet. But this is one time where the WIFE on the Crazy Horse team is not gonna back down. He got his slots on my BDL covers, I’m doing this mystery paint scheme! Or else he can sleep out in the shop.

Crazy Horse Painting

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BIKERNET CODE OF THE WEST TRAINING–A dude (yuppie ? rub) walks into the bar carrying a shotgun in one hand, a bucket ofshit in the other, and with a cat sitting on his shoulder. He walksup to the bar and orders a drink. The bartender proceeds to pour theman a drink. With that the man throws back his drink, cocks hisshotgun, blows away the bucket of shit, which scares the cat off hisshoulder, and finally chases the cat out of the bar never to return.

Five days later the man returns; a shotgun in one hand, a bucket ofshit in the other, and a cat upon his shoulder. He proceeds to walkup to the bar and orders himself a drink. The bartender, obviouslyannoyed at having to spend several hours cleaning up all the shitfrom the man’s last visit, interrupted bitterly, “What the hell doyou want?”

“Gimme a drink, goddamnit,” responded the man.

“No way, not after your last escapade,” snapped the bartender.

“But bartender, I’m in training,” replied the man.

“Training! Training for what?” questioned the bartender.

“I’m training to be a Biker,” responded the man.

“A BIKER?” questioned the bartender. “How do you figure?”

“Well,” added the man, “I go on a trip, I do a little drinking, Ishoot a little shit, I chase a little pussy, and then I take fivedays off!”

–from Rogue


NEW CATALOG OF PROPRIETARY PARTS BY RIVERA & PRIMO– RIVERA ENGINEERING and Primo Belt Drives have issued a combined catalog of their product line.There are dedicated sections for carburetor kits, clutches and transmissions with suitable prominence for the comprehensive range of belt-drive kits and accessories from Primo.

A big choice of carburetor conversion parts includes kits with all the necessary parts and hardware to fit Mikuni, Dell’Orto, Weber and SU carburetors to a variety of models.

Rivera clutches can be supplied to specifications suitable for stock or big-inch motors, intended for street or competition.Six-speed transmissions are listed for either left- or right-side drive.Included in the ‘Transmission’ section are upgrades, parts and complete kits for chain final drive.

The Primo belt-drive range has suitable belt-drive kits for virtually any combination of engine and transmission.The catalog highlights new additions to the product lines of accessories and spare parts for the primary drive systems.The latest kit in the Brute Force range is a package intended for high performance custom applications.The 3-1/2ins wide belt is combined with the Hi-Po clutch, a billet outboard bearing support and a carbon fiber belt guard.

Whittier, California, USAFax: 562 907 2606

finished look bandanna

DOO-RAG TECH REVIEW–Just finished reading John Covingtons Doo-Rag tech article.Absolutely outstanding !!!I’m ashamed that I didn’t think of it first.

I’ve almost gotten creamed too many times to mention by some je-bob slamming on the brakes to pick up his $.99 rag.This humerous feature will hopefully show the youngin’s how we old grease balls keep them rags attached at 95mph.

Good work there John.


HOT BIKE EDITOR GONE–Sept. 10, 2004?Anaheim, California: Primedia Automotive Enthusiast and Action Sports Group today announced the departure of Hot Bike Magazine?s long time editor, Howard Kelly. Mr. Kelly had held the guiding reins at Hot Bike for the last seven years. Mr. Kelly is the latest in a string of personnel changes at Primedia?s motorcycle and truck specialty publications. Earlier in the year, the group?s president, executive vice-president, vice-president/publisher and sales/marketing manager left the company.

Mr. Kelly?s tenure at Hot Bike has been likened to the reign of the Pharaoh Keops, the great primed builder, of ancient Egypt. Like the pharaoh, Mr. Kelly treated his associates as slaves and often voiced the opinion that ?none of them know how to write let alone use a camera?. Mr. Kelly prided himself on the fact that he had shot more magazine covers than any past editor of Hot Bike.

It appears that Mr. Kelly?s departure was not the result of the same type of policy differences that effected the other personnel changes. In fact, Mr. Kelly?s termination was the consequence of his commenting to the president of one of Hot Bike?s advertisers that the said advertiser?s marketing manager was a slut, a whore and had slept with everyone in the industry. For reasons that are unfathomable to Mr. Kelly, the afore mentioned marketing manager retained a lawyer and sued both Primedia and Mr. Kelly.

As for his future, Mr. Kelly has hinted that he will branch out into freelance marketing, ?to support those companies that don?t have sluts and whores to promote their own products?.

dog w easyrider mag

RUNDLE’S EXOTIC CUSTOMS SHOP DOG–This is the shop dog,Titan, at Rundle’s Exotic Customs. Thought you might get a kick out of it.

— Jay

CLUB DISCRIMINATION–Word comes to us about more police problems and discrimination against clubs. Our ridiculous situation with the Village of Dwight Board of Trustees, the Dwight Police Department, the Livingston County Task Force Pro-Active Unit, the harassment of our biker customers and their right to wear Colors in Dwight.

Remember aggression and enforcement against clubs without any problems other than wearing colors should not be tolerated. The motorcycle rights community should be up in arms. Motorcycle rights are for everyone, not selected groups. Interesting to note that the so-called champions of rights in Illinois, Taylor and ABATE Legal Services and Confederation of Clubs Attorney Mike Mandelman were totally useless in offering help or advice. Why doesn’t that surprise me?

I went to my local ABATE Chapter president first. I also contacted the Legislative Coordinator for ABATE of Illinois. At the time, I was advised that there wasn’t much the bikers could do until tickets were issued but at least they were all aware of the situation.

I dug out the ABATE of Illinois Newspaper because someone suggested that I contact Attorney Rod Taylor’s office. I did that on August 24th before going to my meeting with the chief of police.

I got zero help and a not so logical question to ask. The person I talked to on the phone at Rod Taylor’s office took the time to listen to what was going on. They asked me to find out if there is an ordinance banning Colors in Dwight. That is unconstitutional so how could there be?

I found a great position paper called “No Colors No Rights” on in the Internet. The paper is published by the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. I took a copy to the meeting to leave with the chief of police.

I am familiar with Mr. Hupy since he successfully settled my motorcycle accident case in 1993. I sent him an email on 9/9/04 and followed up with a phone call on 9/10/04. After playing phone tag for a couple of days, Mike Hupy and I finally connected at about 4:30 PM on Sunday, September 12th. It was the 11th hour and I was still unsure of what we should do other than attend the meeting the next day.

Mike Hupy gave me his home phone numbers, cell phone numbers, and home and office email addresses.

I sent all of the email I had sent to other attorneys thus far. Mike called back within a few hours after reading the email and offered to come down from Milwaukee for the Village Board meeting the next day.

An hour before the village board meeting, there was a meeting at the home of the president’s of one of the M/C clubs. Representatives of 5 different M/Cs showed up for a meeting with the Attorney Mike Hupy and Bob Sumption, president of Embarras Valley Chapter of ABATE of Illinois.

This was followed by a meeting between the M/Cs and with the Dwight Police Chief, Tim Henson. I did not attend that meeting since I am not a M/C member.

Hold on for the conclusion of this mess.

–from Tony Sanfelipo


S&S PROMOTES BEAN COUNTER OR GIVES BEANS TO CONTROLLER–VIOLA, WI (September 28, 2004) Hired as Controller in September, 2003 and promoted to Director of Finance & Systems this past February, Steve Iggens was recently named CFO/VP-Finance & Systems effective October 1, 2004.

?Steve has added so much to this company that promoting him to an officer level position was a natural progression in his career here at S&S,? said S&S President, Brett Smith. ?We are hopeful that we?ll be able to keep him for many years as good CFOs are in high demand and short supply. He has already had a significant impact on the industry and how we operate within it and I know he has more in store for the future.?

Stephen?s previous employment includes working as Director of Operations/Controller of NCL Graphics Specialties, Inc. He also has three years of public accounting experience. He was educated at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee with a BBA in accounting and earned an MBA from Marquette University .

s&s banner


A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000.
B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000.
C) Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171. Statistics courtesy of U.S.
Dept of Health Human services and is a conservative number.

Now think about this:

A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000. Yes, that is 80 million.
B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1,500.
C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is 0.0000188.

Statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.

Remember, “Guns don’t kill people, doctors do.”

Hell, 150,000 people die of hospital related infections annually.–Bandit

Continued On Page 2

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September 23, 2004 Part 1


john covington girl in school clothes

Shot by John Covington

There’s never a dull moment around Bikernet. Between the homeless squatters across the street and industry shake-ups, I never know what to expect. This news was a bear, and I’m going to jump right into the middle of it. I need to write a tribute to David Mann, also. He was a wild man, a friend, a creative master and always the Mann. I have many thoughts on his life. But for now, let’s hit the news:


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Prints of Dave’s ghost rider are still available at Segal Fine Art.

DAVID MANN TRIBUTE–Me and some of Dave’s friends made him a cremation urn. I used the paint I had left over from when I painted his bike in ’97… David Mann red. It should be finished by Tuesday and then I’m over-nightin’ it to Jacquie.

–Crazy John

BIG DOG CHOOSES BREMBO–IN 2005 Big Dog motorcycles will be fitted with Brembo brakes supplied through QTM.QTM handles brake components supplied by Brembo and makes various alterations before offering the modified parts to the cruiser market.

The braking system to be supplied to Big Dog uses 11.5ins fully-floating rotors for maximum efficiency.The patterns are laser cut into the rotors, including the stainless steel braking surface, to match the wheel to which it will be fitted.The disc centers are billet aluminum, finished in chrome, and QTM has engineered its own mounting system with hardware that eliminates the noise usually associated with fully floating discs.The calipers use a four-piston design for greater efficiency; the pistons are aluminum and hard surfaced, as are the bores they move in.

Brembo has developed its own double-O-ring system to seal the bores and exclude the grit or brake dust that could damage the surfaces.The calipers are offered in chromed, black anodized or plain silver finishes.

Anaheim, California, USA
Tel: 714 575 5000
Fax: 714 575 5001


HARLEY-DAVIDSON CUMULATIVE MDA CONTRIBUTIONS TOP $50 MILLION —$4 Million in 2004 Fundraising Propels Efforts.

MILWAUKEE — (September 20, 2004) Harley-Davidson’s fundraising for the Muscular Dystrophy Association has topped the $50 million mark. During the Sept. 5-6 Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon, Harley-Davidson announced a 2004 fundraising total of $4 million, bringing cumulative fundraising in the 24 years of Company involvement with the MDA to $51 million.

Harley-Davidson Motor Company President and Chief Operating Officer Jim McCaslin presented the $4 million on behalf of the thousands who raised the funds. “Harley-Davidson’s family of dealers, suppliers, riders and employees were hard at work planning open houses, rides and other special events to raise money for MDA,” said McCaslin during the Telethon broadcast. “Their hard work helps make life brighter for people with neuromuscular disease and helps make headway in finding a cure.”

Joining McCaslin in the presentation were the top fundraising Harley-Davidson dealers in the United States: Brian Bentley, Brian?s Harley-Davidson, Langhorne, Pa.; Robert and Dev Johnson, Cycle Connection, Joplin, Mo.; Billy Laws, Mitchell?s Modesto (Cal.) Harley-Davidson and Jamestown (Cal.) Harley-Davidson; Dennis and Carol Schaeffer, Schaeffer?s Harley-Davidson, Orwigsburg, Pa.; and Stretch and Karen Smaltz, Smaltz’s Harley-Davidson, Eagle, Pa.

Harley-Davidson fundraising activities for the Muscular Dystrophy Association took place over the 12-month period leading up to the Telethon and included pledge rides, dealer fundraisers, motorcycle raffles and pin sales.

Harley-Davidson has been a national sponsor of the Muscular Dystrophy Association since 1980. The Funds raised support life-saving research, comprehensive medical care for children and adults with neuromuscular disease, and the MDA summer camps.

mike pullin

BIKERNET N.C. STEALTH REPORT–This week I thought I would tell you all about a local bike shop here in Charlotte. The shop is Ben’s V-Twins. Ben Edwards and his wife Robin are the owners and operators.

stealth pan

Ben opened the doors in 1989 and hasn’t looked back. Ben’s V-Twins is one of the most successful custom bike shops in the Charlotte area. Ben is a top notch wrench and oversees the service department while Robin handles the books and the public relations. There are two other wrenches in the service department, “The Colonel” and Chuck. The parts department is run by my buddy Brad.

At Ben’s V-Twins they work on everything from Flatheads to Twin Cams, so they can handle any problem you may have.

Ben has two of the slickest knuckleheads you will ever see, both are 47’s. The rigid frame old school version took “Best of Show” at the 6th Annual Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin” and the award is proudly displayed on the parts counter at Ben’s V-Twins. The other knuckle sets in a swingarm frame.

stealth shovel
The Stealth Shovel.

Ben’s V-Twins is an “old school” bike shop that makes you feel at home and reminds you of bike shops from the past. No clothes boutiques here! The shop is about one thing, BIKES!

Ben and Robin are real stand up people. Every year they are the starting point for the Run For Breath. They open their store on Sunday and provide free food for everyone. They have been there from day one for the Run For Breath.

stealth-brad and ben
Stealth and the men of Ben’s.

If you want performance work, well Ben knows a thing or two about that too. Ben is a former A.H.D.R.A drag racer. They can handle pretty much whatever you want to do at Ben’s.

If you are ever in the Charlotte area look them up or give a call at 704-358-8741. Tell them you heard about them from the “STEALTH” report on BIKERNET.COM!

Until next week!

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HAVE YOU BEEN TO THE BIKERNET GULCH?–I thought so. Well it’s now the Bikernet Black Market. Check it out for Books, Bedrolls, Bikernet Ballcaps and Bikernet T-shirts. We may take on Joker Machine apparel and a couple of other lines.

And for sure, you get Black Market prices.


LAS VEGAS (Sept. 19, 2004) ? Evo-Twin Racing/Harding Harley-Davidson rider Bryan Bemisderfer clinched the 2004 Formula USA National Thunderbike championship with a second-place finish aboard his Buell Firebolt at the Las Vegas Classic road course at Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Bemisderfer locked up the title with one race left on the 2004 Formula USA schedule.

The Las Vegas race was won by Bemisderfer?s Evo-Twin Racing/Harding teammate, David Estok, who led from the pole and crossed the finish line 3.8 seconds ahead of Bemisderfer. It was Estok?s second Thunderbike win of the season. Hal?s Performance Advantage Buell rider Dan Bilansky finished third on a Buell Firebolt.

?I think I was one of the few people who realized that we?d clinched the title,? said Bemisderfer. ?I was excited and jumping around after the race, and I?d just finished second. Then everyone started to figure it out. This is a great team that really knows how to set up the Buell for me so I can stay focused on riding. Last year we were in the fight but had a couple of DNFs and got disqualified for going over the horsepower limit once. That really tore us up. This year my goal was to stay consistent and race for the title,? Bemisderfer said.

The 2004 Thunderbike title is the third national championship won by Bemisderfer. The 36-year-old racer from Greencastle, Pa., won the 2001 Formula USA Thunderbike title and the 2002 Formula USA Buell Lightning championship. He has been roadracing since 1984.

For the Corning, N.Y.-based Evo-Twin Racing/Harding Harley-Davidson team, the Thunderbike title is its first national championship. Team owner Jeff Harding started roadracing in 1993, competing in the AMA Harley-Davidson Sportster 883 class. Last season he took on Bemisderfer as a rider, and this season added defending Thunderbike champion Estok to the team. The team is also sponsored by Evolution Industries, Wiseco Pistons, Penske Shocks, Traxxion Dynamics and Dunlop Tires.

?This is a great boost for our program,? said Harding. ?Everyone at the dealership works hard to support this team. I have crew chief Shannon Destasio and mechanic Bill Ripley at the races, but there?s a lot going on behind the scenes, too.?

With 105 points and the Thunderbike title in the bag, Bemisderfer is looking forward to the season-ending Formula USA event, Oct. 21-24, at Homestead Miami Speedway in Florida. ?I can go to Homestead with a different frame of mind,? said Bemisderfer, whose only Thunderbike win this season came on June 27 at Virginia International Raceway. ?I want to match Estok with two wins this season, and now I can just go and race to win without worrying about the title.?

The Points Race

The battle for second place in the Thunderbike championship is tight, with Estok and Suzuki rider David Yaakov tied at 66 points, Suzuki rider Darren Danilowicz following behind with 65 points and Bilansky in close contention with 62 points.

The Formula USA National Thunderbike series is a horsepower-to-weight ratio restricted class, open to a variety of production-based motorcycles. Buell-mounted riders competing in the eight-event 2004 Thunderbike series are racing for a share of the $70,500 contingency fund posted by Buell Motorcycle Company and Buell Riders Adventure Group (BRAG).

chop off 1st


TEXAS BIKER BUILD-OFF REPORT–Covington Won the show in Texas. His motorcycle had a Accurate Engineering Engine it which certainly helped.

One of the judges told me the bike was flawless but the engine is what made the difference.

David Covington’s engine was 103 cu. in Panhead, 4.500 stroke, 3-13/16-inch bore Accurate Engineering cylinders with Accurate Engineering step-studs and 12 point hardware. STD full polished stock style 63-65 Panheads with 3-bolt exhaust flanges. Accurate Engineering stainless steel overhead oil line. Accurate Engineering braided oil return lines. Kibblewhite valves, Rowe guides, Kibblewhite springs, K-Line seals and Accurate Engineering rocker arm bearings.

Billet finned Pan covers with Accurate Engineering “Leak Proof” gaskets. Ross pistons, Hastings rings, Teflon buttons. .540 lift cam. Accurate Engineering intake manifold, linkage, etc. Dual 1937 Stromberg 97 carbs reworked by Accurate Engineering and topped off with “Bonneville” style velocity stacks.

Porcelain toilet handle for carb from the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Pinstripping by Henry Haynes. STD polished crankcases, S&S flywheels, shafts and rods. S&S oil pump, Accurate Engineering oil filter adaptor. Jim’s lifter and Accurate Engineering pushrods. Mallory ignition system, Dyna coil, Autolite spark plugs and Taylor wires. 32 amp Cycle Electrics charging system.

All welding, machining, assembly and testing performed in-house by Accurate Engineering. Plating by Chromemasters. Polishing by Steve’s Polishing and Accurate Engineering. Paint work by Accurate Engineering.

David is entering this in the Lone Star Biker Bash at the Texas Motor Speedway, Sept. 17-19.


Damn, that description drives me to want an Accurate engine.–Bandit

STEEL PONY EXPRESS ROARS THROUGH NEW ORLEANS HALLOWEEN WEEKEND–It’s 4 days of Bikes, Bands and Bourbon Street. 4-day motorcycle rally and music festival is for riders and festivalgoers.

NEW ORLEANS (September 10, 2004) – The 7th annual New Orleans Steel Pony Express Motorcycle Rally and Music Festival takes place October 28-31, 2004 at UNO Arena Grounds for four days of local and national music, celebrity bike builders, several bike activities and motorcycle exhibits and great Louisiana cuisine.

The four-day event consists of events for the entire family. The fun begins on Thursday, October 28 with an open house at Harley Davidson of New Orleans, followed by the Official Kick-Off Party at The Dock, located along Lake Pontchartrain.

Friday, October 29 through Sunday, October 31 the Steel Pony Express VII Rally grounds will open to the public for a weekend of live music, great food, celebrity bike builders, stunt teams, over 150 major manufacturers and premier vendors selling all of the latest in motorcycle gear and accessories.

Headlining bands include LYNRYD SKYNRYD, Blood, Sweat & Tears and Big N’ Rich, country music’s hottest new duo. Also, the Festival will feature Louisiana’s best in Jazz, Blues, Zydeco and Gospel.

All festival-goers will have the opportunity to meet the world’s top custom bike builders: Jesse James with West Coast Choppers and DISCOVERY CHANNEL’S “MONSTER GARAGE”, Billy Lane, Jim Nasi, Eddie Trotta, Kendall Jackson, Roger Bourget, Paul Yaffe, Chica, Wild Bill, Jeff Nicklus of Desperado Motorcycles, Dave Perowitz and local boys Ivy Trosclair, Sr. and Jr. of Metry Custom Cycles and many, many more!

Additional attractions include Team Extreme Sport Bike Stunt Team, Team X-Treme Freestyle FMX Show, Ives Globe of Death and the Purrfect Angelz. Also, all festival-goers can participate in the Boardwalk Ride and Bike Show, Bike Games, Guided Destination Rides and much more!

Rally packages start at $60 and day passes are $25. Call 1-877-991-7433 or visit for more information.


SCREAMIN? EAGLE RIDER RICH KING PLACES EIGHTH AT COLUMBUS–King Runs Strong with the Lead Pack at Grand National Half-Mile.

COLUMBUS, Ohio (Sept. 19, 2004) ? Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts rider Rich King finished eighth in the AMA Grand National main at the Scioto Downs half-mile?the 15th event on the AMA Progressive Insurance Flat Track Championship. The race was won by Quality Checked Pre-Owned Ford/Lancaster Harley-Davidson rider Chris Carr aboard a Harley-Davidson XR750. It was Carr?s sixth win of the season.

amy Bell rich king riding
Rich King

King qualified for the main with a second-place finish behind Carr in the first heat race. King started the 25-lap main in fourth position. For the first half of the race, King ran in tight formation with a lead pack that included Carr, KTM USA/Jones Powersports/Mid-America Harley-Davidson teammates Ken Coolbeth and Joe Kopp and Cozihar Harley-Davidson/National Cycle rider Johnny Murphree, all aboard Harley-Davidson XR750 motorcycles. King fell back and lost the lead pack at the half-way point, engaging in a fierce battle for fifth with Bartels? Harley-Davidson/Corbin rider Jay Springsteen. Doc?s Harley-Davidson/KK Motorcycle Supply rider Bryan Smith eventually slipped past King and Springsteen for fifth. Springsteen was sixth at the finish, as Moroney?s Cycles rider Jake Johnson nipped King to take seventh place. Carr prevailed after a race-long battle, passing Murphree for the lead on lap 24. He then fought off a last-lap challenge from Kopp, who finished second, followed by Coolbeth in third and Murphree in fourth.

?Rich King started out strong today, but he lost ground as his tires went away,? said Harley-Davidson Racing Manager Anne Paluso. ?We saw some exciting racing in Columbus that I?m sure gave all these great Ohio flat-track fans a thrill.?

Carr?s win gives him 278 points for the season and a 44-point lead over Kopp for the Grand National championship. Coolbeth is third with 205 points.

There are just two events left on the AMA Progressive Insurance Flat Track Championship schedule. The season will wrap up with a double-header weekend at the Du Quoin State Fairgrounds at Du Quoin, Ill., starting with an indoor short-track event at the brand-new Southern Illinois Center on Friday night, September 24. The season will end on the Du Quoin State Fairgrounds Mile September 25.

The Screamin’ Eagle Flat Track team is sponsored by Matco Tools.

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September 23, 2004 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

extrememktPaughco Round oil bag

NEW ROUND CHOPPER OIL BAG–Paughco has expanded their line of custom and OEM style oil bags with the release of this new ROUND CHOPPER tank. Designed to be used with Softail and rigid 5-speed applications using Paughco brackets, the new tanks combine the best of traditional and contemporary chopper styling. Measuring 6 inches in diameter and 11 ? inches wide the tank features an integrated mounting platform to accommodate stock size batteries. Feed and return tubes are ?-inch pipe and the vent is 1/8-inch.

Fabricated from 16 gauge steel and finished in Paughco?s flawless in house chrome the tanks carry 3.5 quarts and are supplied complete with top fill, thread in cap.

For complete details call 775-246-5738 or visit

Paughco Banner

FROM THE POCKET BIKE LAW AUTHOR/SENATOR–I read your report.Remember this. Pocket bike operation is illegal on our street–yet parentsare put in the odd, peer-pressure situation: if they are illegal, why canthey be bought in stores from neighborhood bike shops to Sharper Image andwhy are all the kids on the block riding them. A parent was the impetusfor my bill. I’m all for cyclist rights (10 year record on NYC Council)and even generally against helmet laws. But this seemed much.


kat mandu best tattoo joke
Tattoo of the week from Katmandu.

AUSSIE BIKE WEEK–Bike Week…Shit what can I say…it was dreadful!Every Aussie bike show I have ever been to was…and this one was no exception.Doubtless the three hundred or so Aussie Harley guys who went to Bike Week would disagree…but anyone who has ever been to a British or American bike show would not!

Three hundred Hog riders? Yeah, that was about it I reckon…and I think I am being generous with the figures myself.Half a dozen real custom bikes, lots of bikes with bolt on chrome and bits.

I don’t think any but a few like myself realised that the Kawasaki ZX 900 sports bike had more home made parts than most of the other bikes put together, and it was not in the show, just parked on the street in the Mall.

The campground and main showplace was 15 to 20 minutes out of town…and no sign posting to show where it was…took us 40 minutes to find the bloody place.Couple of beer tents, tiny stage…you get the idea.

Fucking odd to hold a Bike Week at Australia’s premier surf resort and find you’re nowhere near any of the very attractions that draw most people to this part of the country.

The weather was great, the surf was good, the bars and restaurants were top class.Not that I believe hardly any of the bikers who went to Bike Week noticed any of that.I chatted to locals, I chatted to tourists, I chatted to doormen and the strippers and Playgirls.They all said the same thing, apart from the one night two hundred bikes parked in the mall and a few guys got busted for doing burnouts on the main strip…it was like Bike Week did not even exist.

Gold Coast City council apparently sponsored the event…what they actually did apart from give bikes permission to park in the Mall for one night I am not exactly sure.My wife and I were so unimpressed we hired an open top sports car on the weekend and zoomed off into the Hinterland to explore the countryside and the great pubs, perched on the sides of mountains. (Car hire is incredibly cheap in Surfers.)I doubt if more than a dozen or so guys like myself rode the thousand klicks from Sydney to get to Surfers (12 hrs in one day…fuck it’s a long way on a 22 year old BMW Boxer.)

Most bikes I saw, the majority of which were stock standard Harleys, had local plates.

So there ya go…sad I know…but I have been to bike shows in the UK and seen enough of bike shows in the USA to be able to tell the honest truth.I took some pics, will forward them to you.I am interested to see if Glen Piddle went and what he thought of the event.Maybe you can e-mail him and ask…he lives at Noosa…just up the road from Surfers.

And if one more person tells me Bike Week at Surfers is like Bike Week at Daytona…I will punch their fucking lights out!!!

All the best: Kevin or

Metal freaks texas fireball

LITTLE OL’ TEXAS MOTORCYCLE–Bandit, Here is a shot of the Little ol Texas motorcycle, we didn’t take first place in the competition but I sure did win ( just look at the prize ). There were some good competition and good times were had visiting with some of the other builders and judges. We are getting ready for the next one in Galveston this weekend at the lone star rally we will be co sponsoring the Bike show (we are responsible in providing some custom Trophies) I will send some progress shots of the build when we return home.

— Kent


Click to see more from Lucky Devil


BIKERNET REPORTER BREAKS A LEG TO ATTEND INDIAN LARRY TRIBUTE PARTY–Busted my foot on the ride down to Larry’s tribute bash Sunday. Still have another foot so I’m not sweating it. I stayed around for about 4 hours then rode home. Gee, I impress myself sometimes.



PRO-DRIVE SIDE CALIPERS–PRO-ONE?S new DRIVE SIDE CALIPER is going to solve a lot of rear braking problems for custom and conversion applications alike. This precision piece of braking hardware is manufactured to meet PRO-ONE?S legendary standards for quality and reliability. Machined from solid blocks of billet aluminum and finished in show quality chrome, the calipers feature a 4-piston lay out for superior braking performance and are fit with a single bleed valve and banjo style line fitting. The integrated hanger is machined for strength and a high tech appearance.

Each caliper is supplied with a pair of steel stabilizing tabs which weld to the frame or Softail section and allow for fine tuning axle adjustment. Designed to accept 1? axle assemblies the new DRIVE SIDE CALIPERS are designed for extra wide wheels like the PRO-ONE 18.5 x 8.5 and 10.5 and tires including the popular 250 and 300 series.

Additionally, PRO-ONE offers installation kits which include appropriate rotors and custom machined hubs for use with PRO-ONE rims.

For complete application details call PRO-ONE direct at 800884-4173. On the Web at

babe bike

TRIBAL IRON WHEELS–My “boy” . . . the fellas a tribal iron are cutting my solid wheels into two celtic tri-knots and making custom mirror brackets and clutch lever, then the boy will be done and I can do some serious riding out West. . . no sissy roadstar or v-crappe for me ! ! I believe this country is being taken over by all the plastic carrying yuppies. Where have all the bikers gone ?

Gheeish, an entire day in the hot sun. . . . . Yupp, I’m impressed, needed a paperweight. . . . Luckily I just had the entire engine re-done & he runs like snot. . . .


richard reosler girl in bikini on bike

TEXAS CHOP OFF FROM THE MOTEL ROOM– Chop Off is over unfortunately Lucky Devil did not win. Of course I have shots of cool bikes and cute girls. Luis did have my press ID waiting at the Chop Off so that was good. Met Robert of Thunder Press central/southwest edition, he dined with the Devil crew. I may be selling him some pics of girls from the VIP party Saturday night.

richard roesler 2 vondutch girls posing

Not sure if I will be able to make the Lone Star Rally this weekend, may have to head to Pensacola. A personal mission.

richard roesler cute girl pose
Here are a few images from the Chop Off, plus I did a shoot of a cutie at Southern Metal Choppers last week also, which I will share later.

richard roesler girl in bikini sitting on bike


ROB SCHOPF WINS THE HOT BIKE/S&S 124-INCH CHALLENGE– VIOLA, WI (July 9, 2004) Most of the competitors arrived into town on Thursday, July 8th, to make some final preparations on their machines before the grueling competition began. Fresh clutches, tires, chain and chassis adjustments were the order of the day. All fuel tanks were drained and refilled with Sunoco GT100 unleaded fuel from a sealed container. On Friday, July 9th, each competitor was given one cumulative hour of Dyno time on the S&S Dynojet 250. As fierce as the competition was, all of the team members pitched in to help each other to extract the maximum power from their machines. The camaraderie between these guys was just unbelievable! After a half a day of combined dyno time, finally, it was time to shoot ?em out.High Performance Parts for American V-Twins

A very strict but fair testing procedure was developed by our own Jon ?Opee? Olson. It was decided that each competitor would receive 3 pulls after a cylinder head temperature of 200? F was achieved. After a 3 minute heat soak period, a final pull was made, with the highest number recorded. All of the runs were administered by dyno operators Opee and Tom Hampton using data from the on board sensors. This allowed every run to be started at precisely the same time.

When the smoke cleared, here?s how it shook out: Rob Schopf took top honors, posting 140.1 HP. Next was Kendall Johnson with a 138.1 HP pull. Jim Nasi was not far behind; posting 136.9 HP. Fourth spot went to Kim Suter, with 135.5 HP, and Fifth to Wink Eller with 133.6 HP.

jim gianatus iron and lace

2005 IRON & LACE and GARAGE GIRLS MOTORCYCLE PINUP CALENDARS RELEASED– The renown Iron & Lace Calendar sponsored by Mikuni Carburetors, Performance Machine and Jardine Performance returns again for 2005 with 16 full color pages of the finest custom Harley-Davidsons together with beautiful centerfold models. It’s a revealing look at some of the finest customized, high performance and fully race modified Harleys from America’s top builders, photographed by Jim Gianatsis. Included are the hottest custom bikes from America’s top builders including Paul Yaffe, Don Chica, Harold Pontarelli, Chica Customs, Russell Mitchell of Exile Cycles, Roland Sands of Performance Machine, Mike Stafford of MGS Customs, and Confederate Motorcycles, together with 2-time LA Calendar Motorcycle Best of Show winner Jesse Rooke’s incredible “Kali Kruiser”. The beautiful models in this year’s Iron & Lace include reigning Miss Great Britain Nicki Lane, Andra Cobb from Mikuni’s sexy “Explicit Performance” advertising campaign. Penthouse Pet Martina warren and adult film star Jessica Drake all in sexy lingerie. See why America’s best custom Iron is a perfect compliment to beautiful girls in sexy lingerie in Iron & Lace 2005!

And for those of you who can’t get enough of the beautiful Calendar girls there’s the 2005 Garage Girls Calendar featuring a close up look at the prettiest, sexiest, most popular Calendar Angels , but without the motorcycles getting in the way! This year’s featured models include fashion model Laura Niles and adult star Justine Jolie.Now you have a calendar for every room in the house! And for additional for news and photo features on the bikes, calendars and models visit the Calendar website at

For postal mail order send $16.95 each, plus $5 S/H per order. Include calendar name, payment in check, money order, or VISA /MC information and mail your order direct to: Calendars, Van Leeuwen, 13275 Paxton Street, Arleta, CA 91311.

amd proshow banner

YOU ARE INVITED– WITH the 16-page supplement published for the Global Motorsport Group this week by AMD, the firm is inviting dealers and existing and potential vendors to join them at their Morgan Hill, California headquarters for their 18th annual Dealer Show.

Being held October 8th, 9th and 10th, this year sees both the Custom Chrome and Motorcycle Stuff trading subsidiaries joining forces to hold their annual dealer shows together at the same time and venue for the first time.

This year, the event also sees the staging of AMD’s ‘Pro Show’ for the first time in North America. Now recognized as the Official World Championship of Custom Bike Building, the entirely open bike contest will be independently judged by journalists from many leading motorcycle magazines, and with some two weeks to go, is already slated to attract some 40-plus stunning customs from many of the market’s finest V-twin custom engineers, builders and dealers.

Morgan Hill, California, USA
Tel: 408 778 0500
Fax: 408 778 7370

Custom Chrome Banner

Cyril Huze Spikee Coil Bracket coils

NEW CYRIL HUZE SPIKEE COIL BRACKET– A new design from Cyril to relocate your coils between the cylinders for symmetry. Looks great on choppers. Sold without or with a hole to accept an ignition switch. Accepts single fire, single plug Dyna coils (paint the coils like Cyril does, and nothing will look more custom). Bolt on directly to Huze custom motor mount, on any FXR type motor mount, or to your original equipment 2-piece Evo motor mount from ’91 to ’99 using a provided a motor mount adapter. Ignition switch and coils sold separately

Cyril Huze.
Tel: 561-392-5557>

IT’S A WRAP–I’ve got to jump out of this creaking chair and run for my Road King, then off to the bar. I know the pressure is on to post the Sturgis reports. I have more news from S&S, the Hawaiian Islands, fiction from Australia and my grandson is waiting for me to build him a pocket chopper. It’s off to the bike swapmeet this weekend.

Hang on, that’s just the tip of the news that might explode onto Bikernet next week. I’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, have a helluva weekend and may she be round in all the right places.


Read More

September 23, 2004 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

larrymemorial standing


Last week I did the news a bit early, lucky me. While I was at the shop, late as always, the phone rang and there was a storm heading our way and the flights were going to be cancelled. Meaning that my Wednesday flight would be out of the question. I hauled ass home, packed what I could and got on the last flight out. Destination was JFK in New York. I was scheduled to arrive in Vegas Wed. night. Because of the chaotic packing and all, I had left most of the stuff home, and left a lot of shit undone (yeap that I planned on doing that night).

So I made it to Vegas with time to spare, and luckily since the flights were cancelled for the next two days. I was ready for the Artistry in Iron gig. I tell you, Vegas is way over rated. I really don’t know if it’s that I was in a super rush all the time, or simply I wanted to be in New York with my friends, but it seemed like Vegas was flat. Not the event, which was pretty cool and I believe the Artistry in Iron was a success, (Goldammer won ! ), but the town in general. Maybe since we were in Downtown, which got old pretty quick, or like I said, after the night before rush and time difference I was still out of place.

Then again it was fun, as fun as it can be when you are hanging out with good friends. Brian Klock from Klockwerks in Mitchell South Dakota took my purple bobber all the way to Vegas (thanks guys), and we got to hang out a bit. Then Chica, Johnny Chop and Go, took the bike back to Cali, and we got to create some havoc while there. Chica was teaching me Japanese, and Go teaching all of us how to kill a Vegas buffet and get his money’s worth. Roland and Jesse Rooke were partners in crime as well, even some guys, Paul Tracy and Jimmy Vasser (indy car drivers) were there to control Rooke, or maybe just add to the mayhem.

Michele Smith was there with the American Thunder cameras, she is way cool, so are Mitch Bergeron and his wife. To tell you the truth one of the coolest things about the Artistry in Iron gig was getting to spend time with fellow builders and shooting the shit. Yeah the bikes were cool too, but these days of TV and stuff, it’s still the coolest to be able to hang out with old and new friends alike. Never mind the great Mondo who was showing the best Vegas can bring, and no I’m, not dropping names, just letting you know who was there.Steve from Hawaiian Choppers (the new mag in Hawaii) became another partner in crime as soon as we got there; there was a lot of Hawaiian guys there enjoying the event.

larry memorial sitting down

Michelle Dell and the hottest chicks imported from NYC were promoting the upcoming opening of a Hogs and Heifers in Sin City, and according to the newspaper, the coming of a new era for Downtown Vegas.

The set up for the Artistry in Iron was cool as well; there was a book with all the builders bios and photos with space on the bottom for autographs. The attendees were diggin it and we got to sign a shit load of books, but still the breast count was zero.

As cool as Vegas was, we needed to be in Brooklyn for Indian Larry’s memorial, and that’s were we headed. It was a massive exodus towards the airport as soon as it was eight o’ clock. The Vegas airport was a concentration of builders on the way out, Russ Mitchel, Chica, Mondo, Johnny Chop, Paul Yaffe and your truly, comes to mind, the red eye flights awaited, so off towards NY we went.

6:45 am, JFK airport.The shittiest flight in my life, and I travel a lot. I was at the Vegas airport two hours before the plane departed and almost did not make my flight, America West kind of sucks….The plane was packed to the gills, but I HAD to be in NY so nothing mattered. I went straight to the hotel for a 3 hour nap.When we got to Larry’s memorial it seemed like the whole world was there. Where the last block party was kind of mellow, this was insane. The whole block (and some others) was solid with people and bikes. I guess I can sum up who was there by saying everyone…. Then again we were there to celebrate our friends life, and being able to be there with other friends. Bill, Renay and Jay were there since the night before, it’s always good to see them. Again, it was good to see everyone there. It was a hell of a memorial with bands, booze, food and babes all over the place, but more important, sharing it with good friends.

motor for larry

The whole trip was beginning to catch up with me, but I held on, even though we stayed ’till really late, we still were not able to say hi to everyone, but I managed to say goodbye to Larry’s remains, by the way in a really cool urn. If I would start talking about the whole party I would need the whole news space for just that, so I will cut it short. Chaos, mayhem, zoo, and RESPECT are some of the words that fit. After seeing Chica and Mondo I really know why they call the flights red eye…Then again, me too.

Although I wanted to rock on, my body had other plans, time to head back to the hotel as we wanted to meet with friends again. But I ended up just having some dinner and just crashing. Alexis and I had flights back to Puerto Rico and I had to be back at the shop (which had no power from the storm ’till Sunday) I had many things to catch up with since I had left in such a hurry a day earlier.I want to thank Bobby, Paul, Anne, Elisa, Bambi and everyone else at Indian Larry’s for a memorial that we will never forget, I’m sure Larry was enjoying the chaos from up there, wondering how the fuck so many people loved him.

jose banner

See you guys next week….I’m sure there will be some juicy news and stories.

Jose ? Caribbean Reporter

SPEAKING OF BIKER ETIQUETTE–A biker goes to a restaurant and orders a chicken dish. By the timethe food is ready and he is about to eat, the waiter comes back andsays, “Sir, I’m afraid there has been a mistake. You see, thatpolice officer who is sitting at the next table is a regularcustomer of ours and he usually orders the same dish. The problemis, this is the last chicken in the house. I’m afraid I’ll have totake this dish to him and arrange for another dish for you!”

The biker gets really upset and refuses to give up his food. Thewaiter walks over to the other table and explains the situation tothe officer. A few minutes later the officer walks over to the biker?stable and says, “Listen and listen good. That is MY chicken you areabout to eat and I’ll warn you, whatever you do to that chicken I’lldo the same to you. You pull out one of its legs, I’ll pull out oneof yours. You break one of its wings, I’ll break one of your arms!”

The biker calmly looks at the chicken, then sticks his middle fingerin the bird’s rectum, pulls it out and licks it. He then gets up,drops his pants, bends over and says, “Your turn!!”

MORE RESTAURANT RULES–This guy went into a restaurant and ordered his meal. When thewaitress came out with his soup, he noticed that she had her thumbstuck into the soup.

This upset him, but he was a gentleman and let it go. She thenbrought out his chili, and again her thumb was in the food. He letit go again. When she brought out his hot dessert, her thumb was inthe food and this was too much for him.

He said,”‘Goddammit, woman, get your damn thumb out of my food!”

She replied,”Well, I injured it a while ago and the Doctor said Ishould keep it warm.”

The guy said angrily,”Why don’t you just shove it up your ass!”

She said, “That’s what I do when I’m in the kitchen.”


steeds banner w cutie

STEEDS MUSCLE BIKE UNION ADDRESS–We’ve sold every bike made so far…this shop looks like a ghost town today.The last seven units just went to Galveston, Texas for a show thisweekend with one of our dealers. The truck arrived today, and they sold twobikes as the rear door was lowered. This is just nuts…feast orfamine…FEAST is better…after 15 years. Thanks for all your help.

John Covington
Steeds Muscle Bikes
Phoenix, AZ
John manufacturers the only line of bikes based on the Muscle Car theme. They are strickly performance oriented, sharp and host the new 300 Avon Tyres.–Bandit

BIKERNET FARMING ADVICE–Two little potatoes are standingon the street corner. One is aprostitute.

How can you tell which one is the prostitute?

Hold on……

It’s the one with the little stickerthat says…I – DA – HO

–from Ken Miller

ken miller customs

HIGH-HEELS DEFENSE BEATS DUI CHARGE–TAKE NOTES– Attorney Bill Thomas may get a lot more business from female motorist thanks to a novel defense strategy: High Heals Can Beat a DUI Rap.

Thomas last week asked a judge how anyone could pass a field sobriety test ? which requires a lot of walking ? in a pair of 3-inch stiletto high heels. The argument created a minor sensation among court officials and observers. Thomas contended it would be ?fundamentally unfair? to use the results of a field sobriety tests against one of his female clients because she was wearing stiletto heels at the time, making her unsteady on her feet.

–from Rogue

PENTAGHON MAY BAR USE OF PROSTITUTES–Pentagon WASHINGTON — U.S. troops stationed overseas could face courts-martial for patronizing prostitutes under a regulation drafted by the Pentagon.

The move is part of a Defense Department effort to lessen the possibility that troops will contribute to human trafficking in areas near their overseas bases by seeking the services of women forced into prostitution.

In recent years, “women and girls are being forced into prostitution for a clientele consisting largely of military services members, government contractors and international peacekeepers” in places such as South Korea and the Balkans, Rep. Christopher Smith, R-N.J., said Tuesday at a Capitol Hill forum on Pentagon anti-trafficking efforts.Defense officials have drafted an amendment to the manual on courts-martial that would make it an offense for U.S. military personnel to use the services of prostitutes, said Charles Abell, a Pentagon undersecretary for personnel and readiness.

By the Associated Press.

–from Rogue

DWI BULLSHIT–Law enforcement is fighting the danger posed by drunken drivers with DWI checkpoints on nights when drinkers are likely to be on the road. A favorite location for such checkpoints is near blue-collar bars where the pickings are easy.

I’d like to see them set up outside the fancy country clubs where many judges and lawyers do their drinking in private. Maybe the resulting bad press would shame the legal establishment into doing its job.


biketoberfest banner

WILL BIKETOBERFEST BE EXTENDED–The tourism industry got a one-two punch with hurricanes Charley and Frances. Those hotels, gift shops and restaurants that didn’t sustain major structural damage were hurt by days-long power losses. Mold, mildew and spoiled food cost many businesses dearly — and some may have to close for good. Waiters, waitresses and store personnel, many of whom lived from paycheck to paycheck, lost wages that can never be made up — and yet bills still mount.

Frances hit during the lucrative Labor Day weekend, and it has been followed by days of rain. Business remains slow in many areas, and sympathy is widespread for everyone whose livelihood depends upon serving tourists.

Folks have been looking for a way to boost morale and attempt to revive the tourism business. Extending Biketoberfest from a four-day event to 10 days is one option being discussed — but that concept brings with it unplanned taxpayer costs and widespread inconvenience. Another is to hold a Columbus Day “Back to Paradise” celebration, which proposes a few shows generating goodwill and fun.

Truth is, neither plan will do much to put money in the pockets of those who were hurt most by the storms. But backers of the Columbus Day weekend event recognize that reality while supporters of extending Biketoberfest do not. Both events are likely to draw people from surrounding communities seeking respite from hurricane deluge, not throngs of tourists from elsewhere with money to burn. And even if those sought-after high-tipping tourists were able to come, they would likely be disappointed. There are not enough available, mold-free hotel rooms to accommodate them.

Although the Biketoberfest request is not on the agenda, the Daytona Beach City Commission is expected to hear pleas at its meeting tonight to change the event from Oct. 21-24 to Oct. 15-24. As a “special event,” the expansion would require use of city police, fire and cleanup crews as well as revising the length of vending permits. So backers need the commission’s blessing. Commissioners would be wise to say thanks to those concerned about the well-being of tourism workers but should firmly say “no.”

–from Rogue

RH home page banner

MOONING JUDGE DOESN’T WORK–A New Haven man returned to the Milford courtroom where he mooned the judge and this time he left with more prison time.

Three months after dropping his pants in front of Superior Court Judge Patrick Carroll, Richard Brown was back in the courtroom Monday for a plea agreement on a robbery.

Brown’s June 23 pants dropping cost him a year in prison. He got six months for contempt of court and an extra six months that the prosecutor tacked on to the sentence offered in a plea agreement for robbery.

Brown’s outburst in June began when Carroll told him to say “yes, sir” when addressing the court

According to terms of the plea agreement, Brown will be sentenced in December to 10 1/2 years in prison for holding up the Krauszer’s market in West Haven, on Dec. 11, 2003.

Browns will begin serving that sentence when he finishes his six months for contempt for the mooning the judge.

–from Rogue

rogue banner

mini chop 1

POCKET BIKE CONTROVERSY RAGES ON–Read your article about the outlawing of Pocket Bikes in PA. A common theme these days as cities rush to get the word out that these pocket bikes are not legal for the street. We thought your readers might be intrested to know that there are street legal mini choppers available. Read on:

Bay Town Choppers introduces Street Legal alternative to Pocket Bike.

San Carlos, CA – Tuesday August 21, 2004 ? With the pocket bike craze cooling off quickly due to a heavy crackdown by police and local officials the unavailing of a street legal mini bike couldn?t have come at a better time for young riders. Today the first street legal Mini Chopper is hitting the streets.

Pockets bikes are smaller then normal bikes giving riders a rush as they race only a few inches off the ground. Add a price tag that fits most budgets and a craze is born. Welcome to the next craze. Custom Mini Choppers.

Bay Town Choppers has been producing Custom Mini Choppers for almost a year in their San Francisco Bay Area shop. They are just one among many across the country building custom mini choppers, however, they are the only one offering street legal custom mini bikes. With the crackdown on pocket bikes and the media blitz covering their demise being street legal has never been more important.

?We offer our buyers the ultimate custom bike at an affordable price and a manageable package. Some of our buyers don?t want a Custom Chopper with over a hundred horsepower and an equally high price tag.? Ken Montes is the lead fabricator at Bay Town Choppers and still gets a charge out of the reactions his creations continue to receive. ?Women love them because they are smaller then the full sized bikes, men like them because women like them. It never fails when a guy brings in his wife or girlfriend to show off his new purchase, they not only approve but want one for themselves.? Ken can only laugh ?Wife Approved!?

The mini choppers take about 6 weeks to build and the waiting list is only getting longer. A lot of the bikes are sold to people that see Ken and his business partner, and brother, Domenique, cruising their latest mini chopper around town. ?We sell a lot locally, but we have sold all over the country thanks to our website, ?

The pocket bike craze may have been forced off the road but there are still options out there for people interested in mini bikes. This time it?s legal.

Ryan Rossiter
TransPac Consulting Group

mini chop banner

AUSTRALIAN CONNECTION REPORTS– I managed to get a ride in last week down to a little town in N.S.W about a 2,000klms round trip met up with a bunch of guys from Sydney all mostly riding old Indians and Harleys had a blast and the Sturgis went great.

I’ve been writing this for about a week now and I’m glad Bandit is back safe and hopefully had a great time. I have a fair bit off stuff to write about, so I will get off my arse and write, okay. Hope this finds you both well and Kerry sends her love.

— Glenn.

MOTOCROSS CHAMPION INSTRUCTOROFFERS FREE 4-DAY MX TRAINING COURSE!–As an incentive for riders to become acquainted with his step-by-stepapproach to motocross success, pro motocross instructor Gary Semicsallows visitors to his online web-based Motocross Training Center( to participate in a four-day introductorycourse at no charge.

Covered in the free online sessions are practice strategies, breakingand cornering tips, tips for attacking jumps, and the secret to negotiatingwhoops. A free tutorial on bike set-up is also available for download.

Those visitors who sign up for the Free 4-Day Mx Training Course (value$19.95) will, each day, for four days, be sent an information-packed articlevia email that includes pictures and video clips as follows…

– Day 1: Practice Strategies.
– Day 2: Braking and Cornering.
– Day 3: Attacking Jumps.
– Day 4: Secrets of Whoops.

All 4 training sessions are written and produced by Gary Semics.For more information you may visit or callWebmaster Paul at (812)240-9813 or Gary at (330)424-9295.

Continued On Page 4

Read More

September 23, 2004 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

chopped indian front left

chopped indian full right

CHECK IT OUT–A CUSTOM INDIAN?—I thought you might dig these pictures of my friend Dave Parker’s 2001 Indian Scout. I sold it to him (and he is still my friend???), when I was working at an Indian dealership at a good price. We both knew it was fundamentally a good bike, after the bugs were worked out, and he put a lot of miles on it as a mostly stock bike.

Indian went in the crapper and he decided to make it into the chopper he always wanted. The only thing that remains is the frame, engine, tranny, primary and controls. He put a raked Paugho springer, new tank, fenders and swingarm. He stuffed a 180 in the back and powdercoated everything black. The bike gets a lot of looks and unless you’re na Indian expert you would never know it was a Scout enjoy!

Dave asked that Colin Mcloud be recognized for assembly and Tracy Wright for the paint on the Scalped Indian.

Rise Above Consulting LLC

Princess XJS cutie next to bike

MODEL FINDS BIKERNET–Hi.. I found your site through a friend.I do modeling and was wondering if you might be interested in some new photos we just did with a custom Harley…

Princess XJS cutie with angel wings

I am adding a new photo of myself so you can see who is e-mailing you.Here are two of the photos with the Harley. if you are interested in more let me know..I can also do a shoot anyway you would like them done with this bike.. full nudes.. wet hair : ) you name it..

Thanks for your time..
My friends call meJag

What do you think?–Bandit

G SQUARED MOTORSPORTSPRO STOCK BIKE: G2/S&S/STAR RACING BUELLRIDER: CHIP ELLIS–20TH ANNUAL NHRA LUCAS OIL NATIONALSMAPLE GROVE RACEWAY ? READING, PENN.SEPTEMBER 16-19, 2004Qualifying:Session 1 Friday: 7.224 seconds at 183.34 mph (# 5)Lucas Oil NHRA Nationals postponed until Oct. 8-10Ellis in 5th after one qualifying run.

MOHNTON, Penn. (September 18, 2004) ? Two days of heavy rain showers from the remnants of Hurricane Ivan completely saturated the grounds of Maple Grove Raceway, including the racer pit areas and spectator parking lots, forcing NHRA officials to postpone the 20th annual NHRA Lucas Oil Nationals until Oct. 8-10.

Two rounds of professional qualifying for all four professional categories (Top Fuel, Funny Car, Pro Stock cars and Pro Stock Bikes) will be held on Friday (Oct. 8) at 2:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. and two additional qualifying sessions are set for Saturday (Oct. 9) at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Eliminations will begin at 11 a.m. on Sunday (Oct. 10).

In the only qualifying session completed for Pro Stock Bike, Chip Ellis, aboard the G2/S&S/Star Racing Buell, covered the quarter- mile drag strip at Maple Grove in 7.224 seconds. The run was good for the No. 5 spot.

That qualifying session, along with one that Pro Stock cars completed will be carried over until the rescheduled event.

Although the ever popular motorcycles will not be part of the program, the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series moves on to the Texas Motorplex near Dallas for the NHRA O?Reilly Fall Nationals next weekend (Sept. 23-26) before heading to Chicago for the NHRA CARQUEST Auto Parts Nationals (Sept. 30-Oct. 3) at Route 66 Raceway, in Joliet, Ill., about 30 miles from Chicago.

The next event for Pro Stock Bikes on the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, excluded the rescheduled Lucas Oil Nationals on October 8-10, is the NHRA ACDelco Las Vegas Nationals at The Strip at Las Vegas Motor Speedway. The event unfolds October 28-31.

WOMEN’S TEE SHIRTS.. WASHINGTON POST– runs a column each summer listing interesting WOMEN’S T-shirts observed at the Ocean City, Maryland beach.


2. (On the front) 60 IS NOT OLD. (On the back) IF YOU’RE A TREE.





7. I’M NOT 50. I’M $49.95 PLUS TAX.

















NEW DALLAS CHROME CONNECTION–Rick Fairless and the gang from Stroker Dallas bought Show and Go Chrome Plating in Dallas. It’s not a production shop, but dedicated to custom applications. In otherwords they know motorcycles and how to handle custom parts.

” Fellow Hamster Joe T. Moore & I have bought a chrome plating/powdercoating/polishing shop in Dallas,” Rick Fairless told me, “The name of the shop is Show & Go. They have been in business for over 30 years. Our friend was the owner & founder of the company. Now he has moved to California (search me?) & Joe T. & I own & operate the shop.

“We have a very nice shop & our work is excellent. One of our platers is the original guy that has worked there for 30 years. Our polishers have been there for over 10 years. Please give us a shot. I promise you’ll be happy with our work.

You can ship your parts here to me at Strokers Dallas or directly to Show & Go. I have a runner that picks up here every day. Joe T. & I truly would appreciate your business.”

Rick Fairless
Cell # 972.567.4427
Strokers Dallas
9304 Harry Hines
Dallas, Tx. 75235

Show & Go
11702 Plano Pkwy.
Dallas, Tx. 75243

strokers icehouse banner

THE PEG SCRAPPERS BALL– My accountants wife is organizing “The Peg Scrappers Ball” for the City of Torrance. She works for the Torrance PD. It will be held October 10th to benefit the special olympics. Can you help promote it on your website??

Her e-mail is:

Bob Bitchin
Founder & Publisher
Latitudes & Attitudes Magazine
888-8-WE SAIL
(310) 798-3445


CRAZY HORSE PAINT JOB OF THE WEEK– It was odd getting back on my Sportster after riding my gooseneck chop. The poor Sporty gathered dust in the shop, while I fussed over the chopper. I hadn’t taken the sporty out since May when I rode to Myrtle Beach. Yet here we are, the Fall Myrtle Beach Rally is this weekend. I planned riding the gooseneck. Planning on how to pack without using saddlebags is a trick. I think I can go for a weekend with only two pairs of jeans, tank top, 1 long sleeved shirt, jacket, and 1 pair of boots. Hey, I’m a chick and I have packed tons of crap on that Sporty. Sturgis taught me how to travel on a trimmed down chopper with only a dayroll on the bars and small backpack on me. Then I got the news from Tony at Sata Spray Guns, my chopper, which is appearing in their airbrush magazine ads, will be on display at their booth at the big yearly automotive refinisher’s trade show, known as the NACE show. So it must be kept relatively clean until that show which happens in Las Vegas during the first week of Nov.

And I have been feeling kind of guilty about my poor Sporty. So I rolled it out into the sunshine Sunday afternoon and wiped the cobwebs off. It was a crisp, yet warm day. The kind of fall day, we in the Southeast dream about after a hot, humid summer. I figured I’d better find out how the old Sporty was feeling before I hopped on it to go to Myrtle. It’s so weird when you get used to the way a vehicle feels. Like after driving a standard for year, ya get in an automatic and your left foot is always searching for the clutch peddle and you keep trying to shift. Well that’s how it was Sunday on the Sporty.

Rode that bike 10 years, yet it took me a few miles to get used to it after riding the gooseneck. The bike just felt short. The chopper is all stretched out and I have to lean forward, not sit straight up like at Grandma’s dinner table. The Sporty shifted way too smooth. No fighting with that shifter peddle. And I actually have to steer the bike. I sit low on the chopper and basically steer it with my butt. It’s hard to describe. It handles like a little dirt bike. It actually handles better. Then there’s the fact that I only have four gears, and drag gears at that, with the Sporty. But Sunday afternoon that may have been a good thing. It’s hard to get a ticket for speeding when the bike doesn’t want to go over 65. Now if I’d been on the gooseneck……….

But then I remembered how fun the Sporty is off the line and every time I took off, it made the most of it. The Sporty did punish me. It refused to release the rear brake, until I went down the road a ways after stopping. I finally began to use only the front. But it was a sweet day for riding. I went over the state line to South Carolina. Highway 21 is one of the favorite riding roads. I saw quite a few bikes and even a few big packs of bikes out. It runs through the back country of north central SC, just south of Charlotte, NC. No subdivisions, no strip malls, no Walmarts. Just farmer’s fields, trees, trailer homes and traditional style Southern homes with wrap around porches. In the driveways, I saw no Lexus, two-seater BMWs or Hummers. No manicured lawns. Just down home real life, you could practically smell the biscuits and gravy. There’s a couple of cool little bars on the south stretch of 21. The Handlebar is just down the road from Rt. and is often a stop for poker runs. There looked to be about 25 bikes in the lot. More bikes than cars or trucks. The other bar, The Double R Bar is a few miles farther south. I may have the name of that one wrong as I wasn’t concentrating on the sign and have not stopped there yet. I gassed up when I got to Rt 9. The other customers at the station included pickup trucks, one of which was hauling a battered race car whose sponsor was The Kickstart Bar. Four people sat across the bench seat of the dusty late 70’s pickup.

On my way back up 21, a pack of bikes, that had rolled by me at the gas station, pulled into the Double R. They waved as I went by. No, I didn’t stop at any bar. I had a pile of work waiting for me at home. I just wanted to catch some wind and reacquaint myself with a bike that I too often forget.

I forget how good looking that bike is. I spend too much time in a world that is too clean and new. I drive by subdivisions that are full of houses that look like the set of a TV show, so clean, so perfect, not a blade of grass out of place. I wait at intersections surrounded by immaculate new luxury cars, my ’98 Explorer looking completely out of place. I spend time at bike shows and rally parties where the average motor in those gleaming bikes, costs way more than the $3500 I paid for my whole Sportster.

So it’s easy to get caught up in the rat race to be better, prettier, more successful-the rush to be upwardly mobil. The Sportster reminds me who I am. I am the girl who was totally thrilled 10 years ago to be the owner of that bike. The woman who waited 31 years to be the owner of a Harley. A person who will never forget how wonderful it feels to own a bike free and clear, no loan to pay back. People tend to be judged by the image they present to the world. My sporty will never win a bike show. It will never be featured in a magazine. It will never draw a crowd with folks lining up to get my autograph. But that’s not what it’s all about. It’s about being happy where you are and thankful for what you have. Enjoying a sunny day. Living a real life, not one based on what TV and magazines tells us life should be. Too bad so many out there forget that. There’s alot of incredible roads to ride and many people riding them that don’t fit into the narrow definition of what’s cool. Go out and ride a few, and if you see a bike broke down on the side of the road, stop and lend a hand. Be real.

crazyhorse banner

Continued On Page 3

Read More

September 19, 2004



Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish,
National Coalition of Motorcyclists
High Performance Parts for American V-Twins

PENNSYLVANIA MOVES TO BAN POCKET BIKES, Philadelphia Councilman Rick Mariano recently staged a protest of a local Pep Boys to announce his intentions to introduce a measure outlawing the sale of all pocket bikes, he told KYW Newsradio following the death of a teen who was riding the wrong way down a one-way street.

Even though the “pockets bikes” are illegal on city streets, they are still being sold in Philadelphia stores.

“They’re not street legal — so where are they gonna ride them? On the sidewalk?,? he asked during the Sept 11 protest, organized to pressure the automotive chain into taking the mini-motorcycles off their shelves.

So Mariano says at Council’s first session next month, he’ll introduce a bill to ban the scooters outright. It’s not clear yet though if the city has that power, because the state regulates motor vehicles. According to KYW, similar efforts are in the works at the state level.

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STUDY CLAIMS MOTORCYCLES DAMAGE HEARING, Is it any wonder why motorcyclists hate “scientific studies”? Here?s a new one that’s sure to fuel the fires for noise ordinances, as researchers from the University of Florida told the Washington Times that “the noise from a motorcycle is as intense as that from a loud rock concert and can permanently damage hearing.”

In a test of 33 motorcycles, audiologists at Florida’s College of Public Health and Health Professions determined that nearly half produced sounds above 100 decibels when throttled up. That’s equal to a chainsaw or loud music, they said.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health warns that exposure to noise at 100 decibels is safe for only 15 minutes. The federal agency cautions that permanent hearing loss can result from eight hours of exposure to any noise measuring 85 decibels or above.

“Almost all of the motorcycles we tested reached action-level noise, which in the workplace would require ear protection,” said Joy Colle, an investigator in the Florida study, which the university released before it was published in a medical or scientific journal. “Potentially, the vast majority of motorcyclists could be exposed to dangerous levels of noise.”

But here’s the kicker; in the UF study the noise levels were tested at riders’ ear levels from stationary motorcycles when idle and throttled up. How many riders sit astride a parked motorcycle and “throttle up” for lengthy periods of time?

At least the audiologists admitted that motorcycle helmets do not provide much protection against hearing loss. No evidence was found that motorcycle noise harmed the hearing of those standing on a sidewalk near the test site either, but you can bet that won’t stop lawmakers from citing this “study” as justification for noise ordinances that target motorcycles.

steed banner final

FEDS SEEK STIFFER SENTENCES FOR “GANG” MEMBERS, “In an attempt to make punishments stiffer for street gangs, a bill has been introduced in the U.S. Senate to define what a criminal street gang is, ” reports ABATE of Pennsylvania’s Legislative Coordinator John Mullendore, who is also a member of the board of directors of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM).

S.2358 defines a criminal street gang as “an ongoing formal or informal group, club, organization, or association of 3 or more persons through or for which they individually, jointly, or in combination, have committed or attempted to commit, for the direct or indirect benefit of, at the direction of, or in association with the group, club, organization, or association, three or more unrelated predicate gang crimes.” Also, having “membership, age or other qualifications, initiation rites, geographical or territorial sites, boundary, or location, or other unifying mark, manner, protocol, or method of expressing or indicating membership.”

“Needless to say,” concludes Mullendore, “any one of us could be defined as a gang under this broad definition if this bill passes. So let your Senator know we are against this bill.”

If you would like to read the entire bill, go to the Senate website:, and type in s2358.


Bros Club

CALIFORNIA AMENDS HANDLEBAR HEIGHT LAW, Following a spate of handlebar height citations, ABATE of California set out to amend their “no more than shoulder high” handlebar height limit to allow for greater flexibility. Assemblyman Jay La Suer introduced Assembly Bill 2844 to “prohibit a person from driving a 2-wheel motorcycle that is equipped with handlebars so positioned that the hands of the driver, when upon the grips, are more than 6 inches above his or her shoulder height.”

ABATE lobbied AB2844 through the Assembly and Senate, and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the bill into law on August 23. AB 2844 has become Chapter 280 of the law books and will become effective January 1, 2005.

“CONGRATULATIONS to every freedom loving rider in this state who took a minute to stand up for something!” said Jean Hughes, ABATEPAC Chairman. “We can make a difference! We can change the law! Now go for a nice long ride and come back refreshed and ready to work some campaigns so we can lock in those remaining votes we need to get the helmets off our heads!”

biketoberfest banner

A COOL IDEA, Air conditioning for motorcycles? An Israeli inventor has designed what he claims is the world’s first air-conditioning unit for motorcycles. Physicist Glen Guttman from the company Entrosys said the device was technologically simple, but added: “Like any simple idea, you have to think it up, and then you have to implement it.”

The bike is fitted with an electronic unit powered by a standard motorcycle battery which funnels cold air into a thermal vest worn under the rider’s jacket. Speaking to Israel Army Radio, Guttman said the air conditioning unit was a small, lightweight box that fitted into the vehicle’s storage compartment and was connected to the driver’s body by a rubber tube. “The torso is the obvious target for air conditioning if you take into account the human physiology,” said Guttman.

The system cost $450,000 to develop, which Guttman raised through investors, and he now hopes the cooling motorcycle air conditioning unit will be on the market by the middle of next year. He said each unit would cost “several hundred pounds” and would first hit European and American shores. The inventor said, however, that he will not be testing the unit himself: “My investors don’t want me to ride a motorcycle myself. They want to make sure I stay safe.”

Meanwhile, “Air-conditioned” jackets have become a big hit in Japan. Jackets with built-in electric fans are providing relief in Japan during the country’s record-breaking summer heat. The prototype grey nylon coats have two fans in the back above the waist which are connected to a battery pack. The air runs along the wearer’s body and comes out at the cuffs and the neckline, drying off sweat which cools the skin as it evaporates.

baker banner

HONDA HYBRID, Honda Motor Co., the world’s biggest motorcycle maker, said it is developing motorcycles that can run on gasoline-electric engines and fuel cells, extending the so-called hybrid technology for the first time to two-wheeled vehicles.

The company has built a scooter with a 50 cubic centimeter hybrid engine and a 125cc fuel cell-powered scooter, said Honda President Takeo Fukui, speaking to journalists at its research center in Tochigi Prefecture, north of Tokyo.

Honda, one of the world’s two makers of vehicles with hybrid engines, is trying to use its technology to extend its edge over smaller motorcycle makers Suzuki Motor Corp. and Yamaha Motor Co. Toyota Motor Corp., the world’s biggest producer of hybrid cars, doesn’t make motorcycles.

Automakers are trying to take the lead in developing cleaner technology as governments around the world tighten emission regulations. Vehicles that are more fuel-efficient and which run on alternative fuels are also becoming increasingly popular as the price of oil surges to record levels.

WEIRD NEWS: LICENSE TO BILL, Jim Cara just wanted a vanity license tag for his Suzuki Hayabusa sport bike that would make people laugh, but when he chose to put “NOTAG” on his plate, the joke backfired.

The new tag arrived under an avalanche of Wilmington, Delaware parking violations. “All the traffic tickets say, ‘Notice of violation. License number: no tag’,” Cara told the News Journal newspaper.

City computers, talking to state Division of Motor Vehicles computers, had finally found an address for ticketed vehicles that lacked license tags: Cara’s home in Elsmere. He has received more than 200 violation notices, ranging from $55 to $125 for violations such as meter expirations.

Cara, 43, admits he’s been a lifelong prankster, but this time he says, “the cleanup is going to be worse than the joke.”

Officials say they are clearing up the glitch, but advised Cara to get a new plate.


QUOTABLE QUOTE “It is now proved beyond doubt that riding a motorcycle is one of the leading causes of statistics.”

big boar banner

NCOM CONVENTION UPDATE, The 20th annual NCOM Convention will be held next Mother?s Day weekend, May 5-7, 2005, at the Sheraton Music City Hotel, located at 777 McGavock Pike in Nashville, Tennessee. Reserve your room by April 3rd for the special NCOM rate of $79 single/double by calling (615) 885-2200. Registration fees for the Convention are $75 including the Silver Spoke Awards Banquet on Saturday night, or $40 for the Convention only. To pre-register, call the National Coalition of Motorcyclists at (800) 525-5355.

Jims Banner

A News Break–The Cathouse ParrotA woman went to a pet shop and immediately spotted a large, beautifulparrot. There was a sign on the cage that said $50.00

“Why so little,” she asked the pet store owner.The owner looked at her and said, “Look, I should tell you first thatthis bird used to live in a house of Prostitution, and sometimes it sayssome pretty vulgar stuff.”

The woman thought about this, but decided she had to have the birdanyway.She took it home and hung the bird’s cage up in her living room andwaited for it to say something.

The bird looked around the room, then at her, and said, “New house, newmadam.”

The woman was a bit shocked at the implication, but then thought “that’sreally not so bad.”When her two teenage daughters returned from school the bird saw andsaid, “New house, new madam, new girls.”

The girls and the woman were abit offended but then began to laugh about the situation considering howand where the parrot had been raised.

Moments later, the woman’s husband Keith came home from work. The birdlooked at him and said, “Hi, Keith

son of liberty


Sons of Liberty Riders TEA Party

Well, the annual TEA Party is here and gone.As usual, if you missed it you missed a lot.Some folks came in on Thursday but most rode in on Friday.It was a weekend packed full of brotherhood, great conversation, debate, eatingand drinking. Weather was perfect.But like years past this group isn’t your normal biker crowd. There was plentyof beer and liquor remaining because most are more involved in learning andteaching.

Sunday morning came early and for those who slept in, reveille came with thesounds of shooting at Rangers gun range.

I wish everyone a safe trip home and look forward to seeing all of you in thefuture.

To all my Brothers and Sisters

Thank you for a great weekend


Avon Banner


MSF imposes restrictions on Arizona’s use of MSF-branded tape


The Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) recently contacted ABATE ofArizonaInc. in regards to ABATE’s Motorcycle Awareness Program (MAP).Motorcyclists in Arizona have been presenting motorcycle awareness andthemessage of how to share the road with motorcycles for over three years, andtomore than 5,000 Driver Ed Students and Adults alike. The program hasbecome extremely popular and is now touching more than 3,000students/adults each year.

The MAP is coordinated by ABATE of AZ, approved by the State MotorcycleSafety Advisory Council (SMSAC) and Sponsored by Arizona’s MotorcycleSafety Fund and Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS). During the53-minute presentation of the MAP, an 8 minute MSF – ‘Common Road’ tapeisshown. Although the MSF does not consider the MAP to be an MSF-brandedprogram, the tape is.

Because of this, the MSF stated that they expect that anyone presentingthe Common Road tape or any other MSF video to the school system, even aspart of a larger program such as MAP, will follow MSF’s basic safetyrecommendations of gear to be worn to and from the school. The Gearincludes eye protection, long pants, DOT-compliant helmet, jacket, glovesand over-the ankle boots. The MSF also alluded to the fact that not towear this recommended gear, would “undercut the message of the program.”

ABATE of Arizona states that the message of the MAP is “How motorists cansafely share the road with motorcycles”, not “What to wear or not wearwhen riding a motorcycle.” They do not discuss the pros and cons of ahelmet or any other gear, nor do they discuss their own personal choices.

Teachers often say they appreciate how the matter is handled. At the endof each presentation, the Riders Ed Course is strongly recommended to anystudent who plans to obtain an MC endorsement. The benefits of such aprogram are discussed and the teacher is provided with a list ofavailableschools in the state of Arizona.

Although ABATE of Arizona owns approximately 14 copies of the Common RoadTape, they were not aware of any restrictions/requirements to wear theMotorcycle Safety Foundation recommended safety gear when using thesetapes.

Bobbi Hartmann, ABATE’s Designated Lobbyist, State Safety Officer andcoordinator of the MAP, stated, “This is just one more example of theMSF’s recent push, in such states as Idaho, Oregon, Hawaii and Illinois,to gain uniform authority over all motorcycle rider education,curriculum,and program delivery. They’ve gone too far. The MSF has crossed theline.”

ABATE of Arizona Inc. regrets the fact that due to the MSF demands, theywill be eliminating the use of the Common Road tape from the MAPpresentations. Their message will be the same, “How to Share the Roadwith Motorcycles” – Crash Prevention – not Safer Crashes.

baas metal banner


Candidate for State Representative to the MRF Board


I am asking each of you for your state’s vote at MOTM for StateRepresentative to the MRF Board. ~FastFred

Candidate for State Representative to the MRF Board: Fast Fred Ruddock

Several months ago, I officially announced my intention to run for StateRepresentative to the Board. I am still prepared to work as a liaisonbetween state representatives and the MRF Board of Directors. I feel as amember of the board I will be able to both help balance the current boardand improve communications especially those between the board and state reps.

Experience and Qualifications:I have been a member of ABATE of South Carolina since the early 1980s; Ihave held various positions from chapter coordinator to my current positionas state coordinator. I volunteered to be a MRF State Representative in late2002. I have worked hard to increase the membership levels of both the MRFand ABATE in South Carolina. I network and work with many other biker rightsactivists in my region and across our nation as an officer and member of theSons of Liberty Riders. I believe this board position would be a naturalextension of these efforts. I also maintain an ezine and biker rights websites geared towards increasing communication within our biker community.

Goals:I would like to work to increase the level of communication between theState Representatives and the Board of Directors. I would also like to workto increase the number of members in the MRF nationally. I am convinced thatincreasing the power and reach of the MRF is currently the best way to curbunwanted federal legislation. Many of the problems in my statehouse comefrom the federal government in the form of federal mandates and bribes topass legislation at the state level.

Personal Information:My current motorcycles are an ’89 FXRC and a ’03 FLHT; the FLHT has over45,000 miles on the odometer. Due to a serious crash I suffered in earlyJune the FLHT is still currently under repair; I have logged over 4,000additional miles on my FXR since the June crash though I was sidelined forsix weeks. I have owned many bikes over the years but only one cage; I soldthe cage last winter as it was deteriorating from lack of use. I averageabout 30,000 miles a year in the saddle riding all year in rain or shine. Ihave no children thus motorcycling and biker rights are my top priorities; Iwant my nieces to grow up in a free constitutional republic such as BenjaminFranklin and the 2nd Continental Congress forged and envisioned.

FastFred Ruddock

Join FF’s MC Rights Ezine email list at

Lepera Banner


Rider “Radio” Bob Letourneau wins primary, needs help!


Motorcycle leader and current New Hampshire State Rep. “Radio” Bob LetourneauWON in Tuesday’s Senate primary, beating the incumbent. Kudo’s to Bob and histeam. See story below.

But now Bob needs riders help for the general election November 2, 2004. Hiscampaign treasury is low. He needs an influx of donations and fresh workers (ifyou’re in the Derry, NH) area.

Riders nationwide can help by sending in or passing the helmet to collect $10 or$20 or $30 dollars for Bob’s campaign. He’s given THIRTY YEARS to motorcyclistsrights issues. Let’s get behind him, one by one, and help him continue to be inthe New Hampshire legislature, as SENATOR Bob!

Contact me directly at or Bob at on whereto send your checks.

Let’s ROAR for BOB!
Thanks – Paul W. Cote


Click to see more from Lucky Devil

Conservatives rule day in Senate races across state

Union Leader Staff

Two first-term state senators were ousted by conservative challengers inyesterday’s low-turnout state primary election. With the general electioncampaign about to unfold, Republicans hope to increase their current 18-6supermajority, while Democrats hope to put a significant dent in it.

Turned aside by Republican voters were Sens. Frank Sapareto of Derry andAndrew Peterson of Peterborough.

Four-term state Rep. Bob Letourneau defeated his fellow Derry residentbecause “of the hard work of people in Derry. This was not won by me alone. Itjust comes down to a style of leadership,” Letourneau said.

The Associated Press reported Letourneau with 1,652 votes and Saparetowith 1,540.

Letourneau beat Sapareto 865 to 552 in Derry. He won by 112 votes out of3,200 cast districtwide. In Hampstead, Letourneau won 239 to 196, while Saparetowon in Windham, 749 to 591. Letourneau now faces Grace Reisdorf of Derry in thegeneral election.

mike lichter




This weeks winnersare:

HERO Sputnik of TMRA IIFor being himself and taking home the Region 1 Warrior award

DORKThe thief that dipped into the donation bucket at the TEA Party.

If you need more info on this or any other subject just go to the Sons ofLiberty Riders Info Zone or


Read More

September 16, 2004 Part 4


Continued From Page 3


Things You Don?t See Everyday- From Miller4Nitro

Smart-ass Answer #1

A flight attendant was stationed at the departure gate to checktickets. As a man approached, she extended her hand for the ticketand he opened his trench coat and flashed her. Without missing abeat…she said, “Sir, I need to see your ticket, not your stub.”

Smart-ass Answer #2
A lady was picking through the frozen turkeys at the grocery store,but couldn’t find one big enough for her family. She asked a stockboy, “Do these turkeys get any bigger?” The stock boy replied, “Noma’am, they’re dead.”

Smart-ass Answer #3

The cop got out of his car and the kid who was stopped for speedingrolled down his window. “I’ve been waiting for you all day,” thecopsaid. The kid replied, “Yeah, well I got here as fast as I could.”When the cop finally stopped laughing, he sent the kid on his waywithout a ticket.

Smart-ass Answer #4

A truck driver was driving along on the freeway. A sign comes up thatreads “Low bridge ahead!” Before he knows it, the bridge is rightahead of him and he gets stuck under the bridge. Cars are backedupfor miles. Finally, a police car comes up. The cop gets out of hiscar and walks around to the truck driver, puts his hands on hishipsand says, “Got stuck, huh?” The truck driver says, “No, I wasdelivering this bridge and ran out of gas.”

and finally…..

Smart-ass Answer #5

A college teacher reminds her class of tomorrow’s final exam. “Nowclass, I won’t tolerate any excuses for you not being heretomorrow.I might consider a nuclear attack or a serious personal injury orillness, or a death in your immediate family but that’s it, nootherexcuses whatsoever!”

A smart-ass guy in the back of the room raised his hand andasks,”What would you say if tomorrow I said I was suffering fromcomplete and utter sexual exhaustion?”

The entire class does its best to stifle their laughter andsnickering.

When silence is restored, the teacher smiles sympathetically at thestudent, shakes her head, and sweetly says, Well, I guess you’dhaveto write the exam with your other hand.”

From S&C


BIKERNET NEW PRODUCT FROM ENERGY ONE–Having trouble finding neutral, having disengagement or clutch slippage problems with your Big Twin ?90 – ?97, Sportster & Buell ?91 to present? The fix is easy. Energy One Clutches offers a complete ?EXTRA PLATE? clutch kit which eliminates the OEM double riveted steel plate and the annoying rivets that work themselves loose. The Energy One kit not only eliminates the double riveted steel plate, it adds an extra friction plate and steel plate, making it a high performance extra plate kit.

The Energy One kit includes 9 high performance frictions, 8 steels and a 15% stronger diaphragm spring (Part No. BTX-11). Our parts are race proven and tested. Proud sponsor of the AHDRA Drags.

Energy One Clutches
(562) 698-7809

BIKER POEM–Hey Bandit, Not sure how you submit thing on this site so I thought that I would sendthis to you. Hope you like it.

Face in the sun
Wind in the hair
Bugs in the teeth
Smell of fresh air

Watch the world passing
Without a care
Roll the throttle on
Soon we’ll be there

Hear the pipes rumble
Lost in the sound
Every note sounds perfect
Time for a round

The girls they smile
The kids they wave
The guys look jealous
Riding in their cage

Pull into the bar
Friends gather round
Lift up to toast
That sweet rumbling sound

Now is the time for stories
And for lies to pass around
Remember that time last summer
When I almost went down

See that girl dancing
My she looks so sweet
Biker girls are best
They just can’t be beat

Now she’s coming over
Think I caught her eye
I’ll love you forever
Of course I wouldn’t lie

Get a little kiss
Buy another round
Better drink soon
The sun has gone down

Barmaid hollers out
Lights get bright
Last call is spoken
The end of the night

Tell your friends later
I’ll see you again
Tomorrows another day
Time to get in the wind

Walk out to the bike
Dig in the bags
Clear glasses are somewhere
Here, under the rags

Bike comes to life
Kick up the stand
Feel the power move through you
Aint this so grand

You leaving without me?
Comes a sweet voice
Please take me home
So what’s your choice?

Pull in the clutch
Push it into gear
Roll on some power
A little smoke from the rear

Arms and legs rapped around
Streetlights fade away
Smile on my face
A hell of a day

It’s what we where made for
Here we feel alive
Good times and bikes
This is where we thrive

Give a little twist
Just to hear the sound
Out goes the stand
Then shut her down

Lying in the bed
Her head on your chest
Eyes slowly close
Today was the best

By : Rusty Hylton

2004 Version–Daddy, how was I born?…….Ah, well, son, one day you will need to find out anyway!Here Goes: Mom & Dad got together in a chat room on MSN. Dad set up a datevia e-mail with your mom & we met at a cybercafe. We sneaked into a secludedroom. Your mother downloaded from dad’s memory stick & as soon as dad wasready for an upload, it was discovered that neither one of us had used afirewall. Since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine monthslater; a blessed little virus appeared.

And that’s the story.

From S&C


EVIL BASTARD ROLLING CHASSIS–The radical new line of CUSTOM ROLLING CHASSIS KITS just introduced by PRO-ONE have, without a doubt, some of the most creative names we?ve seen. And they actually do reflect the image produces by the different styles. Shown here is the EVIL BASTARD, a rigid chopper frame. The new roller reflects the company?s reputation for superior quality and workmanship with styling that?s right on the edge. EVIL BASTARD chassis are a perfect fit for 250, 280 and 300 applications and provide a nostalgic yet contemporary hard core chopper image. The frame is 1 ?? tubing with 6? over single or dual downtubes, 5? in the backbone and 40 degrees rake. A custom fit steel strutless rear fender is included as is the steel Longshot front fender, oil bag, stretched steel teardrop style gas tank and leather solo seat. PRO-ONE provides each kit with your choice of PRO-ONE 1-piece chrome billet rims, chrome billet brakes, forward controls, side mount license plate, headlight, 1 ?? pull back bars, 5 degree trees, matching rotors and drive pulley and more. EVIL BASTARD shown here includes optional assembly, custom paint, Sinister II wheels and custom stitched seat. For complete details contact PRO-ONE at 800-884-4173 or go to

BIKERNET COMPARISON–PROBLEM: Two books are for sale. Which to buy? “The Titanic” or “My Life” byBill Clinton?

Titanic: $29.99
Clinton: $29.99

Titanic: Over 3 hours to read.
Clinton: Over 3 hours to read.

Titanic: The story of Jack and Rose, their forbidden love, andsubsequent catastrophe.
Clinton: The story of Bill and Monica, their forbidden love, and subsequent catastrophe.

Titanic: Jack is a starving artist.
Clinton: Bill is a bullshit artist.

Titanic: In one scene, Jack enjoys a good cigar.
Clinton: Ditto for Bill.

Titanic: During an ordeal, Rose’s dress gets ruined.
Clinton: Ditto for Monica.

Titanic! : Jack teaches Rose to spit.
Clinton: Let’s not go there.

Titanic: Rose gets to keep her jewelry.
Clinton: Monica’s forced to return her gifts.

Titanic: Rose remembers Jack for the rest of her life.
Clinton: Clinton doesn’t remember Jack.

Titanic: Rose goes down on a vessel full of seamen.
Clinton: Monica… oooh, let’s not go there, either.

Titanic: Jack surrenders to an icy death.
Clinton: Bill goes home to Hillary… basically the same thing

Jay Hodge

s&s ribbon cutting

S&S Officially Opens New La Crosse Distribution and Manufacturing Facility– LA CROSSE, WI (August 31, 2004) While S&S began operating out of its La Crosse facility on August 11th, the official “Revving Cutting” Ceremony took place today in the shipping docks. Beautiful weather allowed the 50+ employee motorcycles to arrive right on time for the celebration. The event was sponsored by 95.7 The Rock FM providing live coverage, by Grizzly’s providing barbeque sandwiches, and the La Crosse Area Chamber of Commerce. On hand were S&S Chairman of the Board, George Smith; S&S President, Brett Smith; Mayor of La Crosse, John Medinger; La Crosse Area Development President, James Hill; La Crosse Area Chamber of Commerce President, Dick Granchalek; and over 500 other dignitaries, friends, and employees.

“Today is certainly a cause for celebration, but the real work is ahead of us with new endeavors like powder coating, polishing, and manufacturing frames and billet components,” said Brett. “Not only did we officially open the new distribution facility, I promoted Gary Larson to Director of Logistics since we’ll need on-hand leadership here and he did such a tremendous job with the move. Now he’ll have the chance to do more with some of the initiatives I just mentioned.”

Brett closed, “I’m not only thankful for all the hard work of the employees and S&S team members, the support of the Board-particularly former Board member, Jack White, for facilitating this deal. I also want to thank our service providers like Virchow Krause, US Bank, and Foley & Lardner. Finally thanks to the City of La Crosse. However, God truly blessed all of us with this move and we will return those blessings by providing much needed manufacturing jobs in this area.”

s&s group

“It is overwhelming for me to visualize the business back in 1980, when I took over as President after my Dad’s untimely death and see it now with my son leading us into a third generation of successful growth,” said George. “I am sure that Mom & Dad would be proud with what we accomplished and even more pleased to see that our second generation efforts translated into continued success with the third generation.”

S&S Cycle has been a leading manufacturer of Proven Performance V-Twin motorcycle components and engines for over 45 years. George Smith and Stanley Stankos founded the company in 1958 in Blue Island, Illinois. Shortly after the founding of S&S, George, and his wife Marjorie (whose maiden name was also Smith), bought out Stanley Stankos and Smith & Stankos became Smith & Smith (S&S). In 1969, S&S moved from Blue Island to Viola, Wisconsin and expanded to La Crosse, Wisconsin in 2004. This 3rd generation business supplies components and/or engines to several large custom OEs including: American Ironhorse, Arlen Ness, Big Bear Choppers, Big Dog, BMC, Bourget Bike Works, Hellbound Steel, Swift, Titan, Ultra, Vengeance, & Victory (please see the S&S website for a complete listing).

Prowler Chassis

Prowler Frame

AEC Introduces Two Distinctive, Right-Side Drive Prowler Frames–American Engineering Company has two new frames on the prowl. The Prowler Halfmoon Chopper and Prowler Prostreet Style frames are set up for right-side drive and can fit tire sizes from 240 to 250. Each frame comes with a shot-peened surface and features accessories including a swingarm with bearings, weld-on gas tank mounts, internal fork stops, built-in neck bearing cups, splash guard, oil tank, an integrated transmission plate and a 1? axle with axle adjusters and covers. Call AEC for detailed information, and ask for it by name?Prowler! Dealer inquiries invited.

agent zebra1

Thought the photo belonged on for all the vets.

This is a truly outstanding photo of a Marine AH-1W Cobra during the battle for Najaf. The aircraft pictured has just destroyed an enemy mortar position, the photo was shot by his wingman. The unit engaged are the “Coyotes” of HMLA-775, MCB Camp Pendleton, CA; reservists deep in the fight. Note the golden dome in the background, this is the Shiite’s most sacred mosque which was taken over and occupied by Al Sadre’s thugs.

Semper Fidelis
Agent Zebra

BIKERNET SUPPORT–I have not seen this personally but I do Know Grumpy and he is a good source.

Cityhawg posted this on HTT

How many have seen the new Toyota Tundra commercial ? If you havent it shows a biker on a 2 lane country road all by himself. He looks in his mirror and see`s 5 Tundras coming up fast. They force him to ride the center line of the road while they pass using both lanes. I called Toyota about this and gave them an ear-full. And we all know of someone who has been killed or injured by this type of driving.

This shows a complete disregard for motorcycle safety on the part of Toyota. If anyone wants to call them about this and demand that this commercial be pulled off the air call: 1-800-331-4331 option 3 and let them know we will not put up with this callous view of bikers.

They gave me a document number after registering my complaint. I did give up Phone and addy, but I think worth it.

1-800-331-4331 option 3, option 4.

Everybody should call and let them know what you think.
Grumpy : (


rogue banner

woman on bike b n w

Photo by Bob T.

That?s the news? Bandit returns home tomorrow – yay! I?ve really missed the big guy. It just isn?t the same around here without him cause a girl can only take so much relaxing, and then she needs a good strong man to come along and boss her around.

If I didn?t mention before where he?s been, that lucky bastards been in Alaska Salmon fishing, hiking, touching glaciers and enjoying the beautiful landscape ? without me. I can?t wait to see the pictures he taken and hear the fishing stories of the one that got away. Oh, about that email Bandit got, here you go.

Hi Bandit,
I was just doing a “Howard Kelly” search online and noticed a funny storyabout you having a scrape with Howie and the Primedia posse over some sortof misappropriation of funds thing or something. Oh well, by now you surelyknow that they offed the f** t** of l*** this past Friday and the entirebike industry has been dancing in the streets ever since. I’ve hoisted myshare of extra-dry martinis to celebrate the occasion.

Take care,
Mr. Unknown

Have a great weekend!


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