Bikernet Banner

February 09, 2006 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

fatman bike

Milwaukee Revolution 330mm Released Today– The Fat Man’s Speed Shop, the world’s largest Milwaukee Motorcycle dealer,announces release for sale, 2006 Milwaukee Revolution 330mm motorcycle.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin (9 February, 2006) The Fat Man’s Speed Shop announcedtoday the release to the retail public, 2006 Milwaukee Revolution 330mm.Senior builder, Will Day, tells us the Revolution 330mm can be bought by theretail public in Rolling Chassis form for only $5,699.99. The customer canalso purchase the Revolution 330mm in Bike Kit form for only $17,999.99.

fat man

The Fat Man’s Speed Shop will also take orders on a completed Revolution330mm in any House of Kolors paint scheme for $21,999.99. Will also tellsus to keep in mind when purchasing any Milwaukee product, that you arepurchasing it from a long time, licensed manufacturer. In today’s sellingenvironment, this means the retail customer can insure it, finance itthrough GE Retail, and have a product that meets all E.P.A. and D.O.T.standards, as well as be listed in N.A.D.A. and Kelly Blue Book. Willexpects the new Revolution 330mm to blow out the or call 715-832-4400.

HardBikes Banner

HARDBIKES APPOINTS SHAUNA AUGUSTINE SALES COORDINATOR–Hardbikes, a leading designer and manufacturer of custom American motorcyclesand Choppers, welcomes Shauna Augustine as Sales Coordinator. Her new positioninvolves organizing tradeshows and events, taking orders and coordinatingmotorcycle production with the Dealers and monitoring the website designcenter.

Shauna joins Hardbikes with three years of experience in enterprise softwareconsulting and two years in customer service management.

“I am excited about coming on board with Hardbikes,” said Shauna Augustine. “Ilook forward to assisting in building a new motorcycle company from the groundup.”

Shauna Augustine holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Thiel College inPennsylvania.

The Hardbikes team is fortunate and pleased with the new partnership of thishigh-caliber individual and looks forward to a prosperous future together.

“I am proud to announce Shauna as a new member of our team,” said Bob Kay, VPSales and Marketing. “She came onboard running flat out and is alreadycontributing to our success”


ABOUT MARINE MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENTS–I would like to share my thoughts and comments on the recent articles published on Marines dying on Motorcycles after returning home from Combat. Being a former Marine and experiencing the death of several friends in the past, I am compelled to speak up.

First of all Marines are a bunch of arrogant bastards, you know you are, but for good reason. They are the BEST in the WORLD at what they do! This statement is not intended to belittle or offend any other military person, however young men join the United States Marine Corps to be the BEST and to be the first to go into a hot situation. And the training reflects this desire and skills to be just that. For a young man of 18 to want to be the “First to Fight” in a foreign country tells you his thinking is a little outside the norm. Add to this the invincible attitude of youth and you have several cocky young men with a tremendous amount of pride, again for good reason!

This being the basic facts of these young warriors, now add to it they survived combat. In several cases 2 tours of combat. Now you have a whole new attitude of arrogance and being cocky. You also have those from this group who believe they can not be seriously injured or killed. Hell they survived combat so anything else is just peanuts – Right! Plus why shouldn’t they enjoy some American Freedoms? The same Freedoms you and I and the rest of the United States is allowed to enjoy! And so they do. Do they take unnecessary risks? Of course they do – they are Marines and that is what they do! But they do not see it in this light as their skills are typically superior than those of the common person, plus they are usually thrill seekers and their perspective is different.

Americans do not want to see a combat veteran come home safely and then die in an accident that could have been prevented. But at the same time do we want to restrict these young warriors their Freedoms? The same Freedoms we enjoy! I should hope not!!

Of course we had more motorcycle deaths on the highways – because we had 4 times the number of people on the highways and the cage traffic wasn’t trained or prepared to handle it. These were simple Laws of Averages!

Perhaps the base could implement additional training courses for these young men. Perhaps they could establish an area that sanctioned organized racing on the base with medical personnel on-sight. When I was stationed in California my buddy used to drag race his motorcycle on the Highway 5 Drag Strip on the weekends. I served as his pit crew and we had a blast! Specific protective clothing and safety gear was required and once you achieved these things you could pay your entry fee and race. Perhaps something such as this could be put together as an organized and safer outlet for these young Marines.

I say don’t come down to hard on these Young Warriors. Educate them in the style they will respect and respond to and provide a better outlet to them.

Semper Fi my Warrior Brothers!
–Silver Eagle


HARLEYS MAY BE RETURNED– The Niles City Police Department’s motorcycle program may be in jeopardy.Officer Jim Kidwell of the Niles City Police Department may have to give up riding the department’s leased Harley-Davidson, one of the two motorcycles the department is leasing. Due to sharply increased rates, it is in question whether or not the department will be able to retain the motorcycles. Since 2002, the department has leased two Harley-Davidson motorcycles from Motown Harley-Davidson in Taylor, near Detroit.The Harley-Davidson Company initially developed a program where they lease brand-new motorcycles to police departments at a $1 per year rate.

“You can’t pass up a deal like that,” said Chief of Police Richard Huff.Not only are they invaluable in certain situations, but they are also a favorite among citizens. “They’ve been the best P.R. (public relations) tool we’ve ever had. Just with the feedback we get from the community,” Huff said.

From 2002 until 2004, that $1 per year rate was intact. Harley-Davidson ended up “flooding the market” with this deal, and several police departments across the country took advantage of it.

The agreement was that a department leased a motorcycle for a year, then the next year traded up and leased the newest models. As a result of its popularity, the supply and demand of the motorcycles drove the price of the traded-in models way down.

The program began to lose its luster and Harley-Davidson wasn’t making nearly as much money on the used models as it originally had.This caused the company to significantly increase the lease rate. In 2005, the rate had jumped from $1 a year to $1,200 a year per motorcycle. The Niles Police Department was able to come up with the extra $2,400 to lease the two motorcycles for that year. But as of the end of this month, the 2006 lease year, the price per motorcycle has again sharply increased, now to $2,250 per year.

“This money just isn’t available.” Huff said.”One of the biggest assets is being able to access areas in the city that we can’t with patrol cars,” Huff said.Those areas include sidewalks, parks and easier access to car accidents on busy streets.

The motorcycles are only used when it’s above 50 degrees. The motorcycles also get much better fuel efficiency than the patrol cars and they take advantage of that.

The Harley-Davidson dealer that the police department leases their motorcycles from has offered to sell the current models to the Niles department for $13,750 a piece.Based on the average amount of miles they’ve put on each motorcycle each year, Huff estimates they would likely get about 10 years out of each motorcycle. That comes out to $1,375 a year.

By RYAN STEWART / Niles Daily Star

–from Rogue

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BREAKDOWN LANE AVAILABLE TO MOTORCYCLES IN WASHINGTON STATE– Senate Bill 6663 would allow motorcycles to use the breakdown or access lanes when traffic is slowed to less than 10 MPH. Riders would not be able to proceed faster than 20 MPH and must give way to emergency vehicles and disabled vehicles.

The status of this bill, as well as most motorcycle-related legislation throughout the country can be viewed by accessing StateWatch on the American Motorcyclist Association?s (AMA) Rapid Response Center at This service is available to all riders thanks to those who join the AMA.

Lepera Banner

FLORIDA DROPS HIGHER INSURANCE– Florida highway safety officials have dropped a proposal that would have dramatically increased the medical insurance required of those who ride while not wearing a helmet from $10,000 to $50,000.

Discovering that the insurance policies could be difficult, if not impossible, to find and exorbitantly expensive — and after getting a cool reception from Gov. Jeb Bush and the state Cabinet — the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles scrapped the idea.

But officials are proposing another change that they say could help increase motorcycle safety. That change would require all new motorcyclists to complete a rider training course. Currently, Florida requires only riders under the age of 21 to complete the course.

While the concept may sound good, Florida would be hard-pressed to meet the logistical challenges of such a mandate. The dramatic increase in training demand combined with an insufficient number of instructors, equipment, and training sites could result in lengthy delays and actually push new riders to avoid training and licensing altogether.

While the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) strongly supports and encourages riders to take advantage of rider education opportunities, the Association maintains a position against making such programs mandatory. Our full position statement on compulsory rider education can be found at

WISCONSIN LEGISLATION WOULD PROTECT MOTORCYCLISTS– The Roadway Users Responsibility Act, SB 528 introduced in the Wisconsin state Senate and based on model legislation that’s part of the Justice for All campaign, takes a multi-pronged approach to protecting motorcyclists.

With assistance from AMA and ABATE of Wisconsin, the measure was introduced by state Sen. David Zien (R-Chippewa Falls), an 18-year AMA member, and seeks to increase penalties for drivers who kill or injure motorcyclists or other vulnerable road users.

The bill would increase the penalties for right-of-way violations that result in injuries or death to others. In many cases across the country, inattentive drivers have killed or maimed motorcyclists and been punished with fines as small as $70, because state laws treat these serious crashes as minor traffic infractions.

Zien’s bill would also include motorcycle, bicycle and pedestrian awareness information in driver education programs. And it includes a provision that would allow motorcyclists to proceed through a red light when the traffic sensor doesn’t detect the motorcycle and conditions make it safe to proceed.

You can learn more about the Justice for All Campaign, keep track of legislation that affects your right to ride, and contact your elected representatives quickly and easily, through the AMA’s Rapid Response Center found at

OKLAHOMA LAW HITS IRRESPONSIBLE MOTORISTS–Oklahoma’s Jaggers? Law represents ABATE of Oklahoma’s renewed effort to enhance penalties for irresponsible motorists who injure or kill other roadway users. Senate Bill 1989 is named in honor of David Jaggers, former Sgt-at-Arms of the Downed Bikers Association of Oklahoma, who was killed by an irresponsible driver in October, 2003.

This marks the third year that ABATE of Oklahoma, AMA and others are attempting to enact Jaggers’ Law as part of the Justice for All campaign. You can get more information on this bill and Justice for All by checking out

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NEW PENNSYLVANIA LEARNER’S PERMIT RULES– Pennsylvania recently revised the motorcycle learner’s permit procedure. Prospective riders who are seeking a learner’s permit must now pass the knowledge test before the permit will be issued. Previously, learner’s permits were issued without the requirement of the test.

Future riders can visit to learn more about Pennsylvania’s motorcycle licensing and safety program.


MINNESOTA CAPITOL BIKERDAY– Minnesota riders are invited to attend the 3rd Annual Bikerday at the Capitol from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on Wednesday, March 8, 2006.

This event is cosponsored by ABATE of Minnesota, St. Croix Valley Riders, Minnesota Motorcycle Club Coalition, Motorcycle PAC of Minnesota, and Minnesota Motorcycle Riders Association.

Attendees will receive an information packet and copies of relevant House and Senate bills. For more information contact Mack Backlund at


ENGLAND URGES CAGERS TO SEE BIKERS– The United Kingdoms Department for Transport’s ‘THINK! Take longer to look for bikes’ campaign started on January 30th. The campaign urges motorists to continually look for motorcyclists throughout the Kingdom. A parallel campaign, urging motorcyclists to make themselves more visible, will run via six-sheet posters.

The 30 second television advertisement encourages urban car drivers to look longer for bikes. A radio advertisement backs up the TV message and “acts as an in-car reminder,” said a statement from the Department.

In 2003, 73 per cent of all crashes involving a two-wheeled motor vehicle also involved a car. The Department’s report, ‘In-Depth Study of Motorcycle Accidents’, concluded that the most common cause of motorcycle crashes – as with bicycle crashes – is a right of way violation.

The majority of these incidents occur at intersections and “it is usually the motorist – rather than the rider – who is at fault.” In 65 percent of these ‘right of way’ incidents, drivers fail to see motorcyclists who other witnesses report were easily visible.

To learn more about the campaign and view the advertisements, visit the campaign website at

SAN FRANCISCO ATTACKS BIKERS–San Francisco, CA area motorcyclists have turned an anti-motorcycle rant into positive press for riders.

Recently, morning disc jockeys on a Bay Area radio station, Live 105, complained about lane-sharing motorcyclists and joked about drivers opening car doors in front of riders, causing them to crash. Lane-sharing is not illegal in California and helps reduce traffic congestion.

Outraged motorcyclists, concerned that the comments could incite car drivers to injure riders, flooded the station with complaints. The Bay Area Riders Forum (BARF), an online message board, played a central role in allowing riders to coordinate their actions.

As a result of the complaints, the on-air personalities apologized and at least one of them has promised to take the Motorcycle Safety Foundation Rider Course to learn more about motorcycling. The station also agreed to air public service announcements about motorcycle safety.

Continued On Page 3

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February 09, 2006 Part 1



Whatta Week,

Just returned from Cincy where the entire industry displayed its wares at the Easyriders V-twin show. I actually helped kick off this effort with Jim Betlach before I left ER and Jim has done a helluva job. We may have a report on it later next week.

This industry is expanding and rockin’ although it’s small by comparison. The biggest item at the forefront is the EPA restrictions. Take 15 minutes and read the article mentioned on the home page and write to the MRF. We all need your support.

I thought I’d mention something quick that we don’t often think about. The V-twin custom motorcycle industry is fun, alive and vibrant, but small by comparison to the auto industry, toaster folks, fishing industry, you name it. I spoke to a wheel manufacturer last year and asked him how many of their most popular wheels did they make. He said 1,000. Think about that. This ain’t no Walmart order of 500,000 hub caps. Kinda puts the whole tamale in prospective.

Let’s hit the news, then I’ll tell you what to expect on Bikernet for the rest of the week:

Donnie Smith invitational banner

WAR VETS BURNIN’ OFF ADRENALINE–Since 9/11, more American troops have died in off-duty motorcycle accidents than fighting in Afghanistan.Nearly 350 GIs have died on bikes since the 2001 terrorist attacks compared with 259 killed while serving in Afghanistan, according to safety records kept by each service. The number who die in crashes each year – nearly all in the United States – has more than doubled since 2001, hitting new levels in 2005. Nearly 1,000 more have been injured, draining power when the Pentagon needs every soldier.

A big part of the problem, say commanders at bases, comes when soldiers return from war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan with months of tax-free salaries and extra pay for combat and overseas service. They buy high-powered motorcycles and hit the streets to burn off adrenaline, testosterone and boredom.

Dying on American roads after months or years of combat abroad seems to survivors like cruel irony.”When the doctor told me that he was dead, I told him that wasn’t acceptable, it just wasn’t acceptable,” said Andrea Strickland, 22, the widow of Marine Lance Cpl. Mark Strickland. “I said, ‘He just got back from a war zone, and you’re going to tell me that he died doing something he loved?’ “

“Our goal is not to see the same thing happen,” said Lt. Gen. James F. Amos, commander of the II Marine Expeditionary Force, which has its headquarters at Lejeune.

After the October crashes, which Amos described as “a cold shot to the heart,” he ordered a crackdown. The base ceased normal operations for a day in November to focus on safety, particularly for motorcyclists. It added safety programs and re-emphasized existing ones, such as mandatory safety classes and a mentor program Amos created that is being considered as a model for use corpswide.

Most riders who get into trouble, he said, are inexperienced and doing something they shouldn’t, such as popping wheelies.He said he rarely taps his machine’s full power.”It’s just there if I need it,” he said.

Cyclists such as Toldness are a growing military subculture. Younger troops favor shrieking, race-bred sport bikes while officers and senior noncommissioned officers often cruise on the more laid-back Harleys. Parking lots for special operations units sometimes look like someone issued an order allowing only motorcycles and pickups. In Kuwait and Iraq, off-duty talk often covers the opposite sex, beer and motorcycles, and not always in that order.”Guys come back from Iraq after a year, and right away they need that big bike because their buddy’s got one or their girlfriend wants them to,” Toldness said.

I want everyone to think about ONE thing in regards to more service people dying in motorcycle deaths than have died in Afghanistan since 9/11:EVERY GI MUST WEAR A HELMET AT ALL TIMES?

JAY PRICERaleigh News & Observer

son of liberty

So what should we all gain from this?That helmets do NOT save lives. Period. Take this information and spread it around your statehouse among those that think the “motorcycle helmet” is the answer and ask them to explain why our servicemen and women are dying WHILE wearing helmets.

Then while they fumble and stumble for an answer, explain to them that ONLY through BETTER education of both motorcyclist and the public can we ever hope to reduce the number of deaths.

Helmets are nothing more than a Band-Aid trying to cover a gaping wound.

Sons of Liberty Riders

rfr bobber

TEXAS BIKERNET PHOTOG TRIES TO REACH HORSE–If you talk to Hammer can you ask him to check his e-mail. I have sent the brown bike three times now, the last time to his home as he requested. If he has changed his mind about using it fine, but a response of some type would be cool.


The other was suppose to have been in SC, but they moved that blue bike I sent to you for HB there instead so I wanted to see if the Horse might be interested, even though I believe they had a bike with similar paint.

Trying to line up a girl, for the Girls of Bikernet, for this weekend.


Hell, shoot ’em both for Bikernet or the Girls of Bikernet. We’re ready to launch. See below for new HORSE contact info.–Bandit

Horse Banner

HORSE SNEAKS INTO ER EXPO– We just returned from the Cincinnati V-Twin Expo. Several of you were there, so you know it was a great venue with all the major builders, dealers, manufacturers and people in the motorcycle industry. THE HORSE BC attended for 2nd year with a booth and gave away over 1,000 copies of past issues. Ralph was able to arrange for Kara, our cover girl from issue #55, to come. Although we had over 500 copies of her issue, they were all gone by Saturday night; Kara signed each issue for a potential new customer!

In order to keep us moving into 2006 with a little more control, we’re going to change the location we have you send your submissions. After you have sent all your articles, photos, art, etc. for issue #59 to Ralph, begin immediately to send all future submissions to:

Alan Mayes, Managing Editor
PO Box 1824
Tullahoma, TN 37388

Alan will be working on a daily basis with Ralph to assign articles. When articles, photos and art are received, Alan will be logging in and keeping track on a spreadsheet. I know many times freelance writers send packages to Geno, Ralph, myself and even our subscription company. They find an address in the magazine and send to the wrong address.

I know many of you have mentioned that you have sent in packages and they get lost. This new method will allow everything to be logged in and if you need to track an article you sent, you’ll know to call Alan and he will let you know where it is and perhaps what issue it may be published in. Previous submissions will soon be cataloged by Ralph into the spreadsheet, too, so we’ll know exactly what we have on hand.

As a note, many, many of the people attending, in most cases employees of the manufacturers or shops stopped by the booth to congratulate us on the great magazine THE HORSE BC is. Some say it’s the only mag they read!


baker banner

BIKERNET BILLION DEFINED– The next time you hear a politician use the word “billion,”casually, think about whether you want the politician spending your tax money.

A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertisingagency did a good job of putting that figure into perspective in one of its releases:

1.. A billion seconds ago it was 1959.
2.. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.
3.. A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.
4.. A billion days ago no-one walked on two feet on earth.
5.. A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government spends it.

–from Joe Lankau

Accurate banner

BIKENET STRESS MANAGEMENT SEMINAR–Just in case you’ve had a rough day, here’s a stress management technique recommended in all the latest psychological texts.

The funny thing is that it really works.

1. Picture yourself near a stream.
2. Birds are softly chirping in the cool mountain air.
3. No one but you knows your secret place.
4. You are in total seclusion from the hectic place called “the world,”
5. The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade of serenity.
6. The water is crystal clear.
7. You can easily make out the face of the person you’re holding underwater.
8. See, you’re smiling already.

–from Skooter


BONNEVILLE BIKERNET SALT SHAKER UPDATES–The V uses a touring tranny, but any FXR fit one will be OK. It uses one of the CCI extended chain sprockets, with the same teeth as stock. But Baker sells a sharp one, if there is any problem with the offset /teeth, etc., let me know and I will go down and measure one.

The twin cam tranny won’t bolt to a non twin cam bottom end engine.

On my Vs, with a 110 revtech, I have never had a problem with the engine moving on the tranny using a stock OEM inner /outer primary, which is a really good stabilizer.If you are using a belt drive with a good billet piece that takes the place of the stock inner, you should not have a problem.

How much hp/ torque do you have on the engine you are using?The V is a lot different than a the Softail setup, that most choppers use, the primary is shorter, and seems to be a lot more rigid.

CCI, have a V going to Daytona, Why don’t you ask Your butt hole buddy Sean if you can ride it around so you can get used to it. I mentioned this to John Lott already. If you want to, let me know and I will pressure him on my end.

–John Reed
Custom Chrome

John’s in constant trouble with the brass. We will run a BDL primary drive. –Bandit

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FIVE RULES FOR MEN TO FOLLOW TO HAVE A HAPPY LIFE– 1. It’s important to have a woman who helps at home, who cooks from time to time, cleans up and has a job.

2. It’s important to have a woman who can make you laugh.

3. It’s important to have a woman who you can trust and who doesn’t lie to you.

4. It’s important to have a woman who is good in bed and who likes to be with you.

5. It’s very, very important that these four women don’t know each other.

Bros Club

FLORIDA BIKE SHOP INVESTIGATED– A Biker owned a small motorcycle shop in Florida. The Florida Hourly Wage Department claimed he was not paying proper wages to his help and sent an agent out to interview him.

“I need a list of your employees and how much you pay them,” demanded the agent.

“Well” replied the Biker, “There’s my lead mechanic who’s been with me for 3 years. I pay him $600 a week plus parts for his bike at cost. The helper has been here for 18 months, and I pay him $500 per week plus parts for his bike at cost

Then there’s the half-wit who works here about 18 hours every day and does about 90% of all the work around here. He makes $10 per week, and I buy him a bottle of Jack Daniels every Saturday night.”

“That’s the guy I want to talk to – the half-wit,” says the agent.

“That would be me,” replied the biker.

–from Rogue
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

s liberte - perewitz

SARA LIBERTE ANNOUNCES HER AFFAIR WITH DAVE PEREWITZ–Liberte, a well-known and respected custom bike designer and photographer, will be launching her newest photo series in 2006. “Builder and Machine” is a photographic series that explores the motorcycle builders most in demand today and the machines they create. A stunning black and white Image

Fusion portrait will be the end result of a visit to each builder’s shop where Sara will explore the latest creations that have sprung from the mind of each builder. Images of the builders will be portrayed in a way you’ve never seen before; builder and machine fused together to make their unique work a true part of them. Some builders in the lineup include Dave Perewitz, Mondo of Denvers Choppers, Kendall Johnson, Johnny Chop, and Randy Simpson of Milwaukee Iron.

Sara Liberte also offers limited edition Fine Art Photographs from her Image Fusion; Woman and machine series. The Pittsburgh artist has developed a limited edition run of only 150 prints of each image available in sizes 20″ x 30″ and 16″ x 20″ to offer to the public. Since displaying her work at Myrtle Beach, Laconia, Sturgis, and Las Vegas Bike Fest in 2005, demand to purchase the images has increased.

Motorbooks International has just released Liberte’s newest book “How to Repair and Maintain American V-Twin Motorcycles.” A seasoned mechanic, Sara Liberte brings her knowledge, skills, and advice into your garage with this informative book. With 21 do-it-yourself projects, Liberte will help you to know and understand how to do everything from fluid changes to technical upgrades to your ride. The book is available at bookstores everywhere, and signed copies are available through Sara’s website.

Sara’s Fine Art prints and signed copies of her book are available on her website. Dealer inquiries are welcome.

Contact info for Sara Liberte
328 Perry Highway
Pittsburgh, PA 15229

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BIKERNET BONNEVILLE SALT SHAKER BAKER TRANSMISSION ORDER–I’ve been back and forth with John Reed, Berry Wardlaw and John Reed to make sure I order the right tranny for the V-bike. One of these days were going to post an article about transmission, what fit’s what, shaft lengths for wide tires, etc.

John was trying to help me through the maze: If the back of the engine is the same as a (rubber mount) FXR/dresser, and the front part of the tranny is for a (rubber mount) FXR/dresser, it should be OK.

As far as I know, the back end of the engine mount is the same on Shovel and Evos, and I’m sure Panheads, and late model FXR rubber mount trannies bolt straight to the engines. It’s only really early r/m trannies that need a seperate bracket.

–John Reed

Continued On Page 2

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Traffic Stops – What Are Your Rights?

There was a time, during the civil unrest in this country due to race riots and anti-war demonstrations, that personal appearance or vehicle type was enough for an officer to form an opinion about you and stop your vehicle. Numerous court cases challenged those arbitrary stops and the tide seemed to be turning for the Constitutional rights of the citizen. In our February Newsbrief, we listed three of the cases that helped define what a legal and Constitutional police stop was:

1. Beck v. Ohio, 85 S.Ct. 223,225 (1964)
2. Florida v. Royer, 103 S.Ct. 1319, 1324 (1983)
3. Lankford v. Gelston, 364 F 2d. 197 (4th. Cir. 1966)

These cases affirmed the belief that probable cause consisted of facts indicating that a person had committed or was about to commit an offense. In our newsbrief, we discussed a case in Minnesota in which a biker was stopped on his way to Sturgis. The basis for the stop was a suspected illegal headlamp configuration (on a stock Harley). Although some contraband was found, the search was deemed illegal in an appeals court decision due to the fact that the officer had no real probable cause to stop the biker, and that he used tactics to intice or fool the biker into thinking he had no choice but to submit to a search.

Our U.S. Supreme Court, led by the conservative thinking Justice William H. Rehnquist, has in recent years moved back toward allowing broad and arbitrary discretionary powers to police. Once again, the color of your skin, the length of your hair, or even your choice of transportation could be enough for an officer to suspect you of being guilty of something. This broadening of police power is supported in three recent cases heard by the high court.

Whren v. United States, 116 S. Ct. 1769 (1996)

Pretext stops, stopping for vehicle or traffic offenses when the real reason is to search for contraband, are not unconstitutional under the Fourth Amendment guarantees prohibiting unreasonable search and seizure, according to the U.S. Supreme Court. The officers intent in making the stop is irrelevant. If he believes a violation has taken place, the stop is valid. Whren assures that police will be able to stop, based on race, appearance, transportation or their whim.

Ohio v. Robinette, 117 S. Ct. 417 (1996)

This case addresses one of the issues brought out in the case of the biker on his way to Sturgis. He never stated out loud that he objected to a search of his vehicle, nor did he ask to leave. In Ohio v. Robinette,the court ruled that the Fourth Amendment does not require that the officer inform the detained person that they have a right to leave before consent to a search is recognized as voluntary.

Maryland v. Wilson, No. 95-1268 (Feb. 19, 1997)

This case affirms that officers can legally order you out of, or off of your vehicle during a traffic stop. It also goes beyond the authority of a 1977 case, allowing officers to ask the driver of a vehicle to step out of a car. Wilson allows the officers to also ask passengers to step out of a vehicle, and to detain them, as well as the driver.

Officers may ask for permission to search your vehicle, but you do not have to consent. In fact, if you do not want to allow a search of your vehicle, you must vocalize that objection. Simply saying nothing is not the same as refusing to consent. The same holds true for asking if you are free to leave. You must ask if your are free to leave, because the officer is not under any obligation to inform you that you are free to leave.

According to an article in The Lawyer’s Magazine, July 1997, figures on police searches in South Carolina in 1991 showed that less than 15% of the 4,000-plus vehicles they searched turned up any drugs. It must be remembered that the officer has discretion to decide whether to pursue the search or not. He has the option to further detain you, and call for drug sniffing dogs, for instance. Asserting your right to be free from unreasonable search (knowing you are innocent and have nothing to hide) could turn out to be a situation in which you are detained for a long period of time. The soft spoken, friendly officer, trying to obtain your permission for a search, could turn into an angry and determined individual not worried about keeping you on the roadside for an hour or more.

Random stops are still not permissable, but the recent court decisions, especially in Whren, move closer to random stops becoming a reality. In describing his concerns over this type of stop and search in the case of the biker in Minnesota, one of the justices hearing that case, Justice Tomljanovich, stated, “Our decisions in this case and in Dezo represent what I believe will be an ongoing attempt to come to grips with the increasing use by state troopers and police officers of subtle tactics to get motorists and others to consent to searches. It appears state troopers and police officers are receiving training on getting consent to search, similar to the training sales people receive in getting people to agree to buy things they do not want. We are not dealing with vacuum cleaners in this case but with the liberty and privacy interests of all the people of the State of Minnesota, and we have an obligation to ourselves and to the Constitution of this state to do what we can, in our limited role as a court of last resort, to provide reasonable protection to those interests.”

Michael F. Hupy & Associates, S.C. Rights Cards.You can receive your personal statement of Constitutional Rights, on a plastic, wallet sized card at Michael’s web site.–

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February 02, 2006 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

Geno - greaser kids

THE NEW HOT ROD BREED–Check out this shotfrom a feature in the next issue of Rodz.

These are lil dudes from East Carbon Utah,Bo Huff central, these lil greasers are notjust “dressed’ they really dig being gearheads,they only listen to rockabilly and one of em isone hell of a pinstriper.


10th logo

BIKERNET DOES SOMETHING RIGHT–I was jogging around the web one day and tripped over your site… scrapes and bumps but nothing broken, thanks for asking. After scanning through a few of your articles I was hooked!

I scrolled down to the first one and made my way to the top. Now I check back every day in anticipation of a new one. I am very impressed with the quality of the mechanical work you guys do and the way you pound the keyboard. You have a way of writing that keeps the reader interested and coming back for more.

Keep doing what you’re doing, it works.

–Roger Blanchard
Final Touch Powder Coating
Spring Lake, NC

PLANS ARE UNDERWAY FOR KIDS & CHROME 2006The second annual Kids & Chrome benefit, to be held Wednesday, August 9, 2006 near Sturgis, is set to be bigger and better than last year’s very successful debut.Kids & Chrome 2005 raised over $300,000 for a regional charity, Children’s Care Hospital & School, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame, while providing a great networking opportunity for industry leaders..To be a part of Kids & Chrome, Sponsored by, contact Director of Fund Raising Bob Illingworth at (605) 490-2628 or

oklahoma motorcycle madness flyer

OKLAHOMA MOTORCYCLE MADNESS–Oklahoma City, OK — January 9, 2006 — Motorcycle Madness takes over Oklahoma City’s Cox Convention Center on April 1st and 2nd 2006. Horse Power Promotions has been producing events from coast to coast for the past three decades and has an impressive line up of some of the most talented builders scheduled for the this years Oklahoma Motorcycle Madness show.

Scott Long of Central Coast Cycles, Gard Hollinger of LA County Chop Rods and Martin Bros top the list of two wheeled artisans that have been receiving great reviews in the nations top magazines as well as TV coverage on dozens of shows.

The real stars of the show will be the custom bikes in the Incubus Alloy custom bike show. Tricked out bikes from mild to wild choppers, Metrics, and vintage will be competing in 17 categories.

The Motorcycle Marketplace will be filled with vendors to get the latest riding gear or that custom set of wheels for you scooter.

The Ultimate Bikini Calendar Challenge comes to town with some hot summer fashions to warm the spring air.

Oklahoma Motorcycle Madness kicks off at 10am Saturday April 1st and again on Sunday 10am April 2nd at the Cox Convention Center.

For information:
Phone: (805) 686-2007
Vendor information: (805) 896-7675


BIG MIKE DISPELLS RUMORSI was contacted and told the Big Mike Choppers was in trouble, so I contacted the man who just bench pressed 300 lbs ten times.

“Well I just got 2 1/2 million in…….150 new orders on my 10- storetrip,” Mike told me. “I just bought the machine shop for $950,000 and a new BMC factory for $800,000. I paid $400,000 to CCI for new rev-tech engines and trans. They just arrived.Ya I’m broke.”

texas bike show banner

TEXAS NATIONAL BIKE SHOW POSTER CONTEST–We need a bitchin bike for the Texas National Bike Show Poster. Here’s the rules:

1. All photos must be submitted to either us or you by March 31st
2. 30 days to vote, voting will begin on April 1st and will end on April 30th
3. Bike must be available to participate in the Texas National Bike Show (all show guidelines)
4. Bike must be available for photo shoot no later than the end of May.
5. Texas National will comp a display space for the winner at the show.
6. Bike can participate in the judged class at the show, with a complimentary entry

And yes it might be shot with a hot babe for the poster. Be a star and send us a photo of your bike. The Show fires up the same time as the Lone Star Rally, November 3rd, I think. Send entries to



Children’s Ride PosseAdvance Registration– Register before February 28, 2006 to ensure your spot in the Children’s Ride Posse. General registration will open March 1, 2006. The Posse will be limited to 100 motorcycles.

This is your ticket to enjoy all Children’s Ride 11 Weekend activities with Paul Yaffe, Chad Eaton and other celebrities. All group rides, including Children’s Ride 11 on June 25, will be escorted by the Washington State Patrol.

Registration level includes Children’s Ride 11 merchandise plus a denim shirt designed exclusively for Children’s Ride Posse members.

June 22 – Children’s Ride 11 Kick-off party at Destination Harley-Davidson.
June 23 – Private ride to Children’s Hospital to visit patients. Breakfast and lunch hosted by Eastside Harley-Davidson Exclusive to Posse members.
June 23 – VIP reception (for Posse members and event sponsors) at the Bellevue Hyatt Regency. Exclusive to Posse members.
June 23 – Children’s Ride Gala and Auction presented by V Twin Magazine.
June 24 – Private ride to Crystal Mountain and catered lunch. Exclusive to Posse members.
June 25 – Children’s Ride 11. Posse members receive VIP placement for the escorted ride from Qwest Field to Pacific Raceways for the All Harley Drags, barbeque and entertainment.

Children’s Guild Association
FAX: 206-987-4845
PO Box 50020 / Mail Stop S-200
Seattle, WA 98145

Avon Banner


SPECIAL THANKS TO BIKE SHOW VOLUNTEERS!–Thank you to all of the people who volunteered their time to help out at theBCCOM Booth at the Vancouver Motorcycle Show last weekend!! We had a lot ofnew volunteers this year which was really great to see.

Justin Ball, Howard Ballard, Mike Baynes, Sherry Boudreau, Dennis Butler,Mike Casarin, Dave Clancy, Tony Cording, Ernie Dau, Nash Damji, Tim Darvell,Claude Desrosiers, Bryan Dudley, Emmi Dudley, Maryse Dumas, Craig Fernandes,Craig Heale, Marvin Hooge, Darryl Huber, Gerard Janssen, Corinna Jenkins,Larry Jenkins, Virgil Kaulius, Bill Kiechle, Gail Landsberger, Al Lawrence,Evelyn Logan, Darry McGaw, Dale Neufeld, Noel Nobrega, Dave Sievewright,Bruce Ward, Barry Weinbaum, Lorraine White, Steev Wong, Mark Zambrzycki

And another special thanks to Brad Riznek and Show In Motion( for helping us design such a professional lookingdisplay!!

Donnie's show banner

BIG FUNDS RAISED FOR BCCOM! FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN HELP TOO!One of our biggest supporters, Brett Hammill, who is one of the owners ofWest Coast Leather Art, has recently gone back into the real estate businesswith Hugh & McKinnon Realty Ltd. Some of you may have read the article inthe Spring 2005 Issue of the BCCOM newsletter where Brett offered theCoalition a sizable portion of his sales commission for anyone who said theywere referred by a BCCOM member. Well he has sold his first place thanks toBCCOM and at the December 7th BCCOM Monthly meeting Brett proudly presentedus with a cheque for $576.33. Way to go Brett!!! If you are thinking aboutbuying or selling your home please contact Brett at (604) 531-1909 or on hiscell at (604) 722-4783.

west coast


SHOW HOURS: Saturday, March 25th from 10am-10pm and Sunday, March 26th from10am-6pm

DETAILS: Over 200 custom bikes on display; more than 30 classes includingForeign, Street, British, Vintage, Radical. Vendor displaysand more.

ADMISSION: Adults: $10.00, Junior/Youth (6-15): $5.00, Children (Under 6):Free

PARKING: Motorcycles FREE, Cars $3.00


Westcoast Custom Motorcycle Show Inc.
Address: #37 13320 116th Ave, Surrey, BC, V3R 0R8
Phone: (604) 580-0111 or 1-877-580-0111
Fax: (604) 580-0114
A production of Westcoast Custom Motorcycle Show Inc. and BCCOM Events Inc.

Patriot Steeds Banner

MY GOD, ANOTHER BIKERNET CORRECTION–Not to be a pain, but on this page: calls the FAA the “Federal Aeronautics Administration”. Close, but no cigar. I think he means the “Federal AviationAdministration”. They leave the Aeronautics to NASA.Overall you’ve got a great site going. Keep up the good work.–Joe Atzberger

russell r. cutie in pink

From Russell R.


A BIKER goes into a bar and approaches a

A hard body who is sitting by herself.

BIKER: “Can I buy you a shot or beer?”

Hard Body: “No thank you, alcohol is bad for my legs.”

BIKER: “Sorry to hear that. Do they swell?”

Hard Body: “No, they spread!”

–from Rogue
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

livia on cover

PENN BIKER MAGAZINE MOTORCYCLE SHOW IN ATLANTIC CITY– There is a link to show info on their page. Michelle Smith will be there.

Check out Rebecca Leigh, Andrea, and Beki on the new motorcycle pics I posted. I’ll be bringing all 3 of those girls along with Livia to the LA Calendar Show. My plan at the moment is to get a 20×20 space.


greene county logo w girls

THE GIRLS OF GREENE COUNTY–The Girls of Bikernet Department of Bandit’s Cantina will open in the next couple of week. We are looking at four features to kick it off with. We’re hoping to include a bike from Greene County. They know how it’s done.

Greene county choppers bannre

WOMEN LIKE BIKES THESE DAYS–They better hurry before the sport is outlawed. You need to read my book about the future of biking, Sam “Chopper” Orwell.

In 2004, Sandy Zakosky decided to get back into the motorcycle thing after giving it up more than 20 years before.”I rode as a kid because I couldn’t afford a car and I liked it,” said Zakosky, 57, of Brighton, Mich. “Now that the kids are out of the house and out of college, I decided to do it again.”According to industry watchers, more and more women like Zakosky are falling in love with motorcycles. An estimated 6.6 million motorcycle owners lived in the United States in 2003, according to the Motorcycle Industry Council, based in Irvine, Calif.And about 635,000 of those are women. The number of female riders rose 36 percent from 467,400 in 1998.

By Melanie D. Scott,Detroit Free Press

–from Rogue

global bldg

GLOBAL MOTORSPORT GROUP has announced that Cerberus Capital Management has purchased a majority stake in the company–In making the announcement, John J. Lott, CEO and president of Global Motorsport said, “We are thrilled with this investment. The financial backing is a terrific win for our customers, dealers, vendors, company and employees. It will provide our key brands, Custom Chrome and Motorcycle Stuff, with the resources we need to be best positioned entering the 2006 motorcycle sales season.”

Global Motorsports Group designs, manufactures, markets and distributes motorcycle parts and accessories through the Custom Chrome, Custom Chrome Europe, Custom Chrome Far East, Santee, and Motorcycle Stuff brands. The company is the largest independent supplier of aftermarket parts and accessories for Harley-Davidson motorcycles and commands significant market share in the broader motorcycle industry.

Headquartered in New York, Cerberus Capital Management, L.P. and it’s affiliated entities manage funds and accounts with capital in excess of $16 billion.

custom chrome banner


LEATHER PAINTER–Hello,My name is Kristine Mueller. I am an artist who hand paints leather jackets. My good friend Jim Houck- Special Agent Zebra- wrote an article for last July’s issue of Hot Bike magazine about my work. After getting a call today from New Orleans for a jacket projectfrom someone who saved the article I thought I’d follow up on Jim’s good advice to try and meet with Keith. I’m not sure if this is his address…however I’m wanting to do a promotional piece for Keith- as it can only be fun for everyone! You can see some of my work at Looking forward to meeting- Kristine a.k.a.- Ocular Diva


THE END–It’s a short news cause most of it was compiled yesterday. If you sent us something and don’t see it; it will be in next weeks news.

I’m not really gonna goof-off while Bandit’s away. We’re about to tackle our ‘Great Room’ rennovation. We put it off because of work, holidays and other reasons, but I can’t take my funky kitchen any longer. While Bandit is gone, I’m gonna pack up our temporary livingroom/kitchen and start the electrical install, new plastered walls, new ceiling, new kitchen cabinets… Not all this while he’s gone – just getting ready.

Have a great weekend, I will be busy.


Read More

February 02, 2006 Part 1


10th logo Banner

For those of you who start your day at 4:00am–why? I had to drive Bandit to the airport today; we left at 5:00am and I am suffering. Instead of jumping back in bed, I woke the roomies living below us and dragged them out to breakfast with me. Here it is only 11:00am and I?m ready to call it a day. The news looms before me like a dark cloud threatening what should be a day to goof off, no Head Honcho in the house. I?ll get it done, but tomorrow and until Sunday, I?m taking it easy.

As I mentioned, Bandit is headed to Cincinnati for the V-Twin Dealer show and hopefully comes back with a ton of new things to talk about, besides women.

Enjoy the news–


DAVID UHL PAINTS ONE FOR THE LADIES–Celebrated licensed Harley-Davidson fine artist, David Uhl, has just released the latest painting in his “Women of Harley” series this one entitled Ruth. It’s been almost two years since his last “Women of Harley” painting, Rose, was introduced. Ruth comes after much anticipation and is now part of the exclusive collection consisting of Ruby, Betty, Pearl, and Rose.

“Ruth” is based on an artistic interpretation of a real person named Ruth Helm, a WASP (Women’s Airforce Service Pilots), who lived through those war years and is still around to talk about it. This 1943 rendition of a scene with her on Avenger field in Sweetwater, Texas, depicts her just after landing her war bird and preparing for a scoot on her terrestrial thrill machine, a 1940 Harley-Davidson Knucklehead EL bobber.

The P-51 Mustang represents one of the many WW II airplanes she is qualified to pilot and “It’s About Time” inscribed on the plane reflects the long-awaited recognition of the WASP for their contribution to the war effort.


russell r. lady in blk

From Russell R.

Hey Tim–Harley Davidson of Louisville just changed hands. The new owners are H-D Dealers from Bowling Green, KY and from the looks of their Bowling Green store they are going to be a breath of fresh air for those of us who live in Louisville. The previous owner was one of the worst profiteers I’ve ever seen. He added almost 25% to the price of every bike he sold, wouldn’t take orders for new bikes, and in general was a major dick. The other dealer in Louisville is cut from the same cloth.It’s impossible to get good service from either of them so most of the people around Louisville wind up taking their bikes to independent shops. If the new owners do the right thing they can get the H-D riders in Louisville back in the shop.

I personally went to Barnette’s in Texas for my 2000 FXST and then to Jim Bailey’s in Fort Wayne Indiana for my ’03 Roadglide. Both dealers treated me like they wanted my business and did everything right including, Jim took my order and sold me the bike for MSRP.

I received a call from the headhunter working for the new owners a week or so ago and there have been a couple of ads in the local paper looking for new staff. It looks like they plan to completely overhaul their new dealership and the staff.

Wally Z.


GEROTOR OIL PUMPS ARE BACK–Check the tech and specs in our tech department. The Devil installed it at Lucky Devil’s Metal Works in Houston.

Bros Club

GOVERNMENT ATTACKS THE BIKER KINGDOM–We need to send this out to others , and let our representatives hearfrom us about this upcoming article from the EPA , that it is unfair ,and unjustified . The government wants to attack the Motorcyclerealm , they’ve tried through the homeland security position with lawsthat could evade your rights to privacy , lead to prosecutions underridiculous accusations. Now they’re trying a new angle to strip awayrights , with a new set of laws to enforce , which give them otheravenues of pursuit . Motorcycles only make up less than .05 -1 % ofemissions while industries , and auto manufacturers still violate andproduce harmful emissions, with minor fines, or are allowed to continuewith less restraints because of money. Let’s be heard .

Motorcycle Riders Foundation
236 Massachusetts Ave. NE
Suite 510
Washington, DC 20002-4980
202-546-0983 (voice)
202-546-0986 (fax) (website)

woman rider logo

New Online Magazine About Women & Motorcycling Launches– designed to appeal to all riders.January 30, 2006 — (Livingston, MT) — A new online magazine capitalizing on the growth and interest in the women’s motorcycling market launches live on the Internet today. is a motorcycling news and information network designed to be the definitive resource for all things women and motorcycling. “It’s not just a site for women riders, it’s a site about women riders so anyone interested in learning more about the growth, power and influence of women motorcyclists will want to spend time on,” says Genevieve Schmitt, founder and editor of

woman rider dyna

The number of women buying new motorcycles increased a whopping 36 percent since 1998 making women the fastest growing segment of motorcyclists. Women account for 10 percent of buyers of new motorcycles according to a Motorcycle Industry Council survey. “Beginning and experienced female riders need an entertaining and educational resource that speaks to their motorcycling experience,” explains Schmitt. “With industry attention now focusing on women riders there also becomes a need to provide news and information about this important market segment. is that resource.”

Schmitt is the owner of Women Riders Now, a marketing and consulting company. She is perhaps best known as the founding editor of Woman Rider magazine, a national all-brands quarterly publication that lasted for four years. “When Woman Rider ceased publishing, there was such an outcry from riders, both women and men, over the loss of their favorite magazine. I felt compelled to continue providing that same type of information, but on a more frequent basis. An online magazine is the best way to do that.”

To contact Schmitt for an interview, please call 406.333.4491, or email

bob brown

BIG DOG MOTORCYCLES NAMES BOB BROWN VP–With Big Dog Motorcycles Since 2003, Brown Is Ideally Suited To Help The Company Achieve The Manufacturing Goals Required To Support Its Growth

WICHITA, Kansas (January 25, 2006) – Big Dog Motorcycles??, the leader in the high-style cruiser niche and the largest manufacturer of chopper-style motorcycles in the world, has better aligned Bob Brown’s role within the company with a new title: Vice President, Manufacturing.

Brown, who joined Big Dog Motorcycles in May 2003 as its first Manufacturing Engineer, was elevated to Director of Manufacturing in December 2004. He currently manages the company’s entire manufacturing operations including frame building, powder coating, polish, paint, motors, and assembly.

Sheldon Coleman, company founder and CEO, made the announcement.”Bob’s intimate knowledge of the day-to-day operations of manufacturing motorcycles combined with his sharp business sense and long-term strategic thinking makes him a perfect choice for this senior management role,” Coleman stated. “As Big Dog Motorcycles continues to improve our processes and moves closer to our vision of building the factory for the future, Bob will be a critical leader in implementing the necessary actions that will make us the most agile and efficient manufacturer in the industry.”

American Iron

BIKERNET ON AMERICAN INDIAN RELATIONS–There once was an Indian whose given name was “Onestone.” So named because he had only one testicle. He hated that name and asked everyone not to call him Onestone.

After years and years of torment, Onestone finally cracked and said, “If anyone calls me Onestone again I will kill them!” The word got around and nobody called him that any more.

Then one day a young woman named Blue Bird forgot and said, “Good morning, Onestone.” He jumped up, grabbed her and took her deep into the forest where he made love to her all day and all night. He made love to her all the next day, until Blue Bird died from exhaustion.

The word got around that Onestone meant what he promised he would do. Years went by and no one dared call him by his given name until a woman named Yellow Bird returned to the village after being away for many years. Yellow Bird, who was Blue Bird’s cousin, was overjoyed when she saw Onestone. She hugged him and said, “Good to see you, Onestone.”

Onestone grabbed her, took her deep into the forest, then he made love to her all day, made love to her all night, made love to her all the next day, made love to her all the next night, but Yellow Bird wouldn’t die!

What is the moral of this story?

Come on take a guess!

And the moral is:You can’t kill two birds with one stone!

-from Art Friedman


MAJOR PLAYER IN OUR FIGHT WITH THE EPA WANTS A SUCKER PUNCH SALLY–Jeff Hennie, head of Government Relations for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation contacted Bikernet this week. “I am soon to be in the market for a new bike and am looking at Sucker Punch, Jeff said. “Do you think you could put me in touch with those guys? I am meeting with EPA next week to discuss this rule again. The results from the survey have been huge so far and that will greatly impact our influence with the EPA. Stay tuned.”

quick throttle expo flyer

KICK OFF THE SEASON WITH 2006’s HOTTEST NEW V-TWIN EXPO–Quick Throttle Magazine, the largest FREE V-Twin Motorcycle Magazine in the country is now giving our readers a place to come to GEAR UP FOR THE RIDING SEASON.

Winter months here in Southern CA are wonderful. Rain in February is the extent of it but still, riders here don’t ride in the rain. The Season truly kicks off in March and April. What better way to kick it off then at the Quick Throttle Expo 2006. Riders can buy everything they need for their bikes or buy a new bike all under one roof.

Orange County Fairgrounds hasn’t had an Expo in 5 years and we all know how much riders in the OC love shopping locally. Especially in a venue that is prepared for possible rain. We have planned the Expo over Easter weekend but not on Easter Sunday. Friday is a holiday for some and most will have family visiting with nothing for the family to do.

Dads will have the opportunity to look at and buy motorcycles or accessories for their own motorcycle.

Moms will have the chance to buy a bike for themselves or just some new leathers and the hottest looking clothing and accessories for their next road trip.

Kids will have an Easter Egg hunt and a petting zoo to keep them busy while mom and dad are busy spending their tax refund check. There is something for everyone!

APRIL 14th & 15th, 2006
Orange County Fairgrounds

88 Fair Drive Costa
Mesa, CA 92626

For more information on the Expo check out the mag. or go to: oremail us at

ace of spades

BIKENET NEW ERROR!–In the Thursday news Rogue goes on about a TV ad campaign promoting looking out for bikes?It’s screening in the UK mate, not in Australia.We don’t have a DFT here either. it’s the RTA here.

AUSTRALIA URGES MOTORISTS TO LOOK FOR BIKERS– TV ads will urge motorists to look out for bikes. The Department for Transport’s ‘THINK! Take longer to look for bikes’ campaign starts on 30th January and is car Vs. motorcycle but the same logic also applies to cyclists.

–Laterz: jaq.

Custom Chrome Banner

CUSTOM CHROME TO LAUNCH NEW APPAREL LINE AT V-TWIN EXPO– Custom Chrome’s all new apparel line, HIGHWAY ONE, will be released at the V-Twin Expo in Cincinnati, February 4-6.

Lee Block, Brand Manager for the apparel line, will be on hand at the Custom Chrome booth #548 throughout the weekend to answer any questions. He will also be presenting 15 minute seminars on Saturday and Sunday at 11:00, 1:00 and 3:00 each day.


BIKERNET READER LOOKING FOR USED OR CHEAP RIGID FRAME–I need an old school frame bad. It’s my first project bike and need a frame to start.

–Christoper Nicholas

It’s mandatory under the Bikernet Code of The West that we find a brother a frame. Help him out.–Bandit


SENIOR CITIZEN PLEA–I am a senior citizen. During the Clinton Administration I had an extremely good and well paying job.

I took numerous vacations and had several vacation homes.

Since President Bush took office, I have watched my entire life change for the worse.

I lost my job.

I lost my two sons in that terrible Iraqi War.

I lost my homes.

I lost my health insurance.

As a matter of fact I lost virtually everything and became homeless.

Adding insult to injury, when the authorities found me living like an animal, instead of helping me, they arrested me.

I will do anything that Senator Kerry and Senator Kennedy want to insure that a Democrat is back in the White House come next year.

Bush has to go.


Saddam Hussein

BULLSHIT LAW MAY STRIKE NEW YORK–24″ Seat Height – They’re coming for you.Was reading the new laws listed on ABATE website for New York that are being considered. This one “address listed below” would require the saddle height of a bike to be a minimum if 24″ high. I went done to measure my rigid ’50 Pan and I’m safe only because I got a Bates style seat with seat springs! If I put the seat on the frame I’d be breaking the law.

I can just hear it now some mealy mouthed fuckin’ liberal trying to control what I ride! The author of the bill is this guy Harvey Weisenberg. He sites the pocket bikes for his concern but you know they are coming for us.

Go to this website and read all the other shit these assholes have planned for us except the one where they increase the handlebar height to shoulder length of the rider. There is one that would increase the fine for loud exhaust from $100 to a wopping $700!!! You think this new EPA laws are coming down because they are concerned about the environment? Ya right, there coming for you!!!!

I don’t know how many of these stupid fuckin laws they actually pass per year but these assholes pass this shit cause most people (cagers) point there finger at us and say “oh that looks dangerous” or “I’d like to nudge that biker over there with my car” that’s coming from the mouth of the Mayor of Myrdle Beach, SC.

— Weasel

lady illo rwb

Continued On Page 2

Read More

Trick Parts From Trick Paint home of the coolest custom paint on the web is expanding to offer the coolest custom billet parts for your “harley” based v-twin.Jesse of Trickpaint has joined forces with Brad Beckmann of Beckmann Machine in Cashmere Wa. Brad Brings over 3 decades of experience with him.

Beckmann Machine is a state of the art CNC facility that utilizes the latest technology to design and produce custom billet 6061 aluminum covers and other cool shit of various designs and Trickpaint is bringin it to ya via www.Trickpaint.comSo go stock up on “trickparts” to give your scoot that trick touch.

Freedom Stands Tall


JW Design
(509) 664-1051

You can see a LOT more of Jesse’s work here on his gallery page. It’s worth a look.

Read More

January 26, 2006 Part 5


Continued From Page 4


BIKERNET LIVING WILL– Now this is the best representation of a Living Will I have come across. There might be a few more legal sentences required. I wouldJust be a little bit more specific on the “reasonable time” portion.

Living Will

I, __________________________, being of sound mind and body, do not wishto be kept alive indefinitely by artificial means.Under no circumstances should my fate be put in the hands of pinhead politicians who couldn’t pass ninth-grade biology if their lives depended on it or lawyers/doctors interested in simply running up the bills.

If a reasonable amount of time passes and I fail to ask for at leastone of the following:
______a Bloody Mary,
______a Margarita
______a Scotch and soda
______a Martini
______a Vodka and Tonic
______a Steak
______Lobster or crab legs
______The remote control
______a Bowl of ice cream
______The sports page

it should be presumed that I won’t ever get better.When such a determination is reached, I hereby instruct my appointed person and attending physicians to pull the plug, reel in the tubes and call it a day. At this point it is time to call the New Orleans Jazz Funeral Band to come do their thing at my funeral, and ask all of my friends to raise their glasses to toast the good times we have had.

Signature: ___________________________

Date: ___________________________

–from Joe Lankau


STEALTH REPORT FROM NC–My buddy Ben Jordan just walked in with a load of powder coated parts. The frame, swingarm, wheels and triple trees for our 78 Shovel project. The parts look brand new! Here at STEALTH BIKE WORKS we are excited about this bike along with our 71 Shovel project. The 71 is an old school basic chopper and the 78 is a restoration with a few twist. Both are going to be nice!

A chrome plating and polishing shop just opened up right down the road from us. Man that makes things a lot easier. No more shipping parts out! We have parts from the 78 Shovel there beings polished right now. The name of the shop is It’s Finished.

stealth frame

Hey Concrete Pete I was reading where your shop is going good! Good to hear it! I hear what you say about how much time you spend at the shop, but in a way that is cool. The time spent at the shop is time well spent on ouselves and fellow bikers and not some corporate greed machine.

The weather around Charlotte remains spring like and there are bikes on the road eveyrday. Spring is getting closer everyday and that is good for all of us.

One thing I have found to true since opening SBW is that a ‘Brotherhood” exist between the aftermarket and custom shops and I very proud to be a small part of it.

Until next week, RIDE!

Chop and Grind

Bonneville or Bust – Chop N Grind Racing So. Cal. Report–Things are a little quit around here. Been going after a lot of sponsors with little luck. We got a few bites but nothing to speak about just yet. AMSOIL is the first to step up to the plate to help. Down sized the crew to five. Got two motors we are building, one 80 inch and a 100 inch EVO with a Twin Cam top. Jim Leinweber is busy grinding our cams and has a few old tricks up his sleeve. It?s great to have him on the crew. The way we look at things we are going with or without sponsors even if we have to push the bike to Bonneville.

Talked to Dave Campos the other day after 30 years. It was really great to talk to him again, a lot of water under the bridge. He now has the Easyrider Streamliner in his garage and still holds the worlds fastest motorcycle record. He is talking about coming out to Bonneville to see us and bring the Liner. How cool is that. I know things will pick up soon.

We maybe the under dog right now but that 5 Ball Salt Snaken Crew will be shaken` when we are done. We would like to take this opportunity to thank ?Brother Speed? up north for their help.

–Bob T & Larry Petrie
Sand Snorting Desert Bastards

horsepower rosebowl and skull logo

ALL AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE MADNESS HITS PASADENA– The West Coast motorcycle world comes alive on June 24th and 25th 2006 for this annual show in Pasadena, CA. Ride out from the stress of the city to the scenic hills of Pasadena is why The Rose Bowl is the perfect venue for this event. This site will be able to handle the steady growth of this show.

Builders from the California area such as Scott Long of Central Coast Cycles, Gard Hollinger from LA County Chop Rods, Lucky 7 Choppers will mix with talents from far away like the Martin Bros just to name a few. The Incubus Alloy Custom Bike Show will be showcasing all the hottest bikes around.

The Rose Bowl Motorcycle Marketplace will be filled with the industries top manufactures and vendors selling everything from custom motorcycles to the hottest apparel and more for any motorcycle enthusiast.

The summer heat should be just right for the Ultimate Bikini Contest and great live music playing all weekend on the Lifestyle Cycles stage. This all makes for a great ticket price of only $15.00 with free bike parking.

For more info visit or call (805) 686-2007


BIKERNET JOINS LA CALENDAR LONG BEACH SHOW–Los Angeles, CA Jan 25th – Keith Randall Ball, aka “Bandit” the well know American V-Twin industry editor, author and personality and his web based company has entered into an expanded associate partnership with the Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show beginning immediately. The announcement was made by Jim Gianatsis of Gianatsis Design Associates, the Los Angeles based motorsports advertising agency and producer of the Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show. In his expanded role with the Calendar Show, Keith and his staff partner Nyla Olsen will assist as Associate Partners in Exhibitor and Sponsorship Marketing, Event Production, as well as in future growth plans for the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show.Keith Ball comes to the Los Angels Calendar Motorcycle Show, America’s premier custom and high performance motorcycle show held every 3rd July weekend at the Queen mary Event park in Long Beach, CA, , with an impressive list of credentials including having previously served as Editorial Director at Paisano Publications (including Easyriders and V-Twin magazines) and the Primedia American Motorcycle Group (including Hot Bike and Street Choppers magazines). Working under the nom de plume “Bandit” he is currently best known for his popular V-Twin fan based news website now celebrating its 10th anniversary. At previous Calendar Motorcycle Shows where has participated as both a co sponsor and exhibitor, Keith has also assisted with bike contest judging and on stage hosting.

For additional information go to:

world fastest indian anthony hopkins

WORLD’S FASTEST INDIAN,Magnolia FilmsStarring Anthony Hopkins– The true story of Burt Munro – a New Zealand man who spent decades perfecting his classic 1920 Indian motorcycle.At age 68, he risked everything, including his own life, taking the bike to the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah to break the world speed record. Due to be released in February.

Official Website:

FINALLY! A NEW motorcycle movie! However, I believe it’s only in limited release right now….showing only in artsy little venues around the country. It looks pretty darn good, from the clips I’ve seen. I’m gonna get the Bikers in my area to buy tickets at our little art house theatre in Palm Springs….maybe build an event around it.

I especially liked the clip showing Munro approaching an oncoming Nevada Highway Patrol unit at 150-160 mph, and talking himself out of the ticket/impound.

bookoo arenacross

MIKE KIDD ENTERTAINMENT GROUP TAKES CONTRO OF BOOKOO–Ft. Worth, TX January 19, 2006 Mike Kidd Entertainment Group ? announced today that Gary Becker, former CEO of PACE Motor Sports, has joined Mike Kidd Entertainment Group which will now direct the BooKoo Arenacross Championship Series as well as other motor sports events that Becker and Kidd are developing.

Gary Becker helped lead PACE Motor Sports to become one of the largest motor sport promotion companies in the world; a company known for its premiere Supercross series that Becker himself helped build, which was then acquired by SFX Entertainment and then Clear Channel.Mike Kidd began promoting events as Mike Kidd Productions in the mid 1980?s in Texas following a successful career as a racer in the AMA Grand National Series ? winning the 1981 Grand National Championship.Mike Kidd Promotions was the largest and most successful AMA Arenacross promoters throughout the 1980s and 1990s before selling the company to Gary, while he was CEO of PACE Motor Sports in 1997.

For more information about the K&N presents BooKoo Arenacross Championship Series Brought to you by Toyota, log on to or call 817-595-5844.


S&S CYCLE ANNOUNCES RELEASE DATE FOR NEW HIGH PERFORMANCE CLUTCH–LA CROSSE , WI (January 26, 2006) S&S Cycle announces plans to start shipping its new high performance clutch in early February 2006.

After thousands of street miles and rigorous testing at the drag strip with over 200+ passes per test unit, the new S&S High Performance Clutch will be ready to ship to dealers during the week of February 6, 2006. S&S Customer Support is prepared to take orders starting immediately. Dealers can reference the S&S Dealer Catalog #17, page number 7-6, for details regarding this product.

Knowing that S&S engines produce incredibly high-horsepower, the Research and Innovation team designed the clutch to handle anything an S&S engine could throw at it–even the brute power of an S&S 145. To create additional grip the friction discs of the S&S High Performance Clutch utilize a narrow band, larger diameter design positioned further out on the plate than any other performance clutch on the market. This combination allows the S&S clutch to transmit engine torque better and get more power to the rear wheel. Additionally, the clutch uses a 66-tooth ring gear to add strength and durability in the event of engine kick-back on starting.

“We developed the S&S 11-plate clutch to optimize torque handling capacity while maintaining the lightest lever effort and smoothest engagement characteristics,” said Justin Bramstedt , S&S Research and Innovation Powersports Lead. “I would put our clutch up against anything else on the market, especially since I have personally put this clutch through well over 150 back-to-back drag-strip passes with our S&S 145ci engine–and all the shifts were WOT slip-clutch shifting. I’m convinced that this clutch is, without a doubt, the best wet-clutch on the market.”

While designed to handle up to 150 horsepower with the stock spring pack, clutch lever effort is slightly less than that of a stock Harley-Davidson motorcycle. S&S also offers a heavy-duty spring pack that lets the clutch handle up to 200 horsepower–even at the drag strip.

Chip Ellis, rider for G-Squared Motorsports said, “The modulation of the S&S clutch is smooth enough to help me put our 124ci S&S Challenge Class bike down the quarter-mile in 9.40 seconds at 144 mph. But what really amazed me is how light the feel is for street riding, even though it can handle race bike power,” concluded Ellis.

The S&S high performance clutch fits 1991-2006 big twin models, (except 2006 Dyna(TM)), features a 66-tooth ring gear and has matching pinion gear available. With all of the tremendous power and torque handling capacity of the S&S high performance clutch, it requires only very slight modifications to be used in stock primary cases, which are not visible when the primary is assembled. All of the specifications and application information can be found in the Products section of the S&S website, .

killing machine foot

IT’S HAPPY HOUR–The news is finished, the sun’s shining, our troops are doing the job, girls look better daily, Bonneville efforts are moving along and somewhere in this rat infested build is a bottle of Jack Daniels.

This Hardbikes banner reminds me that Bree from Steeds in Phoenix may become the spokesperson for Hardbikes design centers. You may see them pop up around the country in shop/dealers for their bikes. I’d buy any motorcycle Bree straddled. She’s no only hot, but very active, like in stunts, hand-gliding, wild dangerous shit. She loves it.


I mentioned JIMS tools several times in my first Salt Shaker tech. I’m trying to get them to send me a press release on a tool every week. Just one way we can find out what tools they have available.

Jims Banner

US Choppers is working on our 45 frame, strengthening it for high speed runs. So far we’ve named it the Bonne Belle and we’ll have a bomber girl painted on the tanks. The engine and trans are with the crew of Departure Bike Works in Richmond, Virginia for rebuilds and hop-ups. Check this feature:

Hang on next week for our first Bikernet Radio interview with Bill Rucker. That’s just the tip of the mountain representing the content that’s waiting. Hang on. I’m taking the Sturgis Shovel out for a ride. I need to feel that rigid rattle my bones.

Ride Forever,


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January 26, 2006 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

killing machine bike

killing machine girl in coffin

BIKERNET PRAYER BREAK–Killing Machine Choppers sent these shots. “It’s one foot in the grave chopper,” said Kenny from Riverside County Choppers. Call him for the whole story.

951 245 8500


DAD PUNCHES TEACHER’S AID ACCUSED OF MOLESTING HIS DAUGHTER– An angry father who marched into a classroom and punched a teacher’s assistant in the face said Wednesday he was protecting his 15-year-old daughter, who had accused the man of inappropriately touching her.

Dave F. Swafford, 42, was charged with felony battery on a school employee after he hit the 35-year-old aide in front of a class full of students at Lakewood Ranch High School near Bradenton Tuesday morning, authorities said. He was also named “Father of the Year” by a local radio station for his actions.

“I’m not real proud of what I did,” Swafford told The Associated Press Wednesday. “You have to protect your children, and my daughter does not lie to me.”

“If some other parents would do this, maybe some of these pedophiles would crawl back under rocks where they belong,” Swafford said.

–from Rogue

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BIKERNET HIGHER EDUCATION– A Professor was giving a lecture on “Involuntary Muscular Contractions” to his first year medical students.

Realizing that this was not the most riveting subject, the Professor decided to lighten the mood slightly.

He pointed to a young woman in the front row and said, “Do you know what your ass hole is doing while you’re having an orgasm?”

She replied, “He’s probably golfing with his friends.”

–from Joe Lankau

rogue news

SCAM OF THE WEEK– A man who pleaded guilty to scamming dozens of people by offering them nonexistent jobs driving strippers around in luxury vehicles has been sentenced to a year in jail.A judge is ordering Gary Janiak Jr. to pay back more than $110,000.

Prosecutors said Janiak and his girlfriend promised in newspaper ads around the country a weekly salary of up to $5,000 in cash for driving strippers to their jobs.

Janiak pleaded guilty on Monday to 357 counts of fraud employment. If his case gone to trial and had he been convicted on all counts he could have spent the rest of his life in prison.

Janiak’s girlfriend, Tracy Silverstone, pleaded guilty and agreed to testify against him. She was sentenced to 10 years probation.

It sounded like a dream job and easy money — drive strippers around in a fancy car and make big bucks. But police say it was really an elaborate scheme to steal from the people responding to the ad.

Police say Gary Janiak Jr. and Tracy Silverstone (pictured, right) put an ad in the paper, promising benefits, and a salary of $5,000 a week. Those who responded were told they first had to wire money as a deposit on the fancy car.More than 300 people were scammed, according to police. One person lost $8,000, police say.

Janiak and Silverstone are charged with 333 felony counts each, one for each victim.

–from Rogue


DAYTONA PREPARATIONS, GET READY– The State of Florida is getting ready for the Bikers to arrive. Well some of them already have. Many of the Snow Birds and Baby Boomers are also motorcyclist. We are starting to get fliers from all the places that want motorcyclist to come party and spend their money. Some are good deals and others not. You will have to decide for yourself.

We have been telling you for years that more and more of the Bikers are staying outside the Daytona Area. Orlando is getting more and more well know as a place to go. Over 100 Thousand motorcyclist where there in 2005 and the businesses are doing things to bring them back. Orlando is about an hour on I-4 to Daytona so you can do both easily.

The time is now to shop around for the good room rates and other things that will make you trip enjoyable and less expensive.

A place that is also going to be jumpin’ and a must do is Bruce Rossmeyers Destination Daytona located at the intersection of I-95 and US1 at Exit 273.

It is listed as the Worlds Largest Harley-Davidson Dealership and even though I do not have the event schedule yet I know it will be great as Jim Betlach who does the V-Twin Expo and Easyriders Bike Show promotions is handling it.

Do not forget to check out the Space Coast and Cocco Beach.

Daytona Beach has also been letting everyone know that they will be cranking down on loud pipes. This will be mostly those revving their engine in hope some one will notice them and those blasting through residential neighborhoods late at night. There will also be DUI patrols out. Daytona does count on a busy court docket just like every other business.

Daytona Bike Week Guides will be available again this year once you hit the area but info is also available from the Daytona Beach Area Convention and Visitors Bureau prior to that.

And Best Of All Here On Bikernet.Com

The Harley Davidson Indoor Show will be March 7th to 11th at the Ocean Center 10:00AM to 4:00PM daily The Volusia County Fairgrounds Swap Meet in Deland will be March 3rd to the 12th is 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM While Spiders will be at the Daytona Flea Market – I-95 and U.S 92

ABATE OF FLORIDA has a 60 acre campground which they claim is the best deal going. They can be reached at 386-943-9610 for more info.

As we get closer more info on some of the bars and watering holes and what they will be offering to get you there. Oh Yea This is the part of the job I hate. Going to all them places with scantily clad and naked women. It’s a Dirty Job But Someone Got To Do It.



BIKERNET FIND OF THE WEEK–“Before I ever went into first grade, I knew there wasn’t a time when I wasn’t going to ride a motorcycle and fly an airplane,” said McKee, a burly mass of 48-year-old motorcyclist, pilot and entrepreneur. From his Preston County farmhouse, McKee runs Mc-Kee’s Wings and Wheels, a business dedicated to salvaging and selling old aircraft and motorcycles.

Need an old radio to finish restoring that 1940s-era trainer? Chances are McKee has found one over the years, and has it stacked on a metal shelf in the shed. Want to build a Piper Cub? McKee will scrounge around until he has all the parts to finish the classic monoplane.

Son of an architect and aerospace engineer who was also an avid motorcyclist and amateur pilot, McKee grew up surrounded by motorcycles and airplanes. “We always had an airplane and a motorcycle around,” he said. “I started riding motorcycles when I was 8 or 9 years old.”

McKee started out as an auto body specialist. But in 1981, he learned to fly and bought an airplane to restore, mainly as a project to work on with his ailing father. “Eventually I sold it and made a profit much better than what I could make painting cars,” he said. “So I did another one.”

McKee’s Wings and Wheels was born in 1983 in McKee’s hometown of Baltimore. In 1986, he moved to Terra Alta.

A passion for motorcycles is very much a family affair. Mc-Kee’s wife, Debbie, and daughter, Nicole, both ride. Even McKee’s 3-year-old grandson, Chase, owns a trio of dirt bikes.

–from Rogue

big boar banner

MOTHER SHOOTS MAN LOUNGING IN HER HOME–LAUDERHILL, Fla. — A Lauderhill mother shot a man who was loitering in her apartment, police said.Police said Michele Ware was getting her four children ready for school Wednesday morning when one of the children walked into the living room and found the man sitting on the couch. Ware came in, told the man to leave and shot him once in the stomach when he refused, police said.

The man then stumbled out of the apartment at 5925 N.W. 23rd St. and collapsed on the front walkway. Police said they aren’t sure if he took anything while inside.

“We’re still trying to determine exactly how he gained entry into the apartment,” Lauderhill police Lt. Tundra King said.Ware was photographed and fingerprinted by police, who said that is standard procedure in a case like this, but no arrests have been made.

Ware wouldn’t speak with Local 10, but Lindey Carroll said her cousin was just trying to protect her kids.”She was terrified,” Carroll said.

Carroll also said that the man was completely naked at the time Ware confronted him. Police have not confirmed that.The man was taken to Broward General Medical Center, but he is expected to survive.It is not believed Ware will face any charges.

–from Rogue

son of liberty

LEGAL TO RUN RED LIGHTS IN SOUTH CAROLINA–A red light means stop, but it could soon mean pause. A bill in the SouthCarolina Senate would allow drivers to go through a red light legally ifthey’re riding a motorcycle. But as News 12 reports, bikers in Aiken don’tthink this is such a good idea.A new law could mean South Carolina motorcycle drivers can go through a redlight. It’s more convenient, but it could also be more dangerous.

The coolest ride on the road may become even cooler with the ability tobreak the rule of the red light.

The problem is motorcycles aren’t heavy enough to trigger some trafficlights to change from red to green.

“The motorcycle really doesn’t have a lot of steel on it. Nowadays it’s alot of plastic and aluminum and nowadays it just doesn’t see themotorcycle,” Bob Hinds said.Bob Hinds is a motorcycle safety instructor. He rides about 100 miles a dayand runs into plenty of lights his bike won’t trigger.

“The most direct route to work for me has one of those lights on it,” Hindssaid.But Bob is against the proposed law. He doesn’t think it’s safe.

“There are other ways to work around the issue,” Hinds said.When Bob’s bike won’t trigger a light, he takes a right turn, takes adifferent route, or even calls the city to fix the light.

Under the new law, bikes would be required to stop for at least 20 secondsand could only go through the red light after looking around for a clearintersection.

Coordinator-ABATE of Barnwell, S.C.
Sons of Liberty Riders
MRF-Asst. State Rep (SC)NRA


URGENT LEGISLATIVE ALERT–Massachusetts Bill to Ban the Sale/Installation of Aftermarket Exhaust Systems Approved by Transportation Committee.

After being stalled in 2005, a bill (H.B. 2011) to ban the sale or installation of “an exhaust system which has been modified in a manner which will amplify or increase the noise emitted by the exhaust” was approved by the Massachusetts Joint Transportation Committee. As you might recall, the bill had been revised from previous versions to exclude limited-use “antique motor cars.” This amendment represents a clear attempt by the bill’s sponsor to divide the automobile hobby in an effort to gain clearer sailing for this restrictive and damaging piece of legislation. H.B. 2011 has been now referred to the House Steering, Policy and Scheduling Committee.

We Urge You to Contact the Members of the Steering, Policy and Scheduling Committee (List Below) Immediately to Request Their Opposition to H.B. 2011

H.B. 2011 ignores the fact that aftermarket exhaust systems are designed to make vehicles run more efficiently without increasing emissions.

H.B. 2011 does not supply law enforcement with a clear standard to enforce, allowing them to make subjective judgments on whether or not a modified exhaust system is in violation.

H.B. 2011 fails to recognize that aftermarket exhaust systems offer increased performance, which can make a vehicle safer by improving its ability to merge, pass, travel uphill, etc.

H.B. 2011 would make it difficult for hobbyists to replace factory exhaust systems with more durable, better performing options.

H.B. 2011 would only exclude “antique motor cars” defined as those vehicles over 25-years old which are used exclusively for exhibitions, club activities, parades, etc.

DON’T DELAY! Please contact members of the Massachusetts House Steering, Policy and Scheduling Committee immediately by phone or e-mail to request their opposition to H.B. 2011. Please e-mail a copy of your letter to

Thank you for your assistance.

–from Rogue

Greene county choppers bannre

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January 26, 2006 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

cutie in pink

DAYTONA ANTI-NUDITY LAWS VIOLATE CONSTITUTION–Public Nudity, particularly women exposing their breasts, has been a issue at special events in Daytona Beach such as Bike Week, Spring Break and Biketoberfest.

OKAY LADIES!!! Set Those Puppies Free. I have a feeling Daytona Bike week is going to be Big Fun.


DAYTONA BEACH — Adult dancers may be clear to take it all off after a federal judge Friday struck down the city’s anti-nudity laws.

City ordinances prohibiting public nudity and nudity in places that sell alcohol violate the First and 14th amendments to the U.S. Constitution, U.S. District Judge John Antoon concluded in his ruling.

“We won on every single issue,” said Daniel Aaronson, a Fort Lauderdale attorney representing Lollipops Gentleman’s Club on Grandview Avenue.

The victory entitles Aaronson to press for the city to pay attorney fees for Lollipops, which he said exceed $100,000.Daytona Beach failed to prove its claim that adult nightclubs create secondary negative impacts on crime, prostitution and illegal drug activity in neighborhoods, Antoon said in his ruling.

Antoon referred to the 2003 case of the Peek-A-Boo Lounge of Bradenton versus Manatee County in his decision.The judge wrote, “gone are the days when a municipality may enact an ordinance ostensibly regulating secondary effects on the basis of evidence consisting of little more than the self-serving assertions of municipality officials.”Adult nightclubs asserted in the trial, which ended in May, that convenience stores and non-adult nightclubs were more dangerous.

On Friday, attorneys for adult nightclubs and the city were sorting out — and disagreeing — about the impact of the ruling.

“With no ordinance in place, this raises a question of whether these clubs can strip all their clothes off,” said Brett Hartley, a Daytona Beach attorney representing Lollipops.One stumbling block in determining the decision’s impact is that the city’s zoning restricts businesses displaying nudity to an industrial area on the far west city limit . Antoon upheld the zoning rules in 2004.

“Regardless of this ruling, they’re still not entitled to remain where they are,” said Marie Hartman, deputy city attorney, who has successfully fought challenges to the city’s nudity rules since 1981.

Aaronson responded, “They’ll claim that.”

City officials said Friday they plan to study the judge’s ruling and ask the City Commission about a possible appeal.Friday’s ruling also raises questions about enforcement of an agreement in December 2004 that settled another federal lawsuit by Molly Brown’s on Seabreeze Boulevard and the Pink Pony on Ridgewood Avenue. Both clubs agreed to drop their legal challenges in exchange for an agreement from the city allowing dancers to wear skimpier bikinis.

However, a provision in that settlement requires equal enforcement of city rules to all adult clubs.

By John Bozzo, Daytona News Journal

–from Rogue


CALL TO ACTION IN COLORADO– A Careless Driving enhanced penalty bill has been introduced in the Colorado legislature: Senate bill SB06-072 (Lois Tochtrop, D – Adams County 24) seeks to implement mandatory penalties upon those vehicle operators who kill & maim other road users. The bill seeks to impose drivers’ license revocation from six months to one year plus mandatory fines from $500 to $1000 for conviction of unintentional Careless Driving offenses resulting in Serious Bodily Injury or Death to another.

This is in addition to the existing penalty schedule for Careless Driving conviction, which carries a max. penalty of 4 points against the drivers’ license, a possible $1000 fine and/or one year in jail (rarely imposed unless multiple offenses) + court-ordered victim’s restitution.

I think that I do not have to remind you too much of the Brothers and Sisters that we have lost, or seen maimed over the years, and we have cried “FOUL!” when the penalty imposed upon the offender pales in comparison to the damage brought into innocent lives. The legislation is for all road users – motorists, motorcyclists, bicyclists, pedestrians.

This bill has been introduced in the Senate earlier than we had anticipated and is assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Our best preliminary information, at this point, indicates that the bill will be discussed/heard in committee on Thursday, February 2nd, in the afternoon.

However, this is preliminary information and is should not be considered as fact until the hearing calendar is posted. It could be earlier, it could be later.

If you are in support of this legislation, the fact is that we have but a matter of a couple of weeks to influence the Judicary committee legislators to pass this bill out of their committee for a full Senate vote.

This committee is the first hurdle toward this bill becoming law. If the bill fails here, there is no other chance for penalty improvements in 2006.

The Senate Judiciary committee members are as follows:

Dan Grossman (Chair), Senate District 32 – Denver, Jefferson counties
Brandon Shaffer (Vice-Chair), Senate District 17 – Boulder county
Bob Bacon, Senate District 14, Larimer county
Jim Dyer, Senate District 26, Arapahoe and Jefferson counties
Ken Gordon, Senate District 35, Arapahoe and Denver counties
Shawn Mitchell, Senate District 23, Adams, Broomfield, and Weld counties
Kiki Traylor, Senate District 22, Jefferson county

You can also check for legislator contact info by entering your zip code.Victims and Families willing to tesify in person at the committee hearings as well as concerned citizens – I have a list of folks willing to testify, I need more. A broad cross-section of Colorado road user victims/surviving families who have been injured/killed in the varying modes of transport; we want to fill the hearing room with testifiers and supporters…

Testifiers will be at a desk and speaking into a microphone; you will be recorded and the proceeding will be broadcast. Original materials that you bring will become part of the testimony/hearing record, therefore make copies for later use.

I will provide “talking points” for communications and assistance in a subsequent e-mail; however, your words should be your own, i.e. – relating experiences, lack of penalty applied/dissatisfaction, etc. Make your point, state that you want and support this legislation, ask that the legislator vote for it – be politely firm, and at all times be respectful – the legislators are there to listen and understand your concerns but not to be the target of anger.

This is the beginning of a process that will not be completed until the Governor’s signature is on the bill to make it law; therefore, be committed to action for the long run through May/June of 2006

Dave Christy
ABATE of Colorado Legislative Affairs Specialist’);

Avon Banner

VANCOUVER CUSTOM BIKE SHOW COMIN’–There’s a Big Custom Bike Show in Vancouver on March 24-25 Details on BCCOM’s web site .

I’d like to see more of The Motorcycle Community from the U.S.A. travel in B.C. We have some of the best air/mountain/water scenery in the world!!!

— Dave

expressive banner

CINCY SHOW NEXT WEEK–With over 400 quality V-Twin exhibitors utilizing over 1100 booths on two floors of the CINergy Convention Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, February 4-6, 2006 the V-Twin Expo by Easyriders has become the world’s largest V-Twin trade show in just five short years.
“When I first began planning the V-Twin Expo, I wanted to build a pure V-Twin-focused show, nothing more, and nothing less. When you have spent as many years as I have in this great industry, you know what it means when a dealer says, “Show me relevant product to my business, show me products and services that will deliver to my bottom line.” Five years ago I knew it was the right time, right place, right price and the right kind of show. Clearly the success of the V-Twin Expo is causing other promoters to rethink their strategy.” explained Jim Betlach, Show Producer V-Twin Expo.

He continued, “If you are a V-Twin dealer, the V-Twin Expo is your show. The Expo represents an undiluted, pure V-Twin focused show for dealers in the V-Twin marketplace.”

The 6th annual V-Twin Expo will be bigger and better than ever for v-twin dealers. The Expo is not a consumer show. With the main hall renovation at the convention center complete this year, the show gains an additional 43,000 feet. “The expansion allows us to accept more companies as exhibitors which in turn provide dealers a better selection of product,” said Betlach.

Two industry legends kick off the 2006 seminars at the Expo, John Wyckoff and Jon Kosmoski. If you were able to catch their presentations last time around, you know how valuable they can be to your business. For 2006 both will be delivering new, dealer oriented seminars like the Power of 1% and the Latest Trends in Standard and Custom Refinishing. V-Twin Expo will also welcome a new speaker, Dale Lingard. Dale will be presenting an informative seminar on insurance.

Back by popular demand in 2006 are the panel seminars. Throughout these panel discussions you are invited to speak directly with the pros- from engine experts to aftermarket exhaust. Ask those questions you can’t get answers to back at home. Join the Open Forum discussion with the M.I.C American V-Twin group on Monday or check out the all-new V-Twin Expo discussion to hear what’s happening in legislation and how it will impact your business today and tomorrow. This outlines just a few of the things dealers can find at the 6th annual V-Twin Expo.

Dealers can register online today for the Expo February 4, 5, and 6, 2006 in Cincinnati at:

laconia bike bash logo

NEW HOT SPOT FOR RIDERS DURING LACONIA BIKE WEEK ’06!– Bike Bash At Meadowbrook Has It AllNew Hampshire’s premier outdoor concert venue will be opening its doors for the 1st annual Bike Bash this Laconia Bike Week from Wednesday, June 14th ~ Sunday, June 18th, 2006.

Featured programming includes live entertainment on two stages with top national bands every night on the main stage, the Budweiser Clydesdales, Hawaiian Tropic Models and the Laconia Hawaiian Tropic Bikini Pageant, The Purrfect Angelz, a motorcycle demolition derby, The Wall of Death, stunt riders, DeeJay Candy and the Hard Rock

Roadhouse featuring top custom builders, Paul Cox & Keino of Indian Larry Legacy, Aaron Greene of Paramount Custom Cycles, Eric Gorges of Voodoo Choppers and Gard Hollinger of LA County Choprods and host of the popular Build or Bust series on Speed TV.

Meadowbrook will feature top national manufacturers, a vendor village with exhibits and displays, full liquor and beer concessions and an international food court with plenty of seating. Check out the official website for Bike Bash at for an up-to-date calendar of events.

peter - nikki close






von dutch

VON DUTCH CYCLES BUILDS BIKE FOR STURGIS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE–They have been unanimously selected by the Sturgis Chamber of Commerce to build the official custom bike for the 2006 SturgisMotorcycle Rally.

Von Dutch Kustom Cycles, with it’s winning bike design, the Cruelworld Softail Chopper, was awarded this prestigious honor, beating out numerous motorcycle companies, manufacturers, OEM’s and custom builders. Thebike, which has been built for the 66th Annual Sturgis Rally, will be raffled off for charity through the Sturgis Chamber of Commerce Charitable Foundation and Sturgis Rally Charities. Raffle tickets will be available online at

“We are excited and humbled to receive this distinguished honor,” says VDKC COO and Chief Designer, Alex Mardikian. “Von Dutch Kustom Cycles was built on the principle of ‘Kustom Kulture.’ We plan to use this opportunity that the Sturgis Chamber of Commerce has graciously bestowed upon us, to help educate the motorcycle community about Kustom Kulture, and why it is relevant to us and our fellow bike builders and enthusiasts.”

Kustom Kulture is a movement that started in 1950-60’s car and motorcycle culture and continues today. The concept at the basis of this principle is that everyone is an individual with their own sense of style that reflects their personality. Kustom Kulture is an ideology that allows people to express themselves through the artistry of their vehicles. Von Dutch Kustom Cycles has infused elements of Kustom Kulture into the bike that they have built for the 66th Annual Black Hills Rally.

“Von Dutch Kustom Cycles really brings some strong assets to our charity program,” said Marcia Johnston, chair of the Sturgis Chamber of Commerce Charitable Foundation. “We think the relationship with Von Dutch will take us to a new level and we are excited about expanding our relationship with thecompany in a variety of ways.”

“The community is sure to win on this one,” says Sturgis Mayor Mark Zeigler. “I’m extremely proud of the way the Chamber, The City and Sturgis Rally Charities are working together on behalf of our town. Having Von Dutch Kustom Cycles on board should really enhance the excitement surrounding the raffle this year.”

The winning Von Dutch Kustom Cycles model chosen by the Sturgis Chamber of Commerce, the Cruel World Softail Chopper, is a marvel of modern technology and old-school design. This bike features a complete 113 cubic-inch PatrickRacing Billet Motor, Primo Rivera open-belt drive, and 6-speed chrome transmission. Additional features include a hand tooled leather seat, Brembo braking system, VDKC handlebars, custom rims, and custom paint by award-winning paint by Deano’s of Arizona.

The bike has already achieved celebrity status by being featured and photographed with Hollywood A-listers at the Showtime Style 2006 pre-Golden Globes retreat. Held at the Luxe Hotel on the famed Beverly Hills shopping Mecca, Rodeo Drive, the event boasted some of Hollywood’s biggest starsincluding Angela Bassett, Daryl Hannah, Terrence Howard, and Michael Madsen, amongst many others.

The bike will continue its media blitz leading up to the Black Hills Rally, visiting Cincinnati’s V-Twin Expo, the ultimate motorcycledealer tradeshow and internationally renowned apparel tradeshow, MAGIC Marketplace, in February.

This honorable appointment by the Sturgis Chamber of Commerce entitles Von Dutch Kustom Cycles to join the exclusive company of the few organizations who are permitted a license to use the Sturgis name and composite. The Chamber and Von Dutch Kustom Cycles are currently working on a variety of licensing deals related to a unique blend of the two sought-after brands, including a line of die-cast miniature toy motorcycles by Jada Toys.

Tickets can be purchased through the Sturgis Area Chamber of Commerce at 605.347.2556 or online at or

mitch's bmw

You maybe asking yourself, What the hell? BMW’s on Bikernet? That’s down right Un-American. So let me back up a bit?to?tell the tale. I have a soft spot in the back of my cranium for old school cafe racers. When I came to the?Bikernet compound, a 1982 R-65LS came with me as well. Bandit let me store it here and was kind enough to remind me of existence every day. And ever the philosopher, he?would ask the eternal question. When are you getting your broke-ass shit out of here goddammit!!!!??He was right, what to do?

How can you not trust a boy and his?dog.

?So R-65 went to Mitch’s Motorcycle. Where upon inspection?he found that I own one of?the finest parts bikes in America today. So it’s back here at the headquarters, and soon to be coming to an eBay near you. But, the service I received was second to none. (It’s for sale–contact for info.)


About Mitch Berger

His?experience with BMW motorcycles began in 1975. “I was just 15 then,” Mitch said. “As many of you know, it gets into your blood and never leaves. It?does not matter if it’s cold, windy, raining or hot, we need to get on our motorcycles and ride. I worked for a few years as a commercial pilot flying cargo in 12-seaters, but my heart was with motorcycles.”


In 1988?he went back to?working at Marty’s BMW?(Marty’s Foreign Motors). “This was a special place for myself and many other people,” Mitch said. Marty’s Foreign Motors was started in 1952 by Marty P. Pierre and his wife Elise. These two had the courage to sell bikes that were not from England or American made. Some of the motorcycles they sold were DKW, Zundapp, Maico and BMWs. The two also had a Citroen dealership among other things. All this was at the location in Culver City. In 1972 Mr. Marty and his wife downsized and moved to the Torrance location where they had BMW, Moto Guzzi, and repaired Citroen cars.


Mitch?grew up learning from his father, and two A&P mechanics. One of these mechanics, Jehd Webster, is a regional service rep for BMW. “As my addiction to motorcycles increased, so did my learning,” Mitch said.?”Having raced desert, motorcross, enduros, supermottard, and trials, I have learned from these experiences, as well as riding 1254 miles in 24 hours. In this way I can bring my personal approach and thorough knowledge to you and your motorcycle.”

In closing if there are any?Airheads out there who might actually be reading this,Mitch’s is the place to go for any?foreign motor needs. This is an man who is currently installing a Volvo engine in a small plane for god’s sake, you can’t go?wrong!!?

Black Market John.

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January 26, 2006 Part 2


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peter - nikki

GIRLS OF BIKERNET COMING TO BANDIT’S CANTINA–With the help of Peter Linney, RFR, Curt Lout, Don Rogers and photographers across the country, we’ll bring you the finest bikes and babes on the planet.

Here’s a couple of shots from Peter S. Linney who is trying to launch a magazine as a tribute to his work.

Peter S. Linney
323 463 4584

thong butt

MRF ANNOUNCES NEW ELECTRONIC EPA QUESTIONAIRE–The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) has created a web based, online version of the survey about the impact that the new EPA emissions rule will have on the custom motorcycle industry and individual riders.

The new rule aims to enforce the Clean Air Act by reducing the number of exempt custom motorcycles that small shops can build and individual riders can own. The rule also drastically reduces tail pipe emissions for all motorcycles effectively making carburetors a thing of the past and electronic fuel injection and catalytic converters a mainstay.

The survey originally ran as part of an article in the February edition of American Iron magazine. The survey was an idea that came out of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation government relations department and the good folks at American Iron liked the idea so much they ran it as a full page. The principle behind the survey was to obtain feedback from custom shops and their customers to determine real numbers of how many shops and bikes are going to be affected by the EPA rule.

Rather than ask shops and motorcycle enthusiasts to send information to the EPA, Congress or any other government organizations, The Motorcycle Riders Foundation agreed to act as the clearing house of the valuable information. The MRF gives full assurance that the information will only be used to help motorcyclists fight the EPA and not for anything else. In fact the survey guarantees absolute anonymity of all who take the time to fill it out.The survey results began coming in via fax and US mail and the overwhelming volume of results prompted the MRF to develop an online version. The more surveys the MRF receives, will strengthen the case that this new rule should not stand or get stricter.

Please take the time to fill out the online survey today and help the MRF in Washington, DC fight the EPA on your behalf.

In addition to the questionnaire, if you would like to join the MRF when the meet with EPA or the Small Business Administration on this important issue please contact the MRF in the Washington DC office at 202-546-0983 or by email at

The EPA survey can be found at:

–from Rogue
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

AUSTRALIA URGES MOTORISTS TO LOOK FOR BIKERS–TV ads will urge motorists to look out for bikes.The Department for Transport’s ‘THINK! Take longer to look for bikes’ campaign starts on 30th January and is car Vs. motorcycle but the same logic also applies to cyclists.

A parallel campaign, urging motorcyclists to make themselves more visible, will run via six-sheet posters.

The 30 second TV advert encourages urban car drivers to look longer for bikes.

“How Close” shows a typical accident at a T-junction. The car driver, coming from a side road, casts a quick glance to the right before pulling out and turning right onto the main road.

A motorbike traveling along the main road is seen crashing into the side of the car, leaving the motorist confused and shocked. “How close does a biker have to be before you see them?” asks a voiceover.

The scenario is replayed, this time with the car driver looking for longer while the motorcyclist passes harmlessly in front of the car. The end line reads: “THINK! take longer to look for bikes”.

A radio advert backs up the TV message and “acts as an in-car reminder,” said a statement from the DfT.

The radio ad runs from 3rd February to 12th March. The TV ad runs from 30th January to 12th March.

In 2003, 73 per cent of all crashes involving a two-wheeled motor vehicle also involved a car.

The DfT report, ‘In-Depth Study of Motorcycle Accidents’, concluded that the most common cause of motorcycle crashes – as with bicycle crashes – is a ‘right of way violation’. The majority of these incidents occur at T-junctions and “it is usually the motorist – rather than the biker – who is at fault,” said the DfT.

In 65 percent of these ‘right of way’ incidents, drivers fail to see motorcyclists who other witnesses report were easily visible.

In cycling parlance, such right of way violations are called SMIDSYs – ‘sorry mate, I didn’t see you.’

Were cyclists – and motorcyclists – routinely wired up to on-board bombs, and they exploded on the slightest impact, it’s extremely likely that motorists would miraculously be able to see two-wheelers every time…

–from Rogue

s s screenshot

S&S CYCLE ANNOUNCES NEW ONLINE TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION REGISTRATION–LA CROSSE, WI (January 24, 2006) S&S Cycle announces the launch of online Dealer Training and Certification class registration.

The S&S Training and Certification Facility opened its doors to students on October 1st , and attendance has been steady, along with regular phone calls inquiring about available classes and registration. In order to make registration and class selection as easy as possible, it can now be done on the S&S website.

By redesigning the registration portion of the website, including the classroom calendar, technicians can now easily see when the class they want to attend is scheduled, how many seats are open and what the cost is–with a valid dealer number and just a few clicks of the mouse. The option to charge your tuition to a credit card, in a secure environment, is now available. This feature will allow customers to lock in their training at a time that is convenient for them, not just during regular business hours.

Technicians browsing the site will notice that there are discounts for multiple enrollments and additional classes. By sending technicians to the S&S Training and Certification Facility you raise the standards of your shop. By sending two or more technicians at once, tuition is discounted. There is no better time to visit and register for S&S Dealer Training and Certification classes.

During Training and Certification classes, technicians are introduced to the SuperFlow dyno rooms and flowbench set up at the S&S La Crosse facility, along with a huge selction of hand tools from Mac Tools. Upon completing the courses, students are eligible to purchase SuperFlow & Mac Tools equipment for their shop at discounted pricing.


WHITEHORSE PRESS CLEARANCE SALE–Long Way Round 2-Disc DVD?Now Available and In Stock.It took a while but the companion video to actors Ewan McGregor’s and Charley Boorman’s popular book, Long Way Round, is finally available in DVD format for viewers in the U.S. The New York Times called this “the ultimate road trip.” Order a copy and you’ll understand why. 6+ hours long, 7 episodes, 2 discs, extra features, $19.99.

You might read Jaqhama reviews on Bikernet.

Good friend and author, Dale Coyner, offers great roads and handpicked destinations to aid online readers with 2006 trip planning. Published monthly, recent editions of his newsletter have featured areas such as Pike County, Kentucky, and Mingo County, West Virginia, home of the Hatfield-McCoy feud. If you’re planning a trip to Appalachia, buy the new edition of his popular book, MOTORCYCLE JOURNEYS THROUGH THE APPALACHIANS, 2nd Edition, and sign up for the newsletter as well.

May Open House at Whitehorse

If you live in the Northeast, or want to ride in New England this spring, put May 20th on your calendar for a visit to our first and hopefully annual “Club Day.” All riders are welcome to stop by our warehouse from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM to enjoy some free Bar-BQ, great shopping, and lively tire-kicking talk.

A great chance to ride the notches of the White Mountains and enjoy spring in our beautiful Mount Washington Valley. If you need help locating places to stay and things to do, call (800-531-1133) for advice or get yourself a copy of Marty Berke?s

vtime clocks banners

MASSACHUSETTS RIDERS BILL, CALL TO ACTION–Massachusetts riders are encouraged to call, write, fax, e-mail and visit their State Senators between now and February 1, 2006, requesting their support of Senate Bill No. 1344, as recently amended by Senator Moore.

The amended version takes into consideration some opposition we’ve had for the past 35 years, and is more likely to be approved vs. being defeated, as it has those past 35 years.

The amendment to SB 1344, which will be acted upon on February 1, calls for:
1. Increased civil and criminal penalties to motorists who are responsible for collisions when they violate the right of way of all other road users (including motorcyclists), and shifting the financial burden (excess medical costs and lost wages) from injured victims to the responsible operators;
2. Allows owners of motorcycles to opt out of the existing motorcycle insurance system and go to a competitive market, opening the doors for more insurers to write coverage in Massachusetts;
3. Allows choice regarding helmet use to experienced (six years or more) adult motorcyclists or those who take the approved rider education course, and have private health insurance or $50,000 in optional medical payments coverage, with a $125 assessment to those who violate the law going to the State’s Head Injury Trust Fund Program; and
4. Changes in the existing motorcycle exhaust laws to limit the noise of motorcycle pipes.

If enacted in the Senate, it would then move over to the House for their action. If passed in the House and signed by the Governor, the law would take effect July 1, 2006.

If you don’t know who your Senator is, go to, click on “Find your Legislator” – type in your address then scroll to State Senator. You can then click on to open their page.

Further, riders are encouraged to call as many of the 40 State Senators as possible. Even though you don’t live in others’District, . . . their vote on this issue will still affect you!

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