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August 02, 2007 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

thunder road

STURGIS THUNDER ROAD LINE-UP–I thought your readers would be interested in hearing about some of the top events at Thunder Road for Sturgis Bike Week. I’ve attached information regarding Thunder Road’s bike shows, bands and entertainment. I’ve also attached information about Michael Lichter’s 7th Annual One World Choppers Show, an influential art show featuring 24 foreign-born builder-artists from around the world. Below you will find a convenient list of events at Thunder Road as well.


Weekly Events:Michael Lichter’s Motorcycle-As-Art Exhibit “One World Choppers”, August 3-10.

STROKERS STURGIS: A little slice of Dallas in the heart of the Thunderdome. The baddest bikes, hottest chicks and coldest beer? Rick Fairless’ Strokers Sturgis is open daily, 9 am to 7 pm, August 3-10.

Seminole Hard Rock Caf? Celebrity Bike Tour

Miss Sturgis Autograph Sessions from 11 am to 4 pm, August 3-10.

Boss Hoss Demo Rides- August 3-11, 8 am-6 pm.

Las Vegas Trikes Demo Rides – August 3-11, by appointment only.

Daily Events:
Friday, August 3rd
Thunder Road and the Thunderdome open at 9am

Saturday, August 4th

Sunday, August 5th
Feel The Thunder Race Bike show ($5 admission to Thunderdome, free parking & Glencoe campers get in free).

Monday, August 6thTHE HORSE, Backstreet Chopper Sturgis Invasion Bike Show. ($5 admission to Thunderdome, free parking & Glencoe campers get in free)

Tuesday, August 7th
9 am -6pm – 5th Annual Metzeler Sturgis V-Twin Custom Bike Contest. ($5 admission to Thunderdome, free parking & Glencoe campers get in free)
4-6 pm – Public Reception for Michael Lichter’s Exhibit “One World.” Meet the featured builders and artists.

Wednesday, August 8th
9 am -6 pm – Sculptures In Steel Bike Show. Awards at 5 pm. ($5 admission to Thunderdome, free parking & Glencoe campers get in free)
6-10 pm – Charity auction and private party hosted by Phoenix Airbrush and Planet Color (Sherwin-Williams) and IronWorks magazine.

Thursday, August 9th
9 am -6 pm – Rat’s Hole Custom Bike Show. Awards at 5 pm. ($5 admission to Thunderdome, free parking & Glencoe campers get in free)

Friday, August 10th
Trike Wars – The Power of Three Trike Show. Awards at 5 pm . ($5 admission to Thunderdome, free parking & Glencoe campers get in free)
Thunder Road and the Thunderdome close at 7 pm

For updates, be sure to sign up for our newsletter at

Click the banner for Bikernet Advertising Rates and services.

TUCK A BUCK RUN – AUG 11– Sponsored by Full Throttle Magazine and Nightmoves Magazine. Run Starts at Foxy’s Show bar 13415 N. Nebraska Ave. Tampa. Sign up at 4pm with the last bike out by 8pm. There will be food, vendors, a bikini bike wash, 50/50 and great give-a-ways. Stops also include 2001 Odyssey, Deja Vu and Scarlett’s.

There is a guaranteed prize fun of $1,600.00. 1st place $750.00, 2nd place $500.00, third place wins $250.00 and last place wins $100.00. Entry fee is $20 per hand and includes 1 poker hand, event t-shirt and arm band for free entry to the clubs. Extra poker hands can be purchased for $5 each. % of the money collected will be donated to Peewee of Full Throttle for his “New Leg” Fund. Vendors wanted call 813-814-1424 for more information.

Full Throttle will also be at the Too Broke for Sturgis event the same day in Charlotte County.


AUGUST 11 – TOO BROKE FOR STURGIS —August 11th (Saturday)- “TOO BROKE FOR STURGIS” Motorcycle Rally at the Charlotte County Fairgrounds. $10 tickets at the gate, $8 advance. Live music with great regional bands, food, beer, full liquor bar, vendors, and contests. Gates open at noon. Your price of admission includes a chance to win a new 2007 Harley-Davidson motorcycle with the drawing at 8PM. No charge for parking, no coolers please.

Have a great weekend and be safe.
–Tony Cianci
Editor – Florida Full Throttle Magazine
850 Dunbar Ave.
Oldsmar, FL 34677
800-889-8180 – Toll Free
813-814-1424 – Local Office

Bonneville 2007 sponsor banner

5-BALL RACING TEAM QUESTIONED BY J&P–Been to the dyno yet? One month from tomorrow! Better get that nitrous dialed in…..

–Scott A. Holton
Senior Technician

You’re right. Won’t have the engine from Accurate Engineering until the end of next week. Still need to build the front fender. We’re scrambling. The painted frame is on the lift, and I’m missing one part of the front end. We’ll make it.

AWpowdered frame

By the end of next week the front fender will be at paint and we’ll make the pipes. By the first of the following week, we should be running. Hang on.–Bandit

HOG_Event_Team_2007 banner

EUROPEAN HOG RALLY ROCK THE WORLD–Ela came out of hiding to cover the recent massive European HOG rally. Watch for more coverage coming soon to Bikernet.


EXERPT FROM BIKERNET DATING BOOK–A guy walks into a bookstore, not looking for anything in particular. On his way to the back of the store, he spots something of interest. A book by Bikernet staffer, Snake, with a very interesting title, “Dating for the New Millennium. What Women Want.” So, he picks it up and opens it to a random page.

“Chapter 1: The First Date.”

He glances the chapter over for a few minutes and then rushes out of the bookstore to call a girl he’s wanted to ask out for quite awhile.

When he gets home, he picks up the phone and calls her.

She answers, “Hello?”

He says, “Hi, Jessica. Listen, I was wondering if you would want to go see a movie with me tonight?”

She says, “Sure, I don’t see anything wrong with that.”

He gets excited. He thought she’d say no way, but she didn’t. So, he decided to take it one step further.

He asks, “Great, well how about dinner before the movie?”

She replies, “Sure, that would be great too!”

“Fine, I’ll pick you up about nine. You should be finished eating by then.”

–from CarlR


RUN FOR BREATH SUCCESS FOR 8TH YEAR–Sunday July 22nd the 8th Annual Run For breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin” took place. We were blessed with a beautiful day, 85 degrees, sunny, no humidity and a slight breeze, PERFECT!

The crew at STEALTH BIKE WORKS arrived at 8:30 Sunday morning to set up registration. The poker run started at 10am. The riders came in packs of 5 or 6 at a time so everyone was taken care of with little delay. The poker run hands were one for $10 and three for $25, most of the riders went for the three for $25. At the end of the day this really added up. There were also run t-shirts for sale for $15. Chris Kallas did a GREAT job designing the shirt and compliments were passed along all day on the shirts. Thanks Chris for your efforts on the run t-shirt! We have a few left if anyone would like one. The money will go to the American Lung Association. If you are interested in a shirt give me a call at STEALTH BIKE WORKS, 704-882-0889.


Winner of the Justin Award.

The day moved on and we headed for Lone Star Steak House in Monroe NC. It was a short trip for the SBW crew. It was only a 10 mile ride for us as we closed down and headed for the bike show.

The numbers were not as big in the bike show this year but the bikes were big on quality! This year we had one class for all bikes and gave awards for the top 10 bikes. In addition we gave a “Best of Show” award made by Bandit and we also give an award we call the “Justin” award. This award is kinda like an editor?s choice award. I pick a bike that doesn’t win in the bike show but for one reason or another stands out. The awards for the bike show are all hand made from used bike parts. The awards were some of the best we have ever had.

All day people seemed to have a GREAT time and the people at Lone Star did an outstanding job. All day people would come up say how much they appreciated the Run For Breath making a comeback.Plans are already being made for next year!

At the end of the day the Run For breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin” had raised $4300! That is enough to pay for the American Lung Associations Camp Air Care next summer, a week long camp for kids with asthma.


Best Of Show winner. Trophy made by Bandit.

So the 8th Annual Run For Breath goes down in the books as not the biggest but in my opinion the best so far. I would like to thank Lone Star for all they did, all the volunteers who gave their time to help, and to my wife Sandy(a.k.a. “THE MEANEST,” she is the one who makes the RFB happen on the day of the run. Last but not least, Thanks to all who participated in the 8th Annual Run For Breath. you make the RFB what it is, a GREAT event! We will see you all next July!



THE BONNEVILLE SALT REPORT– July 30, 2007Larry Volk called Mike Waters this afternoon (7-30-07) about 2:30, he had been out on the salt.Conditions are as follows:There is standing water, about 6″ deep at the end of the road,There is about 2″ at the starting lines and it’s about 1″ deep at the 2 mile.The courses are in need of further work (Dragging) due to the flooding.

The salt is mostly dry around the side of Saldero Dike.

DickAllen illo
Illustration by Dick Allen

A LETTER ABOUT HELMET LAWS THAT DON’T WORK–I read your article and feel you did a good job researching the data. Except, as usual, it misses the point that motorists in the US (Cars &Trucks) drive like inattentive morons.

Yes, I wear a helmet, boots and an armored jacket, but that won’t prevent some distracted motorist from turning into me, turning in front of me or running into the back of me. When will the issue become, “teaching, testing and enforcing safe driving practices?”

My company belongs to the Motorcycle Industry Council and at our annual meeting in February the guest speaker was Mary Peters, now Secretary of Transportation. The good news is that she and her husband both ride their own motorcycle. The bad news is that her big plan to reduce deaths is to encourage motorcycle dealers to give away helmets on every motorcycle purchase. You know what? Most dealers I know would do that, if motorcyclists would get equal rights and protection under Federal and State law. But damage control with increased helmet use is only one part of the answer. How about preventing the collision from happening in the first place?

Here in Arizona if a motorist runs into or over you, but they’re not alcohol or drug impaired they will go free almost 100% of the time; they won’t even get a traffic ticket. In just the last two years in our little community of Prescott, Arizona a female rider was killed when an auto-driving woman turned left in front of her. The woman admitted seeing the motorcyclist, but thought “she had more time”. No ticket issued, even though a mother of three was killed.

Just this June four motorcyclists were riding near Prescott when an oncoming truck illegally crossed the double yellow to pass a slow moving vehicle and hit the motorcyclists head-on. Two died at the scene. The other two were air evacuated in critical condition. No ticket issued, even though the trucker made an illegal maneuver and killed two people.

Two years ago a good friend and one of the best motorcycle restorers I knew, Lynn Snodgress was riding with his wife and was hit head-on by a vehicle that crossed the centerline into his path. He and his wife died at the scene. No ticket issued.

The first week of July a friend of mine, Wayne Pierce, owner of Pierce Harley-Davidson of Dekalb, IL was killed when a Jeep turned left in front of him. No ticket issued. Wayne was 56, an experienced rider and a strong advocate for safe riding. He always wore a helmet, but that didn’t save him when he T-boned the 2-ton vehicle that turned into his path.

And last. I want to point out how car commercials have changed in the US in the last couple years. For example, a Subaru ad running recently for their Impreza shows a young woman checking her makeup, adjusting her boyfriend’s hair and then pulling a U-Turn from the curb to be on her merry way. All the while the voice-over is pitching the attributes of the Impreza enjoying a 5-star crash rating. So, it seems that car manufacturers have figured out that Americans drive like idiots, so they can sell cars based on protecting them from the many crashes they’re sure to have in their lifetime. And, I might add, that car manufacturers continue to add electronic gadgets to their cars, only to draw more critical attention away from the road.

My opinion is that the motorcycle industry is headed for a major crash. That before too long, if left unattended motorists will make it just too dangerous to ride. The result? Mass exodus from an industry that does in the neighborhood of $20-billion in sales per year. Putting hundreds of thousands of people out of work. Putting millions of motorcycle riders into cars and trucks to clog the roads even more. When that happens we all lose the benefits of more motorcycles on the road more often. Motorcycles produce less road wear, use fewer natural resources, can park 2-3 to one car space and reduce gridlock.

It would be nice if a prestigious paper like yours would address these concerns before it’s too late. To date the only major entity doing this is the American Motorcycle Association that sponsors a program called “Justice for All”. They have lobbied to get 11-States to enact some sort of legislation that encourages better driving by enforcing severe penalties for injuring or killing motorcyclists by inattentive or illegal driving.

Thank you,

–David G. Koshollek
DAKO Management Company, LLC
Prescott, AZ 86305
Tel: 928-445-8286
Fax: 928-443


DARWIN MOTORCYCLES WILL HAVE LUNCH READY IN STURGIS–Darwin Motorcycles, the manufacturers of Brass Balls Bobbers and Choppers, is providing a lunch for the media on Thursday, August 9, 2007 at 12:30PM at the Brass Balls Transporter located at 955 Lazelle, down the street from the Broke Spoke Saloon.

Master Designer Dar Holdsworth and Master Builder Sam Wills will be on hand to showcase their cutting edge old skool kool Bobbers and Choppers. Each Brass Balls motorcycle comes with an Indian Power Plus option that really make these bikes standout.

The introductory Bobber from Darwin Motorcycles is value priced at $16,995 that rivals motorcycles over $20,000. That?s why we say that Darwin Motorcycles is Building Above Average Bikes for the Average Joe!

These bikes are locked, cocked and ready to rock. Motorcycles will be available to the media for test rides. Spend your lunch hour on us and meet Dar and Sam at 955 Lazelle. Dar?s call is 405-388-8883.


BIKERNET WEEKLY PHOTO ART EXHIBIT–Have one on me at Sturgis ’07.

Live it up!
–Whiplash Biker Photog>


MYSTERIOUS FLAKE DISCOVERED– I was told the flake was found and shipped out to you today. Wait till you open the jar and see it in the sun. Your going to love it. Let me know when you get it. The manufacturer said he doesn’t know if it was us or not but since we have been showing our bike, it has been moving off the shelves steady.

Things always look better when you see them in person.

— Jerry
Rollin Sixes.


BIKERNET GARDENING CIRCLE– A man and his wife were working in their garden one day and the manlooked over at his wife and said: “Your butt is getting really big, I meanreally big. I bet your butt is bigger than the barbecue.”

With that, he proceeded to get a measuring tape and measured thegrill and then went over to where his wife was working and measured hiswife’s bottom.

“Yes, I was right; your butt is two inches wider than thebarbecue!!!”

The woman chose to ignore her husband.

Later that night in bed, the husband was feeling a little frisky. Hemade some advances towards his wife who completely brushed him off. “What’swrong?” he asked.

She answered: “Do you really think I’m going to fire upthis big-ass grill for one little weenie

–from Chris T.

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CONFEDERATE MOTOR COMPANY TO EXHIBITAT MOTOEXPO SAN DIEGO–Del Mar, CA, August 1, 2007 —- Confederate Motor Company – the legendary, 16-year-old motorcycle company that has achieved reverential respect and near-instant celebrity cult status – will exhibit its revolutionary radial twin B120 Wraith at MOTOEXPO SAN DIEGO, October 6 and 7 at the Del Mar Fairgrounds.

David Arnold, show director, made the announcement this week. The first annual event will bring together a remarkable assemblage of one-of-a kind, handcrafted motorcycles, along with a juried show of customized sports and street cruisers.

“We believe this will be the first appearance of the B120 Wraith in San Diego, ” says Arnold. “It is a totally awesome bike and its debut here it is expected to generate a lot of buzz among collectors and aficionados because it follows on the heels of the company’s extraordinary Hellcat motorcycle, the bike associated with Tom Cruise and Brad Pitts. We’re fortunate because both the Hellcat and the B-120 Wraith will be on display.”

The B-120 Wraith, according to Confederate officials, was inspired by the pre-1916 era of motoring and “the courageous free spirited nature of the board track racer.” The company’s Website says that the 1911 Pierce “illuminates what the Wraith would be – the world’s most luxurious, sporting two-wheeled device.” Only 250 B-series – starting at $55,000 – will be created, according to the company.

“It’s a thrill for us to be invited to showcase our new B120 Wraith at MOTOEXPO San Diego,” says Matt Chamber, Confederate president, in a written statement to MOTOEXPO San Diego. “We eager to share her with San Diego and be able to tell her story with motoring enthusiasts in attendance. “

“Having both the B-120 Wraith and Hellcat at the MOTOEXPO SAN DIEGO is quite an honor, ” says Arnold. “The B-120 Wraith design and engineering is evocative of individuality so much associated with riders and collectors.”

First-in-the-world features of the B-120 Wraith, according to the company’s news release, include the first triple load path carbon fiber Monocoque chassis design and the first-ever carbon fiber, multi-link double wishbone front suspension. Other features unique to the B-120 Wraith include:

? Lightweight, single-sided aluminum rear suspension
? Multi-adjustable Penske titanium coil over shock dampeners
? Patented Confederate close ratio, vertically-stacked, five-speed transmission with output shaft bearing support at the swing arm pivot
? Counter-balanced 120 cubic inch 45-degree radial twin power

“This is totally cool to have both bikes – the Hellcat the B-120 Wraith at MOTOEXPO,” says Arnold. “Typically, when people gawk at these bikes they seldom notice that a celebrity is in the saddle – that’s how amazing they are in terms of design and aesthetics.”

Trekking from Alabama, the Confederate Motor Company will be part of the expansive line-up that will include Jason Britton and his team of extreme motorcycle stunt riders and the personal appearance of wrestling superstar GOLDBERG, star of Spike TV’s “Bullrun,” and an avid motorcycle enthusiast and collector.

The two-day event will also feature a dazzling array of vintage motorcycles and MOTOMASTERS – an invitation only, beyond-the-jury collection of priceless, one-of-a-kind handcrafted motorcycles that epitomize the highest achievement in aesthetics and engineering. Among the first entrants is Christian Dotson’s award-winning bike that won the coveted “America’s Most Beautiful Motorcycle award” at this year’s Los Angeles Roadster Show in Pomona. Tickets will be available online and at the gate. For additional information go to


Continued On Page 4

Read More

August 02, 2007 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

bikernet banner

BIKERNET ROVING BANNER ALREADY ON THE STURGIS SCENE–Sturgis 2007 has already started and the banner is first on the scene. Cowboy on the left, Biker on the right. They might saddle up on different horses, but they do agree on one thing RULES!

Mike ( Lawman ) and local cowboy.

On Main St. Downtown

screamin eagle

KRAWIEC MAKES FIRST PRO STOCK BIKE FINAL ROUND APPEARANCE–SONOMA, Calif. (July 29, 2007) – Eddie Krawiec earned his first Pro Stock Motorcycle runner-up finish the hard way Sunday at the FRAM-Autolite NHRA Nationals. It was just his ninth appearance on his Screamin’ Eagle/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson V-Rod and his first event at Infineon Raceway, but it didn’t come easy.

“From the very beginning of the weekend when we unloaded the V-Rod we were working on it, just fine-tuning to make it more competitive as the weekend progressed,” Krawiec said. “We didn’t have any down time but this Screamin’ Eagle team works so well together that we found our way to the final round. This crew makes it possible for me to be calm and cool and I felt comfortable on the bike all weekend.”

Krawiec – the newest member of the Screamin’ Eagle team – has qualified for nine NHRA national events in his career. All of those have come this season. The final round appearance was especially important this weekend because of the NHRA’s new point system, the Countdown to the Championship.

Krawiec was in 12th place before Infineon’s race, 58 points out of eighth place. Those top eight riders will be the only riders able to compete for the NHRA POWERade Pro Stock Motorcycle championship when the Countdown to the Championship point standings are readjusted before the start of the U.S. Nationals in Indianapolis, Ind., on Aug. 29.

The final round appearance bounced Krawiec into 10th place, just 29 points away from eighth place. Riders have two races left before Indy to get into the top eight.

“Believe it or not, I felt very comfortable,” Krawiec said. “I didn’t put any added pressure on myself and I just kept thinking about how much fun I was having and how much closer we were going to be to the top eight. That’s exciting.

“Getting into the top 10 is, out of anything, the most crucial. It’s going to be a battle for the sixth through eight spots and I’m glad we’re going to be in that points fight.”

Krawiec beat Antron Brown in the first round, recording a 6.967-second pass at 190.86 mph to top Brown’s 7.077 at 188.07 on his U.S. Army Suzuki. Teammate Andrew Hines beat Geno Scali in Round One with a career-best E.T. 6.902 pass at 192.93 to Scali’s 7.046 at 189.31 on his Performance Machine Suzuki.

That’s when Screamin’ Eagle teammates Krawiec and Hines met up in the second round. Krawiec bested Hines with a career-best E.T. of 6.946 at 192.28 over Hines’ 7.044 at 192.96.

Krawiec beat Steve Johnson in the semifinal round with a 7.014 at 189.79 over Johnson’s 7.057 at 188.52 on his Snap-on Tools Suzuki. Krawiec lost to Matt Smith and the Torco/Skull Gear Buell team in the final. Smith posted a 6.992 at 189.10 over Krawiec’s 7.090 at 190.16.

Hines was still pleased with the weekend, even if he came up short in his quest for another victory at Infineon Raceway. He’s earned one victory (2005), two No. 1 qualifying awards (2005, ’06) and has set the national record there as well (6.968 seconds, 2005).

“The bike was so quick this weekend that it just made it so fun to ride,” Hines said. “We were running well on the first day of qualifying and then we stumbled on something on Saturday and it worked out even better for the V-Rods. We just barely missed the No. 1 qualifier but we still felt good about our qualifying numbers.”

The Pro Stock Motorcycle class has one weekend off before taking on Brainerd International Raceway in Brainerd, Minn., on Aug. 10-13.


LEATHER MEETS LACE AT THE PLAYBOY MANSION, OCTOBER 6, 2007–This exclusive party will invite motorcycle industry entrepreneurs, such as dealership owners, motorcycle rally organizers, and enthusiasts from all over the country who share the common goal of supporting worthwhile 501(c)(3) charities in research, education, community programs and advocacy efforts.

Click or Call Today!

Tickets are Limited August 15th Ticket Deadline

Prices and/or packages may be subject to change. Party Info :


LEROY-THOMPSON STORMS STURGIS–Leroy-Thompson will be in Sturgis at two locations.You can visit Scott Webster and the crew at theSturgis County Line or watch Scott and a bunch of hisfriends from the Blacklist Tour build a bike at theFull Throttle Saloon. You can visit Leroy-Thompsononline at

Sucker Punch Sally’s will be at the Full ThrottleSaloon with the Blacklist Tour. You can see Jeff andDonny help build a bike and see all their newestcreations including a bike handpainted by worldrenowned artist Sara Ray.

–J. Ken Conte

Jim is making sure Mike makes it to Sturgis. He’s got to be there.

MICHAEL LICHTER RUNS OUT OF FILM, NEEDS DONATION–Annual Sturgis Art Exhibition To Be Presented ByMichael Lichter In Sturgis At Thunder Road August3-10, 2007.

Sturgis, SD, July 30, 2007, Michael Lichterannounced today his 7th annual motorcycle-themedexhibit, One World Choppers, to be held in Sturgisat Thunder Road during Bike Week. One World Chopperswas inspired by The British Invasion of music from1964-1966. After R&B and early Rock & Roll made itoverseas, Beat groups like the Beatles, RollingStones and the Yardbirds brought a changed Rock & Rollback to the United States; and the rest is history. Ina similar way, Harley-Davidson motorcycles wereexported all over the world, adapted to local meansand local culture, and something new was born.

One World Choppers is limited to 24 foreign-bornbuilder-artists, including some that live and work inthe USA and others that will ship their bikes and artfrom overseas. The show will demonstrate how buildersfrom abroad have influenced and contributed to thecontemporary custom motorcycle scene in America.Foreign-born two-dimensional artists, whose work,while less known in America, is of great importance intheir own countries, will provide art for theaccompanying wall displays.

Editors of the foreign anddomestic motorcycle press will provide accompanyingtext and commentary. Given the increasinginterdependence of countries around the globe, thisexhibition is particularly relevant because it bringstogether such a diverse group of people who share acommon passion, and will stir thought and dialogue oncontemporary issues, particularly globalization. OurOne-World continues to get smaller, and what hashappened with custom Harleys and custom choppers is agreat example. This exhibition is being made possiblethrough the generous support from Custom Chrome, DannyGray Seats, DHL Couriers and SBW Productions.

Confirmed participants in “One World Choppers”Alan Lee (Gangsta Choppers, Los Angeles, CA,representing Belgium)Aldo Querio Gianetto (AQG Motociclette Italia,Colleretto Castelnuovo, Italy)Chica (Chica Custom Cycles, Huntington Beach, CA,representing Japan)Daniel Crespo (Devil Inside Cycles, representingSpain)Derek Pauletto (Trillion Industries, representingCanada)Frank Pedersen (Motorcycle Works, Olathe, KS,representing Norway)Hideya Togashi (Hide Motorcycles, Kawasaki, Japan -bike courtesy Giovanni Valla, Milan Italy)Hiromichi Ishihara(Satsuma Cycle Works,Yao,Osaka,Japan)Keino Sasaki (Indian Larry Legacy, Brooklyn, NY.representing Japan)Kevin Alsop (Big Bear Choppers, Big Bear Lake, CA,representing Australia)*Kin Koyama (Photographer, Tokyo, Japan)*Manon Elder (Paintings, British Columbia, Canada)*Mark “Duckman” van der Kwaak (Illustrations, Leiden,the Netherlands)Masanori Kimura (Four Speed Garage,Tokyo, Japan)*Michael Knepper (Paintings, Hamburg, Germany)Mike Tomas (Kiwi Indian Motorcycles, Riverside,CA,representing New Zealand)*Motor Marc Lacourciere (Paintings, Ontario, Canada)Peder Johansson (Hogtech, Eskilstuna, Sweden)Piet Hofmann (Violator Motorcycles, Alblasserdam,Netherlands)*Rich King (Illustrator, England)Rikki Battastini (Battastini’s Custsoms, San Ramon,CA, representing England)Roger Goldammer (Goldammer Cycleworks, Kelowna, BC,Canada)Russell Mitchell (Exile Cycles, North Hollywood, CA,representing England)*Takao Isobe (Photographer, Japan)Tom Jansson (Swede Built, Stamford, CT, representingSweden)Walt Siegl (Walt Seigl Customs, New York, NY,representing Austria)*Yoshihito Tomobe (Illustrator, Japan)

*Denotes 2-Dimensional artist

The exhibition will be held inside the Thunderdome atThunder Road, three miles east of downtown Sturgis.One World Choppers will open to the public Saturdaymorning, August 4th and will remain open throughFriday, August 10th.

md adv. sturgis invite

YOU’RE INVITED TO THE ROAD KILL CAF?!Tuesday August 7, 2007 :: 6:00 P.M. :: Road Kill Caf?– Our team looks forward to seeing you atSturgis!

–Adam Roorda
MC Advantages


BIKERNET’S ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY– A woman from Los Angeles, who was a tree hugger and an anti-hunter, purchased a piece of timberland, near Grants Pass, OR.

There was a large tree on one of the highest points in the tract. She wanted a good view of the natural splendor of her land so she started to climb the big tree. As she neared the top she encountered a spotted owl that attacked her. In her haste to escape, the woman slid down the tree to the ground and got many splinters in her crotch.

In considerable pain, she hurried to the nearest doctor She told him she was an environmentalist and an anti-hunter and how she came to get all the splinters. The doctor listened to her story with great patience and then told her to go into the examining room and he would see if he could help her. She sat and waited three hours before the doctor reappeared. The angry woman demanded, “What took you so long? “

He smiled and then told her, “Well, I had to get permits from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management before I could remove old-growth timber from a recreational area. I’m sorry, but they turned me down.”

–Joe Lankau


INSIDE BOARDTRACK HEAVEN–With his frames being build by Paughco, Rick Krost and the U.S. Choppers team are getting caught up on orders and preparing more rollers for future orders. “We’re picking up a new batch of hand made tanks today,” Rick said heading to his truck.

Other than a pause for a Margarita with the Bikernet crew on the harbor, he’ll scramble back to his shop and fill more orders. Watch for this example of U.S. Choppers boardtrack beauty on the streets of Sturgis.

US Chopper banner

U.S. Choppers
2039 S. Lyon St
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Appointments Only Please

AWGirlblasting away

JERRY OF ROLLIN’ SIXES DISCOVERS RARE GREEN FLAKE TO BE USED IN THE ASSALT WEAPAN GIRL’S SKIMPY OUTFIT– The manufacturer is out of green flake, what the hell ya know. Always a blowjob, why can’t anything go smooth. But all is not lost, we jumped his ass and told him time is of the essence,(LIKE NOW). To his credit he is calling all around the country to other dealers to get the flake we need and will overnight it to you when he gets it. We have been calling him a couple times a day. I’m sure he just loves us. We will keep you posted.

Rollin Sixes.

rollin sixes logo

BOUNTY HUNTER BENEFIT UPDATE–I expect to see you at the Bounty Hunter Benefit. This will no doubt be the largest AND rarest event ever. We are gonna get the Prick that killed one of us, disabled another by ripping1 leg off, half of the other foot. Then ripping 1 arm up so badly that it is useless. He did this to one of us. Ran like a Bitch.

Oh by the way. This ASSHOLE was the best man at Brian’s son’s wedding. Stands up for Brian’s son one day, then MURDERS HIS FATHER ANOTHER DAY. Then runs instead of facing the music.People get scared when they have a serious accident. I understand that. But you don’t run. You stand up to what happened. Especially if it is one of your BEST FRIENDS FATHERS. He doesn’t care about anyone.

Help us put him where no one is gonna care about him.

This is gonna have 3 TV News stations there. 2 for sure. Kan Du Photography, Dixie Biker, Full Throttle, Pushstart and then Bike Week Report TV is gonna be there MAKING a SHOW out of this event. This thing is gonna be on TV.

When ever have you seen such a supported event. I have been a Biker for 25 years and have yet to see such a Rare Event or so well covered. People have really come together to help me get this thing heading to be the largest Event in History.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE show this PRICK that he can not do this to us and go on like nothing happened. Let’s show him that this is more than just an inconvenience to him. That it is UNFORGIVEABLE to US.

Please check out my website. See how you can help sow support.

Bubs banner

BUBS MAKES NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC TELEVISION– I just read on that National Geographic show that partly filmed at the BUB 2006 meet will be airing tomorrrow- August 2nd at 8pm.

Check the link below for details and check your local listings. I do not have any more information that what was listed on the Landracing forum- but the show is called “Need for Speed Bikes”

–Nick Roberts


CYCLE SOURCE STAFFERS ABANDON OFFICES, TEAR OUT THEIR COMPUTER AND HEAD FOR THE BADLANDS– lot going on at the Cycle Source office right now. We’re all packed up and leaving for Sturgis so I just wanted to drop you a line and invite you and your readers to ride with us.

Monday August 6th we’ll be meeting at the Broken Spoke Sturgis County Line at noon, then leaving on a ride out to Hoover for the afternoon and returning to the Spoke for some fun.

Along for the ride will be several Cycle Source photographers and other industry personnel. Several celebrity builders have also accepted out invitation. so it should be a blast man. The best part is, we get to promote an actual RIDE in Sturgis instead of just another party, hope everyone can make it.

The Cycle Source truck will be set up all week at the Sturgis County line so make sure you stop by if you get a chance and pick up a free issue and one of our new Scooter Tramp t-shirts.

–Chris Callen
Editor The Cycle Source Magazine
118 Dellenbaugh Rd.
Tarentum, PA 15084
fax: 724-226-2867724-226-8393


TURBO NEEDS POWER CHAIR TO KEEP THE PARTY ALIVE–I am in need of a power chair or a scooter of some type and can not afford to buy one. It is extremely hard and tiring getting around the Benefits I throw. If you know someone or you have a used one you would be willing to donate to me or even loan to me until I come across one I can keep.

Please call me. “Turbo” Tim I am the guy in the picture with one leg and no prosthetic. 352-476-3420

Nicks Performance banner

HOT RUNNING TWIN CAM 96-INCH ENGINES, AMSOIL SAVES THE DAY–Harley-Davidson has recently acknowledged that its Twin Cam 96 engine tends to operate at higher temperatures than any of it’s predecessors . In particular, owners of 2007 Ultra Classic Electra Glide motorcycles have noticed an excessive level of heat radiating from the engine.

This model has fairing lowers that obstruct some of the cooling air that would usually cool the rider’s legs at slower speeds. In addition, the Twin Cam 96 engine operates at higher temperatures than the Twin Cam 88 engine because it has almost 10 percent more displacement and is calibrated to run a leaner fuel mixture to meet exhaust emissions standards, often elevating engine heat at slow riding speeds when little air is flowing around the bike.

Because of these issues, there is no better time than now to experience the benefits of AMSOIL synthetic oils for H-D V-twin bikes. The reduced friction and cooler operating temps AMSOIL provides will help protect the engine from overheating and excessive wear, especially during these sizzling summertime heat waves. Ordering Amsoil 20W50 Synthetic Motorcycle Oil is easy just go to click on the online store link and have it shipped to your door.

While you are ordering your oil be sure to take advantage of Amsoil’s Ea Motorcycle Oil Filters, the best oil filters available anywhere,. Order either the EaOM 134 (black) or EaOM134C (chrome) filter for all Twin Cam applications.

Nick’s Performance Accessories
9608 Tiverton WayLouisville, Kentucky,40242
Independent Amsoil Dealer ZO# 1124190
Phone: 502-548-3023
Fax: 509-691-4313>


Continued On Page 3

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August 02, 2007 Part 1



Wind ’em up,

If you ain’t going to Sturgis, you ain’t shit. Trailers are for queens. Stock bikes suck. The Badlands is where it’s at.

Okay, so I’m not going to Sturgis and we just rented a Fun Mover to haul our sorry, yuppie asses to Bonneville. Yep, while brothers and sisters, all over the country blaze through 100 degree heat to find the coldest beer in the Badlands, we turn wrenches in the Bikernet Garage till midnight.

Hell, I’ll probably get kicked out of the Hamsters, for missing the annual meeting. I’ve called the Prez a couple of times to plead my case, but can’t reach him. Lotsa Hamsters are coming to Bonneville this year for Brian Klock’s wedding and of course racing on the flats.

I better cut the bullshit, finish the news and jump down the stairs into the shop before I’m in any more trouble.

tight spot

BIKERNET WEEKLY PRODUCT RELEASE FROM RIVERA PRIMO–TITE-SPOT OIL PUMP FITTINGS–Easy to install & turn even in the tightest places atop your oil pump, Rivera Primo’s new”TIGHT-SPOT” oil fittings are now available.

These 90 degree fittings are designed so that a 5/16″ allen wrench is used to tighten or loosen the fitting. No more custom wrenches, scraped knuckles, damaged fitting edges or leakyoil pump fittings.

Featuring fully machined oil passages for low restriction oil flow, the “TIGHT-SPOT”oil fitting is precision machined from solid brass and brilliantly chromed for maximumvisual effect.

Fittings are sold individually or in pairs:

PRIMO RIIVERA Direct Drive banner2

For these & other fine products contact:

Rivera Primo
12450 Whittier Blvd. Whittier, CA 90602
Tel: 800-872-1515
Tel: 562-907-2600 Fax: 562-907-2606

patrick bike 2

CANADIAN BUILD-OFF WINNER– The frame, all the sheetmetal, handle bars, exhaust, coil cover are of his own design & fabrication, which he also happens to sell.

The guy with the cup is Georges Thomas, the designer-builder of the bike called Alien.

The airbrush was done by world renowned Fitto (

This creation also won Best Paint during this same event, an award made even more precious due to the fact that it was awarded by none other than Cyril Huze, the guest of honour for the event, and world renowned bike builder, based in Florida.

We should be getting professional grade pics shortly, once the photographers have cleaned up what they shot over the entire weekend.

–Patrick Dubois


THE NBC TODAY SHOW WILL FEATURED THE CHOPPER CHICKS CREW BUILDING A MOTORCYCLE LIVE AT ROCKEFELLER PLAZA JULY 21ST WITH ALL PROCEEDS BENEFITTING THE BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF BROWARD COUNTY– Fort Lauderdale, Florida – (July 21st 2007) -On July 21st ,Saturday edition of the NBC Today Show, the “Chopper Chick Crew” built a motorcycle live in the heart of New York City at Rockefeller Center, right outside the NBC studios. The completed bike is being auctioned off until August 20th on Charity Folks with the bike set to make a tour stop at Sturgis Bike Week at Tucker Rocky Bikers Choice Booth with all proceeds benefiting the Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County.

The bike kit was donated by Tucker Rocky Bikers Choice to the “Chopper Chick Crew”. The all women “Chopper Chick Crew” consists of Athena “Chickie” Ransom of Vagabond Chopper Co., who has been featured in national magazines such as V-Twin, Outlaw Bikers, American Iron, Crossroads and many others. Athena & Vagabond Chopper Company have also been featured on Speed TV Shows, “Corbin’s Ride On” and “American Thunder” .,


JoAnn Bortles of Crazy Horse Painting, an award winning painter whose work has been featured in magazines such as Easyriders, Ironworks, and American Iron; Jayme Gray from Pussycat Choppers, an avid motorcyclist with a degree from MMI and extensive V-Twin experience; Katie Putnam from Mitch Bergeron’s an another MMI degree graduate with tons of mechanic experience; Vivian “Gypsy” Charros from Highway Custom & Discovery Channels 1st women builder on Bikers Build-off and Kate O’Shea another MMI graduate.

“We are very excited to be building this bike in Rockefeller and have it auctioned off with the proceeds going to the Boys and Girls Club of Broward County. “I believe that the Chopper Chick Crew as a whole has the opportunity to show the public that women have broken away from traditional roles. We are very proud of the work that we do and that will be evident in the finished bike.” Said Athena Ransom of Vagabond Chopper.


Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County is located at 877 NW 61st Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309. For more information please call (954) 537-1010 or view the website at

For more information please view the auction website at or for further question please call (954) 563-2822.

jims tool

BIKERNET JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK–Inner Primary Cover Bearing and Seal Installer/Remover Tool from JIMS.Designed to safely remove and install the inner primary bearing, (H.D.No.9135) without any damage to the new bearing. This is done by pushing onthe outer perimeter of the bearing. Also removes and installs inner primaryseal, (H.D. No.12052A). This is the bearing and seal that the transmissionmainshaft passes through.

Jims Banner

Use on Late 1984-2006 FXST,

1985-2006 FL,

1985-2006 FXR, FXD.

No.967 MSRP. $141.45


IRON HORSE TRIKES COMES ON BOARD WITH BIKERNET–Have you ever ridden a trike like this that can split the wind all day long a 250 mph. These things are incredible and Don Center has built them for over 20 years. Iron Horse Trikes is now a Bikernet sponsor and we will bring you reports on his builds and products over the years to come.


This product is all American and as powerful as a locomotive. If you know a friend who can’t ride anymore or wants to be in the wind and can’t ride a chopper, these are a serious option. Watch for more coverage in the near future.


GLENN PRIDDLE’S AUSTRALIAN CHOPPER– Do you have a better pictures of the bike that’s in the picture on the main page of the Bikernet webpage today? I’m building a similar swing arm frame set up and want to see how the fender is mounted. You don’t see many of these.

Here ya go.

–LtCol Daniel “CRUSHER” Lathrop
MCBH AC/S G-3, Operations and Training

kallas Final art-yellow 21

Jerry's Rt.2

CHRIS KALLAS ART COMES ALIVE ON BIKERNET–The guy I drew the art for came by with the finished bike the other day.

I told him we could probably do a follow up story on the site,I could schedule to take some pictures with better background, shoot it and write it if you like.

The bike originally was to be built by Larry Settle, but it went thru several shops/false starts to get done.That’s a 250 tire front and back.I’ve included the drawing so you wouldn’t have to look for it to compare to finished product.



Chris Kallas art available in the Black Market.

EXERCISE FOR OLDER ADULTS–This really works……..

Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of room at each side. With a 5-lb potato sack in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as longas you can. Try to reach a full minute, and then relax. Each day, you’ll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer.

After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb potato sacks. Then try 50-lb potato sacks and then eventually try to get to where you can lift a 100-lb potato sack in each hand and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute. (I’m at this level).

After you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each of the sacks.

–from Art Friedman

Here’s Valerie stretched out, farther than Berry Wardlaw liked. It’s with no headlight and the bad fender.

ASSALT WEAPAN CONCERNS FROM BIKERNET READER–Just thinking of Valerie’s safety here, but unless she has something to push against, she is going to be flying above the bike and just holding on with her hands.

Engineering tech in airborne weapons with Department of Defense.


No sweat. We’ll either handcuff her to the bars or use tie-wraps.–Bandit


ACCURATE ENGINEERING QUESTION OF THE WEEK–What is the quality of the components used?Many manufacturers will use cheaper, foreign-made components in the production of their engines to keep the retail price low and their profit margin high. Good for them. Not good for you. The parts that are bought from Taiwan and other foreign markets are cheaper for a reason. Many times, they’re made from substandard materials and are not held to the tight tolerances and specifications necessary to withstand high pressures and torque requirements. The old saying that “you get what you pay for” is an old saying for a reason. It’s true! Low cost means low quality.

The performance, durability, reliability and longevity of your engine depends on the quality of the components. Accurate Engineering uses only the highest quality parts from major engine components to the smallest bolts…and they’re all made in the USA to our high standards and tolerance specifications. If we can’t buy a component that meets our standards, we make it in house or have it specially manufactured for us. We even “rework” new components in our machine shop to improve oiling or correct tolerances or geometry. This way, we blend the original Panhead design with todays technology. Backed by decades of knowledge, Accurate Engineering’s attention to detail, the latest in performance products and top of the line components are all that go into an Accurate engine. There can be no compromise.


Call and ask for our sales department today at 334-702-1993

HARLEY-DAVIDSON QUESTION OF THE WEEK–A couple of weeks ago a reader asked where the Deuce name came from. We quizzed the factory for answers. Here’s what surfaced:

From Paul James: As I recall, the Deuce was the replacement for the SoftailCustom, or next gen Softail Custom, therefore II or Deuce.


GIRLS OF BIKENET STRUTTING IN STURGIS–Get your picture taken with The Girls of Bikernet during the Sturgis rally at the Brass Balls Bobbers and Choppers Transporter located at 955 Lazelle, down the street from the Broke Spoke Saloon.

After you get your picture with the babes checkout the old skool kool Bobbers that have graced the pages of IronWorks, V-Twin, Barnett’s and more. Master Builder Sam Wills and Master Designer Dar Holdsworth will be on hand to give you a walk through on these exciting motorcycles.

But wait, there’s more! Enter to win a free set of D&D high-performance exhaust pipes for your Harley-Davidson motorcycle. All you have to do to win is to fill out the form in Sturgis. The winner will be selected at the end of Sturgis.

D & D Banner

BANDITOS AND HELLS ANGELS KICK UP THE DUST IN ARKANSAS–Rumor from the front just before Sturgis that these two clubs battled and two members were killed. We’ll bring you more in the near future.

Lone Star Choppers


LONE STAR CHOPPER HEADING TO STURGIS–This is what I am taking to Sturgis, 31-day build so far. Just a few more details, but now I can sleep.

–Larry Curik


BRASS BALLS BIKE OF THE MONTH–“Bike of The Month” for June, was built for Grant Tonkin. He designed this cool unique bike on our web site then contacted us cover the details. It features the 80″ H-D Evo motor, custom pipes, a 6-speed tranny, drag bars, chrome Hawg Halters (brakes) and a 180 rear tire. Grant designed the paint scheme. Thanks Grant for allowing us to create this bike for you.

Grant chose a modern headlight for his ride. Notice also the chrome Hawg Halters brakes. He also chose our engine “hop-up” kit and added a set of our hand built, race tuned, and ceramic coated step pipes. This bike runs and sounds great.

Grant went with our smooth Tauer belt primary and 6 speed transmission to turn that 180 rubber. He also opted for a diamond tag bracket. I think Grant would say it was worth it.

Want one…? 405-285-0808 x208 or go online and start your own build. BrassBallsBobbers.comEmail:


Continued On Page 2

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Junkyard Dog

group Cutie booty
That's Tim, the old guy, in the back.

For some Americans these are the best of times, and for others just keeping afloat is a daily challenge. For many of us working stiffs the lack of funds was the biggest hurdle to owning our own scoot. Too often we hear good bros say they bought brand X,Y or Z because they just couldn’t make the price tag attached to a sharp chunk of American iron. It just doesn’t have to be that way. The lack of big bucks is not an obstacle to a classy ride. It’s a defeatist attitude. Any man can put together a tough ride on a budget, one piece at a time.

We sat down with our local trash to treasure expert, Tim, a “scrapper,” who owns Negotiable Parts Inc. He buys and sells parts every day. We asked him to tell you, the readers, all about the junk parts biz.

—Kit Maira

airbrushing girl
Photos from the Negotiable Booth in Sturgis this year.

Everybody buys used parts. One of the first major bike builders I traded with was Jesse James. He called me about some belt drives and it started as a trading thing, not a money thing. He had a lot of parts in the back room, stuff that he took off of other bikes to put his parts on, or stuff that they were experimenting on, prototype stuff, and it was just a cool thing. At the time he was coming up and getting real famous. I would take my son Tim over, and it was like Christmas, with toys, prototype stuff like the bicycle, he would trade us, all kinds of stuff, and I would take it to the swap meets. I gave him a really nice Panhead once, original, and it sits in his showroom now. Over the last ten years I’ve given him half a dozen bikes.

Billy Dodge introduced me to Eddie Trotta in Daytona Beach. I started going to Ft. Lauderdale to clean out his back yard. The last time I was out there, there must have been fifty sets or more of Big Dog pipes. He would put his pipes and other parts on the bikes for the customers, and throw the other parts in the back room. There was a treasure trove of Bourget stuff, that you could only get with a Bourget bike, all kinds of high dollar scrap, I call it, but if you went to buy it, it would be big money. I’d take it straight to Daytona and sell it at a swap meet.

dog face

I have dealt with Chica for years, selling him cool stuff, and he now calls me to come pick stuff up. The trading thing seems to work better for everybody. They have parts they don’t use and don’t have time to sell, and that’s what I do. I get them what they want and trade ‘em.

A lot of the manufacturers have new models, and they aren’t building the old ones, so they end up with excess inventory from the old bikes. We buy it for 20 percent of what they paid and sell it for fifty percent. A lot of it is new stuff, or might have a small scratch on it. They accumulate big piles, so they call in two or three of us scrappers and we bid on them. It is a big write-off for them. When we resell it, the customer is saving at least fifty percent.

bikes lined up

This is where choppers came from in the beginning. Riders didn’t have money, so they would cut, weld and grind, did whatever they could to make anything work. They didn’t just walk into a custom bike shop and buy a part. For guys, who rode all the time, it was a way of life thing. They still do it today, people come here because they can dig and find what they need, and even if it is not the correct part, they take it and make it work. If they can pay $20 here instead of paying a hundred or two hundred for a new part, why wouldn’t they?

working on bikes

I have plenty of customers who don’t have money. They can’t afford to buy the part and have someone else put it on. A lot of guys who come to me, are broke, but they really need this part. So I’ll tell them, what do you have in your garage? Let’s trade.

blue bike

That is how it started with Billy Lane, trading with him. The first time he came into my place in Daytona he asked me how much I wanted for a springer front end. Instead of telling him a price, I asked him what he had to trade. One time I was down there, there were twenty people in his front room waiting to get an autograph. I had my big truck full of parts and Jen the secretary asked me to pull my truck out back. Next thing I know Billy is in my truck digging, while all these people are in his shop waiting to see him.


Parts are an important thing to these guys, who are building stuff, Chica, Billy, Bandit, even Jesse. I have traded with them a lot, Knucklehead, Panhead, old hard to find stuff.

Cutie sitting on bike

“There are a lot of guys like me buying up old parts and selling them. Paul Bethell up in Fresno has tons of stuff for newer bikes like Big Dogs and Indians. He also has a lot of old stuff, but he doesn’t sell the old parts. I probably sold him a hundred motors in the last ten years, but if you ask him if he has a Panhead motor he’ll tell you ‘No.’ But you can buy a brand new chopper, he built from parts he bought from Indian and Panzer and other companies that went out of business. He regularly buys companies that go belly up, which is what I try to do too, but he does it on a bigger scale than me.

There are many people like us around the country, Bud’s in Texas, Moon’s Cycle Repair in the Midwest, Billy Shotgun in Ohio, Joe Lupo in Daytona and Milwaukee, and others.

pan in swing chair
The infamous Panhead Billy, who lives on the road.

“Parts trading on eBay auctions is definitely the happening thing, it is taking over the whole swap meet scene. There are other ones too, like Craig’s List, George’s Antique Motorcycle Trader… people buy and sell parts on these lists every day. Also, swap meet forums like, are filled with old builder dudes that have been around for years, like Irish Rich, Fabricator Kevin, Chopper Dave, they all go on there.

You have to fill out an application to be accepted. People from all over the world go on that site. It has a tech board as well as the board for exchanging parts. There are a lot of people there who have been around for a long time. It is a good place to get advice.

kawa tank in trash

Buying and selling at swap meets is still a good way to go, but sometimes, for the vendor it has been hard to even cover the vendor spot costs, and I think the Internet has a lot to do with it. I don’t know how many times I have heard, “Why should I pay $100 when I can buy it on eBay for $50?” One day I heard some guys say that they couldn’t believe that swap meets were still happening now that there is eBay, and it clicked with me, now I am selling parts on eBay. The buyer can sometimes end up with real bargains buying on auctions. If the item is listed with no reserve and you bid $10, and nobody else bids on it, you own it.

Cutie w money

Still there are cool swap meets all over, in California, Arizona, Denver has a big one every year, Chicago, New York, Daytona, they are all over the country. Not everything is a bargain, though. At a lot of the vintage swap meets same guys set up, year-after-year, with the same parts priced high. It is almost as if they go to show off their parts. I guess it’s just like fishing. They are waiting until the right guy comes along with the big candy. When the dealerships show up at the meets blowing off stuff like crazy, it’s always cool to see them blowing out the late model stuff.

guy w front end

With eBay, instead of going to a swap meet and dealing with a few thousand people, you are dealing with millions of people all over the world. It’s a beautiful thing. We seem to be doing OK and are steadily selling stuff. I used to buy piles of parts at the swap meet, and turn around and sell them at the shop. Now I call my eBay guy, he takes pictures and that afternoon we have them on eBay.

cuties bikini tops

“Of course there is still an advantage to being able to handle and look at a part at the swap meet, where on eBay you look at a picture so you have to rely on the reputation of the seller. Another thing you have to consider si shipping costs! A lot of people charge a lot for shipping and handling. Sometimes that charge might be more than the cost of the part. You also have to be careful, I have heard of some people getting ripped off. A friend just transferred $20,000 into someone’s account for an ’03 Fatboy and now the guy has disappeared. To protect yourself Paypal is supposed to guarantee a safe transaction. Most of it is legitimate; we do a straight up thing and get positive feedback every day.

guy sleeping

One important thing for buyers to consider, whether buying on the Internet or the swap meet, you need to know what fits what. There are swap meet guys out there who don’t know, they’ll respond with, “What kind of bike you got…Softail? Yeah that’ll fit.” That’s the guy who doesn’t pass out the business cards. The customer really has to know what they are buying. When you can, bring your broken part with you so you can match it up.

girl flipping the bird

The Internet is the way to go for me. Instead of loading ten tons of parts and dragging them to the swap meet, I pick the parts, the mailman picks them up and I don’t have to kill myself loading the big truck all the time. “Still, I don’t think that swap meets will ever go away. I like to go to them just to deal with people straight one-on-one. It’s a good place to buy, and it’s also a social thing. I do the swap meets when I need to make some money to pay my rent. I don’t buy too much anymore. I go to sell.

guy n girl

Tim is the owner of Negotiable Parts, 3651 Oakley Ave Riverside, California. The phone number is 951-683-4304. He also runs an eBay store at

girl sitting on bike

Read More

July 26, 2007 Part 4


Continued On Page 3

sturgis motorcycle museum new logo

STURGIS MOTORCYCLE MUSEUM ANNOUNCES 67th RALLY SCHEDULE– July 2006 – – The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame 2007 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally schedule of events:Thursday 2 August – Saturday 11 AugustMuseum Rally Hours – 8:00 am until 8:00 pm

Saturday 28 July – TBD September
Special Rally Exhibit – The Glass Ride – full scale glass sculptor replica of a “chopper” motorcycle with kiln cast and blown glass components by artist Joe Stanaway (

Monday 6 August
Jeff & Miriam Aranson Book Signing – 1:00 pm until 3:00 pmCrumbGobbler Press authors Jeff and Miriam Aranson will be signing copies of their books “Little Mike and Maddie’s First Motorcycle Ride” and the hot-off-the-press “Little Mike and Maddie’s Black Hills Adventure”. (

Wednesday 8 August
Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame Induction Breakfast9:00 until 11:00 am – Holiday Inn, Spearfish (exit 14)2007 Hall of Fame Inductees – Chris Carr, Bob Illingworth, Kaptain Robbie Knievel, Linda Peavy, Oliver Shokouh, and Jay Al Nelson who will be receiving the J.C. “Pappy” Hoel Outstanding Achievement Award2007 Freedom Fighter Hall of Fame Inductee – Gary N. Sellers

Thursday 9 August
Marian Hersrud Book Signing – 1:00 until 3:00 pmSturgis’ own Marian Hersrud will be on hand to sign her new book, Spirits and Black Leather, the sequel to her first hit Sweet Thunder, about a rally and a town not too unlike Sturgis.Both books will be available for purchase.

Saturday 11 August
Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Raffle Drawing – 2:00 pmWill you be one the winner of the one-of-a kind Henry 44-40 commemorative rifle?

HOG event

Museum admission is $5.00 per person, $4.00 for persons 65 and older, children 12 and under are admitted free of charge (must be accompanied by a paying adult).For further information on the Museum or the Rally visit our web site at or call 605/347-2001.

–Marcia F. Dunsmore
Interim Executive Director, Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame
999 Main Street, Sturgis, SD 57785
fax 605.720.0632

BUELL HIGHLIGHT– Go to United States. Look for the new 1125R under the Sportbike tab. Water cooled 1125cc 146 HP 82 ft. lbs torque 375 lbs dry 55″ wheelbase. Finally, after 13 years of waiting!!!!



ARE YOU LEGAL IN DENVER? FIND OUT THIS WEEKEND–Can you pass the new, extremely strict noise laws in Denver? Come find out this Saturday Morning at the Colorado Tire & Service Center at Colfax & Chambers. We’ll be bringing you the show LIVE and we’ll be testing pipes. Can you pass? We don’t think so, as this new law makes most bikes in Denver illegal.

Read the documents below then call in during the show at this number 1-888-551-WIND. __Read Warren’s Fullers opinion and watch his videos at __Denver Council Bill No. 242 – Page 1, Page 2

USA Biker Nation
Phone: (303) 713-8178, (303) 713-8179
Denver, CO 80229


BIKER BEAUTIES DESCEND ON THE BLACK HILLS–Livia Crisan’s Bikini Dream Team and Biker Beauties Magazine will be all over the Thunder Road complex this year working with Metzler Tire, Sherwin Williams and Sturgis Bike Week Productions. During the day the 7 lovely ladies from Biker Beauties will be signing their brand new 16-month 2008 Calendars and shooting photos with those in attendance at the ‘dome’. In the evening you’ll find them working the Beer Tubs at Rockin’ The Rally. Check out Jaime Nicole, Julie, Livia, and Pamela below who will be at Thunder Road all week long.

You’ll be able to pick up the August Issue of Biker Beauties Magazine inside the Thunderdome from Livia as she will be signing the cover featuring Livia and Billy Lane of Choppers Inc. You’ll also be able to pick up a copy at the Builders Breakfast on Tuesday morning at the Broken Spoke. Billy Lane will be signing the magazines there along with Livia and you may also be able to get autographs from Chica, Paul Cox, and Russ Mitchell who are also in the August Issue.

If you’re friends back home can’t make the trip to Sturgis tell them to check out during Bike Week and look for the Live Webcam from the Thunderdome. Barring any technical difficulties Livia will have a live webcam in her booth all week so you’re friends back home can see you getting your photo with her and the Bikini Dream Team. You never know who you’ll see on our webcam? check it out on Wednesday and you might catch Chica as he makes a brief appearance in the Biker Beauties booth to sign some t-shirts and magazines.

We’ll have a very limited edition poster available at Sturgis too. A very small number were printed especially for signing at the Thunderdome they are sure to be gone fast. We’ve seen a lot of posters at Sturgis but this one featuring Mt. Rushmore as a backdrop is one you definitely want to get for your wall to remember your trip to the Black Hills of South Dakota. You can get them autographed by the model from 10a – 6p each day inside the Thunderdome while supplies last.

The 2008 Biker Beauties Calendar is a 13 ? x 11 calendar (when closed) featuring bikes from APC Motorcycles, Vicious Cycles, Independent Cycles East, Winebrenners, CTM Customs, 301 Cycle, C&C Cycle, Colonial Harley-Davidson, Lucky Cycles, Charm City Choppers, and Freebyrd Custom Motorcycles. Only 5,000 printed and only 3,000 are coming out to Sturgis.

The calendar starts in Sept. 07 so you’ll be able to hang it in your garage or shop as soon as you get home. Available for $20 and when they are sold out we will NOT be ordering more.Thunder Road is also where you’ll find Kim Suter of KC Creations, Eddie Trotta and Russ Mitchell of Exile Cycles. They’ll be there all week as well as Michael Lichter’s New World Chopper Exhibit. You can meet THE NEW MISS STURGIS 2007, NICHOLE GOLINVAUX.

Smooth Horn Cover1

NEW SMOOTH HORN COVER FROM HARLEY-DAVIDSON–MILWAUKEE (June 29, 2007) – The new Smooth Horn Cover (P/N 68189-07, $34.95) from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories is styled to complement the Smooth Air Cleaner Cover (P/N 29153-07, $39.95). This compact round horn cover features a mirror-chrome finish, and mounts easily to the stock horn cover bracket. It fits 1993-later models with a side-mounted horn.

For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.

Andreas girl
This feature is coming real soon.

THERE’S THE PRE-STURGIS WRAP–All the good news and a handful of bullshit. Whatta ya want from me? Okay, here’s the bits I need to accomplish before the powder pours in. I need to install the Baker 1 in 5 drum in the 5-speed trans, so neutral will be at the bottom of the shifting curve. It’s cool for jockey-shift guys and you’ll see the tech on Bikernet.

Glenn Priddle delivered a new seat for the Sturgis Shovel. Very cool.

Next, I spoke to Larry from the Chop N Grind racing team and complained that I ordered 520 chains for less drag, and when the stuff arrived I freaked. The sprockets were dinky, narrow bastards and the chain wouldn’t fit over my Baker tranny sprocket. “I’ve got the secret,” Larry said lowering his voice. “Listen carefully. I’m only going to tell you once, and don’t tell anyone, anytime or anywhere.” Then the phone went dead. He ultimately told me to narrow my tranny sprocket on a lathe with a carbide bit. I’ll show you the operation.

More parts arrived from Harley-Davidson today and maybe I can start to fumble with the front fender notion. I’ll show you soon. We have a fastener sponsor, Derek and DMP fasteners. My wish list arrived today and we’re ready for final assembly.

DMP fasterners banner

So here’s what’s coming to over the next week. The Chica feature is completed and will hit the site, perhaps tonight. We have a helmet citation complaint piece, another Todd travel adventure, Fiction I need to wade through looking for a gem, Coast to Coast Legislative update and another hot Krugger bike feature from Europe. The girl will singe your hair. Hang on. Oh shit, I almost forgot. I have a feature on racing history in the Badlands with historic shots from the Sturgis Museum.

Ride Forever,


5-Ball Girl Linked
Click here to check our Bonneville progress reports.

Read More

July 26, 2007 Part 3


Continued From Page 2


BIKERNET PHOTO-ART EXHIBIT OF THE WEEK–Park it – let’s go have a Jack.

Live it up,
Whiplash Biker Photog

grand national bike show flyer

GRAND NATIONAL BIKE SHOW COMING– Horse Power Promotions season finale is the Grand National Bike Show Oct.13th and 14th at the Cow Palace in San Francisco CA. This annual show draws the best bike builders from all over the west. Dozens of them will be show casing their latest creations.

Last year the 80,000 square foot show sold out and it has been enlarged to 130,000sq feet to meet the demand of the enlarged motorcycle market place. The show will feature everything 2 wheeled and all the add-on bling that goes with them.

This year’s tour has been one hit after another. Mays’ Motorcycle Madness had a record attendance. Hollister’s 60th anniversary reported increased sales and had the largest crowd by far, enjoying more vendors and entertainment than ever before. These shows have helped to fuel the fire for this years Grand National Bike Show. This year’s projected attendance is 14,000-16,000.

The Grand National is filled with non-stop entertainment. Music, Fashion Shows and Motorcycle racing are just some of the highlights of this years show. Everyone that attends the Grand National Bike Show will get a chance to win the BMC Hooligan Chopper to be given away on Sunday Oct. 14th.

For more information visit

LA Choprods

ISR SPROCKET BRAKES FROM LA CHOPRODS–These Swedish designed, race-bred sprocket brakes have several advantages and options over other units. ISR systems from LA Choprods are available for left or right side drives, 2-piston or 6-piston calipers are available (for the guy who doesn’t want to run a front brake) and 46 or 48 tooth sprockets are in stock.

They are specifically designed to allow more spacing between the calipers and rotors for a wider fastener variety. The holes in the Swedish steel rotors are 7/16-diameter, and the calipers are billet aluminum.

LA Choprods has a complete line of matching brakes and ISR billet Swedish controls.

Gard Hollinger
LA County Choprods
(310) 353-2467 Tel
(310) 768-4100 Fax


URGENT CALL TO POLITICAL ACTION–The Motorcycle Riders Foundation issues urgent call to action.US House of Representatives passes transportation appropriations bill (HR3074) by a vote of 268-153, with no restrictions on any motorcycle fundingthe Motorcycle Riders Foundation reports.

The US House passed the much needed transportation, housing and relatedagencies funding bill late Tuesday night without provisions eliminatingfunding for what is known as the Section 2010 motorcycle safety funds.

The day before debate began on this bill it became known to the MRF thatRepresentative Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) was going to propose an amendmentthat would have zeroed the funding for fiscal year 08 on the motor cyclesafety grants. The same grants that were welcomed by 44 states in fiscalyear 07. This amendment would have saved the taxpayers a paltry sixmillion dollars.

After hearing from hundreds of motorcyclists, some intense politicaladvice, and a healthy amount of careful consideration Mr. Hensarlingdecided not to introduce the amendment. Hensarling was faced with thechoice of potentially saving a few thousand lives or saving the taxpayersa few dollars. In the MRF’s view he made the correct choice.

The section 2010 motorcycle safety specific funds that the MRF and itssupporting organizations worked so hard to have included in the lasthighway bill (PL 109-59) remain intact and the popular grant programcontinues to be a success.

To put things in fiscal perspective, the motorcycle safety grant programaccounts for about one half of one one thousandth of this entire spendingpackage. “In other words, the motorcyclists are asking for chump changein the grand scheme of this legislation” Said Jeff Hennie, MRF vicepresident of government relations.

“What a great example of how motorcyclists get things done in WashingtonDC” Hennie continued. “Every motorcyclist who phoned in to their federalrepresentative earned and deserves the freedoms that we all enjoy”.

The $104.4 billion dollar spending measure is now slated to be debated inthe Senate, where no anti motorcyclists provisions are expected, and thenon to the White House for final signature under a potential veto threat.The MRF thanks all of its members and supporters and will continue to keepyou up to speed on all happenings in your nation’s capitol of WashingtonDC.

As for the remainder of Mr. Hensarling’s proposed amendments? They allfailed on the House floor. Maybe there is hope for wisdom in Washingtonafter all.

Ballard Banner

kids n chrome seat

DUANE BALLARD HELPS KIDS AND CHROME– So you about ready with a seat pan for the Bonneville bike? Here is the seat for the Kids and Chrome charity bike built by NYCC.

Duane Ballard Custom Leather
36 Goen Rd.
New Ipswich, NH 03071


Click Here To Get Yours!

COOLER SCOOTER SPONSORS 5-BALL RACING FOR BONNEVILLE–They’re a life-saver on the salt. Besides while Valerie is racing the Assalt Weapan, I can race Roger Goldammer on my cooler.


ANOTHER NOISE ISSUE–Luke AFB is west of Phoenix and is rapidly being surrounded by civilization that complains about the noise from the base and its planes, forgetting that it was there long before they were.

A certain lieutenant colonel at Luke AFB deserves a big pat on the back. Apparently, an individual who lives somewhere near Luke AFB wrote the local paper complaining about a group of F-16s that disturbed his/her day at the mall. When that individual read the response from a Luke AFB officer, it must have stung quite a bit.

The complaint: “Question of the day for Luke Air Force Base: Whom do we thank for the morning air show? Last Wednesday, at precisely 9:11 a. m., a tight formation of four F-16 jets made a low pass over Arrowhead Mall, continuing west over Bell Road at approximately 500 feet. Imagine our good fortune! Do the Tom Cruise-wannabes feel we need this wake-up call, or were they trying to impress the cashiers at Mervyns early bird special? Any response would be appreciated.”

The response:

Regarding “A wake-up call from Luke’s jets” (Letters, Thursday): On June 15, at precisely 9:12 a. m., a perfectly timed four-ship flyby of F-16s from the 63rd Fighter Squadron at Luke Air Force Base flew over the grave of Capt Jeremy Fresques. Capt. Fresques was an Air Force officer who was previously stationed at Luke Air Force Base and was killed in Iraq on May 30, Memorial Day. At 9 a. m. on June 15, his family and friends gathered at Sunland Memorial Park in Sun City to mourn the loss of a husband, son and friend.

Based on the letter writer’s recount of the flyby, and because of the jet noise, I’m sure you didn’t hear the 21-gun salute, the playing of taps, or my words to the widow and Parents of Capt. Fresques as I gave them their son’s flag on behalf of the President of the United States and all those veterans and servicemen and women who understand the sacrifices they have endured.

A four-ship Flyby is a display of respect the Air Force pays to those who give their Lives in defense of freedom. We are professional aviators and take our jobs seriously, and on June 15 what the letter writer witnessed was four officers lining up to pay their ultimate respects. The letter writer asks, “Whom do we thank for the morning air show?” The 56th Fighter Wing will call for you, and forward your thanks to the widow and Parents of Capt. Fresques, and thank them for you, for it was in their honor that my pilots flew the most honorable formation of their lives.

Lt. Col. Scott Pleus CO 63rd Fighter Squadron Luke AFB

–from Chris T.

departure bike

DEPARTURE BIKE WORKS TURNS 35 IN OCTOBER–Departure Bike Works in Richmond, VA is working up to their 35th celebration. If you want to witness a true blue traditional custom shop that offers everything in the book from engine work, to drag racing, service, parts, chrome exchange, bad jokes, good people and one-off custom work, go to Richmond. You’ll keep coming back.

DBW banner

We’re about to feature the bike above and publish an article on the shop history to commemorate a lifetime of working on custom bikes by Lee Clemens and his wife, the ruler of all, Brenda.

Sportster Banner

COOLBETH WINS SECOND CONSECUTIVE AMA FLAT TRACK EVENT BY EARNING WIN IN GREENVILLE–GREENVILLE, Ohio (July 24, 2007) – Kenny Coolbeth has officially started a winning streak of his own. The rider of the factory-sponsored Screamin’ Eagle Harley-Davidson won the sixth round of the AMA Ford Quality Checked Flat Track series, taking the top spot on the podium at Darke County Fairgrounds in Greenville. That makes three wins for Coolbeth this season, but his second on consecutive weekends. Coolbeth won the season opener at Springfield, Ill., along with the event in Saluda, Va., last weekend.

conder banner

MASTER OLD SKOOL ARTIST WEBSITE BACK ON LINE–Just a note to say my old Armageddon Top fuel site has been added to my new website. It’s a great resource for folks who are interested in all the stuff for sale. Go to



AMA FIGHTS MOTORCYCLE DISCRIMINATION–With five minutes of your time, you can help the AMA get legislation passed in Congress that will end health insurance discrimination against motorcyclists. The AMA is working to get HR 1076 passed in the U.S. House of Representatives. This bill would close a loophole that allows denial of health insurance benefits to people injured in a motorcycle crash, or other excluded activities, such as skiing or horseback riding. (A similar bill has also been introduced in the US Senate). If you’re not familiar with this issue, which can have devastating financial impact on motorcyclists and their families, read the article that appeared in the May 2007 issue of American Motorcyclist magazine. Look at the list below of members of Congress who have agreed to support HR 1076 by co-sponsoring this important legislation. Then, go to the AMA Rapid Response Center and do one of two things: If your representative is on the list, send him or her a thank-you message or, if your representative is not on the list, send him or her a message asking for support for this bill. The AMA Rapid Response Center makes it easy by providing a pre-written message that you can edit, if you want, and sign and send immediately. If you’re not sure who is your representative in Congress, the AMA Rapid Response Center makes it easy to find out. Just enter your ZIP code or home state.

Babe on knuck

SO MUCH TO DO IN THE BLACK HILLS DURING THE RALLY–One of the things that I look forward to when at the Sturgis Rally is morning rides and one of them is to have breakfast at the Nemo Fire Department. Plenty of Good Food -Cheap.

Grab yourself a map and plan it as one of your stops. There are many places out side the big cities that have events and welcome BIKERS so get out and explore the countryside you will be glad you did.

–from Rogue

Click here to enter Bikernet free contest area and receive Bikernet Updates.

BANDIT’S CANTINA DINNER MENU THURSDAY SPECIAL–The newly married Biker came to the cantina from work to find his bride stretched languorously on a Cantina table, dressed in only a sheer negligee.

“Guess what I have planned for dinner tonight?” she asked seductively, then quickly added, “and you’d better not tell me you had it for lunch!”

–from Rogue

BANDIT’S CANTINA COMPETITION–Introducing$5.00 Lunch Days!

Golden Eagle Deli
452 Lanza Ave. Garfield New Jersey 07026
Thursday Specials
Can’t Resist Treats
Blueberry Blintzes:$1.50 (each) Blueberry,Apple,Cheese, Strawberry & Cheese-Egg Roll W/meat-Egg roll W.kraut

Your Choice Meals 5.00 Each.

Breaded Pork Chop-Breaded Chicken Cutlet-Meatloaf W/mushroom Gravy-Chicken Breast in Dill Sauce-Beef Stew-Stewed pork Filet in Hungarian Sauce-Breaded Pork Chop Stuffed W/mushroom-Roast Half-Chicken-

(served with mashed potato and 1 side)

What the fuck? Who sent this to–Bandit


METRIC THUNDER IS ON THE MOVE TO A NEW LOCATION IN ORANGE, CA– Moves to New Facility to Support GrowthOrange, CA – July 26, 2007 – Metric Thunder, one of the nation’s leading motorcycle accessories and parts sellers worldwide, announced today the relocation of its new showroom and headquarters. The company has moved to 307 W. Taft Suite A, Orange, CA 92865.

“We are very excited about our new showroom and warehouse facilities,” said Bob Osias, founder of Metric Thunder. “The decision to pull the trigger was clearly customer driven. Over the past 4 years, feedback from our local customers indicated that they wanted a larger showroom, better parking and an easier to find location. The new building warehouse will also improve and streamline operations for our online customers.”

Metric Thunder, founded in June of 2003, offers an extensive line of Harley and Metric motorcycle cruiser parts and accessories from all major manufacturers at very competitive prices. The new retail showroom is located at 307 W. Taft Suite A in Orange, California. Enthusiasts can also purchase online at

Customer satisfaction is Metric Thunder?s guarantee along with superior service with quick turnaround time even on hard to find items.

For more information about Metric Thunder and Thunder Radio/Video, BIKERNET RADIO contact Bob Osias at (714) 744-8900 or by e-mail at

MAPS AVAILABLE FOR STURGIS– Do you lose quite a bit of time when you are in Sturgis asking for directions? Want to know where the hot spots are? Do you want to know where the whorehouses are? Do you…? Do you want to know where certain vendors are, custom builders, music, roadhouses, eats, and etc.

Do you want to get the biggest bang for your visit? To get the most of a motorcycles event, you need a map and a plan. But not any map. A rally map conceived specifically for bikers to help them uncover what they want to see and experience.

A company called Biker InCite has produced over 2 million Motorcycle Vendor and Event Maps for Daytona, Myrtle Beach, Laconia and Sturgis. Each map contains ride information, vendors and events listings, and a list of “Top Ten Things to Do”.

These maps are free on site, but if you need to guarantee your copy and preplan your visit, download your 2007 Sturgis Mini Map on

Bubs banner

Continued On Page 4

Read More

July 26, 2007 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

glass bike

THE GLASS RIDE OPENS AT THE STURGIS MOTORCYCLE MUSEUM & HALL OF FAME–July 29, 2007 – – A year in the making, direct from Edinburgh, Scotland, glass artist Joe Stanaway’s The Glass Ride exhibit will open to the public at 10:00 am on Saturday, July 29th at the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame located at 999 Main Street in Sturgis, South Dakota. The Glass Ride is a full scale glass sculptor replica of a “chopper” motorcycle with kiln cast and blown glass components.

Artist Joe Stanaway, a Helena, Montana native, has just completed his Masters in glass and architecture glass design from the Edinburgh College of Art, where he unveiled The Glass Ride in December, 2006. Joe says of his work and himself “I find it easy to be drawn into the look of custom motorcycles. They are very much like glass; the extraordinary use of sculpted chrome polished to a mirror finish, the heavy clear coating over a beautiful buffed petrol tank giving it a transparent glass -like quality. In life we have a tendency to feel better in groups. The group I ran with chose to express themselves on iron horses; I was the black sheep that chose the road of hot glass.” Joe will follow that road of hot glass to Dillon, Montana where he has accepted a professorship in the Glass Department at the University of Montana Western.

sturgis motorcycle museum new logo

The Glass Ride will be on exhibit through the month of August and into September with a closing date that has yet to be determined. The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame is open to the public from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Saturday and Sunday, with special Rally hours of 8:00 am to 8:00 pm beginning July 30th and continuing through August 12th. Tickets are $5 for adults, $4 for seniors 65+ and free for children 12 and under. The museum will be closed August 13th and 14th.

Further information about the artist is available at, about the museum at or by contacting:

–Marcia F. Dunsmore
Interim Executive Director, Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame
999 Main Street, Sturgis, SD 57785


WILD EXHAUST TIPS FROM CRIME SCENE–Joe here from Crime Scene. I have some new exhaust tips I’m hoping you can squeeze into the news. I’d also like to start running banner ads on your site again.

The exhaust tips are called “Mordor tips”, they fit 1.75″ pipes and are handmade in steel, triple chrome plated. $89 each. I made up a prototype set for my shop beater, and several folks commented that they looked like something out of Mordor – from Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings”?and the name stuck. They certainly look the part.

–Joe McGlynn
Crime Scene Choppers>


MORE ETHANOL COMING– The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) has expressed concern about unanticipated consequences of proposals that might allow gas stations to increase the level of ethanol in the fuel they sell.

Currently, pump gasoline in the United States can contain up to 10 percent ethanol, which is used to increase octane, reduce carbon monoxide emissions and provide an alternative to petroleum-based fuels.

But now, the state of Minnesota is seeking permission from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to allow the sale of fuel that includes 20 percent ethanol. And that has led to concerns about the effects on motorcycle engines, which manufacturers say are only certified to run on fuels containing the current 10 percent blend.

The difference could be significant, since burning ethanol creates more heat than conventional gasoline, which has the potential to damage air-cooled motorcycle engines. In addition, fuel systems on bikes may be susceptible to corrosive effects of higher concentrations of ethanol in gas. And while ethanol helps reduce carbon monoxide levels in engine exhaust, it can also increase the levels of oxides of nitrogen, one of the components of smog.

The proposal currently under consideration comes from Minnesota, but the AMA notes that an EPA waiver would open the door to the sale of 20 percent ethanol blends across the country, without any evaluation of the long-term consequences. With the limited number of choices at gas stations, that could force out existing blends and leave some riders without a suitable fuel choice for their vehicles.

The AMA is a member of AllSAFE, the Alliance for a Safe Alternative Fuels Environment, a group formed to ensure that new bio-based fuels such as ethanol are promoted in a thoughtful manner. AllSAFE is made up of associations that represent consumer and commercial users of ethanol blends, manufacturers of boats, vehicles, engines and equipment, and retailers who sell gasoline and ethanol-fuel blends.

krb in bonne

BIKERNET.COM TOPS 1 MILLION. PRESS RELEASE FROM BOB CLARK– Los Angeles, California: The 11 year old web site founded by K. Randall Ball recently hit their highest readership numbers to date. According to Ball, that number, over 335,000 reader visits, translates to around 650,000 viewers, 1.1 million impressions and 10 million hits. The average reader stay in the vast, ever-changing archives is 7 minutes a visit.

“We’re very proud to hit those numbers,” Ball said. Bikernet changes daily with the addition of bike features, tech articles, fiction, event coverage, bad jokes, ride reports, road tests, radio interviews, Bikernet Television and the news covering everything that moves in the industry twice a week. “That’s in the free section,” Ball said. Over 80 percent of the site is absolutely free, but there is a special section called Bandit’s Cantina housing complete books by K.Randall Ball.

The Cantina archives exclusive antique features, wild motorcycle historic discoveries, The Girls of Bikernet, Sunday News, Games and much more. The Cantina even has its own soap opera updated monthly.

Bikernet was designed to be user friendly, archive everything for future use, and give bike features and tech articles all the space they deserve. “If a bike or a tech needs 10 pages, that’s what we give ’em,” Ball said. The staff of is easy to reach. The boss is available at daily and they have their own forum board for immediate complaints or tech questions.

Bob clark
Don’t blame the above release on the Bikernet staff. Here’s the author, Bob Clark.–Sin Wu

BIKERNET READER QUESTION OF THE WEEK–Knowing you and your comments, I expect to hear something about a douche! Ask Willie G. or somebody where the name come from? Just bought a 100th. Anniversary Deuce, and am curious.

— Hacksaw

chopper show flyer

THIRD ANNUAL OLD SCHOOL CHOPPER SHOW THIS WEEKEND–The 3rd annual ol school chopper show is this sunday @horsetooth market at the south end of horsetooth resevior ft. collins CO., Rodney James and the Blue Flames are playing once again!!!!!!! see everyone there! starts at noon!

–Curt Lout

ORWELL BOOKS BY BALL ARRIVE– Hey man, just received my copy of Orwell. Thanks man!!! An for the 2 stickers too.

Have a great day man!

–Oneleged Motorsikle Hippie,
Ron “Crash” Craddock

iron butt

CHRISTMAS IN JULY SALE-ONE WEEK ONLY–2007 Iron Butt RallyAugust 20th – 24thRead All About It

Check out our selection of books on the Iron Butt Rally and endurance riding. Against the Wind is competitor Ron Ayres’ personal account of the 1995 Iron Butt Rally in which he finished 6th. Going the Extra Mile, also by Ayres, is an insider’s guide to long-distance motorcycling and endurance rallies.

The Essential Guide to Motorcycle Travel by Dale Coyner is full of tips, technology, and advanced techniques for long distance travel.


US REPRESENTATIVE RIDES TO WORK– US Representative Tim Walberg Like many motorcyclists, celebrated Ride to Work Day by throwing a leg over a bike and heading to the office. But unlike most of us, Walberg’s trip to work ended at the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building where he serves as a representative for Michigan’s 7th Congressional District.The longtime AMA member then delivered the following speech on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives:

“Today is National Ride Your Motorcycle to Work Day, and just a few minutes I ago, I proudly road a Harley-Davidson Road King to the steps of the Capitol Building.

Motorcycle riding has been a passion of mine since my 20th birthday, and as a proud member of the American Motorcyclist Association and the Harley Owners Group, I can attest that responsible riding has many unique recreational benefits for millions of Americans.During this session of Congress, we are looking for ways to break our dependence on foreign oil, develop alternative fuels and increase domestic conservation.

Motorcycles are an excellent alternative to current forms of transportation because they offer both fuel efficiency and greater enjoyment for the commuter.

I encourage all Americans to learn more about the recreational and environmental benefits of responsible motorcycle riding by visiting the American Motorcyclist Association’s website and availing themselves of the motorcycle rider-safety training program.”For more about Ride to Work Day, see

–from the AMA News

GOVERNMENT ASKS FOR YOUR RESPONSE–(NHTSA) is asking for public comments on the Evaluation of State Motorcycle Safety Programs. The data are to be collected from State employees, in each State the State Motorcycle Safety Administrator and/or an employee of the State Highway Safety Office.

NHTSA will conduct a survey of State Motorcycle Safety Administrators and/or State Highway Safety Offices in all 50 States and the District of Columbia to gather data on state-level motorcycle safety programs. This survey will consist of a questionnaire in mail (paper and pencil) format, which will allow a telephone follow-up for further details as necessary. The study will use the survey to gather comprehensive data on what each of the 50 States and the District of Columbia are doing to promote and ensure safe riding behavior.

negotiable parts lady

NEGOTIABLE PARTS COMING TO STURGIS–“We’ll be landing at 956 Lazelle near downtown Sturgis,” said Tim. He’s sharing a booth with Ray Wheeler of W8less Rotors and rumor has it 5000 rotors are being shipped to the Badlands now.

WE BELIEVE–We believe in Freedom; We believe in the Open road; We believe in making inferior products in China, while paying pennies on the dollar and grossly overcharging our customers; We believe in waging a PR campaign in order to pose as the antithesis to big corporations, but in truth, we are quite the same; We believe in wrapping ourselves in the American flag, exploiting the emotions and sacrifices of our living and wounded soldiers in time of war, creating products aimed at American servicemen, feigning love for the American patriot, and charging them an arm and a leg for the privilege of sporting a service medallion on their bikes.

We call that Patriotism!

I call that Bull-Shit.



BIKERNET TV BRINGS YOU LIVE INTERVIEWS WITH NOTORIOUS CHARACTERS– Bandit and the 5-Ball Racing Team is headed North to the salt. Out in Hollister this year they brought him on stage, made him don a helmet and grilled him about the program. We’ve got it captured on Bikernet TV. Click here to see the interview.

–Jeff Najar


ASSALT WEAPAN FLAKE MAY MAKE RACING HISTORY– The flake is on it’s way by camel. Wait till you take it outside in the sun and you will know what I am talking about. It will blow you away. The flake needs to completely cover the bass coat so you can hardly see it. Put it on real heavy for the best effect. This bike will blow people away, just sitting there. I hope the painter gets to put the real rivets on the distressed panels. It would be badass.

Make sure the chicks gun and the guns on the tank are blazin away(as if shooting down another speed record).

I forgot to put a shot down symbol on the back fender like the fighter pilots used with last years speed record in it (to show it was shot down).

Like I said if the painter needs to talk with me feel free to have him call me. This is like having a baby and someone else is teaching it to walk for you, you know how it is.

It’s driving me nuts LOL. Let me know when you get the flake and what you think of it.

— Jerry
Rollin Sixes.

Click the banner for Bikernet Advertising Rates and services.

BIKERNET ON ITALIAN RELATIONS–An 18 year old Italian girl tells her Mom that she has missed her periodfor2 months. Very worried, the mother goes to the drugstore and buys apregnancy kit.

The test result shows that the girl is pregnant.

Shouting, cursing, crying, the mother says,”who was the pig that did this to you? I want to know!”

The girl picks up the phone and makes a call.

Half an hour later, a Ferrari stops in front of their house.A mature and distinguished man with gray hair and impeccably dressed inanArmani suit steps out of the Ferrari and enters the house. Hesits inthe living room with the father, mother, and the girl and tells them:

“Good morning, your daughter has informed me of theproblem. I can’t marry her because of my personal familysituation but I’ll take charge. I will pay all costs and provide foryourdaughter for the rest of her life.

Additionally, if a girl is born, I will bequeath a Ferrari, 2 retailstores,a townhouse, a beachfront villa, and a $2,000,000 bank account.

If a boy is born, my legacy will be a couple of factories and a$4,000,000bank account.

If twins, they will receive a factory and $2,000,000 each.

However, if there is a miscarriage, what do you suggest I do?”

At this point, the father, who had remained silent,places a hand firmly on the man’s shoulder and tells him,”You try again.”

–from Chris T.


ASSALT WEAPAN LAST MINUTE ALERT–I just had a flash for some reason in the shop and thought of you. Did you flush and clean all of the tanks (including oil bag I welded), and seal them?

Just know your feeling rushed- so I want to remind you of little things that get forgotten in the mad dash for cash and world records….

PS- I would seal the oil bag and clean it- lots of fab work- I have the correct product… more of a varnish than rubber seal.

U.S. Choppers
2039 S. Lyon St
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Appointments Only Please

US Chopper banner

Continued On Page 3

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July 26, 2007 Part 1




What a strange day. I can feel the Sturgis buzz in the air. Australians landed yesterday and tomorrow. I’ll help ’em find motorcycles, pack, then kick their asses out of here.

It’s always a good idea to take a shot of the parts before they get lost.

I’m proud to announce that we shipped the majority of our Bonneville paint work out yesterday, even though I’m still missing some front end parts from Harley-Davidson so I can make up the front fender and start on the fairing. Jim Murillo has already sealed the tank and is waiting a powder sample before he paints. I spoke to Air Tech about the fairing and hopefully they can help. They are the gods of speed fairings.

Let’s hit the news, then I’ll fill you in on any other calamities brewing around here and my list of to-dos before painted parts return. We still need a seat pan. Duane Ballard is waiting to handle the leather work. This puppy better go fast, it’s sure gonna look cool.

ON A SAD NOTE– We received a call this morning from Pete Alva, bearing the sad news that Chris Hill was found dead in his home yesterday. No confirmation on the cause of death or the exact time.

For those that knew Chris, knew he worked very hard, partied harder and played vigorously. He was the kinda guy you had to like as is, or not like at all. He put on a good front as a tough guy, but deep down he was a big teddy bear.

He overcame many adversities in life, such as a brain tumor that would have taken a weaker man, and numerous motorcycle accidents that only seemed to make him more daring and courageous. Or could he have just been crazy? He lost both of his parents and his brother too soon in life, which was a major source of loneliness for Chris, but still he kept an upbeat attitude.

Chris was an entrepreneur, a harsh business man, a successful business man and a friend that would do anything for you. Bandit coined a name for him, ?Mad Man? and it fit.

My prayer for Chris is that he is finally at peace and that he is with his family. We also hope that he is treated with respect and dignity by whoever handles his affairs.

God speed, Chris Hill. I’m having a shot of Jack tonight, in the shot glass that has your name on it.

jims tool

JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK–Hose Repair Kit 1/4? – 5/16?Hose bared end is .3125 (5/16?), threaded end is 12mm. It can be used witheither a .250? or .3125? hose. May also work to make up your own air testerkit, or for filling tires on the road, by threading into spark plug hole andat the other end of the hose is an air chuck fitting.

Works well to repairJIMS tool No.1087 leakdown tester, for the 12mm spark plug threads found onall Twin Cams, XL 1986 & later and Screamin Eagle EVO BT heads. No.1087-2

Suggested Retail $32.00

Jims Banner

FLORIDA DRIVER’S LICENSE ENDORSEMENT LAW–Florida Statue 322.12 Section 16 will require all applicants for a motorcycle driver’s license endorsement, regardless of age, to successfully complete a motorcycle safety course. These courses are offered by different companies throughout the state. The course registration fees vary and there is no cap on what they can charge. It is expected that prices will rise with demand. It should be noted that no other form of vehicle operator’s license requires mandatory schooling.

–from AMA News.

Photo by Sam Dixon

20 U.S. CHOPPER FRAMES SOLD, MORE AVAILABLE–Its rumored the sale is officially over for U.S. Choppers. All 20 frames may be spoken for and normal pricing is continuing on.

Other news:

Greg Carter of Vicious Cycles in Lemoyne, PA ( builds a boardtrack racer for client in old copper tones. Sure to catch a bunch of attention in Sturgis, this U.S. Chopper boardtrack platform fills the bill for flash and shaazzam! Check those perimeter brakes set-up by Hank Young, that Accurate Engineering Knucklehead motor, and PM Control set-up !!!

This things gonna be a show stopper and these shots by Sam Dixon stopped us.

us chopper banner use

U.S. Choppers
2039 S. Lyon St
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Appointments Only Please

Photo by Sam Dixon, engine by Accurate Engineering.

ACCURATE ENGINEERING PRICE CHANGE FOR SIGNATURE SERIES–Accurate Engineering is now offering ourSignature Series93″ Panhead for $8750(natural finish only; show polished and other cosmetic packages extra; includes shipping inside the lower 48)

103″ and 120″ displacement Panhead engines also available.

Before dealing with our competitors, ask yourself two simple questions:Will there be any addition cost for parts to get my new engine to fire?What is the quality of the components used?

Or ask yourself just one:What am I getting for my money?

Here, at Accurate Engineering, we welcome these inquiries because we have the all the answers.

Will there be any addition cost for parts to get my new engine to fire?

Other manufacturers will make you think that you’re getting the complete deal for a lower price. What they don’t tell you is what they don’t include in their engine packages. This can send you scrambling to your parts catalogues for the costly components necessary to fire it up. After you add up the additional cost of getting the essential parts, the time wasted ordering the components, the delay in receiving the parts and the headache of back-orders, how much did you really save? Accurate Engineering engines come complete, pre-run and ready to go! Our engines include: carburetor, air cleaner, air filter and air corrector, oil filter adapter, oil filter, ignition system, spark plugs, 3 bolt exhaust flange kit, wires, coil, charging system and regulator/rectifier.Now add the cost of shipping included in our total price.

Accurate banner
Again, ask yourself:What am I getting for my money?An Accurate Engineering engine.(Any other questions?)

Call and ask for our sales department today at 334-702-1993

d&d bike

D&D V-BIKE HAS THE FAT BOOK FLYER IN THE CROSS HAIRS AT BUB’S BONNEVILLE MOTORCYCLE SPEED TRIALS– D&D Performance Enterprises is Looking to Smash the Fat Book Flyer Record.The D&D / Custom Chrome V-Bike vs. Fatbook Flyer Smackdown – In one corner is the #1160 D&D / Custom Chrome V-Bike and in the other is the defending champ and soon to be dethroned, #691 Fatbook Flyer. D&D Performance Enterprises is throwing down the gauntlet for supremacy and ultimate record in the 2000-M-PF class at the Speed Trials By BUB located at the Bonneville Salt Flats on September second through sixth.

The D&D / Custom Chrome motorbike, #1160, is a modified V-Bike from Custom Chrome with a RevTech motor slightly modified by the D&D team to produce 116 CID or 1905 cc. D&D is aiming to take the FatBook Flyer down and beat their 2000cc Modified Pushrod Fuel Record of 154 mph, which was set at the BUB meet in 2006.

Dave Rash, The Pope of Pipe, said, “This is a chance to prove that a RevTech motor can run with anything on the market; we are really looking forward to this challenge and taking the title back to Texas.”

D&D will be rolling out their Custom Chrome RevTech Powered V-Bike with a major performance enhancement, a new Custom Land Speed Exhaust designed by the Pope of Pipe. “We have fine tuned the power and fuel deliver system with our state-of-the-art in-house Super Flow Eddy Current Ram Air dynamometer and built a pipe to extract every ounce of horsepower from this machine,? said Rash. “We have the motorbike and team to take home the title.”

Team D&D’s V-Bike is built with race-proven components including RevTech? 6-speed overdrive transmission, Paioli adjustable inverted forks, 4 gallon ‘Regency’ one-piece stretched gas tank, carbon fiber fenders, monster carburetor, Brembo brake calipers, Brembo 13″ floating brake rotors and 17″ Marchesini forged alloy wheels.

D&D Performance Exhausts are available from Custom Chrome dealers nationwide or from the factory at 817-834-8961,

D & D Banner

HELMET LAW IN VIETNAM, AND THEY THOUGHT THE WAR WAS BAD–Vietnam will make motorcycle helmets compulsory on all roads by the end of the year in an attempt to cut down on traffic deaths in a country where 90 per cent of vehicles are motorcycles. The government is expected to issue a resolution requiring helmets soon, according to the Transport Ministry, which approved the measure on June 6.

With a population of 85 million people, Vietnam has more than 21 million motorcycles but only 3 per cent of the country’s riders wear helmets, according to Asia Injury Prevention Foundation.

battistini banner

AFTER FIVE YEARS WITH THE NESS FAMILY RIKKI BATTISTINI STEPS OUT ON HIS OWN–I was at Arlens for 5 years,” said Rikki. “My main roles were sales, but for many years, even prior to working for them, I acted as a sounding board for Cory. I helped with the catalogue, product design, and most of the everyday operational issues that comes running a muti-million $ business.”

The Ness family continues to support Rikki and sells a number of products he designed including grips, pegs, wheels, rotors, pulleys, one style of floorboard and passenger boards and the current style of saddlebag latch.

Starting this week we will feature Battistini designed products, predominately engineered for stock bikes including the Battistini’s Handlebars:


Style comes full circle then kicks up a notch with the latest creation from Battistinis Custom Cycles. The most innovative design in handlebars is hitting the streets Battistinis style and it’s all about form and radical new function. The new design allows any 1-inch handlebar riser to be used, on bolt centers from 3.5″ to over 4-inches, even on Springer models with OEM risers. How is it done? With a simple yet ingenious design feature referred to as the ‘underbar’.

The underbar is welded to the center section of the handlebar and it is this part that clamps into the risers, thus giving the bars a distinctive ‘floating’ look available nowhere else. But what’s even better is that the underbar changes the pivot point of the handlebars, so when the bars are adjusted up, or down, the grips actually can be moved toward or away from the rider.


This design offers the first truly adjustable handlebars to ever hit the market, and the design is Patent Pending. Styles include dresser-style ‘knuckle’ bars, two sizes of ‘ape hangers’ and a stylish ’tiller’ bar. That’s just the beginning, as more styles are being added.

All Battistinis handlebars are US-made and are mandrel-bent, dimpled and drilled for internal wiring, plus there’s a ‘guide wire’ installed to allow you to easily pull your wires through the bars during installation. Bars are available in show-chrome finish and black powdercoat. Style and innovation. From Battistinis, of course.

Rikki Battistini
1109 Langton drive
San Ramon
CA 94582
Telephone: 925.270.4211
Cell: 925.719.5941
Fax: 925.905.4664
Skype ID: battistinisusa


THE MANILA DOCTRINE– The Metro Manila (Philippines) Council’s (MMC), the policy-making body of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority, has passed a resolution requiring motorcycle riders to paint their license plate numbers on helmets dubbed the “Dual Motorcycle and Helmet License Plate Numbers Policy.”

The MMC came up with the measure supposedly in a bid to curb robberies, assassinations and other crimes committed by motorcycle-riding men. Under the policy, the license plate numbers on the helmet should be on a water-proof sticker permanently placed on both sides of the headgear and should be large enough to be seen by the public.

The resolution also requires that the license plate sticker should be readable from a distance of 25 meters and should be placed 40 mm high on the helmet.

MMDA Chairman Bayani Fernando said violation of the policy should be treated as a criminal offense, not a traffic violation. Violators will also be slapped with a P3,000 ($68) fine.

Great racerwbabe
Photo from the Bob T. Collection.

THE TENTATIVE STURGIS GYPSY RALLY SCHEDULE– * Aug. 7: 2nd annual Ryan Waterland Memorial Motocross, 10 a.m.

* Aug. 8: Mayor’s Ride, 8:30 a.m., Hill-climb, noon, and 1st annual J.C. “Pappy’ and Pearl Hoel short track races, 7 p.m.

* Aug. 9: National Gypsy Tour, 9 a.m.
* Aug. 10: Hill-climb, noon.
* Aug. 11: Short track, 7 p.m.
* Aug. 12: Hill-climb, noon.

Aug. 12: Short track, 7 p.m.
* Aug. 13: Short track, 7 p.m.

–from Rogue
Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

Jeff Parker Cartoons2

BIKERNET BANKING STUDY DISCOVERED BANK OF AMERICA WRONGDOING–Bank: This is the Bank of America, can I help you?Customer: Yes, I want to cancel my account. I don’t want to dobusinesswith you any longer.Bank: Why?Customer: You’re giving credit to illegal immigrants and I don’tthinkit’s right. I’m taking my business elsewhere.

Bank: Well, Mr. Customer, we don’t want to see you do that, but wecan’t stop you. I’ll help you close the account. What is your account number?

Customer: (gives account number)

Bank: For security purposes and for your protection,can you pleasegiveme the last four digits of your social security number?Customer: No.

Bank: Mr. Customer, I need to verify your information, but in ordertohelp you, I’ll need verification of who you are.

Customer: Why should I give you my social security number? The reasonI’m closing my account is that your bank is issuing credit cards to illegal immigrants who don’t have social security numbers. You are targeting that audience and want their business. Let’s say I’m an illegal immigrant and you’ve given me a credit card. I have a question about it and call for assistance. You wouldn’t be asking me for a Social Security number, would you?

Bank: No sir, I wouldn’t.

Customer: Why not?

Bank: Because you would have pressed ‘2’ to speak in Spanish. Wedon’task for that information when calling in on the Spanish line.

–from Chris T.


TOP 50 RALLY PARK CELEBRATES WOMEN– Top 50 Rally Park, Independent Cycle, Legend Air-Suspension andHarley-Davidson have joined forces to celebrate and honor women bikers bycreating the new Sturgis tradition of Women’s Day on Friday, August 10, 2007at the Top 50 Rally Park.

* The exclusive event celebrates the independence, freedom and adrenalinethat inspires women to ride their own motorcycle, not just hang on for theride. Top 50 Rally Park is honored to be the first Sturgis rally park torecognize the rapidly evolving image of women in the motorcycle industry bycreating events designed specifically for women by women.

* The highlight of the day is the Top 50 Bike for Breast Cancer charityride, benefiting the American Cancer Society and their commitment to meetingaggressive 2015 breast cancer challenge goals – to reduce the age-adjustedincidence rate of breast cancer by 15%, reduce the breast cancer mortalityrate by 50% and increase the proportion of women 40 and older who screen forbreast cancer by 90%. The ride begins at noon and promises to be anoff-the-beaten-path adventure through the Black Hills region. Registrationbegins at 10 a.m. and the registration fee is $15 per person.

* The day will include words of inspiration from women legends in theindustry – the talented Laura Ellifson, from Klock Werks Kustom Cycles andthe world record holder on the world’s fastest bagger with a speed of 147mph; the brilliant Sara Liberte, author of “How to Repair and MaintainAmerican V-Twin Motorcycles,” fine art motorcycle photographer andaward-winning custom bike builder and painter; the philanthropic Gina Woods,creator of the XX Chromes All Women’s Bike Build, host of themotorcycle-themed radio talk show “Open Road Radio,” and inspirationalorganizer of bikers for charitable causes; the brillant Leslie Prevish,manager of product communication at Harley-Davidson motor Company, managerof public relations for Rider’s Edge and MotorClothes and the reason that90% of women riders choose Harley-Davidson; and last but certainly notleast, the innovative Athena “Chickie” Ransom, owner of Vagabond ChopperCompany, builder of motorcycles since the age of 15 and leader of theChopper Chick Crew, an all-women bike building crew that donates the profitof their creations to different non-profit organizations. Each speaker istruly a trailblazer for all women in the once male-dominated motorcycleindustry.

* Following the charity ride, Top 50 Rally Park will host a reception,including a for-women-only Ride-In Bike Show with awards for best of showand best paint. Two awards will also be presented to two worthy women – theSandy Leone Memorial Award, in honor of the woman who made Top 50 Rally Parkwhat it is today, and a Leader in the Industry award.


ILLINOIS TO USE PHOTO RADAR IN FREEWAY WORK ZONES– Illinois will begin using photo radar in freeway work zones in July of 2007. Anyone caught by these devices will be mailed a $375.00 ticket for the first offense. The second offense will cost $1,000.00 and comes with a 90-day license suspension. Drivers will also receive demerit points against their license, which allows insurance companies to raise their rates. The State will begin with two camera vans issuing tickets in work zones with speed limits lowered to 45 MPH. Photographs of both the driver’s face and license plate are taken. For more see


BRASS BALLS CONTEST CONTINUES TO FIND A NAME FOR THEIR NEW MODEL–The deal is, if they select your name, you get a t-shirt for every day of the week, plus a shop shirt. Here’s another contribution from Bogart:

OK, like every other fuckin’ Einstein out there I have a submission for the Brass Balls new model name.

“Injuneer Bob”

“Injun” because of the Indian powerplant, hence Injuneer as in Engineering and Bob because, well shit, I better not have to explain that one! Could do a kool characature of an Indian in ‘biker’ gear or overalls too…move your damn trainset Engineer Bill, there’s a new model in town.



Continued On Page 2

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Brian Hatano


Taking a fast rewind to the year 1978, Brian Hatano started his first ten-year stint working for Eddie Paul at E.P. Industries in El Segundo, CA, Eddie already a topgun in Hollywood thanks to his radical stuntwork as well as his SFX aka special effects inventiveness that eventually led to him being described as “Mad Max meets DaVinci.”


For five years Brian helped build the Eddie Paul specialty vehicles seen in dozens of movies and TV shows, then changed gears when hired by the car mags as a staffer/gearhead, eventually taking a post at CAR Craft magazine, sister publication to HOT ROD.

Brian 6

In 1997 he made full circle and returned to E.P. Industries where work was a bit more “challenging/stimulating,” since there’s never a dull day when Eddie Paul is involved. “It adds up to twenty years I’ve worked with Eddie, and no, I didn’t get a gold watch but I got the world’s biggest tool box,” laughs Brian.

While he had years of experiencing building stout four-wheelers as both project cars for the car mags and daily drivers for himself, he says, “I’ve always a thing for motorcycles and always wanted a Harley and after starting to work for Eddie with all his bikes around I decided to make it happen. I finally got my Harley.”

Brian 7

He works on the bike when not otherwise occupied with a wide spectrum of projects including everything from a life-size mechanical Great White Shark for the Cousteau people to Vin Diesel’s XXX GTO to a deuterium laser for the Department of Defense. “Recently the biggest challenge as well as one of our most recognized projects was the real life streetable versions of the cars seen in the animated Pixar film “Cars.”

Asked how it was working with Eddie, Brian says, “He’s the one that comes up with these crazy builds. The work comes here because of Eddie and it’s just great fun for me to be able to do the work with him.”

Another recent project was one for the new George Clooney film “Leathernecks” where the production company had wanted to feature an original 1917 Indian but found the real bike too expensive and too difficult to operate for the filming. “So they came to Eddie because they knew he was the only guy that could make it happen and in such a short time frame,” Brian said. “We ended up building three Indians with sidecars in two weeks and adapting electric motors so that they could run silent in the filming and not disturb the sound recordings plus be easier to ride and easy to maintain. Bottom line is Eddie needs a crew that’s capable of helping making these types of projects possible, and I just happen to be one of them.”


After 16 hour days of making the impossible possible, Brian gets his R&R aboard his ’97 Badboy Springer FXSTSB, one of 3000 made for the limited run. The 80 cubic Evo motor benefits from a jet kit, a Force Winder air cleaner and the trick new and hard to find Hooker 4-Bidden blacked out pipes. Ratcheting up the attitude factor of the Badboy’s blacked out springer treatment, and pushing the stealth theme, Brian added the Black Bike wheels (21 front/18 rear) and also black powdercoated the headlight, turn signal housings, horn and timing covers and forward controls. He also opted for the optional H-D speedo-tach combo gauge, H-D black anodized mirrors, and to get the bike down and dirty as in pipe-scraping low, he went for a White Brothers frontend drop kit matched to Progressive 422’s on the rear.


As far as the comfort factor, he bolted on a Mustang solo seat and a set of Chubby drag bars. There was a method to all the madness says Brian. “I bought the bike and did the mods because we’re planning a trip from L.A. up to Canada, and the boss is riding his Boss Hoss, so I wanted to be ready.”


If you’ve got something in mind that others say can’t be done, go to the solution, and that would E.P. Industries. You can reach Brian and Eddie at 310-643-8515 or log onto

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July 19, 2007 Part 1




Rumors abound about S&S and cops closing Presidential fundraiser because of notorious biker band leader, Charlie Brechtel. From Europe the Sheriff asked if S&S bought Flathead Power and whether they’re building rare Harley-Davidson vintage motors or not. I enquired and was told Brett Smith, from S&S, would meet me behind a phone booth on main in Sturgis at midnight on the first Sunday of the rally.

Nyla and jere
The lovely Nyla testing out our mock-up bars by Jeremiah and I. We took them to the Stainless doctor to have tubing bent.

There’s more: It seems that Custom Chrome is competing directly with Drag Specialties in the 2000 MPF class at Bubs Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials this year. Dave Rash, the president of D&D exhaust, the builder of the Custom Chrome V-Bike with a Rev Tech engine said, “It’s a fist-fight on the salt.”

Here’s a bad shot of the tank with the AIMsport data dash in place. All this was handled by Gard Hollinger at LA Choprods.

I’m proud to announce Custom Chrome stepped up to be a Platinum 5-Ball Racing sponsor and a reader, Hank Hill, yesterday became a Silver sponsor with a $500 donation. We can’t express how much every sponsorship dollar means to us. We’re scrambling. I took the tank out to Jim Murillo yesterday to begin the painting process.

crown gas caps

CROWN GAS CAP KITS FROM LA CHOPRODS–These billet crown gas caps were inspired by Gard Hollinger’s work with Saxon on the best selling Black Crown Saxon model, Gard designed. “I can’t remember whether the Black Crown was inspired by the cap or visa versa,” Gard said

The stylish LA ChopRods caps come with a reversible steel bungs to mount them above the surface of your tank or level with it. They have been carefully designed with a precise positive O-ring seal, and they are available for custom applications or with a glue-inserts for stock tanks. Glue and instructions are provided.

The billet 6061 aluminum Crown caps come in a naturally machined finish, polished, chromed, black nickel plated or 24k gold plated.

For more information contact Gar Hollinger at:
18001 S. Figueroa St., Unit F _
Gardena, CA 90248 _
T.(310) 353-2467_
F.(310) 768-4100


SOME CALL FOR STRICT HELMET LAWS–In the past week, three people have been killed in South Dakota motorcycle accidents.None of the victims were wearing helmets.

South Dakota only requires riders under the age of 18 to wear them. But adult drivers can make their own decision.

Members of law enforcement say it happens every time the weather warms up: deadly motorcycle accidents like this one, which happened in Sioux Falls just days ago. In that accident, both the driver and passenger were killed. And they were not wearing helmets.

“It’s a serious topic and certainly one worth considering and I’m surprised to learn we haven’t had a bill since 1993,” State Representative Joni Cutler said.

Cutler says even if a bill tightening helmet requirements was introduced into the legislature, there are a lot of factors to consider.

One of those is the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, which draws thousands of bikers from across the county to South Dakota each summer.

But as long as the drone of chrome is louder than activists lobbying for more strict helmet laws, Cutler says whether bikers choose to wear a helmet will remain a personal decision.

Twenty states have full helmet laws for all motorcycle riders. Twenty-six states have age restrictions that require younger riders to wear helmets, but not adults.

Only four – Colorado, Illinois, Iowa and New Hampshire have no laws about helmet use and motorcycles.

–Pepper S. Massey
Interim Director, Sturgis Rally Department

I have a problem with the helmet will save everyone adage. Head injuries are the third deadliest injury on motorcycles and the most deadly car injury. If it’s all about saving lives, then helmets must be mandated for autos also. Ten times the numbers could be saved. I’ll wear a helmet always, if the car people will. If not, leave me alone.– Bandit

rivera part

BIKERNET WEEKLY PRODUCT RELEASE FROM RIVERA PRIMO / 7-19-07,MONSTER-TORQUE STARTER MOTORS–The performance specialists at Rivera Primo? have added starter motors to the list of great product offerings. These 1.4kw and 1.7kw quality starter motors combine all the great featuresinto a rugged, great-looking get-the-job-done-unit.

All motors are manufactured in the U.S.A. and Canada using only 100% new parts. Each motoroffers the finest technology available to spin that big high performance engine to life. Precisiongearing, magnetic components and super-duty starter clutches all encased in a chrome & polished finish assembly leave you miles ahead !

In addition to the 1.4kw & 1.7kw models we now offer a motor that’ll fit our Direct Drive beltdrive, one that is located between the front and rear pulleys & drives off of the starter ring gearlocated on the back side of the front pulley.

1184-0001 1.4kw Monster-Torque Starter Motor for Big Twins $ 340.00 1989-2006 (except 2006 Dyna)

1184-0002 1.7kw Monster-Torque Starter Motor for Big Twins $ 393.00 1989-2006 (except 2006 Dyna)

1184-0005 2kw Monster-Torque Starter Motor for Big Twins $ 372.41 w/Direct Drive? Belt Drive

Primo 6-Spd conv banner1

For these & other fine products contact:
Rivera Primo
12450 Whittier Blvd. Whittier, CA 90602
Tel: 800-872-1515
Tel: 562-907-2600 Fax: 562-907-2606

Velosity Carborator1
This is the wrong shot. The velocity stack is mounted wrong. It should be facing down. Our mistake. Check it out in Sturgis

2 WHEELERS ON MAIN IN STURGIS OFFERS WILD PRODUCTS–Including this nasty Custom Velosity for SSE and SSG carbs. It will be available in Sturgis in Steel and Chrome. Price $ 49.99. Or you can dodge the event and buy it on line. Don’t miss their shop, if you’re in town-wild selection of parts.

Knockout Banner




–Matt Michalek
V.P. of Operations
Knock Out Motorcycle Co.
480-279-1734 / 480-890-0722 – fax

chopper chick crew

CHOPPER CHICKS TV BUILD REPORT–Here is the last item for the news before we leave. I’m hoping against hope Athena and her crew get here sometime tomorrow. It’s been brutal for her and I. I guess we’re finding out what we are made of. The chance of a lifetime has turned into the challenge of a lifetime.

ch The Today Show bike in primer2

Today Show bike primered.

It’s been a wild, rough ride getting the Today Show bike ready for the live build on the show. And the prep is not over yet. We still have to get on the road and get to NYC. It’s very strange when a once in a lifetime opportunity comes along. You drop everything, and work as hard as you can.

ch The end result of all that sanding!1

End result of all that sanding!

And while most of the time in the motorcycle business -thing go fairly smoothly, as in parts arrive on time to close to it, the days may be hit but they are sunny. When the big chance comes along, everything tries to go wrong. Shipments get lost, things go mysteriously missing, everything not only takes twice a long as you thought, it takes four times as long, the days fly by and no matter how fast you work – you miss the UPS guy again.

ch The gold leaf flames are clearcoated and ready for pinstriping.3

Gold Leaf flames.

You plot, plan, think fast, compensate, trying to get ahead of the evil hand fate is dealing. People you need are out of town, monsoons strike every afternoon when you need to work outside, the paint store runs out of paint, the to do list grows instead of shrinks. But somehow, you keep going. And so it continues. But the paint is done. We`will all find out 7 am Saturday morning on The Today Show, the outcome of all this work.

board track racing

HISTORIC BOARDTRACK RACING ON BIKERNET TV RIGHT NOW!– Bikernet TV has a treat for you! A vintage film on boardtrack racing that started in the early 1900’s and ran through the 1920’s. You see a lot of custom motorcycles built on this style of bike. The film was shot at a boardtrack in Daytona, FL. Bikernet TV has it so click here to see it.

Kids and chrome

KIDS & CHROME BENEFIT LAUNCHES WEBSITE– STURGIS, S.D. (July, 2007) – Children’s Home Society and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame are excited to announce the launch of the Kids & Chrome website at

Established to help children’s charities in the Black Hills, and preserve the history of motorcycling in Sturgis, this year’s Kids & Chrome evening fundraiser will take place during the 2007 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally on Aug. 8, at the Black Hills Convention Center near Sturgis in Spearfish, S.D. Tickets cost $175 and can be ordered at

Participants will enjoy Budweiser beer (a major sponsor for the event), cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and a four-star dinner as they bid on a wide variety of silent auction items including high-end motorcycle components, vacation packages, one-of-a-kind autographed pieces and more. Performance Machines Ted Sands will wow the crowd one more time as the event emcee, and South Dakota Lt. Governor Dennis Daugaard will also be on hand to officially welcome the distinguished guests.

Also available for sale on the website are raffle tickets for two motorcycles, a Thunder Mountain Custom and a NYC Chopper.

This year’s Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, which takes place Aug. 6 through 12, enters its 67th year as the premier motorcycling event in the country.

About Children’s Home Society (CHS)

Children’s Home Society provides a home, school, and therapy for children, primarily ages 4 to 13, with emotional or behavioral problems. Most are victims of severe abuse and/or neglect. CHS also provides foster care, adoption services, and emergency shelter services for children who are victims of domestic violence. Visit for more information.

To learn more about the museum visit


ISLAND BIKER REPORTS FROM THE KING OF ISLAND BOBBERS– Yes, I do have several bikes that you might be interested in. I’ll send you pic’s of what I have got.I got some friends over here who ride and have their own tattoo shop as well. Really great bunch of guys. The shop is called the “Tattoo Krew”. They have a really cool style that I think you would like. I’ll get you as much stuff as I can get. I be in touch.


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ROLLING THUNDER KOREAN MEMORIAL RUN, SUNDAY JULY 22– Assemble at 10:00 am Ventnor Plaza, West End Ave- Wellington Ave. Leaves at 11:00 amEnds at Korean War Memorial, Brighton Ave, Atlantic City

A wreath laying ceremony will take place.Any group wishing to lay a wreath is welcome to participate.

Call 609-214-5864


HARLEY-DAVIDSON MUSEUM ANNOUNCES LEGENDARY HOLIDAY GIFT–MILWAUKEE (July 16, 2007) – The Harley-Davidson Museum is inviting motorcycle enthusiasts worldwide to give a unique holiday gift this year by participating in Living the Legend, an exciting opportunity to showcase personal connections to the Motor Company and the highly-anticipated Harley-Davidson Museum, opening in the summer of 2008.

Living the Legend is a great way to honor the Harley-Davidson enthusiast in your life this holiday season by customizing a stainless steel rivet with a name and personal message. Rivets, available in three-inch or six-inch sizes, will be placed on either curved steel walls or special plazas on the grounds of the Harley-Davidson Museum. They can be customized in time for the holidays at Recipients will be able to view their rivets displayed on the Museum grounds when it opens next year.


“A rivet is one of the strongest bonds around, connecting everything from I-beams to blue jeans,” said Stacey Schiesl, director of the Harley-Davidson Museum. “Harley-Davidson chose the rivet as a symbol of the bond between Harley-Davidson and all those who celebrate freedom and the individual spirit of adventure.”

The Living the Legend walls and plazas will be displayed on the park-like grounds of the Harley-Davidson Museum and will bring passion alive through the stories and experiences shared on each rivet.

“Harley-Davidson’s heritage has been built upon the stories, passion and experiences of each rider,” Schiesl said. “Living the Legend is a great way for Harley-Davidson enthusiasts to share those stories and connect with our one-of-a-kind Museum.”


For years to come, visitors from around the world will feel the Harley-Davidson pride when they explore the collection of personal messages on the Museum grounds. The Living the Legend walls and plazas will display thousands of stories, experiences and connections and will be a favorite destination of Harley-Davidson Museum visitors.

To ensure installation in time for the Museum grand opening in summer 2008, enthusiasts should customize their Living the Legend rivets by December 31, 2007. Currently under construction near downtown Milwaukee at 6th and Canal Streets, the Museum also will be an exciting part of the 105th Anniversary celebration taking place August 28-31, 2008, in Milwaukee.



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