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A Strong Lesson In Freedom

Old Glory
Illustration by Chris Kallas


Life and living encompass many choices. As much as we would like to be, we are not personally in total control of how we live. We live with (and under) rules and regulations (laws) to co-exist peacefully among the population, and along the way develop (hopefully) our internal moral compass to help steer us as we move through life. The essence of Freedom is the possession of choices, to live as we see fit without the bringing of harm onto others. Webster's Dictionary defines freedom (in part) as “1. the state or quality of being free; esp., a) exemption or liberation from the control of some other person or some arbitrary power; liberty; independence; b) exemption from arbitrary restrictions on a specified civil right; civil or political liberty…” Always remember: this is not granted by government; on the contrary–men are “…endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” (as validated in our Dec! laration of Independence.)

Most of us have a daily routine and working life; some may consider it a “grind.” Our culture and free-market/capitalistic system dictate we need to earn an income to meet financial obligations. In addition, what you want materially is a choice you make, and you pay for it. So we commute, work, and perhaps stress. And when it's time to take a break or vacation, lots of us swing a leg over our motorcycles for a day ride or overnighter, maybe a couple of weeks out on the open road to distance ourselves from conflict, clear the mind, refresh the spirit, and experience 'just being.' The Freedom of Choice again comes into play–you claim it because it is yours, you decide–where to go, when to do it, what to see/experience, why you want to, and how you want to do it–on two wheels. Perfect. I can think of no better expression of personal freedom. The Freedom of movement, Freedom of the road. Concerns? OK: next tank of gas, what to eat, maybe where to sleep. All this while, and in your own good time, you're minding your own business and making no demands of anyone (except for other drivers' obligation to pay attention and see you, maybe?) In return, no demands are being made of you, right? Wrong. More on that in a bit…

You have a legally-owned, titled, licensed, and insured motorcycle. In addition, you have your license, endorsement, and operator skill and experience. I believe these are fair expectations and requirements of the system we all live with and the same obligations you would expect from anyone else among the spectrum of all highway users. We're all in the traffic mix and rely, with an x-factor of trust, on each other to do the proper things. In spite of that reliance, vehicle operators commit 'fouls' on other roadway users, and/or themselves, to the tune of millions of collisions, crashes, and “accidents” every year in the U.S.A., resulting in 40,000-plus fatalities every year, to include an escalating percentage of motorcyclists in that figure. It's a sad fact. What must be understood is that 95% of all accidents are due to human causation factors!

About forty years ago, a federal regulatory agency was created by act of Congress to address highway safety and promulgate vehicle design standards upon the manufacturers and industries. This agency is the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), typically headed-up and staffed by epidemiologists and researchers that subscribe to a passive approach, i.e., that the vehicle and its' equipment should reduce injuries and help save lives, removing drivers more from the equation because the thinking is that vehicle operators can't be educated and depended upon enough to prevent the accidents that cause injury and death:

NHTSA has essentially remained inflexible and adhered to this mindset, even though the desired fatality outcomes have not dropped so dramatically and the U.S.A.'s transportation safety record has fallen in comparison to other countries in the world. It needs to be understood that advances in vehicle technology have indeed provided survivability to scale not experienced prior to our time, but you have to ask yourself: should crashes be considered inevitable, therefore acceptable? The fact is, the more the vehicles assume 'control', the more responsibility and skill-set is removed from the driver, with the inverse effect being the evermore dumbing-down and awareness-deficient operator on the roadway. Who wants to share the road with people like that? These days, not only are accident violations accepted as an everyday inevitable occurrence, but also in sheer numbers (it appears) tolerated by a justice system in that prosecutorial and judicial disposition of traffic offenses is generally rapid via the plea bargain and forgiven too easily, minimizing the gravity of accountability that should be placed upon the driver, and ultimately shoveling it over to insurance and dollar figures.

The battleground comes down to accident prevention vs. safer crashing and motorcyclists have a tremendous stake in the issue. We are exposed on the roads and understand that “going down” stands to have a dire outcome. The astute motorcyclist will understand this completely, be aware, skilled and educated constantly, and manage his/her risk accordingly. What about education and skill set for the everyday driver? NHTSA, as well as most state DOT Motor Vehicle divisions, places very little effort in further education of the mass of drivers. While there is movement afoot to require tiered training, licensing, and “life-long” learning of motorcyclists, I have not seen nor heard of any parallel effort being proposed for drivers anywhere, nor any type of evaluation at license renewal time. Get a license “once upon a time” and good-to-go for a lifetime? I think not. But ask anyone with a driver's license, “How's your driving?” The response? “Oh yeah, I think I'm a good driver…” I ! never heard anyone say “No, I suck and need more work.”

Ironic, isn't it, that our government's leaders bang the drum on the value of formal education, that's it's the best tool and avenue we have to advance ourselves and our individual and collective futures here and in the world, and that it's continually publicly funded. Except for vehicle operation, where lives are at stake.

The motorcycling community is relentlessly pounded upon by NHTSA, and more so in the last few years due to the increase of motorcyclist fatalities as a percentage of the yearly highway total. The news media are fed the stats, latch on and stoke the flames through inference among the general public, who view us riders as a careless liability, damn-near miscreants who ride “donor-cycles” and deserve what we get because motorcycles are 'dangerous.' And you have to wear a helmet. If you don't wear a helmet you brought it on yourself. Well, first of all I've never seen a dangerous motorcycle (I've seen some “rat bikes” I wouldn't care to ride but that's another story.) Secondly, if anyone were to approach a motorcyclist and ask them what their biggest concern is, I think almost invariably the response would be “other drivers on the road.”

Thirdly, motorcycles have every equal right and entitlement to the roads and highways as any other vehicle. We don't deserve disdain, nor airs of expendability. Fourth, we know we're not perfect, and we admit it.


It's been said the most fundamental and important function of government is to ensure the safety of its citizens. This is true but only to an extent and is not open-ended in the U.S.A. The function extends to protecting borders, providing defense of the Homeland, public safety from predators, scam artists, much more, etc., etc.–in other words, relief and protection from harm that others, or outside influences, would bring upon your being. It does not include imposition of laws upon your physical being, where you bring no harm to others in the course of going about your business. You and your body are private and personal property.

“…Each person owns himself or herself, by right and without question; a right that is prior to and above any government or social organization.”–Donald Beezley. I certainly hope that you agree with the above; if not, then perhaps it's too esoteric for those except for the most freedom-loving among us. With that stated, I'm going to talk freedom, of choice as it concerns helmets. It's a known fact that NHTSA and other 'safety' organizations have lobbied for years to have legislatures implement laws concerning mandatory use of helmets upon motorcyclists' bodies. You must be “protected.” (crash survival–remember the passive approach.) The newest 'player' in the fray is the National Traffic Safety Board (NTSB), who has been unquestionably, deliberately, and non-transparently recruited into the mix to advocate among the federal and state governments for total motorcycle helmet laws, despite having little or no experience and expertise in the motorcycle safety arena:

They do, however, possess credibility among legislators simply because of what they are, which is the perception of being all-knowing authorities on the issue–Elitists, if you will. The push for helmet laws is historically relentless and will always be so until they get what they want and as long as they have taxpayer dollars to spend–its' part of what the regulators' and bureaucrats' agenda is. While these agencies and their people, and organizations similar in scope, are free to speak and recommend, what you need to understand is that none of them are under any obligation to reconcile your freedoms as an American in the course of their agenda. Their end justifies their means. The debate here is not about helmets themselves–they can, and do, provide protection and reduce injury:

They also can, and do, cause injury. Seat belts do the same thing. Fact is, these aren't a 100% 'Silver Bullet' for protection–not even close. You might question why states are immunized by laws against liability suits in cases where helmets and belts either didn't save lives, didn't prevent injuries, or caused them. You should decide to use them according to advisements and educational materials provided, and not be penalized and have your money extracted because they weren't worn on your body.

A question that an activist friend of mine likes to pose is: “Who, or What, are you trying to protect me from?” A question I like to ask is, “What is government's compelling interest in requiring me to have a helmet on my head?” About the best response I can think of is to “save lives.” Well, that's noble enough but I can make that decision for myself. I think its nobler and higher ground to have my freedoms defended and respected. It's time to resurrect the mantra, speak loudly–Get Your Laws Off My Body! This is not a request!

I truly believe that no one, nor entity, is more concerned with motorcyclists' safety outside of motorcyclists themselves. That is why motorcyclists crafted the language in the massive federal transportation (TEA-LU) funding bill to include motorcycle safety grant monies and funding for a new, comprehensive, and independent study of motorcycle crash causation factors–the first since the 1980 year Hurt Report. The Oklahoma Transportation Center will undertake the new study at the Oklahoma State University and it should begin soon, taking about two years. With that in mind, I have to question the “urgency” proffered to implement laws on bodies as the panacea for motorcycle crashes by NHTSA, NTSB, et al–when all the causation factors haven't been established, therefore not addressed:


Could it be found out the dogma they've adhered to for so many years might be so flawed as to be a national embarrassment? Will they attempt to influence the outcome of an “independent” study? The study must remain independent with a lot of 'sunshine' on the methodology and demographic.

“Without helmets, we all pay” says NHTSA, as they create polarity in the public realm and influence opinion, deliberately against motorcyclists–attempting to establish motorcyclists as a disproportionate drain of injury and medical dollar consumption. This is called the Public, or Social Burden theory. Guess what folks, we all pay for everything, everyday. Think about that for awhile–I'll take that up and debunk it in Part 2, next month. Until then: “Freedom also demands that we refrain from interfering in others' enjoyment of their unalienable rights. Freedom encompasses not simply the opportunity to make choices but the responsibility for those choices. Just because one choice seems wiser or safer doesn't justify using the force of government to require everyone to make the same choice. Likewise, government shouldn't protect those who make irresponsible choices from the consequences of their actions, or worse yet, make someone else bear the cost.”–Mark Hillman

–Written by Dave Christy (email: )

Until Next Time … Ride Long, Ride Free!
–from Bruce Arnold

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Sturgis 2008 Bikernet Brouhaha Blast


kb loading trip in wy

Generally, I write stories of rides, women and open roads, but not this time. I was a trailer queen, so you might as well shred this page and go back to the Bikernet Garage for a tech. For 10-15 years, I've built bikes and ridden 1,500 miles to the Badlands. Then we caught the Bonneville bug for the last couple of years, but 2008 rolled around and I muttered, “Wait just a goddamn minute. We need to clean up the shop before striking out on a new project.”

I musta been drunk. I love new projects and usually can't resist. But I held my mud.

We were in the process of finishing a bobber for Nyla Olsen, the Queen of Bikernet, with the extreme unflinching talents of Kent Weeks at Lucky Devil Metal Works in Houston.

There's a 45 flathead roller waiting for an engine with a K-model top end at Departure Bike Works in Richmond, Virginia and I'm collecting parts for a '29 Peashooter I'm building for Bonneville '09. That was enough loose ends, and I'm a stickler for finishing projects.

Then Michael Lichter called and said, “We're producing another art exhibit in Sturgis and you're invited to display the Salt Shaker.” I was deeply honored until he told me the schedule.

“I need the bike a couple of days before bike week starts, and I know you're a good welder. Could you make a sculpture?”

Mike's an old and dear friend. I gave him his first Easyriders assignment to cover Sturgis in 1981.

“Hell, Bandit, you've got three weeks,” he said.

Planning for Sturgis is a constant test of patience and versatility. Any bro who has tried to muster a couple of other riders together for a cross-country run knows this. Two will fall out, one might lose his job, and another’s old lady will threaten break-up. For months, the team will fluctuate, falter, stumble, and break down. Finally, the day before kick-off, unexpected players emerge and the ride begins. Hell, just ask Johnny Humble.

Next flex in our riding schedule came from Carrie Repp of R&R Promotions and Thunder Road in Sturgis.

“You're not doing anything,” asked Carrie. “How about throwing a one-day bike show party at the Thunder Road on Friday? Oh, how about a series of interviews with Steven Tyler of Aerosmith and RedWing Motorcycles daily? Wait, how about bringing the Assalt Weapan (World's Fastest Panhead) to Sturgis for the Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse tour to support your year of the veteran’s charities?”

Holy shit, my Sturgis agenda was shot to the moon! I reached out to Berry Wardlaw of Accurate Engineering, who has the Assalt Weapan on his lift for tuning and Maxton Mile preparations.

“Hey, Berry, can you bring it to Sturgis?”
“Sure man,” Berry said.

Then I picked up the phone and called Commander Edge, the dusty Emperor of all nine Smoke Out events.

“A show in Sturgis, no problem,” he said and my life was cooked for the next eight months. But like the plans for any run, shit happens, changes and fluctuates. We kept driving forward.

When we finally pulled out for the Black Hills, the active team behind the Bikernet Brouhaha consisted of myself, Nyla Olsen, George Fleming the artist, Commander Edge, Seth Doulton and Spike of Horsepower Promotions and the Hollister Event, Ray Wheeler of W8Less Rotors, Jeff Najar of Horse Power Marketing, Bob Osias of Metric Thunder, Ken Conte, Dar Holdsworth of Brass Balls Bobbers, and Barb and Lynn from Thunder Road. We were a whiskey-oiled team prepared to rock the Thunder Dome with a full day of entertainment.

Hell, we even had sponsors. It started with Dupont's Hot Hues offering to supply our 1st place trophies. Kevin Baas volunteered to work with me on the best of show trophies, which turned out killer with the help of Jim's Custom Paint. Custom Chrome came on board next and supplied goodie bags and support for all our 5-Ball trophies, which consisted of real 5-Balls. Spectro Oils came forward with 2nd place oil changes for everyone. Then Biker's Choice came on board with Hard Krome and Road Burner to help with over $15,000 in exhaust system prizes. Joel from Headwinds stepped up as did Tom and the gang at Saddleman. Torian Leathers and D&D supplied more prizes and gift certificates. W8Less Rotors Ray helped with every aspect of the show, including sweeping the floor, and gave several of our winners a discount on sets of W8Less Rotors. Biker Pros, Metric Thunder, The Horse and Roadhouse Brand also stepped up to support the first Bikernet Brouhaha.

I was involved with Easyriders Bike Shows for years, but this one-day extravaganza excited me. I've been around a long time and my vision of shows is tainted by years of experience, but the more I discussed the show with Smokin' Edge, the more my mind started to sizzle with excitement. This wasn't any show; it wasn't just a band and girl bit. It was beginning to smack of a circus wrapped around a bike show. The edgy agenda called for contests, girls, bands, burnouts, wet t-shirts, game-show quizzes and interviews. Our schedule called for something new every 45 minutes and the Commander had it nailed in writing. Every element was documented in detail, when and who was responsible. No wonder he retired from military intelligence.

In addition, the Thunder Dome housed the Michael Lichter annual art exhibit and Strokers Dallas, Rick Fairless's wood shingled bar, starring hot waitresses and psychedelic motorcycles. Rick was on hand every day to sign posters and demonstrate that long-haired hippies with tie-dyed tank tops still exist.

overall shot of dome

The Thunder Dome, a massive football field-sized tent, that allows lots of natural light inside, perfect for bikes shows, was surrounded by a massive paved Thunder Road vendor area built on the perimeter of the Glencoe Camping facility, one of the largest, most noted in the Badlands. Gary Liphold, the boss of this arena recently added a serious concert venue, so we were among good company.

With the assistance of Ray Ambler and George Fleming, we designed the Brouhaha logo, magazine ads, billboards, banners, promotional card and t-shirts. With Kevin Baas and Nyla Olsen, we built trophies until we were blue in the face. We had conference calls, discussed and changed the judging classes several times and stressed over one dinky detail after the other. Until we shipped the banners, hoped they didn’t get lost in the unrelenting shuffle of packages heading toward Sturgis and finished packing our Ford F-150 with a long bed, we couldn't relax.

That old F-150, clocked with over 140,000 miles, still ran like a dream. I prayed to the desert tarantula as we sped across the Mojave toward the open west, what's left of it. Hell, if Billy Lane rode a 60-year-old flathead 74 to Sturgis, my truck would handle it fine. I won't clamor through the road trip, since you're reading the Billy Lane and Doc saga and can enjoy the Johnny, Full Face, experience from Texas. Great story. I'll just add a couple of thoughts from my roadside notes.


Outside our room at the ZBar Motel in Buffalo, Wy.

Everywhere we went, I looked longingly for Subways for my perfect tuna sandwiches. I only saw them between meals, not when I was hungry. We were concerned about the truck fulla of my old Shovelhead, so everywhere we slept was across from the police department, a no-no in the past. Even in Sturgis, our pad was half a block to the Sturgis Jail. High security. I'm not kidding. In Provo, Utah, the cop station was directly across from our B&B and then at the Z-Bar Motel in Buffalo, Wyoming, same thing. As we unloaded our clothes into one of 20 log cabins, I noticed the authorities parked in uniformed order across the highway.

It started to rain in Utah and we pulled off the freeway at a franchise junction. You name it; it was there, from Home Depot to Quiznos. We grabbed a box of heavy-duty trash bags and wrapped all our boxes and luggage. It never rained again.

Since we were headed toward the largest event of the year, you'd think we'd run alongside riders, but that wasn't the case. We only witnessed riders heading west or south. I looked at stock bikes, dressers and Softails, and wondered about our outlaw future. Are we becoming Toyotaized? You know, open the hood of a Toyota and look inside. Even the west is groping for its existence as Home Depot and Walmarts take over the world until every town is the same as the next. We gotta do something about that.

bikers at zbar motel

These were our neighbors at the ZBar. The only bikers actually heading to Sturgis.

“I'll bet there cutting Sturgis short to make it to the 105th,” a Casper, Wy rider in a gas station told me. I remember seeing riders from the east pass through Sturgis on their way west to Yellowstone and beyond, but it sure seemed strange.

We rolled into Sturgis just in time for the Michael Lichter Industry Party at Thunder Road Tuesday afternoon. We unloaded the truck in Sturgis and it started to rain. We jammed to the party and it rained harder. We got inside just about the time the hail and micro-burst, 100 mph downdraft winds, kicked off the roar of city-warning alarms, like bomb threats.

“Please move to the west end of the building and huddle under the Strokers Sturgis wood shingle awnings,” said the ominous announcer.

John Reed took the opportunity to grab a plate and hit the empty buffet line.

“That means you, John,” the announcer barked.

The tent was designed with a steel structure and I suspect the guidance was meant to avoid death from lightening strikes. Even locals moved quickly under the wood shingle awnings.

lichter c kallas art

Art by Chris Kallas.

Mike's exhibit is always a top reflection of the artist side of our industry from bikes to sculptures and various other art forms. This year, the display included bikes built by non-pro builders. That was a tough assignment. He devoted the exhibit to Johnny Chop and called “Stay Gold”, and then went in search of guys who painted, sculpted or built bikes, but not as pros.

lichter kb sculp n shaker

I was honored to have the Salt Shaker on display, our first World Land Speed Record holder (145 mph), and a sculpture I made specifically for Mike’s display, since I don't create sculptures for a living. I recommended a couple of artists, and Bikernet's Chris Kallas was invited to show off some of his painting abilities. Hell, John Reed was also selected to make a sculpture, although I could never figure out what the hell it was.

lilichter crocker

lichter flathead

Sturgis was in full swing, and Wednesday, I had a mission to deliver the my handmade Best Panhead Award (with the help of Kevin Bass) to the Broken Spoke for John Green's Easyriders Ride In Show. While checking the bikes and hanging out in the Broken Spoke Bar dust, I ran into Matt Olsen, a young stock '37 Knuckle rider who offered me a pulled pork lunch downtown, then we rode to Lonnie Isem's brand new antique motorcycle restoration shop, Competition Distribution (, 605-720-1903) on the edge of town. What a rush and display of historic bikes! They basically build 1905-1929 Harleys for customers all over the globe. Plus they distribute VL, UL, FL and EL parts from the '30s. What a fantastic historic facility. Make a point to visit it or order a catalog and get a tease.

Matt is a very passionate member of the AMCA, Antique Motorcycle Club of America, and we may work with him on a 45 Flatty raffle promotion to encourage younger folks to join the AMCA. He also writes for a couple of magazines and may start to contribute to Bikernet.

“We need to get folks to stop and help broke-down riders,” Matt said. “I ran outta gas and 70 riders went by before a woman stopped to help me.”

We discussed a uniform signal for distress. It's dangerous to quickly lean off an interstate at 75 mph and stop. We stopped for a couple of riders on the way home and both times, they were parked in the emergency lane for rain gear or a smoke break. Lonnie's place pumped my inspiration for building a 1915-styled bike for the ride to Sturgis next year. I'm stoked!


KB was fined $50,000 for not wearing his Hamster shirt at all times…

I made the mandatory Hamster run from Spearfish to downtown Sturgis Thursday afternoon, a rolling bike show. One of the many rushes of Sturgis is wandering the shows, the streets and the Hamster rally, checking bikes and discussing builds with builders and riders. I came away inspired, relieved, informed and fulla new resources. For instance, Don Hotop is one of the unsung masters of bike building. When you straddle a bike from Don, that bastard will run until your grandson is old enough to ride. His bikes are like finely tuned watches. We discussed custom dresser bags and he showed me a super cool bagger he built with Redneck bags.

don bike rear

don bike side

“These are cool, but check out Kawasaki bags and brackets,” Don said. “They're a breeze to install and inexpensive.” I took notes and decided the FXR bike we're building will become our mud flap girl bike inspired by Arlin Fatland from 2Wheelers in Denver.

show getting started

After the Hamster gathering, I had one goal: to see the Bikernet Brouhaha rock the Thunder dome. I apologize for not making it to some of the other shows, but I was on a mission and had to see it through or die trying. The day kicked off with Seth, Spike and Lynn setting up bikes, but there weren't many. Edge and I were concerned. Thunder Road hosted shows all week. Maybe the bros took off or were burned out on shows. Monday, the Horse Mag show rocked the tent, followed by the Metzeler show, the Dave Perewitz Paint competition, then the Rat's Hole show and finally us. Edge and I paced the concrete deck as the clocked ticked close to the bewitching hour. Edge made some calls and I drank whiskey and prayed to the Bourbon gods. Something worked. Over 60 bikes pulled in and the show filled out. We attempted to make it a show for everyone from bobbers to car bikes, dressers, choppers and prostreets. We had a trike and sidecar category and honored metric customs and race bikes.

brouha bike show crowd

It worked! We signed up a broad assortment of top-of-the-line customs in virtually every category. Nyla made us sandwiches as we discussed judging with our experienced staff, including Chris Callen, the editor of Cycle Source, Bob Osias, the owner of Metric Thunder and the Editor of Bikernet Metric. Bob Kay played along and he's been in this business for over a century. We looked around for John Reed. “He's so flaky he could hide his own Easter eggs,” Edge said.

Here's the rundown of the day's activities. The show opened at 9:00 for registration and check-in. At 11:00, Edge and I panicked and learned that someone discovered water on Mars. Fortunately, as more bikes rolled in, the band kicked off to sooth my nerves.

Click to see morefrom Lucky Devil

DBW banner

mike lichter

D & D Banner

An official 2008 Bikernet Brouhaha sponsor.

noel winner with ray

Noel was our 1st Place winner, standing with Ray Wheeler.

noel behind

Noel, originally from New Zealand, now has his own shop in Spokane, WA. – Lady Luck Tattoo & Piercing. Look him up if you ever in Spokane.

tammy front 2nd place

brunette back

Tammy was our 2nd Place winner.

hourglass w wings

Pamela took home 3rd Place with her own design. She has a quote that goes with it, “Life’s journey is but a ripple in time.” Her artwork is by her son-in-law, Travis Griffin from No Regrets.

Ray Wheeler was god of the Tattoo contest and was hell-bent to make it strong. At 11:45, we had contestants from all over the globe, including a tattooist from New Zealand. A brother took the contest with original Polynesian tribal work and won a Torian Leather shirt.

bike on back

cherry back

cherry girl behind

contestants 1

contestants 2

lindsey leg

nic belly

flowers dragon

2008 Bikernet Brouhaha Fake Orgasm Contest

three contestants on stage

The three brave souls who dared to orgasm in front of a crowd.

orgasm winner on stage

The winner!

We immediately ran into the Fake Orgasm contest, headed up by Bob Kay and former Biker's Choice VP, VP of American Iron Horse, designer of the Dallas Chopper and President of Torian Leathers. Although everyone wants to have an orgasm, few want to share their techniques, but we found just the right girls. One squeaked and the other rocked the stage. She knew what was going on, and I was the judge. I won't go into why I was sold on being the judge. It's too embarrassing.

female judge

One of the esteemed judges. She could hardly take the moaning and groaning. I think she like it…

Custom Chrome Banner

Another official sponsor of the 2008 Bikernet Brouhaha.

D & D Banner

An official 2008 Bikernet Brouhaha sponsor.

noel winner with ray

Noel was our 1st Place winner, standing with Ray Wheeler.

noel behind

Noel, originally from New Zealand, now has his own shop in Spokane, WA. – Lady Luck Tattoo & Piercing. Look him up if you ever in Spokane.

tammy front 2nd place

brunette back

Tammy was our 2nd Place winner.

hourglass w wings

Pamela took home 3rd Place with her own design. She has a quote that goes with it, “Life’s journey is but a ripple in time.” Her artwork is by her son-in-law, Travis Griffin from No Regrets.

Ray Wheeler was god of the Tattoo contest and was hell-bent to make it strong. At 11:45, we had contestants from all over the globe, including a tattooist from New Zealand. A brother took the contest with original Polynesian tribal work and won a Torian Leather shirt.

bike on back

cherry back

cherry girl behind

contestants 1

contestants 2

lindsey leg

nic belly

flowers dragon

2008 Bikernet Brouhaha Fake Orgasm Contest

three contestants on stage

The three brave souls who dared to orgasm in front of a crowd.

orgasm winner on stage

The winner!

We immediately ran into the Fake Orgasm contest, headed up by Bob Kay and former Biker's Choice VP, VP of American Iron Horse, designer of the Dallas Chopper and President of Torian Leathers. Although everyone wants to have an orgasm, few want to share their techniques, but we found just the right girls. One squeaked and the other rocked the stage. She knew what was going on, and I was the judge. I won't go into why I was sold on being the judge. It's too embarrassing.

female judge

One of the esteemed judges. She could hardly take the moaning and groaning. I think she like it…

Custom Chrome Banner

Another official sponsor of the 2008 Bikernet Brouhaha.


calendar girl closeup

Thunder Road, with the edgy master designer, built the safest, strongest, heaviest, iron burnout pit in the world. Still, we couldn't find contestants. We'll be back next year and we'll find a tire sponsor to switch out fried tires in front of the audience, so a brother doesn't have to worry about the ride home. At 1:30, the Sturgis Calendar Girls set up their slinky selves and signed calendars, while in the next booth, Russell Mitchell signed T-shirts.

calendar girls half group

calendar girls wide stage

We discussed a bike manufacturer round table and a guitar raffle with Steven Tyler. Steven raffled off a guitar for Red Wing motorcycles every day of the week and drew a huge crowd. On the day of our event, Steven had to fly out for another engagement. He was promoting the Red Wing Motorcycles – cool looking bikes.

steven use

Honey I’m Home!

chica in bed

Chica was our first victim, er, ah, contestant. He was a good sport.

chica through window

chica push

It got to be 3:30 and Edge set up a bed next to the stage and a fake windowsill. The kickstart contest (Honey, I'm Home!) began with a brother being busted by her old man. He had to jump out of the sack, put on his (or her) shoes, dive out the window, push his bike outside and kickstart it. We had three contestants; one was a woman who used my Shovelhead. Nicole, from Australia, came in second. What a crowd pleaser.

nic in bed
nic through window

nic push bike

nic start hand up

kb n nic by chop

Nicole, the Aussie. She was just too cool for school. We made a lifelong friend with this gal. Don’t be surprised if you see her riding one of our Bonneville bikes on the salt in the next couple of years.

tom tommy bed back

tom tommy bed front

tommy thru window

tommy push

tommy start

Tommy was actually our first contestant and held the lead beating Nicole and Chica. Our thanks go out the these fine people for participating in our event.



wig edge

Next year, we're launching the Scott Long look-alike contest. We found a wig in San Pedro that makes any unshaven man look like Scott Long. What a laugh riot that will be and Scott said he'll judge it. Tom Monroe slipped the wig on and jump into bed with one of the guys, (Honey I’m home winner). That incident is still under investigation. Edge was forced by knife point to put it on. He looks miserable, huh?

crowd before contest

Wet T-Shirt Contest

Then the lights were turned down and the stage lit to enhance the Bikernet Brouhaha wet T-Shirt Contest, which was coordinated by the Biker's Choice dealer's rep of the year, Doris Taylor. Doris and the girls counted the cash for the winners and created some lovely fluorescent gift bags for the half naked girls.

four ladies

cutie arms out

cutie front in pool

do rag arms up

do rag throwing

red behind

red panties in judging

lin in pool 1

nic getting wet

liz throwing

liz arms up

all ladies all wet

The voting was peoples choice by applaud. Liz, second from Left was the winner, and the two gals to her right and left took second and third.

And the winner was bubbly Liz….

liz holding boobs



Miss Bikernet Contest

ewoman laughing

At 4:45, the band settled the crowd down and let the experienced judging staff finish the tough task of picking winners. Actually, it isn't tough, if each judge follows the strict and fair Bikernet Code of Judging. At 5:30, we kicked off our final contest on the Thunder Dome stage, the Ms. Bikernet 2008 Contest, headed by Dar Holdsworth, the supreme admiral behind Brass Balls Bobbers and Darwin Motorcycle Company. This contest wasn't about cup size, nipple erections or camel toes, but desire, knowledge and biker character.

lady laughing

looking at map

redhead  tools

young girl laughing

woman looking at tools

young girl thinking

Each contestant was given the exact same series of questions about the industry, asked to find Daytona Bike Week on a California map and describe a series of motorcycle engine internal parts. The Commander kept it light, funny and entertaining as several girls attempted for find Daytona on the coast of California, but one girl kicked his ass with direct and intelligent answers coated in a sarcastic spin. Nicole Brosing, a tattoo artist from Australia, was direct and to the point. I even brought a broken and battered Panhead intake valve from back in the '70s.

nic smug

“And that's a busted and beat valve from a hurting engine,” Nicole answered and sealed her fate. The Aussie was the winner.

nic holding tools

She ended up riding back to Los Angeles and helped us weld the good Dr. Hamster's trailer back together.



The Bike Show

5 ball hot hues trophys

trophys on table

The sun was hot Friday afternoon in the vented tent as the clock hit 5:30 and we decided to move up the Bike Show Awards Ceremony. At the end of the day, we were generally pleased with the class rundown. We ended up adding a Pro Street class at the last minute, and a couple of classes weren't filled, but that's cool. It's better to be saddled with too many trophies than to run short. Here's the winning rundown and awards:

best of show winner

1st Place

best of show 2nd place

2nd Place

Best of Show winners received Bandit and Kevin Baas custom Trophies painted by Jim Murillo's Custom Paint plus a set of $800 exhaust pipes from Hard Krome.

1st Place – Jim Giuffra
2nd Place – Johnny Gil
3rd Place – Paul Wrdeman

american mfg 1st bike

american mfg harley 1st tank

American Manufacturer 1st Place.

American Manufactured Class
1st Place – Joseph Castaneda who won a set of D&D Exhaust pipes.
2nd Place – Albert De Herrera won an oil change from Spectro Oils and $100 gift certificate from W8Less Rotors

best paint top of bike

Metric Manufacture Class 1st Place.

metric mfg 2nd

Metric Manufacture Class 2nd Place.

Metric Manufactured Class
1st Place Liz Short – who also won a set of Road Burner Exhaust pipes.
2nd Place – Kurt Peterson who received a oil change from Spectro Oil and a $100 gift Certificate from W8Less Rotors

Touring Bikes
1st Place – Martin Ramirez
2nd Place – Dennis Pierce

servi car

servi car owner

Trikes & Sidecar Bikes
1st Place – Tim Rotert

auto bike 1st

Auto Bike 1st Place.

auto bike 2nd

Auto Bike 2nd Place.

Auto Bikes (any bike with an automotive engine)
1st Place – David Ward
2nd Place – David Ward

radical chop 1st place

Radical Chopper 1st Place.

radical chop 2nd

Radical Chopper 2nd Place.

Radical Chopper Category
1st Place – Jesse
2nd Place – Buddy Schulz

Bobber Category
1st Place – Johnny Gil
2nd Place – Jeff Fording

Early Chopper Style
1st Place – Paul Wideman
2nd Place – Andrew Williams



american mfg custom 1st

American Manufacture Custom 1st Place.

american mfg custom 2nd

American Manufacture Custon 2nd Place.

American Manufacture Custom
1st Place – Robert Harris
2nd Place – Dan Dabney

Pro Street Class
1st Place – Nicolas Chauvin
2nd Place – Doug Jahnke

Sport Bikes
1st Place – Dave & Chris
2nd Place – Critter

antique 1st chica

Antique Bike

Antique Bikes
1st Place – Chica

antique 1st curt lout

Antique Custom 1st Place.

antique 2nd

Antique Custom 2nd Place and a nice bum…

Antique Custom
1st Place – Curt Lout
2nd Place – Ken Conte

judges choice vet bike

Judge’s Choice
Robert Harris

best paint top of bike

Best Paint
Liz Short

best design

best design engine

best design seat

Best Design
Larry Rak

best detail bike

Best Detail
Jason Ferguson

best sheetmetal rear

best sheetmetal side

Best Sheetmetal
Doug Jahnke

At the end of the day, over 60 bikes competed in the first Bikernet Brouhaha Bike Show. We had a terrific crowd for Friday, but next year we may move the show up in the week. We felt positive about the show and upbeat towards next year as we packed the Salt Shaker from the Michael Lichter exhibit, my sculpture, my rusty Shovelhead and bags of trash bag-wrapped luggage. Then we cut a dusty trail back to the coast.

kb gas from chop tank

drain gass from salt to chop

The second day on the road home, we nearly ran outta gas in Chama, New Mexico and scavenged all the gas outta the bikes in a closed Chevron station. We decide to spend the night in the town of 500 and had the best chow of the trip at the old historic High Country Restaurant, owned by a 6'6″ 25-year-old lanky sort who had to duck to scramble into the bar to make change and bartend. Busy guy, but terrific food and the Chama Trails Inn across the street was a cool place to stay.

gorco choppers in chama

Gorco Choppers in Chama, NM.

harley dr in chama

chama jail

There you have it, Sturgis 2008, and already we're making plans and building bikes for 2009. Looks like the Alaskan Trek might become a reality for 2009. Imagine meeting in Seattle, grabbing a Bellingham ferry for a three-day coastal tour to Anchorage. One day and we'll be in Fairbanks, then a half-day to the Arctic Circle. Then back to Seattle and across to Sturgis. It's all about the ride, right.

Hang on for a 1915 Paughco/Crazyhorse/Baker build for the Alaska/Sturgis adventure, the plans, the alterations, the next Bikernet Brewha (yep, we're changing the spelling of the name) and the girls going with us. Next year will be packed with adventures. Hang on.


metric thunder banner
Nyla's Photo Gallery
Just a bunch of images I took.

cutie rat nyla ray in booth

cuties at thunderdome

engine square heads

engraved accurate knuck motor

engraved bike full right

engraved bike left close

spectro banner

engraved bike top shot

engraved links

lichter george the painter

paint moth n skull

paint naked lady

parts air cleaner w nails

parts star oil tank and spicked kicker

parts swap meet sally

rat bike bird

rat bikes

crumbling mountain 2

rio grande in nm

Horse Banner


On behalf of all who were involved with the 2008 Bikernet Brouhaha, we'd like to thank all of our sponsors once more. Without their support the event would have been a flop.

A personal thank you goes out to Edge, Ray Wheeler, Bob Osias, Jeff Najar, Seth Doulton, Spike, Doris Taylor, Nicole, Skeet, Roadside Marty, Dary Holdsworth, the family in Sturgis that gave up their beautiful home, the nice lady at the B&B in Provo, UT, my kids for taking care of the animals and not trashing the house while we were gone… I'm sure we're missing someone but that's enough. ~Nyla











metric thunder banner

Custom Chrome Banner

D & D Banner

spectro banner


Read More

Sturgis 2008 Splitting Lanes With Billy Lane

choppers Inc banner


There are worse places to hang around for a couple of days than the Bikernet,com Cantina, tossing back icy cold Coronas followed by shots of JD. And Sin Wu gives a heck of a neck massage. I was waiting for the Heavy Duty magazine tour group to fly in from Australia, some 60 guys and gals with Sturgis and Milwaukee in their cross hairs, eager to sample the night life as well as having a strong desire to sample every beer brewed in the US.

I wandered out into the garage to found Bandit fiddling around with some old piece of junk up on the lift.


“Whassup Bandit? Trying to salvage a part or two from that junk heap before you tear it to bits and toss most of it out?”

He stood up, raised himself to his full height – which is six-foot twenty-seven or something – and his eyebrows seemed to rise even higher.

“I’ll have you know Doctor Bullshit, that this bike is firstly, not junk, and secondly, belongs to Billy Lane who’s flying here in a day or so to ride it up to Sturgis.”


“Yup, seriously, he’s riding up with Scott Long. Now hand me that wrench or get outta here, I’ve got a bit of fine tuning to do.”

I pulled another Corona from the fridge, popped the top and walked around that old Harley several times, thoughts tumbling through my mind like leaves in a fall gust. It’s close to 1500 miles from Bikernet HQ to Sturgis, with deserts to cross, mountains to climb and long, long stretches of straight road.


That’s a fair haul on a modern bike, with a big cube OHV donk, a comfortable seat and suspension front and rear. And Billy was gonna attempt it on an old Flathead which looked like it had seen far better days? Hell, the bike was older even than Bandit … There was absolutely nowhere to carry any luggage. There was no way to mount it on the skinny rear fender behind the rock-hard solo seat. How the hell was he going to carry even the minimum gear required for such a trip?


I tried again. “Hey Bandit, you’re not pulling my leg are ya? You’ve done that before as you well know.”

He looked around and I shriveled a bit under his steely gaze.

“For the last time Doc, Billy Lane, yes that Billy Lane, the famous custom bike builder who could have ridden any one of his collection of bikes has chosen to ride this one – it’s his favorite.”

Well all I could think of was that I was glad Scott Long was riding up with Billy ‘cos I was sure it was a trip that would end up on the back of a pickup and breakdowns in the desert aren’t high on my list of favorite activities.

Watch for the Scott Long look-alike contest at the next Bikernet Brewha in Sturgis '09.

The next day the phone rang and Bandit’s countenance darkened as he listened to the caller. Frowning, he hung up and cast me a sidelong glance before strolling over to where I was sitting. Now if he looks big when we’re both standing – and he does – you can imagine how he looks when I’m sitting down and looking up at him.

His voice boomed down at me from the stratosphere: “Doc, Scott can’t make it. He’s had to cancel at the last minute. Do you have someone else who can lead your group?”

I could see where he was coming from. As it happened, Tex Hess one of our magazine staffers, was due in with the group. And as an old Mississippi boy (all tall drawling Americans get the nick-name Tex in Aussie, despite where they hail from) he was well suited to negotiate the roads and freeways of this wide land.

With more than a few misgivings I said, “Okay Bandit, count me in.” Hell, I thought to myself, it could turn in to be quite an adventure. Of course the cynic’s definition of an adventure is: ‘something, that when you are home by the fire, you wish you were out there having; and also something, that when you are out there having, you wish you were back home by the fire’. Or the air con in this case. Whatever, I was in.


Billy flew in the next day and we picked him up from Long Beach airport. We threw his not inconsiderable luggage into the back of the Sin Wu’s car and headed back to Bikernet where Billy was anxious to check over his bike before he did anything else.


A couple of minor adjustments, a Spectro oil top up, some refueling and Billy reckoned the bike was “good to go”. I still had my doubts, but who am I to question the bike’s owner, especially one who’d logged many a mile on it including a trip from Florida to Half Moon Bay and back to LA a month or so previously?



And of course the luggage problem was easily solved using one of the famous Bandit bed rolls strapped across Billy’s handlebars, with his leather jacket strapped underneath. I’d forgotten about those innovative rolls and when I saw Billy strapping it on I came out with a “Doh!” that would’ve make Homer Simpson proud. First hurdle solved.


Dawn came early on departure day and skipping our workouts in the Bikernet gym Billy and I wheeled our bikes out of the garage and pointed them north-east. I watched Billy’s starting procedure with interest; nothing special, a prime, a couple of kicks and the bike fired right up settling down into a loping idle almost immediately.

We swung out into the morning traffic and began the usual ‘dances-with-cars’ that typifies riding the LA freeways, heading off toward Vegas. All went well until somewhere near Riverside Billy suddenly pulled over to the shoulder. Stopping behind him I deduced that his bike had died already, which was confirmed when he climbed off and took off his distributor cap. The verdict; no spark. Zilch, nada, nothing – dead as the proverbial doornail.


It seemed my misgivings about Billy’s bike might be justified after all. Hell, we weren’t even out of the smog yet and here we were by the side of the road with a broken bike. Billy felt his coil, which was hot enough to fry eggs on and it was obvious that this was the problem.

Now if we had to have a problem, having one at Riverside was as good a place as any, Riverside being the location of Mike ‘Kiwi Indian’ Tomas. A quick call from Billy soon did the trick and with a new coil from Mike cable-tied to the side of the Flathead, we were back on the road.


Hopefully, we’d be break-down free for a while but such was not to be. Ten minutes or so after the coil swap we were hooting along up a long incline when Billy’s bike hit a nasty bump in the road and his tools shifted around in this leather tool bag, shifted enough that they began bouncing out a gap that had opened at the rear of the bag. Suddenly, I was performing ‘dances-with-tools’ as I swerved this way and that, trying to avoid those pieces of steel which were bouncing and flying every which way. Surrounded by speeding trucks, pickups, cars and buses there was no way to stop and pick them up though I pulled Billy over and he re-fastened his tool bag to prevent further losses.

The day was hotting-up and, as usual, the closer we got toward Vegas the hotter it became. Finally, on that long, steep, goes-on-forever grade not far out Billy decided to stop and let the Flattie cool off a bit.


“I’m so in tune with this bike Doc”, Billy said as we pulled over, “it’s like it’s telling me it needs a short break.” So we stopped on the shoulder awhile, along with quite a stack of cars that had hoods up and steam issuing. Hell, if it is hot enough to make cars boil their radiators you can imagine how well the Flattie was doing to keep on running. When we first stopped we couldn’t even bear to touch the frame rails, such was the radiant heat. Despite the ambient temperature being so high, around 113F at the time, the blast of air from passing trucks soon had Billy’s bike cool enough to continue.


But the temperature didn’t drop much as we hit the outskirts and then made our way to Denver’s Choppers to hook up with the famed Mondo Porras, Godfather of Choppers.

Flyin' into Vegas at 60 mph in 115 degrees, cold beer and half-dresses women waiting.

Billy and Mondo are good buddies, but I had never met the man, though I felt I knew him in a way as I’d been reading about the bikes he builds all my biking life and watching him on the biker tv shows, so it was a happy moment indeed to finally meet him in person.


After a tour of his shop we followed Mondo to his house where we were to spend the night. After a refreshing shower and a change of clothes we headed out to dinner at a nearby steakhouse for a good meal.


I went to sleep that night content with the trip to this point but had that nagging feeling about what the next day might throw at us. It turned out to be full of surprises, some good, some well … we’ll go into that in the next part of this story.


Part One Ends.

Check Chapter 2


BILLY LANE ROLLS WITH BANDIT'S BED ROLL–Bandit’s Bed Roll is the perfect combo of tool bag and weekender engineered by the man that delivers form and function and keeps your ride looking clean. So pull out your wallet and click here to get your official Bandit Bed Roll Today.

Read More

August 28, 2008 Part 4


Continued From Page 3


CYCLE SOURCE MAGAZINE READER POLL–Just wanted to drop you a line about the Cycle Source Magazine reader poll. I guess now that we figured out how to spell demographic people want us to use the word in practice so we?re holding a poll to get info about our readers. If you follow this link, it takes about two minutes and it will really help out the bean counters who work here. I hope the ol? lady didn?t hear me type that?? Hahaha.

Seriously though, anyone who reads or subscribes to The Cycle Source Magazine is invited to take part in this poll, it?s going to help us out a lot when it comes to what our position is in the motorcycle publishing world.

Anyway, headin? off to the 105th and then straight to the Salt Flats, I?ll keep an eye peeled for worthy content along the way.

–Chris Callen
Cycle Source Magazine


BIKERNET FAMILY COUNSELING– A husband and wife were sitting watching TV when he turned to his wife and said,

‘Honey, tell me something that will make me happy and sad all at the same time.’

She said, “You have the biggest dick of all your friends.”

–from Bob Clark

cci fishtails

Freedom Performance Slip-On Mufflers–MORGAN HILL, CA June 24, 2008 ? The guy?s at Freedom Performance have developed a line of slip-on mufflers that fit their True Dual Headers like a glove and fit your OEM headers as well. The Freedom 3.5? Signature slip-ons are their performance muffler based off the canister on their ?Union? 2-into-1 pipe. The Sharktails offer a more aggressive look and sound and include a removable performance baffle. Sold in pairs, the Slip-On Mufflers have a suggested retail price from $379.99 to $599.99.

cci straight

The Freedom Performance Slip-On Mufflers are distributed by Custom Chrome. To find a dealer nearest you please visit or call 800-729-3332.Part# 689763, 689731, 689764

custom chrome banner

The Bikernet Human–The largest cell in the human body is the female egg and the smallest is the male sperm.

A full bladder is roughly the size of a soft ball.

It takes the food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach.

One human hair can support 3 kg (6 lb).

Human thighbones are stronger than concrete.

The attachment of human muscles to skin is what causes dimples.

The average man’s penis is three times the length of his thumb.

A woman’s heart beats faster than a man’s.

If the average male never shaved, his beard would be 13 feet long when he died.

Men with hairless chests are more likely to get cirrhosis of the liver than men with hair.

There are about one trillion bacteria on each of your feet.

Side by side, 2000 cells from the human body could cover about one square inch.

Women blink twice as often as men.

The average person’s skin weighs twice as much as the brain.

When you are looking at someone you love, your pupils dilate. they do the same when you are looking at someone you hate!

Your ears secrete more earwax when you are afraid than when you aren’t.

Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself when you are standing still.

If saliva cannot dissolve something, you cannot taste it.

The average woman is five inches shorter than the average man.

.. All males are still checking their thumbs.

–from Buckshot



(714) 490-0155

metric thunder banner

METRIC THUNDER LABOR DAY SALE–Thunder Bob is having a sale and you are invited. Prices from Saddlemen, Rinehart True Duals for Dressers and Samson Caliber Exhaust for H-D Dressers are all being slashed. So take that tax bump you have been hording and spend it on something that will make you smile ear to ear. Wrench up by clicking here.

thunder dome crowd at stage

Thunder Road, The Custom Capital Of Sturgis, Boasts Bigger Crowds Again!–Sturgis, SD–August 28, 2008 – Thunder Road, the custom capital of Sturgis, lived up to its name for the sixth year in a row. With more world class bike shows than anywhere else, they had over 350 custom bikes entering bike shows over six days. Official overall traffic numbers for Sturgis were down this year but vendors at Thunder Road saw an increase in sales and traffic.

Thunder Road is the premier space for bike shows in Sturgis because of its location, plentiful parking and enormous building, the Thunderdome. Six bike shows happened at the Thunderdome including Trike Wars: Trike and Sidecar Show, The Horse Backstreet Choppers Bike Show, Metzeler Bike Show, Perewitz Custom Paint Bike Show, Rats Hole Bike Show and Brouhaha. Each show catered to a wide variety of bikers and custom bike builders and all drew record crowds.

thunder dome crowd at bike show

Michael Lichter’s famed motorcycle-themed art exhibit, “Stay-Gold,” was a huge success as it featured builders and artists, including Keith R. “Bandit” Ball art and Bonneville motorcycles, in the spirit of the late Johnny Chop who were in the show because art and bikes are their passion.

Miss Sturgis Rachel Riley and all the Miss Sturgis Bike Week Calendar models were on hand to sign the Miss Sturgis calendars throughout the day at Thunder Road. On Wednesday and Thursday there was a special appearance by Steven Tyler, front man of Aerosmith and co-owner of Red Wing Custom Motorcycles. He gave away several signed custom Red Wing guitars, talked bikes with the bike show entrants and posed for pictures with fans.

The Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse was at the center of the action with giveaways, contests and great entertainment. The Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse featured bike builders Gard Hollinger, Russell Mitchell, Billy Lane and Paul Cox who all had bikes displayed. The Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse hosted open casting calls for the Next Great American Builder all week and featured live paint demonstrations by noted custom painter Buck Wild. Christian Clayton and Sucker Punch Sally’s unveiled their new custom Hard Rock motorcycle for the record crowds. Many well-known custom builders and celebrities stopped by throughout the event, which kept the crowds flowing into the Thunderdome.

Strokers Sturgis, brought to Sturgis by master builder, entrepreneur and star of Speed Channel’s “Texas Hardtails” series, Rick Fairless, was the place to be in the Thunderdome. Ice-cold beer and hotter-than-hot babes, live music and three full bars made it one of the coolest joints in Sturgis.

“This year we added more bike shows and events to make sure there was never a dull moment at Thunder Road, and it paid off. Thunder Road has become an integral part of Sturgis Bike Week and is the place to go for bike shows and live entertainment all day long,” said Gary Lippold, owner of Thunder Road.

thunder dome outside crowd

Six days of bike shows and incredible events proves Thunder Road is still the custom capital of Sturgis after six years running and that’s why it’s famous as the place to go for anything custom in Sturgis.


Located 3 miles east of Sturgis on Highway 34, Thunder Road is hard to miss. With six acres of paved vending space full of high-end, custom, aftermarket vendors and the nearly 40,000-square-foot Thunder Dome, Thunder Road is the “Custom Capital of Sturgis Bike Week.” During the course of the week, Thunder Road is host to the most custom-bike themed events in Sturgis. In conjunction with all the events, Thunder Road has the best attractions around, including Miss Sturgis, and even more great entertainment. Thunder Road is a part of the Glencoe Nation and is located directly in front of the Glencoe Camp Resort, which hosted Rock’n the Rally. There’s something for everyone at Thunder Road!

–Ken Conte

Navy guys
When the 5-Ball Racing Team isn’t building motorcycles, we’re building jet powered torpedoes.

IT’S GOLD CADILLAC MARGARITA TIME–Life is a funny place and in a sense we should back up a bit to times with class and rules. We’ve sorta rolled over the top some. But we have a sick sense to balance ourselves out from time to time. Here’s an example. A brother came to the Bikernet headquarters today in search of a few bucks I owed him for this month’s contribution to Bikernet. Nyla went to the bank for the cash. He didn’t want to deposit a check since his account was overdrawn. I could dig it. We struggle from time to time, then he told me the background story.

Seems he’s poured every waking moment and every dime into restoring a ’56 two-door convertible Cadillac. Then his eyes drooped when he said, “My ex flew in today with my kids and I didn’t even have any milk in the fridge or food. She’s pissed.”

Yeah, I can dig it. When it comes to the kids, we gotta stay focused and take care of business.


Okay, so let’s get back to the shit, bike planning for Sturgis 2009. Randy Simpson built retro styled bikes in the ’80s along with Arlen Ness’s ’20s looking Sportster with a sidecar. Don Hotop recently build a retro masterpiece for Drag Specialties. Then a young retro freak, Rick Krost started a boardtrack chassis (U.S. Choppers) which has been picked up by celeb builders like Ralph Randolph of Knockout Motorcycles. For a limited audience, it’s hot. Hell, I built one of my own with Rick Fairless at Strokers Dallas, but it’s not a bike for the open road. I’ve always been intriqued by the notion of building a vintage looking bike and riding it across the plains to Sturgis. It’s a Vintage event. Let’s ride vintage bikes.

Rick Krost is so devoted to his platform he met with Ron Paugh at Paughco, the company that kicked this industry off, and discussed taking his chassis to the next level. This year they are refining production (to save you cash) and they’re coming out with a new Boardtrack model. In the process they developed another 1915 chassis that will fit 6’5″ me, somewhat. That’s a tall order–yuk. I’m so pumped about building this 1915 5-Ball Racer, I can’t sit still. Rick is building one of his new Board Trackers and Billy Lane is signed up for the ride to Sturgis next year on a Vintage model. Also Caleb, from Cro’s customs is planning the ride. We’re all jazzed.

I’m not sure if this is a 1915, but it’s close.

So the 5-Ball team is scrambling. A Crazy Horse 100-inch Power Plus engine is on order. We’re looking for some wheels for these tires. Joe from Crime Scene is polishing his Rapide air cleaner and I’ll order a baker 6-down tranny for a tank shift configuration. The U.S. Choppers/Paughco platform comes with flat tanks, oil box, fender and I’m using a traditional narrow springer from Paughco. Watch for reports on the build, testing and the final ride to Sturgis in 2009. Shit, I can’t wait.

Ride Forever,


US Chopper banner

Read More

August 28, 2008 Part 3

Continued From Page 3

amra val spinning

VALERIE THOMPSON REPORTS IN–We finally made it after a long anticipated year!! The Mac Tools US Nationals is NHRA’s biggest event…5 days of racing, fun, and for me…the dream begins.

Stay tuned to ESPN2 (August 28-September 1st). Check your local listings for NHRA POWERAde Drag Racing televised on ESPN2.

Thank you for your support!

Valerie Thompson

AMRA Race  val side

SHELL CELEBRATES HARLEY-DAVIDSON?S 105TH ANNIVERSARY–American icon Harley-Davidson plans to end the summer motorcycle season with a blowout event and Shell is gearing up for the celebration. As the exclusive fuel sponsor of the Harley-Davidson 105th Anniversary Celebration, Shell will mark the occasion with an exciting lineup of events taking place in Milwaukee throughout the four-day event — August 28-31.

Friday, Aug 29
?All-Women?s Bike Build7:30am-2:00pm, House of Harley DealershipThe Chopper Chick Crew, led by Athena Ransom, will transform an array of hundreds of bike parts into a fully functioning motorcycle within a matter of hours. The build will take place at the House of Harley, Milwaukee?s largest Harley? dealership (62nd & Layton Ave) and be donated to the RAACE Foundation, an organization dedicated to fighting child sexual abuse by raising public awareness of the epidemic. Arrive early for a $5.00 pancake breakfast!
?Garage-Girls Seminars11:30am and 1:30pm, House of Harley DealershipThroughout the bike build, the ?Garage-Girls? motorcycle experts will conduct free seminars to educate audience members about the importance of proper motorcycle care and maintenance.

Saturday, Aug 30
?105th Parade9:00am-10:30pm, Miller Park to SummerfestJoin Shell VIPs and hundreds of riders from across the country as they thunder down the road from Miller Park to the site of the rockin? concert scene, Summerfest.
?Winner of MDA Raffle Announced7:00pm, Veteran?s ParkThe winner of a raffle hosted by Shell stations across the state of Wisconsin benefiting the Muscular Dystrophy Association will be announced immediately before the Bruce Springsteen concert. Grand prize is a 105th Anniversary Classic motorcycle and second prize is $1,000 in Shell gasoline.

batta link blk

Battistinis I-Beam shifter rod–Style continues to come full circle, from the talented designers at Battistinis Custom Cycles. Holding true to their distinctive look, their new I-Beam shifter rod adds a distinctive and bold look to your Softail or FLT model. Machined from 6061-T6 billet aluminum for strength and drilled for lightness and style, Battistinis I-Beam shifter rod is available in chrome or the now trademark black anodize/machined finish.

batta link silver

The I-Beam shifter rod matches perfectly with all products in the Battistinis line. Stay ahead of the pack and get your Battstinis on today?For more information please contact Rikki BattistiniBattistinis Custom Cycles LLCSan Ramon CA


PRAYERS FOR A BROTHER’S SON– I hope all is well in your world, for in mine it has never been worse. My oldest son has been paralyzed in a footballinjury this last weekend. He in the process of being Air lifted to the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center for treatment.He is still in a life threatening condition and will need care to a long time.

I am asking all that I know to keep him in their thoughts and PLEASE PRAY for his recovery.

God Bless all of us,
–Kevin Brooks
Thunder Mountain Motor Sports
Kevin Brooks


LOW CAT ECONOMIC PIPES FROM D&D–D&D Performance Enterprises has ratcheted up the performance and economy on the Harley-Davidson motorcycle line. The new 2 into1 stepped Low Cat pipe has been added to the Fat Cat and Boarzilla exhaust line.

The Low Cats are made for bikes that have been slammed and come with stock to mildly altered engines. Fat Cat pipes are made for non-slammed motorcycles and Boarzilla pipes are made for engines that have had the heads altered and make big horsepower.

Let me ask you a question? How often do you stay at wide open throttle? If you are like most of us it is just for a few seconds. That?s why we make our pipes perform in the area where you run your Harley 90% of the time? in the low to midrange.

And that?s why people love the performance. They can feel it and use it all the time.

We also have different muffler options for the sound that you want. And if you are not heavy on the throttle you?ll even see and increase in economy on a stock Hog. Checkout the latest pipes at

DD bannerwigirl

GOLDEN COLORADO SUPPORTS TERRORISTS OVER VETERANS–We first heard of this over the weekend at the Salute to American Veterans Rally. We would normally not send you a political oriented message, but this is just too much to ignore. You have our apologies in advance if this offends you, or if you do not live here in Colorado.While the City of Golden calls Al Jazeera a “legitimate News Agency”, the record – in our opinion – is clear.

While we respect the rights of the City of Golden, and the Buffalo Rose Saloon to “Host” the Enemy, we do NOT respect the decision. In turn, we are confident that Golden and the Buffalo Rose will respect our decision to NEVER SPEND ANOTHER DOLLAR WITH EITHER THE CITY OF GOLDEN COLORADO OR THE BUFFALO ROSE SALOON!

If you agree, please forward the message. As well, contact this “Biker Friendly” bar at – 303-278-6800

Perhaps the Buffalo Rose is looking to make a big change in their clientele. With so many bikers being Veterans and Patriots, we think so. We are sure they will enjoy some major publicity for a very short time, and will then most likely pay the dues for months and years to come.Attached is a note from a United States Marine, as well as a letter of “explanation” from the City of Golden.

You decide what is right, and then exercise you rights as a free American. Our Veterans gave those rights to us. USE THEM!

With Respect-
–Jim Wear
Pro-Promotions Inc.
(719) 487-8005

What “news agency” freely gives open air time to TERRORISTS ? Al Jazeera. Yes, the same who continued to show beheadings, torture, slaying, terror – all free air time to promote the terrorists agenda…. A News agency that is clearly NOT A RESPONSIBLE NEWS ORGANIZATION.

The city of Boulder rejected this “news agency”, of all cities….. BUT guess WHO said yes ? ? ? The City of GOLDEN! Can you believe this?

Buffalo Rose is hosting them. What the h@## are they thinking. Guess they don’t want $$$$ business from Veterans and Americans.

Let the City of Golden know your opinions –
**911 Tenth Street
Golden, CO 80401
Phone: 303-384-8014

*A Letter to Citizens on Al Jazeera*
*Friday, August 15, 2008*

Because of the extensive and prominent coverage in the /Denver Post/ and /Rocky Mountain News/ the last couple of days, you may have heard that the Al Jazeera English television network is coming to Golden during the Democratic National Convention — specifically on Aug. 27 and 28.

There are some concerns being voiced and lots of misinformation floating around, so we wanted to take this opportunity to explain to our citizens what we know and what the City’s position on their visit is.

First and foremost, it is important for you to know that Al Jazeera is not a terrorist group or affiliated with any terrorist groups. They are the first 24-hour English language news channel broadcasting throughout the world (reaching 120 million households in 80 countries). Their offices are based in Doha (in the country of Qatar), Kuala Lumpur, London and Washington, D.C. They are a legitimate news organization, whether one agrees with their particular angles or not.

Golden did not actively seek out Al Jazeera to come here. They approached us when they were initially scouting locations and once they had decided to come here, we met with them regarding security concerns and to answer any questions they had about Golden — just like we would have for Fox News or CNN or any other news organization.

So here is what they have planned: Their network will be primarily broadcasting from Denver at the Convention Center and from Angie’s Bar on Federal (adjacent to Invesco Field) talking to politicos, activists and experts throughout the week. They are coming with a crew of about 15 people to do some very brief interviews (probably about 5 minutes each of 3 times) with “regular” American people from small-town Golden.

They will set up on the back patio of the Buffalo Rose on Wednesday, Aug. 27. They are carefully selecting guests for that day to speak on the economy and the war. The Rose’s regular clientelle may appear in the background, but should not be randomly interviewed during the live broadcasts. The Al Jazeera producers chose the Buffalo Rose and made their own arrangements with the owners.

They also asked the City to help them find a person who might be willing to host a typical American backyard BBQ on Thursday, Aug. 28, and again interview a few pre-selected people on the healthcare system, the environment and get reaction to Obama’s speech that night. City Manager

MIke Bestor offered to host it at his house as a private citizen and Al Jazzeera is paying for all the expenses. The City’s supports the limited involvement our City Manager and Communications Manager have had, in part, so that the City has more opportunity to influence the way GOlden is portrayed to the worlwide audience. Once Al Jazerera chose to come here, it made sense for us to ensure that the rest of the world has a view of Golden that represents the true political diversity we have here (and in this country) and to really show our great Democracy in action.

Since that time, we have heard and understand the concerns of some citizens about our association with things Al Jazeera has chosen to air. The City Council, City Manager and Communicatiosn Manager see this as a fundamental question of the First Amendment. Like any news organization, Al Jazeera English has the right to come to Golden. It is our view that the First Amendment unequivocally protects their right to report news without government interference. And our City Manager and elected officials feel strongly that it is our obligation to protect that right, even if we don’t share all of their views or reporting tactics. Having said that, we would like to also share Al Jazeera’s *Code of Ethics.*

We are sending you this information so that you can be informed about Al Jazeera’s visit. If you have more questions or concerns you’d like to talk about, please contact *Communications Manager Sabrina D’Agosta* at 303-384-8132.


BANDIT’S BEDROLL FITS FXRS–Here?s a product that Bandit designed for his FXR that was sleek and rowdy with highbars, a springer front end and shotgun pipes. Billy Lane found it to his liking on his run to Sturgis. We have two proven bags that are strong as steel and hold everything that you need.

Checkout the Bed Roll and Day Roll bags in the Black Market.

Click here to take it on the road.


George Emmons Najar, Media Engineer for Biker Pros, designed and built a video shooting chair– It allows Biker Pros to shoot action video of our client?s motorcycles at ? view, straight ahead and at speed. It improves the quality and excitement of the video by allowing the shooter & viewer to get closer to the action.

The custom built shooter chair features a Simpson 5-point harness, which is secured at the trailer hitch. The light weight Sprint Car seat is attached to the frame built from aircraft aluminum.

The chair has been tested at a top speed of 55 mph and cornering of 30 mph. Biker Pros, BIKER PROS LOGO

NORTH CAROLINA HELP FIGHT– Hot Helmet Law Fight News from the Carolina?s.Hopefully others will be interested in following her lead.She is a member of BOLT (Bikers Of Lesser Tolerance)Since the other North Carolina state motorcycle groups have not taken the time to do this she has on her own.We will most likely be starting a fund shortly to help her pay some of the expenses.

I will keep you informed.


My helmet case was tried today in Wake County District Court. For my first pro se helmet trial, I tried to present as much as I could, but only ended up presenting about 15% of my entire case. The judge found me guilty of operating a motorcycle without a helmet, and I immediately appealed.

The next trial will be in Superior Court on November 10th.

Please heed my advice. Learn your rights. Also, if you haven’t already got one, get a recorder, and learn to use it. Mine broke the week before the traffic stop. The only way they can win is if you are not recording the roadside stops. I lost, not because of a non-compliant helmet, but because the trooper lied and said I did not have the straps secured under my chin. The burden of proof was then mine to refute his testimony, with more convincing testimony of my own. I did have the straps secured under my chin, but proving it is his word against mine, and he is an officer of the court. I refused to be sworn in and testify. The judge didn’t like that, and was irked that I did not bring the helmet I wore with me. That was also my choice.

If the best they can do is lie about someone not having a helmet strapped on properly in order to win a helmet case, I expect they will have problems enforcing this law against free people. FMVSS 218 has not “put teeth in the mandatory helmet law” whatsoever, contrary to the Governors Highway Safety Program strategic document.

The trooper spent 10 hours commuting and 7 hours in court. This does not include the time IA spent investigating my complaint about the trooper.The judge had to reschedule all his afternoon trials. The trial lasted until 6pm. The judge is irked that he had to reschedule important criminal trials because of an infraction.The trooper doesn’t seem to be bothered about driving to Raleigh, but the taxpayers should be real upset, and have every right to be.

The average trial in NC district court costs $872. I presented 2 documented pre-trial motions to ensure the exact costs of fines and court costs in the event I lost. As we had determined, $25 fine and $75 court cost.The judge said he learned something new as a result of reviewing GS 20-140.4(a) and GS 20-135.2a(e) and (f). There are signs in the court house that court costs are $120, so I expect people have been writing checks for $145 rather than $100.

I also presented a motion for injunctive relief, in order to get a court order, for all LEO within the courts jurisdiction, for this to be a secondary rather than primary offense. The rationale is based on a complaint against NCSHP that Trooper Jackson nearly ran me down in an effort to get a closer look at my helmet. He claims he was two car lengths behind me, and writing down my plate number while operating his vehicle, because he always writes down plate numbers of motorcycles immediately, just in case they run. (How comfy does that make you feel!? You see a 2.5 ton vehicle bearing down on your rear tire fast…no wonder he gets them to run). The effect of a secondary offense might remove some of the overzealousness of stopping a motorcyclists for an alleged helmet infraction only. The judge claims he could not consider it because this was an infraction trial to simply establish guilt or innocence, and recommends that be worked through the legislature.


rfr bike

THE RFR TEXAS JOURNAL–I need another shirt XL (old style) BIKERNET SHIRT. I still have a brand new never worn one I got prior to the change, however the one I have been wearing for, let’s say 7 years now and is still holding up but not sure how many days it has left? I know you have some of this stuff somewhere!

I have shot 5 bikes in the last couple weeks, 2 were Lucky Devil Metal Works in Houston, and 3 from another shop, today. Plus I shot a cutie (twice now) I’ve been trying for almost 2 years to get in front of my camera! I have to ask her if it is cool to share an image or two? I know she is ok with me putting them on my website, (if I could ever get one put together) so I think it should be ok.

rfr sign

And finally a photo from the sign around the corner (middle line is funny) and a tomato my cousin grew.

rfr tomatoe

FAMOUS MOTORBOOKS EDITOR REVIEWS BIKERNET BONNEVILLE BOOK RECENTLY PUBLISHED–I got your book earlier this week and I have almost finished reading it. Thank you. You did a great job with that. It?s entertaining as well as informative. It looks like a lot of fun.

I thought the way you brought all the characters involved in the process to life made this book a real standout in the ?how-to? genre, and really can?t say enough good things about it. My wife even read part of it?I believe it was the first book she?s ever read with ?How To? in the title.

–Darwin Holmstrom
Senior Acquisitions Editor, Motorbooks
MBI Publishing

Assalt Weapan Book Banner
Click on this banner to buy our Bonneville Adventure Book.

Continued On Page 4

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August 28, 2008 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

chopper show lady

Sixth Annual Chopper’s Art Show to Benefit Denver Boys And Girls Club, Taking Place at Jazz B Studios in Denver, Saturday September 13 Features Sara Ray–DENVER–August 18, 2008–Denver 81 announced today their sixth annual Chopper’s Art Show will take place Saturday, September 13, 2008 at Jazz B Studio’s art gallery, located at 719 W. 8th Avenue in Denver. This one-day show will include motorcycle art of various media, one-of-a-kind customs, a ride-in chopper show and a silent auction to benefit the Boys and Girls Club of Metro Denver.

The show will feature several artists and motorcycle builders, free parking and an art signing by featured artist Sara Ray. Ray specializes in hot rods, pinups, rockabilly posters, nose art and World War II scenes. Her artwork has graced record covers, magazines, Fender and Gretsch Guitars, t-shirts, posters, art and military museums and most recently, a line of Sucker Punch Sally’s customs.

Art show attendees can enjoy music, food and cocktails while browsing the collection of artwork and photographs from local and national artists. These artists will also have pieces available for purchase in the silent auction with all the proceeds going to the Boys and Girls Club of Metro Denver.

chopper show pride of fleet

Local and national custom motorcycles from builders will be on display, and motorcycle enthusiasts will also have the opportunity to participate in this year’s show. A ride-in motorcycle show will be held at 4 p.m.

“This year’s show brings together artists from many backgrounds and specialties, but they are all linked by their passion for motorcycles,” said Nikolas Pew, Curator. “Everyone will enjoy seeing how the bikes compliment the art and vice versa.”

The Sixth Annual Choppers Art Show will take place one day only, Saturday, Sept. 13. The gallery hours will be Saturday from 2 p.m. to 1 a.m. A suggested donation to the exhibit is $10, which will also benefit the Boys and Girls Club of Metro Denver.

For more information you can e-mail or call (303) 762-0659 and ask for Nik, or visit the website:

–Ken Conte

chopper show zombie

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT FROM APPLE COMPUTORS– Apple announced today that it has developed a breast implant that canstore and play music. The i-Boob will cost $499 or $599 depending on cupsize. This has been hailed as a major breakthrough because women arealways complaining about men staring at their breasts and not listeningto them.


THE LAST KNUCKLE CHOPPER MODEL FROM DON NOWELL–This is the last Knuckle Chopper that will go to the machine guy who is making the Shovel parts.


He wanted the trick paint and chromed frame so the bike is on hold for my new real spoke and nipple front and rear wheels will be done about when the engine parts are finished.


Also some trucks for my display case and the new Shovel parts are coming. Thanks for your tech assistance.

–Dyno Don
Don Nowell


ENTHUSIAST MAGAZINE UNVEILS NEW LOOK IN SUMMER ISSUE–As Harley-Davidson Motor Company rides into its 105th year, Enthusiast magazine, the longest continuously published motorcycle magazine in the world, has gone through some big changes too.

Like Harley-Davidson motorcycles, Enthusiast has come a long way since its debut in 1916. This facelift is just the latest in a long line of continuous improvements, with more pages and improved paper quality along with a fresh new design.

“The magazine will continue to focus on the Harley-Davidson experience, with emphasis on where we have been and where we are going,” said Matt King, Editor of Enthusiast magazine.

There will be more changes to Enthusiast in the year to come, including more timely and flexible delivery options, as Harley-Davidson refines the magazine to best serve the interest and needs of the readers.


SHOW CHROME ACCESSORIES FROM BIGBIKEParts.COM–Show Chrome Accessories expands its Swing Arm Frame Covers to now include the Kawasaki VN900 Classic and Custom ? Accentuate the natural curves of the swing arm frame on the Kawasaki VN900 Classic and Custom with this sleek product. Add one to your bike and hide the unattractive OEM swing arm with a rich chrome plated steel cover. The Swing Arm Frame Cover protects and beautifies the VN900?s swing arm with a clean chrome design giving your bike a custom look. This product is easy to install using heavy-duty double sided tape. Cover fits Kawasaki VN900 Classic and Custom 2006-2008 motorcycles. Don?t just chrome your ride, Show Chrome it!

Part Number ? 71-315
Suggested List Price $109.95 Pair

KHS 2007 LOGO-large

SPECTRO OILS HEADS BACK TO SCHOOL–Spectro Oils is now a proud sponsor of the Kennedy High School Chopper Project .

Brookfield, CT? Spectro Oils of America has teamed up with the ?Kennedy High School Chopper Project? led by Kevin Baas. Located in Bloomington, MN, the Kennedy High School students have produced several award winning bikes that have appeared in major motorcycle magazines and at several national shows. Their bikes have gained respect and praise from some of the biggest names in the V-Twin industry.

?Spectro Oils is excited to sponsor such a unique and fulfilling project. It?s amazing what Kevin Baas and his students have created and everyone at Spectro agrees that these great bikes deserve the best lubrication products available,? said Spectro Oils President, David Miller. The kids of the ?Kennedy High School Chopper Project? not only build award winning bikes but use a wide variety of tools to create custom parts and even make metal repairs! Keep a look out for their latest creation, sponsored by Spectro.

Spectro brands are manufactured and marketed by Intercontinental Lubricants Corp. of Brookfield, CT, ILC, one of the world?s foremost manufacturers and packagers of quality lubricants.

For more information on Spectro Oils, please visit: .

spectro banner

Great Italian Motorbike Display – video powered by Metacafe

The bike control, the imagery, the geometric design? Those crazy Italians have style! See all manner of crazy in Bikernet Studio. Click here for more.

HARLEY-DAVIDSON ANNOUNCES RAPID CITY RIDE-IN SHOW WINNERS–Here is the list of 2008 Harley-Davidson Rapid City Ride-In Show winners, including Jorge Tirado from Mazatlan, Mexico.

Antique – Steven Gorrell, Rapid City, SD – 1930 Model D
VRSC – Dennis Pierce, Bergen, NY – 2005 VRSC
Sidecar – George Kurtz, Lecompton, KS – 2006 Ultra w/sidecar
Custom Trike – Vickie Bloom, Westminster, CO – 2008 Road Glide Trike
Full Dresser – David Ratliff, Brighton, CO – 2007 Ultra
Street Custom Sportster AND Best Use of Genuine Motor Accessories: Sportster – winner got a total of $1000 ($500 for each award) and donated $500 back to MDA on the spot – Jerry Fear, Lakeville, MN – 2006 883R
Buell – Henry Arends, Silverthorne, CO – 2008 1125R
Street Custom Big Twin – Jorge Tirado, Mazatlan, Mexico – 2007 Road King
Show Custom Big Twin – Kevin Kloess, North Platte, NE – 2004 Road King
Sport Touring Street – Larry Rak, Bozeman, MT – 2008 Street Glide
Sport Touring Show – Kevin Mason, New Virginia, IA – 2007 Road Glide
Radical Custom – George Marriott, Gardner, KS – 2007 custom bike
Pro – Kelli Valladares, Los Angeles, CA – 2008 custom bike

Best Use of Genuine Motor Accessories: Big Twin – Nick Stabile Jr, Arvada, CO – 1997 Heritage Softail Springer


NARROW CHOPPER SPRINGER–When it comes to custom and replacement springer front ends, Paughco wrote the book. Their latest NARROW SPRINGER combines the finest in current manufacturing technology and materials with the much sought after styling of early customs. Available in lengths from stock to 20? over, notable features include tapered oval rear legs, straight front legs, ?? forged steel rockers with space age composite bushings, and stems for use with 7/8? or 1? necks.

These beautiful forks are offered for use with ?dog bone? or Glide riser top clamps and are available with or without shock system. The outside width is a mere 7? and the inside measures 5?. Flawlessly finished at Paughco?s state-of-the-art, in-house plating facility, the new springer is designed for use with Performance Machine?s custom springer, single or dual disc brakes and prices start at just $1780.95.

For complete details call Paughco at 775-246-5738 or visit them on the Web at

CCI SummerUpdate08cvr

Custom Chrome Releases 2008 Catalog Update–MORGAN HILL, CA ? Under the heat of the South Dakota sky we?ve just released the latest product offerings from Custom Chrome in this year?s 2008 Summer Catalog Update and the response from Sturgis Bike Week attendees has been fantastic! Dealer packages we?re also shipped including additional copies of the update, a handy counter top pop-up display for dealership counters and a dealer pricelist. The 6?X9? format design is fresh, handy to carry and share and is filled with exciting products from new and existing top vendors.

We?re particularly excited about some special new releases, like our all new seat line from Santee? and dozens of parts from cutting edge vendors like Freedom Performance Exhaust Systems, Daytec Stretched Gas Tanks, West Coast Choppers CFL Frame Kits, Forward Controls Grips Triple Tree Kits and Footpegs by Accutronix and Fred Kodlin ?Bonanza? Handlebars.

You?ll find products from names like Ness-Tech, Chubbys, Wild 1, LA Choppers, BDL, Santee, Daytona Twin Tec, K&N, McCuff, The Driveline Company and many more. To find a Custom Chrome dealer nearest you or to download a PDF version of the 2008 Summer Update, go to today.


MDA AND HARLEY-DAVIDSON ONLINE AUCTION OFFERS ONE-OF-A-KIND ITEMS–MILWAUKEE (August 21, 2008) — Harley-Davidson and the Muscular Dystrophy Association have teamed up to present an online auction featuring an array of special Harley-Davidson items, with all proceeds benefiting MDA.

The auction will feature 105 collectible and one-of-a-kind items in honor of the Harley-Davidson’s 105th anniversary, and will run August 21 through September 4 in conjunction with MDA’s Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon online auction.

“Harley-Davidson has always gone above and beyond to help my kids,” said MDA National Chairman and Telethon star Jerry Lewis. “This auction is a way to get some fantastic Harley-Davidson items that won’t be available anywhere else in the world — all while helping MDA’s mission. It’s a win-win.”

The auction will help support MDA’s programs of research, services, public information and summer camp, which provides kids with a week of accessible activities such as swimming, horseback riding, fishing and arts and crafts.

Special items up for bid include a Harley-Davidson 105th Anniversary Heritage Softail Classic motorcycle and a 2009 Rocker motorcycle fully accessorized with Genuine Motor Accessories installed by Harley-Davidson technicians live on Main Street at the Lakefront during the company’s 105th anniversary celebration.

Other featured items include a behind-the-scenes tour for four of the recently opened Harley-Davidson Museum, with a two-night stay at the Courtyard by Marriott in downtown Milwaukee; a Fender guitar autographed by the Jonas Brothers, Tim McGraw, and the members of the group Blondie; and a custom-made Harley-Davidson themed Fender Stratocaster guitar. The guitar is one of three Harley-Davidson branded, production-quality prototype guitars: one will be placed in the Fender Museum, one will be placed in the Harley-Davidson Museum and the third will be auctioned to benefit MDA. Bidding on this guitar begins Friday, Aug. 22.

Also featured are a custom-made Harley-Davidson owner’s ring from Jostens, with diamonds and onyx and personalized with the winner’s name; an American flag that was flown over Harley-Davidson’s corporate headquarters; and artwork by Harley-Davidson artists David Uhl and Scott Jacobs.

Since 1980, Harley-Davidson’s family of dealers, customers, employees, suppliers and Harley Owners Group (HOG) chapters have raised more than $65 million for MDA. Every year, Harley-Davidson riders selflessly volunteer their time to visit nearly a hundred MDA summer camps across the country. Riders host barbecues, give sidecar rides, provide temporary tattoos and let thrilled youngsters sit on their motorcycles.

To participate in the Harley-Davidson online auction, visit To learn about MDA and Harley-Davidson events in your area, check out

MDA is a voluntary health agency working to defeat muscular dystrophy and related diseases. The Association’s programs are funded almost entirely by individual private contributors.


NEW ROULETTE WHEELS FOR HARLEY-DAVIDSON TOURING MODELS–Eleven-Spoke Chrome Wheels Designed for the New 2009 Touring Chassis

MILWAUKEE (August 8, 2008) ? Designed specifically for the new 2009 Harley-Davidson Touring models, the Roulette Custom Wheel (P/N 42171-09 17-inch front, P/N 42170-09 16-inch rear; $849.95 each) from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories feature eleven slim spokes that stand proud on the rim’s edge, mimicking the pockets on a roulette wheel. The stunning mirror-chrome finish of these cast-aluminum wheels catches and reflects light as they rotate. Complementing brake rotors are available for a complete custom look. Fits 2009 Touring models. Requires separate purchase of model-specific Wheel Installation Kit.

For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.

car dusenberg

‘OLD MASTERS ‘ OF THE CAR WORLD AWAIT THEIR DEBUT AT RM?S VINTAGE MOTOR CARS OF HERSHEY EVENT– WHAT: Following last year?s highly successful inaugural event, RM Auctions will proudly return to Hershey, Pennsylvania in October for the second annual Vintage Motor Cars of Hershey auction.

To be held October 10th at Hershey Lodge, the single-day event will again coincide with the AACA Eastern Division Fall Meet to provide a memorable vintage car weekend for motoring enthusiasts.

Early consignments for the auction include a number of ?old masters? of the car world, with over 100 vintage motor cars spanning back to the pioneering days of the American automotive industry set to cross the block.

The star attraction of the event will be a stunning 1933 Duesenberg La Grande Phaeton, considered one of the rarest and most desirable of the open bodied Duesenbergs. Born supercharged with just a handful of owners and a continuous history from new ? including some time in the hands of a prominent Mexican businessman – this magnificent example has been in the same hands for the last 25 years. Its offering in Hershey presents an exclusive opportunity for acquisition. (Est. $1,800,000 – $2,400,000).

car pierce arrow towncar

Joining the Duesenberg on the block are a number of other luxury prewar cars including: a rare 1934 Pierce-Arrow V12 Town Car; a 1938 Packard Twelve Series 1608 Collapsible Touring Cabriolet by Brunn; and a fully restored 1913 Locomobile Model M-48-3 Four-Passenger Baby Tonneau.

Additional consignments include:
A rare 1940 Buick Limited Model 81C Fastback Convertible Phaeton, one of only fourteen documented examples in existence.
A pair or early Northern Runabouts – one from 1903 and one from 1904. An historic 1932 Ford Five-Window Coupe, reportedly once owned by the Former President of Mexico, Roque Gonz?lez Garza.
An authentic, race-bodied 1910 Buick Model 10 Speedster.
An ultra-rare 1914 Kissel Model 40 Touring, believed to be the only surviving example.

In addition to the main line-up, the auction event will also present a series of unique, individually customized pedal cars by some of today?s leading automotive restorers and designers. The series of miniature classics have been specially handcrafted for the Hershey auction – proceeds from their sale will support the Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA).

Amongst the miniature masterpieces set for the auction block are: the Distinctively Darrin, inspired by the custom bodied 1941 Packard; the Codorus Cruiser, a miniature Packard prot?g?; and Josie?s 56, a miniature pink Cadillac complete with actual stock fabric from a 1956 Cadillac, real chrome and 24 karat gold plating.

As a prelude to the auction, RM will join forces with the AACA and the AACA Museum on Wednesday 8th October to present an unforgettable Night at the Museum. With all proceeds supporting the AACA family, this gala fundraising evening will be an engaging celebration of the automobile and the collecting hobby.

For further information on the Vintage Motor Cars of Hershey auction event, please visit For further information on the Night at the Museum fundraising gala, please visit


Vintage Motor Cars at Hershey ? October 10th, 2008Hershey Lodge,West Chocolate Avenue & University DriveHershey, Pennsylvania

Night at the Museum ? October 8th, 2008
AACA Museum
161 Museum Drive,
Hershey, Pennsylvania

Hummer riders

SPEAKEING OF MUSEUMS HARLEY-DAVIDSON MUSEUM TICKETS AVAILABLE ON DATES BOOKENDING HARLEY-DAVIDSON 105TH ANNIVERSARY WEEKEND–While the Harley-Davidson Museum will be at max capacity for Harley-Davidson’s 105th Anniversary weekend, tickets are available for time-stamped entry into the Harley-Davidson Museum on Wednesday, August 27 and Monday, September 1.

The Museum brings passion alive through exhibits and events that celebrate the people, products, culture and history which have made Harley-Davidson the icon it is today. Located on 20 acres in downtown Milwaukee, the Museum grounds are also home to a restaurant, cafe, retail store and indoor/outdoor event space.

The Museum is located at 400 Canal Street. Summer hours through October are Weekdays 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Wednesday 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. and Weekends 9 – 6 p.m.

For more information and to purchase tickets to the Harley-Davidson Museum, please visit


Continued On Page 3

Read More

August 28, 2008 Part 1




We attended Perry Sands retirement party from Performance Machine. Terrific event and it just goes to show what clean living, creativity and hard work can get you. Perry’s been building disc brake components since the early ’70s. He started like any shop owner, like Arlen Ness, who was in attendance with his wife Bev.

Some folks scoff at these guys as RUBs, but they started like so many guys, with little shops, making shit and hoping to make a living, and have been riding longer than the scoffers have been alive. But another key aspect are their wives. Unlike some bastards I know? Perry stuck with Nancy and Arlen with Bev through the lean times and the good times so there was never a major hiccup on the path towards growth. Now all the members of Perry’s family work for Performance Machine and the same applies to Arlen. This also applied to Ron Paugh of the Paughco family. It’s the American formula for lasting success. Just don’t let slinky women and whiskey pull you off track–I know. Congrats Perry. Let’s hit the news:

auto tune module

Complete ZIPPERS EFI Engine Management!– Does Your EFI Bike Pop? Spit? Backfire? Start Hard? Run Hot? Crappy Fuel Mileage? Would you like to have full control of your EFI system, freedom to make major or minor adjustments without a master?s degree in electronics and computers? Here is a simple solution?ThunderMax with AutoTune! The ThunderMax is a completely new product that replaces the factory module, not an add-on box or signal modifier.

The ThunderMax is purpose-built to deliver uncompromising performance but you don?t have to be a rocket scientist to program it or make adjustments. Click here to checkout the Zipper’s EFI Mgt system.

Just how easy is it? Installation is a straightforward replacement of the factory module and oxygen sensors*. The ThunderMax SmartLink software contains hundreds of base maps that cover over 80% of popular factory and aftermarket combinations, dyno-developed by Zipper?s on real motorcycles.

Choosing a map is a quick and easy process thanks to SmartLink?s sorting filters; loading a map takes less than a minute. After that, you?re ready to start the motorcycle. Once running, let the bike warm up at idle to operating temperature while the Smartlink software automatically dials in idle and warm-up settings for that particular engine and you?re ready to ride! During your ride, every time you ride, the ThunderMax AutoTune module analyzes the air/fuel ratio read by the wide-band oxygen sensors at warp speed after every cylinder fire and makes any necessary adjustments to the injector pulse width to achieve the desired air/fuel ratio while compensating for variations in injectors, fuel pressure or exhaust flow. With every tank of fuel, at any temperature or elevation.

That?s it! All you have to do is ride.

As simple as we?ve made it to install and use, don?t be fooled into thinking that this not one of the most sophisticated systems you can buy for your Harley?. Using the supplied SmartLink software and communication cable, you can adjust or monitor virtually every parameter of the system. Click here to wrench up.

zippers banner

FENDER DONATES SPECIAL EDITION HARLEY-DAVIDSON 105TH ANNIVERSARY STRATOCASTER GUITAR TO SUPPORT THE MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ASSOCIATION–SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (August 21, 2008) — To celebrate Harley-Davidson’s 105th Anniversary celebration in Milwaukee, Wis. Aug. 27-31, 2008, the Fender Custom Shop has created three special edition Fender Stratocaster guitars commemorating the event.

The first guitar (#1 of 3) will be auctioned online at with proceeds going to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. The auction runs from Aug. 21 through Sept. 4, 2008. The guitar is valued at $10,000 and will be exhibited on the Summerfest grounds August 29-30 at Harley-Davidson’s Wreck Room exhibit.

The custom black Stratocaster features black cherry pin striping and a combination of black chrome and black nickel hardware. Other features include the Harley-Davidson bar and shield logo engraved on the jack plate, head stock applique, serialized neck plate and a Harley-Davidson inlay on the neck in black polycarbonate. The guitar is also highlighted by a perforated alloy pick-guard and back plates assembled with the use of socket-head Allen screws commonly used by Harley-Davidson on their motorcycles.

The guitars were designed and built by revered 20-year Custom Shop veteran Master Builder Scott Buehl. Buehl created the design in collaboration with the Harley-Davidson Styling Department. Buehl also built the Harley-Davidson 90th Anniversary guitar which debuted in 1993 with a production run of 109 guitars.

“The 90th Anniversary Limited Edition Fender Custom Shop guitar continues to be a highly sought-after guitar among collectors and artists, and we are extremely confident that the 105th edition will be, too, as the run is only three guitars,” said Mike Eldred, Fender Custom Shop marketing director.”

Later this year, the second guitar (#2 of 3) will be donated by Fender to the new Harley-Davidson Museum in Milwaukee, Wis., while the third guitar (#3 of 3) will be exhibited at the Fender Museum in Corona, Calif.

For more than two decades, the Fender Custom Shop has been a “dream factory,” producing guitars that are to playing what Harley-Davidson’s are to motorcycling. From beginnings in Fender’s original Southern California home, the Custom Shop has grown to become the world’s preeminent maker of custom “instantly collectible” instruments; making Fender’s finest the world’s finest and astounding players and collectors worldwide with marvels of creativity, ingenuity and artistry.


RPM Power Package FROM J&P–Now available from J&P Cycles, this Performer Power Package supplies all the necessary components to upgrade your 2006-2007 88″ or 95″ Twin Cam motor. Designed to provide the correctly matched components necessary to achieve 103+ HP/ 97 ft lbs. torque levels, the kit includes round port cylinder heads, camshafts, pistons, adjustable pushrods, an air cleaner, CD-Rom w/maps and all gaskets needed for installation. It utilizes the stock throttle body/ manifold assembly and is compatible with a Power Commander for map availability.

Available for chain and gear drive cams. For more information on J&P Cycles complete line of power packages, contact us today toll-free at 800-397-4844 (US & Canada) or go to WWW.JPCYCLES.COM.

J&P logo

PARTS UNLIMITED MOVING INTO EUROPE–Fred Fox Announces Opening of Parts Unlimited EuropeDuring the company’s annual vendor Showcase in Madison, WI, Parts Unlimited and Drag Specialties CEO Fred Fox has announced that Parts Unlimited Europe will be open for business early in 2009.

Orders of the company’s own Thor off-road apparel will begin processing as early as this September. The new facility will handle the distribution of both Parts Unlimited metric and Drag Specialties v-twin aftermarket parts.While not yet fully completed, the new highly automated distribution center will be near the Luxembourg border in Konz, Germany, giving Parts Unlimited Europe a strategic logistic advantage by being in or near the two largest European markets, France and Germany. Designed mostly in-house by Parts Unlimited themselves, the facility will be 4 stories tall and cover over 200,000 square feet in the first stage. The European warehouse will join Parts Unlimited’s other 8 wholly-owned facilities in the United States and Canada.

“We are going through tremendous approvals and processes” says Mr. Fox, “This is one of the biggest and most sophisticated warehouses ever built in Europe.”An additional announcement of Parts Unlimited Europe will come via a press conference at next month’s Indianapolis MotoGP. The company will also, for the first time, have Parts Unlimited Europe promotional branding in place at the track.States Fox, “For most of our current vendors, this will mean extra business.

Our current U.S. vendors need to be thinking of Europe as a growth market and we have set our cutoff for announcing those vendors to be Cologne during the INTERMOT trade show.”

JIMS tool

BIKERNET JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK, H-D CRUISE DRIVE 6-SPD TRANSMISSION MAIN BEARING INSTALLER TOOL–Use this tool to safely install a new main bearing using hand tools. Thisjob can be performed with the transmission still in the frame. Tool willhold bearing square to it?s bore, eliminating any marring of the bearingbore.

This tool is used in the same manner as JIMS Tool No.35316-80 thatyou?ve been using for years.

No.987 – Use on all 2006-present Dyna? and 2007- present FL & FXST.

Suggested Retail Price $172.35

New Jims banner

RECENT BONNEVILLE HANDLING PROBLEMS–Check the vid out. I made 15 passes at Bonneville speed week trying to set a new land speed record (211mph) but every time I got to 175-180 mph this happened. This is why I don’t use raked trees, even on street bikes.


Why I didn’t think it would be a problem at Bonneville will forever be a mystery. This week we will put on a buell front end and I will try again sept 2nd – 7th. There are some smart people on this mailing list, please advise??????? I think the oscillation is due to a lack of trail combined with rigid rear susp and a skinny drag slick front. I don’t know, maybe everyone’s bike does this. I ride through the first wobble that happens at about 140 then its good to about 175 and starts again.

The large orange flags are spaced 1/2 mile apart with numbers on every other one, 1, 2, etc., that identify each mile traveled. My speed is determined by the average speed between mile sign 1 and 2.

The salt was loose, you can hear rpm increases in the first mile because the tire was spinning now and again. I tried to ride it out but it just wasn’t gonna happen. After 3/4 of a mile the side windhad almost pushed me out of the “lane” and I had to let off the throttle. After seeing this I think it would have been reasonable to let off a lot sooner, haaaaaa!

Thishappened all 13 passes I made after being cleared by the officials to go over 175 mph. Every time it started same place, same speed. It did it on both courses, with and without my back hump and special fender. I tried the steering dampener from full off to very tight, 14 clicks (Storz).

We were there and we tried, we didn’t get the record this time but we know why and we will fix it and try again. I’m sick of hearing “Just go buy a hyabusa if you want to be in the 200mph club” Thats not why we> are doing this. We want to be the first Harley over 200, no nitrous, no boost, just plain gas (and a production engine). Dave at World Wide Bearings hooked us up with the coolest ceramic bearings and Micro Blue got rid of any other friction in the engine then Gene Thomason reassembled the motor with care knowing we were gonna run the crap out of if.

On friday I made 13 passes, without going to our pit, the motor is tough. We had to stop only because our tow rig was out of fuel from all the trips to go get me!!!!!!! My crew, Doug and Davis, busted ass and got me there, they are the best. We actually finished the bike in the hotel parking lot tues night. We had to move the right footpeg and rear brake assembly because now with all the screws and plates holding my foot on I could not reach it any more, oops…. small oversight. I have to say thank you to everyone for your support and help, especially Doug and Davis. Thank you Brad at Performance Coatings, you have been so much help over all of these years no matter what I’m racing or building.

It was a special time, my first SCTA event and I was accompanied to tech with Alan Sputhe, a man. I respect, admire and a true friend. He waited for me for two days to get there, (I was running a little late, imagine that!) Then he “held my hand” while Tom Evans inspected the bike…….pretty cool stuff.

Now for the big one……Thank you Ed and Destination Harley Davidson. I cannot begin to explain my gratitude. For those of you who don’t know Ed Wallace Jr., he is the owner of Destination Harley Davidson in Tacoma WA. Ed has seen to it that this team has what it takes to be the first Harley to go from the showroom floor to 200mph. This effort has taken a lot more than I expected, thank you Ed for hanging in there and believing in me and the crew, we will succeed. Ed and the staff at Destination are a class act and I am honored to be associated with such a great group.

Again, thank you.

strokers bike

DALLAS COWBOY THEMED BIKE FROM STROKERS DALLAS– Attached please find information on the Dallas Cowboys themed custom Harley Davidson up for raffle by Strokers Dallas. The 2007 Harley-Davidson Softail was purchased by Miller Lite and customized by Rick Fairless? Strokers Dallas. Tickets are on sale for $10 each, 5 tickets for $40, or 13 tickets for $100, with every dime raised going to Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children.

Tickets can be purchased online at or at Strokers Dallas, 9304 Harry Hines, Dallas TX 75235. The bike will be awarded during Strokers? 13th Annual Anniversary Party on October 12 (winner need not be present to win).

Any questions can be directed to Rick Fairless at

strokers icehouse banner

NEW BIKER MOVIE FROM QUENTIN TARANTINO–I was checking out the Web and found out that Quentin Tarantino was making a “biker movie” called Hell Ride thought maybe you can check it. Maybe let us know if the movie blows or not.

–SSG Arocha


TAGGER FRANKIE FROM SUNDAY POST–Good thing you are doing with that tagger Frank. With your good direction he will turn out alright.Keep spending a time with the boy.

My old man spent time with me and turned me around. A couple years ago my Dad said “I always thought you’d wind up in prison.”

Time with a boy can turn the kid into a man.Keep it up. And give us an occasional progress report on him.


MEGAN IS AVAILABLE FOR YOUR COMPUTING PLEASURE– Megan loves a good bobber and has been posing on them at > Brass Balls Bobbers for a while now. And since so many bikers have contacted us about wanting to see more we have done a couple of things.

One, we made wallpaper to download. Click here for your choices.


Two, we found more pictures and uploaded them in our gallery at Flickr. Click here to get those.

Interested in Bobbers

For bikers that are considering a bobber and want to put their creative juices on the line we have a build-your-bike section. It allows you to design your bobber with components that you choice. Everything from a gooseneck frame to an Indian Crazy Horse V-Plus engine. Click here to wrench up.

baker centered-in-smoke

BURNOUT DRAG RACING BRINGS OUT WHAT WE LOVE ABOUT BIKERS–August 22, 2008 (Haslett, MI):Thankfully, BAKER Drivetrain?s big, experimental event-spectacular during Sturgis Bike Week, ?The BAKER Burnout Drags? held Friday, August 8th in Sturgis was a notable success! Major bleed-over audiences from the Dierks Bentley and Staind bands at the Legendary Buffalo Chip were treated to an extra visual delight of loud, smoky, and chaotic entertainment by some our most prominent bike builders in the industry. The BAKER Burnout Drags was a simple tournament of eight contestants that would race to be the first to a 5th gear burnout, one-on-one at a time ? drag race style, that is. The winner of all the heats won the contest.

Rarely before has an audience seen such orchestrated mayhem which summoned their curiosity, and then fervor. The eight custom bike builder contestants (listed below) began the competition with a humble desire to have fun amongst friends. Then instinct, the spirit of competition, and the roar of the crowd (stimulated by a boisterous MC, Rob Bydos, of Parts Unlimited) overcame the participants and the friendly burnout competition turned into a race of reckless abandon. As the over-excited crowd crammed right up against the edges of the burnout cage in an uncontrolled throng only seen in a mosh-pit, they witnessed unruly abuse as tires smoked, clutches fried, transmissions blew, auto-shift systems failed, and expensive paint jobs got knocked to-and-fro within the turbulent burnout cages.

baker surrounding-the-smoke

Of course, what is seen as abuse to many products is built into the design of BAKER products. There were no failures in any BAKER Drivetrain products that the majority of the contestants were equipped with. The winning bike had a BAKER 9-pate performance clutch, their standard clutch, and it experienced the fasted shifting and fastest pounding of the day. Though there were many impressive bikes from drag bikes, to power-assisted-shifting bikes, to hot rod baggers and to lightweight bobbers the winning bike was a lightly-modified Harley-Davidson Dyna that Bill Dodge of Bling?s Cycles rode to 1800 miles to Sturgis, won the drag races, and then amazingly rode home on.

Avon Tyres exemplified an affectionate boldness by supporting such an adventurous endeavor. They supported the wild spirit of motorcycling by thanking the contestants for competing by providing them brand new rear tires for bikes that raced. Spectro oils shown support for our scene as well by being a contributing sponsor also.

In the end, chaos and comradery reigned. That?s what we love about bikers. This manifestation is THE sign of success.



61528;Bill Dodge of Bling?s Cycle (Winner!)
61528;Gard Hollinger of LA County Choprods
61528;John Shope of SSinister Choppers
61528;Jerry Covington of Covington?s Cycle City
61528;Eric Gorges of Voodoo Choppers
61528;Jeff Cochran of Sucker Punch Sally
61528;Scott Long of Central Coast Cycles
61528;Brian Klock of Klock Werks


THE ONLY WEARABLE MOTORCYCLE–Jake Loniak is a college junior; he’s also the inventor of one of the most innovative concept vehicles we’ve seen in ages. Inside: the electric exoskeleton motorcycle and an exclusive video of the beast in action. CHECK IT OUT

Dealer Direct

D&D DEALER DIRECT PROGRAM CONTINUES TO EXPAND WITH NEW DEALERS WEEKLY–If you can’t find a dealer for your performance exhaust needs here, make sure to go to the D&D web site by clicking on the banner above.

1) Hoffman Tuning 11400 Metro Pkwy # 4 Ft Myers,FL 33966 239-561-8787
2) Burley Performance 1164 S Garth St Ridgecrest, CA 93555 760-375-2603
3) Aggressive Machines 10995 Hwy 103 E Huntington, TX 75949 936-632-7392
4) Signature H-D 1176 Professional Dr Perrysburg, OH 43551 419-873-2453
5) McHitch LLC 1954 Morgan Ave Logan, IA 51546 712-648-2377
6) D & S Cycles 650 Hwy 51 S Covington, TN 38019 901-476-7911
7) Cycle Visions 4263 Taylor St San Diego, CA 92110 619-295-7800
8) Iron Eagle Motorcycles 2323 Division Ave S Grand Rapids, MI 49507 616-475-6610
9) JPM Performance Powersports 5376 E Campbell Blvd Hapkinsville, KY 42240 270-885-5200
10) Denis Babin Parts 160 Main St Madawaka, ME 04756 506-735-9182
11) Hawaya Racing 1333 N Minton Rd Millers Creek, NC 28651 336-973-5078
12) Motion Cycle Sports 9938 Plano Rd Dallas, TX 75238 214-503-6262
13) Biker Toyz Inc 3625 Mt Hope Church Rd Salisbury, NC 28146 704-279-9495
14) Canaan’s Harley Perf. Road # 842 KM 1.6 Caimito Bajo ,Sector Los Romero San Juan, PR 00926 787-720-0897
15) H-D Shop of Winona 1845 Mobile Dr Winona, MN 55987 507-454-4578

db bad mofo

DUANE BALLARD CUSTOM LEATHER WALLETS NOW AVAILABLE–Duane’s wallets are custom inside with special leather and outside with custom tooling. Here’s the latest.

db superco

Duane Ballard Custom Leather
3401 Spruce St.
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530

Ballard Banner

Continued On Page 2

Read More

2008 V-Twin Dealer Show In Cincy



Cincy is a dealer show. That means guys from the industry set up booths and attempt to sell shit to dealers, shop owners, you name it. The press is usually on hand, so the manufacturers attempt to impress them enough to foster stories, while the sales end of the magazine world endeavor ardently to expand advertising budgets. That's not all. It's an opportunity for a manufacturer to cajole a distributor into handling his part, make a better deal with another distributor, expand orders and sometime find a source to build a bike. You name it, it's happening on the concrete floor of the convention center.

New clutch from the Baker Team.

The Primo team in the center and the guys from V-Force.

The Cincy V-Twin Expo has expanded to house virtually anyone who wants to reach into the American custom motorcycle market and take care of biz. There are other shows, like the general motorcycle and even quad show in Indy two weekends later, but Cincy is fervently focused on only the American Custom Motorcycle scene. It's a candy store of anything and everything new in the industry from cams to metal flake paint. News in the industry is at a full throttle buzz for the entire weekend. Guys are making deals, buying shit for their shops, scoring leads, scribbling notes and partying with their brothers.

Ray Wheeler, the doctor of W8Less Rotors.


More than anything this industry, except for a handful of rip-offs, sleaze bags and fly-by-nights, is a brotherhood. We make up a small, dinky percentage of the overall motorcycle market in America and the world. We're not manufacturing high-tech toasters. A major wheel manufacturer once told me that they sell less than one thousand of their most popular wheels each year. That's not exactly a major run of components.

bikernet Supports Vets

So what happened this year in the hallowed halls of the Cincinnati Convention Center, smack in the middle of downtown, usually coated with a layer of snow in January? I don't know, I wasn't there for the first time in several years.

Sin Wu said, “Don't go baby, I'll take real good care of you here.”

I sent a few feeler spies and they came back with the following. The industry was high with optimism, but the MAG Group closed White Bros down after a 20-year history. American Iron Horse has just about shut its doors, but there's always one company coming on strong and another fading away. The crew from Miami Ink is launching a line of motorcycles. The OCC mechanics have hit the entrepreneurial road on their own and kicked-off a shop in Florida called V-Thunder.

New Baker Trans.

There's more. Baker Transmission announced a heavy touring bike seven-speed tranny. Accurate Engineering unveiled Barry's new aluminum-head performance Knucklehead engine and shared a booth with and 5-Ball Racing, builder of the World's Fastest Panhead. Accurate Engineering built the engine. Bikernet was celebrating their largest month in its 11-year history (340,000 unique visitors) and 70 percent growth in 2007. We also unleashed our new web site and will share that news with the metric crowd in Indy this coming weekend.

The Assalt Weapan in the Accurate Engineering Booth.

The list goes on. S&S promoted its new CARB-approved engine line and the fact that they bought Flathead Power, so they'll offer improved Flathead components and Knucklehead parts in the near future. You can imagine what a rush it is to walk up and down the aisles and check all the new shit, including Paughco's new board track chassis based on a design by Rick Krost of U.S. Choppers. It's killer to see all the new shit and ponder your next build.


Plus every night there's a party. Here's Rogue's report on the Sucker Punch Sally's Jam:

Christian, the Boss of SPS.


Attending the V-Twin Expo the beginning of February every year in Cincinnati Ohio is something that everyone in the motorcycle business should attend if they possibly can. During the day it is all business and that varies depending on whether you are an exhibitor, shop owner, or even media. Everyone is there for something.

Another notorious Bikernet and Cycle Source writer.

After the Duke Energy Center closes for the evening it is time to party. There are plenty of parties going on all over the city, but some are more special than others. One of the best is the one hosted by Sucker Punch Sally’s at the Poison Room on 301 W. 5th Street.


It is by invitation only and always on Saturday Evening from 9:00 P.M. to 1:00 A. M. I make sure it is one of the events I attend every year. If you attended there is a good chance we got to spend some time together. If we didn’t I hope in the future we will be able to.

Thanks, to all those responsible for making this such a good party!!!!!!


Clutches for every model from Primo/Rivera.

There you have it, Rogue's sober, politically correct version of the party coverage. Let's get to the dirt:


Hey it was a party. Not a whole lot to write about except people having a good time. Well, except for one asshole.

You might want Chris Callen to give you a comment. He was right there, Foy from Accurate Engineering as well,Rico was sitting next to me.


Probably not cool pumping it up. It happened and can be reported but I would prefer it did not get too far from the truth.


I wouldn't call it a fight.Some drunken asshole at the Sucker Punch Sally Party was bumping into me and putting his hands on me. I asked him to stop. I told him to stop. He gave Chris Callen some shit and then called the barmaid a bitch.

For that he got my fist in his mouth! I asked him if he wanted more and a trip to the hospital and he decided he didn’t and left.

girls kissing Bandit

The barmaid was a nice person working hard and did not deserve to be called names. Besides that she was making me good Jack and Cokes! I had only had a few when the incident happened, but she sure kept them coming after it.

End of Story!


Primo 6-Spd conv banner1

The esteemed editor of Cycle Source in the back.

Rogue kindly offered witness contacts for confirmation, so I reached out to Chris Callen, the big editor of Cycle Source Magazine:

Dude, it was no question the coolest shit I've seen in a long, long time. I've been telling these young bucks for a while about comin' up right, showing respect and the whole deal…. Not being a punk ya' know. Well, on that night Rogue took 'em all to school.


Started out this young buck (maybe 24 and big) was shootin' his mouth off at the bar. Rogue looked at me three or four times like, man is this cat gettin' on my nerves, and then finally asked me, “Is he with your crew?”

I said, “No why?”

New model from SPS.

“Someone should get him the fuck away from me,” Rogue said.


Being the mediator that I am I slid between Rogue and the kid trying to provide a buffer but as I did I stepped on his toe. He turned to me and said, “Hey you fuckin' cunt, don't step on my toe.”


Well, I'd already had a fewsips of whiskey and I looked at him eyeball-to-eyeball, leaned in and said, “What did ya say to me mutha fuck?

He laughed and said, “I'm just kidding I like you… Ha,ha,ha.”


I grabbed my drink from the bar and turned away, just for a second, and when Ilooked back the kid threw something at the barmaid and told her, “Hey, bitch, I'm talkin' to you….”


Rogue went into action faster than I've ever seen him move. He came off his stool in one motion and cracked that young kid right in the chops, man. The kid's face swelled up and Rogue told him, “I will put you into the fuckin' ground.”


As the kid held his face and shook his hand as if to say, no man, I'm done, I turned to the young dudes that I knew and said, “See, don't be a punk.”


With that Rogue sat back down and went back to his drink, bloody hand and all, like it never happened. I talked to him the next day and thanked him for being the man he is, for not letting the core of who we are go silently into the night.

He said simply, “Well someone had to do it.”


I swear to God, you couldn't make this shit up!

World famous hand built performance engines from Accurate Engineering.

Rogue has always been a legendary Bikernet correspondent, and we're glad to have him in our camp. Seems he's also 70 years old. What's that about old Bikers Never Die?

New Big Dog Pitbull.

So there you have it, the party sidebar. Then back to the showroom floor where Big Dog received the V-Twin Bike of the Year award for their new model the vintage styled Pitbull. I'll deliver more reports as our vast Bikernet correspondent wrecking crew are released from Cincinnati holding tanks.

I stayed safely at the Bikernet headquarters and studied our own new model.



Read More

August 21, 2008 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

Ballard Banner

db wallet outside

LATEST LEATHER FROM DUANE BALLARD–For some reason I’ve had a bunch of wallet orders come in the last few weeks. This one with the simple design went out today. The liner is made out of Kangaroo leather. It’s thin and strong as hell. The exterior is 7 oz. cowhide all hand stitched with calfskin binding. Hope everyone is doing well and keeping busy.

db wallet inside

Duane Ballard Custom Leather
3401 Spruce St.
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530

Carbo Core Belts copy

Rivera Primo’s New “Carbo Core” Rear Drive Belts–These replacement & custom rear drive belts from Gates Rubber offerthe rider unmatched service & performance levels never before seen !

Manufactured to the highest standards, each & every belt featuresa polyurethane outer jacket with a carbon fiber core.

Tested & run to combat the most serious threats to rear belt service,these 14mm “Carbo Core?” belts displayed overwhelming results.

Sold in belt widths of 1-1/2″, 1-1/8″ and a new 30mm (1.181″) customwidth, they are available in lengths from 126-tooth on up to 139-tooth.

MSRP’s range between $145 to $183 per belt. The complete selectionis shown on page 25 of Rivera Primo’s new 2008/2009 parts catalog(also shown on our website).

For further info on these & other fine products contact:
Rivera Primo Inc.
12450 Whittier Blvd.
Whittier, CA 90602
Tel: 800-872-1515
? 562-907-2600
? Fax: 562-907-2606


Shell, House of Harley Sponsor Chopper Chicks All-Women Bike Build for Charity Custom-Built Bike to Benefit RAACE Foundation– WHAT: The Chopper Chick Crew, a group of highly skilled and successful female motorcycle designers and builders, will transform an array of hundreds of bike parts into a fully functioning motorcycle within a matter of hours. These women are some of the best in their field and have been featured on NBC?s Today Show, the Discovery Channel?s Biker Build-Off and SPEED TV?s American Thunder in addition to publications such as Easy Riders, American Iron, and Ironworks.

During the bike build, the Garage-Girls motorcycle experts will conduct free seminars to educate audience members about the importance of proper motorcycle care and maintenance

WHY: The bike build is being held as part of an entire day of events celebrating women in motorcycling. When completed, the custom-built and painted bike will be donated to the RAACE Foundation, an organization dedicated to fighting child sexual abuse by raising public awareness of the epidemic.

WHO: Chopper Chicks Crew, led by Athena Ransom Garage-Girls Motorcycle Experts Thousands of avid women motorcycle enthusiasts

WHEN Friday, August 29th 7:30 am? 2:00 pm& WHERE: House of Harley-Davidson Dealership, 62nd & Layton Ave. – Milwaukee

INTERVIEWS: Athena Ransom, Chopper Chicks Crew Leader
Sara Liberte, Garage-Girls
Meg Kreutzer, Category Manager ? Fuels & Forecourt Marketing, Shell Oil Products
John Schaller, Owner ? House of Harley Dealership

j&p raingear

J&P CYCLES ULTIMATE 2-PIECE RAIN SUITS– J&P Cycles new ultimate rainwear is for the serious rider wanting the best in rain gear. Our 2-piece rain suit is made of 100% waterproof nylon with sealed seams and covered zippers. The jacket comes in gray with black trim and features a mesh inner lining and reflective stripes on the front and back.

j&p raingear back

The pants are made of the same 100% tough waterproof nylon material in black with gray trim and also has a mesh nylon liner. The pants feature a reflective stripe down each leg with easy access cargo style pockets.

Both the jacket and pants have the world famous J&P logo. This stylish rain suit looks great and offers the added features and toughness for all-weather riding. Available as a complete suit or just as a jacket alone.

J&P logo

For more information on this and other rain suits, visit us on the web at WWW.JPCYCLES.COM or call us toll-free at 800-397-4844.


Top 50 Rally Park Women?s Day, Sturgis 2008– Top 50 Rally Park, Independent Cycle Inc., and Legend Air-Suspension onceagain joined forces to celebrate and honor women bikers by continuing thenew Sturgis tradition of Top 50 Rally Park?s ?Women?s Day? Thursday, August7, 2008 at the Top 50 Rally Park.

* The exclusive event once again celebrated the independence, freedom andadrenaline that inspires women to ride their own motorcycle, not just hangon for life. Top 50 Rally Park is honored to be the first Sturgis rally parkto recognize the rapidly evolving image of women in the motorcycle industryby creating events designed specifically for women by women.

* The highlight of the day was the Bike for Breast Cancer Awareness – EWC(Every Woman Counts) Top 50 Rally Park Charity Ride. This year?s eventbenefited Brenda Fox, a motorcycle journalist and spokesperson for women inmotorcycling. Brenda has been battling with breast cancer issues and risingmedical bills. This year?s ride and charity auction proceeds will assist herin getting through this difficult time.

* Nearly 100 men and women participated in the ride lead by Laura Klock,World?s fastest bagger record holder. Laura was joined on the ride by bothBrenda Fox and Malcolm Smith (Motorcycle Hall of Fame inductee and star of?On Any Sunday?). The off-the-beaten-path adventure through the Black Hillsregion stopped at three locations? Pactola Lake where Brenda Fox shared herstory of diagnosis and ongoing battle, Boondocks where ride participantswere encouraged to share their own stories, and Nemo Guest Ranch where ownerWilly told her story of surviving breast cancer.

* Top 50 Rally Park was also proud to present the second annual Women of theMotorcycle Industry Awards. In 2007 the ?Industry Leader? award went to LisaBaker of Baker Drivetrain. This year the award was passed on to KathyCovington of Covington Cycles. The Sandy Leone award is given in remembranceof a woman who gave her heart and soul to the motorcycle industry. 2007recipient Cindy Erato of Biker Incite presented the award to this year’swinner, Marilyn Stemp of IronWorks magazine. The 2007 ?Fearless Leader andOne Cool Chick? award was passed on from Laura Klock to Jody Perewitz forher innovative work with Perewitz Design. This year a new award called the?Positive Image Award” was presented by IronWorks magazine. This award wasgiven to a man or woman in the industry they feel impacts women ridersfavorably. Leslie Prevish of Harley-Davidson Motor Co. was the recipient forher role as Harley Davidson?s Women?s Outreach Manager.

For further information on the park itself, special guests, andfuture details on the 2009 Women?s Day event go to

For more information Contact:
Tyna Bower
c: 605-390-3262
w: 605-787-4200
f: 605-787-4207

crime and brass

THE CRIME SCENE REPORT–Here is the latest happenings at Crime Scene Choppers. We’ve got some great new builders products on the shop site, and some cool new parts in the works.

The best news is that we’re building a new bike, built on a one-off gooseneck frame with a lot of rake and a low neck. We’ll be posting the details on the build on the website as it progresses.

We’re also setting up a gallery on the website, if you’d like to see your bike up there just send some pics by email along with some information about your bike.

CSC rapide banner 1

Crime scene products are also feature in the Iron Works/Bikernet Brass Balls bike build. You can see the first tech in the Bikernet tech department right now.


THURSDAY SCRAMBLE FINALE–So here’s the plan as it stands, but you know how that goes. It may change at any second. I’m going to build a ’20s styled bike around a new Paughco/US Choppers chassis, with a Crazy Horse Power Plus engine and a Baker transmission with 23-inch wheels and ride it to Sturgis. Billy Lane is building something for the ride. Hiwayman, Caleb from Cro Customs and I spoke to someone the morning who threw in.

Get this. We’ll meet in Vancouver and ferry to Alaska, ride to the Artic Circle, kiss the sod and peel back to the lower 48, then ride across to the Badlands. “I want to drive the chase truck,” Nyla said and so she’s in. We’ll also try to hook up with the Hamster Ride to Sturgis so I can check in.

Unfortunately, you’ll be forced to witness the entire build, ever-changing plans and whatever else we do wrong in the process. Somehow we need to muster the cash for a new or different truck for this voyage. I was going to stick with my hearty Ford formula. But we need something enclosed. Ford makes a Sprinter styled van, but it’s not sold in the US, only in Australia. They also make a UT in Australia, like a Ford Ranchero. It’s even built by Ford, but not sold stateside. Doesn’t make sense. Both vehicles would sell like crazy. We’ll find something.

The scurvy list of Bikernet content is growing like crazy. I’ll wrap up my 2008 Sturgis Saga over the weekend. We have another road test from John Towle of a 2008 Softail Custom Deluxe. UDay is bugging me about his fiction and I’ll publish the evil saga shortly. I have an interview with an Aussie artist, from Glenn Priddle, and Perry’s art is a knockout. I also have a feature coming from DBBP in Europe. We need to pull the story together, but this BMW custom will blow you away. Another feature from Power Plant highlighted in the Chopper Challenge is coming up and a tech install on a Rivera Primo clutch, if Ben Kudon will ship it over here. There’s more like Rogue’s R-rated Sturgis coverage that will be pop up this Sunday in the Post. Plus we have the saga from Billy Lane and Doc.

That’s it for now. It’s margarita time.

Ride Forever,



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August 21, 2008 Part 3


Continued From Page 2


Hot Bike Magazine World Championship special closing soon–Official World Championship of Custom Bike Building Partner Hot Bike Magazine is now in the final stages of closing its 2008 World Championship special edition.With 95,000 copies going on-sale on October 28th, materials are due August 26th.

The stunning bikes seen at this year’s World Championship are bound to make this a top-selling edition, with a three month on-sale right the way through the Christmas magazine market and into late January.

Tel 661 252 6129

Tips ending shot

BIKERNET INVESTIGATE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND RECEIVES THE Italian Confession–An elderly Italian man who lived on the outskirts of Rimini, Italy,went To the local church for confession. When the priest slid open the panel in the confessional, The man said: “Father … During World War II, a beautiful Jewish woman from ourneighborhood knocked urgently on my door and asked me to hide her fromthe Nazis. So I hid her in my attic.”

The priest replied: “That was a wonderful thing you did, and you haveno need to confess that.”

“There is more to tell, Father… She started to repay me with sexualfavors. This happened several times a week, and sometimes twice onSundays.’

The priest said, “That was a long time ago and by doing what you did,You placed the two of you in great danger. But two people under thosecircumstances can easily succumb to the weakness of the flesh. However, if you are truly sorry for your actions, you are indeedforgiven.”

“Thank you, Father. That’s a great load off my mind. I do have one more question.”

“And what is that?” asked the priest.

“Should I tell her the war is over?”

–from Chris T.

S&S racer

S&S ANNOUNCES MATT SMITH BACK-TO-BACK WINS– LA CROSSE, WI (August 18, 2008) S&S Cycle is pleased to announce back-to-back success for Matt Smith on his S&S powered Pro Stock Motorcycle. Smith laid down final round victories last week in Brainerd, Minnesota and backed it up this week in Reading, Pennsylvania.

Smith could have had d?j? vu going into the final this Sunday as he was paired up against Angelle Sampey on her Rush Racing Products S&S powered Pro Stock Motorcycle?the same pairing as the finals in Minnesota saw. The difference this weekend is Sampey didn?t suffer an electrical gremlin and actually took Smith off the line of this race. In the end the pairing of S&S powered machines went 6.957 at 188.81mph for Smith to 7.061 at 186.28 for Sampey.

s&s motor

Interesting to note in this year?s NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle season, eight of 11 races this year have been won by a motorcycle powered by the S&S 160ci Billet Pro Stock Engine. On top of that, there has only been one final in those 11 races in which one of the two finalists was not riding an S&S powered machine.

?Congratulations to Matt Smith and the Nitro Fish team for back to back wins. We would also like to congratulate Angele Sampey and the Rush Racing Team for back-to-back final round appearances.? Said Charlie Hadayia of S&S Cycle.

Going into the Countdown to 1, four of the bikes are S&S-powered, four are Suzuki-powered and two are Harley-Davidson-powered. Riding the S&S bikes are points leader, Matt Smith, Angelle Sampey, Chris Rivas and Matt Guidera. The next race, The Mac Tools U.S. Nationals, is held in Indianapolis, Indiana on August 27 through September 1, 2008. Get more information at .

s&s banner

BIKERNET BUBBA FILES–Down south, Bubba called his attorney and asked, ‘Is It true theys suin them cigarette companies fer causin People to git cancer ?’

‘Yes, Bubba, sure is true,’ responded the lawyer.

‘And now someone is suin them fast food restaurants Fer makin them fat an cloggin their arteries with all Them burgers an fries, is that true, Mista Lawyer?’

‘Sure is, Bubba.’

‘And that lady sued McDonalds for millions when she Was gave that hot coffee that she ordered?’


‘And that football player sued that university when he Gradiated and still couldn’t read?’

‘That’s right,’ said the lawyer.’ ‘But why are you asking?’

‘Well, I was thinkin . ..

What I want to know is, kin I sue Budweiser fer all them ugly women I slept with?’



$4.5 MILLION FERRARI 250 GT LEADS PACK OF SEVEN-FIGURE CARS AT RM?S FAMED SPORTS & CLASSICS OF MONTEREY EVENT–An award-winning 1961 Ferrari 250 GT SWB Berlinetta brought an impressive $4,510,000 at RM Auctions? famed ?Sports & Classics of Monterey? auction event on the weekend as eleven cars broke the magic million dollar mark.

MONTEREY, California (August 17th, 2008) ? Preeminent international auction house, RM Auctions, continued their highly successful sales run in Monterey, California overnight with eleven cars breaking the magic million dollar mark at the legendary ?Sports & Classics of Monterey? auction event.

Held at the Portola Hotel & Spa in historic downtown Monterey, it was standing room only at the two day sale as over 170 investment quality collector cars crossed the block before an international audience. As the gavel fell for the final time, total sales surpassed $42 million.

?RM?s Monterey auction continues to bring together private sellers, longtime clients and end users, with cars changing hands and entering new collections where they will be enjoyed and appreciated for years to come,? said Ian Kelleher, Managing Director of RM Auctions.

?The strength of our European sales had a positive affect on the weekend?s auction with many of our international clients in attendance. The sales were inline with our expectations with several new records, and with seven of the eleven million dollar sales being vintage Ferraris, results indicate the continuing strength of the market for the world?s most famous sports and racing marque,? he added.

The top seller of the sale was a show quality 1961 Ferrari 250 GT SWB Berlinetta which brought a final bid of $4,510,000. Another highlight was the 1961 Ferrari 400 Superamerica Coupe for an impressive $1,650,000. Also attracting significant interest on the block were the prestigious luxury cars ? a 1933 Rolls-Royce Phantom II Special Town Car, which brought $2,310,000, and a 1930 Duesenberg Model J Dual Cowl Phaeton for $1,760,000.

Additional highlights included: an ultra rare 1948 Tucker Sedan which achieved a new world record price of $1,017,500; a 1967 Ferrari 275 GTB/4 Berlinetta for $1,925,000; and a 1973 Ferrari 365 GTB/4 Daytona Spyder which was won with a bid of $1,485,000.

Full sales results are posted online at . For immediate information on this event, please call Terry Lobzun on 818-703-2813.

Heavy Duty Banner

THE VETERAN RALLY–Despite the SNOW this morning – Ya, I said SNOW-we had an AWESOME day today! Great crowd, GREAT music, and a GREAT time. Sunday’s line up includes:
10am- POW/MIA ride from Granby to Winter Park
10:30 – Veterans Parade in Winter Park
12:00 – POW/MIA Remembrance Ceremony
1:30 – MOLLY HATCHET live in a FREE concert!

Come up tomorrow and enjoy Colorado’s BEST rally!Click here –

BANDITO MC, an outlaw motorcycle gang, set to roll into Moab for ‘annual conference’– Law enforcement agencies in southern Utah are ramping up security plans in preparation for a motorcycle rally expected to draw hundreds of members from one of the nation’s fastest-growing outlaw biker gangs.

The Moab Police Department and Grand County Sheriff’s Office expect 500 to 800 members of the international Bandidos Motorcycle Club to descend on Moab for the group’s “annual conference” beginning Thursday and running though Aug. 25, said Moab Police Chief Michael Navarre.

Although the group refers to itself as a club, the Bandido Nation is documented by the U.S. Department of Justice as one of the most visible outlaw motorcycle gangs in the country, along with other “one-percenter” groups like the Hells Angels, Outlaw Motorcycle Club and the Pagans.

The group’s reputation for violence was enough for Moab officials to request emergency funding from the Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice to pay for increased law enforcement during the gang’s meeting.

The state commission this week approved $55,000 to help pay overtime, lodging and per-diem expenses for law enforcement agencies from around Utah to assist the 14-person Moab Police Department in monitoring the group’s activities. Navarre and Moab Mayor David Sakrison declined to say how many extra officers will be in Moab while the bikers are in town.

“We’re being pretty tight-lipped about the entire operation because we don’t really know what to expect,” Sakrison said. Moab city officials learned the club planned to convene in their town about four months ago and quickly began discussing how to police the event.

BIKERNET READER COMMENT: What a waste of taxpayer’s money. Does anyone truly believe they (the club) would give their exact location if they planned any type of illegal activity? As for being “tight-lipped”, it may be due to how absurd this is.

The Bandidos are estimated to have 2,500 members in 13 countries, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. Pockets of Bandidos can increasingly be found in Utah, particularly in Tooele County, said Bruce Champagne, president of the Utah Gang Investigators Association.

“They would have you believe they’re clubs, but they’re not. They’re involved in criminal enterprise,” said Champagne, noting the gang can be “incredibly violent.”

–By Melinda Rogers
The Salt Lake Tribune

K&N 08 HD Dyna Models HD-9608 copy

HIGH FLOW K&N REPLACEMENT FILTERS– August 2008, K&N Engineering, Inc. Releases a ?New? High-Flow Replacement Filter (HD-9608) for all 2008 Harley-Davidson Dyna Models.

Designed to fit specifically into your OE Air Filter Assembly, this new OE Replacement, High-Flow filter is performance designed to provide increased airflow, resulting in increased horsepower & torque. K&N Delivers the same high-flow technology in every filter we manufacture. Pleated media provides a large filtration area offering longer service intervals. Zinc coated top plates ensures years of filtration without corrosion. Fuel management modifications are not necessary to obtain increased performance. All K&N High-Flow Filters are washable & reusable, pre-oiled and ready to ride.

Covered by the famous K&N Million Mile Limited Warranty?, it will be the last air filter your motorcycle will ever need.

Look for K&N High-Performance Air Filters, Oil Filters, and Complete Intake Assemblies for your motorcycle, car or truck at your at your local performance dealer!

heather on bike

ANOTHER STURGIS CONNECTION–Hey this is Dan, my bike took second place in the American Built Custom in Sturgis this year at the Bikernet Brouhaha. Met Bandit and the gang, awesome group and site. I’ve sent this picture of my bike with “Heather” sitting on it.

Heather is from Buffalo Wyoming and one of Sturgis’s unsung hero’s. She was a parking lot attendant at the Thunderdome and never even got to go in and see the bikes in the show.

I wasn’t even there to enter the show, we were just looking for the ROTC breakfast at the Sturgis High School and made a wrong turn. She said she loved the bike and that I should enter it. After the breakfast I did. She had a smile when I came back. Entered and placed, so I let her sit on the bike while we and her coworkers shot some pics.

I just want to thank “Heather” and all the hardworking people like Randy for their unselfish eagerness to help anyway possible for the pleasure of all us bikers. This was my first Sturgis, already planning next year. Thanks to Keith Ball and the gang for all their hard work!

Dan Dabney

2007 Crocker Big Tank poster copy

CROCKER MAY LIVE TO TEAR UP THE ROADS ONCE MORE–Just thought I would bring you up to speed. Crocker Motorcycle Company has now moved past the “shareholders battle” and is getting ready to move the company to Los Angeles, about 10 miles from the original factory location on Venice Blvd, and will then resume plans to produce 100 authentic Big and Small Tank models in the new location. We are working with some of the top names in the industry to complete the drivetrain and will be starting production early in the new year.

I will be in L.A. September 2nd for a meeting with the people at California Business Development and then getting our building ready to be fully moved in to by November 30 2008. We also have a 2-page article in the September issue of Forbes Life Magazine that is just about to hit the shelves.

Michael Schacht
CA 416.857.3191
US 310.614.9402

Crocker Motorcycle Co-Old to New- promo poster  1936-2008 copy

Continued On Page 4

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