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January 22, 2009 Part 1




Another nuts day in Paradise. It’s Sin Wu’s birthday. We’ve been hanging out for almost a decade. I’m beginning to look for a newer model. Hell, my dear old ma is now another 10 years older, and she was old ten years ago. Us criminal motorcycle men never get older, right? We just keep riding, building and chasing young sweet things.

Am I digging a deadly hole or what? What the fuck. Most women out live us anyway. We gotta take our shots while we have a chance. Let’s hit the news before I completely bury myself:

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Here is a pic of the seat that my friend Dave Clemon’s donated,” said Matt Olsen. ” I threw it in with our last batch of powder-paint, so that is one less thing the winner will have to deal with. Dave is from Florida, so it shows how the bits and pieces of this bike have come from all over the country.”

MATT OLSEN HEADS KNUCKLEHEAD ANTIQUE MOTORCYCLE CLUB OF AMERICA YOUTH PROGRAM–Matt Olsen of the Youth Program of The Antique Motorcycle Club of America is the young man behind this plan. ?To me, it seems like the biggest problems with antique motorcycles, is people not knowing enough about them, and being intimidated by them? Olsen explained. ? I am amazed by the amount of people my age who love the way bikes look and sound, but have no clue about old bikes or how they work. I figured that if people in my age group were confused about the details of starting and operating ’40s era bikes, then there were probably more people that would benefit from some grass roots motorcycle promoting!?

His promotion involves two efforts. An essay contest to win the chance to restore a vintage motorcycle and a Daytona Biker Week hands on effort. Matt is setting up a booth at the Limpnickie lot at Daytona Bike Week 2009. Kickstarting demos will introduce young enthusiasts to vintage kickstart motorcycles.

Beginning Wednesday March 4th, there will be two people at the booth that will teach people how to kickstart a 1948 Indian Chief and a 1946 Harley- Davidson Knucklehead. The bikes will be on stands so that people can learn how to operate a ?dead man?s throttle?, hand shift and operate a foot clutch. The bikes will be on stands holding the rear wheel off of the ground. Each historic machine will stand in a sturdy upright position so youngsters won?t have to worry about trivial things like gravity and balance. Be There, Be There.

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VINTAGE REAR FENDER CONVERSION KITS– These kits are designed to be used on OEM frames over any rear wide swingarm kit. They include both billet fender struts and steel fender. All mounting hardware included. 200mm fender measures approximately 9″ W. 240mm fender measures approximately 10.5″ W. Made in the U.S.A.


NOTE: Requires the fender supports to be cut off of stock chassis.

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SPECTRO OILS POWERS YOUR FUN WITH NEW MOTOR-GUARD LINEUP–Spectro Oils launches their newest products for high engine performance ? Motor-Guard and Golden Motor-Guard Zinc-Fortified Engine Lubricants.

Brookfield, CT? Spectro is expanding its product selection to offer car enthusiasts a line of mineral and semi-synthetic lubricants fortified with over 2 times as much friction-fighting additives as most available oils today. So you don?t have to ?do it yourself? with messy additives to get the friction?easing additives your classic or vintage car needs ? Spectro does it for you.

These Motor-Guard lubricants will be offered in mineral oil and semi-synthetic formulations under the Spectro brand name.

All will feature 1,800 ppm of ZDDP friction-fighting additives, well in excess of available lubricants.

Spectro Golden Motor-Guard semi-synthetic premium lubricant will be offered in viscosities of 5w30, 5w40, 10w30, 10w40, and 20w50.

Spectro Motor-Guard premium quality mineral oils will be offered in viscosities of 10w40, 20w50, and SAE30.

Motor-Guard lubricants are formulated to protect flat tappets, reduce wear, extend component life, and provide tremendous lubrication protection in extreme heat conditions. ?Spectro Oils has some of the best products on the market for power sports engine and transmission applications. The new line of Golden Motor-Guard oil is another excellent addition to Spectro?s range of products that help to provide the best performance possible from engines,? said Spectro Oils President, Dave Miller. Motor-Guard provides excellent performance in high RPM racing engines and marine applications, and special proprietary shear-stable polymers help maintain viscosity and resist ?breakdown? providing reduced consumption and excellent protection from metal to metal contact. Golden Motor-Guard Semi-Synthetic motor oil combines the best properties of petroleum and Group IV PAO synthetic base stocks to provide levels of protection unattainable by any conventional oil.

For more information on Spectro Oils, please visit: or

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STRAIGHT SCREWDRIVER: A tool for opening paint cans. Sometimes used to convert common slotted screws into non-removable screws and butchering your palms.

PRY BAR: A tool used to crumple the metal surrounding that clip or bracket you needed to remove in order to replace a 50 cent part.

HOSE CUTTER: A tool used to make hoses too short.

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BIKERNET UNIVERSITY DARWIN AWARD CONTINUATION CLASS– 7. Seems an Arkansas guy wanted some beer pretty badly. He decided that he’d just throw a cinder block through a liquor store window, grab some booze, and run. So he lifted the cinder block and heaved it over his head at the window. The cinder block bounced back and hit the would-be thief on the head, knocking him unconscious. The liquor store window was made of Plexiglas. The whole event was caught on videotape.

8. As a female shopper exited a New York convenience store, a man grabbed her purse and ran. The clerk called 911 immediately, and the woman was able to give them a detailed description of the snatcher. Within minutes, the police apprehended the snatcher. They put him in the car and drove back to the store. The thief was then taken out of the car and told to stand there for a positive ID. To which he replied, ‘Yes, officer, that’s her. That’s the lady I stole the purse from.’

9. The Ann Arbour News crime column reported that a man walked into a Burger King in Ypsilanti , Michigan , at 5 A.M., flashed a gun, and demanded cash. The clerk turned him down because he said he couldn’t open the cash register without a food order. When the man ordered onion rings, the clerk said they weren’t available for breakfast. The man, frustrated, walked away. [*A 5-STAR STUPIDITY AWARD WINNER]

10. When a man attempted to siphon gasoline from a motor home parked on a Seattle street, he got much more than he bargained for. Police arrived at the scene to find a very sick man curled up next to a motor home near spilled sewage. A police spokesman said that the man admitted to trying to steal gasoline and plugged his siphon hose into the motor home’s sewage tank by mistake. The owner of the vehicle declined to press charges saying that it was the best laugh he’d ever had.

*** Remember… They walk among us!!! ***

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Meeting of the Minds Meet the States Session Delivers–One of the original principles the Meeting of the Minds was founded upon was the concept of bringing motorcyclists from across the country together to share experiences, legislative successes, initiatives underway, problematic issues being faced, and ideas related to all of this, the very definition of the Meeting of the Minds.

The Thursday night Meet the States Opening session has become a real highlight of the Meeting of the Minds. This is where various representatives from the State Motorcycle Rights Organizations (SMRO?s) present what is going on in their states and this year certainly delivered on the original concept of a meeting of the minds. I counted 36 states in all that presented and below is a list of the nearly 50 subjects that were covered.

It would be hard to find something going on in motorcycling that wasn?t discussed this year and it is somewhat amazing to stop for a moment and consider all the subjects being covered and dealt with by bikers? rights activists throughout our nation. This is a genuine value of having SMRO?s attend the Meeting of the Minds, after hearing the presentations the attendees are highly encouraged to get together and discuss similar issues being faced or worked on back in their own states, one could certainly find common ground in this room.

This session also proves extremely valuable to the MRF as it is our intent to come out of the Meeting of the Minds with our Legislative and Strategic Agenda for the coming year.

If something here interests you and you weren?t able to make it to Denver this year please contact your MRF SSMRO Reps., MRF State Program Reps., or your MRF Member Reps., one of these departments representatives can hook you up with a contact with the various information and we look forward to seeing you in Bloomington Minnesota for next years 25th Anniversary of the Meeting of the Minds.

?SMRO Conferences, State meetings, Officers trainings?PAC activity
?On-Line memberships and program registrations
?Share the Road programs
?Rider Education
?Motorcycle Safety and Awareness programs (both for motorcycles and other motor vehicles
?The impact of International issues
?Muffler bills, sound testing and related equipment
?Vulnerable user bills
?Helmet bills, City helmet bills, freedom of choice bill updates
?Local ordinance issues, private property use issues
?ATV bills
?Public Service announcements (PSA?s)
?Veterans license plate, license plate size bills
?501C3/501C4 issues, grants
?Red light bills
?Use of statistics, impacts of statistics
?Battles with the press
?Skill rated maps for challenging roads
?Bike week bans, overzealous law enforcement initiatives
?Comparative fault bills
?Motorcycle confiscation bills
?Mandatory rider education
?Civil disobedience experiences
?Suing a Governor for misappropriating motorcycle safety fund monies
?Right of Way (ROW) bills
?Participating in Motorcycle Safety Advisory councils
?Auxiliary lighting bills
?Motorcycle registration funds, attached fees, specific fees
?Lobby day, lobby day training
?Dial a ride programs for motorcycles, event specific bike trailers made available
?Impaired riding/ride straight campaigns
?Motorcycle CDL?s, lower BAC for motorcyclists efforts
?Mopeds/scooters-regulations, licensing, training or lack thereof
?Impact of moped and scooter crashes when considered motorcycles on reports
?Political relationships
?Discrimination issues, ?no colors? issues
?Sound based bans
?Partnerships with military bases for motorcycle training (both use and program delivery)
?Custom bike registration and titling issues
?Rider education councils
?Roadway conditions, 1-800 hazard report phone numbers
?2010 fund uses, issues
?Membership programs
?Youth and sport bike rider involvement
?Successful events
?Accident scene management, first aid care at crash scenes

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MUSEUM OF THE GULF COAST REMEMBERS JANIS JOPLIN–Port Arthur, TX ? This January, the Museum of the Gulf Coast will remember one of its most notable natives. Monday, January 19, 2009 marks the 66th birthday of rock music icon Janis Joplin. The legendary performer will be honored with a temporary display and film screenings at the Museum.

Throughout the month of January the Museum will host the Tribute to Janis motorcycle from the famed biker shop and bar Strokers Dallas. The custom bobber style bike was designed and built by Strokers founder Rick Fairless and features several images of Joplin and a psychedelic tie dye paint job. ?I built this bike as a tribute to a great Texas gal, Janis Joplin,? says Fairless. ?Tie Dye is my thing and it was hers too?I think Janis would be proud.? The bike will be on view at the Museum through January 28 and admittance to see the bike is included in general admission.

In addition, the Museum will screen two documentaries on January 19 as a birthday tribute to Joplin. The BBC produced Janis Joplin: Southern Discomfort will be shown at 2:00 p.m. and the PBS produced The History of Rock n Roll: My Generation will be shown at 4:00 p.m. Films are FREE and include admittance to the Museum?s exhibits including the Music Hall of Fame and the temporary exhibition Fifty Years of Rock and Roll on loan from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.

For more information about the Museum of the Gulf Coast please visit or call 409.982.7000. The Museum is located at 700 Procter Street in downtown Port Arthur and is open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday.

Museum of the Gulf Coast Museum
Contact: Shannon Harris, Director
700 Procter Street
Port Arthur, TX 77640
(409) 984-6444

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BIKERNET CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE RECOMMENDATIONS–When you are stiff and sore from sitting at your computer for long periods, it’s best if you vary your position and posture periodically. We know we shouldn’t sit for too long without taking a break to stretch and move around, but we forget, and then pay for it at the end of the day. In order to prevent chronic back and neck pain, here are several excellent stretches that are suggested to relieve the stress.

Try one of these the next time your back and neck start feeling tight …

–from Dr. Hamster


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Comments On Billy Lane?s Court Case– I constantly read comments people are making about Billy Lane?s arrest pertaining to the collision that killed Gerald Morelock in Brevard County Florida.

It appears that many of them are assumptions, personal opinions and or contain distorted facts. I can understand how some of this happens as stories have a tendency to change as they are repeated. Most of the information starts with information printed in the Florida Today newspaper that is supplied by the State Attorney?s Office of Brevard County. The information is very carefully worded and is what the prosecutor Tom Brown would like the people reading it to believe.

There are also reports from the Brevard County Sheriff?s Department. In a situation where there is a collision and especially if a death is involved law enforcement are instructed to file every charge that they can against those involved. This is what is known as stacking charges and is done so that the prosecution can later drop charges that there are no legal grounds for. It is also very hard for the prosecution to add charges at a later date though in some cases they do.

Since Gerald Morelock died there was no way to file charges against him so charges were filed against Billy Lane. The Brevard County Sheriff?s Department stated in a report that the operators of both vehicles were operating under the influence of alcohol.

Billy Lane was charged with passing in a no passing zone, a charge that was later dismissed because it started in a legal passing zone.

The driving without a valid and or suspended license has also been dismissed.

What is not being said or mentioned are reports that Gerald Morelock who was operating a scooter pulled out into the lane of traffic that Billy Lane was using to pass other vehicles. It should be noted that Morelock was not in that lane when the pass was started.

The actions of Gerald Morelock caused the collision and his death. The fact that Morelock was under the influence of alcohol is also not being mentioned anymore.

The Florida Today newspaper is referring to Billy Lane as a celebrity and it appears that the prosecutor is handling it that way. It is the prosecutor?s job to try and get a conviction and that is how they are graded and also get promoted.

The Brevard County Court system has come under a lot of criticism lately because of how they handle cases including two where men were sent to prison and later found Not Guilty because of D&A Evidence.

Because this case has been getting so much publicity there is some doubt that Billy Lane will get a fair and unbiased trial. Hopefully he will and the court or jury will decide if he is guilty or not or to what degree. They will have the benefit of all the facts in this case to help make that decision unlike many others who are voicing their opinion on the internet and elsewhere.

For those of you that call your selves bikers and or motorcyclist you should be getting the real facts and then making a educated decision to support Billy Lane in this case because Gerald Morelock is the one that cause the collision that took his life!


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FROM THE AMA, ATTENTION FLORIDA MOTORCYCLISTS– Legislation before the Florida Legislature could have a significant impact on funds available for motorcycle safety and training.

Passage of House Bill 5003a, authored by the House Committee on Full Appropriations Council on Education and Economic Development, could result in less money for motorcycle safety and training.

The bill would remove a provision that currently requires the additional license tax of $2.50 collected from the registration of any motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, and moped to “… be used exclusively to fund a motorcycle driver improvement program or the Florida Motorcycle Safety Education Program …”. The bill would also allow the license tax to be used for ” … the general operations of the department.” [AMA OPPOSES this bill]

House Bill 5007a, authored by the House Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations Committee, proposes the same changes as HB-5003a, removing the “… be used exclusively to fund a motorcycle driver improvement … or the Florida Motorcycle Safety Education Program …” and adding “… or the general operations of the department. [AMA OPPOSES this bill]

Florida motorcyclists should recall these bills come from the same elected body that passed legislation mandating all first-time motorcycle endorsement applicants show proof of successful completion of a rider training course. Mandatory rider education followed by cuts in funding – that’s not in the best interest of the Florida motorcycling community.

You can check the status and read the text of these bills at

Visit the AMA “Issues and Legislation” area at to learn who your elected officials are, then contact them to make your concerns known about the legislation above. By entering your Zip +4 Code in the box provided, you’re just a few steps away from the contact information you need. Make a call, send a letter or email message, and/or visit your elected officials so they know your ride, you vote, and you care.

–from Rogue


Continued On Page 2

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Genuine Helmet Law Repeal Legislation Advances in Massachusetts


I warned about legislation, Senate No. 2017 filed by the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association, that would drastically increase fines up to $125.00 and add further penalties, including probation, for motorcyclists operating in Massachusetts wearing so-called “unapproved” or “novelty helmets,” or not wearing a helmet at all, and/or not wearing “approved” eye protection. Portions of those fines would be appropriated for the Head Injury Treatment Services Trust Fund.

Senate #2017 also calls for motorcyclists to carry $50,000 in Medical Payments insurance with the trade-off being that motorcyclists over 21 years-old who have also passed a rider education course would be allowed to make their own choice about helmet use. That Medical Payments coverage would cost up to $400 more per year in your insurance premiums.

A $400 annual insurance increase seems pretty absorbent to buy freedoms that should be ours anyhow.

Fear not— REAL Helmet Law “Repeal” Legislation was also re-filed for the 2009-2010 legislative session.

Senate #1944, filed by Senator Michael W. Morrissey (D-Norfolk) entitled “An Act Relative To The Modification Of The Helmet Law,” has been sent to the Joint Committee on Transportation for initial consideration.

Senate #1944 allows motorcyclists over the age of twenty to make their own choice on helmet use. Senate #1944 also allows motorcyclists over the age of seventeen to make their own choice after passing the Motorcycle Safety Course.

Understand that this is re-filed legislation— not new language. I initially authored this legislation in 1996 and Senator Morrissey has been gracious enough to file it each session since.

Senator Morrissey has been one of Massachusetts Motorcycling’s biggest supporters since the 1980s when he first came to the Massachusetts Legislature in the House of Representatives. He has built-up a lifetime of respect amongst his legislative colleagues as a Representative and then with his election to the Massachusetts Senate. Motorcycling has always benefited from that respect.

During the 2007-2008 Massachusetts Legislative Session, this same language (then entitled Senate #2076) was the ONLY helmet law “repeal” language that stayed alive throughout the entire legislation session— unlike all other “repeal bills” killed in committee early in that session.

Last session this bill was referred to the Joint Committee on Transportation January 10th, 2007 and had a Public Hearing on June 26th.

Intense lobbying commenced. Having of the Senate’s most well-respected colleagues as the bill sponsor was a big plus. On March 26th, 2008 the bill was reported favorably from the Transportation Committee and referred to the committee on Senate Ethics and Rules .

Unfortunately no further action taken and the bill stayed alive in the ethics committee until the session ended on January 6th, 2009.

After being diagnosed with throat cancer on May 17th, 2007, fighting cancer became my priority. I became too ill for activism.

A.M.A. stalwart Paul Cote` really deserves the credit for the bill’s positive movement last session. With me being too ill, Paul did most of the work lobbying on it. Yet Paul had other priorities also. And Paul was working that bill ALONE! No one was helping him.

Even I have to admit that I did little to help Paul lobby that bill. Although I wrote the bill and filed it through Senator Morrissey, I can’t take credit for it’s positive movement. I wasn’t well enough. Paul Cote` and Senator Morrissey’s office deserve all the credit.

You may be wondering what happened last year WHY only Paul and Senator Morrissey’s staff worked on that bill?

Since all other helmet “repeal bills” died early on in the Transportation Committee, you’re probably wondering WHY the persons involved with the killed bills didn’t come help Paul and Senator Morrissey lobby for the “repeal bill” that did pass the committee?

I wondered about that myself. Even while bed-confined, I was in touch, somewhat, in being informed with it’s progress. Paul was more interested in my health progress and helping my family and I— yet he still kept me updated when he visited.

So what happened? Where were the so-called “grassroots motorcycling activists?”

Well, from the reports that I have received, they all went away on trips. Ego trips.

Some former members of the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association’s (MMA) Board of Directors as well as visitors and guests at MMA Board of Directors meetings report to me that the MMA’s policy was NOT to support any legislation authored by Bill Gannon or filed by Senator Morrissey. This is reliable information from trust-worthy motorcyclists.

The above-mentioned individuals say that my name and this column are often a topic of discussion prior to (if not during) MMA Board Meetings. I appreciate their being loyal readers of my column.

The reason given to me for that policy is that MMA “leaders” were concerned that they wouldn’t get any positive recognition if the bill passed. They were equally concerned I would get positive recognition if the bill passed. That concern was also presented in a January 10th 2009 Internet Submission by the MMA’s District 2 Manager. I’m told they don’t like me— even though they’re always so very congenial to my face.

Apparently their noses got a little out of joint in the 2003-04 Legislative Session when MMA forgot to file a “helmet repeal bill” and it was revealed that the only “helmet repeal” language filed that session was mine. They made a mistake and forgot to file— yet they now disfavor me because I was vigilant and filed the only “repeal” bill in play that session.

So what?!?!?!!! The bill stalled in Senate Ways and Means that session. There was no credit due anyone, including me, because the bill was unsuccessful!!!

What is this stupid concern over who gets credit and who doesn’t?!?!?!???

When did motorcyclists’ freedom of choice become contingent on the MMA Board of Directors’ respective egos?!?!?!

When did credit become more important than results?!?!?!?!

It’s about FREEDOM of CHOICE people— not about getting your name in the newspaper!!! Massachusetts helmet law will NEVER be repealed if Massachusetts activists put their egos and personal feelings ahead of real issues!!!!

Let’s get it together people!!!

together— or even like each other. We only need to get the job done.

Pennsylvania set a wonderful example for us all with their repeal in 2003. If we follow their example, we can have it too. Pennsylvania didn’t get there by infighting, back-biting and sniping at people behind their backs. Pennsylvania did it by working in a united effort.

And how should the MMA explain this to their members that they chose against lobbying for a “repeal bill” that moved successfully through committee because they have personal issues with Senator Morrissey and myself? I would be interested in hearing that one.

MMA consistently asks their members, and the motorcycling community, for their hard-earned money to “advocate for and protect the rights of all riders.” MMA consistently asks their members to volunteer their free time to sell raffle tickets and promote fundraising at trade shows and events.

Yet MMA “leaders” put personal issues and ego ahead of legislative priority?!?!!!

Is that behavior considered “advocating for and protecting the rights of all riders” or being the “the voice of all Massachusetts Motorcyclists”— as they proclaim in their marketing promotions?

Please understand that, for the most part, MMA Officials are good people who have the best of intentions. Granted, every group always seems to have one or two weenies that can make the others look bad. Still we must admire and respect their volunteerism. At least they are doing something (I hope) in the legislative arena. Without MMA, there would be damn few of us representing motorcycling in the legislative arena.

But come on guys! Ignoring a successfully-moving “repeal bill” because you have personal issues with Senator Morrissey and I— plus your concerns that we might get the credit for it? That’s just plain stupid! You consistently ask the motorcycling community for their hard-earned dollars— they deserve much better than that stupid policy.

I have no concern about credit. My name is in this paper every month. So I get plenty of “credit” and I will gladly credit anyone else who volunteers and works hard to pass responsible motorcycling legislation. Just like this:

Thank You Mike Longtin!
Thank You Bruce Arsenault!
Thank You Doc Direcco!
Thank You Paul Cote`!
Thank You Karl Thober!

I’ve seen and appreciate your work for motorcyclists.

And that list can go on and on of good people I see making a difference in the legislative arena. Do something guys— I will gladly recognize your efforts and give you ALL of the credit for it. I get plenty; I don’t need yours. But you’ll learn that, even with well-deserved commendations, a cup of coffee will still cost you $1.

Because of this column, my readers are aware of Senate #1944. My readers know this as language I have authored and filed over the years, amongst other legislation. They see pictures of other activists and I with legislators lobbying on behalf of motorcycling. It’s well-documented is past editions over the years and in my own files. Thus, we can separate reality from the fiction that others may assert about my activism because they believe they’re smarter and can convince others of bullsh-t.

MMA’s District 2 Manager Gleason presented two Internet Offerings on January 10th and 12th, respectively, attacking Senate #1944, Paul Cote` and myself— while he also apparently applauded cancer, as a representative of MMA members. This type of bullsh-t MUST END if Massachusetts’ Motorcycling is to be legislatively successful.

Gleason doesn’t know me. I’m told we may have met but he’s apparently such an insignificant individual that it is understandable that I wouldn’t recall him. In all the years I’ve lobbied up to Beacon Hill and Capitol Hill, I don’t recall ever meeting him. However, in the last paragraph of his January 12th Internet Submission he admits to being “a weenie”— so, in that respect, I admire his honesty.

In his January 10th Internet Submission Gleason wrote that Senate #1944 was “a competing Helmet Bill.”

In competition with what?!! That stupid, pansy-assed bill that raises fines and insurance premiums for motorcyclists???!!!! But, using his silly logic, as I’ve been filing this legislation since I authored it in 1996 (and other “repeal bills” since 1985)— then I would say it is they who filed the “a competing Helmet Bill.” Massachusetts is one of the few states in this country that allows Constituent Petition— although mine is actually filed by a legislator and thus does not fall under protocol for Constituent Petition. None-the-less the fact that I get involved and file legislation as a concerned citizen and motorcyclist should be applauded— not looked upon as competition.

Gleason goes on to write that “(Gannon) is attempting to de-rail the MMA and Paul Cote` is there hand-in-hand with him” although he offers no evidence of how we’re “derailing” them. That’s just foolishness. Paul and I are good friends and meet socially more often than politically. I know few MMA “leaders” or members (it’s a small group) and only desire to derail that pansy-assed bill that raises fines and insurance premiums for motorcyclists— but not the clique itself. Hell, a few paragraphs ago I complimented their volunteerism.

Gleason writes about Senate #1944 (formerly Senate #2076), “The bill he mentions was an ABATE Bill; Condon was Chairman, I was Secretary: yet Gannon takes all of the credit!” and there is their concern about lost credit. Of course, regular readers of this column realize that he’s full of sh-t as my authorship of this legislation is well-documented and there was NO ABATE in Massachusetts until 2000— Senate #1944 (formerly Senate #2076) was first filed in 1996. I knew the ABATE Founders & officers at their inception and don’t recall any Gleason or Condon when ABATE initially asked me to sign on and present my legislative language which they would lobby for and support.

Furthermore, it also begs the question— if MMA’s policy is NOT to support legislation from Senator Morrissey and I— then why then does he even write about “Gannon taking the credit.” Of course, you just read my denying credit for Senate #2076’s positive movement; giving the credit to Paul Cote` and Senator Morrissey’s staff as my priority was fighting my cancer.

Yet the real measure of this man character comes from Gleason’s January 12th 2009 Internet Submission. As an official representing the MMA, he writes, “He (Gannon) IS a cancer, and the solution to cancer is to cut it out.” Real class, huh?

And I thought the MMA’s aims included supporting charities seeking cures for horrific diseases — not applauding same. What an extremely heartless comment to write insulting cancer victims and their families.

I can tell you first-hand how difficult it is for the friends and family members who must undergo the horrific strain of watching their loved ones dealing with daily torturous treatments that rob them physically and mentally while depriving them of their dignity. And sometimes they are small children. And sometimes they die.

With such a response, I would encourage the MMA to visit oncology centers on any given day and survey the tragedy therein. They should view fearful cancer victims, of all ages, with oppugn in their eyes but courage in their hearts. And view the families/ friends there to support their loved ones— holding their hands, eternally hopeful while their hearts are breaking watching the agony their loved one endures once their name is called from a roster of some nurse’s clipboard.

Perhaps, if MMA “leaders” to make such visits and observe the daily agony first-hand, they might understand what a heartless, classless comment their representative chose to present over the Internet.

I would never, ever, wish the horror of cancer and those debilitating, agonizing treatments on them or their families. As for Weenie Gleason, anytime he believes he is man enough to “cut this cancer out”— he is more than welcome. I’m easy to find. Come find me tough guy— and you can bring your choice of scalpels.

This type of bullsh-t MUST END if Massachusetts’ Motorcycling is to be legislatively successful. So much positive movement towards helmet choice has occurred in the past decade. The biggest obsticle standing in our way, apparently, is ourselves. We must get past the ego trips, personal animosities and unwarranted attacks to stand together with a untied purpose.

If MMA “leaders” can’t see that, then their membership must demand it or else stop handing their hard-earned dollars to an organization who’s leaders put their personal issues ahead of their members goals. I’m extending an olive branch for unity. Let’s hope it’s accepted and we can move together towards our comparable legislative goals.

In the meantime please contact your legislator. Ask your legislator to contact the Chairpersons of the Joint Committee on Transportation and ask to PASS Senate #1944 as responsible legislation for genuine helmet law modification.

It’s your bike, it’s your choice. Unite and Fight!!! WRITE!!!!!!!!!!

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January 15, 2009 Part 5


Continued From Page 4

10% HP in 20 MINUTES FOR 2009 BAGGERS–”>Go to D&D Performance Enterprises for more details and experience great power and economy today.

–Jeff Najar>

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MB4 article

NEW CCW PROJECT BIKE–Hope your day is going well. I just wanted to get in touch with you about a bike we just finished up. I just wanted to see if we could get this bike a feature spot. Jada II is our first Complete in house build from the frame, front end, and motor down to the fenders, bars, and pipes. It was all basically done in our shop and we are quite pleased with the way it turned out. a quick rundown on the bike is

Frame: CCW Featuring a 37 ford front axle downtube
Front End: CCW Springer with stainless Rockers
Bars: CCW Old man comfort bars
Seat: CCW stainless pan Covered By JADA
Shocks: Chopper shox
Pipes: CCW/ cocktail shaker Mufflers
Fender: CCW
Hand Controls: Joker Machine
Brakes: Front PM dual piston / Rear PM 4 Piston
Tail light: Fab Kevin Dual ShotHeadlight: 7″

MB1 article

Our shop has been open for 5 years now and in that time we have built a couple of very cool bikes (well at least I think so), and we have also been into land speed racing. We have set 43 land speed records since 2000 and we are currently working on breaking into the 200 MPH club on our naked 122″ sportster. We are currently working on a new fuel injection setup to get us there.

CCW/Death Wish Industries

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bagger shock use

NEW BAGGER SHOCK FROM THE SHOTGUN GUYS–The bagger shock works with the same technology as the shotgunshock. Each shock has four internal electro mechanical solenoids allowing the rider infinite adjustment of both height and rebound. The air enters the shock through a one way valve, making this the only leak proof air suspension for baggers. This design has great potential and the next step will be to create electronically controlled air suspension.

–J.D. Braun
Phone: 323.359.4914

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Oldcourting shot

READER REQUEST BIKERNET DATING SERVICE–My friend Perry said he is going to start dating homeless women. No matter where he drops them off they will be home.


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black bike wheels

WHEEL OF THE WEEK FROM BLACK BIKE–Now that Harley has moved forward on the wide rear tire scene with the new 200 rear tire bikes, Black Bike Wheels felt compelled to take it one step further. With all the room for a huge tire engineered into the back of these bikes, Black Bike Wheels found several ways to enhance the look and performance.

We offer several choices to add a wire spoke wheel to these bikes, presently not offered by the factory itself. The most outstanding is a whopping 18×7 rear, which was engineered to be the absolutely widest assembly possible for these bikes WITHOUT any frame, brake, or drive train modifications.

Coupled to a 200 tire, the bike is transformed to a Super Wide Drive bike, and it?s Direct Bolt On! Give Black Bike Wheels a call for all the options for the new 22 tire Harley Davidson.

Phone: (818) 341-2550


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shawn concept bike 10

NEW ARTIST COMES TO BIKERNET–Shawn’s outstanding use of color and knowledge of motorcycles make his work outstanding. We hope to present more examples in the future. For information contact Jessica Blandori.

–Jessica Blandori

shawn Indian Larry Poster

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DARWIN AWARDS FROM BIKERNET– 1. When his 38-caliber revolver failed to fire at his intended victim during a hold-up in Long Beach , California , would-be robber James Elliot did something that can only inspire wonder. He peered down the barrel and tried the trigger again. This time it worked. And now, the honorable mentions: 2. The chef at a hotel in Switzerland lost a finger in a meat-cutting machine and, after a little shopping around, submitted a claim to his insurance company. The company expecting negligence sent out one of its men to have a look for himself. He tried the machine and he also lost a finger. The chef’s claim was approved.

3. A man who shoveled snow for an hour to clear a space for his car during a blizzard in Chicago returned with his vehicle to find a woman had taken the space.

Understandably, he shot her.


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BIKERNET STUDIO – INTERVIEW WITH THE CHIEF OF CRAZY HORSE–John White of Crazy Horse LLC builds Indian-style engines as a replacement for Indian Motorcycle Company built in Gilroy, California.

Win The Engine – No Purchase Necessary

These EVO-based powerplants were purchased from Performance Assembly Solutions (PAS), a Michigan based company and division of Roush Racing/Ford. White made over 17 significant improvements on the engine and renamed the original Power Plus engine to V-Plus.

We are building the Bikernet/ Brass Balls Bobbers/IronWorks giveaway motorbike with the Crazy Horse mil on the pages of IronWorks Magazine and in the website at”> >.More details are located at”> >. His engine is the muscle in the Brass Balls Bobbers / Bikernet / IronWorks Giveaway Bobber. To win the engine and the bobber checkout”> >.

–Jeff Najar

Crazy Horse Engine Banner2

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Bikernetmetric Banner

BIKERNETMETRIC.COM IS ALIVE AND KICKIN’– Hope everyone had a great Holiday. It is another year of Bikernet Metric and this is going to be THE year. All of the big manufacturers are sending us their news releases regularly so check the blog often to see what is new and cool.

Also, make sure you check out the feature on Jimmy the Mortician. Many purists would consider what he did to his bike an embalm-ination but we here are looking for the true heart and soul of metric riders and Jimmy em-body-s just that.

I am also going to be going to the Easyriders event here in Sacramento and I will report back on what I see. AFT Customs will be there so there will be some extra shots of him, his bike and the GIRLS! Hopefully the metric inclusion in this historically Harley event has increased from years before.

Either way, the spirit of the builder will be there and I will do my best trying to capture it for all the readers. So, come on over to the metric site and take a look and keep sending me pictures of your rides. I will adding them to the website soon.


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Group Effort

MOTORCYCLE TRAUMA BEST PRACTICE–ASMI is leading an initiative to develop a Best Practice model for motorcycle trauma outcomes. Communities will be encouraged to adopt the model that is meant to give them guidance to implement a seamless process for care of motorcyclists who have been involved in a crash. There are 4 initiatives that need to be addressed in order to implement this Model.

1. Motorcycle Rider Coaches need to be trained in Motorcycle Specific Trauma Response.

Currently there is no requirement for this type of training for Motorcycle Rider Coaches. Some state programs have required CPR and or First Aid but even that is not required on a National basis. Because CPR applied to Motorcycle Trauma could actually hurt the injured person, it is important that Rider Coaches be trained not just because they might use the information to treat new riders, but also so they can correctly answer students questions re: what to do if someone goes down.

2. Encourage Motorcyclists to be trained.

Because Motorcyclists often travel in groups, the most likely person to be first at the scene of a motorcycle crash is another motorcyclist! For this reason incentives should be given to motorcycle groups and training made available. Despite over 13,000 motorcyclists being trained in the past 12 years, that is a small number nationally. Rescue Riders is an important part of providing both an incentive and placing trained people where they can be of assistance.

3. Develop National Dispatch recommendations and Protocols specific to Motorcycle Crashes.

Currently EMD (a popular flip card type of dispatch) only classifies Motorcycle Trauma as a high level trauma. They recently added ?remove the helmet? if a helmet is on and the person has ?ineffective breathing? but they do not say what kind of helmet or give guidance in removal.

4. Require EMT Basics to complete training on Motorcycle Trauma.

Currently, national training does not require EMTs to have training specific to motorcycle trauma, not even helmet removal. EMTs would complete a 3 hour in-service that would include a minimum of: Helmet Removal, review of Jaw Thrust Rescue Breathing, address Safety Aspects of Bike Handling, Mechanisms of Injury & Psychosocial Concerns. Continuing education credit would be issued.

This model was presented by ASMI and reviewed by a group that consisted of: WI EMS Director Dr. Schultz, WI Emergency Response Coordinator Sherri Stigler, WI MSF state coordinator Greg Patzer, Waukesha Co. Executive Dan Vrakas, ABATE of WI. Public Relations Officer Dave Charlebois and several Fire Chiefs. All in attendance believed this was a good model. Discussion about studying and funding this initiative took place. A follow-up meeting was held in Madison Wisconsin last week at Senator Mary Lazich?s office with a representative from Health and Human Services & WI DOT to discuss funding to implement initiatives. ASMI Director Vicki Sanfelipo is in Washington D.C. this week presenting this model to the D.O.T. at a Motorcycle Safety Network Meeting. Stay tuned!

We will feature Matt’s bike real soon.

LOCK AND LOAD–It’s not bad enough that our economy is a virtual rollercoaster ride, now we’re going to face-off with every safety freak in the country. We’re generally a simple bunch. We just want to build cool, fast motorcycles and ride free. Plus we like to have a cool shop and chase a woman around the block once in a while. Simple.


We don’t want to take over the world, but there’s a movement in this country that flies in the face of freedom-loving risk takers. They seem to want to take over the world and make it secure for everyone. Scary shit. Let’s fight back. I don’t know about you, but I live for freedom.

Let’s Ride,


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January 15, 2009 Part 4


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EXCLUSIVE UPDATES ABOUT WOMEN AND MOTORCYCLE CONFERENCE ON WOMENRIDERSNOW.COM– January 14, 2008 ? (Livingston, MT) ?, the leading online magazine about women and motorcycling, is making it easy for riders to learn about updates on an upcoming national women riders rally sponsored by Harley-Davidson and Buell while providing a tool for riders to hook up with others going to the event.

On August 19-22, 2009, in Keystone, Colorado, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) International Women & Motorcycling Conference will be held and wants to make sure every woman rider in the U.S., ? OK, the world ? knows about it and considers attending. WRN?s founder and editor Genevieve Schmitt is on the advisory council for the conference so she has access to exclusive information helpful to prospective and current attendees.

WRN?s Women?s Conference Updates page provides readers of WRN the latest on registration, lodging, seminar scheduling, vendor information, sponsorship information and more. In addition, WRN has developed Conference Connections, a page on the site where riders can post a notice or browse others to find people to ride with to the conference, request a lodging roommate, or other conference related inquiry.

?This event will have something for all riders, from beginner to advanced,? says Schmitt. ?What?s unique about the AMA Women & Motorcycling conference is that it combines fun and interesting rider seminars, with entertainment and socializing opportunities.? This is the fifth women?s conference put on the AMA that includes demo rides by all the major manufacturers, seminars, a vendor area, networking opportunities, and of course, the focus is on women riders.



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top 50 boss hoss

BOSS HOSS TO OFFER DEMO RIDES AT TOP50 RALLY PARK IN STURGIS 2009– Mark your calendars for August 1st through the 8th, 2009. BossHoss will be offering demo rides from Top 50 Rally Park during the SturgisMotorcycle Rally & Races. Boss Hoss Inc. did great during the 2008 SturgisRally despite the event?s low attendance says Boss Hoss COO, Rad Hunsley.?We’ve been coming to Sturgis doing demo rides for over ten years at variouslocations, and with the traffic flow at Top 50, this has to be one of thebest experiences we’ve had during Sturgis. We gave well over a hundred(demo) rides every day.?

Boss Hoss chose to display and offer demo rides from Top 50 Rally Park aftervisiting the facility in 2007. Top 50 Rally Park is located at I-90 exit 46between Rapid City and Sturgis. The high traffic, easy access location isideal for demo rides and attracts high quality customers.

Top 50 Rally Parkis also home to high-energy stunt riders and some of the industries? topcustom and brand name vendors. It?s a location that continues to grow eachyear.

top 50 demos

With the help of Top 50 Rally Park staff, Boss Hoss Inc. offered an owners?group ride through the scenic Black Hills of South Dakota and a ride in BossHoss bike and trike show with prizes for first, second and third place ineach category and a people?s choice award.

Rad says ?Our first year at Top50 Rally Park exceeded our expectations. We plan to continue working withTop 50 Rally Park and continue to grow with them.” Boss Hoss will againoffer both events in addition to demo rides at Top 50 Rally Park in 2009.

For more information on Boss Hoss events at Top 50 Rally Park orto vend along side Boss Hoss Inc. as they offer demo rides during thisyear?s Sturgis Motorcycle Rally contact Tyna Bower 605-390-3262,


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SEMA banner
Click on this banner to find out about SEMA


Mission Statement Proposal: Keith R. Ball, discussion :

Motorcycle Action Council Mission Statement

Our first and foremost goal is supporting the freedom to build and ride custom motorcycles. Another goal is to create an active link between the motorcycle aftermarket industry and the motorcycle rights community. We will endeavor to create an ongoing communication forum and promote legislative efforts as widely as possible. A primary objective is to provide meaningful solutions to industry-specific issues and challenges, thereby perpetuating the growth and prosperity of motorcycle aftermarket parts manufacturers.

Issues facing motorcycling: Kirk Willard, President Motorcycle Riders Foundation

SEMA Structure: How we establish a council? John Brueggaman, SEMA Legislative Specialists.

MIC, Motorcycle Industry Council Goals: MIC representative to be determined.

SEMA, What to expect: A prospective from a former member, Seth Doulton, President Horse Power Promotions, who was a SEMA member for 30 years and helped establish ARMO.

Establishing a Committee: How you can be involved. Keith R. Ball

Committee Moving forward: open for discussion.

Public Comment:

This meeting is open to the public at the V-Twin expo in Cincinnati, 9:00 a.m., Sunday, Room 251 .


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NOTE FROM RECENT BIKERNET FEATURED BUILDER–Good Job on the posting, I am humbled as to how much work goes into keeping a web site going.

Hey, you were asking about the hand made Brass risers.Here is the info:
DMC Choppers
214 Madison Ave.
Dixion, IL 61021
Jamie Ph# (815) 973-7912
Merk Sr. Ph# (815) 973-6260

Jamie is the one who made these for me. He also makes brass pegs. Check’em out


See Mike’s feature on the Bikernet home page right now.

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READER HAS QUESTION ABOUT BILLY LANE ACCIDENT– I have a question and a bitch, not about your website but about a prominent figure in the custom bike world.Why do I continue to read about Billy Lane in motorcycle publications as if he is almost a god?

He drove his pickup truck while prohibited from holding a drivers license, drunk at the time and ran into and killed a man on a motorcycle, or scooter if you will.As far as I am concerned that by doing so he should have lost his status in the motorcycle community.

That is the kind of behavior from vehicle drivers we as riders all dread.He killed a man on a bike while drunk driving, He that is a representative of the motorcycle community who should be an example for not only the many newcomers to the sport but to the public as well.

Not saying much is it when his face is still plastered in all the magazines as though he were a god.Sincerely sickened to my stomach.


I appreciate your note and understand your feelings. Yes, as motorcyclists are run over by folks on cell phones and idiots who ignore us constantly and it?s a terrible battle we constantly fight. I don?t believe anyone treats Billy as a god, but he is a popular, respected builder so he receives recognition.

This is a tough one. Should we disgrace him before he goes to trial in February? Should we be the judges and jury? He was a friend before this incident, should I abandon him because he made a mistake? He?s been clean and sober since the accident. Did you ever drink and drive?

It?s tough all around. As a younger man I drank and rode motorcycles as if nothing could hurt me. I was lucky to arrive home safely sometimes. I survived the drug era without killing myself, a former girlfriend or an innocent bystander. I was lucky. Should I blame and ostracize a friend because his luck ran out?

Billy will head to court in February and a jury of his peers will decide his fate. Let?s see what happens. In the meantime he?s still a friend.


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2009 CUSTOM VEHICLE OPERATIONS FXDFSE FAT BOB NOW AVAILABLE IN A NEW COLOR–Harley-Davidson recently announced the mid-year launch of an additional color offering for the 2009 Custom Vehicle Operations FXDFSE Fat Bob.

The new CVO Fat Bob color is called Electric Orange and Black Slate, and will contain the same premium-level content and color-matched components CVO motorcycles are renowned for. The frame, swingarm, battery cover, electrical panel cover and coil cover are each color-matched to the main bodywork color of the CVO Fat Bob.

The CVO Fat Bob is a limited-production motorcycle created by the Harley-Davidson Custom Vehicle Operations group, based on the Dyna Fat Bob. Approximately 2,450 examples of the 2009 CVO Fat Bob will be produced. The U.S. retail price for the 2009 CVO Fat Bob is $25,299 ($25,499 in California).


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photo in Sin Wu’s office. I don’t see a ghoul, just the methadone clinic across the street.

THE BIKERNET MYSTERY–THE CATALINA HOTEL GHOST–Do you see the ghost in this image? Supposedly there’s a spirit haunting the Bikernet Interplanetary headquarters, formerly the Catalina Hotel, built in 1925.

I don’t see it either, but Sin Wu swears that it touches her in a special way.

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BIKERNET TOOL OF THE WEEK–One of the toughest jobs on a motorcycle, with a glide front end, is replacing the caps on fork tubes while compressing the fork springs. We took a chunk of cheap electrical conduit and coated one end with masking tape to prevent marring the cap. We added a rag pad to the top for ease of use. Then one of us held the rod in place against the cap while the other turned the cap with a Crescent wrench.


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matt olsen front end

WILD ANTIQUE MOTORCYCLE CLUB CONTEST RAGES ON–YOU CAN WIN A CHANCE TO LEARN RESTORATION AND RESTORE YOUR OWN VINTAGE 45 H-D WITH THE BEST OF THE ANTIQUE MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRY AT YOUR BACK– I copied the patina tech article out of the AMCA mag that it appeared in, in Spring 2007, it took a little bit of time, but I got it. I hope your readers enjoy it. I will send you the corresponding pics tomorrow from the business computer.

The pic I am sending you for the contest is a pic of the springer legs. They are new old stock surplus pieces. NOS means that they have never been on a bike. These forks were donated by my friend John Lindeman from Golden Valley ND.

–Matt Olsen

amca banner 2
Click on this banner to find out about the contest.

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Jerry n the Guys red scorpion

JERRY GRAVE HAS PASSED ON–Here are two videos I created. I have not made one using your images as of yet.

This is a tribute to Jerry and feeling his loss.

This is how I knew my Brother in Law as he LIVED

–Aaron Pullen
Red Scorpion Six Blades, LLC

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ARTBIKER WORLD BLOG UPDATE–Welcome to the New Year friends! I have not sent out an update in a while, but would like to invite you back to the ArtBiker World Blog. A lot has been happening in the news and there is some very important rally info about Myrtle Beach. New bikes are set to debut in NYC later this week and Obama is going to have over 60 bikes lead his inaugural parade with the lead bike being a custom, concept Police Edition Harley Tri-Glide. Speaking of the police, they have been in the news almost every day this holiday season with stories of corruption, misconduct, murder, and more. Big Dog is dealing and David Uhl has released a new painting. The Star of Texas Tattoo Art Revival was this past weekend, Billy Lane is facing a new charge, and there is a really silly biker/tattoo commercial out in Europe.

Whew, I suppose that could be better organized, but it should give you an idea of at least half of this past month?s posts. Please, read, pass it on, and enjoy. In the coming weeks you will find out about the ?49 Panhead rebuild, a new ?pig sticker? from MetalArts, a few movie reviews, a book review, and the usual biker news and tattoo artist spotlights.

I also hear that Steadfast Brand is sending some things to us for review as well as a new energy drink company called Juiced Up. Remember that if you have anything you would like us to test, review, or just talk about, let us know. Thanks again and hope to see you all soon.


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Twisted Down Tube Frame

INDIAN LARRY TWISTED DOWN TUBE FRAME–The frame features the signature twisted down tube, with a 30-degree rake and 2 ? up stretch. Constructed with seamless DOM high strength steel tubing. Includes a 4-speed style transmission mount with a positive lock 5th mount. Accommodates up to 180mm rear tire and chain, with built in dual axle adjusters and stainless steel axle guides to prevent paint damage. The frame fits all pre Twin-Cam engines, and is manufactured to the exact specifications of Indian Larry?s world famous ?Wild Child? Discovery Channel Biker Build Off championship bike.

For additional information, contact:
Indian Larry Legacy
195 North 14th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Phone: 718-609-9184

This is an actual recent Legacy frame modified from a Paughco Chassis. Just as good, but not the same as the advertised frame. We’re checking on it. We noted on their web site today that they are no longer selling frames. We’ll keep you posted of future developments.

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By Dan Lamothe – Staff writer
Posted : Tuesday Jan 13, 2009 18:00:25 EST
The secretaries of the Army, Navy and Air Force will meet this week withfour major motorcycle manufacturers following a year in which a recordnumber of Marines died in motorcycle accidents, Navy Secretary Donald Wintersaid.

The meeting will cover motorcycle safety and how the bikes are marketed toservice members who buy them, Winter said in a meeting Monday with MilitaryTimes reporters and editors. He did not disclose which manufacturers wouldbe present.

?We have so many cases these days with sailors and Marines who buy sportbikes that are really intended for racing purposes as their firstmotorcycle,? Winter said. ?We?ve had cases with people who have crashed themcausing disabling injuries and, in a few cases, death, just after a fewhours on those motorcycles.

?People need to understand what they?re buying and that there arealternatives,? Winter said. ?I believe that it is appropriate to expect thatthe manufacturers will help in explaining that and making clear the [fullrange] of products that they have available, and more appropriately, if youwill, target the market that is represented by our young sailors andMarines.?

A Corps-record 25 Marines died in motorcycle accidents in the fiscal yearending Sept. 30, breaking the Corps? previous record for motorcyclefatalities by six and outpacing the number of Marine casualties in Iraq, 20,during the same period. Thirty-three sailors were killed in motorcycleaccidents in fiscal 2008, 15 more than the previous fiscal year, accordingto statistics released by the Naval Safety Center.

In both services, a majority of the victims were killed on sport bikes,known for their high speeds and low-profile driving. Twenty-one of the 25Marine deaths and 27 of the 33 sailor deaths in fiscal 2008 occurred onsport bikes, according to the Naval Safety Center.

Winter did not disclose when the meeting will occur. Some of the new rulesand motorcycle safety classes put in place for Marines and sailors duringthe last few months originated in his office, Navy officials said.

–from Cindy H.


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January 15, 2009 Part 3


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cb n sl easyrider

EASYRIDERS POMONA SHOW BEST OF SHOW WINNERS–Here is the low down on the BOS winners from Pomona 2009:

BOS Pomona 2009 010

Limpnickie Award–Negotiable TimBloomington, CA

BOS Pomona 2009 002

Bagger Nation Award Spectator–James Ransom / Sreetlife, Riverside, CA

BOS Pomona 2009 001

Bagger Nation Award Judged–Tony Parker,Rancho Cucamonga, CA

BOS Pomona 2009 009

Editor?s Choice–Road Dog Customs,Santa Fe Springs, CA

BOS Pomona 2009 005

Best of Show Spectator–Glenn Linde,Fontana, CA

BOS Pomona 2009 005

All Industries Performance,Van Nuys, CA

BOS Pomona 2009 007

J R Gill,Santa Fe Springs, CA

BOS Pomona 2009 008

Best of Show Judged–Jon McDowell,Idaho Falls, ID

BOS Pomona 2009 003

T P J Customs,Lodi, CA

BOS Pomona 2009 004

Jim Noteboom,Hemet, CA

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bikers choice rush pics

RUSH FULL SYSTEMS FROM BIKERS CHOICE– Rush introduces a complete line of full-exhaust systems for the Softail which are available in chrome, black ceramic and silver ceramic. Every head pipe is coated with exclusive 1700? ceramic to ensure excellent heat dissipation.

The Long Series uses a 1.75? head pipe and a 2.00? welded muffler with a beefy 2.50? heat shield. Baffles are available in 1.50? and 1.75? sizes. The heat shields are available in either slash down or straight cut variety and systems are available with O2 provision.

The Crossover series is a mid-length system with a welded crossover for that 2-into-2 look with the performance of a balanced system. They are available with straight or angled aluminum tips which have multiple mounting positions so you are sure to get the look you?re going for. Each system also has O2 ports welded in. The head pipe is 1.75? with a larger 2.25? welded muffler body providing excellent flow and the 2.50? heat shields give a strong look to any bike. Baffles are available in 1.50? and 1.75? sizes.

For more information on all of the Rush products we carry, please visit Biker? or contact your local Biker?s Choice dealer.

Biker?s Choice


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MILWAUKEE (January 13, 2009) ? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines mentor as a ?trusted counselor or guide.? Mentors can come from various backgrounds and ages, but all share a common goal of sharing their passion with others. So as the nation celebrates National Mentoring Month , Harley-Davidson is encouraging riders to share their passion for the open road with others through a special mentoring program called Share Your Spark.

Share Your Spark: A Guide to Mentoring is a tool kit the Motor Company developed for current and aspiring riders featuring information on how to be a resource and support system to others during their motorcycling journey. The mentoring kit includes information for both potential mentors and mentees, including a DVD showcasing tips on how to become or find a mentor, stories from successful mentoring experiences, a special Share Your Spark pin and a planning and reflection guide.

“The mentoring experiences is empowering for both parties involved,” said Leslie Prevish, market outreach manager, Harley-Davidson. “For the mentor, they get to share their passion with someone who aspires to live the same dream they do. For the mentee, they learn through the collective experiences of their guide. Of course, the mentoring relationship also leads to many life-lasting friendships.?

Prevish adds that Share Your Spark is not just for women, but the Motor Company?s research indicates many women have expressed their desire to be ? and find ? a good riding mentor.

Over the past several years, women have increasingly embraced the sport of motorcycling ? seeking the freedom and adventure associated with the open road, polished chrome and a sweet sounding engine. In fact, the number of women who have purchased new Harley-Davidson motorcycles has tripled over the past 20 years, with women now accounting for nearly 12 percent of new Harley-Davidson motorcycle purchases.

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NEW ORLEANS 2008 BIKEFEST REPORT– We have received the 2008 BIKEFEST photographs from Uncle Jerry, the official event photographer, and will be posting them on the website soon. I?ll let you know when they?re there. Our thanks go out to Uncle Jerry for taking the photos.

CAMPERS: If you had a camp site for BIKEFEST 2008, you are granted right of first refusal for your site for BIKEFEST 2009. If you would like to reserve your camp site for 2009, please purchase 2 weekend passes and send us an e-mail or call us no later than February 15, 2009. Any camp sites not reserved by February 15, 2009 will be offered to people that are on the camp site waiting list. If you?d like to be on the camp site waiting list, please send us an e-mail or call.

VENDORS: If you were a vendor for BIKEFEST 2008 and are approved to return for 2009, then you are granted right of first refusal to vend during BIKEFEST 2009. As you are aware, we limit the number of vendors in each category and we have limited vendor space, therefore, please submit your application early to ensure your spot. Vendor spots not reserved by February 15, 2009 will be offered to new vendors.

FREE T-SHIRT: Everyone that purchases a weekend pass by September 30, 2009 will receive a free event t-shirt. I?ll let you know when the 2009 event t-shirt design is completed and posted to the website. Weekend passes can be purchased on-line or by calling us.

Thanks for your interest in New Orleans BIKEFEST. (504) 274-0226.

–Barry Lee
Live Free Promotions, LLC
650 Poydras Street, STE 1200
New Orleans, LA 70130
(504) 274-0226

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book cover

NEW BIKER FICTION NOVEL DISCOVERED–In April of 07, I was almost killed by an idiot in an SUV that hit me head on while riding on my Harley. During the year it took me to recover, I wrote a biker fiction novel about a biker couple from Ky.

It’s a suspense thriller adventure about good verses evil, and it shows how today’s bikers are unsung heroes. It was published and released in Oct of 2008. The book is called ‘Thundering Hearts:The Razor’s Edge’.

Please check out my book’s website. It is for sale and I need the money to pay my outstanding medical bills. My website is

I also am donating ten percent of all royalties to the Biker for Babies campaign.


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HOT LEATHER SALE – TORIAN CHOPPER LEATHERS’ RACE JACKER–It’s cold outside but inside we are buring up with our Hot Leather Jacket Sale @ Market. Our premium Race Jacket is on special at 35% off retail.

Old School Kool with new innovations like hand-selected naked cowhide, soft and supple to the touch, 4 external and 3 inside pockets. This traditional style Race Jacket has the collar removed and the wind flap on the outside. It delivers a very clean look.

It’s designed to feel good and comfortable when you first put it on. This provides a supple feel and instills a quality that will provide years of protection while maintaining its good looks.

Torian’s Race Jacket is styled so that you can wear layers underneath it. And it looks good on and off the bike and that allows you to wear it anywhere… for an evening out, to the game or for a blast down to the local watering hole.

Pin your throttle back and ride your mouse over to Market.

–Jeff Najar

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Subject: Will NBC be surprised? (NOT A JOKE)– Here’s your chance to let the media know where the people stand as a nation. NBC is taking a poll on “In God We Trust” to Stay on our American currency. Poll is still open so you can vote.

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FROM THE BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER CASE FILES–The doctor, after an examination, sighed and said, ‘I’ve some bad news. You have cancer, and you’d best put your affairs in order.’

The woman was shocked, but managed to compose herself and walk into the Waiting room where her daughter had been waiting.

‘Well daughter, we women celebrate when things are good, and we celebrate when things don’t go so well. In this case, things aren’t well. I have cancer. Let’s head to the club and have a martini.’

After four martinis, the two were feeling a little less somber. There were some laughs and more martinis. They were eventually approached by some of the woman’s old friends, who were curious as to what the two were celebrating. The woman told her friends they were drinking to her impending end. “I’ve been diagnosed with AIDS.”

The friends were aghast, gave the woman their condolences and beat a hasty retreat.

After the friends left, the woman’s daughter leaned over and whispered, ‘Momma, I thought you said you were dying of cancer, and you just told your friends you were dying of AIDS! Why did you do that??’

Because I don’t want any of those bitches sleeping with your father after I’m gone. And THAT, my friends, is what is called ‘Putting Your Affairs In Order.’

-from Rev CarlR

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harley table lamp use

MASTER PAINTER AND BIKERNET CREATE CUSTOM MOTORCYCLE LAMP–Here’s our latest Harley lamp.One of a kind, made it for a friend.



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January 15, 2009 Part 1




Hang on for this news. It’s as if someone drew a scraggly line in the sand. Nothing can stop us. The economy may be down, but events are up. There’s lots of deals out there, and the principle’s office is in an uproar.

Hang on.

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zippers dash

ZIPPERS THUNDERMAX CUSTOMER SURVEY–Q. How would you rate your over-all satisfaction with ThunderMax?

A. GREAT!!! That’s what I have to say, since I have installed the Thundrmax with auto tune, I have no issues. I was so impressed with the product I figured I could’t go wrong adding the digital speedo w/ tach and the advanced functions enabled when combined with the auto tune like head temp, front and rear air fuel ratios real time monitoring, 0-60 elapsed time and horsepower measurement. The digital display gets lots of attention where ever I go. Keep up the great products. Thanks!

Macedon, NY

Want your own digital information center? With a ThunderMax Digital Speedometer Module you can be informed!
– Simple, two-button programming
– Digital display w/ speedometer, tachometer, odometer, trip functions and aprogrammable shift light
– Calculates HP, 0-60 time, fuel mileage and range
– Displays engine ?vitals?, such as cylinder head temp and battery voltage
– User-configurable alarms for speed, head temp and battery voltage
– Illumination automatically adjusts for day or night viewing.
– Illumination intensity is adjustable, too!
– For 2004-up EFI bikes with 5? speedometer console (Softails?, Road Kings?, Dyna? Wide Glides?, Fat Bobs?)
– Comprehensive instruction manual
– Displays live front/rear air/fuel ratios if bike is equipped with ThunderMax EFI and ThunderMax AutoTune module!

Have 10 Minutes? Then you have time to install the Digital Performance Speedometer Module on your bike. Installation requires no special tools… just one fastener and one connector! The Digital Performance Speedometer Module brings multiple high performance features to your fingertips.

The ThunderMax Digital Speedometer takes place of your stock speedometer and performs normal speedo-odometer functions, and a whole lot more!

ThunderMax Digital Speedometer (Black Face) #309-400
ThunderMax Digital Speedometer (White Face) #309-405

Zipper?s Performance Products
6655-A Amberton Dr.
Elkridge, MD 21075
(410) 579-2828

Zippers Banner

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VINTAGE GAS TANK CONVERSION KITS– This steel tank rests on a clever tunnel that hides the OEM wiring and holds the stock ignition switch to deliver a clean look. Available for carbureted or fuel-injected models, these kits feature a steel backbone cover. The fuel-injection tank includes a RSD “Gas It” fuel injection kit that installs with simple hand tools and no fabrication is required. Gas tanks hold three gallons of fuel. Made in the U.S.A.


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New Jims banner

BIKERNET SHOP TOOL ADVICE SPONSORED BY JIMS MACHINE–OXYACETYLENE TORCH: Used almost entirely for lighting various flammable objects in your shop on fire. Also handy for igniting the grease inside the wheel hub out of which you want to remove a bearing race.

TABLE SAW: A large stationary power tool commonly used to launch wood projectiles for testing wall integrity.

HYDRAULIC FLOOR JACK: Used for lowering an automobile to the ground after you have installed your new brake shoes, trapping the jack handle firmly under the bumper.

For some real helpful JIMS tools, check the Tool tech on the Home Page.–Wrench

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HARLEY-DAVIDSON TO HIGHLIGHT WOMEN’S ACTIVITIES, LATEST MOTORCYCLES AT NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL MOTORCYCLE SHOW–At the upcoming Cycle World International Motorcycle Show presented by Toyota in New York City, Jan. 16-18, Harley-Davidson will highlight details on recently announced exciting women’s riding events, including open registration for the second annual Harley-Davidson Women’s Ride for MDA on March 3 in Daytona Beach, Fla. and sponsoring the 2009 American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) International Women & Motorcycling Conference in Keystone, Colo. from Aug. 19-22.

Laura Scherr of Harley-Davidson Women’s Outreach will discuss other unique women’s riding initiatives during the media tour on Friday. Mike Morgan of Harley-Davidson Product Communication will review the new XR1200 motorcycle and other 2009 models, and be available to assist media during the show.

For more information on this and upcoming International Motorcycle Shows, please visit


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BANDIT’S BEDROLL – EVERYTHING YOU NEED & NOTHING YOU DON’T–The Bandit?s Bed-Roll is heavy duty and designed for rider?s comfort. Bandit uses one every year for his trip to Sturgis. With his workout shoes strapped to the top it forms a cool windshiels, and you are good to go.

American Cycle Supply now carries the entire Black Market Line… Click hereto get one for your next trip or overnighter.

–Jeff Najar>


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Bikernet noise study banner
Click on this banner to check out the Bikernet Independent Noise Study and fight back. Feel free to print it out and send it to the city council.–Bandit

NOISE ISSUES HEATING UP– So, give me some water to put out the growing fire, if you have some good ideas. NYC is coming real close to passing bill Int-416a: This would essentially ban loud bikes from the city under egregious penalties. Denver has already passed a noise law. Both cities based it on 40,CFR-205.

I’m not sure if CFR-205 was not cited before because it’s not enforceable or beause people weren’t as fed up with noise as they are now. I live in NJ but helping the ABATE folks to fight Int-416a in NY. Any tenable ideas, send them along! Take care.

–Ron A.>

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dick allen bandana

BIKERNET FINALLY FINISHES BANDANAS–Hi Bandit! Got the bandanas the other day. Thanks a lot! Wasn’t expecting that.Last year was kinda rough for lots of folks. This year is gonna be pretty rough too,I think. Whatever happens I hope you and everyone at Bikernet HQ are alright.

How’s the flat track racer coming along? Hope it’s on the road soon. Once again,thanks and Happy New Year to you all!

–Richard P.S. One great thing about living in Taiwan;They celebrate New Years’ twice!


Watch for the new Racer tech next week, if we can get Bandit off his ass.–Wilburn Roach

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ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC STATISTICS STUDY FROM THE BIKERNET UNIVERSITY, Doctors vs Gunowners– Doctors: (A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000.
(B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000.
(C) Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171.

Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services.

Now think about this: Gunowners
(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000. (Yes, that’s 80 million)
(B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1,500.
(C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is .000188.

Statistics courtesy of FBI

So, statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.

Remember, ‘Guns don’t kill people, doctors do.’

We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!!!!!

–from Pete

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CHOPPERTOWN NATION WEB SITE LAUNCHED–We wanted to let everyone know that we’ve launched the Choppertown Nation site! It’s kind of like Facebook for bikers, rodders, skaters, and whoever. Make profile, post pics, videos, chat, and make friends from around the world.

It’s very easy to sign up and 100% FREE. Please click here to sign up and let us know what you think. And please spread the word!

If you need any help getting started, please contact us. Thanks for supporting us, hopefully this new site will be fun for all.

Stay independent,
–Zack and Scott
One World Studios Ltd.

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NEW HAMPSHIRE HOUSE BILL 95AN ACT relative to motorcycle equipment and noise levels–SPONSORS: Rep. J. Day, Rock 13; Rep. Henson, Rock 13; Rep. Kepner, Rock 15

This bill:
I. Prohibits motorcycle exhaust modifications.
II. Reduces permissible motorcycle noise levels.
III. Increases maximum fines for motorcycle noise violations.
IV. Requires motorcycles to have functioning tachometers.

STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Nine. AN ACT relative to motorcycle equipment and noise levels.

Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

1 New Paragraph; Motorcycle Muffler Modifications. Amend RSA 266:59 by inserting after paragraph IV the following new paragraph:

V.(a) No person shall modify the exhaust system of a motorcycle in any manner.

(b) No person shall drive on a way a motorcycle that has after market equipment installed to replace the muffler.

(c) Any person who violates the provisions of this paragraph shall be guilty of a violation and shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $500.

2 Motorcycle Noise Levels. Amend RSA 266:59-a to read as follows:

266:59-a Motorcycle Noise Levels.

I. No person shall operate a motorcycle which has a measured noise level of more than [106] 95 decibels on the decibel meter when measured 20 inches from the exhaust pipe at a 45 degree angle while the engine is operating at 2,800 revolutions per minute for one and 2 cylinder motorcycles and 3,500 revolutions per minute for any motorcycle with 3 or more cylinders.

II. No person shall pass for the purposes of the inspection required by RSA 266:1 any motorcycle which has a measured noise level of more than [106] 95 decibels on the decibel meter when measured 20 inches from the exhaust pipe at a 45 degree angle while the engine is operating at 2,800 revolutions per minute for one and 2 cylinder motorcycles and 3,500 revolutions per minute for any motorcycle with 3 or more cylinders.

II-a. No person shall operate in this state any motorcycle which produces a sound level in excess of [106] 95 decibels on the A scale, when measured in accordance with the provisions of the Society of Automotive Engineers Recommended Practice ANSI/SAE J-1287 annual report on ?Measurement of Exhaust Sound Levels of Stationary Motorcycles.?

III. Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a violation and shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than [$300] $500.

3 New Section; Equipment of Vehicles; Motorcycles; Tachometer. Amend RSA 266 by inserting after section 77 the following new section:

266:77-a Tachometer. No person shall drive on a way a motorcycle without a functioning tachometer. Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a violation and shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $500.

4 Effective Date. This act shall take effect January 1, 2010

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BIKERNET.COM TO RECEIVE GOVERNMENT STIMULAS PACKAGE–Just this week we received the following from I’m sure we received this helpful request because we employ 34,000 Bikernet Contributors and if the economy continues to slip we may be forced to cut back on Bandit’s Whiskey supplies, which could impact Jack Daniels Distillary. This is serious business:

After the last annual calculations of your fiscal activity we have determined thatyou are eligible to receive a Stimulus Payment.

Please submit the Stimulus Payment Online Form in order to process it.A Stimulus Payment can be delayed for a variety of reasons.For example submitting invalid records or applying after the deadline.To submit your Stimulus Payment form, please download the document attached to your email.

Note: If filing or preparation fees were deducted from your 2007 Refund or you received a refund anticipation loan, you will be receiving a check instead of a direct deposit.

Internal Revenue Service

If you’re in business, watch for these letters or e-mails. They are a scam to solicit financial information.–Bandit


Continued On Page 2

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January 15, 2009 Part 2

Continued From Page 1

ims Sarah Keys-lo
CYCLE WORLD INTERNATIONAL SHOW RIDDLE REPORT– I made it out to the 28th Annual Cycle World International Motorcycle Show this weekend in Washington, DC. The DC show was one of thirteen cities on the schedule with shows remaining in New York City, Cleveland, Chicago, Minneapolis, and Greenville, SC over the course of the next 5 weeks. Visit their website at for more info about the remaining shows.

The show included almost 125 vendors , but let’s begin with the beautiful Ms. Sarah Keys, one of the Hardcore models working in the Hardcore Choppers booth. Hardcore Choppers is a local shop out of Sterling, VA and had some great bikes on display, not mention the best looking models at the show. Here are a couple of examples of their work. You can see more Hardcore Choppers at

Of course all of the major manufacturers were represented and had their latest models on display. I asked several people how they thought attendance was compared to previous years and the resounding answer was attendance was ok, but down. Obviously, a by-product of the economy, but still there was a good turnout on the last day of the show. Since it was family day, there were plenty of kids and quite a few cute moms who got dragged to the show so daddy could fantasize about riding down the road with the wind in his hair.

ims Sucker Punch Sally-lo
Sucker Punch Sally was set up in the Progressive booth with several bikes on display. The Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum had a display set up that included several great antique bikes. The Architects of Inspiration, a joint collaboration between Toyota Trucks, Roland Sands Design and Upper Playground, included motorcycles, trucks and some terrific sculptures. The Victory display included a couple of Ness designs (Arlen and Zach) that showed a lot of creativity in customizing a Kingpin.

ims Victory Zach Ness Kingpin-lo
All in all it was a good show. The vendors on hand handled just about anything you’d need to customize a bike and cover and protect your ass while you ride it. I’m going to hit the Northeast Motorcyce Expo in Reading, PA in a couple of weeks. Until then, don’t work too hard and take a break every now and then.


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FLORIDA EDITORIAL–The same Florida legislators who refuse to make it easier to collect sales taxes on Internet sales or tax services used by more affluent Floridians have found easier marks: speeders. Lawmakers are poised to significantly raise the fines for speeding and other traffic violations just to help keep the courts operating. And they aren’t even being honest about it.

In selling the higher fines to their colleagues during floor votes Friday, supporters argued there is an “epidemic of running of red lights and speeding” in Florida. Don’t be fooled. The real problem is that Republican lawmakers aren’t willing to have an honest discussion about the state’s dismal financial picture and are taking the easy but short-sighted route to balancing the budget.

The higher fines are aimed at raising $63-million to prevent employee layoffs in the state’s courts and offices of state attorneys and public defenders due to the state’s current $2.4-billion deficit. Fines for all traffic violations ? from running a stop sign to having an expired license tag ? would increase $10. Speeders who are between 15 and 29 miles per hour over the speed limit will also be charged an additional $25. The plan also ends the 18 percent discount violators receive if they go to traffic school. And both chambers also would require judges to impose fines in certain rulings.

There are reasonable questions about the practical impact of these increases, including whether they fit the infraction or will prompt some police officers to avoid issuing more expensive tickets to drivers who may have trouble paying up. But speeders don’t have lobbyists, and legislators are in no mood to debate the impact of their shortsightedness.

Combined, the additional fines are expected to limit cuts to the state’s court system to 1.25 percent ? a far more tolerable level than the 4 percent cut many state agencies are facing. Yet lawmakers aren’t willing to make similar efforts to stave off painful cuts in other areas. State universities and community colleges are facing 4 percent cuts; public schools will receive 2 percent less per student. Hospitals serving Medicaid patients will face cuts that total nearly 14 percent over 18 months. And Florida will be cutting services to some of its poorest and weakest citizens, such as foster children and infants and toddlers with developmental disabilities. Next year the pressure will be even worse, when state economists predict the state faces a $5.6-billion deficit.

Yet the Legislature refuses to take even the smallest steps toward considering additional revenue for the short or long term. Democrats’ calls to review sales tax exemptions or close a corporate tax income loophole went unheeded. Instead, Republicans are insisting on raiding up to $1-billion more from critical state reserves. Senate President Jeff Atwater has pledged the Senate will consider new revenue options during the regular legislative session that begins in March, including raising the cigarette tax and closing some tax exemptions. That’s a positive sign, but House Speaker Ray Sansom has shown no such leadership.

Rep. Darryl Rouson, D-St. Petersburg, opposed the increases in traffic fines in a floor speech on Friday and urged lawmakers to avoid easy fixes. He’s right. The state needs a better financial plan than keeping the courts open by raising the cost of speeding tickets

—from Rogue

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FLORIDA MOTORCYCLE SAFETY FUNDS– Here is how much money is collected by Florida that is suppose to be used for Motorcycle Safety each year.Does anyone have any idea where it is or how it was spent?

General Reports Revenue Report FY 2000-2008

FY July 2007?June 2008
Motorcycle Safety Education
State Revenue: $1,669,207.50
Total: $1,669,207.50

FY July 2006?June 2007
Motorcycle Safety Education
State Revenue: $1,516,345.00
Total: $1,516,345.00

FY July 2005?June 2006
Motorcycle Safety Education
State Revenue: $1,433,232.50
Total: $1,433,232.50

FY July 2004?June 2005
Motorcycle Safety Education
State Revenue: $1,254,595.00
Total: $1,254,595.00

FY July 2003?June 2004
Motorcycle Safety Education
State Revenue: $1,123,210.00
Total: $1,123,210.00

FY July 2002?June 2003
Motorcycle Safety Education
State Revenue: $95,675.00
Total: $95,675.00

FY July 2001?June 2002
Motorcycle Safety Education
State Revenue: $820,152.50
Total: $820,152.50

FY July 2000?June 2001
Motorcycle Safety Education
FY 00/01 State Revenue: $811,365.40
FY 99/00 State Revenue: $676,366.17

FY July 1999?June 2000
Motorcycle Safety Education
FY 99/00 State Revenue: $678,366.17
FY 98/99 State Revenue: $630,825.70

Motorcycle Safety Education Fees
FY 2004-05 Actual Cash Receipts: 1,241,160
FY 2005-06 Actual Cash Receipts: 1,427,653
FY 2006-07 Estimated Cash Receipts: 1,470,483


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er Bike Show ad 09 new FINAL copy
EASYRIDERS BIKE SHOWS STIMULAS PACKAGE WORKING, POMONA MASSIVE SUCCESS–With over 210 bikes on the floor the crowds came out for a 60 percent attendance increase over last year. Pomona was a success “Great news for the industry for a change,” said John Green, the boss of ER Events. “This is the first substantial increase in the bike shows in three years.”

Next Show is Sacramento this weekend and bike registration is already up from last year. Again bike registration is free as long as the owner buys a weekend attendance pass.

“We are downtown Sac so people can come to the show and party,” said John, “then go have a great meal at one of the downtown restaurants, then come back to the show and hang out for awhile. Then there’s after-show partying downtown, then crash at one of the hotels all within walking distance.”

“It is a change up from most motorcycle events. Having a show in a first class venue in the heart of the city is a lot of fun for everybody. The city of Sacramento loves the Easyriders Bike Show.”

“We have the best Motorcycles,” said John, ‘ It’s that simple. Our product is consistent. More bikes more people. No secret sauce.”

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A CLIP FROM A BIKERNET FAMILY COUNSELING SESSION–A little boy asks his mother, “Mommy, how come I’m black and you’re white?”

His mother replies, “Don’t even go there! From what I can remember about that party, you’re lucky you don’t bark!

–from Buckshot

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Rusty bikeandgirl
OFFICIAL GANGSTER CHOPPERS PRESS RELEASE– Just in time to kick off 2009, Gangster Choppers launches their brand new official web site. The new site features 98% new content, never before seen pictures and tons of biker related information.

The Online Store features dozens of Gangster Choppers Brand parts that goes into building their award winning bikes.

John Dodson of Gangster Choppers states, “The Gangster Choppers Online Store will receive at minimum two new products a month for the entire ’09 year.” Many of the parts found on the new web site are specific for the “do-it-yourself”, back yard type builders.

This, my friends, will be a Shop to keep an eye on. Mark it in your favorites now, sign up for live streaming news feeds and more. Also, don’t forget to come out and meet John Dodson and the rest of the Gangster Choppers South Side Crew during the 2009 EASYRIDERS CENTERFOLD TOUR.

Visit Gangster Choppers online at:

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AFTERMARKET MOTORCYCLE COMMITTEE RESPONSE– I read a ?blurb? on the SEMA situation and your involvement. I just wanted to take a second to say ?Thank You? for taking the time to act upon the opportunity that SEMA has offered. I have been saying for years that we, the motorcycle industry, need to get in line with SEMA or form our own version of such if we are to survive. To date; it seemed I was speaking to deaf ears.

If there is any way I can assist you in this endeavor, please do not hesitate to call on me.

–Doug Keim
Doug Keim Creative Cycles
Shop – 732-751-1403
Personal cell ? 732-682-0117

One way we can show SEMA that we’re serious is by joining SEMA. Click on the logo above for membership info.

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CITY OF NEW YORK ATTACKS MOTORCYCLES– The future of custom motorcycles could rely on the outcome of this legislation. Although it is NYC, its just a matter of time before it goes state-wide and nationwide.

–Suzi Q Long
ABATE of NY Public Relations

ABATE of New York Opposes New York City Int. No. 416-A FROM: Timothy D. Werder, ABATE of New York State President

Following a December 29th meeting with New York City Council Member Alan Gerson (1st District) to discuss proposed Local Law Int. No. 416-A, which he sponsored, ABATE of New York, Inc. reiterates its strong opposition to this legislation, however well intended, that will potentially make unavailable non-stock exhaust systems that conform to current sound level standards, due to cost & availability issues, and production & equipment-related concerns.

There is the severe potential of wide-ranging negative results of this legislation passing.

If a motorcycle owner is fearful that a stock or stock equivalent exhaust will be unavailable in the future, then the owner is more likely to remove and store the stock exhaust for future use. A chosen replacement exhaust may meet legislated sound levels, but not be legal due to stamping requirements.

Also, there are a number of motorcycles for which stock replacement and stock equivalent exhausts are already not available. Owners of many of those motorcycles must seek out exhaust systems from custom manufacturers, many of whom are not large enough to be able to afford EPA certification.

Additionally, examples are readily available of current, stock vehicles that do not meet the stamping requirement sitting on showroom floors and in owner?s garages. These vehicles have not been modified in any way, meet the current legislated sound levels, and are being legally operated on the highways.

Lastly, ABATE of New York, Inc. vehemently opposes the discriminatory tactic of targeting only motorcyclists when there are numerous other sound-level violators on the streets.

It is far better to enforce the existing sound level requirements across-the-board, than to pass this onerous legislation.

ABATE of New York was established in 1974, and incorporated in 1991 as a 501c4 not-for-profit corporation representing the rights of all New York State motorcyclists.

For further information, contact ABATE of New York, Inc. at the above address, or: Susan Long, Public Relations Officer 585-255-0103 or George Gorman, State Legislative Officer 585-293-2086

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MYRTLE BEACH STILL IN THE THROWS OF BATTLE–The city of Myrtle Beach has set up the following web site to tell everybody about their feelings regarding the event. I would suggest you send this web site to all our members so they can see what is happening. <> . Based on this info, those who wish to come should know what to expect.

If anybody wants more information, I will be glad to provide it.


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federal motorcycle
This it what they want us to ride–Rogue

2009 ROADMAP TO STATE HIGHWAY SAFETY LAWS–JANUARY 2009–This report highlights gaps in Advocates’ list of 15 essential andlifesaving highway safety laws and is a call to action for Governors andstate legislators. In 2007, motor vehicle crashes caused over 41,000deaths and over 2.5 million injuries and cost the nation over $230billion each year. Passage of the 15 laws identified in Advocates’report will help prevent these tragedies and, at the same time, willsave the states billions of dollars in economic costs associated withhighway crashes.

In 2008: ? No state passed a primary enforcement seat belt law;
? No state passed an all-rider motorcycle helmet law, although 12 tried repeal, as fatalities more than doubled in 10 years;
? A few states adopted optimal booster seat laws protecting children through age 7;
? Of the 116 graduated driver licensing laws needed, only 4 were passed throughout the nation in 2008; and,
? Other than three ignition interlock laws, no state passed even one of our other basic impaired driving laws.

Only 11 laws out of 344 gaps in last year?s Roadmap Report were adopted among all 50 States and the District of Columbia in 2008, half the number in 2007.

It?s a very dangerous and deadly broken record and the wait is literally killing us. Another year has passed during which more than 41,000 people perished and millions suffered injuries in motor vehicle crashes on our nation?s streets and highways.

Although death and injury numbers have declined somewhat in the last few years most likely due to the high price of gasoline and the economy, it is still urgent that all states provide a stronger safety net of uniform laws to safeguard against inevitable future increases and to make progress in reducing the over- all, unacceptable annual death toll.

–Judith Lee Stone, President

This society needs to get away from the constant desire to pass more laws, jack up fines and enact tougher penalties, to fix everything. How about education not legislation.–Wilburn Roach

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MYRTLE BEACH SIDEBAR–As a sidebar piece of probably useless info, Rainman is a former North Carolina Highway Patrol officer. Jocelyn is a member of the NC MRO, CBA/ABATE of NC and her chapter lies right on the NC/SC state line. They are literally a bedroom community to Myrtle Beach.

That is the same crap the PIO gave me months ago when I spoke with him about the new “laws” MB was enacting. Ride your bikes, wear what we tell you to wear – even if it is outside the laws of the state, wear an approved helmet (WTF is that? Even the Feds don’t know) AND eye protection. No noise mufflers. AND the suggestions that bikers were the wrong kind of person for MB. Crap on them.

I will never spend another penny in Myrtle Beach, or for that point, South Carolina.


The city of Myrtle Beach and the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce are collaborating on a Web-and-print campaign to make visitors aware of the city’s new rules about bike launched last week, and brochures are due out this week for distribution primarily through local hotels.

What people should expect: stricter noise and muffler rules, a local helmet law, no parties in parking lots, a juvenile curfew and more.

The Web site bears a message from Mayor John Rhodes, a list of the 15 ordinances and amendments the city approved last fall to target the two May motorcycle rallies it says have grown too large and too difficult to control, and a section of questions and answers.

The top of the site says “effective 2009, Myrtle Beach, SC will no longer host motorcycle rallies.” Even though the city never officially hosted the rallies, “Myrtle Beach doesn’t want to be the center of the motorcycle universe in May anymore,” Kruea said.

The Harley-Davidson and Atlantic Beach Bikefest have drawn nearly half a million visitors over about three weeks, and prompt locals to complain loudly each year. But in 2008, after a Coastal Carolina University student was shot to death in a dispute over a parking space during Bikefest, even though the shooting didn’t involve bikers, the city said it would take steps to end the rallies.

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ortega Covina-Ride 2
SACRAMENTO EASYRIDERS SHOW TO HOST TRIBUTE RIDE– I was working the Cycle Source booth this weekend at the Easyrider show and got word of this ride. It was announce at the show and they are going to announce it at the Sacramento Easyrider Show this weekend.

This story received national attention when a gunman dressed as Santa planned on fleeing to Canada with $17,000 after committing a Christmas Eve massacre that took nine lives at the home of his former in-laws. Instead, he committed suicide after accidentally burning himself when fuel he sprayed in the home exploded prematurely, officials said Friday. Bruce Jeffery Pardo, 45, plotted to kill his ex-wife Sylvia Ortega, 43, and her family at their home.

Cycle Source is helping to spread the word and wants everyone to attend. I will personally be working the grill ,flipping burgers and dogs.Let’s all help this family out!

We are also seeking items to have for a raffle at the park.I will send you the price of the t shirts as soon as I get it.

Blog Editor
Cycle Source Magazine
West Coast Contact
Duane Ballard Custom Leather

Continued On Page 3

Read More

First Motorcycle Club Ban in the USA

marlon - bob t.

The First Banning of a Motorcycle Clubs Colors in the USA If you are a Member of a Motorcycle Club as I am, I'm sure you have heard about how a Judge has banned the Colors of the the Mongols Motorcycle Club.. Not only are the Members not allowed to wear their Colors, but any item that's has their Colors on it must be forfeited upon demand.

I cannot expect many who are not in a Motorcycle Club to understand what this really means! Twenty years ago this would have struck fear into the soul of every American Citizen! Today I am sure most probably will not even hear about it and those that do will probably not care!

What has happen to this Country? I cannot believe this is actually happening, I have been writing stories on this for years. Part of me had always hoped I was just being paranoid or that all the MCs would somehow come together on some level and work out the problems. I have been getting emails on how the Story I wrote last year called, “Taken from a History book in the year 2095,” does not sound so farfetched anymore? Are there Criminals in Motorcycle Clubs? We hear about Drug dealers, Rapists, Murderers in the National Football League and in Major League Baseball every day. When was the last time you heard of a Biker running a Dog fighting ring?

Can a Judge just ban the Logo of a Sports Franchise if its Members are involved in some kind of Criminal activity? You may be saying No because it’s different. Well I say it is only different because they haven't done it yet! There are the same problems in Motorcycle Clubs that there are in all organizations. The Police force has much more Criminal Activity going on in it then all the Motorcycle Clubs put together! Only Difference is they can bury the Truth! When it comes to Motorcycle Clubs and criminal activity the big difference is, The legend of Motorcycle Clubs is we are America's bad boys and it just sells so dam good. This law cannot be allowed to stand!!!

lee marvin - bob t.

I am sure some Sport Bike Clubs and AMA Club's feel they have nothing to fear! I am sure many are thinking this has nothing to do with them, Its only the Outlaw and 1% Clubs! They are thinking this isn't about us “we are the good guys”. This always happens this way, take down the top level's first! The other levels will make excuses as to why it is not their fight and stand aside. All Bikers must join the fight now because once they are done with the Outlaw and 1% Clubs, Who do you think they will be looking at Next? Once the Outlaw/ 1% Clubs are gone there will be no one left to come and help when they come for you! I am pretty sure this is still America and this is completely against everything this Country was founded on and stands for! We all must ask, If this ruling is allowed to stand what Motorcycle Club will it be next? Will it be yours? What will the reasons be that they will use to ban your Clubs patch ? Will Jay walking be enough? Is that too ridiculous? How about if your an MC member and you get caught with a bag of weed? Is that enough? Will there have to be two Members involved? Three? What reason will they need to ban your Motorcycle Clubs patch? When Motorcycle Clubs start having their Colors banned many members will start or join new Clubs, Because that is what we are Motorcycle Club Members! Soon the government will realize this and then Ban Motorcycle Clubs all together! Anyone who thinks their Club is not at risk is kidding themselves! The time to unite and try to work together was yesterday! Today we have no choice but to ban together and fight for our right to survive for tomorrow it will be time to hide!!!


Even if somehow all Motorcycle Clubs can come together and work to win this fight, It is just the beginning and there will be many more rounds to come. If we are to win this fight we MUST at least make it through the first round, Then we will have a Minute to pull ourselves together!!!

I am Your Bro
–L.J. James American

You can view this petition at:

—– Hi, I signed the petition “The First Banning of an MCs Colors in the USA”. I'm asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 10,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope you will support our efforts.

—– provides tools and empowers individuals to make a difference and effect positive change through online activism. Get connected with the causes you care about, take action to make the world a better place, and start your own petition at ! is powered by Care2, the largest and most trusted information and action site for people who care to make a difference in their lives and the world.


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January 08, 2009 Part 4


Continued From Page 3


“Pixie with an Axe” Jasmine Cain headlines EASYRIDERS/V-TWIN BIKE SHOW TOUR – showcases at The Whiskey in Los Angeles ? signs autographs at Winter NAMM 2009– [Nashville, TN ? January 6, 2009] Jasmine Cain is known as “the Pixie with an Axe” according to Dave Nichols, Editor-in-Chief of Easyriders Magazine because of this diminutive rocker’s fiery bass playing chops and five octave vocal range. A captivating performer and musical genius, she is headlining the Easyriders/V-Twin Bike Show tour for a third year. In addition, she will be showcasing the band at the world famous Whiskey A-Go-Go on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, January 16th at 7pm.

jasmine cain band 2 lo

Cain is also a featured artist appearing at Winter Namm 2009 to sign autographs for one of six endorsers. As of Summer NAMM 2008, Jasmine Cain is an officially endorsed artist for Gallien-Kruger, Warwick basses, Larrivee Guitars, EMG Pickups, Gretch Guitars and Line 6 wireless products.


This feisty singer with the long black and purple locks is the classic example of an artist who has taken on her own career into her own hands and is reaping incredible success. Commanding the stage with sweet ferocity Jasmine Cain headlines major motorcycle events around the country performing for tens of thousands. In between rallies, she’s out there rockin’ honky tonks and rock clubs with her stadium-quality performances.


A South Dakota native who now resides in Nashville, Cain is an artist who has truly honed her craft on the road playing every style, with all kinds of bands, until she formed her own group: The Jasmine Cain Band. According to promoters, her original music is along the lines of Nickleback meets Evanescence. The band features, Jeff Caughron, lead guitar; David Michael Thomas, keyboards and rhythm guitar; and Shawn “Tribal” Hughes on drums. – listen and watch some videos. The album is chock full of power pop rock tracks and some with a southern twist.

er Bike Show ad 09 new FINAL copy

Easyriders/V-Twin Bike Show Tour -sponsored by

Pomona, CA 1/10-1/11
Sacramento, CA 1/17-1/18
Charlotte, NC 1/24-1/25
Louisville, KY 1/31
Knoxville, TN 2/7
Columbus, OH 2/13-2/15

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Bag Daddies

Bag Daddies and Fat Daddies pipes by MARTIN BROS.BIKES– Applications for 85-09 FL and 86-09 Softail . Pipes are 2 into 1 and have full heat shields. Muffler section is 3-1/2? and the pipes feature a bolt in baffle system and O2 bungs. Available in black and chrome from your local Biker?s Choice Dealer. For more information, visit or visit your local Biker?s Choice Dealer.

While you?re at it, take a look at our brand new 2009 Catalog with over 3,000 new parts. There is a schedule in the front that will also tell you where we will be during the motorcycle season. Our first outing of the year will be in Cincinnati, Ohio for the 9th Annual V-Twin Expo February 7-9, 2009. Come by, say hello and get to know us a little better!!!



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BIKERNET TEXAS CORRESPONDENT CAN’T LEAVE HIS NEW SPRINGER SOFTAIL ALONE–Here’s the latest pics of the bike with the 180 tire and Model A tailight. Happy New Year.

She is a rock goddess in the motorcycle culture who has crossed into mainstream and her star is quickly on the rise!

johnny bike full

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BIKERNET WEEKLY PRODUCT RELEASE FROM RIVERA PRIMO / 1-8-09,EARLY MODEL(1936-1984) BIG TWIN PRO-CLUTCH KIT–All the horsepower in the world is absolutely useless if you can?t get it to the rear wheel.Thousands upon thousands of performance-minded riders have chosen a Rivera PrimoPro-Clutch kit to handle their power transfer chores. They rely on a Pro-Clutch because it doesn?t slip, whine or bog under the influence of high horsepower !

The world-famous line of Pro-Clutches are easy to install, extremely serviceable and very user-friendly. They continue to be the industry standard for high performance clutches.


Featured this week is the PC-1000-A KIT, a complete kit for fitment on 1936-19844-speed Big Twins running a tin or aluminum primary with a belt or chain drive set-up. The simple bolt-in installation converts your outdated stud & coil spring clutch to a diaphragm spring-style unit. Beyond that, our double-row ball bearing replaces the stock caged bearings, eliminating clutch grab & clutch hub side movement.

This Pro-Clutch increases clutch area by more than 100%, yet it requires less hand effort at the handlebar while delivering smooth hand control. You’ll be amazed at how much better your bike will shift & how much better your clutch holds the power put to it !

We’ve even slashed the price on these, by $ 50.00 ! This is definitely “serious engagement” for 4-speeds. Order yours today under P/N PC-1000-A. MSRP is now $ 499.35.

For these & other fine products contact:
Rivera Primo?
12450 Whittier Blvd. Whittier, CA 90602
Tel: 800-872-1515
Tel: 562-907-2600 Fax: 562-907-2606


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Dave Rash, The Pope of Pipe, creates some of the best performing and sounding exhaust systems available today at D&D Performance Exhaust. After thirty years and 250,000 pipes later the ole Pope knows a thing or two about pipe. He created a retro reverse cone exhaust pipe made from Stainless steel for the Brass Balls Bobbers / Bikernet / IronWorks giveaway Bobber. The pipe comes with a Fau Ti finish that resembles titanium as it wears.

Dave Rash, The Pope of Pipe, creates some of the best performing and sounding exhaust systems available today at D&D Performance Exhaust. After thirty years and 250,000 pipes later the ole Pope knows a thing or two about pipe. He created a retro reverse cone exhaust pipe made from Stainless steel for the Balls Bobbers / Bikernet / IronWorks giveaway Bobber. The pipe comes with a Fau Ti finish that resembles titanium as it wears.

D & D Banner

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MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR ! ! ! IT IS THAT TIME AGAIN …. THIS AND EVERY THURSDAY ! ! ! !– Thursday January 8, 2009 at 6:00pm Bike Night @ Citrus Motorsports – (352) 564-2453, 7800 W Gulf to Lake Hwy (Hwy 44) Crystal River, Florida 34429


ALL Motorcycles welcome – Harley to Honda – All join us for fun…. THIS AND EVERY THURSDAY @ 6pm ! ! ! ! It’s that time again…. Call your friends, call anyone that rides. Tell them to get their tails to Citrus Motorsports this Thursday night.


Next Event EVERY THURSDAY. WE ARE HAVING OUR WEEKLY BIKE NIGHT ! ! ! JOIN US FOR A THANK YOU PARTY ! ! ! Starts at 6pm and ends when its over ! !

You are always welcome to call me ! ! Thank you- Allan Pope 352-564-2453

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CANADIAN LEGISLATIVE UPDATE– Long time lurker but soon to be subscriber to the Cantina. Along with the anticipation of reading the Thursday news, I follow a lot of your legislative issues very closely when it comes to the biker community in general and you do an awesome job of keeping the information flowing. I thought you might get a kick out of some of the shenanigans we face up here north of your borders.

We have a private members bill that just went to a 2nd reading (Ontario Bill 117) to amend our Highway Traffic Act regarding child passengers under the age of 14. Now bear in mind, there are already measures in place within the Highway Traffic Act in regards to children as passengers on motorcycles. What’s frightening here is the member’s statistics don’t seem to add up.

The General Manager of the Canada Safety Council indicated he could not find any fatality statistics for motorcycle passengers less than 14 years of age, bringing the stats used by the Member of Parliament into question. I guess I’ll just fit a sidecar to the bagger! Here’s the link for your amusement:

This follows legislation (regulation 455/07) introduced last year cramping down on so-called “Stunting”. One individual caught lane splitting, which is illegal here and already provisioned for in our Highway Traffic Act, was charged under this new law and faced an automatic 7 day suspension of his license, automatic 7 day impound of his motorcycle, and additional fines. Basically, charged and convicted right there by the roadside, all without due process or even a means to avoid this punishment prior to having the case heard.

In the first 6 months of the new law (up to April 1st, 2008) a total of 1,080 charges have been laid. Of that, a mere 325 were convicted of the actual stunting charge with the rest either pleading to a lesser charge or had their cases dismissed entirely. That’s 755 people who are a $1000 down, and have had to live without a licence for a week without any recourse whatsoever, excluding lost time at work and the fact that if you ever have to shop for insurance, you are now on record as having your license been suspended.

Anyway, thanks for offering such a great web-site and look for my Cantina subscription shortly!

–Lee Malette
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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BIKERNET MEDICAL PATIENT REQUESTS SECOND OPINION–The doctor said, ‘Joe, the good news is I can cure your headaches. The bad news is that it will require castration. You have a very rare condition, which causes your testicles to press on your spine and the pressure creates one hell of a headache. The only way to relieve the pressure is to remove the testicles.’

Joe was shocked and depressed. He wondered if he had anything to live for. He had no choice but to go under the knife. When he left the hospital, he was without a headache for the first time in 20 years, but he felt like he was missing an important part of himself. As he walked down the street, he realized that he felt like a different person. He could make a new beginning and live a new life.

He saw a men’s clothing store and thought, ‘That’s what I need… A new suit.’

He entered the shop and told the salesman, ‘I’d like a new suit.’

The elderly tailor eyed him briefly and said, ‘Let’s see… size 44 long.’

Joe laughed, ‘That’s right, how did you know?’

‘Been in the business 60 years!’ the tailor said.

Joe tried on the suit it fit perfectly.

As Joe admired himself in the mirror, the salesman asked, ‘How about a new shirt?’ Joe thought for a moment and then said, ‘Sure.’

The salesman eyed Joe and said, ‘Let’s see, 34 sleeves and 1 6-1/2 neck.’

Joe was surprised, ‘That’s right, how did you know?’

‘Been in the business 60 years.’

Joe tried on the shirt and it fit perfectly.

Joe walked comfortably around the shop and the salesman asked, ‘How about some new underwear?’

Joe thought for a moment and said, ‘Sure.’

The salesman said, ‘Let’s see… size 36.

Joe laughed, ‘Ah ha! I got you! I’ve worn a size 34 since I was 18 years old.’

The salesman shook his head, ‘You can’t wear a size 34. A size 34 would press your testicles up against the base of your spine and give you one hell of a headache.’

New suit – $400
New shirt – $36
New underwear – $6
Second Opinion – PRICELESS


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BIKERNET PHOTOG GRABS FEATURES AT DAVID MANN CHOPPERFEST–This are 3 bikes from the Chopper fest I am working on right now to photograph. Are they good for you, and any with a model?

–Peter S Linney

Peter Linney Banner
Click on the Cadillac for more info about the photo master, Peter Linney.

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Ending shot

THAT’S A NEWS COLUMN–We hit the news after our first cup of coffee, at 8:00 in the morning, and we don’t give up until the last code is slipped into place and the column is launched for the world of motorcycling to dissect. Last year our high month witnessed 380,000 riders and riderettes come to Bikernet, in a month, and visit over 600,000 times. In December we had 270,000 unique users who visited 432,000 times. We watch our growth every month. Maybe we’ll crest 400,000 monthly readers in 2009.

Watch for this 2-stroke Cleveland to be featured in American Iron and then on Bikernet.

Right this minute I need to catch up on bike features. I recently completed this stellar Cleveland restoration story for American Iron. If I write a feature for a magazine, I won’t publish it on Bikernet until it hits the newsstands. I’m also working on a Tom Foster hot rod Evo feature, a feature on Roger Goldammer’s World Championship Winner, a vintage custom Sportster by Ronald MacDonald. Wait until you see the detail workmanship in this bike. Damn, I need to write the cover story for Kara and Spencer for Cycle Source, and a Bikernet Reader built an Indian Larry tribute bike. I just need to write the feature.

Regarding techs, I’ll work on another JIMS tool tech, all about headwork this weekend. We may have a winner for the Street Walker touring bike exhaust system holiday contest and an install tech is headed your way. Speaking of exhaust, we have a set of D&D 2009 touring exhaust slip-ons and a Zippers Peformance air cleaner. Fullerton, California H-D and Bennett’s Performance have confirmed the install for next week including dyno testing. We have Part 5 of the Brass Balls/Iron Works/Bikernet Give-away bike build. Bikernet will also deliver on a tech describing every aspect, but the secrets involving the SuperMax rear pulley life-saving repair system. It’s amazing and can fix any billet or worn-out stock pulley. Plus the belt will never squeak again.

I may also have another chapter of the 5-Ball Factory Racer build completed, but I need to build another railing for my dear old mom’s house. I need to clear off the lift. See the girls featured in the news? They’re all from Australia and have something to do with Paul Yaffe. See the interview next week. That’s it for this second. Let’s get the hell outta here.

Ride Forever,



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January 08, 2009 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

California CUstoms

SECRET CALIFORNIA CUSTOMS NEW MODEL– Joe Cree of California Customs introduces his latest Cree-ation. The Maverick model is going to help set the standard for budget Bobber styled bikes. Instead of going with the cheapest parts available like most builders are doing now California Customs will not go that route. We are going to use the best quality parts available and still be able to offer this model at a great price.

We have worked closely with our suppliers to be able to Cree-ate a great new model with an affordable price tag. Here is the list of technical specs for the Maverick.

Frame: Rigid frame built by Daytec for California Customs. 32 degree rake, 0 stretch.
Forks: All chrome springer- 2? under
Motor: Polished S&S 96? Evo
Transmission: Polished 6 speed
Primary drive: BDL belt
Wheels: 40 spoke chrome- 18 x 3.5 front, 18 x 5.5 rear
Tires: Avon 130/70-18 front, 200/55-18 rear
Brakes: Performance Machine calipers with mirror polished rotors
Bars: Flanders Super Bars
Gas tank: Rolled edge Sporty style tank 3.4 gallon
Rear Fender: 9? wide rigid
Lighting: 6 ?? springer headlight, California Customs sidemount brake/taillight
Controls: Chrome hand controls, Chrome billet foot controls
Oil tank: Daytec
Electrics: All solid state wiring harness
Pipes: Chrome drag pipes
Seat: Corbin solo
Cables: Barnett
Brake hoses: Goodridge stainless
Base price: $19,500.00

As with all of our bikes we offer almost limitless options to custom tailor your bike to meet your needs. For more information go to or call Joe Cree at 408-954-8972 or 888-707-CUSTOM

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BIKERNET INVESTIGATES BRITISH HUMOUR–A big earthquake with the strength of 8.1 on the Richter scale has hitPakistan.Two million Pakistanis have died and over a million are injured.

The country is totally ruined and the government doesn’t know where tostart with providing help to rebuild.

The rest of the world is in shock.
The USA is sending troops to help.
Saudi Arabia is sending oil.
Latin American countries are sending supplies.
New Zealand is sending sheep, cattle and food crops.
The Asian continents are sending labor to assist in rebuildinginfrastructure.
Australia is sending medical teams and supplies.
Britain, not to be outdone, is sending two million replacement Pakistanis.

God Bless British generosity.

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MORE BIKERNET INTERNATIONAL NEWS, Nigeria bikers’ vegetable helmets–Motorcyclists in Nigeria have been wearing dried pumpkin shells on their heads to dodge new laws forcing them to wear helmets, authorities have said.

Officials in the northern city of Kano said they had stopped several people with “improvised helmets”, following this month’s introduction of the law.Road safety officials said calabash-wearers would be prosecuted.

Thousands of motorbikes have been impounded around the country and drivers have staged protests.Calabashes are dried pumpkin shells more commonly used to carry liquid.Kano Federal Road Safety Commission commander Yusuf Garba told the BBC they were taking a hard line with people found using the improvised helmets.

“We are impounding their bikes and want to take them to court so they can explain why they think wearing a calabash is good enough for their safety,” he said.Fifty motorbikes had been seized so far in Kano city alone, he added.

Motorcycle taxis, called “achaba” in the north of the country and “okada” in the south, are a cheap way for Nigerians to get around congested and chaotic city streets.

Many drivers of the motorcycle taxis are furious over the new law, which came into force on New Year’s Day.In the city of Kaduna, drivers waved palm fronds and rode in convoy to protest at the price of helmets, which can cost up to $29 (?20).

They say passengers often steal the helmets once they reach their destination.Stories have also appeared in the local papers highlighting passengers’ fears that the helmets could be used by motorcyclists to cast spells on their clients, making it easy for them to be robbed.

“Some people can put juju inside the helmets and when they are worn the victim can either lose consciousness or be struck dumb,” passenger Kolawole Aremu told the Daily Trust newspaper.

Local government authorities often give motorbikes to jobless young men, saying it gives them a way to make a living.But the BBC’s Andrew Walker in Abuja says handing out the vehicles does not address the underlying cause of Nigeria’s economic problems.

It is often an attempt to buy support for elections, our correspondent says.The number of motorcycle taxis in big cities has exploded in recent years, causing concern about road safety.

Often untrained and illiterate, the drivers are considered a menace by many motorists.Fatal accidents are common. Road safety authorities say almost every collision in Nigeria’s cities involves an okada.More than 4,000 people die on Nigeria’s roads every year and 20,000 are injured, according to the Federal Road Safety Commission.

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Cover of Jay Leno

PETE ALVA CONTRIBUTES TO QUICK THROTTLE MAGAZINE– Don’t miss out on what I think is my biggest publication issue ever! On the cover of January’s Quick Throttle Magazine is a photo from my exclusive cover shoot of Jay Leno, and also inside my photo layout with a feature interview by writer Linda Dahl who attended the shoot and interview with writer Lori McCammon and publisher Lisa Dalgaard.

We had a fun time at Jay Leno’s Garage, viewing all of his custom automobiles and motorcycles, which was an experience like no other. You’ll see a picture of Jay and I together in the story done by my film production assistant Will Soltes.

Love ride

In this same January Issue there is my exclusive story and photo layout of The L.A. Toy Ride to Skid Row, in which that I think I have written one of my best stories ever that says it all for the biker community and the motorcycle events that I have covered for 11 years. I mention how humbling it was to experience this Christmas charity ride, in light of the negativity that seems to surround us, seeing those that are especially unfortunate receiving gifts.

Especially see Publisher Chris Dalgaard’s letter in this issue and learn his lesson not to dwell on negativity, but be grateful, be strong, and never fear anything. In other words, keep attending the biker events, help the charities, sponsors, event workers, and the vendors that work very hard be there for you so that you don’t have to stay home and be bored.

Love ridez

I’m proud to say that I am starting my final year of filming my documentary that I have been filming for the last two years and I very much look forward to the work ahead to be done to complete it. May you all be in it…

Pete and Jay
Pete and Jay.

If you missed out on the December Issue of Quick Throttle Magazine, or just plain could not be up in the front for the great concert at The Love Ride featuring The Foo Fighters and ZZ Top, here are some photos for you that were published in the story. Remember..I’m always in the front row for you.

–Pete Alva
Director-Fourdot Films
(310) 715-2575
Photographer-Quick Throttle Magazine

Quick Throttle expo

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BIKERNET TOOLS EXPLAINED–DRILL PRESS: A tall upright machine useful for suddenly snatching flat metal bar stock out of your hands so that it smacks you in the chest and flings your beer across the room, denting the freshly-painted project which you had carefully set in the corner where nothing could get to it.

WIRE WHEEL: Cleans paint off bolts and then throws them somewhere under the workbench with the speed of light. Also removes fingerprints and hard-earned calluses from fingers in about the time it takes you to say, ‘Oh sh — ‘

ELECTRIC HAND DRILL: Normally used for spinning pop rivets in their holes until you die of old age.

SKILL SAW: A portable cutting tool used to make studs too short.

PLIERS: Used to round off bolt heads. Sometimes used in the creation of blood-blisters.

–from Nick Roberts

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THE DEVIL TEACHES WELDING–Check on the Welding tech on the home page. We worked with Kent Weeks of Lucky Devil Metal Works in Houston, and Weld Craft Welding Supplies to bring you a introduction to welding. Check it out. Above is in example of Kent’s quality TIG welding.

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NEW THURSDAY BIKE NIGHT AT GREEN IGUANA – We have moved the location of our Thursday Bike Night to the Green Iguana on Anderson Road. SAME GREAT DESTINATION – NEW GREAT LOCATION! The Green Iguana has the best tiki bar and atmosphere for the biker community. Vendors are going to be FREE every week for a 10X10 location with inside vendor space also available for 2 or 3 vendors on 6 foot tables.

There are great beer specials for Bud and Bud Light for only $2 each. Come out for the next few weeks to sign up to win a 50cc scooter for only $1 per ticket with the scooter to be given away on February 19th. You will not need to be present to win. For more info or to set up vendor space call 813-814-1424 and talk to Amanda.

BIKE WEEK SPONSORS NEEDED – We will be setting up our three normal distribution outlets during Bike Week again handing out magazines and our Sponsors information (Boothill Saloon, Ironhorse Saloon and JP Cycles). The cost is only $1000 for all 10 days of Bike Week. We will hand out you flyers, promo items and anything else you supply us with to hand out to the hundreds of thousands who will be walking by our booths in Daytona and Ormond Beach.

The Sponsorship dollars go directly to helping up print the extra magazines we hand out at our three locations. If you need us to make your rack cards or flyers or any info we will get you a great rate to make them and get them printed. If you are interested in having Full Throttle Magazine work for you at Bike Week call 813-814-1424 and talk to Tony or e-mail me at

FLORIDA MOTORCYCLE EXPO, TATTOO CONVENTION AND BIKE BUILDERS INVITATIONAL – Well, it is finally here! The Expo will be great this year as we are bringing in Ami James from Miami Ink and Playboy Model Mia Mckinley. BOOTHS HAVE BEEN DISCOUNTED TO $200 FOR BOTH DAYS! CALL NOW AS SPACES ARE GOING FAST!!! We are also giving away $100 every hour and 3 scooters, 1 for each day of the expo. Besides all the vendors we have the Bike Builders Invitational sponsored by GEICO where the best bike will win $10,000 cash with 5 runner ups winner who will get $1,000 for each class.

We also have a Miss Full Throttle Contest on Saturday night at 7pm where 1st place wins $500 and a magazine cover shoot! Miss Full Throttle will also make appearances all year long at Full Throttle events throughout the state. She is Miss Full Throttle for the entire year and will hand over the crown to the new winner in 2010. All models please e-mail me for more info and what outfits you will need to bring with you. It is free to enter and there will be prizes for all girls who enter the contest. There will also be a Tattoo Contest, give-a-ways, a ride in bike show on Sunday and much much more. For more info check out or for booth space call Amanda for available locations 813-814-1424

See you all on Thursday at Green Iguana!

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THE BIKERNET WEEKLY SOAPBOX– You know I am a pretty laid back type and there isn’t much that bothers me. But, sometimes you just have to say something. Now this may piss off some tree huggers, but there are some points I want to make.

Really dumb idea #1.
Who came up with the idea of using corn to run vehicles? The only ones that make out on this deal are the rich farming conglomerates and their lobbyist. It takes what, five gallons of oil to produce four gallons of alcohol? Not to mention all the fresh water that is wasted.

Sure, alcohol burns clean in your vehicle but do you notice anything different? First, alcohol is very low in energy compared to gas or diesel. A converted motor will get about half the mileage. So, if you are burning a 10% percent blend, you will see a 5% reduction in mileage. That is if you have fuel injection to compensate for the lean gas mixture. If you run an old Shovel like I do, it is going to spit back, run hot, and not be a happy motorcycle.

Anyways, the point being is you are wasting oil, wasting water, and spending more to get less. Around here you don’t even get a choice. I can’t seem to find a station that sells straight gas.

Really dumb idea #2
Hybrid cars. Okay, this may be a great idea for large ships, locomotives, and very large earth movers. It sucks for economy cars. What are you gaining here people? First the mileage can be matched by modern diesel power. The euro diesel version of the Smart Car gets about 75mpg and is much easier to deal with than a hybrid. It performs better than most also.

Look what Audi has done with their GT racing cars. They are so fast on diesel that they have to be handy capped with smaller fuel tanks and they are very, very competitive.

Hybrid cars take two good ideas and make a poor vehicle. Electricity is a cool way to power a car. You have maximum torque at zero r.p.m.’s. That is a very good thing for playing in traffic. But, you have to have lots of batteries and room for them. So you take a little econobox electric, dump half of the batteries, install a gas drive-train alongside the electric and a charging system that will charge the batteries on the fly. Well you get the picture.

You loose all of the advantages of electric and you wind up with a very expensive, two drive-train vehicle. You probably won’t ever come out ahead on fuel cost because you paid so much for the car. Not to mention what to do with all those batteries several years down the road.

Really dumb idea #3
C.A.R.B.!!!!! And now these guys want to be known as A.R.B.. Hum, a California state board now wants to regulate the entire country. I think the rest of the country needs to regulate them. Zero emissions? What are these guys smoking? No such thing.

Wake up! Almost all power comes from burning something. It may be coal, oil, nuclear fission or the manufacture of components for so called renew-ables. Power causes pollution. Batteries cause pollution. Nuclear-energy causes pollution. If you want less pollution, use less power. Wow, what a concept.

Maybe you could encourage people to ride motorcycles? It is hard to believe that C.A.R.B. has our best interest at heart when they slam small motorcycle shops hard. Yet they do nothing about the tankers and frighters waiting to unload in LA that are burning 3000 gallons of diesel per hour as they wait.

Enough dumb ideas for now. I’m going back to bed.

–Big Bill

Well said Bill. Do you know how much money CARB has taken from the public in fines in the last couple of years. The number would knock you out. It’s all about the money. We need to find a balance between regulation, and freedom.–Bandit

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power players on street bob

COMING SOON TO BIKERNET, 2009 HARLEY-DAVIDSON STREET BOB ROADTEST– Coming soon is the road test for the Street Bob. Here is a shot of my niece Heather (the older sister of my other niece, Brandie, the doctor, that posed on a different bike I was testing).

Heather is an attorney for a powerful law firm in El Segundo and the man standing behind her is her husband, Jason Peterson, an Executive producer of music video and film in Hollywood. You see, in my family, we don’t fuck around…well, except for me..that’s all I do. I’m the black sheep.

–Jon Towle-

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SEE RIDLEY IN KANSAS CITY–This weekend, January 10th and 11th at the Metro Community College Exhibit Hall in Kansas City, Missouri Ridley Motorcycles will be on display. Stop by and see several models including the 2009 Auto-Glide Limited Edition. Route 66 Ridley Motorcycles will be on hand with brochures, product, and answers to all your questions. And, if you’re ready to buy- they can even help with that!


Also on display will be the new line of Ridley Vintage Motorbikes. These motorized bicycles are creating a big buzz around the country with their vintage styling and incredible 120 MPG economy.

This is a great chance to see and sit on the innovative products from Ridley Motorcycle.

For more information contact:
Route 66 Ridley
2488 Old 66 Blvd
Carthage, MO
(417) 358-8441
Ridley Motorcycle Company <

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MIC, AND OTHER GROUPS ASK EPA FOR MORE ETHANOL TESTS– MIC, Other Groups Ask EPA for More Ethanol Tests Posted: 06 Jan 2009 11:20 AM CST Fourteen organizations, including the Motorcycle Industry Council, recently called for ?unbiased and comprehensive testing? before the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) permits the use of mid-level ethanol blends in engines. According to an article in Oil and Gas Journal, other groups that were part of the petition include the National Petrochemical and Refiners Association, Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, American Lung Association and the Engine Manufacturers Association. Calling themselves an informal coalition, the groups expressed concern about air quality, engine compatibility and safety.

?There has not been sufficient testing of motor vehicle and non-road equipment engines to justify a determination that any mid-level ethanol blend would meet the requirements,? they said in a letter to EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson.

The letter contends the existing test results suggest mid-level ethanol blends might be incompatible with current motor vehicle and non-road equipment engines, might cause emission control devices or systems to fail, might defeat engines? safety features and could lead to significantly higher emissions during the engines? lifespan.

?Collectively, our organizations strongly believe that this issue should not be a part of the rulemaking proposal for the revised Renewable Fuel Standard under the [2007 Energy Independence and Security Act],? the letter continued. ?The mid-level ethanol blend issue should be discussed at length, but the vehicle should be a separate advance notice of proposed rulemaking.?

?We?re happy to build new equipment for new fuels with increased ethanol but we will not sit idly by and put our customers? safety and economic interests at risk.??Kris Kiser, Outdoor Power Equipment Institute

The small engine-ethanol issue has gone national with a recent report on U.S. National Public Radio featuring an instructor at WyoTech automotive school in Laramie, Wyo., the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute?s executive VP of government affairs Kris Kiser and Ron Lamberty, a spokesman for the American Coalition of Ethanol. Under the provocative headline ?Ethanol Could Kill Your Small Engine,? the story is available as an audio podcast on the NPR web site. As he?s mentioned before repeatedly during presentations and interviews, the small engine industry isn?t anti-ethanol, but its also very pro safety and pro product performance. As Kiser says in his comment, ??Outdoor power equipment manufacturers are not anti ethanol and can design product to run on a wide range of fuels and ethanol levels. We do not object to increasing ethanol levels to meet government mandates,? Kiser says. ?Quite the opposite, equipment manufacturers will gladly produce new product for customers to meet new fuel requirements. Our main and continuing concern is simply our customers and their safety. The fact is that running existing equipment?boats, snowmobiles, ATVs and non flex-fuel automobiles?on fuels that they were not designed for presents very real safety and performance issues.?

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Columbia H-D logo

THE NEW HARLEY-DAVIDSON OF COLUMBIA SUPERSTORE– The 1st truly NEW H-D dealership in the last 25-50 years of Harley-Davidson.

Harley-Davidson Customers nationwide will recognize this new Harley-Davidson Superstore with a Seal of Approval Award:Columbia, Tennessee October 25, 2008 The New Harley-Davidson of Columbia Superstore.

Harley-Davidson Dealers, as you know them, will never be the same. Conceived over the course of the last 10 years and designed by one of the premier retail space designers in America today, the World-Renowned Pompeii AD from New York City, this is the first truly unique Harley-Davidson dealership designed and built in the last 20-50 years of Harley-Davidson. Located at Exit 46 on I-65 in Columbia, Tennessee, this is the ultimate Harley-Davidson destination in America.

Not built as a catchy or themed Disney-esque sort of project, this store is a true Harley-Davidson location built for the true Harley- Davidson rider, intender and enthusiast. ?What we have done? says Ricky Kelley, the owner and developer of Harley-Davidson of Columbia, ?is to turn the building upside down and inside out. This building is designed to be all about the motorcycles and the people who ride them. We didn?t design or build some architectural museum piece. What we built was a space that happens to have a Harley-Davidson dealership on it?and what I believe you will find to be the coolest Harley-Davidson dealership in the country.?

*Think green. An environmentally green building development is a part of what we are all looking for in order to maintain a sustainable world environment for the future. What we have done for the Harley-Davidson of Columbia Superstore is take this space and balanced the site, so all of the dirt, stone building product, etc. came from within this site. All of the 15,000 + loads of dirt involved in the excavation of this site were redistributed and used throughout the balance of our 25 acre site. No trucking dirt 25 ? 50 miles to a remote location to make this building happen. It is self-contained.

During the excavation for this site, the dirt work, digging and blasting resulted in the ?creation? of many tons of gravel. These tons of good old Tennessee were crushed on site. Then that gravel from the crushed rock from the excavation site was used for the building pad, parking, driveways, etc. There were no transporting hundreds of loads of gravel for hundreds of miles to build this building. Gas is expensive, you know.

All of the slate stone on the building exterior was contained on this site. The slate that you see was hand selected during the excavation process and saved on a palette until building construction began. Then the stone was hand laid by a master stone mason to the building?s exterior. What you see from the building exterior actually came from this site.

Think about paint. How much does a gallon of paint weigh? What is paint made from? Think Petroleum. When you walk through the New Harley-Davidson of Columbia Superstore, you will see very few painted surfaces. Sure, we had to paint a few office and bathroom walls?but only a few. Our concrete floor is pure natural concrete. Unpainted and unstained. Our structural steel is only primered. No fancy paint, just primer.

Look at the glass, all 6000 square feet of it. This building was designed to bring the outside in, and we feel this glass and skylight utilization really does just that, let?s the outside in. The glass and skylights (huge skylights, by the way) allows for maximum UV protection. This massive windows and skylights allow us to flood the interior with natural light, a true energy saver. At the same time, it provides true color transference so you can see the real color of the clothes and motorcycles.

Speaking of lighting, most parking lots are only lit to a minimum certain safety standard. At the Harley-Davidson of Columbia Superstore, our parking lot lighting is 8 to 10 times that standard. The interesting thing is we accomplished this lighting standard with 1/3 the usual number of exterior lights, a true energy saver. This place looks like daylight when it is midnight. Remember, we?ve turned this building inside out.

What the New Harley-Davidson of Columbia Superstore has done is to create a destination environment. ?Whether you come inside the store or simply ride to the store and hang out, we hope you will have the same pleasurable experience? says Kelley. In the parking lot at the Harley-Davidson of Columbia Superstore, you will find music, the same music you will find inside the store (but inside the building we also have TV and video). You will find dedicated bike parking. You will find nighttime lighting that makes it look like daytime. You will find grass, shade trees, outdoor picnic and relaxation areas, and places to just sit around and talk to your friends.

Speaking about the outside of the building, what about the Outdoor Music Event Center (the Venue has not officially been named yet) that joins the Harley-Davidson of Columbia Superstore site? This OMEC features a major concert size stage and unbelievable sound system that is designed by Clair Brothers/Showco, the same company that does the sound for The Rolling Stones, Tim McGraw and U2. We are more than able to rock the 2500 people accommodated in a beautiful grassy, festival style seated arena. Adjacent to the OMEC, you will find restrooms, artist dressing rooms, and the most unbelievably great concession stand you have ever been to.

Our OMEC contains a concession stand, known as ?Sweet Vicki?s Rock and Roll Eatery?. However, not just any concessions stand. This full service gourmet food stop sells the best breakfast, lunch and dinner you have ever eaten in a parking lot! Think Country Ham Omelet wraps with Cheese Grits, Fried Hot Dogs Wrapped in Bacon, Half Pound Cheeseburger stuffed with Seven Cheeses, and Banana Splits. Wash it all down with a cold beverage while you listen to Toby / Tim / Kenny / Keith/Skynyrd over our parking lot audio system and you will truly know what the Harley-Davidson experience is all about.

If you DO decide to come into the store, you will not be disappointed, but what will you notice first? Will it be our Gigantic 70 Foot Ramp with the parked bikes soaring 20 feet into the air? Will it be our Hi-Def Home Theatre Room that other at other dealerships is simply a customer lounge? Will it be the Huge, 6000 square foot Glass Wall overlooking the outdoor spaces and OMEC? Will it be our open-air entrance with Huge ?Always Open? Garage Doors that allow easy access to the bikers (and intenders) from the parking / park area? Will it be that you notice our Huge Skylights, each the size of a swimming pool that allow the sunlight to come in so that even when you are inside you may think you are outside?

When you are inside the building, check out the bikes and the merchandise. Many of our fixtures are made from reclaimed wood and bamboo. Very green, very environmentally friendly and very common sense. This is a very environmentally sound building interior. Not a bunch of merchandising B.S.

And what about those environmentally friendly interior spaces? Remember, the Harley-Davidson of Columbia Superstore is all about the people and the bikes so we have changed it all up from every other Harley-Davidson dealership you have ever been in. The products are merchandised with the customer in mind. Here?s the deal. We have put the products together?where they belong. No men?s department, no women?s department, no used bikes department, no parts department with a bunch of ?hidden? parts (yes, you read that right). No kidding. What we have done is taken what the customers have asked us for over the years and given it to them.

You may find a Sportster displayed along with all of the accessories and riding gear a new rider might require. You may find a V-Rod merchandised along with the Full Face System Helmet and more of our Premium Performance rider apparel. Speaking of helmets, wait until you see our ?Only One in America? Helmet Display. T-shirts??forgettaboutit! Did we mention the over 300 New and Used Harley-Davidson motorcycles available to sit on, admire or even buy? You are going to love shopping at the Harley-Davidson of Columbia Superstore.

One location, unlimited Inside/Outside experience. That?s what the Harley-Davidson of Columbia Superstore is all about. Bikes, Music, Food, Friends, T-shirts, Picnicking, Concerts, the best service department in the USA and the location you want to ride to. The Harley-Davidson of Columbia Superstore.

Oh yeah, be sure and ask Bill about how to get access to our VIP Park, Parking, and Entrance. You won?t believe it. Opening January 2010.

–Lisa Cook
Harley-Davidson of Cool Springs
7128 South Springs Drive
Franklin, TN 37067
615-771-7775 phone
615-250-7941 fax


Continued On Page 4

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