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Royal Enfield Wins Best Documentary


Synopsis: Gaurav Jani is a founder member of 60KPH a Royal Enfield Bullet motorcycle club. He rode and recorded his solitary trip to Changthang among the Himalayas and to Marsimek–la, the highest motorable pass in the world at 18,634 feet. He shot 40 hours of his ride which has been heartbreakingly edited to a 94-minute documentary. The project won many awards including Golden Conch for Best Documentary at the Mumbai International Film Festival (2006). His memoirs are now available on DVD.

I met Gaurav on 26 May and we talked till 3 AM at a road side dhaaba (food joint) in Thane Ghodbunder Highway.


Man, Machine and Myth – Romancing the Roads

Men are not emotional creatures. We have a strong façade for the expansive world. But we do have passion. It is this intense drive to do what is unique to us, a force driving us towards a different world view. When you realise you are not a sheep in a herd but a beast far more extreme – you do what cowboys have done since ages – tame a wild bull or die trying.

For Gaurav Jani this began years ago as he founded the all India Bullet club – 60 KPH ( ). Don’t be fooled by the name, their speed or reach is not limited to 60KMPH. Over the years members have gone on group rides throughout the country and into neighbouring Nepal and Bhutan on their trusty Bulls (Bullets). But he had not discovered himself yet through these group rides. He craved a personal adventure to realise what Bullet-eers call Bullet Nirvana. This he achieved in “Riding Solo To The Top Of The World.”

Talking about his trip; why choose a motorcycle that retains a 50 year-old technology in its current production. Royal Enfield’s cast iron engine has gone with almost no technical improvements since it started operations in India. Today the Indian company is the only one functioning while its British parent company and all others have shut shop long ago.

Remember Biking In India article–We mentioned thehistory of Royal Enfield in India.EXCERPT from the same:”The Indian debut happened in 1949 with the 350ccBullet when Madras Motors started assembling the RoyalEnfield motorcycles to supply it to the Indian Army.The Bullet would disappear from most regions of thebiking world but Enfield India Company thumped along.In 1994 the ailing company renewed its reach afterthey were acquired by the Eicher Group .”

“I didn't have a line up of bikes from which I could choose a 350cc Enfield over a 650cc or 1100cc bike. The Enfield in Riding Solo… is my five-year-old bike and my only option for this ride” Says Gaurav confident of his Bullet. Year of Manufacture / Purchase of your Bullet used forthe tripModel and CC capacity/BHP of his Bullet = 2001 model,350 cc, Std Bullet iron engine, 18bhp.

None of the financers were willing to put money on this project. A solo ride with no route or itinerary planned. In these desperate circumstances was his state of mind, firm on doing it solo. That was the essence of the trip – doing it on his own and capturing it on film. Having worked behind the camera; facing the camera was another challenge for him.

Author's Note: It is the passion for riding the WW II technology withno changes – drum brakes and spokes and CB pointignition et al. Most of all the Thump and displacementgives the unique comfort of riding in the top gear(4th gear) at the speed of as less as 20 KMPH withoutmissing a beat or engine problem. Also due to thedisplacement the bike runs at same speed with pillionor luggage. It is a hard core Indian bike now – evenwith the British Royal Enfield tag.

Gaurav explains, “Both Rajiv (a friend) and I knew that riding the bike wouldn’t be a problem. The problem would be handling the camera (a Panasonic DVX-100e Mini DV camera). I would have to experiment with the kind of shots I would take, check them, rectify mistakes and learn on the way. But the biggest problem of all was – Who would face the camera? I have been working in films as an assistant director. But that’s behind the camera. The other side is for actors and for people who are camera friendly. The body was prepared for anything but the mind just could not get over the fact that I would have to face the camera and talk to it. Once I accepted this fact, everything fell into place. And throughout, I had the support of fellow 60kph members, the only guys outside Dirt trackers (his production company) who believed in the film.”


Being an experienced rider, Gaurav was confident about his solo trip. He knew where he could stop and where he could refuel. Minor maintenance of the bike would be done by himself on the road. The tank capacity of the Bullet was 14 litres, and he could carry 19 litres of fuel as luggage. Rest of the fuel would come from various Indian Army and Indo Tibetan Border Police camps in Changthang. “Midway into the ride I did return back to Leh for fuel and most importantly food supplies.” In Changthang itself his Bull consumed 95 litres of fuel.

Originally the ride was to start from Bombay (Mumbai). But to avoid damage to the camera from the heat the bike and equipments were taken by train to Jaipur and then the bike trip began on towards Delhi. At Delhi he met with Discovery Channel executives who were not too keen on this documentary with no defined plot or structure. Gaurav was yet to know himself what he was going to do and where his final destination will be. Not disheartened yet he rode on. A year later Discovery Channel has shown interest in his production. Telling us about his riding preparation Gaurav says, “The maximum amount of space was occupied by the camera box and camera accessories. The heaviest bag had the bike spares and tools.”

So how does a man document his own biker trip on the road? Who records him riding on the mountains and through brooks underneath frail rope-wood bridges?

“Once on the road, each time I had to take a shot, I had to untie the camera bag and tripod, remove the camera, tie the camera bag back onto the bike, set the frame, wear the helmet, ride away from the camera, come back to unpack the camera bag on the bike and pack the camera and tripod back onto the bike.”

That seems like a lot of work to a layman. But not for the passionate film-maker, Gaurav wanted the best footage for his dream-run into the Himalayas. Some people in the initial cut of his documentary disbelieved he performed the solo trip and recording. There were scenes of the camera panning. Gaurav explains that two scenes were not shot by him. One was shot by Zee News channel who were doing a feature on paragliding near Rohthang pass at Manali. Another shot was from Royal Beast, a Delhi based Bullet club. “I actually wanted to inquire from the cameraman on what all precautions I should take while taking shots in sub-zero temperatures,” explains Gaurav about his shot with Zee News team.

Though Gaurav is experienced in film-making this was his first fully-owned project. He was to direct, present and capture everything by himself without knowing what was in store for him ahead and what the final-product would look like. He shared his thoughts, “Filming my own journey on the high altitude region was tough physically, but mentally it was satisfying. Any first-time director would be nervous on the sets, crew and cast waiting for his directions. But for Riding solo… there was no one to judge me or look at me for further instructions. I was filming without any plan or schedule and most importantly, I had complete freedom. A perfect scenario for a first time director.”


But even at desolate places Gaurav would have imaginary million eyes on him whenever he tried to face the camera. He had to analyze his speech, and as advised by his colleagues back home, face the camera while talking, to connect with the prospective audience. This changed overnight as, “The fear was considerably reduced when I lost my way searching for a place called Datta. The sun was about to set and it was freezing cold. In that moment of panic, the camera was the only companion I had. My whole approach to the film changed on that restless night. I had never imagined that I would ever get lost or be in a situation where I would fear for my life.”

What followed was a humbler approach topped with a camera-friendly attitude. Another turning point on the jouney was when he stayed with Chang pa nomads. Their simple life was enlightenment for Gaurav, “When strangers meet (on those mountains), there is no manipulation, no faking of identity.” After Changthang, a breath-takingly beautiful region, he reached Hanle. At the Hanle Palace he got the tremendously moving sight of huge grasslands and the Hanle river winding its way among the fields. Nearby was the Chumur monastery where even the National Geographic Society was denied permission to enter despite their reference letters from His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Indian Home Ministry. (See here ).

The landscape was desolate except for plenty of wild-life. Hundreds of Kiangs (wild-assess) made way for the Bull which hoped for a single day ride to reach Chumur. Then on, a mighty hike to get to the monastery.


To make the bike lighter, Gaurav had left most of his luggage back at Hanle. “I reached Chumur in four hours. After a 30-minute interrogation on what I was doing at Chumur, I was allowed to shoot.” He had already shot 7 hours of the Hemis festival when he had reached Leh. The daring effort now would be to ride back to Hanle. He had exposed tapes and no tools if the Bullet broke down. A suicide run, he camped at Khargyam grassland, where the stream besides his camp froze to ice. When at 6 am he tried to capture the frozen stream, his battery died in 2 minutes due to the cold (instead of the usual 3 hours life).

“Riding to Marsimek–la, the highest motorable pass at 18,634 feet was also tough, but that was my day off from work. Camera batteries were getting charged at the Army camp. I was not operating the camera or facing it – that day was my vacation on a vacation so as to speak. Getting to Marsimek-la was for the biker in me and not for the filmmaker.”

He completed his solo trip as he dreamed but not planned. He had 40 hours of footage, and the post-production team was editing the same. Heartbreakingly the final cut is reduced to 94 minutes on the screened documentary and on the DVD which is available for purchase at 60 KPH website .


“I wanted the film to have multiple angles, shots that would do justice to the beautiful Changthang. It's tough for the filmmaker to decide where the film is going when there is a constant clash between the filmmaker and the biker who wants to enjoy the ride uninterrupted; without having to stop every now and then to set up a camera.”

Having won the Golden Conch and Critics award for Best Documentary at the 2006 Mumbai International Film Festival among many other awards at various festivals; it seems the biker and the filmmaker are both at peace with the results.

Commenting on the well-received film he says, “I was away on another trip when my Editor, Sankalp Meshram informed me that the selection jury of the Mumbai International Film Festival had left for their respective homes after they saw Riding Solo… I said, come on man, our film is not so bad for them to react like this. He said ‘Idiot, they loved the film so much that after watching our film, they didn’t want to see any other film and spoil their mood’.”

Adventure Sidebars:Total Petrol used in your Solo trip = around 210liters (or 47 gallons).
Total Kilometers ridden on solo trip = 5,000 Kms (about 3,200 miles).KM = A metric unit of length equal to 1000 meters (or0.621371 miles)

Litre = A metric unit of capacity equal to the volumeof 1 kilogram of pure water at 4 degrees centigradeand 760 mm of mercury (or approximately 1.76 pints)

Gallon = A British imperial capacity measure (liquidor dry) equal to 4 quarts or 4.545 litres

Mile = A unit of length used in navigation; equivalentto the distance spanned by one minute of arc inlatitude; 1,852 meters

Now we need a Calculator 😉


The Film “Riding Solo To The Top Of The World” on the Festival circuit:

1) Indian Documentary Producers’ Association Awards 2006
Technical Award for Sound Design – Dwarak Warrier
Technical Award for Editing – Sankalp Meshram
Documentary – Gaurav Jani

2) Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival 2006
Audience Award – Best Documentary

3) Mumbai International Film Festival – February 2006
Golden Conch for Best Documentary Film / Video
National Critics Award

4) Signs Film Festival – August 2006
Best Documentary – Biography Category

5) Calgary International Film Festival – September 2006
Nominated for Best International Documentary Award

6) Indo American Arts Council Film Festival
Nominated for Best International Documentary Award

Copyright Ujjwal Dey May 29, 2007. Here's theman's self-run Production Company – Dirt TrackProductions:

Read More

March 19, 2009 Part 4


Continued From Page 3


Krista Marie to Lead Women?s Ride in Milwaukee–Recording artist and NHRA spokes-singer Krista Marie has connected with Harley-Davidson motorcycles and Screamin’ Eagle racing in support of Harley-Davidson?s efforts to encourage women to ride.

Krista will be riding her 2009 Harley-Davidson V-Rod Muscle when she participates in International Female Ride Day on May 1 in Milwaukee.

?I am so excited to be a part of the team and the Harley-Davidson family,? said Krista. ?Riding and music are my life and I get to do both. Well, I guess you can say I’m lucky enough to be living the dream!?

Krista Marie co-wrote and sang, ?Drive It Like I Stole It,? which is the theme song for ESPN?s coverage of NHRA drag racing?s 2009 season. Fans can read her NHRA blog, view photos and videos and hear new music at

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TORIAN LEATHER DELIVERS THE FEEL OF LAMB SKIN TO WOMEN RIDERS–Woman’s long sleeve Race Shirt is now less than $150! Ideal for hard ridin women in warm weather and/or morning/evening riding.Our customers tell us that they use the Race Shirt when they don’t need a jacket but want full protection.

The Feel of Lamb:Our shirts are made from hand-selected goat skin. This hide provides the soft feel of lamb and the durability of cowhide in a light weight.Features 2 chest flap pockets, 2 hand warmer pockets and a full lining.Torian Chopper Leathers details are here.

–Jeff Najar

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2009 Daytona 200 Final Results Posted–Following a confusing, caution-filled conclusion to the 68th Daytona 200 at Daytona International Speedway March 5, the AMA?s final race results, which were made final March 16, affected the finishing order of several of the Buell racers entered in the event.

Top Buell finisher Shawn Higbee (Bartel?s H-D/ was unaffected and maintained his fifth place result. However, Latus Motors H-D racer Alan Schmidt, who was initially credited with a 34th place finish, and was later elevated to 19th, was ultimately disqualified for passing under yellow flag conditions during a late-race caution, joining Bruce Rossmeyer?s Daytona Racing/RMR rider Danny Eslick among the four riders so penalized.

Other Buell finishers were Eslick?s Geico Powersports/RMR teammate Michael Barnes, who was credited with a 25th place finish, Latus Motors H-D rider Josh Bryan in 34th position, and Bryan Bemisderfer (H-D of Frederick in 60th place.

The next round of the AMA?s Daytona Sportbike championship will be this weekend at California Speedway in Fontana, Calif.

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BIKERNET MEDICAL RESEARCH TEAM WORKS WITH DR. WEIL AND COLORADO DENVER SCHOOL OF MEDICINE–The latest news about vitamin D suggests that it helps protect against colds and flu. A research team from the University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital and Children’s Hospital of Boston looked at levels of vitamin D taken from blood samples provided by nearly 19,000 individuals who took park in a national survey and compared them with participants’ reports of upper respiratory infections.

Those whose vitamin D levels were lower than 10 nanograms per milliliter of blood were nearly 40 percent more likely to have had a recent cold or flu than those with vitamin D levels of 30 nanograms or higher.

Deficiencies of ?D? were more common among people with a history of asthma or some form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A prospective study is needed to determine whether supplementing with vitamin D will protect against colds and flu. You can raise your levels of ?D? by taking a daily supplement of 1,000 IUs and from eating foods such as fortified milk and cereals, eggs, salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines.

Our bodies make vitamin D naturally with exposure to sunlight, but research suggests most people don?t get enough sun exposure during the winter.

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The Quail Motorcycle GatheringA Sale of Exceptional Motorcycles and Memorabilia,9 May 2009Quail Lodge Resort and Golf ClubCarmel, CA–Bonhams & Butterfields Auctioneers is delighted to announce The Quail Motorcycle Gathering, a motorcycle concours and auction, to be held at The Quail Lodge, Carmel, California, on May 9th, 2009.

The Quail Motorcycle Gathering is set to be a highlight of the international motorcycle concours calendar, and with an accompanying sale from Bonhams Auctioneers, this will prove to be an exciting ?must-attend? event for the motorcycle enthusiast.Bonhams, synonymous with record prices, will be featuring prominent collections and outstanding individual consignments, including:


1929 Harley Davidson with Steve McQueen provenance

Consignments are now invited.If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.For further information please follow this link to

–Nick Smith
Bonhams & Butterfields
7601 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90046
Direct (323) 436.5470
Mobile (310) 963.1701

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Bassani Exhaust and Bikernet are making 2009 the year of Freedom. We want to point out freedom issues and support freedom fights. If you are in a motorcycle rights group send us a banner (500 by 100 wide). We want to support freedom fighters on Bikernet. If you’re not a member of your local rights group, step up. Now is the time to join!

COLORADO BIKE DEALERS WANT THEIR FREEDOMS BACK–Colorado?s House of Representatives has given preliminary approval to a proposal giving motorcycle dealers greater freedom in dealing with manufacturers.

Senate Bill 91, which applies to motorcycle, car and truck dealerships, prohibits a manufacturer or distributor from:

conditioning the sale, transfer, or relocation or the renewal of a franchise agreement upon site control;

refusing to offer its same line-make to franchised dealers based upon unreasonable sales and service standards;

Failing to offer an incentive or sales program to a motor vehicle dealer that is offered to another motor vehicle dealer;

requiring a motor vehicle dealer to devote facilities, personnel, or display space exclusively to a single line-make;

Conditioning a franchise agreement on improvements to a facility;

Owning or operating a used motor vehicle dealership; and

Operating a dealership during the transition between owners or operators for more than 12 months.

SB 91 also requires a manufacturer or distributor to notify the motor vehicle dealer within 30 days of the following disapprovals: the denial of a location or relocation for a franchise; the denial of the approval of the sale of a dealership; or the denial of the approval to change management.

If a franchise agreement is terminated, a manufacturer or distributor who disapproves of a sale or transfer of a franchise must reimburse the prospective purchaser and seller for any actual costs incurred in the effort to sell or transfer the franchise.

Under current law, manufacturers can determine pricing structures, incentives, dealership expansions and other conditions for contract renewal. Manufacturers also can cancel the contract if dealers decide not to go along with contractual conditions.

Tim Jackson, president of the Colorado Auto Dealers Association, told the Denver Business Journal the bill creates a ?better balance on behalf of the dealers? by updating car dealer franchising laws dating to 1937 and making them more consistent with the rest of the country.

SB 91 has passed through the Business, Labor and Technology Committee in the Senate and the Business Affairs and Labor Committee in the House.

The bill is sponsored in the Senate by Sen. Chris Romer, D-Denver, and is sponsored in the House by Rep. Joe Rice, D-Littleton.

If passed, the legislation would take effect July 1.

– Submitted by Guido Ebert

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Audit: High Spending at Cycle Training Program–ALBANY, N.Y. – Auditors found that a New York group hired by the state to conduct motorcycle safety training spent $46,000 for a tricked-out pickup truck, paid for unexplained trips to Arizona and Santo Domingo, and had some instructors without driver’s licenses.

State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli said Tuesday that the Motorcycle Association of New York State, based in New York City, is losing the contract it first secured in 1998 in the administration of Gov. George Pataki. The audit includes accusations against some of its top officials. Findings are being sent to the state attorney general’s office for possible further action.

The state’s contract is worth about $6.4 million over five years. The spending by the association came during a period in which DiNapoli said the association failed to meet basic requirements of the contract including the establishment of enough training sites statewide. The association’s contract expired in February.

The spending DiNapoli questioned included: _A Ford Lariat pickup truck that was to be used for towing motorcycles. The truck had a upgrades including premium wheels, “jewel-effect headlamps” and lots of leather and chrome, but couldn’t tow motorcycles. The truck didn’t fit in the association’s $300-a-month parking garage so parking meters were used daily.

_A $13,000 motorcycle apparently used for one official to get to work.

_A Chrysler 300 sedan one official took to Arizona when he semiretired, at a cost of $36,221 in leases and insurance. The state Department of Motor Vehicles subsequently disallowed reimbursement for the car.

_$13,000 for six hotel rooms for a 13-night stay during the State Fair near Syracuse, without a record of who accompanied association officials or the purpose of the trip.

_$1,800 to maintain a trailer in Arizona with no record of its purpose or for who used it.

_Thousands of dollars in air fare for association officials and their relatives, some of which was eventually reimbursed to the association.

_37 motorcycles worth $47,515 that were missing, although 24 were eventually located and the others may have been dismantled for parts, according to the DMV’s response.

Some of the spending has since been reimbursed, according to the audit.

Other violations of provisions of the contracted were found in a spot check of 50 of 82 instructors: 26 had no high school or equivalency diploma, four didn’t have current and valid motorcycle licenses, and two didn’t meet the minimum of teaching two beginning rider courses a year.

The contract provided thousands of motorcyclists with training to get licenses and to eliminate “points” for violations on their licenses.

The DMV agreed with many of the findings and is rebidding the contract. Officials for the association couldn’t immediately be reached at phone numbers in New York and in Arizona.

–from Rogue

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Malcolm Smith Leads CPSIA Protest–Malcolm Smith plans to sell banned youth-sized motorcycles and ATVs March 19 as a sign of protest to the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008, which prohibits the sale of youth motorcycles and ATVs deemed unhealthy for children under age 12 due to suspected high levels of lead content.

Smith has dubbed the event the ?Kids Love 2 Ride Protest.? He’s gotten so much support, he says, that he changed the starting time to 4 p.m. so more people can attend.

A group of small business people and high-profile motorcycle industry celebrities, including racers Jeff Ward and Jeremy McGrath, Glen Helen Raceway owner Bud Feldkamp, and motorsport design guru Troy Lee have all agreed to be on hand to purchase banned units for use by their own children and grandchildren.

Malcolm Smith Motorsports is in Riverside, Calif. The dealership ? recently named ?Dealer of the Year? by Dealernews magazine?s Top 100 Dealer Program ? sells Aprilia, Can-Am, Husqvarna, KTM, KYMCO, Piaggio, Sea-Doo, Suzuki, Vespa and Yamaha.

Learn more at or


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WANT TO CALL AIG AND VENT?–In case anyone want’s the phone number for AIG. I’m still working on getting NAMES!!

I already called and gave them an ear full. AIG 1-877-638-4244 let them know how you feel.


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ROT logo

ROT 09′ IS READY TO ROCK!Hank Williams Jr.Kentucky Headhunters & Robert Earl Keenheadlining Republic of Texas Biker Rally 2009!– The count down begins with only 85 days until ROT Rally 09′. Republic of Texas Biker Rally will rock BIG, REALLY BIG for their 15th year with exciting wild attractions, Evel Knievel Motorcycle Give-A-Ways, plus 3 days of rock’n live music, June 11th – 14th. Leading the charge for the music line-up this year are Hank Williams JR., Robert Earl Keen, Kentucky Headhunters, Bugs Henderson, Gary P. Nunn, Guy Forsyth, Billy Joe Shaver, Rusty Weir, Omar & the Howlers, Two Tons of Steel, Doug Moreland, Dirtfoot, Vallejo, Rich O’ Toole, Maylee Thomas, Navasota Rio and more to be announced.

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demon cycle cutie

A SOFT TAIL FOR HARD TIMES– Everybody?s bitchin? about the economy lately, myself included. Hell, my 401K has turned into a 201K, an? it?s losin? money faster than I can keep up with. In times like these, there aren?t many of us who can afford to shell out $50,000 to $100,000 for a new custom scoot. My amigo, Tom, at Demons Cycle knows that, an? he?s got the solution to yer money woes.

You can build a kick-ass custom bike that?ll put ya on the road in style for between $11,000 an? $15,000! These are scoots that ya can ride the hell out of, an? still look cool cruisin? the boulevard, an? that?s really all most of us want; to ride, have fun, an? look cool doin? it!

I?m givin? my ol? Shovelhead a face lift usin? parts from Demons Cycle, an? it?s goin? in Arlen Ness? show in April. All the goodies I?ve gotten from Tom have been top quality, shipped fast, an? priced right!

If you want to build a complete ground-up custom scoot, or just buy yer present ride a new wardrobe, be sure ya hit the Demon?s Cycle website, before ya do anything else. You?ll save a ton of cash, get great stuff, an? probably be laughin? at all yer buddies that spent big bucks on their bikes.

While yer here, check out Tom?s newest custom; It has a Demons frame, a 110 inch Rev Tech engine, a 6 speed trans, a Demons Cycle 4 inch stretched tank, a 3 inch Ultima open belt primary, Demons Cycle flamed forward controls, brake/pulley combination, an? too many other goodies to list here. Check out the pictures, an? remember; buildin? a scoot is half the fun of ownin? one, an? when your buddies ask ya where ya got the bad-ass chopper, ya can tell ?em ?I built it!?

— By Buckshot

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Mike Garrison becomes VP of Ultima brand manufacturingMidwest Motorcycle Supply has announced the promotion of respected performance engineer Mike Garrison to Vice President of Manufacturing–Mike has over 30 years’ experience in all aspects of high performance air-cooled v-twin engine manufacturing, being best known as the former owner and senior designer of Engenuity Motors.

Midwest say that “promoting Mike is another positive step to insure that the Ultima motor is the best choice when purchasing a v-twin engine. Utilizing the knowledge he has amassed through decades of engine manufacturing, he has been, and will continue to be, channeling this knowledge to insure the Ultima motor line is the best there is”.

Since joining Midwest in September of ’07, Mike has helped create several new engine options such as the ‘Black Gem’, the ’96 Shovelhead-style engine and an all new Diamond Cut edition. Mike has also helped create and supervise Ultima’s all new engine rebuild program.

Ultima engines are cast, machined and assembled in and around the St Louis, Missouri area, which “gives Mike the advantage of being able to oversee all manufacturing processes from stem to stern”.

Midwest say that, along with complete engines, they are also in the process of producing “an even more complete line of replacement engine parts from Flatheads to Twin Cams at prices that cannot be beaten. After many years of proving that a quality engine can be built in volume in America and still be affordable, with Mike in charge of our manufacturing activities we believe the Ultima brand will continue to offer dealers and riders great options and outstanding value.”

Pevely, Missouri, USA
Tel: 314 771 9425
Fax: 636 931 3300

American Motorcycle Dealer

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heel guard use

HEEL GUARD PROTECTION FOR DRESSER AND ROAD KING PASSENGERS– When it comes to STOP BURNING RUBBER on your motorcycle exhaust——Heel Guard, Inc. is the world leader. And now passengers can realize the same benefits afforded riders who fit their machines with the unique HEEL GUARD protection.

Additionally, the new passenger guards will protect side cover paint from being scratched by your passenger?s boots. HEEL GUARDS were originally developed specifically to protect your boot or shoe heel and sole from being burned by the exhaust pipe.

Easily fit to stock passenger floorboards on DRESSER AND ROAD KING models, except Screaming Eagle Ultra Classics, these great looking, fully functional guards are fabricated from high grade steel and triple chrome plated for a brilliant, durable, long lasting finish.

Passenger HEEL GUARD installation is a simple bolt on, no drilling required, process and once installed provided a barrier between your passenger?s feet, the exhaust system and side covers. The passenger unit fits to both the right and left side and are a must have accessory for those running true dual systems.

HEEL GUARD passenger boot protectors retail for just $69.95 each and are available direct from HEEL GUARD, phone 406-689-3102, or on line at

Guards shown here are installed to existing factory floorboards. All Heel Guard TM products are protected by U. S. Patent 6,626,448 and 7,017,932 – Other Patents Pending


Continued On Page 5

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March 19, 2009 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

National Cycle use

National Cycle VStream Windshield FROM BIKERS CHOICE– National cycle introduces the VStream Windshield available for late model H-D, FLHT?s and FLHX?s. These windshields are constructed of 4.5mm polycarbonate with Quantum hard-coating. What does this mean in layman’s terms? They have an over 20X greater impact resistance and a 30X greater scratch resistance than Acrylic/Lucite plastic.

They are sized in Tall and Standard, clear and are outstanding for high-speed highway riding, and Low and Ultra Low, 89% tinted.

For more information on these windshields and other new products, visit or visit your local Biker?s Choice Dealer.

Happy Riding!!


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CAROLINA BIKE RALLY COMING–The Carolina Bike Rally will be held in Jacksonville, North Carolina. Steve Winsett, promoter of the Rally and a Vietnam Veteran himself, dedicates his time to supporting our service members and their families.

The Rally will serve as a means of raising awareness while showing our support for our Nations Heroes. The proceeds from the event will go to Hope For The Warriors and help to ensure that our injured service members and their families? sacrifices are never forgotten nor their needs unmet.

The event will help stimulate the economy of Eastern, NC while bringing people together to support our service members.

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DIVORCE CAKES DISCOVERED–The Bikernet Bandit’s Cantina girls have an attitude.

–Art Friedman

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RARE 1936 HEMI-HEAD CROCKER DISCOVERED BY BIKERNET ANTIQUE CURATOR DON WHALEN AND CHUCK VERNON–It is now in the hands of master restoration expert Steve Huntsinger, for a cr?me de la cr?me restoration to create maybe the second most valuable Crocker on the Planet. Only 11 Crockers were built in 1936. You’ll see it come together on Bikernet, with restoration tips.

–For more information contact: Don Whalen

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HOT LEATHERS DEALS OF THE WEEK–Hot Leathers? has sayings patches you can iron or sew directly onto your leather jacket or biker vest. The selection of patches at Hot Leathers? is endless . We have a patch for everybody. Our most popular patches are the one-liner patches. Patches with quotes or sayings on them have been a staple of every biker outfit since the beginning. Choose Hot Leathers? for all your biker outfit needs.


We pick and choose only the best, funniest, and rudest patches to provide our biker customers with. Most websites would censor their selection and offer only patches that say happy little funny sayings. Not, we don’t censor our patches. We have a sayings patches for everyone, and some that just plain “aren’t for everyone”. Shop our giant patch selection today!


Don’t own a leather jacket or vest? You can adhere our patches to almost anything! We’ve seen our patches put on bags, back packs, ball caps, knit hats, and all sorts of places. Pick the patch that you like best, and just iron it on! It’s really that easy. Our patches adhere to most fabrics and are made of durable, long lasting embroidery thread. Our patch colors don’t fade in the sun like most our competitors patches do.


Beware of imitations, Hot Leathers? patches always have the appropriate Good Sports, Inc. copyright info on the heat-sealed backing. Now is the best time to get those patches for this summers riding season. Come visit right now!


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SantaMaria event

SANTA MARIA MOTORCYCLE MADNESS 2009 —Date:Saturday, May 16, 2009 at 9:00 AM – to -Sunday, May 17, 2009 at 6:00 PM (PT)

937 S Thornburg St
Santa Maria, CA 93458

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The AMA is Opposing CA Senate Bill 435– They send this information to members. Non Members can get the form and also get involved.This Bill Can Be Defeated If All Take A Few Minutes To Contact Their Legislators.

Information Alert Tell the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee toOppose SB 435 Bill Would Mandate Smog Testing for On-Road Motorcycles Statewide

California Senate Bill 435 (Pavley, District 23, D) is currently awaiting ahearing in the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee. If adopted aswritten it would mandate all model year 2000 and newer motorcycles be smogtested biannually. This despite the lack of any evidence that motorcyclesare a significant source of emissions statewide.

In fact the only two counties to ever smog test motorcycles nationwide, Pimaand Maricopa in Arizona, have already shown that motorcycle testing leads tono significant reduction in measured emissions levels. Pima County has infact already dropped their testing program and Maricopa is awaiting EPA’sapproval to do the same.

Other important points to consider include:

Motorcycles, because of their relatively low yearly mileage totals whencompared to other classes of vehicles, already have the lowest emissions ofany motor vehicle category in California.

This bill has no specific information regarding the test method to be used,emissions levels to be enforced or the test’s potential costs to either thestate or the individual owners.

The deadline proposed for creating a test procedure proposed (July 1, 2011)is to close to the test implementation date of January 1, 2012.

California’s motorcycle engine emission standards were already the strictestin the nation and were just reduced again for model year 2008 and upmotorcycles.

If a smog check program is in fact implemented, motorcycles constructedprior to the implementation date should be exempted from the testing.

The AMA offers a form to send your response to the appropriate CaliforniaState Senators here:



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Custom Chrome Announces NEW Legend Air Suspensions for Dyna Models–Legend Air Suspension?s exclusive Gates Kevlar Air Spring technology, deflective disc dampening, and twin tube construction is now available for Harley Davidson Dyna?s. The D1 will fit factory Dyna Harley Davidson bikes from 1999-2009 offering Legend Air Suspensions no compromise smooth ride and inability to bottom out that you have come to expect from Legend Air

Suspensions products. Standard in the complete package are two Legend Air shocks available in either black or chrome finish installs as a direct bolt on application in the stock location. On board air compressor, rider friendly handlebar mounted twin switch assembly for on the fly adjustability, and a full color instruction guide to navigate the user through everything from the color coded plug and play wiring to the basic hand tools needed for this easy installation.

If your needing adjustability for changing road conditions, riding solo to carrying a passenger, or just hauling loads of gear at the touch of a button, Legend is your suspension and Custom Chrome is your source to get it.

For 1999 thru 2008 Dyna models (D1 Series)697112 Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,599.99697113 Chrome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1,599.99

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BIKERNET ART MUSEUM OPEN TO THE PUBLIC–Remember when life was so much simpler?

–Whiplash Biker Photog

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The Triumph Thunderbird RETURNS–Triumph?s Thunderbird first landed on North American shores in 1946 and received rave reviews from motorcyclists for its styling, agility and speed. The Thunderbird quickly found its way into homes and movies as motorcyclists enthusiastically flocked to the roadways and the machine appeared in major motion pictures including ?The Wild One? with Marlon Brando.

Now, a new generation is preparing to take flight on a brand new Thunderbird that embodies state-of-the-art technology and European styling with a distinctive American twist. The machine makes its first North American appearance at Daytona (Fla.) Bike Week from Feb. 27 to March 8, but some Triumph dealers have already taken deposits amidst anticipation of the bike?s arrival.

?The Thunderbird fits perfectly between Triumph?s 863cc Bonneville and the 2,300cc Rocket III motorcycles,? said Tony Lewis, owner of Triumph dealer Eurosport in Fort Worth, Texas. ?It?s exactly what we?ve been waiting for and several of our customers have already placed deposits. If you want to be one of the first to get a Thunderbird, you better hurry because they?ll go fast.?

The new Thunderbird, offered as a 2010 model, features a 1600cc (96 cubic inch) parallel twin engine that produces more than 80 bhp and more than 100 ft.lbs. of torque. Power will be transferred to the ground through a six-speed transmission designed for city and highway cruising, a belt final drive and a meaty 200mm rear tire. Dual front disc brakes with braided stainless steel brake lines are standard while Triumph?s anti-lock braking system is an available option.

North American riders will appreciate the relaxed riding position, forward mounted controls, pull back handlebars and agile suspension that are designed especially for day-long rides on long and winding roads. An elegant instrument cluster with integrated speedometer, tachometer and odometer is mounted on a shapely 5.5 gallon gas tank that promises many miles of riding between fill-ups.

The Thunderbird will be easily customized to meet each rider?s own styling tastes and riding preferences with a long list of Genuine Triumph Accessories that include a long haul touring seat, windshield, passenger back rest, luggage rack and leather saddle bags.

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ARE YOU JONESING FOR A MOTORCYCLE FLICK–No, Bikernet hasn’t started their Freedom screenplay yet, but there are films available and here are four. We recently installed a new DVD player into our Bikernet Auditorium, but then the cable guy snuck in and installed a new cable box, and it disabled the DVD player. As soon as the lovely and techno talented Sin Wu dials it in, we promise to review each title:

Two of these films were produced by Dirt Track Productions in India. Gaurav Jani produced a film about riding through some of the most dangerous territories in India–One Wild Ride. Plus he filmed one Royal Enfield rider’s run to the top of the world–Riding Solo To The Top of the World. These award winning films are available in English on DVD through

If you need good old American bikes, babes and bands, join Nickelback as they take the stage in front of 35,000 screaming fans at the world-famous Sturgis “Rockin’ The Rally” show. Shot in high def, Nickelback Live at Sturgis 2006 is the definitive Nickelback live DVD. Check it at

How about a lifestyle film for the modern biker? Free To Wander documents the American Chopper life. A glimpse into the beating hearts of the lives and culture of men who ride the bikes they build. Watch Keino Sasaki, Paul Cox, Paul Wideman and more cut a dusty trail. This film was created by Richard Phillip Grabbe of 4130 Studios. Look ’em up.

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FIRST NEW EXHAUST BAFFLE IN 40 YEARS FROM D&D–D&D’s Secret Weapon – Collaboration with UTA?s Engineering Department Produces D&D?s New Concentric Flow Baffle System.

D&D has a secret weapon in reduced noise reduction and significant mid-range torque gain ? Dr. Bob Woods from University of Texas at Arlington Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering department along with his students Erin Busk, Eric Luke, Robby Bernard and Thomas Cross have collaborated with D&D Performance Enterprises on a new exhaust pipe technology for Harley-Davidson?s 2009 XR1200 motorcycle.

The new technology is called the Concentric Flow Baffle System, which is fitted into the factory?s new XR1200 exhaust pipe called the Bob Cat exhaust.

The Bob Cat is the first D&D pipe to utilize this new technology. The benefit of using the system includes reduced noise, performance improvement and enhanced Harley-rumble. The Bob Cat is the perfect aftermarket exhaust trifecta.

?I want to thank Dr. Bob and his team for collaborating with D&D in the design of this new baffle system,? said Dave Rash, The Pope of Pipe. ?It?s a testament to their engineering knowledge and capability that led us to this breakthrough technology.?

D&D?s Concentric Flow Baffle System will first appear on the XR1200 full system exhaust in March 2009 and will be available in all Harley models by the 3rd quarter 2009.

In 1972 David Rash could not find the exhaust pipe he needed for his race bike. He knew that the proper exhaust for his engine configuration would give him an edge over his competition so he fabricated one himself.

Thirty years and 250,000 pipes later D&D Performance Exhaust systems are some of the leading performance motorcycle exhaust systems in the world.

–Jeff Najar

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Vintage Racing Home Movies at the H-D Museum– Experience the exhilaration of the 1930s and 1940s motorcycling culture with an exclusive home movie collection of longtime racer Bob Stuth at the Harley-Davidson Museum on Friday, March 27 at 7 p.m. Made possible by a donation from Jim and Paulette Conerton. Admission is $5 per person for Museum members, $8 per person for non-members. Attendance is limited. Free popcorn and cash bar available.

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Dear President Obama–Thank you for helping my neighbors with their mortgage payments. Youknow the one’s down the street who in the good timespurchased their house for no money down, refinanced itseveral times, then bought SUV’s, ATV’s, RV?s, a pool,a big screen plasma TV, two Wave Runners, a boat, and a Harley.

I was wondering, since I am paying my mortgage and theirs,could you arrange for me to borrow the Harley now and then?

Signed:”Concerned in CA”

–from Rogue

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March 19, 2009 Part 2


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$19.95 CAN GET YOU A $15,995 MODEL 1 FROM BRASS BALLS–Once again Brass Balls Bobbers has teamed up with BIKERNET.COM and IronWorks to create a very unique giveaway bike?a Model 1 Bobber. To enter, simply subscribe or renew your subscription?that’s it!

The Model 1 Concept – To deliver the most amount of custom production motorcycle for the least investment – to give you everything you need and nothing you don’t.Dar Holdsworth, Brass Balls Bobbers? Bossman, explained that the Model 1 is the very essence of Brass Balls Bobbers & Choppers. The motorbikes are built with no compromises. The Model 1 delivers outstanding performance using racebike quality components and inspired by the cool no-nonsense bikes of old. This bike accelerates, turns and stops in a manner that rival today’s most expensive performance cars.

–Jeff Najar


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screamin eagle

HINES RIDES SCREAMIN? EAGLE V-ROD TO GAINESVILLE SEMI-FINALS–Krawiec Wins One Round in NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle Season Opener.

GAINESVILLE, Fla. (March 15, 2009) ? Screamin? Eagle/Vance & Hines rider Andrew Hines advanced to the semi-final round in Pro Stock Motorcycle eliminations at the AC Delco NHRA Gatornationals at Gainesville Raceway. The opening round of the Pro Stock Motorcycle schedule on the 2009 NHRA Full Throttle Drag Racing Series was also the competition debut of an all-new Screamin? Eagle Harley-Davidson V-Rod? motorcycle in the hands of Hines and the defending NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle champion, Screamin? Eagle / Vance & Hines rider Eddie Krawiec. Krawiec advanced to the second round of eliminations.

?This was a good weekend for the Screamin? Eagle team,? said Hines. ?To come here with a new engine and a new motorcycle and make it to the semi-final round is nothing to sneeze at. I had seven green lights this weekend, which is great for my self-confidence.?

The 2009 Screamin? Eagle V-Rod motorcycles raced by Hines and Krawiec are powered by a new fuel-injected V-Twin engine with four-valve cylinder heads and dual overhead camshafts. The new engine is a response to a change in the Pro Stock Motorcycle rules, and replaces the two-valve/pushrod EFI V-Twin the team has used to win four NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle championships since 2004. The motorcycle chassis were also revised to accommodate the new engine.

Hines was the number five qualifier for the Gainesville event with a run of 6.991 seconds at 188.62 mph. Krawiec qualified seventh with a 7.007/189.71 pass. NitroFish Suzuki rider Matt Smith was the top qualifier at 6.945/189.44.

Hines opened Sunday eliminations with a win over Rocklin Motorsports Buell rider Matt Guidera, and won in round two when the NitroFish Buell ridden by Angie McBride broke at the starting line. Krawiec defeated MPR & Damn Sport Suzuki rider Michael Phillips in round one, but his 7.031-second pass in round two was not enough to beat the 6.942 run posted by Buell rider Hector Arana.

?Arana was fast out there today, and I knew I?d need a good light to beat him,? said Krawiec, who had an outstanding 0.013 reaction time. ?It was good but it wasn?t enough today. We had a good weekend with the new Screamin? Eagle V-Rod. We?ve got it hooking up better early in the run, and got some good data and set-up base line we can use to get it dialed in.?

Hines faced Smith in the semi-final round and left the line in 0.019 seconds to beat Smith?s 0.048 reaction time, but Hines? 7.119-second pass was not enough to beat Smith?s 7.039-second run. Smith lost to Arana in the final round, 6.977 to 7.133.

?We had an electrical issue, but thought it was a fuel issue and went the wrong way with our tune-up today,? said Hines. ?We?ll get that fixed for the next race. The new engine is really smooth, and gave us no service issues. It?s also easy on the valve train, and we used the same engines all weekend. It?s only going to get better for us this season.?

After one event on the 17-race 2009 NHRA Full Throttle Pro Stock Motorcycle schedule, Arana has 117 points to lead the standings for the first time in his 19-year career. Smith is second with 98 points, followed by Hines in third with 74 points. Krawiec and Steve Johnson are tied for seventh with 53 points.

The next event on the 2009 NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle schedule is the O?Reilly NHRA Spring Nationals, March 27-29, in Houston.

The Screamin’ Eagle/Vance & Hines Pro Stock Motorcycle team is sponsored by Matco Tools, Dunlop and S100.

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Lifestyle Dyna

LIFESTYLE CYCLES DEAL OF THE WEEK– Check out these killer deals on some of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned motorcycles! These bikes are inspected by our certified mechanics and put through a rigorous 17 point, previously owned vehicle examination! All Lifestyle Cycles pre-owned motorcycles are ready for you to take home TODAY! This is just a sample of the amazing deals we’ve got in the store, so call us now at (714) 490-0155!

2006 Harley Davidson DYNA WIDE GLIDEJUST REDUCED! NOW ONLY $9,995.00!


Lifestyle Cycle Banner

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FLATHEAD V8 BIKES DISCOVERED–See if you really want to see good pictures of our v8-flat head bikes. And by the way the picture of Leno on the V8 bike is many years old.

Olsonsv8 is the site for the real builder, Dale Olson

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Custom Chrome Europe To Distribute CycleVisions Products– Bad Kreuznach, Germany ? Seeking to expand their market presence to the European Motorcycle community, CycleVisions has partnered with Custom Chrome Europe to distribute their line of motorcycle enhancements. ?CycleVisions has thrived by continually expanding and improving our product line,? said Randy Aron, owner of Cycle Visions. ?Partnering with a key international distributor like Custom Chrome Europe is a perfect fit for our plans to broaden our success on a much larger scale. ?

?CycleVisions is a great addition to the Custom Chrome Family,? said Holger Mohr, CEO of Custom Chrome International. ?Randy has an eye for what works and the consumer has definitely taken notice of his unique style. We feel confident that this line will further excite the European riders and you?ll see more and more CycleVisions products being used in the worldwide marketplace in the very near future.”

CycleVisions, creator of products such as Barebacks, BagLites, Illumabezel, and the BaggerTail, excels in making enhancements for the true biker. CycleVisions will be displaying their line at the CCE 11th Annual Dealer Show in Mainz, Germany on March 28th and 29th, 2009. The show is the largest aftermarket dealer event for the European motorcycle industry and is host to over 350 dealers and the AMD European Championship of Custom Bike Building.

For more information on Cycle Visions and its products go to:CycleVisions,, 619-295-7800, or go to for specific product applications and part numbers.

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BILLY LANE REPORTS IN FROM MELBOURNE, FLORIDA–Thought you’d enjoy seeing Cool-Hand come together, finally with a Crocker motor. I should have it running by the end of March. I’m building it in the California Speedway style of the 1930’s. Transmission is from a Norton.


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AMAZING BIKERNET MEDICAL FINDING, Paraplegic Man Suffers Spider Bite, Walks Again– He has been confined to a wheelchair for 20 years. Now a paraplegic man is walking again, and his doctors call it a miracle. CBS13 went to Manteca to find out how a spider bite helped get him back on his feet.

“I closed my eyes and then I was spinning like a flying saucer,” explains David Blancarte.

A motorcycle accident almost killed David 21 years ago. At the time he might have wished he was dead.

“I asked my doctor, ‘Sir what happened? I can’t feel my legs’,” said David.

Ever since, David’s been relying on his wheelchair to get around. Then the spider bite. A Brown Recluse sent him to the hospital, then to rehab for eight months.

“I’m here for a spider bite. I didn’t know I would end up walking,” says David.

A nurse noticed David’s leg spasm and ran a test on him.

“When they zapped my legs, I felt the current, I was like ‘whoa’ and I yelled,” he says.

He felt the current and the rush of a renewed sense of hope.

“She says,’your nerves are alive. They’re just asleep’,” explained David.

Five days later David was walking.

“I was walking on the bar back and forth,” he said. Now David is out of the hospital and on his feet and walking.

David basks in his glory and gives a ray of hope to others hoping to walk again. The 48-year-old former boxer and dancer is taking it in stride, knowing his best days are still ahead.

David’s dream is to see his 14-year-old twin daughters grow up and get married so he can walk them down the aisle and have that first dance.

Blancarte’s dreams may have to wait. He was arrested Friday (3/13) on an outstanding warrant stemming from a domestic abuse case.

–ReportingMike Dello Stritto MANTECA, Calif. (CBS13) ―

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china bike

This is XieBin from NINGBO PLATICK VEHICLE CO., LTD.– We are one professional folding bike and scooter/skateboard manufacturer..We made the newest folding bike and scooter, some design original shapes are from CarryMe,Hummer,Strida.etc.

We have a lot of new scooter models.those product are the newest in world market.

Welcome visit our

–Xie Bin
ADDRESS: WuXiang Industrial Park NingBo China .
ZIP: 315111

china scooter

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FATBOB MODIFIES FRAMES TO RIGID CONDITION USING PAUGHCO COMPONENTS–Here are two frames we did. Bird makes the rear sections and the rear trans mount. I never liked the weld-ons. They are junk, the bottom tubing isn’t one inch on a stock rigid, I never understood why they did it with one inch. They didn’t have a dogleg for the chain either.

fatbob frame 2

The frame with the stroker bars is actually three pieces, the bottom swingarm shovel and the top is Paughco, with the rear by Bird.

The second is a swingarm shovel wit the rear section by Bird. I’m going the put my 93″ Pan in the stroker frame, and I have a STD cone Shovel that is going in the other. It has stock fatbob mounts, and seat post so it will be a cool retro bobber. We are making progress on the 45 frame. It will have a solid car rear wheel and wildwood calipers, mid controls all one-off shit.


fat bobs card

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BIKERNET FORUM BOARD REBUILT TO FACTORY SPECS–Do you need to vent regarding Bikernet Spelling errors or our diminishing freedoms in the US of A? Do you need to discuss your next project build with knowledgeable characters in the Biker World? Do you have tech questions that need answering quick? Well, the Bikernet Forum boards was just rebuilt using the latest technology. Check it out and let us know what you think.

MudflapLogo-Ironworks_blk 500

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May 07, 2009 Part 4


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LATEST PROJECT FROM THE AFT GIRLS–Stripped and Shipped, the latest project from AFT begins the next phase of construction. In today’s gallery collection you will see Elaina and Kylie disassemble the engine.

Elaina and Kylie – Dismantle Engine

**************** UPCOMING EVENT NEWS

Keep an eye on the progress of LowLA, especially the planned poster shoot for her debut the first week of July. Find out what we plan to do with a crane, several beautiful models, and one photographer who is scared of heights.

HINT… Alter Ego is defined as being a second self or a second personality within another.

This photo shoot will be an extreme example of the inner-power of thesebeautiful ladies and their creation to express it.

Photos By Richard
Night Light Images

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Riders of the Storm Rally ? May 8,9,10th 2009–I attended this rally last year and had a great time. It is one of them Good Ol Boys and Girls having some adult entertainment kind of events.

For more information go to


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Chopper open house

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VETERAN EFFORT VOLUNTEER REMINDER–Care Package Assembly this Saturday, May 9, 2009 from 9am to 4pm.National Guard Armory at Victory and LouiseTo sign up, please email Penny at Include “Operation Gratitude” in the subject line Remember to visit the Operation Gratitude Page on Facebookand Click to become a Fan!

Thank you for your support and dedication–See you at the armory!

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DOWNTOWN PEORIA MOTORCYCLE SHOW–Last Ride Leather will be setup at the Downtown Peoria Motorcycle Show during the TT race weekend. The Motorcycle show/Concert is on Aug.22nd in Downtown Peoria, IL. The TT races will be held on Aug. 23rd at PMC Park. Only dirt track in America with a jump on the track for flat track racing, and one of the oldest tracks.

This is a huge event weekend with motorcycles, beer, women, concerts and dirt track racing. So mark your calendars for a guaranteed good time.


Peoria TT Race

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garage girls

Hurry Up, send in your submissions to win The Garage Girls Ultimate Biker Makeover, Carlisle Edition brought to you by GEICO powersports–Just a reminder to send in your submissions for your chance to win the Garage-Girls Ultimate Biker Makeover. Deadline is May 15th 2009.

Contestants (guys and girls) must submit a 200 words or less essay ? describing why they are most in need of a biker makeover as well as a photo to by May 15, 2009. Submissions will be narrowed down to a few finalists, and then narrowed down to the final three, via on-line voting at and

Two winners will be selected for the Rider Makeover, including all-new gear and accessories with one grand-prize winner, who will win the Ultimate Biker Makeover. Winners must be present at the Carlisle Bike Fest on Saturday, July 18th to collect their prizes.

Winners will receive killer new riding gear from ICON including Jacket, Helmet and gloves, a sweet new pair of riding boots from HD-Footwear, a case of Spectro motorcycle oil, Wizards Cleaning Products, Pink Partz Clothing, a year subscription to IronWorks Magazine, A brand new Mustang Seat, a technology case from Otterbox, Riding Glasses from 7 Eye, and this is just the tip of the iceberg, tons more prizes will be given away as well as way cool parts and accessories for the Lucky Winners Motorcycle.

Garage-Girl Laura Klock along with The Klock Werks Krew will be joining Sara Liberte and Jody Perewitz during Carlisle Summer Bike Fest and helping out with the Ultimate Biker Makeover

For more information, rules, eligibility and submission procedures, visit or If interested in getting your company involved please contact Sara Liberte at

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GREASEBAG JAMBOREE BIKE SHOW IN LACONIA–On June 13th in Laconia, NH – for the 3rd year in a row – the Greasebag Jamboree Bike Show and Swap Meet will throw up it?s flag for all the do-it-yourself, grass roots motorcycle builders and wave a giant middle finger into the face of the standard Laconia Bike Week scene. We are the loud and obnoxious throwback to days past when owning a bike meant working on your bike. We would rather dig through bins of greasy parts than order the latest bolt-on from the mega-catalogs.

We?d rather talk shop than browse racks of t-shirts and chaps. We are grimy, wrench loving grease monkeys who love home-built bikes of all kinds ? from choppers to caf? racers to vintage classics. We dig bikes because of their character ? not their price tag. If you?re down with that, you?re down with us, and we hope you join us.

Greasebag Jamboree 2009
Swap Meet & Bike Show
When: June 13, 2009
Where: Acme Choppers, NEW LOCATION! 14
Lexington Dr on Rte 106 in Laconia, NH
Time: 10am till ?.

Free Admission & Free Vendor Space! Bring your greasy parts to sell!

Food, music, prizes and moreNew This Year: Tech sessions! From motor work to fabrication.

For more info and up to date news visit For vendor and sponsor information call or email grail at 978-590-3412 or

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BUCKSHOT OPENS HIS GARAGE TO BIKERNET READERS–Just thought I?d show ya my next project. It?s an 88? Shovel. The color isn?t staying; I was just playing to see how smooth the molding was, and if I could still do gold leaf after 20 years.

After complete mock-up, I?ll tear it down for paint. Anti-freeze green with either pearl white or silver flake graphics.

What it really needs is an old Bates 4 screw P-pad, and solo seat. Know anybody with an old Bates P-pad I can score??


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american iron cover


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horse torian

TORIAN CHOPPER LEATHERS RIDES THE HORSE BSC–Torian Choppers Leathers announced today that they have created a line of leather shirts for The Horse Backstreet Choppers Magazine. These shirts are making their debut this Friday at SMOKE OUT WEST in Cottonwood, AZ. The Horse shirts are available in long sleeve and sleeveless. Each collarless shirt is made from hand selected hides and come with a full lining, breast snap pockets and seam pockets. They have a feel of lamb and wear like iron.

The Horse Logo is embroidered above the left pocket. The Horse Leather Shirts will also be available at the Horse website within 30 days. To see more genuine riding leather point your mouse to .


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Ray Wheeler to Display Brass Ball Bobber Military Bike Along the Horse Long RoadMilitary Bike to be Raffled off to Raise Money for the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund– Wheeler, a Vietnam Vet and president of Wheeler Industries, will represent the custom Brass Balls Military Bobber on the over 2,000 mile ?Long Road? event hosted by the Horse magazine. The Brass Balls Bobbers ?Win the Military Bobber for the Troops Raffle? will raise money and awareness of the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund. The proceeds go to raise funds to build a facility for diagnosing and treating traumatic brain injuries for the brave men and women in the United States Armed Forces.

Wheeler will be riding his personal Dyna along the Long Road to promote the Brass Balls Bobbers? Military Bobber and selling tickets at Smoke Out West in Cottonwood , AZ on May 8th and 9th. Then during the Smoke Out Long Road, Ray will be making a stop on Sunday May10th in Santa Rosa, NM at the Route 66 Museum; on Monday 11th in Oklahoma City, OK at the Brass Balls Bobbers World HQ; on Tuesday, Clarksville, AR; on Wednesday, May13th in Nashville, TN at the Dan McGuiness Pub; on Thursday, May 14th at the Wheels Through Time Museum; and concluding on May15th ? 16th at Smoke Out West in Rockingham, NC.

Each month sponsors provide gifts to the raffle participants to entice the ticket sales. Saddlemen is the first company to come onboard and provided a set of saddlebags to the lucky winner in April. The Military Bobber will be given away in Daytona, Florida during the 2009 edition of Biketoberfest. All the details and news updates are available at

About Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund

Begun in 2000 under the auspices of the Intrepid Museum Foundation, and established as an independent not-for-profit organization in 2003, the Fund has provided more than $65 million in support for the families of military personnel lost in service to our nation, and for severely wounded military personnel and veterans. These efforts are funded entirely with donations from the public, and hundreds of thousands of individuals have contributed to the Fund. 100% of contributions raised by the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund go towards these programs; all administrative expenses are underwritten by the Fund?s Trustees.

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High Bars and Low Cars

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I have long recommended fish as part of a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet. However, not all fish provide the same benefits, and some species should be limited or avoided altogether. My advice for the healthiest fish is to choose species rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3s are necessary for optimal physical and mental health. Research indicates that omega-3 fatty acids may help reduce the risk and symptoms of a variety of disorders, and can lower triglyceride levels, increase HDL cholesterol, help minimize inflammation and blood clotting, and keep blood vessels healthy.

The best sources are wild-caught Alaskan salmon, canned sockeye salmon, sardines, herring, and black cod. I recommend 2-6 servings per week of fish that are high in omega-3s as part of my anti-inflammatory diet.

Don?t miss next Thursday?s Daily Tip, for the worst fish choices.


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FRONT END REBUILD TIPS FROM BIKERNET READER–I wound up just pulling each slider off the bike. My bike is a ’95 with 75k, after 14 years and all the miles they were totally shot (the seals that is), the rest of the parts were good but it was worth pulling them and totally disassembling them for a good cleaning. The first one took a while (3 or 4 beers) as I had never done it before but the second one was a snap (barely had time to drink one).

A slick trick on the forks is to drill and tap the drain hole for 10×32 threads. The stock Showa size is M4. There many different pneumatic fittings that are 10×32 thread. I used a brass screw to plug the hole, it’s nearly as soft as copper and seals just as well. Now when I need to drain the forks I can screw in a small hose barb fitting and connect it to my vacuum pump and suck the oil out, very minimal mess.

I also put some fork caps from a Dyna on many years ago. They have a plug in the center (there have been others who have drilled and tapped their stock caps). I picked this one off the XLlist at
45546-90 Socket Bolt
45984-97 O-Ring (new number? 45984-87)
45990-88 Bolt, Front Fork

This makes refilling a snap as I don’t have to mess with taking the caps off each time.

–John S.
’95 XLH 1200 74,952
Georgia, VT

Thanks for your tips. I’ll pass them on. JIMS has cool seal replacement tools.–Wrench

Jims Banner

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*AMAZINGLY SIMPLE HOME REMEDIES*–1. Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while you chop.
2. Avoid arguments with the Mrs. about lifting the toilet seat by using the sink.
3. For high blood pressure sufferers: simply cut yourself and bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the pressure in your veins. Remember to use a timer.
4. A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.
5. If you have a bad cough, take a large dose of laxatives; then you’ll be afraid to cough.
6. You only need two tools in life: WD-40 and Duct Tape. If it doesn’t move and should, use the WD-40. If it shouldn’t move and does, use the duct tape.
7. Remember: Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.
8. If you can’t fix it with a hammer, you’ve got an electrical problem.

Daily Thought:

–from Bob T.

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FROM THE BIKERNETMETRIC.COM FRONT–Bassani Xhaust is the latest metric sponsor on Bikernet Metric and I am stoked. I have a pretty extensive background on exhaust myself and I have always talked about the Top 5, those being the big p

layers in the performance exhaust industry. Bassani is one of the companies that is always on top and I am a big fan of the styling of the Road Rage. In fact, Bassani recently built a custom Road Rage for Bandit?s Salt Shaker Salt Flat bike. If you have not seen it, check it out. I am now starting to put up more history on

Bassani starting from the VERY beginning. I think history lends tons of credibility to the product and the company. I will be showcasing their products regularly on the blog too so check it regularly. Currently there is a sound clip link on the blog letting everyone hear what the pipe sounds like on a Suzuki M109. By the way, if you have never ridden an M109, try one out. They run like a raped ape! Put on an exhaust, an air cleaner, and tune it and you will get around 109 horse! That is a big bang for your buck.

Moving on, Bikernet Metric is now going to be doing test rides of bikes. This summer we will introduce several makes and models to the readers, many of them new to me. So keep posted.

AFT Customs is not doing it again, they are STILL doing it. Always looking for ways to stand out in a crowd, AFT Customs Modeling Agency is now building their own bike to be a daily rider for one of the girls. The LowLa project is coming along well. They have sourced all the products, the girls have welded, grinded, mocked up and disassembled for paint and chrome. I don?t want to tell too much but I will say it is built on a Honda VTX 1300 and it is sporting a 250 rear tire. For the most recent pictures of the girls, many of which are bikini shots, click the link below.

Also, Sukhee, the soon to be proud owner of LowLa, will be dropping the bike parts off at Meclec for plating. Meclec is one of the most commonly used platers for custom bikes and cars. They do a top notch job and offer several plating finishes other than chrome–like black nickel. Sukhee is going to be taking a tour of the facilities and sending us some pictures. I will share them with you all.

That is about all for now. Keep your eyes out for Ray Wheeler and the Brass Balls Bobber Military bike. They are bringing it on the Horse?s Long Road and eventually raffling it off at Bikertoberfest to raise money for the Intrepid Fallen Heroes fund. This is a great cause and a great bike. There will be tons of other items to be raffled off as well, so odds of winning something are pretty good. I know that it is a bad economy but dig deep!

See you in the funny papers!


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big bear ride the mount flyer

big bear criss angel 5x7_front

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Buell Announces American Adventure Grant Contest–Grand Prize includes a new 2009 Buell XB12X Ulysses Motorcycle–East Troy, Wis. (May 6, 2009) Buell Motorcycle Company today announced the American Adventure Grant program, which will award the grand prize winner of an essay contest describing the ultimate American riding adventure a new 2009 Buell Ulysses XB12X motorcycle, $2,500 in credit for Buell Parts & Accessories, and a check for $2,500 to complete the trip of his or her dreams.

?Since we introduced the Ulysses in 2005, riders have been sending us ideas for two-wheel adventures that they?ve dreamed of taking on one of our bikes. For many of them, something was getting in the way of their dream ride ? they didn?t have a bike, there wasn?t enough money, they didn?t have the right gear. We wanted to put together a program that would help make their dreams a reality, and the Buell American Adventure Grant will do just that for one lucky winner,? said Chad Hockerman, Buell Market Outreach Project Manager.

To enter, participants must complete an online profile and submit a 250-word online essay describing their trip by the deadline of 5 pm EST on June 23, 2009. In their online essay, applicants are asked to describe their vision of the ultimate American on- or off-road riding adventure, including destinations, the planned route, their reasons for wanting to complete the trip, and a description of previous riding experience. A direct link to the contest details and entry forms can be found at

All applicants must be legal U.S. 50-state residents at the time of entry, age 18 or older, and possess a valid motorcycle operator?s license, but do not need to be current owners of a Buell motorcycle.

To learn more about Buell motorcycles, or to locate the dealer nearest you, log onto .

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wire plus black shield 5-6-09

Wire Plus Introduces their New ?Shield? Wiring System–Winfield, KS- Wire Plus Powersports Electronics is proud to introduce their newly designed ?Shield? wiring system that mounts the power control module and ignition switch together. The power control module features Solid State breakers that never need replacing, is waterproof and has separate circuits for the ignition, accessories, head light, running lights and an isolated compression release circuit.

It also has diagnostic LED?s for easy troubleshooting electric circuits, a replaceable start relay and compact pre-assembled harness for ease of installation. The key has been relocated for easy access on this state-of-the-art system.

Exclusive to Wire Plus is a unique feature found on this top motor mounted module that shuts off just the front lighting when starting and leaves the taillights on for safety during nighttime starting. This puts less of a strain on the battery while starting and still provides the rider with ?rear light? protection. Anyone stuck on the side of the road at night will be seen by other drivers while trying to start their bike due to this new safety feature. This new wiring system is available in chopper style with automotive start (minimal wiring) and for stock factory switches, lights and turn indicators.

Wire Plus offers a variety of ?theme type? billet housing styles available to choose from in either black or luxurious chrome finishes. MSRP: $499.99 for the chopper style system with automotive start and $599.99 for stock style switches with lighting control module. Reliability?Ease of Installation?and Quality all in One?Wire Plus!

For those interested in obtaining more information on Wire Plus, you can reach them at (620) 221-2417 or check them out online at or email them at

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WIND ‘EM UP–I’ve got to cut a dusty trail toward Yucca Valley and check in with the notorious Chop N Grind racing crew. I can’t enter the Marengo Valley without calling them. Never mind the bizarre stories, it’s time to pack.

I’m sure I will return from the Smoke Out with more unkept, outrageous, and nasty stories to tell. Maybe there’s a redhead waiting in Cottonwood. Have a helluva weekend and I promise a 5-Ball racer report next week, maybe a fresh new Girl of Bikernet, and if I can get Tom Foster to ride to the Interplanetary Headquarters, I’ll write his bike feature. Hang on. Never a dull moment on Bikernet.

Ride Forever,


Read More

May 14, 2009 Part 5


Continued From Page 4

SMOG Chart


It would be greatly appreciated if you would support a “NO” positionon this ridiculous bill.

The proposer, Senator Fran Pavley (D-Santa Monica), has clearly losttouch with reality given the facts around smog emissions. Please donot follow her lead on this one. It is simply flawed in all itsintention and clearly indicates Santa Monica is not providing theirrepresentative with enough to do in her role as a Senator.

For example,Motorcycles because of their low mileage usage and good gas rateconsumption metrics, represent only 1.5% of the total for all mobilesource emissions. That’s it Senator Kehoe. Only 1.5%.

Then there is the cost to Californians should such a brainless smogcheck scheme come to pass. The cost to implement and conduct amotorcycle smog check program will cost the state dramatically morethan the emissions it’s estimated to save. Like we need more deficitcreation these days???

Further, motorcycles constitute less than 3% of the total number ofvehicles in California. We Bikers are clearly not the massiveemissions creators the Senator from Santa Monica believes we are. Shesimply is misinformed and as such, is inappropriately headed in awrong direction.

Thank you Senator Kehoe for your support. We sure appreciate yourfocus on the important issues of our time and not spending time onthings that at the end of the day don’t positively change the lives ofyour voters.

Proud San Diego Voter and Proud American.

Hey, its where the adventure begins and the ride never ends.

The Chairman of this committe, Alan Lowenthal, can be reached as follows:

Chairman Alan Lowenthal
Senate Transportation & Housing Committee
2032 Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 916-455-2209
Phone them: 916-651-4027

We Bikers need to take charge of this type of political nonsence orwe’ll be run by well-meaning folks who simply don’t get it. Not cool.


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eman gary

NEW H-D DEALER OPENS ON ISLAND–I was at the grand opening of our new dealership in Victoria, and got talking to a guy about his new bike, and he says to me, “Are you E Man?”

Yup, I tell him. Turns out he is an avid Bikernet fan and actually stopped in to meet you a couple years ago to pay for his sub. Gary was his name. Small world…

–E Man

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rs stargrip

ROLLIN SIXES BILLET GRIPS–Grab hold of sensational style for your bike with show polished CNC machinedbillet grips from Rollin? Sixes Choppers. It?s like having four grips in one, our gripsfeature interchangeable end caps.

rs complete end cap set

Choose from four designs: Maltese-Cross, Ace ofSpades, Nautical Star and Dome Style. Our grips fit models from 1973 to present withsingle or dual throttle cable.

Grips for internal throttles are also available. Check out our EBAY Store and get yourself a set for $49.99.


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Sons of Anarchy First Season debuts on Blu-Ray and DVD– The complete first season of FX Network?s original series, ?Sons of Anarchy? is set to be released on Blu-Ray and DVD August 18th. Sons, is an adrenalized drama that explores a ficticious outlaw motorcycle club?s (MC) desire to protect its livelihood while ensuring that their simple, sheltered town of Charming, California remains exactly that. Charming. The MC must confront threats from drug dealers, corporate developers and overzealous law officers. Behind the MC?s familial lifestyle and legally thriving automotive shop is a ruthless and illegally thriving arms business. The seduction of money, power, and blood.

Select copies of the first season Sons of AnarchyBlu Ray and DVD will be available to the USRiderNews readers in the Guess the Cover contest in the coming months. Sons of Anarchy is already set up for a season 2, and will be airing on FX this summer.

DVD Special Features:
?Easy Rider? Featuerette
?Making of? Featurette
Deleted Scenes
Gag Reel
Commentary on Select Episodes

— Source: USRiderNews

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LOOKING FOR IDEAS–Bandit, Do you have any more pics of that black w/ gold metal flake bike from the Arlen Ness show article?? I’m looking for paint ideas and I’m really liking that bike!

PS: Got the bedroll, love it!We’ll check around with the show staff.–Wrench

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Primo Brute IV 2in Touring–PRIMO’S newest open belt primary drive is its 2in Brute IV, designed specifically for the ’90-’06 Harley Touring models. By utilizing a 2in drive belt, the company has been able to create a drive that can be used with the stock running boards.The drive uses a heavy duty 8mm belt which runs on forged and machined 6061 aluminum pulleys. In addition, the motor-plate is machined from a single piece of 6061 billet aluminum and includes the heel toe shifter shaft support which will unscrew from the motor-plate for applications without floorboards. The outer center guard is also machined from billet aluminum stock before been finished in chrome to match the clutch beauty cover. A Primo Pro Clutch is included in the package too.

Whittier, California, USA
Tel: 562 907 2600
Fax: 562 907 2606

RIVERA Powerdrive Banner-BIKERNET

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FIGHT THE JUNK MAIL–“Presorted Standard” class junk mail. The catalogs, the advertisements for gym memberships, the bullshit that the U.S. Post Office is “required by law to deliver,” since they take the money for the delivery, can be stopped.

The Post Office will tell you, “We can’t refuse to deliver mail if we’re paid to deliver it, even if you don’t want it and it’s addressed to ‘Current Resident’.” Translation; your post office that you fund with your tax money, is taking bribes from advertisers to cram your mailbox and landfills full of crap you don’t want, against the will of just about every American in this country (assuming at least one person likes junk mail). If they didn’t take the money, they wouldn’t “be required” to burden you with the garbage. “It’s perfectly legal” for the U.S. Post Office to take this money, they’ll tell you.

Being taken off the junk mail lists by writing letters to junk mail swine in Farmington, New Jersey won’t cut it. You’ll still get “Presorted Standard” junk mail, thanks to the greedy practices of your U.S. Post Office.

But there’s a catch; it’s perfectly legal (call you post office and they’ll verify this if you’d like) to put this junk mail back into the corner post office box to be returned to sender and return the favor. They got paid, let them sort it out of the outgoing mail. They won’t return it to the sender, as this sort of junk mail is crammed into your world at a reduced price, said price being reduced, because there is no “return rate” factored in.

The post office will suddenly be getting the junk mail (in huge quantities if enough Americans start rebelling) and they can try sorting the real mail from the garbage daily and see how they like it.

When enough Americans start doing this, “Presorted Standard” class mail– meaning, one-way garbage that you can’t avoid– will go away, as the profits will be offset by the costs of sorting the junk back out of the real mail by the greedy U.S. Post Office. Problem solved.

Send a little of that love back downstream to the post office, throw junk mail back into the post office box weekly. According to the U.S. Post Office, “it’s entirely legal to do so.”

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GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYONE–We asked you to contact your legislator requesting they Vote Against Chuck Hurley becoming the new head of NHTSA.I would like to thank all of you who did.–Rogue

Obama Choice for Highway Safety Position WithdrawsChuck Hurley, the Obama administration’s pick to lead a federal highway safety agency, was a top official with Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

WASHINGTON — A top official with Mothers Against Drunk Driving who was chosen to oversee a federal highway safety agency has withdrawn his name for the post, the White House said Tuesday.

The Obama administration said in April it intended to nominate Chuck Hurley to become the administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Hurley, who was not formally nominated, is a longtime safety advocate and has served as MADD’s chief executive officer since 2005.

Some environmental groups had questioned Hurley’s commitment to tougher fuel efficiency requirements and his ties to automakers. MADD has received funding from several auto companies, including General Motors Corp., Toyota Motor Corp., Ford Motor Co. and others.

The federal agency oversees highway safety programs and sets fuel efficiency and safety requirements for car companies.

President Barack Obama worked with Hurley while serving as a state senator in Illinois to strengthen the state’s auto safety laws. Hurley has also worked for the National Safety Council and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

At MADD, Hurley has pushed states to adopt tougher drunken driving laws and require first-time offenders to use ignition interlock devices on their cars. The devices require drivers to blow into an instrument that measures alcohol and prevent a vehicle from starting if the driver’s blood alcohol concentration exceeds a certain level.

MADD, a Texas-based nonprofit organization, was instrumental in pushing Congress to set aside federal highway funds for anti-drunken driving efforts and to raise the federal minimum drinking age to 21.


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MACHINE GUN PREACHER COMES TO BIKERNET–Here are a few shots of the Machine Gun Preacher. The bike is not super customized, but we’re looking for placement in a magazine. The hook is more his story of rescuing orphaned children in Africa. His Jesse James bike has already run in Amer Iron, so that’s out, and Easyriders said ‘we’ll pass’ when the controversial gun-totin’ ex-rowdy was mentioned…


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tank top

Wildcard Custom Torpedo Gas Tank From KustomWerks–
Fits custom application, uses early cam lock style gas cap – notIncluded – holds approx 3.2 gallons (12 liters).

Fits custom application, uses late 96 thru 05 screw in gas cap – notincluded – holds approx 3.2 gallons (12 liters).

tank side

Smooth looking Torpedo steel gas tank. This is a solid mounted tankto keep the price down. If features a ridge line that runs from front toback, giving it some old school flair. The petcock hole is exposed onthe left side to let everybody see the plumbing. Petcock hole isthreaded for a 3/8 petcock, but you can use a reducer to size itdown to use the small 1/4 petcocks.

There are 2 different gas capbung styles available. And for those who want a visual reference thepictures show the Torpedo gas tank on a frame with 4? extension inthe front tubes, and 2? Backbone extension.The tank is universal mount, bolted to the frame using the suppliedrubber gaskets to isolate it from vibration.

Overall length : 24.16?

Tunnel length : 20.81?

Tunnel width : 2.36?

Overall width : 10.04?

Height : 8.25?

Call 800/ 498-4711


wildcard logo

Click on the Wild Card for more information!

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k n g part

BAGGER SOLUTION FROM K&G ONLINE BIKE SHOP–I have finally found an inexpensive and easy to install solution to the only thing I don’t like about my 2007 SE Ultra Classic. It handles like a Lexus except in a fast corner. Then it wobbles. Progressive Suspension has given me the solution and K and G Cycles is bringing it to you. The Touring Link Stabilizer helps keep the motor and swing arm assemblies aligned with the chassis without introducing any unnecessary vibration to my backside. No more complaints from Kyle when she enjoys a ride in her rear-mounted throne either.

This thing installs in no time. The whole process takes about an hour to complete. From the moment I took off, I could tell a difference. Everything felt more stable. The turns were like butter. Trust me. Every bagger out there from 1993 to 2008 needs one of these babies.

You can get the Progressive Suspension Touring Link at K and G Cycles for 20% off retail. Pick one up today.

–George M. Marakas


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THE END–I’m suddenly and momentarily caught up. With the help of copy editor, and rider Bruce Snyder, I have labored through another fiction book effort, except for the last chapter. I changed the ending, and I need to wrap-up that last literary effort. Sure, it’s just a dime-store adventure, but it contains a lot of heart, and babes.

The Sturgis Chop at home in the desert outside Prescott Valley.

I’m hoping to get together with Chris Kallas and begin working on a stellar cover, then we can roll to the presses. It’s May, and my goal is June to have copies burning holes in my grease-stained paws. Of course I need to raise the money to pay for the printing–another project.

Dick allenridingaway

Then I can slip back into the shop and finish welding the 5-Ball Factory Racer. We’re getting close. I just received an Exile rear sprotor brake. Brake installation and a trip to see Gard at LA Chop Rods for a throttle and some wiring and cable guides are on the list, with final welding and then off to powder coating and paint.

Let’s party this weekend. We deserve it. Then I’ll lay some heavy, motorcycle reports on you next week and an antique motorcycle report from the LA Times. And Cindy, from Century, just sent me a 100,000 mile Vincent road test from the ’50s. It’s all good, if we keep up the fight.

Ride Forever,



Read More

May 14, 2009 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

SO sportster
This was a Smoke Out bike, the year of the rigid Sportsters.

BIKERNET TECH QUESTION OF THE WEEK–I have a ’74 Sportster that has been chopped and longer forks installed. I believe the diameter is stock due to the fact the lower tubes that the forks go into are stock Harley, however, I believe the forks themselves have at least 4 inches of extension.

Due to the fact one of the forks is bent I need replacements. Could you tell me how to properly measure the forks and if that is something you carry, and also a general price.


Go to the Custom Cycle Engineering web site. They sell tubes and have a tech on measurements on their site. Let me know if you run into any snags. Tell ?em Bikernet sent ya.–Wrench

customecycle eng.

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matt part

AMCA MEMBERSHIP DRIVE CONTEST–I wanted to drop you a quick note before we hit the road to the chopper class open house. I just got the battery for the giveaway bike in the mail yesterday from my friend Geoffry Erdos. It is really, really cool. It is a case that looks just like a ’40s battery, and it has a sealed modern six volt battery inside. I can set anybody up with his contact info if they are interested in one, just email me at .

–Matt Olsen

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Click on the banner to join the AMCA or enter the contest to win a vintage 45 H-D restoration effort.

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Kibblewhite Twin Cam cylinder studs–KIBBLEWHITE, the company well known for its high performance valvetrain parts, has now introduced a new line ? high performance cylinder studs for ’03-’09 Twin Cam motors.

The studs, which are centerless ground to ensure concentricity, are manufactured from 180,000psi yield strength, heat treated, 8740 material and finished with a black oxide coating. A feature of the replacement studs is that one end of each is designed to have a slight interference thread fit in the cases, which is done to ensure a proper fit and prevent oil migration when the aluminum cases heat up and expand.

Pacifica, California, USA
Tel: 650 359 4704
Fax: 650 359 8574

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FEMA logo

21st International Technical ConferenceOn the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles15 ? 18 June 2009,Stuttgart, Germany–Sponsored by: U.S. DOT -National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Conference Theme: ?Reinventing Safety: Putting AdvancedTechnology to Work?

Abstract Booklet: PDF 233 pages

Motorcycle related ONLY:
Integrated Safety Approach: From Prevention To SeverityReduction, Protection and Post-Crash Safety
The 21sth ESV Conference Abstract Booklet 33
Jens, K?nig
DEKRA Automobil GmbH, Germany
Elena, Bianco
Centro Ricerche Fiat, Italy
Jes?s V?zquez de Prada Martinez

Abstract:First outcomes of activities carried out in Safety In Motion EU projectare hereafter described.SIM Project is aimed at identifying a suitable and comprehensive safetystrategy for powered two wheel (PTW) vehicles, in order to avoid roadaccidents and/or mitigate their consequences.Starting from the outcomes of previous accidentology activities anin-depth analysis was conducted focusing on the scenarios identified asthe most frequent and dangerous for PTWs accidents.

Significant accidentparameters were identified and related values were analyzed.Also a technology evaluation based on state-of-the-art analysis as wellas partners expertise was conducted and the effectiveness of potentialbenefits of safety systems was evaluated in reconstructed accidentscenarios.

On such a basis a PTW safety strategy has been identified in all safetyareas.The active safety improvement is reached by actively controlling PTWstability and improving riding comfort (advanced braking and suspensionsystems).

In preventive safety area an HMI Information Management concept formotorbike was identified as the most effective solution for enhancingthe PTW rider?s awareness. Focusing on passive safety aspects, a frontalairbag fitted on motorcycle (aiming at protecting rider against theprimary impact) and an inflatable wearable device (mainly for secondaryimpact) have been chosen to be tested either separately or jointly.

The following safety devices have been finally selected in order to beimplemented and tested on vehicle prototypes:
-Active Brake System -Stability management by traction control
-Semi-Active Suspension System -Frontal airbag -Inflatable wearabledevice -HMI Information management concept for motorBikes (IMB)
-Enhanced HMI (ergonomic handlebar controls, wireless communication,Head-UpDisplay)
An integral approach to PTW safety enhancement was adopted, since allthe safety devices will be implemented and tested on the same vehicleplatform, the innovative PTW tilting threewheelersPiaggio MP3.

–from Michael Greenwald

This report rolls on and on. We will bring you the complete line-up of studies next week on Bikernet, in Special Reports.–Wilburn Roach

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BIKERNET HISTORY DEPARTMENT DISCOVERY–Don’t know if this is just a sick coincidence but….

2007 – Chinese year of the Chicken – Bird Flu Pandemic devastates parts of Asia
2008 – Chinese year of the Horse – Equine Influenza decimates Australian racing
2009 – Chinese year of the Pig – Swine Flu Pandemic kills hundreds around the globe.

Has any one else noticed this???!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It gets worse…….. next year……

2010 – Chinese year of the Cock – what could possibly go wrong?

–from Buckshot

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NEW WEB SITES FOR OLD SKOOL RODS AND DELUXE–Check out our new redesigned sitesI hope you dig em like we do.

geno osr-2home

geno ckdhome

–Geno DiPol

geno koolhousehome

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BIKERNET OPENS TRADE SCHOOL SPONSORED BY SPECTRO OILS–Our plan is to bring you up-to-date info on lubricants and Spectro Products, starting with:GOLDEN AMERICAN DOT 5 SILICONEBRAKE FLUID

Golden American Silicone DOT 5 is the ideal brake fluid forall Harley motorcycles requiring a DOT 5 fluid since it surpasses the performance levels of all DOT 5 requirements.

Golden American DOT 5 should be used according to the manufacturer?s recommended change intervals and directions.No special steps need to be taken when switching to this fluid. DO NOT use where DOT 5.1 and DOT 4 fluidsare recommended

993 Federal Rd., Brookfield, CT 06804
203-775-1291 ▪ Fax 203-775-8720

spectro banner

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THE BIKERNET FISH STUDY–I have long recommended fish as part of a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet. Last Thursday’s Daily Tip covered my first choices for healthy fish – those rich in omega-3 fatty acids. However, not all fish provide the same benefits, and some species should be limited or avoided altogether. I suggest minimizing your consumption of the following:

Large predatory fish. Shark, swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel, and white (albacore) tuna may have high levels of mercury. Pregnant women and children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of contaminants, and should avoid these species. (Small-catch tuna is OK, as it has high levels of omega-3s.)

Omega-6 rich fish. Farm-raised tilapia is one of the most highly consumed fish in America, yet it has very low levels of beneficial omega-3s and very high levels of potentially detrimental omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-6 fatty acids are pro-inflammatory, and inflammation is known to cause damage to blood vessels, the heart, lung and joint tissues, skin, and the digestive tract.

Farmed salmon. Avoid farmed salmon (also called Atlantic salmon), which is what you typically find in supermarkets, restaurants and fish markets. While less expensive than wild salmon, farmed salmon is lower in omega-3s and may contain residues of antibiotics and other drugs used to treat diseases in fish farming pens. What’s more, levels of PCBs and other contaminants in some farmed salmon have been found to be much higher than those found in wild salmon.

More Fish Tips Dr. Weil on Healthy Aging focuses on optimizing your diet for better overall health. Comprehensive eating guides and an exclusive version of Dr. Weil’s Anti-Inflammatory Food Pyramid can help you start – and sustain – a healthful diet and lifestyle.–DRWEIL.COM

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July IronWorks hits newsstands on May 26th– This issue brings you the unrivaled best in riding, wrenching and reading; in other words, the same fine content you’ve come to expect for the last 19+ years from the IronWorkers.

Features include:

?the winners of our SuperTrapp Virtual Bike Show – over a dozen awesome motorcycles running SuperTrapp exhaust systems
?a 9-second street legal Panhead drag bike
?a special tech section on four different exhausts system installs, showcasing Rinehart, Quiet-Riot, D&D and SuperTrapp, PLUS and Exhaust System Buyer’s Guide
?a close-up look at the motorcycles displayed at the V-Twin Expo , theLA Calendar Show , and the Grand National Roadster Show
?an in-depth look at motorcycle tire history and technology
?and much more

The best way to be sure you never miss an issue of IronWorks is to subscribe .

You even save money that way, too, and you’re entered to win our Brass Balls giveaway bike as well. You can’t beat that for $19.95.

IronWork contest Banner

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ASMI events are now in season!!!! —Help us continue to reduce injuries and fatalities to motorcyclists by supporting our events. ASMI service to bikers exists due to two riding fundraisers. The first is Tommy Thompson’s 15th Annual Reunion Ride to New Hampshire. This events start June 7th at the Grand Summit Report & Spa in the White Mountains. The event lasts 5 nights and 4 days with day rides to Maine, VT, and of course New Hampshire. We will visit White Horse Press and Mount Washington as well as Laconia & Weirs Beach. This ride starts with a cocktail party and ends with Tommy Thompson’s Biker Ball. It’s always memorable with people riding in from Texas, New York, Toronto, Wisc., IL, and MI. Are you ready for an adventure?

The second ride will keep you closer to home. Women In Motion Roadguards host their 8th annual ride to benefit ASMI July 17-19 starting in Shawno, WI and ending in Oconomowoc. This is the most organized, organized ride you will ever experience! The RGs coordinate a 300 mile parade with police support. Evening parties are always a good time. Our Saturday night party will include a full sit down dinner hosted by hal’s Harley Davidson and the energetic tunes of Country Storm sponsored by Hupy & Abraham at Olympia resort and Spa.

Go to to get more details. ASMI is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Your event fee is partially tax deductible.

Other events ASMI will be appearing at: Americade in NY, MN HOG Rally, AMA’s Women & Motorcycling in CO, SMSA in WI.

Classes are posted throughout the summer – check out our class schedule at

–Vicki Roberts-Sanfelipo, RN/EMT
Director Accident Scene Management, Inc.
President of SOS & Conspicuity Inc.
W246 S3244 Industrial Ln. A
Waukesha, WI 53189
(877) 411-8551 – toll free
(262) 521-2880 – local
(262) 436-0286 – fax

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AFT Model Agency Girls Hard at Work on new AFT Metric Custom “LowLA” to premier at the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend July 18-19th–Martell, CA, May 15th, 2009 – In a follow-up to his prestigious Best of Show win in 2009 at the Los Angles Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend, and 1st Place Metric Class at the AMD Word Championship of Custom Bike Building, renown custom metric bike builder Jim Guiffra of, Martell, California, is well under way (with a little help from some friends.) with his next custom which will make its world premier at the 2009 LA Calendar Motorcycle Show July 18-19th.

AFT’s newest custom making its premier at the LA Calendar show is aptly called “LowLA” and it is being fully constructed by the beautiful girls of the AFT Modeling Agency – girls who are knowledgeable and specializing working Motorsports Trade Shows and Events. The custom bike, based on a Honda VTX13PS and running a Mikuni HSR Carburetor, is being designed and constructed under the guidance of Guiffra, but all the bike’s actual disassembly, special fabrication and construction, and reassembly is being carried out by the AFT Model Agency Girls: Andrea, Melanie, Sara, Sukhee, Kylie, Jeanine, Elaina. You can see and find out more about the girls and the Agency at AF

The premier of “LowLA” at the LA Calendar Show in July will see the bike featured in the AFT Customs both on Saturday, then on Sunday being entered in the $64,000 Calendar Bike Building Championship. Also at the Show, “LowLA” and the AFT Models will be photographed and interviewed by Heather of Riders Review Magazine who will be doing a feature article on both them and the sexy Motorcycle PinUp Calendar theme Show On Monday after the Show weekend, LowLA will be photographed by Jim Gianatsis for the next Mikuni and Performance Machine sponsored Iron & Lace Calendar Calendar.

About AFT (Amador Fine Tune)
Amador Fine Tune is a full service bike shop that has been in business for nearly 20 years. They offer one-off products and are a dealer for over 50 different suppliers. AFT Customs is about professional craftsmen and are certified to work on all metrics motorcycles including: Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki and Yamaha. Though customizing metrics is relatively new, AFT Customs have been winning awards for its bikes for years and boasts over 30 world class awards including the 2005 and 2008 AMD World Championship for their metric builds and has over 30 feature articles in top industry magazines worldwide. They provide minor modifications based on customer specifications to full ground-up projects. All builds focus on style, performance, size and functionality. For all your metric needs?big and small—contact the experts at (209) 223-3848 or visit them on the web–

About AFT Girls
AFT Girls, a division of Amador Fine Tune, is a modeling agency offering marketing and sales savvy girls to organizations that want to make an impact at events. Whether it is trade shows, grand openings, parties or photography shoots, AFT Girls can help to that help to make any event more of a success and position their client as a professional, expert in the industry.

To learn more about how the AFT Girls can help you and your business, check them out on the web at or call for rates and booking at (209) 223-3848

For additional information on the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend and to order the Calendars go to .

For additional information on AFT Customs and the Powersports Modeling Agency go to or phone direct Jim Giuffra, Owner, AFT Customs (209) 223-3848

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BIKERNET THURSDAY PHOTO ART EXHIBIT–This may be too late for Thursday post but….. I was having a conversation with Jack….Jack Daniels.

–Whiplash Biker Photog

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indian full


indian front close

–Mike (Kiwi) Tomas
Kiwi Indian MotoCycles
ph 951 788 0048


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ANOTHER BIKERNET RESTORATION, ’69 FLH–Here are some shots that I have. They don’t really do the bike justice. I’m a wrench, not a photographer. I’m told you know your older bikes so hopefully you’ll like it.

–Joe @ Narley Cycles
2213 Lomita Blvd.
Lomita, CA 90717
310-530-3080 shop phone


Continued On Page 5

Read More

May 14, 2009 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

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AUSTRALIAN CLUB TARGETS– Atkinson set to ‘declare’ Finks – says newspaper– The Sunday Mail newspaper says forty-two members, and ex-members of the Finks motorcycle club are this week set to become the first targets of the State Government’s draconian SOCCA (Serious and Organized Crime (Control) Act) legislation.

The newspaper says Attorney-General Michael Atkinson is expected to “declare” the club in Parliament – after four months of deliberations.

His declaration gives police unprecedented powers to immediately act on Finks members, nominee’s and ex-members – using individual control orders that ban them from contacting certain people and attending specific places.

The controversial legislation – which includes association laws to hit those who assist them – is aimed at stopping organized crime involving the Finks and preventing them from recruiting new members.

The paper says Atkinson may announce the Finks declaration in Parliament this week, prior to leaving on a fortnight-long overseas trip on Friday.

If not, his next opportunity would not be until the first week of June, at the start of the traditional Budget session of Parliament.

A spokesman for Mr Atkinson would not comment on the declaration when contacted on Friday.

It comes after months of protracted consultations with Crown legal advisers, senior police and lawyers acting for Finks members.

The paper claims the ‘exhaustive consultation process’ has seen police respond to many queries and requests from Mr Atkinson for both clarification of existing information in their application and the provision of additional information to support it.

Police have been waiting anxiously for Mr Atkinson’s decision and it is expected they will move quickly against many club members once the declaration has been made.

The official declaration in Parliament is expected to trigger legal challenges, already forecast by Adelaide’s motorcycle clubs which have been protesting against the legislation in recent months.

The Finks motorcycle club is being “declared” under the Serious and Organized Crime (Control) Act – under which anyone subject to a control order faces penalties of up to five years’ jail for breaching the order or offences relating to criminal association laws.

Any person who breaches a control order is arrested and will be remanded without bail. Mr Atkinson has been considering the application by SA Police to declare the Finks since December 16.

Finks members and nominees were given extensions of time above the 28-day legislated period to respond to the police application.

On March 24, Mr Atkinson told State Parliament granting the application was “not a foregone conclusion” and the Attorney revealed he had provided those named in the application further opportunities to make submissions about the application.

As part of the application, police provided a comprehensive statutory declaration detailing the criminal activities of Finks members and ex-members dating back almost two decades.

The statutory declaration, was sworn by Assistant Commissioner (Crime) Tony Harrison and provides an alleged insight into the volume and variety of crimes committed by club members.

The document names each club member, nominees and many ex-members and lists their many aliases.

It also details their links with other Finks’ chapters in WA, the Northern Territory and nominates the SA members who have been largely responsible for setting up new chapters in other States.

The declaration reveals details of top-level police operations targeting some senior members who were allegedly involved in drug importation conspiracies, amphetamine production and large-scale hydroponic cannabis cultivation and trafficking in Adelaide.

“SA police information holdings show that all members of the organization are, or have been involved in serious criminal activity,” the declaration states. “Criminal activities engaged in include, but are not limited to, theft, drug manufacture and distribution, offences of violence, firearms offences and blackmail.

“The direction and control of the various criminal activities are left to the discretion of the individual members unless sanctioned as an organized activity.”

The declaration says antecedence reports on the individual members “indicates there have been numerous incidents where members of the organization have committed acts of violence together against members of the public”.

“In addition there are many cases where the matter has not proceeded through courts for prosecution as a result of the unwillingness of witnesses and/or victims to provide statements to police or to attend court and give evidence against members of the organization.”

–from Doc Robinson, Heavy Duty Magazine, Australia

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amy coverwithborder2

THE WICKED BITCH– I live in Sheridan, Arkansas and I am 90 percent deaf and I take chemo for life threatening lupus. Against the advice of my doctors I still ride a 1993 Heritage Softtail nostalgia that I built myself. I am also a contributing author to “biker chicks” by Arthur Veno and Edward Winterhalder, and was chosen out of 200 women to be the one to write a book to sell as Art’s first sequel.

My book, Wicked Bitch, is a biography, telling what its like to grow up a little girl in Arkansas and grow into a freelance biker journalist writing ten years for Easyriders, In the wind, Biker, and V-twin. It will make you laugh and cry and want to go outside and crank your bike and hit the road.

I am going to get on my 16-year-old Harley in August, and make that ride to South Dakota one more marvelous time, to show everyone that I am the person who I wrote about in this book, the woman who picks herself up and gets back on that bike, no matter what life throws at her.

amy soft

I will be in New York May 25 – June 8. Arthur Veno will be there May 28-June 8, and we will be doing book signings and appearances together. This will all kick off with a special Bar-B-Que that the Hogs & Heifers saloon is hosting for me on Memorial Day. Arthur and I will be also be appearing at the Leathernecks Ground Zero Chapter Nationals June 6th.

–Amy White, Wicked Bitch

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eman n bike

E-MAN’S NEW RIDE– I was so distraught over not making it down there for the Laughlin Run, I went out and bought a brand new bike. Man, do I love this thing. I’ve entered a whole new world of motorcycling! Working on a report to come soon, on the new ’09 frame, and all the mods I have already done and will be doing over the many miles to come.

My brother also bought a new ’09 crossbones the same day. I think we made the salseman’s day, but do you think they threw in a ballcap or a T shirt? Not a fuckin chance.Hoping to break these bikes in on a rip to LA and the Bikernet Interplanatery Headquarters soon. Will keep you posted.

I dug Johnny Humble’s write up on his new V-Rod. Must be something in the air.


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mean street Avalon Bagger wBells


MEANSTREETS BAGGER COW BELLS– I have attached some photos of our new bagger style legs and cow bells. We would love to see a press release about these on Bikernet! The first photo is the Avalon Bagger Legs with bells, the second is the Predator Bagger Style, and the third is the bells. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call. And thank you for your interest in our products!

As for info on the Bagger Style legs and bells:

mean street Bagger Bells (3)

These legs are made for heavy riding associated with Baggers. Mean Street has released 2 new models, Avalon Bagger Legs and Predator Bagger Legs. You can customize and embellish these legs with one of Mean Street’s three Bell designs (from left to right: Beam, Amen and Facet Face).

mean street Predator Bagger Legs


As usual, you can order in highly polished aluminum, chrome or black anodizing. Try to mixing and matching polish or chrome with black anodizing for a cool contrast when choosing a set of legs with a set of bells.

For more information please check out

–Chelsey Longnecker
Marketing Director
Mean Street Products
8785 Castner
Phone (915) 592-6887
Fax (915) 592-4751

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THE SEARCH FOR TWISTED STEEL SISSYBARS–Can you help me find the fabricator of “Twisted Steel Fabricators”. He used to sell his custom devil’s tale sissy bars on ebay but he/she no longer sell there product there. I tried to Google the name but several places come up but they are mostly bike builders etc. The person just had sissy bars and some other metal work. Any help you can give would be appreciated.


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free to wander

You are all invited to attend the New York City Release party for the Free To Wander DVD– It will be held at Bar Matchless 537 Manhattan Ave. Brookly Ny 11222. The party starts at 7:00 and the movie starts at 9:00. If you are anywhere near this thing when it happens I strongly encourage you to come down and hang out, party and watch the film. I’m going be at the release.


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TWO WHEELERS TRIBUTE TO MIKE LICHTER–This is an odd one. Mike Lichter takes shots of bikes and bike people constantly, but who takes shots of Mike, his cameras and his bikes? Arlin Fatland, the 2Wheelers Gang and Bikernet is on a search for shots of Mike doing his thing.

If you have anything, send it to Arlin at 2Wheelers or to me, and we’ll create something, even if it’s wrong.


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PINGEL/SHIFTERS Bar & Grill AT STURGIS–Pingel Enterprise, Inc. is proud to announce the place to check out and purchase Pingel products, as well as get a burger and a beer, in Sturgis, SD during the rally. Shifters Bar and Grill, located on Junction directly across from the Sturgis Harley-Davidson dealer, is where ?Shift Happens in Sturgis?.

Pingel displays their entire product line including a dyno demonstrating their all electric shifter kits which has been the theme for the bar. The bar is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner throughout the rally. Watch the bike traffic in the cooled down outdoor beer tent or in the air conditioning inside with the ?coldest beer in Sturgis?.

Check out Shifters when you?re at the rally or go to for their complete product line.

–Source: USRN

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EASYRIDERS SHOW IN NEW ORLEANS– Here are the photos from our New Orleans Bike Show this past weekend. Sylvester Stallone came and bought some bikes from the builders and competitors.

–Jene’ Green


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RARE PAGES FROM THE UNCLE MONKEY DOCTRINE–Long before I had enough pennies saved to buy my bike I would pass my spare time by hanging out at the local shop. A small house served as the showroom and parts counter while the small shed behind was the repair shop. My time would be spent learning to tell the difference between Knuckle, Pan, and Shovelheads and decoding the “Harley Alphabet” of model numbers. The Fat Boy Softail was really starting to take off and the aftermarket was just really starting to bloom into what it has become.

I remember one day when a rough looking biker came in and asked about getting a Tombstone taillight for his 1948 Panhead. With a twinkle in her eye the woman behind the counter scurried away. As we talked we could hear the thumping of boxes overhead before she returned with the sought part.

She looked up the price in the catalog when she found a listing for one with a glass lens that would match his glass lens signal lights. Though she didn’t have one in stock a few phone calls quickly located one at a dealership in BC. The customer was happy, the dealer was happy to have served the customer and I was happy just to be there.

Old habits die-hard and this last week I found myself standing in another showroom. The store had grown and expanded moving to the warehouse district. A customer dealing on the Electra Glide shared his goal of riding at Daytona Bike Week to which the Salesman commented that he had rented a car while there, because it had more storage, was more practical and more convenience than a bike. The Parts Manager and a customer puzzled over whether a derby cover would fit a Heritage Softail because the description only mentioned FLSTC.

As I shook my head and moved over to the shirts I ran into old friend. He had come to book his Twin Cam Wide Glide in to get the engine looked at and fresh fluids. When he told the service advisor the year of the bike he was flat out told that they don’t work on bikes that old, not even for an oil change.

I spotted a familiar face in the corner. The former owner still works at the dealership though more out of respect and habit then anything. Most customers avoid her, not wanting to talk to the old girl. I smile and say hello. She nods and compliments me on the jacket she sold me all those years ago, asks whether my old Fat Boy is giving me any problems. As a set of drag pipes sputter past outside we both smile and say Shovelhead in unison. Then she adds 74.”

Wayne ?Uncle Monkey? Wuschke
Southern Independent Riders

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A 5-part documentary on New Zealand inventor John Britten–Synopsis:During the late 1980s, Kiwi inventor John Britten developed and builta revolutionary racing motorcycle. He pursued his dream all the way toDaytona International Speedway, where, in 1992, as an unlikelyunderdog, he proceeded to beat the biggest and richest manufacturersin the world.

Britten: Backyard Visionary documents the maverickmotorcycle designer that Guggenheim curator Ultan Guilfoyle describedas “the New Zealander who stood the world of racing-motorcycle designon its head.”

Britten: Backyard Visionary WS)

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knockout seat pan

THE KNOCKOUT SEAT PAN KIT–The seat pan kit take the shock out of your ridge. If you are tired of getting the shit kicked out of you on your ridged then let us knockout the ruff ride with our world famous seat pan kit. 149.99 for the shock kit and tabs. 179.99 for the seat pan with shocks and tabs.


Knockout Banner

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BIKERNET ECONOMISTS APPROVE ECONOMIC STIMULUS PLAN–This is from an article in the St. Petersburg Times Newspaper on Sunday. The Business Section askedreaders for ideas on “How Would You Fix theEconomy?”

I think this guy nailed it!

Dear Mr. President,

Please findbelow my suggestion for fixing America ‘s economy. Instead ofgiving billions of dollars to companies that will squander the moneyon lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the followingplan. You can call it the Patriotic Retirement Plan:

There are about 40 million people over 50 in the work force. – Pay them$1 million apiece severance for early retirement with thefollowing stipulations:

1) They MUST retire. Forty million job openings – Unemployment fixed.

2) They MUST buy a new American CAR. Fortymillion cars ordered – AutoIndustry fixed.

3) TheyMUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage – HousingCrisis fixed.

It can’t get any easier than that!

P.S. If more money is needed, have all members inCongress and their constituents pay theirtaxes…

–from Jon G.

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Click on the banner to test the Bikernet Your Shot Forum.

BIKERNET FORUM NAMES LUCKY CONTRIBUTOR OF THE WEEK–We’ve got a guy on the forum named “Lucky”. You probably know about him.He’s currently got almost 70 pages of links and photos of all kinds of really good biker stuff.

I was thinking we could give him one of two things. 1. His own section of the website, called “Lucky’s Corner” (which would require some work). 2. A forum heading at the top level, called, “Lucky’s Corner”. He can just keep adding stuff there, and it’ll be at the top level, so people can go to it and look all the stuff over. He’s really active with this stuff, and I think it would be a great deal to formalize his contributions.

Whatdya think? If you’re cool with this, I’ll add the section, let him know what we’re doing, and move all his stuff over there.

Bikernet Forum Board Administrator

We’ve added a Lucky section. If you need tech questions answered, have thoughts on specific issues, or just want to hand out with the bros, hit it over to the Bikernet Forum:–Bandit

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travel bags

RIVER ROAD SYNTHETIC LEATHER LUGGAGE —Its? that magical time of year again!!! RIDIN’ SEASON!! Need somewhere to store your stuff for those longer than usual trips? We have a large selection of luggage for you to view. River RoadTM offers bags to suit your needs, whether it?s genuine leather, synthetic leather or a textile fabric.

Travel bags 2

Featured here are the Bike Pack, Classic or Studded, and the Travel Case to match, each sold separately. The synthetic leather looks so good, you?ll have to look real close to tell its not. The size of this Bike bag is 12?W x 23? H x 16? D and has reinforced sidewalls and base for strength and shape retention. Add in UV protection from the sun, decorative piping and a 1 year manufacturer?s warranty, these bags are hard to pass up.

For more sizes and styles, click on the banner below or visit your local Biker?s Choice? Dealer.

Happy Riding!!


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BIKERNET TECHS ACTUALLY WORK–I installed an Andrews 26G gear drive cam set in my 2005 FLHT last couple nights. I pulled the chain drive 26 cams after I read your King article.

Thanks for showing that it was possible to install the pushrods and lifter covers without pulling the rocker covers. Saved a lot of time and headache. I especially liked Gene’s rubber band pushrod holders idea.



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ssc Untouchable Bobber (small pic)


Only 20 will be built, each one numbered with limited edition badge on frame, and a beautiful 6″x3″ enamel pink with gold trim ribbon on top of gas tank.
WHERE THE MONEY GOES – ($1,500.00 from the sale of every bike will be donated to DIVAS FOR A CURE to go to Breast Cancer Research)

Divas For A Cure
c/o Administrative Consulting Services
P O Box 1256
Browns Mills, NJ 08015


NJ Office: 609-997-0695
CA Office: 510-891-2300
FAX: 866-850-4461

ssc divasforacurerendering

RETAIL= $22,500.00
Paint Scheme – Frame – Gloss Black , Tins – Gloss Black with Real Divas Ride Theme
Personalize – You also have option to add your name or loved ones name and survival date to ribbon, anywhere the painted ribbon is on the bike.
Frame- DNA 180/200 Old School 36deg rake. Forks – Stock Chrome Springer by DNA Specialty
Motor – 80″ Harley Davidson Evolution – Black and Chrome or S&S 96″ Cast MotorCarb – S&S Short E – w/Velo Dome Velocity Stack and screen insert or Standard S&S Air Cleaner
Transmission – 6 Speed black/chrome or Baker 5 Speed Tranny
Wiring Harness – Wire Plus Key Switch and Wiring Module
Tires by Avon

South Side Kustoms
146 Barnard St.
Buffalo, Ny 14206
website –

South Side Banner

Continued On Page 4

Read More

May 14, 2009 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

paul bike


I focused quite a bit of energy on picking the right group of manufacturers to work with. I?ve worked at JIMS for almost 14 years. Jim, and JIMS has made a big impact on my belief of supporting American Quality Manufacturers, especially in our industry. That being said, with the exception of the Ceriani front end by Storz ? all the parts are made in the U.S.A. ? American Pride!

The Frame is an Evo based rigid made by Chopper Guys ? Great Quality product. Big Jim hooked me up with the 120 cubic inch JIMS Evo Mount Twin Cam, and a JIMS Six Speed.

paul engine

Barnett makes a belt drive with lock up clutch that is rock solid, and perfect match for the JIMS engine and trans.

All the parts were powdercoated by Ikon wrinkle black, meant to contrast with the frame & sheetmetal that will eventually be a reflective silver with simple pin striping.

To finish it off, last week I just put on the new Vance & Hines Competition exhaust. Super light!

paul parts

Jim let me hop on the lathes and mills at lunch ? so I machined up the clip on drag bars, axle spacers, seat brackets, etc? I?ve enjoyed learning this side of it, cool stuff.

I spent the last few weeks drawing up some basic parts in the computer?brackets for license plate, key switch, fender tabs, oil tank mounts,etc? and then E-mailed the files to my college buddy Jason & Josh at Colarado WaterJet. within a week, everything arrived!

From here, it?s pretty much smooth sailing? weld everything in position, seat, wiring & plumbing?

Some other cool manufacturers on this project that helped out were Russell at Exile, GMA, J Hart Prototypes & Terry Components.


New Jims banner

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Boardtrack racer

BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER DR. WEIL FRUITY FINDINGS–More Good News About Blueberries. They’re not only delicious and health-enhancing, these antioxidant-packed berries might help you get rid of belly fat and protect you from diabetes, as well.

Researchers from the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center added freeze-dried blueberries crushed into powder to the diet of their lab rats. They reported that after 90 days, the rodents had less abdominal fat, lower triglyceride levels, lower cholesterol and improved fasting glucose and insulin sensitivity (measures of how well the body processes glucose for energy) than laboratory rats whose diets didn’t contain blueberries.

These benefits were even more pronounced when the blueberry-eating rats were also put on a low fat diet. All told, these animals had lower body weight, lower total fat mass and reduced liver mass than rats on a high fat diet.

In addition, the investigators reported blueberries affected genes related to fat-burning and storage and altered genes related to glucose uptake. More research is needed to confirm that blueberries will work in humans as well as they did in rats.

For more healthy shit, sign up for reports on Dr.

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Sponsored by Headwinds Headlights. Click the banner for more info.

BIKERNET TRAVEL ADVICE COLUMN– A woman was at her hairdresser’s getting her hair styled for a trip to Rome with her husband.. She mentioned the trip to the hairdresser, who responded: “Rome ? Why would anyone want to go there? It’s crowded and dirty. You’re crazy to go to Rome. So, how are you getting there?”

“We’re taking Continental, ” was the reply. “We got a great rate!” “Continental? ” exclaimed the hairdresser. “That’s a terrible airline. Their planes are old, their flight attendants are ugly, and they’re always late . So, where are you staying in Rome?”

“We’ll be at this exclusive little place over on Rome ‘s Tiber River called Teste.”

“Don’t go any further. I know that place. Everybody thinks its gonna be something special and exclusive, but it’s really a dump.”

“We’re going to go to see the Vatican and maybe get to see the Pope.”

“That’s rich, ” laughed the hairdresser. You and a million other people trying to see him. He’ll look the size of an ant. Boy, good luck on this lousy trip of yours. You’re going to need it.”

A month later, the woman again came in for a hairdo. The hairdresser asked her about her trip to Rome.

“It was wonderful, ” explained the woman, “not only were we on time in one of Continental’s brand new planes, but it was overbooked, and they bumped us up to first class. The food and wine were wonderful, and I had a handsome 28-year-old steward who waited on me hand and foot.

And the hotel was great! They’d just finished a $5 million remodeling job, and now it’s a jewel, the finest hotel in the city. They, too, were overbooked, so they apologized and gave us their owner’s suite at no extra charge!

“Well, ” muttered the hairdresser, “that’s all well and good, but I know you didn’t get to see the Pope.”

“Actually, we were quite lucky, because as we toured the Vatican, a Swiss Guard tapped me on the shoulder and explained that the Pope likes to meet some of the visitors, and if I’d be so kind as to step into his private room and wait, the Pope would personally greet me.

Sure enough, five minutes later, the Pope walked through the door and shook my hand! I knelt down and he spoke a few words to me.”

“Oh, really! What’d he say?”

He said: “Who fucked up your hair?

–from Dr. Hamster

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ken conte tree



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SADDLEMAN NEW TO BIKERNET–We look forward to working with Saddlemen on seat builds and gel technology. Maybe we’ll learn something.


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Dealer Direct


1) Jon’s Service N7497 Cth E Watertown, WI 53094 414-881-5941

2) Bay Area Performance Cycles 2560 Wyandotte ST # 2 Mountain View, CA 94043 650-969-0372

3) Syco Choppers 4840 Karnes Rd Santa Maria, CA 93455 805-714-0072

4) Magnusen Motorcycle Maintenance 1301 S Cloverdale Blvd Cloverdale, CA 95425 707-669-0133

5) Pacific Coast Performance 5665 Carpinteria Ave # H Carpinteria,CA 93013 805-684-5337

6) Grand Lake Scooters & Cycles 1944 Broadway Oakland, CA 94612 510-832-1256

7) American Riders 10874 Leslie Rd # 2 Helotes, TX 78023 210-695-6343

8) Designs by Novello 505 N Main St Port Chester, NY 10573 914-934-7711

Thank you,

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SCOTT JACOBS ARTWORK–First let me say that Scott?s recent trip to China was a smashing success. He was the special guest artist for a series of VIP auctions onboard a cruise ship touring the Pacific Rim. Thirty nine couples were invited to attend the auctions and bidding was quite lively for the ONLY thirteen Jacobs? paintings available for sale in the world. Every original painting sold with multiple bidders for each and they fetched prices well above their estimates (Average size painting: $50k ). Also sold were five commission paintings which will pretty much tie Scott up for the next year.

We expect to start shipping artworks from our recent sale in about 2 weeks and I wanted to clarify a couple of questions that keep coming up. The artworks from the sale are from Scott?s personal collection that he has held, in some cases, for many years. When you go to the webpage on our site you?ll notice SOLD OUT status meaning the edition has been sold out to the general public but Scott is now offering his private collection, to our customers only, from those sold-out editions. Also, these are MIXED MEDIA PRINTS, signed and numbered on paper and accompanied by certificates of authenticity from the studio. (Mixed media means lithograph with serigraphic enhancement). What is really cool about these prints is the clear coat over some of the subjects which creates a three-dimensional effect for the viewer. (Remember Father?s day is around the corner!)

HUGE ART SALE INVENTORY?@ $495 per unit includes custom framing. (Note: LOCOMOTION is gone) Call or email Ron 303-431-4453


Ron Copple
Scott Jacobs Studio

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Biker Head Wraps Galore!at Hot Leathers?–Spring is here, and it’s time to shop for new riding accessories. Hot Leathers is your spot for everything biker. You gotta check out their HUGE selection of biker headwraps .

hot leather 2

100’s of styles of head wraps for both men and women are in stock right now at From skull to flames roses to pink camo, there is a style of head wrap for everybody! Head wraps can be worn a multitude of ways and work with almost any hair style.

hot leather 3

Head wraps have been worn by bikers for years to protect their hair while wearing a helmet, and to protect their neck from the sun while riding. On hot days, head wraps are perfect for keeping sweat out of your eyes.

hot leather4

Head wraps are a low cost gift perfect for your biker friends. Starting as low as $5.95, has the best pricing on head wraps any where! You can find head wraps made of cotton, spandex, or leather and they all come with the classic 2 tie style making them all O.S.F.M.

Start shopping today!

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American Motorcycle Dealer

BIKERNET STOCK MARKET ADVICE COLUMN–Icalled my stockbroker today and asked, “What are you buying??

He answered, “Canned goods and ammunition.”

–from Buckshot

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BDL SFT 69mm open drive with logo

BELT DRIVE LIMITED 69 MM OPEN DRIVE FOR LATE SOFTAILS– Just released by Belt Drives LTD., this new, model specific, OPEN BELT DRIVE system is designed for use exclusively on 2007- 2009 Softail? machines. The latest conversion kit incorporates a 52 tooth front pulley and 69 tooth rear pulley. The custom designed 142 tooth BDL belt is a full 69 mm (2.72?) wide for a perfect combination of performance, strength, reliability and durability. Additionally BDL has developed an exclusive ring gear which offers quick, positive starter operation.

The kit includes BDL?s Ball Bearing Lock Up Clutch assembly for smooth, positive engagement and light lever pull. The companies signature billet aluminum rear pulley cover, side guard, installation hardware and complete instructions round out the latest in a long line of trend setting belt drive and clutch components from this industry leader. For complete details call direct to 714-685-3333 or catch the complete BDL line up at


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charlie horse

Another week at Bikernet Metric– has almost gone. The Horse?s Smoke Out West has ended but the Long Road to the Smoke Out East is still under way. There are about 100 people riding from Cottonwood, Arizona to North Carolina. After seeing the line-up of bikes going on the Long Road, we are affectionately calling this run the ?Trail of 1,000 Parts?.

brass balls bobber

Ray Wheeler, frequent contributor to Bikernet and scooter tramp, was on the road for a while representing the Brass Balls Bobber Military Giveaway Bike. The Military bike, third place winner in AMD?s World Championship?s production bike class, will be raffled off at Biketoberfest so there is plenty of time to get tickets. Please go to for more information. This is a great cause?to raise money for the Intrepid Fallen Heroes fund. Dar, president of Darwin Motorcycles (Brass Balls Bobbers) served in Desert Storm so this is a very important charity for him and thousands of other Vets and their families.

Due to logistic issues of getting the bobber around the country, Brass Balls has decided to keep the bike at headquarters in Oklahoma. Ray Wheeler has turned around and is heading towards the West. He is making a couple of stops along the way. Yesterday?s stop was at Truett & Osborn to speak to his long time friend Paul Osborn and to also ask about some Iron Head flywheel assemblies for me. Yes they have them! I will be putting together a new sporty soon and thanks to some old school companies out there that still have obsolete parts, I should be ready to break down on next year?s Long Road.


Ray is also going to be stopping by Chuck Shortt?s Rocky Mountain Customs in Colorado for a couple of days for a new paint job on Ray?s Dyna. You may remember that Chuck was the 2008 Bikernet Brouhaha winner in the paint category. They are going to do a paint scheme that will pay respect to the famous Burt Monroe. Ray rides his bike to the Salt Flats every year and he wanted a paint job that would stand out. Last year Ray, a 65 year old Vet himself, rode from California to the Salt and ran 147.098 mph on a Sunday. He was back home Monday evening! I think that is pretty cool. I will show everyone pictures when I have permission and the paint is dry. They are going to have the whole paint job done in four days!


Bozzie Custom Performance leaves today for El Mirage, the dry lake bed, looking for a land speed record. He is going to have to do 171 mph within a mile to bring home the small task. He is bringing his dual EVO, his Pro-street Bagger and a blown EVO. I will show more pictures of the bikes soon and I will let you know how he does on the lake bed. He is going to Bonneville this year to set a record so this really is a warm up for his bikes.


Dave Bozzie, the owner of Bozzie Custom Performance, is finishing up the rebuild on my 95 inch motor now. It is almost done and there will be several tech articles around the build. I have learned a lot and hopefully some others will benefit from the articles.


A bit of Metric now?AFT Customs is doing a first in motorcycle photo shoots. He is going to raise his latest project, LowLa to the top of a gold mine platform. Then, the photographer and local news team will be raise up in a crane about 60-100 feet to take pictures of the bike AND THE MODELS! (We all love models don?t we-and there is supposed to be between 9 and 11 of them on this shoot). The shoot will be in a couple of months and I should be there to talk to the team in more detail. Ok, I am going to party.There are going to be a very limited number of tickets sold and all the proceeds will go to the Kennedy Mine and the City of Jackson, a small little mountain community in California?s Sierra foothills. Beautiful riding, girls and a rad photo shoot. It should be really cool. I will let you all know when the tickets are available in case you want to pick some up.

Here are some websites you may want to check out. AFT Customs? new website (built by Jerry Southworth of Bikers Inner Circle and Unique Exposure Photography) New models and pictures..very cool The location of the latest AFT Customs photo shoot

Professional photographer, Jerry Southworth I am going to close this update for now. Please send me hate mail or any Metric you want to show on the site. I am going to try to get a ?Reader?s Ride? section up on the site so everyone can show their rides. I am going to put a picture of me up there too but on my Trail 90?.rebuilt by AFT Customs of course. Wacko

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The Laughlin report was outstanding.– I just turned 50 and I’m kicking it into overdrive brother !!!Keep up the great work .By the way , how’s your ma ? ( thoughts and prayers are with ya’ll)

–Ron in TX.

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FREE TICKETS TO ROBBIE KNIEVEL JUMP–I have four (4) extra tickets for the Robbie Knievel (son of Evel Knievel) event at the PhilipsArena in Atlanta if anybody wants them. He’s going to try to jump a thousand (1,000) Obama supporters with a bulldozer.

Should be a good time.

— Steve
Jay Martinez>

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bbb alynch

NEW BRASS BALLS FAT CAT BOBBER PIPES FROM D&D– Dar Holdsworth, Brass Balls BossMan, worked with Dave Rash @ D&D Performance Enterprises to develop a series of dyno tuned exhaust systems that would extract the greatest amount of performance from the firm?s Old School Bobber powertrain and still look good and meet government compliance. The result from the collaboration includes the Brass Balls? Fat Cat, Reverse Megaphone, and Black Canister.

Pictured here is the Brass Balls? Reverse Megaphone exhaust from D&D. It has a rich tone and pumps up and additional 10% torque and horsepower. Scotch-Brite was applied to deliver a perfect muted finish.

Checkout the latest pipes for your ride at Performance Enterprises.

DD bannerwigirl

Continued On Page 3

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May 14, 2009 Part 1




Another crazy day in Paradise. I want to jump right into the news, because the intellectual depth of the contents is way beyond any drivel I might kick it off with.

You name it, it’s covered this week:

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dar girls

PARTY AT BRASS BALLS BOBBERS– Dar Holdsworth of Brass Balls Bobbers put the word out and 400 bikers came by to party with him at his World HQ in Oklahoma City, Monday night, May 11th. Edge from the Smoke Out drove his Long Road chopper jockeys over as the second stop on their tour across America. The Long Road Riders had some truly exceptional sleds. Rat Roads to Baggers and everything in between.

Jasmine Cain got the party started with some extra strong Rock ?n Roll licks.

dar n guys

The eye candy stopped in and the photo shoot began. The lady?s shucked their threads and climbed aboard Dar?s bobbers for some nice snaps.

dar girl n guy

About halfway through a guy climbed onstage and MC?d the bikini contest. Beer was spilled, lies were swapped and burgers were consumed.

bbb alynch

Adam Lynch, USMC, designed his bobber over in the Mid East during the conflict and swung by to pick up his new sled.

Ray Wheeler grabbed a bikini girl and was selling raffle tickets for the Intrepid Fallen Heros Fund. $10 could get you a custom Bobber from Brass Balls Bobbers. here to win your bobber.

The rain held off during the party and everyone had a good time.

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Cool HD ad

HARLEY MIGHT CLOSE YORK PLANT–Company blames cost of doing business in York County. Harley-Davidson is considering moving its local operations out of York County as a possible option to getting the local manufacturing hub’s cost structure right.

Spokesman Bob Klein said Tuesday the company has found that the York operations are “not competitive long-term as they are currently structured,” and might consider moving those operations to “alternative U.S. locations.”

Moving the Springettsbury Township plant is not the only option the company is considering.

Harley-Davidson until recently employed more than 3,000 workers locally but the number has been dwindling as sales have slumped. The total now stands close to 2,650.

Although Klein would not compare local numbers to other locations within the company, Klein said the number of employee hours it takes to make a motorcycle at the Springettsbury Township operations is not cost-effective.

In Hanover, at least two local businesses could be affected if the plant were to close.

Leonhardt Manufacturing, 800 High St., manufactures parts for Harley-Davidson, and Stambaugh Metals, 802 High St., does metal polishing for the plant. Spokesmen for the firms could not be reached for comment Tuesday.

Harley employees were told of the possible move at meetings Monday.

A study assessing the options for the York County operations and the best options for the company is expected to come out this fall.

When asked whether the company would seek to renegotiate the terms of the union contract,

Klein said the contract was due to expire in 2010, so contract issues will come up soon regardless. Klein also said the company would “work closely with the union, with our union partners in York” to find options.

Harley-Davidson is already doing consolidation at its Milwaukee facilities, and Klein said the manufacturing operations in Kansas City were built in the mid- to late 1990s with efficiencies in mind.

A spokesman for the union representing workers at Harley-Davidson’s Springettsbury Township operation said Monday’s meetings had some question-and-answer format to them and the consolidation or moving options got the most attention, although more options were discussed.

“It was just one of dozens of possible scenarios discussed,” said Frank Larkin, spokesman for the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers.

As part of the current wave of job cuts announced earlier this year, the company said it could cut production jobs through production line slowdowns to make fewer motorcyles and by consolidating some currently separate aspects of production into a single location on site.

Mike Smeltzer, executive director of the York-based Manufacturers’ Association of South Central Pennsylvania, was dismayed by the Harley news.

The impact wouldn’t just be on Harley employees, he said, but would also be on workers in other businesses that supply the plant with everything from sheet metal to office furniture, and on people in service jobs such as the restaurants where Harley workers eat.

“Oh my gosh! It’s hard to measure the impact.”

The good news, Smeltzer said, is that the skilled workers from Harley would almost certainly be employable in the current economy.

The bad news is that it would likely take a while – a year or more – for all of them to find jobs. Smeltzer likened it to pouring another gallon of water on a sponge that’s already wet. They would be entering a market where plenty of other people are also looking for jobs.

For The Evening Sun

–from Rogue

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KICK IT WITH BAKER DRIVETRAIN — For a long time now, there has been that undying love affair with kick starting a bike. Nothing screams ?look how cool I am? more than climbing atop a bike, kicking that pedal down with all your might, and hearing it roar to life below you. Everyone loves the act of it. You?ll never see a crowd assemble to watch a dude push a starter button?. ?nuff said.

With that in mind: BAKER has worked hard to think about kicking every bike humanly possible. We have kickers designed for everything ? even those old 1930?s Pan, Knuckle and Shovelheads (the BAKER 6into4) ? all the way to Evo style bikes (the BAKER Frankentranny). But lately our mission has been to improve upon the bolt on assemblies that are out there. Our F5K and F6K kicker kits allow you to put a kicker on any Factory 5 or 6 speed bike. You can pick your jaw up off the floor ? yes, we are saying you can kick start even your bagger!


Bolt on kicker kits are nothing new. Over the years many have come and then gone for one common reason: they all relied on a ratchet hub or shaft extension that screwed on to the end of the mainshaft in place of the jam nut. They all eventually broke for the same reason: the end snapped off! But the F5K and F6K kits use a ratchet hub that presses onto the shank of the mainshaft, then the O.D. of the ratchet hub presses into the oversized door bearing ? which secures it and prevents it from moving or breaking!

So BAKER developed the F5K and F6K bolt on kicker kits to prove that there are ways to kick that 5 or 6 speed to life: and not have to worry about breaking the unit!

Our F5K and F6k feature:
? Hydraulic or Mechanical style kits available? Tranny case removal from the bike NOT required for installation
? BAKER heavy duty stainless steel straight kicker arm
? BAKER bronze kicker pedal
? Compatible with Factory starter, or BAKER Firestarter
? Door and cover come pre-assembled
? Gaskets, fasteners, and fork rod included
? 2 year limited mile warranty
? Retrofit ignition options available
? Available in a variety of finishes


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THE BIKERNET UNIVERSITY QUOTE OF THE WEEK–If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it’s free! -P.J.

–from James Schnarr

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Bassani Exhaust and Bikernet are making 2009 the year of Freedom. We want to point out freedom issues and support freedom fights. If you are in a motorcycle rights group send us a banner (500 by 100 wide). We want to support freedom fighters on Bikernet. If you’re not a member of your local rights group, step up. Now is the time!

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MOTORCYCLE WORK GROUP UNDER SEMA UMBRELLA–You have done a great job putting this thing together. I have only onesuggestion and that is not to limit this to just the V-Twin market. The dirtbike as well as all the other facets of our industry is facing legislationthat only under one umbrella will we will be able to put down. I havewritten so many letters to Bob Huff (CA Senator) we are almost on a firstname basis. He has been trying to help and has voted against all motorcyclelegislation but like he told me we all need to send letters to Fran Pavleyas this bitch is really out to screw our market.

–Joe Phillipson

Bikernet is working with SEMA (the aftermarket association for the Hot Rod industry) to help bring more industry support to motorcycle rights groups, whom are devoted to keeping our sport free. Don’t hesitate to drop me a note, if you want to be involved.–

SEMA banner
Click on the banner to join SEMA.

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SMOG Chart

SMOG TESTING MOTORCYCLES IN CALIFORNIA DRAWS TREMENDOUS RESPONSE– Thanks for the info sent. I’m a 7.5 to 8.5 not knowing exactly what this will encompass. My councilman, Dennis Zine, is a good friend of mine & a motorcycleenthusiast (Harley) and has already informed me of the smog law trying to bepassed and is against it.

Please keep me informed & count me in.

–Micah McCloskey
Micah McCloskey’s Custom Cycles Inc.
21425 Sherman Way
Canoga Park Ca.91303
shop(818) 348-8967
cell(818) 203-3437

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RIVERA-PRIMO PowerDrive 6 Transmissions–Over 4 years ago, Rivera Primo launched its new line of premium quality Left Side Drive Right Side Drive Softail style 6 speed transmissions, highlighted by an industry first 2 year unlimited mileage replacement guarantee.

Our PowerDrive? 6 transmissions have become a force to be reckoned with, in terms of reliability and smoothness.

These tranmissions all have in common features that make these boxes the best in the industry such as choice of finish (polished, chrome or black wrinkle), 32 tooth final drive pulley, close ratio 2.94:1 first gear; second gear 2.21; third gear 1.60, fourth gear 1.23; fifth gear 1.00, 0.860:1 overdrive sixth gear, forged and back cut gears for positive shifting.

With our release last year of our 4 to 6 speed conversion kit for 4 speed swing arm frames which includes a specially made 6 speed splined shaft transmission specifically for 4 speed swing arm frames, we put our PowerDrive? transmission line literally into overdrive!!.New Stuff for PowerDrive?When Rivera Primo? starts a product line, we look at several major components; functionality, fit and finish and range of application. In simpler terms we make stuff that goes on easy, works properly, looks great and fits lots of V-Twin motorcycles.

That’s exactly what we did with our newest PowerDrive? 6 transmission release. Finished in flawless high polish and show chrome plating, this PowerDrive? 6 speed fits 1993-1998 Touring models and comes completely assembled with a black wrinkled oil pan and a billet aluminum oil fill spout that accepts the stock filler cap.

It comes in two versions: A standard offset for stock bikes and rear tires using a 5/8″ swingarm pivot shaft (1214-0015); and a 1/2″ offset for customs with wide tires and utilizing a 3/4″ pivot shaft (1214-0018).

The oil fill spout (part #1215-0029) is carved from a solid block of billet, with cooling fins added for that ‘high speed’ look, and then its beautifully finished off with our show polish finish.

Incidentally….Have a 1986-2006 Softail?? Our PowerDrive? 6 speed gear set is the thing you need for speed! Its a complete bolt-in kit for changing the old no-balls 5 speed to a smooth shiftin’, rpm lowering 6 speed overdrive. Especially if you drive in that 75 mph and over area, sixth gear will drop your rpm a good 500 points and will smooth out the ride even on a rigid framed bike.

1216-0001 shown1214-0015 shownComing Soon!!! We are always commited to expanding our product lines to give you the best product offering possible. In keeping with this goal, we are currently working on our new PowerDrive? 6 Twin Cam? Softail? style 6 speed transmission.

These should be available during the month of May. And as always, all our PowerDrive Transmission assemblies come with a 2 year, unlimited mileage replacement guarantee and the backing of over 36 years of the best customer service in the industry. Rivera Primo Inc…Getting

Primo 6-Spd conv banner1

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licks twin sons

LICK’S MAKES CLASSIC BLACK MIRRORS AND PROJECT BIKES–We are in the coating stage with our black mirrors, as we speak, and should have ’em done soon…Attached a pic of our latest shop rides….’06 trump…and ’08 fuel injected sporty

Lick’s Custom Cycles
466 Horrigan Rd
Clarksburg MA 01247

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MOM ADOPTS TROOPS OVERSEAS– I am a 51 year old mother of a biker who was murdered years ago when our daughter was 2 years old. she is now 15.

I have adopted 6 troops overseas and since I am disabled and only recieve social security which is very limited—I did’nt know where to turn for help.I can go to a place where I buy the troops all the things they like but shipping is between $10 & $15 each box i send. I try to send 2 boxes per troop each month.Is there any ideas on how to raise money for this?

Would you or your guys like to help

You can visit the site where I adopted my soldier–it’s As you can see they have been around a long time.

God Bless,
–Robin Jaggers

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Stripper Juice Logo #29CEE7

Stripper Juice Motorcycle Cleaner and Polish Welcomes Three New Distributors–DALTON, GA–May 11, 2009– Stripper Juice, the flirtatious and now flourishing manufacturer of an all in one motorcycle cleaner polish, is celebrating the addition of three new distributors – Hot Leathers, Marshall Distributing and Speed Cycle of Australia. Stripper Juice is very meticulous in its choice of distributors and is excited to welcome Hot Leathers, Marshall and Speed Cycle, saying, “We believe in our dealers and always greatly appreciate their dedications.” Said Otis Ward President of Stripper Juice.

Stripper Juice was founded in 2008, by Eric “Otis” Ward. Stripper Juice Motorcycle Cleaner and Polish has surprised the industry with its effectiveness and ease of use. “Like the quest for the coldest beer and the hottest strippers, the search for the perfect motorcycle cleaner and polish has been a labor of love. After 12 years of kicking up road dust across every corner of this great country, we have done it! We have created the best cleaner and polish on the planet.” Said Ward. Stripper Juice also carries a hot line of gear and is well-known for its presence at rallies and events, as well as for the participation of its Stripper Juice Girls. Stripper Juice is made in America. Stripper Juice – “Gets You Off Clean!”

Marshall Distributing is an industry leader in the distribution of aftermarket parts and accessories for motorcycle, snowmobile, ATV, and Personal Watercraft. Founded in 1964, Roger Marshall and his father, John Marshall continue to research and add new products to their already impressive inventory to bring their distributors a wide array of products to best satisfy their customers. You can see more about Marshall at

Hot Leathers has been serving the motorcycle community for over 25 years. The company’s growing wholesale and printing facilities have earned it a place as one of America’s top 50 volume screen printers. Known for fast and friendly service, Hot Leathers’ priority is its customers, both in the shop or on the road. Hot Leathers is a division of Good Sports, Inc. and currently has store locations in Sturgis, S.D., Swansea, Mass., Daytona Beach, Fla., East Providence, R.I. and South Windsor, Conn. Hot Leathers also showcases its merchandise at various rallies and events across the country. Keep an eye out this summer for the Hot Leathers logo. It’s a brand you can trust with prices you can easily afford. For more information about Hot Leathers or the 2009 Rally Schedule, please call 800-845-0084 or visit

Speed Cycle is an Australian family-owned business run by Maurice Allen, who has been involved in the Motorcycle Industry for most of his life. His family tree is rich with racing champions and motorcycle enthusiasts. Speed Cycle works with many well-known companies and their vision is to provide custom motorcycle parts to all facets of the motorcycle industry.

For more information about Stripper Juice, please visit, or phone (706) 483-4009.

–Ken Conte
Rise Above Consulting
1717 Deweese Street
Fort Collins, CO 80526


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Zippy and Retro: 2009 Triumph Bonneville SE ROAD TEST–Women may just fall in love with its timeless qualityStory and photos by Pamela Collins

Icons. They endure, they endear, resonating simple truths that span generations. They bookmark a memory, highlighting a place in time, essentially making it timeless. “Like this motorcycle,” I thought, as I rode the redesigned 2009 Triumph Bonneville SE under an oak tree canopy along Florida’s Saint John’s River. Since its inception in 1959, the British-bred Bonneville has captured motorcycling souls the world over with its simplicity of spirit. Fifty years later and newly revised this iconic motorcycle still “feels” true to that nature in spite of the 21st century technology it now boasts. Simultaneously progressive and nostalgic, consider this new Bonneville a two-wheeled time traveler.

Though many who lived during this bike’s heyday of the 60s and 70s can appreciate its sentimental value, the 2009 Bonneville and Bonneville SE models should hold great appeal to newer riders, smaller riders or anyone who wants a great riding, handling and performing motorcycle that is undeniably cool. The changes wrought on the 2009 versions improve this icon’s prowess but don’t detract from the factors that made it so beloved.


At first glance nothing seems changed. Climb aboard and the differences glare. The seat height now sits at just 29.1 inches, more than one inch lower than the 2008 iteration. Though 29 inches seems high, the narrow nose and profile eliminates reach problems for short-statured riders. While stopped your legs rest comfortably and solidly in front of the foot pegs. With feet on the pegs you assume a posture similar to that of a naked/standard motorcycle with a straight back and comfortable bend in the knees. No need to stretch for the Bonnie’s handlebars either as they reach further back toward the rider than on prior models. Riders can tailor the easy-to-pull adjustable clutch and brake levers to fit their hands. The kickstand is easily viewed, reached and deployed, eliminating a persistent pet peeve for the vertically challenged. The bike’s mere well-balanced 440-pound weight makes getting the bike off the stand an easy endeavor.

Read the whole report of Women Riders Now

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Continued On Page 2

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